GAZE inn hi VKTOM F.t.b. July, i89T. consolidated Feb. 1899. OAZBTTE Estab. Uee, 1862. I VUUauumuou i uu. uv. CORVALLIS, BENTOK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1899. VOL. XXXVI. NO. 41. H D X I NEWS OF THE WEEK From Alf Parts of the New World and the Old., OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS CaapnhmilT. Review or the Imp.rt ut BappcDlnti of the 'Past Week Called Fram the Telegraph Columns. Lumber is worth $150 a thousand at Cape Nome. The Idaho volunteers were given a reception as they passed through Port land. It is estimated that there were 2,000.000 visitors in New York during the Dewey celebration. A fire in Rossland, B. C, for a time threatened to wipe out the town, but the flames were controlled with a loss of $5,000. A scheme is on foot in New York to secure American capital for the com pletion of the unfinished Porto Rican railroad in Porto Rico. The bark Tillie Baker has returned from Havana with a cargo of such of the armor plate as the divers were able to recover from the wreck of the battle ship Maine. The cruiser Chicago, the flagship of Bear-Admiral Howison, has reached Kew York, after a long cruise, during which she touched the coast of Africa and visited Port Said. Some of the non-union men put to work in the New York Sun office when the union men walked out some time ago have struck. They allege that the Sun did not keep its agreement. . ' News has reached Victoria of an ac tive volcano on James island, one of the Galapagos group. It became active three months ago, - sending . broad streams of lava down its sides. At a meeting of citizens recently the name of Anvil City, Alaska, , was changed to Nome. This was done to make the name of the city correspond with the name of the postoffice. A new national temperance organiza tion, to be known as the Young Peo ple's Christian Temperance Union, waf organized in Chicago. It is pledged tc raise 1,000,000 votes for the Prohibi tion party. Generals Marcono and Ron, wh have been in command of government forces in Venezuela, have joined th revolutionsts with all their arms.' At Carite the revolutionists captured a gunboat, but lost four killed and twc wounded. A large rush order for American draft horses was placed at the Chicago stockyards by the English government. No limit was placed on the numbei wanted, and they are to be for immed iate shipment. They are for use in the Transvaal in the event of hostili ties. - ' American machine and tool compan ies are going to erect works in Ger many. The new torpedo " boat Craven hag been launched at the Bath, Me., iron works. J A hail and wind storm through the apple district of Missouri did . great damage to the crop. Between four and five hundred per sons were killed in India by earth quakes and landslides. - Fire did $5,000 damage in a nine story building in New York. The watchmen were asleep. Last British dispatch to the Boeri was pacific in tone and it is said will clear the way for peace. Five officers of the Japanese army are reported to be assisting the insur gents in their war preparations. There is great excitement in the Cheyenne Sioux agency over the mur der of Long Haley, by a squaw man. General Manual Guzman Alvarez, governor of the province of Bermudez, has revolted against the Venezuelan government. ' ; The governing body of the Colorado Mining Stock Association has voted to reduce the rates of commission charged practically 50 per cent. Reports from Guadeloupe estimate the damage from the recent hurricane at $5,000,000. Forty lives were lost and 250 persons seriously injured. The three treaty powers, Great Brit ain, Germany and the United States, are considering at Washington the clahns arising out of the bombardment of Samoa last summer by the American and British navies. A new steamer line between Mexico and South American ports to begin Janu ary 1, will strive to develop Mexico's cotton industry and place her in a posi tion to compete with the United States, England and other countries. A head-end collision between a pas senger train and a freight occurred on the New York Central about half a ' mile west of Auburn, and as a result three people were killed, two fatally injured and four seriously injured The responsibility for the accident is not yet determined. Sir Thomas J. Lipton says he owes his business success to his commercial training in America. Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Campbell, of the Thirtieth volunteers, is the only newspaper editor holding that rank in the army. The bronze statue of the confeder ate admiral, Raphael Semmes, to be set np in Mobile, Ala., is to be of heroic size, the work of Casper Bnberl, of New York. Prince David Wawanakoa, of Hon lulu, who is in Washington visiting his aunt, Queen Liliuokalani, says that annexation is a decided success. Because his wife fell in love with another man, John Bliha, of Mount Carmeil, Pa., sold her for $200. The purchaser was her husband's brother, George Bliha. In the reappointment by Governor Wolcott, of Massachusetts, of Dr. J. C. Selby to the position of medical examiner in Barnstable county, the office was given to a man long since dead. LATER NEWS. . Pasteur methods are subduing the plague in Portugal. New York is jammed with strangers to see the international yacht races. There -is talk in Japan of a triple al liance between Japan, China and Corea. Sir Thmoas Lipton has been invited to attend the Chicago corner stone laying.