Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, October 27, 1899, Image 4

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i, i
The difference of cost between a
good and a poor baking pow
der would not amount f or a fam
ily's supply to one dollar a year.
The poor powder would cost
vt many times this in doctors' bills,
..... " i . . ' ' " . - .
Royal Baking Powder may cost a little
more per can, but it insures perfect,
wholesome food. In fact, it is more
economical in the end, because it goes
"lurthef "in "leavening and never spoils
the" food: -
7 Royal'Bakiiig Powder used always in
making the biscuit and cake saves both
health and money.,
5 ..'It-
- i
The fellssionary's Little Joker. '
A native Maori chieftain, the de
scendant of cannibal kings, is now com
pleting his medical education in Chi
cago. Cannibalism ended in his tribe,
he says, when Bishop Selwyn converted
his grandfather; but he tells some stor
ies of it which havea distinctly humor-
. rous flavor. For instance: It is said
that once a chief captured a missionary
who was' anything but,.- a -toothsome
morsel, as he was . old and thin and
looked, as if his flesh would be tough.
The missionary warned the chief that
he would not make a good dinner, and
polling up his trousers, cut a slice off
the calf of his leg and offered it to the
chief. The chief tasted it,- said he
didn't, like it, and passed it to a sub
chief. - The sub ' tasted it, made a wry
face, and passed it on. The next man
who took a bite of it spat it out. The
missionary was released. '- After he had
gone It was discovered., that he wore a
cork leg. , . '
" Use of si Great Name.
Here's a tip for some i of our old
friends who have big names . and need
a little ready money: ; Turner ,Beall,
president of the Produce Exchange
Trust Company used to be secretray of
- the Produce - Excange and of the New
York Southern Society. Among the
. men - of his acquaintance he . admires
none so much as he does Colonel Wil
liamde Hertburne Washington. A .lit
tle while ago he asked Colonel Wash
ington if he might use his name in a
financial transaction. Having implicit
faith in Beall, the colonel consented,
and was pleased to receive a short time
afterward a check for $15,000, his
share of a deal made by his. friend on
the strength of the name of i Washing
ton. The Elder's Inspiration." ,
At the close of a -forenoon session of
a ministerial conference, in announcing
the opening subject for the afternoon,
the presiding officer said: "Elder H.
will present a paper on .'The Devil.' "
Then he added, earnestly: "Please
be prompt in attendance, for Brother
H. has a carefully prepared -paper and
Is full of his subject." And the
Homiletic Review says that it was
some minutes before the presiding offi
cer understood the laughter which fol
lowed his remarks.
r fo DISEASE has so baffled the medical
skill of ati ages as RHEUMATISM.
and no ramsdy has ovor boon known
i to cure It until "O Drops,"
the RhoumatSo Cure demonstrated Its
wonderful curative power - . Ui
" It ham novor fallod to euro RHEUMATISM
- -. In any form, Acuto or Ohronlom
Here Is what a Prominent Physician has to say who has had 35
-"I i T
tum mask
years ox kua jrratouvaj
I have never before in mt M vears of nractlce of medicine riven mv testimonial or recant.
nend&tloa to any patent medicine, but there U a remedy, the result of which has come under my
own observation; for there is no Disease which has to baffled the medical skill of all ages as
Khenmatism and to find a Reliable remedy for the same. At last we hare found it in
"S DROPS," manufactured by the Swan son Rheumatic Cure Company, Chicago, 111.
The "5 DROPS," has proven itself won f ul for its curative power in Rheumatism, not
ss a Temporary Reliever only, but to give a i ermanent Cure even in chroniccases. Sometime
ago, I had among others several Rheumatic cases, under my treatment and prescribed for these
patients the very best Remedies which I skillfully selected, but without desirable results. I then
heard of S DROPS " and of its Wonderful Cures, and prescribed it to a few patients who
found relief from its use within a few days. After that I prescribed it to a great number and to my
surprise, I will say that in the course of Two or Three Weeks after they had used "A DROPS"
and Drop" Plasters they were Cured.
. Among these were a few who had, for a number of years, been suffering with Chronio
Rhenmatism, who had piloted themselves around on Crutches. They came to my office with
out Crotches and told me they were perfectly Well. They rive all the credit to M S DROPS"
- s ud to Drop" Plasters and this is their testimony to the S Wanson Rheumatic Cure Com-
Sany for their kindness snd for the conscientious way in which they are placing these Wonder
1 Remedies among suffering humanity, which they told me to write to the Company as an
acknowledgement. ,
- As I have seen the Curative Power of "5 DROPS" and "5 Drop" Plasters, in a great
many instances, I can Truly recommend them and also that the firm is perfectly honest and re
liable to deal with. . C A. JACKSON, Physician and Surgeon, Kearney, Neb., Aug. 39, 1899. :
"' ' Hlt Long Hmwm Yoa Mtarmd with RHEUMATISM 7 " "
How Long Hmrm Tom Rmd About "B DROPS" Without Taking Thorn 7
Do yon not think you have wasted precious time and suffered enough? If so,
then try the " 5 drops " and be promptly and permanently cured of your afflictions,
" 5 Drops "is 1 speedy and Sure Cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbaeo flame back). Kidney Diseases. Asthma, Hay-Fever, Dyspepsia.
