The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, July 31, 1885, Image 2

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St.Heleo, Columbia Co., Or.
FSIDAY, JTJLY 31, 1335.
year, in adai-i......... ........
month " ......
fOne s.piare (10 lints) first insertion..
Kacli avilwci?iit insertion
1 00
$2 00
1 00
E, .W.itS. Editor & Proprietor.
The special .ar to contain the exhibit
.of Oregon products which will be sent
East by the Oregon State Board of Im
liiyatn -wrll arrive in Portland about
August 3rd, a:l will remain heu until
August 17th.
- Specimens of our fine crop of this
year bhould be .sent from every part of
.qur County, and should include grain,
hay, and such fruits and vegetables as
will hear shipment, and also coal, iron,
and timber.
Geo. V. McB.ride lias been requested
by tlie State Board to collect and for
ward samples of the products of the
iCounty, and those of our citizens who
cannot conveniently send direct to Port
land, aae aequt sted to forward to Mr.
JIcBride such "products they wish to
.end. -
1 lis .car u ih,. samples of our products
v i 1 1 be the best advertisement our Coun
ty could have, and all who wish to at
tract immigration to Columbia County
should join in an effort to get up a tine
i'xhibit of our various products and re
sources. Medical Institute
'hr ?-Jawtlv?rne Medical aud Surgi
cal Sanitarium, East Portland, is now in
the charge of very successful and thor
ough physicians. Invalids will find this
a pleasant home, thorougly fitted up
i-very appliances necessary for Jthe syc-vei-hful
triticnt of patie.n.ts. No place
y.i the country to-day is better adapted
for the of invalids, .and under the
charge of graduated practical physicians
.recovery is assured in a short time..
Dr. A. B. ADA1IS,
Examining Physician-
rr. A. Ik Adams of St."Helens ir
foruis uh that the "quack" Pr. Foot, Jr.
Lsnow in Victoria, and that the "cut''
run in the Columbian at St Helens is
hat of the genuine. Dr Fooie, that was
fcitu'ply placed in the advertisement to
"Jill up,"aiid that the 'Simon pure"
went East -liter running the fraud out
X)f Salt Laky City. Dr. Adams further
more says that he is of the Monroe In
stitute of lioriton, that since his gradua
tion c jiue to" an end by the death of the
head physician, and tbat the insticute
Jocy.tfd ii Multnomah building has dis
band d, aiA the physicians gone to diff
erent parts of the State to practice.
Jnterestin Letter Trpm Mrs
We make the following extracts from
Mrs. Adams' last letter. They are taken
haphazard. '
Soutii Berwick, Maine.
.. July 17 th. 1885.
Deak Husband Esther had been
here three months and felt she must go
hoin after 1 caiae. The Doctorsaid
Mother had good nurses in Esther and
JIattie (Jo well, but our coming was the
medicine she needed. It is the hardest
work to get her to realize ihai she need
not work-; it distresses Blanche to see her
try to work when bhe is too weak to
walk without a cane; but she gains some
every cay. It is pleasant to meet and
to greet' my old'" friends and relatives;
pearly all on my side of -Jlio house have
called, there are not many left. Of Es
ther's fa nily I have seen only Albert;
lie is at work here.
The children are very happy here, on
ly Birney ask$ every day now "When
will Papa cp .h.;" he does not want to go
back to Oregon but ha wants yeryjuuch
to see "Papa." They did not seem so
much fatigued by the journey as I was.
Blanche was . quite sick one night, and
djf not hit up for half a day, justsucli
iuk days as she had at home sometimes;
fehfi has been well since we arrived.
Blanche hud a beautiful letter from
Mrs. Godkin, reinailed by you from St.
All call Birney "Jimmy" here.
(fbp scenery here is more beautiful
CO UMt ?!A
than ever; the children keep the table
decorated with wild flowers as beautifu'
as those in Oregon, lilies of the valley
tfce. JLc. The cars make up for the
steamers. As this ne,w railroad is the
Boston and Maine all the buildings are
taken away at the Juticlum and no sta
tion there nor.'. 15 trains jass in sight
of the house cvry day -and I do .not
know how many in the night, then new
houses are built and farms improved
since I left. Fruit and ornamental trees
have grown; that elm at the end of the
house large as those in the field but
the poplars are almost dead. This place'
needs man's labor and one that feelsai
interest in fixing up things instead of
sapping the place all the time.
The young men, especially Mr. Wood
som's son Ashbyand Mr. Brackett's
sons have letn very kind to Mother,
not leaving her alone nights all
these years, when Uncle Elihu or Esther
could not be lure, not for any reward
but out of renpnt 'Or Iter and a natural
kindness of heart. Mr. Brackett's two
sous he has educated (they are both grad
ates) besides paying thousands .of dollars
of other people's debts.
