Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, March 24, 1899, Image 4

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    Oo to Work.
Go to work on Lumbago as it yon In
tended to core it, and with the use ol
m. Jacob Oil it can be cured very
, promptly ncl surely. Bub hard for
r. penetration.
In apan fashion com pel married
women to blacken their teeth, not as
an ornament, but to make them ugly
ana gave mem from temptation.
Caught in a Storm.
see e e
"Out of Sight
Qui of Mind."
In other months ve forget
the harsh minds of Spring.
But they have their use, as
some say, to blow out the
bad air accumulated after
Winter storms and Spring
thaws. There is far more
important accumulation ' of
Badness in the veins and ar
teries of humanity, which
needs Hood s Sarsaparilla. -
This great Spring Medicine clarifies the
blood as nothing else can. It cares scro
fula, kidney disease, liver troubles, rheu
matism and kindred Ailments. Thus it
Rives perfect health, strength and appetite
' for months to come.
Kidneys "My kidneys troubled me,
and on advice took Hood's Sarsaparilla
which gave prompt relief, better appetite.
My sleep is refreshing. It cured my wife
iiuuu, soiu, MMueonT street,
Pittsburg, Pa. ' - , f r. .
Dyspepsia "Complicated with liver
and kidney trouble, I suffered for years
with dyspepsia, with severe pains. Hood's
Sarsaparilla made me strong and hearty."
J. B. Emkbton, Main street, Auburn, Me.
Hip Disease) "Five running sores on
my hip caused me to use crutches. Was
confined to bed every winter. Hood's Sar-
saparuua saved my life, as it cured me per
fectly. Am strong and -well. xAiuriB
Robert, 49 Fourth street. Fall Kiver. Mass.
. . .90
" Hood's Pills curs liver his, the aon-lrrltatinc and
only cathartlo to take with Hood's Barsaparllta.
If there is one time in a man's life
when he ia devoutly thankful it i
wbea he feels the eld boarding house
eat iub up against hia trouera on the
day when rabbit atew ia announced.
Tenkera Statesman. :
Sua local applications, as they eaanot reach
seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or
onstitutionsldisesaa,s,ndin order to cure it
yon most take Internal remedies. Hall's Ca
ilL ,ret? k.ea internally .and acts directly
Pn tneblood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure ii not a qnack medicine. It waa
prescribed by one ol the best physicians In this
country lor years, and Is a regular prescription.
fthSKT!1 1' best tonics known, com-i?ntJT-.Ktbebe"tblood
Piriners, acting di
tectlyon the muoons surfaces. The perfect
combination oi the two ingredients U what pro
dncessach wonderful results In curlngeatarrh!
Send for testimonials, free.
. J-CHENEY 4 CO., Proprs., Toledo. O.
Sold by drugging price 78c.
Halls Family Pills are the best. .,
The phrenologist always has his bus
iness on the brain. Chicago Daily
News. - - .
POOLE, Pobtlasd, Obkoon,
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is nn-
1X111 at 11 swl
The Digger Indians
scratch -for ajh
I"yt nave to,
W. Bulle-
n.T9M Ttn Ran lfnini4uv. trn
Brooklyn HJ, 208-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Room and
board 11.00 to $1.60 per day ; rooms 60 cents
t.w w uy; mngie meais Z9 cents.
JTree coach. Chas. Montgomery.
"I hope yonr hired girl knows her
place.". "Yes, and inns it" Phila
delphia Bulletin.
Ho household is complete without a bot
tle of the famoua Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
la a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity.
"As soon as a woman gets fat," says
the Savage Bachelor, "her next move
ia to set a photograph taken that looks
lice the liont of a batcher shop." In
dianapolis Journal. . . j
4ri IHERE are some advantages,'
I said Ronald meditatively, In
nelnir & onnsln afro all
He addressed Angelica, who aat op
posite him. All about them was deep
bine serenity on one hand stretching
away to meet in a line with a fainter
azure, on the other merging distantly
Into long shining masses of greenish
brown rocks, with ragged cliffs tower
ing above them. Angelica's hat was
tilted a little forward and the breeze
darted in among her curls, tossing them
merrily about her face. She was a
diminutive person in all respects save
two, which two were particularly large,
brilliant, languishing, and In every way
"Bat on the whole, Angelica," added
Ronald, deliberately, "I regret that
am in any way related to or connected
with yon."
"Ronald!" she exclaimed. "I really
cannot allow yon to be so flattering."
"A cousin Is a nondescript,' variable
sort of being at times an absolute
stranger, at others a sort of second
hand brother in that capacity ex
tremely - useful. Of course, that
something; but still "
"i thina it's a great deal; but I see
you are the same as ever. Ton always
were a greedy little boy." said Ansel'
- "Thanks. Ton, on the other hand,
were rather nicer as a little girl than
you are now In some ways oh! you
could still be nice if you tried.'
"If I tried? How funny! I shouldn'
know you see most people thlnk
she regarded her shoes Inquiringly.
"I dare say; but I am not 'most peo
ple,- i stand alone."
- "I thought you were sitting down,"
Interrupted Angelica. (She certainly
was provoking to-day.) And I wasn't
aware that you were alone. But per
haps don t count."
"My dear, that's the worst of It, Too
do count, and there's no one else In the
world -who does. I just Worship yon.
Hani Have I startled you?" , '
"Not at all," she answered,: politely,
-xou see iney au say mat or some
thing equivalent." She turned her head
a little and dabbled In the water with.
her hand.
