I CXION F.ntab. July, 1897. CAtfiTTB Eatab. Dec, 1SC3. j Consolidated Feb.-1899. CORVAL,L,IS, BENTON COUNTY, OKEGOJf, FE1DAT, SEPTEMBER 1, 1899. KXXVI. NO. 30. From All Parts of.. the. New World and the Old. - OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS ; : yj v., ' CmihitT Review..oX" the" import ant Happenings of the Past Week ' Called From the Telegraph Column. ; 'TImj Fii8t Californiaa have arrived IroutO (torn the Philippines',' - Tanners it tftifelst anfl West will . formmn uprMir-ltfer ooiti trine. f - ' 'V At Seabright, N. J.; thre;-.persoii& - were killed ami tbieeiiijufed by being" run dowu by a fain. -1- Every ; train ; isbtiniiig;jrecT.uit83l . Cape Town, and eaoh side seeina to be preparing for conflict. jf , Emperor WilHau) ;and tlte German anihasander to France- lnnohed together - in Berlin" and discussed the- Dreyfus ease. " - . ;: - - - In Holland a mob by throwing stones forced troops to .fire upon them. One . of the rioters was killed and two were i wounded. " I '-." - -, G.eneral Bates' mission to t'je Morns . ras successful. -Tbei Bultayof Sulu baa agreed Yd recognize American sov ereignty. ; . . . - - The; St. Paul Globe jidvocates;,tbe nomination of Admiral Dewey for the ."".presidency by the next Denioora tie na tional convention-' ". ' ; . ' Sir Wilfred Laurier and Minister of - - - Murine Da vice will 'go : to England to talk with Chamberlain about the.Alaa t . kan Lpiindary. -. ' - . "".Ef porta .from, Southern Russia say .cnfient belief of. . the appioaching end of . the world s causing 'a panic among the uneducated classes. . . :.., . -i - .The .Greek- government Jiasi been i- . c fanted (be courtesy of having an en-. . sign of tlie'Greek navy assigned to "duty on the North Atlantic squadron. - ; .John Lind, governor of Minnesota, has requesfeik the war , department to allow the returning . volunteers of bis tate to be landed in Portland, instead . - :Of Ja Ban Francisco. ".. .- - Preiderjt Mellen;- of .the Northern ; . ... Pacj fie "rail wajr in au interview, pub lieued in "a." lLsto.eeLif$pec says bis -J robdC.spebt but" talf. itsarn'ings for op- ."" era ting expenses lasV yea'Tand the toad is now in a prosperous condition'." -.i 1D8 war. DQEiienH are uei?iiiiiinir to . . grow heavy and' Secretary Gage is seek ing some way to increase , the stamp .taxtJSlot machines and firearms it is " kbagl4 may help to bear the.-burdens. - - c":i-at.'jroiijer bond issue is also', mentioned. 7 " '.J ."GU.bei. of the "intxntioual Institute of China,'! .... designed to instruct ani.eleat'e, ihe . - better class of Chinese, suys Dewey has ' naie rtCWna; reeHct Uncle Sam and ArberlcpTisare agliih;eio?nn,aged to at- T '. 'elaborate cHle. " Siii Fiancjscci for. hamei i -- .s m AU the new rf6i8ft?,c-f. vol ip tee.rt . - - will be afloat for. Manilby .Qctober. . f-'i.v t At Paseaic-N. J., the Botany Wort- . .-;ed.Mills Compa.ny.Js to e,rec,t six build- fcr. .- ,".:''-'" - - . - " 'f' Tliirlt-slit vnlontnprs Irom'thn Sw.. onu uregon nave mppueu ior peas) for-sliea tUty f.:. -" - - .it '. mi A Sou tli Atncan mining engineer made the trip from London to Dawson - - . is AppietoK, vre.,-a,--miii ooii.er exploded, kiling two nietf'nd wound- ,jt -Drey tosY enemieswarittsUU iCfter fik-H ' with gnn cotton were sent him. '1 ft. r Thomasrackatt Jteeji jas tendef ed -xrx. WSvJspsjf nation taji .ggiigjeasman; ir.om Maine.' The governor has accented .Ui i'iV,TphiteBK UiVfltowing in the wake of the storm in Porto Kioo-. vifhe ternniTrBiiiff itanrprjtreiyirigbod. .iejsvien.-a8ihins Majcr-Generat Otis is himsell acUBgd' as cefinor oi tfispatches. jLjof uicle uiues American success. -; itis-ftllegeir iiY England ' that the' iwXrBlvft,i8'5alRe"nliieiiJi iikim an4 -coorif musiagf ea XfS bomfPaul; Kruger.f 'iSfTgS ijfffctai'ireads. Hear MBr8nalrtovmr"fea, tlree tramps, stealing a ride on; a Great T ; VteenfrefglS " traijf shJt: ana killed 'T iBratemari - V?l8onAanrtSf CoudTitvfoiE jMathews and threw their bodies' uKiref Mm trnna . ' ' isi ' -"' -;yri lpr9cnt' brf-HSP sek3ye salmon - eaSoivTPiigt eeowd-ia so pheribnierral .'Poget souml salwAf) wpself. will JSe ii rge .' -ehowgh to-eotiypeinat fef the short aye --kifrrivers. 5r J . . -: ;- " : While .endeavoring to rescue one of their comrades, arrested for - drunken . neasi the-soli Jers (roin the Indiana bad ' -" fight with the police- of HonbluTit which resulted in y heads beiYrg . . brokeov bat nhd . police finally ktfxied tlreir man.-- ? - scaroity of", food is now-worrying the Filipino rebels. Ot'rs- "-has '.g"railed "them permission to prircliastf supplies" - ..from the ships in the hacbor.'- ' i.Th pioposed ' pufilic warehbnHe Yo be operated by the Toledo banks $eeina . : Jto be a go, a majority of ,the banks favor the project. . - ixj-i Am'oing other "indu'sfries, the Bel ton, .8. C, Mill Company, recently foimed wffh capitaTbFt350.T)00. wilLeat.ablish a cotton' n II- of 15,000 spindles or more. . ; -;- - ' Tt is estimated that fully two-thlr-ds of the whole amount of public money : " held by the London banks does..: not -". J Iwar interest. ' . . Wool shipped by James .Garrard, ot - - Rotwell, New Mexico, to Philadelphia, brought 41 cents per. pound. It was acoured wool of last spring's clip. r " Hundreds of the. best artisans of - Finland Lave already left their father land for Sweeden and -Norway, , and bnndreda Bore will set sail for Canada and the United States, during the sum mer, to esoape service as conscripts in . ' the Russian amy. LATER NEWS. England has ejected Russians from her lands' at Hankow and trouble is iin m'infent "" " " ,; V ''-.. . ' It is"saidthat food for Guerin. the Tjfes'ie'aed Frenchman is sunnlied by an underground passage.1 r' Tlie governor of Wyoming and his staff will meet the states' returning volunteers in San Francisco. A.n agreement has been reached with .