Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, August 18, 1899, Image 4

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f7lTH a fine disregard or ao
I WVV mlral Dewey'8 Possible wishes,
the Navy Department,' after
sta.aaa.AAA5 UIUI L AaJVi At7 w
- form, has proceeded to fashion one for
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mm in trie interim, uz course uic de
partment has not the slightest inten-
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but the fact remains mat ms-
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Is putting
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distinctive markings which the
himself, and it is thought that this as
sociation with his old master of war
may be all the more pleasing to Ad
miral Dewey, whose tastes In such mat
ters are also refined and quiet
' It Is highly probable that Admiral
Dewey will never need but half of the
eight uniforms which the new regula
tions prescribe for him.
v When calling on- the President - or
some similar dignitary and at general
muster on the, first Sunday of every
month, Admiral Dewey will wear what
Is termed - "special" full dress the
garb. In fact In which the accompany
ing cut shows him. This is his very
swellest ' outfit, and consists of a
double-breasted coat, with talis lined
throughout with white silk serge; trou
sers, also of navy blue broadcloth, with
gold lace down the outer seams, a gold
banded cocked hat, epaulets, sword and
full dress sword belt. The coat sleeves
will be adorned with two two-Inch
stripes of gold lace with a single 'one
Inch stripe between, and all surmount
ed by a single star. It Is In this star
that the distinctive marks differ from
Admiral Farragut's, his star bearing a
"small frigate embroidered In silver in
the center, while Admiral Dewey's Is
plain. , There will be a broad band of
gold lace around the collar. His epau
lets," like his shoulder straps, shown at
the bottom of the picture, will bear
four sllvefstars of five points each, the
outer two being superposed upon gold
fouled' anchors, the anchors being the
distinctive marks for an admiral as
compared with the four plain stars of
a general.
" The full dress uniform is to be worn
on all-other occasiewvof -jceremony,
such for instance as in making the first
visit to other officers of flag rank and
on social occasions to which officers
are Invited in their official capacity.
The coat of this uniform is like the
evening dress of the civilian, and with
.the exception of the collar and the but
tons down the front Is adorned just as
the "special" full dress coat Is epau
lettes, sword and cocked hat being
.worn also.
!: On occasions of "ordinary cere
mony," such as in boarding ships of
.war, in making the first visit In port
upon commanding officers, on parades
of ceremony with enlisted men under
arms, and at the ordinary Sunday In
spections excepting, of course, the
first one of the month the admiral will
wear the "dress" uniform. - This uni
form Is a frock coat plain blue or
white trousers, cocked hat epaulettes,
Bword and plain leather belt The ad
miral's belt for this dress is the same
as that prescribed for all other officers.
and Is of black grained leather of not !
more than two Inches in width. The '
belt plate or buckle Is of yellow gilt I
and consists of a wreath of oak leaves
surrounding the naval coat of arms of
thirteen stars encircling a spread eagle
on an anchor.
When calling on foreign officers other
than commanding officers, and on so
cial occasions when frock coats are ap
propriate, the admiral will wear the'
foregoing uniform with the exception :
-of a word and belt Pn all service duty V
. on board ship, aiid aj all times not
proviueu ior uy we regulations ior uie
foregoing uniforms, the admiral will
wear the "service dress" uniform. Two
uniforms are set for evening wear and
are described as "A" and "B." ?A"
i .wlU be .worn inithe evening on occa
sions of ceremony to which the ad
mlral may be lrjMted In his official ca
pacity, and "Bjjjill be worn on Social
occasions to JtelAiUi be may also be In
Tited In his oftlllair capacity. "A? uni
form consists of'frri evening dress coat
and waistcoat Heed trousers, cocked
: ha, epaulettes "ifwoAl and full-dress
-r vfv---...... -;
belt worn under the waistcoat while
"B" Is the same with plain trousers and
blue cap. -
By the time Dewey has .provided
himself with all the adornments which
an admiring government prescribes he
will have parted with fully $2,000 of
hard-won pay. Half of the clothes he
will never wear, but he must keep
them on hand for the coming of the
unexpected the bugaboo of official life
and the bane of the man whose figure
will change.