"Oh, yes, I know! Of course, I'm
presumptuous fool. All the same, I
have thought lately" he paused and
then added: - "Do you remember last
week at Co wee?"
-xes, said Angelica, radiantly. "On
that afternoon I don't mind telling
you, Ronald I very seriously consider
ed falling In love with you. There is
a yacht quite close to us," she added,
quite hastily; "I considered, and after
due deliberation, decided " .
"Well, Nanr .
i 'Wot to fall in love with any one at
an." ?. ; ;'"-.--.',' . . , .
"Ton mean "
"Ronald, If you don't row how can I
steer? We don't want to be swamped.
Love is so inconvenient"
"Jfou're railing the wron; rope. J
confess I doja'tjosfo see hew- "
- "Weil, ifaoesi't always go with other
"But is It not worth more than other
things r
HT 9aa a.
ttouaia,-. replied , Angelica, some-
Crash, rattle, rattle, bang! C-r-a-c-k!
"Put that over you," said Ronald,
sternly, wrapping her in his mackintosh
coat '
"But it doesn't rain, and that makes
it m much more dangerous, d doesn't
it Ronald?"
"Much more," he answered, merci
lessly. : ,
"Oh, how can you be so heartless and
cruel?" she moaned. "You don't care
how much I suffer! Men are alwava
like that "
'And women never, of course." nut
In Ronald, with qniet Irony.
-on, don't don't be so bard! I know
rm a wicked girl, and this Is to Dunish
mej a vivid gleam shot up the heav
ens, and something seemed to burst
over their heads. "Oh, Ronald! (in a
frenzy of terror) save me, save me!
Oh, let us die together! 1 love you, oh,
you know I do! Don't look at me so
coldly; forgive me, oh, forgive me, Ron
ald!" Angelica hid ber face In sue
cushions and sobbed. . ,,. ,
"I can better bear to die with you,
aear, man to live without you," said
Ronald, tenderly. There was a suspi
cious twitching about his mouth, but
he mastered himself heroically, and it
did not become a smile.
A silence followed. The thunder
rolled and tumbled away to the west
and presently there was a gleam more
brilliant than any before.
What's that, awful light?" moaned
Angelica. , ., - . .
"Look, dear. It's the sun.",
"The sun!" she started up in conster
nation. - -it can't be, Ronald (Indignant
ly). Do you mean to teU me the storm
is over?" . ...
"I think it's passed by. You seem an
noyed. Aren't you glad we're out of
danger?" :';--
"Yes yea, of course. Only I
thought ' haughtily perhaps now,
Mr. Grant' you will take me home?" .
Tea, I'll take you home. Nan. They'll
t-ouaemnatlon or leased nremlaea.
(vitbout actual eviction., ia heM-Mrr:
unoae island Hospital Trust Company
vs. Hayden (R. 1.), 42LE. A. 107. In-
bumcient to relieve the tenant from lia
A condition on the delivery of a note
to me payee or bis agent that it shall
take effect only when aisrned an.
otuer person, is held. In Hurt vs. Ford
I Mo.), 41 U R. A. 823. ineffectual, but
iue aenvery is deemed absolute.
a delivery to a donee of a deposit
book of a savings bank containing n.
Of Doubtful . rentage, the Filipino
Leader Is Welt Educated, a Lover of
Freedom, a Great Organizer and a
Cunning; Diplomat.
Agulnaldo is a highly interesting
character. He has had a remarkable
career for so young a man, and events
tries of deposits to the donor's credit eem to Pmt to him from the first as
ueu accompanied with appropriate
woras or girt, is held. In Polley -vs.
Hicks (Ohio), 41 L. K. A. 858, sufficient
delivery to constitute a valid gift with
out any written transfer.
An Injunction against the institution
of prosecutions for criminal offenses,
whether for violation of State statutes
or municipal ordinances, is denied In
Paulk vs. Sycamore (Ga.), 41 U R. A.
i, even tne constitutionality of the
statute, or the validity or reasonable
ness or the ordinance, is denied.
j.ue aocinne Which holds railroad
companies liable for injuries to oh.
a man of destiny. His complexion Is
about half way between the reddlah-
brown of the Malay and the olive of
the Spaniard. There Is a yellowish
tinge about It which, taken in connec
tion with bis forehead, would lead one
to infer that a modicum of Chinese
blood flowed In his veins, and that in
his pedigree was some individual of
Igorrote-Chlnese or of Tagalo-Chineso
characteristics. Upon this point It will
be difficult If not impossible, ever to
learn the exact truth. So deep has
been the moral mire of the Philippines
under Spanish . rule, so universal the
Z?2"J& - -Uber the SSfSSZ
left nmnianlul to . I lJ
- lu Wlaware, ties have ever cared to nw
831. Th ivnfli a,. , SZZ auu uiegiumaie, tne
vuucuuines ana mistresses.
to exhaust diplomacy "in dealing wltli
sipain neiore resortinjr to arm a. He ex.
hausted diplomacy completely and then
prepared to fight As an organizer of
the natives he was a wonder. Like
Bonaparte, he . seemed to exert a
strange fascination upon his people.
ivuerever ne went he was followed by
troops of admirers, and while other
generals suffered at times he and bis
camp were always supplied with the
choicest supplies and comforts. Nor
was the feeling of more than admira
tion confined to the Tagals, stolid Igor-
rotes, and hair-naked Negritos. Cun
ning and skeptical half-breeds, and
even Spaniards themselves, seemed to
snare in this odd hero-worship.
