Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, October 20, 1899, Image 2

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Issued every Friday morning.
One year. .....
Six mouths......
Chre months.
Jil 60
." 50
FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 1899. -
Democracy proposes with a
noisy flourish, to make opposition
tn fniRts a .WrKnff feature of next
year's campaign, and ; as an evi
dence of its incapable nature insists
. that the first step Howard destroy
ing the trusts is to smash the pro
tective tariff. It is useless to point
out to the party of impracticables
that trusts flourish quite as well in
free trade countries an : elsewhere.
Trusts tre a recent developement.
Protection is an old and time-honored
principle. The country suf
fered when the democrats success
fully assailed it, and reversed the
tariff nolicv. Thev . still cling to
. r j
free trade despite their bitter expe
rience wi'h the Wilson law, and
now shift their ground and make
trusts an excuse for opening the
battle acainst protection. - Of
course, the only way " to regulate
trusts is to go at them directly,
and not turn the movement into
crusade against something else.
But whenever a democrat talks ; or
writes about trusts he soon forgets
his starting point and expatiates on
the evils of protection. Democrat
ic logic and action are alike con
fused and ineffective, When some
thing positive is to be accomplished
the republican party is invaribly
called upon to do it. ; It is so with
all public questions?, and trusts will
be no exception. .,. ; ,
. Calamity is hitting the poor cop-
per heads on all sides. Even the
treasury's expenditure .account is
going back on them ""The present
indications are that this month
will show a surplus of about $7,000
000 in treasury receipts over expen
ditures. It was the hope of all the
J'anti-imperialists" that ; the gov
ernment's out-go on account of the
naval and - military establishment
would be up to such high figures
beiore tms time that the gold re
serve would have to be heavily
drawn upon, as was the case . in
meeting the ordinary expenditures
in Cleveland's second adruinstra
tion, and that a sale of $100,000
000 or $200,000,000. of bonds would
have to be resorted to long before
Congress meets in December this
year. This would make the whole
, banq of renegades, from Atkinson
and Garrison down to Gorman,
Bryan and Billy Mason, whoop
with delight. Butwther5;hoped-for
has not happened.
It has been generally known for a num
' ber of years that Western Oregon is , well
adapted for the raising of Angora goats,
and the climate, rainfall and pasturage
form the combination for the production
of the finest grades of mohair. .That this
is a paying industry ; needs : no , further
proof than the referring to those who
have been successful in the goat business
in the Willamette valley during the last
few years. Below we give extracts from
a letter from the Stanford Mills, Maine,
toMr.tSeo. A, Houck: . "I am pleased
to hear of your success ia Oregon, and
hope more people will go into tho grow
ing of mohair in that state, as the climate
and feed seem so well adapted for mohair
in that section of the country. This
country should grow enough to keep up
with the demand and keep our money on
this side of the Atlantic , instead of send
ing it to Turkey. We have placed orders
in Constantinople for 1500 bags of for
eign mohair. : This will keep us going
until the new domestic clip comes on the
market next spring. Now regarding the
. the price of plush, all our goods are sold
through the large wholesale or jobbing
heuses, we do not sell any plush direct
from the mill to the retailer, and as we
make some 43 to 50 different qualities,
I could not name a price unless I had ' a
sample to see the quality. Those long
pile fancy squares and rugs are something
new. and have not beeu shown in the
market yet ; another year we expect to
have them in for sale but could not fill
orders this season, . The wholesale price
of our plush funs from 75 cents to $1,80
per yard, according to the quality; at
retail, the price would be much higher.
I thought the samples we sent you would
' be a drawing card, they will alwayscom -mend
attention." -
On the County Road.
The heavy showers of the past few
days have kept Supervisor C. B. Wells
busy looking for enough dry spells to ac
complish a little work on the road south
of town. Sixteen teams began work haul
ing gravel Monday noon, and eight were
kept busy Tuesday.' The ground became
eo soft that Mr. Wells believed that the
road was being to badly cut up and called
the teams off. Plows, with eight horses
, attached, were put to making a furrow
12 inches deep on both sides of the road,
nd a ditch of this size was run. from
BLekard's to two miles this side of the
Ann Smith place. Today, men 'wilt be
put to work throwing the dirt out of
these farrows. -
Already, 1115 loads ef gravel have beeu
hauled a average distance of two
., miles, and extends over the road from a
half mile north of the Ann Smith place
to Kickard'a. Only about $000 has beeu
expended bo far, and' the. prospects are
that the court will have a fund of $1200
Qr $1500 to disburse.