-Germanywhereby packages weighing 11 pounds may be sent by post. L.'.Kt tiger's concessions to England are so far reaching ''that it-is thought bis resignation will be demanded. In South America the products of -Great' Birtaiu are i being replaced by those.: from, the United.' States and Ger many. iile.16 men were -'-desdentling into the-: Cfcuohard " mia tit Hautec? oix- France, a cable broke and all weie i., Commercial .travelers will endeavor to. have uniform style adopted in mile age tickets by the railways of this country. ,.. j. An Italian anarchist organizer in New; York stated, that workmen all over' Europe are . organizing . for a great uprising. : ; . i The recent withdrawal of troops caused trouble '. in 'Panay and Cebu islands, but robber bands 'and aimed lagals were punished, i -.- A witness,' 'who at the former -trial gave experf testimonV-tbat ?Dreyfus wroe the bordereau,' has ' n;5 claibd that. Esteihazy wrote it. f,' .,r Through thajiero.io work of the sis ters only four deaths resulted from the terrible conflagration in the Orphan asylum at Sparkill, N. Y. -, ? . . An alleged member of the old royal family demanded the throne of Corea and was beheaded by order ' of Lady Mo,7the power behind the throne. " ' Fiee trade privileges for . 10 years have been granted Spain in the Sulu islands." ' Germany and ' Great Britain will also be granted .like privileges. The pope blessed the Ulympia's crew and sent an autograph letter to Ad miral Dewey. He is much concerned about war and, expressed the hope that it will soon end.ij ' The Santo Domingan government has surrendered to the revolutionists. The rebels reached the capital and tooftjpossession and Huereaux' successor threw up the sponge. '-,.''. So' satisfactory have been the results of experhne'nt8 made with thorite, the new high' fe'iplosive discovered by an Oregon professor, that it will be recorn mendedby the board of ordnance and fortilications for use in the Philip pines. ?J 7 ." ".' J The national farmers' congress will meet in Boston in October. "... Our commerce, with - Germany for 4899 exoeeds all previous lecords. , ' -:-'A stage in .Yellowstone -park turned over. One person was killed and a number were injured." :. j. The eucalyptus tree is to be experi mented with quite extensively in Cuba as antj-alarial agent. .i Suspicions cases of ,t over have oc curred at Ojjzaba, Mexico, and it is be lieved tt be yellow 4ever. ". ' General Otis reports every thing quiet at Manila, '-fie is protecting, the lives and property of all classes. ' . Tlie.Eovernors of 21 states have ap pointed delegates to the anti-trust con- tfereitce to be heldT at Chicago in Sep- temW;. . " . r-f"- Ai-' - The Olympia's batallion of 350 men will.lead the parade in New York on th'e'ocaiision of the arrival of Admiral Pvwy- i . . a- -----. .. i :. " Sergeant Crawford, who escaped, af ter lettirigeight men put 'of the prison all Wardneii has been Sriested -at- Mis sbilfa,. Mont.-.' "i-T.. : .t'ii-.. T Sir Thomas Lipton, the owner of the Stoam6eK; Jias.sailed.irjr.41ii8 d6urjtj,. He was given a hearty farewell by his IHsTi-frieiid8.-.i" .-r...-- . .. - . It is announced in London that the governor of Natal has refused to allow the transit Of empty 'Cartridge. caes inteirasdssf tfci 3Sfinvaal. A fitftawTYl inAfl affw in hainn maH, flf . . ""."v. .. - uieveiana, u.,-to eeeare- tne dtscnarge. of a number of Vohinteers in the Four- UeeilthiUiiitadfitatea. ihfantry. ' j A Washington speolal ays .that a' modus vivendi has been agreedu'uoiSlJr e Ji4lJI)o6nd4tytWumi88ion-:and iltffiet itfsji jjgresji. .meets in December. - " j .iYiBrinia.pper says that aepiita tion of American merchants fiom Ma- jiila has goio'Washin'gtbn to promise Jf scTie'rhe" S SotftHng tbe Philippines to ilrSf-fitsSn. ' " A-"fMasy!lS -drspatoh via Bong Kong Says treason has -been.. discovered in t Luzon.. A'Jiaiie. mayor had ODened ka rebel lecpjitiiig .statipn and was be- S.nig aide jjy-iijsurgent officers in dis guise.' ' lie was, arrested and taken to . . The wa. department Jhas given out for ' publication a5 'statement of the ; finances of Cuba; - It shows that under the management of the United States government the receipts of the islands fioin- January - to June of the current year, extieededfhe expenditures by over a million. hliars. .... - Venicft hhs a cafe which claims that ithfrs been open day and night for 150 yea-F8V - At JToxcroft,' Ale.. Mayo & Son are running .their 'woolen mill from .4 A. M. to 10 P. M. ;.. .Ejlectripjty has supplanted steam on the railroad from Milan to Monza, the oldest railroad in Italy. ... , ' A clock is being constructed for Liv erpool Streei station in London. The interior of its case would allow five persons to dine comfortably. : Tie output of. sardines on the Maine coast is likely to be increased from 900,1000 cans in 1893 to 3,000,000 this yflar, in consequence of the introduc tion of the new canning machine. - Eight hundred "Japanese workmen are .now employed in track work on railways in Washington and - Oregon, and they are. .said to" give better and more constant service than white labor. In France, if a person dies leav ing insufficient money to pay bis debts, the dootoi's bill is settled first, and then the rest of the deceased's liabili ties are dealt with. Bertillon