Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, October 20, 1899, Image 1

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    STxS'&.E'SUlf I ConsolidatedFeD. 1899.
"VOL. XXXVI. NO. 43.
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happening of the Put Week
Culled From the Telegraph Columns.
Diplomatic relations between Great
Britain and the Transvaal government
have been broken.
The first steamship of the Portland
Manila line will leave the latter port
about December 1st.
Peace negotiations in Venezuela have
failed. A decisive battle between the
government troops and insurgents is
expected this week. - , ' ? ' '-
The Twentieth Kansas regiment has
arrived at San - Francisco. The occa
sion was celebrated in Topeka, Kan.,
by a big demonstration.
Preparations for receiving the First
Washington volunteers at Seattle have
been completed. An entertainment
fund of $12,000 has been provided.
With a detonation that was felt in
towns many miles distant, two of the
powder mills of the Aetna company's
works near Millers, Ind., blew up.
Two employes are missing. ;
One of the most serious oar famines
ever recorded exists among the big
railroad terminals in Chicago. Several
of the roads report that the congestion
of business has assumed the proportions
of a blockade.
The forest fire which has raged for
two days on Mount Tamalpas, Cal.,
threatening the towns of Mill valley
and Larkspur, and many costly coun
try residences, has been extinguished
by a timely rain.
The Transvaal Official Gazette con
tains a proclamation calling upon all
burghers domiciled outside the repub
lic to present themselves forthwith for
service, failing which they . will be
fined, imprisoned, and their property
In, the event of war between Great
Britain and the Transvaal, as a result
of the Boer ultimatum, orders have
been cabled to the cruiser Montgomery,
which was last reported at Pernam
buco, directing her to proceed to Dela
goa bay and co-operate with the consul
at Pretoria in the protection of Ameri
can interests. - ' '
Dispatches from Manila announce
that Captain Woodridge Geary, of the
Thirteenth infantry, was killed in ac
tion. Captain Geary was an Oregon
boy, and went to West Point from Cor
vallis. He served throughout the Puer
to Rican campaign, and last spring was
transferred to the Thirteenth and sent
to Manila.
' When the cruiser New Orleans
reached the New York navy-yard, it
was found that she was so dilapidated
that it will require several months'
work to put her in a seaworthy condi
tion... ; : ;. .
1 It is learned that United States Min
' later Loomis has been officially in
formed that the negotiations ' for peace
in Venezuela are progressing, and that
the government troops have been or
dered backward. ' ;
At the' Lennox Athletic Club, New
York, Eddie .; Santry, of Chicago,
knocked out Ben Jordan, featherweight
champion of England, after a little less
than two minutes in the 16th round of
very brisk fight. -.v
' Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Vanderilp has issued an ordei- antici
pating the November interest, without
the discount of two-tenths of 1 per cent
per month. If this offer is taken it will
release about 130,000,000. :
Ex-City Treasurer C. L. Funk, of
Pueblo, CoL, was shot and killed by a
highwayman while going to the depot
: to take a train for Cripple Creek. His
pocketbook was taken, but contained
only a small amount of money.
The Canadian government has sur
veyors in the field re-surveying the old
Russian-American telegraph line from
near Ashcroft, B. C, to the Yukon'
country, with a view of establishing
telegraphic communication with Daw
son. , . v-'
It is reported that at the coming 'ses
sion of parliament the formal announce
ment will be made of . the cession of
Delagoa bay and surrounding territory
in Portuguese East Africa to Great
Britain. The price is said to be $40,
000,000. The Standard Shoe Machinery Com
pany, has filed articles of incorporation
at Trenton N. J. It is being organ
ized for the purpose of consolidating
practically all of the important makers
of shoe manufacturing machinery in"
the country. Its object is to control'
the shoe trade of the world. ;
' Captain Hugh McGrath, Fourth cav
alry, who is reported to have been seri
ously wounded in the battle of Nove
lets, P. I., was stationed at Vancouver
post for some months, in command of
troop E, Fourth cavalry, and accom
panied it to ' San Francisco when the
regiment was ordered to Manila.
Ten thousand carpenters have struck
in New York.
While a typhoon was raging a train
was blown from a bridge into the river
near Utsumomya, Japan. Six persons
were killed and many injured. Great
damage was done to property and crops.
Chief of Police Conrade, of Alameda,
Cal., shot and killed one of three burg
lars who were attempting to rob the
jewelry store of A. O. Gott. Chief
Conrade was shot through the neck,
but not seriously. .
' An attempt will be shortly made to
connect Havana and Key West by the
Marconi system of wireless telegraphy.
It is claimed that if this is successful
it will reduce the expense of cabling to
' New York more than one-half.
When the eight vessels recently or
dered to Manila reach Admiral Watson,
' he will have under his command one
battle-ship, two monitors, one armored
cruiser, seven protected and auxiliary
- cruisers, and 27 gunboats. The Uni
ted States will then be superior in naval
strength in the Pacific to Rubs is,
grhich stands next to Great Britain.
The Washington volunteer regiment
will be mustered out at San Francisco
on the 81st inst.
An American scouting nartv. near
rBalinaite, captured a Filipino major.
He was brougnt to Manna.
A new fast mail service has been in
augurated between Chicago and San
Francisco, the schedule time being 73
; General William R. Shatter, who
for over a year has had the position of
brigadier-general - of volunteers, has
been retired.
