Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, November 17, 1899, Image 3

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FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1899.
New Kid Gloves
Nearly 800 pairs of new kid gloves for
ladies just added to our stock. Onr
lines at $1 00, $1 25 and $1 50 are very
strong. We have also a fine assort
ment of colors at $1 75, and black at
$-00; two clasp with self,, black and
contrast stitch'ng.
Plaid Skirts
Another lot just placed ou sale. A line
at $3 00 and another at $5 00 are ex
ceptionally neat and good value.
This department
plete than ever,
show the stock.
is now nearer coni
We would like to
. S, E, Young & Son,
Albany, Oregon.
A so J Wa8 born to thi wife of Henry
Wicks, Friday last; weight 11 J pounds.
Horn to the wife of Chas. Everett,
November 10th, a son; weight 13)4
Prof. Moses Craig, in a letter to friends
in this city, states that he is now em
ployed in the agricultural department of
am institution near St Paul, Minn.
Mr. J. W. Dunn has secured the ser
vices of a first clasa music teacher and
Plymouth and Oak Ridge will hare all
kinds of singing schools this winter.
Linn Hunter is now at Tucson, Arizo
na. His many friends here will be
pleased to learn that he has gained rapi
dly in health and strength, si nee leaving
Coryallis some t ro weeks ago .
The largest crop of hop3 grown in Ore
gon this year is that reported of John
Chapman's yard near Midland; from
1703 vines he harvested 8000 pounds of
dried hops, which is a most, remarkable
Mr. Frank Conover, who has been op-
crating a job office in Salem since his
departure from this city some three years
ago. has disposed of his business inter
ests in the capital city 'and accepted a po
sition as city salesman with the Sliaw
Borden Ca. of Spokane, large wholesale
and retail stationers.
E. I Wroten is to be added to the long
list of Easterners who have an interest in
Oregon, fie writes from Tanipico, 111.,
asking for the Union Gazette. Inci
dentally the great number of correspon
dents wa have from East and South,
shows the esteem in which this paper is
lield throughout the country.
A display worthy of notice is that in
the show window of F. L. Miller's estab
lishment. It is a display of mens shirts
and neck wear, arranged by Clerk Berry
of the establishment. The collars there
are for necks of every size aud length
and neckties of colors suited for eyes and
complexions of every hue. If you pass
the windo w look in.
We would suggest to those who want
to have their eyes examined and glasses
fitted by Dr. Lowe to see him as sson
after his arrival as possible as he will,
not be in Corvallia again soon. Nov. 23,
24 & 23, three days only are his days
here. Dr. Lowe has been coining here
for years and is the only optician we
know of who ever comes back the second
time His work, material and prices
must please the people.
Police Judge Greffoz is quite a fancier
of fowls. His own fowls. He has some
Kame roosters. Now, a Game needs
Band. Judge Greffoz wishing superior
birds, feeds his gravel. While hauling a
wheelbarrow load of this delicacy to his
Games last Monday, the Judge .in some
manner ran over himself with the bar
row, breaking the cartilage loose from
his wishbone and producing numerous
and sundry bumps on various portions of
ids anatomy.
The usual services will be held at the
Christian church next Sunday, tnornin.
and evening.
Married at the residence of Rev. M.
Noble on Thursday last, Mr. F. M
Smith to Miss Nellie Rehwalt.
Dr. Lowe the well known optician wil
be in the Occidental Hotel Nov. 23, 24,
&25. Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
three days, positively no longer.
Illustrated lecture, "Life aud Work"
of Surgeon, " by Rev. M. Noble, Friday
7;30 at Baptist Tabernacle. All invited.
Collection at close for church imDrove-
mcnt fund.
Rev. M. Noble was pleasantly surprised
on Friday last by many of his friends in
viting him into the church where he
found many toktns of regard awaiting
him. He returns heartiest thanks for
Mrs. Woodcock, of Oorvallis, Oregon,
a sister of Mrg. Belknap of this vicinity,
is now a resident of this county aud ex
pects to locate here permanently. She
expects her daughter to arrive soon.
Stanford Journal, Cal.
The enterprising firm of A. Wilhelm
Sons, of Monroe, report having shipped
from that place this season 200,000 bush
els of wheat, 80,000 bushels of oats, 100,
000 pounds of wool, 150,000 pounds of
mohair, and 80,000 feet of lumber.
Monmouth is quite well supplied now
with two boot and shoe shops. Mr. G,
B. Riggs, formerly of Ariie, is proprietor
of one and Mr. J. A. Ray, of Corvallia is
proprietor of the other. Thus our neigh
bor city is moving in a business way.
West Side.
... I BERT P. VAN CIIVL ;s$&?m$ W -iptf ' '.F: '.
