Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, March 24, 1899, Image 1

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From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
GuapnkmlT Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Put Week
- Called From the Telegraph Columns.
Reports of the likelihood of a renew
1 of the trouble among the Indians at
' Leach Lake, Minn., are not credited at
the Indian bureau, at Washington.
A teport is current involving the es
tablishment in San Francisco by the
: -most 'widely known financial men oi
the world of a commercial bank, with
a paid-up capital of $5,000,000.
The snow-bound train on the Cher
enne & Northern at Wheatland has
been abandoned by the company offi
rials, who will take steps to rescue the
passengers by sleds.
Acting Postmaster-General , Heath
has issued an order directing that here-
' after fees for postal money orders issued
in the United States for payment in
Cuba shall be the same as those fixed
for domestic money orders.
... . Orders have been issued for the mus
ter out of the First Texas at Galveston
- and the Second Louisiana at Savannah.
Both regiments are now at Havana.
The Sixth company .volunteer signal
corps, at A ugosta, Ga.. was also ordered
mastered out.
The drought which was threatening
the loss of millions of dollars to Cali
fornia has been broken by a rain storm
continuing for several days. Reports
show that both grain and fruit crops
are in excellent condition through the
- big Sacramento valley.
A special from Madrid says: Pre
mier Silvela, in an interview just pub
fished, spoke in favor of the interven
tion of , France for the purpose of ob
. taining permission from the United
'. States for Spain to resume direct nego
' tiations for the release of the Spanish'
prisoners held by the Philippine rebels.
Six men have arrived at St. Michael
- from the North American Transports
- " J tion & Trading Company's steamer, P.
B. Weaie, which is ioe-bound in the
',." Yukon, near Holy Cross mission. The
men do not think they ; will be able ts
' save her in the spring. Seven men
left the steamer, but one got lost com-
- ing down, and the others think he wai
.;. frozen to death.
A party of son 60 members of con,?
; gtess, senators and representatives, will
accept the invitation extended by gen
. tlemen representing Panama canal in
: teresta and will inspect the Nicaragua
and Panama canal works. ' The nartv
r. left New York, ,. March a. This body
, has nothing to do with the official in
vestigation which will be made by tbs
commission, to be appointed by Presi
dent McKinley. ,
' General Otis is planning another
blow at the insurgents in the exeuction
of his general soheme of hastening the
end of the rebellion in Luzon before
the advent of the rainy season.
The appellate court, at Chicago, has
unanimously - sustained a decision
rendered by Judge Tuley last summer,
that express companies are obliged to
furnish war revenue stamps to all ship
pers. ' .. '
The sovereign camp Wooilmen of tbs
World, the fifth largest fraternal and
, beneficial y order in the United States
are in biennial session at Memphis,
- Tenn; The session will last ten days
or two weeks. -
Mrs. Minnie Adams has been arrest-
ed at her father's borne, in San Fran
cisco, on snspioion of having murdered
' ' her. two-year-old illegitimate child,
John Richard Gray, by administering a
dose of carbolic acid.
- Senor Quesada, of the Cuban junta)
in Washington,' has received' a cable
gram form Santiago which says: "The
people ot Santiago disauthorise the as
sembly, sustain Gomez and are pre
- paring a public manifestation."
At the annual meeting of the Asso
ciated Chambers of Commerce in Lon
don, a resolution was passed urging
the British government to maintain the
"open door" in China and prior Brit-
. . . ish rights in the Yang tse Kiang valley.
A contract has been conoluded be-
tween the .. German government and
' Cecil Rhodes, the British South Afri
. can magnate, for the construction .of a
' telegraph line In . East Africa. A
. contract for building a railroad through
the same territory is upon the point
of conclusion.
Rear-Admiral Hicbborn. chief naval
constructor, in his statement of work
1 accomplished on the vessels now build
' ing for the navy, shows ; that there are
now. actually under construction, or al
ready contracted for. tfveaaela nf vari-
on types, langing irom battle-snips to
" Tbiee thousand insurgents moved
, down to the towns of Pasig and Pateros
on the shore of Laguna-de Bay, front
ing Wheaton'a troops on the Pasig river
line. By heavy fighting Wheaton dis
lodged and drove them back, taking
400 prisoners and inflicting heavy losses
in kilted and wonndei.
Minor Sews Item.
Two surveying parties are locating
the line of -the electric road between
. Tacoma and Seattle, a distance of 80
. miles. .The road is expected to be in
operation by November 1.
A double tragedy is reported from
Nanalmo, B. C. Dave Evans shot Lib
bie White dead and committed suicide
in their room at a hotel. Both were
. public entertainers. Unrequited love
is supposed to have been the caused
of the tragedy.
- The Deleware legislature adjourned
without electing a senator. Unless a
special session is called the election
goes over until 1901. On the last bal
lot Addicka led with 31 votes, lacking
but five of election. In all 108 ballots
' were taken in an effort to eleot Gray's
, "x successor.
' FeiBch A Company, manufacturers of
neckwear in New York, one of the old
: est firms in that line of business, have
become financially embarrassed, and a
committee of creditors have been ap
pointed to look . into their affairs.
Their liabilities' amount to (300,000;
assets estimated at $60,000.
- The Alaska boundary dispute ia
causing seiious conoern in administra
tion oircles at Washington.
