Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, August 25, 1899, Image 4

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v vrvjw mm m
The dainty cake,
The white and flaky tea biscuit,
The sweet and tender hot griddle cake,
The light and delicate crust,
The finely flavored waffle and muffin.
The crisp and delicious doughnut,
The white, sweet, nutritious bread and roll, -
Delightful to the taste and always wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder is made
TARTAR and is absolutely free
from lime, alum and ammonia.
A. Story of the Presidential Campaign
In 1896.
A clever bit ol campaign repartee is
accredited to Lee Fairchild, the Cali
fornia orator, who leaped into nation
al repute in 1836. He was sent into a
Southern Btate to advocate the gold
standard. At a certain place he was
informed by the committee that the
"rally" would begin and end about the
same time, and that not since 1883
had any republican speaker been per
mitted to finish a speech there.
Upon learning that the speakers, as
rule, had been able to get out of
town and fill their next appointments,
Fairchild determined to make the at
tempt as billed. He advised the chair
man to have no music, and to intro
duce him by . saying to the audience:
"You are the people and here is the
speaker." The chairman followed in
structions a little too literally. He
imply pointed at the audience and then
at the speaker, and disappeared behind
the scenes. -i.- -
Fairchild began his speech at once
with one of his famous stories. The
audience was separated, the colored
folk all being in the gallery, and only
white people below. In about five
minutes the speaker made a pointed
thrust at the opponent party, when an
organized body of young men in the
center of the theater shouted' in con
cert, "Rats!"
Fairchild paused for a moment, and
then, waving his hand at the gallery,
said: "Waiter, come down and take
the Chinamen's orders!" The effect
was electrical. The speaker, in relat
ing the incident to the writer, said:
"You should have seen that black hill-
i aide of faces sloping heavenward break
into ledges of pearls." Denver Times.
State Turtles. -
Turtles aie very largely tound along
' the coast line of Burma and the impe-
canious government has found means
to make money out of it. .The right to
- collect turtles and eggs is sold by auc
tion annually by the deputy commis
sioners within whoBe districts the
banks are situated. The revenue from
this source in the Irrawaddy division
alone was about 28,000 rupees. For
come time past a deorease in the nam
ber of turtles and tortoises has been
noticed and the government now pro
poses that the islands on which the tor
toises lay should be completely pro
tected from January 1 to May 15 (the
laying and hatching season) once in
very five yeais and that a small estab
lishment should be maintained for this
purpose. Calcutta Amrita Bazar Pa
prika. '
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
fjTRUP of Flos, manufactured by the
California Fie Syrup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
rnfedicinally" laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
tstste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every, objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fie Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Druggist. Price 50c. per bottle.
will aid the
cook as
no other
agent will
to make
There are many imitation baking powders,
made from alum, mostly sold cheap. Avoid
them, as they make the food unwholesome.
Congressman Tawney, of. Minnesota
began life as a blacksmith's helper.
When Captain Coghlan was in com
mand of the Raleigh he was the small
est man in stature on that ship,
A Fall River (Mass.) lover has se
cured a writ from court to compel tin
parents of his sweetheart to permt thi
latter to wed him.
A Lawrence (Ky.) man fell from a
small flight of steps and struck the side
of his head on the pavement. ' The
blow deprived him of sight.
' A Waldoboro (Me.) bachelor, while
watching beside the couoli of his slot
father last winter, made three as fine
quilts as were ever produced at an old-
fashioned quilting bee.
. A St. Louis woman, after searching
for six months for her husband, found
his body in an embalmer's office, where
it was doing service as an exhibit
The man bad been accidentally
drowned. . '
Perhaps the most extraordinary fam
ily in the world is one now living al
Arkansas City. The mother has been
married five times, and for each hus
band Bhe has had ' a child. The five
children are living with her and each
bears the name of his father.
Professor G. K. Gilber, who appeaii
to have been- investigating quietly foi
several years, says the city of Chi cage
is stalling into the lake at the rate ol
nine or ten inches in a century. Thii
is happening because of a gradual tilt
ing of the earth's crust in the lakt
The Conclusion. -
"And yon say the idiot of a teacher
told you that you bad air extravagant
fool of a fatbei?" .
"That's what be meant."
"But what did he say?"
. "He said it was criminal folly t
waste money' on the education of-sue!
a chump as I am." Indianapolis Jour
money-back tea and
baking powder at
Reporting- the Wedding.