It is believed in London that the
Boer troops have . invested Kimberley,
and cut off all communication with the
outside world.
Early in December the United States
will have 70,000 troops in the Philip
pine islands, and 45 war vessels in the
island's waters.
The Columbia won the first race with
the Shamrock' for the American cup.
She beat the Shamrock 11 minutes on a
30-mile course. "" p.
The Orange Free State troops have
cut the telegraph wires and destroyed
the railroad track at Norvalsport, just
across the Orange Free State's southern
border. ' , ;
The Boers have cut the telegraph
wires at many points, and reliable,
news is hard to obtain from the more
important cities in the war districts of
South Africa.
John R. Dodson, of Portland, has
written to friends from Dawson City'
that he is taking the census of all the
people in the Yukon valley, on Ameri
can territory. .
- A dispatch from Caracas, Venezuela,
says that President Andrade is prepar
ing 8 leave the country, and the insur
gent leader, General Castro, is master
of the situation.' -' .
The Portland Press Club at its meet
ing recently urged its members to stand
by the 1903 exposition project and to
do all in their power to bring the affair
to a successful conclusion.
A -train of flat cars loaded with gravel
was wrecked on the Northern Pacific
track on Jefferson street, Olympia, de
molishing about 100 yards of track.
The trainmen escaped unhurt.
The price of fall chinook salmon,
steelheads and silversides has reached
the highest figure ever offered on the
Columbia; 4 cents a pound, and 2
cents is being paid for dog salmon.
James Roach goes free from further
prosecution or even the imputation of
guilt of stealing cattle from his neigh
bors, after a struggle in the courts
which has gone on for more than a year.
Boston gave Dewey a watch during
the naval - hero's entertainment there.
: The finest shops in a Chinese city
are those devoted to the sale of coffins.
Ten people perished by the burning
of the steamer Nutmeg State at Long
Island sound.:- ;
Montana and Kansas troops were
entertained at a rousing reception at
Oakland, Cal.
Chicago is making arrangements for
the entertainment of Admiral Dewey
during next month.'
' The navy department has substituted
the Ranger for the Badger as one of the
reinforcing fleet of the Philippines.
Visitors to the Yellowstone Park for
the season just closed numbered 9,159.
Many foreigners were among the tour
ists. " .
The steamer W. P. Ketchan ran
down the little schooner Typee in Lake
Huron. The Typee Was instantly sunk,
and four of her crew were drowned.
A street car filled with 49 passengers
collided with a passenger train on the
Santa Fe road at Dallas, Texas. Half
of the passengers were ' hurt, three
fatally. : : . .
The strike of the machinists em
ployed by the Canadian Pacific hat
ended, the officials of the road having
consented to meet a committee of the
machinists and arbitrate.
The Unversity of Pennsylvania foot
ball eleven was defeated by the Carlisle
Indians by a score of 16 to 5, on Frank
lin field in 25-minute halves. - The In
dians won because they played the betr
ter football. ; , , : .
; The sultan of Turkey was drowned in
the " Bosphorus, and the drowning is
believed not to have been accidental.'
Several ladies of the harem are suspect
ed of complicity with members of the
young Turk party.
' The Boers captured an armored train
from Kimberley to Vryburg, killing
'three British 1 soldiers and wounding a
captain. All the others on the train,
except the engineer, were taken prison
ers. The engineer escaped.
: The transport officials at San Fran
cisco, expect that five vessels will sail
for Manila within a week or 10 days.
The Tartar and the Manuense will b
the first transports ready. The Olym
pia and Pennsylvania may go to Port
land to take on troops there.
A decision of great importance in
bankruptcy cases has been handed down
by Judge Jenkins in the United States
circuit court of appeals, at Milwaukee,
Wis. The court ruled that a judgment
secured against an insolvent person
within four months preceding the filing
of bankruptcy is void.
The greatest dividend payer among
the Cripple Creek mines, is the Port
land. Its latest dividend is $60,000
for September, and it has paid stock
holders to date the sum of $2,877,080.
Captain Rockwell, at present com
mandant of the Norfolk navy -yard, has
been ordered to command the Chicago,
which will be Admiral Schley's flag
ship on the South Atlantic squadron.
The detail was made at Captain Rock
well's request. '
Railroad employes may establish co
operative grocery stores. ; : V
A model coal mining town is pro
jected for a virgin field 16 miles south
east of Pittsburg. '
War risks on consignments to the
Transvaal are increased 50 per cent in
view of the threatening war.
It is likely that the Dewey memorial
arch in New York will be perpetuated.
The movement to that end is being
encouraged by men of ample means.
The 'cost of reproducing in marble the
great triumphal arch will be at least
Boers Captured an Armored
Railroad Train.
The Afrikanders Suffered Several Ke
- pulses While Attacking- Mafeking
" Try burg Is Threatened. :
London, Oct. 16. An Edinburg pa
per, the : Scotsman, asserts that a bat
tle has taken place between General
Sir George Stewart White, commanding
the forces in Natal, and the Boers,
who entered Natal by way of Van
Reenan's , Pass. General White, the
Scotsman says, is very sanguine of the
success of the British movement.
