Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, September 22, 1899, Image 1

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    VKION Estate. July, 18T.
GAZETTE! Eatab. Dec, 1862
Consolidated Feb. 1899.
NO. 39.
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings or the Past Week
Called From the Telegraph Columns.
Admiral Howell will succeed Far
quhar aa commandant at Norfolk navy
A new cabinet has been formed in
Venezuela, with Senor Calcano at the
bead, with the foreign portfolio.
-John King and his wile, an aged
couple, were killed by their Orink
crazed eon at Southbridge, .Mass.
The mill . situation at Fall River,
Mass., baa been greatly simplified, as a
combination of stock is likely soon tc
be effected.
Bourke Cochran has advised Presi
dent McKinley to tender his - good
offices in the settlement of the Trans
vaal muddle. , i ;
Harry Metzler, 13 years old, war
washed from a laft, by a passing steam
er and diowned in the Willamette al
Portland, Or.
The mammoth new Oceanic, the big
gest vessel in the world, arrived " in
Mew York, six days and two hours
from England.
New York and Boston capitalists
will foim a livestock combination with
a capital of $30,000,000 to control the
cattle business. , "
Atturney-General Blackburn has de
cided that a game warden nan not grant
permits to hunt game out of season for
scientific purposes.
The Earl of Yarmouth, who ha bean
pending the summer at an Atlantic
resort will go on the stage. Charlet
Fiobman tias engaged him.' .
The troops quartered at the Presidio
in San Francisco now number nearly
13,000. This number includes 5,000
retnrned fiom the islands and awaiting
master out.. ".; '' .' ..
Emile Zola has published a protest
against the Rennes' verdict, in which
he shows conclusively the weakness of
the prosecution's case before the eyes
of the world.
The commissioners of Clallam oonn
ty, Washington, have appealed to the
aecretaiy of the interior io modify the
boundaries ol the Olympic reserve.
Four bundled and fifty thousand acres
of agricultural land is included in the
- The Filipinos have made their reply
to. our offer of autonomy. The docu
ment repeats arguments contained in
a recent appeal to the powers for recog
nition. It further says that the raoe
prejudice of the Americans is to blame
for the hostilities.
The Civic Federation conference on
the uses and abuses of trusts and com
binations opened in Chicago with
representative men from nearly every
state in the Union in attendance.
Governor Tanner and Mayor Harrison
each delivered an address r.f welcome.
Recent incendiaiy fires in Paris are
attributed to anarchists.
The revolution in Venezuela under
Castro is gaining strength. .
vises enumerators to do some studying.
Cornelius Vanderbilt died suddenly
at his home in New York of paralysis.
Bush negroes of Jamaica have re
lapsed into savagery and gone upon the
The great council of Improved Order
of Red Men opened in Washington with
1,000 delegates present. - ., -
Some of Aguinaldo'a officers are tired
of fighting for the Filipinos' cause and
will seek capture by the Ameiican
forces. .
' The yacht Narno has arrived at
Honolulu on a trip around the world.
She left New York four years ago and
has made neatly 40,000 miles.
Oakland, Cal., has accepted the offer
of Andrew Carnegie to give $50,000
for a publio library building, and will
gurantee the necessary $4,000 a year
for its support.
The Portland chamber of commerce
will send Senator Simon to Washing
ton to push recognition in the mattei
of embarkation of troops for the Phil
ippines from that port.
At Tuckahoe, N. Y.. Terry McGov
ern, an American pugilist whipped
Pedlar Palmer, an English bat am, io
the first round, and wins the title oi
champion in this class.
Secretary Ray, of the interstate com
merce commission, who has been in
Hawaii investigating the labor situa
tion, says he ia of the opinion that the
solution of the labor problem theie is
the employment of free white labor.
Chairman Van Horn, of the Canadian
Pacifio, says the Canadian Paoifia is
anxious to establish a gieat steamship
line between Liverpool and Halifax .to
take business away from New York
lines, and expectB to receive a subsidy
fiom the Canadian government.
William H. Bodwell, a well-known
printer, ex president of the Interna
tional Typographical Union, died at
Whitehall. N. Y., aged 67 years.
An imperial ukase has been issued
establishing a system of education for
the children of the nobility in Russia,
largely at government expense.
Salvation Army folks are forbiden
to use trumpet, drum or tamborine in
the streets of Philadelphia, and speech
only is left to them in their public
During the international exposition,
soon to be held at Buffalo, the Niagara
falls will be illuminated by huge elec
tric searchlights, equipped with multi
colored glasses and arc lights.
The American Automobile Company
has been organized in New York to
control the manufacture and operation
of all the automobiles and motors in
which kerosene or gasoline is used.
Prof. R. A. Fessenden. of Alleghany,
Pa., addressed the American Associa
tion for the Advancement of Science in
Columbus, O., concluded that the earth
most be at least 600,000,000 years old,
Cuba is suffering from a long-continued
- The Nashville will not be sent to
Venezuela till needed.
China has protested against General
Otis' exclusion order.
Japan is being urged to secure rail
way concessions from China.
James M. Nixon, a once- famous
showman, is dead in New York.
The battleship Kentucky will have
her first run about the 1st of October.
The Indian hoppickers in Ptiyallnp
valley, Washington, are eun dancing.