System Introduced : by the Prosecution. THE PERFORMANCE FELL FLAT At a Lut Resort, the Prisoner Coun sel Will Cull on Germany for the : Documents Bertillon Kxclted. - " Bennes, Aug.c 28. After "M. Bertil lon, the handwriting expert, who is at the head of the anthropometric depart ment of. the. prefecture of police of Paris, had concluded the first, install ment of his so-called demonstration of the guilt of Captain Dreyfus, a prom inent Drey fusard referred to him as the fin de sieole Cagliostro. TheDrey fusards refuse to regaid him as any thing but the piinoe of quacks, : They cover his remarks 'with ' ridicule and protest that the admission of his fan tastic theories as evidence before the eourtmartial is a disgrace to France. "C est one honte," was tho remark heard on all sides when tho session closed, and the audience, mainly made op of Dreyfusards, was being pressed outside by the gendarmes, who clear the courtioom as soon as the court ad journs. -" Nevertheless, even the Dreyfusards do not deceive themselves as to the effect of M. Borlillon's testimony or "demonstration'' may have upon the judges, who, they fear, will be galled by what tho Dreyfusards consider spur ious. All the judges have passed through the Ecolo Polytechnique. the highest school of scienoe in France, and they are thus peculiarly interest ed in such : "evidence" aa that of Ber tillon. .Moreover, with the aid of the innumerable diagrams and specimens of . writing which he submits to them, they may be able to follow his reason ing intelligently, which is more than any member of the audience could do today, ii If the judges aouept Bertillon 'a premises "that Dreyfua, as- an" expert spy, dd not write in ordinary hand writing, but in oiose imitation, even contriving to give letters the appear aujEe of having been tiaced, in order to be able to repudiate them as a forgory if detected then the structure built upon this groundwork may be scien tifically oorrect. Even Dreyfus, when shown - Bertillon's demonstration, ad mitted the ingenuity and plausibility of the system, though he naturally de clared that it was built on a false basis. : A remarkable feature of Bertillon'a deposition was the heat and excitement he put into what was expected to be a'Calm, dispassionate exposition of his theory. He thundered, shouted and waved his arms as though engaged in some terrible dispute. . Once he literal ly shrieked, and numbers of the usual audience who hail been unable to fol low him and were taking air in tho courtyard, rushed back into the ball, breathelssly inquiring what had hap pened, imagining that he was fulminat ing some dreadful denunciation of the accused. Their excitement was turned into hilaiity when they found that be .vas momentarily impressing upon the judges tho significance of the exact space, measuied in centimetres, be tween two words in the boiderau. The Echo de Paris announced today that tho counsel of Dreyfus had ob tained possession of certain documents mentioned in tho borderau, in Ester hazy 's writing, whioh they "would pro duce in court next-, week as a coup de theatre. , The press correspondent in quired as to this in competent Drey fusard quarters this afternoon. He was., assured that the statement was erronneous, but was also told that the defense, intended, in the event of Cap tain Dreyfus being re-condemned, to ask the Geiman government to com- jxnuhicate these documents proving his innocence, and tnat they had reason to believe such a request would be granted. .-;Th President's Philippine Policy. Ocean Grove, N. J., Aug. 38. President-MoKinley, in a speech here this afternon, said: . " ' v ,"1. believe that there is more love for our- country and more people love the flag than ever before. Wherever the flag. is raised it stands not for des potism and oppression, but for liberty and opportunity and humanity, and what that flag has done for ns, we want to do for all peoples and for all lands whioh by the fortunes of war have oome within, this jurisdiction. That . flag does not mean one thing in the United States and another in Porto Rico and tbe Philippines. "There has been some doubt in some quarters respecting the policy of the government in the Philippines. I see no harm in stating it in this presence. Peace first; then, with charity ior all, establish a government of law and order, protecting life and property and occupation for the well being of the people who will participato in it under the Stars and Stripes." Negro Reeimonts for Philippines. Washington, Aug. 28. Great pres sure has been brought to bear .on the administration to organize colored regi ments for service in the Philippines. The matter is still under consideration. It is understood if a regiment is organ ized, it will be officered by colored men. Penalty for Stamp "Law Violation. Washington, Aug. 28. The treasury department up to this time has accept ed all compromises of banks fur the settlement of fines where examiners have found them in possession of un stamped checks and notes. Tho plea in almost every instance is inadvert ence. But the violations of the Jaw have not decreased as they should, and the department is on the point of adopting a rigid policy of enforcing a heavier penalty for every violation. The liate Hurricane, Norfolk, Va.. Aug. 26. It is now thought that the number of people who lost their lives by shipwreck and dis aster attending the West Indian hurri cane, which passed up the coast about 13 days ago, will reach 100. .Accounts, in many respects conflicting, continue to come from the Albermarle and Pirn