F. L. Miller
. . We have much to say about this
' line but space forbids. We have
everything from $5.00 to $22.00 a suit.
All the" late things" in" Stripes and
Serges. r - ' '" "l-'i-
Youth's Clothing ;
13 to 20 years beats them all.
We have them in all colors $1.50 to
$12.50 per suit. .',
Our Child's
Vestee Suits are the talk of the
town." They run from 3 to 9 year
old and prices $1.50 to $6.50. They
1 cant beat 'em. ' ; .' .
District 76
",'-' School shoes are the best we
have them. Prices," $1.10, $1.40 and
, $1.05. Guaranteed. , . ,
Metis Shoes
We have everything. We talk
mostly about the; J. Miller & Co.'s
heavy shoes every pair guaranteed.
They stand the test. Price,- $2.50.
Full stock.
-' ' . ' ' ' - -i
This is where we get them all.
You must have something to eat and
that should be good and not too ex
pensive. We aTe the leaders in this
line. They all acknowledge it. ' Our
prices are convincing ; call and get
them before you lay in your winter's
supply. -Yours.
" Corva'lis, Or.
New Ball-Stock
is now complete. We cordially invite you to call and
inspect our goods and prices in all departments. Space
is too limited to enumerate all we have to " show you.
To inspect our goods is to buy, and to buy is to save
money. ':....;..-: ;
Furnishings -
We have everything for ladies and
gents , old and young, big and little.
Call and get prices. . -,. .
We Have ;
The largest and best selected
stock of Dress Trimmings ever shown
in Corvallis in our time. " We want
to sell, the prices talk for them. Call
and see, no trouble to show goods.
Golf Capes 1 1
This is where we shine brightest
and are sure to please you; prices
$5.00 to $12.50. Also a good line of
Ladies' Jackets from $2 to $16.50.
Ladies Skirts -r-
ready-made in fine silk crepons,
serge, camels hair," brilliantine, from
$2 'to $7.50. - '.
Large stock, good - assortment,
all sizes, from 75c to $2 each.
" 150 pieces just received.
4c to 8c.
Ladies Shoes
We make this department a
specialty. We have the very best line
to be found in the city in fact, the
only up- to-date line. We sell them
cheaper than the ordinary merchant.
Prices, $1.10 to $4.50. v
Plaids . ,
Camels Hair and home spun
Plaids in all shades at $4 and $4.50
per pattern. ; .
Latest Novelties
- - In fine Silks and Wool Plaids for
Waists from 60c to $1,25 per yard.
R L: Miller
Black Suiting
; A good" black suit is necessary
with - every Jady. We have a. fine
assortment of Black Dress Goods at '
20ty!25e, "35c43c; 50c 65c, 75c,"90ci
$1 op to $2.25 per yard, a ::r. a V vvt
Silks and. Satins 14
We have the best line of Silks
and Satins in the town. Suitable for
trimmings, Waists and Suits. ....
- Heavy, plain Suiting, in all colors
$1 per yard. Just the thing for tailor
made suits. . . :
and PLAIDS for School Dresses,
good assortment, from 15c to 60c
per yard. .... :. :
Outing Flannel
. Just received 50 pieces in all the
latest patterns from 6c to 10c. - '
Flannelettes , .'
We have a fine assortment for
Wrappers from 8c to 12c.
We have a very swell line of
Crepons, exclusive patterns, $1,25 to
$2.25 per yard. t ;
Under Skirts '
We have the finest line to be
found in the npper valley from $1 to
- notice;
Persons desiring to locate on timber
claims tributary to the C. & E. E. R.
would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned. There is a num-
4-1,er ol first-class timber claims to be taken
I up under the timber or homestead acls -l
'-rfJuuH i: W.L.CLARK,
Gatesj" Marion Co., Or. . .J , Locator.
At Taboii Bridge.
