Li. r IssueIncomplete 5- V! " ' " ' spMBflBa&BB " 1 " -- " . " 1 THE COLUMBIAN, St- Helens, Columbia Conty, Oregon COTTITTY OFFICIAL PAPER THURSDAY, JAX. 2S, JSSG. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 1 rear, in advance ...... t' months " 3 months " ADVERTISING BATES Professional careU, one year. . . One column one year Half coiuinn one year - Quarter column one year X -ne inch one month ' Jne inch three months . . . . One inch, by theyear.per month $2 00 1 00 .ro . $ 12 ... 12.- . . . 7." ... 40 o 5 ... 1 Ical notices fifteen cents ter line for the first iiisertion, ten cents er Hue for each subsequent insertion. Leal advertisements, two dollars per inch for first insertion and one dollar per inch for each subsequent insertion. E. G.ADAMS. Publisher. A. B. ADAMS, Business Manager. Oflicial Directory. COl'NTV OFFJCKKS. .Tndfc F. A. More. Clerk N. C. Dale. Sheriff T. O. Waits. ! Treasurer liic'iard Cox Aesor J. II. Swjucer. School Superintendent- K.;F.. CtkV: purveyor T. Wilke. Tin: MAILS.J ftlVKR: Iown river mail clonf At & 1:1.' The up ;ver m.ii! cf'es r.t 1 p. :.!. The m:v"! f-n?ii Verr;t:ia and Pits' tr.r V.:vc St. Helens Mon.Uvs and Fridayu a: '.' ;. r.i JtAlLRO.!: North hound e'eses 1'"' .1.J111. .South hound close v.i 2 j . t. TliC AilasHsos in Arucrha. ( coxr i si" :v. ) Our fatlx.r Ilev. Jl:U A'!.i'l!-, "l"fd m John Adsms in Washington the lay before lie died, in tlse Capitol. Our athcr had a frind r.ami'd William V y man of Lowi-ll; Ma?s-. Mr. Vy:ian h i 1 a brother r,;i:nrd Sumvl C. ar.d soi: Samuel, Vv'illiaiTi V.'liite. ;m d John Isewland M,, wholesale 'i-if.vhrmto in Jialtimore. One l:rus was- Wyiir.m i; Co. Balt:i"!iore, St. and ilu: other V"y nian, Apuietcii Jv Co. or. U-jht St. Sam uel Wyman, Vii!ia-.i. S"-!iiea t-o:s mar ried it Jiird ot" UL-!j:nind, Va William White Vy-.i::'.ii :i!-.rriv..l a Trent of ton. Her lather vus ore of Lafay. tte'.-i aid:d'-iaiapvt and' r in America when jyir'ayeiiv returned to Franco. Wm. Whiiv. V.'yii.ati wr..s h-ir of his Unclt; Wi;:. Whir1 ff lioxp.i y M;i". and wits itoVi):nM-ly rv:h. " The winder of J 848 our father si . ut iii WasJdnton and Baltimore. IK- was the !iir..-tly of ' Wiu. White Wvs-ior.-1, - - v.itV was one oi ine niwt cjiurnn:;- n '-. scarfs cf black iik, hud crate on iheir arms find iats and black ri'lr g'ovvv, Our mother always used, father'.-; ail her life a- a mantilla. -When fath:.T was in .Baltimore l:e formed the acquaiuter.c-" of Ilorj. Chris ' Huijos" who h:?.d been charge rs at the Hague for twenty yeirs. He . ks J. Q Adams' private Stcetary when he vns Minister to Rttssta, .Mr. Hiighes iimrried tifii. Smith' laughter. This General Smith commanded Fori Mifil'n. Ho was an aristocratic' 'nan, and at first opp.-.-ed Hughes cvurthip, the s-.on.of Fat. Hr.ghs. who h;d made all his fortune mi-nutaetunng bnecs j Pat tlie O. day Mid told ! htm n ho vvod lay down a do' Kir oil r. .. . . . . . . - Miss. Smith, and the daughter was Mar garet Smith Hugli-.-, who married John V. Kenedy author or i J orsc. shoe liobiie son. ilfn. unriiionner na-i a room in Washington he formed the iicquauitenee j " of . the Cranehes whose f -io-r a Ornan nays lVttengiU's mem- cousvn of J. Q Aa,uis. I,-, lection ailWting reading, almost vras on Abigail Adams side ho w s a . Adams on the Smith. In the tuneral prc-vion ct J. . v,tj A ;i V . i.'