Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, October 27, 1899, Image 3

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mare consideration, we have concluded to expand our business (expansion is the order of the day JZand carry a more varied
. assortment of merchandise. In order to accomplish this end, our immmense stoch of
Men's Boy's and Chldren's Clothing, furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Overcoats, Mackintoshes, Pants, Umbrellas, Trunks, Satchels
ffie, therefore, announce that our entire stoch of Men's and Boys' Goods are now thrown on the market at and near cost &nd
many brohen ' lines and odds and ends less than cost of manufacture. . v
a I "v JL 1 I Arriving and in transit will be offered less : "than market value. Don't take our word for this bold assertion, but call
. w "I" f 1 and be convinced that we mean what we say. All our Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes aud Rubbers at
1- J Wf ' reduced priced until January ist. -
FRIDAY, OCT. 27, 1899.
A Few Articles For Ladies'
- Usei
SASH BUCKLES Forty different
Btylea, 25 cents to $1.25.
right; 2oc and 25c. Some to match sash
- buckles.
"The real thing ;" 95c to $2.00.
,. BEAUTY PINS Gold wire, lc, 3c, 5c,
B; Pearl, 5c; Cyrano bead, 2c.: Six
teen patterns.
" ELASTIC BELTS Newest thing in
the store. Black jet, cut steel,, white
perrl; 50c to $2.75.'"
LEATHER BELTS Lots of 'them.
Almost every price, 7c to $1.00. Patent
leather. White wash belts. ,
LADIES' TIES Modern patterns and
tyies. "
S, E Young & Son
Albany, Oregon.
' Mrs. P. Averv has returns J fro.n -h-w
visit in Idaho.
. Mr. Edgar Pluukett, Kings Valley,
was a visitor to this office this weak. :
Mr.Denman', father of Supt. Denmau,
is8eriously ill at his home near the col
lejje. There will be a public reception for the
new pastor at the M. E. church Friday
- Mrs. S. N, Wilkius and son, Halite,
have gone to Prineville to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Wigle.
The usual services will be held at the
Christian church nest Sunday, ' morning (
and evening. - !
Postmaste'r Johnson, . after a seige of
illness, is again at his usual place behind
the bars of the postoflice. 4 ;
; Asa Tunnicliff has been acting as West
ern Union operator at Albany during the
absence of Manager Senders. - ' - -
T. Miss Katherine E. Oliver, the talented
reader and character delineator, wil
give a recital in this city the evening of
Nov. 3rd. -
The busiucss' of "gathering chittem
bark, it U' said has been overdone. Tke
price has dropped in Portland from 3 to '
4 cents to cents per pound. -
Chevrons for the newly promoted offi
cers and' non-commissioned officers of
the cadet battalion are being ordered
aud those who have been' thus honored
will shine forth in all their glory in a few
- weeks. ; '"-. t
k Iatetesting services at the Presbyte
rian church next Sabbath, both mernibg
and evening. Dr. Thompson will close
the thirteenth year of his ministry in
Corvallia with next . Sabbath's services.
A kind welcome to all. :
Misfortunes never come singly. Mr.
. D. C. Rose, who is just recovering from
an injury to a limb sustained from a fall
last spring, received a severe kick on the
knee from a horse w hile plowing Mon
day and is again on crutches.
Mr. F, W. Smith class of '00 has been
engagedas coach for the basket ball team
and is now traiuing the young ladies in
their practice. Mr. Smith thoroughly
understands the game and the duties of
a coach and the girls are to be congratu
lated on securing his services. ' - ,
During the clear days, given ds since
Sunday, the farmers of the community
have been most busily engaged in put-
- ting in their fall crop of wheat. Enough
rain has fallen to put the soil in excellent
condition for ploughing, and two weeks
of such weather as the present will find
a large part of the fall grain planted.
A few days ago a lady passing down
the street, with the fashionable hat and
feathers on her hea attracted theatten
tion of an aged Indian who happened to
ba standing near. Taking a long and
careful look at the lady and her plumes
as she passed by, the old scarred veter
an of the red men exclaimed "Humph!
Heap feathers ! All same Injun long
lime ago!"