The butcher and Ashman call at the
door, each once a week, and I remarked
one day that the "beef tasted as good as
that we got in Oregon. Esther said all
the beef we get here comes in the cars
from the West packed in ice.
Albert's corn he planted looks better
than any we saw on the route.
Mother has one cow that gives milk,
one horse that looks like Charley, only
not so much white on his face, one yoke
of oxen, the horse cost her $100. Joseph
took the money she paid him for the
horse and a bought a colt that he says
is now tfyjrth 300.
There was a young man and wife'had
a tlozen large chickens in the carswith
them, in a box, when we came, that they
had brought from California
There was no end to the cattle cars
we rcuv .on the route.
Uncle Libr.y has been a good Irottcr
to Mother.
Many prayers for yours and Arthur's
health and prosperity. Kind regardsto
my friends. Affectionately from
M. E, L, A
Hood River, July 19, 1885.
To the Editor of the Columbian-
Wo have had three shifts in the
weather since the big snow left us last
about the .end of February. With the
coaimenofinie&t of die njonth cf Match,
warm $wd raild weather set 'in, with a
pure and .cloudless sky, that -was more
like summer than spring, and that soon
before the trees and bushes had begun to
bud A dry wind blowing in the"day
time with cold and frosty in the night,
caused the lands in a short time to'hard
en, so that people that were not speedy
enough to plow their ground, had to
leave it unplowed; then as such weather
lasted, two" months all seeding that was
not well advanced began to fade with
the end of April; others lost their pros
pects on their wheat-fields.
In the month of May the weather
turned cold and cloudy, and garments
which had been worn in the warm sum
mer winds bad to be changed to some
thing like an overcoat. Gardens would
not grow, Gora that had sprouted and
come up was yellowish and delayed in
the daily pressing cold winds, which las
ted nearly to midsumnMr. During all
this time, about ten wcks or more,
there was only one rain-shower; which
had a good effect on spring seeding and
But as midsummer had passed, the
cold days and cold winds passed too,
and there wa3 a sudden change from
cold to hot, not warm, such tempera
ture as causes sunstroke in the East, the
thermometer not being satisfied by stop
ping in the nineties', but cljmbing up in
to the hundred, and stopping there too
for several days. On the Fourth of Ju
lv, the thermometer down in Hood Riv
er town stood a hundred and fifteen in
the shade. But later and now the heat
is slacking down. The dry winds how
ever last.
Wheat, rye and oats are harvested.
Some farmers say that they have a bet
ter yield than in the previous year.
Corn-fields look pretty well and potatoes
the same, of which latter there are great
quantities planted, Mr. Purser, not hash
ing less than twenty three acres ast
year potatoes were so abundant, that in
the spring they could be had for notlu
The fruit ihey say is premising as the
buds were not mujh nipped by the frost
last spring.
A general complaint prevails over the
valley about scarceness of money which
is a fact. When there is no money the
people are bound to resort to some meth
od to get their wants and supplies. The
primitive or Indian is the most common.
The saying is when a person wishes a
thing from another, "I have no money,
but I can give you this or that," what
he may have to dispose of. In the same
manner work can be had if he be willing
to take goods or stock in exchange, or in
Game seems to be plentiful this sea
son even if there was big destruction of
many animals in the last viator's big
colds and suows. JSeerAce so bold they
come in among the .settlements. Ja tnc
night they go iuto the corn-fields and
other plantations Aoiind salt, licking the
ground -vvlicre people have walked or
been at work, and at (the same time dam
age the crops but noc much.
In the valley is another, smaller ani
mal, a pigmy against a deer, that is the
ground-squrrel or jjrqund iiog, or as they
here commonly calliChem'diggers." The
iligger is altogether a pest, against which
all the farmers liaxe to i&iake war. They
are so numerous, although thousands of
them are killed yearly, they don't dimin
ish, on the contrary this year they seem
to have doubled in numbers. They are
poisoned with strychnine mixed in
soaked wheat, and put iu their tunnels
underground where .they 'hue their hab
itation. On their fagicg trips, which
ia every day, they destroy everything of
grain also corn, peas, onions, rutabagas, 1
cabbage, etc. They go'into the houses
if thereMs'nobody in, into the barns and
dreg away horses' feed, they go into the.
dwelling-houses through the chimneys sr
any other aperture wjhera they can creep.