.m:iv . , ., 1 -,i a cf:lebratel -UJi& lamiiy. Q. Adan.s our i.her rode with tJie 1 - j.L.. rn, J2; - , nM , t. , -m Ihe paners t-ast or the nocky JMount- Cranclies. Ihe relatives wore i on g s.e,, , .: J son. H' np n r a , .u i" Tullotk was Navy Agent of Kittry Ins elegant c Iau simvj Xavy Yard during the Rebellion, and vhichwas alone occunied by J. I. Ad- , ?;It-the KearsarJe that sunk the Ala and another c-ccupyd ainel.y j an- . . ,...c1 P er. The furniture of the house all parts of the world. It was r curiosity shop. Our father td with him. i" phew graduated at Yah; Col -i was there w hen we were. Miss was a most beautiful and talent -and wished and begged to ur sister, Mary Abigail. Mr. promised to will her a big for father would not consent as '.i only daughter, and was rich :d did not think riches rvcry--. diy that John Q. Adams rather was at Mount Yernn friend Mr. Wm. Wyinan, who j 'nihccnt looicm man. co visionary i , or aii i!e of tkr-r -he t j Mi':-; were 'itty Adaiits- . ..e our brother .as called Lion. Adams, being the hand somest man iii (lollege and a great ladies man, wo had svlclf a memory we iised often times, when called on, to recite tlie whole lesson, and give nobedy ;!se a chance, and sit down amid the roar of the Division. More anon. K. G. Adams. .The Oregonian says, "A Count is going to mary Senator Mitchell's daughter,, and he must write no Itve letters to other members of the family," Just so, or adamphool may come. alon' and electrotype them and then electThim to the United States Senate. f i Sonic people comfort theuisrlvas over their own deficiency of jntcllect y saying wo are crazy. Xliis reminds us of an incident that took place in our early history. After graduation at Yule College we went to Maryland to teach school. We taught not far from Hock hall, Kent Co., Maryland,' and boardwl with a Mr. Constable, ile was a rich man and lived in aristocratic Sotthern style, owning many slaves. There was a yellow woman that waited on the table, Mrs. Constable, before mat rage was a Iiodgs from a Quaker family, and was educated in Pennsyl vania. Slie was a very intelligent lady and was very happy to converse w ith a live collegian on literary topics. The dessert was placed in a kind of alcove. Mrs. Constable temporality left the ta-Me, and' .came back liughing. ie iked her the cause of her mirth. She replied "that darkey asked if you were not crazy, she. said she could not under stand what you w ere talkiug about." Moral : Don't think a man a fool because, you are. 'I OUR CLIMATE Oregon is celebrated for it.s climate. It vn very nuturioiis. When taken in chunks it is injyri-ius to the system. It needs to be diluted a little be fore it can be u'.cd with safty. We r.ever knew anything the c could be used for so many purposes. The real estate agents always have a big supply on hand ct the. most Miperior reality. It is always high in the market though very plenty, end costs a purchaser ricdu smart of money. A piece of land may not be much to look at, but then the el-mate makes it valuable. The cniy diseases of Oregon an an empty feeling around the stomach and " peck t. A large dose of climate gives immediate relief. Imagination lias lent cut so much eapitol it is getting sliert, of funds. Climate will undoubt edly take the place of the t-ilver dollar in Oregon currency. They are getting up a process ot manufacturing it into clothes and roofing for houses. Thiaris a great age of the vor'd, and the Oregon mind is very expansive and fertile in exp-;Jiint;. Our mountains are more mountainous than tho-e elsewhere and arc r.otcnoas foi their climb it It was very coo! in that f.lio-v that attempted to visit Xi. ilood in ihe depth of winter. Jf lie had Ik. en an ancient Oaul wo wnuid not have been surprised at his gall. We have juot received a lei.ter of Oliver Wendell Holmes. He .addresses the litter to Mount Helen, Oregon, which looks very suspicious. He I must think such a utter would meet a cool reception from a place way up hke that. r "i u-f rniAi riTa copyng ihey don't both'-r the Qrjn'uius essays for the roison hey have already been publiilied there and re-hsherl, and the Cjisteru papers don't hko "cold hash." We have a right to write about the Adams fauiily. we are their peer in everv sence oi. the tern, in spite of all the belittlit i-q and .