Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, September 01, 1899, Image 4

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Powerful Glasa at the William Bax
Ob.er-vatory Brings the Moon With
J In Sixtj-fonr Mllea of the fcartb.
I Close Study of tho Planets.
' For nearly two years the big eye of
the Yerkes telescope In the observatory
of tbe University of Chicago, at Will
iams Bay, Wis., has been spying out
the secrets of the stars. It has looked
one-fourth further Into space than any
'Instrument devised before It. Night
after night the huge, grim Cyclopean
eye swings slowly round in its ponder
ous frame, crouched In Its big white
dome, and keeps a sleepless watch upon
jthe heavens. The great dome Is open
to the sky. The ponderous tube swings
slowly, imperceptibly, with the turning
jof ' the earth from sunset to sunrise
again. Shut in the black shaft which
'supports the barrel of tbe refractor is
clock, a wonderful piece of mechan
llsm, which tells off the motion of the
Iglobe on its axis. The telescope shifts,
jhair breadth by hair breadth, guided
Iby" the clock, and making the. circuit
iof the heavens, with tireless eye fixed
all night long upon a single star. There
ls no escape from the big eye. As the
'earth swings in one direction, the eye
IsileJjtly alters its focus, never aweary
land never asleep .
; What can the ordinary observer see
through the largest and most perfect
telescope in the world? What has the
big lens so far revealed to the astrono
mers who have watched it as an oracle
since the first day It peered into space?
What does the finest telescope in the
world look like to a man who doesn't
know a telescope from a barrel? ,
A reporter for the Chicago Inter
Ocean visited the Yerkes observatory
of the University of Chicago at Will
iams Bay for the purpose of answering
these questions. A big telescope is al
most human. It is furnished witn a
curious sixth sense, & marvelous sec
ond sight. Mysterious, uncanny, huge,
It powerfully Impresses one and grows
more wonderful on closer acquaintance.
The whole observatory Is built about
Its monster eye." For the eye alone are
the motors, the flying pulleys, the mov
able dome, the rising floor, and all the
curious instruments varying from the
delicately sfcvng spider web of the
micrometer to an apparatus 'weighing
fifty tons. Without the huge eye every
thing would be useless. This eye Is
the lens of the refracting telescope In
the main tower at the western end of
the observatory. It is reached by a
flight of marble steps from, the main
corridor. Entering the building in the
evening, all Is quiet and dimly lighted,
the main tower quite dark. About
midway of the round dome is the ris
ing floor, over which the , telescope
swings. It is a triumph of mechanical
'skill, the only satisfactory means de
ivlsed for reaching the eye piece of a
big telescope as It is, tilted up and down
'or swung around on its axis,
t The telescope Itself 1a a big Iron tube
sixty-two feet ..long, painted black. In
the end Which looks , out through the
dome Is the object glass or refracting
ieye,: forty inches in diameter, or four
Inches wider than the lens of any other
telescope of the kind In the world. The
Iron tube, with its lenses, finder, eye
pieces and other appliances, weighs
nearly twenty tons. And yet so nicely
Is It balanced that a strong pull with
the hand will swing it a foot or more.
The huge telescope is moved on its axis
by electricity.
Describing the apparatus, Dr. Hale
jfinally fixed the big eye of the telescope
ion the planet Saturn. It was a fine.
clear night, with little disturbance in
the atmosphere, and Saturn appeared
to twinkle about half way between the
sky line and the zenith. The eye piece
which was put on magnified nearly 500
diameters, one-eighth the highest pow
er used. .This is how the planet Saturn
looked to the reporter gazirig through
itbe biggest telescope In the world: It
appeared a yellow, round disk about
the size of tbe moon, not flat, but
clearly globular. Around it twinkled a
purple band a quarter of an Inch wide.
Next -to this was a solid ring encircling
the planet, of the same bright, yellow
color,and quite distinct; next to this
was a second narrow violet band, and
surrounding that a second broad yel
low band, llkei. the first Around the
whole. sparkled a brilliant violet circle.
Saturn's moons appeared as three tiny
'round yellow marbles grouped to form
a pruning hook to the left of the plan
et's disk, while a fourth one hung a lit
tle lower down to itself on the same
side..' No oscillation was apparent. Sat
urn's rings and satellites apparently
,were of the same yellow color of the
,planet.. Sometimes these rings can be
discerned in their colors and form a
brilliant rainbow about the planet.
