Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, November 24, 1899, Image 4

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    young man who despises Thanks
giving after it is over is he who
meets tbe turkey and is subdued
by the bird. In plain English, about the
most miserable swain in town Thanksgiv
ing night is ho who bas been asked to
carve a turVey and the turkey has ob
jected. When s turkey objects to- being
carved there is no telling what tbe bird
will do. Engagements have been broken
as the result of the bird's antics in the
hands of the inexperienced carver. Mothers-in-law-to-be
have protested against
receiving young men into their families
who couldn't take a bird to pieces with
out frosting the datnank cover of tbe
table with turkey pickings,' and the young
teen themselves have retrarded their dress
birtajmd.iTftck' coats mottled with flying
mreeysorrowtvuiy ana sworn never iu
give thanks again. Evory gentleman ought
to know how to take a Thanksgiving bird
to pieces. Such knowledge should be a
part of every gentleman's education.
The best carver on earth can't carve
neatly unless the bird is properly arrang
ed and well cooked. It takes a good cook
to properly fix a turVey for table carving.
It shouldn't be fixed with Its legs sprawl
ing, and one arm shoots out in one direc
tion while the othergons In a contrary
direction. Nobody can make nice work
with n turkey like that. Its legs must
be laid flat to its sides and then tied close
ly together. Next, the cooking is import
ant. The fowl must be cooked so that the
legs will tear off easily. That is a test of
the turkey's tenderness. To begin with,
no man .wants to stand to carve a fowl
or anything else. His scat should be a
trifle higher than the others, and if he is
short, why a careful hostess will consider
that point. The fowl should lay with his
head toward the carver. The carveidoes
not flourish the slender carving knife as if
it were a weapon of war.
The first move he makes should be on
the legs. - These should be lifted one at a
time, and with the knifo two cuts made
to form a circle about the second Joint of
the leg. Gut only through the skin and
then the leg should tear off easily, leav
ing the meat light and flaky at the end.
After the lees are taken off the fork Js
plunged infvtbe breast r..-t near the center
of the breast bone as is possible and.need
not be removed if the correct place is
- found mtiltbeturkey is practically cut up.
The white meat on the breast should bp
the second portion attacked is. the carving
act. The meat should be cut in the thin
nest, flakiest of slices so that while they
will not break to pieces will still be tempt
ing in their daintiness. : Turkeys should
not be served with wings on them. Re
move the wings before the turkeys are
cooked. , ' "
If the turkey has a disposition to skate
around on the platter or fly into the lap of
the lady beside you den't get excited.
A man has to get over being nervous. If
he's calm and understands how to handle
the tnrkey - no well bred bird will make
any disturbance.
After the breast is cleaned it is the
carver's duty to carve the legs. He must
not help any one to a whole drumstick.
He must slice close to the bone of the leg
up to the first joint and turn the angle
and strip the bone of th "second joint in
the same way. This supplies plenty of
dark meat. .......
That's all mcst men need to do. The
small parts aren't generally needed in a
family serving. If a man wants to show
that he really understands the art of
carving he will turn tho fowl over and get
the two choicest, finest bits of meat on
the entire turkey. - Right on top of the
back, one on each slie cf the spine, are
two depressions not bigger than a silver
dollar either of them. But in those two
hollows is the finest grained, most deli
cately flavored meat the bird carries.
. In serving the party the same fork is
nsed that Was used in carving, while the
knife can lay with the blade on the plat
ter, where toe fork also can be placed
after the work 1b done. Each person
r - T3..U rtr v T tt cm:
:. Breast. III. Cross Cut for Stuffing.
should be given both dark and fight meat.
The last thing before the portions" are
uerrtid a cross shonld be cut where be
siumng was put into the fowl. It ;s com
mon to cut only one way, bat brAnaking
the cross cut ithe stuffing eatfTbe serfed
neatly. ; A gdod carver wijl not allow ny
bits to fall around tbe 'platter, and, in
fact, there shouldn't be anyj crumbs.
Every piece of fowl should be clean cut.
No plan has , yet been incited- which
will insure a turkey's staying on the plat
ter during the carvingprocess. - Practice
is the only thing able to achieve thaf re
sult. But if a young'-jmau: only , carves
turkey once a year, on Thanksgiving Day,
he isn't likely to grow perfect .in the art
antil his head is shiny and piuk; and what
is left of his hair is angelic in its white
ness. vr i .; -.V'" ,!'
'. ' .
Early Thanksgiving )aya.
The first recorded. Thanksgiving' day
was the jEIebrew feast of the tabernacles.