'Almost the entire business section
of Farnham, N. Y , was wiped out by
The sovereign grand lodge of Odd
Fellows met in Detroit, Mich., in an
nual session; ..
The steamer Alpha has arrived from
Alaska with 200 passengers and half
a ton oi gold. .'...
.The American ship George Stetson
was burned at Loochoo, China. No
loss of life resulted from ".the disaster.
A bill has been introduced by a
Chickasaw lawmaker raising the prioe
of marriage license from $50 to $1,000.
Major Jones, who has been quarter
master at Manila, has returned. He
thinks 60,000 men will be needed in
the islands for 10 years.
Hon. Daniel Ermentrout, congress
roan from the. sixth congressional dis
triat of Pennsylvania, is dead. He
was serivng his sixth term.
Officials say that Admiral Sampson
will not be suspended by Admiral
Howison and that the newspapers are
making a mountain out of a mole bill.
.Chief of Engineers Willson will sub
rait to congress a comprehensive scheme
for the defense of Porto Rico. The
Spanish works will be ntilized in part.
A boat containing the captain and
11 men from the French steamer Duura
is believed to have been lost near the
island of Elba in the Mediterranean
sea. ' . '
Thirty transports are scheduled tc
sail for the Philippines before Novem
bre 1, and it is predicted that the sol
diers of the new ieigments will eat
Christmas dinner at Manila.
- The time has not been extended and
sheep must be off the Rainier reserve
by the 25th Of this month.-. Stockmen
say they - will move to- Montana oi
Idaho unless favorable legislation it
secured. ...
Advices from Manila announce that
Aguinaldo is willing to release all, sick
civilian and Spanish prisoners, but it
is added that General : Otis refuses to
allow Spanish vessels to proceed to
Filipino ports to receive them.
Circle City, Alaska, now has a popu
lation of but 100.
A big yield of wheat is reported in
the Walla Walla valley. ; '
- Tli6 Nevadas, Iowas and Tennessee!
will soon be on their way home.
- Six negroes were killed in a riot be
tween white and colored miners at Car
ter vi He, III.
C. A. Pillsbnry, the great flouring
mill king of Minnesota, is dead at big
home in Minneapolis.
The Dreyfus meeting held in London
was a spiritless affair. Interest in the
subject seems to be lagging.
- The plant of the Ameiican Fisheries
Company, Promised Land. L. I., was
destroyed by fire; loss, $500,000.
The British admiralty has prepared
a war map of St. John's. N. F.t as a
preliminary to fortifying the. town.
An adobe ' house, five miles from
Mora, N. M., collapsed and killed Man
uel Cordova, his wife and six children.
The memory of the martyred presi
dent, James A, Garfield, was 'honored
in San Francisco with a parade-and
exercises at Golden Gate Park.
The Hungarian novelist, - Mauris
Jokai, now in his 75th ear, was mar
ried at Vienna to the Hungarian act
ress, Aiabella Grossnagy, a girl of 18.
Tom Reed has published bis farewell
to his friends of the first Maine dis
trict. - He says publio office is man's
opportunity, not a ribbon to stick in
the coat.
The. reply of the Transvaal is very
unsatisfactory to the British, and Mr.
Chamberlain declares it will compel
the imperial government to consider
the situation afresh.
A Manila dispatch says the cruiser
Charleston bomarded the fort at Subig
bay. Little or no injury was done.
The Monterey , and Concord were sent
to continne the bomardment.
A Washington dispatch says the Tar
tar recently delayed in the Orient, was
not overcrowded, that she had 185 less
than her capacity, and that the trouble
was entirely due to giumbling.
One of the most remarkable religious
institutions in the countiy, the Monas
tery and College of the Holy Land, was
dedicated with imposing ceremonies by
the prominent Catholic clergy of this
countiy at Washington.
Leaders of the different railroad em
ployes organizations are discussing
plans with a view to establishing em
ployes' grocery stores at the division
points of the various lines. If success
ful in this line other departments will
be taken np.
Glasgow numbers among its popula
tion a man who is making a manuscript
copy of the Bible. He expects to fin
ish it in two years.
Wilbur F. and John Stiles are twins
living in Wichita, Kan. They look so
much alike that only intimate friends
can tell them apart.
Near a certain quarry in Italy is a
town the inhabitants of which pay no
rent or taxes. They are quarry em
ployes, who have dug dwellings in te
face of a steep rock.
Captain Francis W. Dickins, for
some time acting chief of tbe bureau of
navigation, navy department, is to be
given command of the battleship Indi
ana, succeeding Captain H. C. Taylor,
who has asked to be relieved.
The official report on tbe mineral
production of the United States for the
oalendar year 1898, bas been made
public by tbe geological survey. It
shows that since 1880 the total value
of the mineral production ot the Uni
ted States has increased from $369,
819,000 to $679,880,003 in 1898, near
ly 90 per cent.
Wardner Says It Extends
Under the Sea.
Opens Cp Great Possibilities In Alaska
: Mining; Survivors of the Deadly Ed
monton Trail Return to Civilisation.