A dispatch to the Daily Telegraph
from its oorrespodence at Ladysimth,
dated at. noon Friday, says: ;
"A strong mobile column under Sir
George Stewart White, accompanied by
General Sir Archibald Hunter, proceed
ed before daybreak this morning toward
Acton Homes for the purpose of recon
noitering. General White's object was
to observe what was going on and also
to test the mobility and efficiency ol
bis forces. All the men are ; well and
the weather is fine."
- According to dispatches from Lady
simth to the Standard and the Dailj
Telegraph, r dated Thursday, heavy
storms have begun and forage is acacre
on the veldt. General White has 12
guns and the Boers 11. - i
The Daily Mail's Cape Town cprre-,
spondent says: V. "
"I learn on good authority that the
Boers are attacking Mafeking. They
are reported to have already suffered
several repulses. It is generally ad
mitted that Vryburg cannot stand s
strong Boer attack."
The war office has . received the fol
lowing dispatch from the general com
manding the Cape forces: ,-.r
Cape Town, Oct. 16. An armored
train from - Mafeking escorting two
seven-pounder guns sent from here to
Mafeking was attacked last night at
Kraaipan. Apparently a rail had been
removed.-; The train left the truck, and
the Boers -jftrod into it with artillery
for an hour and captured it. " .
The Lodysmith correspondent of the
Times says: . ; -' '
"A subsequent reconnoisance shows
that -the invading force from the Free
State numbers , approximately 12,000
men." ' . - - . - "' : ; ,
. Glencoe, Oct. 16. It is reported
that the Boers have crossed the border
at Ingogo, and that the Free State gov
enment has taken possession of the rail
way to Van Reenan, and seized a Natal
government train. .'.
. Plan to Trap Aguinaldo. ' -
New York, Oct. 16. A special to the
Herald from Washington says: While
General Schwan is engaged in scatter
ing the enemy in Cavite proivnee, Gen
erals Lawton and MacArthur are mak
ing preparations for an important
movement- to the north of Manila.
General MacArthur and Lawton will
proceed to the north in the hope of
trapping Aguinaldo and his forces be
tween tito three columns..
General Schwan's movement to the
southward of Manila is merely in the
nature of a demonstration, and for the
purpose of scattering insurgents who
have intrenched themselves in Cavite
province, the home of Aguinaldo and
the nest of the rebellion. . ;f
Situation In Beebuanaland.
London, Oct. 16. A notable change
in the position of affairs is tho presence
of ' the Boers at Martiboga, 45 miles
south of Mafeking, which seems to in
dicate that they are endoavoring to get
Colonel Baden. Powell - between two
fires. The gravity of the Boer advance
can be better estimated when it is real
ised that they . will thereby out the
railway and telegraphic communication
to the north, isolating several British
positions which must be speedily re
lieved. , ' ."
. Four Thousand Perished.''
Amsterdam, Oct. 16. A dispatch to
the Mandetsblad from Batavia, capital
of Java,: says a violent earthquake has
visited the south side of the island of
Ceram, 'next to the largest of the Mo
luccas, between Booroo , and Papua,
completely destroying the town of Am
hei and killing instantly some 4,000
people, as well ' as injuring some 500
others. .The dispatch says details of
the disaster have not yet been obtained.
: Wireless Telegraph la Hawaii.
$ San' Francisco, Oct. 12. The steamer
Australia arrived from Honolulu today.
Among her passengers was Frederick J.
Cross, . who visits this country to confer
with Marconi, the inventor of wireless
telegraphy, regarding a system of wire
lass telegraphy which is to be - placed
in operation among tho islands of the
Hawaiian group. : , ';
Canada's Contribution.
Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 16. At a meet
ing of the cabinet today, a decision was
reached to send 1,000 Canadian sol
diers to South Africa as Canada's con
tribution to the British force now fight
ing the Boers. This is double, the
number of troops asked for by the im
perial government. . '
- An American 111-Treated.. '
Cape Town, Oct. 16. No news of
fighting has yet been received. It ie
suggested that with a view of retain
ing the good will of the Basuetos, the
authorities shall not press for payment
of the hut tax.
An American citizen has sworn to an
affidavit before 'the American consul
here, in which he states that he has
been subjected by burghers of the Free
State to great ill-treatment. His limbs
bear marks showing the effects of -the
treatment he has received.
ApproTed by British Columbia.
Vancouver, B. C, Oct 16. At an
enthusiastic meeting of the liberal as
sociation here today, a resolution was
unanimously passed approving the ac
tion of the Dominion government ' in
deciding to send a contingent of troops
to the support of the empire in South
Africa. - - - - - y-
Communication Cut.
Kimberley, Oct. 16. The telegraph
line between Kraaipan and Maritzana
south of Mafeking, has been cut, and
a strong command of Boers has occu
pied the Kraaipan railway siding.
First Territorial Convention In Session
in Juneau. ......