Catarrh of all kinds, Bronchitis, La Orlppe, Headache, Nervous or Neuralgic,
Heart Weakness. Droosv. Earache. Suasmodic and Catarrhal Croup, Toothache,
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Creeping Numbness, Jlalaria, and kindred dis
eases. " 5 Drops " has cured more people, during the past four years, of the above
named diseases than all other remedies known, and in case of Rheumatism is
curing more than all the doctors, patent medicines, electric Delts ana Dattenes
combined, for they cannot cure Chronic Rheumatism. Therefore, waste no more
valuable time and money longer,, but try " 5 Drops " and be promptly CURED.
" 5 Drops " is not only the best medicine, but it is the cheapest, for a J1.00 bottle
Mntama Jt V(. ... a 1 If - 1 ..1
juu uuaca. jr rice per Dome 91.00, prepaiu uy mau or upras, v v umu
for $5.00. For the next 30 days we will send a 25c sample FREE to anyone
ending-10 cents to pay for the mailing. ' " Agents wanted. Write to-day. i ,
rae iocominniy
You cannot, if you value good health, afford
to use cheap, low-grade, alum baking pow
; ders. They are apt to spoil the food ; they
do endanger the health. All physicians will
tell you that alum in food is deleterious.
-Cooked Towel In Vienna.
. One of. the best known citizens of
Santa Clara, who has been along while
Europe, brings back a number of funny
stories about Vienna. V "
"In that city," he says, "poker and
cocktails are playing the duce with
men and women, especially these pre
pared cocktails. I was in a Viennese
liquor " place where one - of the - men
spoke a little English. . , '
" 'Buy a bottle of cooked towels?' he
asked me.
, " 'Gracious, what is that?' . '
" 'Not know cooked towels? Surely
monsier is an American?' - -
'"I am.'
.' 'Why cooked towels is the name of
your drink. The . great American
drink.' - .
." 'Do you mean cocktails?' I asked.
: " 'Ah, mon Dieu, no. Cooked towels.-?
See, here's the inscription.' ,
" S " call these cocktails, my friend. '
" 'Ah, thank you, I' thank you. : I
ask the American ladies' and gentlemen
to buy the cooked towels and,-they
laugh at me. Now 1 know: It is
cockus tails. Ah, that is good to know;
cockus tails.' 'V San Francisco. News
Letter. "
,. Returned the Compliment. t . j
The obsequious" person who seeks fees
from: travelers by pretending to mis
take them" for - noblemen occasionally
meets one who does not fall, into the
trap. The following example is tajcen
from - an English " paper: An English
gentleman of somewhat imposing per
sonal appearance had a door opened for
him at the -Paris , opera house by an
usher, who bowed low and said: . "The
door is open, f-prince." The English
man glanced at him, and, without ex
tending -the expected "fee, sipmly said:
"Thank you very much, viscount." I
! 1 in Too Great Haste. y- .
Wife What's the matter, John?
You walk lame. Husband Yes, ; a
pretty girl' with fluffy hair and dia
mond earrings got on the car coming
up, and I sprained . my leg in giving
her a seat. New York World.
X C: I ' N One Said Nay. '
- '"Scotland's emblem is a thistle, and
her poets , are -'fond of . talking about
braes," said the - reckless punster.
"One would judge from this that Cale
donia is a paradise for donkeys."
01 nueuw I
We lead and originate
fashions id....
Par. Second and Stark Sts.
Wisconsin Farmer Makes a Discovery
in an Abandoned Building.
Mr. Whitte, a Pleasant Prairie,
"Wis,, farmer, has more bees and honey
than he knows what to do with. - About
two years ago a swarm of bees took
possession of an old frame house on his
farm and as they were not disturbed
they . multiplied until there are mil
lions of them. " x
, Mr. White recently made an attepmt
to enter the old house; he succeeded in
getting far enough to find the whole
interior lined with honey coifib and
then he made a hasty retreat. He says
there must be several hundred pounds
of honey , there, but he does not - want
any of it at present. He will wait for
zero weather before making another at
tempt. .; '
. The machinery moulders of Pitts
burg have -decided to ask the' manufac
turers for an advance in wages of at
least 10 per cent, and the establish
ment of a minimum wage rate of not
less, than $2.75 per day. 'The attend
ance numbered over 800, representing
every machine shop in the city and al
most -1,000 skilled mechanics. The
moulders . have made no demand for a
wage advance since 1889, when, they
won their fight after a short strike
Since that time wages have gone up
and down, and all semblance of uni
formity has been obliterated. Some of
the shops are paying as high as $3 a
day, . while others pay 40 to 50 cents
.; Stunned With Woe. .
