The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, February 04, 1886, Image 2

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St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon -
year, in advance..
. . . . $2 00
.... 100
i'rofessional cards, one year
One column one year
Half coiuinn one year
I juarter colmnn one year
? 12
One inch one month - -
One i'Ah thlee month
Onednch, by theyear,ier month 1
Local notices fif teen 'cents' er line for the first
Insertion, ten cents per linefor each BuWim-nt
Leal advert i.sement. two dollars per inch for
f rst insertion and one dollar per inch for each
nubscqueiit insertion.
1. Ci. ADAMS. Publisher. '!
A. B. ADAMS, Business Manager.
Official Directory.
iTuitse F. A. Moore.
Clerk N. C. Dale.
Hhwitf T. C. Watt.
Treasurer 15i-hard Cox
Assessor J. H. Swaer.
School Sujerintendent K,"E. Quick.
Surveyor T. Wilkes.
t IE MAIbS. "ij,
litVER: PTi river mail closes at S a. m.
Thc up river mail closes at 1 p. m.
The mail from Vcrnonia and Pitsbur leaves
it. Ht lens Mondays and Fridays at 2 p. m
llAir.KOAi: Xorth bound closes at 10 a.'m.
South 1kuihI closes at 2 p. m.
The Adamses iu.TAntcricju
The three leading families on Mar
tha's Vineyard Mass. were the Mayhews
tlitntocks ahdS Adamses. Their ances
tors were settled ministers who were
in factjthe original nobility of New Eng
land. The Adamses there wete JinosUy
sea-captains. Cape Mayhew Adams
married a! Davis. ITe was unfortunate,
losing aVes,el, being wrecked, and suH
ering great hardships. His brother
John was a great astronomer, and pub
, lished ft work of great ingenuity cn the
revolutions of the planets. One of the
Adamses married a Look. The wife of
Robinson for many years Keeperof the
light-house at Gay head, CLilmark was
an Adams. Their daughter was .noted
for her great beauty, she and a cousinj a
Miss Norton were the admiration of all
spectators at the Millennial Grove
camp-meeting on Martha's Vineyard.
These ladies married leading Merchants
in New Bedford. The wife of a Mr.
Johnson at West Tisbury was an A dams,
und was the mother of Mrs. Matilda
Davis, Mrs. Emily McCollum and Mrs.
Whiting, who married a Mr. Whiting
In the Coast survey, a friend of Capt.
Cleveland Rockwell. Mrs Davis was
very handsome, and fascinating. Mrs
JohRson in her young days had been
-very beautiful. In old days the Adam
ses on Martha' Vineyard were very
rich. How it is now with them we can
not telV We were somewhat acquain
ted with the Adamses of Newburyport.
The mother of our first wife Sarah Cobb
Plume? was Hannah Adams. She was
a big uiasculiue looking woman. We
saw her once take a big fellow, a six
footer by the collar, drag him out a long
mdewalk at the end of the house and
m'trdi him beadlou" into the strceL-be
t ...... 0 ,
vas a holy terror. She was atousitvoy
Capt, Philip Johnson
in OI .Astoria. ttlfi
M as the daughter of a man called "Can
opy" Adams. I don't know why h
was called "Canopy' unless lcause
everybody under the canopy stood in
terror of him. lie was a perfect Her
cules in strength. Our first horn must
have resembled him as he weighed 14
pound at his birth and was double-jointed
throughout Our first children con
tained the blood of the Adamses, Plum
rrs, Dressers, Severance?, Vinsl0w3and
AVebsters on our wife's fide . Our tirst
wife was a descendant of the aunt of the
great Daniel Webster ,and the Webster
family ur.ed to visit us. The tVebs:rr
family originatedjfrom Kingston, N. H.
My wife's great gravid-father fought
ut the battle of Runker llil! and my
wif( hadt'a little pebblej he put in his
pocket as he as charging up the side of
the hill, also a letter dated from the field
of battle to his wife, i His great: anxiety
in the lelter was about an old cow that
had a bad habit of hooking her way into
the vegetables in his wife's garden. His
name was Severance and his wife's maid
en name Webster. In Newburyport
across the street (Salem street) from us
lived Aaron Adams who married a
widow Cheever.'and had two beautiful
young loys. She had a son Renjaihin
Cheever who married a lovely woman
from the North of Ireland. He had
been to California. Mrs Plunier had a
Mother named Joseph Adams, and a
sister who married a Merritt in Boston
"We knew our wife's aunt Mrs. Merritt
also her son Charles H. Merritt. "y
boarded with hire when a clerk for
Chipman &, Co. carpet men, also when
we were clerk in a shoe store. Charles
H. Merritt had a sister (jutte a great
writer. When a .widow Messer she
taught in tho public schools in Boston.