We call attention to the new registra
tion law of Oregon aud all should mem
ember that every voter in this state, be
fore being eligible to exercise his right of
fta nchise, must register with the clerk o
his county ltween the first Monday in
January, and 5 o'clock p. m. of the loth
day of May of each year in which a gen
era! state election is held. The law pro
vides that every elector must register,
either by appearing in the office of the
county clerk or by appearing before a
justics of the peace or notary public.
Under this law registration will be made
free to th county by the clerk, but it
will co 10 cants apieca where mile b3
fore a justice .
On i readers will remember the lawsuit
recen tly contested in Justice Brysons
court, to which the city of Philomath
and J. W. Ingle were parties, and the
amount involved was f 1.75. Mr. Ingle
was his own attorney, and the case was
decided in his favor. In addition to the
1 1.75, a cost of $59.80 was charged to the
city of Philomath, The city's attorneys,
E. L. Bryan and Weathrford and
Wyatt, of Albany, have patitioned the
circuit court far a review of the proceed
ings in the Justice court, alleging that er
rors were made. Mr. Ingle is debarred
fro:n practicing in the circuit" court, and
we were unable to learn who his attor
neys will be.
An amusing incident" happened a short
distauce out in the country, on Tuesday
night. An old farmer living out there,
on walking out into his yard and gazing
across the expanse of fields and meadows
beheld a spectacle in the distance that
came near astounding him. Away out
there, shiuing like a ball of fire just over
the horizon, could be seen a star, so
brilliant and luoiinois that its sister con
stellations were but objects of pity.
"Good Lor, Mary, come out here and
look at that star out yonder !" he called
to his wife. There they both gazed, and
wondered, but the only conclusion they
could arrive at, was that the strange
spectacle was one of the meteors, billed
to come, and it had arrived early.
The old innocents retired, to arise in the
morning to find the star still there, and
there it will be for many years to come,
for it was naught but the large arc light
beaming from the tower of the college
administration building, Tuesday night
leing the first time they were set burn
Mr. A, F. Hershuer has leased the
Ray Brick, occupied until recently by
the Exchange, and will resume business
in uorvams. tie is now busy arranging
an elegant stock of new groceries, and
expects to open his entire store to the
public tomorrow.
The Albany Democrat will now see how
good a prophet it is. Of course it will
not say the University of Oregon will
win the championship. It will have to
hedge some way. Forty-seven to noth
ing is a very bitter pill to swallow:
Statesman. In 43 minutes, too.
While doing a little carpenter work
about his premises last Friday, Mr. S. N.
Wilkins had a little mixup with a re
fractory board which came near placing
him hors de combat.' The board was
above and being loosened, fell, striking
him on the cheek, breaking off a tooth
and marring the beauty of that side of
his face.
As a business barom eter, a post office
is entitled to no little consideration, and
in this connection the. receipts of the
post office as shown by the official re
ports, indicates a story of unusual pros
sperity that is worth mentioning, viz :
The gross receipts of tho office for Octo
ber just passed, were the largest in the
history of the office, being 87 per cent
more than for the corresponding month
of 1895, 90 per cent more than for the
same month of 1896, 80 per cent more
than for the same month of 1897 and 27
per cent more than for the same month
of 1898 or for- any other month since the
establishment of the office.
With fresh eggs selling at 22 to 25 cents
a dozen in the Corvallis market, it looks
as if "the woman with the hen" will su
percede "the man with the hoe." Ore
gon has made great strides in the poul
try business during the- past few years,
but the demand is outgrowing the sup
ply. - Farmers should not overlook this
branch of agriculture any longer, but en
ter into it as a part of the farm work
systematically. There can be no doubt
of the demand for poultry products for
years to come. There are other features
of farm work that require more labor
than a little attention to the poultry
yards, with much less profit.
News has been received here of the
death of William Jasper : Freel, from
cancer of the face, at Davenport, Wash.,
October 29th. Mr. Freel was a veteran
of the Rogue river Indian
war, and a pioneer of Benton county.
He was born in Jasper connty, Indiana,
April 22, 1839. In 1852 he emigrated to
Oregon, locating in Benton county.
Daring the trip across the plains his
parents died of cholera, Mr. Freel re
sided in Benton county until some 13
years ago. He leaves four sisters : Mrs.
George Kiger, Philomath; Mrs. David
Hawley, Dusty; Mrs. Johnathan Park
inson, of Pomona, Kansas, and Mrs. Jas
per Newton, of Thornton, Washington.
Mr. S. II. Moore, late of Illinois, who
recently purchased the farm of Ira Hun
ter, received a letter from his father,
Mr. J. H. Moore, of Brimfield, Illinois,
Tuesday, instructing him to purchase
immediately, the 630-acre farm of Henry
Calioway, 10 miles north of Corvallis, ad
joining the Ira Hunter place. Mr.