In the winter they Are .dormant under
ground and in .hallow itjrees, but in the
spring when iJie buow is melted'and the is tliawed. then they are alive a
gain and commence their depredations.
Very jrespect fully yours.
Van Jounson.
TJ. S. Landj. Office.
reg on" City, Oregon, July 21, 1885.
This office is now in receipt from tiie
General Land Office of the official not
ice of the Act of CopgBQSS, of J anuary
31st. 1885, declaring the. forfeiture of
certain unearned lands granted to aid in
the construction of a railroad and tele
graph line from Portland to Astora and
MeMinnville, ani filings under the
Homestead, Pre-emption and other lawa
if properly made, will now be allowed
at this office.
Under the provisions of the second
section of said act, persons who on Jan
uary 31st. 1885 were actual settlers in
good faith on the re3tored lands claimed
by them, and are qualified to make the
entry applied for, have a preference
right of entry, but such preference right
must be exercised withn six months
from this date
If any such is not entitled to make
entry under the HoRoesteiad, Preemption
or oiher laws, ha jAy purchase within
one year from the date of the Act, toAvit:
January 31, 1885, not to exceeding 1G0
acres of land embraced in his settlement
or occupation, at the price of $1.25 pei
Persons applying for the preference
right of entry under the Howe-stead,
Preemption or other general laws, or for
right of purchase under the special pro
visions of said Act, will be requred to
prove their'actual settlement and occu
pation'of the lands;so ilainird.
Such proof must be made to the satis
faction of the Register and Receiver,
and may be by affidavit executed before
them, corroborated by witnesses, setting'
forth the date of settlement, tlie facts
relative to actual occupation of the land,
and the nature, extent a&d value of im
provements. Final proof under the seUlament and
improvment laws will be made in the
manner provided under those laws re
The pricc"of ail lands within the re
stored limits is 1.25 per acre, but the
same are not subject to sale at ordinary
private cash entry.
Im T. BARIN, Register,'
Lanciall's Valley, Oregon.
July 20th,, 1885.
Major Dear Sir: I hayie Arrived
safe to the promised land,' all well, in
good spirits, and like the country. -1 am
busy getting feed for winter. Land set
tling up fast, crops fin?, work'.. plenty.
If you don't send on the Columbian
look out for a shingle in the afr. More
anon. Yours truly,
W. II. Copeland.
Judge F. A. Moore has been appoint
ed Commissioner of deeds for Washing
ton Territory by Governor Squire, and
has obtained his seal ready for business.
Hon. S. L. Lovell has been to the
land-offipo at Orpgon City for himself
and others. He reports hfc brother
Frank' little child as in the care of i'.s
rrr nndiiinMior VT ra An m a
Attention ! travelers J
wharf every alternate morning at 6
o'clock (Sunday excepted.) On Mondays
and Fridays for SKAMOJvAW A, and
Wednesdays for CLATSKANIE and
wayside landings ; returning Ttfflsd&ys,
Thursdays and Fiidays.
C. Bureau, President.
A. S. Foster, Sec. and Tre&s.
Notice for Publication.
Lai OmcE at VAxrotivm, W. T.
July 21et. 18X3.
Notice is hereby triven that the follnwing
natnel settler ha filetl notice of hia intention to
make final prof in support of his claim, aud
that said proof will be made before the Register
aud Receiver at Vancouver, V. T. Tuesday,
September 8th. lSS:"), viz: (.Seorge Marsh,
JldDiestejvl Application No. 23(i4 foi the North
i of South W. I of tit Sec. 10, Tp. N. J&. ? W-
He names the following wituentses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said land, vizi
D. F. Howard of Stella, W. T.
v. tj. aiowrey of "
Fred Miller, of '
John WohL
FKE1). V. SIVVULIXG -Ilesistsr,
von.MJul 24
At Jast a use has been found for tlte
well known and valuable proptcy left
by the late Dr. J. C Hawthorn, known
as tbni asjlum buildings, in East Port
land. Two physicians "who come with
the best credentials, Drs. J. B. Philips
and Edward Bailey, have taken the
buildings and ground and converted
them into a medictl and surgical saniia
rium naniiii"; it for the late owner the
"Hawchorn Sanitarium. " The location '
and buildings are well known to all cit
izens and requre no description. The
sanitarium is situated on high ground
and most admirably adapted to the pur
pose for which it is to be used. It is a
rolling tract of land of about one hun
dred acres that slopes on all sides from
the buildings, dius a (fording perfect
drainage, leaving no chance of malaria
from, stagnant water or other deleterious
deposits. There .Are a number of living
springs of the purest and sweetest water
in the world right on the tract, that fur
nish a never fouling supply of delicious
cold water. The grounds are laid off in
to leautiful groves, poolifie gardens, etc.