She'afterwards married a big merchant
running a large seed store. She tried
to lx; exceedingly high toned. She said
of us that we were the finest conver
sationalist she ever met, and exceeded
all the boasted wits oC Boston in intelli
gence and humor. This lady had a son
DnmVl Messer who is one of the greatest
inventors of the age, and has realized an
immense fortune. JUS iamer uicu ui
the yellow fever in New Orleans. Mrs.
Plumer had another sister Mrs. Lander
who lived in Newburyport. Her son
Henry married a sister of U. S. Senator
Aaron Sargent of California. Mrs. Lan
der was a very handsome woman and a
lady of great spirit arid brought up her
family with great gentility. There was
a Mrs. Martha Watts in Newburyport
who was an Adams, and had ffister
"who married a Johnson. She was a very
intelligent lady, and always a gat
friend to us. We were acquainted with
George Adams of By field. He was a
splendid gentleman. Coll' Daniel .Ad tins
was one of the pillars of the "VVliitidieM
Congregational Church. He was a great
rail-road mat), an engine on the Kastern
ltoad long lore the name of Col. D. Ad
ams. The Whiteiirld Church was where
Rev. George Whitefield was buried also
Parson Jlil ton. There was a great ex
citement about Col. D. Adams in the
Church of which Dr. Spaulding was
pastor. It was said the Colonel had
courted a widow a little stronger than
was proper tor a Church-member ana a
married mau. There was a heap ot
pow-wow-ing and whisperings ar.d sur-
mismgs, but it all ended m smoke. At
least the Church stuck to him or he to
the Church, and the blame was all sad
dled upon the poor widow whose purse
was not m all probability as full' as the
Colonel's. At least the curtain was pull
ed down and the tableau declared finish
ed: 1 forgot to mention Joel Adams,
lie was not the one that swallowed tio
whale. He raised a line family of chil
dren who wero- very enterprising.
More anon. E. G. Adam.
Dear lady, how could you decline
A love so waim so puro as mine?
You could not thintc that I would d .
Au;lit that would Injure one like you
My love though of the warmest kmd
Is of a nature most re lined.
The way mv glance shine and blink
Tisonly.viitue I think.
You know it from my s lowing face
That virtue rutin in all my race.
That naught could tempt ir.e into sin
So ure my heart that dwells within.
Wnelie'er I e your glowing eyes
I think. 'of Heaven and l'aradise, --
Your hair reminds of an'el wins,
Your voice an aniel when he sins,
No thoughts would make an auel blush
Are suffered in my heart to Rush.
Alone with you in room or houso
I'd be as harmless as a motive
Which uii.'lit perchance crawl up your skirt
I'.ut which would neither bite nor hurt.
Although my heart is full of love,
I'm harmless as a sucking dove..
You need not fear me near or far,
In history carters mix with stars,
Kmblem of Venus and of Mars,
In I Rhetoric metaphors you'll find.
My love is only in my mind.
If you fhoul.i throw your arms around,
I'd" be a ship that's run aground
With rudder stuck within the mud.
It would not stir, you know, my blood,
I'd forcibly undo your .rasp.
And leave you nith a timorous ;j:vsp,
I'm safe no matter how von place me.
So weak with stays you'll have to brace mo,
My form, my looks mv ait, my talk,
Show that I'm one that's u.sed to balk,
The safest kind of of man to handle
Without even a lL-ht or candle,
I stand upon a hirh pedestal,
Wil m.L'ht be called by all a Vestal.
If there is one thing in this world more than
another that I have longed to possess, even for
an hour, it was a dross suit, no you can just im
ainne how 1 telt the other aav wnen mv eve
caught the alxvesign ina tailoring establii.hmcnt
under the Pa!:ee Hotel.' I knew that near!
everything in San Francisco wa-s for rent, but
I had no i ic-a that its society people were sn
hard up that thev had to rent out their clothe
to raise a revenue with. In less time than it
takes to write it I found invself attired, in one
of the handsomest broad-cloth suits I had ever
laid my eyes on, much less my hands, and after
putting up two dollars and Miming an iron-clad
receipt I started out to attend an afternoon lawn
party. As I marched up Market street I felt
tor once in my life that I was the observed of
the observers. Even the street-cars seemed to
frlack up a I approached and I am almost sure
that I detected a smile on the face of the Eotta
fountain as I passed by. Not knowing how
soon I might be able to hire another suit I con
cluded in justice to myself to try and sr-cure
some genteel situation while I was dressed up.