Moore, junior, came to Corvallis without
delay and closed the. bargain with Mr,
Calloway, the consideration being $6,000.
Instructions also came from the father to
purchase the residence of Mr. A. F.
Hershner for $1,600, aad deeds for both
transactions were executed Tuesday.
Mr. Moore has anunt in Illinois who
wishes to purchase a 30 or 32-acre farm
near Corvallis, for which she is willing
to pay $1,000, and Mr. Moore is on the
lookout for such a bargain. Mr. S. H.
Moore will arrive in Corvallis about
March 1, 190.).
This is the season when in Northern
states east of the Rocky mountains, the
ground freezes and the muddy roads be
come "hubby." Stock come scampering
and shivering about the barns and sheds
to be housed and fed. AVith thick,
coarse coats and mittens the farmers go
out in the morning to "do the chores''
into "a nipping and an eager air."
Vegetation is all dead ; aud the long win
ter has begun. Here in Corvallis in the
heart of Webfoot, it will be several
weeks yet before the cold winds come,
and no surprise would be felt if they
should not appear at all. In many of
our Corvallis yards the roses are bloom
ing yet and many bright and hardy
flowers shed their autumnal fragrance
upon the temperate atmosphere. Mud
there is, and moisture, but most kinds
of seasonable, out-of-door work can be
prosecuted with no inconvenience a
large portion of the time. We shall
have some brief spells of sharp winter
weather, but the climatic contrast be
tween Oregon and Vermont, Bay, for the
next five months, is one that Oregonians
can view with satisfaction as to, their
place of residence.
Miss Bessie Settlemire spent Saturday
and Sunday with her parents at Tangent.
Col. J. H. Phillips, of Portland, is
visiting his son, E. Phillips, our popular
ihe city council of Albany has sus
tained the Mayor's veto of the bicycle
Rev, L. F. Stevens has been assisting
in revival meetings in the Christian
church at Eugene.
Rev. Boozer of this city has been con
ducting'revival services at the Evangel
ical church in Sodaville.
The ladies of the M. E. church, will
hold their regular open market at J. D
Mann's store, Saturday.
Married, at Albany, Or., Noy. 11, 1899,
Mr: A. J. Biers and Miss Mamie Sum-,
mers. Rev. A. J. gturtevant, officiating.
Mrs. John Fogarty, of South beach,
Yaquina bay, is spending the winter in
Corvallis, in the hope of benefiting her
Miss Olive Thompson has occepted a
position as pianist with the Hotel del
Coronado orchestra at Coionado Beach,
Horace McBride, known in Corvallis as
"an" athlete of repute, especially among
the OAC people, was in Corvallis Satur
day aud Sunday.
The large arc lights, ordered placed on
tne clock tower ot the administration
building, shone brillantly forth for the
first time last Tuesday evening.
ti. A. Scoggin, a member of last year s
graduating class of the college and the
wiry quarter-back of formea days, was
in Corvallis this week visiting friends
James Davidson and wife, of Polk
county, are in the city visiting relatives
and friends. They will spend a week
amongst their kindred and friends in
Captain Hatch, foimerly of the U.
snag boat, Mathlonia.and who has been
in Alaska for the past year or more.
passed through here last night from San
Francisco for Portland to visit his family.
He expects to visit Eugeue in the near
future when we will hear all about the
Nome beach mines. Guard.
The college chapel was filled with peo
pie on Friday evening to listen to
the first of this year's series of col
lege lectures. The lecturer was Rev. W
E. Copeland, of Salem, and his subject
was "Trusts." The discourse contained
much information and was very instruc
tive to those who attended. Excellent
music was furnisned by the college or
The Salem Statesman is authority for
the statement that the officers of the Ore
gon Hop Growers' Association are nego
tiating for the sale of a 15,000 bale lot
at 11 cents a pound. If this is consum
mated it will be one of of the largest hop
sales eyer made in the state. Hon. W.
H. Holmes, of this city, is
one of the members of the execu
tive board of the association.
Married, Saturday evening, November.
11th, at the family residence of Mrs. M.
N.Jacobs, by Rev. E. J. Thompson, W.
H. Newton and Eva Jacobs, both of this
city. It was a very pleasant homegoing
event. The immediate friends of the
parlies were the invited guests and at
the conclusion of the ceremony came
congratulations, and a delicious wedding
supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. New
ton expect to reside in the city.