-neeirf of scrubs. We are the onlv lisinj; oiheer of the d '. H. lie-', thac was not killed or wounded at Oettysburg, July 2d 1863. Our fathor and mother, brothers and p.isfer, are most distinguished, livin and dead. We graduated at Yale Col- ledge, married two cf tin most beautiful and high born wumen in America. New 1 !:uio.hii'e, so Thoinas L. Tul- ; tl:,ti iiihed citi yens raid in Mieccbos all through the State, was vrou Jer of Enoch G. Adams than cf anything she ever possessed or was ever ex root d to rosfcess. Thomas i bama, he also built otlirr war vessels, he was Commissioner of Internal Kev enue, Trustee of the Soldier's Fund, ?dth IT. S. Uraut and ' horaas I; t r Kin . At his death he was Postmaster at Washington City. His mother was a cousin of our father. Uenl. George H. Williams knew hiei well, and says he was the finest gentleman he ever met. lj"t scrubs si jeer. izlmitl'trti please copy. A FA F.I. El Tie re '7 as a fin-, grew in a quaking o: A eats tail grew where its head i ou;; jo no. it- cTf-w urceujy, ana yet ii:(t iorte sjyj. '.ration.-?. inere was a ! ea itii'ul pond i.iiy not far ofF floating until a stream of living water. It scented :!! the air with its delioiou odor. Tie wild canary would come and inhale its perfume, and fill the empyrean with em-hautirg warbles, It then -ouid light upon the llag and pour its b-ife of respect from an opposite di An Editor came and gathered d lily witli of the moist th) n-gal mosses in which it Jded, and enthroned it in his n u maguiiies'iit vase of rarest i , Tli is excit d the envy of i? said, "O if I could only .rial sanctum I shCuld be . . nadian peasant passing near !ir-.r ing the sad plaint ot the flag took out his knife and cut the llag, ' leaving its root to sprout up again in the quak ing ho-. He brought it to his cabin, and iie.ding un old kitchen chair minus a bottom, he deoid.'d to gratify its wishes. H wove it into something an Editor could f:it on. lie the chair, and then sold it to th Ed'tor who was anxious for something soft, on which to re&t his nether extremity. The poor llag was very unhappy to be thus shut out from sight, but there was nothing left to it b-it to assent, and it reluctai Aly assented. Mor'I?.; Don't attempt to run a paper wjithoiu brftjus, or you may get sit on. THE FOitTYNINEKS. Hail noble men who danger dared and death, Yielding for gold your homes and oft your b.eath. Ye planted nobler than ye thought or dieiHutxl, For now ii true what then but only seemed, Oar mighty empire if the ffold ye delved , We'd never had, had long ago leen shelved. The glorious flag that waves so fair and free From far Alaska t the tropic er, Had long ago in sunshine ceased to laugh If jour hard lab rs had not sh.ied the staff. Soma may deride the tliirtt for gold and gain, And treat the miner with a sharp disdain, Not so will we, in great rcsiect we hold, Memory of David, who in times of old, Garnered the treasures that the temple built, This vied out all his shame and all his guilt; Solomon's temple reared by Hiram's bands, The glory of allfiges and all lands, Had been a thing unknown if one before. Had not to build it left sufficient store. Our nation when it struggled in the throes Of fierce rebellion that like tempest rose, Appealed to you to furnish gold for war, And she received what she ietitioned for. You .ped your hearts, you oped your well filled sacks. As a donation gave it, not a tax, ' Ye were as noble as the boys in blue, Your souls were