&. 5. the emrasiMT Sunday School ?.t I'Ta. M. James Mucklo Las onc to Califouiia.' lioohoo ! Mrs. Moore and daughter Nellie au; still quite Jsick. Mr. T. Cooper is still doing a ruslmi business as butcher. Mr. Giltner and wife intend soon re- i move to California. Mrs. Fowler, from CotHu Hock, was lately in St. Helen'. , Mrs. Dr. Stewart joined t?.& M. E. Church last Ju'iVday. Mrs, Waud was o.cWi lately to visit at Captain Lemon t'a. T G. V. MclJride has increased his stock lately in many articles. The R. It. is doing nothing lut put nig up eat tie guards. Mr. Devis has taught quite a lot of I fruit trees for his ranch. , Judge Moore is all the time iucrea. ing his stock of law tacks. C. G. Caples intends hereafter to live in fhe winter in California, f . J. Decker is barbering and shoemak ing also in his tidy little hopi Russian Bob, give that Ilea ot yours a crack.. His digestion is bad. The Circuit Court of Columbia Coun ty will commence April 14, ISSt. Cape. Ridley and family also his son and family go to Union, llidge to live. ' Peter Shannon brought down Ms horse from Ramsey's on Wednesday. There is talk that a large Catholic Church will soon be built in Columbia City. We regretted to learn frcnuMiss Irene Musgrove that her father was iuite un Veil. Fruit culture will undoubtedly be the leading source of revenue for Oregon in the near future. An inquisition was lately held at a ' certain place to find out who's a who Result reserved. Robert Johnson, an honest logger went down from Portland on the Man zanillo on Wednesday. Frank McXulty intend to make the 'lour of the Cowlitz Valley to make an examination of the lands. One lady visited the mist olHce seven times in. c no day. She must have been running for office, the mist office. George Strachan and J. W. Camp bell caught a line lot of speckled trout near 2cNulty bridge on Sunday. The spirit of Ned Forest, the defunct actor, and the spirit of the dead Albina Herald have met by the sounding sea. Mr. C. C. Slavens reports Harry West p!z having finished logging. He assisted 'lure in getting out 1400 thousand feet. Suit for partition of interests in the St. Helen town-site will be brought, by "Mrs. Victor vs. Davis next term of Court. 18 young folks of Colum biaXJity gave Mr. and Mrs. Benharn a surprise party Wednesday night They had a gay time. Amos Slavens offers his ranch for sale at 15 an acre. It has on it a fine house 'nhd is splendid hay land. A good bar- Saiu- Mrs. M. C. laitt, Superintendent 'of W. C. T. V. work on the Pacific 'coast, will be in St. Helen WedncsJay, 'April 2nd. There is a new independent industry "started in Astoria, the revamping and repairing of stale jokes. Wc sympathize with the public. The Swedes and Norwegians are not ' afraid of a timber' coiiV. try, and will do much to settle up Western Oregon and "Western W. T. On Sauvie'rf Island one sees fine hous es going up on every lia:id. This adds 'greatly to the cheerful appearance of ' the country. Mrs. Maxwell and her two sons have 'returned to their fine residence at Col ' uwbia GUj where they will permanent ly reside for the future. Obed Blakesley has a t"ho collection of seed potatoes for sale "at the ranch foot cf Sauvie's JslancV just sold by Tay ' lor to Enoch Meeker. Mr. Met F, Hazen has employed a "i-ian by tha name of Spiegel to clear up 'a lot of tlin bcaver-dam land on his place tfer the cultivation of onions. Tl.n lii.fnw .7. P. Whitnnv Eso. Vf.youn3 DeviM for assault on you.ig i 'tleath was decided against lieviv, tax-j ling Iiiin leu dollar.