A reporter on a newspaper was giv6i
the task of writing op a very swell
He composed a fine acoount of the
wedding ceremonies, but like man
young writers, he tried to use too flow
ery language, and, becoming excited h
forgot to be accurate in the . use ol
words. The description of the beau
ties of natnre read something like this:
"The silvery moon hovered over the
scene and the stars twinkled merrily;
the soft sighing of the wind in the
trees near by came like a benediction
of love to the happy couple entering
upon the voyage of life together."
The reporter sent in his-copy but
just - as the paper was about to be sent
to press be rushed into the editor's
room all excitement saying he wished
to make a correction in the account of
the wedding as according to the alma
nac there was no silvery or any other
moon on that night.
And the reporter also said that he
had blundered in writing of the "con
testing" parties instead of "oontraot-,
ing" parties.
After a few more corrections the ac
count of the wedding was found avail
able for the editor's waste basket.
Tit-Bits. " ' -
No Tobacco for Norwegian Boy.
A law was recently passed in Nor
way prohibiting the sale of tobacco to
any boy under 16 years of age without
a signed order from an adult relative or
employer. Even .tourists who offer
cigarettes to boys render themselves
liable to prosecution. Ihe police are
instructed to confiscate the pipes, cigars
and cigarettes of lads who smoke in the
public streets. A fine for the offense is,
also imposed which may be anywhere
between 60 cents and f 25. Chicago
Inter-Ocean. .
wur Grocers
9 riCDlTHVn Cft THfl
We lead and originate 'TT)P?
fashions in.... I I MT XI ?
Cor. Second and Stark Sts.
Jacob H. Schlff, Who Has Given Si-tOO,-v
OOO to Harvard. ""'
The charities of Jacob H. Schiff, of
New York, who has given $400,000 to
Harvard, are very large. His first
large gift was made about . twenty
years ago, when he gave $25,000 for &
building for the Hebrew Free Schools
Association. He established a nurses'
settlement on the East Side, a non
sectarian charity. The Initiatory cost
$30,000, and it costs $7,500 to maintain
It. A handsome stone fountain in Rut
gers Square, bearing the simple Inscrip
tion, "Presented to the City of New
York 1S95," was for a time an anony
mous gift from Mr. Schlff, which cost
$10,000. In 18S2-S3, when the Russian
Hebrews were flocking to New York
City, he gave $10,000 to erect temporary
shelters for them. Two years ago he
presented to the Young Men's Hebrew
Association a $30,000 house. He prom
ised them a larger, handsomer build
ing as soon as the membership should
grow large enough to support such a
home. He has just redeemed his prom
ise by giving the association a plot of
ground at Ninety-second street and
Lexington avenue, and Instructing his
architects to erect a building thereon,
the ground and bouse to cost $150,000.
He originated the plan which led to
the birth of the Monteflore home. He
gave a few years ago $25,000 for., a
country sanitarium In connection with
the home at Bedford Station, on Har
lem Railroad. He has also given $5,
000 as the nucleus of a fund In mem
ory of the late Michael Heilbron, $10,
D00 to the Hebrew Loan Society, and a
large sum to Barnard College. The of
fer of his gifts to Harvard for the Sem
itic Department was made June 27.
The next day President Eliot said in
effect the university would accept the
conditions imposed. These were that
about seventy other persons who have
contributed to the fund for a Semitic
ball and museum release their contri
butions for that purpose to a fund for
the purchase of material for the muse
um. In addition, Mr. Schlff founds a
number of Semitic scholarships in the
university, his total proposed gifts
footing up, as stated, to $400,000.. The
time when the gifts become available
Is uncertain until the corporation has
tcted upon them. Chicago Times-Herald.
Holmes' comet, which was dlscov-'
tred in 1892, and which aroused great
Interest because of an unexplained
lutburst of light that it exhibited while
retreating Into space, was rediscov
ered coming sunward once more, by
VIr. Perrlne, of the.Lick Observatory,
n June 11. Its period of revolution is
ibout seven years. ; ' '.
The new satellite of Saturn, recently
llscovered by Prof. W. C. Pickering,
with the aid of photography, has been
Darned ' Phoebe., Owing to its small
ilze, probably not exceeding 200 miles
In diameter, and its great distance from
the planet, about 7,787,000- miles,
Phoebe bears no resemblance to such a
satellite as our moon.4 Seen from Sat
urn, it would appear only as a star, and
t faint star at that, probably just no
ticeable to the naked eye.