The first national English Thanksgiv
ing was on Sept. 8, 1588, for the defeat
of the Spanish Armada. - iJ
There have been but two English
Thanksgivings In this century. One was
en Feb. 8T, 1872, for the recovery of he
Prince of Wales from illness; the other,
lune 21. 1887, for the Queen's jubilee.
The New England Thanksgiving dates
from 1633, when the Massachusetts Bay
uiinnv urinarr tin- .n 'ih..,.i(.,;.., -
' The first national Thanksgiving procla
mations were by Congress duriug the
Revolutionary war. , .
The first great American Thanksgiving
day was In 1784, f or the declaration of
peace. There was one more nationul
Thanksgiving In 1780, and no other -till
1863, when .President Lincoln issued a
national proclamation for a day of
thanksgiving. Since that time the Presi
dents have Issued an annual proclamation.
Thankssri'vinc la a. Festival
o Tbla Country. .
HEN, in the year of
grace 1630, sturdy
Gov. John Winthrop
and the Puritan colon
ists of Massachusetts
proclaimed and duly
observed a "public
thanksgiving," they
probably had little idea
of the Importance
which that festival
was destined to obtain
in the history of Amer
ica. The first Thanksgiving differed very
materially frouvits successors. In that it
was proclaimed cs a fast and not as a
feast. Supplies had run short, the ships
expected from England were delayed,
and extinction threatened the "Governor
and company of Massachusetts bay . in
New England." Winthrop and his. coun
cil decided to hold a day of prayer and
aostinence, "so that ye Lorde be propi
tiated' and looke upon His servants with
favor, in that they have humbled them
selves before Him." Accordingly a crier
was sent about the primitive settlement
of Charlestown. and tbe colonists were
each and all invited to take part in the
fast. Their sacrifice met with speedy re
ward. Scarcely had the noon hour of the al
lotted day arrived when the long-hoped-for
ship made its welcome appearance in
Massachusetts bay, the cargo was landed
and the fast was succeeded by a banquet
of a sort which must have seemed sump
tuous Indeed to the exiles so recently
plunged in hnnger and hardship. On the
threshold of 'dreaded winter Winthrop
and ljis followers found what had been
a prospect -of fear and peril changed into
one of happiness and hope. Such was
America's first Thanksgiving, as cele
brated 269 years ago. Thereafter each
I r ' ' . - ' ; " ss
succeeding November was marked in the
annals of the colony by a similar fes
tival of gratitude.
But Thanksgiving in the early days of
cur history was not confined to the New
Rnirland nioneers alone. Just nreeen
years after Winthrop's proclamation, i. e..
in 1040, uov. ii.iert oi me uuicu cuiuuj,
then known as Nieuw Amsterdam, but
now as New York, ordered the observ
ance of a day of rejoicing and thanks,
"for the rest and peace which God had
been pleased to bestow upon His ser
vants." Thus we see that the feast of
Thanksgiving is not, as generally suppos
ed, a peculiarly Furitan institution,; ut
is equally derived from the salwart
burghers of Manhattan Island. . 'i i" .
The next notable Thanksgiving day In
history fell In 1758. On that date the
British and . colonial army, numbering
80.000 men. "and Commanded by Gen.
Forbes, attacked and captured from the
French, after a fierce struggle. Fort Du-
quesne, at the junction of the Allegheny
and Monongahela rivers. The name of
the place was changed to Fort Pitt, and
was the nucleus of the city of Pittsburg.
Thus in a special sense the history of the
great canital of the coal and iron indus
tries is connected with the celebration) ot
Thanksgiving day. - i ' f'
At the time that the British were eon
quering Fort Duquesne, Whitefield, Jjthe
famous Methodist preacher,- called upon
all his adherents in London to join a
"service 'of praise and thanksgiving, for
the victories of the English arms on land'
and sea." This British Thanksgiving was.
we are told, widely observed, and awak
ened Intense enthusiasm, not only among
the Methodists, - but throughout all fthe
different sects. Whitefield's idea was af
terward on several occasions revived in
England. For instance, in 1814 the Gov
ernment proclaimed a general thanksgiv
ing for the victory of Waterloo. Again,
two years later, in 1810, proclamation
was made of a popular thanksgiving for
the restoration of peace. After the Cri
mean war a third jubilation of this na
ture took place. - ; -
But meanwhile. In New England,
what had been begun as an occasional
day of pious rejoicing had assumed lhe
proportions of a fixed national holiday.
