Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, November 17, 1899, Image 1

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    UNION Estab. July, 1897.
GAKUTTIS Estab. Dec, 1802.
Consolidated Feb. 1899.
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Past Week
Culled From the Telegraph Columns.
- Mabalacat in Luzon has been occu
pied by the 'Americans. .:''
The Washington volunteers were pre
sented -with medals in Seattle. ; .
Major-General Ludlow, civil goverj
nor of Havana, is visiting in New York.
Twelve socialists and six liberals
were elected to the Berlin' municipal
The late John S. Pillsbury, of Minne
apolis, left $100,000 to a home fo
children. . . ,
in Snohomish county 2,500 men are
employed in getting out logs and
shingle bolts. . - . , .
Twenty men of the Forty-second regi
ment were injured in a railway acci
dent on their way to San Francisco.
Nez Perce Indians have demanded
more money than is paid for railway
rights of way through their reservation.
Assemblyman Mazet, of New York,
claims he was defeated by fraud, but
his friends say they will contest the
seating of Stewart.
The danger of a Basuto uprising, is
now admitted to be imminent in South
Africa, and may render necessary the
mobilization of a second army corps.
An agreement as to the partition of
Samoa has been reached at Berlin be
tween England and Germany, subjec
to the approval of the United States.
A bark is loading 1,000,000 feet of
specially selected timber at Vancouver,
B. C, for the Cramps, of Philadelphia?
to be used in building United States
ships. . ' ' : ' '
The civil governor, counsellor, judges
and secretaries who constitute the new
government of Negros, sent greeting to
President McKinley on taking their
A cable message from General Otis
says that Major Hugh McGrath (cap-,
tain Fourth cavalry) died at Manila
from wounds received at the battle" of
Novaleta, a month ago. V
Frederick J. Cross, of Honolulu, has
the exclusive rights to operate the Mar
coni system of wireless telegraphy in
the Samoas. It is expected to have
the system in operation January 1." -'
A $100,000 gold brick, the largest
ever melted in a Canadian mine, , is to
be sent down from the Kootenai dis
trict shortly. This year's wash-up is
the richest ever known in the district.
Russians and the Japanese on the
Corean ' peninsula are on - the most
friendly terms. The Russian and Jap
anese ministers assert that the reports
of friciton are unfounded and are in
tended to distract attention from other
- The validity of government contracts
made by swindler Captain Carter will
be tested. .
The convention agreeing to arbitra
tion of Samoan claims was signed at
Influential San Diegans will build a
transcontinental railroad via Salt Lake
from their city.
' Huntingdon denies that the Pacific
Mail Steamship Company has absorbed
the New Japan line.
The bicycle, automobile and rubber
trusts now propose one great concern
With a capitalization of $200,000,000.
. Wisconsin lumber dealers have just
bought 1,000,000 acres of timber land,
on the Pacific coast. They paid
$6,000,000. v -
Owing to the poor telegraphic : and
cable service from South Africa the
London papers can get no ' news " for
their special editions. ; "
The submarine torpedo-boat Holland
has been successfully tested by Uncle
Sam and a purchase will probably soon
be made by the navy department. .
The battleship Oregon has sailed
from Hong Kong, supposedly for Cebu.
She sailed sooner than expected and
was seemingly unprepared for sea.
A boats' crew of the British ship
Pathan, recently chartered - for trans
port service, refused to accompany the
ship to the Philippines. Twenty-one
of them were placed in irons.
A St. Petersburg correspondent says
that Russia, France and Spain have de
cided to intervene and suggest arbitra
tion between England and the Boers if
Germany is willing to co-operate. ,.3
' Otis cables that the Thirty-fifth in
fantry has reached Manila. ; This is the
regiment which was quartered at Van
couver and embarked from Portland,
private Cleary died on the voyage. ,
The Berlin correspondent of the Paris
Figaro says Emperor William is re
pilved to occupy Tiger 1 bay, south of
Angola, on the west coast of South
Africa, if England occupies Delagoa
bay. .
Bourke Cockran, the famous New
York orator, was once a porter for A.
T. Stewart.
Charies E. Littlefield, who succeeds
Nelson Dingley in congress, will be the
tallest man in that body, heing six
feet five inches in height.
- e
A call has been issued by the execu
tive council for the nineteenth annual
convention of the American Federation
of Labor, to be held at Detroit, Mich.,
December 11 next.
John Wanamaker authorizes the
statement that he never advertised is
a Sunday newspaper and never will. '.
- The navy department has sold the
steamer Hector, formerly the Spanish
merchantman Pedro, for $65,000. The
Pedro was one of the first vessels cap
tured during the Spanish-American
.. war.
The dwelling once occupied by
former President Martin Van Buren at
No. 87 East Twenty-seventh street,
New York, has just been sold and it is
announced that the property will be
converted into a business block.
New York's annual horse show has
opened." : ,",
Carnegie will compete with Rocke
feller in lake shipping.
Colonel Webb C. Hayes has captured
Aguinaldo's private secretary.
The American Municipal League will
meet at Columbus, O., this week.
The Bank of Athens, Athens, Ga.,
has gone into the hands of a receiver.