Wide currency having been given to
the statement that liquid air promises
to do the work of coal at next to no
cost, because an experimenter claims
to have produced "ten gallons of liquid
Ur by the use of three gallons in an
engine," -President Henry Morton, of
the Stevens Institute, has pointed out
the fallacy of the claim. He shows
that it really takes twelve times as
much power to make a gallon of liquid
ilr as that gallon -could develop In an
Ideally perfect engine.
The waves of the Indian Ocean in a
strong west wind are three hundred to
four hundred feet long and sixty feet
high and have a speed of thirty-three
miles an Lour. Such a wave weighs
B04 tons to the foot. If a ship six hun
dred feet long lies In the trough of the
sea, a wave sixty feet high hurls
against it 218,400 tons, more than nine
teen times its own weight This
weight does not fall , upon the ship at
lea, because its buoyancy enables It to
rise, but If it drifts upon the lee shore
the power of a succession of 218,400
ton blows will tear to pieces any ship
tuan has the cunning .or the power to
build. . ' : ' . ' ; "
"Mr. Darwin once wrote a book, which
many readers pronounce as Interesting
is'a novel, on earthworms and the
wonderful way la which they plow up,
turn over and Invigorate the soil. In
i recent address. Dr. L. O. Howard, of
Washington, showed that many species
at insects are also important agents
In soil making. "They are found be
neath the ground," he says, "In Incred
ible numbers, and they penetrate to a
surprising depth. The minute Insects
of the family Pudorldae which are
wingless have been found swarming
literally by the million at a depth of
lx to eight feet in a stiff clay subsoIL"
Among the means of protecting fruit
trees against frost, practiced in Cali
fornia, is the production of fog by a
generator In the form of a wagon, In
vented by George F. DItzler. The
wagon carries a sheet-Iron tank, the
upper part of which Is filled with wet
straw, or similar material, kept moist
by the automatic injection of water
from a cask, while near the bottom is
a grate upon which tar is burned, a
blast, operated by a revolving fan,
serving to maintain the combustion.
All tb boat Is compelled to pass
throu&n the wet straw before reaching
the air, and In consequence the wagon
Is burled in a dense fog, and as It pass
es between the rows of low trees it
envelops them In a mist so thick that
the driver Is frequently compelled to
lead the horses.
Odd Ceremony In the Iand of Flowera
f and Sunshine.
A woman who lived many years in
Japan has an article in a late numbet
of the London Graalilc on J"j,
clal customs. Of courtship and mar
riage among the "little brown people
she says that both are very curious
i ceremonies and that they still savor
somewhat of barbarism. These cere
monies are described In an interesting
manner in her communication. "When
a young man," she Informs us, "has
fixed his affections upon a maiden of
suitable standing ho declares his love
by fastening a branch of a certain
shrub to the house of the damsel's
parents. If the branch be neglected
the suit Is rejected; if It be accepted
so is the suitor. At the time of the
marriage the1 bridegroom sends pres
ents to his bride as costly as his means
will allow, which she Immediately of
fers to her parents In acknowledgment
of their kindness In Infancy and of the
pains bestowed upon her education.
The wedding takes place in the even
ing. The bride is dressed in a long
white silk kimono and white veil and
she and her future husband sit facing
each other on the floor. Two tables
are placed close by; on the one Is a
kettle with two spouts, a bottle of sake
and cups; on the other table a minia
ture fir tree signifying Uie strength
of the bridegroom; a plum tree, signi
fying the beauty of the bride, and,
lastly, a stork standing on a tortoise,
representing long life and happiness,
desired by them. both. At the marriage
feast each guest in turn drinks three
cups of the sake and the two-spouted
kettle, also containing sake, is put to
the mouths of the bride and bridegroom
alternately by two attendants, signify
ing that they are to share together
joys and sorrows. ; The bride keeps
her veil all her life and after death it
is buried with her as her shroud. The
chief duty of a Japanese woman all
her life is obedience whilst unmar
ried, to her parents; when married, to
her husband and his parents; when
widowed, to her sou." -
His Text In "Roblnaon Crusoe."