- : . , The empress dowager of China, it is said, has determined to depose the em peror of Japan. , Brigadier-General Eagan has decided to appeal his case to congress and hopes to secure vindication. Fifteen men, with knives, revolvers and clubs engaged in a street brawl in Chicago and one man was killed. A Chicago naturalist who has just returned from Alaska brings news that there are three active volcanoes in Western Alaska. Captain Albert Barker, who took the battleship Oregon from New York to Manila, will take command of the Norfolk navy -yard. " ,: In the event of war the British ex peet early reverses in South Africa. The government is blamed for having delayed sending reinforcements to the Cape. "' . ; . Gen, Otis says the insurgents are maneuvering solely to gain recognition. He has told Aguinaldo's envoys that the only thing the United States will consider is a white flag. . A paddle steamer en route from Hong Kong to Manila foundered and seven of the crew were drowned. The disaster is said to have been due to the ravages of the white rat. President McKinley has determined to urge again upon congress the au thorization of a trtns-Pacific cable, and when that body meets will be able to show : the practicality of such a route by a naval survey. -., A crook arrested at Knoxville, Term., has offered to reveal the hiding place of the timepiece stolen esom ex-President Harrison some time ago. It is worth more than $1,000 and ' was pre sented to Mr.' Harrison hy the senators on his retiring from office. At Muncie, Ind., Francis Stoker, a veteran of the civil war, dropped dead from apoplexy. His son, Everett, now coming home from the Phiippines, will learn of his father's death and that of his betrothed, Miss Edna Fogel, at Chicago, simultaneously The Nevada' cavalry has sailed for home. ; The ' North Dakota soldiers : have reached home. 1 - '' The insurgents in Eastern Mindanao have offered to surrender. The president has approved the sen tence of Captain O. M. Cartel. Forty -eight new cases and two deaths from yellow fever were reported from Key West Sunday. :, Admiral Dewey has accepted the in vitations of Philadelphia and Chicago to visit those cities. The Transvaal situation has caused a stagnation in business in London and stocks are at a standstill. ' ,? The North Atlantic squadron will go to Hampton Roads, where the change in commanders will take place and' the winter maneuvers be mapped out. The Filipinos, ' have given np 14 American prisoners-. . All of them are enlisted men, but Lieutenant Gilmore and his comrades are not with them. Rear-Admiral Walker, of the canal commission, while in New York at the Dewey celebration, declared that the Nicaragua canal would surely be built. The decision of the Japanese respect ing their schools to allow, no religious teaching will' seriously embarrass the missionaries,' whose chief purpose is Lto proselyte the young. If the volume of business continues for the next four months at the ratio of the past eight months, the export trade of Havana for the first year of Ameri can occupation will exceed the hand some sum of $29,000,000. Not the faintest hint is allowed to escape as to what diplomatio commu nications, if any, are passing between London and South Africa.. Troops are massing on the frontier and it is said that the Boers may declare- war at any moment. ' - - The United States cruiser New Or leans has arrived at New York from Santo .Domingo, where she had been sent to look after American interests during the anticipated troubles subse quent to the assassination of President Heureaux. J- A number cf the ill-fated Scotsman's crew arrived in Montreal. They were placed under arrest and plunder to the amount of $3,000 taken from them. It was with .' difficulty that the police saved the wretches from being hurled into the sea by the infuriated Cana dians. A letter from Fort Francis, Ontario, says: Ungavaland, a region as deso late and unknown as the Klondike was four years ago, has just been pene trated by a party of prospectors. From their reports and from the statements of a member of the Canadian geological survey, they have run into a new Klon dike, and one richer in diversified min erals. Emneror William is said to be the only living sovereign of Europe upon whose life no attempt has yet been made. The society of total abstainers just formed in Venna is the first ever estab lished in Austria. Everybody drinks in Austria. Thomas A. Edison and other Eastern capitalists have bought the Oritz grant in New Mexcio for $1,000,000. Mr. Edison has a new process of treating low grade ores and placer dirt. . One married couple in five in France i have no children. The little town of Morehead, Kan., has a co-operative hotel, laundry, hall, creamery and' canning factory and a co-operatve dining hall, with several co-operative farms near by. One of New York's Dewey decora tions will be a picture in red, white and blue electrio lights on the face of the palisades opposite Harlem of the Olympia. It is to be 180 feet long. At the bow will be the famous order that wll go ringing down the ages: "You may fire when ready, Gridley. " I The Great Marine Parade in Dewey's Honor. BOATS BY THE HUNDREDS Olympia and the Warships led the Pro cession Sir Thomas Lipton Shared the Enthusiasm With the Here. New York, Oct. 2. The naval pa rade, from the standpoint of the war ships, was an immense marine picture, a water pageant with so little of inci dent, copamred with its great size, that it appealed to the eye as a paint ing rather than a drama. The vast gathering of water craft maintained an average speed of eight knots, but so magnificent was its area that the im pression was one of exceingly slow and stately, movement. The picture war continually changing, but it melted lowly in such measured rythm from form to form that the