The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, September 17, 1885, Image 2

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-..,- i. ..-..-.... -,-
! i
. X-fa V w toj' A 5
-thuuxday oct., s, isso.
1 y;:;r, in advance,
(i crl'-.s '
3 smiths
i. c.'taisn -.- r
Ihv'f Cahlinn : r
Oaa.rtr c;hiMti !: - y;:ir
One Inch ii'; ; a'a
)r.r ir. -h thrtv e.u redis
t i ieah, : v t':i y-?ir,i)cr month
I.e. i. tic s fifteen ci-nta per lim i
In-oriam, ten cents per lino for each
t r. -cr liaemfirt. t-va dollars ; 'in-h J"
f r.-t li.-ertl.m aud oni d-jihtr per inch If.-r iru-h
K. (5. ADAMS. MW.t.
A. IJ. ADAMH, Bu-Inws Man nr.
Ofl'!?" Jrctory.
coriY o:T!cr!:s.
Jin!;,"' F. A. jMi.-.-re.
Ci.-i'.: X. C. j- k.
Sheriff T- C. V:.t't.
Tmwurt r lUvhsr.i tJ.x.
At-.-stSsr H. Swiiir.
SchooJ K-.i j.'.-:i -r,. It-iii K, I. Cuicl:.
itfurvpyf..-- V. ', i-t: s.
Tlii- M.MUS.
Hivrk: Town tiwr i-. cM else r.l ? rr. n.
The- !: ! ! ' V Ti.-.- it Ci'isVj! r t i . .
The jii.iil frra Vtnv-i.i cmi ')'.- l -. -.:-St.
1 icltiia ?.!oa .J.ys I"i v,!ivs .-.t 2 .. n.
IJ a il'ioa! : ZC oH h " el..-M at lfa. in.
South l -.T.ti'l c'o.vs at 2 in.
.:,:, Cr., Oct,
Dear Fuiexu.-; tut. Public:
Vyh v.rite rd.'out ';Major AdaViis" t ot
beeane we are egotistical, ' tit because
everybody v,-ile.-s to 'her-.r a.-.i:t Ma'or
i. lie is the observed of the ol
1 .
ct w.'is -u board the cars, I;
- T
of th." sheen ve used 'to own,
an I In
e".i i.:'vL-r
;-a to
: ' ('".
: -:
-r, and
.-.' en :o j
t:. r
vent, owr
t 4
v. v;:v an;
na n'i ; r.iaj an en;
prn to .'.onl.'rr.p ate. Saiav;? "1:k
nas- '
ter, like : tetk." Even our sleek didn't
like toa.o-irvre with Muckles' ae.d :am
tl.f a.-. lv.--:.
fark Crandal took ct-r pa'eer id Lir.n-
troni, and Henry .Lumh.tou. Crau laVs
wife is a hall ri-ter of Dr. Daws' v. ife.
Mrs. Duvi.-.' c'.vu 'orotSe-r i-a-s a oung
s 'U, turned Ctt-ih ami is tvrvud i.nv I
younz f-ither o--r hi. fh-si- Ler:;. A 4
young titan by th iiijue of Chock bxk j
us across to St. Jchi.s, and Lis : fa: iter his kAiUar dtem lorioui'y Ihgaiiag
for ilie .-..tars and stripes, and Lis mother
iir.v.s a peiision. He lived, when a boy,
in lie.ri re nco, Kansas, and was there
when the city was sacked.
We staid all night at Mr. Leonard's,
cn-in-3aw of Benjamin 0ti3 Severance,
F.n old Mainft patriot, a descendant of
Htu;not blood. His little grandson is a
fplendid littlo i cy, might as the fiash of
f. diamond. He r-iaved checkers with uri
last evening, and we. just be;;t hiui by a
f-crut'-h. He io onh eight years old, the
ego cf our 1-oy UJrnvy, v. horn he great. v
resent .les,rii:y ms eyes are aai r:er.
has been all over the Atlantic States this
last su miner. AVm. Severance gav.. us
a lot of rare shells, picked up w here for
eign : iiipa empty their ?a!!a ,t, they are
rare and beautiful He is ra suing cn to
tlie beautiful beytind, where God v'dl re-
burn:.-.h aad revet the jwel of hi;-; mind i
in th cr-.nd of another world.