A humorous incident happened in
Cleveland several years ago. . A certain
pastor, widely known and greatly' be
loved, was not as careful as be might
have been in the preparation of hia
sermons. He was hampered but little
by his manuscripts, and had a way of
wandering far from the written screed.
However, be had the good sense to sub
mit 'his texts, and usually his manu
script sermons, to his highly intelli
gent wife. He usually did this Satur
day night, but on one occasion the lady
happened to be away frorri home all
the evening. So on Sunday morning
she asked him for the chosen text.
He gave it very gibly...-
"Book, chapter and -- verse?" . sh
- The pastor hung his head. ?
"The fact is, my dear, l'was in such
a hurry that I couldn't quite turn to it.
but I've built up a most interesting
sermon around it."
'And you couldn't find it?"
"No, my dear."
"Well, it isn't much to be won
dered at," said his helpmeet, dryly.
"That text of yours is from 'Robinson
Crusoe.' "
"NoT gasped the shocked pastor.
"What will I do?"
; "Give me tbe Bible," said the wife.
And it wasn't but a few moments be
fore she had . picked out a text that
fitted the sermon almost as well as the
Crusoe quotation.
American Finger's Snccess.
Miss Louise Homer, the new Ameri
can soprano,' who has proved such an
acquisition to the Covent Garden jcom
pany, has already scored successes as
Lola in "Cavallerla," as Amnerts in
"Alda" and other parts. She Is a charm
ing singer, with a clear, full voice, and
is slight and pretty in person. Miss
Homer is a native of Pittsburg, Pa.,
and since her marriage has lived in
Boston, where her husband : is ' well
known as a musician and composer.
Three years ago they went to Paris
that she might pursue her vocal stud
ies under Mmes. Julian! and'Koenig.
She also studied dramatic diction un
der Paul Lherie. Her debut was made
at Vichy In 1898, and, after singing at
Alx-les-Balns, she was engaged for
'the chief contralto parts at Angers, an
Important operatic center, where she
created quite a furore as the Queen in
"Hamlet," as Leonora In "La Favor
ita," and as Amnerls. Among her other
favorite roles are Dalila,' Ortrud and
Herodias. Next winter Miss Homer
Is engaged for the Theatre de la Mon
nale In Brussels for several principal
roles. .': ' . -
A Roman io Story of Giving-
The prettiest story of the giving of
presents that I know anything about is
a, chapter In the life romance of an
adorable little woman who is the wife
of an ex-Senator from a state In the
.middle West, writes a correspondent.
She was a widow when the Senator
first met her, and he a wldoweR It
was tbe afternoon of life, with both of
them, but he wooed her with the ardor
of a boy and the persistence of a man.
At one time she had definitely made up
her mind that her duty forbade her to
marry him, and she told him so. She
Was deaf to his pleading and he went
away, asking only that he might give
her some gift In token of his unaltera
ble affection. She would accept noth
ing but a trifle a book she said; and a
book be gave her. It was the most
magnificent edition to be had, and on
the- back was emblazoned the title,
""Paradise Lost."
' But later -he added to his library
their library, in fact "Paradise Re
gained. When Black Hair Replaces White.
Dr. Koveos, of Amorgos, Greece, tells
of a relative of hia who died recently
aged 90. He had never been 111 -in his
life, but the hair of his bead and face
had become prematurely white. Six
months before his death, however hia
beard and mustache suddenly became
dark, the color continually deepening,
"to the curiosity and stupefaction of
all." Dr. Foustanos, the editor, adds
a story of an old priest, whose white
hair fell off as the result of erysipelas
and was replaced by a thick growth of
raven locks. . '.
Coal In South Africa.
Coal mining is making great strides
in South Africa. Last year the output
in the Witwatersrand district amount
ed to 1,536,000 tons. There is consider
able coal development going on brother
eastern districts of Cape Colony aud in
Natal. Philadelphia Record.
Glass Brinks.
Glass bricks are gradually coming
Into use, and it is said that glass will
soon be used for making statues for
public places, as It resists the cor
roding effect of the weather much bet
ter than marble or granite.
It is always a great shock to a
woman to hear a preacher express a
desire to go to Paris; his longing should
be to visit the Holy Land.
"Time is money," said the poet, as
his "uncle" handed him the ticket for
bis watch.
Every time a doctor collects a fee he
to his ill-gotten gains.
A Good Word for John.
"What did that man want?"
"He wanted a correction made."
"Did he leave his address?"
