Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, October 20, 1899, Image 4

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    Hot Unenviable.
Mm. Gadabout That Mrs. HarA4
fcead next door , doesn't seem to have
many .friends.
Hostess (wearily) No-o; I wonder
how she manages it? Judy.
- A Weat Indian Hurricane
Recently traveled up the coast at will, aud
acted in an entirely different manner from
any other storm. Sometimes dyspepsia
acts the same way. ' It refuses to yield to
treatment which 'has cured similar cases.
Then Hostetter's Stomach Bitters should
betaken. It has cured stomach trouble
for half a century.
A train running from New York to
Boston made oyer 80 miles an hour re
cently. ' :". y ' - " -
In France . adverteing posters must
bear revnnue stamps varying in value
according to size of the poster.
44 Circumstances
Alter Cases.
In cases of scrofula., salt rheum, dys
pepsia, nervousness, catarrh, rheumatism,
eruptions, etc., the circumstances may be
altered by purifying and enriching the
blood tuSh Hood's SarsaparlUa. k is the
great remedy for all ages and both sexes.
He sure to get Hoods, because
- -
a Oddity In Railroading.
"The craze for fast time on railways
is taking a new feature," observed a
nrominent railroad official to a Star
writer recently. "It is the shortening
of lines and reconstruction of surveys
in order to make given " line- as
straight as possible between two points.
It is, in fact, a scheme to make time
by saving distance. A railway with
out a curve or a cutting is, of course, aj
splendid thing from - an engineenn.'
standpoint, but it is a very tedious
affair to the passenger. To thorough!;
realize how extremely - monotonous i
lone journey on a railway without i
curve or cutting is, one must travel oij
the road from Buenos ' Ayres to tht
Andes. That railroad beats' all know?j
records for having 200- miles , of track f
almost on a line, such as mathematiV
clans describe as the shortest distanc
between any two points. ' No one wh
has not seen this remarkable stretch o
road, straight in front and behind a
far as the eye can reach, even wheii
aided by a field glass, can grasp what i
means or what an amount of wearisomd
monotony it - involves and entails."'
Washington Star. ' j
At Kansas City the following is the
scale of wages being paid the different
trades: Tile and bricklayers, $4; stone
cutters, $3.60; plasterers, $3.50;
plumbers, $3.50; steamfitters, $3.25;
masons, $3.20; lathers $3; gasfitters,
$3.25: painters $2.40; v cap renters
Electrical "Workers' Union No. 31,
of Baltimore has secured the convic
tion of several parties for violation of
the municipal eight-hour ordinance in
compelling members of the nnion to
work longer than eight hours on a city
contract. ; Fines of $25- and costs were
imposed ui esca msuuioe. tt
Improved xram Kqulpmnnt. "
The O. E. & N. and Oregon Short
Line have added a buffet,' smoking and
library car to their Portland-Chicago
through train, and a dining car service
has been inauguarated. - The 'train is
equipped with the - latest chair cars,
day coaches and luxurious first-class
and ordinary sleepers. Direct connec
tion made at Granger with Union Pa
cific, and at Ogden with Kio Grande
Use, from all points in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eastern oities.
For information, ' rates, etc., call on
Any O. R. & N. agent, or address W.
H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
Portland. ' - ,
' ' : ". The Betrothal Kiss. . '
First Boarder Did you hear the re
port of the ' engagement of our land-'
lady's daughter? ' " '
Second Boarder I should say I did.
I was sitting in the next room at the
time, and it was a pretty loud report,
let me tell you. Richmond Dispatch.
Bostonlans Manners Abroad.
Fnddy The Hnlcums are very dis
creet. Duddy In what way. Fnddy
They never smile when they are in
public together. '. They are afraid peo
ple will think: they are not married, i
They both of them hate a scandal above
ail things. Boston Tanscript. -
The largest mass of pure salt in the
world lies under the Province of Ga
lica, Hungary. It is known to be 550
miles long, 20 broad and 250 feet in
thickness. , .
London annually consumes 40,000
tons of imported meat.
Germany manufactures 70 percent of
the world's production of coal-tar
The New York Varnishers' Union
reports that all its members are busily
employed, and its business agents have
applications from employers for more
men. All union varnishers receive not
less than $3 a day, and some are get
ting $3.25 and $3.50 for eight hours'
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the . well known remedy,
Stbvf-of Figs, manufactured by the
CiurowiA Fio Stbwp Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
mediainally laxative and presenting
them In the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
w the one perfect strengthening laxa
ji ?AeaD81nfc the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
yently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritatincr them. tnn.Ua . u.. sa-Ji
laxative. "
In. the process of manufacturing fiira
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrup
uo. oniy. in oraer to get its beneficial
effect and to avoid Imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
fee tale by U Druggists. Price 50c pcrbotti.