Speaker Seed's rules - in congress
will not be disturbed to any great ex
tent.. :;
The Boers are raising more men, and
all neutrals must now fight or get oat
of the country.
James J. Corbett has challenged
James J. Jeffries, and has posted a
$5,000 forfeit. -
The McGiffert case will probably
again be referred to the Presbyterian,
general assembly. .- . .
Europe is in need of more money,
and England, it is said, may see a 6
per cent rate before long.
Young Republicans from .all parts
of the United States will 'banquet at
St. Louis in January or February.
The English government declares it
is not holding back the "news, but is
giving out all that comes from South
Africa. .-. .... . . . , .. ...
The university of Chicago will send
an expedition to Southern cities to
watch the total eclipse of the sun next
May. . . ''
Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor, has
offered to arbitrate the piano-workers'
strike now on in Chicago.'
The supreme court of, Oregon has
affirmed the decision of the lower court
and Magers will hare to hang for the
murder of Sink, unless the governor
intervenes. :r
The Boers suffered a severe defeat at
Lady smith Thursday . morning. The
Boer guns were silenced . after four
hours' fighting, during which their
losses were heavy. .
On behalf of Admiral Dewey and
his officers and men, Washington at
torneys have asked the court of claims
to find - that "; the amount of bounty
money due them is $382,800, of -which
the admiral is to get $19,994. : i
Governor Roosevelt favors Wood for
the governorship of Cuba. He has in
duced President . McKinley. . to agree
with him on all points, but the ques
tion of immediate appointment. ';. This
the president desires to leave to : con
gress. ' V .. ' ::'; T .' . '.-'.: '..
Corporate franchises will be taxed
in Texas. .
. ' . - 1 -. . . .. j
.Vice-President Hobart is recovering,
and is almost past the danger point.
Montreal was visited by a fire, de
stroying $5,000,000 worth of property.
- Russia wants a loan. The effort to
get it in Germany- resulted in failure.
V The London fog is said to be so thick
that it obscures the actors in theaters.
Money is going back East to ; relieve
the stringency there due to a natural
Admiral Schley says the completion
of the Nicaragua canal would make the
American navy invincible. "
:, Within the last week there has been
much fighting at Ladysmith, but no de
cisive results are attained. . t -7. ''
Banban and Tarlac have been taken
by the Americans, . but Aguinaldo's
whereabouts is as much a , mystery as
before. " , - ; ' . . -. -
Official returns are very slow in Ken
tucky. Both the Democrats ' and Re
publicans claim a victory, and- a con
test is sure. . "
' The Mexicans had two fights : with
the Yaquis in which the Indians were
repulsed, but not without ' considerable
loss to the Mexicans.. .';;-.'
Orders were issued in London for
an additional five thousand troops to
sail for South Africa between Novem
ber 10 and November 18.
The Union' Iron Works, ef San 'Fran
cisco, is said' to have been, absorbed by
the Seligman syndicate, the gigantic
shipbuilding trust recently formed. -
' The Cherokee Indians will sell out
and leave this country. They disap
prove of the allotment plan.. , Mexico
has given them a grant of 8,000,000
acres. -
An unknown man had one of his legs
torn from his body while attempting to
board a moving train near Kansas City. ;
He lived - but 15 minutes, dying - in
horrible agony. ,
During a shopping tour in New York,
Admiral and Mrs.' Dewey - were com
pelled to seek-refuge in a store to avoid
the crowd of curious people who were
pressing them. - v: - '.
Assistant Secretary Allen, in his an
nual report, favors the naval reserve.
He believes that it should be reorgan
ized in connection : with the regular
navy establishment. .
' . Relations betvapn Japan and Russia
are strained, 'me . trouble is over
Corea, and the Mikado's government is
thought to be anxious to ' try conclu
sions with the czar.
- A long-lost will has turned up, and
with it the prospect that the estate of
the late Andrew J. Davis, the Montana
millionaire, will again burden the re
cords of the Montana supreme court.
Gen. John Bidwell, of Chico, Cal.,
who led the first party of whites over
the Sierras into the golden state, is
still hale and hearty at the age of 80.
Official estimates of the wheat crop
in France place the yield at 346,600,
554 bushels this year. This is a falling
off of 25,098,963 bushels from last year.
Gen. Lawton, who has been de
scribed in a newspaper ' biography as
able "to drink any man under the
table," tells a correspondent in Manila
that he never drank a drop of liquor.
Baron von Yindheim, chief of the
Berlin police, is. coming to this country
soon for study of our police, methods.
The Lake Drummond Canal and
Water company, a corporation which
George Washington was instrumental
in forming and of which he was the
first president, has formerly opened to
navigation the Dismal Swamp canal,
which extends from. Norfolk, Va., to
Elizabeth City, N. C, connecting the
Elizabeth river of Virginia with the
Pasquotank river of North Carolina, is
272 miles long. By its use vessel)
may avoid rounding Cape Hatteras.
Little Said of Beseiged Army
at Ladysmith.
Another British Transport Arrives at
Cape Town News From Western
Border Affairs at ladysmith.