He Ia
EngLsh Breaklast
Ideal Blend
foor Man and Will Have to
.Practice Economy.
The new President of France Is far
more democratic and less Inclined to
ostentation than was his able but some
what ridiculous predecessor1. M. Faure
courted the friendship and mimicked
the ways of royalty and otherwise con
ducted himself as though ruling by dl-
The conflicting- decisions nn thia
auDject are reviewed by the court
Negligence in storing oil upon a sta
tion platform in violation of statute is
neia, in stone vs. Boston & A. R. Co.
.(Mass.), 41 L. R. A. 794, not to be the
proximate cause of damage by fire
caused Dy the dropping of a match by
a iiereou delivering goods at the depot
and who Is not employed by the ear
ner. . ;
a passenger ridlna- on a rail mart n.
slaves and abducted women who have
niied the long years of Spanish rule.
In his features, face and skull Ac-nin.
aldo looks more like a European than
a Malay. He is handsome, according
i oyuuisu standard or masculine beau
ty. Friends and enemies aeree that ho
Is Intelligent .ambitious, far-sighted,
brave, self-controlled, honest moral,
vindictive, and at times croeL To thoao
who like him he Is courteous, polished,
glne by Invitation of an officer of " the ho,ughtful and dignified. To those who
roaa is held, In Berliner vs. Travelers' "" ue iB "nsincere, pretentious,
Insurance Company (Cal.), 41 L. R. A. Z and arrgant Both admit him to
467, to remain a passenger within-the eniaL- generous, self-sacrificing,
provisions of an accident insurance fJ, , 1 , va,ttUMS me aoministra-
" O ub u.vuufc " ''ffwiir-
ance in case of injury in a passenger
conveyance, and it is also held that he
is not within provisos as to more haz
ardous exposures or as to Injuries on
a conveyance not provided for passen-
His friends say that he was th ann
of a Spanish
vine right rather than by the will of
the people. His chief pleasure was
to kiss the hand of royalty, and he es
tablished a rule at the Elysee. the Paris
residence of the President, that no one
should presume to address the chief
executive without being first spoken
to uy me latter.
To Mend Shall Comha.
As tortoise shell oombs are alwava
prone to break easily, many may find
this hint a useful one. First slope the
margins of the broken pieces for the
iiatancea of about a Quarter of an inh
from the edge; then overlan theaa
margins and when thus arranged clamp
Ihein together with a strong letter clip,
nd immerse the comb ia boiling wa
ter for some time. Aa the horn softens
it unites. After it is thoronehlv i,
:he place where the break had been
will be almost invisible. Boston
uiooe. .
Precious manhood Rhmnln ann;ui .nj
P,l.er.dLseaiesJ!ciei,ti,ic11y treated and
y-yniuv ay lit. n,. m. Katclifie, the cham
pion specialist of the Pacific coast. Urin.
ary and Kidney Troubles, Lost Manhood.
TftiiL-ut'cic. ri.ii nr.n ro troatoH nrw-i.
sotBi. auuuvsL mecnons known to medical
scieiice Or E M. Ratcliffe, 265 Morrison
The Ceylon vellow Silk snidar haa a
body that weighs nine ounces.
A powder to ba ahakm lntn .1,.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
! vousand uncomfortable. . If you have
raarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen'a
rOOt-fiase. Itiwuta anH rmf,. .
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves
corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for flhilhlnin. n...iin. a.
or frosted feet We have over thirtV thou
land testimonials. Try it Udav. gold by
all druggists and shoo c tores for 26c. Trial
stod, 0 Roy, N. reSS! AUen S' 01-
Railroad Aema law Kifllak Ckaaaal.
Tha BnglUh Parliament is eonsldering the
plan of connecting tbat country with Franca
by railway. Engineers say a roadbed can b
laid on the bottom of the ' English channel,
and by mounting trentlework on wheels, so
that It projects above the water, the railway
can be operated. Thia seems beyond belief,
bat it is perhaps no more remarkable than
some of the cures accomplished bv Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters in bad cases of dyspepsia, in
digestion and constipation. This is an age of
wonderful achievements. . y 7r
In Paraguay, a gentleman is enjoined
bv the laws of good society Jo - kiss
every lady to whom lie is - introduced.
To Care m Cold In On Day'
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine ' Tablets.
AU druggists refund money if It tails to
cure. 25c.
be surprised,, wasf tuey. at our newsr
New? What what do you meanr
gasped Angelica. -
. "1 think you know." There was no
mistake about this smile now.
"Ronald, she said pathetically, "now
you're not going to be tiresome."
-.Nan," ne answered gravely. "I do
hope not but of course, a llfotima ia
wuai irreievanuy, -nave you any Idea severe test"
01 tne price or a Paris hatr
FITI SS"2ST.UJC?red- Wofltsor nervoosnes the word mount 1
i 1 1 sftar Urn day's use of Dr. Kline's Gnat I woru meant,
bottle and treatise. IiB. B. H. KUsS Id MO
Aia street, i"liUlelpQia, Pa. 1 "
Molly Jack stole something from
tinder my very nose while, we were
down at the shore looking at those fish
ing boats.
Dolly What was it, a little smack?
Somerville Journal. - ....