Seattle. Sept. 18. J. F. Wardner,
the well-known mining man. who has
just returned from Cape Nome,, ad
vances the novel theory that the gold
deposits extend miles out to sea. In
support of the theoiy, be says that two
miners placed a caisson 120 feet from
low tide. The dirt which was taken
out ran 15 to 50 cents pet shovelful.
Similar experiments were tried at a
further distance from tide murk, with
better results. '
Deadly Edmonton Trail.
.Wrangel, Alaska, Sept. 13, via Seat
tle, Sept. 18. The Sticbeon river
steamer Strathcona arrived today with
67 survivors of the Edmonton trail.
Tho majority of them are without
means.' They will be ahipped to Puget
sound at the expense of the United
Stateg government. About 50 of them
will go to Seattle tomorrow on the
steamer Al-Ki. Many are suffering
from the effects of scurry. Their
stories of hardship ar.d -suffering en
dured in their 18 months on llie4rail
are in a similar strain to those which
have preceded them. No new fatali
ties are tepnrted. It is thought that
at least 75 prospectors are still on the
trail. Tbey will have to come down
the Sfickeen in small boat, as tbe
low stage of water will prevent the
Strathcona from making another trip
this year. On her last tr ip she was
hung up on a sand bar five days, 80
miles above Wrangel.
J. J. mil in Spokane.
Spokane, Sept. 18. President Hill
and a party of Great Northern officii" li
and guests arrived here this evening
on aspecial train. Mr. Hill announced
bis purpose of beginning at onoe per
manent improvements in Spokane in
volving an expenditure of from $600,
000 to $1,000,000. Ho also stated that
lie will . return hero Tuesday and dis
cuss with business men and mincown
ers the matter of smolting here the ores
of tbe surrounding country from Baker
City, on tbe line of the O. R. & N.. to
British - Columbia on the north. The
party will leave in . tbe morning for
Puget eound.
I'hlllpplne Commissioners to Return.
' Manila, Sept. 16. Colonel Charles
Denby and Professor Dan Worcester,
metiibors of the Philippine commission,
h'aVe 'received instructions from Presi
dent McKinley asking them to return
as soon as possible. They will em
bark on the steamer India, which saiU
from "Hong Kong September SC. It
is not known whether the clerical foroe
will return with them or remain here.
The " commissioners had just removed
into new offices and expected to sp-'nd
some months working on tbe establish-ment-pf
municipal governments. .
.. The: Nevada cavalry was unable to
sail on tho Newport. They will take
tbe next available transport..
Can Not Tell Who He Is.
. Seattle, Sept. 18. Among the many
unfortunate prospectors that have re
turned from Alaska this season is an
old man who cannot tell who he is, or
where he came from. There is a clot
of blood in his brain which has caused
a paralysis of speech, duo to typhoid
fever. The only words he can utter
are an indistinct ye and no. By the
aid of a map it was learned that he
came from Cambridge, Mass. ' A man
who accompanied him from Dawson
says bis name is something like
"Fisk." Efforts are being made to
establish the man's identity. His
limbs are also paralyzed.
Opening; of the Oregon State Fair.
Salem, Or., Sept. 18. Without oer
emony the Oregon state fai r of 1899
was formerly opened to the public this
evening. Fully 500 people were in at
tendance, a largo crowd for opening
night and passed the time very pleas
antly in inspecting the many fine pavil
ion exhibits, in listening to instru
mental music by Parsons' orchestra,
an outdoor illustrated lecture on the
war in the Philippines by Edward
Shields, a Tecitation by Miss - Helen
Lamar, and vocal selections by Charles
H. Whiting.
' ' Bungling Execution of a Negro.
Mobile. Ala.. Sept. 18. Henry
Gardner, a negro, aged 18, was hanged
in the jailyard bere today for assault
ing a white girl under 10 years of ae,
last June. When the trap fell the
noose bad not been properly fastened
and the negro fell heavily to the
ground. He was assisted to tho scaf
fold, suffering great pain, and the trap
sprung tbe second time, successfully.
Hurricane In Newfoundland.
St. John's, N. F., Sept. 18 A violent
burr;cane swept this section of New
foundland last night. Four fishing
boats were driven off the St. John's
coast, and three men and a woman
were drowned.
Killed Her Children and Herself.
Scotia, Neb., Sept. 18. As a result
of domestic difficulties, Mrs. Earne
Phillips forced uer two children, aged
1 and 3 years, to tako carbolic acid,
and then swallowed a dose of the poison
herself. The husbanr. found all three
lying upon the floor dead when ho re
turned from the field where be had
been at work.
Eastern capitalists are to establish a
structural steel plant at Menoniiueo,
Mich., which will employ 0,000 hand.
1 In the Army.
Los Angeles, Sept. 18. H. 8. Starr,
who resided near Pasadena, myster
iously disappeared on the night ;f
April 24 last, under circumstances
leading to the belief that be had been
murdered. He now writes from Ma
nila stating that he is in a military
hospital, recovering from brain fever
and a fractured skull. He professes
ignorance of bow be received the in
jury, and also says that he is in tfc
Third artillery regiment under an uj
sumed name, though he cannot explain
bow b cams to enlist,
Remarkable Terms Which the Chief of
. the Tag-als Refused.