" London, Nov. 13. The British war
office has received from General Buller
the following dispatch:
"Cape Town, Thursday evening
Have received by pigeon post from Gen
eral White today the following: "The
bombardment at long range by heavy
guns continues daily. A few casual
ties are occurring, but no serious harm
is being done. The Boers sent in today
a number of refugees from the Trans
vaal under a flag of truce. A party
from Ladysmith met them outside the
pickets. When the party separated,
tie Boers fired on it before it reached
our pickets. Major Gate, of the Royal
engineers, was wounded today ' while
sending a message. The entrenchments
are growing stronger daily and the sup
ply of provisions is ample." :
The war office this evening issued
the following:
"From Buller, Cape Town, Nov. 10.
By message from Buluwayo, dated
November 3: A small convoy and es
cort under Speckley, of Plumer's force,
was attacked by Boers .November - 2.
Six' men; missing and lost convoy."
The war office also issued the follow
ing: ;
"A report having . appeared in the
South African papers that our artillery
fired on the Geneva flag. General Bul
ler telegraphs the following account of
the incident given to the Standard and
Diggers' News by a Dutch clergyman
with the Boers: 'Directly after the first
cannon shot, the English thought our
men were at the railway .station, and
fired there. ' They were not, but one of
the shots went through an ambulance.
As. soon as they found out their mis
take ' they ceased firing. The ambu
lance was thought to have been three
miles from the scene of action, so it
cannot be claimed the Boers broke the
rules of civilized warfare, and I do not
think the English would have fired on
them intentionally.' ".
With the arrival at Cape Town of
the-British transports Roslyn Castle
and Moor, to be followed by a contin
uous succession of - trqpp-laden ships,
the real campaign in South Africa may
be said to have begun, and the fact that
the first Bhip named was expected to
arrive at Durban forthwith indicates
at least a modification of tho plan of
advance.' .
-- Conditions at Ladysmith.
New York, Nov. 13. A dispatch to
the World from Estcourt says: '
'Trustworthy information concern
ing the actual state of affairs at Lady
smith comes from two civilians who ar
rived today, having escaped from the
besieged town by evading the British
patrols and stealing through the Boer
lines. , They say that both the town
and the British camp are completely
invested, and that artillery firing back
and ferth is continuous. The bombard
ment is heavy but its effect is reported
to be petty. The Boers are slightly
superior in strength, but the British
forces maintain a vigorous defense,
fighting daily. There were three at
tacks on the side of Ladysmith last
Friday. The accounts previously re
ceived through native runners were
greatly exaggerated. " - " - :
"The main British attack was' on
the Boer batteries, stationed to the east
ward. The British loss in that action
was about 150 killed or wounded. It
is supposed that the Boers suffered far
, - An Amsterdam Rnnior. ..... - 1
:' London, Nov. 13.- Another- rumor,
emanating from Amsterdam sources,
jays a British regiment was decimated
Friday by the Free Staters. . It is
added .that 600 British' soldiers were
killed' and wounded, and that 300
horses were captured.
Alaskan Hallway.
" Seattle, Nov.- 13. The; White Pass
Sc Yukon Railroad has purchased near
ly $3QQ,000 worth of x steel rails with
which to extend its line . from Lake
Bennett to Closeligh, a point on Fifty
Mile river, four miles below the White
Horse Rapids. . Of this amount 2,400
tons have been delivered under rush or
ders to Lake Bennett, together with a
locomotive to be used on the" "construc
tion work between Lake Bennett and
the White Horse Rapids. -
- By June 1 at least, the railroad
company expects to have the road
completed to the rapids and in opera
tion. ' - l; ' " '' " :
I Son Killed His Father. '
PorterviUe,, Cal., Nov. 11. At
Piano, a small town a mile and a . half
south of here,. Reese Martin 1. was shot
and instantly killed by his 19-year-old
son Frederick. The young man ac
cused his father of striking his mother.
A quarrel ensued and . the eon dis
charged, both barrels of a shotgun at
the old man, ...causing instant . death.
He claims that he acted in self-defense.
August Becker Hanged.
Chicago, Nov. 13. August Becker,
the German butcher, who on January
7 last, murdered his wife, Rachel, and
afterwards chopped up and boiled the
remains in order to dispose of them,
was hanged in the county jail this af
ternoon. Becker's neck was not broken
by the fall and it was sixteen minutes
before he was pronounced dead. On
the scaffold Becker protested his inno
cence and declared George Sutterly,
the father of his second wife, was the
real murderer.
The case of Becker in many ways
bore a remarkable similarity to that of
Leutgert. Both of the condemned men
were butchers and the motive of the
crime was the same . in both cases a
desire to get rid of a wife in order to
marry a younger woman.
Tw"o""Begiments to Sail.
San Francisco, Nov. 13. The Forty
sixth United States volunteer infantry
regiment will sail for the Philippine!
tomorrow afternoon on the transports
City of Sydney and Pathan. The Forty
sixth will be closely followed by the
Forty-fifth, which will sail Monday on
the transports Senator and Ben Moor.
The Route -Crosses Deep Abysses and
High Mountains. -----
New York, Nov. 13. A special to
the Tribune from Washington says:
Rear-Admiral Bradford has com
pleted the official naval project for a
trans-Pacific submarine cable-, between
San Francisco and Manila in time to
supply congress with all the essential
information at the opening of the next
session that will permit intelligent con
sideration of the subject and prompt ac
tion for the inauguration of the great
work. .
