The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, August 22, 1884, Image 3

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Miss F.-ii Moe In.s been visiting St.
Capt ism chit ki-eps a Cfro article of
breakfast tea.
Mrs. SneUon has Spruce, and is
twinging to a tall tir.
W. H. Whitney gets much custoiu'on
account of reasonable prices.
Joseph Harris has a JoVs comforter
to comfort liiiu in hu afilictiona.
EiK Mop, Nelly anl Mautl Dookor
came out yesteivUy to visit Blanche.
Mr. J. Li. Allen and family ere rils
ticatinj o:i Tuesday near Milton Drule.
Mrs. Decker his very line-looking
children, and dresses thetn with- much
- --Carpi Lenient has gene t Jlwacj, and
Mrs. Liiuout i the Widow Bcdott this
It mi III! I ?r"rvi.l hi gona oat to
Dun'ier Hill to li with Mrs. George
Mri Frantz iuf?f:n:j us Jo'iu II.rris
is putting up a house ou his claim East
of the Mountains.
Mr. J. S. Dlvenp-rt always carriea
full stock of goo ds, find a variety
of desirable articles
W. H. Whitney is doin rashing
busiucKS. "S.ill protit-s but tpjick ex
changes" is his motto.
One of the kindfst men to a man in a.
tight squeeze liilauciMy is Jadg; Mojre I
hence his manv friends.
Sunday we roJ up to tho Johnny
XJiraiu pi e. T:r
nnle-lrJj" hal
their tops torn oT ty bears.
McMillan has Bold te plc( he
bought cf II- S. FuIVi-Umi to Mr. Fisk,
and gone Ea of llni Mbuitiiins.
Loui Ed.nnds did not, lose fcll (he
sal at ou h .suited do ' n. JI intends to
lish and hunt the co'iiing winter.
Hon. J. N. Djlph i on the way to
Oregon. !! ha won fresh laurels by
his course in the IT. S. S-.-n.tte.
Thr? is no oaa likes to take sdvau
t of any n? poverty lir. the Muck
J?. is !iy th-y are popular. (?)
Chat ley Blikeslty is one of the
dispi?d antl dIpitiond ynu;g
uru m St. Helen, and univt iali"y likctl.
Mr. A. S. Graham, of M ihl.ind, is
canvassing for The !.iuKrum of Antiqui
ties, m. verv useful and entertaining vjl
uuie. G. W. McHride illoi a lot of grous;
near Tids Cref k, ami c.aIit.oa:e .f the
most handsomely spotted trout-we ever
This s the fraternal advice cicn to
hi sister by Jya Hnrris nd writt'ii in
lier album, "When you tell r lie, till,
c hopper and stick to it."
"Wft wonder whether PortUnd pMpers
vil1 call tlie Columbia. River ti. Wil
I.imettn Branch; thy ha so rnaeh to
say about the "Kalaina Branch."
Mrs. Danuiway came down tt go to
"Clatskaiae on Wcdited:iv. !r. ir.irt
and Mrs. Drew accompanied h r aiiti re,
turned on the next up-river boat.
Byron Caples with his dos, and John
McNn'ty have be.n running le-r the
last week. They J-.ave coin? dewn ott
of the mountains in numbers late-
Wo hive pnt tip our fence on the
back of 'our place 40 time;?, and it has
een torn flat. W wish cojld af
ford time to lie iu the brush with a shot
gun. Mr. Pinckney's family has come up to
Columbia Citv to live, urul he i
on a visit. He intend.-? ni'xt sunnner to
run his hotel a? a summer boarding
J. B. Montgomery has a summer res
idence on the Skamokawa. In tin e the
whole length of the Columbia River will
bt studded with tho Villas of leading
Blanche called on Cragie Sharp's fam
ily at 'Vancouver. He is agnt for the
Tics Shore; he has traveled all over thv
country within a short time, and is a
home on a rest.
Dr. Stevart and family will move to
Fossil in a few weeks. Tho Doctor nev
cr had a more successful practice than
now. He is not run out or starved out,
and leaves a good thing, we hope for a
Fiftter Shannon liaii put in ids clain.
the Mttckle.3 for 40 dollars for injury to1
his fences the fast 4 years. Wonder'
vrhether they will try to snoik but of
paying tiiis poor old man.
There is no more public-spirited rhan
than A. IT. Clakt-sley. Why? He runs
his hand in his pocket and coiners out,
don't take it all out in chin-music like
some of our public benefactors.
Mrs J. T. MeNulty called to the ro
tice that th'fe Sabbath School fit Bay view
will giv? a :onc-rt and picnic on the
11th. of next month. Everyone expect
ed to bring a basket of lunch.
Richard Walter' houstvnear Bunker
Hill Ma i burn- d it i a "1 its contents not
long sin-ie- He had fired a tree which
fell on his houso whiln he was ubseni,
and burnt it up. No insurance.
Tt is reported the Mucklcs and nu
merous oth r small milling csiablih
UK'nts are hirtd to Fe still by sormt of
the grw t lumber dealers in San Fran
cisco s as to raise the priee ef luuiber.
Th Mueklns told some our tliov inten
ded to cl e tb.Mr st'.re, iv th?y had
trusted oit .jlO'Ji, I t'V.k ii &.J.
if thy do the world will still n'voUe
without buying axle-grease cf the Muck
les. A man on Scappooso married a mare
and co'f, bat did not make it stick, lie
ha since m irritvl a f atht-r bd and sew
ing niaehirtH. His f-rir.rr wife iiji'.s
"ey fcutlier may prove a porcupine
St. Helen on the. first Sabbath e:n;a month
X 7cWk r. :.