New York; Sept. 18. A special to
the World from Ithaca, N. Y., says:
Your correspondent is able to say on
authority that the Schurman peace
commission offered every inducement
short of absolute self-government to
Aguinaldo and his followers. Agui
naldo was promised as the price for the
restoration of peaoe in the Tagal tribe
a bonus of more than $5,000 a year
while the "Tagals remained peaceful.
He was told that he could choose men
from his own tribe for the minor municipal-offices.
The commission went
so far as to promise Aguinaldo tbe
moral support of the United States gov
ernment, if such were needed, to make
his leadership of the Tagals thoroughly
secure. : ' :
With all these "inducements, tempt
ing as they must have been, Aguinal
do,, as the recognized head of the insur
gent movement, declined to yield. He
insisted . upon immediate self-government,
and as bis insistanco was so firm
as to make . an agreement impossible,
tbe American commissioners tea Bed ne
gotiations. .
President Schurman was: frank in
telling your correspondent a day or so
ago that he fa voted giving to the various
tribes the largest possible measure of
bome rule at the earliest moment. -He
thought the several tribes could admin
ister their local affairs, elect their
municipal officers, establish courts and
penal institutions, etc., but did not
believe it possible to allow tha natives
to pai ticipate in the general govern
ment. " " -
"How could they govern the islande,
in view of. the hetrocenity and multi
plicity .of the tribes?'' ho added. "1
American Yfheatgrower to Hare Com
petition from a New Quarter, t
New York, Sept. 18. A special to
the Herald . from Washington says:
American farmers are to have competi
tion from a new quarter in the wheat
market of the world. Consul Mona
ghan, of Chemnitz, in a report to the
state department, gives interesting' de
tails of the;agrioultural possibilities '
Asiatis Russia,-; Mr. Monaghan eayt
that this vast ten itory is destined to
be one of the world's richest and most
productive places. It is .particularly
well adapted to the growing of wheal
and other cereals, and since the build
ing of the trans-Siberian road, wheat
from this region has already found its
way to the European market. "
At present the resouices of this re
gion are undeveloped, and must remain
so for some years, as the population . is
as yet greatly scattered, being less than
one inhabitant- to each square mile.
Immigration from Europo to Russia is
setting in howevet, and 4,000 persons
entered thoTegion laet year.
Hawaiian Capitalist Out and Injured.
San Francisco, Sept. 18. R. B.
Banning, a Hawaiian captialist, ar
rived from Honolulu on the steamship
Australia last Tuesday and registered
at the Occidental. Among his effects
was a valise containing between $30,
000 and $50,000 in bank notes, bonds
and sugar stocks, together with a num
ber of other valuable documents. A
few hours after, bis arrival bo missed
the valise. . -
An investigation has been made and
it is thought it is on its way back to
. The President's Trip.
Washington. Sept. 18. Only Secre
taries Gage and Root. Postmaster-General
Smith and 1 Attorney-General
Griggs were present at today's cabinet
meeting. - The president announced
that he had intended to extend his
Chicago trip to Minneapolis and St.
A variety of subjects weie dis
cussed, but final action was not taken,
oxcept in the case of Cuban money or
ders to the United 'States, the rate of
which will be raised from 30 cents per
$100 to 60 cents. :
Wrecked aud Burned.
Atchison, Kan.. Sept. 18. Missouri
Pacific freight No. 124 was wrecked at
4:30 this afternoon, midway between
'- Paul, Neb., and Julian station,
.ar Nebraska City. Three of the
crew were instantly hilled, and their
bodies cremated. '
The killed are: Engineer Tom Gil
lam, Fireman, T. M. Ruse, Brakeman
W. H. Foster, all single aud residents
of Atchison. . . . j
' Drank Wood Alcohol.
Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 18. Michael
Owens and Richard Conroy, marines
of the cruiser Philadelphia, have died
from tbe effects of .. drinking wood
alcohol. ' Both men enlisted at Mare
island. Owens, who was formerly a
member of the Sixteenth infantiy,
served through tbe Cuban campaign
and came here from Samoa on tbe
Badger. He was a native of Philadel
phia. "
"Devil Anse" Hatfield Captured.
Willlamston. W. Va.. Sept. 13.
Sheriff Henderson, of Logan county,
and a posse of 15 today went to the
Hatfield fort, in the mountains 30
miles from here, and without blood
shed captured "Devil Anse" Hatfield,
hie son Bob, and John Dingess, a rela
tive of the Hatfields by marriage. The
prisoners will be taken to Pike county
and tried on charges of murder grow
;ng out of the Hatfield-McCoy feud.
For Highway Robbery.
Pulaski, Va., Sept. 18. Noah Fin
ley, a negro, was hanged here today
His crime was highway robbery and at
tempted murder, and his execntion was
the only instance in late years in
which the extreme penalty has been
imposed in Virginia for this offense.
Seattle, Sept. 18. Alfred Ray, repre
senting a Philadelphia syndicate, is
shipping men and material to Alaska
for the construction of the second rail
road in that territory. - The road is to
be 15 miles long and to be used in con
nection with the development of 25,
000 acres of coal lands on Kaobekmok
ay. Cook's inlet
No Dreyfus Meeting.
New York, Sept. 18. There will be
io mass meeting in this city to protest
gainBt the condemnation of Dreyfus.