State Pentvior "William Goebel,' the
' Caudidate of ths Democracy. -
State Senator William Goebel, the
nomiuee of the Democratic party for
Governor of Kentucky, has taken an
active part In politics since he ended
his law studies. He has lived in Cov
ington thirty-three years.
Senator Goebel was born in Pennsyl
vania and was brought to Covington by
his parents in 1866. He was educated
at Gambier College and at the Cin
cinnati Law School. He has been a
member of the State Senate for eight
years, and was president pro tern, of
that body for one session. He has led
hot campaigns to carry through legisla
tion as well as to secure his own elec
tion. The present elections act in Ken
tucky bears his cwn name, and was
passed through his efforts a year ago.
His fight for the repeal of the Southern
Pacific's charter was a long and strong
one. Mr. Goebel announced himself
some time ago as a free silver, 16 to 1,
Bryan man. Till then it had been very
generally supposed he stood firmly for
sound money. He la accounted one of
the shrewdest politicians in Kentucky.
Sarasate and Hts Imitator.
Of Sarasate, the famous violinist, a
pleasant story was told recently at a
reception in Washington. The great
master enjoys nothing better than giv
ing or receiving a joke. Sometimes his
bon mots are a trifle savage. One even
ing at a social function a young violin
ist who had a much higher opinion
of his own musical ability than any
one else, had the bad taste to play one
of Sarasate's compositons with varia
tions of his own creation. The latter,
were Inappropriate and Inartistic, and
jarred upon the ears of all.
The performer ended his work and
made his way to Sarasate, doubtless ex
pecting a few words of recognition or
praise. Sarasate said nothing, and the
player finally asked, "I hope you recog
nized that piece?"
Sarasate promptly replied: "Certain
ly. It was a piece of impertinence."
An Old. Imng Island Tree.
The "eagle tree" of East Moriches,
L. I., an oak centuries old, is said to be
dying. It had been occupied by a pair
of bald-headed eagles' since the end of
the last century, whether the same
pair all this time is not sure, but such
is the belief. The building of a railroad
100 yards from the tree drove them
away awhile, but in 1887 they returned
and the household was . maintained
until ahu'nter wounded the male eagle
so badly that he died at the foot of the
tree which was his home. They say
the hunter would have been lynched if
he had been caught. Ospreys are said
to have afterward occupied . the nest
which the eagles abandoned, but this
does not seem likely. The owner of the
land where the tree grows says he does
not own the tree, which had rights
there before he came, and it shall nev
er be cut down. New York Sun.
Among tbe Birds.
Among the birds the males are the
prettiest, have the gayest feathers and
can sing the best. Among ail other
animals but man the males are the
most handsome.
Torn carpets are always ready ti
trip the light fantastic to
'."7 :,'
Americana Par Honiara to the Mem
ory of Hnjro Grotiua.
A neat tribute was paid to the mem
ory of Hugo Grotlus, the eminent
Dutch scholar and father of Interna
tional law, by the
American delega
tion at the peace
conference at Th
Hague, Holland,
when our ambas
sador to Germany,
Andrew D. White,
as head of tbe del
egation, eulogized
the famous Hol-
Btroo orotiits. lander and placed
a beautiful wreath of silver oak and
laurel leaves upon bis tomb.
It was meet that America " should
thus honor the memory of Grotlus. and
upon our national holiday; for the dis
tinguished Hollander was the .pioneer
In systematizing international . law,
thereby minimizing the causes of dis
putes among nations, which have re
sulted In the past in so many horrible
Grotlus, who was born at Delft In
15S3, and who died in 1645, was the
greatest scholar of his age. Not only
was be erudite, but he was beside a
philosopher, a historian, a theologian,
a statesman and a jurist He was the
author of many works which have
been translated into nearly every Eu
ropean language and into Oriental
tongues as well. He was the first who
Investigated the principles of interna
tional law and attempted to reduce
them to a system, and It is for this
effort to bring better principles than
those of his age into the Intercourse of
nations, especially Into the laws of
war, that he is chiefly remembered and
honored to-day.
As a classical Writer and student
Grotlus had no peer in his time. His
knowledge of Scripture was intimate.
His treatise on the "Truth of Christian
Religion" is reckoned the best "apol
ogy" for Christianity in modern times,
and almost in his own day was trans
lated into English, French, German,
Flemish, Persian, Arabic and Greek,
Blades Are Made to "Feather," the
fame an an Oar.