In Massachusetts and New Hampshire it
was especially popular. -' There wa at
first great latitude in regard to the day
selected for the feast Governors pro
claimed the chosen date arbitrarily, and
no effort was made to keep the anniver
sary of Winthrop's proclamation. Some
times Thanksgiving occurred in July,
sometimes in midwinter. . At length,
through the efforts of the president and
professors Of -Harvard College, it was
practically fixed upon the last Thursday
in November. ? The last Thursday of the
eleventh month suited the collegers, and,
influence benjrbrought to. bear upon the
colonial goiiff nors of New England, proc
lamations were Issued making that day
I look ciy last on fields ell bare.
My fond wife Bbaret in; sorrow,
Sor I'm to be TaaafcsEittug fare.
To-morrow, oh. to-uiorrow.
The cheerful snnPght mocks me so,
j It seems bat gloomy weather;
But I'll be gone forever.
L.ft year twas one grandma bad hatched
So tbln a bird, tbe cook
In looking at Aim, said be matched
The master's pocketbook.
Rut this year they must have a bit
Of weight; for hopes are greener.
And Uncle Sam, so 1 have beard,
,Was cater? Philopena.
cobble, gobble, as I f
mount the eroanlnir table. '
Because for this year, well i Luuvr,
xhanksjftviug duy a no fable.
Veteran of the Civil War Telle of Som
"There u no dnv." said Gen. J. E. At
kinson recently, "that brings up the old
memories as does Thanksgivlpg. It H
the contrast, I suppose. Thiuksgivini
depends for its enjoyment upon'home sur
roundings, and its very mention suggest!
feasting. Now, if there was anythim
more sadly lacking in the camps of bots
the Union and Confederate armies thai
thou trvn item. I can't bucss what il
was. It might easily have become I
verv dreary and homesick day, and U
guard against that the boys nsed to gel
up all kinds of schemes to make it past
nff nlensantlv and seem more like tbs
days at home. Those who were tortu
nate 'enough to get boxes from home us
allv shared the good things with theii
friends, but when we had just been In ac
tion or were on the march it sometime!
happened that no boxes could reach us,
and we were thrown wholly upon oui
own resources.. Some? of the forms ol
diversion that were originated then seen
very laugh a bg as we look back upos
them from this distance.
"I remember that on one Thanksgivlnj
day, when we had -been on the move foi
several days, the men organized a
Thanksgiving celebration beginning, with
a fantastic celebration and ending with
some impromptu tableaux, and: the sing'
In of armv songs. Discipline.' was usu
ally relaxed a little oh holidays, and ths
officers gave permission for the affair.
Considering the unshaven and tattered
condition of the men and the accumula
tion of Virginia mud which adorned
them. It was not difficult to get up a suf
ficiently grotesque parade by- turnlnf
coats inside out nud wearing skillets and
such other articles of enmp furniture ai
could be had. One of the features of the
entertainment that followed was a cari
cature of oar bill of fare for the preced
ing two weeks,, which was announced, as
'coffee and crackers for breakfast, sail
horse for dinner, for supper crackers and
coffee "
'" Highest Ideal of Culinary Art.
There is no pastry on earth comparable
with a pumpkin pie. Not only for the.
deliciousness of the article itself, but it
recalls the pleasant days and memoriei
of boyhood. It is a song of youth and a
poem of old ag. It awakens memories
of past pleasures and cheers the present
with delight' No man, unless he be a
heathen, ever eats a genuine pumpkin pie
without thinking of his mother, home.
Thanksgiving and schoolboy days. Then,
all hail to the delicious pumpkin pie, th
highest idea of culinary art. Thou art
entitled to, sit on the top -helf of the
world s great pantry, l hoa irt a jewel
more golden than the nugget of Klon
dike. Exchange.
.. Iit All Give Thanks.
Sing sweet thy sweet Thanksgiving, O, SooII
and ring, ye bells,
Till the world shall catch the chorus and the
anthem heavenward swells! -For
Hia love and for His mercy for. Ula
cross and chastening rod.
For His tender benedictions, let the whole
world thank Its God t -'.
Atlanta Constitution.. : .
Bints on Carving;.
A sirloin of beef should be placed oa
the platter with the undercut under
neath. Thin cut slices' should be taken
from the side next .the carver, and then
turn over the roast, and carve from un
derneath. A portion of both should be
helped. . t-
To carve a loin of veal . or mutton.
begin at the small end and cut the ilb.
apart A fillet of veal should be cut I
first from the top. and in a breast of
veal the breast and brisket should first
be cut apart and. then In pieces.