All doubt has been removed regard
ing the practicability of the enterprise
by the adoption of Honolulu, Midway
and Guam as relay stations on the long
line, and by the discoveries made from
the naval-survey ship Nero as to the
character of the ocean bed between
those points. The sounding instru
ments of this ship, disclosed an abyss
in the Western Pacifio over five miles
deep, but a slight divergence from a
straight line fortunately developed a
route avoiding this insuperable obstacle
to laying a working cable. At another
point, on the same stretch between
Midway and Guam, a submerged moun
tain over 12,000 feet in height was dis
covered, and a reasonably level road
around this was found.
' The physical practicability of the
line now having been assured beyond
doubt, it only remains for congress to
weigh the military necessities and com
mercial advantages to accrue from the
construction and operation of the sys
tem." It was represented to congress
at its last session that the revenue to be
expected from the Pacific cable would
not attract private capital unless it
had a connection with Australia, Japan
and China, as well as with San Fran
cisco, Honolulu and Manila.
, For that reason it was deemed indis
pensable that the United States should
own Stronge island,, in the Caroline
group, or a cable landing there to in
sure the working of a loop lo Australia.
1 The absence of this may deter any
corporation from undertaking the oper
ation of a cable across the Pacifio with
out a heavy subsidy. ' )
How Wheaton'a ' Army Disembarked at
San Fabian. . . -
Manila, Nov. ' 13. The landing of
the American troops at San Fabian
Tuesday was the most spectacular affair
of its kind since General Shatter's dis
embarkation at Daiquiri. The co-oper
ation of the troops and" the navy was
complete. The; gunboats maintained a
terrific bombardment for an hour while
the troops rushed waist deep through
the surf under a heavy but badly
aimed rifle fire from - the insurgent
trenches and charged right and left,
pouring volley after volley at the flee
ing rebels. - Forty Filipinos were cap
tured, mostly non-commissioned offi
cere. Several insurgent dead and five
wounded were . found . in a building
which had suffered from the bombard
ment. : The town '.was well fortified
The sand dunes were riveted with bam
boo 20 feet thick, which afforded a fine
cover. ' ' J , '
The Cotton Crop.
Washington, Nov. 13. The monthly
report of the statistician of the' depart
ment of agriculture will state that thi
most thorough investigation of the cot
ton situation that has been made since
1895 has just been completed. Spec
ial agents from the Washington office
have visited all the principal points in
the cotton belt; investigating both acre
age and production. Pending the re
ceipt of final reports as to picking, due
December 1, no detailed statement will
be issued, but. the statistician states
that on the basis of the highest estimate
of the area under cultivation for which
the department can find any warrant,
28,500,000 acres, the crop cannot ex
ceed 9,500,000 bales. This estimate is
based on the most complete and trust
worthy information.
Syrept by a Hurricane. '
Kingston, Jamaica, "Nov. 13. Com
munication with the eastern parts- of
the island, particularly the section be
yond the line from Morant bay to Port
Antonio, has been interrupted, since
esterday.'" This evening, however, i
U being partially re-established, anc
advices from ' various points say--- the
heavy weather culminated in a tremen
dous hurricane, . which, during ; the
night, completely razed the banana
parishes. Portland, St.". Thomas and
Morant bay are reported severely dam
aged. Details are anxiously awaited.
Transport Buffalo Befitted. ;
New York, Nov. 13. The transport
Buffalo will be ready for the service of
carrying supplies to the Philippines
next Sunday.' In the last three months
she has been thoroughly refitted, both
without and within. The Buffalo ie
expected to go into commission on No
vember 15, but it is feared that it will
be impossible to have her in readiness
then.. . ' -. -: - ' - . .'- . -- .
Coalmlners Strike.
Chicago, Nov. 13. The Record today
says: ; The situation in the coal-mining
fields in the southern and western sec
tions of Illinois has taken a serious'
turn, and it is said that many of the
mines may be tied up within the next
48 hours as a result of the continued
action of operators in sending coal to
points west and southwest where . the
miners are on strike.
Dynamited a Bank.
Melvern, Kan., Noy. 13. The safe
and office furniture of the Melvern
bank were demolished by an explosion
of dynamite touched off last night by
robbers, who then looted the place, se
curing $600 in money and several
thousand dollars in notes and checks.
They escaped, leaving no clew.
Berlin, Nov. 13. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Lokal Anzeiger re
peats the report that the Russians are
marching toward the Afghan frontier.
Monument to British.
Boston, - Nov. 13. The common
counoil has passed a resolution express
ing disapproval of the project for erect
ing a mnument on the Common to the
memory of the British soldiers whose
bodies are supposed to lie scattered and
unmarked beneath the historic sod.
The mayor was requested to withdraw
his approval of the plan.
- Offers a Thousand Men. -
Winnipeg, Nov. 18. The Northwest
Territory has offered 1,000 experienced
mounted men to the British govern
ment tot w la the Trans vaaL
General Parades Was Forced
to Surrender.
Six Hundred ana VIRjr Persons Wer
Killed or Wounded and tbo City of
Puerto Cabello Was Devastated.
Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, Nov. ' 14.
General Parades, a former comman
der of the army of : ex-President An
drade, who had refused the demand
made upon him by General Castro and
the de factor-authorities to surrender
the town, even when this was rein
forced by the request of the British,
American, French, German and Dutch
commanders, surrendered this morning
at 10 o'clock, after a terrible battle.
The aspect of the city is one of rain
and devastation and it is estimated
that upward of 650 persons were killed
or wounded during the fighting. Dr.
Braisted, of the United . States . cruiser
Detroit, and the other surgeons of . the
various warships in the harbor are min
istering to the wants of the wounded.
General Ramon Guerra led in the-i
land attack upon the town and the po
sition of General Parades on . Friday
night. Desultory fighting continued
until Saturday morning about 4 o'clock,
and then a fierce struggle ensued. Gen
eral Parades made a stubborn defense,
but General Guerra forced an entrance
into the town at 5 o'clock yesterday.
; As 'early as 8 o'clock Saturday morn
ing the fleet arrived and began a bom
bardment, but the range was too great,
and the firing proved ineffective. Gen
eral Parades held the fort on the hill
and Fort Libera tador until this morn
3harp Work Done in the . Vicinity ol
. . . - . Klinberley.
London, Nov. 14. This morning's
news from the seat of war in South
Africa . continues fairly satisfactory.
The official cables are not very detailed
with regard to the Belmont incident,
which, except for the loss of Colonel
Keith-Falcon r, was not a very serious
affair. s;. .
There are signs of greatly increased
Boer activity in Natal and along the
western frontier. All the dispatches
tend to show that the British are hold
ing out . ably. Colonel Baden-Powell
reports that all was well at Mafeking
on November 6. Ladysmith's latest
date is November 4, while nothing ad
verse is heard from the latter point,
and confidence is felt in General
White's ability, previous experience
having shown that the Boer artillery is
not very effective.
- It?is believed that the -Boer retreat
will be made over the Drakensburg
range into the Zoutpansberg district,
where preparations for provisioning and
maintaining the Boers is said to have
been made for the last ' stand, and
where it will be difficult to dislodge
tnem. Already it is rumored that they
.re in straits for food around Lady
smith, and may, therefore, be obliged
to abandon the siege.
Dispatches from Estcourt say it has
been ascertained that the British have
laid concrete beds for firing the lyddite
naval guns, showing that there is no
foundation for the fear that the lyddite
ammunition at Ladysmith has been ex
hausted. . It is also reported from the
same quarter that some fires have been
seen in Ladysmith, indicating that the
Boer bombardment has been, to some
extent, effective.
Fight Killed by Fowder Explosion.
Santa Cruz, Cal., Nov. 14. An ex
plosion occurred early this morning in
the glazing house of the California
powder mill. Four cylinders, contain
ing 15,000 pounds of powder, exploded.
A 'small amount was fuse powder and
the rest blasting powder. The explo
sion wrecked the mill, blew down milea
of fencing, . destroyed the saltpeter
warehouse, broke panes of glass in Sup
erintendent Peyton's residence, some
distance away, and extinguished the
electric lights in: Santa Cruz. The
body, of Patrick Hughes, night watch
man, was found. No cause for the ex
plosion can be ascertained. '
Cans; of Desperadoes Broken Up.
; .Chicago, Nov. 13. A counterfeiting
outfit and safe-blowing tools were . un
earthed by the police at 216 Huron
street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fay, the
occupants of the flat, were arrested.
lne police say tney nave broxen up a
gang of desperadoes that have become
exceedingly lively in Chicago of late.
The woman confessed that she and hei
husband were counterfeiters, and also
implicated a man known as Fred
Rogers. Captain Porter, of the secret
service, took charge of the implements
and the spurious coin. The prisoners
will be taken before the United States
Six Men Were Killed.
Flagstaff, Ariz., Nov. , 14. One
white man and five . Navajo Indiana
killed, two whites and one Navajo
wounded, was the result of an attempt
of a deputy sheriff to arrest a Navajo
yesterday 10 miles south of Walnut sta
tion, news of which has just reached
Saved Nine Lives.
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 14. William
Framer, - a . motorman, today saved
the lives of nine passengers by sticking
to his post, and received injuries
which may result in his death. A
train of freight cars moved out from
behind some buildings just as Framer 'a
car was nearing the crossing. The mo
torman reversed the current, but not
soon enough, as the vestibule of the car
was hit by the train and ground to
pieqes. Framer was seriously injured
Trains Burned to Clear Track.
Denison, la., Nov. 14. Twenty-five
of the men injured in the wreck on the
Omaha & Fort Dodge road, Saturday,
are being cared for. Though several of
the men are very badly hurt, it is
thought all will recover. Considering
the large number on the wrecked train,
180, it is a miracle that there were not
more casualties. The efficiency of the
relief measures taken by the railroad
company doubtless saved many lives.
A wrecking party found that there wa'a
not enough left of the two trains to be
worth saving, so the debris was burned
in order to clear the track,
Three Transports Have Jast Arrived
There More Expected.