. , The . gentleman with the red, red
nose got aboard the trolley car which
by tome mischance had stopped for a
moment. The silence was intense
The little boy looked at the man with
the nose. - . v.
And the -little boy didn't ask his
father anything.
. "Merciful; heaven 1" muttered the
fond parent MI am the father of a
freak Indianapolis Journal, "y ';
Nearly all . the omnibus horses in
London are imported from .the United
States and Canada. v
. -An ordinary dinner-table wine glass
was recently broken by singing. The
man Who did it had a deep, full voice.
He set the glass oh the table,' stood be
side it and ran up and down, the scale
as though in search of a note. When
he settled on one rather high the glass
shook visibly.-, The note was repeated,
sung as loudly as possible, and finally
the glass shivered and crashed into bits.
The lily of the valley contains prus
sic acid. : It is thought" dangerous to
put the stalks in a person's mouth, be
cause if the sap chances - to get into a
crack in the lips an annoying swelling
is produced. - - . .
Holds Up Peruna as the Ideal Rem
edy For Temale Catarrh.
" Mrs. Clara Makemer. : -"
Mrs. Clara Makemer, housekeeper fox
the Florence Crittenden Anchorage Mis
sion, of Chicago, writes the following
letter from 302 Chestnut street, Chi
cago: r '' '
"Peruna is the best tonic I have
ever known for general debility, a Bure
cure for liver complaint, and a never
failing adjuster in cases of dyspepsia.
"I have used it in cases of female
irregularities and weak nerves com
mon to the sex, and have found it most
satisfactory." .
From early girlhood to the end of the
child-bearing period few women are
entirely free from some degree of ca
tarrh of the pelvic organs.
With Peruna the thousand and one
ailments dependent - upon catarrh of
the pelivc organs can be wholly averted.
: "Health and Beauty" sent free to
women only, by The Peruna Medicine
Co. Columbus, Ohio.
lbs Grand Bno', '
One of the Bohemian citizens of the
town went home the other night after
having donned a pair of skates that
would have slid him over an Arizona
desert with the mercury bubbling out
of the top of the thermometer. He
had no recollection of how he got home
and even the next morning he was not
certain whether ho was on a storm-
tossed Atlantic liner or making a leap
irom a oauoon minus a parachute.
He went down to the breakfast table
with enough wet towels . wrapped
around his head to make a turban for
the mahdi. His wife met him with
reproaches in her eyes, but she did not
scold him. She wanted to inform him
of his conduct the night before, how
ever, -
"My dear," she said, "did you know
that you came very near killing us all
when you went to bed last night?"
"Nope," said her husband, thickly
as ne leit ms not lorenead.
--wen, you aia. xou KnocKea over
the baby's cradle. Then you blew.
out the gas and we . were nearly as
phyxiated. What do you think of
that?" t ,
. Her husband is usually a resourceful
man, but the fumes of many cocktails
taken the night before somewhat cloud
ed his intellect. He made a . grand
brace and tried to look pathetic.
"M'love," he said, as a ray of inspir
ation - burst through his foggy brain
"wasn't I here to die with ypu?"
wasnington .fost. :
Vanderbllt an Inventor. "
"She works, Mr. Waite," said Cor
nelius Yanderbilt, Jr., as -he entered
the office of the superintendent of mo
tive power of the New York Central
railroad. He had just ' come down
from Albany, where locomotive No.
947 had " been tested to see if the fire
box invented by Mr. Yanderbilt was
a real fire box or only a toy.
The young scion of the great rail
roading family ran the locomotive him
self. ' It was built at the ' company's
shops at West Albany, and it made its
first tirp on. Wednesday afternoon.
, The Yanderbilt fire box can be easily
taken out for repairs and put back
again. This is an improvement over
fire boxes in use at present, which can
not be extracted under 10 days.
Young Cornelius, the inventor, is a
draftsman in Mr. Waite's office, anq
nas aeaignea several locomotives. -
' Explosives. -
Thirty years ago there were only two
aozen explosive compounds Known to
chemists; now there are over 1,000.
Passing; of the Horse.
So soon as nature sees an improvement
there is a change. The candle gave way to
electricity and the horse to the automobile.
The fact that Hostetter's btomach Bitters
has been sold for over half a centurv.
proves its value. There is nothing to equal
It xor Bbomauu ur liver trouuie,
. The Old Man Caught.
U- The Father. Young man, I think
heard you kissing my daughter in the
parlor a short while ago.