, The left rope again. Ah, now we're
sarei A Paris hat? I well, I have
heard that they're something ridicu
iney are absolutely ridiculous.
That fact alone," said Angelica, solemn
ly. "1 enough to make any thought of
rave impossible and wicked."
except tor any one with a heart
with a souL composed in fact of any-
tnmg Dut shallowness and vanity."
"My dear boy, if you go on." she said.
encouragingly, "you will in time make
tne accomplished flatterer of the age."
" "Don't Jest with me, Nan. If a noth
ing to you, perhaps, but to me rf s every.
tning. 1 love you.
"You know it was only because 1 was
frightened. It's a mean advantage
us ungenuemanly" her voice died
away weakly.
Ronald provoklngly "Are you duite
sure you didn't mean all you sald?"
Angelica, tearfully "It's" absurd!
Mamma will be so angry." Chicaco
Of Conp'a RoUiaar Palaces, that Were
r Once the Rase.
For a long time nearly everybody in
the South knew about "Coup's Rolling I
Palaces," but probably none know ex-
Cnraaa and Oatha Caed to Be
In 1623 it was enacted that any wfo
cursed or swore should be fined 12
pence, or, on non-payment be set In
tne stocks for twelve hours: nr. if nn.
der twelve years of age, should be
whipped. In 1094 another act was
passed nxipg gradations of punish
ment, ana directing that young offend
era up to sixteen should be whipped,
and this law was, up to 1823, read pub
licly in parish churches, after morning
prayer, xour umes a year. In 1745
there was a new statute by which a
kind of swear-scale was established,
whereupon a day laborer, a common
soldier or sailor or seaman might utter
one oatn ior a shilling; a person under
tne degree-of a gentlemas or xr&2fV
llnJfY a person of or above that degree
Tor five shillings, and , the penalties
were doubled after one conviction, and
thereafter trebled... .Nor were those en
actments altogether idle. Thus In 18C1
one John Mason Scott, a mealman of
Wlnslow, Bucks, "did profanely curse
one profane curse" in given words
"twenty several times repeated." and
It cost him two and a half guineas; two
sovereigns for the curses, at a florin
apiece, and twelve and sixpence for
the prosecutor, James King. Moreover,
tne conviction was held good by Jus
tices wigntman and Blackburn.
Qt. Tl o.
ou .nuns mriura reports a case
whence it appears that William Collier
came before the Justices and com
plained that James Sparling, a leather
aresseir, or tne parish of St James,
Clerkenwell a district not altogether
free from the offense to-dayhad pro-
xaneiy sworn fifty-four oaths, and pro
fanely, cursed one hundred and sixty
curses, contra formam statuti, and the
leather dresser was adjudged gulltv
ana to pay twenty-one
Tommy "Paw. what is a joint
snake?" Mr. Figg "The kind a man
gets from frequenting joints, 1 reckon."
Indianapolis Journal.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing SvniD the best remedy
children during the teething period.
A subterranean city exists in Galloia.
Austrian Poland, which Contains a
population of over 1,000 men.-women
and children, many of whom have
never seen the light of day.
- Kvary One Knows.
Why trifle with a sprain when everv
one knows that St. Jacobs Oil used in
the worst case will so strengthen the
injmed muscle as to make it the best
remedy for this dreaded pain.
There are 40,000 native pupils in
t ft A finnJev nnl.nn1ri . t it. Tfl:j T I t
"J so Sfared the tortnrea r tba aaana '
with protruding piles brought on by eoostipa
Mon with whleli I was afflicted for twenty
years. I ran serosa your CASCARETS in the
town of Newell, Is., and never found any thine
to equal them. To-day I am entirely bee from
plies and feel like a new sua. "
a H. Kbits, 1411 Jones St., Sioux City. Ia.
The Mexican dog has no hair. Tha
hot climate makes such a covering an.
They Work While v !...
While vonr minil anit ...
Candv datharti .T. ' SZL. .r"
Professor Koch, of Berlin. German
has discovered that butter, even the
best, contains bacilli of tubeieulosis.
I know that mv Ufa i. is.t.
Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller,
Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1895.
It is said that the mortality from
oancer in England ia four and a half
times as great as it was 60 years ago. ,
The Pleasantest, Host Powerful and
Effective Neverfailing Remedy for
, La Grippe, Catarrh, ...
Rheumatism. .
Wf IT r.nTM mv mh A- ..I. l
in 11.. 1 i- Vj" 7. -i r 1' J"
Vi? S . f "xrl- oeua ior trial Dottle, 2Se.
raaac waaa
fS;1D, rm'1,b',- Potent, Taste flood. Do
Sood, Mevet Sicken. Wsakaa. or Gripe. Wo. Kc, SM.
"T. CklMs. Inlria, mm tmk. SM '
MaTO.Rlf! 1,0,8 " a'T'nteed by all drag-'
For Mills, Mines. Bhoos and Farms; Steel Log.
inis onei lasts bu days only.
aoses 01 6 DKOP8 each) $1.00 or Slur t2.fi0.
large bottle (900
And Unto Dost Betara. '''-
Mrs. Flyer Harry, do you know
the dirt from which diamonds are
taken is blue? ,. v
Mr. Flyer No; but I know' that the
fellow who has to put up the dust for
them generally is. Jewelers' Weekly.
It seems queer that a playwright
ihould frequently get a play wrong.