From the outer rim of the planet prop
er to the outer edge of the outside ring,
the distance, through the telescope,
looked to.be about two inches. It Is, In
Ifact, t"?,000f miles! Looking through
i the huge refractor, the human eye Is
'able to discern a space of 172,000 miles
'as two Inches In the area of the heav
ens! To the ordinary observer the shin-
,lng violet rings about the planet form
'a; beautiful feature of the view. These
rings, however, are due to - imperfec
tions which exist in every telescope,
,and which astronomers would be only
t6o glad to dispense with.
1 The telescope was next turned upon
Jupiter, the largest planet In the solar
system, and as big as all ot the other
planets put together. The distance from
'this earth to Jupiter is a trifle of 400,
1000,000 miles, and it takes forty-three
Imlnutes for its light to reach the earth.
I Jupiter's disk looked about as big as a
i large marble, probably two Inches In
diameter. At its side. In a nearly
r ' : " i ' t v - r
straight line to the right, appeared four
small marbles. Us satellites. The color
of the planet was almost white, a very
light yellow. Across the planet appear
ed three faint purple streaks, ua the
order apparently of the man. In the
moon. While at Lick Observatory Pro
fessor Barnard discovered the fifth
satellite of Jupiter, but was unable to
study It to any advantage. The
Yerkes telescope brings out this fifth
moon very clearly to the eye of the as
tronomer, and Prof. Barnard has been
able to observe it and measure It with
great accuracy. '"
Star clusters seen through the Yerkes
telescope are wonderfulliy beautiful, a
great ball, like a swarm of golden bees.
The moon was too full for a good view,
and showed merely a pale yellowish
About noon Prof. Hale had the tele
scope turned on the sun. No sun spots
were visible, so the telescope was di
rected along the disk of the sun at the
flames which burst through Its dense,
gaseous cloud wrappings and thrust
their tongues far out into space. On a
pink background, shading Into dark
red, arl fully rounded, one saw a
hooked yelipw flame half obscured by
what looked like gray vapors. There
was an apparent movement, tbe flame
darting high, sinking down, or again
bending over to lick the round disk of
the sun. Curious as It may seem, a
glimpse through this powerful glass is
more wonderful to the astronomer
than to the man who looks millions of
miles into space for the firs time. To
the astronomer each object Is full of
details which escape tbe untrained eye.
Every line has e meaning, and in the
merest trifles he reads the story of a
million years.
The history of the Yerkes telescope
itself Is the history of the evolution of
an eye, of the most wonderful artifi
cial seeing apparatus yet devised. This
great eye is 200 times as. large as the
human eye. That is to say, its diam
eter is forty Inches, while the diame
ter of the pupil of the human eye is
one-fifth inch. It is made of two sep
arate lenses, one of crown giass. two
and one-half Inches thick at the cen
ter, three-fourths of an inch thick at
the edge, and weighing 200 pounds;'
the other of flint glass, one and one
half Inches thick at the center, two
inches thick at the edge, and weighing
300 pounds. One of these glasses is
convex and the other plano-concave.
These two lenses are mounted eight
and three-sixteenths Inches 'apart in
the end of a big steel tube sixty-two
feet long, about, forty-two Inches In
diameter, and weighing six tons. No
figures, however, can properly express
the size, the delicacy, tbe almost hu
man 'intelligence of the great machine.
The object glass of this telescope is
as delicate as a human eye." A super
fine silk handkerchief rubbed across
its surface would 'destroy It And yet
with proper care, It will never wear.
The glass for each lens was cast in
Paris by the firm of Mantols, celebrat
ed for the manufacture of optical
glass. . Up to the time of the Lick tele
scope they had not been able to cast
a solid, perfectly achromatic block of
glass more than thirty Inches In diam
eter. Then came the American order
for. two lenses thirty-six inches in di
ameter. The Frenchmen could but
try, although they were skeptical as
to the outcome. Nineteen times the
trial was a failure. For months the
mold was allowed to cool impercepti
bly each day until all the heat had
gone out of it Then came the test
Nineteen times the glass contained
flaws too great to be remedied minute
bubbles, unequal densities, various
other defects. The twentieth trial
produced a magnificent piece of glass,
which finally became the property of
the Lick Observatory. Encouraged
by this success, the firm of Mantois
set about the manufacture of a glass
one-fourth more powerful than the one
they had Just made. Again and again
they tried, schooled by' the nineteen
failures in making the Lick glass..
Each trial required several months.