The young Man um then you are
not as deaf as people think you are, af
ter all? Yonkers Satesman.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases nut together.
and until the last few years was supposed to be
incurable. For a great miuy years doctors pro
nouncea it a local aisfiase, ai'o prescrioea 10c
remedies, and by coiVHantly faillnir to car.
with local treatment, pnnounced it incurable.
Science has nroven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured py jr. J. cneney vo.. Toledo, unto.
is the only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to
a teasuuonful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surf aces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any case it fails to
cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress. ' F. J. CHENEY b CO., Toledo, O.
Ball's Family Pills are the best.
Literary Switzerland.
A French . statistician records that
Switzerland - produces, annually' more
books than : any other country in pro
portion to the number of inhabitants
namely, one to every 3,000. Germany
pomes next with one to every 8,200,
Italy with one lor 8, 300, F rance one
tor 3,500, England one for 6,500 and
the United States one for' 12,400.
Pittsburg Post-
Improved Train Equipment.
The O.. R. & N. and Oregon Short
Line have added a buffet, smoking and
library car to their - Portland-Chicago
wiruugu iiiaiii. auu a uiuiug car aervjUH
has been inauguarated. The train is
equipped with the latest chair cars;
day coaches and : luxurious first-class
and ordinary sleepnis. . Direct connec
tion made at Granger with Union Pa
cific, and at Ogden with Rio Grande
line, from all points in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eastern citiea
For information, rates, etc., call on
any O. ft. & N. agent, or address W.-
H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
A half million-dollar cotton mill is
to be erected in ' North Carolina and
operated by electric power, entirely.
Piso's Cure for Oonsunmtion has been a
family medicine with us since 1865. J.
niaaisoii, 42a Ave., Chicago, Ills.
To help . the . lock-out workmen in
Denmark an entertainment "and ball
was given in Brooklyn recently.
IT Permanently Cured. JHo fltsornprrousneai
110 after first dav'fl nun nf n- xriina'a 1 ......
Nerve Restorer. Send for lEBBJ S2.00 trial
bottle and treatise. Bit. R. H. KLNJ. Ijtd930
Arch street, Philadelphia, Fa. -
A $500,000 sugar beet factory has
been offered Fort Dodge if sufficient
beets are guaranteed. . " ' ,
Mothers Will find Mrs. Winslnw's Knnr.h.
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
For -13 years the left arm of Eli
Forbes, of East Brushfield, Mass.,1 had
been useless from ' rheumatism. He
was sitting at his window oue evening
recently when a thunderstorm arose.
flash of lightning seemed to play
about his affected arm, causing a shock
and prolonged pricking sensation. In
an instant the arm shot forward invol
untarily, and from that time it has
been as well as ever. :
Beginning Tuesday last, the Denver
Overland Cotton Mills put on a double
shift of workmen in response to the de
mand for low grade cotton stuffs
throughout the country. The company
will run day and night. The former
force was 250 employes, but this will
be doubled as rapidly as the works can
be adjusted to the new conditions.
The Brute!
'He tried to kiss me, judge." said
th3 female complainant.
"Did he succeed?" queried the court.
"No, sir." .
"Five dollars' fine!' thundered the
'court, turning to the prisoner. "Be
pore careful next time." Philadel
phia North American. v
Street cars propelled by liquid ai
have been satisfactorily tested at Zu
rich. The Sandwich Islanders estimate the
beauty of women by their weight.
The Unpardonable Breach.
. "Maud, would you like to sue a man
for breach of promise?"
. ' '.'Not unless the promise he had made
was to buy me ice cream." Chicago
Holy Bee the Rmalleat Sovereign tata
iu Knrope. .
Tho smallest sovereign state In Eu
rope is the Holy See at Rome, which, by
the Law of Guarantees, passed by the
Italian Government in 1871, includes
the Pope's Palace of the Vatican and
the Vatican gardens, which are con
nected with the palace by two separate
extensions of the building. There are
In addition, the Palace of the Lateran
and the Castle of Gandolfo, the latter
being considered the Pope's ; country
house, though It has never been occu
pied by him since the entry of the Ital
ian troops into Rome. It will be well
known that his Holiness, as a matter of
prlsciple, and as a protest against the
annexation of the Roman States to the
Kingdom of Italy, never quits the nar
row limits of the palace and garden still
helonging to him. .The palace is an
enormous rambling building of not par
ticularly handsome structure, and of
various styles, dating back in Its oldest
portions only as far as the fifteenth cen
tury.. It Is said to contain as. many as
1,100 apartments. Only a small portion
Is reserved for the actual personal use
of the Pope, the bulk of the accommo
dation being given up to the offices of
the many organizations he controls, to
the residences' of Papal officials, and to
the housing of the Papal guards.
These latter consist of four bodies of
men. Firstly, there is the Guardla Xo-
blle, who as their name indicates are
recruited from men of good birth and
are practically a small cavalry force
about fifty In. number. Then comes
the celebrated Swiss Guard, recruited
chiefly among . the German-speaking
Swiss, but whose components must ab
solutely be subjects - of Switzerland.