A Programme. :
Thnnksglvlng comes In glad array,
The poet's Jocund text
With turkey and mince pie one day
And biliousness the next
Washington Star.
. Tanjht by Experience.
Tuffold Knutt Wot are ye goln' to do
to celebrate the day? Wash yer face?
Mosely Wraggs Naw. I don that last
Thanksgivin an' wus bit by four dogs
durin' the day. They didn't reco'uize me.
Chicago Tribune. - "
A Nicd Prospect..
Gobbler Oh, yon feel very tickled over
Thanksgiving coming, don't you?
Boy Yes, and when it gets here you'll
Nick and Bock Who Worked on Onion
Pacific Train Robbery.
Although only four-footed animals,
the work of Nick and Dock in trailing
men has made them famous west' of
the Mississippi. Tito services of these
celebrated bloodhounds have been re
quired In scores of well-known cases,
the most prominent being the great Un
ion Pacific train robbery last winter at
Green River, Wyo.
The two hounds came from famous
stock, owing their origin to tbe great
Wlnchell kennels of Vermont. They
were purchased by the Lincoln, Neb.,
bloodhound Company when very young
and placed in immediate training for
trailing criminals. They were used in
scores of minor cases about Nebraska's
capital city, their work being aston
ishing. Tbjey trailed a party of bur
glars forty-five miles, but lost them
amid the confusion of the city. Two
escaped prisoners from . a Fillmore
County jail were followed forty-five
miles before tbe trail was broken by
the escape of tbe men on a railroad
train. ; ' " ".
When the Union Pacific robbery oc
curred last winter. Nick and Dock were
sent to Green River. They took up the
trail of the train robbers readily, but
the next day were incapacitated by a
driving snowstorm. The change proved
too much for them, but the officers
who saw the hounds follow the trail
had no hesitancy in expressing their
belief that the dogs would have been
successful bad not the fearful storm
Intervened. ' - "'
The latest experience of the dogs was
in following two York County horse
thieves. The men bad "worked','- the
vicinity of their homes so successfully
that the farmers became Incensed and
promises of a lynching were made If
they were caught - One night two fine
horses disappeared. Nick, and Dock
were brought from Lincoln.. The trail
was fresh and. tho dogs in good trim.
Over a beautiful country for fifty miles
the hounds sped after their quarry with
a posse of angry farmers at their heels.
About dusk one evening the thieves
were sighted. . A cbase of several more
miles resulted In thelr.capture. A con
viction followed quickly and the thieves
Were on tbelr way to the State prison
In less than two weeks after the last
theft occurred.
House Presented to the Admiral by
' tbe American People. . -The
home purchased for Admiral
Dewey, with money raised by public
subscription, is one of the handsomest
and most desirable sites In Washing
ton and it is a matter of note that the
house selected finally was that which
admiral Dewey Indicated as his choice,
before the committee began its work
Df examining more than sixty sites.
The bouse was built by. James E. Fitch
for his own use, and has a frontage of
twenty-seven feet, with a depth of
seventy-two feet There Is no rear
building and the first floor Is divided
Into three apartments of equal size.
The two upper floors are arranged for
sleeping rooms. . . The parlor is finished
in white and gold, the library In old
Dak and eliding doors separate the
rooms, giving an effect of spaciousness
difficult to find in a house of similar
size. The -house contains -seventeen
rooms and four bath - - rooms. The
house is built of brick, with brown
stone trimmings. .There is quite a wide
plaza In front of the house. . '
Alar Foon Be the Laatoage Universal
ly Kecotcnized Among Nations.
The International Academy of Sci
ences adjourned without solving the
language problem, and recognized Eng
lish, German, and .
French as equal
mediums of com-
munlcatlon. If the
growth of the
English ' language
continues at its
present Tate - for
fifty - years, how
ever, it will not
need the mandate
of. any academy
to make it the
universally recog
nlzed'fm ed 1 a m
among civilized
nations. In 1801
English was
spoken ty 20,500,.
000 people, being
surpassed at that time In numbers by
the French, German, Spanish, and Rus
l " Z"?,Z, "Vt' " uit-wiw
h?n waa mor tonS
sian languages. . In 1890, on the othet
iij.,iw,uw peupie, more Dy nearly
40,000,000 than spoke any other Euro
pean language. Next to English stands
the German language, with 75,200,000
people to whom It Is the mother tongue.
All over Europe travelers find that
when the residents of any country
speak any language but their own Jt la
nsually English. -
Cost of Raisinj; Wheat and Corn.