I Efforts were made to arrange such a
gathering, but tho men who were asked
to take a leading part declind to do so,
and expressed the opinion that the
movement was a mistake. Conse
quently the promoters ot the affair de
aided to abandon tha idea.
Negroes Shot Down at Brush
Mines, Carterville.
Culmination of Long-Standing Trouble
, Between Union and Non-Union Min
ers Militia Called Out.
Carterville, 111., Sept. 19. Carter
fille was the scene of a bloody riot be
tween white and negro miners, today.
Six negroes were killeiL and one other
mortally wounded. Company " C,
Fourth regiment, Illinois National
Guard, ariived bere late this evening,
and will endeavor to preserve order.
Forty "miners . from the Hei rin in i pes
left that place- for this city this even
ing, armed with : Krag-Jorgensen rifles
determined to assist the white miners,
should their services be' required, .
' Trouble has been brewing ever since
the militia was recalled by Governor
Tanner last Monday, since, which, time
the white miners have refused to allow
the negro' miners . to come into town.
Today 13 negroes marched into the
town and opened fire on a" crowd of
whites. ; The whites' returned -the fire
promptly, and a running, fight ensued.
The negroes, closely followed by the
wihtes, scattered, some tunning up the
main street, the remainder starting
down the railroad track. . Here the
worst execution ' was done. After tho
fight was over, four dead bodies were
picked np, and another 'man. was found
mortally wounded. They were taken
to tbe city hall, where' the wounded
man was given medical treatment, and
an inquest was held over the dead ones.
Later, near the Brush mines, in anoth
er part of the city, two other dead bod
ies were found.
The killed are: Rev. O. T. J.Floyd,
Huse Bradley, John Blaok, Henry
Brannnm. Two unidentified. .
Mortally wounded:" Sim Cummings.
' The mayor has taken - every' " precau
tion to prevent further . trouble, and
none will occur unless the' negroes
make an attack.
Spuerintendent Donnelly, of the
Brush mines, where tbe negroes reside,
repoits that the negioes are worked np
into a frenzy, and, while he is doitig
all in bis power to bold them in
check, he is afraid he cannot do so
much longer, and that au less the mili
tia appears shortly furthei trouble may
be looked for.
Trouble has existed here, off and on,
for over a year, but no fatalities oc
curred until June 30, when a passen
ger train on the Illinois Central rail
road was fired into and one negro wo
man killed.- These negroes were on
their way to the mines, having come
fiom Pana. A short time afterward a
pitched battle . ensued ' between the
nnion and nonunion forces duriug
whioh time the dwellings occupied by
the union negroes were, burned. Sev
eral arrests were made, and the. parties
are in jail at Marion on tbe charge of
murder, awaiting trial.
Reply of Transvaal Tory Unsatisfactory
Boers Mean to Fight.
London, Sept. 19. The reply of the
Transvaal to Mr. Chamberlain's latest
note is said to cover nine pages. It is
eminently of the "negative and incon
clusive" character, which Mr. Cham
berlain declared would compel the im
perial government to consider the situ
ation afreBh. It practically repudiates
suzerainty, reverts to. the seven-year
franchise, and declines to.give equality
to the Dutch and English languages in
the volksraajl. In short, it is politely
negative and defiant. The full text
may not be available for a day or two,
but it will not change the aspect of
affairs. The cabinet will probably
meet on Wednesday or Thursday to
consider the next step. '
It is supposed that the next move
contemplated by the Transvaal is an
appeal to the powers, begging them to
recommend arbitration on tbe lines o
the conference at The Hague.
Has McKinley Intervened?
The Cape Town correspondent of the
Daily Mail says:
"Afrikander bund circles profess to
have information that President Mc
Kinley bas intervened between Great
Britain and the Transvaal.
Condemned to Death.
Washington. Sept. 19. The- secre
tary of war, in response to numerous
requests, cabled General Otis regarding
tbe two men of the Sixteenth infantry
who, according to the press dispatches,
had been condemned to death in the
Philippines for assaulting native wo
men.; A reply received tonight said
there was a third soldier now about to
be tried in connection with the same
case, and that when the court-martial
was concluded the papers would be
forwarded to tbe department. The two
men sentenced are Corporal Damphoffer
and Private Conine. The name of the
third soldier involved bas not yet been
made public. The sentences will not
be executed nntit the war department
shall have reviewed the oases. Tbe
papers cannot teach Washington in less
tban 30 days.
- Reform, in Baseball.
Chicago, Sept. 19. A new baseball
league, whose circuit will include cities
in both the National and Western
Leagues, and which will be known as
tbe American Associafion of Baseball
Clubs, was formed today at a meeting
here of -baseball men and lovers ot the
national game. The circuit as decided
on will include St. Louis, Milwaukee,
Detroit, Chicago, - Baltimore, New
York, Philadelphia and Washington.
A. C. Anson was offered the the presi
dency, but refused to accept at present.
II. D. Quinn, of Milwaukee, was elect
ed temporary president.
The platform of the new league was
annouced as follows:
Honest competition, no syndicate
baseball, no reserve rules. To respect
all con ti acts, and popular prices.
One Man Killed, Two Wounded.