At last the patient French makers
were rewarded with two disks forty
two Inches In diameter and as nearly
colorless and flawless as glass was
ever made. These blocks of glass were
made into the lenses now In the eye
of the Yerkes telescope. The glass
was ground and finished by the firm
of Alvan Clark & Sons, Cambridge
port Mass.
Just as Americans have never been
able to cast perfect and large disks
of optical glass, so the French have
not been able to polish the disks per
fectly after they are cast For four
years Mr. Alvan G. Clark worked at
the lenses. It may be that another
such perfect glass . will never be
made. The secret of the polishing
has been handed down for three gen
erations in the Clark family. Previous
to the work of tbe Clarks a German
family the Frauenhofers had pol
ished these glasses. For a century
after the death of the last Frauenho
fer It seemed that tne art of polish
ing optical glasses was lost Then
Alvan Clark, a portrait painter iu
Massachusetts, attracted the attention
of English scientists, nJ he und his
fami3y far excelled the German art
Ists m glass. Air. Alvan G. Clark, the
last of his family, attended the dedi
cation exercises of the Yerkes glass,
returned to his home, and died within
a few days.
The eye piece of a telescoped through
which the observer looks, Is the pari
of the Instrument which magnifies the
objects seen. The number of diame
ters to which aa object can be magni
fied to advantage depends largely upon
the perfection of the object glass. In
the Yerkes telescope a glass which
magnifies 3.700 times has been em
ployed successfully. Through this
the moon would appear as it would to
the naked eye at a distance of sixty
four miles. The eye piece ordinarily
used magnifies 4 GO diameters.
It-credible as It seems, the delicate
measurements of the movements of
the stars are calculated by cobwebs
nicely stretched and forming the real
measuring apparatus of the microme
ter. They last for years 'and are even
cleaned of dust with a delicate cam-el's-halr
brush. Taking off the glass
covering one evening, Prof. Burnhani
was examining the webs. He absent
mindedly breathed into the aperture,
breaking one of the filaments, which
it took considerable time to replace.
At the Yerkes telescope a device has
been perfected for lighting the threads
with electricity and making them a
faint red color. A white light on them
would be so brilliant as to Injure the
eye of the observer. la addition to
lta micrometer, the big telescope is
equipped with all other accessories,
such as spectroscopes, spectographs,
spectro heliographs, photo heliographs,
While interest centers around ' the
main dome and its sleepless eye, the
Yerkes Observatory would be a big
institution If it had only Its minor
glasses to. depend upon. One of these
is a twelve-inch refractor mounted in
the north dome. A twenty-four inch
reflector will shortly" be mounted In
tbe south dome. A sixty-Inch reflect
ing telescope Is also being built now
in tb? instrument shop of the observa
tory, and will be mounted in another
building at some future time. As it
stands equipped the Yerkes Observa
tory cost $500,000. It Is the most com
plete in the world, with a refracting
telescope forty Inches In diameter.
Next in order is the Lick Observatory
on Mount Hamilton, with Its thirty-six
inch refractor, and third In order Is
the Imperial Observatory at Pulkowa.
Home of tne Telescope.
The building is in the form .of a
Latin cross, the longer axis of which
lies due east and west A great ninety-foot
dome completes the western
end and twenty-six foot and - thirty
foot domes terminate the north find
south transepts. The body of the
building is divided into laboratories,
libraries, offices, computing rooms and
photographic dark rooms. Tbe ground
floor Is equipped as -an instrument
shop, making this the only observa
tory in the world which manufactures
its apparatus under the direct super
vision of those who use them. This
gives unexampled facilities for the
application of new methods of research,-and
already more than a dozen
intricate machines have been con
structed - and used successfully'.' The.
observatory Is built of yellow brick,
ornamented with fluted columns carved
at the bases with gargoyles and other
symbolic devices. The corridors and
stairs are finished in white marble
delicately veined in green and tho
wood Is of massive oak.