''No; be didn't want to."
; "All right; make the correction."
Correction "John Smith wishes it
stated that he is not the John Smith
who was sued for board by his land
lady." Puck.
- 1
Look the Same.
Yeast Did you ever take any of
those mud baths?
Climsonbeak Well, I ran for office
once Yonkers Statesman.
Still More Counterfeiting.
The Secret Service has just unearthed
another band of counterfeiters and secured
a quantity of bogus bills, which are very
cleverly executed. Things of great value
are alwnvs selected for imitation, notably
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which has
manv imitators, but no equals for disord
ers like indigestion, dyspepsia and consti
pation. Pennsylvania coal mines are prepar
ing to substitute compressed air for
mules as the motive power for the oars
in the underground workings.
A Gilt-Edg-ed Train Put on by O. R. A I
All Modern Kqntpinetits, and Run
Through Without Chance.
' Buffet-library cars of the latest
build have been placed in service on
the O. R. & N. fast mail trains. The
library oar embraces a spacious smok
ing saloon, furnished with easy chairs,
writing desks, a well-selected library
of standard and popular books, guide
books and current periodicals, a well
stocked buffet, a barber shop and an
apartment for baggage.
The Oregon Short Line have also in
augurated a modern dining-car service,
giving uninterrupted dining-car serv
ice via the O. B. & N. and its connec
tions to and from the East. New ohaii
oars of the latest pattern and new bag
gage and mall cars are to be added to
the present through service of new
Pullman palace and Pullman tourist
sleepers, which have recently been
placed in service and jnst out of the
buildeis' hands. The entire train will
be vestibuied, making East and West
bound trains equal if not superior to
many of the widely advertised limited
tiains in the East.
For about 10 years the Carnegie
Company at Pittsburg has maintained
a stvings fund for the benefit of its em
ployes. This fund now amounts to
over $1,000,000. The savings fund
is the creation of Andrew Carnegie,
who, in order to induce the workmen
to save their earnings, obliged tbe Car
negie Steel Company, Limited, to pay
the depositors a higher rate of interest
on their savings than could be obtained
from any bank, building association or
other savings institution. The com
pany has met, this obligation at all
times, regardless of adverse business
conditions, of fluctuations in inerest
rates, paying every one of its workmen
who deposited his earnings with the
company 6 per cent per annum. ,
Swift Direction.
Mrs. De Pretty Horrors 1 That wo
man who just passed is a young man in
Husband Well! Weill How do you
Mrs. De Pretty She looked at my
face instead of my dress. N. Y.
Weekly. ' '
There were 5,920 suicides in this
country during the last year, compared
with 6,600 during the previous year.
At the same time there was a falling
off of nearly 50 per c?nt in tbe number
of reported embezzlements.
The American locomotive manufac
turers from 1890 to 1898 inclusive ex
ported 2,289 locomotives, of a value of
more than $20,000,000.
All ages hail with delight the coming of the most wonderful, meritorious preparation that will lighten the ills
of humanity and will doaway with the taking of obnoxiousviolent purges,, inconvenient liquids, and pills that tear,
your life out. Simply because in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic you will find just what you want, convenient in
form, pleasant of taste Qust like candy) and of never-failing remedial faction:. They have found a place in every
well-regulated household, ; and are the favorite medicine of the .whole . family, . from baby to good old grandpa.
Don't be fboied with substitutes for CASCARETS I
fl,3"'. , lent a respite. 3inciiia Enquirer. '. '; at v
' ' JIT JT' " ng I Uk pteanirc la pralilD i yonr-aln- Shrt
' JF X ' t We remedy CASCAUKTS. I and my whole rnj-'
-" Jr Jf . , JT X - family received relief from tbe flrnt jmsll box -
T jr ' . f 1 " I Te I e tried. 1 certainly recommend CASCARETS tlCU, t
M J ; I I 1 for the enrei they make and trust they will t
m t I r ' M ' . I I- ure node place in even 'ho e. Yonri for racceu. P"0
M ' I I - n "I J . Pxtxr Wxbb, Jr j:r .- -
' ' ' Falin Grove Ave MoKeeapoita Pa.
CASCARETS are absolutely harmless, a purely Teeetable compound. Ho mercurial or other mineral pin-poison In Cascarets. Cascarets promptly, effectivdy and permanently
cure every disorder of the Stomach, Liver and Intestines. They not only cure constipation, but correct any and every form of irregularity of the bowels, Including diarrhoea and dysentery .