Hastily running down the want column of the
Examiner I discovered the following :
"Wanted A iirst class reader t read two
hours a day to an invalid. Apply to Miss
I.arh'n. 70S Howard street."
When I reached the piemises I found about
2"0 others ahead of me, but I manged to get
near enough to make out the notice that was
pined on the floor and which read follows:
'Please don't ring the patient is dead." I
m;d. mi mv tion.l :it. rmi' th:if. f;iiir AIitii.
waa in town and had got in ahead f me with
vome oi m poeiry, so i w.-iiKeu ii.ick to me
oei anp turneo over tne domes in time to
( the waiter appear in full dress at the dinner
table of the Palace Hotel. MhiutkV.
' l)um that old Major Adams ! He alwvvs gets
in ahead, and always kills those who are "Laflin"
at him. Dennis Mid get lft in Ids own mud.
Anybody that wants to h a angel and
wear a starry crown, can be made one by apply
ing to Major Adams. He kills or cures.
Wonder whether when Ienris turned over
his clothes the waiter found any deposit on
- If our jioetry kills fools it will surpass Shakes
peare' anc! thin out Dennis.
m pro ksxiiiiiiii
The February issMe'of the livtiti.ASi' Month
ly will be publishel January 2Sth. Its anounce
ments indicate a number "of special interest and
great variety. It will contain A Continuation
of the Discussion of Chin?. Labor, which at
trarted so much notice in the last two numbers,
including, probably, a paper from one of the
leaders of the Tacoina Anti-Chinese Movement
and certainly a paper front John S. Hitte'd. ,
A very competent critical estimate of Mr. Ed
far S. Ktlley's "Music of Macbeth'' is also to
be in the nuuilsr,- besides the jc'rioiiic review of
New Novels and Verse. Charles Warren Stod
dard is to be among poets of the number, and
the Editorial Departments, includitg Comments
and Ueviews, will be unusuady full and various,
completing a very notable number.
As there has been much inquiry as
,o what the Monroe System is and what
kind of a Physician 1 am, 1 take this
occasion to answer to some extent these
questions. 1 am a Student of the Roy
al Academy of Physicians of Europe
and a thorough graduate. This School
is the regular old Allopathic School.
Now the Monroe System is nothing
in conflict with that but a step onward
and upward in the line of Medical
science. I is an advanced method of
obtaining the correct and true Diagnosis
of diseases by means of the Nervous
System, Respectfully yours
Dr. A. B. Apams.
Mr, Mitchell, of Oregon, introduced
the following bills in the ' Sniate which
was read twice and referred to the Com
mittee on Commerce. A ljilPf!roviding
an appropriation for the continuance of
improvements at the mouth of the Col
umbia River.
Be it enacted by the Senate -and House
of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled. That
the sum of one million three hundred
and thirty thousand dollars be, and the
same is hereby, appropriated, out of an'
moneys in the lreasury not otherwise ' who arise and call him messed Many
appropriated, to le expended between j of these ladies would object to a public
the date of the passage of thw act aiid j it v of their names from natural modesty.
June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ;
e 1 o-l ltv-se ven. under the direction 01 the
.Secretary of War, in continuing the im
provements at the mouth of the Colum
bia River, Oregon and Wash ngton
Territory; the same to be immetl ately
Also : a bill providing an additional
appropriation for the purpose of contin
uing work on the canal and locks at the
Cascades of the Columbia.
Tie it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representative of the United State of
America in Congress assembled, That
there ie, and is hereby, appropriated
out of any moneys in the Treasury not
otherwise appropriated, tho sum of
seven hundred and fifty thousand do'
lars, to be expended between the date
of tlie passage of this act and J une thir
tieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven
under the direct ions'of tho .Secretary of
War, in continuing work on the canal
and lock at the, Cascades of tho Colum
bia Ilivi r, in tho state of Oregon; this
appropriation to be immediately avail
Hail noble men who daiurer dared and death,
Yielding for sold your homes and oft your
Ye planted nobler than ye thought or dreamed,
For now is true what then but only seemed,
Our mighty empire if the gold ye delved
We'd never had, had long ago been shelved.
The glorious fla.r that waves so fair and free
From far Alaska to the trpic nea.
Had long ago in sunshine ceased to laugh
If your hard labors had not shaped the staff.
Rom 2 may deride the thirst for gold and gahi,
And treat the miner with a sharp disdain,
Not so will we, in great respect we hJH,
Memory of David, who hi times of eld, j .