This Swiss Guard has existed for some
centuries. They wear ' uniforms de
signed by Michael Angelo, and are
about 100 in number. Then there are
tho Palatine Guards, of which there are
eighty, and a small number of gen
darmes, so that the Pope has about him
for his protection and for the safe keep
ing of the glorious art treasures en
shrined In the Vatican some 250 picked
men. - -
Of all these Papal solders none are
so striking as the Swiss, whose appear
ance Is a perfect feast to the eyes for
form and color as they stand at the
gateways to the Vatican. With , the
greatest difficulty the writer managed
to make a sketch of this guard, which
gives a perfectly accurate representa
tion of the remarkable uniform they
wear, so striking in Its originality and
splendid defiance of convention, that it
Is typical of the genius of Michael An
gelo. : In their ordinary everyday cos
tume the Swiss wear a kind of muffin
cap of black with a red band, but on
Sundays they don a black and gold hel
met, and on special feast days, or at
times of rejoicing, this helmet Is sup
plemented with a gigantic white plume.
These three forms of headdress, how
ever, are said to 'nave Deen oi much
later invention than the rest of the uni
form, as Michael Angelo intended the
Guards to go bareheaded. - The uniform
itself is yellow, black aDd red In color,
the black Demg very Diacs, tne red a
crimson scarlet, and the yellow a pure
bright chrome. The stockings are
striped black and yellow, and the shoes
are black wlih large bows. The bay
onet of the rifle is the old-fashioned
long 8 word-bay onet, and not the short-
stabbing knife which is now almost
universally used. The drummers of this
corps wear a similarly shaped tunic and
breeches, but instead of being black,
yellow and red, their uniform is red and
white with red stockings. On great oc
casions, when a helmet is worn at all.
the men wear a white ruff around the
neck, but this is absent in ordinary cos
tume, and on occasions of state the
rifles are . replaced by halberds. The
great-coat, which is a modern Inven
tion, of course, is a bluish gray with
brass buttons and two large red tags
on the front of the turned-down collar.
The officers of this Guard have breech
es of alternate scarlet and crimson, and
a tunic of braided black. .
The Dean and the Lunatic.
Dean Stanley had great respect for
presence of mind, and used with great
delight to tell a story of presence of
mind by which he liberated himself
from a dangerous visitor. Since he
was willing to see almost any one who
asked for him, he once told his servant
to usher into his study a gentleman
who had called, and who happened to
bear a name which was familiar to
him. - ' ,' .
When the gentleman appeared he
proved to be an entire stranger. It was
evident there bad been some mistake.
This became still more evident when,
advancing with an air of great excite
ment, the gentleman exclaimed: "Sir,
have a message to the Queen-from
the Most High. . I beg that you deliver
it Instantly."
"In that case," said the dean, taking
np his hat, "there is not a moment to
be lost Let us go. at once." They
went downstairs into the hall, and.
opening the door, the dean requested
his visitor to step out. No sooner had
he done so than the dean shut the door
behind the lunatic.
Created a Departm-nt.
. One .of Detroit's wealthiest men has
a big farm out in the State and runs
it on business principles, says the Free
Press of that city. He has a nephew,
with plenty of money, but no ambition.
The uncle called this young man into
the office and told him he would do
well to get away for a time from his
present associations. .r -t -
"Why not go out to my farm for
awhile and take charge of one of the
departments?" -
"Departments?" ' ': : ". :
"Yes. I have a man at the head of
the farming department, one in charge
of the dairy, a head stableman, a chief
gardener, and so on. Every man makes
regular reports; there Is a bookkeeper,
and I know to a cent how things are
going. Try It. Tou'II have a change;
it will be healthy; you'll acquire regu
lar habits and may become Interested
In the business.
The novelty o? the thing attracted
the young man and be went.
"I'm the water board," the nephw
telegraphed within a few days.
The uncle replied, asking an explana
"I. look after the water supply,''
came by return mall. "If the vlver or
wells run dry I'll notify yon at once.
Meantime I'm a political machine. Ev
ery man on the place is pledged to vote
as I direct. Tbey think that because
I'm the 'governor's' nephew I'm tbo
boss, with power to promote or ad
.ine uncle is out at the farm now.
wrestling with the situation. , - .
Prof. J. 13. Johnson, of Washington
University. St. Louis, baa made some
interesting tests of the behavior of
iron or steel stirrups, as used for hang
ing floor beams from brick walls, when
exposed to fire, and find that under
such circumstances, they soon become
red-hot and then burn their way rap
idly through the end of the beam,
while at the same time they soften and
bend down, the. result being that the
beam drops out of its bearing In fifteen
or twenty minutes after the fire reach
es it Most architects arc careful to
see that such supporting members are
fireproofed with wire lath and plaster;
but it may be well to call attention
again to the imperative necessity for
doing so.