- ar?d costs. Notice. rflu Iiioc6vs of Schbbr District Ka V C.olVmhia Co., Oregon,v advertise for Sealed Iiids for teaching" a Term of 3 nioiiths' school, coiuineming about the 5th of April; allUids t'o be in by the 2.:lh" of M arch, 1 1. Address JT'ob't. F. Fullektox, St. lle'en, . Oregon. "Housekeeping in Old Virginia" is a gem for the ladies. It tells how many ' grievances" are used in all culinary operation'. Its price is $1.75 and John P. Martin fc Co. Louisville, Kentucky, are publishers. If you want to rival the palmy days of Southern, housekeeping, buy this book. . ... ' . D. V. Frentieeit Co's. Mrnshal Jvv r- n tl for March contains many items of uteres t also the following music: i " Majorie's Almanac," a song, " The McVry Dancer," a waltz, and " Scherzo." All for 10 cents, or 75 cents per year. 107 First Street, Portland, Or. The Xortlt-west Xews didn't die worth a cent. We welcome its appearance as that of an old friend. It is newsy, racy and spirited as usual. We hae received D. M. Ferry's Seed Annual and Seed packages, all first class The book is a beauty and U3cful too. The Presbyterian Church at Quigley's Laiidinj; is a great ornament to the land seape'. Mi E. Church Appointments St. HcIcm on the fourth Sabbath of each month, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Bay view on the third Sabbath of each month at 11 A. M. and 7. l M. St. Johns on the first Sabbath of each month, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Rkv. II. H. Ckosikk, Pastor. Presbyterian Appointments. St. Helens on the first Sabbath of each month, at 7 o'clock p. M. Colombia City on the first Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock a. ii., and on Saturday evening previous at 7. Rainier on the fifth Sabbath, when it occurs, morning and evening. AVestport on the fourth Sabbath, morning and evening". Knappa on the second and third Sabbaths, morning ant eVsni'Ag. Rkv J. A. Haxxa, Pastor. -TjEEHH leartli 81.50 A YEAH. This Monthly M.aaxinj wi 1 puhlislnluiinor 1SS4, hrijrht aii-H interesting .st.uiis hy tha hest Aiuerioiiu writer., such as IxtisK CuANi'U:!! Mo: i.tox, Kn.vAui) Kvkkktt HiK. Sts.vx Wakneii, .Toa'U'in Miller, Vkvvcks I a. Mack. Mrs. Amtv Mohtox Diaz, IJosk Tekkt Cookk, Cklv Thaxtek, LicyJ Laikom. Choice IWnn, .Sketches a:i I Articles jipon teJ Pert.-uwiitl IMaces Depnrtiiiciit for Mothers, for Children and for .Sabbath rcliu; Music, VocjiI and Instrumemtal ; Fashions and Fancy Work, 11 ints on floriculture, and vu luahli testeil Iieceiits for household use. All Beautifully Illustrated. HOW TD GET CHOICE READING FOR 125 CEE"TS I We will send as namples B hack nuiuhers of the COTTAGK JIKAltTH, for 25 cents in nUmds. fiKXTa Wantkij. Towhon; liberal paywi l be Riven. An Experi enced Canvasser ran earn from $30 to 40 a week. Any nuiart man or woman can no well. Send to u for terms and ai;ent8 circulars. Ail dress THE COTTAGE 1IEAETH CO., Boston, i week at home, S5.00 outfit free. lay abso'Yitely sure. No risk. Capital not required. I'ewler, if ymi want business at which ix-rsons of either sex, youn" or old. can make preat pay all the time they work, with absolute certainty write for particulars to H . Hallktt & C(S. 1'oi tTaud. Maine. For Sale -Two Hundred acres of Timber l ..l il, ,.,.. t,;i-H went of St. Helens. Will sell ..Cheap for CU; a-ldress W. II. CV.rF.i..xr, St. Helen;', Oregon, SWbtlca to Creditors. All persons having claims against the K.state of Klizabeth Neer lec -eased, late if Columbia Co. Or. are hereby notified to present them, with the proiH-r