Pleasant, palatable, potent. Taste tood, do ood. Never sicken, weaken or tripe-. Be sure you get the genuine I Beware of imitations and substitutes I Buy a box ol CASCARBTf
to-day, and if not pleased in every respect, get your money back I Write us for booklet and free sample 1 Address STBRUHG REMEDY COMPANY, CHICAGO or HEW YORK.
,00to,eet DRILLIHG I
2000 ft. MACHINES
Re. ""vB' J
pllpt fnr VV Ci til 0 11 I
V ... V".i
Bont free. In nlaJn. sealed enTalnnsa WrlM '
to-day for this Hook, containing Partleu-
jats ana iesiimoiii 01 uu. Ml
French Femate Pills.
Praised by thousands of utisfled Ladle a
afe, aJwiiTs reliable and without an equal.
Hold bT All dru-'Ciufgin metn i Fn.i,..K
fUg- on top In Bins, tvtjite and Red. Take no oiber.
ynmcb Drug Consul & 8-3 Pearl BU, Hew Yu.lt City.
29 to 35 First Street
Srrsp. TuMsOood. UM
In time, gold by draggtsta.
Sl Beast Cooxk
"Actions of the Just
Smelt Sweet'
The fragrance of life is vigor and
strength, neither of 'which can be found
in a person 'whose blood is impure, and
'whose every breath speaks of internal
troubles. Hood" s SarsaparHUa purifies
the blood and makes the weak strong.
. . r -rA
All ; people make a pretense that
they do not care for a fortune, but want
just enough to make them comfortable.
Washington (la.) Democrat.
Tbe two oldest maids in this country
live in Indiana. One is 114 years old,
the other 103, and both claim never to
have been kissed.
- Belp Natnre Help Tout
Vitality cannot cure disease, unless your
body's kept clean Inside and out. Cascarets
Candy Cathartic keep it clean Inside. All
druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
During the first week in May 256,
000 pounds of endar wood were shipped
from Navarro county, Texas, to pencil
factories in Cincinnati and New York.
Piso's Cure for Consumption is our only
medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. C.
Beltz, 439 8tfi ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 8, '95.
Southey: A good man and a wise
man may. at times, be angry with the
world and at times grieved for it, but
no man was ever discontented with the
world if he did his duty in it. i-y. :
Xadle Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes.
It makes tight or. new shoes feel easy;
gives instant relief to corns and bunions.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of the
age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and cal
lous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain
cure for ingrowing nails; sweating, smart
ing, hot, aching feet. We have 80.000 testi
monials. All druggists and shoe stores
sell it. 25c Trial package FREE by mail.
Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
English speaking people are said to
have the best foreheads and eyebrows.
CIT Permanently bored. So fits or nervousness
IO alter first day's use of Sr. Kline's Oreut
Nerve Bestorer. Send fur FBEB S2.00 trial
bottle and treatise. DH.au, JUJNJQ, 1M-, 930
Area street, Philadelphia, Fa. . ..
The magnitude of the Carnegie Steel
Company '8 operations may be under
stood from the statement that in 1898
the company made 17 per cent of the
pig iron produced in the United "States,
36 per cent of the product of Pennsyl
vania and 66 per cent of the product
af Allegheny county. They manufac
tured 22 per cent of-Jthe Bessemer steel
production of the United States and 43
per cent of the like product of Penn
sylvania. '
A new industry is springing up in
Northern Mexico the sinking of wells
for salt water, from which salt is man
ufactured for mining and domestic pur
poses. One company has secured 120,
000 acres of salt water territory at
Camaron, 120 miles south of Laredo,
and has struck water containing 12 per
cent of salt, worth from 1 to 3 cents a
pound. " -. ,
Wanted Semethltis; Ketter.
"Is there any place in this town
where they telegraph - without wires?"
he asked of the policeman on the cor
ner. ., ." ; '. - ''
"That discovery is too new and we
haven't got it yet," replied the officer.
"What's the matter with the old
way?" ' - -
"No good. I've kept five-" or six
wires red hot for half a day trying to
get my .brother-in-law to send me
money to get home on, but I cant even
raise him-. Philadelphia Press.,
Fenne and Wire Works.
ami iron fencing; office railing, eic. 334 Alder.