generous, and your hearts were true. God bless you in your basket and your store, God walk behind you, and God walk before, And when you stepuim the sea of tdass, Th Apostle Peter give you all a pass, And the Recording Angel with his jen, Erase your sins, ye noble-hearted men, Saying, " Their virtues far outweigh their fault, They w ere of earth, the sinew, bone and salt." LOVE. BT MAJOR E. G, ADAMS. I deem not love a worthless thing. A theme of ioet cracked.' Love is a Jf ercury on wing, Solid, substantial fact. Love rules America, the world Must stand around and wait 'Till we have through our pleasures whirled, And shut the garden gate. Our glorious flag that flows in htars, Is fashioned all by bve. Tis Venus, that combined with Mar, Endows with push and shove, It builds the cities, oik--; the mines, It makes the desert bloom. It pours for us life's choicest wines, Kven decorates the tomb. The mountain tops that tower sublim?, Are crowned with love'a own light. Wm are the mountaineer' to climl , And auale the rosy height. Earth's can on are both deep and dark, And hung with misty gloom. Love touches the electric spark, And all the canyons bloom. O maiden with the dark brown eyes, And wi'.h t' e iearly math, Your bosom is my Paradise, From whence I travel s mth. Why should the darkness man distress? . Night is the time to steak -. Love fearless is, and conck'nctlos Whocaimot sec, can feci. The proudest man that walks the turf, Will bow the knee to love. Kven woman is a willing serf, Placing the man above. O how Would come the children, flowers That make the morn so bright, If not for love's resistless powers That plant them in the night? My love has slid across the globe, And dwells in land of snow. The Kocky Mountains I will probe, And to my love will go. I'll take her with a stalwart aim, And clasp her to my brenst. I will not work her woe nor harm, Imagine all the If I were dead, a woman's ki- s Would bring ine back to life. I'd leave a world of t-ndless bliss, To hug a charming w ife. The Oreyonian had an article it stole from an Eastern paper, and transmog rified into something about "V-." It was a sick old, attempt of a sub-editor that tried to get something on us in the N. Y. Coffee House, at Portland, one everdng, and got left so badly h wanted to get even. He was the one that pulled out Bill Nye's hair, and got his hand in it. He is a long-waisted du le that wears a reversed dinner jHt on his head. He'll be more wasted if he go. s after Major Adams. Why is the Oregonian sold out 1 Because there is a levy noon. Our readers will do well to read our correspondent's article on the local page, as they will find that Talc i ma Tack like ourselves, does not deal in any "cold hash." 7 Our paper is not made up out of any old cuttings but is original ' and no hand-me-down articles like the phat; lhoys Portland paper. The attention of readers of Flmt-elaM Story Pa pers ia called to TIIK CHICAGO I.ICIMJ KK, thf largest Family Story Taper In the Tinted Stat.'. H Is lxaued every wrek. and each number containa eight large pazes filled with haudf inicly illustratid Coin plrte and Continued Storlea h j the best American authors; Wllty Maylnars by the mot prominent humorous writers ; Incident and Anecdotes of tho Lute War, from tho pens of old noldier ia both armies; the Latest Fiudiloni, aud other ar ticle of interest to ladies, by highly intelligent lady contributor ; and many other oriRinol features com prised in a 'lrtcluBs Family (Story l'nper. TI I K.C1I IC A JO LEDti Kit in now pronounced m every way equal to any of tho tflt Story Papers. aaJ is sold for Just one-half that sum. THE CM ICAGO I.EIHiKIt his been published for fourteen years, and is no new venture. It