They Koam Over m District Where
There Are No Welle or Btreame,
and Slake Their Thirst by Eating;
the Native Grass. "
. The proverbial , horse which can be
led to water, but which cannot be made
to drink, exists in great numbers In
the Hawaiian Islands. Among the
cattle he has thousands of cousins of
the same proclivities. v
. It Is- a surprising statement to make,
and yet one that is literally true and
so commonplace that no one there
thinks anything about it, and there are
hundreds of. horses and thousands of
cattle which never take a drink of Wa
ter rhrnne-hont the whole COUTSe of
their lives.
On all the Islands the npper altitudes
of the mountains are given up to cattle
ranges. The cattle run wild from the
time they are born until they - are
rounded up to be sent to the slaughter
Y-rse. Except during possibly two or
three months of the rainy season, tnere
are no streams or pool of water In
any part where the cattle range. ,
Rn evorvwhere there crows a re
cumbent. Jointed grass, known by the
native name of manlnla. This Is both
food and drink. Horses and cattle
grazing on it neither require water nor
will they drink it when offered.
Our first experience with this fact
was on a trio to uaieaeaia. a. pan
were mounted on horses which had
Just been brought In from the range.
The Journey they made was fourteen
miles, in which distance they.ascenaea
about 9,000 feet. ',- '
The narty started In the afternoon.
and about sunset halted for supper.
Thev thought It strange that the horses
should leave a feed of grain to nibble
the scanty grass which grew near by,
but were willing to trust their instinct
In the matter.' ' ' ";
TTowever. .before starting they in
sisted that they be given water.;. The
native guide demurred to thls.s saying
they didn't need lt,Dut, -witn toe gooq
natured complaisance of his race,
yielded to requests, and led a detour of
about a mile, which brought the party
to a ranch house, where; there was a
welL But, to the utter amazement and
stupefaction of the travelers; the horses
would not drink. ., J '
They took it as another caw or. in
stinct, and assumed mat - me wu.ir.
for some reason, was not good, and so
refrained from drinking it themselves.
It was not until the return, the second
day, to Kawaapae, inai tue u"'"""
learned the secret of the wonderful
manlnla grass. ':''' ;
Eye-Opening; Kxpertence or a enwr
Man from new iw
Xoa know my brother . Ikey, of
course?" said the New York man. ''Ikey
and I have been partners in business for
twelve years. He has always stuck to
the desk, while I have done the travel
ing. ' Ikey had an Idea that sew ior
ponldn't Tun' a day "without him. He
also thought himself the cutest, 'smart
est man in the big town. wtner new
Workers who never get ten miles out of
town have the same Idea, i Things hap
pened to me on the road now and then,
and I told Ikey about 'em. but I never
could get him to believe that there was
man outside of ; Gotham wno Knew
enough to rake In a poker pot witn a
stralzht flush In his band. A few weeks
ago I got hurt, and Ikey had to-go out
or lose customers; When he finally con
cluded to go he went with his Jiat on
his ear and a pocketful of BOent ci
gars. He- was prepared to dazzle
everybody. . X ; . '
" 'Ikey.' says I, as he was ready to go,
look u little out for gum games. You'll
run across chaps who know a crowbar
from a clock.' , , ,
" "Bah!! says Ikey, as he picked up his
grip and started off with a smile of con
tempt on his face. . ' :
"Well, I'm near dead of laughing over
his adventures. He got off at Albany
and was lugging his grip nptowm, when
boy steps up and says:; m':S. s i
'Hello. Senator! Glad to see yon, I'll
carry that grip and make no charge.'; .
It tickled Ikey to be taken for a Sen
ator, and It tickled him to save a dime,,
but the boy got away with the grip,
and Ikey was hung np; for two days
until the police found U. At Rochester,
as he was standing around the station,
a stranger fell against him and said: .;
" 'Beg pardon, but ain't you the man
who is going .to build the Panama
canal?' ' I ... ,
" I'm thinking of It,' said Ikey, sober
as a Judge, but three minutes later be
finds his watch gone.
