The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, August 29, 1884, Image 2

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St. Helen. Columbia Co., Or.
year, inadvance. .-.
months " . f '
mouths "
One TuareTdO lines) fut insertion... .
$2 00
1 to
$2 00
1 00
Jach -.ileuetit insertion.
E. G. ADAMS, : 'KrtftWT & Proprietor.:
. For President
James G. Plaixe,
Of Maine.
' JVr Vice-President
J onx A. Logax,
. br Illinois.
For President,
Grover Cleveland,
Of New York.
:For Vice-President, .
Thomas A. Hendricks,
Of Indiana.
, In ruilroad circles it Is stated at Taco
pta that on snd after September 10th,
the passenger trains between' that point
and Portland will be run on a schedule
closely resembling this: Leave Tacoii?a
at 5 a. si.y arriving in Portland. in Poit
land atf-2 m., returning leave Portland
sit 1 p. m., reaching here abot'tt7 P. M. ,
in time for the distribution of the mail
the same evening.
It is stated that the olhrn Pacific
Terminal Company yjll soon commence
the construction of a depot on the corner
cf Front and G streets in city, for the
u:c of the Kalama branch of the North
ern Pari lie. Its size will be 3(l60.feet
A sIa -stall round house for tip North
ern Pacific engines and a turn-table will
bo constructed thia.rFaU' by the same
.company rt a point ricar the intersection
of North Front and N streets.
, The Northern PaciGc Railway t Co.,
k:vc large gangs of men at work fencing
in their Kalama branch. Tbj?. ."i'qg s
l loArd handsomely and substantially
en.ldoing their right of M-av. Farmers
alon.j the route have' complained ttt thi
unprotected condition of their cattle and
as the line runs through an almost end-
l.-ss dairy fajrt,.the cpmpny.. concluded
to buiid substantial fcnce3 in enter to
. -.-
satisfy t'.e dairymen ard prevent acci
dents The second, pontoon tc be bsed in
transferring cars from Hunter's Point to
,KaTaiua, on the Kalama branch, is about
romleted at the shipyard in the
end. Tt will be towed down the.river
and placed in position in time for the
regular opening cf the road on the 10th 3
prux. It woald le a good idea for the
railroad. Company to send an excursion
train orer th"- road oti the J,4tJi', and
every Sunday thereafter ..d:iri:ig the
Smunif-r season, as there are thousands
Ji this city who would be. delighted with
such a Sunday picnic.
4j The; work of ballasting tho Kalama
.JJ ranch of the N. P. Railway is about
"complete, and it is as pretty a line of
track, as can be found in the United
iSta'tp.. Many have been failed;1
ia so that .the great portion ,of tte road
bod 13 solid and firm. The bridges havei
been str ngthened and .bqlted in a. thor-j
ugh manner, and Vy opening day on"
.the 10th of neit montli will lecouipUte
t very dlai'. It is reporte.1 that a
i!ne di'pot is to be erected by the T.nui
;nal Company for this branch on Front
aud G. streets, to be thirty by sixty, fei t
in size. It is also reported, tiift a !iaud station h)use andtjlatfprm is to le
built at liernal IIeight,.theftrt p;ie on..
the road north of the city. Much trafiic
and travel ri!l be ojitaineil from this sta
tion, as it taps the Tualitin Plains and
uuJ farming community of the Spring
vine mountains. A telegraph station is.
located there, and it will be one of the
principal depots along the route.
The Kalama transfer, boat is lying at
ftmitji Iiros. it Watson dock in Albina
awai i ;g orders. S,l(e is now called the
Taeoma, of New York, a;id liA3 heVname
painted in largo black; letters cn each
paddle box and ou her stern.
l.Co'in Camp'jelb'lias recently received;
ti.eapoint'ment of station agent of thej
N. P. R. K. in this city and will enter.
on his dutifsis'soon as the trains begin
to cress at Kalama. Mr. Campbell has
Tor.some time betm bookkeeper with the
A. P. Hotaling company,.. He will be
. succeeded, at w .undejrrstQ05l (ly . J. W.
,-Koen, formerly .chief clerk of tjie supply
departrhe'nt of the O. R. k. N. Co.
L jcal ticket? fer tile line of tlie
Pacific division "of the N. .p, JX,.
t which is now to" bo. opened SciptemberJ
10th, between Portland and KaJama,'
will bo jdaced on: sale .about the date
i lr.cntiened at the. ofuoe of A. D. Charl
ton, G. W. P. A., No. 2 Washington
;,fctreet; also coupon ticket to Sound
points. Telejrf.m.
, . Mr. Villar,j and family sailed for Eu
rope August 20th.
The new pontoon for the. Kalama side
of the N. P. llailws, vi ? 11 tt r its tin
ixlung touches at the Round House be
low tlio city. It will be. towed down
the present week; and placed iy position
for immediate vs The. one which was
taken down last ,', is .xeadijiess,
the track- W.injjfdown jyuj adjusted,. for
the accommodation of the transfer boat
k.vAn fclegant Pullman sleeper was sent
over the Kalama branch railroad yester
day, and so smoothly did it run, that
thosj? ou ..boarfj -.ccmld.a-eadf the finest
newspaper prini wth the raatest ease.