is the Qnly Htory I'oper'in the country that goes t J it subscribers folde 1, pasted and trimmed so that reaib f rs oan readily turn from one pa;;c to another, with put unfolding the entire paper. TIIK CHICAGO I.lilMJ Kit will be mailed to .any address far the year 1 88(1 for One Dollnr nnd Fifty Cents, postage paid. It is a Three Dollnr paper in every particular, but will be sold fpr tho year 1SS6 at oe half that sum, namely, Cue Dollar it Fifty Cents. TIIK CIIICAtiO LEDGER is For Sale bf Kewsdealern. Postmastors and SubacripUon Agenti throughout the United States. tjNaw Is the time to subscribe. Send three cents in postage stamps for Knmpls Copy. Hack Number.! will be mailed to any ad dress when desired. Add.-ess all coniinunicatloiis to TUB CHICAGO LEUUEU, X71 Franklia litreet, Chicago, II). S3 .8 Real Estate Office. t3Tl f a vins a complete net of Maps ana ah. 6tract f the Kecn(a of Columbia County, Ore gon, we ate now prepared to furnish an abstract of each piece of real property in the said County at short notice. ffDeetUi, Mortgages, Power of Attorney, and other conveyance, prerly executed. t&'V. S. Patent for laud secured. tjTlJealextate Ijouht and Hold uion commission. tf-aTaxes paid and titles examined. fa'Ijoans negotiated. JoTCall uion or address Mookk, ot Cole, Attorney-at-Law, v4n."2aul St. Helens, Oregon. Notice for Publication. Land Okwce at OkkgoxCitv, Okkoos t December 12, 1S85. J Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has riled notice of his intention to make rinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before thei County Clerk of Columbia County at St. Helen, Ore gou, on Friday, Jan. 21tth, 1SSC, viz: Heury L. Colvin. Homesteal Entry No. G140 for the S. W. i of N. K. i, W. A of S. K. i & S. K. i ot S. K. ofSec. i.T. 7N. K.5W. He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said laud, viz: M. O. Biyant, W. W. Klliott, L. B. Elliott and T. J.. Bryant, all of Marshland, Columbia County, Oregon. L. T. BA15IX, 17d; Register. NOTICE FOU PfBLICATIOX. Lani OrriCK at Okkgon Citt Orkgos Dec. 5 18S5. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler bus tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbia County at St. Helens,Ore- g..n. on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 18SG, viz: Courtney X. Davidson Pre-emption D.S. No. 4700 for the N.W. of Sec. 29, T. 8, N. 11. 3 w. He names the following witnesses to prov bin continuous residence ui.n, and tultivation of, said land, viz: S.I I. Tryon, James Buckley, Win. Blackford ami H. M. Boggess, all f Trvon. Columbia County, Orej;iii. L. T. 1 Ally, ll,hler. Notice foi; Fl dlicatiox. I.AXD OrritE at Ockcon Ctt'", Okkgon. Dkc. 16, 18ST. Notice is hereby given that the follow itig named settler has file-1 notice of his intention t. make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Begistor and Receiver L S. Land Office at Oregon City Or. on Thursday, Feb. 4lh, 1SSG, viz: Stephen F. YVinteis, heir of John Winters, deceased. Home stead Entry No. 5070 for S. W.J of Sec. IS, T.G. X. K. 2W. He names the following witnesses to prove his -ind deceased entryinan's continuous resi dence upon ami cultivation of said land, viz: T. Mc Dvitt, Patrick Mc Ci raw, and C. O'Erien f Portland, Multnomah County. Oregon, and J. M, Archibald of Ktilama Post-offic , W T. I. T. EAHIX Krister. 'de24-t Notice fou PcnucATior. Land Office at Ore;ox Crrr, Oregox. Dkc. 22, 1S8.". Notice is herWy given that the fo'lowffig named settlers ha vo tiled lii.tioes of tluir inten tion to make final proofs in Mi;iioit f theii claim!", and that aid proofs M ill be r.nnle Wiore the County Judge or County Clerk of Columbia County, at St. Holens, Oregon; on Monday Feb Sth, lfcS(', viz: Mary C. B.vmaey, Heme-stea' Kntry No. C304, for the S. E. of Sec. 2. T. 7 X. It. 4 W. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence tiimn and cu!tivaliiii of, said land, vizrW. H. Qmyers, Nathan Nich ols, Adam Barr. and James liarr, all ef Clat" kanie, Columbia Count, Oregon. Lucy M. Kuthdge, widow of John ltutledge de ceased, Hiuue-stead Kntry Nt. ii31G"for theS.W of Sec. 24 T. 7 N. lb 4, . She names the following witne-sse ;to rov her continuous r-:sidence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W. 11.&U nyers, Nathan Nich ols, John L. Brown, ami C, F. I;iLjfldt, all ef Clatskanie Columbia County, (Jregorv. John E. Mellem, Pre-emption D. S. No. 4SS4 for the S. K.J of Sec. 27, T. 7, N. 11. 4 W. He name the following witnesses to pVove his continuous residence ujion and cultivation of s dd land, viz: John 'Vomlwrg, W. H. Conyers, Criah D. Kelley, and John F. Mc Farland, all of Clatskanie Columbia County," Oregon. de31-5t Ti. T. BA1UX Register SB. SPSHHET THE SPECIALIST. Treats all Clirimir, Xcrvoas and B'rivate Diseases Such as Lost Manhood, Nervous and Physical Debility, Exhausted vitality. Seminal Weak-n.-.sK, Spermatorrhea, Prostatorrh'ea, Impot ency, ionorrhera, Oleet, Syphili-i, Dis:tses of he Kidneys, Liver, Lungs, Heart anel Stomach; Permature Decline, Weakness in Women, and all Functional Derangements that result from youthful follies or excess in later years. YOUNG MEN Who may le suffering from the effects of youth ful follies r indiscretion will elo well to avail themselves of thi.-, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar ofslifering humanity. DIJ. SPIXXEV will Guarantee to Forf jit $500 br every ease of Seminal Weakness or private disease of any kind r character which he uuMe-rtakes ami fails to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There are msiiy at the age of 30 to 00 who are tioubleel with too .frequent evacuations of thc bladder, often Accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weakening tf ihes. ten in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary eleposits a ropv sed iment ill often be fiiiinil, an J sonietinit s smell Iarticles of a!luineJi will appeer, jr the.Jcolor will be of a thin, wlrttisli hue, again chanriii' t.. a elark and torjid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant ot the cause, which is the sect-nil stage of seminal weakness. D1I. SPIXXEY ill Guarantee a Perfect Cure in such cases, and a hial hv resto ration of the genitourinary orgam. Those who consult him jKisonally may, by elescri bing their symtojns, receive TREAT.1IEXT AT IIO.UE. A package of DR. SPINNEY'S Specific Uemeehcs sent by express on receipt of S10 Also sent C. O. D. if one dollar is sent to guarantee express charges. 0ific3 end Private Dispensary, Kultnomali El jck ppoeite Postofllce. Pcsttfice Address: Bx 623, Portland,' fgu. DR. N.S SPINNEY. DR. A. B. ADAMS, TIIK ONLY THOUOL'CH MonroePhysician -ON THE PACIFIC COAST. -AX- EntirelyNewTheory & Practice of Medicine. TRIM ALL DISEASES BOTH . Acuta ani Chronic, and MASS P0SITIV3 cuiisr. My Mcdiciiios come tlirct from tli haiicbs of tb? Chemists in Europe, an' are such as have nexoi been iiitrotluc-f! into this country bt-fore. XO CTRE, XO r.tY. U jcrhons eniiloyinij me will rece ny sei vices fri-e, unless I make cures in all curabh cases, or give great relif in all u li eu ruble cases, accord ing lo agreement before takiny; our case. Tin; bare exjense of the "medicine payable, in all cases, in ue!vanc. C'OXSI'LTATIOX FRLE. All sulb-ring from diseases, of what ever nature, whether Acute or Chronic, are cordially in itt d to consult with me in iei in! thereto. N- All living at a distance who cai no consult w ith mo in person, can