"One Year's Seeding, : Nine Years' Weeding." f SCeolected impurities in your blood tuSi otu seeds of disease of tvhiok you may never get rid. If your blood is even the ' least bit impure, do not delxy, but take Hood's Sarsaparifla at once. Jh so o'oinr, there is safety; in delay there is danger. Be sure to get only Hood's, because He Didn't tanuJi. Stranger Yon aie the nly gentle sari in the room. .., Guest In what way, air? v Stranger When I tripped in the dance, and went Borawlinu on the Door, tearing nay fair, partner's: dress, yon were the only one in "the .room who did uot langb. ' , ?- .' Guest The lady is ray- wife, and 1 paid lor the drese. HY. Weekly. Portland to the Eut. Effective September 1st, the Bio Grande Western Railway will put on its fourth popular tourist excursion car from Portland to the East. This car wilt-a via the Colorado Midland, CaioagoRock ..Island & PapiBo and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul roads, and will leaver Portland every Friday, spend the second .day out (Sunday) at ' Salt Lake City "the City of ,the 8aint," and then go through to Chi oago via Colorado Springs and Omaha, without ' change The other ' person ally oonduoted tourist excursions leave Portland, Monday, via Kansas City and the Missouri Pacific and Chi Pago & Alton roada; Tuesday,' via Omaha nd the -Chicago, Bock Island & Paoiflc. tmjd Wednesday via .Omaha and the Burlington roads. All of these cars are out out for the day at Salt Lake City, giving' all passengers a daylight stopover in the Mormon capi tal, thus ensuring them a ride by day light through the heart of the Rocky' Mountains. The cars leaving Portland Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, run over the Denver & Bio Grande tracks. This gives the passengers from the Paoifio Northwest the choice of cross ing the Rockies via' Tennessee, Mar' hall or fiagerman Pass. ; For information as to rates and for descriptive pamphlets, ' address J. O, Mansfield: General Agent, 253 Wash ing ton. street, Portland, Oregon. . .. tt" 6m Him Away.' ' . Joseph Jefferson tells a story of a friend of his who was playing Bichard III on the Texas frontier; When it came to wooing of the Lady Anne an indignant cowboy jumped up and ahontedu "Don't you believe him, inarm. ' He've two Mexican wives' down in San Antonio." N.. X. World- tea sold only in f ' Italy has only a dozen commercial tohools pf- all trades. , iMprovad TrmtB Eqnipmmt'.' The O. R. & N. and Oregon Short Line have added" a buffet, smoking and library ear to their Portland-Chicago through train, and a dining car service has been lhadgnarated. The train is equipped with the latest chair cars, day coaches and luxurious first-class VnrJ ordinary sleepers. Direct connec tion made at Granger with Union Pa cific, and at Ogden with Rio Grande line, from all points in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho, to. all Eastern T3i ties. For information, rates, etc., call on any O. R. & N. .agent, or address W. H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent, 'Portland; " ' L : " : ' ..... tfK - . - JEIamelike.'. . ' .. "I'll know ..better 'nexV time,", said Mrs. Ferguson, speaking of it after ward. "I told George's uncle to con sider himself at home in our house." i i"Well?" - - .: .'"Well, it wasn't five minutes after ward that he began to grumble about the cooking." Chicago Tribune. ' A ball of fire which afterward! proved to be a meteor, was seen shooting through the sky at Fon dn Lac, Wis. It alighted upon the roof of John Wal ten dwelling, and set fire to the bouse. ' , ,. Vv - ' ; There was great fun at Eoltbach, Switzerland, a short time ago. A prisoner esoaped from the jail, and the warden let out about 'BO convicts to hunt for him. The peulple of the town supplied intoxicants to the. prisoners, and they became so glorious fuddled that they -were unable to find the fug i tive and had to be escorted back to the jaii.. , . - ... Benjamin L. Richards, the new president-of the American Whist League, learned to play whist when 6 years old. An' Excellent Combination. . The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the weft known remedy, Stkcp of Fibs, manufactured by the California Fio Strop Co., Illustrate the value of obtaining1 the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to' be medicinally laxative . and presenting' them in the form most refreshing to the taste and. acceptable to -the system. - It la the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling' colds, headaches and fevers jfently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome! habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting- on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. ' In the process of manufacturing' figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, ant the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and outer aromatic plants, by a method known to the California. Fio Syrup Co. only. In-order to get its beneficial affects and. to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. : bah roaircisco. cai - - xothtzua xcr. iraw tobjc, jr. t. fee aate by all Druggists. Price 50c per bottle