Ex-Seoretary ' Sherman, who is still
at Kingston. Jamaica, is reported to be
gradually growing worse, and may die
at any moment.
The mountain banditti of Panay isl
and attempted a serious attack upon
I Ilo Ho, but they were repulsed with
I the loss of 200 men by General Miller.
Secretary Long has instructed Rear
Admiral McNair to abolish in June the
construction course at the naval aoad
emy, established by Naval Constructor
The crisis in the disturbance at La
redo, Tex., .over the carrying out of
the state health officer's regulations in
suppressing the smallpox epidemio
seems to be passed. :
A temporary border line between
Alaska and Canadian possessions will
probably be located to obviate possible
difficulty between American and Cana
dian miners, pending a permanent set
tlement of the dispute.
Governor Rogers, of Washington,
has offered a reward of $250 for the ar
rest ' of George D. Evans, ex-deputy
state auditor.wbo is charged with forg
ing state warrants, and also an addi
tional $25Q reward for his conviction.
Attorney-General Godfrey, of Kan
sas, has discovered that the late legis
lature by mistake repealed the law
which provides for all appointments ot
city officers. The supreme court will
be asked to declare the new law uncon
stitutional. The enormous mastodon tusk recent
ly discovered near Dawson, and which
Dr. O'Leary, formerly of Portland, Or.,
arranged . to present to the Portland
city, museum, will be brought from
Alaska by Uncle Sam, who will not
charge any freight for the transporta
tion,. . ;
Fifty Cuban soldiers from Mariano
kidnaped three former Spanish gueril
las and took them into the bush, where
the prisoners were maltreated. , Two
were rescued by a detachment of the
Second Illinois regiment. Three of the
Cubans were arrested, charged with
murder. i'
During the trouble between the Ha
vana police and the populaoe three po
licemen were . killed and about 36
wounded on both aids. Public opinion
supports the police without reserve.
The police were attempting to suppress
a ball whiob was being held against
the orders of the chief.
It is reported that Agumaldo- is not
disheartened over the continued defeat
of his forces i,ad proposes to keep up
the waV against Amerioan rule in the
Philippines so long as he can hold his
followers in line, '. General La Garda,
who advised the insurgent chief tc
Quit, was decapitated by his order.
The Utah legislature adjourned
without electing a United States sena
tor to succeed Senator Cannon.
Governor Rogers, of ; Washington,
has vetoed the two school text-book
bills passed by the recent legislature.
M. Cam bon, the French ambassa
dor, has called at the department oi
state and served formal notice of the
signing ot the peace treaty ' at .Madrid.
' y The navy department has been ad
vised ot the arrival at ' Manila of the
battle-ship Oregon and Iris. Admiral
Dewey cabled that the Oregon is in a
fit condition for any duty.
A tornado has swept over a large
area of the South. The loss of life and
destruction of property has been' es
pecially heavy in Tennessee, Alabama,
Arkansas and Mississippi.
A Finnish deputation of 400 persons,
who recently arrived at . St. Peters
buig. to petition the czar against the
Ratification deeoress, has been or
dered to return home immediately, the
czar refusing to receive its members.
George Dewey, jr., has received a
letter from his father, the admiral, in
which he-says be is in good health, al
though somewhat fatigued. The ad
miral expressed the hope that his task
would be finished before long. -
The California legislature has ad
journed without electing a United
States senator. Nineteen ballots were
taken during the last day's session,
and 104 ballots since the convening oi
that body. ' .;
Two explosions have occurred at the
government ammunition factory at
Bourges. in the shell-filling - shop.
Three men were killed, and five were
injured. At Marseilles a cartridge ex
ploded, blowing up a quantity of gun
powder. 'Three men were injured and
great damage was done to the building.
The Imparcial, of Madrid, asserts
that a republican plot has been discov
ered in the province of 1 Seville; that
three of the leaders have been arrested,
and that Carlist movements have taken
place at Perpignan, capital of " the
Fienoh department of the Eastern Pyr
enees, where arms are said to be ac
cumulating. -o-
By the burning of the Windsor ho
tel, in New York, 16 persons lo6t their
lives, and others will probably die from
injuries received. The 'number of
missing is 66, and 67 were injured.
Jewelry to the value of $1,000,000, be
longing to guests, was lost. The
Windsor was a large but old building,
and burned; very rapidly. ;,
A monument costing $40,000 is to be
ereoted over the grave of a simple Ken
tucky private killed in the San Juan
fight. The soldier was only one of
many wealthy men who were prepared
to go to the front in any capacity;"
The Danish East Asiatic- Company.
limited, which, besides being a steam
ship company, owns large forests and
commercial establishments in Siam,
lately ordered four more 10,000-ton
steamers for its line between the Bal
tic and the. far East.
The Chicago Colony Isle of Pines
Co-operative Agricultural Community
has been organized at Chicago. As the
name indicates,! it will be located in
the Isle of Pineq. It is thought plenty
of fertile land San be procured, either
in the way of government concessions
or by purchase a a cheap price.
Captain Stetson, master of the bark
Oarondelet, at San Francisco, from New
castle, N. 8. Wi, reports passing an un
chartered reef) in the South- Pacific
ocean. The reel, as it showed above
the water, was about a quarter of a
mile long. ' - 1
May Be Located in
Alaska Soon.
There Is Growing Danger of a Bartons
Clash Between Americans and Cana
dians Near the Border.