It was ,aJmoHtfar, smooth' riding as an icq
loat, a.nd p!d railroaders who have sailed
aroujid.the world almost on jrt .pro
claimed it the finest piecoifiif rQad they
had ever passed over. Cfironicle.
New York, Au,,, 20. Spfctial.
The Tunes says the rcrjorttof Commander
Schlty will le submitted to Secretary
Chandler(,within few days. It will be
one of the,, most elaborate reports ever
ert tp ,tlie department ly a naval officer.
Thq juanuicipt is expected to .cover
neajly 300 pagese, and will be illustrated
by fjjijifi 20D photographic views,, mak
ing plajnjjiany point3 that no written
descriptjqn, epuld.. This use of photo
graphs' in oHkial reports is a new de
parture. . . , .
Nny York, Ati. 31st. President
Arthur received at tlie Fifth a Yen ye ho
tel, officers of the Greely relief, expedi
tion, including Commander Schley, Com
mander Coffin, Lieut. Fmary, Chief En
gineer Melville and a dozen others. Sec
retaries Chandler and Lincoln and Gen.
Uutler; who had culled to see the presi
dent had decided to appoint him chief
of the bureau of equipment and recruit
ijig, in place of Commodore Eardirigbeit,
tvho jojmrartds..the i'.ropea,u squajiron
with tJi.e.ciHce cf cliief of bureau inthe
navy department, and with the rank of
commodore. Telegram.
" rrr"::
IVIieat to Dtilutl:.
: ..r tt
A m vemsnt is being mado by. the
Northern Pacific road . to take wheat
from this section to DulutU, A rate
jo 8 per ton . has been nade from
Wallula to Duluth, and efforts are be
ing ma'dcjto. secure, terms from tlu Ore
gon Railway i3 Navigation Co, tu'ii
cicntlv. favorable to draw. Willamette
valley grain that way. Should a .simil
arly low tariff this way lie the result of
such shipment, perhaps a large amount
of business miht be done. Tchjram.
A New Docki
J. B. Montgomery has added a large
Jock to his present one in .Albina, and
now has one of the largest ou the coast.
Ic is a double one, the new addition hav
ing been placed nqxt to the old one but
farther inland. The water front r
mains the same, but. .it is .it s!; twice as
wide and alfords better j facilities for ac
cess. It is exnectpI tc Joad severabve5
sels with fjrain there this coming season.
A Coy's
Rest Friend
Is Eis
, This song and chorus is only the most
popular Xcw Song of tho day, but one
tif the mast heauti'ul in me!oJyt wotds
sentiment Like i1 Home Sweet Hpipyf'
it will always find a welcome. Roys
send for it. Mailed post paid for 40
cents in mcnev or stamps. Pe ure to
orer this song as composed by Ben
WilfiauiH, being the only correct t diticn.
Music dealers and teachers should order.
Address, S. Draixaud's .Soxs. .
lSGSiate St., Chicago.
Name this paper.
Of our i elovfcd.ones are always treasures.
We should never delay in rcuring them
while we can ; and to those o' cur reader
who visit Portland, we would- kay, do
npt return: v.thout visiting the San
.Francisco, Gallery, S. W. :oni.T
First find Moiriaou streets, and getting
vour photographs taken, you may not
haye another op joi tpiii'ty, to tecure a
pe:f.ct lik'THSH and & higy fii.ish:d
picture,. J.'o.t centrally iocated. ;
.;. V C . .
Oar Xatlonal WarSonss.
i -
We hivq. just received from the pub
Ushers, S., Pramarjd'Sous. 136 S'ace St.,
Ch'cago, an elegant, bookof , 165 page.
of our famous .War Songs, full hheet
music iize, word, . music and piano or
organ accompany inent complete., No
such jeornplete conectiphas evcr before
leen issietl, and in tKee piusjc form
wouid cost over $25. It has a title in
live brilliant ccrs representing one of
the most active engagements during the
battle of Getlysbufjg, 6 alone worth the
price of the book. Rest selling book ,of
the season for Music Dealers, Rook Sl-'
lers and News Agents. The complete
work for introduction, until further no
tice, will be mailed post-paid to. and d
dress for 90 cents. Address the pub
lishers. S. Rraixard's So.vs.
pt; .13G StaU St., Chicago.
Name this paper.
The Billings party , of excursionists
went over the railroad from Portland to
Kalama a week ago.
o fiVwiwnhKtitiiifiiiiltfii it' i ii tn ir
l rj-
0 y . . . v .a .
T6 All Waatius; Euip!oyiuc:i
We want LivevEiiergetic and Capa
ble Agents i,f-cvery county in the Uni
ted States and Canada, to telj-t patent
aaticle of great, its merits.
An arle" Jiving a largo ial,' paying
over. 100 per cent profit having no
competition, and on which the agent
is protected in th? exclusive sale by a
deed given for eachalid .evyry county ho
mav secure from us. With all thnse ad
vasitars to" onr. agents, aud th fact that
it is an at tide that sold to n'verV
Iiouseownertit mi "lit not le necessarv to
make an " EXTitAOitpiN'AP.Y offeu" to
secure gootl agents at once, but we have
conclilded to make it tq show, .not only
iiur confidence in the merits, of our in
vention, but jn the ; salabd.ity by any
agent that will handle it with energy.