An extremely modest editor in the val
ley is credited with being author of the
toiiowing: we nave nangtng up in our
sanctum a plain black band of g enerous
dimensions, which appears too small for
. a belt and too large for a sleeve holder
The article was found on the street, and
in case the owner comes in aud proves
. property, the same 1 will be turned over
without the customary fee for advertis
g. It is not a dog collar.
A revival meeting has been in session
. at the Christian church during this week.
Tl)e meetings are in charge of the pastor.
IJev. L. F. Stevens. Much interest has
, been taken by the people in general, and
each night has found the auditorium well
filled with interested people. The sing
ing is in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Webb,
traveling evangelists and it is of a nature
that pleases and entertains the' crowds
who assemble in the church each eve-ping.
.Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Porter returned to
their home in Oregon City on Monday of
this week; .
Capt. J.T. Apperson, president of the
Doard of regents is quite ill at his home
in Oregon City.
Mr. Thomas Monteith, a salesman of
of wide experience, has accepted a posi
tion with J. I,. Miller.
The postoffice at Albany was entered
by crakesmen on Monday morning' and
several hundred dollars taken. -
Kieler H. Gabbert, who was formerly
a newspaper man in this city, is - now
employed as city editor of the Courier
-Herald, of Oregon City.
Work was resumed Monday on the
city sewers and all things favorable, the
big stone" cylinders will be buried in
their proper places in the earth.
. Mr. S. A. Hemphil last week gathered
from a tree 'in his yard; peaches ten inch
ea in circumference, and this has'nt been
a very good year for peaches, either.
Miss Anna Chambers is visiting her
aunt,' Mrs. J. Mason of 'Corvallis. " Miss
Chambers is from ' Siletz, her mother
having charge of a store at that place. -.
. H. D. Kelty, who enlisted with the
volunteers from: the OAC in 1898, and
fought through the 2nd Oregon's Philip
pine campaign is now studying dentistry
in a Portland institute.. '
" Ducks, Webfoot.s favorite and adopted
game bird; are beginning to make their
appearance for the coming season. The
lovers of duck shooting can soon have
the opportunity of donning their rubber
boots and making for the sloughs and
frog ponds. : ,' . :
" Miss Lulu Newhouse entertained a
number of young friend sat her home last
Saturday evening. ' Games and refresh
ments occupied the attention of the
young people until the hour for going
home arrived, and all departed delighted
with their evening of merriment.
. Mrs, C. L. Westenheiser, of Yoncolla,
Douglas county, last week visited her
son, Fred, at Canthorrt Hall. She de
parted well pleased with our institution
and feels that no other school in the.
tate affords such opportunities for edu
cation as the agricultural college.
Rev. Wallace Hvtrlburt died very sud
denly at his home in Condon, Or., of
heart disease, October 19- He was min
ister of the Congregational church at
that place. Rey. Hurlburt was a brother
of Mr. Riley Hurlburt, who live3 near
this cifyj and had other relatives in . this
vicinity. - .
Mrs. George Harding, of Oregon City,
accompanied by her little daughter ar
rived Friday for a visits with ;her sons,
Lee and Carlton, of Cauthorn Hall.
Mrs. Harding is greatly pleased with the
environments of the college and the
manner in which all things are con
The hunters and farmers say there is
an unusual scarsity of Chinese pheasants
this year," due undoubtedly to the late
spring rains chilling the young ones be
fore they were hardy enough to withstand
the cold . It is expeBted that there " will
be more next season as the stringent laws
of this year were greatly in favor of; the
birds. .. '
- Mrs. JE.Woodward and littla daughter,
Winona, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. A.
Thompson and family of Seattle, Mrs.
Woodward is a sister of Mrs. Thompson,
and while in Seattle expect to be joined
by Mrs. Matheny of Salem, Mrs. Pen
land of Halsey, and Mrs. J. Nunan of
Portland, who are also sisters of Mrs.
Thompson. They expects to enjoy a
family reunion as well as to participate
in the National W. C. T. U. convention.