Washington, March 33. The Brit
ish ambassador, Sir Julian Pauncefote,
conferred today with Secretary Hay in
reference, it is understood, to a modus
vivendi to be observed along the Alaska
border in order to obviate the possi
bility of a clash, pending the final de
limitation of the border. . ;''
-Tnonaed of this baa been emphasised
within the last few days by reports of
a battle between the Canadian and .the
American prospectors on the Prooupine
river- These reports have caused con
siderable uneasiness in official circles
in London, and efforts have been made
to learn the facta. There has been no
official information, however, either
here or in London. .. JoBt such a clash
has been expected, and the reports have
served to direct the attention of officials
of the need of effecting a border arrangement.-
The preliminary move in
this direction waa made aa soon as the
Anglo-American commission adjourned
without settling the border question.
Sir Julian then suggested that a tem
porary arrangement . be . made. - This
would maintain the status quo, each
side making no further advance pend
ing a final agreement on the boundary.
A temporary line probably will be
run by the two governments. This
would not affect permanent interests,
but would serve aa a legal barrier be
tween the lawless fortune-seekers in
that locality. The plan is favorably
received on both sides, and is -likely to
be earned into effect, although no
agreement has been entered into thus
far. ' - '.' ?v.-.,.M.r -. ,
Some important statements concern
ing the boundary line - situation are
given in official correspondence now on
file in . the state and interior depart
ments, which has never been made
Governor Brady, of Alaska, ss long
ago as the latter part of February called
attention to the extremely threatening
condition of affairs. February 31,
Governor Brady, who was here, had a
conference with both Secretary '88
who, waaheflgteavThg'ytieg&Uiiiet,
and Secretary Hay, in which he urged
that the aggressive acts of the Cana
dians should be promptly met. ,
Killed His Five Children and Attempt-
ed to Cremate the Remains.
Hutchinson, Kan., March 33. An
atrocious crime was revealed hereto-
day when the coroner and hia assist
ants removed the dead bodies of five
little children from the house occupied
by John Moore, 'whiob. burned at an
early hour. A coroner's jury investi
gated the case, and, in accordance with
the jury's recommendation, Mooie, the
father of the dead children, was arrest
ed on a charge of murder.
When the firemen and neighbors
reached the burning house, the' .father
was the only member of the family of
seven found outside. His actions were
queer, and he would not talk. While
the building was still burning and his
children within the burning walls, be
took a horse from his stable and rode
away. Wnen the firemen entered tne
house, alter having partly quenched
the flames, they found the five chil
dren, lying side by side, in a bed on
the floor, all dead, but not badly
The coroner's autopsy held this af
ternoon developed convincing evidence
of an awful crime. The skull of eaoh
child waa deeply indented, and fiom
the dents long fractures extended. All
but one of the children had been
stabbed in the neck. The throat of the
little 8-year-old, a boy, had been
slashed so deep that the spinal column
had been severed. It waa npon these
facts and the strange behavior of "the
father, that the authorities base their
charge of murder.
When Moore was called before the
coroner's jury to testify, he pretended
to believe that an exploding lamp had
oaosed the fire, and that bis children
had met death in the flames. He testi
fied that he was awakened from a deep
sleep by the smoke, . and he found the
house afire all over, . It was 15 min
utes, he said, before he recovered hia
senses, and then he did not try to save
the children, ' because he knew that
they must be dead, as the fire had
started in the room in which they were
sleeping. His riding away from the
fire he explained by stating that bis
wife was away from home attending a
sick lriend, and that he went to tell
her of their loss. Moore showed littie
conoern when the jury le turned the
verdict charging him with murder.
Soudan Expedition In the Falls-'."
London, March 21. An Anglo."
Egyptian expedition will be under
taken next autumn, according to a dis
patch from Cairo to the Daily Mail, to
finally dispose of his khalifa, Abdullah,
and the other dervish leaders in the
Soudan. .
No Trouble In Porta Rico.
WaahinDtnn. March' 22. The fol
lowing dispatch was made public to
"San Juan de Porto Rico. Adju
tant-General:- NewsDSDer reports of
conditions here and reported interviews
ith ae statins the cnanoea lavor an
uprising are absolutely false. There is
a ornnt final nf idle talk on the Dart of
the ignorant,' but that as to resistance
against law and order by the masses is
absurd. HENRY."
The Pope -Writing Terse..
Rome, March 21. The pope attend
ed mass today in his private chapel
and later received aeveral persons in
audience. He occupies his leisure
time in writing Latin verses.
The Strawboard Trust.
Chicago, March 32. The prospectus
of the organization of the Kational
Strawboard Ccmpany, under the laws
of New Jersey, was issued today;' It
provides that the company be capital'
ized at $6,000,000, equally divided be
tween common and. preferred stock,
the latter 7 tUMMgnt cumulative. v
r 7MM;,ent cumnl
. So
Evidence That It Was Used la
Blowing Up the Maine. -
Havana. March 22. Captain T. L
'Huston, of : the voluntlr engineers,
was questioned today by a press corre
spondent on the subject of the sfory
printed by a local newspaper at Cincin
nati, saying that the location Of the
keyboard by which the United States
battle-ship Maine was blown up in
Havana harbor on February. 15,' 1898,
had been found by him in a gunroom
of the Foerza prison, while engaged in
cleaning out the fortifications.? The
captain said the' use of hia name in
is connection was not authorized. tie
showed the correspondent a 'cable with
several wires running. iota the harbor
from Foerza -prison, opposite Cabanas
fortress. . One wire was connected With
a disused telegraph instrument in a
neighboring 'government building..