Our agents now utt wqjtlc are making
from $I5Q to $000 a, nionth clear, and
thus fa;jt makes, it safe for us to make
our ofit-r to all who are out of emplov
ment. ., Any .aent that will give our
business a, tjiirty days trial and fail to
clear at Jcast $100 in this time, above
ALL EjljisKSES ran return all goods tin
poliLto us anil we will refund the ujon
cy paid for them. Any agent orgeiier
jii agent who would like ten or more
counties and work them tlu-quh sub
agents for ninety d:iys, ,&hd fail tp clar
at least $750 above all expenses, can
return all unsold ami ge; their money
back. No, other employer of agents ev
r dared to make such clfers, nor would
we if we did not know that v.- have
agents now making more than double
the amount we uarenteed. and but
two sales a day ..would give a ptoiit of
pver $125 a month, and that one of our
agents took eighlcva orders in one dy.
Our large descriptive circulars explain
our offer fullv, and thotso we wish to
send to everyone out of employment
who will send us three one cent, stamps
fr postage. Send at once and secure"
the agency in time for the boom, aud go
work on the ten s nimed in our extra
ordinary offer. We would like to have
the address of all the agents sewing
machine solicitors and carpenter? in tlie
country, and ask any reader of this pa
per who reads this ofl-r, to send us at
once the name aud address of aJ sich
they know. Address at once, or yu
will lose the bet chance ever J
those out of employment to nijke nic"ju:y. 1
Rexner M ax r fact ti n 1 1 re Co ,
1G5 Sm'itl.lield St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Tlie Art Amitfjt:v.rt.for Jugiist
Is behind none of the proceed in Nos.
in interest and the character of its con
tributions. The following is the list of
articles it contains: Designs for Art
workers in metal. Designs for tiles bv
Kappa ; for Horizontal Borcjer.-, from
the Cincinnati School of Design ; Illu
minated Borders ; Decoration for Cup
and Saucer, (CrJinberry); Initial Letters
from tho Bible- of Charles the Bald,
Ninth Century: Conventional d signs
tor JJoroers, tromtiie oouiii iven.Miigton
School of Art Needlework. Pictures
in the Paris Salon of 1831. My Doff
Book. American Women in the Paris
Safin. Eccentri'-.ities of French Art.
Portrait Sketch of Francis Myt-rs Bcggs,
.by P. Gervais. Restorations of Sculp
ture in European Museums. Mrs. Em
ily F. Lakey, cattle painter. " Modern
Home" scriei, the Drawing Room. De
sigu for Painted Taocstrv Decora t;on,
from a drawing by J. B Ifuet, tiu' cf
Louis XV. .Floral Borders for general
decoration. Cjrrespondeuctf. S.cimfns
of Old Lice from the collection of Mrs.
John Jacob Astor, Noy Yorkf Point de
France(l 600 1 70,0), Point "d.. Venisr
'(1630 1703), Veiiilian Point Dcccape.
Price 35 cts. $1.00 a year. Moxtaclf.
Marks, Publisher, 23 Union Square,
N. Y.
Tr: August number of the Collage
Hearth opens with a beautiful drawing
by Lillian M. Brown, und contain
among many other good things a story
by Frances J. Dyer, entftd a Boston
Tea Party ;'' "A Ne.v Way over oil
Roads is a well written sketdi of a
,(r;p up tMt, Washington ; Mis. ( W hi ta
ker's Qambaog Women," is continued
v 1 -r k
in which slie unravels some ot the mys
teries of successful bread-making, Mrs.
M. J. Piumstcid, contributes A 1 low
er Talk ;" followed by the una! timely
hints :'. tlie flower garden ; the " Pret
tiest JIjuso Papers" E.uma C. Hardacie
ves dr(cions how to make a large"
number cf useful and practical articles
for home use ,in . such ta pleasitut way
that out! cannot help, being interested.
The Fancy Work, fashions, Receipts,
and Music show the baud of k careful
editor who appreciates what is needed
in .the homes at' h.'g na ler . $1 50 a
yvar. COTTAUE IIEAItni CO., Bo
ton, Mass
Erp the su' sa'ice. fadr, and wlui you
visi Portland, niaVie it a part of your
busiues to call on W. II. Tvjvne, at the
Saa Francisco Gallery, s. w.
comer First and Morrison streets, and
have your photograph taken i 1 the high
est style of art
Lire 8 of Rlaliic
Announcement is made of
completion of a Pictorial work compris
ing the lives of the Presidential Candi
dates on the Republican ticket, written
by j,he veleran author, Mr. J. W. Du-1,
and published by N. D. Thompsc n tt Co.
St. Louis, Mo.,' and New York. This
work is so!d Uiro-igh agents exclusively.
It is designed, not' only to serve the
popular taste and want in i?in!r, ex
haustively, the facts in tho bv hood and
manhood of the Canclhites their pri-
vate Lives und Publfo ijervioen
but to
have a more enduring interest than the
ordinary Campaign book. To .this end
the publishers haye encaged on the w)rk
a corps of skilfed designers and. engia
vers to elegantly and profusely illustrate
the scenes and incidents in the lives ot
these eminent men, now so prominently
before the people. Personal anecdotes
ami reminiscences will constitute a lead
ing and. .certainly, a most entertaining
and instructive feature pf this lino work.