Columbia City on the frSt F.Sio-th at 11
t"cl-k a. II., ana oh Saturday eveninj previous
at 7.
Kaitiicr on the fourth Sabbath, moru'nj and
Kn;:-a the 4cn.l a I third Sabbaths,
uiornin,;; act h...
IIev. J. X. ira:;N.v. Pastor.
fer.n.lay cho "! imiiijii'itcly rm'icv th morn
iu ssrvfj?, ana at 1 o'clock ?. .1. when therein
n d p'lre&eVrw.
E. E. i-KZ, S i -rinienJrnt.
V. c.
The W. C. T, U. tuct al th"V Chure n Zvn-
v t 5 r. a.
"-" t rfi "v r. n 1 1 ' ' 1 T
T'ur.ufaci-ure a i.irre rnricfy cf . ,
l:c:.t z-i k2.wy Tir.-fACES. n:.'r.c:;r,
C. .-it-.-.. . . . , .
- rl. tuii3.iett with t ha woi.mt4J,'.
wOpCtO volilclca
f .--:-. .rHir:-- u ki:::.xii:?. ir-i
c.tcvtlr vil'l ijt s-ic tt MiUcrilcrs
c rir. C.. rs:rt f !. rrr'-"f
riTHavin a eomph-t? jt of ?.fsp8 n 1 an ab
stract of the KecoriU of Uolihr.l i CounT, Ore
n, I ainnr jrejareil to furnish aw b-trct
of eiich j-iecc of rial propt-rty in thu t.Kii Coi.nty
t short notic.
2jrli?(vlB Alor'aoi, Powers f Attirnj, nd
tit'.-er c mvovsiiic k, pror"y txte tJ.
iTU. .i. Pateuta for lan i sec-irtfl.
i i f a.1 estii'e lonuht aii'l 8 Ut ;: comaiissin.
i-iTTaves p.ii i an 1 titles cxau.i:i -.
ZVCall u;kj:i or aldrtss
F. A. .1o).ie, Alini7-.t-T w,
St. TTelc-ns, ri-yon.
Kotics for JPubneatian.
Laxn Orrics at Vaxcotver, V," T.
.luly 2;i!i. lfil-4.
Notioa is hereby iven talit i ho f-'liowin-ranic
I s-.ttlcr lias lile-l n-aiue of hi intention to
make final proof ia MUj:)i t of hit claim, ;;n 1
ihat s vi.t roof will he lo.uli before the JaJ'e of
tlie Piobiite (ourt, at 1hI,i:u, ah. 'I'cr.
n 8:ttuidi.V, S'.'pt. I3ih, 1.SS4, iz: Harvey John
Bun, Homestead Application X. 2oS3, for the i of i-ou h Went I of Sec. 2J, Tp. 7 X. 11. 1
ITe mines the following witn-.!c9 to prove his
continuous re-klence upon, nnl cultivation of,
sai I laii'.l.
Anxoa Kinnanl, of CRrro!lto W. T,
I. K. AlcliolIauJ, of "
.T. J j. lo i, of " " .
Pierce Choate. f " " .,
4n"2.til i
Just Bocoived,
direct from Eastern man aiaetoi ics X. P. It.
1J. largo ?toc; of
Glass-ware, and Crockery
China tea-sets, cc. izc.
. whLh lill be bcU for cash, at
Low Prices at
r.": t,.s-."v.v'-' tA-, vH
Barber &Hairdr
Also for Sale
FriTs, Cbackeus, Ci:-:geh Ale,
s a p.s a p ati ! ll a , soda water,
Tobacco, Cigaus, I1a;r-
Picftj'ftE Frames, Hat Hacks, Yaxkee
Notions, axd Drugs..
Tho Feii? Points
JTobecoaMJe-ed bynqrph.vers examining Into til
laertts ;f t"!o:U- 'rluseri', tra
J.'.l loese valuat!- features fre rmboJieJ Ij
marked ucgrcc ia Tiiii Advance.
Srvp aext r. ivp'jortv
Pivsa St. Sr. Helen, Ounaox.
Chohv ?) f H;tls for salf.
; I.: v."l. '.11 i t s?
A nc- a I xni:b-t l-k of Co! now in
store. J'riees teacfia'o leoM Ch.
han xon'.-t best lwxl: ever so! 1 for 1-s lh;i.
twic ar mice. Ti.; fjsttct . j'lii,;' j A-
iiieTio.. I Mi. proli .o .;e.t s. AH iiilei-i-r.-jit
t"'!' v. -iut it. Any oni cn l coora? n
Muv-fiil :-' -ii. T mi free. IlALt-tiT Loo'a
Co., i'orthui'I, Maim
17. ?K 1 I
C7"1 "J
U3 ? J e Ji
Chairs, liTzliiis c Vi3d Ccats
For &le.
t 1U. 12 j UJt kai ?J
(1,003 in cold col:;.
To excii.tnl for k003 f"r iiich v'n
tctivf.l be yhen to the pnichs.r, at tin-
Coutmhi City. Tliis '.re fast heimng pop
ular on dc'ctuiit .f the vc.l.Lt:.NT QCAUiI of
tjoaJs kept Mil. i tho'tfv.iu:;ly
low prices
fv)r v. l.ich they re M. . n r:Ii.