The sanitarium has a capacity .f four
hundred beds, and will be furnished
with all the modern healing appliances,
such as baths, of all kinds, oxygen inha
lations, health lifts, movement cure. etc.
The whole place has been lefuodeled
rooms .enlarge'd and the establishment
will be ia charge of eastern genilemen
of large experience, It will not- only be
a Jsrst-cla&s private hospital, but an a
greeable home for invalids who may re
quire careful treatment and dieletic in
struction and regulation under compe
tent scientific supervision. ' The mana
ging physicians have au office in this city
in the Labbe building at tlie corner of
Second and Washington. strcets.-2Vfc-grani.
' .
Of our leloved oheiare always treasures.
We should miver -delay in securing them
while we can ; and to those of our readers
who visit Portland, we would say, do
not return without visiting - the San
Francisco Gallery, S. W. ?orner
First and Morrison streets, and getting
your photographs taken, you may not
have another opportunity to secure a
perfect likeness and a highly tinished
pictures. Most centrally located.
We have received "Baby's Primer"
published by D. Lothrop and Company,
Franklin Street, corner ot Ilawley, Bos
ton, Mass. This is a book to delight the
little ones. Kobody knows how to
please and instruct them a-? well as D.
Lothrop and Company.
Hon. John II. Mitchell has formed a
law partnership with Ralph M. Dement.
There rooms will le 1, 2, 3 it i Kamm's
Building, North East Cornei Front and
Pine Streets, Portland, Oregon. They
have a law library of over 5000 volumes
just arrived, the finest and most compre
hensive law library yet in Oregon Mr.
Mitchell has sent .an advertisement to
the Columbia? which will appear next
JJ00RE & Q0LE,
Attorneys and Counsellors
St. Helx, Oregon'.
Will practice ia all the Courts of Oregon and
Washington Territory. "
- vrn44
is an
; Hossehold Article. :
Will last a lifetime, accur
ate, no weights to loose,
always ready, easily un
derstood, occupies little
space and is the cheapest
Beto tor 16 pjun IixranLmo Cmcrxa. v '
L!?ht and Strong, or-
and exceedingly useful
in warming dishes, etc.
, Ask your hardware dealer for ono
or send to ua for Circular.
' Hotel,
Comer Third and E Streets,
Our f.icilitlt-H are such thatwe defy competition.
Ihu is the lai irwi. al.niost respectably :
fcopt Hotel iu the Northwest. - :
Board and Lodging
$1.00 per day. j
MEALS 25 CTS., LOJXSJXO,&5 & 30 jCTS.'
fFNo Chinese Kmploywl.Tt'i
32. LEVISTON, Propria
O ULAKK, Aycnt.
WAY. Semi 5 Cents pos-
t't Lra ntt 1 1 i in 'til i
s "v ' J j
that will btart you in work-that will at once hring
yoiwin nmuoy (aster th:ui ftuvthin else .in Amer
.ica. AH about the S200,0Cip .in jeuU with
each box. Agents wanted everywhere, ofjeither
SCX. of all .lsjos. for all th. time, or tiinp
mli. to wuk for ns at their own homes. i'or-
ses tor u!l workers alwolntely asanretl. JJJoii t
Uelay. Jl. llALLET & Vo., I'ortlaud, -MaiiiCi
State of Oreoa
trovpty ji ooiuiiiuuii l js.s.
ly Tirtueof a riecioeaiKi
onler of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia
to me directed, in favor of S. A. Mi,les and
against Harnett I'opejoyt Emily lejoy and
Die bowman tor the sum of six hundred eihr.y
fc-ix and .27(0So. 27) dollars in U. S. Cold Coin
rt.k interest thereju at one per cent per month
from the 7th. day of May,;1885, and the (further
.MVi of tifiy (A-V3.00) Dollars as attorney's lee, also
the sum of forty live and -!K) dollars owta and sve
critiiitf costs, coinniajidin-? me to niakesae of the
followintr dec;ibed real preituty to wjt:
The South W'ett oae quarter of th4 Soutii
Kivst one quarter & the South iLjt oyei quarter
the South f West one quarter,
all in Section fifie-'n and also the North otte
half of the North West one quarter of Section
Tweutjvtwo (22), all of the said alwe de.-crjbed
real estate situate in Township Three (3) North
of Kan,re Two (2) V. of the W ill. Meri.iian, and
containing 1(!0 acres of land more or less, acoonliiif,'
to Governnieiit survey t-Jether with tfhe tene
ments, hereditaments ad apjmrteKanCerf there
unto beloufjiiipr or ijj ay wise appertaining, all
beinK situate iu Columbia county, State of Ore
gon. I duly levied uim.h said premises .on the
Hitch, day of May, 1S.S". Now ui puikuauceof
said decree and onler of sale, I will on Saturday
the 27th. day of .Tune, 1S85, at the hotu- of One
o'clock P.M. of said day at the Covi-t : 1 1 oue
do-r in said comity and state ell the above-described
real -"property at public auction to the
highest bidder therefor for cash to satisfy said
decree ana order ot sale, interest and costs
Dated Mav 2!th,
T. C. WATTS, Sheriff of
County, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Laxd Office at'Okeoox Cm, Oukoox.