London, Nov. 15. A dispatch froir,
Cape Town to the war offie annouce 1
the arrival there today of the troopship
Armenia, with three batteries of artil
lery and an ammunition column, and
the troopship Nubia, ; with the Scot
guard and half a battalion of the
Northamptonshire : regiment.,- This
brings the total number of reinforce
ments to 12,802 of which about 6.00C
are already on the way to Durban
Nine troopships carrying 11,000 men
are due at Cape Town tomorrow.
Armored Train's Trip. '.
Estcourt, Natal, Thursday evening-.
An armored train, with a company of
the Royal Dublin fusiliers, started at
1:30 this afternoon and reached the
break of the railway line about a half
mile from Colenso without accident.
Captain Hensley, . with several men,
reconnoitered and met a native, who
said the Boers were occupying tho
town. . While the conversation was in
progress the Boers opened fire from
Fort Wylie, but did no injury. . Cap
tain Hensley thereupon retired to the
train, after which the fusiliers volleyed
on the fort. As there was no response,
the presumption was" that the Boers had
retreated. The armored train returned
here' safely at 6 o'clock. Captain
Hensley learned from the native that
the Boers were numerous on the Lady
smith side of Colenso.
During the afternoon there was a
cessation of the bombardment of Lady
smith. A heilograph was working
from Fort Wylie. . . ... "--"'
All Well at Mafeklns;.
London, Nov. 14. A dispatch has
been received from Colonel Baden
Powell at Mafeking, saying: . "All is
well here. After two days shelling
and a heavy bombardment, a body of
the enemy made a general attack on
three sides of the town, which was re
pulsed by our Maxim fire. The enemy
Is now drawing off. - Our casualties
were slight."
Roosevelt Favors General Wood for the
Important Position. '
. New York, Nov. . 15. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
President McKinley will tell: congress
of his intentions to appoint civil, gover
nors of Cuba and Puerto Rico, and may
even wait for congressional action be
fore announcing the . appointments.
This statement is made on the authority
of a member of the committee on for
eign relations who had just talked with
the president on the subject.
Strong pressure is being brought to
bear upon the president for the imme
diate appointment of these governors.
Governor Roosevelt is particularly ur-
eent in his championship of General
Wood for the Cuban billet. He wants
the appointment made at once, believ
ing that the time is ripe for civil gov
ernment and that General Wood is just
the man to effect the change with the
best results for all concerned.
The president is inclined to agree
with Governor Roosevelt on all points
except the immediate appointment.
With congress only a few weeks" off,
he is considering whether it would not
be advisable to allow that branch oi
the government to have a voice in the
matter. A comprehensive plan for the
government of Puerto Rico is now be.
ing worked into shape by Secretary
Root, which will be presented in the
form of a bill similar to the one now
pending for the government of Hawaii,
Dewey's Men Defeated a Vastly Supe
, rlor Foree at Manila.
New York, Nov. 15. A special to
the Herald from Washington says: ' On
behalf of Admiral Dewey and his offi.
cers and men, Washington attorneys
have asked the court of claims to find
that the amount of bounty money due
them is $382,800. ' The decision of the
court will establish a precedent which
will affect the amount of bounty to be
distributed among the officers and men
of the North Atlantic squadron, which
destroyed the squadron of Admiral Cer
vera. If the finding of the 'court is in
accordance with the request, the ad
miral's share of the bounty will be
Attorneys base their case upon the
claim that the defeated Spanish force
was superior to the American squadron.
It is not contended that the enemy's
fleet was superior, but that, . taking
into consideration the guns at Corre
gidor, El Fraile and other forts at the
entrance of the bay and those at Manila
andCavite, which fired upon the Amer
ican ships continuously, the enemy's
force was superior.
The land batteries comprised 76
guns, ranging in caliber from 9.45
inches to 3.09 inches, and their weight
of fire is computed at 6,820 pounds.
The enemy's vessels were also sup
ported by mines and torpedoes in the
entrance to Manila bay and the bar it
self and some of these the brief states,
exploded during the action.
- French Steamer Stopped.
Lorenzo Marquez,. Nov. 15. The
French steamer Cordoba has arrived
here. When 70 miles out she was sig
naled by the "British cruiser Magic
ienne, and, as she- did not stop, a blank
shot was fired across her bow. After
her manifest had been examined, she
was allowed to proceed.
Basuto Chief Will Join Boers.
.Mazeru, Basutoland, Nov. 15.- The
indications are that Chief Joel, of the
Basutos, will join the Boers, who ' are
likely to annex a strip of the northern
territory of Basutoland. The other
chiefs, however, are stanch, and there
is no cause for alarm.
The death of General Sir William
Penn Symons, the British commander
at Glencoe, was announced in the
house of commons.
Storm In Maritime Provinees.
Halifax, N. S., Nov. 15. A heavy
snow and rain storm, accompanied by
gales of wind, causing loss of life and
damage to shipping, prevails in the
maritime provinces and New Found
land. A dispatch from Port Hood, C.
B., says that one fishing boat was
swamped off the northern entrance,
and that another boat is missing. It is
possible that at least a dozen souls have
perished. .. ".
The single province of .Ontario in
Canada, is about four times as large ai
England. -
Struck a Reef Off the Coast
of North Luzon.