At the London Alhambra recently
was shown a remarkable exhibition of
staying power under water, in the per
son of frauleln Elsie Wallenda, who
remained below water In a tank for
considerably over four minutes. Her
highest record is 4 minutes 45 sec
onds. Thi next record to this 4 min
utes 35 secondsis that of Beaumont
This marvelous power suggests sever
al interesting physiological considera
tions. Is there any possibility, for ex
ample, that the necessary aeration of
the blood goes on to an extent unprece
dented In ordinary breathing, and that
the supply of reserve air in the lung,
not employed In ordinary respiration.
may aid the experimenter?
Dr. Francis H. Williams, of Boston,
says that when it becomes customary
to examine the chest with the X-rays,
deaths from heart failure without pre
vious warning will be less common.
The rays not only enable the physi
cian to determine the size of the heart
but with their aid he can also follow
its movements In health and disease,
which has not before been possible.
Such examinations are also useful In
cases of incipient consumption. With
proper precautions taken no harm need
be feared from X-ray examination.
The trains of the' trans-Siberian rail
road are to be ferried across Lake Bai
kal on a steamboat which, it is said,
will possess the most powerful engines
employed in any vessel afloat They
are of 40,000 horse power, and a large
share of their. Immense energy will be
required to break a way for the boat
through the thick ice which covers the
lake In the winter. The engines of the
great steamship Eatser Wilhelm der
Grosse, are of only 28,000 horse power.
The best lighted city in the world is
Hammerfest in Norway, which Is also
the most'northerly town in the world.
Even the smallest cabin has Its elec
tric light and during the polar night
from the middle of November to Feb.
1, the town is all aglow. The power Is
derived from three rivers, so rapid
that they do not freeze In midwinter.
and so near the city that the light can
be furnished at very little cost .
A Russian chemist Is said to have
discovered an anaesthetic several thou
sand times more powerful than chlo
roform. It volatlzes most readily and
acts, when freely mixed with air, at
great distances. Experiments the be
ing made to' see If it can not be in
closed in bombs, which would have the
extraordinary effect of anaestheticlz
ing instead of wounding an enemy.
Heretofore perfumery has been de
tached from -flowers by soaking theui
in lard. : A Parisian has now found a
way of gathering the fragrance by
simply soaking the flowers In water.
a process which can be repeated sev
eral times without destroying the flow
ers. ' ' ' '
Measurements have shown the thick
ness of the human hair to vary from
the 250th to the 600th part of an inch.
Blonde hair is the finest and red hail
the coarsest
A Dethroned Texan (jnera. "
When the town of isoerne, near Sat
Antonio, Texas, was settled in 1845 bj
colony of Germans the settlers were
told they could live as they wished, pro
vided they were good, industrious citi
zens. They selected from their numbei
a man and his wife of mental as well
as physical weight" as their king and
queen, whose edicts and commands
they agreed to obey to the letter. Thej
were much astonished several month
later to learn that this state of thing!
would not do in this country and th
king and queen ' were deposed. Thf
king is dead, but the ex-queen still lives
She is worth $100,000 and owns one
third of the town, but takes In laundrj
work and, bends over her tub six dayt
in the week. . Her word Is still law witl
the older people and some of the young
er ones.
Thanked Providence and a Railroad
A curious vote of thanks was recent
ly passed at a camp meeting in Georgia
at the last meeting of the series, and
was in the form, of a resolution which
was adopted by a rising vote. The
preamble declared the tender of thanks
to those named in the clauses which
followed. The seventh - and eighth
clauses read: -
"7. To the railroad for the reduced
rate of one and one-third fare for round
trip to persons attending the meeting.
'8. To Almighty God, the Father,
Son and' Holy Ghost, for calling so
many of his people together and meet
ing with them in power and demon-.
stratlon." .
- Diamonds Mads in Pipes.
Scattered over Southern Africa are
great pipes In which diamonds have
been made, says Prof. Moisson. These
pipes are made of blue ground. Each
volcanic pipe (for their orign seems to
have been volcanic) Is the bent for its
own special laboratory, a laboratory
burled at greater depths than we have
reached or are likely to reach; where
the temperature is comparable with
that of the electric furnace; where the
pressure is fiercer than in our labora
tories; where no oxygen is present, and
where masses of carbon-saturated iron
have taken perhaps thousands of yean
to cool to solidifying. .