Though the cable baa not been invest i
gated by the United States euginis
the supposition, is that it runs - to Ca
banas, across the' harbonj and has been
used for telegraphing There is a .re
mote chanoe that the wires in the cable
were connected with mines or torpedoe,
but there is no indication that it had
anything to do with the blowing up of
the Maine. The end of the cable
stioking'out of Foerza prison baa been
seen by .tourists for week past. Many
soldiers-have also seen the cable, and
many have expressed the belief that it
waa used to blow up the Maine, v
Du to Greater Volume of Bnslness, Not
to Decrease In the Supply.
Washington, March 33. Controller
of the Currency Dawes, In answer to
inquiries ' today in regard to the ap
parent Scarcity of paper money, said.
"The chief , reason for the growing
demand for paper money is unquestion
ably the inorease in the general volume
of : business. ". There- has been no re
duction in the amount of paper money
whiob of itself would, cause scarcity..
The situation in reference to, bills is
brought about by the increased demand
and not by a decrease in the supply.
"The amount of paper money in cir
culation March 1, 1899, is much gi eat
er than it was one year ago. ' While
the decrease in circulation in 1 the
amount of gold certificates is $3,475,
950, in treasury notes, $4,369,971, and
ourrenoy certificates $25,335,000, the
circulation of silver certificates has in
creased in the mm of $16,113,378, "and
United States notes $44,141,313, mak
ing the total net : increase of govern
ment paper in . circulation $37,195,569,
which, addedjo the inreasejrf
155,825 in national bank circulation,
makea the ' total increase of paper
money in circulation over one year ago,
Horsehair's Remains nt Portsmouth.
" Portsmouth, Eng., March 23. The
British cruiser Talbot, from New York,
March, 8 which arrived off Spithead
yesterday with the remains of the late
Baron Herschell on board, waa berthed
at the dockyards . here today, v The
casket containing the body was; disem
barked at 3:30 P. M. The gnarda-of-
honor presented arms, and the Inassed
bands played a funeral march as the
casket . was brought ashoie. . As the
train left the depot at 3:25 P. M. the
combined bugle bands sounded the last
post and the port-guardship fired 20
minute guns. During the ceremony all
the ships in. commission flew their
flags at half-mast. - '
Pone In Porto Rico.
San Juan de Porto Rico, Maroh 31.
The reports contained in newspapers
just received here, alleging that dan
ger exists of an uprising of the natives.
are regarded with astonishment, and
are absolutely without foundation in
fact. The only disturbances that have
occurred here have been local fights
between the American volunteers and
the lower classes. The press corre
spondent, who has just returned from
an extended trip through the island.
found only occasional evidences Of dis
satisfaction resulting from brawls, and
local politics and the Amerioan Officers
nowhere ridicule the idea of an up
rising of the natives, who, they say,
are without weapons, and are entirely
lacking in organization.
Martial Lav nt Skagway. :
Victoria, B. C, March 31. The
steamer Amur, which arrived Friday,
reports a riotous outbreak of railroad
strikers at Skagway.' The men: made
an unsuccessful attempt to drive the
non-striking workmen from camp No.
1. White, the ringleader, led a) large
body of men to the camp, where Whit
ing, the railroad surgeon, and a few
men stood as guards. Whiteadvanced
in front of the-party and parleyed for a
few minutes, then sprang for Whiting,
who knocked him down with ra- rifle,
breaking it and stunning White. The
rioters then dispersed. White will re
cover. One hundred men have " been
sworn in to assist the marshal, and the
town is under martial law.
Kalulanl's Funeral. " i - i ,
Seattle. Wash.. Maroh 23. The
steamer Einshiu Maru, which arrived
tonight from Japan by way of Hono
lulu, brings advices that great prepara
tions were being made at Honolulu for
the funeral of Princess Kaiulani, who
was to be buried March 13. It was
expeoted that the procession would be
the largest ever seen in Honolulu, not
excepting those of Queen Emma and
King Kalakaua. The line was to be
composed of fraternal, political and re
ligious societies, the schools, the na
tional guard of Hawaii, United States
engineers and troops from the war
ships, and government and, consular
officials and relatives." Large numbers
of people from all over the island were
arriving. 7
Rhodes Will Be Decorated. -
London, Maroh 33. Emperor Will
iam, it is said, will confer the order f
the Crown of Prussia upon Cecil
Rhodes, the South Afiican magnate.