C. il. ll'JL'ori:?, Irojrittar
Th r.e nt eltymt iia:iloat
Lvc PorllanJ. foot of Al iirSt. for Ii Canter, Tucs-d-y,
i'vatily S. ii lilii,. m..Xmu;,i St.
Hi leu. Lu iter .i i..i.rniv-.:i.tte mm ..."
turn.a ' Iuavck l.j.Jciifr ut v., .v.,.,ji. , liVinei 1 1,
iiU tri4y. l,oi hni,-m.Uj Vji-Lejl iki c-Ji.ra-ilay
iJ iqr-.ilav.
Wa VliirUalataf
Civil Eiigiiioor
St. IScIm, Oregon.
AH hn-iine atlU-mieti to ith ironiptnc I
c'if t tch Jiiit-': f
Proposals for Trari3D3itaticn.
Vanuouveu 15aui;a ;ks, H . T.. Amrcii , 1S31. j
Sji;AL:aPKut'ortALs, i i itn'j.icAiK,
'SULJKCT to con.iith ns, will bj it
ceivetl at this o tice, iniLil12 o'clock, noun, mi
Mon-lav, A ril 7, 14, ut w hich time an. I place
they will he opeucil in tho presence of IjiJklers,
for the transportation f iniiiu.ry uuppats on the
follow mjfuecri hail routes ihirin. year commenc
ing July 1, IS 4 an l cmtioit Jiiiiii Hi), Jjf;4:
Route No. 1. Spokane i'al'a, V. T. to Tort
Spokani. NV. T.
1!oi;tk No. 2 AshlanJ, Oregon, to Fort
Klamath, Oregon.
liourK No. o. Pvn 'leton, Oregon to Boise
Barrack, 1. T.
J.'otTsN'o. 4. Kana. I T. to Eoiso Dftrracks,
Koute No. 5. IlRthurum, I. T., to FortCocur
d'Alrtw J.T.
Itoi.TE No. 6. Lewiitmi, I. T., to Fort Lap-w-ai,
1. T.
St,tnr'er Transportation,
PctTK No. 7. For transportation of U. ?.
Military Supplies Letwe-n Atoi-fl RtiJ Fort
tStev-ii:s, Oroj.jn. n I Fort (Janhy, W. T.
iioiTE No. S. Cetttn iWtlaml. Ore:jrn,
tn't VKiicotivei', V. T.
The Uoverninent reserves the riylit to reject
any or a 1 proposals. '
L'&nk proposals, foi-m of contract, anil printed', ivintull information as to tho man
ner of biduing, tcims of contract and payment,
will bo furai-shfed on apilicsti'jn to thi.s oliiee.
nnril.ii.a containmsr proporals nhnnhl be
A..fc-f.lrT. war
The Eif st. BUCCiJs'ul Tinje?yevcr itisoovewl m It Is
i-pH ii- iu it eCocUt ami Uoi--i iok tiiutcr. JtEAL PRaCi'
St. Cn.RLE, Auk., Aug. 23, lo".
B. .T.Kexma.l & Co., Okxts: I take pleas
ure in iufonuiiiur yon that 1 used nearly all f
the botth's of KeiidaM'H Spavin Cure that you
sent me from St. Louis, acc inline to direclions
an I t my sati-sfuctioii (and 1 munt say to my
surnrwe) in aUmt two weeks my marc was en
tirely v. ell of her lameness caused by a hojf spavin
of over one yi ar's stnitilinn and in 4hree weeks
lime the swihin:; was i'.ll t,'on3 t.nd lhe mare ia
now entirely well and can tr.t t H .ib as ever.
I consider the bottle of Kendall's 2rpuv in Cure
worth to me S'l.'O.f Oa.s the animal w;is worthless
as she v.;ia on three hM and could Gcarcly f?t
amund n them and now nhe is the timst butrjjy
animal in the- parts and wiih the lt-mnant of
the! ottle aflei luring tlie mare I have n-r.ilv
cured a sisei e corn on the ball of my bij toe
that has piven me print ynhi U.r Uv or t hive
'.ears. 1 have only applied Kmdals Sp avin
Cure four times nn l the corn now is neriy out
I y the roots and without any puin. In short I
think it is the best liniment that is in tie. I
hae Kendall's Treatise on the Jforsj sn I his
Diseases anl I would no take any money for
it if I c uld no, get t.nollier. 1 opiu you great
.success J remain
Yours rcspectfuPy, Pi. C. Marti.w
"Vevav, Txn., An-. 12, 1SS1.
Dit. P. J. Kendall A; Co., OkXTs: Sample of
cirexdars reciived to-day. i'lta.sf send lue ime
with my imprint printed on one si le on: y. 1 he
Kn tail's Spavivi Cure i in t-xcellewt dtniaiid
wih us and not only for animal, but fr hu
man ailments al.x. Mr. Jos. Voria, one of the
leading fanners of our county, spudned fcn an
kle 1 . i'y, and kiio in the value of the r; mdy
for horota. tried it on himself, and it did far
better t ban he expected. Curd the pain in Very
short older. 1
Yo-us respectfully.
Price f 1.C0 per hott'e, or six U ttlefor .".G0.
All drrsvisU ii or c;u t t U-r jnu, or i .
will e .-.lit to kny ; L.-t-i."! of price
by lie lo.lKtol, iHi. I, J llkSD.ML Hi Co..