Garnered the treasures that the temple built.
This wiped out all his shame and all his guilt;
Solomon's temple reared by Hiram's hands,'
The glory of all age and all lands, 1
Had been a thing unknown if one before.
Had not to build it left sufficient store. ,
Our nation when it struggled in the throes
Of fierce rebellion that like tempest rose,
Appealed to yon to furnish gold for war,
And she received what tthe petitioned for.
You .ped your hearts, you oped your well filled
As a donation gave it, not a tax,
Ye were as noble as the bo3s in blue,
Your souls were generous, and your hearts were
God bless you in your basket and your store,
God walk behind you, ani God walk before,
And when yon step upon the e!t of glass,
The Apostle Peter pivo you all a pass,
And the Kenording Angel with Ins pen,
Erase your sins, ye noble-hearted men.
Saying, " Their virtues far outweigh their fault.
They w ere of earth, the sinew, bone and salt."
!. G. Adams.
dv;major k. c, adams.
O deem not love a worthier. thing.
A theme of joet cracked.
Love is a Mercury on wing,
Sclid, .substantial fact.
Love rules America, the world
Must stftnd around and wait
'Till we have through our pleasures whirled,
And hut the garden gate.
Our clorlous flag that flows in stars,
Is fashioned all by lave.
'Tis Venus, that combined with Mars.
-Kudkovs with push and shove.
It buildd'the cities. npe: the mines,
It ms.kes the doTt bloom. "
It pours for iss life's choicest wines,
Kven decorates the tomb.
The mountain tops that tower sublime,
Are crowned with love's own light.
Ve are the mountaineer to climb,
- And scale the rosv height.
KarthV canjons are both deep and dark,
And hung with misty gloom.
Ij.ive touches the electric spark,
And all the canyons bloom.
O maiden with the dark brown eyes.
And with the pearly mouth,
Your liosom is uiy l'aradise.
From whence I travel south.
. J
Why should the darkness man distrevs?
Nijiht is the time to steal.
Tove fearless is, and concienodcs
Whocannot see, can feel. ,
The proudest man that walks the turf,
W ill bow the knee to love.
Kven woman is a willing serf,
Placing the man above.
0 how would come the children, flower
That make the morn o bright.
If not for love's resistless powers
That plant them in the right?
My love has slid across the gloW,
And dwells in land of snow.
Tiie Kooky Mountain- I will probe,
And to lny love will go,
I'll take her with a stalwart arm,
And clasp her to my Lreat.
1 will not work ln-r woe nor harm.
Imagine all the rest.
If I were dead, a woman's kiss
Would bring me back to life.
I'd kave a world of endless bliss,
To hug a charming wife.
When on a ;trip to Oregon City we
fell in with a jbouplo of ladies of the
highest respectability, one of whom sta
ted she hud been cured of a tumor of
lonir standing by the skillful treatment
of Dr. Vanmonciscar. She spoke hiin as
one of the finest Surgeons she had ever
met. She had tried many physicians
end constantly grew worse and worse,
and hs fi last resort went to him, and
experienced immediate and thorough
relief. She had been told he was an ad
vertising quack, but the proof of the
pudding is the eatinr, and she hud found
him everything he purported to h
Some Oregon "slow bellies'' (see epis
tle of Paul) are down on Dr. Van.' for
his extensive advertising, but the day
is patit in American history when a doc
tor is to be called a ipuack because he
advertises. A man must push his busi
ness or his business will push him. It
seems to me a man that advertises
courts criticism more than- a man that
simply puts out liis card and waits foi
his patients to dig bin from obscurity.
Dr. V an. has a diploma, but his best
I diploma is the long list of his patients
out to a mar. that travels they ar
Known, also at tiie onice 01 ir. uii
We could give their initials, but do not
like to obtrude on the privacy of happy
homes, made so by the skillful treat
ment of Dr. Vaiiiiiouciscar, l."2 and l.'M
Third WtreeU E. (.. AlMMS. .
Real Estate Office.
- I
-2TIIaving a complete set of Maps ana ab
stract of the llecords of Columbia County, Ore
gon, we are now prepared to furnish an abstract
of each piece of real property in the said County
at short notice.
srj)eedn. Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, and
other conveyance, properly executed.
tO'l . !. J'atents for land secured.
a-rf'Keal estate bought and sold uion commission.
iTaxes paid and1-titlM examined.
jWljoans negotiated.
itaJ'Call upon or address
Mookc;-& Cole, Attorney-iitT.v,
v4n."2aul jr St. Helens,
Notice for Publication.