Statistics which have been collated
!n Wisconsin show the average cost of
raising wheat to be 54 cents a bushel,
and the cost of corn 27 cents. : In both
cases there Is Included Interest on
the value of the land, with the cost of
Implements and horses added in.
A Musical King.
King Oscar of Sweden In his young
flays was regarded as the most accom
plished tenor In Europe, and could have
made a fortune out of his voice on the
stage.' :: - . -...o. .-
When a woman Is entertaining an
jut of town guest she looks very grate
ful when some one asks her "company"
how long she Is going to stay. -.
The feeling that he will be talked
about If he Is not present to prevent It,
Is what prompts lots of people to g
Into society. -
Politics has two sides the outside,
nd the inside.
uSPS-" I
1 J rri run nim f
In 28 days not a scrap of food or
nourishment of any - kind passed the
lips of Milton Rathbun, of Mount Ver
non, N. Y. When he began bis volun
tary fast he weighed 210 pounds; his
abstinence caused the loss of 42 pounds
and it has caused him no apparent in-
Still More Counterfeiting.
The Secret Service has just unearthed
another band of counterfeiters and secured
a quantity of bogus bills, which are cleverly
executed.' Things of great value are al
ways selected for imitation, notably Hos
tetter's Stomach Bitters, which has many
imitators but no equals for disorders like
indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation.
Street car drivers in
'Alaska, are paid 4 a day."
I believe Piso's Cure is the only medi
cine that will cure consumption. Anna
M. Boss.; Willianisport, Pa., Nov. 12, '95.
Plumbing is taught in the London
trades school. ' i
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
big Syrup the best remedy to nse for their
children during the teething period. .
Evolution of an Ocean.
Howe Bancroft.
The events of the past year, in the
war with, Spain ancV the acquisition of
new domain, resulting in a revival of
trade and phenomenal industrialism,
invest with fresh interest the Pacific
ocean, round which cluster so many
crowning incidents. ,
The author begins his work with
a sketch of the war with Spain, the
causes which led to it and the resultant
issues, as preliminary to the glimpses
of history and description of the coun
tries in and around the Pacific, their
resources, commerce, climates, mines
and manufactures, with a glance at the
old-time tfafflo in trinkets and furs,, on
account- of the important voyages of
circumnavigation, science and discov
ery, the great gold gatherings, and
kindred topics. The .: Bancroft Com
pany, publishers, 158 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.
Dr. Simpson, a Boston physician,
says that old persons should not use ar
tificial teeth. He says they enable aged
persons to eat meat, and nature in
tended them to- eat only soft food.
When the teeth drop out it is a warn
ing' that only vegetable food should be
taken. . - ' : - ' -
A recent government census of India,
contains a remarkable statement in ref
erence to youthful marriages. There
are in that country 6,016,759 girls be
tween 5 and 9 years of age who have
been or are4 wives. Over 170,000 of
them are widows. -
y You are costive, and nature is under a constant strain to relieve the condition. This causes a rush of blood
to the rectum, and before long; congested lumps appear, itching, painful, bleeding. Then you have piles. There
are snany kinds and many cures, but piles are not curable unless -you assist nature in removing the cause.
CASGARETS make effort easy, regulate and soften the stools, relieving the tension, and giving nature a chance
to use -her healing powerl Piles, hemorrhoids, fistula, and other rectal troubles yield to the treatment, and
Cascarets quickly and surely remove them forever. Don't be persuaded to experiment with anything else I
1 1 1 1 "Tiii, a as Atchison v.lobe. gi . :
''" iiViV"' " "f" ' "I suffered the tortores of tbe
f " X A. of damned with protruding piles brought on not I
jr jr X - T constipation with which I was afflicted for
M. f f r" V twenty years. I ran across your CASCA- Pr .
v Jr '. . .""" I . i 1 1 'he RETS in ths town of Newell, Ia, and dov
f w f I I never found anything to eqnal them. To-day
- f I ; I : r 1 I am entirely tree from piles and feel like
' 1 I ' -. Bof new man." OL H. Kbits, w .
: V. y rfeit ' 1411 Jones St, Sioux CHy, la eveu Ji
I 1 ' ''S ,- tr. Woman'a - $nlfc fen' I- I
CASCASBTS are absolutely harmless, a purely vegetable compound. Ho mercurial or other mineral pill-poison la Cascarets. Cascarets promptly, effectively and permanently
care every disorder of the Stomach , Liver and Intestines. They not only cure constipation, but eatrect any and every form of irregularity of the bowels , including diarrhoea and dysentery.