Disaster Occurred While Patrolling- the
. Coast a Week Ago Had Been One
Tear In Philippine Waters.
Manila, Nov. 15. The United Statei
cruiser Charleston, which has been pa
trolling the northern coast of Luzon,
was wrecked on a reef off the north
west coast Tuesday, November 7. .
All on board wrifsa'ved,. .-
Manila, Nov. 15. The Charleston
ran aground near Yignan, on a ' hidden
reef, with 85 fathoms of water on both
sides. She worked her machinery for
two aays and nights in trying . to get
afloat, but, a typhoon arising, the crew
was compelled to take to the boats and
seek refuge on a small island five miles
away." The natives are friendly. . .
Lieutenant McDonald and a number
of sailors put off in a small boat and
reached the Calla, which brought them
to Manila. -..:,- -
The gunboat Helena has been dis
patched to bring away the crew.
Lieutenant McDonald describes the
Charleston, when he last saw her, as
hard and fast aground, with her bottom
badly stove, and well out of the water.
The Cruiser and Her Men.
Washington, Nov. 15. The Charles
ton has been in Asiatic waters more
than a year. She was one of the first
vessels to be sent to Manila after the
destructon of the Spanish fleet by Ad
miral Dewey, the navy . department
utilizing her fox the purpose of sending
ammunition and other supplies for the
Asiatic station. Just previous to her
assignment to that duty she had under
gone an overhauling at the Mare island
navy-yard, San Francisco, and there
fore, was in prime condition for her
duties. The Charleston is one of the
vessels of more recent construction,
and belongs to that class which is com
monly referred to as the new navy.
Energy of the Americans Demoralises
the Filipinos.
Manila, Nov. 15. General Young is
supposed to have reached San Nicholas,
about SO miles east of Dagupan, but
his wagons are far behind. Colonel
Hayes has captured Aguinaldo's secre
tary, and Major Coleman is in Carrang-
lan with an escort rf 175 bolomen, on
his way to the province of Neuva Viz
caya. A son of General Llaneras and
his family are prisoners. The general
barely escaped. v .
A correspondent of the press with
General Young telegraphs from San
Jose that Aguinaldo did not escape to
the northwest. He and his army, the
correspondent adds, are surrounded.
His last orders to the Filipino com
mander at San Jose were to . hold San
Jose and Carrangian at all costs.
- The recent encounters were too one
sided to be called fights. The insur
gents are mortally afraid of the Ameri
cans, however, strong their position.
They make but brief and feeble resist
ance,' and run when the terrible Ameri
can yell reaches their ears, whereupon
the Americans pursue them and slay
them. , ':
The moral effect of the news that
60,000 troops are on their way here has
been unquestionably great.
Insurgents are suffering more from
disease than from the Americans, ow
ing to poor food, lack of medicines, and
filthy hospitals, with . the result . that
there is great mortality among them.
General Lawton has intercepted a
telegram from an insurgent captain to
a Filipino general, reading:
"How can you blame me for retreat
ing when only 12 of my company were
able to fight?" . ; .
Effect of the Recent State Elections
Two Seats Unchanged.
Washington, Nov. 15. But four of
the present . state legislatures ' will
choose United States senators. In Ken
tucky, a succesor to Senator Lindsay,
probably Blackburn, will -be chosen,
Blackburn controlling the legislature.
In Virginia, Martin, having control of
the leigslature, will be returned. In
Iowa, Gear will be returned, - and the
Mississippi legislature will elect Mc
Laurin to succeed Sullivan. " This will
leave two seats unchanged," replace a
gold Democrat in Kentucky by a silver
Democrat, and in Mississippi a silver
man will succeed one of bis own party.
The holdovers elected this fall who will
vote for United States senators are in
New Jersey and Maryland. The mem
bers of the New Jersey legislature, justn
elected, are almost universally for Sew
ell. and he will probably : be returned,
while in Maryland the holdovers are
anti-Wellington men, and will - prob
ably support their newly elected gover
nor, Smith, for the senate in case Gor
man withdraws, as he promised to do.
There are holdovers in other states that
will vote for.-United States senators,
but they-were not affected by the re
cent elections. . ; i
Marking Up Prices, v
St. Paul, Nov. 15. A La Crosse,
Wis., special says: White pine lum
ber manufacturers have agreed upon a
uniform ; mark-up in prices, taking
effect at once. The advance is 60 cents
per 1,000 in some grades or dimen
sions, and $1 a 1,000 in some grades of
uppers. Notice is given that all grades
not advanced now will be shortly.mak-
ing a uniform advance of $1 per 1,000
all around on all grades.'
' Florida has ostrich farms. '
j Brooms Will Be Higher.
Chicago, . Nov. 15. The associated
broom manufacturers - of the United
States and Canada will meet in execu
tive session tomorrow to raise prices.
More than 50 factories will be repre
sented. An additional cost of 50 cents
a dozen in all grades is in prospect. ,
Sailors and Marines for Esqulmalt. -
Halifax, N. S., Nov. 15. The trans
port Carthegenian, with drafts cf sail
ors and marines for the British Pacifio
fleet, arrived tonight. The men will
leave 'in the morning by a special trail)
for Eaqnunalt. B. C. ,
Strength of Prices the Leading Features
of the Trade Situation,
Bradstreet'a says:
' Strength of prices, a natural outcome
of the past and present active demand,
is still the leading feature of the trade
situation, notwithstanding unseasonably
warm weather in some sections of the
country tends to restrict retail trade
and necessarily exercise some effect on
recorders and collections by jobbers.