We tact the venerable Dr. Caplesand
children, Robert and Lizzdc, in their
beautiful heme, v. e also met their moth
er. We came cn the Lt rline. Mot, Mrs.
Prima and daughter, and i i on. S. W.
Drown, cf Y;nco'.iver. Yaneouver is
solid for Adams, fort, garrison, stores,
wharves, people rich and poor. Tliey all
love .and respect (he old M:ijm and I. is
family.. Mrs. s.yr, "Major, ycu
arc th? a.uu you a! w.-vys" was, i;n
petuous, brae S of ready speech : you
don't grow old a whit, only your beard
is a little grey." S. W. Drown said: "It
is no use they can never make a point on
ycu. 1 know. I have sr.mru-redi and
wintered you." Mr. fhown and Ch.uley
were al ways frimap; n;d it is too Jr. to ir;
div for the.M to ''
ae:: o-
1 n
besides they never go back, tl-ey arc not
that kind of men. Yours,
E.vccn G. Ada vs.
-.Welshmen in the United Sta-s de
clare that them roce is net g-uii;-g ri
::.uch credit here as it deserves, They
-j-iii rt that of the fifi.y-five Irners cf tlie
;ATclaratici: of Independents, i eventeen
ere Welch men, either by J.irth or line
are, and moreover, that fourteen gener
- 'j, one fO!oiii, ' six captains and one
i .-uienaiTi in tlie Afnerican revolution-
y tirtuy were ' Oisnuien.
iMr. ErElantL of; La Centre, W. T.
a shoe "shop. and barber shop to rent
ir tho stenirtlac landing. It is a fine and thoi ei-. a ilne .oneniiig- for
adept at these trades. There is a
;eo to make the best kind of a living i
- l aid. ;me.-;. I
; J recreational Hotel, in Portland,
is Kmuthhm cf which Portland in?.v well !
be proud. K. Lewiston
, the proprietor,
this coast. JI?3
is the liveliest man ou
house presents for the traveller all the
requirements of a
home. -Kvervlhirg
moves like e.or-kv,-ork. There it uojnr,
no.Ii-.eor'I, lH:o v.-el-oibd machinery the
liotel moves alcr.- on it,; daily ecu rye.
T!m i-.t,.inj w!.( r..-. il-.f iV-.r. ! o i - f-n.-.trfr s
a deanly,, wliolesowe nnd well ap-
IX'inte.l r-hv;
Th- cook ir, a huly, ai.'d
white, and no Chinamen -uahes Ihe place
! hifh-i.-us with hi i phvsjjrnoinv. She has
r. 1'f;--lea,-i: ot hes siiu:itir.:i, and the well
! co.'.k-.n! fuo; il.e-.vj wl;o rv .are i it.. The
i rs tire n'ativ' er.u actti.tivc. The
i ror-ms ere !:trt:e, fiirv rtncl 'veil furnished.
; If ycu do;: t leh..'ve U:t, .ust tr- it for The procf of !ie pudding is in the.
(!U!. and the pnedin i: ooh e.ud no
dirtv Ch :us.:nun has opiutis-e.jcked il
j in it. Vv'lien ycu r;n to tho fair -don'c
''' t th'i fare of the 'Intornnti'.'nal. The
exper.r.. i;i oiily a dollar a day. Mr.
Iv3.sien understar.d.s wh,t he is about,
lie is not like a Mind hcrse in a dark
IS-! is a live man with a forty
p-;.v (r of -i.t.-ry to !,.!: hint. He
a to v.-hi and h hxs v. .n a name
crtian t s ;;.'
j e:--f:d men. 3 fe u.-t-h t he pen, his ures
(;e prinifr; wtl, tof, hf uses every
j enenry tl-u civets :i -o pu?.h l;'.a !:::
t'.i-'h-;. fie K'.'iiud ii:s ac-vr msensers j
loc.d cist- and rfii' s a h:rve
of d,!-
lavs. lie ran, a Ifirituaat-.- bus
lie fills nr-u with wx-d j.uVaantial feed
-for his loi.nev, and hi-; o'd cufomers aat'i.