sense of motion was largely lost. It started under a brilliant sky, passed at the mouth of the Hudson through the threat of an ugly storm, and emerged through a rainbow arch that stretched from snow to shore into a clear and brilliant sunset off the Grant tomb. f - The night had been a busy one in the fleet of warships off Tompkinsvlle. The last details of the day's ceremony were hardly settled before the day itself broke on a scene of greater activ ity than the classic anchorage had ever witnessed before. The great vessels of the white squad ron swung at their anchorage as for the past two days, but the crowd of neighboring craft had been swelled pas counting. As far as could be seen tne water was a mass of moving steamers. The evolution began at 1 o'clock, and in 15 minutes the fighting line was straightened out up the harbor. Admiral Dewey was going to his own place at the head of a squadron that would have won, at need, three battles of Manila bay without stopping for breakfast. The head of the column was a broad arrow. Six torpedo boats spread out at the bar, three on a side,- from the Olympia's" quarter. Outside of them a flying wedge of police patrol boats formed a great V, whose apex was the Olympia. . . ' ' " ' Flanking them, ahead and astern, were the harbor fire boats, spouting great columns of water that turned threateningly toward the excursion boats on either side when they at tempted to crowd the line of march. But the pageant back of this powerful-vanguard was not limited to a single or sextuple line of ships. It was a sinuous marine monster half a mile wide, whose vertebrae were the ships of the white squadron, and whose ribs were rows upon rows of every sort of floating thing that had ever run by steam in New York harbor. From the time the British yacht Erin started she certainly was the chief attraction . along the river front, after the Olympia had gone by, and Sir Thomas Lipton was accorded - an ovation all along the line. To those on board . the Erin, decked out as she was with flags of all nations, it looked as if the American people were greatly pleased with Sir Thomas, and were delighted at an opportunity to give him a hearty welcome. They ran alongside in tugs, barges, launches and big excursion steamers, and shouted all sorts of complimentary things to him, while the tall yachstman on the upper brfgde of the Erin wore a smile, and not infrequently called back hii thanks for the kind wishes. ; ; SAMOAN CLAIMS. Those of the British Subjects Aggregate 37,000. Washington, Sept. 80. The British commissioner to Samoa, Mr. Eliot, has received from Apia a full report on the claims made by the British subjects for damage resulting from the bom bardment and the native uprising. The claims aggregate something over $37,000. Of this amount about $30, 000 grows out of the depredations of the Mataafa rebels in -January and March last, while some $5,000 is for losses resulting from the bombardment of the British-American naval forces and the succeeding operations on land. The original amount of the claims was doubled the amount now submitted to the British commissioner as they were first subjected to a rigid scrutiny by a British - official at Apia. Mr. Eliot called at the White House today and had a talk with the president, in the course of which Mr. McKinley ex pressed his satisfaction with the work of the Samoan commission. Cleared of Rebels. , Manila, Oct. 2.- General MacAr thur's column has returned to Angeles, where' Generals MacArthur, Wheaton and Wheeler have established their headquarters, with 3,000 troops. . It is expected they will remain there until a general advance is ordered. There are no troops at Porac. Nine Ameri cans were wounded in yesterday's fighting, two it is believed fatally. It is estimated that 50 insurgents were killed or wounded. Conference at Angeles. Manila, Oct. 2. Generals Otis and Schwan and possibly Generals Lawton and Bates will proceed to Angeles to day, where they may confer with Fili pino commissioners, as the result- of an exchange of communications be tween General MacArtLur and the in surgents. A Filipino general is ex pected with the American prisoners today. Two reconnoitering parties came into collision with the unsuraents near Almus and four Americans were wounded. Million Dollar Fire, Cincinnati, Oct, 2, At 1;10 A, M, fire was discovered in the Big Four warehouse, occupying a block bounded by Central avenue, Pearl, Plum and Second streets. The fire rapidly spread to other railway buildings, destroying jin its path a number of cars, some of (which were loaded. The loss is esti mated at over $1,000,000. An inch of rain on a square mile of land equals more than 14,478,433 gal lons, or over 64,935 tons, 100 tons pet acre being a rough and ready reckon- RAPID MOBILIZATION OF BOERS British Government Will Charter Forty Steamers For Transports. - London, Oct. 4. A special dispatch from Pretoria says: '. : i ; "A rigorous censorship is maintained over . all press telegrams. President Kruger addressed the troops which started for the Natal border Saturday, appealing to their patriotism and wish ing them Godspeed." The general drift of news indicates that the position of the British troops in South Africa is critical, owing to the delay in sending reinforcements, and in the event of hostilities, early reverses are regarded as probable. The latest advices show that the Transvaal mobilization has been ' rapid and com prehensive. Many Boers, it is said, did not wait to be commanded, but proceeded to the border spontaneously. It is calculated that the Orange Free State already has 7,000 men on the border. The British