do m by letter. letters containing stampH wil receive prompt attention by return mail Hundreds of Curable Cases Tlioroueliout tis Couatiy caa rccsivo Immodiats relief Tsyssading aeaPre- visu3 Histoxy cf their Case, ard their present Ccadition. All sucli'lsttcrs "will receive strict ' v attoatica aad Tjq aasTrered Tjy return mail. riO CURE, NO PAY, i , Ilesjiect fully Yours. Dr. A. TB. Adams. All letters should be addressed: Jr. A. 15. ADAMS. St Helens, Or, AMDS FINE COLD JEWELltY, NOVELTIES, ROLLED COLD JEWELRY, WATCHED, SILVER PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES,: Etc. Old Gold Talzea Za Esshaao. Manufacturing ami Rejainng Watch'- Repairing a Sj-ecialty. NEW YORK JEWELRY CO. No 10 FJfvr . Fori In nd. Or. RAILROAD TICKET FBBli For 1,000 Miles "W4s,AJ TO St. Andrew's Bay, Florida. TillS he.'iiitiful I'.yon"l irarroinr'injr are nc knovle1e;el hy all ko-hevr - vi.-ttef there Ut be the loftliest c;iinbiiiati.'h ef fertile mJ, Im uii ti f nl f.Viage frajp-ant ore-hariU, 1 hie vater, trroev .injy city, almnlutely n:rf".-ct cliiii'tti, is vji mek as wclian in winter, to le luuinl iii Aim ii ca. There but cue VloriJa, nnl St. Andrew' Bay in its lalhteftt jewel. 1'i iten fwr I' or Home Iota and Orchard Truct rsin.e fmm $5, $0, 517, .!I0, to l.TD, aiMl aalea we re in u't to nure than 3,000 tiitf.rint Mirdi:ir n in the 4irnt ixtj' eheys. St, An lrew' will crarU'iidy become the aec-iiul largest city ia F'.ori ht wiihin the next two jvaiit. rrirty i-t .!u;.;i:i ia value every thirty Fkkk Tii.nkiht vrrN KOH 1,000 MlMSTO TlLH'T PlIM.M.e.sKKS. J'elll 2c st:unp fr ilb.iMtrate'l p:imphVt, on inin. full eiet iils. A hire" prince ;. I LHKine-.t, otfiee aa follows: St. ANDUKW'S 11AV 11- 11. ft LNi C... 2:7 d TvTr ::: :r, Ciuin i ati O. aB3Kl S,n I lOcenta pota;.' an 1 we wi.l mull von PuKK a r yal, valu-i- blf, sample ) of ikkIm that will put vou in the way -f inakin;; :t)i!K sioxky at nc than .nvihin-? eW in America. IJoili of nl! ayvKc.u liveat home an I work in fprre time, or all the time. Capital u t repiire.b e will tart yon. lmni n-e pay iur for th kj y! o atart .-it iifv. S-rix.xo.v & Co.. Portland. M vi:m n me?S K- ti't'vi v cent n wm 6 f .r iywl.r Ainl .... j - o : receive fri-e, i hve' I ox of lthU which will help you to more money ri;jh away than any tiling iit nils wori.i. Af eith'-r t e-x, 8iic-cee-.l rom tiist h-ir. 1 he broad road to fuit.m oiienx '', th wrt." rs, hwlutly Hiire. A1 once address Tuce & Co. Auuusta, JIainc. . THE UNIVERSAL ATiTTTiY SCALE .INDISPENS ABLli V - i Vmi last a llfrtlaia, ooo mtf. no veichta to looaav alwaya rMj, eaafly nn- space and is the. chaapwl calrrrinata. m i Bxjtd vom 16 Pubs IixcarnuLTKD Czacxrua.'sj i. s. speiicer's sons; always IIArjDY STO'.t c:elf.: n COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE. Light and Strong:, or namental and durable, mrr Tr;mvllnirt UMful in warjxiuig dianea, etcC FiTrlxr size pipe. 1 i JLMk your hardwmr dalT Tot w m aand to ua for Oireular. L C SPENCER'S SOtlQ, ouelfoud, corrrr. STOVES and nZATKItS, ATR "WAMinTO URATES. SCnOOL KOO0I nEATKRS. Each comblnlne tie Radiation and Tant3atlon of an oras Tiaa with th operation of a -wxhm aia ruaxACB. also Parlor au.l Cook 8toa, Kanges, r'IX.XACES, Ac Circulars mailed nu appllcatinn. THE TTOXTACS MT'ff. CO. 70 Beekmsn St. N. Y.CIty. 1 hl'ia-ajyTTTSililZS THE MICHIGAN Comblaea many Stt In one Without Complication. no loom wcirnt to get von or uro. en. UnlformljAccurmtefc Durable. The BEST and MOST conven ient 8eaJe ever Invented. Pos itively unequalled for accura cy, portability and range pf capacity. Ask your dealer for them, or end for Illustrated Catalogue. MICHIGAN ' SCALE CO,, ICAIiA3rA TOO, MICH. Aii r p, i 9 i ci s APR t.r. r::r 1 .... m fbrl'iS. SCALE. rrf- Weirfis from 1-8 Oz. to 8o0 Lbs., Tf ith- Igp') GEEAT OVEHLAND HOUl'ii Ifortherii Pacific R. R. THE ONLY LIKE RUIIIIIIIC riillman Inlnre MeepZns Cars Jtlnirtiifirriit Way ('wicIh n IIcg.uit i: ni i -runt Iecplui: Cars, With botlha free of clr From Oleffoa&'Washinjtcapcints Kant, tiaSt. Taul n.l M;...rf.,.i.;. The caly Trajxa-Coatiacatal iir.a running Palaco Diaia Oars, Meal., 75 Crntn. v FASTEST TIME i-.vernia.Ie from. the Coat. Over the N-r. thern IWi.ic Uailroad to Si .ux City, Oineil liluff.