One of the many feats of daring per
formed dunng the campaign in tne
Philippines last spring was the capture
of the burning bridge at Tarbon by Law
ton's scouts. This was a body of 20 men
selected from the Oregon and North
Dakota volunteers and the Fourth caval-
' mid were under the command of
Lieutenant Thornton, of the, Oregons.
They attacked 200 Filippinos posted be
hind breastworks on the opposite side of
an unfordable stream, and drove them
out, crossing a burning bridge in order to
do so. They then put out the fire by
carrying water in their hats and saved
the bridee for the passage of Lawtons
army. This is uut one oi me many inci
dents of the war that Captain Wells de
scribes and illustrates in his lecture, using
fine stereopticon views made from photo
graphs taken at the front, some of them
in the fire and smoke of battle. At the
college, Saturday evening, October 28th.
Admissionr 50 cents; coilege students, 35
cents; public school children, 25 cents.
Mrs. Mary Duttou. v
The funeral of Mrs. Edward Dutton
occured at the M.' E. church on Monday
afternoon, and after the solemn rites
were spoken, the mortsl remains of the
aged lady were laid to rest in ChryBtal
Lake cemetery. , .
Mrs. Dutton was blessed with a life of
health and vigor, having never required
the services of a physician, except at the
closing hours. of her life, but at that time,
age and infirmity ruled and no skill ot
man could" keep grim death from her
Far back in the early part of. the ceu-
tury, 83 years ago, Mary Mordywas born
in. York, England, in September, 1817.
while but a mere girl she was thrown out
into the world to work and care for her
self by the death of her father and moth
er. Ia 1860 she was married to ii.aw.ara
Dutton and eleven years ater they cross
ed the Atlantic to America, a -farm
"was purchased near Ashton, Iowa, and
here they resided for several years. . It
was here both became members of the
M. E.- church, and her husband being a
minister, occupied the pulpit of his de
nomination in Ashton ' . V
In 1884 Mrs Dutton came to Corvallip
where she was given charge of the Read
ing Room and the duties of this place
have occupied her . attention until the
hour of her death on Sunday morning.
Earnest and industrious, Mrs. Dutton
passed a life the like of which all could
well follow. -
The only surviving relatives of the de
ceased are her two step-sons, William
Dutton, of Little Elk and Joe Dutton of.
his city. -.
The late Captain Woodbrideg Geary.
Not from Alsea.
To be married happily the second time
is a condition of affairs that is not often
heard of, though such was the case in the
event of a mawiage at the United Eyan
gelical church on last Friday afternoon
when Rev. Boozer of that church united
in marriage Miss Faith Kidder of this
city, aud Mr. E. Liebenow, of San Fran
cisco. : ' -
Miss Kidder has lived with her mother
for several years in Corvallis, and there
were few who knew of her having been
married. Some six years ago Miss Kidder
and Mr. Liebenow were married in the
Californian Metropolis, hnt in the lan
guage of the groom when securing his
lisence the second time, "It was a sad
mistake, troubles arose between us and
we thought it best to secure a divorce
This was- done and we have been separ
ated for these several years." But now the
past is forgotten and we will begin anew
but this time to live a life of happiness
and peace."
The wedding and the circumstances
surrounding it is a surprise to the many
friends and acquaintances of Miss Kidder,
though all nnite in wishing Mr. and Mr.
Liebenow, as they begin once more their
wedded life,, all the blessings that ac
company a life of happiness and peace.
They : will reside -in : ban Francisco
where Mr. Liebenow is ' engaged in
business. . , - - -
Notice of Administrator. -. -r.
Notice is hereby given that the nudersigned
has been dulj- appointed . by tne Honoraoic
Comity Court of Benton Conmy,,Oreg-ou,-Execu-tor
with the will annexed of the estate of Tol
bert Carter, - deceased. AU Persons havingr
claims against" the said estate are hereby noti
fied to present the same to nie duly-- verified as
reqmrea y law ai niy.nomc iwo uuic tmsv wi
Execntar oftlie Estate of Tolbsrt Carter, de
Dated this uta da v of Oct. iSga.