Chicago Daily News. " - 7- -
"Mr. Bathbone,'
drooping. -
"Are you engaged to himt"
"He will ask me to-night"
"How do you know that?" curtly,
"Ronald, don't be so absurd! Ho
1 know?"
This was convincing.
"Well, he Is a consummate fool," said
oonaia, savagely. ;
"Thanks," she murmured.
pay twenty-one pounds eiirht
t.l11ln W. i .
If you kn what act - tb. The rolling t"h" tTh'lsd
he burst out re- P.aiace8 consisted of a train of cars spe- niv n th ta.iT- ... r"? .
oaths and curses ought to have been set
out the Lord Chief Justice, Sir John
Pratt Sir Littleton Powys, Sir Robert
Eyre and Sir John Fortescue Aland bfr
Ing of opinion that it was not for a wit
ness to determine what was an oath
to swear the law," as It was quaintly
put since "it Is a matter of great dis
pute amongst the, learned what are
oatns and what curses." Gentleman's
hemently, "you could not sit there clally bullt as to be connected at will
coolly breaking my heart In vonr mxo ?ne lon pavilion. Inside was a
hands." I museum, a huge aquarium, a congress
- juusoi not so loud. Tea, I know I'm w ana nnaiiy an auditorium de-
wicked (penitently). I oughtn't to be PVtment where brief vaudeville per
bere with you at alL when I am a-olnir formances were given. The whole
to marry some one else." - I tning was most elaborately got np, was
"Tou're going to Nan, Is thia truer brU"a?tly lighted by Its two dynamos.
aid Angelica,
Bow Mrs. Pinkham
Ctvoroomo Them.
ana cost 5100,000 to construct It was
the idea of Coup, the veteran circus
man, and he had been gradually flgur
ing It out for years. When he had It
perfected he had no money, and 'was
How do oouged to take in what show people
can "commercial capital." In other
words, business men backed It and
were foolish enough to insist on dolno-
tne managing after Coup had taken It
through the South for one eTtromaiv
'And mniwivAp K a uMtj . I m. . .. . .. .
, w.. uv wtuu uin ikhui riiir I uiwuuiuie muihuu. lit mini, was
tove you ' - . huge money-maker, nronerlv hmii
"Thanks once more." I The people would be let in at one end cousin of the professor presides. It ia
Or anyone elseexcept himself. Rnt I and keot movlntr nntn thv am-A usual to have visitors at the hniidino.
of course, I see that he has advantages. I the other, and many would make the now nd then wno "a8k the scholars
yn, aon 1 trouble to explain what thev circuit two or three time. nnAa.
are! I see them. How
1 o - . w
It will heavily, however, and finally, after In.
last a Fsnall School Olrl Knew of
vcwtn unst Fight, '
One of the most popular of the vouna-
professors in the male high school tells
an amusing little story on a small, up-
iu-uaie scnooi girl. She Went to one of
tnese . district schools over whiK
Mra. Maby Botxnrexa, 1101 Marlanna
fit. Chicago, 111., to Mrs. Pinkham:
' I have been troubled for the past
two years with falling of the womb,
leucorrhcea, paina over my body, sick
headaches, backache, nervousness and
weakness. I tried doctors and various
niwvmnun. aiKttaiuni
two bottles' of your Vegetable Corn
pound, the relief I obtained waa truly
wonderful. I have now taken several
more bottles of your famous medicine,
and can aay that I am entirely cured."
Mrs, Hbsbt Dobs, No. 80S Findley St ,'
Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. Pinkham :
"For a long time I suffered with
cfcronlc inflammation of the womb,
pain in abdomen and bearing-down
feeling. Was very nervous at times, and
so weak I waa hardly able to do any
thing. Waa subject to headaches, also
troubled with leucon'hoea. After doc
toring for many months with different
phyaiciana, and getting no relief, I had
given up all hope of being well
again when I read of the great good
Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Com
pound was doing 1 decided immedi
ately to give it a trial. The result was
simply paat belief. After taking four
bottlea of Vegetable Compound and
using three packages of Sanative Wash
I eaa aay I feel like a new woman. 1
deem it my duty to announce the fact
to my fellow . sufferers that Lydia
E. Pinkham a Vegetable remedies have
entirely cured me of all my pains and
Buffering I have her alone to thank
for my recovery, for which I am grate
ful. May heaven bless her for the
good work she is doing for onr sea."
CUIUS WHtRF 111 CIS! tllil
t Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
10 uma. yoia bT dromlgu.
one will be, especially mammal
an be so delightful." -
, There was a silence. ' The sun had
disappeared, and the blue sky had turn.
ea to gray. -.. -v
"It's not so pleasant as It was, is it?"
Inquired Angelica, presently.
.wo, shortly.
1 tea a drop. Are we far from
home, Ronald r -"Yes;
about three miles.'
"on, dear, are we? Why don't you
turn quickly, then? Don't you see ifs
going to be wet T'
"I thought you were stearins-." rnd-
xou mignt help me," she said.
piainuveiy, tugging at the rope.
He gave a swift stroke or two, and
they swung round. There were angry
masses 01 tupuas ariiting toward them
over an uneasy, ruffled sea.
"Why don't you row faster? We shall
never get home," she exclaimed, petu
lantly. "The tide Is strong and the wind la
against us. I'm doing my best"
-Konaid, what was that? Oh, don't
say It was lightning! I'm more afraid
of it than anything in the world. Oh,
There was a subdued roar In the dis
tance, now gathering ominously.