crow U-sK. '
1 is solid in VC
i solid in besijiP-.s. He is bro
; tir- evri, anu ta ;:.; cu ..irtexj
i:e;i und th'Mgs.. The friends of ?W"-; :r
Adams f'ae. l they me !r.;ic;.) ace invitea
i to try E. Lev iton and the int.crr.atien-
i .-. f:-!. ; .t ..f Oif- ;'!' a i v? ei . t,
! V-.M..1 I; a , -1 '..? r.iiiv riMV-rlii. 1 the
t i t-:xf a 1 1 ' pv'uct or cu'-gon
. j A .r ;e; :, l..-.v.-;sr;-n.,; Who g-.-ts
;.. , ... :,ft as v.-t-
is .--emething
to -smy his stomach? Answer snys, "E
,cn." Who i: liberal
ad -shape, end hsdp3 the
; hr.ise;r . : set
Co ene. t " ' al'
in every
trv the.
i e
d. -i?l never o baek on you.
r. travc;
far and
V." id
ver ex;
h a d, or
c: .1 -nm. or a .::;
iel kcej,.--:-
I ! i ;
m a
e-ee h v'e, ami
civil i r; ai:.ei:
you! ::?v.t ce an
i, moderate charge
.ay io good hanior
y-- the world.
The U,iJiri4?s.ia;i4 i&rejj-i 11, 31.
In an article upou tne railroad extei
sion the Yreka Journal eays : llaih-oad
surveyors are busy at work on the B:s
kiyou mountains making surveys, one
party being at work in the canyon n ar
Colo's, where it was supposed the Oregon
was to iiUild ; in tact i;:o
ter cives eilber cou;paT!V the
ri-ht to
build until connection, is mad "A he til
er ilm Cciitre.l Pacific Im:
tin I cnane or
the iino.-j
Port! ?md, i no'L known,
though suspected, yet no si; eh r.rr.i?ige-raent-i
can be fully consummated until
the Oregon read gets out of the courts.
The 0:-'-gm lately gat rid cf
C--, 000,000 of second mortgage bond?;,
which -fudge Dcady dr.-ided ware un
lawiiiiiy i
.a,.,.,.' '
i It
iflieved the
iukoldors will soon have con-
trrl cf the rev! m;, .o a5-' to rcsu'ce
woil; of -'::(: -ision to the California line
next Spring. Fr an what ve can learn
concerning raiiroa
ork above Delta,
the intentions is
to finish the tunnels
and perform tho masonry work during
the coming Fall and winter, so thot
when Bering o:v -,-, p. -i'.o force can bo
,Hi4i w . ... "a ...te.i 1 u.u; to ,ne
O.-egon Itm; in a rapid manner, v ith fx
; ecnition . of having th road completed
within rmoih- r year, Tlie Comjany has
c vid--ntly ; cured iho C'."j,000,o00 they
have been n g.'thitiug f;r, but cn wlvtit
securii v we do iiot hne-v.
" iUit a re vcu crv;n" a!:o;
S T?
i, on i ;
said a traveler in J-iausas to a barefoot
ed boy, v.-ho was r,n top of a hog
pen neor a farm house, crying r.s though
th.e iami! had chicken for dinner and
h-- had to vait.
"i'r- I couldn't go."
"Where did you var.t to ;-c 1;
"i'o town with pap."
"Wouldn't he take you ?''
"No, l-e. wouldn't,"
"What's th.e reason he wouldmc '."
j a
vt. Per o'. he's cot a new v. iv
t;u with red vine's ho thinks he's th
E i. b'rn Mb rsliriiig us tho news that
buriiiess is fomewluit better during
ti: early summer months-yind tint crops
are Hue. Meny western j'.eople hae vis
ited the east this summer, goinc to the
bench':;- and mountains. New Eatfland
lias a tine climate in .summer, and many j
people from the south and west take ad-
vantage of it. With better times in the j
east v.m may look for some improvemenc j
her- within a f-w month.. Next season I
bids fair to be a cood one for railroad i
huihlin.: and if so we will then see better
tiines J
lUto iiic;n lite liitJllc f fcef.ys-
10 rg
recent reunion
I'lO tr-CC-
! cmd Wb-comin iugimoat, at, .--mxcu
! Wis., (Jen. Faivchild (formerly Colonel
V - -1
! of the Second) asked who began the
j bait., cf Gettysburg. He replied : "iTj
j rogmKnt eon-.tiioucfea iJiing ui'r.i. ..uu
Icr.ow it r.s' tlioroughly as I know I am
here lhi-i, surroundea y some
cf mv cf)mrade.- of that hour. We were
in advance of our brigade and had just
yoiu? ovf.r the cret of a ride, when the
enemy opened on us. It wxis a death
swoop, 30 per cent, of our boys falling.