lico sound region and the coast from Hatteras to Bodys island, in whioh section tbe greater number of casualties occurred. Steamship Alameda, just arrived, reports all (juist in Samoa. CUP CHALLENGER LEAKING. Accident and Towing Believed to Be the Cause. . ' New York, Aug. 28. The Tribune says: Men whose opinions and yacht ing knowledge are respected and es teemed declared yebtetday that " the Shamrock was twisted in the midship section and that towing had caused a strain which has "worked her plates." One yachting expert who has built yachts and has docked hundreds of ships told a Tribune reporter last even ing that in the afternoon he was sur prised, while looking at the English cup challenger, to see that she was badly twisted in the midship section. "The warp is quite apparent," he continued, "to any one who knows anything about the lines of a yacht I fancied, that I detected the. twist yes terday afternoon.- I am sure of it to day, as by lightening, the Shamrock is much higher out of tbe water today than she was yesterday. Naturally towing caused the straining and made tbe plates draw and on that account I believe the theory of a leak is quite probable. If tbe yacht came over on the port tack the tendency would be to strain the hull to starboard, and such a strain wonld undoubtedly cause the plates on the port quarter to spring." Others believe that the leak or strain probably was the result of the acci dent which happened to the Shamrock when she ran aground in her trial trips with the Prince of Wales' Britan nia. - A GIGANTIC COMBINATION. Trust to Control the Retail Dry Goods Trade of the Country. New Yoik, Aug. 36. The Herald says: Arrangements are maturing for the organization of a $50,000,000 dry goods corporation in this oity to con trol and operate diy goods and depart ment stores throughout the country. The Mercantile Reorganization ' Com pany has recently been incorporated in Trenton, N. J., as a preliminary to Creating big corporations. Men well known in tbe dry goods trade have been working on the plan for six months, it is said, and have in terested financiers, who will back the enterprise. It is expected that the corporation will be launched in time for the fall trade. It is proposed to buy retail stores in cities having a population of 20,000 or more. The company expeots to control, from 500 to 3,000 stores throughout the country. Many merchants,; it is said, have al ready signified their intention of join ing the combination. Former proprietors of stores absorbed by the corporation will be retained as managers and will have interests in the stores. They . will become stock holders in the company. It is pro posed to control the output of certain mills and purchases will ' be made in immense quantities. ' Anarchy at Manila. London, Aug. 28. The Labuan cor respondent of the Reuter Telegraph Company cables that reliable news re ceived there direct from. Manila says an indescribable state of anarchy pre vails. ' The . Amerioans, according to these advices, occupy a radius of 100 miles there. Arpund the town of Ho Ilo they occupy a radius of nine miles, and around Cebu they occupy a smali radius. The rest of the country, it is said, is in tbe hands of the Filipinos. The correspondent also says it is re ported the' Filipinos murdered the crew of tbe steamer Suturnus. The Satnrnus, of the Campania, coasting under tbe American flag, was beached under the insurgent trenches at San Fernando and burned August 2. California Boys "Landed. San Francisco, Aug. 28. The Cali fornia regiment landed from the trans port Sherman today and marched to the Presidio. As this was San Fran cisco's home regiment, the demonstra tion today exceeded in enthusiasm "the reception accorded other regiments. People came from all parts of the state to see the show nnd this morning there were fully 100,000 strangers iii town. The troops landed at 7 o'clock and were given breakfast at the ferry build ing. Then they marched to the Presi iio, escorted ' by. the Third, artillery, o lor ado regiment and the national uard. An immense crowd lined the streets for miles and 'gave the volun teers a. royal welcome home. . Black Flag: Hoisted. ; ' 'X Paris, Aug. 28. All ..was quiet, in the vioinity of Rue Chabrol, j through out, the .night, but ...at .4 , o'clock this rooming a black thig appeared -in the attic window.' Some days ago.'M. Guerin stated that .. in .event of his death, the party would' hoist the black flag It is known that two of the party have been ill, one seriously from con gestion of the lungs. Communication with the house is strictly forbidden, even bearers of ordinary pblioe passes not being allowed to approach. M. Guerin resumed watch' on the roof at 5 A.M. ; " - Deep .Navigation. Washington, Aug. 28. The secre tary of war has approved the recom mendation of the 'chief of engineer's that $7,500 be expended for a survey of the Lower Willamette and Columbia rivers, with a view to securing a 25 foot channel, and $2,500 for an exam ination of the mouth of the Colubmia, with a view of 'obtaining a depth of 40 feet over the bar. The recommendation that $350 be expended in a survey of Neah bay, with a view of converting it into a harbor of refuge, was also approved. ' " Bids for Building. -: -Bids have been opened at Baker City for the construction of the Citizens bank building there and the lowest bid was made by Contractor Angall. who will likewise be authorized to do the work. Mr. Angall'a bid is $17,600 on, the Citizens bank building which is to be erected by Fiank Geiser, To Bring Home "Washingtonlaas; Seattle, Aug. 24. Negotiations are in progress for bringing the Wasbing on volunteers from . San Francisco to Seattle in a body after the muster on at the farmer place. Two steamers will probably be chartered. Levi An keny, the well-known banker of Walla Walla, has offered to bear the entire expense of the vessels' charter, which will amount to $7,000 or $10,000. a Lively Time. JVtts Have a good time yesterday? nib forth Good time? Old boy, I cai taito itjrst I Indianapolis Journal. Orphan Asylum Burned at Sparkill, N. Y. CAUSED BY LAMP EXPLOSION Flames Spread So Rapidly That There Was Little Chance of Escape for the Inmates Heroism of the Sisters. JNyaok, N. Y., Aug. 29. Fire was discovered in the large boys' and giils' orphan asylum connected with St. Anne'a oonvent, at Sparkhill, Rook- land county, at 1 A. M today, but not before the entire strucure. a frame building, was wrapped in flames, Many of the inmates, children, were burned and suffocated, it was reported early this monring. The exact num ber of the dead could not be told at 8:15 A. M., when the first dispatches reaohed this oity. '. The asylum, which is conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, held about 1,000 children.. It was a long frame build ing, three stories high. . The fire was not discovered until the whole building was one mass of flames. The children had scant chanoe for es cape. Speoial trains over the New Jersey Northern toad were rushed to the nearest railroad station. The asylum was situated between Sparkhill and Orangeburg. The' scenes at the conflagration were heartrending. The children clad in their nightrobes. could be seen falling baokward into the flames and smoke, while the shrieks of the dying could be heard above the crackle of the devour ing flames. Some of the children were crippled for life by jumping frOm the windows. Many of the sisters also were injured, while others lost their tives heroically while trying to rescue lheir charges. .. - Although the service of the fire de partments from neighboring places had been promptly rendered, the engines arrived too late to be effective in sav ing life or property.: -' - - ' A -The fire was caused by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. RUSSIANS PUT OUT. Great Britain A sserts Her Rights on the Tang-tse-Klang. -Shanghai, Aug. 39. As tbe outcome of a dispute regarding the ownership of some lands at Hankow, on tbe Yang- tse-Kiang, about 700 miles from the sea, which were purchased in 1863 by the concern of Jardine, Matheson Ss Co., but were subsequently included in tbe new concession to Russia, the owners, under the advice and protec tion of Mr. Hurst, the British consul, sent workmen to fence in the, tract. After the work was begun, a dozen Cos sacks from the Russian consulate, ap peared on the scene and forcibly eject ed the workmon. ' The captain of the British second-class gunboat Wood lark, specially designed for river serv ice, after consulting with Mr. Hurst, landed a party of bluejackets and moved the Woodlark within firing dis tance of the Russian" consulate. For a time a fight seemed imminent, but nothing further occurred. The blue jackets are now guarding the property. The British third-class gunboat Esk has been dispatched to Hankow from this port. Great' Britain is evidently determined to uphold British rights. TREASON IN LUZON. Native Mayor Opens a Rebel Recruit . . ing JStation. "Manila, Aug. 24, via Hong Eong, Aug. 29. Recent events have proved somewhat discouraging to officials who are trying to accompany wr with a policy of conciliation. Two new mu nicipal governments have collapsed through treachery of the mayors. To day the mayor of San Pedro Macati, who was elected by the people under the direction of Professor Dean Worces ter, of tbe United States advisory com mission for the Philippines, was brought to Manila and lodged in jail. The United States officers at San Pedro Macati fonnd that - he was using his office as. a recruiting station for the Philippine army. Four disguised in surgent officers were helping him. ' The mayor of Baliuag was also arrest ed and confined in the same prison. The Americans caught him passing be tween the lines of the two' armies with incriminating documents which the' authorities" ' secured. Another promient native - mayor - is nndez bmi veillance. . ". r.. Summary Vengeance. - " Engle, N. M.. Aug.' 28. W. J. Spralding,- a wealthy cattleman con trolling stock . interests in Ch lorulo, wis killed by -cowboys near Fairview in revenge for his murderous assault upon Miss" Nellie McKinstry. Sprald ing without provocation made a threat ening remark to the woman as he was riding by, both being on horseback, and followed it np by firing a revolver at her point blank. -; The shot took effect in tbe woman's neck and she fell from her horse. Cowboys near by started after Spralding, who emptied his . revolver at them. A fusilade from Winchesters in the hands of the pursuers brought Spralding to the ground with' 6ix bullets in his body and head. He died almost instantly. The injured woman came here from Marion, Ind., to act as housekeeper for Spralding. . She will recover. No cause for the trouble is known. Arkansas Village Wiped Oat. Little Rock, Ark., 29. A special to the Gazette from Newport, Ark., says: The little village of Pleasant Plain, In dependence, county, was struck by a storm' last, night and literally wiped out of . existence. As the town has neither telegraph nor telephone connec tion, the details of the storm cannot be learned at this time. Arrival of the