Mr, Ruel has matked ability, and en
joys or eial distinction as a Biographi
cal writer. While exhaustive in recitul
of acts, hn powers of analysis, and his
keen iusitdit
m o I
(.vents and measures,
;ive him sp-cial
prominence among .American writers of
personal history. It is not ten much to
say that li is better prepared for the
work in hand than any other American
aut! o Accredited by our government
in his tour arid resideiitfe iu Russia and
Siberia, his great work on Nihilism and
Exile Life in Siberia gave him a stand
ing in the l.iahest literary and ojicial
circles in this country us a writer at
at once conscientious, forcible an I pic
turesque. This lias yiven him unsur-
passed facilities for proci.ilig all tin
material for '.he work now in hand. As
' . . . ''"
a byok of facinti'ig interest, beauty and
prqfiispncss of illustration, and of com
prehensiveness of fct, it will commend
itself t ecerj voter.
To the book aget-t this lare combina
tjtn of authentic history, pictorial il!u -tration
and brilliant authorhip,. will at
onc-c suggest the universal demand it
will create, an I also the advantages
in interest it has over tin ordinary C.nn
pa'gji, and the graml opportunity
it olftrs for profitable a-ncv. V.'e ad
..'. vertiss it in anotheii column.
The Agricultural ,o?y cfi
the Inst, if not the bet, .farm pap rs of
its class, is making a great nucc'S tf he
plan inaugurated by its editor a few J
years ago. This p'an is nothing less than
the giving of exhaustive articles by the
best writers mi -grc :lli re in all. the
countries of tlie world. The articles from
r 11 .
th'o different States and Territories of
if , . . .
o,u.r own country are particularly enter
tainin and instructive. Juduo Par-
fish's articles on " The Farnn-.r's relation
to ifrvr" alone worth the pri-eof tln
.p.aper. Jmlge Parrish, 'lro i-- one of
the ablest Judges and lecturer iii thr?"
West, will soo!i leave, for the South,
with tlnvipw . pf supplying tin? p.dpVr
wjtji a series of .rticjes on t!:e-iy;ricGltn-;
ral feature? ef. Ina. secticn. : Tins jour
ual also has a line household department
which makes it particularly attractive tt)
lady readers. The price of tfto Anr.:-
CiT.Tf.'RA.L, World, (now in it?; tpnth ye;u )
is. only Olio Dollar per annuiiiIlG num
bers). In clubs of live, SO cents each.
Six monthn, GO cents ; three months. 40
cents. Sample cop'c !, fcix cents.. Twr--cent
po-lage jtamps received on sub
scription. AJdnss Agricaltaral.
VV'oild, Grand Rapids, Miou
We have received the Lives of Blaine
V. ...
and Lrgan I y Br-eil. It is finely illus
traudanda splenlid book every way.
it is published ly N. D. Thompson fc Co.
New York Zc St. Louis. Btrl v as as-.,
sisted by Whitman, Editor of Kennebec
Journal ami also, by Mr. Blaine's Piivate
secretary in the rcparati o;i of t!u vol
ume which makes it authentic.
We have received D. W. Prentice k.
Co's. Musiyd and Home Journal for:
August. It contains instructive and a
juusii g prose bexHes the following music:
' T C flower and the Brook," ' Fond
Hearts Must Part," and "Pride of tho
Regiment" March. .
All for. lp.cenjsfj or 75 cents per year,
107 First Strpe'r, Pen hii;d, Oie'go:;.
Cuuiiaf-sn Single.
Send 10 cents for our Elaine and Lo-
iran Soiust-r. Music, bvk and news
. t.
dealers should order this edition. Ad-
ictrcss, S. DrtAiXAHD's Soxs,
; .133 i'ttte. St., Chicago.
Nanie this paper.
We have rfwdvetl the Dorcas 2fuga-
iine just what ladies want. Price Ou
Dollar a year, New York. Its editor
lb Mrs.4L.aura U. Wtarr, and ie is a utar
of the first magnitude as relates to the
understanding of knitting and crocLctt-
j Ilinics, the Printer, sent us a rnagnif
tcent lithograph of Blaine. Ilirues is
Ihe prince of printers and ood fellows.'
Dr. Arthur Moore will have his diplo
mas framed, and JiUng tip in.Jds office,
one is 'from' an Academic iustilulion in
Maine and the. other from the' Medical
Department of the University at Buf
liriiitoif," Vermont. His office is indeed
beautiful with . bright paint and
beautifully tinted pjtper. A tine tug,
tfio hancu'work of Miv. Johnson, Mrs.
Judge Moore's sister, adorns the 'en
trance of Itis cjnsultation room,' which
is nicely furnished with chairs and
loungu and a blijjht colorpd, tasteful car
jiet . A portrait of Mrs. Jude Moore,
oil irired in New York adorns the walls.
He has a private cc.ns'iltation-room be
sides. Tin? .store is arranged with great
neatness and leauty, and will cotitain a
liberal supply of drugs. The Doctor
has two cases of surgical instruments of
the most costly and elaborate kind. Dr.
Mocre has come to stay, and we hope
he will meet with a recompense commen
surate his intelligence and enter
prise. J. S Davenport his made an'arrarge
ment to get photographs enlarged in
New York City. He his received three,
one of James Muckle Jr., one of Mrs.