" June! (5, 1SS5.
Notice is -hereby - given that the following.
uaned settleir has filed notice f Lit intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Judge or County Clerk of Columbia County at
St. Helens, Oregon, on Tuesday, July 2ist.,
1SH5, viz. Elijah Wingert, Homestead Entrv No.
Tim tor the N f -S. E. 4 N. i.f N. V I of
Sec. 26, T. N.'I!. 2 W. ' ' !
He names the following witness t provt bis
continuous residence upon, and uulUvation of,
said land, viz:
B. F. Neer, Albert SefFert,". Tames Hudson ami
f hos. Thouipcon, all of Columbia Count v, Ore
yon. Post-oti.ce address of all, KalaniiV, W. T.
L. T. T.AKIN, Kegister.
v5n45jnll2 j
Notice for Publication.
JjAiD 0-cfi..T Onr.coN' CjtV OrkcvW.
Jiuie 10, iss.".
Notice is hereby given that the I following
uamed settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final provt in support of his jclaiin, and
that said proof will be made before Kegister nnd
Keceiver U. S. Land Oifice at Oreg n City, Ore
gon, on Tuesday. Aug. 11th, 1S.S.", viz: Cassiua
W. Peck, HoMuL-tecil Entry No. 41t4 for the S.
W. I of Sec. S-i'i'. 5 N. It. 5 W.
He names the loiiowing witju-.sses to prove m
continuous residence inon, and cultivation of,
said laud, viz: i
M. G. Carter, Charles Plowman, Jndson Weed
and W. I'hbuan, all of Veinonia,! Columbia
Count. Orei on. i
L. T. BAI1IN.I liegister
Notice for Pi'BLiCATijox.
Land Office at OnEfiON CiTt. Oiegon
Jujie loth, bSS.".
Notice is hereby gjven tht the j folJiving
pameti settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his jelaini, am
that said proof will le made before the County
Judge or County Clerk of Columbia County
at St. Helens, Oregon, on Monday Aug, 3. lSS."i,
yiz: Jacob Filtniann Homettead Entiy No. j."9)i
for theK. Vcf S. K, i and S. of N. E. 1 of Sec.
2T, 5N. K. 3 W.
lie qaiuet the following witnesses to prove his
Continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz: J '
Thomas Thoiipson, John Archibald, L, -.-trclij-,
bald, and James Patterson, all of Colujubia
Countv. Oregon, post oilice aldressi of al;'Ka-'
lama, W. T. J . .
L. T. P.ARIN, Register.
V5n40jual0 i
combiniog tbe Radiation nnd Vent'.Iaion of an
opem u vith tbe operation of a TAiut ai
i-cnsACB, also Parlor and Cook fitovrt, Ranges,
Circulars mailed on application, j :
7Q Beekman St. N. Y. City.
OIJEGN CITy, OKEfiON, April 21 lSiC.
K. C. Mastenm.vle Caah Entry No. 2C:;S, Aug.
10 1883 of the-S. W.iof Sec. 32, T. (i N. II. 3 W.
under the. Act of June 3, 1S7S, alleging that the
land is chiefly valuable for its tiinler, and unfit
for cultivation; that the application to purchase
said land wan not made for speculation, but for
his own use and benefit, ami that he had entered
into no agreement, directly or indirectly, I y
which, the title which he might acipure to said
land from .the Government ttujht mure to any
other person.
( )n Jan'y 22, 18S1 Special Agent James A, Mc
Cormick, rejxirted to the Hon. Commissioner of
the U. S. General Land )Hiee at Wishington, 1).
C, that: he had male a personal examination of
said entry and found that the same was made at
the instance of one Dr.' E'. A. Jones who w ac
4ively epgaged in oltaining laiid for the Colum
bia Flume ,and Lumber ; Co;itiny and that
the proofs of the, entrymaji's witnesses, John 11.