Lanu Office at OukuosCity, Okkoon 1
December 12, lfS" J
Notice is hereby given that the following
tiamed settler has tiled notice of hi intention to
make final prKf in tmport of his claim, attd
that said proof will be made Wfore the County
Clerk of Columbia County at St. Helens, Ore
gon, on Friday, Jan. 2!th, lSKCi, viz: Henry I.
I'olvin. Homestead Entry No. 'd 0 for the fV
W. of N. E. 1, W. of S. E. &. S. E. i ot S.
E. i of Sec. y. T. 7 N". li. 5 W.
He nann-ri the following witnesses to prove hif
continuous residene uisn, aiitl cultivation of
said land, viz:
M. O. Dlyant, W. W. Elliott, L. P.. Elliott
and T. J. P.ryant, all of Marshland, Columbia
County, Oregon. E. T. EAR IX,
17,1. iregist.r.
Dee. ft 5.
Notice is hereby given that the following
naiued settler hss tilel notice if his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, anil
that :iid proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Columbia County at St. Helens,Orev
gon. on Tuesday, Jan. 10, 1SS, viz: Courtney
N.Davidson Pre-emption D.S. No. 471K) for
the N.W.i of Sec. 2!, T. 8, N. li. 3 w.
He names the following witnesses to prov
his continuous residence upon, and mltivatioii
of, said land, i.:S.I"l. Tryon, James Euckley,
Win. lilackford and H. M. Eoggess, all of
Tryon. Columbia County, Oregon.
L. T. EAR1N, R j;i.-trr.
Notice for Pi islicatiox.
Lax n Or kick at Oukuon Cttt, Oi:kcos.
Dkc. 1(5, 1WC.
Notice is hereby given that "the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention tr.
make final preof in support ot his claim, and
that said proof will be made before KegUter and
Receiver I", S. Land ) trice at hegoii City Or.
on Thursday, Feb. 4th, 1SW5, iz: Stephen F.
Winteis, heir of .lohn Winters, deceased. Home
htead Entry No. f.070 for S. W'4 of See. IS, T..
X. K. 2 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his and deceased entryman's continuous rr"
deuce upon and cultivation of said land. i.: T.
Mc Dvitt, Patrick Mc i raw, and C. O'r.iiun
o" Portland, Mnltnonndi County. Oregon, mid
.1. M, Archibald of Ka'.omv post-odic , JV T.
I.. T. KAKIN i:j:l-tcr.
NoTIt'i: FOIi Pui'.LKWrio;,-.
Land Oki ict. at Oi;k:on City, un:tiN.
Di:e. 'JJ,
Notice is herbey gixen that the follow ing
named settlers have f.Ied not ices of tlx ir iuUu
ti.m to m'kk" final proof in support i f their
claims, and that .-ai'! proofs w ill be made beiore
tins County Judge or County Clerk of Columbia
C'onty, at St. Helens, Oregon: on Monday Feb
Slh, lS.S(i, viz.: Mary C KamMry, 1 Ini--str:id
Kutry No. '.:Xt, for the S. K.J of S:. i"., T. 7
N. li". 4 W.
Slie nauun the following vitnes-e to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, sai l laud, vi.: W. II. C.eiyns, Nathan ichT
ols Adam J'arr, and .lames I '.arr, all of Clat--kanie,
Coluin'oia County, Oregon.
Lucy Ni. !!u!ii.dge, wi.low of John l!utb-du'e de
ceased. Home-stead Knt.ry No. "..'il !","., r theS.W
. of Sec. J4 T. 7 X. It. 1, .
She liames the following witnesses to prove
her continuous ri j-i h-nce upon and cuitivati -n
f sail land, viz: V. II. Coiiyeis, Nathan Nich
ols, John lj. P.rown, an l C, F., all of
C.'Iatskatiie Columbia County. Oregon.
John K. Mellem, Pre-emption O. S. No. 1-4
for the S. K.J ,.f Sec. 27, T. 7, N. K. 4 W.
He name the following w it iccs to prove his
continuous residence upon ail I cultivation .f
id land, vi.? Joiin VVomhorg, w" M. Oonyei-x,
I'riah D. Kelley, and John F. Mc Failand, all
of Clatskanie Columbia County. Oreg ai.
deol-."t L. T. 15AKIN Iiegister
tiik sri:riAi.isr.
Treats ai! ".ironir, Xorvons and
Private Bll.seases.