Ju lge Moore aiid one of himself. The
two former are very excellent likenesses;
Lis own the complexion is a little too
lijjhr, but oth:-rwiso it is a line picture.
The frames, aiso, are very tasty, ami he
offers them fur $1 4.00 apiece, $3 00 Icns
than thev en'arire them in Calift r ii.-'.
It would pay to patronize home industry
particularly when the article is first-class
in evtry and likewise cheaper.
Mr. J. D.cker thinks he has struck a
gold mine near St. llvbn. ' A Mr. Kin
ney took some of it to Portland to be as-
Ye have heard it was copper.
't was found 011 the back part of the Si
Helen town claim in Frogmoro Canyon.
Dr. Pt'under with two ass.taiits was
hunting it at last accor.n'.s. lie and his
as.sisti.nts killed a bear near J. C. Ma
son's l lace on Tuesday.
Mr.w Hovt came down in her road
cart and brought with her Mrs. Stickle Mrs. Ailams. Th'y l-roughw.a
magnificent boupiet for Mrs. Adams
from Mrs. Fink's garden. Mrs. Fisk
a great Hoi icultunst, and delights to
train these bc.utifu!, but ditrv;' children
of Nature, the- flowers.
.Clarence Garrison wishes to strll a
hundred 'Acres off of his place, the part
adjoining the Milton claim This will
be a good bargain for' any one that has
a little monev. It is handv to town,
liandy to the county road, bandy to nav
igating a.'-d the cars, also has a mill priv
ih"f and is ijood Inn 1.
Mr?. Dobbs, who under the name of
Mrs. Miller, kept the cook-house at the
mill when the Ladds were hero, has
iti't-ii lately vi.siting lq. Perry. She fs
a si.ter of Samuel Gtlloway. Mrs.
White, formerly Mrs. Carr, lives a short
distance (out of Portland, but has very
poor heaMi.
! :
. Mr. Philip Sainitff-i'rf hotel at La
Centre was binned the other dav. It
caught in a defective Hue. The house
.belonged to John Tiurmeii, and was in
iured for 003. Tl:e furniture was in
sured for $100, and belonged to Mr.
SliintafiVr. This, will not cover his en
tire loss. ...
C.10 G. Yung was tip to visit our
Chinaman Clio Kunir, his cousin, idr.
Foini.roy at It tinier 8 'uil.'ri 'g bim a
trading scow 34x1, which he will ut-o
as a wash-hous; nnd store for tea, and
silks. He t iad Uirnoy a valuable pres
ent. Ho is very much of a gcnta-niau.
Mrs. Dunniway his taken the circuit
of the. County, ,and g( nerully inus hud
full audiences and U'leral collections con
MiJering th:i hard tinn-s. At St. Helen
her audience whs principally women,
aud her lecture had for it text the.Dcc
aration of IndVndiMice.
Dr. James McDr!lc , has re ign d I s
position as Snpeiintendent of the St-iie
Lunati Asylum vf Wisconsin, and h a
Imi'-t a private asylum within a mile of
Milwaukee, where he will receive private
patients. Mis. Dr. Yergain will soon
go there as his Assistant - -
The Chroiuclj says: Siiirrintendcnt
Allen, cf the Mechanics' Fair Associa
tion, is very busy in nrraiigitio for the.
coming exhibition. Many lew aud nt
tractive features jvill bo presented, whb h
will add greatly to the sucocps and jov
of the fair.
, Mr. GeorgR Dorris of Sell wood has
the coTt'trrf3t. "f or furnishing the brush for
the ipvetment at the mouth of the Low
er Willamette River. George was a
smart young man, and improves in bus
iness talent with nge.
Mr. Jani03 has received a letter from
Mr. Philander Ilnzcn. . lie says the
weather in the. States has been intensely
hot and crops arc good. He. Las a job
of work on the railroad at 81.70 cts. a
Visitors to PolrtMnd
Should not forget to callat XGWilC'S
may be eetn jdiotographs of ail the lead
ing pieu and women of : Oregon and
Washington Territory. Skillful opera
ton alwavs in attendiince. and tha most
minute attention paid io pictures of
children. Don't forgL-t the location, S.
StlScfa, Up StliJ.' No trouble to show
I specimens to visitors, btreet railroads
pa3s the door every ten minutes, mid
this is the nearest gallery to the five
principal hotels.
Bay view Band of Hope elected the
followfng Officers for the term beginning
July 0th. and ending January 1st 1S85,
Superintendent. Mis Mary Fullerton,
Assistant Supcrihtendent, Mrs. A. Gill,
Chaplain, Mrn. . Voucai nap, Secretary
Mrs. J. T. McNulty, Assistant Sec'y
Mrs. Stickle, Treasurer Miss Dora Cpe
land, U-her Miss Emma Fulh'rton. .
The Band meets immediately after
Sunday School when there is no preach-
Mrs. J. T. McNulty, Secretary.
Editor Coluiiri.vx llavii.'g received
a Democratic Prinn-r with the compli
ments of Grover Clevela d, tliR Demo
cratic Candidate for President with in
struciions to enlighten tin people of this
state, I shall start a Democratic School
at Haines' Grove nii Siturdiy at 3
o'clock r. si, Ai::; lSSi. Gool
ti-ac heir., will !? iii attendiince. lientlc
meii half price end ladies free. .