Chicago, Sept. 19. As a result of
a dispute over a suit of clothes today,
Martin Walgren, a bookkeeper, was
killed, and Theodore Walgren and
George Clarke slightly wounded by
Fred Fisher, a tailor. Fisher used a
knife, and claims he aoted in self-defense.
Pitiful State of Desolation Wrought by
' War and Weather.
New York, Sept. 20. William
Willis Howard, general manager of the
Cuban industrial relief fund, and who
bas recently returned from Cuba, says:
"Cuba is in a pitiful state. Instead
of a rainy season, Cuba bas had a
drought. Not since 1844 has there
been such long-oontinued dry weather
during the summer. The result has
been disastrous. The United States
weather bureau reports that all small
crops have been ruined. . Sugar cane
has been so damaged that the crop next
year will be less than tbe crop ground
this year.
"The most distressing feature of the
drought is the destruction of the corn
crop. Even under favorable circum
stances, the corn crop would have been
small, for it was planted in driblets,
here and there. The weather bnreau
reports show thatthe corn crop'will
yield not more - than 5 percent. On
our relief farms we have better corn
than any- I have seen in Cuba, due no
doubt to the fact that we put more la
bor on the growing crop than anyone
else was able to do.
"Business in the cities is desperately
dull. The hotels are empty, restaurants
idle and all small affairs are lifeless.
Large business concerns are scraping
along as best they may, in the hope
that the future of the island may be
definitely settled."
".In ' the country the desolation
wrought by war and weather still con
tinues without abatement."
Boers Preparing for the Defense of the
Republic. "
: London, Sept. 20. Tbe special .dis
patches from South Africa confirm the
reports telegraphed yesterday that the
Boers are massing artillery in positions
commanding Laing's Nek. Small Boer
detachments occupy positions abeve
Buffalo river. -
The members of the afrikanderbnnd
in Capo Town intend to convene the
bund in congress to consider the sitna?
tion. ...
A Bloerafontein paper reports the
dismissal of several Englishmen from
the Bloemlontein police force, , because
of tbeir refusal to serve on the com
mand. The general apprehension in regard
to the outcome was reflected by the de
cline in consols and stocks on the Lon
don stock exchange, where, although
all stocks continued depressed, there
was not the slightest approach to ex
citement. '
The text of President Kruger's reply
was issued by Seoretary Chamberlain
this afternoon. Tbe language in many
places is taken to indicate slim, un
yielding position. The reply, how
ever, concludes:
- "If her majesty's government is
willing, arid feels able to make this de
cision a joint commission, as at first
proposed by Chamberlain, it would put
an end to the present state of tension.
Race hatred would decrease and die
Out, and'the prosperity and . welfare of
the South African republic and the
whole of South Africa would be devel
oped and furthered, and fraternization
would increase." . .
Withdraws From the Race for United
States Senator.
Detroit Mich., Sept. 20. General
R. A. Alger today gave out a letter
written by himself in New York, Sep
tember 8, in which he announces his
withdrawal from tbe candidacy for
United States senator. The letter fol
lows: , v'
"The Waldorf-Astoria, New York,
Sept. 8, 1899. My Dear Mr. Jndson:
After careful consideration I have de
cided not to be a candidate for the
United States senate. My reasons for
this determination are personal and of
a business nature. I fully appreciate
and thank you- and my many other
friends who offered support, and hope
to be able- in the future to show my
giatitude for all that has been done for
me by the people of our state., I am,
my dear sir, sinoerly yours, -
"Hon. William Judson, Ann Arbor,
General Alger declined to say any
thing further concerning bis withdraw
al tban was contained in the letter.
Transports Will Come to Portland Al
ready Fitted Out.
Washington, Sept. 80. It is stated
at the quartermaster's department that
the request to have the ships that are
to carry tbe Thirty-fifth regiment from
Portland to Manila chartered and fitted
out at Portland cannot be granted be
cause tbe ships must be fitted out un
der the direction of officers . having
charge of such work at San Francisco:
also that the men who understand tbe
work are employed at the latter place,
and it. would not be practicable to send
them to Portland.
Building Fell In Montreal.
Montreal, Sept. 19. One cone of the
Queen's Hall block, in whiuh was lo
catded W. H. Scoggers' dry goods store,
fell in tonight. The building col
lapsed gradually, and no one was in
jured. The building is an oppoising
one, occupying a whole square fronting
on St. Catherine street.
Dewey Holidays.
Albany, N. Y., Sept. 20. Governor
Roosevelt today issued a proclamation
setting apart Friday and Saturday,
September 29 and 80, as holidays to
be observed throughout tbe state as
days of general thanksgiving in honor
of the return of Admiral George Dewey
to the United States. This will make
the days legal holidays.
A silver fox skin was sold in London
recently for $1,750 at an auction.
This is the highest price on record.
The National Reception.
Washington, Sept. 20. Arrange
ments for tbe reception of Admiral
Dewey in this city, October 2 and 4,
are being rapidly completed General
Nelson A. Miles, the marshal of tbe
parade, bas announced the selection of
Adjutant-General Corbin as his chief-of-staff.
and Major John A. Johnson,
as chief aide-de-camp. The parade
will consist of about 20.000 men.
Salinas, Cal.. Sept. 23. Sheriff Far
ley, of Monterey county, was shot and
killed tonight by George Caesar, whom
;he was trying to arrest for aieon.