Schillings CM HARVEST YEAHS AGO. CHANGES IN METHODS SINCE THE OLD TIMES. -: : The Cradler and Hia Attendant Bale era and Binder Half a Century Back Contest for Bepntation in a Wheat Field Present-Day Harveatinas. . One needs - to be in a reminiscent mood before he can realize how fully the wonderful changes that have taken place tn. the method of harvesting in the last fifty years. Our earliest recol lection of the harvest field- is during the Mexican war, we believe In 1847. The -wheat was then cut with a cradle. Three acres a day was a good day's work for one cradler, and his wages were from $1 to $1.25. Usually a man and boy "took up," -that Is, raked and bound, and their combined wages were about the same as a cradler's. Occa sionally a man would "follow" the cra dle, that is, would bind all that the cradler would cut, but could do it only by keeping up close so that he would take the last cut off the fingers of the cradle. He usually received the same pay as the cradler. Then came the shocking, and after that the raking of the fields .with a horse rake a primi tive affair, revolving with wooden teeth. "The "piece" was usually brought out about 10 o'clock, together with a bucket of fresh water and gen erally something stronger. Dinner came at noon, with an hour's rest; sup per at 5 o'clock, and work ended at sun down. The cost of harvesting under those primitive conditions was as little and less than it has been most of the time until since the introduction of the self-blnderi Vi "V i .,' vi ; Oats were cut rather green and al lowed to lie two or three days in the swath before binding. At. a period somewhat earlier they were allowed to lie until after a heavy rain, the reason being that when thoroughly soaked they threshed out more bushels than when put up in good condition, the sole market In that country, Western Pennsylvania, before the advent of the railroads, being at the taverns on the turnpike, where they were sold by the bushel and used for feeding the stock which then traveled through to the Eastern markets. it was a great thing In those days to have the reputation of being the best cradler, and many were the contests between rivals to see who enjoyed the honor. One of these contests occurred on the home farm. The field to be cut down measured thirteen acres of only moderately . heavy but upstanding . wheat. It began early in the morning, with two to follow each cradler, of whom the writer, then a- boy of thir teen, was one. The day was hot, and the race was continuous! until nearly sundown, when but an acre of the field remained, and the owner came out and peremptorily ordered ; the contest to cease and every man to get out of the field. - We remember distinctly that the cut that day was 304 shocks of twelve sheaves each. The winner started in second, and. about 4 o'clock, cut around the leader, and carried the laurels for years afterwards. We were "as proud of following that leader and being up with him when ordered out of the field as the modern boy is now of being champion of foot-ball. . How wonderfully times have chang ed, when a bright boy of fifteen years old can go into a Similar field of wheat, cut It down and gather it for shocking in a single day, . doing much better work than could possibly have been done, under ihe .old method. And yet we believe -harvesters enjoyed the old method better than the new. My, what feed they had in those days at harvest timet What an appetite a boy had for fried spring chicken and custard pie! And what blessed sleep came after a day's work in that harvest field! Wal lace's Farmer. WORLD'S MOST DEAD L Y.PO I SO N. Bnapahot Obaervatlaa of a Peculiar . . Manufactory in En eland. . ;in London is a strange establishment behind a wilderness of warehouses and . tumble-down tenements, in a re mote suburb. Its massive gates, says the Interior, are locked and jealously guarded. A visitor must not only be careful where he steps and refrain from touching; he must also breathe with great caution. One of the terrible poisons manufactured here Is pure anhydrous add, a drug seldom seen outside a chemical laboratory. . This is the deadliest of all known poisons. The discoverer was stricken dead from inhaling its fumes. From 3 to 5 p,er cent of this chemical added to 95 or 97 parts, water makes prusslc " acid. This . diluted poison' causes instant death even when taken In minute quan tities. Last year they turned out over 1,000 tons of it Five grains being a fatal dose, the annual output would be sufficient to kill 2,500,000 people. In the workroom men are gathered around a witch's caldron containing over a hundredweight of molten cyanide. The seething mass of white-hot liquid pois on, with the lambent play of the fur nace fires, the phantom faces of the workmen enveloped in an uncanny looking-glass mask, peering . into the heart of the dreadful mixture through the thick atmosphere, make a terrible sight. In another room, where are tons of the finished product looking like crystallized, sugar, ' "good enough to' eat." one man Is never allowed alone. For some inexplicable reason. It exer cises a strange fascination for the men who inhale