ICnonburyh x alls, Vt; S.n J tor idustntcd cir
cular. :'i-?43a!s for military S;tI'.
Ot 1 ICaiOK CHIEF l MliT;4MATEa. S
V.4KTOVVKK 1 AKI.ACKS, " . T., iich )
;-r:Ai.;i PKUl'USAliS, IN Tli I t'ld CATE,
J.Vltd KCT to the usual con Ji:ion, will b'iie
ceivnl at thi o.iicj or at the o:bc.-s of the U. S.
("uirtei masters Pi the follow iou-n.tmod pst,
until 1 o Iek, noon, on A ion lay, Aprii 7th,
lSi4, at v.hich plact3 an I time they iil be op
ined, in p-reseiice of l-MUrs, for the fuinijli'm,'
nddeliv.ry of military supplies duiin the fis
cal year c mimencin;,' July 1, lrv4, aiiln!in
Jmi 0, lo", :vs follows: osl, t.d, Char
coitl, Parley, 1'run, l';y, Apd ."''traw, or
llay iu lieu of Mrav;, or such of s;dJ euppl ts ivs
mae be re-uirsl at
i'orthial, t 'report, Foit Cunby, T., irracks, 1. T. Toft U fil. T.,
1'oitTowi. id, .T V.... l't-'t, .T
Koit C'm-i.i li'AhM-. t.T., Fort !!., 'nr-n
Fit ', V. T., J'ort tteMiis, fieyoii,
Foit I-upi, I. T.
Tlir (to.oi.miit rcs-t-rvrs tlie li,;ht to rejret
any t all t Pref ! id 'veil
to avtich-t of .1 ii r ilte.i h, i t. ti
cks of d ui-.dc p.-.ob.k'ti.-n p!..ti:c-l m the t"a
ciiic c ;;o c.'h M i of pnoe an I pi. il l :u.u'
e.j'Jal, t the n'.nt -f c tnsumption :rcd by
the puMii a . ice thrrc. ,
h'ianl: p.-o; h ..' ki i piiuted ci!C'.'ffl -, ivsn;T
full r'i?;-.l.t '.. t the trunei af i-i I -', e.,
i:l tM alixl H lico.J t f.. ce or
th- V''aferi.-t'.i the vmi i.a f.,.s J.5oeJ.
1 i , c. n ;!iin; prop-a,it fb.x d be
r j Oa M
dieed to the i.u ninine I, or the Ks.,tei;ve
t'tst Quart. -MnasUirt
A. S. KIMP,. !X,
I-Iajor ta i ,' -- r, U. S. A.
Chkl : l 'iiai tciiiio.-tcr.
Cor.vra Tiu't ako Yamhili' St2f.kt3
rOKTLAXD Or.nccx
fie ,: '.ls t'itt v.i!l nut ou
in t;-e -siy vf niV.i.i wort n n- y in a ' v A ys"
i!mi you ever to t ;ht p aiiit'e f.ny bv.s:r 's.
Caj-iil not. iv'i'iire.i. ri!lirt yn.i. V..i
c.n nr: ail the tin or in ti.n-j only. The
work i. nnivsmdiy i:te t to both e-e, rou';
and nld. Yo.i caiiy e-ru fr ; ; J u;s to
"v-ry evening. That -51 howHHtvtik iu y
te?t Ihe biii'.K, in- nk; this un; urm''b-d i'er:
to ail Ji t- nt ell ai.-?iid v'e rn-l irl
to i-.y r the tr.jb! f wii.iu; us. Full ftar
tit td.i, dirtrtion-. ., ut" fv(. Fortuoes
i'.i ! nr. by th e w!i j;i the:r bole dme
tole v'.rk. " ice-?-!-' tjbso uVly t.
fl m't it by. S-i.rt now. Ad.Uv-s SxixiOX i
Co., Portland, Maine.
Farm Meed iills.
The Cheapest and Best.
Illustrated Cati'sRia Ssnt Frca.
LJ. MILLER, Cincinnati, 0.
2TEddie VonCrmp La6 !eft htme without Ids
jta rents' consent, lie is lirteen years oi l, larye
of his ae, and fiva fe.t iven inches tall, has a
soar on h: mt.jtril If he rttm-ns ho will not lm
punished. Anyone knowia;? hU , whercw.ut3
will c mfer a great favor by addrcjbin f . Von
Camp, Oak Point, W. T. or Mrs. E. VonCa -nap,
St. Helen, Oreson. If ho doin.? will all
right, if not, his father he. a jb for him.
T p firth i working c'asx Sct1
f; il fj '2 "i 10 can's for poie, n-J
i V 0 li N ,ve W1'' niil :r- K
V 'i Z- 'J L J roval, va'.n d'ltj rf ? n-
Attorney at - Law,
G-ri'iCK -lli.vcv SUeot in fro&t of strand.
Frc;2pl Attrition Civjn to Co!kci:ca3, Etc.
a u lot f
3jc, at Hi Helen, Orcsoa.
Will atten I t?rmr of &y.i rt at Astoria, Ka
l vru t Pjrilan I. Prac-we iu all Caur'.s
Stats m Wash. Te;.
T. A- EScBRsDS, .
Attorney-at Law,
Pnr'.icr.!pr atttntion Rivn to Lrsiuess bef jt
the Land OSice.
nov!2tf .