State Biologist F. L. Washburn has
received 10 barrels of young Eastern
oysters , which he took to Yaquina Bay,
where they were planted. Tho shipment
weigned a ton ana a nan. rroiessor
Washburn says the experim ent with
Eastern oysters at Yaquina has proven
successful, the oysters having spawned
and developed satisfactory growth. The
conditions at Yaquina having proved
favorable, this shipment is made per
manently to stock the oyster beds there
with Eastern oysters. ,
In driving along the country roads at
this time of year it is an easy matter to
distinguish the thrifty farmer from the
careless one. The difference is depicted
in the manner in which each takes care
of his farming machinery. The time tf
year lms come wheu the farmer should
take care of the farm implements.
Every plow, wagon, harrow, reaper
mower or other implement used should
be stored away out of the sun, rain and
snow, snea lor storage can oo easny
built and it should be borne in mind
that protection is as important as any
task of the farm. Thousands of dollars
are lost every year by the thoughlessness
of farmers in not caring for their imple
The jolly Freshmen of the college had
one of their "times" at the armory last
Friday evening. On entering the armory
hall each lady was given a half heart on
hich was written part of a familiar
quotation, the gentlemen receiving the
missing halves. All was pleasant con
fusion uutil each boy succeeded in find
ing his better half. After promenading
for some time games were introduced in
which all took and active part. Prof,
Kent then called the attention' of the
young people and started the grand
march after which refreshments, con
sisting of bananas and nuts were served.
The presence of several members of the
faculty added dignity to the occasion;
At half past eleven the festive makers
departed for home, heartily pleased with
their evening's enjoyment.
An item on the weather is always ap
propriate, and in this regard we might
say that prettier weather for this time of
year could not be hoped for, or could be
given ns than was afforded the first part
of the week. It was as warm and brigh'
as springtime, the air was lieht and
balmy and those who were inclined to
be blue were speedily cured of their ail
ment. The farmers - who had been
forced to cease their fall plowing a few
days before owing to the rain, again had
the opportunity of resum ing their work,
and as a result much seed has been sown.
But ou Wednesday morning the sleeping
Oregonian was awakened at an early
hour by the familiar tat too of the little
silver raindrops on his roof, and old Web
foot seemed herself once more. Those
who had kept awake to witness the
spectacle of shooting stars and falling
meteorites were just a little disappointed.
The more superstitious' pnes who ex
pected to find themselves ',in eternity on
Wednesday morning, awoke with a glad
feeling in their- hearts for they knew
it was entirely too wet to be that burn
ing place of perdition.
The Visitors Failed to Make Yardage
Even One Time,
Whatever misgiving may have existed
in the minds of the devotees of the grid
iron as to the superior ability of OAC'i
eleven of '99, was removed by those
sturdy athletes last Saturday. Belittle
Albany's team as you. may, it has same
individual players who1 could secure posi
tions on any college team in Oregon,: and
its team work was far superior to any
thing done by former elevens from that
institution. It had shown itself the
equal of Willamette in' practice game
and held the U of O's seettnd eleven to a
score of 6 to 0. While nor alarm was felt
at the outcome of last Saturday's contest,
the most sanguine admirer of OAC did
not put the score at more than 30 to 0 in a
game of 35-minute halves, afiSP-SHbauy
felt that she had a chance to win. :
The game was called at 3 o'clock with
OAC defending the east goal, Hall
kicked off to Albany's 2o-tyard "line
Smich ran in for three yards. , Albany
tried end but was downed for a loss ef
three yards. She hit the ' line for one
yard . and tried the end for no gain
OAC's ball. She tried the end for three
yards, and then sent Goodrich oyer the
line for a touchdown. Time two minutes.
Goodrich failed on goal. Score, OAG 5,
Albany 0, - '
Albar.y kicked off -and IdoWned the
orange for no gain.- OAC tried, end and
fumbled. Quick as a flash, Albany's
fast back, Morrison, gathered it in and
started for the goal. He covered v 10
yards and was pounced -upon. .-"Albany
could make no impression., on" the line
and the ball went to OAC on downs
The farmers began a series of plunges
and shoitend rnns in which nearly every
man on the team tried his hand at car
rying the ball, and finally sent Hall
over the line for a touch., down. -Jime
10 minutes. Hall kicked thisand very-
succeeding goal. Score OAC 11, Albany 0.
Albany kicked-to the farmers' 10-yard
line. By short gains of 3 to 8,yards the
ball was brought to the, center of the
field, and given to Albany on an olTside
play. Albany tried the eud, but John
son caught her for a loss of "5 vards.
She tried the other end fer no- gain, and
lost 4 yards on a .fake. OAC'S ball
Short line bucks followed and. Belt was
sent around the end for a touchdown.
Time, 19 minutes. OAC, 17; Albany, 0.
Albany kicked to 26-yard line and
Goodrich brought it back 20 -yards.