vouchers, within six mouths from this date, to the undersigned, administrator of said Kstate, at the law ofhc- of Wli. Dillard Ks.pat St. Heleus, Columbia Co. A. ekk, .,. Administrat .1. Janv 11, 1S84. vln23jU . Barbet &Hairdress3r. Also for Sale Candies, Nct.v.Caxxed FiiititsCJuken" Fri its, Cbackeks, 'Oiswkr Al;:, Sarsaparilla, Soda Water, Tobacco, Cigars, Hair Oil, Perfumery, Pitkrb Frames, Hat Racks, askee Notions, axi Diti tis.. IE.U.KK IN' General Merchandise ST. HELEN, Oil EG ON. .A new and complete stock of (i.n1.s now in store, Prices reasonable ' Term Cash. aul3tf Send kix certs for 'Mintage, and receive free, .1 costly box o 'ool. winch will help you to more money rk'ht away than any thing else in this world. All, of either 8ex, suc ceed from first hour. The hroad road to fortune opens, before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address. Thl'K &. Co., Augusta, Main. The Prairie Farmer FOR JS84. . THE LEADING km THE BEST of all Agricultural put Family )Kipcra. C'oiuplcte in 4)1 uet'urtitiunts of FARM AMD HOE INDUSTRY. Inlesjie'iiiWe to the filmier and his fan.uy. i f attract tro, Varied, Pare iu Contents, cniliraritijf the Kural Industries. T.itfr:it:ne, Science, ami Art Its eoluiuns aru enriehetl I'y articles from a hwt of EMINENT. -CONTRIBUTORS in every Ue;artiiient. Each isue eoutaiua BUPERB ILLUSTRATIOIiS. and the LATEST NEWS in a nutshell, concise Market Jlcjort, etc. $2.00 A YEAE, and a ci;n- of the Splendid Prairie Farmer Standard Time or Commercial ilap of tha United States and Canada (5SxH inolies) Or, if preferred to the Map, cither of the following luKjkn will he sent to esn-!i Hu!xcri!cr sending Practical Farm Drainaq-a. C i!. Elliott: the latest work 0:1 that suhject. r the Popular American Dictionary illustrated, and 3-J,oiK) words, accur.-Ue dcliiiitious, proper spcllifii:, and exact pronunciation. Or Eopp'f (MJultor and account Book for 1W one of tno miwt iisful and conveuicitt for the fanner ever issued. r American Etiquette and Kulos f roliteness the latest and be raiid.irJ.work on the siihjcct CUIltdllllllg, a l.irC IUIIU Ul U'lUHiUlliU AltlXH' nation. Send for .specimen eopy of paper, ami premium list, and agents circular. FRAIRIE FARMER IUB. CO-, 150 Jloaroe St., i'Iii';:s,. Two Hundred Acres of Timber Land. Throe miles v.-est of St. Helens, Good Soil, Good "Water, 500 Cords Asll imrjer, Healthy location an-1 haii"1y to Hail Jiail, can lc divMott, making two ;l:ices. Prlcj Elglit Dollars fer acie. - I.l ts V:. H. OI'ELANl), .St. Helens, Oregon. T. O.Tfor's Butcher Shop n r.-;t ;t :s3i J j 2 iVc;i-Jort's Sr. St. Hkl.-in, Okk-jox. Kin::: NONPAREIL Farm &Feed Mills. Th6Cheadestand Best. WILL CRUSH AND GRIND ANYTHING. Illustrated Catalogs Sent Free. LJ. MILLER, Cincinnati, 0. Vick's Floral Guide For 1881 is an Elegant Book of 150 Pages, 3 Col ored Plates qf Flowers and Vegetablss, end more than 1000 illustrations the choicest flowers, I'mntM, and Vcjfctlles, mid Hirections for yroiM. It is handsome enough for the Center Table or n Iloliduy I'rescnt. Send on j-imr iijiiic mill I 'st office address, wifh 10 cent?,, ft'i'd 1 vrtll send you a iHiy. Mstajfe jwiid. This is not u qu.ivter-of its cd , It i-i printed iu in losli Kiijrli.sh and ierfr.an. If you rifterwardu order seeds. ieiu-t the io rents. Vick s Seeds are the Bs3t in the World! The Flohal C,-iiik will tell how to get und Kr"',v t"ul"- Vicks Flower and vestable Garden, 175 Pages, Coloroil l'U.tcs. .VtO lyiraiiiv;s. For V rents in paper rovers ; wi'iiO in cl'.;aiit cloth. In lierinan or