I was as calm Ti3 at this moment, and
rccolleet jierfectly that that volley and
our immediate reply constituted the lirsfc
round of battle. A few moments after,
and just before I fell, wounded, 1 heard
the second linn- on our rh;ht I think
in an open field just beyond the woods.
These circumstance's are as clearly fixed
in my mind as anything that happenoi
around me. A fev- months ago my rec
ollection cf it was undiaputably proved
to be correct upon consulting an oiilcial
document. Major John Mansfield, cf
my regiment, who succeeded me as Col
onel, the next fall, had written out an
oi'icial report of the battle, in pencil, a
f.v.v days after it was over. This re
port, which had never been forwanled to
headquarters, because mixed up with his
ct ber papers until discovered recently,
when he sent it to me. It. is the writ
ten contemi.orsr.eous oi'icial statement
of an eye-witness, and proves beyond all
r erad venture all that I now or have al
v.rys maiiitained. This report has been
transmitted by me to headquarters in
Vas'ington,and will appear in the. o-Iic-
ta; uocunifnts in uue
time. Mansfield
i . now a Uri-adier General in the rocj
j ).-.r army, and is stationed in Cali
j tie wes a lawyer in I'ortago betire tne
j war. It is tne i lfty-sixtn Pennsyivania
j the tsecna iseonsm : but uolonet
l Hc'-ban. an autiiirablo crpntle nan. bv
i tn-'. way, nas no documents to prove ins
! a-e, and simply rests it on his belief;
bur. h. is clearly mistaken. lie may and
: probably did commence action soon af
j tor our brigade, for there was then
: ;--..i.
I -,, -
! fere
! .
g all along th.e line, but not be
There is a Nov. York regiment
! mA..u ;a s.miiar cairn, 1 hear, out there
t -
it."' This testimony, given by General
Pairchl'd, wns corroborated by Gent ral
Br?.g4, 1 vichardsen, and others present,
wlio regardd the facts in the case r.s
well esta'dis-hed as those connected with
r.nv event in the war.
II are Xsiv Subscribers
Aral Still Th-7 Ccsu;. .
F. C. Winchester, Rainier, Cr.
Ja-.iea il. Stuart, Arkansas, W. T.
Geo. Denlow, ait. Coilin. W. T.
Joseph Silva, Rainier, Or.
James 11 olden
Mai. J. S. Ilinierson
.4... . J- V U . 1 g
M, J. Ket:eriiig& Dro "
E l. Ibobbins
'ivwi. Mrivin, Kalama, Vv. T.
National Hotel, Portland.
Chare s S tleen, Scappoose, Or.
jlo-.m-; Nelson,
E. Eland, La Centre, W. T.
Geo Parr " "
enrv i i a:men
oj. larger,
Astoria, Or.
Shcritt" W. G. Ross
Geo. Davidson
Cap. James Cox
V T. Vv. Wherry
W. T. Coleman & Co "
Judge F. Tavlor
Capt, J. H. D. Gray "
J. O. Bozorth
O- cident Hotel
W, D, Iloadington
J. F. Warren, Knappa, Or.
L e.vis Myer, Vancouver,
lien Zer-r, Kalama.
A. Dot.ta
Tvlrs. M. Welch
E. W. F,evlcr
P-ilhp liaruoy
A no x iet't
R. P. Fo ster
(.Jhri.-H.'n Suhman "
Jait.fsDoil "
I.-, Kirchhoih Astoria.
D. II. Ilendee, East Tortl and.
Dilly Morgan "
John Collins "
W. A. Wetzel
Mr-. L. A. Patterson "
J. D. Htinter, St'r Manzanillo.
O. H. Smith, Portland.
C. In man, Freeport, W. T.
W. M. Dick? 'on, Clatskanic, Oregon.
Mr;, C. A. Strong, West-port, Or.
Mr-. C, A. Strong, of Westport, is the
agent for some of the leading books of
the age. I ler territory extends from
the Dallas to Astoria, tho lower
Cohitvihia. She is now canvassing for
ihe following works: The "Life of Gen.