"In Buffalo, as he came-out of his
hotel, a stranger asked him if he wasn't
the Governor, and then added: 'Excuse
me while I knock that fly off!' - - -
"Ikey rather carried the. idea that he
was the Governor,. but the stranger had
got his diamond pin. In Cleveland one
of our old customers set out to make
things pleasant for my brother, and after-dinner
said to him: '
"'Say, Ikey, we've got a new game
out here, and maybe you'd like' to take
a hand . in? It's Called poker, and
there's a great chance to show -your
nerve by bluffing.' . ? -1 " ; v
" 'A new gamer says Ikey, as he
throws up his hands. 'Why, we've been
playing poker In New York for the last
200 years!' . !. ';,'
"And Ikey took a hand In, and when
the Buckeyes got through with him he
was $70 out of pocket. Getting along
to Toledo a man worked $25 out of him
on a bogus check, and In Detroit be
was let In as a sure winner on a. horse
race and lost $35 more. .That same
night a thief entered his room and stole
all his clothes, and he had to telegraph
rae to get others to go home In. While
he Mas on the way a pickpocket got his i
last dollar, and he couldn't .even pay'
oar fare home from the station. It's a
ore subject with Ikey, and you fellows
must handle him gently, but It will do
him a heap of good in the end.; The
swelling in his head has gone down by
a third already, and he is almost ready
to admit that he Isn't Infallible."
Wrtere-.l with Blood. .' . ;
. On the old homestead farm of Peter
Turner. In Monroe, N. Y., there Is au
apple tree knotted and gnarled with
age, but of a variety seen nowhere else
In Orange County, nor perhaps in the
eountry. The apple Is about the size
of a winter pippin and has a like flavor,
tt is golden in color and speckled with
crimson, spots, which penetrate the
blood-red fruit to the core. This apple
is called the Indian Princess.
Tradition gives It the following ro
nantlc origin r When the Indians were
h possession of Ramapo Valley one of
heir village was located where the
Turner farm Is situated. The daughter
if. the chief was loved bj a warrior,
ind as the old chief did not favor the
mi t the maiden met her lover In se
were overtaken by the chief, who bade
hs daughter return to the wigwam.
This she refused to do ana steppea
her lover's side, at which tne cruet
sn InraTiKod that he drew his DOW
sent an arrow to her heart. She expired
on the spot, where a wild appie
nrna Knmntine' nd her life's blood
nro.tori tho nhi of the vounK tree.
Knfh la the storv that has been hand
rt rinwn from generation to generation
The old tree In Peter Turner's orchard
ta a linnal descendant of the original
dian Princess and the last of its race.
New York Tribune.
Vew Thing in Kissing Bees.
: A novel custom, started In the days
of the civil war, prevails in the; eastern
Dart of West Virginia. At Shepherds-
town thry have a picnic called ''soups,
Each person invited brings a dressed
chicken, the host providing the vegeta
bles. Poultry and vegetables are placed
in large kettles holding from ten to
twenty gallons, and the combination Is
cooked over open flres for several
hours, or until It Is almost reduced to
a Jelly. Pepper and other seasonings
are introduced. The girls and young
fellows stir the soup with long-handled
iron spons, keeping up a march or
walk around the kettles as they do so.
When a girl's spoon clicks against the
spoon of a young man he is at liberty
to catch and kiss her. Of course,
there are many lively skirmishes and a
great deal of fun In the game.; When
the soup Is done it is ladled out into
plates and eaten. It Is said to be dell-
clous. The custom owes its origin to
a company of Stonewall Jackson's men
who were recruited hi that part of the
State. - These ex-Confederates keep up
their organization. They have a reun
ion once a year, at which they celebrate
With a grand "soup." It is said that a
soup" properly gotten up should be
made of stolen chickens, but the veter
ans had to give np foraging after the
war and made a compromise by going
around in squads and robbing each oth
ers' roosts by mutual understanding.
Boston Transcript. . ; : ?
Tyndall's plan for purifying "water
by means of electric currents has been
tried successfully in the Bruges Canal
In Belgium. - After being subjected to
a current of 1,000 volts the water be
came pure and palatable. :
The acids' of apples are exceedingly
useful, through their stimulating influ
ence upon the kidneys, whereby poi
sons are removed, from the body and
the blood and tissues purified. The
acids of apples are all highly, useful as
a means of disinfecting the stomach,
since the ordinary germs jthat grow in
the 'stomach,; producing biliousness.
headache and other troubles, will not
grow in fruit Juice or fruit pulp.
Attention is- called In medical Jour
nals to the desirability of testing rail
road employes for defective hearing as
well as for color, blindness. A recent
examination m Europe developed the
fact that out of eighty-two firemen and
engine drivers only three possessed
perfectly normal hearing. It Is sug
gested that there should be a standard
of hearing power for the examination
of employes who have to depend upon
sound signals.- ; ; ; ; 5 ; .;.
According to Prof. Morltz, writing in
a German medical periodical, the most
speedy absorption of a drug into the
human system la secured by adminis
tering it with water on an empty
stomach. In many cases, be says, a
definite effect will thus be produced.
when! no effect would be perceptible
from the same dose administered short
ly after the taking of food. Food taken
immediately after medicine retards the
absorption of the drug. .