. There are- those in , the noted and
beautiful valley of Alsea who wish it un
derstood that the recent arrested swind
lers, Fleece and Taylor were not from
their quiet' and peaceful little dell." ; So
out of pure justice for the people of Alaea
and to correct a mistake that was unin
tentionally made, and one by the way
that nearly every paper in Western Ore
gon was guilty -of makfng, we wish to
publish the fact that Fleece and .Taylor
were not from Alsea, but were, according
to facts given us by residents from the
latter valley,' from - another romantic
place known as Lobster.' " This, may put
someone on hard .terms with the Lobster
people, but we sincerly hopa it will not
happen, for in truth- Fleece and Taylor
were but short residents in that district
and were probably on their way to Alsea
or some other district. ' Taking it all in
all, this is a most unfortunate co ndition
of affairs, for the people of Alsea, Lob
ster and this part of Oregon in general.
but we will simply pass it by as ah' ordi
nary incident, and let it go at that .
Hall of Alpha Rebekah Lodge, No. 34,
L O. O. F., September 22, 1899.
The committee appointed to prepare
resolutions of condolence on the death
of Sister Adalene Kline respectfully sub
mit- the following report t
Whereas, It has pleased the Soverign
Grand Master of the Universe . to re
move from our midst our late beloved
sister, Adalene Kline, and
Whereas, It is but just that a fitting
recognition of her many virtues should
be had ; therefore be it
. Resolved, By Alpha Rebekah Lodge,
No. 34, 1. O. O. F., of Corvallis, Oregon,
that while we bow with humble sub
mission to the will of the Most High
we do not the less mourn for' our sister
who has been taken from us.
Resolved, That in the death of Adalene
Kline this lodge laments the loss of
sister who was e ver ready to proffer the
hand of aid and the ' voice of sympathy
to the needy and distressed of the fratern -
ity; an active member of this societv
whose utmost endeavors were exerted
for its welfare and prosperity; - a friend
and companion who was dear to us all.
. Resolved, That the heartfelt sym pathy
of this lodge be extended the bereaved
family in their affliction . .
- Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread upon the records of the lodge,
and a copy be transmitted to the family
of the deceased sister $nd t? each . of the
Corvallis newspapers and to the' Pacific
Oddfellows. ;-i -
Restore Vitality, Lost Visor end Manhood.
Cure Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting- diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion: ' A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
ink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youtn.
y mail 50c per box, 6 boxes
for &2.50: with a -written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
Send for circular. Address, ,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL
For sale by Allen & Woodward's drug
gists, Corvallis, Oregon, - ; --
m .1. 1 1
Administrator's Notice
of Fial
Respectfully submitted,
Pbecious bhedd,
Alice M. Wicks,
Fvily M. Shaw.
De Witt's little Early ' Risers perma'
nentl y cure chronic constipation, biliousness,-
nervousness and worn-out' feeling
cleanse and regulate the entire system.
Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken
famous little pills. Graham 4 Wells.
. In the )County Court of Benton County; State of
Oregon, , ..
lathe matter of the Estate) .
' ot -, ... y "
John W. Lawrence, Deceased. ) -
Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned ad
ministrator with the will annexed of the estate oi
John W. Lawrence, deceased, has filed with the
clerk of said court his final account of said estate
and that said court has fixed the first Monday, toe
6th day of November, 1899, at the hour of 2 o clock
p. in. of said 4y at the court house in Corvallis, in
said Benton county as the time and place for hear
ing' objections to said final account and for a final
settlement thereof.
Dated October 4, -1899.
Adm'r, with the Will annexed, of the Esiate of
John W. Lawrence, Deceased.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cares'
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn.
flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
SickHeadache.Gastralgi a, Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
, Prepared by E. C. DeWttt 9. g&Jcago.
Graham & Wells. v
rr n n
'" '" 'tice for Pnblication. - , ..
. . ... . Lakd Officb at Oregon Citt, Okeqox,
!' " ' ' Oitober2; 1899.
Notice is hereby given that-the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will )... ...... 1 I.. . r,. . 1. . . ... , '
... ".".' ucjuic .no .uiiiiLv i. if rK 01 iiciiton
-ji vorvmiig, uregon, on JNovember 11. 1899.
viz: - - '
mi H E No. lpsi8,for (he SEW of SW1-4, Si-2of
oon, nil-, c.iu4, section 20, township 13
south, range 6 west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: Virgil H. LandinghaiS,
and Al Landingham, of Dusty, Oregon, Henry Starr
wKitreluiquii, .junes i.einaster, 01 imsty.ore.
gon. . - , , v--.. . ... ......