.';i;:-8trnek by a Train. "
Anburn, Cat,' March 83. A borse
on the railroad track near Clipper Gap
switch was the primary cause of a rail
road accident m which two trainmen
were killed and a third seriously in
jured. West-bound freight No. 9
struck the horse, with the result that
the first engine of the train was
ditched and its boiler broken. The
engineer and firemen were scalded to
death and an unknown helper was bad
ly bnrned. Those killed were Engineer
Fred Withan and Fireman Edward
They Run .When . Battle Is
Offered Them. I
Brave v Action of a' Company of Wash
ington Volunteers Their Coolness In
the Faee of the Enemy. '
London, March 31. A dispatch from
Manila aaysfi -JJc yl .s.rt -; w 4-:
In the fighting of Sunday the Ameri
can Jpaa was seven kilted and 30 wound
ed. Among the killed is -Private James
Page, of company D, and. Private
Thomas J. .Smith, of .company E, Seo-
ond'Ormron.'r --' '' . . . ,
- Among the incident of yesterday's
fighting. was the coolness exhibited by
a company of lYasbingqn volunteers,
who crossed the river in a native canoe
under a ' heavy fire,- 1& being taken
across on each trip of the small boat,
to attack the enemy's trendies. The
inability of the commissary train to
keep up with the advance led to con
siderable suffering; and - many of the
men were completely exhausted when
they, were recalled, and, falling from
the ranks, weie strung along for a dia
tance of almost six miles, numbers re
turning to camp in the artillery ambu-
lanoes. which were always close np to
the lines. The work of the ambulances
was especially worthy of mention.
Amcng the dead are - several who were
previously reported as wounded.
.V Rebels Were Entrapped.
Manila, March 31. Some of the
rebels recently expelled , from Cavite
nd the small towns in the vioinity of
Paeug .combined forces and last night.
a already cabled, attacked a company
if , the . Washington volunteers, a de
tached post at Taguig, about a mile
and a half southeast of Pasig. Gen-
sral Wheaton immediately reinforced
the Americans with two companies
racb of the Washington and Oregon
regiments. The post bad held the
ttnemy in check, and the fire of the re-
enforcing companies repulsed them.
chiving- them across to an island formed
by the estuary. " They were thua in
front, of the Twenty -second regulars. -
On discovering that they were en
trapped the rebels fought desperately,
aided materially by the jungle and the
darkness, but they were completely
loss, after two
Amerlcanr lorfl
two killed and 20 wounded, among the
latter Lientenant Frank Jonea.
' General Wheaton determined to pun
.sli the ntives, and at daybreak today
his brigade started in the following or
der: The Sixth artilleiy, holding the
extreme right; the Oregon volunteers,
holding' the center, the Washington
regitjwnt . keeping to the . edge of - the
lake, and the Twenty second regulars,
occupying the light of the line, which
swept the whole country along the lake
within a . southeasterly direction, to
ward General .. Overshine's , position.
The line thus extended over two miles
of country, rough and . covered with
thick jungle, advanced eloven miles.
The enemy fled, the last of them being
seen about 3:30 this afternoon. At
scarcely any time did the Americans
jet within 1.300 Tarda of them.
Condemning All Who, Favor Reeencll
lation With America.
; Manila, March 31. It is reported.
on hitherto reliable authority, that
Aguinaldo is taking extreme measures
to suppress s igns calculated to cause a
cessation of hostilities. Twelve ad
herents or the Dlan of independence,
residents of Manila, have been con
demned to death because thev were ad
vising surrender, and all loyal Fill
pinos have been called upon to perform.
the national service of dispatohing
On Friday last. La Garda visited
Lagordas for the purpose of advising
Aguinaldo to quit. He argued, with
the insurgent leader, and attempted to
convince him of the folly of hia per
sistence in the face of overwhelming
odds. Aguinaldo was furious at the
advance and Ordered General La Garda
to be exeouted immediately.
Armour Co. Covered It With What
: . Was Called Preservation.
Leavenworth, Kan., Maroh 31. The
arnvy-beef court of inquiry concluded
the taking of testimony at Fort Leav
enworth at noon today, and at 4:15 de
parted for Chicago, where the session
will be- resumed. The sole witness
examined today was Sergeant Edward
Mason, troop A,- First United States
oavalry, located at Fort Robinson, Ne
braska, who served as regimental com
missary ; : sergeant at Lakeland, F la.,
and during the Cuban campaign.
Sergeant Mason's testimony waa
probably the most diteci that had been
adduced since the court left Chicago.
Witness declared that the meat re
ceived at Lakeland for use in his regi
ment was "undoubtedly chemically
treated." "An agent of Armour &
Co.," be further testified, ."told me at
the time that this meat had been
treated with what was called preserv
aline.' Witness had refused to ao
oept the meat. Sergeant. - Mason was
interrogated individually by each
member of the court, and'could not be
shaken in his testimony, i.
Explosions Alarm France.
Paris, March 81. Although there is
no evidence that they were caueed by
foul play, the explosions at the" govern
ment ammunition factories yesterday.
following so closely upon the terrible
disaster at La Goubran, near . Toulon,
have caused widespread; public alarm.
The greatest precautions have been
adopted at the factoriea, sentries being
doubled at all such places.
Train Jumped the Track.
Volland, Kan.,' March 20. East-
bound passenger No. 3, on the Rock
Island, jumped the track near here to
day. The. tank, baggage car and
smoker went down the bank. A com
bination mail and baggage' car, two
coaches and chair Cars were burned.
( Oregon Land Patent Approved.
Y Washington, March 21. The secre
tlsry . of the treasury has approved a
patent of 19,662 acres ot land in the
Kosebaru land district, Oregon, to the
Oregon A California Railroad Com
People Killed, Houses Demolished and
Farms Devastated.
Memphis, Tenn., , March- 81. A
series or windstorms have swept through
portions of Alabama, Mississippi and
Arkansas , today, doing ' an immense
amount of - property 7 damage and kill
ing a number of v people. The storm
covered a radius of -several hundred
miles, destroying telegraph . wires and
Cutting . off communication -with '
large section of the country.. : Cleburne
county,': "Alabama,"";' seems to have
Buffeted the most severely, the storm
assuming tlve porportions of a tornado.