Boston. San Francisco, Aug. 29. The cruiser Boston arrived here today from Manila, from which place she started June 8. She was drydooked at Hong Kong, and then went to Nagasaki and Yoko hama, leaving the latter place July 29 for Honolulu, where she arrived August 9, making the record trip for a man-of- war between Yokohama and Honolulu. The Boston sailed from Honolulu on the 17th inst., having a smooth passage during the entire voyage from Manila. G. Tuiina. the noted New York sculptor Is dead. 1 BLESSED OLYMPIA'S CREW. Pope Sent an Autograph Letter to Ad aalral Dewey. New York. Aug. 80. A dipsatch to tbe Journal and Advertiser from Rome says: His holiness, tbe pope, is deep ly concerned about tho war in the Philippines. - He has communicated bis anxiety to the Rev. Father Reamy, chaplain of the Olympia. In the plainest possible terms, Leo expressed .a strong desire to see' peace established between the United States and the natives, and said that he con templated the opening of negotiations with the United States government with a view to regulating the position bf Catholics in the Philippines. ; All oi tins was in tne course oi a snecial audience accorded to the chap lain of Dewey's flagship. In heartfelt erms, he expressed his horror of blood- Shed that had occurred and dilated upon the importance of making every endeavor to bring it to an end. He took it for granted that when peace Was -concluded, the United' States would establish a beneficent rule un der which the Philippines wonld quick ly reach a condition of happiness and prosperity. '.' His holiness asked many .questions about Admiral Dewey, his personalty, bis opinions, and inquired sympa thetically about tbe state of his health. AC the conclusion of the interivew, he gave Father Reamy an autograph let ter for delivery to the admiral and made the priest tbe bearer of his bene diction to the ciew of the Olympia. HOME FROM THE WAR. Tenth . Pennsylvania Regiment corned by the President. Wei. Pittsburg, Aug. 80. With cannon booming, bella clanging, whistles shrieking, flags waving and mighty cheers from hundreds of thousands of throats, the brave Tenth Pennsylvania volunteers were welcomed today, after, more than a year : of service in the Philippines. The reception tendered the returning soldiers will always be remembered in this city as one of the greatest demon strations of patriotism that has ever taken place in this country. : President MoKinley, Mrs. McKinley, Majdr-General Merritt, Major-General Francis V. ureene and other promi nent national and state officers were in the city. The president addressed the returning volunteers and in a feeling manner thanked them for their good work in the Philippines. ANOTHER DEAD MAN ALIVE. Duluth Man Writes of Sufferings of Cape Aome and Kotzebue Prospectors. Minneapolis, Aug. 28. A special to the Times from Duluth, Minn., says: John Duluth, reported dead in the: Kotzebae country, has written home telling of the sufferings. .of those who have been at Cape Nome. .July 14, from Anvil City, Mr. Morrison wrote that over 100 miners and prospec tors must have perished in tbe Eotze- hue district last winter. Six of the party he was with died and the re mainder came very near dying. ' His entire party was sick and nearly starved when a relief expedition found them. Speaking of experiences with scurvy, Mr. Morrison says: : "Our arms. and legs swelled terribly, turned black, our teeth became so loose you could easily pull them out. My limbs are all drawn np, but I am able to walk a short distance without crutches. We left our winter quarters in the Arctic regions on June 6, and were , stuck in the ice till July 12. We are now at Cape- Nome, 120 miles north of. St. Michaels. - There is no gold . in the Kotzebue country." A VALUABLE ALLY. Dato Mnndl and His Tribesmen Fight Zamboanga Rebels. Manila, Aug. 30. A repoi t received here from Cebn says: . " Danto Mundi, with his tribesmen, have taken the war path against the insurgents at Zamboanga, and has given' them a warm battle. Mundi welcomed4 General Bates, saying he was anxious to become an American citizen, and asked permission to fight ' the insur gents. He was given au Amerioan flag. General Bates wll return to the Sulu archipelago to arrange for establishing an Amerioan garrison there. Washington, Aug. 30. A dispatch was received at the war department from General Otis, stating that Dato Mundi, of Zamboanga, attacked and de feated the insurgents there August 26, killing 30. Thorite a Success. ' New York, Aug.' SO. A special to the Herald from" Washington says: So satisfactory have been the results of experiments made with thorite,' the new high explosive, that it will be recommended by the board of ordnance and fortifications for use in the Philip pines. Up to this time it has success fully undergone the various ' trials to which it has been subjected. It will explode, according 'to the official le ports, only by means of a detonator, and then only when confined. Two 10-inch shells loaded with the explosive which can be safely fired from high power guns, were fired through a five-inch plate and failed to explode, breaking the steel walls of the shell into small particles. The 12 dynamite guns which will be shipped ' this week to Manila, are ex cellent in their way, but it is believed that working jn conjunction with high power guns throwing thorite, the moral effect, not to mention the death and destruction they will deal, will have a salutary effect upon the Filipinos.' Lawyers In Session. Buffalo, Aug. 30. Judges, states men and men of national prominence, composing the American Bar Associa tion, met in - the aldermanio chamber ol the common counoil today, and were welcomed to the city by Sherman S. Rogers of the local bar association. Joint High Coinml-slon. Washington, Aug. 80. Correspond ence is in progress between - tne mem bers of the American contingent of the Canadian high- joint commission look ing to a meeting, at an early date, with a view to maxing preparations ior a report to congress upon the state of the negotiations undertaken by the com mission. -'.'