The steamship propeller- now In use
Is the best thing available for the pur
pose, but it is not regarded as a perfect
piece of mechanism, because Its effi
ciency is somewhat hampered by. rea
son of what Is known as a . "side
thrust" A propeller designed to over
come this has been made and patented
by Edward F. Gorman and Penfleld F.
Yost of Philadelphia. The power- is
Imparted to the propeller by means of
a hollow shaft through the center of
which is a stationary shaft holding a
cam arrangement buried in the center
of the propeller hub. The blade spin
dles are journaled within the hub and
are fitted with pins, which fit in a cam
groove and act as cranks, and as the
pins move through this groove they
are given a quarter turn .back : and
forth, thus, imparting the feathering
motion. Two of "the propeller blades
are always in direct-action, presenting
their width fully to the water, while
as the third is returned against the
stream it presents its edge, offering no
resistance to the water.
It Is designed to mount these prefer
ably along the-side of the boat and
their one great advantage is the facil
ity offered for mounting several along
the side of . the vessel. A boat thus fit
ted will, by the positive action-of the
blades, be prevented from- rolling to
any great degree. . " V
This Improvement is especially" ap
plicable to war vessels, since' by the
use of a number of these propellers
along the sides of the vessel the latter
may be maneuvered to much greater
advantage than when only screw pro
pellers are used at the stern..
Santa Barbara County, CaL, Has the
La r tees t in the World.
' Old age is telling upon .the big grape-,
ylne in El Montecito Valley, a few
miles from Santa Barbara. Cal. The
Vina Vtaa tha iTIaflnAfUn r V. I'
u.. lml uioiiui-uvru uciug LUC
largest in the world, but it is rapidly
dying. . The original "mother vine," as
It was called,' died in 1875, and the year
following it was taken to the Centen
nial Exposition at Philadelphia. .The
old vine stood near the younger one; it
was three feet and ten Inches In cir
cumference of trunk, and the spread
ing branches . covered a trellis 75 feet
square. The present vine Is only three j
or four inches smaller in circumference
tharf its parent, and it covers nearly as
much space. Jt has produced four tons
of grapes In a single season In its prime.
It Is now nearly 100 years old.
When the Montecito vine is gone
Santa Barbara County will still claim
the largest grapevine on earth; for-on
a ranch In the Carplnterla valley there
is growing thriftily a double vine said
to come from a single stalk below the
surface of the ground. This : double
vine at Carplnterla Is over six feet in
circumference. All of these big Santa
Barbara vines are of the Mission va
riety. The Christian Era.
The Christian era was not introduced
as a basis of reckoning time until the
sixth, century.
. In nine cases out of ten, when peo
ple are Indignant they have no recourse.
Am Attachment for a Common Wagon
Holding a Barrel.
Recently civil engineers have given
considerable attention to the applica
tion of oils to the roadbeds of electric
and wagon roads. The idea of using oil
on roadbeds originated with the steam
railroad corporations. The purpose
was to prevent dust and foreign matter
rising from the roadbed and getting
Into the bearings and gearing of the
rolling stock. But several other bene
ficial results were obtained. After a
roadbed Is sprinkled with a surfacing
of oil the loose matter is not only so
weighted and caked that it cannot rise
and envelop wagons or carriages be
hind In a cloud of dust but the bed
Itself Is strengthened. The oils form
with the earthy matter to a depth of
three to five Inches, according to the
treatment' and such parts of the bal
last as are penetrated by the oils as
sume a crusty condition, which is Im
pregnable to rain and in a great meas
ure is Impregnable to frost This state
of the roadbed Is highly serviceable.
Under ordinary conditions the earth
as It naturally exists In a carriage
road Is porous enough to receive and
ertain oil to a depth of several inches.