Scotch and Austrian pices have 'only
two needles to a cluster. These tres,
not being native to this country, are
found only as ornamental foliage in
parks and gardens. The Norway spruce
so generally liked for Christmas trees
has. needles that do not grow in clus
ters, bnt singly along the short stems,
and are not more than an inch or .two
long. .Their great virtue la m being
slow to fall; often the needles hang on
a growing tree for six or seven years. ; ,
Among the places visited by the Ger
man exploring ship Valdlvla, recently
returned from the Antarctic Ocean,
was: Bouvet :. Island, which, ' although
discovered in 1739, was only, known
to have been sighted twice' since Its
discovery, and until, the Valdivla'a
visit had not been seen for more than
seventy years. The Island Is the sum
mit of a volcanic mountain rising 3,000
feet above the sea. Its crater Is entire
ly covered with. Ice, which caves down
in a steep wall to sea level. It Is situ
ated about: 1,800 miles west of south
from the Cape of Good Hope. ..."
The sky of Italy is noted for its clear
ness. The Diue is deeper, not because
the. dust there Is finer than in the north
ern countries, but because In the coun
tries of the north, due to the greater
coolness of the air, the vapor . more
readily condenses upon the dust parti
cles. The dust particles thus Become
larger, and consequently not so effec
tive : In turning: back the blue rays
alone, but others are also, reflected and
a grayish effect Is produced. In a single
location the biuor the sky may ap
pear bluer at one time tnan anotner.
The sky Is oftentimes said to be Very
blue when some white cumulus clouds
are outlined against it. The sky Is then
a deep blue by contrast with the brill
iant white. After a shower, when the
lower stratum of air is washed of its
coarse dust particles, a deeper and
purer blue Is the result. ; '
Pioneer Greek lietfcpr Society.- -The
first Greek letter society Phi
Beta Kappa was originated at Will
iam and Mary in 1778, and among the
charter members were John Marshall,
Chief Justice, and Buahrod Washing
ton, associate Justice, of the Supreme
Court; Spencer Roane, who was con
sidered the ablest Jurist ever produced
In Virginia; John Brown and Stephen
T.- Mason, Senators from Virginia; and
William Short, Minister to Spain and
-Annoyed by Cook's Singing:. . ,
A lady on Walnut Hills,. Cincinnati,
who was suffering from a severe head
ache one day last. week was annoyed
by the loud singing of the cook In the
krt chen. Going to the head of the
stairs,- she said: - "Bridget, I have a
frightful headache and I do wish you
would stop singing that song." "All
roight, mum," was the answer. ,MPf at
Song shall Ol sing?
More Satiety lor Poor Jack:. -
Twelve years ago one sailor out of
every 106, on an average, lost his life
by accident. Now the proportion has
been reduced to one Is 25&
cret. When her father discovered
the lovers fled to escape his wrath.
Large Fume Donated to Edacational
Xnatitntlona This Tmmr.
In no previous year has the eanaa of
education in the United States been so
enriched by donations and bequests as
in 1899. The institutions of learning
have received $28,720,617. which la S15.
634,467 more than they received last
year. There have been twentv-fonr in
dividual donations this year ranging
rrom $iuu,uuu to $15,000,000. The Ust
Is as follows:
Mrs. Leland Stanford to Leiand
Stanford University .......... .115,000.000
Estate of John Simmous for fe-
male college, Boston 2.000.000
Henry C Warren to Harvard
a if?!";"' 1,000,000
Denver ........................ ; 1,000 000
P. D. Armour to Armour Institute 75o!o00
Maxwell Somervllle to University
.of Pennsylvania 000.000
Edward Austin to Harvard Col- '
Lydla Bradley to" "Bradley" Poly- V v
technic Institute 500,000
Samuel Cupples to Washington
University 400,000
Jacob Schlft to Harvard College.. 850.000
Marshall Field and J. D. Rocke
feller to University of Chicago. . . 835.000
Mwira xuca to uartmouta Col
lege .: 800.000
J. D. Rockefeller to Brown Unl- '
versity-. 250,000
ttroiine u aiaey to Mew xorK
Teachers' College r -, 200,000
Edward Austin to Massachusetts '
Institute of Technology 200,000
B. C Billings to Massachusetts
institute of Technology........ 150,000
O. C. Marsh to Yale College - 150,000
Andrew Carnegie to University
of Pensylvania . 100,000
unanown aonor to wesleyan Unl- '
versity ;, 100,000
Oeorge R. Berry to Baltimore Fe
male College .v. ... 100,000
J. D. Rockefeller to Denlaon Col-
.lege... 100,000
W. K. Vanderbilt to Vanderbilt
University 100,000
Unknown donor to Princeton Col- .
lege " 100,000
R. C. Billings to Harvard College. - 100,000
..These twenty-four donations aggre
gate 524.3S5.000. or $11,298,850 more
than the total of lS9a Chicago Tri
bune. ':"" '' " ; ;';
Wide Contrast Between Those of tn.
freafdent and Hie Uranddanarhter. '
When General Grant took nnto him
self as a bride Miss Julia Dent of St
Louis he went to the altar. n "it
straight from the battlefield of Mexico.