Seattle, Oct. 16-. A special to the
Post-Intelligencer from Juneau, Alaska,
dated October 12. says:
Alaska's first territorial convention,
attended by delegates from every sec
tion of the territory, was called to or
der in the opera house today, and will
spend two weeks in preparing for pre
sentation to the next congress Alaska's
needs in the way of legislation. Ex
Governor A. P. Swineford was elected
permanent chairman, and Hal Hoff
man, of Juneau, secretary.-" Resolu
tions presented by Judge A. K. De
laney, of Juneau, were adopted, ex
pressing the uncompromising opposi
tion of the convention to the surrender
to Great Britain in any manner of any
territory acquired by the. United States
from Russia and, calling upon Presi
dent McKinley and the authorities at
Washington firmly and steadfastly to
resist all attempts, however insiduouB,
of any foreign power for the dimember
ment of Alaska. - A copy of the resolu
tions was forwarded to President Mc
Kinley. At today's, session a letter was read
from Senator Addison , G. Foster, of
Washington, written subsequent to his
visit to this territory last summer,
which was received with manifestations
of approval, and entered in full upon
the minutes. Standing committees on
all important branches of the conven
tion's proposed work were-appointed.
They will do most of ' the work in com
mittee room.
The largest . delegations are from
Douglas, Skagway and Juneau.
Foreigners Ply Their Flags for Protec
tion American Sailors Ashore.
New York, Oct. 18. The Dutch
steamer Prins Fredik Hendrik arrived
today from Venezuela. The second
coffier of the steamer said concerning
the revolution:
. "At La Guayra Laya, a man-of-war
was lately brought from Italy. She
was flying the Venezuelan flag and was
ready for action. There was no talk at
La Guayra, where the Prins Fredik
Hendrik touched on September 23, of
President Andrade leaving the country.
"At Puerto Cabello, when the Prins
Fredik Hendrik arrived on September
80, the streets, were barricaded,- the
windows of the houses were barricaded
with bales of merchandise, foreign resi
dents were flying their flags from
housetops and scattering shots were
heard at night. General Castro was
near Caracas with 6,000 rebels, it was
said. V-;.:-.-
"The American warship Vixen and
two French men-of-war lay at Curacoa.
The American sailors had not been
ashore for seven,, and a half months.
They were so wild that they mixed it
up; with every one they met. , The
Yankees cleared out one entire street,
known as Murder street, and : 40 of
them were sent to the hospital." i
Nipped in the Bud.
Manila,: Oct. 18. The authorities
were informed yesterday from reliable
sources that an outbreak in the poorer,
districts of Manila had been carefully;
planned for daylight on Sunday. It
failed to occur, probably on account of
the vigorous measures enforced. Many
natives of the Tondo district left, tak
ing their valuables. All the small
shops, which the guards usually force
to close at 8:30 P. M., were shut at
sunset. A general feeling of uneasi
ness was apparent. ' ' ' v
The gaurds of the city were doubled,
and a strong force stationed at the
slaughter house, the center of an unruly
section. - Two guns of the Sixth artil
lery were stationed ' nearby at a point
commanding the native quarters-. The
commanders of the reserve troops were
ordered to be prepared for a call at day
light.. ... . ' . .,.
Three native policemen have been
arrested on a charge of plotting an up
rising. The fact that their comrades
informed the authorities of their treach
ery indicates "that the police force is
loyal. '". " v '' ' . '
Greene Was Treated Civilly.
Cape Town, Oct. 18. Conyngham
Greene, 7 from Pretoria, and Consul
Evans, from Johannesburg, have ar
rived here. Mr.. Greene was accorded
a magnificent reception. A crowd of
8,000 persons who had gathered sang,
"Rule Britannia," and "God Save the
Queen." . ' ' .
Conyngham Greene, British agent at
Pretoria, received every civility on his
journey from the Transvaal capital.
Six of President Kruger's body guard
accompanied Mr. Greene to the border
of -the Free State, and he received the
same treatment from the Free State.
' The news of fighting at Modder river
is not confirmed. - -'-'
; The station master at Modder river
telegraphs that Boers from the north
and south have taken Cangershal, which
they are fortifying. "
Forty. Hlles of New Road.
" Lewiston, Idaho, Oct. 18. Tomor
row is the date set for turning 'over the
Clearwater branch of the Northern Pa
cific to the ,. operating department.
There .will be about 40 miles of the new
line running as far as Oro 1 Fino.
Work is still progressing for 24 miles
further, to a place called Stewart. - It
is expected that a new train will be
put on, running from Lewiston to Org
Fino. t, - . :
, Rising Against Andrade.
Caracas, Oct. 18. Advices from Pe
tal 10 miles from Caracas, say the
people have- risen against : President
Andrade and a crisis is .imminent.
The commander of the government
forces has betrayed the president,' and
will allow the revolutionary army to
march upon Caracas without a battle.
' President Andrade will probably be
forced to retire, re-establishing his gov
ernment at Maracaibo, or Puerto Ca
belle. Tucacas has been taken by the
revolutionary forces. -
- Training School Bnrned.
Chicago, Oct. 18. St. Mary's train
ing school at Feenhanville burned to
the ground ' today. The loss is esti
mated: at $200,000. Seven buildings
were destroyed, Archbishop Feehan's
summer home being the only building
saved. The fire orignated in the chapel
during vesper services, and was not dis
covered until it had gained consider
able headway. The fire apparatus at
hand was inadequate, and by the time
the engines arrived from. Desplaines,
two miles away, nearly every building
was in flames.
of the Laurada
Behring Sea.
I,uklly No laves Were K.ost and Com
paratively Little Discomfort Came to
. Passengers Laurada'i Beeord.