Such as Lost Man!nMl, Nervous an I I'liysical
Debility, K.xhausted itaiity, Seminal Weak
ness, Spermatorrhea, Prostatorrhiea, lmot..
elicy, (Jonorrho-a. (ileet, .'Syphilis, 1 is'a-e of
he Kiilneys, Liver, Imngs, Heart and Stomach;
Permat'ire 1 lecline. Weakness in Women, and
all Functional Derangement that result from
youthful follict" or excess in later years.
Who may be suffering from the effects of youth
ful follies or inniseittion will do well " to avail
themselves of thi--, the greatest boon ever laid at
the altar of sttlering humanity. UK. SP1XN FY
will Guarantee to Fur-it $662 for every case of
Seminal Weakno.ts or priv.-ttc disease of sniy
kind or character which he un In take and fails
to cure.
Thtre are many at Use age of 0to f0 who are
tionbled willi ti. frequent evacuations of the
bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting
or burning sensation and a weakening of the sys
tem in a manner the path nt account for.
On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sed
iment will often be found, an I sometimes Miiali
Particle of ail uaieu will appear, 4or the color
will lc of a thin, whitish' line, again changing to
a dark and torpid appearance. There are many
men w ho die of this difficulty, ignorant of the
cause, which i-. the second stage of st-minal
weakness. DK. SPINNKY w ilLCciraatea a
Perfect Ctre in such cases, ami a healthy resto
ration of the genitourinary organs. Those who
cannot consult him personally may, by dc.scri- J
bing their symtoms, receive j
A package of DK. SPIXXHY'N Specific '
Keiuedies sent by express on iVeeijit of $10 Aiso '
st.nt C. O. D. if one dollar i.-: sent to guarantee ;
express ch.irgi s. i
Office and Frivate Dispensary, Mu!tnoma,i
Sleek p-ositePostofiice.
i'JStfT.Cc Address: Bx GW, PjrlJand, tga.
Monroe Physician
EntirclyNewTheory t Practice
of Medicine.
Acuta and Chronic,
My Medicines come direct fioin the
hand of the Chemists in Euiope, and
are such us have never been . introduced
into ttii.1 country before.
j-er.';or.s e::ipioy ing me
will ircci
in v
Vl.-e.-, trii- unless 1 Inai.e
clire.-i in .-!! eiira'd. c:i.-e of
give o,.;lt ic!: in nil iwi
cii ruble cises, Hi'c:ml-
to agreeme
..if: taking
oi:r rnw.
baro expeiihe tf tiie' tp.rdici; e
in n H e.ii-
. ! i In : I I ' V .
a.lM l.i..Lo..i
All s.iil -ni
Iro n ii'.s-asis,
ft' what
ever llUtlllt
.it!n r A - ii to. or
are ei di
in leg ii .
a . I v
! t ft-
ii'xitid to eeiiMtsit with
-.'-All living r.t a liftanee w mi eat no'
consult with n.e in ii- r.-M, can i so by
lotur. Ijetters cont lining Maihps wil-n-ceive
i-romr.t attrition lv ivturn mail.
Hundreds of
Thcrcugiict tlio Cotatry ca
I020iv3 2ancdiat9 reliof
"by ccadiag aio c Irc-
vieus History c
their Cao, aid their
prcscat Ccadition. All
siicli letters rill receive strict
attention asi&'bs capered
"by xotura nai
nynzc nvEB e
Ilesju et fully Yfiiirs.
Dr. A. "B. Adaxus.
All li tters slioultl le aililresseil :
EIr. A. E. irA3SS.
St. "It'lr us, O:-.
Old Gold Talic la'Ssaiaaa.
Manufcu turin and Repairing
Watcfi Repairing a Specialty.
No 107 Kir- jWtUi'd. Or.
BAIlfiCAD Tinm
For 1,000 Miles " 1
a.Msew's Bay.
FSIlIri Iv.tutifol Pity r.nd :.iuroiin'iinu's r ac-
" kiiowledj.;ed all who have i-itil th -r- to
bo th loc!iest coi.d illation of fntil-j soil, ln.iu
tlful fo inge fia .'iant oruLartW, 1 Ifie water, gto.
ing city, and Jt'soluUK- perf-ct climate, IN .-1 51
3! Kit as wallas in winter, t. be ion lid in Ai.oii
ca. There is but one l loi ida. and t. An-lri-w's
P.ay is its brightest jev.'el. I"ii:- for l".uiiies
or 1 oiinJTuots and Orchard Tracts rane from
!?'., ?17, ' 0. to .1"0, an 1 sales wer l.ia it
to more than :;,UiN) ilitfeivnt jiuc!asers in t!ie
first sity days. St, An lie .v's will ei-ai t: inly
become the secoml largt st city in I'ioiida within
the i:e.t two years. l'ro-ity is .1 liiej io
alu. every thirty dayf. Fkkk Tiian.I'i i;r v! l .s
roll 1,000 Mii.k.s to TitACT Pnit ti askks. Shi I
2c stain: for illustnit.;-! pamphlet, c ''.iing
full liet'iils. Addri-ss principal biin.-s otTu-e
ax foi-..v.,: St. AXIiiri-.W'S ..Y II- li. &
LW'i) Co., 2.17 Ma;s Sriu:::r, (.'i-.u-'ii-niti O.