government is chartering a large number of steamers, evidently for the purpose of transporting an army corps. ' About 40 vessels are to be chartered. ' '' No confirmation is obtainable from any source of the report contained in a dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company that the Boers have captured Dundee. ; ' ' - . : ; FIFTEEN HUNDRED KILLED. Appalling SiOects of. Earthquakes In Asia Minor. . . - Constantinople, Oct. 4. It is now estimated that 1,500 persons perished in the earthquakes in Asia Minor around. Aiden. The first shock oc curred at 4 o'clock in the morning of September 20, and lasted 40 seconds. The effects were appalling. Whole vil lages were completely destroyed. The earthquake was felt as far as Scio, Mitylene and Smyrna. ; , The latest advices from the stricken area show that men, women and chil dren were buried in the ruins of their dwellings before . they realized their danger. Numbers of bodies still lie beneath the debris. About 500 persons were killed at Sakarenir and some 500 at Denizl, where three-fourths of the buildings fell. There was proportion ate loss of life in many of the smaller villages. -, " " ! ". The disturbance has not yet subsided, although its strength appears to be spent. TheN shocks continue almost daily, but with no great violence. The population is encamped in the open. One consequence of the earthquake is the subsidence of the level of the Aiden district by two yards. Sulphur ous springs burst out in the valley of Noander, and . the country between Aiden and Denial! became full of cre vasses, out of which rushed black, muddy water with sufficent volume to wash away a flock of 1,000 sheep. "-. LETTER WAS REJECTED. Otis Refused to Deal Further With the Filipino Envoys. Manila, Oct. 4. The Filipino envoys called on Major-General Otis , today and discussed matters, with no result. General Alejandrino said to a represen tative of the press that he had no in structions except to deliver a letter, which was rejected. - He will return to Tarlac tomorrow. -An expedition composed of an ar mored flatboat, armed with two -three-pounders, with the gbnhoats ' Helena, Petrel and Mindore escorting it, pro ceeded yesterday to Oronai, for . the purpose of bombarding that place, landing 200 marines and bluejackets and raising the ; wrecked gunboaf 'Ur daneta. . .The gunboats will approach to about 2,700 yards of Orani, and the flatboat s will enter the river. The expedition will return tomorrow,- Permanent Dewey Arch. ' -New York, Oct. 3. Following , the suggestions that the Dewey arch be made permanent in marble and bronze, prominent citizens have joined in a cause to rear an arch that shall be in lasting commemoration not only of Dewey and Manila, but of the heroes and engagements of the American navy. Among those who have given their assurance of support are: Ex-Vice-President Levi P. Morton, ex-Secretary Cornelius N. Bliss, ex-Secretary Daniel S. Lamont, J. Pierpont Morgan, Anson R. Flower and Jefferson Selig man. Petitions will be circulated in the chamber of commerce and "stock ex change and in other prominent busi ness places. A meeting will be held next week for organization. . Such an arch as that suggested, it is estimated, will cost $1,500,000. One of the pro moters is said to have offered a check for $50,000. Pasteur Treatment for the Plague. ' Paris, Oct. 4. La Fronde publishes the report of an interview with Pro fessor Calmette, the Pasteur institute commissioner, who has returned from Oporto, in which the professor says, before his arrival the mortality among those stricken with the plague amount ed to 33 per cent. Of 15 treated with the serum, he adds, not one died. This restored public confidence, and in three days he. inoculated 342 persons. Thirty Buildings Destroyed, Chicago, Oct, 4, A special to the Tribune from Pittsfield, 111,, says: Fire has almost destroyed the town of Nebo, in the southern part of the coun ty, Over 80 buildings were burned. -''.' Fighting at Imus, ' . ' Manila, Oct, 4, The Fourth infantry regiment, Major Price commanding, has had a series of encounters with the insurgents about Imus since Saturday.' The natives were "ledit is supposed, by a former mayor of Imus, and made a .general attack upon the American lines from Imus to Bacoor, A captain and a corporal of ' the American forces were killed, and eight men were wounded, A Filipino colonel is known to have been killed, Lorenzo Ciordella, his wife and fam ily, while out driving near San Fran cisco were struck by a train. The father and eldest child were killed, but the mother and younger child escaped. One of the government inspectors of charities in Porto Rico wrote a letter to a friend in New York, in which he saya that the hurricane rendered 250, 000 persons needy, but that if the peo ple of the island were permitted to sell their coffee, sugar and tobacco in the United States, their sufferings could be considerably lessened. ATTEMPT HI DIPLOMACY Aguinaldo's Third Trial Has Failed as Before. "REPUBLIC" NOT RECOGNIZED Interview With His Envoy, Who Talks Like a - Genuine Anti-Imperialist - Filipino Soldiers' Condition. - Manila, Oct. 8.