Frierson and Nathan Nichols of Clatskanie, Ore
gin, were obtained by said Jone;and that the
land, although heavily tunln-red, does not belong
to the class of litnds subject to sale under said
Ai:t, beeause when cleareil, lands of the Fame
kind in the vicinity are productive. and adapted
tt farming and dairying purj Miser.
The Hoy. Commissioner of the (eneral Land
Office, has, therefore, instructed the Register and
Receiver of this office, to ortter a hearing with a
vie v to the final determination of the facts in the
case. Li accordance with said instructions, such
hearing is ordered to be Ii.kI at this ofllce on
Monday, July (, JKS." at 10 o'cloj- A. MM
ainl the said . C. Matteu or osiy j.rty in inter
est are liereh cited to ajipear at this office on
said day at said time, said entry will be finally
L. T. P.ARIN Register.
G. PILSUURy Receiver.
William J. Waikermade C.-vsh Entry No. 201I.S,
Oct. 10 1883 of the S. W. of Sec. 35. T. !N. R.
3 W. under the Act of June 3, alleging
that the land is chiefly valuable for its timber,
and unfit for cultivation; that the app!" ution to
purthase said land was not amide forefni dation,
but for his owii use and benefit,, aud that he had
entered into no agreement, directly or indirectly,
by which, the title which he might acquire to
said land frc ni the Government might inure to
any other' person.
On Jan y 17, 1KS4 Special Agent, James A.
McCormiek, reported to the Hon. Commissioner
of the U. S, General Land .Office at W ashington,
1). C., that: hehalmade a personal examination
of said entry and found that the iiitryiuan's
proofs were obtained by the Colurnlria Flume and
Lumber Company, the witnesc being John H.
Mahar and Alexander M. liiady of l'ortland,
()reron; and that the lajid, although heavily
timbered, does not lel.g to the clrws of Lmd
subject to sale under said Act, because wheij
cleared, lands of the same kind in the vicinity
are productive and adapted to farming and dai
rying purposes.
The Hon. Commissioner of the General Land
Office, h;s, therefore, instructed the Register
and Receiver of this office, to orJer a hearing
with yiew to the final determination ..f the
factsin the case. Iu accordance with said in
structions. Kueh hearing is ordered to be Ii.kI at
this office on Friday, July 10, 18HT, at 10 o'clock
A. M., ajjd the said William J. Walker and any
and all persons in interest are hereby cited to
appear at thin office on said day at said time,
and respond and furnish ti-stimonv conr-ruiug
said entry. FAsid if the said William.). Walker
or any party in interest, shall fail to appear at
this office at said time, -.said entry will be finally
cancelled. !
L. Tj P.ARIN, Register.
J. G. PILSRURY, Receiver.
v5n30ml i
NOTICE- After lOtli,
No Credit will -e given except by
fjM.'cial contract, and in no case longei
fcan 30 day.s. j
u. s. land offecz.
ORE(U)N CITY, OUKfiON, Aps il , ir,
NajK.leon Ifornstein lu.-l.le Cash t"'itry No.
2110, Nov. 3, 1S83 of tle N. E. i of Sec. 2C. T.
(', N. R. 3 W. under the Act of June 3. L-7S, al
leging that the land is chiefly valuable for its
tim'er, and unfit lor cultivation; that the appli
cation to phesae saidu laud was not u.ade for
siieculatiou, but for his own use and lic-nefit, and
tliiit he had entered'into no'agreemtnt, diiectiy
or indirectly, bv wluVh, the title which lie might
acquire to said land Utnn the Government might
inure to any other person.
On .fan'y 17, 1884 Sje:ial Agent, James A
McCormiek, rejtorted to the Hon. Commissione.
of the I. S, General La -id Office at Washington,
I). C, that: he hod made . personal examination
of said entry aud found that the same was made
for speculative purjioses. the entrymen I wing at
date of application a number of the Columbia
Mume and Lumber Comp iny of To-tlnid. tu-e-gon,
which company obtained the testimony of
Ids witnesses, John 15. Mahar and Alexander.)!.
P.rady of Portland, Oregon; and that the land,
although heavily timbered, d.ies not belong to the
clas vt lands subject to sale under said i-t, 1h -ciinse
when cleared hinds of the same kind iu the
vicinity are productive and adapted to farming
and dairying purM)ses. j
The Hon. Commissioner of the General Land
Office, has, therefore, uislructed the Register ami
Receiver of this office, to order a hearing with a
view to the final determination of the factsin the
case. In accordance with said instruction?, such
hearing is ordered to be haul at this office on Mon
day June 8. 1885 at 10 o'chick A. M., and the said
Napoleon Homstein and any and all persons in
interest are hereby cited to appear at this office
on said day at said time, and resMnd and furn
ish testimony concerning said entry. And if
the said Na-ole.n ILirnstein or any party in in
terest, shall fail to appear at this office at said
time, said entrv will be finally cancelled.