Si-n ! 10i"-u's pota'.'e
an i v.''- v. i i .1 ;il ot:
! i:vs a royal, v.i'u.i-b.-,
i :'.!i!ii!e ' o ..I
la a U J li l!.;r wdl out
yon in the Way f making voiiK Monkv a once
than niivthiug else in A ue-i ic.t. li s.-. ot
all aires c. n iicat li 'iii-an 1 v. oik in s(,;ir-.: time,
or a!! t!:- liaie. Capita! n t ivo:ii. I. ' e -v i! I
start yciii. liniinli-.e pay Mil'.' f-.- t' -w : 1 o
s.-tt a ..i-... s ii v-iiv ',- "').. I'ovt'a'vl. Mjiue
-tii : si .
i ft -J ft j . . r r At ,. .n
u h i d i'n.i-- of
: k. d- Wbi. ll Wid
help you to more mom-v ligh auav taan any
!' . is- in (1 i :J i. Aiol .-I 'er s , "c
ceel r to r b -nr. 'i'he bioyd r-iad to f ii t um
I .., ,is '."fore the Morkv-ls. :i's il it-V s.ll-'. .V
i . in ad h-- Ti:i y. .v Oo. Augi;ust.i.Mai:ie.
I -
j Family scale
Bossebold irtlclLj
' Will last a lifetime, accm
a to, no welphta to Ioobo,
always ready, easily urw
derstood, ovetrpies littl
Bpaae and ia the cheopeat
ecato ever taatia. .
fisn tor 16 Tan Zixcstratko CnscruL'.
! . ho ri
! STOVE-c 1 f
TJrht mA Htromr. or
j namental and durable,
i and exceedingly useful
In warzninz cflshes, etc'
. Ask your hard-vrare dealer for 009
j ' . or send to us for Circular.
combining the Rsdiation and Vcnt'.lnllon of n
orn n with tho Perat)on of waum il
runx ace, atari Tarlor nnd Coo Ste'rji, Rcogea,
Circular mails.! on application.
TEE EAY1IC1TD T3Z.1&Z2 & ll'7'Z. CO.
76 Deekmcn St. K. Y.CIty.
ComblnM many Scalcn In eno
lVIthont CompUpation.
Xo Loose lYelfrhtu to tret Lost or Urok
en. Unlforiulj Accurate & Dura We.
"The BEST and MOST conven
ient 8calo evo Invented. Pos
itively unequallod for accura
cy, portability and range of
Ask your dealer for them, or
end fr Illustrated Catalogue.
SCALE, ffl
TTelarhs from l-S 0z. J v
to 850 Lbs., irith-htffX '
out cliangc. Tm '
Northern Pacific S. R.
IMiIIiuan I'alare SIi'?i;iiy; C'ttif
.li2ag;:jincent Iay Cui-clics,
i:icg"t Entternui Mt'cjiii;;; ar.s.
With ln-rth free of charge
i.'ust, ia St. I'uul and .uniin.q- M
T2i3 cn!7 Tnns-Ccitinsntl
PaJ:c Uiniav Carj.
ileal.-, 7" C lit.
Erer made fi mi the Coast. Ovyr i.',,. Xor.
them Puci.'io llaib-.kut to Sioiw City, Cwuneil
JliurTs, St. doreph, Atchiiou, I.iveliwi.i-U,
Kansas City, .liui Iington, (in'ncy,
Anl all poinu tliroughout the K.ii 1Ul.j
Soutlitat. tin JSt. Paul nil ,l iii!ie:p,,iI,
Emigrant Sleeping Cars are hanbd n t,.v.
i.'. : .i . . .
..... ii'u w. .n..-., ,.,,-r mc t-m 1 ,ii-;l,
Leave Toi'thind a:
at M ii.iHn...; ,,r
j:0) p. in., daily; an - ;
St. Paul i.t l'j;u p i,,.
(tioon) foiath day.