Then by the orders of the war depart
ment he was sent nwnv in nther uwiwo
finally going in 1S52 to do soldier duty
in uaiiiorma. where tlie monotonv
grew so heavy that the young officer
resigned from the army and returned
to St. Louis, where whatever he had of
a honeymoon was spent. He bad been
nnable to take bis bride with him to
the camps and the barracks of the
South and West, After his return to St
Louis his father-in-law. presented him
with a small farm, a .house and three
negroes. The farm was just outside
St Louis. It was In the cabin on this
farm .that the honeymoon of TJ. S.
Grant was passed. The period had its
troubles, though, for the great leader
failed to make farming pay and he
dabbled in the real estate business In
St Louis as a side issue, - Some St
Louis historians assert that the house
In which General Grant was married Is
still standing in St Louis, but none
seem able to point it out i But one of
the Illustrations shows the honeymoon
cabin on the Missouri farm. .
Julia Dent Grant born in the White
House, Washington, has recently be
come the bride of Prince Cantacuzene
it Russia. The marriage, of which so
much has been Written, was solemnized
In the palace of one of the . Astors at
Newport which is under lease to Pot
ter Palmer of Chicago. Of course the
ceremony - was a Driinant one. But
after It there was ho hurrying away of
the bridegroom to battlefields or dreary
frontier posts. The honeymoon began
In a palace in America and will con-.
tlnue on the vast and beautiful estates
of the prince near Moscow. . .
"Cordially Voura.".
Interesting . conclusions are drawn
from a study of . the; different ways
writers subscribe themselves. The curt
'Yourj". and "Yours truly" are found
not only in business letters,' but in per
sonal notes as well for there are plen
ty of correspondents who don't believe
In gush,' and who think that "Yours
truly", or "sincerely" means about all
they wish to convey. Opposed to these
sensible and essentially practical per
sons is that class of writers made up
usually of yonng and enthusiastic Indi
viduals, as a rule r the gentle sex,
who throw words aut as carelessly
on paper, as they d Jn conversation,
and who slga themselres "affectionate
ly yours" even when writing to casual
acquaintances. 'Cordially yours," by
the way, Is seen . more and . more fre
quently now In notes; between" ac
quaintances who are on" distinctly
friendly, or cordial terms. . After all,
"Your friend," when It can be used
truthfully, Is a simple and satisfactory
way of ending friendly letters. Some
people have the habit of not prefacing
their names with any set form of
words at the end of letters. They stop
when they get; through, and. simply
write their signatures, this being an
easy way out of the difficulty. ;
Criticism of the Foot
Ridicule is the criticism of the fool
the stock argument of men who lack
the sustained force of logic. It is the
natural expresion of resentment felt
by inferior souls when they see or bear
something which they can not grasp or
appreciate. Ridicule never did any
good. It never made any man better,
wiser, more prosperous In any sense.
It has often scorched the germs of
goodness and nobility In timid souls,
by arousing false shame. It is close
akin to cruelty. Most of us possess
fault-finding propensities, but have the
grace to be ashamed of them. Few of
us care to cultivate, much less glory in,
a power which blasts and sears, but
helps no one. . Worse still,-' ridicule
tends to destroy all principle in the
man who exercises it Nothing is sa
cred to one who looks always for evil-
Such a man can have no real friends,
for laihough those who may listen to
him, laugh, they secretly distrust and
fear him. ;
The stage prompter might be appro
priately termed a theatrical poster. -
Mrs. G. W. Palmer, of Jonasville,
Vt, said: "Two years ago J was
afflieted-wlUi stomach and bowel
trouble. .My ease puzaled the doc
tors. Isubalstedonlyonthelighteat
kind of diet. My sloinacb would not
retain solid food. The pain ia my
stomach and bowels was so Intense
that I cannot describe it. I continued
to grow worse. I lost 4S pounds,
my serves were completely shatter
ed, and I was very weak. Dr. C W.
Jacobs, of Richmond, advised me to
take Dr. Williaroa'Pink Pills for Pale
People, t began to n the pills, and
the first effect was the restoration
of my appetite, and the quieting of
my shattered nervous system. 1 be
gan to regain bit lost strength, and
in onemonia aner commencing 10
take the pills I was able to do my
housework. I have gained 80 pounds
and to-day am Jn good health."