: : - - . , CllAS. B. MOOEE S, Register.
.For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skin
diseases and all irritating eruptions,
nothing so soothing and healing as De
Witt's Witch Hazel "'"Salve. Mrs.' Em
ma Belles, matron, Eriglewood Nursey,
Chicago, sayaof it:. ''When alt else
-fails in healing-, our babies, it cures."
Graham & Wells. . ., 'V . .
For Sale or Exchange. '
One liundred and eighteen lota, in half and whole
blocks, in the original town of Newport, that health
ful and beautiful summer resort, in Lincoln county,
Oregon; some business lots; residence lots near the
principal cnurcnes, scnool house, and other resi
dences; also residence lots commanding beautiful
views of ocean and bay. . v
Five fractional blocks, south of and- near the
State Agricultural College: all comoletelv tiled.
streets thrown up and graded; beautiful, convenient
Large dwelling, barn and outhouses, centrally
locatca on roomy ana commodious grounds, in
Corvallis; will exchange for farm near Corvallis. . '
Twenty acres highly improved, all -tile drained,
and in good state of cultivation; excellent roomy
buildings; about one-fourth mile from Agricultural
Large and roomy house and stable and lot in Cor
vallis, good residence, two blocks from the Cou 1
House; high, rolling ground. .
Eight nice residence lots, thoroughly tile drained,
in Wilkins Addition to Corvallis. .
One lot and hotel, The Vincent House, on .Front
street, in Corvallis, centrally located.
Seventy-three acres, 6 in orchard, 18 "in wheat.
balance in studs, timber and pasture: situate west.
adjoining the Odd Fellows Cemetery, near Corvallis.
Will exchange the ' town property, named for
suitable farm or acreage property; or will exchange
. the acreage property described, for town property or
other farms or acreage; or will sell any or all of
said property on reasonable terms and time at rea
sonable rates and prices.
.- Corvallis, Oregon.
Rents and 'Collections.
Houses trJ rent,5 rente to: collect,
good farms and stock ranches to sell.
'"' . Thomas Eglin & Son.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific
compound having . the endorsement of
eminent physician's and - the medical
press f Itdigests what you eat and posi
tively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron,
Bloomingdale, Tenn., says it cured him
of indigestion or ten years standing. '
Notice for Pnblication.
"LANDOFFici At OnEGOK'Cm", On.Sept 16, 1899.-
Notice is hereby given that , the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before county clerk of Benton county,
Oregon, at, Corvallis, Oregon, on 0ct28. 1899, viz:
. '. - FRANCIS KLBOKEK; . : .-. -
II. E. No..-12126,forthe E$ of SWl.and W of SEJ,
Sec. 10, T; 13 S.,R.7 W .
He names the following witnesses' 'to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: Guy Seeley, August Hodcs, Samuel Smith,
all of Corvallis, Oregon, and Marion Havden, of
Alsea, Oregon.. , i;. -
' ,;. iv. r -CHAS.;B MOOEES,-Eegister.
"-Best on the market for coughs and
colds and all bronchial troubles; for
croup it has no equal," writes Henry . R.
Whitford, South Canaan, Conn., of One
Minute Cough Cure. Graham; & Wells.
Clara seits, my wife, having left my
bed and board without provocation, all
persons are hereby notified not to trust
her on my account as I will not be re
sponsible for any debts that' she may
create. : , , , ; . W. II. Skits.
Alsea, Or.,. Sept. 3, 1899. "
'"The Home Supply Association ot Port
land can save you $50 to $10u a year on
the goods you , buy. Many of the best
men . in the county are members. For
prices call on or write to the agent at
Corvallis, Mr. H. G. Gue. : ;.
; -" Piano Wanted.-: ; .:.;
I Apyone having a good upright piano
to rent will do well to call at this office.
1 ...
Administrator's Notice of Final
'" , Settlement. - :
ate I
e'd.) '
In the County Court of Benton County,' State ef
In the matter of the Estate
of .
Malinda F. Mulkev. Dec'
Notice is hereby given that- the undersigned ad.
ministrator of said estate has filed with the Clerk of
said court bis final account of said estate and that
said court has fixed the first Monday, the 6th day of
Nov.. 1899. at the hour of loo clock a. m. of said day,
at the court house in Corvallis in said Benton
county, as the time and place for hearing objections
to said .final account and for .a final; settlement
Dated October 5, 1899.