Knlish. Vick't Illustrated Monthly Magazine-J ra-s, a Colored plate in every number, and many fiirw )'.n jravinjfs. Price l.'J.'i a year ; Five Copies for . .sfcti Specimen Numbers sent for lu cents ; 3 trial i-opics ler 25 cents. liutllMTKR, ?. V. AMTEDS. fiin rtfafi 111 rvrl A ?n jIU jlPlIU III gOIll COIII) To le exchanged for goods for which value I day, .lan. , 1884, viz:Jvhn .T. Campltell, llo;ne .eceived will lie gien to the purchaser, at the I stead Application No, r0Ji, for -the X. E. of Bargain rtdre Columbia City. This store is fast becoming pop- ular on account of the KXuki.I.KXT' qcai.ity of goods kept ami tlie exceedingly low Drices for which thej" are sold. ( !ive us a call. C. 11. llonCKS, Proprietor. v4u2r.ja2" F- m oo RE, - at - Law, SiC. HELEN, OREGON. (Wi'Tt?!? liiTcr Street in front of strand. Proirsyt Attention Given to Collections, Etc aul.Stf Att'ornej-at-Law Oflicc, at St. Helen, Ore-on. Will attend term of Ou rt at Astoria, Ka LiUKi & P u-tlaud. IVactice in all Courts -..f State or Wash. Ter. , r.3n1(;n24 T. A. EVTcBRIDE, Attorney - at - Law, OKKtiOX C1TV, Oi;KU)X. I'articular attention Riven to business efor the Land Oliice. no12tf TH01IAS STEWAIIT, riSYSICIAX and SURGEOX, IIiver Stkeet, St. Hklex, Okegox. ja-12ni2f; DE1TTIST ttt. A. G. PHILIPS, I). I). A No. :M.First St.,:ikortIaiul, Or., Doos First Claas Work at Lot.-est Bates. v3ii4a2."i J- W. CAMPBELL, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. St. Helen, Oregon. All business attended to with promptness and dispatch. aul.'itf I. G. DAVIDSdlT, P2ibtograpiLer. Coii.VKit First axd Yamhii.l, Strkkts PORTLAXli s"",JrwVno'I,', e""T're4 board 0ft2r fclool. BoU. Ar., only SU V r t yx-A mrt nf uaMti Mum Oruaa amA "0ASITL T, EEATTT, TTasHatcn, Viw Jersey TRAHSPORTATIGN COiWANY Tlu' iic-.v .Midclcjrant Steamboat bewes Portland, foot of Alder St. for I.aOntor. Tues day, Thursday au-1 Saturday at M A. v., toueliinjj St. Helen, 1 t'e itiier aud U intermediate hindin;;. Ke turnini; luitves I.aCcuter at 6 a. v.. Monday. Wednesday, and Frid-iy. landing ni.iJc at Woodlaad on Wetlne.-i-d.iv and Tliur.-dJT. . Notice For Publication. LanpOki-ice at VAxeoi vEn. W. T. Dccemlier lt lXl. ISof.ce is hereby given that the following .tamed Hettlcrs has filel notice of his iuten tion to infice final jrof fii miirt of hi claim, :mH thaf-"Aid pitof will be mftde Vfore the .fudge cf tiie 1'mbate Court, at Kalama, VV.-wh. Ter. on Tuesday, .Tr.rffw r i -ith, INS-i, vi: Charlie M. hittle, Pre-emption 'PeTtH-abu-y Statement No. r24, for th. W. of .'k. of See. 4, Tp. itx. !!,2w.. , lie name the following witnesses to prove hU continuous resident; upnand cultivr. tion of said land, viz: Klislia.IackHon, of Jackson, W. T. .Tames Walsh, of , 4 " Chresten Nielsen, of " " Kdwanl f,. Haves, of KKK1). V. SPAKLING, Kegiter. v4ulS.17 NO-T rE OF APPLICATION TC PURCHASE TIMBER LAND. L.vxi Office at Vantoi vek, V. T. I Novemlier C.th. 188.S. ( Xotice is hereby si ven that in compliance with the iirovisions of the Act.of Congress appro veUl June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale ifr Timber Lan.is m tin- states ot t.p.iiTia, i re gon, Nev:wla, and in Waslr.gr':i Territory,"' T)eiinis Whittaker of Cowlitz Co., Wash. Ter. has this day tiled in this office his applica tion tn purchase the s. W. of s. E. of Sec. 22, Tp. ! North, of llange 4 West of the V. i'dam t ttc Meridian. Testimony in the alxive case will be taken be fore the Judge of the Probate Court, at Kahmia, Wash. Tor., on Saturday, "January l'.th. 1S84. Any and all persons claiming adversely to Uie above described land, or any portion thereof, are her4y required to tile their claims in this office within sixtv(0) tlavs from date hereof. KKKl). W. SPAKLINC-, Uegistir. Notice for Publication. Lax i) Office at VAXconvfcn, W T. DeceuaWiy ;H, 188.'