Results of the Recent Con
ference Were Beneficial.
Will Contain All the Speeches In Full
Fifty Thousand Copies to Be Dis
tributed Throughout the Country.
" . . . .
Chicago, Sept. 20. The Times
Herald says: Save for the work of
publishing the report of the trust con
ference the Civio Federation's work in
the big meeting is fully accomplished.'
Franklin H. Head, its president, is
confident that the results of the dis
cussion will be far-reaching and bene
ficent and he feels that this organiza
tion was justified in its expenditure of
labor and time. Fifty thousand copies
of the report are to be printed and dis
tributed throughout the country so that
those who did not attend, the conven
tion may have the advantage of the
views expressed by leading. economists,
lawyers, politicians and thinkers from
different sections of the United States.
This Mr. Head deems highly impot
tanL - Among the reflections of Mr.
Head on the conference generally are
tbe following -statements:
"The idea of the Civic Federation
was to have a full discussion; of all
sides of the general question of trusts
and trade combinations. It is a sub
ject upon which there is endless con
fusion of thought among the people and
we hoped by giving all sides a fair
hearing to clear away much of the fog
and mist and tobiing tbe people nearer
together bo that they might be sure of
the evils of these large combinations if
there were any and devise remedies for
such evils.
'""In almost every respect 1 think "the
conference bas been a decided. success.
Many of tbe papers offered were from
careful economic students and pos
sessed not only great but permanent
value. Among these. might be men
tioned tbe papers ' contributed by
Henry C. Adams, J. W. Jenks, John
Graham Brooks and Professor Clark, of
Columbia university. .. Undoubtedly
the two speeches which attracted most
attention were those delivered by W.
Bourke Cock ran and W. J. Bryan.
"As a result of the discussions it
seemed to me that the general impres
sion of those, present was that the
growth of trusts and combinations
should be jealously watched and guard
ed and that there should be a careful
supervision of their operations by the
state authorities and also possibly by
the federal government supervision
somewhat similar to that of our na
tional banks 'would be most desirable
and important aud that all such cor
porations should be required to have
carefully-kept books of account,-showing
all the general operations in their
business, and that the featuies of such
statistics Bhould be made public some
thing after- the maner in which the sta
tistics of national banks are made pub
lic. The objects sought through these
suggestions were not only for the bene
fit of the general public who might be
considering an investment, but also for
the benefit of the stockholders, who
might thus learn if the managers were
loyal to tho interests of the stockhold
ers. ".'.' 1
"There has been some talk of there
being political capital in the result of
the conference. I do not know that
the result of the conference could be
construed to have any political bearing.
The question! of business .' trusts and
corportaions is not a political question.
There are probably just as many Demo
cratic .stockholders in these various
combinations as Republicans. . They
have entered into these combinations
with tbe belief that tbey are advan
tageous in tbe way of cheapening pro
duction and doing away with the exces
sive competition, which in periods of
depression is often times fatal to all
parties to the competition.
"Whatever may be the steps taken
to adopt some remedies or restrictive
measures whioh shall retain whatever
there may be of benefit in tbe trusts,
while removing that which is preju
dicial to the national good, in my opin
ion the conference held in Chicago will
piove a historical meeting, and its in
fluence as a source of education, and
perhaps as a strarting point of some
definite developments, will be felt for
a . long time. The Civio Federation
is satisfied yes, gratified with tbe
entire work of ihe conference."
Woman Guilty of Arson.
Jacksonville, Or., Sept. 19. Rosan
na Carlile, who was indicted jointly
with her husband, John A. Carlile, for
burning the barn of her brother, A. J.
Hamlin, on the night of August 14,
1899, pleaded guilty last night and was
sentenced to nine years' imprisonment
in the penitentiary. The trouble be
tween the brother and sister grew out
of the settlement of the estate of their
father, tbe late James Hamlin. Upon
Mrs. Carlile's plea of guilty, her hus
band was released from custody. .
I Situation at Key West.
Key West. Fla.. Sept. 20. Fifty
four cases of yellow fever have been
reported in the past 48 hours atd three
deaths, making a total number of cases
to date of 362, and 17 deaths.
Celebration In Mexico.
City of Mexico, Sept. 20. The wife
of President Dial is somewhat im
proved in health, but was unable to
take part in tbe national independence
celebrations which went off with tbe
usual eclat. The magnificent illumina
tion of the oathedral of Mexico by elec
tricity was tbe cause of general admira
tion. The great building could be
seen'for 30 miles like a vast mound ot
blazing light in the center of the Val
ley of Mexico.
Attacked by Taquls.
Mazatlan, - Sept. . 20. Twenty-five
Mexican cowboys have been attacked
in Sonora by mounted Yaquia, who
opened fire upon them and drove the
horses and cattle guarded by the Mexi
cans away. Seeing themselves out
numbered, the Mexicans put spurs to
their horses and ran away, but one
vaquero, a young man ot indomitable
courage, remained and fought the
whole body of tbe Yaquia, killing
many of them, but be was finally shot,
and it is said bis corpse was, shocking
ly mutilated, . ' - -
Seneral Business of the Country Goes
Forward at a Good Face.