Adm'r of the Estate of Halinda P. Mulkey, Dc d
'. For Sale. ' . '
200 acre stock farm adjoining an un
limited outrange on the west, and good
schools, churches and the Belknap settle
ment -oa the -east. Also-130 Jtcre farm
good cultivating land. - Address ' '
r ; -it- m. . WOODCOCK,
- Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon.
ivoaoi jjyspepsia Cure cared ine
of a severe case of indigestion ; can strong
ly recommend it to all dyspeptics." Di
gests what you eat without aid from the
stomach, and cures dyspepsia Gra
ham & Wells.
Dillej The Fixer "'.'.,"..
is now " prepared to do all kinds of bi
cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing,
etc.- .. Besides being a champion "fixer"
f)l the Willamette valley, he carries a full
line of bicycle sundries and. supplies.
His shop is the headquaretrs for wheel
men. Pay him a visit. - " , . . . .
."They are simpy perfect," writes Bob
ert Moore, of La Fayette, Indiaua, of De
Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous
little pills for constipation and all liver
ailments; Never gripe. - Graham
Wells. -'.-. - - ': : " "
4, "COl
Specialists for Hen
These nhvilcimiu hsre been
curing weakness snd on-
tracrai taiaicnu since 1.001.
best equipped medic
stitotion, and the most ex?
tensile iracuce uf uio . g.
K9 m W '
UnltwtaUMkta Risn WbQ cmnr
not eai( ahytiid write for
.aadprivUbJr t
'. AT.T. W KtS '
am huntMmti$h No Chwge for CowinJUtioo.
731 WZIoism ri?T:
McKetizle Fir Wood.
There's always ia .hopev while" there's
One Minute Cough Cure. . ''An' attack
of pneumonia left njy lungs ii bad shape
anu x was near the first stages , of epp
sumption. - One . Minute Cough Cure
completely cured me," writes Helen Mc
Henry, Bismark, North Dakota. Gives
instant relief. Graham & Wells. .
A large supply of the finest quality of
McKenzie fir Blabs cut in stove lengths,
on hand at the pprvallis saw; 'mil. , .Jt
must be sold. The prjee is $L per ,'jload
01 nve loads or more. ; v ; vv ; ;
::'- : ' - : . E. W. Strong.:
,- E. E. Turner, , . Compton,' Mo., was
cured of piles by De Witt's ! Witch; Ha
ael Salye after suffepng seventeen: years
and trying over twenty remedies? Phy
sicians and surgeons endorse if' Beware
of dangerous counterfeits. -' Graham: &
Wells. ' ' '
2 For Yaquinaf' .L :" " .
Train leaves. Albany ' : 12:50 p. m.
" ;. " j Corvallis .: J ;45 p. in.
k , arrives Yaquina 5:50 p. m.
1 Returning: . s : . !. '
Leaves Yaquina.... 7:00a.m.
L Leaves Ccvallis.... & 11:40 a. m.
Arrives 'Albany .... 12:25 p. in.
3 For Detroit: '-'-.- "
Leaves Albany . .' . . . .
Arriyes Detroit . . . .
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit ......
Arrives Albany ....
6Leaves Albany . . ;
An iyes Corvallis, . . ,
5Leaves Corvallis .
Arrives Albany ....
One arid two connect
and Corvallis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct service- to and
from , Newpoot . and ' . adjacent
beaches; -;'f .
No. 6 runs from Albany to Cor
vallis on Mondaya,, Wednesdays
and Fridays only. ; . ; -f
No. 5 runs from Corvallis to
Albanp on ' Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays only. -
Trains for the mountains arrive
at noon, giving , ample 'time to
reach camping grounds on the
Breitenbush and Santiam river the
same day. .- ' i :'
X .' Edwin Stone, -
' ' H. L. Walden, V Manager.
.. T. F. & P. A, :
H. H. Ckonise, Agent, Corvallis.
7:40 a. m.
11:55 1. m.
12:25 p. m.
5:35 p. m.
; 6:05 p. m.
6:55 p. m.
. 6:40 a. m.
7:25 a. m.
at Albai.y
Southern Pacific Companv.