its fumes. They are haunt ed by a desire to eat It But, knowing that' satisfying the craving means in stant death, most, but not all, resist it. "What It Means to "See Stars." - if a man falls so as to strike his head violently on the ice or on the pave ment, or if he gets a blow over the eye, he is said to:"see stars," says the Chi cago Chronicle. The eause of this curi ous phenomenon is found in a peculi arity of the optic nerve. The function of that nerve is to convey to the brain the impression of light. It recognizes nothing in the world but light It is susceptible to no other Impression, or. If acted upon by any other agent. It communicates to the brain the intelli gence of the presence of that agent by sending along its fibre flashes of light only. - Irritate this nerve with a probe or other instrument, and it convoys no sensation of pain, but simply that of luminous sparks. The pain of the blow on the eye, or the fall on the head, Is realized through the nerves of general sensation; but, Insusceptible to pain or other feeling, the optic nerve sends to the brain its report of the shock by flashes, sparks and "stars." ' Why British Troops Wear Scarlet. . Several reasons are nrged by scien tific and military experts In favor of infantry soldiers wearing scarlet coats. Scarlet affords the best attainable pro tection against the extremes of beat and cold to which soldiers are liable to be exposed. The darker the color protecting a warm body th more rap Idly radiation proceeds. With refer ence to protection from the sun, scarlet takes a far higher place than any of the blues, greens or drabs and other shades often used for military clothing. Although scarlet is more conspicuous than gray, when the sun shines directly on the troops it blurs the sight and is consequently more difficult to hit It la a distinct advantage that men should bulk large In the decisive stages of an encounter, and there Is no color which enables them to do this so effectively as scarlet Therefore, every scientific consideration justifies the retention of scarlet as the best uniform for troops. Pet Explosives of Many Nations. Every great power has its own spe cial high-power explosive with which Its shells are filled, says Answers. The French pin their faith to melinite, which has been very thoroughly tested. Shells filled with this composition have been fired through ten inches of armor without exploding. The shells in this Instance left the gun's muzzle with the great velocity of 2,000 feet per second. The British Government is doubtful of the safety of melinite, and uses a com position called lyddite. It gets its name from Lydde, in Wales, where it is man ufactured. The lyddite shells have been successfully fired through five inches of armor. - Ecrasite is used by Austria. Its com position is a secret known only to the two inventors, who are Austrlans. ThiB explosive has been found to have special destructive power when used against earthworks. Sweden nas- aeciuea to nse m its. army an explosive called belllte, the; invention of a Swede. While it has not, as much explosive force as many of; the other compositions, yet it Is claimed to be more stable. Its powers of pres ervation are also much greater. TheJ United States has been making ex-j haustlve trials of a kind of guncottonj known as emmenite, a most powerful explosive. - - - The cooling of the air continues until condensation of the watery vapor be gins. Watery vapor is always present in greater or less quantities. The tem perature at Tfhich this condensation takes place is the dew point and if this occurs at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or below, frost is formed. A Frenchman has constructed a tri cycle for traveling on the water. The wheels have Immense rubber tires, nearly four feet in diameter, which when Inflated, buoy the machine up so that when the rider is in position, the bottom of the wheels dip hardly more than a foot beneath the surface. Projections on the sides of the rear tires serve as paddles to propel the machine. - As it weighs less than 70 pounds, it can, when necessary, be rid den on land. Many people regard gold ' as of one color; this is a mistake, as pure gold varies considerably in hue. .An expert can tell the locality from whence it was derived by its color. . Australian gold Is very much redder than Callfor nian. Nugget gold (Klondike, for In stance) is yellow, whereas that from quartz is of a deeper "golden" tint The reddest .gold comes from the Ural Mountains. ' Of course few people see pure gold, for the metal of commerce and even our coins are alloyed. Native metal is much too soft to be used alone and requires an alloy to enable it to withstand rough wear and tear. Astronomers are already looking for ward with keen interest to the expect ed reappearance of the celebrated Le nold meteors next November.