L. T. PAR IN, Register.
J. G. PILSRUR Y, Receiver.
v.n3fnnl i
Notice for Publication.
Laxo Okfick at VAXcorvKii, W. T,
I T 1 Oil
Tul. Ktl-
Notice in hereby given thai the following
named sett'erhas tlltd rutice of his intention to
make final proof in supjxirt- of hjs claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Vancouver, W. T., on Friday,
August 28th, 188T, viz.: Jacob SchwarU Home
stead Application No. 4043. for the S. enst i of
N. W. , the N. K. of S. W. 1 and W. A of
S. W. of Sec. 34, Tp. 10 N. R. 1 W.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence ujuui, aud cultivation of,
said land, viz: i
J. N. Carlson.
of Silver Iako, W. T.
Frank M. Jarnot
Fretierick Geisler,
George F. White,
ARL1NG, Register.
IU o
Combines many Scales in one
lVithvn 1.1I..4I
Ao Loose T'clrhts to get Lost or Brok
At llfllfAMHlw 1 4 A W.
iu j Afcuraio ai uaraoie.
The BEST and MOST conven-
Dill OCB1R ftUAr Inunntart
Itivelv unsnusllArf e
Oy. Portability I and rncn Af
: . J
msk your dealer for them, or
send for Illustrated Catalogue.
til 1
. I
is irom uz. 1 ,1
Chan.- t
w A f! R SFMTr
Tho DEOT in tho World
i :
Dvt tout Beam. White lire ierotei tkelr llret
to tbe ttnay of dereloplag; the Seed Orgaa, the
jenlor baring manafactared Org ant for 86 jean.
"iiinnni f" m v nt
UUllfluLL ?v Jvr rl"iif
la Baying an ORGAN don't be led into purchasing
one tkat contains a great ARB A T OF STOPS .
and FEW EEED3 but write to a cj
or Slanufaoturoif
who will f Ornish Ton at even let money Jlrtt-ckus
CROAN. t2T StopexoBt but A tew cents each.
Write for our CATALOGUE and diagram
showing; construction of the INTERIOR of,
AGENT'S DISCOUNTS allowed where we
tiave no Agent. '
Wilcox a White Organ Co.
U. S. Land Office
Alfred liurr lusuie Ca-h Kntrv Jo. 20W, St t
1883 of tiic-N. W. I of Stc. If, T. O N. R. 3 V
under the Act of .Tune 3, 187, all( K"f" tliat the
land wohit-fJy valuable fur it timber, and unfit
fir cultivation; that the api'lication to iurcliane
aid liuid mil not made for ept-culation, but for
his own use and benefit, and that ii hfd entered
into no aijreenjent, 'directly or indirectly, by
wJiich, the title which he might acquire to ha id
land from the Government miht inure to any
other perxon. '
On Jan'y 11, 1S4'.u. A nt, Jaint-9 .
McCcrmick, r.orted to the Hon.
of the U. S. General Land Oilice at V UMliiiitnii,
1. C, that, he hail made a iei-8iiial examiuaii in
of t-aid entry and tound that the tame wiw iuade
fur speculative jiurpoBCiJ, the entr.Miien litin at
date of hi application a member of the Columbia
l-'himeaiid Lumber Cfjnpruiy of Portland, Or-g-on,
which company tbtainel the .testimony of
his wituetwen, Jhn R. JJdiarand Alexander AL
Itrady tf Portland, Oreynn; and tliat the hunt,
although heavily timbered, do.n in.t ibelmi to
the clan :f !ajtl.-4 ubj ct to Kale under Biiid act,
bi.-cauK ivtan clvarid, Iat.d of tlie name kind in
the icinity i r J it-live ami ajl.vptrdto ur(n
imj and dairying pui-j-N.-H.