Pleasant, palatable, potent.' Taste good, do good. Sever sicken, weaken or gripe. Be rare you get the genuine t Beware ef imitations and substitutes I Buy a box of CASCAKXT8
to-day, and it not pleased in every respect, get your money back I Write us for booklet and free sample I Address STBRUKO EBMBDT C0KPAHT, CHICAGO or HBW YORK.
jl MaJ u 1101 pasca in every respect,
Hitherto at Ottawa the rates have
chiefly been collected direct from the
tenants. It is now sought to make
the landlord primarily responsible.
The American Hide and Leather
Company, as the combine of tanneries
recently formed is known, has decided
to secure another plant in Milwaukee.
A swarm of bees in Marlborough,
Conn., converted a lager beer keg into
a hive and built their comb aroundthe
inside. ' "When-1 discovered by . Almon
West, the keg had several pounds of
honey in it. ,.p
In Medical Science, Wonderful,
Astonishing; Yet
By the introduction in the medical field, of our most wonderfnl "5 DROPS," a lracy of
Inestimahle value has been bequeathd to mankind. SuSering humanity is no longer at the
5?Sn .i J" eaSf wich hve always defied the skill of tHe medical profession, for now "0
5. 5S de.n,es these diseases, and has robbed them of their terror. This s truly a God-given
remedy, yet invented by -man for the benefit of suffering mortals, and will be handed down to
rm,?.,ge rf ons a3 th? mmt, wo"der,ul Production In medical science during the Nineteenth
iv I' meA7 positively curing more people daily than all other remedies com
1 S ' "lltf the worst cases of Bheumatlsm in all Its forms. Catarrh, Neuralgia,
..ifiifj -T.'Lyr Pp1 " kindred diseases as a lest of what this remedy will do. It has
SSWk,"4 ' ' ,b.0It time W nl we hd-ridden tor years; others who could only
J SL'.hit i86 ol crtcl?fs- and sllll others who had been aiven up bv competent physicians to
more too exaggeration. We have the evidence in our possession to prove all we say and
thidntMt?V -J:x'rf8, 'VS0' 5r 8ix holt1"' f' isrob- -simple ttlT. "fWS-TprtcZsCTifto
Vlty ?ex t,,irty day8 ,rom,tne " of thi paper, we will send sample bottles upon receipt ol 10c.
2?.- JNo one caM appreciate this wonderfufVemedy until tbey try it. Write today. Aaents
Fenca mi.l Wire Work.
and Iron ienclnir; office railing, etc. S3! Alder.
Macliluery and Supplies.
vmucr . supplies, ss-ou first St., Portland, Or.
can give you the best bargains In general
niacninery engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
ateel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. '
CURES WHlflf AI I Fl Sf (All S-
Best Cough Syruo. Tastes Good. Use
in 11ms. Hold Br droinrists.
i 1
Climate, Scenery and XaturVs Sanl-
tarlnm. ;
Scenery, altitude, sunshine and air,
constitute the factors which are rapid
ly making Colorado the health and
pleasure grounds of the world. '
Here the sun shines 857 days of the
average year, and it blends with the
crisp, electric mountain air to produce
a. 'climate matchless in the known
world. No pen can portray, no brush
can picture the majestic grandeur of
the scenery along the line of the Denver
& Eio Grande Railroad in Colorado.
Parties going East should travel via
this line which is known all over the
world as the Scenic Line of the world.
For any information regarding rates,
time tables, etc., call on or address K.
C. Nichol, general agent, 251 Wash
ington street, Portland, Or., or any
agent of the 0.;R. & N. Co., or South
ern Pacific Company.
Improved Train Kqnlpmant.
The O. R. & N. at d Oregon Short
Line have added a buSet, smoking and
library car to their Portland-Chicago
through train, and a dining car service
hna hAn inancmarated. The train is
equipped with the latest chair cars,
Uaj VUHUiivn null iu uiiuu. uioi-waaa
and ordinary sleepers. Direct connec
tion made at Granger with Union Pa
cific, and at Ogden with Rio Grande
line, from all points in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities.
V For information, rates, etc., call on
any u. rv. as jm. agent, or aaaress w.
H. Hurlburt,. General Passenger Agent,
Portland. - -
The oyster crop of Chesapeake bay
diminishes each year: ----- j
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c. - . '
The bicycle workers and kindred
crafts oi Mumce, lno., nave lormed a
local organization of the trade.
Sheep3 horn is used for horseshoes in
Iceland. : In the valley of the Upper
Oxus, Asia, the antler of deer are used
for the same purpose, the shoes being
fastened with pins of horn. In the
Soudan the horses wear socks made of
camel's skin.