As oil and water do not combine, the
moisture is driven off and the earth be
comes compact to such an extent that
any future doluge of water simply
flows off over It In order to build up
an oil-saturated surfacing of this.-type
certain operations are followed.. Some
have gone to considerable expense in
the direction of sprinkling devices' for
this work, while others use a simple
oil sprinkling pipe leading from a cask
or oil barrel, which Is conveyed over
the road on a wagon. This barrel 1
provided with the necessary cohtro.
ling devices, which are connected with
a lever regulated by the driver. A form
of sprinkling apparatus is joined to the
bottom 'of the tank, as Iff the Illustra
tion, and this sprays the oil' over the
roadbed. Several trips are niade until
the ballast Is saturated near the top,
after-wnlch the crust forms, which will
last for years before another treatment
Is needed. Cheap grades of crude pe
troleum are used. . , f
The drawing shows the plan usually
adopted for distributing oil jpver dirt
roads. It consists In placing a barrel
of crude 61L on blocks, upon a common
wagon, which is drawn over the sec
tions of the road which are to receive
the oil. The barrel is placed bung
down, and the pipe A is screwed In.
This pipe can project ' downward
through the wagon bottom or drop to
the ground over the rear.x';The connect
ing pipe is joined with the distributer,
B. The latter Is simply a perforated
pipe. If a road surface eighteen feet
wide is to be covered, one barrel of
crude oil will do for about eighty feei
in length. .
She Li 't Him Wear a Nightcap.
To the Earl of Essex was granted the
privilege of wearing a nightcap In the
royal presence of Queen Mary, says
the New York Telegram. The fact Is
mentioned In Miss Strickland's "Lives
of the Queens of England" as being
one of .the, odd. reward, bestowed by
Mary upon her friends after her acces
sion. , f'"' .
The Earl was a valetudinarian and
had a great fear of uncovering his head.
Considering, therefore, that the colds
he dreaded respected no person, he pe
titioned Queen Mary for leave to wear
his nightcap In her' royal presence. The
Queen not only gave him leave to wear
one; 'but 'two nightcaps if he pleased.
His patent for this priivlege Is unique
In royal annals: "Know ye that we do
grant to our well-beloved and trusty
cousin and councillor, Henry, Earl of
Sussex, license and nardon to wear his
;ap, cod'f or nightcap, or any two .of
them at his pleasure, as well In our
presence as In the presence of any oth
er person within this realm, or In any
other place In our dominions whatso
ever during his life; and these our let
ters shall ' be sufficient warrant In his
behalf." . .
The Queen's seal, with the garter
above it, was affixed to this singular
grant Three persons In Great Britain
alone enjoy the privilege of remaining
covered in the royal presence, namely:
Lord Forester, Lord Kineale, and the
master of Trinity College, Cambridge.
.. - -
. Lincoln's Pioneer.
Abraham Lincoln's Western pioneer,
always on the lookout for danger and
ready to magnify it beyond Its true pro
portions, is only one of a large class of
people who use up, in one way and an
other, a- good deal of vitality which
might be profitably applied.
: Mr. Lincoln's old backwoodsman had
very . heavy. . .overhanging eyebrows,
and wore big spectacles with brass
rims. One day he came rushing into
his cabin.' and seizing his rifle, aimed
it carefully through a crack of the
door at a great oak tree that stood
near, and fired.
"What Is it?" whispered his wife.
"A wildcat Sairy, the orneriest wild
cat you ever see, an' I missed him!"
He hastily loaded and fired again,
and then again. -
"Now hold on, Joshua," said his
good wife. "Let me look at you. Why.
lawks-a-daisy. It's nothtn' but a little
bug on one o' your eyebrows!"
Prussian Million ires.
At the head of the list of the big mil
lionaires of Prussia stands M. Kotbs
child with 10,740,000, and an Income
of about 330,000. In one year his for
tune increased by more than 500,000.
After him comes M. Krupp- with 6,
400,000 and an income of. 450,000.
After them come two landed proprie
tors with 4,200,000 and 3,200,000 re
spectively, and a third with 3,000,000.
Durham Observer.
ret Strawberry Plants Karly.
All the fruit from strawberrles'next
year must have the buds formed the
previous season. Hence, the earlier the
plantation Is made the better chance it
will vhave :to produce a good crop.
August planting is sometimes advised
so that the plants can be rooted during
the rains that usually come in Septem
ber. Inconsistent Prophet.
: A London "prophet" has damaged his
-eputatlon by two inconsistent perform
ances. A week after positively predict
ing the end of the world In 1900 he
paid a large sum to secure a fifteen
year lease of a house wherein be car
ries on a mercantile business.
The point In enjoying corn on the cob
Is to forget how you look while you
are eating It
You can always please a woman by
guessing under her ag.