From the Free Freit, Burlington, Tt.
Dr. Williams' "Ink Pills far Pale Pseple
are never seld by the dons or fcusarea,
lit always la packages. At all druggkrU.
er direct tram the Or. Williams Madiclne
Ce.. Schanectadv. N.T.. BO cents per box.
belSS S2.S0., :. .-.: -.; :
Not Always. ,
Bertha; "It's a curious expression,
'She went in bathing.' Why is it not
enough to say, 'She went bathing?' "
Bobby "Sure enough. When a girl
goes bathing she doesn't usually go in. "
Boston Transcript.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period. ,
At Tacoma tinsmiths and men skilled
in regular tin an. sheet iron work are
hard to get and are getting $2.50 a day.
At Dawson City eggs cost 50 cents a
dozen. ,-.;...:
The number of mining firms using
coal-cutting machines in 1898 in the
United States was 36 per cent- greater
than in 1897, and the gain in Pennsyl
vania was about 50 per cent
Men buried in an avalanche of snow
hear distinctly every word uttered by
those who are seeking for them, while
their most strenuous shouts fail to pen
etrate even a few feet of snow. .
The distance from the farthest point
of polar discovery to the pole itself is
460 miles.'--'. -;..'.'. '. '.'-
The animal that lays the greatest
number of eggs at a time is the white
ant of tropical countries, which, ac
cording to a. high authority, produces
86,400 each day during the season. T
Analyses made recently by the agri
cultural department in Germany
showed that of 557 samples of fertiliz
ers, 198 were adulterated, and of the
samples , of bran 74.1 per cent were
adulterated, u- , . ,
mi illinium 11 11.! 1 111 1 11 1 111 11 ii
will be promptly paid to ariy one furnishing us evidence on which we can secure conviction of any substitutor
or dealer who attempts to palm off inferior imitations when Cascarets Candy Cathartic are called for. Be on the
lookout for imitations and counterfeits of Cascarets, and don't you ever buy preparations that are made and
sometimes pushed by unscrupulous dealers whose intention is to mislead the buyer and infringe on our trader
mark and trade-name. As soon as some one tries to sell you something else when you ask forjCascarets,' look
out for himl Get all the details and Confidentially write us on the subject at once, j
. ifr8 .f!'0t1' hftoM' Uls eenpoand: -s Be mercurial
t svery disorder of the Stamaek. Unrmj tuu- - . . ..
. . . . .. . .
nsaeaat. palatable, potent. Taste rood,
To TJOlish vnnr niann so.tnrn.ta a ninm
of chamois skin in sweet oil and apply
faithfully to every ;part. Then with a
drv skin rub well. mnAwino' t.ViA niooD.
as they becoome greased with oil. It
will require one hour, or even longer,
of constant rubbing to give it the gloss
aesirea. ror your walnut furniture
take three anarta of linxmrl nil fai nno
part of spirits of turpentine. Put on
with a woolen cloth, and when dry rub
with woolen. The polish not only cov
ers the disfigured surface, but restores
the wood to its original color and
leaves a lustre upon the surface. Crude
Tjetroleum is verv tmori for p.Iaatiitkv
any kind of hard wood and it is the
cheapest furniture polish possible. To
remove white marks from . mahogany
furniture rub the stains with a little
sweet oil; wipe it off, then rub with a
few drops of spirtis of wine and polish
with an old silk handkerchief. . .
What seems to be a severe provision,
of the Wisconsin statutes was brought
put in a suit brought by Mrs. Adelaid
Lehfeldt against Martin Howley for
the recovery of $5 rent, as the result
of which Howley was confined to jail.
me about jour case. DB. BOSANKQ, ri
t Cough Syrup. Taataa GoodV Use I I
hit form, as well m Blind, Bleediac or
-I laMl sktM. SHM4 s
..;;.;.- A War-Time Mistake.
In a Missouri court recently a rather
novel case came up for decision. Dur
ing the civil war a certain Northern
soldier went into the service, leaving a
young wife at home. In due time the
news reached him that his bride had
died and when ' the war ended he did
not return to his old home, but settled
out West. He married again, and with
his second wife accumulated a large
amount of property in Pratt county,
Not long ago he learned that his first
wife had not died, but, supposing him
to have been killed, had married an
other man. This ' man died, leaving
her a widow. When the Pratt county
man learned these facts he brought suit
for divorce, and the woman in the East
heard of it and went out and fought
the case, asserting a claim to part Of
the Pratt county man's v property.