- Aguinaldo's third Attempt to shift his difficulties into the field of diplomacy is a repetition of the other two, with an impossible en deavor to obtain some sort of recogni tion of his so-called government. - The Filipino envoys had an hour's conference with General Otis this morning. They brought from Agui naldo a message that he dosired peace and wished to send a civilian govern mental commission to discuss the ques tion. General Otis replied that it was impossible for him to recognize Agui naldo's government in that way. They' presented a letter from Aguinaldo as "president of the republic " which war largely a repotition of his recent ap peals : for . recognition. General Otis informed them that, while he was will ing to correspond with ' Aguinaldo as general of the insurgent forces, he must positively decline to recognize " him as president of the civil government. Another conference will-be held to morrow. - s ' .. The Filipinos will remain two or three days. Their movements are un restricted, but they are under the con stant chaperonage of Captain Johnson, of the Sixteenth infantry. Today they visited the hospitals and distributed money among the wounded Filipinos, after Which they made calls and re ceived visitors at their hotel. Natives in their Sunday clothing .thronged the plaza in front of the hotel all day, stretching their necks towards the win dows for a glimpse of the showy uni forms of the enovys. The assemblage finally increased , to -1,000 people. When the envoys emerged for an' after noon drive, the natives removed their hats deferentially and a crowd in ve hicles and on foot followed the carriage through the streets. "We desired peace, but peace with independence and honor," said General Aliejandrino today, while conversing with a press representative. He im presses one as dignified and dispassion ate and a keen man of the wolrd. He was educated- in Euorpe, and designed the remarkable "entrenchments from Manila to Tarlac. While reticent con cerning his mission, his conversation throws an interesting light on the Fili pino view of the- American attitude. - "How long can the Filipino armj withstand 60,000 troops?" asked the press representative. "Fighting in our way, we can main tain a state of : war and the . necessity of a large army of occupation indefi nitely. You Americans are holding e few miles around Manila, a narrow line of railroad to Angeles and a circle around San Fernando. . But you are ignorant of the resources of Luzon. We hold the rich, immense productive northern country from which to draw. Our people contribute the money and food for our army, and this is done at a minimum cost "', " "It is an interesting question whaj the cost to the American people is o! maintaining troops in thePhilippines A Filipino exists with a handful of rice and a pair .of linen trousers. We do not have to pay our soldiers. Even with our present ' supply of arras' and ammunition, we could keep your army occupied for years. ' ; . . -. " With an'expense that grows dailyj how long will - your people stand iti The Filipino people do. not wish to con tinue the fighting. We have no army contractors. We have no business met making profits from the maintenance of our army. There is nothing in it for us, nor are our salaries large enough to keep us fighting for money and posi tion." - h: : .-- .-- - . - . --, ALL FOR DEWEY. Fifty Thousand Men In the I.aud Parad Climax of Celebration. New York, Oct. 8. The land parads today capped the climax. The city, state and nation united in a vast dem onstration worthy of the hero of Manila. The earth trembled beneath the treaft of 60,000 men, and the air was torn with the shouts of millions. ; The na val parade of yesterday - was magnifi cent and superb, but the wonder of modern times was the great land pa rade. Thousands of proud men of our land and sea forces, the militia of . 15 states and the veterans of the civil and Spanish-American wars swelled the procession and gave it the , dignity in size that it boasted in sentiment. Admiral Dewey, the hero of the day, and the officers of the fleet, in all the glory of their gold-laced uniforms and gold-trimmed cocked hats, were ic open : barouches. Mayor Van Wyck sat beside Admiral Dewey. The front seat of the carriage was banked with beautiful floral pieces. The hero was recognized by the people on -the in stant, and the cheers and huzzahs along the line of march, seemed Jairly to lift the sky. Everybody cheered and nearly everybody jumped up and down in frantic enthusiasm. Two Killed by a Train. San Francisco, Oct. 8. A cart con taining Lorenzo Ciordella and his fam ily, consisting of his wife Rosa and two sons, Angelo, aged 2K years, and Guidor t months old, was struck by a northbound , San Jose : train' at Sunny side crossing tonight. The . cart and its occupants were hurled high in the air, and they fell to the ground 40 feet away. The father and eldest; child were instantly killed, and the mother seriously injured. She held the baby in her firms, and it escaped unhurt. Reply of Canadian Government. Toronto, Ontario, Oct." 2, The On tari government has filed its answer to the petition of the right of the Mich igan lumbermen. It pleads: . First, the long standing provision of the law that all licenses granted must be sub ject to such conditions, regulations and restrictions as may be established from time to time; second, that all regula tions were not complied with, the crown lands commissioner had no au thority to renew their licenses to the suppliant; third, that the suppliants acquired no enforceable right in re spect to the licenses beyond a year. HE WAS REJECTED. But Stuck to His Job and Wpa the Coveted Prise. "It was such a good joke on me," said the girl in the gray velve toque to the girl iu the bine velvet shoulder cape, as they stirred their hot choco late, "that I must tell you." "You know how John has been pro posing to me at regular intervals ever since he was out of knickerbockers. Well, he did it again the other night, and, witli his usual facility, choBe an oooasion when I was very cross. "He did it a little more awkwardly than