- These meteors, ' whose reappearance as a great swarm occurs at Intervals of about thirty-three years, made a spec tacular display in 1833, and were also very numerous In 1866 and 1867. Re cent calculations show that since the swarm met the earth the last time it has been perturbed by the attractions of Jupiter and Saturn, and that the middle of the shower this year will oc cur on the morning of Nov. 16," instead of the 14th. It will be visible in both Europe and the United States. . A recent investigation in Germany of the suitability of aluminum for cook ing utensils raises the question wheth er any danger attends the use of such vessels. While aluminum is but slight ly affected by weak acids when they are pure. It Is rapidly attacked in the presence of sodium chloride by sulphur dioxide, acetic acid and even alum. But says Science, it remains a mooted question whether the amount dissolv ed would do injury to the system. Ex-' perlments made indicate that alumi num' salts have a somewhat detrimen tal effect on digestion; yet on the other hand,, alum water is often beneficial to health. ' The foot of a horse is one of the most Ingenious and unexampled pieces of mechanism in animal structure. The hoof contains a series of vertical and thin lainae of horn, amounting to about 500 and forming a complete lining to it In this arc fitted as many laminae belonging to the coffin bone, while both sets are elastic and adherent The edge of a quire of paper, inserted leaf by leaf Into another, will convey a suffi cient idea of the arrangement Thus the weight of the animal Is supported by as many elastic springs as .there are laminae in the feet amounting to about 4,000, distributed in the most secure manner, since every spring is acted on In an oblique direction. - Nellie and tne Queen. : London papers repeat an anecdote about Nellie Grant daughter of Gen. U. S. Grant which seems worth re calling. Miss Nellie Grant when a schoolgirl, visited Loudon and was asked to luncheon by the Queen. After the meal was over and the American guest had gone the Marchioness of Ely, the Queen's secretary, who was of the party, expressed her great surprise at the perfect self-possession and freedom from embarrassment of the young girl from the States. "Yes," said Queen Victoria, smiling, "Indeed, it was I who was embarrassfcd."-London Cor. Balti more Sun. Public Fountains Well Patronized. ! One of Boston's municipal officials. ( who Is especially interested in the es j tabllshment of free Ice water fountains in that city, hired a man to watch one of the drinking places the other day from 6 a. m. to 10 p. m., for the pur pose of ascertaining whether or not it was well patronized. Between the hours named exactly 0,3So persons drank at the city's expense. The foun tain has four faucets. When a woman visits relatives she thinks she is paying board if she walks down town once a week, and pajrs for melon. - KNOWS ALL THAT'S GOING ON. President Kruster of the Traaavaal Has a Perfect Spy Fyatem. . No one ever denied that Oom Paul, president of the South African Repub lic, was an astute old statesman. Time and again he has beaten our British cousins In diplomacy and has proved his worth as a diplomatist. At the time of the Jameson raid It caused Dr. Jameson and his associates considerable surprise that their plans were known to the Boers almost as soon as they were conceived. The British were met, fought and defeated by an ambushed body of men almost at the very beginning of their attack, and it was believed at the time that one of their number had turned traitor and given the plans to the Boers, but now the secret is known. . . The old warrior enlisted the services of the barmaids at Johannesburg In the political secret service. Through them he learned that new men were being enlisted in the Cape police and that new guns were being shipped, " week after week, from England. Through the "same source be was informed of the attempts that were being made by English politicians to force the hands of the Government of the Orange Free State in case war should be declared by the British Government against his country. The Englishmen babbled all this over their cups and the barmaids' winning smiles and bright eyes never gave them the suspicion that they were telling secrets of vital Importance. No sooner had the pretty barmaids enticed from the sturdy colonists their Important secrets than Oom Paul was Informed. . The old statesman knew how to parry blow with blow. . To the amazement of the British, no sooner had they Increased their force of avail able fighters by means of secret enlist ment than they were informed that Oom Paul had enlisted a still larger number of men. No sooner had their guns arrived from England than they found out that the Boers also had ob tained, from a firm in Germany, a larger number of weapons of still bet ter manufacture. By means of always being forewarned Kruger warded off war. New York Herald. A SIMOON IN THE DESERT. Graphic Description of the Dread Tei ror of the and. , So this yellow, sunburned life drags its yellow weight across the endless plains. A fatelike, awful march; no hope, no halt for man or beast; but on, on, over the spreading billows of biting sands, of glowing, shifting, sinking sands, with overhead the hot sky, blue and hard, and blazing in its midst the scorching- eye that bvrrns and blisters with its sight - In agony the camels stumble on. beat at the dense hot