Bradstreet's says: With compara
tively little stock or other speculative
activity, and with few strong new fea
tures presenting themselves, the gener
al business of the country goes forward
at a good pace, and with unprecedented
volume for this period of the year.
Fall trade activity would appear to De
it its maximum, judging fiom advices
af activity and strength ot demand re
ported alike from Western and kasurn
markets, and shared in also by most
South At lan tio and interior Southern
3i ties.
Iron and steel are quiet but very
strong at tbe East.
Little improvement seems to be noted
in wheat though the government report
was temporarily stimulating. Weather
conditions are partly responsible for
the better demand 'for butter. The
strength of cotton goods is notable.
Lumber retains all its old strengtn ana
some new buying is responsible for ad
vanced quotatons at several centers.
This ia true also of most building ma
terials with the exception of brick
whioh ia rather weak owing to reported
over production. Wool is firmer at all
and higher at some markets ' and much
interest is taken in the next London
wool sales.
Wheat (including flour) shipments
for the week aggregate 4,000.000 bush
els against 4.353,903 bushels last Week
3,675,291 bushels in the corresponding
week - of 1898, 6,299.948 bushels in
1897, 6,966,352 bushels in 1896, and
2,892,269 bushels in 1895.
Sinoe July 1, this season, the exports
of wheat aggregate 42,012,793 bushels,
against 36,469,091 bushels last year,
and44.602.700 in 1897. ,
Business failures for tbe week num
ber 149, against 123 last week, and 173
in this week a year ago.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 68 60c;
Valley, 6961c; Blueetem, 6061o
per busbel.
Flour Best grades, 3.25; graham,
$2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 86 40c; choice
gray, 86 38c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15 16;
brewing, f 18.60 per ton.
' Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, 32; aborts, $18; chop, $16.00
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $89; clover. $7
8; Oregon wild bay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 4550o;
seconds, 8540o; dairy, 80S5o;
store, 22X27),o.
Eggs 20c per dozen. T-
Cheese Oregon full cream 12o;
Young America, 13o; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4.00
4.60per dozen; bens, $5.50 springs,
$3.604.50; geese, $6.50 8; for old.
$4. 60 6. 60 for young; ducks, $4.50
6.60 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12,
13)c per pound.
Potatoes 65 76c per sack; sweets,
2(&2c per pound. - -'
Vegetables Beets, $J; turnips,' 90c
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, l2c per pound; cauli
flower, 76o per dozen; - parsnips, $1
beans, 66o per pound; celery,
70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per
box; peas, 8 4c per pound; tomatoes,
2530c per box; green corn, 1215c
per dozen. v
Hops ll13o; 1897 crop, 46e.
Wool Valley, 1213o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 813c; mohair,
37 30c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8Jc; dressed mutton. 6 -7c;
lambs, 7c per lb.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, $6.00
7.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 3.60$4.00;
cows, $3. 00 3. 50; dressed beef,
6 7c per pound. .
Veal Large, 67c; small, 8
8c per pound.
Seattle Markets.
Onions, new, $1.52 1.50 per sack,
Potatoes, new, 75c$l
Beets, per sack, 75$1.
Turnips, per sack, 50c .
Carrots, per sack, 6075o.
Parsnips, per sack, $1 1.75.
: Cauliflower, 76c per doz.
Cabbage, native and California
$1 1.26 per 100 pounds.
Cherries, 75o$l.
Peaches, 76 90c.
Apples. $1.25 1.75 per box.
Pears, $1.752per box.
Prunes, $1 per dox.
Watermelons, $12. 50.
Cantaloupes, 60 76o. s
Butter Creamery, 27o per pound;
dairy 1722q ranch, 1217c per lb.
Eggs, 26c. '
Cheese Native. 13 14c.
Poultry 13 14c; dressed, 1 6 e.
Hay Puget Sound timothy. $79;
choioe Eastern Washington tim
othy, $14.00.
Corn Whole. $23.60; cracked, $28;
feed meal, $23.00.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton
$21; whole, $23.
: Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60,
blended straights, $3.25: California
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham,
per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour,
$8; rye flour,-$3. 75.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton. $16;
shorts, per ton, 16.
Jfeed unopposr xeed, $20.50 per
ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
Baa Francisco Market.
Wool Sorine Nevada. 12rai4n nnr
pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1014o; Val
ley, 17 19c; Northern, 810o.
unions xeupw, 7585o per sack.
Butter Fancy creamery ' 250 2n?
do seconds, 2334c; fancy dairy,
2133c do seconds, 1820c per
Eggs Store, 2023c; fancy ranch.
Hops 1899 crop, 10 13c per pound.
Citrus Fruit Oranges. Val Annie.
$3.7B8.36; Mexican limes, $4 5.00;
California lemons. 75aafti-fin: An
choice, $1.76 3. 00 per box.
Hay Wheat. $69W: wheat tH
oat, $6)f8X; best barley, $5.00
7; alfalfa, 5.00 7 per ton; straw, 80
ooo per naie.
Potatoes Early Rose, 60 60c;
Oreeon Burkanks. tl.2firatl.sn? t
Burbanks, 60 70c; Salinas Burbanks,
voc 1.15 per sack.
Tropical fruits Bananas, $1.60
S.50 per bunch; pineapples, $2
4.00; Persian dates, 68o . per