usual, too, deliberately choosing the ' old-fashioned method vf offeting me 'his hand and heart.' Here she paused to drink some choco late, and the girl in blue asked breath lessly what she said. "Oh!" remarked the other, in the tone of one relating an event of no im poitance, "I told him that I believed I was already provided with the full quota of bodily organs, and that I wouldn't deprive him." "And what did he sav?" ' ' "Well, Belle, that's the funny thing. He seemed to braoe up, and said, po litely, that at any rate there was no doubt about my having my full shaie of cheek 1 And I was so delighted to find a man capable of even that much repartee on being rejected that I ac cepted him." Cinoinnati Enquher. AN IMPORTANT FOOD LAW. Heavy Penalties for Selling Articles of -.. Food Containing Unhealthy Ingredients. The following law was passed at the last session of the Missouri Legislature, taking effect August 20, 1899: Section 1. That it Bhall be unlawful foi auy person or corporation doing business iu this State to manufacture, sell or offer to sell any article, compound or prepara tion for the purpose ol being used or which is intended to be used iu the preparation ot food, in which article, compound or preparation there is any anenic, calomel, bismuth, ammonia or alum. Sic. 2. Any person or Corporation vio lating the provisions of .this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be lined not less than one hundred dollars, which ahull be Daid into and become a part of the road fund of the i county in wmcn sucn nne is collected. The operation of this law will be mainly against alum baking powders. But the manufacture or sale of any ar ticle of food or article intended to be used in food which contains any of the substances classed by the law as un healthful from Arsenic to Alum is absolutely prohibited. Fight Between Han and Tig. An interesting fight between a man and a pig entranced a crowd of Norris town people the other morning on the wain. street. The man, a young farm er, was driving ajoig, uncovered wagon. He eat on some boards that were snatched from the wagon's two sides, and under the boards was the hog, which his weight held down. Sudden ly, in front of the Montgomery house, the man flew high in the air, the boards clattered down on top of him, and the porker began to climb out of the wagon. "You'll buck me, will you?" said the man, getting up, and he grabbed the animal by the tnroat and. began to ; pin oh it in the nose. The pig. erect - and shreking like mad, struck at him with its forepaws and tried to trip ' him with its hind ones. The intelligent horses stopped so as to let the ciowd view the fight in comfoit. The man and the hog lought all over the wagon until they both panted for breath. The animal's nose was' bleed inn, and the man's clothes and skin were torn here and there. The duelists were revolving in a tight embrace In the middle of the wagon, like a oouple waltzing, when a spectator reached up and knocked the hog down with a club. Then the boards were arranged again and the man drove off. Philadelphia Becord. ' -:, .-.' .- i :- . ., . , . Climate, Scenery and Nature's , Sani tarium. ' Scenery, altitude, sunshine and air, constitute the factors which are rapid ly making , Colorado the health and pleasure grounds of the world. ' '. v Here the sun shines 857 days of the average year, and it blends with the crisp, electric mountain air to produce a climate matchless in the known world. . No pen can portray, no brush can picture the majestic grandeur of the scenery along the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad in Colorado. Parties going East should travel via this line which is known all over the world as the Scenic Line of the world. For any information regarding rates, time tables, etc., call on or address R. C. Nichol, general agent, 251 Wash ington street, Portland, Or., or any agent of the O. R. & N. Co., or South ern Pacific Company. Improved Train Bqalpment. The O. B. & if. and Oregon Short' Line have added a buffet. amokina.and library car to their Portland-Chicago through train, and a dining car service has been inauguarated. The train is equipped with the latest, chair cars, day coaches and ..luxurious first-class and ordinary sleepnis.. Direct connec tion made at Granger with Union Pa cific and at Ogden with Rio Grande line, from all points in Oregon, Wash; ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities. For information, rates, etc., call on any O. R. & N. agent, or address W. H. Hurlburt. General Passenger Agent. LPoitland. Cody Called for a Cot. Col. Cody, the eminent scout, helpef to build, a church at North Platte, an was persuaded by his wife and daugh ter to accompany them to the opening. The minister gave out the hymn, which commenced with the words: ' "Oh, for ten thousand tongues to sing," etc. The organist, who played by ear, started the tune in too high a key and had to try again. A second attempt ended like the first in failure. "Oh, for ten thousand tongues to sing my great?" came the opening words for the third time, followed hy a squeak from the organ and a relapse into pain ful silence. Cody could contain him self no longer, and blurted out: "Start it at"3ve thousand, and mebbe some of the rest of us can get in." San Fran cisco Wave. The Illinois Central is constructing a freight car yard at New Orleans which will have 28 miles of tracks and will hold 8,600 cars. The yaid is be ing so arranged that oars can be distri buted fiom the receiving point to any other point by gravity. This will save an immensse expense for switching oars in. .. , . . Elf HI His Home-Coming' Celebrated at