Matclilriery kimI iiiills.
supplies. 48-60 First St., Portland, Or.
JOHN POOLE. Ported, Oregon.
08,1 g,ve yu the st bargains in general
tiiaclnnerv. eneinea. boilon.. tanks, thuiids.
plows, . belts and windmills. The new
I leel I X L windmill, sold by him. is un-
Wholesale Drueeisr. rikI Ibotogrrpliio
Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon.
Of most strong, healthy people Is their perfect
digestion. Dyspeptic and impure blooded peo
ple will find permanent and quick relief in
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
It bnilds op the system. It's a wonderful
strength giver. $1 per bottle at your druggists.
Is what the largest and best
school systems use.
True to Hit Principles.
The exhausted traveler, fainting and
half dead from thirst, and all unused
to the climate ol the tiopics, lay gasp
ing. - . 4
They brought him a cocoanut.
"We will, crack this," they said.
".The contents, will revive you."
"What is inside of it?" he asked.
"I wonjt touch it!" he said, hoarse
ly. "I'm,, a vegetarian 1" Chicago
Tribune s
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
Of 54,000 adult immigrants admit
ted to the country in the last three
months of 1898, 41,000 had nionev.
Lobs than 9,000, though, had more
than $30.
Remember t hat you can buy Jesse Moore
A. A. Whiskey for the same price that is
paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by all
Lrst-class dealers and druggists.
Uncle Bill's Ideas.
The best laid schemes of mica or
men generally catch a woman.
Some fellows aim high enough, but
they haven't tbe energy to pull the
ti igger.
A sensible fellow isn't afraid anoth
er will win bis best girl because he's
used to holding hia own.
It is always dangerous to leave your
front door unlocked all night; you may
find the cook gone in the morning.
Cleveland Leader.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward !or any
case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all busln.ss transactions and fin
ancial)? able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
Wist 4Trcax,
i. Wholesales DruKfrista, Toledo '.
. Waldinq, Kimnan St Marvin,
Vfnolesale Drug -ists, Toledo, O.
nail's Catarrh Cure Is t. ken n: :rnally , acting
directly on the blood and m.cous surfaces ol
the system. Pr! :o 7So per bo' de. o.d t; il
diugrists. Testimonials free.
Hill's Family Puis - re thi best,
- A Safe ItefugB.
"Tom," said Jimmy, "do you know
that some day the world will be burned
ud with fire?"
,."So I have heard," replied Tom.
"But, Toa," went on Jimmy, who
was deeply concerned about the ap
proaching catastrophe, "what will you
do when the world is burned up?"
"Ob," replied Tom with an air of
one who has provided for all the con
tingencies, "I shall go out to Uncle
Billy's and stay." Detroit Journal.
The Flies of Keypt.
The flies of Egypt deserve a tribute
to their peculiar qualities. . A plague
of American flies would" be a luxury
compared to the visit of one fly from
Egypt For untold 'centuries they
have been in the habit of crawling over
thiok-skinned faces and bodies and not
being dislodged. They can stay all
day if they like. Consequently, if
theysee an American eye, and they
light on it, not content with that, they
try to ciawl in.' You attempt to brush
them off, but they only move around
to the other side, until you ate mad
with nervousness from their etiokv
feet. If they find out your ear they
crawl in and walk around. You can
not discourage them. They craze you
with their infuriating persistence.- If
1 had been the Egyptians the Israelites
would have been escorted out of the
country in' state at the arrival of the
first fly.' Lilian Bell, in Woman's
HOrne Companion. '
Nothing, perhaps, is so bitter as
olives freshly picked, yet after they
turn purple and black, hogs soon learn
to devour them.
An analyst has made the discovery
that California roses contain 20 per
cent more perfume than those grown
elsewhere. . '
treated scien
titical 1 r and
confident! ft 1-
)y. CTuponSinci
108 Second St.. Po Hind.
OR. GUftft'S 'TIvIvr? PILLS
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Hendache
iDd Dyspepsia, ReoioTe Pimples and Purify th.
Blood. Aid Digestion sndPrerent Biliousness. Do
not (iripe orSicken. Toconrince you, we will mail
ample free, orfull box for 25c. DK. BUSANKt'
CO., Pliilada., sVcuna. Bold by Druggists.
ITCHING Piles proaact mointure and ca a tie itching.