(Joiiiifci.iu made ;t St.
ajiol s iiu l s)J jM-ljits Kait,
So. i. ii.
i Inn. -Soi;tli-
Trains J'oitlan.t Jl: S1
New 'Aiciua :!: ji, m., cnn. i-iin
airi e i4fc
i;ii i.
' i Ugl t
l. X A . (. o. s . Uiats for nil
cii.vs. s. i ;e,,'i i,. Att st 1ViI
A. 1. Chant n tjcil'l Vt'n i'an, ,tt t
:hiu.;tii t., Portland Orm.
Oregon & CalifcrnSa R. R.
ASD Cox;,i:;;i,,.,s
Fare to Fan, S32. ;.cittinentc, '
Close coiu.c-etfoiM made at .-ui.,n i u;h
stamen of the l. a.i.o; ni, Oi'niioivl Ji'iahor.t H, y,
F::Ht Side 2iv;:::
1:ki u.ks ru:;ri.A.M am ..-ei . Vi
.o aii. I ii.w:.
! 'rtl.m.1... -t-s.. I At.h!iuid...
Asidau i lm j i-,.,L;(IItj K.e:,K.-s
4:1 A. Jf
1;-' f. it.
Pol t tan. I ... l;(rf p.
i.. !,an..ii ... .4; ",
AHKI vr.
' I.e'iuu. ii i.:;o t.
i'mi;; i.iltd . . . . I.);u, A. 51,
l'l Jd..4AN l'.l.ArK Sr.KKI'ivi (5aiw
lail I, t in-n AI irmini i Va ;.n I.
The -i--J.OH .m.i Cuat.niii x Knilro-t , K.rry
Uia !;,.-e J.,., i hh ail l.i re'llia. Lraln. ..ii
tiie i;ust Side jli .isi ,,.ii: I.h.i ..f p mu-, t.
Pf.TWKI.. P..IM I..M AMI t ail.VAU.M,
. i aii. ua:n.
ii: vv:.
!: A.
O.J.G A.
I Corva 1'h .
! Portfjii I . ,
;-e P.
:i; r.
t oi '. a. .i.-, .
I.. Ti .MV.
i.k v;
I deM?.mvi:KV - ' ,
P (i ti.ill'i j A. t
rt'l 4 In .".; it r'ir.'.-. il :,
MeMiniu i'Je. .",4" a. m,
T,-e-1 -i.te'
fi-r S lle
li tliO
-tfef H.
O iJ-. -via: . mn ' .. n t
il'U tstir M im-iind iMiints in (ilif r.
u:. e..u- ii.' ! e ;i-o ore . a . t ; n ' ..e
CH. 'insrn. P iiTi.xn,
Vieiirot v:f -i i r iv I f t m . ui.'i ' "i
' ii'c..-.-' I'.". n rit ii.-r Die ' i.n . N'elt tl
; S'i id .us, I'.. a: n.'-;
j 3ian ...e,-.
P. It
Pr t x P
v i;.
s. At.
D. W, .PrVitire & Co.,
f e.-"!'!ij; ."lnsi fT'lTfJI of I !lt 'f''.
!- id1 iiue tlif !i"t f . i-n 1 Instr'i-
v..- ..f ;,J1 , 5. Pisno mid I .-ir:n-. t'f.
Uo. S!ie. Iu iu of all lin S, and Ht piicrHtn
. n't e r- 1. H r.
107 L'U:ST ST.,
roriTLAN'n. oil
r.trir;r . s7.
' 'J'J Vu.liiit ii s-. -
Per tl and, Ocgcn,
jT v '
t' rardu uallery.
V.rt .iiul Tiyl'r Stx, I'ori :niid.
Yol lt r.Tl.(NACi: SOI-U ITKU,
rij ::; :.s ,;. say a hl
Works Ho. 9X;Iill St.
'I ) I! Kill's, I'r.oi-: I'oiiti.aM), Oi:l;e
. , J . :v,'', and iv ui:iii -
y V'l'K .. of Ur .r ,-1.
t'l'tW; 1-t.ffVI IIW ' I. W'ii! lit OIH-f I'l'TI
.. . . . ... , . ,. , a.nTi ihu ' dKf in
I I l..f ... ...
iv. .i no'it rii- : (..(;. 0 in
l'Cllt t
i ii ,
? .
. o. a n. .,
i t d rery ; li. r. , . f. :
for k'1 it... i;...
i. -. . v..rh tor us :it il.;r ......j - i
t r. - f..r :,' u,u k,i nUolnti-lv ind. 1 --m-1
liv. .1.11 . .i:T,rA. l'urt'H.,1.,1.