;.,..-.-j. ; ; !
When Company Comes In Couatrjr.
Begin to enjoy fonrself when yonr
guests begin to arrive In fact, before
tbey arrive. Do not try to serve such
an eleaborate dinner that the work of
getting it ready will draw so upon your
physical powers that they will be
strained to their utmost endurance.
When yonr visitors arrive, greet them
with a hearty handshake, make them
feel that yon are ready for their com
ing; speak of the pleasure that you
hope the day may bring; compliment
them on their good appearance; notice
the neckwear, the dainty handkerchief;
be thoroughly interested in eaob and
every one. When the time comes for
you to prepare the dinner and place it
upon the table, leave your guests as
gracefully as possible. If the dinner
be not too elaborate, and the mental
atmosphere be clear and blight, your
friends will come again. "Eat to
live," and not "Live to eat," should
be the motto of every household. Mrs.
JohnB. Sims, in Ladies' Home Journal.
Cucumber Boats
Peel the cucumbers, out them in two
lengthwise, and scrape - ont the seeds.
Put tbe pieces on ioe t'll wanted, then
fill with-the following mixture: Chop
tomatoes and celery, and add a few
drops of onion juice, also mayonnnaise
dressiug. Arrange the boats on lettuce
leaves, and garnish with thin slices of
radishes with the red skin left on.
Any good salad mixture will make a
nice filling. American Salad Book.
Germany publishes about 20,000
books a year, France 11,000, Italy
9.003, England 6.000 and the United
States 5,000. .
Every woman believes that her hus
band is a child in some respects, and
that she must be on the alert to keep
things out of ' his grasp that he wants,
but which are not good for him.
Atchison Globe.
After the Honeymoon.
She You must think I'm a goose.
He Ob, nol You are wrong; en
tirely wrong. What I bad in mind
was a . buzzard. Chicago Times-Herald.
. -.: - '
"' ' A Man of Thrift.
She Where are you going .to spend
the summer?
He I'm not going to spend it at all.
I'm going to save it till next winter
and see if I can't get the janitor of the
flat to use it. in the rooms I occupy.
Detroit Free Press.
Microbes are how understood to be
necessary to human life. It is our ten
dency, we believe, to regard as neces
sities today what were merely conven
iences yesterday. Detroit Journal.
A Dash of Gayety.
The doomed man feared the people
who waited along the way to the scaf
old. "See how they stare at me!" he
cried, agonizingly. ' -
"Yes, that's what you might call
rubbering it in !" observed the execu
tioner, playfully, deeming it not amiss
to inject an element of gayety into this
otherwise .somber affair. Detroit
Ants haveibrains larger in proportion
to the size of their bodies than any
otbei living creature.
Children are particularly liable to bowel troubles in the summer time. The best
preventive of summer complaint, diarrhoea, dysentery; is to keep the bowels open
gently. The delicate tissues of a child's intestines should never be abused by the
use of violent purges. The only liver and bowel regulator fit to be used by children
is the ideal laxative and intestinal tonic, CASCARETS Candy Cathartic.
CASCARETS are absolatoly harmless, purely vegetable eemprand. Ho mercurial or ether mineral pill-poison ia Caiearats. Cascarets promptly, effectively and permanently
erne every disorder of tke Stomach, Lircr and Intestines. They not only care con.tipation, but correct any and trery form of irretnlarity of tke bowsls , Includinr diarrhoa ana dysentery.
Pleasant, pautaele, potent. Taste food, do rood, never sicken, weaken or gripe. Be sore yon Set the fennlne ! Beware of imitations and aubitltatet I Bay a bo of CASCAKBTS
to-day, end if not pleased ia srery respect, get yoaf money back I Writs as for booklet and free sample I Address 4TBKXDIQ BBMKDT COMPABT, CHICAGO or HBW TOKX.
, ; - 170 .
If a little common salt be sprinkled
over the carpet before sweeping it, it
will kill and keep away moths.
To cover preserves, moisten thin
brown paper or tissue paper -with the
white of an egg; this perfectly excludes
the air.
Yellow oil Stains left by the sewing
machine may easilv be removed in the
wash if they are first rubbed over with
a little liquid, ammonia.