J. -I. J. ii'J-l' V 4 Zi- aV
PKI'SECIAX and Rrniiiiox,
Rivtu Stulet, IIelex, Okkcon.
a. o. ruiLir. n. d. k
;t. 234 First St. Perl land, Or,
233 First Ciifi Vi:s F.t Lowest iit::.
0 LtJ
IN'V ft CO., f !" r-TTrTTFIf AV"TrAr.',n-
li! lo- -f m i-...icii'r fv.r Jueu!., I'.iveuls. Tr
ir.i-J. Innyriiit.-". lor tn j I'iiiie t tv.-lc-'. Curia l.u
.it'lan J, l"rarii- Je 'nan-, pi3. 1 Cirt.t lJ iok n!i ..t
j. ' citt.s .-rit Ire.'. Thirt v .H.-vn jtctV cXiMTirn -o.
it'n-so!ir.-itni' 1 1'irou r i ML'.VN CO. ar'-no'.Ui -.1
In tho Hrir.vruuc A':ih-?av. la- I t. -j.'. ci. an.l
j.ioKt wiUul c'.roulnwd n-ii-ni id pa-M SXIoa yct-.r.
Veeklr. fplen.ilil i-iiirrarlnrs a-nl lnf"Mstirt'4 In
forumtloit. t;,ooi:n?n c.-py nf t!i in; lie A ui--
f in ti wiit fr"". A r! 1 ?lUIv';i ' . S- ii.Mu;J
27 Ctcps
:cps, 10 Gets Raed
rt-fitr-r'n i:rr'.TT'rr'v - unfair., in
i t:uci lo-'rrtio i-iit. '.-.i I i J'f-, Wnliit-t rr KLnfzef
!. 5 Oi-vc ,'- I To 1 1 bn a.Vrripht l"!k-.w. fcti i I
r-r'ii-s Idin?.iu:., .1 ort;. t levfcwic. I'ajMllf-a auJ
l:rll-:s f t Li'-iv!--. kc-i Ly- rr'rt ftcp ion.
r.v ;,'.rr. r;.i:i fpntw! )
JTorV"t I t .. r"-. fsknr lft'0 month,
fwtlvtw'r. rrl;o:T ihfi-(r IVY tii I
lS;j ;:::'. 1. .ttr: j T .t Mcll l' lo UU orucrt
ar ww.'i ,;. r-..f-( J rfrm Orn mnA iv9
rwra;"f'a,ll'f-inf i r ,'.,, rotUin ? cnil I f.-lTI
lf-'- " t-wM.a-rt. la-aru X. T. C:!".
rrr:iy cr i!ri.-t-!r f . l i-ri(, r ) m. or 1 p. lin
I c?ctT,'j i t-'v rtw;kleV!.iiirtnflcr arrival I Y. rt S :-rrp. i-.i. famo d).y(f. p
r:'.r fri?l C'.'. n;-. r.-iV.nn!!il, llii'., Boston. &c.,ar-
'r-:y'i l"jEr:.r !: i:o::t C'i-ft-uV'tSailoweO toptr
jttct - if yrn !;:; r:i- nvv . v. ou r tJ?oir..
J t"-1 'a w t' fcr!l'a r'.ctitrta tntol f ratxa.
Cthr.'v-i f S. :j. f ;si-f. 1 u-.frtra-4 to ,f.
ai" l.rr::tcl i r frra. A.Iix;. . .U
Tick's Floral Guide
Far t Sl-f ami 3-V ef 120 Tare?, 3 Ccl
'1 i !i ct t krvrjii anl V-rc bl3r,a t.or?
t'-a-fl Ij00 l.nt-'ti'ns of -iioi"2 t f lo.vs-..
riii, nul Vt.-jrota"!is, anl r;rcoi;.3ii f.-r p.-ouii-ir.
It i h iti-lsotnc ciionli U.t tlc Ccutcr 'in'i'.t or Jlr.iiJ.iy
l'rc.-?!it. hcu.l o;i y.Tir ti-.m-s ai. I'ort Uii;ie il Jro
with 1 cents. auJ .. '.H enl you a c"py. p-H(ac u;..
1 w l't A fjUU-tcr O? li? CO.t. It li prit.toJ i'l 111 brll
Fi!.r!'.-h an-1 (irniiii. It f.f .crw uMei1 3cJ-j,
diNjw. the ii) cents. ViVj Piedii at 9 thi J!;w ia
1a Vo 1.1! HlO I'LfliAJ. tiVll'JS v.iil toii to-.vtogsi
View's FIotpjt sni vjg-;rabla Git Ten, 173ra.js,
Col-jrvJ 11 S ! i;ngra it'ir l or f;i tvnts in pi;icr
covfts; til'oo in cii'gi'it cloth. In xm hi or i:ixii.-!i.
Xie't't ll'i'itrsti-'i X'tathiy 'Miv.iriii?-"' i.-s,
to'.orel pl'te in e.cry i.u:iutr, a:i.l m.ny f..c l'.:i
ti".ii f -J. i'tiA si. 2." ;yer; Kive t'rii..i for .".o.
oo!t!ii a IuuiLcr neat tor 1 ct nts ; 3 tri U colics for
i ccr.ta.
p .- -
Va;aiJ Vit.,
K ciffir.:t X. Y.
Ttetis or .-iliction to Tur
c!ia:e jL'imber Land.
Land rrirs t Vtvcocvnit, V.'. T.
Mavch 14ih. IrM.