Seattle, Oct. 17. By the United
States revenue cutter Corwin, which
arriyflA here tonight, survivors ; are
broiajlt of the steamship Laurada,
.which lies a wreck in Zapadine bay,
St. George island.
- The Laurada, Captain Frank White,
left Seattle September 12, for Cape
Nome with a crew of 48 officers and
men ard 20 passengers. Sho carried a
fait cargo of general merchandise,- hay,
lumber, 36 head of cattle and -130
sheep. She encountered rough weather
from the start, and just before 6 o'clock
on the morning of September 30 was
driven by wind and current into shoal
water in Active pass, but after a brief
detention she resumed her voyage. Be
ing loaded deep, the heavy, seas broke
over bow again and again and by the
time the open sea was reached it had
become- so serious that she. was forced
to turn back and take the inside pas
sage to New Metlakahtla, where 80
tons of lumber and 50 tons of coal were
put ashore. Thus lightened, she pro
ceeded to Dutch Harbor, which was
reached September 25. -
At.7 Dutch . Harbor 80 sheep' .were
landed. The Laurada left Dutch Har
bor September 26, encountering con
tinued stormy weather. On Septem
ber 2? it was discovered that a . leak
had been started forward by the pound
ing of the seas. This increased rapid
ly, and soon it became evident that tho
pumps would not much longer keep
the vessel afloat. She began gradually
to settle. The only hope of safety lay
in reaching . the Pribyloff or Seal is
lands, the northernmost - of which,'
St. George, is barely 525 miles from
Dutch Harbor. ''.
At 2:30 P. M., September 28, Cap
tain White, after having skirted the
eastern shore of St. George island, and
finding it impossible to make . a safe
landing, ran the now sinking Laurada
ashore in the shallow waters of Zapa
dine bay. The fire in the lower grate
had been by this time extinguished by
the rising sea waters, and the stokers
were wading in the fire room up to
their Imees. ' v
. On this side of the island are two
small frame salt houses used for the
storage and curing of sealskins by the
North American Commercial Company,,
which has a lease of the island from
the government. The smaller of these
was vacant,' and the crew and passen
gers of the Laurada moved in. Pro
visions and other - necessaries were
taken from the ship. All the livestock
was successfully landed. V :
It was on October 3 that the cutter
Corwin, Captain Herring, which had
left , St. Michael for Seattle . and San
Francisco on , September SO, sighted
the signal of distress flying from the
mast of the Laurada. Captain Herring
consented to receive the passengers, and
crew and . convey . them back to Dutch
Harbor. : The third mate . of ' the Lua
rada was left on the island to protect
the ship, and cargo from' being taken
possession of as a derelict, and. six pas
sengers remained to care for outfits
they were unwilling to abandon. The
CorWin's More of provisions was re
plenished ' from, the ' abandoned vessel,
and the cutter made sail for Dutch
Harbor, with a total of 185 persons on
board,, arriving : in the afternoon of
October 4. Here the Laurada's passen
gers were provided with . blankets and
made as comfortable as possible. - The
mail carried by the Laurada was also
brought back by the Corwin, and will
be forwarded by the next available
steamer north bqimd. It is probable
a relief expedition will be sent from
here as soon as possible:
Among those left at Dutch Harbor
are the wife of. Captain Brown, of the
Yukon river steamboat Oil City, now
at St. Michael, and the wife and child
of ' Minor. Bruce. An entire printing
jutfit for a newspaper at Nome is in the
jargoof the wreck.
The Laurada was built in Great Brit
ain and became famous shortly beforej
the outbreak of the Tate Spanish-American
war as a filibuster and successful
blockade runner. . -
Pair-Craven Suit.
San Francisco, Oct. 16. Charles L.
Fair has filed an amended answer to
the petition of Mrs. Nettie 'R. Craven,
who asked for an allowance of $5,000
a month cut of the late Senator James
G. Fair's estate. The answer declares
that the alleged ' marriage contract on
which Mrs. Craven bases her claim is
a forgery, and in the main reiterates
statements formerly made by the de
fense -
i. .. Woman Hangs. Herself.
;: Rosebnrg, Oct., 16. Mrs. Rondeau,
aged 20 years, wife of G. W. Rondeau,
committed suicide about 2 o'clock this
morning at a wood camp near Rose
burg. ; The coroner's jury ' found that
she came to her ' death by hanging her
self by the neck to a tree, and no blame
is attached to any one. - r
, General Shatter to be Retired.
New York, Oct. 13. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says: The
retirement of General Shafter from the
regular army October 16, promises to
lead to the promotion and retirement
of at least five colonels as brigadier
generals and to open tho way for the
president to recognize the conspicuous
achievements of two staff colonels,
Lawton and MacArthur, by making
them general officers of the line. :
- Big Strike Fending.
St. Paul, Minn., Oct: 16. The com
mittee of the Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Firemen, in session ' here for four
weeks, say a strike on the Groat North
ern is inevitable. All demands have
been refused and the testimony now
goes to the national organization for
review. Conductors, engineers, fireJ
men and brakemen are involved.
,- Train Crew Captured.
Cape Ton, Oct. 16. The entire crew
of an armored train, with the except
tion of the engine driver, were made!
prisoners by the Boers,
Coming -Census Will Show s Cargo In
crease Especially in the South.