!. Nidicc is hereby given that .fie following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to i e fin;vl proof in Mupjn Vf hi chkini, an,! ! that h:vM iwf will 1.? Muiu 1fore the K.-istr j and Kfcviverat Vancouver, Vah Ter., on Tucs- continuous residence upon, and "fc:tftim't&V."if,' , t sairl land viz: i ! K. C. iighani, of UaJ$ 1 tthrt, . i. K. C. Prfighani, Addison Potter, Thomas Imrden, . " Kugene Kurguson, . ., " rUKl). W. SP II LINO, l'egister. v4ld7 . Orkuox 27 Stops, 10 Sets Reeds. $90 !n-77Btt-7'" "ErrrnOTEX Oma eontalnn 10 full tm OolJn Tonjruo Heeds. 9T TOIK Walnut nr KU ni Cc, SX-tavr,Meta foot liaI.frriBhl IMkw." WS f pi- fifM, lAinpKtBiids, l orki t for iiuMe. Ilandlmi nd I..OJlIOl H MtfhSN. fal-4v-r 1000 a monlii. tr l-lion s l-!.-ctrio IJirJit nt Ml:ll l fc, nil , -v-""" mmrywum tn.-rc. noinjnif cn be fnlrrr onac and cTantlne the Im lrtimcol. U-v Y. Citr. I'-ftivlav or Oiristonlu r St. t'.-n-iw. f a. m. or 1 p. Jiil e.SO p. in. arririnfr in X. V. at S .to or p. ,n. nnw dnytftt routon from thuairo. P.k hnion.l. Philn.. Boston. o DfJtw s l.wuirtrin lioute tireular."iiailowHl tnnn'r rxpenw-s if you Iniy; come anyway, you nro weloonn". I w oarh with polKp uttcnHant. mectaatl train. Othor OiT.n. f.T) i0. up. JUanoforttl to Jiwlt lailnil Itla.traiMl atKlvn. frr: Addrru or p..il ,T. AND Liiiicli House. JAMES S- AVEITPOET i PnOPKIETOR AXD JJeALEK IX CONFECTIOHARIES of all kiiul. KnickknacksJ Bread, . aud other Varieties of the came Clam Soda, Sarsaparilla, Lemonade, i Tobacco & Cigar? Of the list" Quality, i Hiver Rtkeet, St. IIklex, Okegox. KTo Patents, Uo Pay. PATENTS ":r"nl! for MechanJ- sceM, , Com- ImuukIk, DtjfT aid IjabclK. All jirt'Hniinary exaniinatiiuiM a? tti Tttentabilitv of invention), free. Our "tirtfde ft Obtaining Patents'' U eut tree every vrncre. tuwnH- LOl'I liACCKH & Co. SohcitoiH of l'atents, Wahixto.v, 1). C. Established 180-1. nlliul. IF YOU desire withol T charge,, the 'new drought fe"urt' j nE )iusii--t)u Ciaxt WniiAfi i in potato Ti r.i..cK-UKAi:iF.i C "kntkxkiaij, for Spring and Kali Mowing the Ki kal ('4kiu:x Tkkaslkkh seetl of the great white' grajie Niacaka, bub seribe for the RURAL NEW-YORKER. the jrreat Americ'aii journal for the farm, garden aud home- It U original frjmi beginning to end .100 original illustrationii yearly the best wri ter in the woiid. Send for free specimen coi- ios. 34 PARK E0W. N. Y. MtTXX & CO., of the PriENTlFir A.MmirAX, eonw Inu.-touct t Solicitors for I'.-itcntit, ('uveittx. Trad Mnrks. Cpyrlshts. for thJ United Stvtco. 'aimda, K'.itfland, Kranw, Germany, etc. Hand B;ok nlxjut faienta mnt fret. Thirtr novon jreurs' experience. rulMifsobtuined Ihnm-.'li MV'iS fc CO. are noticed In the Hn r.Ti kic A.mkuk-a.v. tl Inrijeiit. t rjt.und tnost widely circulated sclentlfl. pnocr. iX'Mu your. Weekly. Splendid enemvin? uti.'t intrrcsiinif In. formation. Bpccioien copy of tho Ncifiiiinc Amrr Irnn entTre. A (Id fan ilUX.V .V '., h IE.MIIIO AMKItlCA.V UtUco. SCI Broadway. Kew York. Hilton Furniture i - Paotory, tl&airs, Rawhide & Wood Seats I For Sale. i Made to Order. OTT0! G0DKIN. 4nlal0 WAntedfor Tfc Lives of all the Presidents of the l S. The largest. the hr.nd.some.