Per Order Democratic National
Coaimittre. ...
Stevex Haixes.
ART2XTS T7. 2,103315, it D.
River Sti:eet, Sr. IIslex; Orecsox.
All caJ's cither hy Kttcr or in person v.-ill be
proiiijaiy an-, vci eit.
io? Publication.
Laxo Orixc- at O esc ox City, Otxi.
i At.- 14, lssi.
No'ice i lurtby riven tli.ii flu' fn!iuiu-ri-oneil
sfttlf-r h:ii i 't jil iu:ice if l.ix in''fitio:i U
in a I; j I'.i'.d ,r in H;i;(..rt of liia cLtitu, an!
t!n:t s.i! 1 jr.H'f Lh." ni:..4 i l.vjorj f.ln L'ountv
at St. lilcw. Of;;f'j on M-.n lav, tj.;t..
lft'l. iz: '1 hi-hi.- 4 K ir.nev, J iomt Jtcn-t l.'ntn
No. 437j for tho N. II. of Sec. 4 T. 0 Is".
He ranics tlie fU " wi'nTsca to prove 1 i j
continnocb ro. i.ItiiL'O itpm, uikI cul.iv.itia;i !, 1
ai I l;m I, vi.t: 1 '
ti. V. luaih of CoIutii! i. City. C. T.
anil U. 1'. MoKi:iistt-r t.f .NWr t i'v, Co'iuuiJ i
Co !ri-un. .-in I J. W. iluiUou cf Kahunr.,
Cuv-lhz C... V. T.
; L. T. rAi:iX, Renter.
v"n".-.?2 "
Tae Dircc'.ors f Fc'io .1 D rict 11, C
l'.ii!ili:v (.'. On--m v,-iil r.-iv-o I t 1 liitiltlio
21. i f Au-'i-t A. I. 1S.S1 f r fin T.W.-.h'.g of u:a
t;:i.l nn.1 tlu- l.i.i '.inif of a. soIi;i.'lii,-iri, colivc-
i VL-Jy it h". r. t!:e li.iit.ef : r''aiiy or till
lids' TV aU r f-tr;
- . i-'vK-U'.. ii::C-.VN, y:H'v ict(;krV.
"Ti.Vlan.s av niKtti.iu if i :i- :i iy l-c s.'ra at the
iVst O.rlcv r.t Columt.ia Lliy.
Thrre- t my jirciiiisos...!.-. i'nl! .1 r-d
'c.iiw rJioii; VJ yta'S oM. k nail v.hitc spot in t'10
f.xeht-a 1, an. I p.:ns of left h n n broken o!f. The
wr.?r is reoa tvd V 5 .-rove piop'.T.y, j.ay
t;ts, jm.l tak hpr av.-.iy.
. ... T T -.....
Deer Wand Precinct, Columbia Co. Onm. Axx.f.A
" . ..' JH..M11 vjiii,.
loth. 1S4.
ron PfEi.icATior.
Laxn OrviCK at V.vxcarvnn, W. T.
; . . -. August 1ft.
Xotic? 5 hereby eiven that th , fallow in,;,
niined settler has lileil n :iee of hi iiittr.tion ti
lnnko final proof in support of hi claim, mid
that said proof will be made before the .lii.bre
.tJnil'r.'I'aUi.tJo'.iit t J.i!:e.r.a. . T. M iid.iv.
Sept loth. l:4. i.'.: Klizibcth WVs:'Aick. Pre
emption l)'c!ara t;rv Mteioeiit. No. for
th-i b ! 1. 2 aa I 3 of .Sec. 4. Ti. R. 4 W.
lie names the olhvv?n wiin-.'sKeai to prove hi?'
cnitniiiom r-'t-tn.-nce up. .11. and cultivation o
said hind, i.: 1 j i
:.j;c!i;r.inin A.DcctrJ cf Or.k IVHi, W. T.
.Tolin il.. l .jjr;a, ; of
Heiij.-iniiii l'oteis m,' i f " "
Samuel l.awson. ' of " "
FitKD. W..SPARLIX(2, Rc-i.ster.
vontanS 1
XTholeaale Maunfieturpri ot all klndi of Open and
vTop BL'CGIES ml BAD C.tUTS. Aarmt wnn!c
CTerfwherw. . 'Write or mi prloo UsU
' TTs tlso mancfactaro a fu'l lino of CUTTERS,
Izc'.n&ing Src:i Cody, rortln3, Squar t;
l-o seat ro.lhind ted Tosey S'eighs.
Essi C:s enii and prlcen bc'oro psrciax!r-.
Notice fo Publicatiox.
Lax a Ori'ici VAXCoevEa, YV. T. ,
t, A't,'nstoth..H.c4.
Xaiice U herelrj j;ivcnthatthe fuj inif-tiiMiitil
settler lifiw rit.rAi stj f U:s Intention to make
1IXAI. rnooy in Kupp 'ti-.f eiwim, r.n I that w id
prKf will be made before thf-bi le of the Pro
bate Com t at Krtlan.a, Wan!:. Ter , on Saturday
Sept. LX)th, 184 vi: Joseph Knuli. Additional Aiiiide;iti.m No f2.)-3, for the North
r'of South Kafet i .f Sec. 4, Tp. li X. R. 1 .
r.Jle r;Mneit-tnionowiui.' i iisrjo vuini- mn
continiioui residence upon, and cultivation of
sai I land, viz: .