Grant," as written by Mr. Blach ; "Tho
Wcrld, Historical and Actual," by Frank
Gi'dn a t, A M., this is a ver? fine book
indeed. She nho has Miss Rose E. Cleve
l.'.nci'.s new bo. k ; a book that all will
i:'!v0 lo SC:C- Th.e books are all first-class,
a,u those wishing such book can obtain
tliem f'',n Mi's-O. A. Strong.
7''is cm that a man in Kansas
.a i i : . ' -c : i .1 ,i..
U J 1 w
Av - tn no tools but a set -of falsa ' teeth
mul an iron determination.
: . ; v
v.-(.:-J Tor
man o
moans and aJi!u nc
j whh ( very nKl CO!55fort tl:at
j pm-ehr.-. ,o kv ho i in fa-
voroj Cjji:.f..,. vhr, ):Xor-'VM thai: tU
i comujg ct i!the Id tie brown man is a
great boon to th- cxiuivy and the State;
and that if white hibor ear-not compote
with it, why then "white bibor" must go
to the wall; and that on the soil of Cali
fornia uiufct be fought that battle that
will resnlt in the "survival of the tit
test." The changes have been wrung
upon that miserable insult to white la
bor about as long as io is palatable, and
in the elucidation of the vexed question
it may end not'in the turival of the fit
test, but in the survival of the lightest.
Xo more Chinese cheap labor f houhl be
admitted into tins Htate. ,Lot those
who are" in love with the "little brown
man," and who would like to lie down
in the same bunk with him, take care of
themselves against his invasion, and
fight for the.!is..lves The Chilian. o:i
that canje here under treaty provisic v.s
are entitled to the protection of the law,
muneipal, State and national, the same
a:i those of the. most f.vvored nations; but
not n man of them that came here afi r
the operation of the IV'striction A t
should bo allowed to remain here, and
not another oAo houid b? permitted to
land unlese the proof Was indisputable
as to his right to do so. This Chinese
cheap hibor (pje.-.tioii has now reach eid
that, point v. here it cannot b di.-i-'-.' ed
cf with a wave of the. hand or a pun of f
ufter dinner cigar. It has rt aeh d pro
portions that, if permiied to increasf,
mav et ou
of f tko.-e v.i-.o
egotistical enough to think tney can i; Ur
Cnmese :abur canr.ot .onger
i to those scores m u:.i'or!o... r.rues aim
the ptace of th.e State b; uiaiatained.
Hungry heilh's br
on a revouu'.oi
most ttestruct! ve m it:; nature, in
and a hungry belly i.-. the same r.mnml
in Califoi uia as in Erame. Ti.f r is 'no
nationality to a hungry belly; and the
soonc r those bellies that are with lat
capon lined; awake to a readi::aiion of
that truth, the hotter it v, il! be for all
concerned. Sjirit f ihe Tiaes.
To conduct a.' hotel business snti.-.fac-torily
to all patrols re paires artistic abil
ity of a high order. 'Ihe :,ucceas:f::J land
lord must be genial in manner, obliging
in action;; and a nastier; he must be a
friend and adviarr; must bavt-a thoiough
knowledge of all mictions of the country,
in fact be a walking eyclpc-'dia of in
formation. Such a man is E, Lewiston,
of the International Jolly, whole-souled,
obliging, Mr. Lewiston is undoubted
ly the most popular hotel keeper in tho
northwest. His name is the synonvm of
good cheer, ami as for his house, it is the
best one do!!ar-a day hotel on th.e Pacific
coast. He gets a majority of tiie new
comers and he deserve.- them. Immi
grants will find the International to b
a'd that its ag ula represent it to ho.-
"No, thank you ; none for me. Ice
water came very near being the death
of me ence, and I seldom use it."
"How did that come? I always con
sidered it a very healthy drink, if taken
in moderation.",
"It may be but I didn't exactly take
it in moderation."
"Indeed ! You surprise me. . I dare
say yeu got. overheated and took a gob
let too much."
. "Goblet 1 Can a full-grown man take
a bath in a goblet V7
"Certainly not, but "
"Wei!, 1 fell overboard into a river
full cf P."