The observatory has a little life of
Its own. , Professors In charge have
built their homes along the lake, and
a small colony of scientists has gath
ered about the big telescope. Dr. Hale,
the director, has a beautiful cottage
a short distance away. Prof. Barnard,
of the observatory staff, and one of the
best-known of American astronomers,
has built a homelike house of South
ern architecture commanding a grand
view of the lake. Here he and his
charming wife dispense hospitality to
many a visitor, and on the front porch
the most distinguished astronomers of
this country and of Europe have
smoked an after-dinner cigar and dis
cussed tne puzzle problems of the uni
verse. Much of the work at the Yerkes ob
servatory during the past eighteen
months has been of a kind which
could not be accomplished at any other
in the world. In all observations
which involve- minute measurements
of the highest precision the Yerkes
telescope is unrivaled. The measure
ment of the motions of the stars,
which approach or recede from the
earth, are of great Importance, as data,
gathered from these throw light upon
the movements of the entire solar sys
tem. To this problem, the greatest In
astronomy, Dr. Hale, Prof. Frost and
Mr. Ferdinand Ellerman have applied
Tbe sun, with all Its attendant plan
ets comprising our solar system, is
rushing toward the star Vega, or Al
pha, of the Lyre, at the Inconceivable
rate of ten miles a second. Vega Is
one of the most beautiful stars in the
heavens and can be seen now near
the zenith on any fair evening. Prob
ably since the life of man began, per
haps since the universe was born, our
solar system has been speeding toward
this star. In the life of ja. generation
the sun comes hundreds of millions of
miles nearer Its destination. But in
many generations, to all appearances,
this approach would not be percepti
ble. The journey, so far as mortals
are concerned, must be eternal.
When, where and how, if ever, did
this journey begin; when, where and
how, if ever, will it end? Is th great
est of the unsolved problems oi astron
omy . V '.':.' ,
Eow a Mexican Alcalds Iearned Some
of tne Difficulties of Ballroadinic.
The old Southwestern engineer was
telling tales of by-gone days down la
Mexico and dwelling upon the Mexi
can's ignorance of railroading.
"Once, near Victoria," said he, "we
were loaded heavily with Iron, and we
hit the usual drunken Mexican asleep
on the track. Them folks used to think
a roadbed better'n a wool mattress. It
was down grade and around a curve,
and we were going at a fair clip, and,
though we had air brakes, we couldn't
hold up In time. We ground him up,
and at Victoria, ten miles further on.
we djdr't have any better sense thau to
report It Of course, t?u train was side
tracked and we were put in jail. Next
day we were hauled up before the alcal
de. He was a little, dried up man, with
mahogany skin and snow-white mus
tache. It bristled fiercely, but I noticed
that his eye twinkled a good deal and
I sorter cottoned to him right away.
We told him that we couldn't stop the
train in the time allowed us, and it was
the truth. He said, through an Inter
preter, of course:
" 'I've heard all this before. Five of
my people have been kUled by trains in
six months and I have let the train
crews go. They said they couldn't stop.
I'm gofng to see about this. Your train
is on the sidetrack, coupled and loaded.
We'll fire up and go back to the place
where you kilted Vicente. We'll run
down at the same speed. When you
come near to the curve you must try
hard to stop. . I will go ixt the cab with
"Well, we fired up and went back
three miles beyond the death spot
Then we started forward again. Of
course it was not my business to run
too slowly. I wanted to show the
alcalde that stopping in the space de
scribed was an Impossibility. Old 93
was a quick engine, and Inside of two
miles, It being a down grade, we were
doing a two-minute clip. We struck
the curve at forty miles an hour. The
alcalde had never in his life been on a
tram, and he-was leaning out of the cab
window, waving his big straw hat. and
shouting 'Viva! Viva! As we sighted
the spot where Vicente had been pul
verized the airbrakes went on like the
clamp of death. I was thrown to the
floor of the cab myself. As for the
alcalde, he shot through the window
like a rocket turned six somersaults
and lit on bis back In the. sand thirty
feet away. The train ground to a
standstill, yards beyond tbe blood
stained ties. He came limping up,
brushing the sand out of his white hair.
I remember that his mustache was all
bent down on one side. He looked up
at me and said simply, 'Valga me Diosi
which Is about equivalent to 'Dern my
buttonsr . We went back to town; he
discharged us all and invited us to din
ner with him. We stayed and pulled
out that evening. Everybody ran. pret
ty much on his own schedule in them
Two Bootes ThrouKh LUe Confront
the Young Man.
' Frank Thomson; the President of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, who died a
few weeks ago, was known as one of
the foremost of living railway mana
gers. .There was no part of the busi
ness with which he was not familiar,
from the control of Its great moneyed
Interests to the fitting of a screw into
an engine.
A wealthy man once brought his son
to him, saying, "My son has gone
through college. Can you make a place
for him where he will succeed?"
Mr. Thomson was silent for a mo
ment, and then said, "That depends
on whether he wants to take a kid
glove course or a coal-oil course." -.
"Wfiat do you mean?"