Jpeph Dtxar, "f Kalama, V. T.
.S. P. Wa'tere. .t
Ismlore Fallert, J of " "
T. t Mahan. ef " ; "
For particulars inquire cf
Mrs. S.
iit-iSr, St fffYsrr,
Notice for Publication.'
. - . , .
Laio OrncE at t' CiVr. OiVri?.'
Notice m hereby Kivcn tho f.n.,wiii.
rmnietl settler lileil notico of Li. intention to
make hnal in f Hi claim ant
that sui.t Ui.Kif wil- b. m vie l:eflc ti,tf Cunty
at Ht. iitf'.-'-.fOr. j-on. on Tjjurmlay, ( ; t. 'j lf- j,'
V Z. Joint Vi.-.M:ilic..,i, ll.j,vtfii.t Kn No.
i.v aamcs tlie folWing wif nnch to prn e 1 lV
cmtiiuoiia ria-Utncu uiii, uud cultivation of,'
laixT, viz: - ... ;
Jofiah Kcnlilc of St. .frkn-, R.'.D. Fhecley,
J. V. VunuUii.oiii, oij.,J)vF. Maker of Vtrn.
111a, all of (.-oJumbiu foiirfjr. Oicun.
, T- liAiil.S, Re-iler.
Xolicc of .i:3lic;stid:i lo Purchase
Timber l.tnul.
Ij.vxd Orncs at VAxo'crcn, T. T.
, . , July 12th. ISM..
Notice js hereby given lit c .oipiianco w n.'i
the piovi.msoi t.'inAct of C.mrtm 'a'.provtd
Jim it, 17t!. enlilietl '-A;iActf..r tlm ale ,
linibi r Lrvn.l. in the Stales of CWif.iriiiu, Oru
fT'iV.-NcvjiHii, anil in Washington 'iVn ic.ry,'
Calvin 11. T.'ray.i C'jwlitz C.. Waih. 'JVr. 1,.
thi'i ilav fJe.l in 1 bin o.liec l.ji uiicMi ..i'i tfl
pm chase Ulo V. J of s. v. t ac. 12, ri y. . of
liuugfiit t-t-t, ofh.! iiJaiiit'tte Meii.Ja i.
Ttntinioiiy in tlie abve emu wi'L'J" i.i.4''
fore the .hul-.. of t-ll,tcTmirt at JC'itiaina
Wash. ler. .-Jutur.lay, tU i'Oth. day of Se!
Any mi l all pontons l.air n'.Tverfe claims to
the aboe dcKcrilfed Jaiul, or any. iKrtii.ii tirereo'
are herHV re.piirel to f;i0 tlieir e-niirn in thin
o.uee with'j ni ity (Ij0)dav fro.n l.te hereof.
h lll'AK v . Si'ARLINU. Kruifior.
1834.AGH!iTS WNTED, I884i
Fr the only fjrnuina PICTORIAL I i raTl.ij
of the Ji'tlVOI-ICAN CAXIJ1IATIM for iltMd.-(lt
an I 'ic.'-Pr(.nidtiit. Autlitii ic a i l t.! tt.:iso
in ,1'Acrr, profuse a d'.ic in ii uittiuti- n, n n,
rfeiri.ti n rtuile, bui.iatit in ,..
-r.vM.v!ii) Ciiui!Min iiiaory. Actid.uzem.
Rich in matter but I.O.V I.V l'i.ici.3 'J he x '
hares. 'e;ld Mi ctn. foroutlit i.i.d 01.1 hl'i ciAf.,
pr. c ic.d iiuli r.cli ns in ); Li t a o, un.,
H it. nil I , LA Ki; K .tOtlTS Uure.r. AT OXtK. The t aiuj aiii v.ill bu ahwt, but
U'.lLLlANt AXI) P.tO! lTA:.I.fc: TO AC1 X'iS. AtU'nu'.
.N. Ii. '1 ni..rno: to., l'idjii.ljtr,
tt. JLocis, ilu., uu i.v Y01.1t i.nx.
In the Cornty Cor.rc fur Cj'cmlia Ccunly,
-'tate of Ore' .11. f
Arthur Mctiruw, Vlaiu'.i.f,
J. Vf. Fox end J. To-, Doftndrin's
T.!. . J. Tow. lA-fund ints.
t!i luui (il lLo ttteof it.;i)ii vi'i) f.nj
t a.cti of you. i,r' hep by n .Ii ed tl at a.'i.l n u n.
:i;f has cniiiuuiH'id an ccti-.u 1'uiin.t yon m t,.