To candy orange peel, soak the peel
in cold water, and change frequently
to remove their bitterness, then put
them into the sirup of sugar and boil
till they become soft and tranparent.
Lastly, take them out and drain them
for use.
If women who spend the summer at
the seashore resortB will give part oi
their idle time to collecting a variety
of shells, they may utilize them in the
fall for a unique door drapery. Fasten
the shells thickly on fishing netting;
then drape the netting over a door cas
ing, and let it hang down at tbe sides.
The shell trimmed netting also makes
an attractive portiere.
II Writ. i. uiruau
I r BICKFuK i. Washington. O. C. they will re-
I ceive quick replies. B. Sth K. H. Vols.
Elaff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878.
tech Syrup. Tastes uooa. Use
la time. Sold by drnnkits.
Father What is the meaning of that
black eye, my son? ,
Johnny Oh, that's merely a mark
of esteem, father.
Father How so? ,
Johnny I esteemed myself a better
boxer than Tommy Jones. rChioago
Daily News.
Brain Work and Kxereise.
Three hours of brain work will destroy
more tissue than a day of physical exer
cise. Many men and women earn their
living by their brains. Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters makes the mind active and vig
orous. This medicine is an appetizer and
a cure tor dyspepsia. A private Stamp
covers the neck of the bottle.
In Germany a dock has been made
that is warranted to go for 6,000 years.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that can not be cored by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props;, Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, hare known F.J. Cheney
for the past IS vears, and believe him perfectly
honorable in ail busin :ss transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations node
by Uiair firm. '
Wxst A Tbuax,
t- Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 'J.
; Waldino, Rinnan A Marvik,
"Wholetale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall'sCatarrh Cure is t:.ken.ntrnally, acting
directly on the blood and m. cous surfaces ot
the system. Prl :e 75c per bo' Ue. Sold by aL
drugrists. Testimonials tree.
Ball's family Pills -zc thi best.
Croesus, of ancient times, possessed
about 120,000,000.
X.a1Ies Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes.
It makes tight or new shoes feel easy;
gives instant relief to corns and bunions.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of the
age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and cal
lous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain
cure for ingrowing nails, sweating, smart
ing, hot, aching feet. We have 30,000 testi
monials. AH druggists and shoe stores
sell it. 25c. Trial package FREE by mail.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y.
A Sickly Lot.
Jennie Eerbie, it says here another
octogenarian's dead. What's an octo
genarian? Herbie Well. I don't lust know
what they are, but they must be aw
fully sickly creatures. You never hear
of 'em but they are dying. Tit-Bits.
Mummy Photography.
A Paris photographer has introduced
a novel style of taking photographs,
which he calls "mummy photogra
phy." , , The subject is swathed in
mummy cerements, put into a genuine
sarcophagus imported from Cairo, and
pictured in an upright position. A
smiling, living face looking out from
embroidered grave clothes gives an odd
effeot. No French actress' salon is
complete without a counterfeit present
ment of her own mummy.
His Idea.
Little Gabe(in the midst of his read
ing) Why, I didn't know that labbits
knew anything about 'rithmetic.
Farmer Hawbuck They don't.
'"But, paw, it says here that rabbits
multiply with astonishin' rapidity."
No Progress Made.
Lover (bravely) Sir, I want to marry
your daughter.
Father (coldly) Well, I'm not sur
prised at that. If I were in your plaoe
I think I. should want to marry her my
self. Somerville Journal.
I no
on I voice Worcester Gazette.
A up
Fence and Wire Works.
and irou fencing; office railing, etc. 334 Alder.
Machinery and Supplies.
chlnery, supplies. 48-60 First St., Portland, Or.
29 le 38 First Street PORTLAND. OR.
JOHN POOLE. Pobtland. Oregon.
can give you the best bargains in general
niachinerv. eneines. boilers, tanks.
plows, belts and windmills. The new
fAl T Y t. r;nm;n uM i-
equalled. ... '
Wholeta! Drug-r nl Pbotoffrapl&ie
Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon.
For Oonorrhcjea and Glet tret Pate's Ofcaj Specific. It
Is ths ONLY medicine which will cure each and every
ease. NO CASE known it has ever failed to cure, no
matter how serious or of how Ions; standins;. Results
from its use will astonish you. It Is absolutely safe,
EreTents stricture, and can be taken without inooqre
ience and detention from business. PRICE. $3-00. For
sale by all reliable druflnrists, or seat prepaid b rrrpresi.