From a feminine standpoint the pin
la mightier than the swtvd,
We mean to have the new volume surpass
- all former ones in the interest of Its articles,
the charm of its stories, and the value of
its miscellaneous reading. : : ; : : :
The Companion Calendar
,' For 1900, which is given to every new sub
scrlber, is a Calendar beyond compare. : :
QTJBSCRIBE NOW, sending $1.75, the price of a year's
subscription, with, this slip or the name of this paper
and we will send you The Companion Free for the remain
ing weeks of 1899, the beautiful Companion Calendar, and
the 5a issues of the new volume to January, 1901. ' 1. 303
Send us your address on a postal and we will
: mail you our Illustrated Announcement of the 1900
volume and sample copies of the Paper Free.
Tbc TouthS Companion, 1 Boston, Mass.
Scarcely any German soap comes "to
this country. England ' is Germany's
best soap customer, and last year
bought 3,250,000 pounds out of a total
export of less than 5,000,000. In 1898
Germany's exports of perfume amount
ed to $2,250,000, a gain of almost
1500,000 over 1897.
The Terre Haute city council has
passed a resolution for which Council
man Reinbold, vice-president of the
State Federation of Labor, has been
working for three years, that all city
printing be done in a union office. .
Every alderman in Grand Rapids
who voted for the street railroad fran
chise and stood for re-election in the
recent municipal contest was defeated
by the labor vote.
. ..
10,000 iMulrUoi.r. tk. lai
" i ne nig
A new cotton spindle is said to be
nanflU. a! OA 'AAA 1 '
vapnura V)l mining u,uuu 1UVU1UI.WI1B
per minute, and, if so, will indeed rev
olutionize the spinning process.-
All the personal paragraphs and so
ciety news that appear in the London
papers is paid for, except that which
relates to the royal family, the nobility
and the diplomatic corps.
On the electric railways of Milan,
Italy, the general fare is two cents, but
for the benefit of the working people
the fare is one cent before 8 A. M. in
the summer and before 9 A. M. in the
winter. v . '
Bibb county's representatives to the
Georgia legislature will be asked to
use their efforts to get a bill through
the legislature making it criminal for a
druggist or -pharmacist to prescribe
The arabs assert that they were the
first to make butter. The method was
strangely discovered. It was their
habit to. carry milk in skins, on the
backs of camels. The steady jogging
of the animals churned the milk into
French railroad companies have been
ordered by the courts to provide their
passengers with season tickets without
advertisements. The Western railroad
had increased the number of advertise
ments until a season ticket was as thick
as a pocketbook, and commuters re
fused to carry them.
of a
Hon. J. TT. rrBrrnrn nwmwt
Governor of South Dakota, but now
m resident of Salem, Ore., says.:
"For over two years my daughter
bad been declining; from a strong,
healthy, rosy-cbeeked girl to a pale
weak and belpiess Invalid Hhe
was afflicted with terrible headaches,
and gradually grew weaker and more
languid, apparently without cause.
I tried several doctors, but all without
avail. Finally, to please a friend, I
bought a box of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People, and to our sur
prise, before It was nsed ber head
aches ceased, the color began to to
turn to her cheeks and lips and her
strength began to assert Itself. 1
bought Ave boxes more, and by the
time she bad finished them she was
completely restored, and to-day she
Is a robust, rosy, healthy girl Instead
of a pale, tired and sickly one."
J-osa (As Oregon JndepetuUnt, Baltm,
Ore. -
Dr. Williams' Pink fills far Pals reopls
re nsvsr sold by the dozen or hundred,
but tlsrsys In packages. At sll drugsiitf,
or direct from the Or. Wllllsms Medicine
Co., Schsneclsdj, N. Y., 60 cents per box,
6 boxes 12.60.
For Gonorrhoea and Gleet ffet Pabsts Okay Specific. II
I the ONLY medicine which will cure each and very
r 4e. VO CASE known it has ever tailed to cure, no
r Uter how serious or of how Ion? standing-. Result
l m its use will astonish you. it is absolutely safe,
r events stricture, and can be taken without iRCotire
I .ence and detention from business. PRICE. t-00. For
Rile by -til reliable drtiggiata, or sentprepaid bjr si pi ms,
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
7 PABST CHtMICAt CO, Chicago, TO,
CSrenlar mailed on request.
could possibly be sent Into a dlKtrict." Boyoe'a Monthly, Chicago.
"Their catalogue la a rajit department Mora boiled down." atli
I Secret I
If Best Conch Syrup. Taste Good Use I I
I In time. Sold by drupsrlste. f i
- - -
Denny "Th' gur-rul- thot Oi mar
ray must be loike foine silk." . Nora
"An' - how: is thot?" Denny "Not
shrink when it comes to washing.".
When first known to the Romans
silk -!was so dear that it .was sold
Weight for weight with gold.
German production of pig iron in the
first half of the current year was
4,000,000 tons, against 3,000,000 in
the same time in 1898.
Berlin has the smallest elephant in
the world. It is but 89 inches high
and weighs 160 pounds.
Tacoma cigarmakers earn $12 to $18
a week. .