Notic? i? hevcoy ivi-n tht it coj-nplianc-j with
the provi'si nis of tno Act of Conr-js approveil
Juwe S, I.To. entitled " An Act for the ale of
Timh'-r Lan Isin the St atisf California, .reroj,
Nevtvla. nd in Vashin-.rtn Tcrsit-!," Adxian
1.. T-er, of Mnlrnoint.!i County,, ha
this ilav tiled in this o.'iicu his application to pur
coufc tho . r. i of Sec 2s, Tp. y Aorih, of Pkan:;u
3 of th Will.nnclto Meridian.
Testimony in the Iove cao will le ta'cen lc-for-thc
.TiuUeof th Prohate Contt, at Kxla i?,
Wuh. Tcr. oa aturd:t'-, tho Zilh. day of M3-,
AnynWll persons having tdvci-se cTaims to
the aiive d.-.';ciibcl laa ia, or any portion there
of ju hrrehy required to kij.x tlnir e!iuibin
tl.tft oaiJ within iixi (iTO) m s fr.;n date hereof.
FHi:i. il. riPAiiLlNU, P.eistcr.
Pro?sals fer tlonr.
O.Uc'i of Purchacin, and lepot CommJssirr.
Vaxcovyek P.a:iu.ces, W.T., April 21, IS.' 4.
Qeal:dpuopo.sals, ix duplicate,
Jsu!jfctto the usiial con iiii..ns, v:il bo re cived
at thin oi!ice and at the o;liccs of th-j Acting Coin-iuis.-a-it.s
of !-,ul.-isti-ncc id tlis fo'.lowin-namc-.l
l-oits, until 12 o'c ook noon on Wed;ielay, May
l.-it. ly-4, at which time and places they will !
opuv.'d in pre; nce of, for the delivery
on or before Ji;n 21t. 14, if tlie. foi'owiiiK
anior.ntb of l-'i.nir, viz: Fo:s3 Barracks, I. T.,
il.fwiO lbs.; KortCcc ;rl'Al;ni. I. T., 31, SCO ll.ts.;
Fort Kaniath, t'n., 13,720 lbs.; Fort Lapwa-i,
I. T., -24,i0; lbs.; Fort Spokane, W. T., 4J,120
lbs.; Vancouver IJarracUs, W. T., TiS.tCO lbs.:
Fort Walla Walla, V. T., 1,G(50 lb.
Sample of thf Flour (no h-ss tlun twoponnd
pronged to he fuinislicd, must he iultidltl
with the proposals. ThaFij irto be tested ty
baking befor acceptance. Proposals for quan
tities kss lhan tho ; whole required will hi re
ceived. The government reserves tha lijht to
reject rmv or a!! hvls, ; aii'1 to diminish, or, with
consent of the bi JIer to whom award h made, to
increase the ipi-inikies called for, nu the exi'en-yenc'u-s
of the service may require.
Llai.k proposals and I'rintod circulars stalin
1-iVI of Fl-mr required, an I t;iv
full instructions as to the manner of Li Klin?,
er.i ii., i.u iu ov oo.-ci-vct by Hddei-s and tern
of contract an 1 payment, will bo furnished o
Application to this oihcj, or to the A. C. S, of
t !t jKist at which it is propjsml to make delivery
Envelop containing j.roposals ehould be
iirk t-'1'1 Flour r.t
to tho under-
sijntal, o ati3 adJrcsaetiii sofSubaiat-
teiico at tr to Utc Acun r Coaj:i!iv l.
, W. A. ELpEIiKiy,
Cantain r.nd C. H.. V. . A.
jga t l.
J -----
Ulu-nrid hy the uso of 1 nnpjrT msd- hv T. T.HiydorV,' wMoh ! no ;;.lv ; t-i--7 f
In i thU .ictur. but Till-: MUUINU kiLtJWV P A We-.HSJ'A. II .1
V afeiv Kin? Bolt ami Pi HI Wheel. , Ak vour dcater . for r- .
SI lvVoCK. Hf'iy, with the Uydock Safety Kfnj Uolt uul i U.u
. l.ifo H lm-ccnre rbdng over any other.
i : i in nrn riointr over but oiiirr.
i..-..'-tubftircl.lieUUTS tJ. priotel
wVw.?Wti-lla for. Hum 4 Tnelflt. Kti.. tlSCKSiri. 0.
Send fc:
Prairio Farmer
k tS. J
' 2 A
of all Agricultural anJ Family rpcra. Co:np'.et in
i ail uc-rai-.uieiila oi
Iijlca.Hr.t;l.!e to tLu;r anl taini'y.
fiutrudlcc, Varied, Pure iu Contents,
iit'Tiriai th P.'.Tal Induitries, tilt-rat ur?t S-.-Juite,
Aui Mit Its i-j:u.u.-.a ar cirrlcuei Ly r.iclcs fron a
ht of !
in ' ory tijArtai.nt. Kic'a Usus coi.1:ui:3
h1 the LA'IEiX NT.'.VS in a riutahell. coaclne Harkct
i'.ej.'oits, etc.
02.C0 A YEAE,
anJ a rry of th Ep";n3il Frairls Farmsr
ttalari Tiias or C. aar-rcial Alap
vi iLt rnt;el rtatu Canada
(SSzll incirt) FA.