A novel advertising scheme has been
devised by a firm in Ceylon to popular
ize a certain brand of whiskey. An
aeronaut ascends in a balloon, and from
a great height drops sample bottles of
whiskey attached to miniature para
' "mi in uv -
get your money baca I write as for booklet and
In 1900 Duluth wiU be able to
handle 42,000,000 bushels of grain,
and will be probably the biggest grain
elevator center in the world.
The smallest baby on record was re
cently born to Albert Techutte, at Long
Island Citf, N. Y. Ai birth it weighed
only 20 Ounces and was but four inches
in height. V
Frederick Peitz, a civil engineer,
has returned from the immense soda
beds of Dona Ana county, New Mexico,
where he staked out 82,000 acres of
soda lands for a Pittsburg syndicate.
ieo-164 JE. take Street, Chicago, 111.
and Magie Lantern Bargain List
No. 16 now ready for mailing.
T. P. ANDREWS, 109 Montgomery
St.; San Francisco.
Benedietine Salve.
Experience of Many Years Clearly Dem
onstrates the Great Efficiency of
. This Liniment. Postpaid,
SSoaBox. Address ; .
Benedictine Priory, Mt. Angel, Or.
New Oblkans, La., Nov. 8, 1898.
Rev. Father Enclosed find money order for
another box of your Salve. I find it very good
indeed, and try not to be without it.
PATRICK GARRY, 622 Bolivar St.
Locisviua, Ky., Jan. 19, 1899.
Rev. Fathers I find your Salve to be the best
Salve that I ever ased.
PH. SCHERVEBI, 742 B. Walnut St.
Important Factor In
nental Travel.
No one crossing the . continent can
afford to cut Salt Lake City from his
route. The attractions of the place,
including the Mormon Temple, Taber
nacle and. Church institutions, the
Great Salt Lake deader and denser
than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land
the picturesque environment and the
warm sulphur and hot springs, are
greater to the square yard than any lo
cality on the American continent.
The Rio Grande Western Railway,
connecting on the East with the, Den
ver & Rio Grande and Colorado ' Mid
land Railways and on the West with
the Southern Pacific (Central Route)
and Oregon Short Line, is the only
transcontinetnal line passing directly
through Salt Lake City. The route
through Salt Lake City via the Rio
Grande Western Railway .is famous all
the year round. On account of the
equable climate of Utah and Colorado
it is just as popular in winter as in
summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield,
253 Washington St., Portland, or Geo.
W. Heintz, Acting General Passenger
Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy of
"Salt Lake City the City of the
Saints." ' '.
Are You Goln EaatT
If so, you should see that
your ticket reads via the
Great Rook Island route,
and you will get the best.
Pullman palaoe sleeping cars, elegant
reclining chair cars "free," and libtary
buffet cars on all through trains.' Best
dining car service in the world. . Popu
lar personally - conduoted excursions
once a week to all points -East. For
full particulars call on or address any
ticket agent, or A. E. COOPER,
G. A. P. D., C. R. I. & P. Ry., 246
Washington street, Portland, Or. ".
American commissioners for foreign
missions have expended $692,446 the
past year. ' ,
A funeral procession a mile in
length, comprised of boats and their
occupants, was lately witnessed in
Shannon, Ireland. ' The deceased had
been a farmer in Athlone, and his body
was conveyed by water to the cemetery
at Clanmacnoise, his friends and rela
tives following in boats. . .
- A despicable wretch, employed as
watchman in a Chicago livery stable,
out off the tails of forty horses in .one
night and sold the hair for - $9.60. . By.
this rascally deed the value of the
horses was decreased $1,960.
tree sample I address BTSRUav RuuSI wvar&ax, mtiwauv or saw ivu. i,
SSI V"'"
... VAXrOTAOTtTltiaD BY...
. . Deep-Seated Diseases
Such as Rheumatism, and diseases peculiar to
women, require a blood purifier that purifies.
iloore's Revealed Remedy
Will give immediate relief almost in every case
It cures if taken regularly and sufficient time.
fl per bottle at your druggist's.
Ton Can't Make a Mistake by Taking tbe
For it is tbe favorite through Dining Car
and Buffet-Library Car Line feast.
For further particulars call on or address '
J. R. NAGEL, G. P. A. W. E. COMAN, G. A
C. O. TERRY, T. P. A.
124 Third Street, Portland, Or
8. earn Pumps
and Water
Pumnine- Plants ' of
Any Capacity.