Wo have received a number of letters
from Arkansas within the past few
weeks. Many people from that country
are thinking of coming to Oregon. They
said tiny were very much sui prised to
see such a fine exhibit from Oregon, at
New Orleans, last winter, and that if
Oregon could raise such crops it
was tho place for them. Crops in tlnxt
part of the country are very tine this sea
son ; cotton the best it has been for
vears : corn lirst-chi-s but business of
all kinds dull. They :edd
men were get'ir.g cue sme
r , ,
. ln.-.i thev were sen na '
cag'.ai-o a g-x d ileal of wild cherry.
VAv .V'w, published at Milwaukt e.
Wision; in is the moat humorous paper in
Aimrica to-day. Geo. W. la ck, i:a ed
itor and proprietor, stands' without an
equal as a humor: t. "He believe-, in
making people happy, .and no out. can bo
otherwise who reads his moat excellent
paper. Oma readers ere invited to read
the prospectus of 2'cr.L's SV;, in another
column. Sample copies mailed free to
anv address.
Our respect for Roscoe Conkling has
been much increased by the. following
sensible remark that .touches a tender
spot in the .'ountry editor's heart. He
says that the smallast country newspaper
is worth more to its subscribers in one
month than its price for a year, and does
more tor its neighborhood for nothing
than many a high official does for his
munificent salary. Pasa-lcna Slawhird.
I Ni:j.;u Crrv, Oct. -1,
! Majo:; Ajv.?.:s :
As there are a good many of your pa
pers taken in this neighborhood, 1
thought a few lines would not come
j amiss, ihmg.1 nave cen pretty jiiveiy
j here for the last two or three weeks.
William Link has hud his hook, cast
in the pond of matrimony for some: time,
but had the misfortune ot not getting a
nibble until a a7ut two weeks- ago,
when his bait was gobbled up by a young
lady from Iowa. He was so excited
while hauling her in, tint A. Fowler
got tangled in the coil and came near
breaking the line, but his hook had a
good hjard,aud he got a firm hold on her,
and before she. had time to take the sec
ond tlounce he had her safely on shore.
There .seems to be eou.-uderablc excite
ment around these parts. Mrs. Fowler
made a flying hit to the Clastanio,
some two weeks ago. She cast her hook,
also, but did not have, the good luck of
getting a bite, but it .seems as though she
found a coon tree, but as the furj is not
good now we will let it stand.
Times are very lively around Neer
Citv. Th.e weddin;; dance ot Wm. Link
and Miss Lizzie Pimenbcrgt n, wns a
grand edl'air. Thev were married by
1'rof. Did, of Deavt-r Valley, at the resi
dence of Abraham Neer. The .dinner
was as line as .anyone would wish to sit
down to. It was cooked by Mrs Abo
Neer, Mrs. George FowVr and Mrs. M
D. Link, and a, they are all good cooks,
there tan be in fault found with the din
ner. After dinner the crowd gathered
at P'dt 11 a van's' sporting house, .and
danced tintd it was daylight.; There
were ovi-r one h.i'adr.-d persons pr: s"nt
at the dance. Ph-utv to eat but net
much v.hi.dve-.
Wt 11 Major I will lay away this poor
pen f jr this time, c.u v. id hear from
the!.': pntts again, so..-n after the brute
um(j nrooui cam
f i on: their wed--im:
1 f:r.t-:'.::-;.tAri:.
ding tour. Fruee. t
"Al-j.b.t ai'.i ltai'.-r,'.y na-l rt-.-r.r.i Nr. ?.?:. tien" ha- bivni -j :iec:i;!s! fr aa i . A-
iht-.n & O., 1 y tho Kiehiktrb'ier b:td C..,
; . Va :o i't;. l: .... i':t y
r.s ; .i.e!- i i-eVli-alien,
:.: j : ..a. :. . .i-y.y,
Ai "r'.'
:y I;vr.;-.-r t!r.:i Ar;.h:-
. i I.i . i '. .-.-i , r.v'.-,
r.a'.I''a;d r..Ihv-.iy .;uMi
v. Il ri.f.t:iir'.-i nni'.y
a J it t ' tt-e ti-Jiv-tire-r
ee-ar! :.. a Teaiit's
u : i r
e ,
(ha!--." It v
t. -a".: ' ' ai. l a i
(2.1 ccatano!