At Sellers and Lnverne, Ala., - much
damage ia reported, and at Rob Roy,
Ark., one man was killed and several
babdly injured. . JJumas, Ark., was
nearly wiped out of existence, and sev
eral Other towna in the vicinity suffer
ed severely. One person is reported
killed- at Hickory Flat, Miss., and aa
the farmhouses in the vioinity Buffered
heavily, it ia not unlikely many fa
talities occurred which have not yet
been reported. : . i
.Reports from different points in the
three states indicate that . 18 persons
'Were killed outright and 21 injured; as
follows:' Alabama. 16 killed, four in
jured; Arkansas, one killed, seven in
lurea. mo property: loss will "run
into the hundreds oft thousands. c'- j
Seven Persons Killed.
Birmingham, Ala., March 81.- A
cyclone passed ! through the country
here today, creating great havoc in the
country between Heflin and Edwaida
ville. It is known seven people, mem
be i s of the family of Mr. Coffee, a far
mer, are dead, and it is . thought many
others are injured, although on account
of the damage done . by the storm to
the telegraph wires, it is impossible to
give details.- The house contained 11
people when it was struck by the storm.
The binding was entirely demolished,
and seven - inmates were killed out
right. - ;--';
........... . ... ... -
- Birmingham, Ala., March 21. Ad
ditional details ox toe tornado near
Edward grille were received here to
night. The dead number 11, and 14
were badly injured.
The path of the storm was about 200
yards wide, and it traversed the coun
try for 12 miles, beginning in the
northern part of Cleburne county, near
Iron City, and moving southward
There was an immense funnel-shaped
cloud that bounded along like a rubber
ball, rising at intervals and leaping
several hundred yards without doing
any damage. Then, when it descend
ed, it would pick up houses and crush
- tiifinijo pieces, uproot trees or twist
them ofrthe-gformoVand Sweep all. be
fore it. Lewis Coffee's residence, i
strong donble house, situated on a lit
tle hill, was swept away and the tim
bers scattered for a mile. Ten of its
eleven occupants were instanly killed.
Except the body of the- baby, which
waa found- under the : ruins of the
chimney, the' corpses - of the victims
were carried half a mile, and
nine of 'them were found heaped to
gether. Every body had been stripped
of its . clothing. One was twisted
around a stump and two otners were
headless. Beside the body of the fa
ther lay Bessie Coffee, the only mem
ber of the family not instantly killed
She was unconscious and her arms were
around her dead . father's neck. Sh
ia unable to talk and will die.
Mob of Five or Six Hundred Attack
American Health Officers. .
Laredo, Tex., March 21. The work
of removing smallpox patients to the
pesthouse, under - direction of State
Health Officer Blunt, was begun this
morning. . After 10 had been removed.
the officers encountered on East Mata-
moras street a mob of Mexicans, who
menaced them in such a mannei that
the chief of police was telephoned for,
Marshall Joe Barthelow and Assistant
Marshal Nye Idar hurried . to the
scene, and when they attempted to ar
rest the leaders of the disturbance,
they were assaulted -with 'stones and
fired upon. Nye Idar was knocked
down and severely beaten about the
head before he could be rescued. One
of the rioters was shot, but aided by
Iiia friends, managed to escape. About
20 shots were fired, a dozen arrests
made, and the mob dispersed. . -
The health officers resumed - their
work, but were soon met by anothei
mob of 500 or 600 Mexicans, many oi
them armed. As they could, not con
tend with this force, the health officers
desisted, and Dr. Blunt opened tele
graphic communication with Governor
Sayera. As a result, he was instructed
to call on the United States military
authorities at Mcintosh, in the name
of the governor, for such assistance as
was needed, and later he waa Informed
that the war department, had . tele
graphed authority to use troops. The
Mexicans ..are much exoited, and ex
press contempt for the negro United
States soldiers. .
. White Pass Strike Broken. t
Seattle, March 23. The backbone ol
the strike on the White Pass & Yukon
railroad has been broken, according to
ths officers of the steamer Rosalie,
which arrived today from Skagway. J.
R. White, one of the strike leaders,
has been sentenced to six months' im
prisonment at Sitka, by United States
Commissioner Sehlbrede, for inciting
riot. -
Malls Go Pp. ,
Pittsburg, March 22. The American
Steel & Wire Company has made an,;
other advance of 15 cents a keg in the
price of nails. Small lota are how
quoted at $2.30 a keg.
' Safe Crackers at Work.
Tacoma, Wash., March 33. The
safe of the Tacoma theater was robbed
by burglara last night. Five hundred
dollars were stolen, the receipts of
Saturday night's play. It is claimed
the loss is covered by insurance.
- " Taeoma Newsboys Strike.
Tacoma. - Wash.'. March ' 22. The
newsboys of the city have notified, the
daily papers of the o;ty that they will
strike if the one girl now selling papers
: n- BLni n l u :
New York, March 22. Secretary
Alger'a official transport, the Ingalls,
left the government pier in Brooklyn
today. She will go to Savannah, there
to receive Secretary Alger and his patty
bound to Havana. On the Ingalls was
a part of the personal effects of ths
late General Calixto Garcia. They are
being taken to Havana.