The Hon. C' inTaisi )ii'.T 4f the ! neial Land
Of'-ce, ban, th'ieftv, iiiMtmcted the '' pirlei nnd
J.'Lvtiver of ir4f:.--, to oii..-r a hearing with a
vL-w t tltt: linal dc-lelli: iuation of the fa-tt n tin;
t.iFc. In acconlar.ct withftaid i:i-tnu l i..tin, Mticli
hoiii:; i-J old. n il to Jih h:,d at thin ollii.e on
Wedn.-t-luv, 2b R-.f.' at lU o'clock A. Jl.,
ani Alfred Duirand any and all ernoiK
in intelest are hireby t-it- I to -ipx-ar at thin of
; i.:.- on ki. id drt.v ii t time, and niHiid und
ftii-nih t-siimoiiy c' ' in in' k.i id ntry. And
.f thv' A if ltd P'tiiroi p;ity in intercut,
Hhall fil .toapiwar at this oilice at i.aid tioM , KidJ
L. T. J'.A-'IV R.-.iHter.
.T. G. PILSLl'RV lUis iver.,r,:mi
ORKGON CITY. ' RIIGON, Aj.iil 21 1
Donald Jlaeknir.iniodo Cii.-h I nti V No. 21 OH,
'ct.2:'', isx.iirt the A. '.', ..f Sec. :2, T. 0 X.
K. 3 VV. under the Act of .?i:n- j.s,
that the land in .- i. i'l.v ,ali.a! in for it timber,
n I unfit for cultivation; thut the upplicntioit to
purthai- f i d hi ii I v.'H. ii.tiii;K!e f -r Hpi-culation,
!-iit for l i.- 4.yi u.-ej b n--(it. i.ii-I that he had
eiiU r il i lit.- n. a.;r Ui -tit, dir--il- or iudin-ctly,
lv v bicli. the title which lie mndit acjuire to
Kaid bill. t from the Ji eii.iu-. lit m.lit inure to
itll o! JtT H-r0l.
On J.ui'y 22, lHM.S,.tcial A sent. JanitK A. JIc
Con.'iick, report etl to tl.e iii'ii, C'omiiiii'Kioncr ot
toe I. S. Oiueiid Lund Oiiice nt " a!in-toii,
1. (,'., that: be had made a ci s.iia!-aiuinatioi
of K.iM , fitly and fou;id thai the H.-uoe wa miule
f. i .-.pcculat ive pu i p!Kt . the -iitr loan bein at
date of'apiiieatioii to enter, a member ot the Co.
'uinl.i.i Flume aud Lumber (JompMiy of lrt
Sinivl.fOi''on, company obtaiiiol the testimony
of hi - itn-SM'-F, John R. Mahar and Alcxaiid.
M. I'.r:idy of I'oil'ajtd, .'Oregon; and thut the
land, although heavily t imbi i t cl, doen not l-)oii
t.) the cla.M of hiiidi mibject to Kale under Kaid
Act. 1 ecatife when cleared, h'r.iirt .f tin? ame
Kiuil, in tlie icinity are prluctike.r.iiiadaptett
to f.-irminji and ihtiryiii'r mrjx'fcs.
Tlie Hon. Couiiiils-i: n.-r of thf ( b n-ial Land
Oi'Iii-e, has, theref(ie, intn-i'ted tlie lo u-i-Lt r and
Rcctiv-r of this ott'ee, to order a hearing rtitli a
vtv to the final determinal i..ii'..f the fac'a in tin.
c:ue. In ticcontancu w iih t-aiil iiiNtructioiiH, imcli
hearing- in ordered to be hnI at tl.U otlice u
'Ve.lne.Mlay, July 1. IS. j t K o'el.k A. ! Jl.,
;iid t'teiciid l)oiiaid -Mucl.i nzi .- ai:.l any and al
j-ersons in interot are hereby t a)pe.irat
t!i.!i Mife t n nU tay at nuid time, ni"' hhu
and f:lv.ili testimony oiiecminy aid
And if thevaid Donald Macktuie or any pn'e
in intereMt, thull fail t appear at ttiw o!h
aid tnij nuid entry wiM b- (in-il!v cancelledt .1
L. T. t'.AiilN ReKUtoWi
J. G. PiLSRl'tiV, Recc iv
JVlld x Cent
f poU ;,', and
Ij receive lie.-,1 a-Lj-trttly
b.o: of
Mii wnicn w iit
tielp you to more money il.dit auay thau any
thin v.- ele in thU woil.1. All, of either n-x, suc
ceed from first hour. Tlie brujd road to fortune
'pen.- ltt-fo-re the worker, al-H.;lutJv Hiire.l At
once addreM Tyt E & Co., AuKUtu, Maine. I
Capacity, fj OaUona per minute.
The Easiest Worklngancf
Most Powerful
Ever Produced.
TMs U m Mitkil anA mwitM Fore
rraMa; voter icl upptr Utnht and tuppWS
Bend for our Budtret. coDtalclrgr prtcwi
ot tneso Pumps ana otner useful artlclea.
Gleason dt Bailey M'fg Co. L'd
I 4