Or, If pr"fert.l ( the 'tip, cltht-r of the folio h:g
tcolj will t JTit to each su'jseribt-r
te.'i.lii.ff u SA
Trartical Fftrm Bria". Vy C. i. Cluott:
the l&tot koiH oa t.!a.t tnojeci. Or tliu
Toil'-T A3tr-cim L".ctiro-y C:nstric.!. a-.a
2.JKiO worin, ceurue ttL-iiti;tiu.;S, yzcc ij.e.iij:.,
and xact pronunciation. Or
2crp' CIsitPT account Ji-i't fr 15S4'
.i.a o( i!ii in ut uf?ul a.;J coaeiiiea; ice iLs
farmer ever iatiucJ. Ur
la:rican r.tiqnett end ZmIz of ri:-litrn3S
th Ufest aii. I Oct st-.o:d ir-l work o:i tliu Mibjct
conUiuii-j;, kiio, a ijrjj la.iJ ef aJiitioaal ia.'or
lulioii. Eciivi for speennen coyy ef f apcr, ani
ju-iMiiitun list,- and aijtnts circular.
ISO Kouroc Hi. Clilcnfru.
defcira WITII6"T CilACRS, the new dr-wqht resift
in potaVi T.ib liix-sH tha Ciant Wheat.
)LACK-usA:tu::u Ci:ntk:-:iat f.r .Spring and
Fall fjo viit ; the Kckal tiAKnsx Tukasihes -seed
of the preat xihivc. i'rapc iagai;a, aub-i.-ribc
for the
the prct American jnrnil forth farm, rarJcn
anil home- it Is oiiinal from bpghmin. to rJ
."iOO oiiv;Tnal ilhi.trajd-,ns yearly the best Wii
ters ia th tvosi 1. SJml for free specimen cop
ica. I
s r-AES eovv-, zr. y.
E2ot.C3 to Creditars-
All persons having e'aiaw against the I;-tat
of K-'i-tabelh Xeer h-crised; late of Columbia Co.
Or. are herd )' nolil'ed to present thtr.i, wiih the
proper v. ivchciv. within iix months from this
date, to ths undcrnutned, ! ahi;intrat.r of nai l
Estate, r.t th law "llic of. Wii. Diilard li-at
St. 1I$:i-3, Columbia Co. j
q A. Nek a.
Janv 11, 1SSJ. j
v4n.ijil i ,
sff. a wee!; at home, f kOO ont tit free.
i c a -v ',ute'y rp. No risk.
& Capital not requirev!, Pta lcr,
y LJi Jolt wst,s business at whleh
prsotrs of tilher nix. vounor
old. can make preat iay allths tima th -y work,
with alo ule certainty, write for particalats t.i
II. Hallett & Co, Portland. Maine.
ITotic cJAppli5aticat3,Jrir:liac3
Land Officb at)
Vancouv::i, V. T. y
February i.'th. )
Notic? is herein' given th;;fc in compliance with
the provisions of the- Act of Cngrcji approved
Jnn3, 1878. entitled " An Act for tho ilc of
Timber Landi in the Ktatt of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and 4n Washington 'lVrritory,
ilenry S. re; ry of. Multnom ..h County, ).c
g.m has this day filed in thw otfee bin applica
t ion to I lurchase tlie N J ot N . K. I of rice. ;0. Ti.
8 X.of liauge l.W. of the Willamette Mercian.
Testimony in the alwve caao will be taken be
fore Ue xivisvor iivceoi r i;i Vuiio :iVe,
W. T. cn Wtrduodday, the llih. day of .May,
Any and all persons claiming a Iversdy to said
JoicibeillamUor anyp rlionlhurof, are hri b,v
repaired to file their claims in Ihiii olice wilhiu
sixiytoO) iav from dale hereof.
t'KKl AY. SPAllLlNfi, R.i.r.
Is '. nt.'U, lo iiiyan k wtl' frM rrv:tt !. )
TTiica. tlxo Tccrd, HctC7 cr C-ft
sod Ci-ffaa ia ticntlcnod, ti.c7
icaca trarroct tlio otacr, Triads
kncwri c.zi'2. ed ponilar aro tho lu
ctrsmeats p-i;! t'i riaLcr
1'ivc lottci-3 ia ct-.cli cf tb.o '.v-j
Trorda tro roralriisrs of oujeyrvas
ia raultituwca' ef lacnica. IuiUc
tod rnailcJt frs'o to cul
Also Crgan Stools. Instruction Ecc
and Meet bins.?
clt Ksy Cstslss c7 flsw Sfyicc.
$1.50 A YiAB.
Thii Monthly Mag.iz'n-J ;i 1 p;i?.h'''i diHi--,
lSl, bii.dit JiJid irit-r..sti;i ; J.o:i?. by ti:a le
American writer-, ric!i as I
Lofi.-.K C:i trruLLit MorT. .r, rr--,vA;a .rvt-:t:.TT
IIajx, birr: an V'. alsxb, J-j.'.yvjN : :. :
Fkanck- L. Macs, Mim. A w; ::o:tr::; ', :,:?.,
Choic j 1'ivm.i, rttcV.e. ' A-t! i! i n :
tel I't-rxoua and Piiwvs, I p."' r5 u. .-.'. .;li rt
for Children and for ,S.dL.:t4i r- .;di.t-. ; A: .. i .
Vcal n-t In.str.'.ir."n'l; F'd.:"5:.- o;:-l l-'.-vr
Work, Hint- on fin: i u. :.r-. an.l v.t ..u?b;.i
I.ectipta fof ItoUd'.-hoid i..