"Ronald, was that thunder?' said
Angelica waverlngly.
. "There Is generally thunder when it
lightens," he answered, with bitter sar
casm. "But we're out in an open boat miles
from home or shelter of any kind."
- "I am aware of that"
She gave a pathetic little gulp and
pressed her hands together.
"un-xn There's another flash! Ron
ald, I I'm going to faint r .
"Faint?. Nonsense!", he returned,
"Nonsense? What do you mean. Mr
uranw 1 suppose I have a
faint If J choose I-shr
numerable vicissitudes, the train was
brought to Chicago and sold to a vari
ety theater manager for 57,000 cash.
He broke it up and peddled off the cars
one at a time. Fragments of the old
outnt are now wandering about
through obscure country towns, piloted
by fly-by-nlght showmen, with all sorts
of strange freaks. That was the end
of the great rolling palaces that are
still distinctly remembered In scores of
smaller Southern cities. It was a gro
tesque rate ior a really big amuse
ment Kiea.
To Prevent Sleep-Walking.
A device to prevent sleep-walklne: is
to lay upon tne noor beside the som
nambulist a sheet of iron, sine, or other
metal, wide enough to insure that he
will step upon it When the sleep
walking fit comes upon him his foot
touches the cold surface of the metal
ana ne instinctively draws that lea Into
bed again. After two or three attempts
tne somnamDuiist gives It up and set-
ties aown in bed.
Asia the Birthplace of LeDroav.
The original home of leprosy is Asia.
aim 11 uumisuts mere more than In anv
viuer pun wi me giooe. umna Is a hot
bed or leprosy; in Japan It prevails ex
tensively, wnue in India it Is known
that there are at least some 130 non
Cigar Stabs Pat to Good !).
A Christmas entertainment la given
to nearly 2,000 poor persons In Berlin
with the proceeds from contributions
of cigar stubs and tlp-cuttlngs by char
itable smokers who are considerate i
enough to save those seemingly worth
less scraps.
questions and see that everything Is in
good shape. One day not so long since
a party of callers came in and request
er me pupils to write the answers to
several questions propounded them.
One of these questions waa: fTell what
you know about Admiral' Dewey's
great .ngnr," -
The children set to work fieurlnir on
their answers, but the teacher noticed
one of the girls did not make a move
to do so.
Why don't you write your answer to
the question r she demanded of the
idle pupil.
Taln't not use," was the slow re
sponse. "I don't know nothing about
"But" remonstrated the teacher.
you must try, anyhow; you must not
sit there Idle while the others are do
ing tire- best they can. See If you can
not think of something, my dear."
No use," protested the pupil. "All I
know Is that Dewey and Corbett
fought and I don't know which whip
ped, and I don't care either." ;
Such Is fame, and the bold sailor who
sunk Montojo's fleet must go promen
ading down the halls of time with a
pompadoured ex-slugger for a partner."
Louisville Times.
A train which ran between Philadel
phia and Atlantic City last summer is
credited with the world's record : for
fast regular trips. The distance run
Is flfcy-five and a half miles and the
scheduled time was fifty minutes,
making the rate sixty-six and nlx-
tcnths miles per hour. But this time
was often beaten, the fastest run hav
ing been made at the average speed of
seventy-four and four-tenths miles per
hour. . .
Manila that. he was the offspring of a I
dissolute but learned Jesuit At the
age of 4 he was a bouse boy In the
home of a Jesuit priest In Cavlte. '. A
house boy in '"the Philippines, as in
China, plays the' part of a house dog
ratner tnan that or a domestic servant.
If the head of the house Is cruel be Is
kicked and cuffed by everybody and
lives on short commons; if his master Is
kind and affectionate he enjoys about
the same attention as one of the chil
dren or the family. The only work
which he does Is to run from one part
or tne house to. the other or from the
house to any part of the grounds with
in the compound or space Inclosed by
the walls around the entire establish
ment He helps the table boy to clean
the silver, to scour the knives, and to
set and unset the table. Agulnaldo' s
master was a very kind man and took
a deep Interest In the welfare of his
little protege. He dressed him well, so
much so as to excite the notice and
even the wrath of some neighbors.
More important still, he gave the boy
an education, which, though unequal to
What every child receives In the United
States, was a hundredfold better than
what Is bestowed upon the little Tagals
or jnzon. .
Aguinauo was an apt scholar. He
was precocious like the Malay, ambi
tious like the Caucasian, and bad a
memory like the Chinaman the great
est memory possessed by man. At the
age of seven be was the equal of most
hair-breed boys of 12. At 10 he was
mentally the superior of most of the
half-breeds of bis district When he
. M. Loubet is lust the reverse of M.
Faure In habit and Inclination, - He is
a man of the people. Faure came np
from the ranks, but his immense for
tune and political power led him to for
get his origin. Loubet Is comparative
ly poor. ; ; -
Tne Paris monarchical press cartoons
Loubet as wearing felt slippers and
tucking a corner of his napkin into his
shirt collar. But instead of this ren
dering the new President ridiculous in
the eyes of the miasses, it only Increases
his popularity. ; The common people
think no less of htm because his aged
mother still lives on a farm and wears
peasant garb. .