"If he takes a kid-glove course, he
goes In as a" clerk 'to perform a certain
amount daily of writing, for which he
will be paid a salary. , In the other
course he goes into' the shops and
learns the whole business, from the
lowest drudgery up. When he has fin
ished he will know hls'trade, a valu
able one, but his hands will be stained
with coal oil." -
Mr. Thomson himself, when a boy,
chose the "coal-oil course." He worked
four years In the car-shops at Altoona,
barely earning his living, but learning
the mechanical details of the business.
Thomas Scott, the famous railway
manager, was a friend of the young
man, but gave him no help, leaving him
to work his own way. At the end of
the four years he sent for him, and
gave him a responsible position on the.
Pennsylvania Railway.
. The civil war brok" out that year.
Colonel Scott was appointed assistant
Secretary of War, the Government be
lieving that his experience In the rail
way work would have taught him how,
to handle In transportation great bod
ies of troops. A problem of peculiar
difficulty of this kind arose.
"I know of but one man who can
manage this business," said Colonel
Scott to the Cabinet. "He Is not here."
"Send for him then," said Mr. Stan
ton. The next evening Frank Thomson,
then only 20 years of age, appeared.
"Do you mean to tell me," cried Sir.
Stanton,' somewhat sneeringly,"that we
have waited twenty-four hours for this
red-headed stripling?'.' .
"He will do the work," replied Scott
quietly. And he did it ..
Mr. Thomson was probably peculiar
ly qualified by nature for his especial
business; but there Is a strong preju
dice among American boys against
work which Involves manual labor, and
a preference for clerical duties as being
more refined.
It Is a fatal mistake. Great prizes
now., await the thoroughly equipped,
practical man In work which lies out
side of mere book learning, and the boy
is wise who grapples with this work
with his bare hands and tries to win
them. Youth's Companion.
- . Whale in Shrimp Net.
A small bottle-nosed whale 11 feet
long and 6 feet in circumference has
been captured off the Essex coast and
Is now to be seen on the beach at
Southend. It was surprised, near the
shore by some local fishermen, who
managed.'to take it by tangling it up
In an old shrimp net
Its vitality was so great that it lived
for fifty hours after --apture. The idea
of tackling a ton of lively whale with
a shrimp net does not In the least Im
press its captors, who, says our correr
spondent, "would go for a sea serpent
with a half Inch rope."
Its Name Against It.
"That new ladies' magazine proved a
complete failure."
"Did It? What was the cause 7"
"Why, It was called 'The Age of
Woman,' and, of course, that's some
thing the women don't want to come
out" Philadelphia Bulletin.
Experiments have been going on
with an ingenious machine -which shuts
over a man's eyes bo that the eyelid
as It works opens and closes a chrono
graph. So far the quickest wink on
record Is about a sixth of a second. -
A Contributory Cans.
1 Sagebrush Sam Yer -say Bill died
of a lame arm. - How could that be?
Cactus Charlie Why, yer see, his
arm wuz so stiff that he could 'nt draw
his gun quick, an' the other feller got
the drop on him. iJ. Y. Journal.
TI10 Neir Torpeit.
A Swede has Invented one operated by
invisible rays ot light, which enables it to
explode at Will. In like manner Hostel
ler's Stomach Bitters conquers all stomach
troubles. When a sufferer from constipa
tion, dyspepsia or liver complaint take the
Bitters" lie is sure of a cure. A private Rev
enue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle.
v At Washington, R. I., the Living
stone woolen mill is running night and
day. "
X.alles Can "Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes.
It makes tight or new shoes feel easy;
gives instant relief to corns and bunions.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of the
age. : Cures swollen feet, blisters and cal
lous spots.' Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain
cure for ingrowing nails, sweating, smart
ing, hot, aching feet We have 30,000 testi
monials. All druggists and shoe stores
sell it. 25c. Trial package FREE by mail.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
In the South within the past five
months $17,000,000 in new capital has
been invested in cotton mills.
My doctor said I would die, but Piso's
Cure for Consifmption cured me. Amos
Keluer, Cherry Valley. Ills., Nov. 23. '95.
The Dougherty County Manufaotui
ini Company may soon ho incorporated
to build a cotton mill at Albany, Ga.
Remember that you can buy Jesso Moore
A A. Whiskey for the same price that is
paid fcr ordinary whiskey. For sal e by all
Lrst-class dealers and druggists.
Philadelphia eolleoted $103,000 as
taxes on trolley company dividends last
CITS Permanently Cured. No fitsor nervousness
ill afUTlirst day's use of'Dr. Kline's Great
Kerve Restorer. Send for FltEE S'i.OO trial
bottle and treatise. 1) t. K. H. KXJJSK, Ltd., 930
Area street, Philadelphia, Fa.'