The recent heavy frosts that did ex
tensive damage to the remaining, un
harvested fruit and garden craps, also
did the grape crop much harm through
out the Willamette valley.' Many of the
people near Corvallis with grape vines
report that many of the lucious bunches
were nipped before they had reached
that size where they could be gathered.
Oa the hillsides however, the loss is
nothing like as great as it is in
the lower lands of the valley. .
Everett W. Becker, who enlisted from
the OAC and went to Manila with the
2nd Oregon, died in the hospital at
Spokane, Oct. 8, aged 21 years, 5. months
and 26 days. His home was near Dayton,
and burial was made there. Rev. Bow
ersox, formerly of this city, preached the
sermon. Although discharged from the
service early in the campaign for physic
al disability, Everett was known to Ms
comrades as a man of splendid courage
and sterling qualities.
Pres.T.M. Galch, of the state Agricul
tural college of Corvallis, Monday filed
his quarterly report for the three months
ending September 30th. The report
shows furids at the opening of the quarter
amounting to $59,409.52, with expendi
tures during the quarter of $35 181,30,
leaving an unexpended ' balance of $24,
228,22. In concluding his report, Presi
dent Gatch says : "Ihere is no provision
for the college sewer, now in "course of
construction, which will cast $3,809.64,
exclusive of local connections and contin
gent expenaes,"
No cupons will be given during this
Goat8-2 Billys for sale No. 1 stock.
Will exchange one for Nannys. - Apply
J. E. Fisher, N. West Odd Fellows Cemetery.-
: J-:" .;. ' ' V;'-.
H. N. Stockton, returned home on
Monday, from Salem, where he and, a
partner have been working up a Souvenir
of Marion county, in Salem. -
The Telephone company have placed
several new- wires on the line in Corvallis
during the last week and a new exchange
card has been prepared with several new
names on the list. , c -v
Leslie Lilly, of Corvallis, has purchased
the Mrs. Welker place near Oak Creek
and the deed was closed up Tuesday,
Mr. Lilly and family will arrive here in
a week or ten days. Ro3eburg Review.
Tha Corvallis Firemen, their- fiiends
and ladeis.nnited inan enjoyable hop at
the city hall last Saturday 0nigm. xue
evening was an eajoyable one for all pres
ent and the usual excellence of the Fire
men's dances was maintained.
The condition of the sidewalks ever
various parts of town, has bscom? such,
since the late rains, that many who cross
them become cross ; the gentlemen spoil
ing their much prized shine, and the
fashionable ladies bedrabbling the long
trains of their skirts.
U of O has challenged the football
team of Ashland for a match game to be
played sometime between November 4th
and thanksgiving. It might, be remark
ed as a matter of fact that they need not
go so far a ay from home to find a team
that could interest them.
"Heart of The Valley,"' the recent
publication has been reduced in price to
15 cents. While they last they will be
sold at the book stores at this price, or
they will be sent to any address on re
ceipt of price. Address, "Heart of The
Valley," Corvallis, Oregon.
Wednesday afternoon, a sneak . thief
stole a gold watch and $29.50 in money
from a room in the Franklin Honse. A
little son of Mr. Germansen, the propri
etor of the house, had a small iron safe in
his trunk. - The safe contained $29.50
and a gold watch, and during the after
noon some one entered the room,: broke
open the trunk and carried away the safe
and contents. Ttfo clue to ' the . thief.
Herald. .
- Although the early rains pro mised to
put the range into the finest condition for
the fall feed, the late weather has been a
disappointment, aud stockmen report un
favorable grass conditions at the present
time: The first rains started the grass
to growing, and all over the mountains,
as well as on the lower levels, the feed
was beginning to attain a good growth
but the latter warm, dry weather put a
stop to the growth and now the prospects
are not the brightest for first-class feed
for the sheep " a:.d cattle - this
fall. , ;"
C. H. Blanchard; about whose myster
ious disappearance something has been
said in these columns, appears to be still
ia the land of the living. The Sunday
Mercury, after giving an account of bis
exploits in Salem says : He was accom
panied by his dog and had blankets
with which he made his bed on the bank
of Mill creek. It was noticed that the
dog had been keeping lonely watch on
the otherwise deserted blankets which
gave rise to a rumor that Blanchard was
drowned and a fruitless search was made
for him. He turned up later several
miles out of Salem looking for his dog.