McCaustland was started around the left
end. Morrison . gathered . himself to
tackle, but Belt threw him off his 'Bride
and JHcUaustland .sped on.. -The mighty
Hall was offering magnificent defense.
Saoick was at McCaustlaud's elbow, nut
Hall blocked him, swervingtd the Tell?
just in time to defeat Morrison's .anXiousr
efforts, - Striding like a cake WaIker..,MQ
Caustland never glanced froift '.right tS
left until, aided by -Hall's.' wonderful
work he crossed the line for; the most
V - T -
beautifully earned touch downgyer
seen or OAC field. Time 20: mmutes.
ScoreV OAC 23, Albany 0. ":' 'H
Albany ' kicked off, and the"tfarmeri?
repeaJgH their tactics of shdrtV gains,.
varied brfa 20 -yard dash by Belt and-One
ol 15 yards by Goodrich. Hall plunged
for 15 yards, and Goodrich was sent
around the end for a touch down. " Time
26 minutes. Score, OAC 29, Albany, 0;
Some idea of the rapidity of the farm
er's play may be gathered from the num
ber of line-ups made for the next touch
down, which was made in Z minutes
Albany kicked to 25-yard line. Belt
ran in 5 yards. He was sent aronnd the
end for 5 yards, and again for 4 yards.
Johnson skirted the end for three yards. 1
Walters plunged 3 yards. McCaustland .
tried the end for 12 yards, and Johnson
did the same for 4 yards. Thurston
went through -tackle for 5 yards. Good
rich tried the end for 12 yards, and was
sent against the line for 4 yards. Hall-
plunged 5 yards, Walters 6 yards and,
Belt 4 yards. McCaustland tried end for
4 yards. Thurston tried the line for 4
yards, aud Walters was sent through for
touchdown. Time, 29 minutes. Score,
OAC, 35; Albany, 0.
Albany kicked to 15-yard line, Good
rich returned the ball. 15 yards and
time was called for first half.
Albany was completely beaten and re
fused to play another 30-ininute half.
A 15-minute half was agreed upon, and
Elgin was replaced at guard by Rice, an
inexperienced man, and Noel took Belt's
place at half. Harding went in as full.
Albany kicked to Scott on 20-yard line,
and this little, wonder dodged and
squirmed until he had brought the ball
to the center of the field. After an end
run of 5 yards, Hall was given the ball
for a punt, just to break the monotony.
Albany fumbled," and OAC secured the
ball, but gave it to Albany. -
Albany tried double pass and lost-13
yards. McClanahan punted to center.
OAC's ball. Line bucks and short runs
brought the ball to the 15-yard line where
Walters went through for a touchdown;
Time, 6 minutes. Score, OAC, 41 ; Al
bany, 0.
After the next kickoff, a series of
scrimmages, in which JNoel, Jttcuaust
land and Johnson took a prominent part,
brought the ball rapidly down the field
and Noel was sent around for a touch
down. Time, 11 minutes. Score, OAC
47; Albany, 0.
But five more line-ups were made and
time was called, with but 13 minutes of
play in the last half. Fiual score, OAC,
47; Albany, 0. Actual time of play 43
Percy Young, of Albany, and Prof. F.
E. Edwards acted as referees, and Arthur
Stimpson as linesman.
At a regular meeting of the council
last Monday evening all. members were
present, "the election of . nightwatch, no
doubt, having some effect .upon the at-
tenaance. : . ' .
Three candidates entered ' the. lists
C. B. Wells,'Emil Zeis and Lon Locke.
The first, ballot stood, Wells, 4; Zeis
3; Locke, 2. The dye was again Cast
and Wells receiyed 5 votes, Zeis 3. and
ana Locke I. . r. . -. : -:
The first payment upon the sewer con
tract .was made in the sum of $3,500,
The entire cost of the work is to be about
$10,000.- The council will each month
pay for work ; satisfactorily completed
during that month;' . V, . ,
The city disposed of, its; ; warrant of
$500, received, from the county in the
tax division, for a premium Of $10. As
$150 had. been paid out of the general
fund for the attorneys' . fees in cbllection,
this sum - was deducted from, the $510,
and $103 of the remainder 'was placed in
the street fund and the balance in the
general fund. ' " '. v .. ... '' "'
The finance - pominitiee reported- the
financial reports of the treasurer and
police juge: for the past two quarters,
correct. -" ;-, ;r-.'1..;-J-.- .
The matter . of building a sidewalk
along the South Bide of t?je United Evan;
gelical church was -referred to. the street
committee." :.'.'- .: . ' ; '; ' ... '
Some who have received notice, to "con?
struct sidewalks alongside of , their premh
ises have not Icompliedand a resolatibn
jvaSi passed:, authorizing .the," ; chief.- .ot
police to proceed with the cousfructiorcof
these walks. -' .