The report sent forth by the state
officials of Virginia that their records
of assessment and taxation show a
large increase in ownership of land
amongst the . colored people, presents
gratifying conditions which the census
officials know to be common to all the
Southern states.
The Virginia report mentions that
the records do not show the full, and
perhaps not half of the increase in
land ownership amongst the. colored
people for the reason that great num
bers of them, having meager capital,
are compelled to buy farms on land
contracts. These contracts call for
deeds when the payment of purchase
money, which is made in installments,
shall . have been completed. While
the installments are pending, the title
is held in the vendor as a part of his
security for the deferred payments.
Thus the real possession is not repre
sented in the records, though the case
is practically" like" that of "property
which is mortgaged.' ' ;
- Chief Statistician Powers, of the di
vision of agriculture in the census,
who has made a thorough study of the
question of tenure, has prepared a
schedule for the twelfth census which
is intended to cover the cases men
tioned. The enumerator will be in
structed to report as owners all home
steaders who have not "proved up" or
whose final ' proofs have not been re
cordedin fact all actual occupants of
public lands and persons who have
bought land on contracts for deeds; and
those who have been foreclosed but are
holding over for redemption.
If the enumerators shall -carry out
these instructions, the twelfth census
will present a fuller exhibit of small
ownership and of land ownership
amongst the colored people than has
hitherto been available.
Tenure is to be taken in the cenus
in a maimer to show not simply the
number of persons who own farms,
work farms on shares, or lease farms
for a cash or other fixed rental, but to
show all the conditions of ownership
and tenure according to race and color..
, In the case of land bought on con
tract, the element of duplication will
have to be guarded against, as some
vendors, still retaining title ' to land
which they have sold but which is not
wholly paid for, may report it as still
their own. : T
. ' ' The intention of the census office is,
however, to give such instructions to
enumerators previous to beginning field
work,' that the elements of omission or
duplication shall be brought to a mini
mum. Statistics of ownership and tenure,
derived as . they frequently have been
heretofore, from the county land rec
ords, dp not convey accurate impres
sions. Thousands of deeds of sale and
transfer, land contracts, partition
deeds, r sequestrian papers, final home
stead proofs, etc., are held in the homes
of the people unrecorded. The census
officials expect, in the scheduios now
adopted, to avoid practically all of the
deficiencies which these conditions pre
sent in the land records, and to be able,
at the opening of the twentieth century,
to . make a comparatively perfect ex
hibit of land tenure by counties and
color in all the states.
Prohibits the TJse of Arsenlo or Alum in
. AU Articles of Diet.
The law enacted by the Missouri leg
islature, a copy of which was recently
published in our columns, and which
prohibits the manufacture or' sale of
any article intended for food or to be
used in the" preparation of food, which
contains alum, arsenic, ammonia, etc.,
places that state in the lead in the mat
ter of sanitary legislation. ,
Laws restricting the use of alum in
bread have been in force in England,
Germany and France for many years.
In this country, in Minnesota, Wiscon
sin, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and
several other states, direct legislation
in reference to the sale of alum baking
powders has also been effected. In
several of these states their sale is pro
hibited unless they are branded to show
that they contain alum, and in the Dis
trict of Columbia, under the laws of
Congress, the sale of bread containing
alum has been made illegal.
Following are the names of some of
the brands of baking powder sold in
this vicinity which are shown by re
cent analysis to contain alum. House
keepers and grocers should cut the list
out and keep it for reference: .
Baking Powders Containing Alums -
K. C .Contains Alum
Hsnf. by Jaques Mfg. Co. Chicago.
CALUMET. ......... .Contains Anlm
Manf. by Calumet Baking Powder Co., Chicago.
HOME. ..... . . . . .Contains Alum
Manf. by Home Baking Powder Co., S. F.
WASHINGTON. ..... .Contains Alum
Manf. by Pacific Chemical Works, Tacoma.
CRESCENT. Contains Alum
Manf. bv Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle. --
WHITE LILY. ...... .Contains Alum
Manf. by D. Ferrer A Co., Tacoma.
BEE-HIVE. .Contains Alum
Manf. by Washington Mfg. Co., Ran Francisco.
BON BON .... i ..... . .Contains Alum
Msnf. bv Grant Chemical Co., Chicago.
DEFIANCE Contains Alum
Manf. by Portland Coffee 4 Spice Co., Portland.
PORTLAND. . i. ..... Contains Alum
Manf. by Beno & Ballis, Portland.
The housekeeper should bear in mind
that alum makes a cheap baking pow
der. It costs but two cents a pound
while cream of tartar costs thirty.
The quality of the powder is therefore
usually indicated by the price.
When your cane-seat chairs begin
to wear oufmend the break the best
you can by weaivng in cords, or, if
very bad, replace .with a piece of can
vass securely tacked on; put on a gen
erous layer of ootton batting or curled
hair, and cover with a piece of any
kind of upholstery goods, an embroid
ered pattern, crazy patchwork or a
large "log-cabin" block. Finish the
edge with furniture gimp, and fringe
if desired. The back my be finished
with a similar panel. '.
Cause of the Coolness.
Kate There seems to be a coolness
between Harry and Hetty.