the . Nation's Capital. AN ILLUMINATION AND PARADE The Admiral Greeted by President Mc Kinley, Secretary Long and Other Cabinet Members. Washington, Oct. 4. The home coming of Admiral George Dewey for henceforth -the national capital is to be his home was made the occasion for the greatest tribute ever paid by Washington to any individual. . After the preliminary welcome in New York itselfT unsuprassed in its kind, it re mained for the highest and greatest in the official world to hold out the hand of greeting to the famous admiral, and to join with the people who are to be his fellow-citizens, in bidding him wel come. The citizens had made every preparation to make the occasion worthy of their hero. The - decorations were elaborate. Pennsylavnia avenue was one mass of colored bunting long the entire line of march from the station to the White House, and, not content with this, few private citizens failed to make some display of color on their residences. Unique designs in fairy lamps dotted the horizon; great searchlights; threw broad beams of bright light across the blue sky on a clear OctoT er evening, and the stately capitol stood revealed in its queenly beauty in the powerful rays of many concentrated lights. The same devise was used effectively in the case of other pulbio buildings within the range of vision of Admiral Dewey and the president, as they, stood to review : the great throng of people which passed slowly along beneath the prow of the white Olympia, which projected in bold relief from the stand at the head of Pennsylvania avenue. , ' On the facade of the newly com pleted government postoffice flamed forth two inscriptions, the one reciting the famous message of the president, directing Dewey, then thousands of miles away in the far East, to go forth to destroy the Spanish fleet, and the other setting out the famous admiral's direction to the lamented Gridley, "You may fire when you are ready, Gridley," - which marked an epoch in the history of the United States. Twelve thousand members of civic organizations paraded before him, be sides tens of thousands of non-organized citizens, and in a roar of cannon, rockets and the blaze of red fire, and the thunderous cheering of the popu lace, and the warm greeting of the head of the nation, Dewey came to the na tional capital to a welcome such as has not been known here hitherto. ' A mighty roar went up from the crowd as the admiral alighted at the portico of the executive -mansion. As he stepped from the carriage,- Colonel Bingham, representing the president, stepped forward to escort him to the east room, where Secretary Long,0As sistant Secretary Allen -and a brilliant assemblage of naval officials were ready to extend to him. the . greeting of the navy. Seoretary Long was at the door, and, as the admiral entered, the secre tary grasped his hand, and with en thusiasm, said: - "Admiral, I welcome yon home. This is the navy department for the moment, and - your associates of the navy are assembled here to give you a hearty greeting." . . - "Thank you, thank you," responded Admiral Dewey, first exchanging a few words of . greeting with the secretary and then with Mr. Allen and the other officials. . ; , - . y There was no formality, and after the first greetings Secretary Long in vited the admiral to accompany him to the president' J' library, where Mr. McKinley and the members of the cab inet were awaiting him.. . ' Arm in arm, Secretary Long and the admiral - proceeded by the ' elevator to the upper floor of the .mansion. The members of the cabinet had assembled in the cabinet-room, while the presi dent was alone in the library adjoining. As Secretary Long entered with the admiral, the president came forward to greet the .famous sailor, and, grasping his hand, wished him a hearty wel come. The admiral acknowledged the cordial - sentiments expressed by the president, and then asked as to the health of Mrs. McKinley, saying he had heard, with great regret,' that she had not been well. In reply, the presi dent suggested that 'the admiral meet Mrs.. McKinley. They stepped, out to the corridor, where Mrs. McKinley makes a sitting-room, and here found her with some of her lady friends. The admiral was presented and received from Mrs. - McKinley, as well as the president, a most hearty welcome home ---' Carter Goes to Leavenworth. - New York, , Oct. 4. Ex-Captain Oberlin Carter, who is confined in a cell in Castle William, will probably be taken to prison at Fort Leavenworth tomorrow or Friday. General Merritt has been notified that the official pa pers will reach him from Washington by mail tomorrow. - As soon as possi ble thereafter, Captain Carter will be removed from Governor's island. Andree Buoy Found. Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 4. The buoy marked "Andree Polar Expedi tion," which, with anchor attached, was found September 9, on- the north coast 'of King Charles island, by the master of the Norwegian cutter Martha Larsaak, was opened yesterday in the presence of a number of experts and members of the cabinet. It was found to be the so-called north pole buoy, which Andree had arranged to drop if he succeeded in passing the pole. Thirty-Second Gone to Manila. San Francisco, Oct. 8. The remain ing companies of the - Thirty-second regiment sailed today for Manila on the transports Glenogle and Charles Nelson. Companies A, E, F, G, K, L and M, and the regmental band, under command of Colonel Louis A. Craig, went on the Glenogle, and companies C and D, under command of Major Chalres E. Cabell, went on the Nelson. The Glenogle and the Nelson are of about the same speed, 14 knots an hour. They will touch . at Honolulu, and are expected to reach. Manila together,., 'x . TREMENDOUS EXPANSION. The Volume of Business Is Still Grow ing in All Lines. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review says: September is the 12th consecu tive month in which the volume of business, both at New York and out side of New York, has been greater than the same month of any previous year. In the 12 months, payments through clearing houses - have been $89,600,000,000, against $01,200,000, 000, in 12 months, ending with Sep tember, 1892, an increase of $28,400, 000,000, over 46 per cent. When the tremendous expansion be gan, men called it replenishment of long-depleted stocks, then for a time it was called a crazy outburst of specula tion, and when demands still expand ed, some permanent increase of busi ness was recognized as a result of in creased population, earning better wages. But the demand still grows, now ranging about 60 per cent greater than in 1892, while population, ac cording to treasury estimates, is 16 per cent greater, and wages equal, if not over 10 per cent greater. A recon struction of business and industries, of producing and transporting forces, is in progress throughout the land, with results which none can now measure. The wool market is active, with a general advance, aggregating about cent on washed fleece combing, the en tire list quoted by Coates Bros, proba bly averages about cent higher. Cotton opened the crop year at 6.25 cents and has risen to 6.87, although about a quarter more has come into sight than last year from the greatest crop on record, and stocks here and abroad commercial and bill, are 658, 000 bales greater than a year ago. : Corn is unchanged in price, and still in large foreign demand, exports hav ing been in four weeks 12,155,904 bushels, against 8,133,641 . last year. PACIFIC COAST - TRADE. Portland Market. " Wheat Walla Walla, 69 60c; Val-. ley, 5960c; Bluestem, 6162o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.25; graham, $2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 84 35c; choice gray, 88 34o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $15 le; brewing, $17.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 pei ton. Hay Timothy, $8 9. 25; clover, $6 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 4547c; . seconds, 85 40c; dairy, 8035c; store, 2227c. "- Eggs 20c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c; Young America, 14c; new. cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50 4.00 . per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs, $2.003.50; geese, $6.508 for old; $4. 50 6. 50 fqr young; ducks, $4.50 5.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12 14o per pound. Potatoes 5065o per sack; sweets, r 22jo per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c; '. per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cauli- . flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1; beans, 66o per pound; celery, 70 75o per dozen; cucumbers, 60o per box; peas, 34o per pound; tomatoes, 25o per box; green corn, 12 15o per dozen.- , Hops 11 13c; 1897 crop, 4 6o. Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 13c; mohair, 27 80o per pound. j Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8)c; dressed mutton, 6 7o per pound; lambs, 7o per pound. - Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, $6.007.00 per 100 pounds. - Beef Gross, top steers, $3.504.00; cows, $3.003.50; dressed beef, 67o per pound. Veal Large, 67iiC; small, 8 8 j4o per pound. - Seattle Markets. Onions, new, $1.251.50 per sack. , Potatoes,. new, 75c $1. , Beets, per sack, $1.10. Turnips, per sack, 75c ' , ; Carrots, per sack, 90o. '. ' . - Parsnips, per sack, 90c. ' Cauliflower, 75o per dozen. . Cabbage, native and California, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds. . Peaches, 6580o. ' : Apples, $1.251.60 per box. Pears, $1.001.25 per box. Prunes, 60o per box. , Watermelons, $1.50. Cantaloupes, 6075o. Butter Creamery, S7o per pound; dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 12 jj17o per pound. . , Eggs 27c ' . - ' Cheese Native, IS 14c. Poultry 15c; dressed, 16 Kc Hay Puget Sound timothy, $7 9; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $14.00 Corn Whole, $23.60; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $21; whole, $22. Flouir Patent, per barrel, $3.50; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; gra ham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.75. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $15.00; shorts, per ton, $16.00. Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal, per ton, $35.00. San Franelseo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1214o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 14c; Val ley, 1719c; Northern, 810o. Hops 1899 crop, 1012)o per pound. ' ' Onions Yellow, 7585o per sack. ' Butter Fancy creamery 2626c; do seconds, 23 25c; fancy dairy, 21 23o; do seconds, 18 20o per pound. . Eggs Store, 3125c; fancy ranch, 82 83c f Millstuffs Middlings, . $17.50 ' 19.50; nran, $16 17. Hay Wheat $60.9.25: wheat and oat $6.608.00; best barley $5.00 ' 7.00; alfalfa, $5.006.76 per ton; straw, 20 85o per bale. ' Potatoes Early Rose, 40 50c: Ore gon Burbanks, $1.251.60; river Bur- banks, 40 65c; Salinas Burbanks. 90o$1.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges. Valencia. $2.75 3.25; ; Mexican limes, $4.00 " o.uo; California lemons 75c$1.50: - do choice $1.752.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50 . 3.60 per t bunch; t pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 66io per pound. ":....:'"..'.-' X y XL