New York city is to pay unskilled la
borers $2 a day.
in contains orer 100,
Im IxUit Inches
.000 allocation.
ir, tfe lirmt. Mt mm9t. m I.wmi
ualuir evcrvthinir in AruMriM. Dnm. L,,Uni. 1
CIUit, VlMks, Dr SaoU 81mm, UI Jewelry, lata,
Mwnvmnmrwu MpiWM, mill
mm, SaaalM,
HWIU I . .in i tlrw... 1
iaakin, Flsauw Taekfe, BIcIm, r..l.r,.n
a. Teiu juav wnat vour atorekeoper at noma muat pay for
illlZ ha bUTa Ud Wll I nr.T.I.1 him mm .iwnKafirln. fin nm
you buy i explalna just how to order, how much the frtteat.
aearlT SI.OO. the noataire alona la Meanta.
hu w.i, uv vn anytninir to your town. JM DIM , a
OUR FRFF hrrPD Cut this ad. ont and wnd tons
VVl rwee Vf c"f with 1& mat in tampe to
help pay the M sent poetain, ..4 tin Bis Beak will ke aaat to yea Vsia
by aiall a,nle,and if you don't think it ia worth 100 timee the 16oents
yon aend, asaxeytothe lowoat wholeaal prices ot eyery thing, ear
ao and wa will laiBaalalaly ratara year It eaale.
"It 1b a monument of bnalnewi information." Minneapolis (Mina)
"A wonderful piece of work." Washington National Tribune,
- The Catalogued wonder." Manchester IN. H.i Union.
Seari, Roebuck at Co. la one of the largeat bourn of lta kind ia
Chicago." Chicago InterOcean.
catalogue forma one or the anest shopping madlnmi ifiai
-Atlanta Constitution.
lea go Kpworth Herald. -
I public schools." The Ron. O. A. Sonthtonn.
ia aaa yea will rerri, tk. 4-Mead beak kj petara
Ffinoe and Wire Works.
and iron ieuclug; olllcs railing, etc. 8M A Idor.
Machinery aud Burlla.
supplies. 48-60 First Sc. Portland, Or.
JOHN POOLE. Portland, Orkgok.
can give you the best bargains in general
niacninery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un
... at AJ4 U FACTtTRHD BT ... . , . .
rr-aroxE the hamk. -
Makes millions think.
29 te 35 First Street
1 J" DR, KAltTaX'S BOOK, v -
Kelief for Women"
nantraB, in plain, sealed enrelope, Wrtce
to-day tor this Book.oontalnlng Particu
lars and Testimonials ot DR. MAKTUL'S
French Femate Pills.
Pndmd bj tbonmnda of satisfied lad lea mm
safe, aJways reliable and without au equal,
told br all dra-Tiri tain metal box. Preiaclk
Ha on top in Bine, white Jid Tied. Take no other.
Vaceoofe .Druf Co Wl k 8U3 Pearl SU, Kew York CU
treated aeien-
tini-allr and
coufldenti al
ly. Carrtusiulsm
' Mitilii. .
I OS Second St.. Portland.
ITCHING Piles prod ace moisture and saie itc-hin
This form, as well as Blind, Bleed in - or Protruding
Piles are oared by Or- Bosanko's Pll Remedy
Stops itchms snd bleed in p. .Absorbs tu mors. 6to a
Jar at druggists or sent by mail. Treatixe free. Writ
ms about your case. DR. BOSANKO, Philada,, Pa.
Um Biff A for nmtatnral
diRcharges.ini. am tuatioos,
irritations or ulcerations
net to strtetai-a, - of ma eons membranes.
Prevents CtMHadtw. Painless, and not aatrin.
LtheEvaws Chemical Co. nt or poisonous.
or sent In plain wrapper.
1.00, or 3 bottles, $275.
Circular se it . renueaa.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Hesd.ch.
tod Dyspepsia,-Remote Pimples and Purify the
Stood. Aid I'igration andPrerant Biliousness. Do
uoturipe or Sicken. Too-onrlnc you, we will mail
.?J?P S.. rr'u" hni for 26c. IB. BOSANKO
CO., Philmrfa., i?euna. Bold by Druggists.
That tired, languid feeling, tbe psins In the
back and the chronic headache will disappear
quickly if you take '
floore's Revealed Remedy
It is an ideal medintne for women, easy and
pleasant to take, tl.00 ner bottle at vour druc-
gist's. ,
BICKFUR;). Washington. U. C. ther will re
ceive oulek reiiliei. R. .-.tli H. Vols.
Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims aiuceltffs.
Yon Can't Mate a Mistake by Taking tbe
For it is the favorite througn Uining itr
and Buffet-Library Car Line East.
For further particulars call on or address
J. K. NAGEL, O. P. A. W. E. COM AN, O. A.
124 Third Street, Portland, Ob.
m. p. K. D.
MO. 43
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