Hy.v to cirr
Ve will send as simpltH C, Lac!:!ers of the
CUTTA'JJi JIFAKTii, forL'i c.-n.-i ia .l.a.ik '
To whom lionrul pay wi 1 -by 'riven. . n l'.vperl-eni-i-d
Cinva-cr :. i tain in-:.i. SJ tr;l)a
vcck. Anv Mnart man rv.oi.iMi yi cj tl.V,
Sen 1 to u for terms uu J ;gehtj til J.ilaru.
Ad lrcs.1
Til 12 CCTTAG3 IIZAST CO., :.!cit Y.i
rlo Patents; Ho Pay,
73 A nniT'TrrP-'' Obtained iVr J.'cch. !.
p!-irJ3, Deigns an 1 Label. All ; iir ry
c'i'.:ni:iatioiis a. t j'.ttc-nt-tldlity -f i.i.u:.:ou,
free. Uar "li ;;!.!' K.r Ubt:duin.; !'.;.. t.-.'' u
eent free cveryvn.;:e.
H-.'.iv: s
LO'.'It- :;a;:k:l Co.
i'.iiv i of i 'al ii le,
V ...:i::' ro?.', J-. C
Et.V::had UGi.
Laxd Ofi-icu t Va.nxi ; kh, W. T. .)
IVl.rtTnry lMli, lfKJ.:;
Notice in h;Tchy j;i'. ;!i tlie fi!i iwin.n.
r.aine-d tttller.t have t.hd tio'.ico of their ioieu
tion tomako tinal pnxf immppor: of 1 !.-ir v'-ii.-ix,
and that sai l proof will be mad? Lc:orc the ih-.i i
ter and Pectiver, at Vanuonvt-r, . ah. Tcr. on
Wiifacsday, Apiil'Jth, Lsl, vi.T. S
Fred-t ick tieisler, llo:nei.tend Ap; li'-.f i ins
Nos.'J-'oS and oOJ:, for the North llat 4 cf f . c. 5
Tp. UN It. 1 W. & n-iiuca thefolJu-.ring ; i.n j.-ises to
prove hu continuous r.i-.ltna,' H;xn 1 cM;iv.t
tion cf sfai.l land vi: Jom f S. Carlson, C'tark-a
U. llarmaii'i, l'"rank 1. Wahlber;?, r.nd CI: nits
llogan, al! of Castlo llo.k, t'owliVi (;.i, W. '1'.
Jobef N. Carlson, lioDKatea l A ppi'ca'.i;
Noa. 177 and for the x. v. i of n. r, j lh 1
Lots 1 and - ot tfec. 4, Tp. V .v. n. I vv. a Y.'. ! of
h, e. i if Sec. Z'J, Tp. 10I.n.l w.C u.-'uicb the fol
lowing witnes to prove Lid cu:'.:aoi:s re---;.
denco cpon and culavstjina of r.i i J.-md, ii.-:
Fian' it. Wohlberg, Ci . vh-M Jl. llai n :,r..-,
Fi-eiliiick (Jeider, and l 'i.. r! .Hogan, all of
Cusllo ihick, t;.ivh'U Co. AV. 'A
. Frank li. WAhlb-.-g, A:Lou- :i.d Ilonu-ftavi
Application No. 2S7U for tho r. i of . v-. j&
Lot No. 1, i f :-ec. 10 Tp. y A', x. 1 v;. A: ii:,mt- tlio
following witnes-tea to prove Lin coii.itoun.rt ;es
iJence ujon and cultiv -iiiu f i,..! d 1-i.d, vi:
.loef N. Carl-on, Char!; a ii. J la-iii;tns, 1 icd
erick Ceisler and Charles llog;.n, .V.i ( Cov.LU
Ar . i.
FRED. W.SP V'i r
Gonsolidatsd otic 2
Lajtij Oi l ics at Vancouver, X7. T.
March l'.'th. PS I.
Notice is hereby ftlven that tt:e lo:;nviii
naineii aettleraliM'e hied notice of tin 5- inti kii f
to make hnal proof m nuppi-r-of :. t-'
that baidpro..! will be ma le ' rti-1 ' Jo i.,' i,i
J'robate Court at ICalatd i. i.f.'.j. T-t., .. ?,.;;,"-
day, A;nl-'hh, 'u: .Mya I".. Il-j-.tb,.,
devwoo of Wnriin Taiti.;r, AdM'w ;,. i tt i-,,...
stea l .ij i::aii m No. J0 1 lor ti-o We.; i of
South Lai of Si'c:ir;i 4, l'o. 7 A . i.'.rr I v'.'
an.l niuuesth fo'dowiog tOi--ea t . ; .x. ;4j',
conlinuoif residence nj.n.-i, uti ! r ;-, .' i .a
sai I, A. V. -Moult n. ,Ji ,,!; ,,,' ;'
Ciioate, fili l it.niiel i-.i.iti.s i 1! ..; l ' .
Cowlitz Co. W. T.
James S. lltin'.-hiton, A ' -ti ;i.i;.l !., ,;
Ainiiiciitioti No. 1A;CT. l.-r V. ,. . i .
Wcs'-itf aecti..:i 8, Tp. 7 'i:. i:,J 1
an I iiamen th- fodowing it itn.-. . n ;.t.,,. j
conliuuitus r idfiicc. t:;.oi-. a:i l f. :.'!' j- u ( t
b.d.i Ian I, ti.; A. F. .Mo'i!tn, il. v
J. V. Chonut, t;amiel A finr. ' if r '-" '
tw5, Cowlitz Co., W. T. .'