Navigation in the Upper Willamette1
has opened in good season this year.
The October rainfall has done for farmers
and shippers what has generally been
left to November. The records of steam
boating iu the days antedating -the rail
road era, when the fact meant business
stagnation, show a number of years in
which there wa3 not a good boating
stage of water on the Willamette until
near Christmas. The loyalty of the farm
ers to the river in the matter tf shipping
their wheat, and latterly their hops and
other products of diversified agriculture,
is well known. They are congratulating
themselves and are subjects for congrat
ulation in that the present season was
Hot a late one in river navigation. Ore
gonian, Prof French, formerly professor of
agriculture at the OAC, now an occupant
of the same position in the Idaho Agri
cultural College was a visitor at' the re
cent exposition in Spokane. The follow
ing is from ' the Agriculturist : Prof.
French, of the Idaho Agricultural Col
lege, was a visitor at the Spokane Stock
Show and was highly elated over the fine
showing of livestock-. Prof. French is a
great lover of livestock and is doing
much good in this line. He says the
college at Moscow will take up the feed
ing problem on a large scale this winter
and hope to practically demonstrate to
the farmers the value of feeding and
breeding livestock The professor says
the outlook for'. their -farmers' institute
meetings the coming' winter are, very
bright and they intend to hold' them in
every nook and corner o! the state this
Sale. All outstanding cupons will
Edwin W. Jones and Miss Leila. L.
Pnrdy were Married Wednesday.
The home of Mrs. Francis E. Purdy
in this city was the scene of a pretty
wedding, Wednesday morning of this
week. ' ' . -
The contracting parties were Mr. Ed-
wiD Wesley Jones, of Portland, and
Miss Leila Lee Purdy, the cultured and
accomDlished dausnter of Mrs. Francis
E. Purdy, of Corvallis.
The parlors of the Purdy home were
tastefully decorated in pink and white
with clematis and sweet peas. .
At 10:30 Miss Mamie Cauthorn Btruck
up.the strains' of Lohengrins wedding
march, and the bridal party consisting
of bride arid groom and Miss Esther
Purdy as bride's maid, Mr. Harry Root
as best man, took their places nnder the
marriage bell, where the impressive cere
mony of the Methodist church was per
formed by the father of the groom, Rev,
John Jones of Portland.
The bride looked extremely handsome
attired in whiteorgandie, and the brides
maid was becomingly attired in white
organdie over blue. ''-. ' - -
After delicious refreshments were
served, the happy coupla took, their de
parture for Portland on the west-side
train, carrying with them the best wish
es and congratulations of near a hun
dred guests present. The same evening
Mr. and Mrs. Jones departed for San
Francisco, and after a month's visit to
different points of interest in California,
they will return to Portland, and go to
housekeeping. - - -
Many Handsome and rare presents
were received from ; the friends of the
contracting parties, among others;
being two lots in Portland, presented by
the biide's mother. .
The bride is wellknown in ' Corvallis,
belonging to one of the oldest and best
families of Benton county. The groom
holds a responsible position with the
O. R. & N. Co. iu Portland. .
Among those present were: Mr and
Mrs Hugh Finley, Mr and Mrs. M Cur
rier, Mr and Mrs Robert Buchanan, Mr
and Mrs Currin, Mrs Sarah Cauthorn,
Mrs Francis Purdy, Mrs Johnson, Miss
M Siiell. Mrs Hunter and daughter, Mr
and Mrs A Trask, Mr and Mrs II Cau
thorn, Mr and Mrs J Jenks, Mr and fMrs
J F Yates, Miss Emily Cauthorn, Misses
Sarah, Evalina, and Lizzie Currier, Ida
Wright, Frankie Currin, Eva Milner,
Mina Yates, Jennie Gellatly, Misses Eva
and Edua Finley; Mamie, Emily, Ruth,
Laura, and Frankie Cauthorn; Messers,
A Cauthorn, V Moses, Rev. Hyatt, A
Buchanan, Alfred and George Purdy,
and Harry H Root, of Kansas City, Mo,
On The River.