- la Drey fas' Favor. Bennes, Aug.. SO. The . balanoe ol tbe evidence today, for a change, was in favor of Dreyfus. Five witnesses were for him and two against him. e N Roof of Chicago's New Coliseum- Cause of Accident Unknown. . Chicago. Aug. 30. Twelve steel arches, each weighing 83 tons, which were to have supported the superstruc ture - of the Coliseum building, in course of -erection on Wabash avenue, fell to the ground late this afternoon. It is known that nine lives were lost. The bodies of three men are supposed to be under the wreckage. Many are in the hospital with injuiies received in the accident, and of these four will surely die. The dead are: -: Charles Walpol, Edward -Murray, Frank Logan, Stephen J. Thompson, John Farrey, Richard Sherman, Theo dore Tborne, Leroy Fenner, A. L. Norman. The fatally injured are: John Morsh- man, fractured skull and fractured right leg; J. J. Dowd, internal injur ies, both eyes out, both legs broken? Peter Peliteir right arm cut off at shoulder, skull fractured; John White, skull fractured,, internal injuries. Those missing and believed to be in the ruins are: Edward Swanson, Joseph King.' "' Several more were in jured slightly. . All of the 13 arohes were standing, the 12th and last having been com pleted today. It was the intention of the steel contractors, the Pittsburg Bridge Company, of Pittsburg, Pa., to turn over ita woik tonight to the gen eral contractors. The iron "tiaveler" or derrick, which bad been used in tho erection of tbe aorbes, had been re moved and the agents .of the bridge company were accounting their work aa practically completed, when sudden ly, and without warning, the arch last put in place suddenly fell over againBt the one next to it. Tbe weight was too much for this; it gave way, crash' ing against the third, and, one by one, the great steel spans fell over to the stcMith, prooisley in the same manner aa a number of cards would fall. Nearly all of the men who were killed were at work on top of the arches 40 feet from the ground. Some of them- made futile attempts to slide down the side of tbe arches, but before they oopld help themselves, they were hurled to the ground. Many of them uttered piercing shrieks for aid as they fell Most of them were killed outrught by the awful nature of their in juriee. The skulls of tbe unfortunate nien were orusbed into shapeless masses, their limbs were out off as if by a monster knife, and they were mangled beyond recognition. j The direct cause of the accident is hot known. One theory of .the acci dent which receives . some sup port is that a shifting of sand beneath the foundation caused the collapse of the first arch, which brought all the others to the ground. A story which cannot be substantiated is that a num ber of workmen were using a pulley on the north arch, while they were taking down some scaffolding that bad been erected around it. They caused the arch to sway, and finally it swayed too far and fell out. ' "I cannot say what caused the acci dent," said Superintendent Johnson. "I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the results of our weeks of work destroyed in a minute." ; SPARKILL CONVENT FIRE. Burning of the Orphanage Resulted in . Four Deaths. Sparkhill, N. Y., Aug. 80. Fire that broke out at 1 o'clock thia morn ing destroyed nino of the ten buildings of tbe St. Agnes convent and orphan age, entailing a loss of $150,000 and causing the death of four persons. The dead are: Helen Brown, aged 6; Em ma Mackin, aged 7; "Jane," a pen sioner, aged 70; Mary Kate McCarthy, aged 28. The missing are: Therese Murphy, aged 14, and Mary Brown, aged 4. The seriously injured are: Sister Sienna; shock and - collapse; Sister Marie, burns and concussion; Sister Bertram!,- concussion of spine and shook; Sister Eatherine, arm broken, and Hannah Shea, leg broken. Twenty-five inmates were injured by falls. jumps and burns, none seriously. That' more lives were not lost was due to the heroism of the Sisters and some of the elder inmates. When the fire broke out, the 400 inmates of the institution were asleep. Most of them were gotten out in almost perfeot order, but a score who risked their lives to save others were finally forced either to jump from the upper stories or make desperate dashes through stairways and corridors filled with flames and smoke. Proclamation of Independence. New York, Aug. 30. A dispatoh to the Herald from Bnenos Ay res says: Rio Janeiro and Para papers contain numerous details of the proclamation of independence of tbe Acre territory. The chief of the new commonwealth is a Spaniard, Louis Arias, who is busy organizing his administration. Apaches On the Warpath. Jerome. Ariz.. Aue. 80. Jerome was thrown in a fever of excitement! today by the sudden appearance of a. band of Apaches in war paint. The. leaders of the tribe stopped and pur-' chased a large supply of ammunition and hastily left for Red Rock. The band was composed exclusively of bucks. Three of the Apaches were killed by the Zunis, a New Mexico tribe, and they