89 to 85 First Street, Portland. Or.
Machinery All Kinds.
I iillPM My Monthly Regulator CANNOT FATt..
UUIUI Box Free. Mrs. B. Rowan, Milwaukee, W ii.
TOHlHuPllea predaoe malitax. ud MOMltoEinsv
1 tin form, as well as Blina. meeaiae or rrotrnaiua
1 Pile
"The Best is
We tern this from experience in every
deportment of life. Good clothes are most
serviceable and wear the longest. Good
food gives ' the best nutriment. Good
medicine. Hood's SarsapatHU. is (he best
and cheapest, because it cures, absolutely
CURES, 'when att others fail.
J I 1
For an hour a balky horse in Boston
delayed traffic by holding np a line of
thirty trolley cars. Blazing paper was
held under the animal's nose and vari
ous other means adopted to start the
refractory creature. At last, when the
contents of a soda siphon were squirted
into his ear, he dashed off at a two
minute gait. ' -
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science bas been able to cur in all its
stages, and that is catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure
is tbe only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment
niu i vaiarrn (jure is una internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
oi the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up tbe constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
lor any case that, It fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. Address
1 F. J. CHENEY b CO., Toledo, O.
Sold bv druggists, 760.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Street railway employes of Chatta
nooga, Tenn., recently formed a union,
and all were discharged in consequence.
CIT0 Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness
III after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Send for FREE 8.00 trial
bottle and treatise. DK. B. U. ELQjlS, LUL,KJ4
Arch ai-eet, Philadelphia, Pa,
The plumbers of Chattanooga, Tenn.,
have settled on a nine-hour day, with
$2.50 per day as a minimum wage.
Mrs. J. Washburn, Of Watertown,
Mass., put some lime in a bottle to
slack it, and after pouring hot water
upon it, tightly closed the bottle. In
a few minutes there was a thundering
explosion, cutting her face with the
flying glass and burning her eyes with
the lime water. s ',
A fatal bed is pointed out to visitors
in an engine house in Macon, Ga. Four
mep died soon after occupying it and
one' of its latest occupants declares that
the ghost of one of the dead firemen
laid his icy hand upon him, and he be
lieves that he is soon to join Mm.
25c. 50c
We lead and originate
fashions in....
Second and Stark Sts. '
, Used by millions,
Sure proof of its quality.
elief for Women
to-davr fT this Book, containing Prtiea
lm mad Tertiioouijas ot DR. MARTEIS
"3 French Fecials Pills.
Pmlaed br thouMidi of futisfled ImdiM mm
safe, alwftT reliable avnd without aji equal.
Bold brail rirumri train metal box. Frenck
Ha on top id Blue, w nice ana Kea. we no otner.
Ynueb Drug Com m fetu-lSU. Jfevr Tor Ctt
ONE FOR A DOSE. Care 8ick Resdache
nd DvsDCDsia. Kemove Pirn Dies and Purlfr tba
Blood, Aid Digestion andPrevent Biliousness. Do
not Orip or Sicken. Toconvlnce yea. we will msil
ample free, or full box for ioc. DE. BOSANKV
CO., rMlarfa., s?6iuuu Bold by Druggists.
treated seien
tifically and
C. H. W00DAKU A CO.. 108 Second St.. PerMand.
For Oonarrhcee end Gleet get Pete Otey Speqlfle. IS '
Is the ONLY medicine which will cure etch ud eTery
out. NO CASE known tt hu erer f.Uod to enre, no
metier how aerloaa or of how long luting'. HeMlla
rVornlU "m will eetontah you. It is eboolutely o,
preTenta stricture, and cell be taken without lncoare
hl?no?nd detenSonfromlHUilneae PRICE, S1.00. For
mle by .11 reliable dnunrtrts, or sent prepaid by express,
puini, wrapped, -p'f cMSaiToO, Ohlo BL
Circular mailed on request.
Use Big CI for annatnral
irritatious or alceratioas
of macens membranes.
aioless. and not astrin
gent or poisoaoua.
i,o.rl y
i. j, rsT Bnt n
I py express, l
iffd 00, or not'
IT Circular seat
plain vTsmer.
s, prepaid, for
bottles, v4.
oe iwques.
N. P. N. 0.
MO. 47 .
f falMSeera J
S J eaaraaleM tS
set irlriare.
1 1 fnnau Calaflea.
HKN wrltlnc to adveirtlaers please.
too regular Thanksgiving. . . ,
feel very much cut up over it.
anenuon uu gm.