W ill ho :
tie, , n'v
.vlehh lis siA i at thai
fvater wi.-'c'i wi;I cea;
na'el -.'. The . ul v i.e:
a' Jo in r.i'iiti. :i toth: u
w-h l.e r
Thu !-.
ore t. at:;.,
i-eaiar fs
; ,..i
; ri A:-:
hv th,:
u'o (.:.
f:-.:a the
vay i'uSii.-atti.a v:-., ai l . :-arcft, .o a'
York, tk-i Ijtlar c.:ii;;s!i l:-d.;, t : v- ;a:e'htr-?
of t!; "0:;ici.u l:aaway I'ah!.-," t!:!. treae-.v-.t
v.erk. fruas lids .'.wt it .-..ill l.o seen! lhi.t tlie
l'uhh-h:;j jn .-.. i:miah.a fa-ahi-r-s fer ohlsin
ie. r ft-rly r.u.i arate iaf.-ruavtleli n airctla
CaphWin.n.Tutt'e died at about noon
yft-terd.'.y, i:i Portland. lie. was down for
four weeks with typhoid b-ver and al
though the very best attention was civ
en to his case.he was unable to e ape with
the disease. lie was a captain in lheCal '
ifornia vobrnteer during the late rebelli
on and served so well that he was lre
veted majorat his discharge. He has resi
ded in Oregon about four years, having
been a foreman in Ainslee it Go's mill.
lie was regarded as the b st hand
in the handling of weed working ma
chinery in the city. He leaves a w i;o
in this city and a daughter in California
to mourn Ids departure. 7ts;raii.
Any man or woman making leas than
10 weekly should try cur easy money
making htmiims.. We v.aut agents for
our celebrated Madame Pean Spinal
Supporting Cornet ; also, our Spinal Sup
porter, Shoulder Prace, ami Abdominal
Protector Combined (tor nu n and boys).
Xo experience required. Four orders
per day give the agent 10 monthly.
Our agents report four to twenty sales
daily. outfit free. Send at once for
full particulars. State ex.
Lkwis St tin elk h Co.,
CM) Proaduay, K Y.
Mr. Dillard is colled east, and has
the following articles lo dispose of. - Per
son's wishing any of them would proba
bly be benefitted by seeing them at hU
ofuee in St. Helens, during this week :
100 vol a law bocks,' f0 vols miscellane
ous book's, including Latin, Greek and
French lexicons, pictures, chairs, otHce or
parlor stove. Lamps, maps, clock. Rem
ington sporting riilo (22 ca!.), wt of
ivory chess-men and board, bridlsaddle
opera glasses, roller and ice skates, and
other small articles.
First Olass Apat
To repreedut our bviutitul illustrated
family macazine. Special terms and
ermanout engagement given to -the right
party. Any smart man or woman who
is willing to work and has the ability to
pimh the magazine can secure a. splendid
position. Write us at once giving age,
particulars of par-t work and j territory
desired. Address,
Cottagi Hearth Co., Post on, Mass.
thk only Tironounii
Entirely IJcwTLcoiy c r
of iledicino.
i - i t -'i 3 ' h eS i' 1 i - '.
v .lt -a;
liieri C't;:-' direct fmm the
han-.l s of the Ch ud.- ts in Europe, raal
itrn suoii as have, never been introduced !
into this country 'before.
reus employing me will receive
set vices ' fret, unless I nu ke
cores ki all cural'Ie eases, or
give great relief in all uu
curr.blo e:iSr-;-, aec.-rd-iitg
to agret nientj
r before taking
your ces-e. ;
Th.e bni? oxjv:j:Srt of tho nn 1
payable, in all cases, in advance. j
All f-ull. ring from diseases, of v. . at- ;
ever nature, whether Acute or Chronic, I
are cordially invitt d to consult with me'
in regard thereto. j
All living at a distance who cannot j
consult with me in person, can do so by '
letter. Letters containing stamj s will 1
receive prompt attention by return mail, j
Curable Gases1
. m I mm M
Iw r ; luj Lai
I til ti. W
ViCHS mztoij. CI
tiicir C?,eo, cud -SL?