End of War Between Spain
and the United States.
The Treaty Will Be Forwarded to the
French Ambassador for the O
. .'j Signed by President McKinley. -
' Madrid, March 20. The queen .re
tent has siirnad thn treat of neaca.
The signed treatv will be forwarded to
the French ambassador at Washington,
lor exchange with the one signed . bj
President McKinley. No decree on tha
subject will be published in the Offi
oial Gazette. ' ; - -
. Washington. March 20. In the ab
sence of any direct diplomatio com
munication between the United Statef
and Spain, Secretary . Hay expects U
receive his first formal notice of th
ratification of the peace treaty ' by ' th
queen regent through the medium ol
the French embassy here.
The next Step must be taken bj
Spam.' which must name a special en
voy and notify the United States gov
ernment of the , probable date upon
which he will present himself al
Washington with the exchange copy o'
the treaty of peace. :
. Although in most instances : littli
more than a perfunctory 'ceremony, is
the case of the exobange of the rati flea
tion of this treaty the details will ' be
of more than ordinary interest, for the
occasion will be historical.
Spanish-American War.
February 18, 1898 Battle-shii
Maine blown up in Havana harbor,
April 20 President authorised bj
congress to intervene : in Cuba witt
army and navy.
April 22 Blockading proclamatioi
issued. First gun of the war fired bj
gunboat Nashville, in oapturing the
prize Buena Ventura.
April 23 President calls for 125,
000 two-year volunteers.
April 25 War with Spain is de
April 29 Cervera'a fleet sails foi
Cuba. '
May 1 Rear-Admiral Dewey de
strays entire fleet of Admiral Montojo,
in Manila bay. ; ,
May II Ensign Bag'ey killed ai
Cardenas. ; -
May 19 Cervera'a fleet seeks refuge
tn Santiago de Cuba bay. .
-Njay 85 'President. ealla for 75,000
add jTOTuii tears.
June a Hobson sinks Ihe Merrinjac
in Santiago iiaroor, and is taken
oner with seven volunteers who accom
panied bim. - 'ie-": ' '
June 10 Six hundred United States
marines landed at TJafmanera.
June 13 Camara'a fleet sails from
Spain. " " '-
June 22 Shafter'a army lands at
Daiquiri and Siboney.
July 1 Law ton and Kent and rough
riders take San Juan hill, losing 231
men, with 1,364 wounded.
July 8 Cervera'a fleet destroyed by
Spam peon's squadron.
.- July 17 Toral surrenders Santiago
and eastern portion of Cuba.
July 25 General Miles lands in
Porto Rico, near Ponce.
juiy ze Spain proposes - peace
through French Ambassador Cam bon.
"- July. 81 Battle of Malate, neai
August 12 Spain and United States
sign peace protocol defining terms.
August 20 united states peace
commission named. ,
November 28 Final terms of United
States aooepted by Spain at Paris.
December 10 Treaty of peace signed
at Paris.'
" January 6, 1899 Treaty ratified by
United States senate.
Maroh 17 Treaty signed by queen
regent of Spain.
Ksnta Arrange a Conference. .
Washington, Maroh 20. Admiral
Xaots has cabled the secretary of the
.uvy from Apia, Samoa, via Auckland,
N. Z., that he baa arranged for a meet
ing of the three consuls, those of the
United States, Great Britain and Ger
many, at an early date, to have a free
discussion of Samoao affairs. The
oable dispatch is dated a week ago.
Stranded at Copper River.
Seattle, March 30. Miners who ar
rived here last night from Copper
river. Alaska, say that Governor Brady
baa been requested to ask the govern
ment to send a vessel to Copper river
for the purpose of bringing home
stranded prospectors. There are be
tween 200 and 800 there who are with
out means to secure transportation.
Many . of them are suffering from
"Exploration ot Alaska.
Seattle, March 20. In furtberanoe
of the government's plana to continue
the exploration of Alaska thia season.
Assistant Quartermaster Robinson has
received orders to purchse 1 pack ani
mals for - the use of the Abercrombie
and Glenn parties, who will visit the
Sushitna and Koyukuk districts. A
75 ton light-draught Btearner-will also
be purchased by the government. -
' Princess Kaiulani Dead.
Honolulu, via San Francisco, Maroh
20. Princess Kaiulani died Maroh 8
of inflammatory rheumatism. In 1891
Kaiulani was proclaimed heir apparent
to the Hawaiian throne.
Ordered Borne for Muster Out.
Washington, March . 20. Four com
panies of the Second volunteer .engi
neers, now at Honolulu, have been or
dered to San Francisco to be mustered
Oshkosh Streets Oader Water.
Osbkosb. Wis . March 14. A heaw
tain, preceded by a thaw, has resulted
in flooding various parts of the oity.
In the low district of the south side a
number of streets are under water, and
manv families have been ' romnftllxd
40 move their household goods to the
apper atones.
7 T mead at Havana.
Havana, March .' 20. Tba United
States v transport - Meade, having on
board 13,000.000 for Cuban troops, ar
dvad ber thia raomiog.
ATaay Lives "Lost In the - Burning nf tha
Windsor. New Tork.