- Bertha Yes; they had a little tiff,
and she said she had about . made up
her mind to enter a convent and take
the veil, and Harry said he thought it
would become her style of beauty won
derfully. And now they won't even
look at. one another. Boston Tran
script. - . -- ' . - '
At Kenosha, Wis., the hod carriers
have gained the nine-hour day; also an
increase in wages of from $1.25 and
$1.50 to $1.75, $2 and 2.25 a day.
Columbia Proved a Better
Boat Than Shamrock.
The Columbia the Superior Boat In
Both Windward and Leeward Sail
ing Tho Cup Is Safe.
New York,' Oct. 18. The cup which
the old schooner America won so hand
ily against all comers over the course
around the Isle of Wight in 1851, and
brought back across the ocean, will
probably remain here another year, a
defiance to the world. In a glorious
breeze, over a windward and leeward
course of SO miles, the Columbia scored
against the Shamrock today in the first
race of the 1899 series for the trophy.
She bounded across the finish line fully
a mile and a half ahead of the chal
lenger, defeating her by 10 minutes and
14 seconds actual time, or 10 minutes
and 8 seconds corrected time, after al
lowing the six seconds' handicap which
the Columbia must concede to the chal
lenger on account of her longer water
line. It was a decisive contest, a mag
nificent race, magnificently sailed and
magnificently won.
There was lively jockeying behind
the line before the start, and the Co
lumbia got the better of it. She clear
ly out-maneuvered her rival, eventually
forcing her over the line first by half
a length, but leaving the Columbia in
the weather position. Close hauled on
the starboard tack, the yachts plunged
seaward, heeling to the 12-knot breeze.
When the Columbia, her great yellow
mainsail abroad off to starboard, swept
across the finish line, the Shamrock
was scarcely visible astern, only the
outlines of her sail being seen. Ten
minutes and 11 seconds in time elapsed
between the finishing of the Columbia
and the Shamrock, which means in dis
tance about a mile and a half.
i After the race, while the yachts were
being towed back to their moorings,
Sir Thomas Lipton'a steam yacht Erin
ran up alongside the Columbia. The
Erin's officers and men, led by Sir
Thomas, gave three hearty cheers.
They were quickly responded to with
cheers from the Columbia's men.
What the Flukes Cost.
New York, Oct.' 18. The New
York Yacht Club, which has the man
agement of the cup races, is the prin
cipal financial sufferer by the failures.
The officers say that each attempt to
race cost the club $3,000. This in
cludes the ' club steamboat, the half
dozen . tugs, and the incidental ex
penses. It will be seen that the club
has thus far expended $21,000 in the
attempts to pull off one race. - It must
expend at least $9,000 more, inasmuch
as one yacht must win three times.
The seven flukes have cost probably not
far from $25,000, which has come
out of the pockets of the people who
wanted to see the yachts meet.
Seattle-Tacoma Trolley.
Portland, Oct. 18. Announcement
comes from Tacoma that Clark &
Sweeny, mining brokers of Spokane,
have signed papers whereby they agree
to invest $200,000 in the construction
of the Taooma-Seattle electric railroad.
Henry Bucey, local manager of the
company, would neither affirm nor
deny the report, stating that the com
pany would not be ready to make any
statement of its plans before next week.
- It is understood that -the Spokane
men named will secure stock, rather
than a bonded interest in the company.
Eastern capitalists are reported to be
ready to buy bonds to the amount of
$600,000, which sum is sufficient to
build the road, leaving the $200,000 of
Spokane money to provide the equip
ment. New Fast Service.
Chicago, Oct. 18. Chicago to San
Francisco in 71 hours 73 hours actual
time is the schedule on which the
overland special on the Chicago &
Northwestern road left the Wells street
station last night, at 6:30, and inaugur
ated the new fast service to and from
California. The time formerly was 75
hours. The first stop west of Chicago,
under the new schedule, is De Kalb,
the 60 miles being covered in less than
that number . of minutes. The first
train will arrive in San Francisco the
third day,at 5:30 P. M., Western time.
The eastbound service makes the same
reduction in time. . -
Xyarge Shipment of Cold.
Vancouver. B. C, jOct. 18. The
largest shipment of Klondike gold that
ever came out over the Lynn canal
route is on the steamer Dirigo, which
called here today from Skagway en
! route to Seattle. - There was nearly
I 1 OKfl nnn iVmonl rt nrliih QH7 JlOfl
f L.V. V. ) vm. 1 . " ",V JWUV
was sent from the Dawson branch of
the Canadian Bank of Commerce, and
the remainder was .from the Alaska
Commercial Company. Purser Lafarge
had four armed men guarding the gold.
The biggest nugget that has been
found in the Barkerville district, Cari
boo, has just been brought here. It
weighs 17 ounces, and is worth $314.
It was found by a Chinaman.
, Northern Pacific Extension.
Wallace, Idaho, Oct. 18. Work of
building the Northern branch line up
Nine Mile river is progressing. Offi
cials say only 3 miles will be built
this fall. -.
Murdoch Will Contest Settled.
Willows, Cal., Oct. 18. The Mur
dock will contest case was settled today
by the payment of $50,000 to : Mrs.
Mary Helen Murdock, who contested
the will of William Murdock.