'JBills were 'allowed on' . the 'general
fund to the amount of $4jt)00,: and $30 on
the'street fund.- v - v:
Withdrew" from tbe LeaffUeif;
It is not probable that the gam sched
uled for tomorrow between ;Sjilem --and'
OAC will be played,"" owinsrjto; the faet
that "Wi U. has no football team.vihey
have half a dozen indifferent players, and
have enlisted the services of some butcb-j
ers, ,bekers, ' and .candlestick , maker?
from the surrounding country, but no
bona fide college eleven as required by
tlie-faws ef the association formed by the
colleges last " summer. - Before playing
last Saturday, Forest Grove protested
five of Salem's men. OAC. had -simply
annihilated Salem's team, jn a; practice
game tne proceeding Saturday and was
prepared to repeat the perTormancey but
U's. protest . deserved-investigation.
Albany was out of the contM, so repre
sentatives of U f O and DJ&G. met al
Eugene Monday to consider tlie " matter
It developed that P. U's stand? as well
taken, and as Salem has violated the con
ditions adopted by the association, &ke,
had forfeited her right to contest for the
pennant. The U of O andOAC. wHl play.
the thanksgiving game at: 'Eugene -or.
Albany. From - a financial' stdjjpinfr
the: latter place would' be ' preferaBlei the
grou nd -would be neutral , 'and. with Percy-
Young, unquestionably-' the .. most coKi-
ipelent and
asplendid teams would be '$ ;gfan4;
..... ? -K
A Former CorvaHisite's Star
' ; cendency.
tfhe ubiquitous Bert P. Van Cleve has
at last lound an orbit, and the theatrical
firmament is ablaze with his presence.
A recent issue of the Portland Telegram
contributes ' the following to history
'Among the. members of 'The Electri
cia.u'. company, now playing at Cordray
theatre, known to almost every Portland-
er, is Bert P "Van Cleve, son of Coll Yan
Cleve, the veteran newspaper man of
Yaquina Bay. 1 ; . " -
'-Bert is a native Oregonian and began
his professional career as a su'pe in Cor
dray 's theatre, in this city, receiving the
munificent . sum of $3 a week for his first
efforts. ' He worked his way up however,
to such. an extent while here that he was
given aniiner part with the Essie Tittle
company, which left Portland about four
years ago. ' After playing with the Tittle
company, for sometime he was given
more lucrative position with; the Carrie
Higby dramatic show.-. - Since his depart
ure from Portland, Mr. Van Cleve also
played an extended engagement, at the
Bash street theatre. ' in Sant Francisco,
Hard 1 work resulted in total blindness
and for sixteea weeks he was:- in 'a ios
pital,-wondering if he would see' the
light of day again. He recoyered, how
ever, and far one year, while:in. the east,'
jar, van uieve was with, the - Colombia
Phonograph Company, ; , . . . - !".'
"Singe his return to the stage.. he - has
risnen so rapidly in his profession that he
is today pne of the. highest salaried cont;'
-medians':, with 7 stock, companies. ;" Iri
.XhelectricaniMr. Van. Cleve appears
as .Bariiey.:-:Martin,.7 which, -. although a
ininor role, shows that he. hps nqbeen
miscast m ligat comedyiv JEJis. "specialty-
work -with,. Miss Blanch,- LaMar,- who
sings thtfcppn ' song. .'You Ain't : One
Two Three,"Js one. of .(he hits of the
performance. . -;'?V.fC-i -.-.--; '-' --j7'? "
.?!MiV Van Cleve is accompanied , by
Tils wife, Eva Leslie Van Clevej, the com-
ineaienne of-the company, who essays
thejwle of Mary Toper, aad a 20-ipounA-
son; whom he announces the -youngest
tdmediaa in the profession
The Reds! Won.
X basketball game was played iri the
armory Saturday evening after, the foot
ball game. The' contestants- were" the
Reds and" the Blues.- two local teams:
Coach Fired Smith - Turnishes the follow
ing details of the- game wbichwaswifc-
aessea py about ouu people
4 The gam? was -called at 8 o'clock and
the - blues scored a free throw from foul"
line 'and 'Maud Hoover., threw a gpa?.
From- this time on the Reds took posses
sion of the ball 'and Inez Fuller-. threw
twpfcoals followed by Pearl Shelton and
Gertrude Ewihg; At the? end o the fifsfr
half tbe reds had 8 points and the Blues 8.
Twri subs K;tEyOulspnJandAEthef Lin
villey went thelfielrl at the begining of
the second halt, . This part pt the 1 game .
8eetoM,tpTelong to tlje jBlues-; They uai
the jR4driiH
ereaietfeB2,ih' "if.-?fr'ij';V.:
this final jrtnrlnla!a W
i- M. A. A.