wall. Desperately the coolies hide their faces in the hot swaying hunches before them; but through their stupor there beats a wave of consciousness. A shudder brings them to a knowledge of a something awfuL Through the sun-steeped, sun bleached minds there cuts a keener fstab. They are awake to what? Into the coarse camel hair they dig their fists; tighter they press to the liv ing things beneath them; they look not to one another; words they have. not lln the presence of this heat they dare not breathe. Convulsively they cling to the stumbling beasts, and In low, dry sobs the. anguish of body breaks forth. Between the two, the brute and man, there strikes a flash of mutual pain and torment An Instant, and down the camel line there breaks the : brute's shrill, soul-litfe cry. In It they voice their all, the pent-up spirit of the bitter yellow beasts, burdened and tortured for life. In it comes a question for the shrinking wretches lying, on their humps.' The bitter, sounds fall on the parched tense air and die away. Far and away coines a gasp a hot vicious pant. Again It comes a breath of fire that touched and Is gone. The great line halts as one. A blank, dead moment; in it the bosom of the desert heaves, and a breath rolls toward the waiting line. With broken moans the creatures bend their knees and wait the coming of the storm. Another1 scorching breath a timeless wait . : Far to the east it starts, across the sands it whirls In circling hoops that form at last a wall. On It curls swift ly, silently; with a hot, fierce lurch it falls upon the crouching backs, sting ing with fangs of fire, pelting, blinding the gasping, panting creatures; with its dry lash whipping out the lives of men and beasts. - Faster, thicker, hotter, fall the sands, crushing and burying with a merciless weight an ocean of burning fire, pouring wrath and strength upon these wretches as It hurls its mad force across the- desert . The billows toss and heave, and break at last to sweep on on for '.- other prey. Atlantic Monthly.-. Call Rim by His Right Name, In this country the Italian Is the typ ical "dago", because he Is the only familiar representative of ' the dark skinned nations of Latin Europe, says the Cleveland Leader. It Is the Span lard, however, whose language fur nished this name for the men of tho Mediterranean countries who come to the United States. One of the most familiar names borne by Spaniards is "Diego." It serves nearly as well as John. in this country as a typical name for a boy or man. English sailors long ago came to kucw Spaniards as "da goes," because "dago" was about as . ( i w .. . r 411.. .... ! jjlt?gl. 1.1 was uui lv.jvijj KB1UCJJ to discriminate too closely between Spaniards and Portuguese, or eve be tween the Spanish and the Italians. So they were all "dagoes," for seafaring purposes, and from the coast the nick name followed the Immigrants from Mediterranean countries to whatever part of the United Slates they made their way. The Spaniard Is not often thought of when men hear the name "dago," but It fits him more accurately than it does any one else. Clever Ideas. A man one day turned a piece of wire so hs to hold a cork more securely In a bottle, and forthwith somebody saw a brilliant idea and patented the modern wire stopple-holder, which is now used annually on several million bottles. Tho accidental bonding of a hairpin by a woman to prevent it from sliding out of her hair easily pro duced a fortune for her husband, who immediately say the possibilities of a crinkled Lairpin for women. Green Garnets. Green garnets are more valuable than diamonds because they so exceedingly rare. They are of aa unsurpassed rich Bhndc far beyond that of an emerald, nnd are very brilliant. On the other bend, red garnets ore so common that they cost next to nothing. Every man deliberately does things Le can't afford, v It al.vays mkes a man mad If he has a aoa who la taller than he Is. . The- , I Remorse of a Guilty 1 Stomach Is a Vetera not the 16th liUuoiit Infan try. He aid: For more than 15 yearn I was a sufferer from gastritis in it worst form. I was much reduced In flesh and strength and unable to attend to business. Finally my wife per suaded me to try Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for rale People and to my sur prise I began to get better. Three boxes effected a cure that has been permanent. When 1 began to take the pills I weighed 188 pounds; now 1 weigh 163. Thesepillsdldmemore good than all the other medicines 1 have ever taken, "ILK. MCLKM.A.N" Subscribed and sworn to before ma this second day of Decern ber, 1897. R. R. Wallace, Notary Publio From the Prtta, Hamilton, 111. To anv sufferers from stomach or bowel trouble Dr. Williams' diet book la free on request. Or. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pale Poople re never sold by the dozen or hundred, but always In packages.