The river is now at a stage where the
boarting season may open. The recent
rains brought it up about twelve feet,
but it dropped again and is now about
the six-foot mark.
The steamer Ruth left Portland Tues
day morning for Csrvallis and way points,
arriving hero Wednesday morning on the
first trip of- the season. Her schedule
will be the same as during the past win
ter season. Her up days are Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays, and down the
other days, laying over at Corvallis ba
Sundays for the purpose of going to still
farther upper river-points. , ,
Probate Matters.
During the past week numerous im
portant instruments have been filed in
the probate court. The will of. Thomas
Eglin was executed. Wednesday, the 18th,
the day of the testators death, with
Louisa Crees and W. S. McFaddenJas
witnesses. It directs that all just debts
and funeral expenses shall be paid out of
the estate, which is valued at $4,100,
and beqeaths to the testator's grandson,
Darrell Eglin, the sum of $5; to Ella
Eglin, wife of George F. Eglin, the real
property where she now resides subject
to a mortgage held by First National
Bank. AH the residue of the property,
real, personal and mixed, goes to his
son, Geo. F. Eglin,' and to his daughter,
Mary A. Flett, share and share alike,
provided, that the said Geo. F. Eglin
cancels and surrenders a certain note for
$900, given him by testator. In case
the note is not cancelled, the whole resi
due ot the estate goes to Mary Flett.
George F. Eglin and Wm, Crees were
named as executors, to serve without
An inventory of property in the estate,
of David H. Vanderpool, has been filed
by the executors. C. C. and Kinnon Van
derpool. The appraisers, Jos. Hecker,
W. S. Tomlinson and W. L. Cauthorn,
have placed a value ot $2,666 on the
real property and $1,024, on the pereonaj
The executors were ordered to sell th
personal property and pay funeral ex
penses, expenses of administration and
claims against the estate.
John F. Irwin has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate - of James B.
Irwin, with bonds in the sum of $1,000.
The heirs to the property which is valued
at $7,000, are Samuel J, and John F.
Irwin, Martha J. Butler, Luzena E,
be redeemed on presentation.
Hood, Elizabeth M. Boyle, and Ruth A.
Irwin, widow.
William Bogue, executor of the estate
of Elizabeth A. Beach, has received
$4,656, and expended $4,109, leaving a
cash balance of 1536, with claims re
maining unpaid amounting to $1,872,
The court ordered a pro rata payment of
25 per cent, on all claims allowed by the
executor, and directed all remaining
property to be sold at private and pub
lic sale, v
The second semi-annual account in
estate of Sarah C. Applewhite, has been
filed by the executor, B. L. Eddy. The
last report showed $1,098 on hand, $961
has since been received, , and $953 paid
out. , '.
Virgil A. Carter has qualified as execu
tor of the estate of Tolbert Carter, John
Tomlinson, Wiley Holman and J.-S.
Bobbin's have been appointed appraisers.
The property is valued at $3,000.
Adolph Witzel.
Another of those occurrences which
have the tendency of causing a tinge of
Badness to enter the student heart and
bring tears; and grief into the family
of the unfortunate one has occurred. at
the OAC. "On Tuesday the national flag
floated at half mast from the staff on the
eollege building, announcing the fact
that Adolph Witzel, a student, and a
member of the freshman class was dead.
Monday at noon the youth breathed his
last, as a result of an attack of appendici
tis. " The next day, all recitations were
excused during the third and fourth
hours in the morning,' the cadets, bat
talion band and lady students marched
with solemn step to the home of the un
fortunate student in Job's Addition, and
after a "short ceremony the remains were
escorted by the cadets to the - depot,
and they were taken by train to Turner,
near which place his parents reside, and
interment was made at Twin Oak ceme
tery on Wednesday.
A. week ago last Monday, young Wifc-
zel became ill while in his classes and
found it necessary to seek his room. "Dr.
Altman was called and aa the boy con
tinued to grow worse, Dr. Pernot was
called for onsultatation.