r,ioseat Ccaditicc- All
uc2i letters will rscolv'O stsic't
j .j!iUiiM;i.,M,ii
Re.spccl fully Yours.,
Tv A .J.--f
All letters shoulp be
.si. s:c!cn-f e.-
.... rr.r.n) J V . L. 1V Ta-
r . inp'r c...,vt'.i i , . . j j . : - -
irtr.prin?. di!irovrii3. iuvptif.ion ei.'l ;.it-,l
.vnr,,;.o-.!. V.v.rr nunil-'r ,l!hiiv l yaix
'nl'-n-iid oasr-iviof. 'TiiiH jMibliPStttn. fura.fiai
U most Tdlust.'.o p.i -70iop' --li of " (: :c 1 1 .ii :: !i
! person hn;l'l t.u iVufc. ' '' ' r-''.iri'y l
tho Sciv-ni .-.a Anr T!'eec i -.! i.i .t. n '.:
in!tt;on n r!y eouaU that -f ni ' !' '-' r9---
cr.'.m.'l. I'rlo. ,!..2 ' 1 1 n-.v: ! p'
1o"i'ii'i. SM . f..U i:ei.i-.Mi-. diOO.,
l'uLUlier. ?.'o. t l J'.-oi.(iv.-.-.7, l.
ii tho IV.trtit Otfce. ar.a l.ivo r-fpir-l
C-v l"":.;:... ii.. -.Oci ihnu.
4. II . ' .1 . . . . , m : .. .. .u....:,.,.. r. t a..
J paruia"- ; oi tainiuc l-.lcnU cbr.,.r-
kSl fall. . V 'hout cUars. Ind-book,. cj
Hi I 1 Ur...in7i keut froo. l'atent o!jtmo4
vc U t.nUcto.l by U pcr-on. who h to d..po.
-;v:Uc!t. rfl J'.rociw.iy, Yotk.
F4, li
Tho tho IVorid
i i ; v... v,a
'-. v Sl?t';b--j
Oar four Kosnrs. YTIAU tT0 cevotol their 1It
to tho etcSy of dovelortep t!3 Uocd Orfjrui, Ibo
gpcior hiiTinj maanfeotBretl Organs for 05 j-far.
Their conhtrnctlon Is n pl iH
R n and wlu cot get out cf
t r 1 ft 8 3 K HupAU luim
! 81 kt. U L L -v 5m2vt rrji?,?.
InEnylnsca OKCAH tltm'ttolod Jcto pcrchaninj
cue that contains a prcat AHUA Y OFSTOI'3 .
and FEY 221JED3 bat vvrito to a '.;
QlAlli&laVm or Slcvrmraotiiror
vho will furnish yon ct even to mone ajlrrt-clarj
ORGAN. 5117"Stop3 cost but a fow centa each
Write for oar CATALOG UK nr.d diafrrom
showing conotructloa cf the INTERIOit ot
AGENT'S DISCOUNTS allcwcd whero we
bavo no Azent.
Wilcox iWhils Organ Go.
"vTill lar.t a Jifrtlrar, accur
r.te, i:o VfurhH to Iooho,
trtri arU-1'-v;
y'.'J.rl.K ;-'-i rcaav, easily ur
t--. 't tiorswoa, nwimii-s iiujo
V--?--Sf -'i''" & e;oaco and Is tho c)ieapcst
' yr i. fcouj ever nia.a, . ,
srsD roa 10 Tjycs IiirsmA-nso CtrscuLAii 1
m .-.a
-i. kvr 1 it -r-r
UrrVt r.nd fUronrr, er-
uii.ueii i-i niia ui.'ia.iie, I oV-5
in warming dished, etc. !!' "'
FITS m SIZE FIFE. tf i -
, Ask ycur hard-vv-STO dealer for ono
or Bend to -ca icr Circular.
7 ------ VJ
combiuir.-f;o .-.r..l Vw.-tlt.-elor, of an
orzs' mis -it t r;jrr-Uon ef (v-r-arm
ai, s, a a i j-srnrerv.. f., i:aiiCfs
i.Titr.nrAi4 tr::-1, &(d-
Circular3 nutl't-l oa .;!' p.tir.n.
re a;, r.'. y. city.
We?-hs frorrtl-IOz.
'-Vi-': a
10 .,) I.?)?., tvltu-
ou5 caamre. r
Ccrnhlnrf? mnny SmTes In ono
"Withont uornplferdlon.
Xo LoosoWcIirhUto g-et Ixist or H rot
en. Uuilormly Accurate & Durable.
Tho EESTand M03T conven
ient Ocalo over Invented. Poc
Itivoly unequalled for accura
cyt portability end rango of
capacity. i
Ask your doatcr for thorn, or
send for IMustratod Catalocuo.
,v r e.; ; a
.- .