M. Loubet has no large private for
tune and he will have to practice econ
omy and conduct his office on a far dif
ferent scale from that of his predeces
sors. ; France pays her President S125.-
000 a year In salary, and fully as much
more in allowances of one kind Or an
other, and yet this enormous Income of
a quarter of a million dollars has never
been sufficient to meet the expenses of
the French chief executive. Everv one
of the Presidents, from Thiers to Faure,
was immensely rich and ail but one
drew largely from his private fortune.
President Faure is known to have
spent in the neighborhood of a quarter
of a million dollars over and above his
official income in doing the honors to
the Emperor and Empress of Russia on
the occasion of their visit to Paris,
while Marshal MacMahon found his
salary and allowances so lnadeduate.
especially durlng. the exhibition of 1878,
wnen ne was called upon to welcome
all sorts of foreign royalties to the
French metropolis, that when he finally
retired into private life he found that
more than half of his large fortune had
been spent at the Elysee. Mme. Carnot.
who was a most careful manager, made
no secret of the fact that her husband
was obliged to dip heavily Into his pri
vate Income each year that he remain
ed In office, and indeed the only Presi
dent who managed to make both ends
meet was the rich Grew. who. like
Loubet was fond of wearing felt slip
pers, and who, more than once, was
seen promenading In the gardens of the
palace looking exceedingly comfort
able, the aforesaid slippers being com-
pleted by a much worn Jacket and a
velvet smoking cap. . . .
" uoaraora at. Chlesgs.
Glasgow. 8coJJandV.flj.'aifceiaam6nff
- '-a-""".. . "
its population a man who is msking a
manuscript copy of the Bible. He ex
pects to finish it in two years.
Men requiring unsurpassed treatment should
consult personally or bjt letter "Free" wlUi tbe
puneer and only exclusive men's specialists in tne
united States. Diseases of men made Uie
study of a liffe-tline. Unfortunates everywhere
sbouid Immediately co.nuionicmt with Dr. Foots. :
of Cnicaffo. Evervthin. confldntil i-.iZl
sent everywhere ia sealed packages and letters in
Slain envelopes. Correspondence solicited. .Latest
Ure'leml. Mudlftal mnA KlMtMl mhl.
adopted. Deluging tbe stomach with drugs aban
doned, a void drugs recommended by tbe unau
thorized and seli-styled specialists in Western
towns. Few genuine specialists locate outside of
New York or Chicago. In tnese cities your pri
vate attain are safe. Uneqoaled treatment for all
diseases and weaknesses of the Uentto-Urinary.
Sexual, Reproductive and Nervous Systems. , Im
pediments to marriage removed. "Svnhala"
positively tmriflea the blood, cures syphilis and
removes all white ulcers in throat or mouth, cop
per colored spots on body and eruptions on skin,
also catarrh and rheumatism. "Vlgorala." the
only permanent restorer and Invjgorator, gives
v .am. ukku. ana ut-rvft. prevents and
cures grip, ft per bottle, for as. Trial bottles,
either remedy, half price. -
The president of a gas company
naturally has a light income. Chicago
Daily Hews.
Don't Have to Walt.
We don't have to wait, for cold, sore
ness and stiffness will come on from
excessive exeroise, but it will go imme
d lately after using St. Jacobs Oil to
soften and strengthen the strained
muscles. '
The lighthouse at Corunna, Spain,
is Deiievea 10 oe tne oldest one now
in use. It was erected during the reign
01 Trajan, and rebuilt In 1634. '
Sing and Hoisting engines: Hoe Chlsel
Tooth Saws, Albany Grease, etc. - -
37 to 86Ftrst Street Portland, Or .
M-ae Fremont Street, San Francisco.
A soil of verv deen rlarlr lnnm il .11 .
kinds of vegetables, grain, hay in great absin- '
dance. Climate splendid, drop failures lVn
possible.. Adanted tn tha nl.in. ...?-
&J'2?V ?iitr 'nd. Ponry industries. In
mining district, providing an excellent market L
for all products. Also rieh cranben-v land, f"
Magnificent chance if taken at once. Write for '
descriptive book giving full particulars. Ad- '
dress today C. R. DaWIfT, Secretary, ,
28 Tharlow Block, 8an Francisco, Cat
An Excellent Combination.
Over 2,BOO of
More Comixtsr.
Paris publishes a new newspaper at
every fresh sensation. The population
of the city of Paris at the last census
was 2,500,000, and, according to the
The pleasant method anil lxnfliol
effects of the . well known remedy,'
Syrup of Fior, manufactured by the
California Fie Stbup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative- and presentinar
than, in tl,. . . ,
wuvu. .u ..... .w u, uivjou 1 cireuimg 10 me
taste and acceptable to the system-' - It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per-
uiauenuy, its penecc ireedom Irom
taTentoKV; Association;
We do a general PATENT BUSINESS. Wa
secure, introduce and sell patents. Onr regis
tered attorney can get you patents direct from
the government without delay. Agents wanted
ln.lerT.V,wn.to "1iPntl articles. Further
information furnished on request. Room 61S
CHAMssa or CoMMiaca Build we. Poktlahd. .
OaaooN. . .
Be Strong In Spring
-Y ycir aoei your Diood '
need-such parity, richness and health. Your
dissiness, languid feeling, pains In the back,
etc., all come from the blood. Take
-"T and pleasant to take. It will make you
iK.on n,a W1U; ,u hM cared thousandi ol
otnrs- II per bottle at jrour druggist's.
ratnUii nllinsr .-.. 1..