C.-vs. O. A. C,
Arrangements have been perfected by
Manager. Gallagher, for a game of foot"
L'halFIbefqfeen.v Multnomah and OAC on
Bg4gfouhds" - tomorrow afternoon
The entire- population of the city shenld
"be 'Out to encourdge the orange. - - .' ''
The- Roil Of Honor.
the regular monthly cOntest"in adden
dum between the schools of Benton
county closes Sa the 10th of this month
with district No. 24 winning the banner
with an attendance of 99 per cent, . Miss
Allie Keader is teaching the present
term of school in this district; ' The next
five schools having the highest-attend
ance were:. districts JNo. 77, per cent;
No. 66, 95 per cent ; No. 74, 93 per cent ;
No. 8, -92 per. pent and No; 50, 90 per
cent The teachers in the. above schools
are, Nora Ingle; Bessie Meats,. Delia
Pagenkppf,..Joha Van Grprg and Louise
Senenberger. v -.'. . i - '; .-.:'-
According, to the new plan in these
contests, districtNo. 24 wins a county
Roll of . Honor nicely framed, havin g
previously twice won the "Banner" un
der Miss' Edna "Finley, as teacher. A
Roll of Hbnpr will alep.be given district
No. 5, 'this district "having had the
hfehest.attendahce'' among the schools of
the county 'lor' six.isnccessiye months.
The -school making, 100 per" cent each
montlu Miss Rose Ingram taught dur
ing this period. ' '
Under the ' new ' arrangement each
school that haswon the banner will re
ceive credit for t Bet same and as soon as
has won the Banner three times a Roll
of Honor will be" given the district which
remains pesiently in Ihe school houses.
A Treat In Store.
Mr. Wells' Report.
In. his report, submitted to the county
judge, Supervisor C. B. Wells, gives the
following list! of expenses for repairs oa
the county road south of town :
For hauling gravel $518 44
Plowing and grading 92 46
Teams hauling rails and straw. ... 56 03
Labor, shoveling gravel and on
ditch..... .i
Blackstni thing
Dray age ........ . .. ........
Lumber and rails.........
C. B. Wells as foreman ....
..'202 00
... 100
. . ' ' .25
.. 35 40
.. 80 50
Friday , the 24th of November there
will be a piano and song recital at the
college chapel by Miss . Dorothea. Nash,
pianist, and Marguerite Hansen contral
to, accompanied 'by Mr.'fJSfi-' Gifford
Nash. Miss Hansenis lately from, the
city of Portland where sne now nas
charge of the vocal department of the
State University. " '.
The program is one almost entirely
new to a Corvallis audience and will be
accompanied tfr a short analysis of-the
pieces played, which will aid in the ap
preciation of the music and help remote
the dread which the average person feels
toward so-called classical music, which
is only because they do not hear it prop
erly. ;
The proceeds after expenses are paid
will be turned over to the manage? of
the football team, so that besides enjoy
ing an evening of good music we can
feel we are aiding in the chances of our
being champions of the gridiron.
The general admission "' will be-36
cents, students, -25. cents.. -Tickets for
sale at Trask & Settlemire and by the li
brarian at the college, ':'. --W-
: '" ...-;('
1 '. Letter List - ' l .
' The letters remaining in the. Corvallis
Post-office for the week "ending NovjM,
her gpfllit eiSset-to i. t.Tli&faQrite of tte
audience-was Kitty iOulsoBy-irhoee quick
ness resemDies iepna enusny.- : -
:y:'?No'itie:riMew-;r, -
t''-y''--y . I.-..-"--; r.v-r.
"-Che agricultural people at.vthe OAC.
say.that this Is the proper, 'time of year
to make ;Sn examination of the .orchard
trees, i-;::-. A.'-'. - '-". iv. -'i 1;: ' 4
" Study the, various systemf of prunitfg
and the ends hy.are , -Bought: to .reach?
Watch the insect and fungus toes and
the lcliAaic 'conditions upon; the ..fruit
foliage and buds, and -with the 'open&g
of spring be .prepared to give the orchard
a., vigoreus.tmt judicious f pruning and
then follow this with generous, tillage of
the soil. Only . under1 conditions like
these can we expect to get the best re
turns from the. orchard next year, under
the usual Oregon climatic conditions. - -The
past yeaV ith its 'unusual cli
matic conditions, has been marked by
signal neglect of tillage operations in the
ereha'jrcfl of the State. One result of this.