--t Lest book cvtr sold for leun than twice our price. The fastest ae.lling bunk in A lueiica. Immense profits to agt-nts. All intel ligent people wniit it. Any one can become a successful agent. Terms free. Hai.i.KTT L5ooic Co., l'ortlun I, Maine. i NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO PURCHASE TLMHER LAND. Land Okkice at Vancol vkr, V. T. ; October ith. 1SS3. Xotice is hereby ven that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved .lunte 3, 1S7X, entitled " An act fv the sale of Tiuiler Imds iu the State''f "ChJ.'foniia, Ore iron, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"" Hiram W. Dickvy of Multnomah County, Ore gon ha this day tiled in tlrs ottice his appli cation! ti purchase the North, Kast (jua-rter of .Section 2, Township 8 North, of l.srr.gel Kast, of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in tin nlxnfaiMwc will be t:Uien be fore "he Judge i if the Prbhrtta Court at: Kalama, W. T. on Saturday, the 2.M. day of Dec, 1SS3. Any aiid all ersons having swl verse claims tw the described land, or anv Krtioii thereof, are hereby required to tile their claims iu this ottice within Mxtv(HO) dsvs from d;ite hereof. -KKKO. W. SPAKLINC, Kegistcr. -4nlCil-. NOTJCE OF APPLICATION TO PURCHASE TIMBER LAND. Laxi Okkick at Vax oi-ver. W. T. Octolver, 11th. ISS:'. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June o, 1878, entitled "An act for the ale of Timber Lands iu the States of California, Or egon, Nevada, and in Washington Territoiy,' Lenjamin Holmes ikf C"owltz tsunity, Wash. Ter., has this day -tiled 'lii this ottice his appli cation to purchase the x.-w. of Sec. 25 T. of raiive one east, rf1-.e WillauVf te .Meritlia!. , Testiinory'fti the above case vr ill be takeV. :be fore the Judge of the Probate Court at Kal.ima, Wash. Ter., ou Saturday l)erMber 221. 18S:". Any and all persons having a 1 verse claims the alstve doscriiied lands, or any iTtion thereof are In-ichy remired to file the if -claims in th ortiee witiiin sixtj' (0) irfs vs- frrm date hereof. KKKD. W. Si AllLlNO, l'egister. vlulbd'.t j XolJwfer Appliration lo rurcliasi Timlcr Lands. L.vxn Office at V.vxcorvEn, W. T. November ."tl 1883. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of Congress approved June 3, 1878, "An Act f-r the sale of Tiniler Lands in the States of ; California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory," Join T Cochran, W Multnomah County, Oregoii,'-ath'Kd;y fiktl in this office his Application to puichase the South Kast of Section 2i, JVwnsliip 8 North, of Uange 1 E. of tin VV-illrhiette Moridian. Testimony n the -e'Hvill Ivetaken lafor the Judge of the Pi-oi..--', Court at'Kalama, Wash. Ter. on SaturJ'.y the 12th. tlay of Jan. 1881. Any and af 'persons having adverse claims to the aliove descrilied lauds, or Kuy js'i tion there of, are hereby required to rile their claims in thistF'"ifK within sixty ((JO) days from dati; here- ' FRED. Y. 4PARLIN(, Register. 4nl4ir i Notice. U. S.'tA1: Office Vaxcouver, W. T. November 22 I, 1883. CfnplKint having been entered at this . f fico by Martin Durllei against Kriedriuh Jlese for abandoning his llomeste:il Kntry No. .Ti7, datiil April 11th, 1S83, upon the south "west J Section 12. Township OX. Kange 1 w. iu Cowlitz ('i.unty. Wash. Ter. with a view to the cancellation of said, entry; the said ) ar ties are hereby summoned to appear at this Oilici ou the J)th day of Jan. 1884, at 10 o'clock A. m. to iest -id an 1 furnish testimony concern ing said alleged abandonment F'-KH. W.NPAI'-LIXO, Ki-i.