- At all druggists, or direct (rem the Or. Williams Medicine Co., Schsneetady. N. t.. 60 cents per box, 6 boxes S60. String; Brans Stewed In Butter. Prepare the beans as usual, parboil them, then put them on in just enough new boiling water, to cover Ibem, and add as much butter as you would use in dressing them to serve. Let them cook in the water and butter for two hours, adding water as it boils away. Pepper and add salt to taste, add a little milk if preferred, and you will have a dish, fit not' only for a king, but for the independent American citizen who pays his way as he goes. Housewife. - Ostriches, when frightened, get over the gronnd at the rate of 25 miles an hour. Their strides measure feet. An India elephant can carry from 800 to 1,000 pounds, march eight to 10 hours a day, and do with five or six hours' sleep. He needs 600 pounds of green feed daily, besides grain. Charles Darwin's statue, the gift of Prof. Poulton, has been put up in the Oxford University museum next to the statue of Sir Isaac Newton. . : Miss Annie Luker, an American gill, is a diver from Diversville. At the Royal Aquarium, London, she daily dives from a height of 90 feet into a tank of water. . A San Francisco man who died not long ago with pleuiiay was fonnd to have had three-quarters of an inch of a needle in his heart, which had been there long enough to rust. . . You know very well how you feel when your liver don't act. Bile collects in the blcod, bowels bee ome constipated and your whole -system is poisoned. A lazy liver is an invitation for a thouoand pains and ach?s to .come and dwell with you Your life becomes one long measure of irritability and despondency and bad feeling CASCARETS act directly, and in a peculiarly happy manner on the liver and bowels, . cleansing, purifying, revitalizing every portion of the liver, driving all the bile from the blood, as is ' soon shown by increased appetite for food, power to digest it, and strength to throw off the waste. Beware of imitations ! .: S THIS THE f I X V f M aevsuaauenanna Ave., rouaaeipnia. I I is IrtJT tn TABLET : rr CASCARETS are absolutely harmless, a purely vegetable compound. Ho mercurial ar other mineral pill-poison Is Cascarets. Caaearets promptly, effectively ana permanently care every disorder of the Stomach, Liver and Intestine! . They not only cure constipation, but correct any and every form of irregularity of the bowels, including diarrheas and dysentery. Pleasant, palatable, potent. Taste food, do good, never aicken, weaken or tripe. Be sure you tat the genuine ! Beware of imitation! and substitutes ! Buy a box of CASCARETS to-day, and if sot pleased la every respect, get your money back I Write us for booklet and free sample I Address STERLIHQ KBMBBT C0MPAHT, CHICAGO ex BBW YORK. ., . .... ." ,'-. ITS " . An eel was-nsed to clean a two-incu' water pipe in Cincinnati.: The pipe had become clogged with 'mud. and a string was attached to the eel, which was then placed in the pipe. A jerk )n the string now and then excited the eel to aotivity, and it was thns induced to crawl onward, dragging after it a light bunch of rags. A Manser rifle captured at San Juan bill by Captain A. M. Wilson, of the Twenty-third Kansas regiment, was tested at Fort Scott. A ball shot from it against the flat side of an ordinary flat iron passed through the iron, mak ing a smooth hole, and sealing the' iron on the opposite side, as if the bullet had punctured a pine -board. : Queer things happen Chicago. Not long ago the Chicago river actually burst forth . in flames, and the brid at Kinsey street took fiie from them and was damaged . to the amount of $1,600. A fire boat had to play a stream on the river, which at the time had its surface covered with oil. CURE YOURSELF? I'm Big 4sr for unnatural diechargM, inflantmittiont, irrif a tionat air ailarnraiinnai of macoii mew braues. ItheEwmS CheM'CAiCo. en op 'poiaoDOUS. fl.W. or 3 bottUa. 12.7ft. V m ClrcuUr sent on request, : I Best Coosa In time aCTZZlMBSk . EyntS WHtHt ALL USE f AIL ILS. t uuaa Syrua. Tastes ttooi Gooi. in time. Sold by drnmlcn. g m mi m nrlaitir. bp"""B Pravamta auaalaiAsi 15 arVmB,...r.r A "" -A. A Fill Baek Behind. Edna I love to" ride in front on a tandem. Jack You do? Why? "Because no matter what happens there is always somo one to fall back on." Chicago Evening News. X.adlea Can "Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age.; Cures swollen feet, blisters anfl cal lous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for ingrowing nails, sweating, smart ing, hot, aching feet. We have 30,000 testi monials. All druggists and shoe stores sell it. 25c Trial package FREE by mail; address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. To Prevent Bugging. Customer Will these pants bag at the knees? ' Dealer Mein frient, no pants will bag at de knees if you treat dem right. 