The case being appendicitis and of- so
severe a nature, it was decided that an
operation would be necessary, as a simi
lar case in the person of the six-year-old
daughter, of W. 8. Gardner had been
performed several days before with en
tire success. With the consent'of the
parents, who had arrived in the mean
time, Dr. Wallace, of Albany, was sum
moned, and on Saturday morning the
operation was performed in the presence
of the Corvallis physicians. In the ap
pendix was found a hard substance, to
gether with mnch inflammation and
peritonital complications. The opera
tion failed to better the youth's condi
tion and at noon, Monday, his last
breath was spent.
Adolph Witzel was born in Turner 16
years ago. With two brothers he re
sided in Job's Addition, having come to
Corvallis to attend the OAC. He was a
bright, intelligent lad, and made many
friends while in school. He was an
earnest Christian young man, his last
words being those of religious consola
tion with his father and mother and Dr.
Thompson. .
About Lotig Tom.
A dispatch from Monroe states that
the work of clearing the Long Tom has
been discontinued, owing to the rise in
the river. The task of felling timber
and blasting had been practically com
pleted, but according to the reports of
those who have been on the ground,
there is now much work for the snag
boat in removing debris and other ob
stacles. :
When this is done it is probable that
the county of Benton will be notified to
remove the bridges spanning the stream
at Liverpool and Bundy's. Until that
time nothing will be done in the matter
by the county court aside from devising
and maturing plans. ,
It is probable that a ferry will be put
in operation at -Bundy's bridge until
spring. This seems to be the most prac
tical and. businesslike solution of the
matter. Practical, because the present
bridges will have to be removed imme
diately upon the order of the govern
ment and by the time the report in the
matter can reach the secretary of war
and be returned, December will be here.
The court could order bids advertised for
at its January session and open them at
the February term, and spring would
be nearly upon us. Even if work could
be commenced in December it would be
nearly impossible to haul lumber during
the winter and the added cost would pay
for buying and operating a ferry.
' The courtis in receipt of many in-
quiries from foreign contractors who are
anxious to enter bids. - It ia probable
that draw bridges will notbe built
The cost of construction is great and the
expense of employing a bridge tender
would be never ending. .
Overcoats, mackintoshes, and rubber
goods. The largest stock in Benton
county to be found at Nolan & Callahan's
all at reduced prices,' during their great
reat expansion Bale.
Goods sold for cash only during
Exprlments at The !0. A. C Prove that
It Can fee Profitably crown In Ore son,
Last spring the Union Gazetto hinted
that the raising of sorghum is to be tne
of the coming industries of Oregon.
This statement was not a mere guess bat
was based on facts secured from the lead'
ing agricultural experiments of the state.
At that time the professors at the ex
periment station sent out a large amount
of seed to larmers in every county in the
state, for the fanners to plant and report
as to their success. The seed was fur
nished by the agricultural department
at Washington.
Some four weeks ago the samples of
sorghum grown began to be received at
the college chemical - department
from all part of the state, samples, in
fact from every county in Oregon. An
announcement was made at the time
that the result of the experiment would
appear in these columns. -
The professors have been busy in the
analysis of the plant and the results
have been much better than they ex
pected. The plants received are luxuri
ant in growth, being excelled in this re
spect by none grown in the middle or
eastern states, and in their content of
sugar,, only by the cane grown in its
native Louisiana soil. -
Sorghum cane that contains six per
I cent, of sugar can be profitably worked;
that received by the college people con
tamed an average of 10 per cent, sugar,
while some of it reached as high as 14
per cent, '
These facts prove that sorghum can e
can be grown in Oregon, and that profit
ably. Our state consumes far more
sugar than she produces from the beets
grown in Eastern Oregon, and with the
aia oi sorghum cane, we can grow oar
own sugar mnch cheaper than we can
now get it, bringing thousands of dol
lars more revenue to oar producers, and
lurnismng employment to a large num
ber of our people.
A New Pkysiclan.
Corvallis has a new physician in the
person of Dr. B. A. Cathey, who moved
here recently from Woodburn. While
a stranger in this locality, Dr. Cathey is
well known in other sections of the state
where he is highly esteemed as a phy
sician and a c itize n. Until his ' resigna
nation last summer, he has been pro
fessor of physiology in the medical de
partment of Willamette university since
its transfer from Portland to Salem sev
eral years ago. .