-tvtt t-n.itjd O i.ri. i nd la-.iSt-. i I ic
li. n i U'onht for tlia 1 in of 1 i:e Jhiiulndna 1
is lob.un i,:s I i.'Urt ft:.d c tin a rayed t t
in l!.c c on tl.eri.iii. An I you wr
uereby hiiii:u. !o ii ci'.f nl iuhv.r il
'.luiplaiii!. I.y the of ih.- ir..i .t il.i'a.J
Couit iiv-xt i I owi.n the ixj iiati. n.f six v.n aiii n of this s i, m ns, to vi II ; by tlimlit
ay of r-cpte.-iil tr lt.'4: i.n if you fy.ii to no u"
jiear j'.j li!!" jtt .i'.l be tLen r-.:'.::)jt von in uc
Cjn'a icj v. i.hth-j j rayfr of Mvici complaint.
Ti.i- h'.iUuiotiM is pi.biifti.ed I y "order ef
:hu ilm. F. A. i.h.:n, Jiuiue tf taiJ
iouit uiC.a oa tLe 23lh. '.uy of .Jmns, lst.
. 1!. li.'U;rd,
Ai'..-::i -y fr
In th Corn'y Court for J7tIrai! ia Coui ty,
tate if Oreff.iii.
IS" at huu '1 in.j.e.riaaitia.
J. Vf. Pox and .T. To -. Df ndan'n.
To J. , J 4x itnd J.i'ow, D. fnd. n'a.
Jn t!is nitiie of the Mate 1 f Oi-. n v n, rnl
erc h a: yon, are Ji. reby no ifnd that nil I plain
itf 0.1 ci i.iin. n.d an at:-n Aaintt n u in the
r. 1 .. .. 1 i r . . , . . . .
aoote nin j.ii L-omt iul cam.-, lhat lilt-
1 7n "1 .V'V.V-'Ti
1 ii v s sj 1 i.uvi.ctii in LKftiivint tilt 1 an I os. s .-u nn-ved for in the comiiklnt
on tde ibrrtin. And you ar hereby requited to
appear tnl :ii!3-.v - fai I c mipJaint by tho .t.
i!ay of tlIW t.rin of s: s i CoMt next fo.lowin. the
txpi.-.dii 11 of m":; vcilis' j;! i .n of lli;'n tnn
inoiiM, to wit: by the 1st. il.y of .Se timber We-l.
11 -if you fail to wo ap; tar jndioint wili bo
taken : -tiust you in acwrd;.i;ce with the 1 rajr
o'ftai I coiiiphtint.
Tiii Sj!oin. a w publL!icJ bv order of t':o
H.iu. F. A. .looie, .) nilp of tr.i I Court, maJo
on tho -'JSu. i.ay o: Juuv Jct:4. ;
V. P. l iil.-.r't
Ally, for Plu utilT.
vn-f3Ji;111 2 1
- fc
10p Co!r.n:rw and 100 Eriraviri-s in cccli iVtne.
43rd YEA'S,. 01-30 Year-
Semi three Cc. (.tan'ps for Rani !c Copy (Kr -Ji!i
r (iei fi an) of the ()Llisr AM) Lest Au..T-
02&SGZ t0 t DAMD W. JUDD. Trss.
751 Kroadviay, Xc.v York.
Ho tic 9.
V. S. Land On :cb Va xcocveh, W. T.
Jiina l.Sth, It'-S.
Comprint Jiav::v bn entend at iliii (
Scj I iy WaU..ii 11. Fart'en ;aint John Khmt
or iiban l oiin bis MoiikkUmI Ihitry No.
'C02, d.ded .Ju'y loth; 1S.S!, upon tliC
s. A of ;;. k. f ai' i li .is 1 an 1 2 -'ec. fi. 'i n. o.". l.
1 k. in Cowlitz C uiity, S fh. Tir. with a aIjvv
to t,ie cance.latl hi ot J.tll 'ii'rv. lilt- inti l par-tii-H
are hereby H'.iiiiiiio;ijyffP i... ilflL ti:
O.t.cj on tho olhlay of Au. 18.-4. nt 10 o'cl. e'k
v. M. to rj, id ( f j.;.iu i t 'i.i.n uy o t.iuc.i
it; sai.l uhV'ed loicoent
FRRU. a . Si'AKLIXG, Retrr.
S-nd s'x "cmj
for titae, Mi l
n-ciive free,
cotly t o. of
iiootU which wbl
help yi'U to more im f.y ib l:t iway than any
thing clue in ilii world. Ail, either ex, mic
ceed fnun lirst hour. The broad road to fortune
opins I efore tliej w. ikr, t.1 Mvlutely tuiie. At
oiico addrefs Ti;tE & Co., Auuxta, Maine.
tiotlco For Publication.
LA.vnOrricK at VANcorvrn, W. T.
June loth If r I.
N'oticc h hereby Kivm that tho following
.lamed settkm l as filed notice of intw
ti.'.n to make final roof in npM.rt f .h
cluim, anl that M.tid prHf will be made bifoie
tho Jude of 4jie Probate Court, at Rabun
asn'.. Ter ou MooIkv, duly l'8th,
viz: illiam A. Majoi, 11 omen tea I Applicati.-u
No. 4C4i, for the North i of South cut 1 oi
Sec. 14, Tp. 0 N. R. 1 W.
He nainen the following witnraxes to
prove bis continuous residence ujx'nand cultiva
tion of i;aid land, u: .,
lb Cronk, cf Frceport W. T.
William Teft, f
J. I. Onran of "
A. B. Clover. of " 14
... 1-KKD. W. SiPAKLtXG, Re-rinU
t4 jfil