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
UroulariBailad oaiuest.
Without Good Health
The pleasures and successes of life are almost
Impossible. Upon the health depends the fu
ture. Thousands have built up their systems
rioore's Revealed Remedy
What has been done ean be done again, fl per
bottle at roar draggiata.
i lariiia-T ! ii hi i ii rHpT
Menlo Park. San Mateo Co., Cal., accred
ited at the Universities. Location, climate,
and careful attention to Mental. Moral and
Physical training, places Hoitt's among
the' foremost Schools for Boys on the
Coast. 5. F. Chronicle. Will' re-open in
the new building August 15th, (9th year.)
Ira G. Hoitt, Ph. D., Principal.
The dragon fly can fly backward and
sidelong, and can alter its course on
the instant without turning.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to nse for their
children during the teething period.
More than 4,000,000 women work for
their living in Great Britain.
Remember that you can buy Jesse Moore
A. A. Whiskey for the same price that is
paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by all
ti rat-class dealers and druggists.
A new home for working girls has
been opened in New York city.
CITO Permanently Cured. Ko flta or nervousness
III tftrr first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Bestorer. Send fur FEES S8.00 trial
bottle and treatise. D.t. B. K. Ki.rutt, IMi., U0
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
That sleeping or waking snakes never
close their eyes is a curious fact.
I never used so quick a cure as Piso's
Cure for Consumption. J. B. Palmer, Box
1171, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 23, 1893.
The elephant has 4,000 muscles in
his trunk alone, while a man has only
577 in his entire body.
Heed the Red Flag nf Danger!
Red pimples, blotches, boils, sores are dan
ger signals of torpid liver, poisoned blood.
Cascarets Candv Cathartic will save yon. All
druggists, luc, 25c, 60c.
Mistaking the Operation.
A very short-sighted old gentleman
going into one of our large towns for
the first time, and coming from the
heart of the country, seeing a man dig
ging, went to him and said:
"My man, for whom diggest thou
this long and narrow grave?"
But the man took no notice. Going
closer, he remarked again:
"My man, for whom diggest thou
this long and narrow grave?"
The man looked up and said:
"Go on, you silly old fossil I I'm
laying gas pipes 1" London Answers.
British official returns of the ooal
production for last year showed that
Great Britain produced 202,130,100
tons, the United States 178.769,000
and Germany 91,055,000. The values
by the ton at the pit's mouth were re
spectively 5s lid, 6s 7)?d and 7s IJd.
More than 6,000,000 messages are
sent each year over the 150 separate
submarine cables which girdles the
earth. The 150 cables were laid at an
estimated cost of $250,000,000.
A New York syndicate is said to have
definitely decided to invest 110,000,000
in New Orleans, one of tbe enterprises
to be a cotton-llnting factory, to be
capitalized at $1,000,000. Mr. Alex
ander Konta, of St. Louis, Mo., is said
to represent the parties.
At Schweinfort, Bavaria, is one of
the largest of the world's manufaotor
ies there for bicycle ball bearings.
The two factories there belong to one
firm, turn out annually 2,000,000 gross
of these little steel balls, and employ
600 men, working for a day of 10
hours' duration.
ami tw.
I shall never be without. CASCARETS. My
children are always delighted when I give them
a portion of a tablet, and cry for more. Tbey
are the most pleasant medicine I have ever
tried. They have found a permanent place ia
my home. Mrs. John F1agbl,
Box 80. Michigan City, Ind.
The architect and his friend the
to he
5.000.000 BOXES.
I treated sclen
tilical lr and
confident) al
soi mis.
W00DARU a CO.. 108 Steona St , P. Hind,
rTCUING Piles prodnca raaistor deans itching.
This form, as well as Blind, Bleedinr or Protruding
Piles are cored by Or. Botanko'f P.le)Rmey
Htops itohinf and bleedina;. Abaorbs to mors, buc a
' Jar at druggists or sent by mU. Treatise free. Writs)
k about your oaw 0 if t N KO. Philada.. Pa,
Wan D.Thin'i Fl Killer.
Price 28 centB. Agents wanted.