. The Woodburn Independent express
es regret at Dr. Gathey's departure from
that city, and says:
Dr, B. A. Cathey, whd for the oast
nine years has been one of our most
substantial citizens, has turned over his
practice and disposed of his dwelling
house to Dr. Mc Gorkle and will leave
today for Corvallis, where he will prac
tice medicine and his sons, Cecil and
George will attend college.
The departure of Dr. Cathey is a great
loss to Woodburn, in a medicinal and so
cial sense and in religious circles, having
been a strong prop to the Methodist
church of this city. '
. Not only is Dr. Cathey a
physician and surgeon of ability and
skill, but he is conscientious in the prac
tice of his profession. . In short, Dr.
Cathey is a man in every particular, has
commanded the highest esteem of this
community during his long residence
here, and his going from our midst is a
source of deep regret to our people, and
especially to those whose family physi
cian he has been for years. Mrs. Cathey
who has also been prominent in church
and social affairs, will also be greatly
missed, as well as the whole family, who
leave with the well wishes of alL ' They
will join the doctor at Corvallis in a few
days. .
A farewell reception was given Dr.
Cathey and family Tuesday evening in
the M. E. church, which was filled with
friends, and would have been crowded
with friends from the country if the
weather had permitted.
Captain Harts, United States engineer,
on having his attention called to the dis
patch from Newport, to the effect that 700
feet of the north jetty at the entrance to
Yaquina bay had been swept away by a
storm, informed the Oregonian that it
was doubtless the tramway connected
with the jetty which had been swept
away. There is no proDaDiuty mas any
of the jetty has been carried away, and,
as the jetty is entirely under water at the
outer end, damage to it, if any, could not
be seen. In building such jetties a tram-
wav ia constructed on piles, and from this
track the rock which forms the jetty is
dumped into the water. The tramway is
not removed when the' jetty is completed,
and after a few years is wrecked and de
stroyed. If the idea that only a section
of the disused tramway at Yaquina bay
was swept away is correct, no damage
has been done and no loss incurred. The
board ot United States engineers, which
is preparing a report on the desirability
or advisability of deepening the channel
entrance to Yaquina bay, at an expense
of about $1,000,000, will - meet again
about the mibdle of next month, when
the report will be completed and forward
ed to the chief of engineers.
this Sale
Yes, we were compelled to shelve fiom
To make wm for our New Fall Stock consisting in part of
V If yoa have never paid ns a visit it will pay yon to do so. Billy and bis
-wife will always be glad to see yon ; always have something new to show yoa
Very Eespectrally,
The Paint Store
C. A BARNHART. Manager. J
Aa entirely new enterprise just opened in the Zierolf block op
posite the Postoffice.
. A specialty will be made of all kinds of ammunition. Shells "
reloaded and sportsman's goods of all kinds kept in slock. :
ncic s
Where We
Get Together!
You want shoes. We've got shoes.
Latest styles; Lowest prices.
Buys the Queen
or the money.
Pioneer Bakery & Restaurant
The Most Popular Eating House 1m tke City
HODES & HALIj, Proprietors
Fresh bread dally. We keep a complete stock of Candies
- Fruits and Nuts. Everything in the line of Smok
er's Supplies.
Office of the long-distance and local telephones. ,
Main Street, - - Corvallia, Oregon.
Orders taken at S. L. Kline's for the
Pettibone 0, A. C. uniform.
All persons knowing themselves ea
debted tome will please call and settle
immediately, at my former place of busi
ness. L. L, Howell,
to GeitTng
Bee Shoe. .The best Shoe in town
Call and tee them.
" Corvallis. OfKWs. 5
Coll for Warrsata.
I hereby give notice that I bars money
on band to pay city warrants endorsed'
prior to January 12, 1808. Interest will
stop on same after this date, October 13,
1899. Wm. McLAGAN,
City Treasurer.
MOney to Loan
In sums of 11,500 and upwards, at six
cent. ; E.E. WnsoH.