Pulls With His Might.
A horse may pull with all his might,
but never with his mane. Chicago
Daily News.
In 1850 it was estimated ,that the
consumption of pure alcohol in France
equaled 1 liters per head of the pop
ulation. In 1896 it had increased to
4.19 liters,' apart from the use of wines,
beers an J ciders. -
The ' Westminster Preabytetian
church of Jersey City closes its doors
at the beginning of the service, and
they are opened but once again during
tlie setvico to atjinit -late comers. It
is stated that this is done to comet
the habit of tardiness.
: A friendly wrestling match between
brothers, John and Frederick Singer,
in Webster City, la., resulted in the
death of tho former.
- The twelfth annual census ' will be
taken next yeat, and it is estimated
that it will show a population of over
77,000.000 in the United States. .
A novel way of pairing guests at sty
lish dinners has come in vogue in New
York. The guests are masked,' and
each gentleman chooses a lady and es
corts her to the dining room. When
the sou p is served the guests unmask.
Caused by over-work ! Over-eating ! Over-drinking! No part of the human body receives more ill treatment
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pleasant to eat, easy and delightful in action. Don't accept a substitute for CASCARETS ;
P . 4 to Tji bring a surgeon.-, eweler's Weekly." hav
Mid -1 h.ve irons 14 days at a time wlthoat m
. on nvcnnt f A Iwwtli, Chroaio constipa- om
. tlon for seven years placed me to this terrible OB
in- condition; 1 did everything 1 heard ot but never cha9
... found anyrellef untlUbeaanuslnaCASCARBTS.
1eQ 1 now have from one to three passages a day, and car'
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Overtax .d Patience.
In an Aberdeen bookshop an old lady
was inquiring for a copy or the Bible,
and the shopkeeper brought forward
one at half a crown. But the old lady
wanted something cheaper. A copy at
18 pence was pro.Iuced, containing
illustrations) But the illustrations, she
xverred, entailed superfluous ezpend
t ;e. "Then here," said the shop
keeper, "is a copy for a shilling, which
contains n that's necessary for salva
tion." He descended from the ladder
ami laid it befo: e his customer. "But
hae ye no something a wee bit cheap
er?" asked the old lady. "Wumnian,
wuAnnianl" said the shopman, "oa'
upon the Almichty to coine down and
sell ye his 'ain publications, for I can
dae noe uiair 1" Troy Times.
1 Home Bun Strikes.
Diggs So your daughter is married
Biggs Yea.
"And how does your new son-in-law
strike yon?"
"For a 'V or an 'X' usually." Chi
ag i. Evening News.
It is said that some of the sheep
farms in Australia are as large as the
whole of England.
Write to NATHAN I C. Ft O I J 111
I r EICKFoKii. Washington. 0. C. they will re-
ceive quicE replies, a. otn i. H. Vols.
Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1&78.
ITCHING Piles produce moisture andcanse itchina.
JaratdruKKtstsorsent by mail. Treatise free. "Writ,
me about y our caae. DK.iJOSAtKO,Ptulada.,lJa
I bunt nntnc all ttst fails.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes tood. TJat
f Honor is Purchased
by Deeds We Do."
Deeds, not words, count in battles of
pea.ee as 'well as in tuar. It is not 'what
we say, but tvhat Hood" s Sarsa.pa.r3La.
does, thai teHs the story of its merit. It has
toon many remarkable victories over the
arch enemy of mankind impure blood.
Be sure to get only Hood's, because
3cct& Sauafimiflk
i J isf fi"ffir
In a Bad Way.
The Approached Why don't you go
to work?
The Tramp Alas 1 kind sir, I never
learned anything but a trade. Phlla
delpha North American.
By local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube.- When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling soand or imper
fect hearing, and when It is entirely closed
deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube restnred to
its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
lorever; nine'eases out ot ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused bv catarrh) that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for
circulars, free.
F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggifts, 75c
Hail's Family Pills are the best.
Improved Train Kquipment.
The Cv R. & N. and Oregon Short
Line have added a buffet, smoking and
library car to their Portland-Chicago
thrrJugh train, and a dining car service
has been inauguarated. The train is
equipped with the latest chair cars,
day coaches and luxurious first-class
and ordinary sleepers. Direct connec
tion made at Granger with Union Pa
cific, and at Ogden with Rio Grande
line, from all points in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities.
For information, rates, etc., call on
any O. R. Ss N. agent, or address W.
H. Eurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
Farm hands in Yucatan wear linen
garments of spotless white. When they
become even slightly' soiled they hast
en to change them. Work is plentiful
tiiere, farm laborers are well paid, and
they can afford to be tidy.
i A German railroad now building in
Eastern Africa,, where the climate is
most dangerous to the white men, re
cently offered positions to ciivl en
gineers at $1,125 per annum, station
masters at $1,000 and locomotive driv
ers $900.
' Tbe coarsest human hair is the red,
and blonde hair is the finest. The
thickness ot human, hair varies from
the 250th to the 600th part of an inch.
. The longest' tunnel in tbe world is
that of St. Gothard, on the line of the
railroad between Lucerne and Milan.
Its length is nine and bne-haif miles.
: The highest active volcano in tbe
world is that of the smoking moun
tain, Popocatapetl, in Mexico. It is
17,784 feet above the se4. Its crater is
three miles. in circumference, and it is
1,000 feet deep.
-None so good, but it costs no
more thau the poorest.
.For Gonorrhea and Gleet pet Pabflt's Okay Specific. It
u the ONLY medicine which will cure each and every
case. NO CASE known it has ever failed to cure, no
matter how serious or of how long standing. Results
from its use will astonish you. It is absolutely safe,
prevents stricture, and can be token without inconve
nience and detention from business. PRICE. 3.00. For
sale by all reliable dsujrists, or sent prepaid by express,
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
, , PABST CHEMICAL CO., Chicago, Hi.
Circular mailed on request
MACHINERY, all kinds
. .TATUM &. BOWEN...
29.to 3S First Street PORTLAND OR.
lief for Women"
to-daj for this Book, contAlniiicr Particu
lar and Testimonials of DR. MaRTkL'S
French Female Pills.
Praised by thousands of satisfied ladies as
Safe, always reliable and without an eaual.
' SoldbyalfdrUKB-isrsin metal box, French
nag on top In Blue, White and Red. Take no other.
Franca Drug Co., 861 & 883 Pearl St., Hew York City.
Some kind of upbuilding the hurry and worry
of the 20th century life pulls down the health,
makes a nerve food necessary.
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will trat your nerves In a healthy condition it
will Improve your appetite and digestion. 1.M
per bottl. at your druggists.
- thiT ' ,!an
The Cliffdwellers and How to Reach
The Denver & Rio Grande railroad
has recognized the great interest which
has lately been aroused in these won
derful inins, and will famish on appli
cation to R. C. Nichol, General Agent,
251 Washington street, Portland. Or.,
a pamphlet describing the ruins, and
the best way to reach them.
These historical ruins are located on
the line of the Denver & Rio Grande
Parties going East should avail them
selves of the opportunity of purchasing
tickets via this line, the scenio line
of the world.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Booth
inr Svrnn the hest romdil w t IX,
children during the teething period.
A I'alace of Salt.
Dtah's glittering suit palace, witli
its midway plaisance and other attrac
tions, opened at Salt Lake City Au
gust 31. The Rio Grande Western,
the only line running through the Mor
mon capital, has arranged to give hold
ers of all classes of tickets a clay stop,
over at Salt Lake in order that they
may have an opportunity of visiting
tl is wonderful structure, built of salt
crystals taken from the brine of the
Great Salt Lake itself.
The inauguration of the Rio Grande
Western's dining car service, doing
away with the necessity of stopping
trains at eating stations, leaves noth
ing to be desired for an ideal trip across
the continent; for the equipment and
train service are equal, if not superior,
to those of any of the transcontinental
lines. Furthermore, no line traverses
any section of the American continent
where there is so much grandeur of
scenery. A daylight ride through the
heart of the Rockies leaves nothing to
be desired.
For information as to rates and for
descirptive pamphlets, address J. D.
Mansfield. General Agent, 253 Wash
ington street. Portland, Or.
Hash! Don't You Hear the Baby Cry?
The only safe medicine for sour curd colic in
nursing babies is Cascarets Candv Cathartic.
Make mother's milk mildly purgative. D run
gists. 10c, 25c, 50c.
Radiation takes place more rapidly
from the surface of plants than from
the air about them, so that on very
still nights the plants are sometimes
several degrees colder than the sur
rounding air.
A family comprising seven persons
left Scranton, N. Y., the other dav,
the whole patty traveling on one full
fare railioad ticket. There were the
mother and her three pairs of twins,
none of the children being, up to the
half-fare age of five years.