hate sworn to avenge the m or ders. Another Kentucky Fend. Louisivlle, Aug. 80. A special from London, Ky., says: News is received confirming the report that a pitched battle took place Saturday between James Hayes and bis three sons on one side, and Senator William Clarke and Sherman Leadford on the other side. on' the streets of McEee, Jackson coun ty. Clarke received three pistol wounds, and his condition is critical. Young Hayes was shot in the breast, and will die. Bittet feeling, long standing be tween the two families, the most wealthy in Jackson county, caused the hooting. . BEST TRADE EVER KNOWN. lonlshlng Increase Over That of Laet Tear Is Shown. - the R. G. Dun & Co.'s weeklv re- w of trade says; Nothing is more quent than tho facts. Aotual pay nts through the principal olearing- lisea were S3 per cent larger than I year and 66.2 per cent larger than the same week in 1893. For the Inth thus far, the daily average of ments is 26.3 per cent larger than last year and 56 per cent larger than in 1892. '. Iron works which supply Pittsburg are sold up far into 1900, and can do nothing, though prices much beyond what they received are paid by those who must have iron this year. The enormous demand for more railroads and more rails and cara, more vessels, warehouses and buildings to faandie the extraordinary business in progress cannot be met as quickly as men would like, and work of all sorts is delayed, from .the biggest war vessel .to tbe smallest factory. -. ..; J Western receipts of wheat no long er keep up with' the extraordinary movement a "year ago, falling 1,800,000 bushels behind for the week, but for four weeks have been 15,367,414 bush els, against 14,354,621 bushels last year. Atlantic exports weie slightly larger than last year, and in four weeks, 11,421,333 bushels, flour in cluded, against 11,737,285 bushels last year, while Pacific exports have been 882,024 bushels for the week, and in four weeks, 1,683,363 bushels, against 1,531,954 bushels last year. ' Failures for the. week have been 163 in the United'States, against 179 last Lyear, and 16 in Canada, against 26 last year. PACIFIC COAST .TRADE. Portland Market. . j ' Wheat Walla Walla, ;6758c; Valley, 5?59)c; Bluestem, 6061o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.25; graham, $3.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 40 43c; choice gray, 8741c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $16)17; brewing, $18.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $33; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. . Hay Timothy, $89; clover, $7. 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. (Butter Fancy creamery,' 4550o; seconds, 8540d;- dairy-, -8035o; store, 23Ji37o. .. ; - ... Eggs 18 18c per dozen. Cheese Oregon 'full cream, ' 13o; Young America, 13o; new. cheese, 10c per pound. . .' t . : , Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.60 4. 60per dozen; hens, $4.50; springs, $2 33.00; geese. $4.00(35.00 for old. f $4. 50 6. 50, for young; ducks, $5,000 5.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12 13c per pound. "-:'.- ', 1 Potatoes 75c$l per sack; sweets, 2 8c per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, l2c per- pound; cauli flower, 76o per. dozen; parsnips, $1 beans, 66c per pound; celery, 70 75c perrJozen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 334c per poond; tomatoes, 75c per box; green corn, 1215c per dozen. Hops ll13o; 1897 crop, 46o. Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 813c; mohair. ohPwethers and 7 c; ligiJ t cowl 6( 1 Onions, , new, $1.251.50,p s, new, lljc per lb!1 Potatoes, Beets, per sack, $1.10. Turnips, per sack, 75c. Carrots, per sack, 90c. ' " Parsnips, per sack, $1 1.75. ' n.nl!fl.I... t. ns. Cabbage, native and California $1 1.36 per 100 pounds. ,.. Cherries, 76o$l.- Peaches, 7590c Apples. $1.251.75 per box, . Pears, $1.75 per box. ) Prunes, $1 per box, , Watermelons, $32.50. ' Cantaloupes, $1.50 3. 75. Blackberries, $1.503. Butter Creamery, 25o per pound; dairy 1720o ranch, 13.17c per lb. Eggs, 26c. Cheese Native, 12 18c. Poultry 1314c; dressed, 16Jc. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $79; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $14.00. . - Corn Whole. $23.50; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23.00. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $21; whole, $33. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; blended straights, $3.35: California $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham, per barrel, $3.60r whole wheat floor, $8; rye flour, $4.50. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $15; shorts, per ton, $16. Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. San Franelsoo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 12 14c per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1014o; Val ley, 14 19c; Noithern, 8 10c. Onions Silverskin, 90c $1 per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 2728o: do seconds, 82 3 6c; fancy dairy,' 2336c do seconds, 1922o per pound. " Eggs Store, 1922o; fancy ranoh. 2286o. Hops Nominal. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.753.26; Mexican limes, $45.00; California lemons, 76o$1.50; do choice, $1.752.00 per box. Hay Wheat, $69; wheat and oat, $7 8; oat, $3 9; best bar ley, $4.50 7; alfalfa, $6.00 7 per ton; straw, 20 85o per bale. Oregon Burkanks. $1.25$1.60; liver Burbanks, 4590o; Salinas Bur banks, $1.251.50 per sack. Tropical fruits Bananas, $1.60 2.50 per bunch; pineapples, $39 4.00; Persian dates, 66io per pound,