1 tell von how before yon go. ' It ees my own invention. Customer (delighted) Then I'll take them. Here is the money. What is your plan? Dealor Neffet sit down. N., . Y. Weekly. " In the British army in India there are about 1,500 cases of typhoid fever every year, 300 of them fatal. It is a lemarkable fact that few bald head men ever die of consumption. Remember that you can buy Jesse Moore A. A. Whiskey for the same price that is paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by all first-class dealers and. druggists. To lay the dust on its roadbed the Boston and Maine railroad runs a large oil sprinkler over its route. ' We will forfeit $1,000 if any of onr pnb lislied testimonials are proven to be not genuine. The Piso Co., Warren, Pa, The first balloon ascension was made by the Montgolfier brothers in Lyons, France, June 6, 1783. CITQ Permanently Cnrei. No fits or nervousness III after nrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Greitt Nerve Kettorer. Send fur FBEB 82.00 trial bottle and treatise. Drt. B. H. IAd-Ks) Arch Btreet, Philadelphia. Pa. The Cllfrdwellers and How to ' Beach Them. The Denver & Bio Grande - railroad has recognized the great interest which has lately been aronsed in these won derful niiiis, and will furnish on appli cation to E. C. Nichol, General Agent, 251 Washington street, Portland. Or., a pamphlet describing the ruins, and the best way to reach them. , These historical ruins are looated on the line of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad. Parties going East should avail them selves of the opportunity of purchasing tickets via this line, the scenio line of th Tvorld. The ordinary folding fan was invent ed in the seventh century by a Japa nese artist, who derived the idea from watohing a bat closing its wings. A sheep with five horns rambles around the farm of William Marston in Cedar Springs, Ey. Two horns grew on each side of the head and one in the center. - On each train of the new Siberian railroad theie will be a stationary bi cycle to. afford exercise to the passen gers and a barber who will shave them free of cost. swimnun'." PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Veuee and Wire Works. PORTLAND WIRK & IRON WORKS; WIRE and iron fencing; office railing, etc. 334 Alder. Machinery and Supplies. CAWSTON b CO.; ENGINES, BOILERS, MA chtnery, supplies. 48-50 First St., Portland, Or. JOHN POOLE," Pobixahd, Oseooh, can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold bv him, is un equalled. Wholesale -Irus;eLts and Fkotoa-rmpnio supplies. BLUMACER-FRANK DRPG CO. 14 AND 146 Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon. ARTEnsnriii To good and too cheap to be with out it. Rupture treated seien tiiically and confident! al ly. CsmiBMSMM K. WOODAhU It CO. MIIC1UI. 108 Second St , Po tlmd. MACHINERY. ALL KIWDS ...TATUM & BOWEN... 29 te 36 First Street PORTLAND. OR. DReGUriN'STIPILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Hesdschs aa Cype.ia, Bsmere Tinpias snd Purify the BVsod, Aid IMcestiea sndPreTent Bliieuiness. Do IkatarlBeerSiaksa. Toconrinc ysa-vewlll mail nllree, er full box for aso. Dt. BOSANKC CO., Jliil., fcaaa. Bold by JDrufciaU. sk r,or ( O ) ) I - V . J ing I toe opportunity is presented - J. a. smith, I "He did i uickly and systematically d 8"r- . I I SN ANNUAL SALES. 6000.000 BOXES. ..-' '' - UlaVlaU-i V 1 arfsrTaTl F rwiiti i i rwTS Tl Gdimr 25c Largest Boss on Record. The bust of Sir Joseph Paxton, the architect of the famous Crystal palace in London, is now being moved from its old . position on the terrace to the parade. The work of moving it is much like that of moving a house, for the bust is one of the largest ever made. It was completed in 1869, and stands over' nine feet in height. Sir Joseph Paxton was born in Bedford shire in 1803, and was knighted for his services in designing the Crystal palaco. He died in Sydenham in 1865. His plan for the Crystal palace was accept ed after 233 other plans bad been de clined. ' He also won fame as a land scape gardener and architect, and was elected to parliament as a liberal. Chicago Tribune. . Musie for Neronness. Scientists claim that innsic has power to soothe the nerves. But the quickest way to cure nervousness is to strengthen the nervous system. We know of nothing which will accomplish this quicker than Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. Do not take a substitute. See that a private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. Kintichi Bataoka, president of the diet at Japan, is a Presbyterian. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Easy to buv, easy to take, easy In action, easy in results discards Cnndy Cathartic, idcai liver regulator and intestinal tonic All drug gists, 10c, 25,c OOc. Scientific men generally believe that the bed of the Paoifio Ocean was once above water and inhabited by men. v DBAFNKSS CANNOT BE CURED ' By local applications, sa the) cannot reach the diseased portiou oi the ear. There is only ono way to cure deaiucss, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining: of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling; sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube rest .red -to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out oi ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deainess (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ,' Sold by Druggists, 750 Mall's Family Pills are the best. Kingfisher, Kan., has an ordinance requiring the dngcatcher to produce the tail of every unlicensed dog killed by him. v Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to nse for their children during the teething period. ' Grasshoppers attain their