7:09 P: M. I Leav
12:1 P. M. Loav
7:45.A- U. I.Arrns
' Portland ' ArriTe
Albany Arriv
S. Francisco Leavja
8:0d A. M.
4:16 A. M.
7.W e. U
S:0 P, M.
6:05 P. M.
6:40 A. M.
8:15 P.'M.
7KK) A. M.
8:15 P.M..
4:15 P.M.
7:55 A. Jf.
Atriv Ogden Arrive 1:10 P. M.
Arrive Denver ; Leave 0:45 P.M.
Arrive Omaha Arrive 8:50 A.M.
Arrive Chicago Xeave 0:30 P.M.
Arrive Los Angeles Ar. 19:25 A. M
Anive -EiVuso Arrive! 2:35 P. M
Arrive Ft. Worth Arrive
Arrive N. OrleansArrive
8:40 A. M.
8:40 P. M.
DiniDff Cars! -- ,
r ; ; Observation Cars.
. Pnjirnan' First-Class and Tourist cars
attached b all through trains. ,
Through Tourist Cars to Chicago, with
out change, .-.j'..!,
. Rseeburg Mail Daily
8:36 A. M. Lun .
12:25 P. H. I Ltav.
6:26 T. it. t Arrive
; Portland
Albany ".
' Roseburi?
4:30 P. M
12A6P. M
7:36 A. M
Vwiiide BWWm.
Coryallis Mail, Daily Except Sunday.
7:30 A. M.
11:55 P. 11.
Leave .
Portland -Cervallis
6:56 P. M
1:5 P. U
At Albany and Corvallis "cennect with train ef the
Independence Pass.i-DaHy fixcept gun.
4:5 P. M.
7:30 P. M.
:3 P. U.
Leave '. Portland . Arrive
Arrive ' McMinnviHe Leave
Arrive .Independence Leave
8:45 A. M.
4:48 A. M.
4.59 A. M.
Direct connectionat San Francisco with
steamship liries for HAWAII, JAPAN,
TRAlliIA. .. : l v :; . "
Manager. G. F. & P. A.
.-'-; ' " : M '-';-''-t Portland. Or,
For 'turdugli tickets and rates call on
A. S; .l'ence. . s. L. Han.
;;";Depot Ag'f,;1," CityfTicket Ag't,
;.. ? :Cprvallis;Pr.y lu, Pprvallis-, Or;
We are Showing
and wonld like to have your opinion on our
selections;' If we have done well, and picked
out the goods you want aud bought them cheap
enough so we can sell them at prices you are
willing to pay we will get your patrenage.
We say "if ", but there is really no "if" about
it. There isn't the least doubt in our minds
that our new fall stock is all that it should be
in style, quality axd price. There won't be
any doubt in your mind either when you see
- it. The only chance we run of losing your
trade, or that of any other Bhrewd buyer, is
, in yeur Btaying away. If you visit the store
you will buy sooner or later. . We invite you
to come confident that the visit will be mu
tually profitable.
IL. - --
m m r. - mm n
DunU irUL wIXllii .t..'.-'
Lad es, if y desire a transpasent, clear and fresh omplexien, ,
Use Dr. Bourdon's French " '
Arsenic Complexion Wafers.
!The only reliable beautifier of the complexion, skin and ferm knows. In the
! direction for which they are intended, their effeet is simply magical. The most
astounding transformation in personal appearance is Drouent aoout dt tneir
steaay use. f ossessiug u wiz.ak.ij o iuulii in proaucing aim prcscrviuj; t
beauty of form by surely developing a transparency and pellucid clearness of c
complexion, snapeiy cpntour ot lorm, Dnmaui eyes, son ana oom sun,
where, by nature, the reverse exists. Even the COARSFST and MOST RE- c
DISFIGUREMENTS, ara nermanentlv removed and a deliciously clear and ,
refined complexion assured, enhancing a bady's loveliness beyond her most i
extravacrant expectations. . , !
Ladles. You Can. Be Beautiful, no matter who vou are or what your.
disfigurements may be you can make yourself as handsome as any lady in the C
land by the use ot
' Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers.