The strength of textile, both raw and
manufactured, has been further accen
tuated during the week, increases being
noted in raw cotton, wool and hemp.
Wool has been equally strong, al
though transactions are smaller and a
material gain in prices is to be noted,
while from the manufactured goods
branch it was reported of confident
strength and of future advances, in
men's wear, goods and carpets.
Cereals appear to have reached a
dead level, with prices showing little
or no change. The dullness of wheat
at domestic markets finds explanation
in Bradstreet's statistics of world's
stocks, whioh indicate a gain for the
month of over 17,000,000 bushels, con
tributed entirely from American
sources, however, as foreign supplies
showed a slight shrinkage.
Anxiety in lumber is a feature at
many markets, and strength" of prices
is no less marked. Signs accumulate
that shoe manufacturers and jobbers
are meeting with success in securing
recently advanced prices. Hides and
leather are sympathetically strong, and
shoe manufacturers are actively em
ployed. . .
In iron and steel there is rather more
irregularity noted. Active demand on
railroad account has induced an ad
vance in iron and steel bars of $5 per
ton, but steel billets are lower. There
is a heavy volume of business reported
in pig iron for late 1900 delivery, and
that product is slightly higher at the
East. - . .- ' ' - -
Seattle Markets. -
Onions, new, $1.00 1.25 per sack,
.Potatoes, new, $16 18.-
Beets, per sack, 85c. -.
Turnips, per sack, 65o.
Carrots, per sack, 75c. ' -
Parsnips, per sack, 90c.
- Cauliflower, 75o per dozen. '
Cabbage, native and California, $1
1.25 per 100 pounds.
. Peaches, 6580o.
' Apples, $1.251.50 per box.
; Pears, $1.00 1.25 per box.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Watermelons, $1.50. . ;r
Nutmegs, 50 75c.
Butter1 Creamery, SOo per pound;
dairy, 17 22c; .ranch, 20o per pound.
Eggs Firm," 8O0.
Cheese Native, 1314o.
Poultry ll12Mc; dressed, 13 Ho.
Hay Paget Sound timothy, $12.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $23. . . .
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.65;
blended straights, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; gra
ham, per barrel, $2.90; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.75.
Millstuffs--Bran, per ton, $16.00;
shorts, per ton, $17.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal,
per ton, $35.00.
Portland Market. .
Wheat Walla ; Walla, 64c;
Valley, 55c; Bluestem, 660 per bushel.
Flour1 Best grades, $3.25; graham,
$2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 3486o; choice
gray, 82 83c per bushel. "
Barley Feed barley, $1616.50i
brewing, $18.00 19.00 per ton.
Mills tuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per
ton. - - - . ' - '
Hay Timothy, $9 11; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 50 55c;
seconds, 42)45c; dairy, 8740c;
store, 25 35o. .
Eggs 27 yi SOo per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream,' 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo
per pound. - '
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.50; springs,
$2.003.50; geese, $5.506.00 forold;
$4.506.50 for young; ducks, $4.60
per dozen; turkeys, live, 1314o
per pound.
. Potatoes 6065o per sack; sweets,
2 2o per pound.
; Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90,8
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1;
beans, 6 60 per pound; celery, 70
756 per dozen; cucumbers, SOo per
box; peas, 84oper pound; tomatoes,
76o per , box; ugreen corn, 12
15o per dozen.
Hops 710c; 1898 crop, 6 60.
Wool Valley, 1218o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 814o; mohair, 27
SOo per pound.
. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 3Kc; dressed mutton, 6
7c per pound; lambs, 7 o per pound.
Hogs--Gross,. choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.50; dressed,
$8. 00 6 .50 per 100 pounds. '
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.504.00;
cows, $3 3.50; dressed beef, 6
7Jio per pound.
Veal Large, 6)474ci small, 8
8sO per pound.
' Saa Francisco Market. '
Wool Spring Nevada, 1215oper
pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 16c; Val
ley, 1820o Northern, 810o.
. Hops 1899 crop, 712o per
pound. "
Onions Yellow, 7585o per sack.
Butter Fancy creamery 26 27c;
do seconds, 2728c; fancy dairy, 25
27c; do seconds, 2324o per pound.
Eggs Store, 25 82c; fancy ranch,
40c. : ' -: v
Millstuffs Middlings, $19.00
20.60; bran, $17.5018.00.
Hay Wheat $7. 60 10; wheat and
oat $7.00 9.00; best barley $5.00
7.00; alfalfa, $5.007.00 per ton;
straw, 25 40o per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 40 50c; Ore
gon Burbanks, $1.251.50; river Bur
banks, 60 75o; Salinas Burbanks,
$1.001.10 per sack.
Citrus' Fruit Oranges,' Valencia,
$2.753.25; Mexican -limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons 75c$1.50;
do choice $1. 75 2.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits B ananas, $1.50
8.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 66ae pet