Dr. T. H. White, ZZUSflr-
Relief at Last
Praised by thousands of
satlsned ladles as safe, al
ways Tellable and without
an equal. Ask druggist far
Dr. starters FrenekTemaie
Puis In. metal box with
IHEMCHORUa CO., 381 aai883 Pearl StfEyi
w guarantee to fit every case we undertake.
5aJ plL,JLofl; WTlto foJrticulars m once.
'? WOOOAR" CO.. K Xpert Truss
Fltf rs. 108 Second Street, Portland. Or. '
BlTrffizJmonJon'i,D Purify the
rhUmda.. Cteisus. Sold by JDruggtats.
Is an unpardonable iOOT' WK newspapers or the city now h7 ' Ti ?iT, - "V8'
religious, in the - M"tiH8ZS
the Masonic or- -tnere are m f arts at present 140 laxative. .,,., Zi
fans Ha over 2,BOO of Them and
was 14 or 15 he was enrolled In the
medical department of the Pontifical
University of Manila, ' under Profs.
Nalda and Bultrago. He was a bright
rtirlanr lint nnthlncr ia rnnvn rt .hla
college career. Shortly after this time reeentIy published Presse Annualre for e7ery objectionable quality sind. sub-
he committed what
sin, both secular and
Philippines by Joining
der. Masonry was a prohibited thing
in tbe Philippines under Spanish rule,
and any man joining the organization
might under an ancient law be tortured
and executed. About this time (in 1SSS)
he got into some trouble with the Span
ish authorities and went to Hong Kong
to escape their tortures. While here he
took advantage of all the educational
privileges that came in his way. He
attended the drills and parades of the ,st newspapers In one city is strongly
unity poimcai newspapers, but how
many there will be next week or
now many the week after is DractiMii-
iiiiyuooiuie 10 state, ir nubile omulnn
demanded there might be another
dozen. Of the political organs in ex
istence ninety-seven come under the
category of republican, thirty are con
servative and thirteen are socialist
xne maintenance of so many social-
- Handsome Gift. -
Every year the King of Italy receives
right to j as a New Tear's gift 6,000 clears from
I the Emperor of Austria,
It takes a woman aa long to select a
seat at the theater aa It does for tha
average man to pick out a new suit of
clothea. . , t .
'xne tanner pays mor wtentlon
the park than to tbe blW.
British garrisons, frequented the gun-
shops on Queen's road, purchased fire
arms for bis own use, and in every pos
sible way Increased his fund of prac
tical knowledge. He entered the Chi
nese army and learned all he was per
mitted to learn there.. Then he joined
tbe navy and gained all tbe knowledge
he could of naval warfare and equip
ment. He studied the lives and cam
paigns of Bonaparte, Wellington, Vou
Moltke and Grant. He also picked up
at least a smattering of English,
French, Latin and Chinese.
inaicauve or tne extent to which
rencn papers take up and consider
The price of French newspapers is
high and the reading matter is small in
amount. French newspaper readers
do not require much news and are per-
tecuy sausnea to aepena upon the post
office as an ordinary channel of com
munication whenever the telegraph
falls. " '.;-' - : - :
More importance Is attached to liter
ary style than to exact details in local
news-gatheilng, and it is, therefore.
' At the outbreak of the great insurrec- possible to publish with entire pecunl-
tion In 1896 be held some political post
tion in a provincial town. He was very
popular with all sections of the people
except the order of Dominican friars,
whose tyranny he openly denounced.
He gradually came to the front as a
section which was willing
ary success a Paris newspaper from
the columns of which all items of ex
pensive news are omitted. !
to I Be gradual!
4 leader of a
Every young girl who oavs a won
deal of attention to "society," will be
found. to be extremei--ot school.
In the process of manufacture v flow
are used, as they are pleasant to the
ust, out me meaicinai qualities Ql the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants. : by;. a -.method
known to the California Fi Stbup
Co. only. In order to get its-beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
-remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
saw fbanoisoo. oai
jLotnsvnjiB, xt. xnew tout. h. t. -
For sale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle.
h u fSS?v "f1 OIff ? P"'" Okay Spool" It
2? nn&iS? wUc? m cars each and mt
plainly wrappad, on receipt of price. ffT ''..
1 i. HrUura.
- Una Hf.au 4 . .
?rJf.b.rg"'' "inamaiatlona;
irritations or ulcerations
P-y. rcl. Painl.: VndT" t?S:
ItheEkmiiGhemichCo. Sent or poiaoncus. -
lCl0lsTl,0.fJ Stela k7 SrwsutB.
. Circular sent oa riguiVt.
rTrriNGTil-TrSac..o.Aur.nd i?tft.
his fans, aa a.ll a. Blind. Bieadins or fWdSS
r. eared bj Dr. BosanKo'sVl e RmvVi3
tthinr anSbl3in;. A bSrVtimorl"!
jdrur.Uoraeot by rnjll. Treattw frTWrTti
; Piles ar. eared b:
Jar at
sae aboat roar. caaa.
R. BOS AN KO, Phaada..PaT
N. P. N. V.
NO. !.
w . ..
Wsa-J wntinr t
. mention this pi
to advertisers
per. 4 j,. .
On receipt of 10 cents (In postage) we will
mall to yonr address (postaKrPredTthK .
. new compositions of sheet muBic.copyrlghteo!
We lead and originate
fashions ia....
Cor, Second and Stark Sts. "-
s k