However, after ;the lawyers had made
a great fight before him, the Judge
granted the divorce and left the Pratt
county man free to marry the woman
who has been living with him for many
years as his wife. N. Y. Tribune.
Conscripts in Cologne produced
symptoms of heart disease by taking
pills recommended for that purpose by
local doctors. Several of the physi
cians have been arrested. ?
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years wa supposed to be
incurable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly falling; "to enre
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
is i he only constitutional cure on the market.
It Is taken internally in closes from 10 drops to
a teaspoon ful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any case It falls to
cure, fiend for circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
gold by Druggists, 78c. -
; Halt's Family Pills are the best.
" '
Millions. ,
A small boy was one day asked by a
clergyman if he knew what was meant
by energy and enterprise.
"No, sir, I don't think I do."
The clerygman said: "
"Well, I will tell you, my boy. One
of the richest men in the world came
here without a shirt on his back, and
now he has millions."
, "Millions!" replied the boy. "How
many does he put on at a time?"
Spare Moments. '
While in Washington women are In
disfavor as government employes, they
are in creasing in number in the Brit
ish civil service. 1
Jonas W. Thompson, of Pine Plains,
N. Y., found a black snake milking
one of his heifers. He struck the rep
tile with a stick, and it attacked him,
sinking its fangs in his leg. Thompson
finally killed the snake, but . it is
thought that his leg will have to be
The city council of Akron, O., re
cently passed an ordinance requiring
the nnion plumbers' label to be affixed
on all city work.
Telegraphic communication will be
established between the Scottish is
lands of Muck, Egg, Canna and Rum.
They are all to be connected with the
mainland and with the Isle of Skye.
So great has been the improvement
of the storage batteries of late that, ac
cording to an English engineer, a car
now requires 500 pounds of cells that
two years ago needed 1,600 pounds. .
11 11 1 11 in 111 11 11 11 11 i 1 11 11 1 11 11 in 11
'L uua Man? w sw-
x hcj ikji oaij cure constipation, oat correct any aaa eveiy nin 01 irragaianty 01 m
do good. Sever sicken, weaken ex srimT Write for booklet and free sample. Address STEKUOTO
Fence and. Wire Works.
and iron fenciuKj-offlce railing, etc. 834 Alder.
Machinery and Supplies.
chinerr, supplies. s60 First St., Portland, Or.
JOHN POOLE, Pobtlahd, Obeooh,
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts aud -windmills. The nef,
8tel I X Ij windmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. -
n n
m BIJAW. limit, OHIO.
treated seien. 1
tincally and!
confldenti al-j
C. H. W00DAR0 CO.. I0S tecens St. Perttsss.
Its good enough for TJncle 8am
and its good enough for yon.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Curs 8Iek Beadaebe
S?!lj7f?Spfi.' enoTe Vimpleaand Taritj the
iTojA.fi4 1Jtlo,, "'""at BiUeaaaess. Do
CO.,Ul4a.,s?Batau. Seld b rcgiata.
. Issued Every Week.
$x.75 a Year.
EAMOUS soldiers and
sailors, statesmen,
scholars, travellers, hunters,
and the most gifted writer ,
of stories will enrich the
pages of The Companion
during 1900. Scad your
address on a postal card,
and we will mail you our
Illustrated Announcement
Number, giving a full Pros
pectus of articles and au
thors already engaged for"
the 1900 Volume.
. Danish lighthouses are supplied with
oil to pump on the waves during a
storm. . y ,
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv
ous feet, and instantly takes the sting out
of corns and .bunions. It's the greatest
comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot
Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easv.
It is a certain cure for Ingrowing Nail's,
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching
feet. We have over 30.000 testimonials.
Try .it today. Sold by all druggists and
shoe stores. Bv mail for 25c in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S.
Olmsted, Le Boy, K. Y.
Coffee tobloids or lozenges are com
ing into; use in Brazil. One of them
dropped into a cup of boiling water
produces excellent coffee in three min
utes. ' -- -
The Compania General of Manila,
the largest cigar making concern in the
world, employs 10,000 hands, and turns
out every year 80,000,000- cigars, 40,
000,000 cigarettes and nearly 8,000 tons
of cut tobacco.
Hereafter bells that can be heard a
distance of 500 feet must be attached to
'all private scavenger wagons in Chi
cago, and these bells must be rung con
, tinuously while the wagons are in serv
ice, wnicn may do between sunset and
sunrise. :
The authorities in Algeria .gave $40,
000 toward fighting the grasshoppers.