has been the formation of an extra large
amount of. 'fruit' -wood akd :buds, fendJ
under ordinary, conditions,- next spring'
there will Jeet a, very r. much ' greater
amount of frqit ihan will 'be best'fer
both the intenest of thetree and the er-
chardist. Th& orchard should receive a
judicious," yes k vigorous; pruning-; this
winter, to "the d that liberal thinning
of fruit spurs, jihall be-had, etherwwe
the more expetjve, work ot hand tain-
ning mast be sloe; or. else there will be
reproduced a mas ()f email inferior frtft t.
for which no" market catbe fouhdanfl
as too often PccurivHoe larger part of th
crop becomes a waste. s- V- :- H
' ' :r ior; SALE. ;
Two acres of landf well improved, good
house and barn and other - outbuildings,;
Onehalf mile west of agricultural collegej.;
for $900. - , -' .V. ;'.! ':''; ,--;... .,
'.'."., Y Wilson Bump, -'
"KingsrYalley, Qre
Beautiful Bfack Mlnorcas :
I have them at the Pleasant View
Poultry Yards, for farmer and fancier.
Call or write for'prices. ' - , .
B. R. Thompson, Corvallis, Oregon
: during
' SALE. - v
Plum No. 1
Plum No. 2
A' lot of Men's Frock Suits, izet
34 to 39,-worth $jz 50 to $20
Your pick for 750.
A. lot of Boys' Suits, ages 4
years, .worth, from $5 00 to $6
Your pick for $2 50.' "y
" ' , - . A lot of Men's Fine Shoe?, lace and
Plum No..' 3 congress, worth from jjp to 6-50.
' r'-p v.'-:. Your pick for $3 .50.
Plum No., 4
A lot of Men's and Boys1 jats, ,
worth irom $'z. 00 to $5 00. ;f - . 7;
Your pick for One Big-Dollar. ::
We; are shdwing the- strongest line ofeMen's and Boys' Suit&
vercoats Ulsters and Mackintoshes ever shown in this section, all
:a ':
: Sv.--...-'Yes, we were compelled to shelve-fioni -.
JIo rnakej rsom for onr New'-Fall Stock consisting in part.of v"-
-;--"V ..- - . -4 -i-.V-'.sJ-Sj-'' . , . ' - .-. -. r.k ' . .
j fSf'; ;v If you have neyer pa?ds a visit' k will pay you to dose. JBilly and his j
i-m tuvma.ijB gxaa to geeyou; always nave some;tniiinew buow you r,
v,i-rA:!''-" -YeeBpectHy,'V
xBABrHART, Manager, ' r W
An entirely niVF enterprise
last opened in the Zierolf block op-
,y '(fQ&Wf'be-ia&ie.bi all kinds ol ammunition Shdla
" reloaded andepbitsmah s goods of all kinds kept ,in mock.
1899. . - - -'
WC Allingham
Tom Acklen
Mrs Annie Dupl
D S Davis
Vera Horton
F Kamph
T S Shaw '
Mrs Z Taylor, -Oeo
Watts ' t '
..... B w j0HNS0N p jj
LOST - ,
A hunch of kevs. some where in the
city of Corvallis, Monday of this week.
Finder will please leave same at this
Some how the turkey does not gobble
so loud nor stmt so proudly as he did
only a short while, ago The jjumpkins
too begin to look as though thfjy " were to
be massacred soon, and all indications
point to the fact that we are to" have a
glorious thanksgiving dinner soon.
Services at the' Presbyterian church
next Sabbath as usual. Preaching by
the pastor both morning and evening.
Topics of especial interest, In the even-
ing-fche second lecture on the ssubject,'
"A Young Woman's TdearXumr Man.
Excellent music by the chorus choir
The session will meet iu the church a
3 p, tn, Sabbath afternoon.
McKenzie Fir Wood.
. A larse sunnlv of the finest quality of
Tniins-n sirLft McKenzie fir slabs cut in stove lengths,
1 ... i- n - ii Ti
on nanp. at ine uorvams saw. ium, -u,
must be sold. The price is $1 per load
of five loads or more,
E. W. Stkomg.
v. ' ..-'-
.5 ;
JL'V V.o i'.'X" 9 w v AAWA
y 'f'?YovL, want shoes.
We've got finoes;
Lowest prices.
k" N
Boys the Queen Bee Shoe. The besfoe 'a town
or. the money. Call and see tnem.
the cash store:
, 4... I .. A J
f TRY . vl-
- -
Fresh Groceries
Pioneer Bake0 & Restaurant
The Most Popular Eating House i the City
HODES & H AIi Li, Proprietors,
Fresh bread daily. We keep a complete stock of Candies
.Fruits and'Nuts. Everythint? In the line of Sraok-
;'. . er's Supplies. , '
Office of the long-distance and local telephones.
Main Street,
Coryallis, Oregon.
---- ' '
-1 . . . - .
'"' - , ' ' ' i )
" : A Si? -l