Dp-to-date suits for divers have tele
phone attachment 80 that the sub
merged person can converse with his
aids at the surface.
An uncommon disease caused the
death of Mrs. Rose Funk, a resident of
Bloomingtori, Ill.i Portions of her
flesh had become aa dry and hard as
In Rockford, 111., recently, a giiBt of
wind blew a baby carriage on to a rail
road track in front of a train, and the
two children in the carriage were
p sit
Fence and Wire Works.
and Iron fencing; office railing, etc. 834 Alder.
Machinery and Supplies.
chlnery , supplies. 48-50 First St., Portland, Or.
JOHN POOLE, Pomxahd, Oregon,
can give you tbe best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. Tbe new
steel l XL windmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. '
Wholesale Druggist and Pliotogrraphio
Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon.
treated scien
ti Ileal ly and
coniidenti al
1t. Comuonilinci
C. H.
W00DARD & CO.. 108 Second St., Po Hand.
'TI vered PILLS
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache
and Dyspepsia, Remove Pimples and Puriiy the
Blood, Aid DigcstionandPrevent Biliousness. Do
not Oripe or Sicken. To convince you, we will mail
ample free, or full box for 25c. I)K. KOSANK.lt'
CO., Philiula., ?ctuu. Sold by Druggists.
. j" it . " 11 ' " ... ' V.'
Sarah E. Bo wen, of Peru, Ind., (aid:
For eighteen years I suITered with
weakness peculiar to my sex. ' I
could neither sleep nor eat well, and
was reduced to a mere skeleton. Sly
(kin was muddy, ray eyes heavy and
1 was dizzy much of the time. Dec
tors prescribed for me without avail;
medicine seemed to da me no good.
I was at the brink of despair when a
friend told mo what Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Palo People bad accom
plished In a case similar to mine. I
bought a box and took them. I
bought more and took them nntll I
was well and strong. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pule People brought
me new life and I recommend them
to every suffering woman."-Mw
the Republican, Vru, Ind.
Plain Talk to Women, a new
book, sent sealed on request.
Br. Williams' Pink Fills for Pale Peopla
are never sold by the dozan or hundred,
but always in packages. At all druggists,
or direct from tho Dr. Williams Medicine
Co.. Schenectady, N. Y., 6J cants par box.
ri 6 boxes $2.60.
Irish railways have been moving to
ward consolidation.
Twenty-live years ago the Dnited
States suppliod 15 per cent of the
world's coal consumption; now they
supply 80 per cent. -
TIia Anna in Pamioiill (innnlr S fT -
are returned at a valuation of $12,830, .
while the assessed valuation of the en
tire property of the county in sheep and
goats is $201.
A lady at Green Haven, N - Y., se-.
cured a separation from her husband
on tao ground of extreme "' cruelty.
Among other brutal acts he was in the
habit of sleeping with a hammer under
his pillow, and with this he frequent
ly threatened, during the night, to
pound her into insensibility.
To clean asphalt pavements in Utica
last year cost about two cents a running
There are 242 German Baptist
churches in the United States, with
22,000 merabei8.
An immense tarpon was caught by
A. O. Mygott, at Boca Grande pass,
Florida, and be was trying to haul it
into his boat. . In its vigorous efforts
to escape it made a high leap, and as
it fell into the boat, its tail struck Mr.
Mygott, knocking him unconscious for
three bonis. . "
25c 50c
Thremsrh, Palace and Tourist Sleepers
liniu and ltuffet Smoking
Library Cars.
....FAST TIME....
Service and Bcenery Unequalled.
For Tickets and all information apply to
your nearest agent, or address
C. P. and T. A., Portland.
R. C. STEVENS, G. W. P. A.. Seattle.
Usfe Biff for ti d natural
d.Bchargef, iiiflaninrntiuaa
irritatiuiia or ulcerMlinni
of uiuouui membrane.
IPr-BU eootioD. Pa iu less, and not autriii
THeEvANSChEMICHlCo. ent or POttwnout.
sold by lraUte,
"or tent'tn plain wrapper.
vj vAprcgi, prepaid, IOT
i.iiu, or d Brunei, Z.70.
Circular wni m niiiett
N. P. N. U.
NO. 35 '09.
HEN wrltliiRT to advertisers pleas
mention inn paper.
XT or a ' I ' If t i fc fl
. . m rlnsirmtlrMtil IB
m V aot to trie tore
Vw4 oincihnui.o .Kril
We lead and originate
fashions in....
Cor. Second and Stark Sts.
....PORTLAND, gBO 0$