New York. March 20. Flames
which originated -from the igniting ot
a laca curtain, burst forth from tne sec
ond floor of the Windsor hotel, at Forty
seventh stieet and Fifth avenue Short
ly after 8 o'clock this, afternoon, just
as the St. Patrick's day parade was pas
sing the building, And in a few mo
ments they had leaped to the root and
enveloped the entire Fifth-avenue and
Forty-seventh street fronts of the hotel.
Ten minutes later the flames were roar
ing through the interior of the. hotel,
and all escape by means .of - the stair
ways and elevators waS cot off. "
There waa the wildest scene of excite
ment within and without the building.
Hundreds of guests and employes wars
in the hotel when the fire broke out,
and for many of them to escape with
safety waa impossible. Probably 15
lives were lost within half hour, and
45 or 60 persons were injured in jump
ing from windows; and in ruahing
through the roaring flames - in the cor
ridors and stairways. Many who were
injured died later in nearby residences
and at hospitals, and others who made
wild leaps to the stone sidewalk were
so badly injured that , they are still
hovering between life and death.' It
may be 24 hours or more, before the
complete ' list of . fatalities, becomes
known, and it will be longer than that
before it can be ascertained 'definitely
bow many charred... bodies are in the
mass of fallen masonry ; that mark the
spot where the hotel stood. .
Thua far 14 are known to be dead,
42 injured, and 41 missin g. .
Koaaatto Fleet Will ; Be Sent to Ad-
mlral Dewey.".' .'.. ''
Washington, March 30. The navy
department is taking ateps toward the
formation of a mosquito fleet for - the
Philippines. The conditions now pre
vailing in Luzon indicate that for a
long time it will be necessary to main
tain a strict police of the coast and in
land waters. or the " inland work,
especially, the department will need
tome very light-draught, boats. For
this work the big ocean tugs that
formed the mosquito fleet that operated
around Cuba during the blockade, and
of which the government has a num
ber, are now being looked over with a
view to just this service. Some of
them are on the Pacific coast
" The department has figured out a
coasting voyage that will take them np
the Alaskan coast, coaling at Sitka, to
Unalaska and Cook inlet, thence down
through the Aleutian islands to Hako
date, the northern point of Japan, from,
wheie they can make the run across
the China sea down to Hong Kong and
thence to thePuilippines, It will be
a -two-months' voyage, but one
that can be ma-s-fey.
Avalanche oath's
SeattlerWcsh., MaWl0.-A hugs
avalanche of ice abd anow on the Great
Northern railway, near .Wellington,
has done so much damage that traffio
between this city and Spokane ' will be
suspended until next Monday. An
iion bridge 100 feet long baa- been car
ried away. The slide is located be
tween Wellington and Madison, about
17 miles west of the switchback. Pend
ing the resumption of traffic, the Great
Northern's business is being transferred
to the Nothern Pacific at Spokane and
this city. A large force of men it
working night and day repairing tbs
damage.. "-- J .. , .-
' The Cnpe-to-Calro Railroad. -
London, March. 20. The Berlin cor
respondent Of the Standard, discussing
the recent visit to the German capital
of Mr. Cecil Rhodea - id connection
with hia Cape-to-Cairo railway project,
eays: - -
The government, it is believed, will
submit to the reiohstag a bill asking a
guarantee of 8 per cent interest for
that portion of the line which crosses
German territory in East Africa., This
section will be built and worked ex.
oluslvely by Germane and superintend
ed by the German- government It is
not unlikely, however, that a portion
of the capital will be offered . for sub
scription in England.
A censed nf Poisoning Her Bay,
San Francisco, March 20. The cor
oner's jury investigating the case ol
John Richard Gray, the 3-year-old boy
who died ol carbolic acid poisoning a
few days ago, returned a verdict to
night that death wasoaused by carbolic
aoid poisoning administered by some
person unknown. Mrs. Adams, the
child's mother, who.has been held on
suspiolon of having poisoned the boy.
waa immediately charged with murder
on the register of the city prison, where
she is confined.
Will Operate From New Tork. .
Worcester, Mass., Match 80. The
American Steel & Wire Company an
nounces that ita business center hero-
after will be in New York and ita ex
ecutive business will be transferred
to Chicago and San Francisco. The
large business offioes at Cleveland and
Worcester will be the first to be abol
ished. It ia stated that this will result
in saving nearly $30,000 in the annual
expense account The beads ot coal
and sale departments, insulated, flat
and barbed wire departments and the
purchasing agents will be transferred
to Chicago, it is reported. ? i;
Aa Illinois River Freaki -Havana,
111., March 20. A floating
island, between one and two acres in
extent, and from four to five feet thick,-
baa come down the Illinois river. It
collided with a cabin-boat and smashed
in the keel and landed it ashore. Tha
island struck a pier of the wagon
bridge, violently shaking the atruoture
and throwing crossing horses from
their feet The island is now stranded
between the pier and the ahore, and
the oity authorities contemplate blow
ing it np with dynamite.
Rebels Captured. : .-
Manila, March 20. Company G,
First Washington volunteers, baa . cap
tured 150 additional prisoners near
Taguig, and also seised some ammuni
tion. Most of . the rebels' arms wore
hidden or thrown Into the river.
The engineers have thrown a tem
porary bridge across the Pasig river tor
the artillery and commissary trains, '
The Twentieth regiment wilt return
from the front today. ; :
New York, March 20. The steam
hip Etruria, aailing for Europe tomor .
tQW, WiU t&ka 845.000 QHttQes of UTr