' Used bv men the results are equally favorable. Price small box 50 cents. 1
Large box $1.00 or special order of six large boxes $5.00. Sent to any address t
, under plain cover oa receipt of the above amount. Write for Circular, free.
h rpWTn T A -RTRTATJ- nHTTG- CO.. -
S -. 131 Montgomery Street, San Francisco.
ffiftf njiftJifiruxri.ruiJ'uiJ'u inrb
' m- OREGOH .
mm citt
is the condition of the
-The Exchange-
In other words yon will find the store, '
full to overflowing with elegant Hew
and second-hand housefurnishing. No
matter what you want, whether it be hav
ing a fine shirt laundried bv the Union
Laundry, Portland, or a steel range put
np in your kitchen ' "
v We Are The People. .
Dp a general busines in .
Real Estate and Insurance.
Next year we may expect to read some
thing like the following in l the .daily
papers:, Ahout il o clods tins, morning
a horseless milk wagon loaded with cow
less mlk collided "with p "brainless rider
on a ,chaiuless. .wheeL ..The'' luckless
wheelman was badly injured, and being
homeless, he was taken iu a horseless
:' ''-.-'- '. . '. ron . . ..;.". :
- Portland and Salem.- '
Steamer Euth, for Salem, Albany, Corvallul and
way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays
ana Saturdays at V A. M. Jleturnine, leaves Cor.
raws jnonuuys, weanesaays and Fridays at e A. M
OflBce on Madison street west of First
National Bank, Coryallis, Oregon.
Corvallis, bregron,
r A-
Does it general and conservative bankmc
business. ; '
C. B. Cautuorn. I, E. H. Taylom.
Tt full lnfnnuatiou call on or address
N. H. Adams, Agent p. B. N Corvallis
Oreeon, . -
. Brcss:
Ccn-l Pah aamt.
DQBWBU,, CART.n.1, & CO. . : ,
ant. ACBNT XOX. PAC 9.' S. CO.
Montana, Titan, Colorado
and all Eastern Points
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or
: tne K.10 isrande Scenie Lines. ..
Look at the Time T .
, 1 K days to Salt Lake
: -3)4 days to Denver
"' ilA days to Chicago
r ! AfYi days to York ,
Free Reclining Chair Cars,' Upholstered
Tourist SleepiKg Cars, and Pnllmau
Palace S'ecrjers, operated on all
trains. -., ' ; ... ;., ;,
For further information, apply to
GEO. F. EGLI5J, Agent, Corvallis, Or.
.Trav. Pass.'Agt' Gen'l Agent
Third jt, Portland, Or.
- For Sole,
44.83. acres, known as the Felger Mill
property, one mile west of Philomath, in
Benton county. Good residence, out
buildings and orchard. Fine place for
flouring mill. $1500 will take it. $250
cash', balance on ten years if desired at
8 per cent interest. This is a bargain. -
. Enquire of Geo. F., Eglin, Coryallis,
Or., or F. M. .Johnson, Booms 13 and 14
She:lQck Bnjldjng, . Portland, Of, . ::
; . " For 'Salel
The E ol Sec 25, Tp 10 S, ROW,
containing 360 acres; ..price, $1,300.
Terms, $800 cash j , balance, mortgage.
Apply at this office. t. ;
. POSH and SHAKES. -
Go to Butl.eTior best quality.
The Coon Sawmill.
Dentistry of every description done in first '
class manner, and satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf's grocery store, opposlu
the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. : , -
W. H. McSraver and Old Crow WViis I
fcys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Union Laundry Go.,
All white labor work guaranteed.
Basket leaves oh Tuesdavs and arrives
Saturdays. J. D. MANN, Agemt,-Seeonl-Hand
Office corner Second and Jefferson,
over Graham & Wells drugstore, v
Residence ou Third street in'frert oi
courthouse. - " ' ' ' " ; '
Office hours 8 to 9 a. m., and I to s and
7 to 8 p. m. All calls attended promptly. -
Telgdo, Oregpn,
iWjll practice in all the courts of the ;
state. ..',.. ... ';'. :.
.Corvallis, Oregon. .
"'' '' ;-' ' '' 1 ; " " ; ' ' " ' V .;
V pfflce Inie7prnUlnjr.
i .v
"'"'"'' efllr la'Wbltohora Blark
.- ". ' '
Corvallis, Oregon
cab to the home for the friendless.