greatest size in South America, where they grow to a length of fivo inohes and spread out 10 inches. In Asti, California, is an immense cistern lined with concrete two feet thick for the storage of wine. Its ca pacity is 600,000 gallons. Fifteen prisoners in the Columbus (Ohio) penitentiary were in the habit oi stealing "-cigars from the shop, and transferring them to outsido confeder ates. One of the prisoners, an old sol der, had a wooden leg. This be used as a receptacle ' for some of the stolen cigars. ' The first silkworms raised in the West have been produced by Mark Chiesa, an Italian, at Des Moines, la., from eggs imported from Italy. From 10 silk moths he got 8,000 eggs, and of these 4,000 .hatched. It is his inten tion to produce silk on a large scale. . Washington Svr. "I havs been troubled at crest steal with a torpid liver, which produces constipa tion. I found CASCARETS to be all you claim for them, aad aeeured such relief the first trial that I purchased another supply and was completely cured, i shall only be too glad to recommend C as carets whenever the opportunity is presented" J. A. Smith, 2820 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. mail Tha hap. I ju thr hat clat etc ROBUST AND STRONG. Shcq a peison is the constant envy of the weak, nervous person of the person with thin, impure blood. The way to build up health is thiough the blood. ' Moore's Revealed Remedy Makes impure blood pure. It creates a good appetite and assists digestion. fl.UO per bottle at your druggists. YOUNG MEN! For Gonorrhoea, and Gleet get Pahsfa Okay Specific, It la the ONLY medicine whlcn will cure each and every ease. NO CASE known it hae ever failed to cure, no matter how serious or of how Ions; standing?. Results from iU use wilt astonish you. It Is absolutely safe, prevents stricture, and can be taken without Inconve nience and detention from business. PRICE, $3.00. For ale by all reliable dragyristB, or sent prepaid bjr express, plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by PABSf CHEMICAL CO, Chicago, IU. Circular mailed on request. ' " DE. KaBTsX'S BOOK. Kelief for Women" eemree, in piain, sealed envelope, writ to-day for this Book.containins; Particu lars ud Testimonial of DR. MaRTKL'S French Femala Pills. Praised by thonaanda of satisfied ladle aa safe, always reliable &nr1 wIT.hnut an mi.. I - -1 Boldbyalldraira-isrslo metal box. Freuca Has; on top in Blue, white and Red. Take no other, franca Drug Co, S81& & Fearl Bu, Hew Yors. City. American Type Founders v".","te TYPE Company Cor. The debilitating drains and discharges which weaken so man j women are caused by Ca tarrh of the distinctly feminine organs. The sufferer may call her trouble Leuchorrhoea, or Weakness, or Female Disease or some other name, but the real trouble is catarrh of the female organs and nothing else. . Pe-ru-na radically and pertna- " nently cures this and all othei forms of Catarrh. It is a positive specific for female troubles caused by catarrh of the delicate lining of tho organs peculiar to women. It always cures if used persistently. It is prompt and certain, ' 1 The microbes that cause ohills and fever and malaria enter the sys tem throngh mucous meinbiaties made porous by catarrh. Pe-ru-na heals the mucous membranes and prevents the entrance of -malarial germs, thus preventing and curing these affections. Even radishes are adulterated now in Berlin, Germany, They are dipped into aniline dye to make them look fresh and pink. The drummer in Servian regiments never carries the drum.- It is placed on a two-wheeled cart, which is drawn by a big dog Just in advance of the drummer. - The Hawaiian Islands a century ago had a native population of some 400,- 000, which has diminished to leas than 30,000 at the present.time. Four cannons have been placed on the four sides of .the town of Hennes sey, Oklahoma. When the clouds in dicate an approaching cyolone, the can non on the threatened side, loaded with salt, bombards tho menacing clouds, which soon dispersein fact, flee from the cannon's angry mouth. Meat is never eaten by the Tr'appiat monks of Gethsemane, Ky. Vegeta bles and wheat bread are their only food. They never speak to eaoh other unless when extremely ill, and they know nothing of the current events of the outside world. - 11 3 3 50c 3 5 3 DRUGGISTS 3 3 3 GO EAST. -VIA- Thronarh Palace and Tourist Sleeper Uiiiiujr and KufTet Smoking; Library Cars ....FAST TIME.... Service and 8cenery Unequalled. ' For Tickets and all information apply to your nearest agent, or address A. B. C. DKNN1STO.V, - C. P. and T. A., Portland.. R. C. STEVENS, G. W. P. A, Seattle. SURE CURE FOR PILES rrCUINO Plies produce moisture and oanse itcbina; This form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding a.!if?rd bJftr' o-no,a Pile Remedy Stops itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors, toe a Jar at druggist or sent b mail. Treatise free. Write me about juaroaa. IU-BOSa.VKU, Pbilada-.Pa, N. P. K. U. NO. 3C '90. w HKX writing-to nt.Yert.aers pirns HNiiuvii . m per a EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER.... Second mad Stark Sts. . .....PORTLAND, OREGON