This form, as well aa blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Piles arecur.d by Or Bosanko's Pile Remedy
Bt.p itcbintf and bUedinjr. AhHurU tumors. fic a
Jar at druaeiHtsursent bj mail. Treatitte free. Writ
xue about jour cas. 1R- BOS AN KO, Pliilada., Pa,
For Gonorrhoea and Gleet pet Rabat's Okay Sped He. II
Is the ONLY medicine which will cure each and every
case. ISO CASE known it has erer (ailed to cure, no
matter how serious or of how Ions; standing. Remits
from Its use will astonish you. It is absolutely safe,
prevents stricture, and can be taken without Inconve
nience and detention from business. PRICE, $3.00. For
sale by ail reliable drufirtrista, or sent prepaid by express.
puimy w-pp!. OYiSSlCCO, Chtogo. HJ.
Circular mailed on request.
I r r;; pension
I I" BICKF0R0. Washington. 0. C. they will re-
I I celve quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols.
Btafl 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878.
C. H. WOODii.u A CO..
Menlo Park. San Mateo Co., Cal., accred
ited at the Universities. Location, climate,
and careful attention to Mental, Moral and
Physical training;, places Hoitt's among
the foremost Kcnools for Bovs on the
Coast. 5. F. Chronicle. Will ' re-o)n in
the new building August loth, (9th year.)
Ira O. Holtt, Ph. V.. Principal.
The two puddling furnaces of the
Mahoning rolling mill at Danville,
which have been undergoing repairs,
are ready for work again,' and 100 ad
ditional men will be employed.
Tells the Secret of His
Robert Downing, the Tragedian.
: Robert Downing was recently inter
viewed by the press oh the subject of
his splendid health. Mr. Downing
promptly and emphatically gave the
whole credit of his splendid physical
condition to Pe-ru-na, saying: - -'
"I find it a preventive against all
sudden summer ills that swoop upon
one in changing climates and water.
"It is the finest traveling companion
and safeguaid against malarial influ
ences. "
"Tos sum it up, Pe-ru-na has done
me more good than any tonic I have
ever taken."
Healthy mucous membranes nrotect
the body against the heat of Bummer
and the cold of winter. Pe-ru-na is
sure to brine health to the mucous
membianes of the whole body.
Write for a copy of Dr. Hartroan's
latest book entitled - "Snmuler Ca
tarrh." Address Dr. Ilartman, Colum
bus, O.
Remember that cholera morbus,
cholera infantum, summer com
plaint, bilious colic, diarrhoea and
dysentery are each and all catarrh
of the bowels. Catarrh is the only
correct: name for these affections.
Pe-ru-na is an absolute specitio for
these ailments, which are so com
mon in summer. Dr. Hartman, in
a praotice of over forty years, never
lost a single case of cholera infan
tum, dyeentary, diarrhoea, or .chol
era morbus, and his only reinedy
waa Pe-ru-na. ' Those desiring
further particulars should send for
a free copy of "Summer Catarrh."
Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O.
A Clean Kecord.'
"I , wouldn't associate with ber.
Whv, one of her ancestors was a char
woman." "Well then she's sure that
one of them at least had a clean rec
ord." Philadelphia Bulletin. .. -
Fnddy Joggles has moved out to
the suburbs.' He says he does it for
the exeicise that working about the
place will give hi in. He bought
Shandy's place. Shandy has moved
into town.
Duddy What induced him to sell?
"To get lid of the work about the
place." Boston Transcript. :
25c 50c
,00 EAST.
Through Palace and Tourist Stoppers:
linimg and liuffet SuiokiDK
Library Cars.
Seislce and Scenery Unequalled.
Foi Tidcets and all information apply to
your nearest agent, or address
CP. and T. A., Portland.
It. C. STKVENS, G. W. P. A., Seattle.
U. Ki.U far i"in.l..l
discharges, innaniniatioas.
irritations or ulcrationa
t . MrUttrt. of la u oo us ni.inbrann..
lPf.vrau mbucI.. Painless, and not astria-
ItheEmMCheiiichCo. or Poisonous.
old by Dnwsllls,
or sent In plain wrapper.
II .00, or S bottles, t2.75.
"""' "n on roauest.
N. P. N. V.
HO. 84 '99.
BIN writing to adwertlMri pleaa
pfcy B We
f la 1 . d.jfcXJ
M - Ouril ta.d S