In one section 3,200 camels were em
ployed to carry the material for burn
ing over the place where eggs had been
deposited. :
- In the ship bulding and engineering
trades of Belfast, Ireland, 270 out of
8,000 members of the union are em
ployed; in the linen trades, 60 out of
1,012; building trades, 43 out of 2,168;
furnishing and ' wool-working : trades,
20 out of 880; printing trades, 43 out
of 958; miscellaneous, 86 out of 1,864.
11 11 11 in ii in 11 11 .1 11 111 ini i! inni n 11
er ether mineral pffl-poisoa ia Cascarets. Cascarets
.. . . . . .
That tired, languid feeliutc. the pains in the
back and the chronic headache will disappear
quickly if you take - -; .
Hoore's Revealed Remedy
It is an ideal medicine for women, easy and
pleasant to take. $1.00 per bottle at your drag
gist's. . . -
elief for Women
Ct. 8sntr,iB plain, saalsd envelope. Wrhe
bus and IssUmooials ot DB. ARTEL'S
French Fenala PHIs.
Fmlsed by thoaamndt of Mtlsttod lsvdiM m
mxm, uwayi nuum ux wttboat an equsu.
ArtM hvskllirii.rsr1 strain ynrtakl Knv. Wsubesk
flatf on top tm Blue, wtolt and Rod. Take bo other.
Vmob I&ug CowWl m fearlSt w York. Cii
29Me 3B First Street PORTLAND OR.
Is the time to subscribe for tie
Tolume for 1900 to take advantage
of the special offer below:
CEND $L75 at once with
y this slip or mention this
paper, and we will send you
the remaining weeks of 1899,
and then for the 52 weeks
of the year 1900.
The Companion Calendar
: for 1900, given also to all New
Subscribers, lithographed in
twelve colors, is the most
beautiful one in the long
series of exquisite Companion
Calendars. '.'
' ' O 303
. In the United States 390,000 cubio
feet of pine is used annually injnaking
matches. .,
PIT Permanently Cnred. No fits or nervousness
after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat
Nerve Bestorer. Bend for FBEK Sja.oO trial
bottle and treatise. D H. B. H. KLINE. Ltd- M0
Area atraet, Philadelphia, Pa.
The National Association of HaAra
Bakers has placed itself on record in
the most emphatic manner in favor of
pure food legislation and the regulation
of bakers in the interest of perfect
cleanliness and sanitation.
I know that my life was saved by Piso's
Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller,
Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1895.
Areola, 111., with a population of less
than 8,000, leads the world in the
broom-corn industry. .,- 7
The machine shops or the Northern
Pacific railroad are compelled to run
half a day overtime every other night
in some departments in order to catch
up. All the engines of the railroad
company are in service. : . .
Thew are 850,000 men in the world
who gain a livelihood chiefly by fish
ing, making an annual catch of $225
worth of fish for each man. The fish
eries of the United States supply 800,
000 pounds annually, and those of
Europe 1,800,000 puonds.
At Tacoma while in some lines the
supply of skilled labor is equal to the
demand, there are others in which em
ployers complain of lack of help and
could employ more, men if the right
kind offered. ' Men employed on scrap
ers and graders on the streets are paid
$1.75 a day, while men in positions
requiring somewhat harder work get $2
a day. Skilled artisans, such as car
penters for finishing work, get from
$2.25 to $3 a day, Machinists' wages
run . from f 2.25 to $3.50, depending
largely upon the ability of the man and
the nature of the work. :,
1111111 niinnnMiiiiniinniiiiniiiiiiiiiiii
25c 50c
promptly, eectively ana pcrmaiitntiy
- .
Ilsva. HiarU ne nn.Hl
i dieobargeH, iiiisanioiatloDa.
of hi n com nteaibranea.
THeEvamS ChemiqiOq. n goiionom.
win my itragyuM,
or lent In plain wrapper.
ftl fsfl M A bnttla. sWV.
vj xprH, prapaia, zor
tWrcnlar tmnt on ' ri umt
For Oonorrhas. nd Glit (rot PiWl OkT Spwlflo. It
Is lbs ONLY medicine which will cur. audi and rsrr
nue. HO CASE known It bu mr nUed to cuie. bok
matter how serious or of bow Jons steading. RosuUa
from its use will astonish you. It Is absolutely sara.
prarents strlctara, and can he taken wtthaMjinoonrs
Blence and detention from boelnees. PRICE. S9.0. Fur
sale br all reliable druirirists. or sent prepaid bj express,
CXrcnlar mailed on request. . .
I r pension
I P BICKFOSU. Washlngten. D. C. they will re-
I I ceive quick replies. B. 6th N. H. Vols.
Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting: claims since 1878.
N. P. N. U.
NO. '. v
HUN writing to advertUert plMM
meuiiion inn pssptsr
Second and Stsrk Sts.
vv Ml i nn.il".