-, St. Joiepli, Atchioi, Leayenwoit i, Kama City, Duilin-ton, Quiucv, ST, LOUIS, CHICAGO, And all pe.inta throughout the K;u.t and S..uthea,t. via St. l'aul and Minneafnli,. KmiKi -xnt Sleeping Cam are Iau!ed ( n rei4. ular Lxpienn traiiiM. ,ver tho entire length e.f HOSTIXEaiT PACIFIC IV H ' Leave IVit'and at 3.-O0 p. ni '.;iilj : arrive at MimieapolU or St. l'unl at p.m. (noon) four tli day, Connection made at St. raid nd Minne aiKl and all point Kai-t, Souih, and South cat. r.irinc division. Trains Ixiave I'.At.'an.? ll:4.i a. m. arrive at New Tacoma r:."?0 p. in., connecting with O. ' II. Si X. Ce.V ixi.t jmiuta on I'uMtt -Sound. ' . " ClIAS. S. I KK, Genl TW At., fit. l'ar.I. A. D. Chant, n Ienl Wext'n 1'kiia At. Ne. 2 Wat-hiiiiftoii bt., 1'oilLiiid Oregon. OVERLAID TO CALIFORNIA Oregron & California R.R. AXO CONMitTIONS Far to San Francisco, t32. lcnmttc, C30 Cl-e coi:ue:t:oiu made at Aahland with tatfM..f the Calt.'ui'bia, Oregon anl Idaho Stag Company, DAILY (KXCKIT .Sl'MJAYS). liKTWkKX roi.TI.AMi ASl Al,IIU.Vl -MailTuaix, lk.wk: af.uivk: . Irthind 7:'Jj A. M. I Ah!uiid 4.1.1 a M. Aaliland JV0 r. 51. I Tortl...;.. Al-'um Kxhiksm Trai.v LEAVS. -. AlUtm. rortlmd... 4:ft0p.y. j Tbunon :. i M. Lebanon. . . A;Vj A. M, Portli.iul .... 10 :.. A. U . Pi l'.mam Palacsss Slke:ii J:ts - Ja'ly h t re -i Al'.atir I V-V r. I The t r e;o i an! ('alifomi i I.'-iiho. 1 I'erry make-' coiiuceti u wioli all t n r julxr ..-;vin. ni the liaiit Side Diiai.n,' irom loot of F 4:1-1. West Side i)iv!iou 1": r.TT.s Pir.Ti..wr evn Coi.TAi.ifi, i Alt. 1 HA1.V. IUATX 'U!VH-. ' Ptirtlan I . . .0:fC a. ji. ! C .r-.-.'W . . . .4" v. r. Cora!liri. .s ; 0 a ' i' I t l:r. ; I; is. H--I7V McMiiir.T.'li Portland . . . McMinnvillo. .i a. m. A. M. L ie' tic!e! f ! 3 h- a i b: :.h '. :X c !niuiiy V ui'-tovvu otti?j, c v. Sinrk i.n S cii i xtrcet. Tick- '. i'-c ilu ;v .1! ; . !.i I 1 f . r m'ia Citn -iiiy f. j'r-ur-..J a crtiprnj V iU;e-' . C r. V ami Knorr Sth.. I ' ,,iT' r. en. Freight wil : a ' ' I .. rf'r'i . it ( -fi t O'fl.icli P. -. "U -it'lrr tl. Ktl o: V.Yb , - . r.n, J.'. K ) ::i .-.1, ',' !.' v:-.'. ilr..,'-.. H u. Kr'i, t iV .. A t. D. W. Pratitisj Cc Co., i ' TiCndjirr Mlnsic I!o-r of ri'v. A'e v....-,. . ill) liu of tli- In'. M:.i In till iien!. "f aii kill U Pi 411. k in, I i. .-tc. A!a . S'i-t Miii: .f al! Lia U, an I yrK m to uit vcr h .ly. 107 FIKST ST., POIM'I.AN'D. OP. .XsSADI27G PHOTO GR APHEES, "I;" OF THE ; r.iciric c. 1st, 19 WaKliington Ht. Portland, Oregon. r, j Photograph Gallory. FTSST-CLAStf WOUX A SPECIALTY. 'J nier ami Taylor St, lWimiMl. CLOTHES CLEANED -AND-2T3ATLT ECPAIBSD, Yol k Patronage Solicited, cum:gj:s reasonable. Works No. 9 Hill St. R )lS!-::trS, Phop. Puktland, Oiiii ov. 3u OS) jQrx rtvon, a j wt:,'. afil inui - tvi.l ,'i-t KSKI! -i ms;-' f (.! f ltveal i, Jiat will t kit in wo k th it wi'i . -ti."c mj vou i i in t'Y i a . oi a ivt tin t e'e io An r iee. A:l aM it 0 .rJfit h -x. A n jn- it ve-ywhiir... ' eith r r , of all a :o. f r all t time, or kar tin f o ;ly, towoi'rf for ns hel ovrn hm- Fi i tunes f.w all worker nl lytely aaxure.1. iMi't el.lAj. 'A. II.vLu:r & Co.. I'o. iUud. Muiue. (Try) P'rrr l. f' I, v-w r sii 1 1 . - i V.