COMPANY, Portland. Oregon.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache
and Dyapepaia, RemoTe Pimples and Purify the
Blood, Aid Digestion andPrerent Biliousness. Do
not Gripe or Sicken. Toconrlnce you. we will mail
ample free, or f u 11 box for 25c. DB. BOSANKC
CO.. Philada., Pcaaa. Bold by Druggists.
Kelief for Women"
Bniyrw,n plain, aaaiMenmape. wn.
So-day (or this Book, containing ParUcn
lan and Teounoiuala of DB. MABTKL'S
French Female Pills.
Praised by thousands of satisfied ladies as
aaf e, always reliable and without an equal.
flag- on top in Blue, White and Rod. Take no other. I
Vranob Drug CoatU SbS Pearl 8U, Jtew York City. I
noia DTan arnosnsrain metal dox. ptuca .
aVBA. B4eW
v- 4 We lead and originate TAOl-?
flounders fauwh- 1 y re
44 Be Strong in the
Battle of Life'
Happy is he tuho is prepared by perfect
health, to min life's bzltte. Health comes
only tuith absolutely pure blood. Over 90
per cent, of humanity have taints, or humors-
in the blood, fuhich should be re
moved by Hood's SarsapariHa, the best
specific for both sexes and all ages.
Is what all the feat railways use.
A Oilt-Kdgoit Train Put on by O. K. N.
All Modern Kqulpmentn. and Kun
Through Without Change.
Buffet-library cars of the latest
build have been placed in service on
the O. R. & N. fast mail trains. The
library car embraces a spacious smok
ing saloon, furnished with easy chairs,
writing desks, a well-selected library
of standatd and popular books, guide
books and current periodicals, a well
stocked buffet, a barbel shop and an
apartment for baggage.
The Oregon Short Line have also in
augurated a modern dining-car service,
giving uninterrupted dining-car serv
ice via the O. R. & N. and its connec
tions to and from the East. New chair
oars of tbe latest pattern and new bag-
pnirA and mall nara are to be added to
the present through service of new
Pullman palace and Pullman tourist
sleepers, which have recently been
placed in service and just out of the
builder a' hands. The entire train will
be vestibuled, making East and West
bound trains equal if not superior to
many of the widely advertised limited
tiains in tbe East
American exports of manufactured
goods now average $1,000,000 a day.
One of the best cosmetics for bicycle
riders or persons upon the water, is
fresh cucumber juioe. This will aid in
keeping the skin of the face soft and
smooth. To extract the juice from the
cucumber, first peel it and then cut it
into thick slices and press the juioe out
with a lemon squeezer. A simple and
harmless remedy for sunburn is to'
bathe the face in buttermilk.
' The oil left from sardines is an ex
cellent substitute for butter in mixing
fish bakes.
Pure grape juice, says an ..authority
on foods, is invaluable in either sick
ness or health. In fevers it is both
food and medicine, and is more and
more used by physicians. Oranges and
pineapples make a delicious juioe, but
the small fruits are more valuable.
Currants, nsed alone or mixed with a
third of raspberries, are more so; and
the huckleberry and elderberry yield
products not to be despised. Blackber
ries, field or garden, are valuable me
dicinal agents, and the poorest cherry,
undatable as a fruit, becomes nectar
when made into a drink. Art and
25c 50c
Through Palaee and Tourist Sleeper
AMnlua and xtufTet Sinoking
I.ibrarr Cars.
....FAST TIME....
Berrlce and Scenery Unequalled.
For Tickets and all information apply to
your nearest agent, or address
C. P. and T. A., Portland.
B. C. BTBVENS, G. W. P. A., Seattle.
CURE yourself;
Use Biff 4J tar tiDiikvtnrl
! discharges, in lis ni mat ions,
irritations or ulcerations
of mnooai membranes.
IPnvmu Mtssloa. Painless, and uot astria
ItmeE.AMChEMICAI.C0. e or Poisonous.
mm y nrmmmMm.
or sent In nlain wrannar.
by express, prepaid, for
1.(10, or S bottles, 2.7&.
Circular sent on request
N. P. N. C.
MO. 33 '09.
HEX writing to advertiser, pleas.
mention tuis paper.
'f f km I 4mjt. XI
ffSil met im Mmiar
eiaciaatTI.0 .lf
Cor. Second mad Stark Sts.