London, Oct. 18. The Berlin corre
spondent of the Times notes the sudden
interest the German press displays in
Samoan affairs, and thinks it is unfor
tunate that it occurred at a moment
when "we are engaged by our own
trouble in Africa, as giving an impres
sion of a desire to take advantage of
England's difficulties. Apparently,
however, German popular opinion takes
little interest in Samoa." ' s; '
Key West, Oct. 18. The new cases
of yellow , fever number . nine. No
deaths have been reported in the past
24 hours, . ;
Volume and Value Testify to Prevailing
. Prosperous Conditions.
Brad street's says: Trade activity is
widespread, all volume and value testi
fying to prevailing prosperous condi
tions. Only good reports are received
from distributive trade centers, and
some markets report fall demand as
holding out longer than expected.
Railway earnings, bank clearings, re
turns and quotations of staple prices
are all encouraging, pointing as they
do to a maximum volume of business
for this period of the year. Crop re
turns for October bear our earlier im
pressions of shortened yields of most
leading agricultural products. Expec
tation of more moderate yields of lead
ing cereals is not confined to this conn
try; the world's wheat crop will admit
tedly be smaller, and rye, barley and
oats yields are not expected to be so
-large as a year ago. The higher range
of prices of all staples, and particularly
of agricultural products, will furnish
a profitable balance of producers.
The liberality of foreign demand is,
perhaps, best - known in the September
report of exports of leading products.
Shipment of breadstuff's are as large as
those of August, and there was natur
ally . a heavy gain in cotton exports,
which are doubled those of the same
month a year ago. Totals of leading
exports show an increase of 23 per cent
over September, 1896, but a decrease
of 8.5 per cent from September 1897,
which witnessed very heavy shipments
of breadstuffs.
Wheat, ' including flour, shipments
for the week aggregate 5,265,634 bush
els, against 5,183,898 bushels last
week, 4,729,996 bushels in the corre
sponding week of 1898, 5,549,720 bush
els in 1897, 4,156,817 bushels in 1896,
and 2,409,446 bushels in 1895.
Business failures in the United States
number 164, as compared with 146 last
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 6758o; Val
ley, 68o; Bluestem, 60o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.25; graham,
$2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
. Oats Choice white, 85 86c; choice
gray, 83 34o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $1616.00;
brewing, $18. 50 19 .00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per
Hay Timothy, $9 11; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 4550o;
seconds, 4042c; dairy, 80 35c;
tore, 22X27Mc
; Eggs 20 22 o per dozen. ,
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.50; springs,
$2.003.50; geese, $6.00 7 for old;
$4.506.50 for young; ducks, $4.50
5.00 per dozen; turkeys, live,
14o per pound.
Potatoes 5060o per sack; sweets,
22o per pound.. -;
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90oj
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1;
beans, 66o per pound; celery, 70
75o per dozen; cucumbers, 60o per
box; peas, 34o per pound; tomatoes,
25o per box; green, corn, 12
15o per dozen.
Hops 7 10c; 1897 crop, 56o.
Wool Valley, 1213o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 814o; mohair, 27
BOc per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8)c; dressed mutton, 6
7c per pound; lambs, 7o per pound. '.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.50; dressed,
$6.007.00 per 100 pounds. ;
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.50 4.00;
cows, $3 3.50; dressed beef, 6 7Jc)
per pound.
Veal Large, 67c; small, 8
8o per pound.
Seattle Markets.
Onions, new, $1.25 1.50 per sack.
Potatoes, new, 75c$l.
Beets, per sack, $1.10.
Turnips, per sack, 75o.
Carrots, per sack,. 90c. ' -
Parsnips, per sack,- 90c.
Cauliflower, 75o per dozen.
Cabbage, native and California, $1
1.25 per 100 pounds.
Peaches, 6580o.
.Apples, $1.25 1.50 per box.
Pears, $1.001.25 per box.
Prunes, 60o per box. .
Watermelons, $1.50.
Cantaloupes, 50 75o. :
Butter Creamery, 28o per pound;
dairy, 17 22c; ranch, I217o per
pound . ' -
Eggs 2728o. "
-Cheese Native, 1314o.
Poultry 14c; dressed, 15)c.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $8 11;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
$14 15.
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $23.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $22.
, Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
blended straights, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; gra
ham, per barrel, $2.90; whole wheat
flour, $8.00; rye flour, $3.75.
Millstuffs ;Bran, per ton, $15.00;
shorts, per ton, $16.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake mealr
per ton, $35.00.
' Ban Praneiseo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 1214opei
pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 15c; Val
ley, 17 19c; Northern, 8 10c.
Hops 1899, crop, 912o per
pound. '
Onions Yellow, 7585o .per sack.
Bnttei: Fancy creamery 29 80c;
do seconds, 25 28c;. fancy dairy, 24
25o; do seconds, 20 22o per pound.
Eggs Store,2227c; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $18.50
20.00; nran, $16.50 17.50.
Hay Wheat $6 9. 50; wheat and
oat $6.008.60; - best barley $5.00
7.00; alfalfa, $5.007.00. per ton;
straw, 25 85o per bale.
. Potatoes Early Rose, 4050o; Ore
gon Burbanks, $1.251.50; river Bur
banks, 50 75c; Salinas Burbanks,
90c$1.10 per sack. ; ,
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2. 75 3. 25; Mexican limes, $4.00
5.00; California lemons 75o$1.60;
do choice $1. 75 2.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas; $1.50
2.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal;. Persian dates, 66o per
pound. - ,. . . :