-.tir. vthilTuSd P A UZ&c-i r?fb -?r ()! -1 Also Send JOHH -M Jf Sis- 2QHilliOE.Eott!es THADB MARK. Cornease Footease -REHffiGTOD GUNS V.X Largest ani Beet Equipped Armory In tbe Worlfll AND CONSEQUENTLY THE EE"T OF x V. IL'TIES Vo MANUFACTURING AND TESTING TIHEAR... V'V. 11WZ UAVZ OYER ONE MILLION MILITARY RIFLES Vl-jelta Xive been adoytel and arc in use in EVEUV QUARTER Of THE CLOIIE. REMNGTOlt SHOT GUNS'- ARE NOTED TO Till COOT) EErUI ."" OBTAINED AT ALT. RANCES. V." REFER TO ANVEOSV V.'iro HAS USED THEM. OUR HUNTING AND TARGET RIFLES Have taken HIGHEST AVARD3 at Intcmatlon-.! rxpositions aaj rRINCII'AL TRIZKS U Jj-ouin il.lciici, jMi'NGTGN JWfiS ATtE UN EQUALED TOTt Sircttgwi, Simplicity, - Durability, Ilnnc, Penetration, Precisian, IXacc cf Action, and Ilapidity cf Fire. E. .REMINGTON & SONS, IIZW YORK OFFICE, ZZ & 2G3 D ROAD WAY. . ARMORY, ILIOM, U. Y. ?rvr ron iLLfTSAi ro C.TAt.ocvr. Portland LaTaor zcliangs3 ' Office. Wo. 60, First Street, Kct. Oak and Pine, "roUTLA., OREiJO.V. AGENCY FOH RAILROADS AND COfiTRACTORS. EVE2Y KIND 0? IIZLP FJJ"i?rr8HE2). TU'ES INFORMATION tilVEX TO DIM If: RANTS COXCERXINU LANDS IU OkKCOJT AND UASIHXHTON. UcaO Kutn'.K if nil Descriptions ul 7aOU:ciI Hate, for Sals. F M- ARNOLD & COMPARATIVE WORTH of BAKING POWDERS. 110 YAL 'Absolutely rure). .. CKAJ.T'S (Alum TowJer ...SSSSS ElMFOED'S (rhosphate) fresh .K&SZTLrvrV5?f . IIIM O-D'S, when fresh 2S25SS3STS EEDHEID'S ClIACn (Alum Towder) AMAZON (Aluiu-rowIer) CLEYELlMt'S riOXEEK (Saa Francisco) 'izu DR. PRICE'S .SZS2SSZZZS3Si KX0W FLAKK (GroCTs, St. raul)2S5aS3SEIi22S LEWIS iCRKSS gfgj IIECKKU'rJ tiLi.ET's Fraj?gmn UAXFOKD'S, when Dot fresh... hSXCTrT AXDJIKWS A CO. (contains alumV (MiUvaukeo.) "ltftfal." MI.K trowdor sold looe) EUSKOKD'S, when not fresh.. .JS33 REPORTS OF GO VHRiVMEKT CHEMISTS As to Purity and Wliolesomeiiess of the IloyaX ISakiiifr Iovkr. "I liavo tested a packanre of Royal Bakin; Towder, v hich I purchased Io th open market, and liud It. eoiupot ed of pure and w hole some ingredient. It la a cream of tartar powder of a hitrh dep-reo of merit, and due not o:italn eilhrr alum or I hofpliates, or other injurious puhtanees. E. O. Love, I'h.D.' 'It it a ecieatific fact that the lioyal Baking Powder I absolutely par." "IL A. Alorr, I'h.D." ' I have examined n package f Royal Baking Powder, porcliacd by mjf tf to 1h market. I tind it entirely frt'e from alum, terra alba, -or any other lnjurloii sul t'tauee. IlEMtr Mrtn, Ph.D., President of .Stevens InaUtuto of Technology." I have analyzed a package of Royal Baking Powder. -Th materials of which it i eomioscd are puro and wholesome". a. Dasa Hate, State Asjiycr, Mass.". The Royal Baking Powder received the highest award over all competitor ct the Vienna 'World's Kxpositum, 1 7.'J ; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1S.0 ; tt 1L American Institute, aud at State Falm throughout tha country. No other f.rtieleof human fool ha ever reeeivod uuh high, emphatic, and uni versal endorsement 'from emioeut-chemibtjs,. physicians, 8tientit, aiid Boaxda of Health all over the worltli Notk. The above DiAdiUM fliustratg the comparative wort'a of varloui Biklrg Powderr., as 6liown by Chemical .Analysis and experimenti made !y Prof. Bchedler. A one poujid can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volute in i ach e.ia calculated, iho result being as indicated. Thia practical test for worth by - Prof. S?ehcdler only proves what every observant conwaiiy of tho Royal Eakiu I'ov.der l:nows by iracticrJ experience, that, while it coat a fe-.r cents per poccd . norc th;1: ordinary kinds, it Is iar more economical, end, bcuidea, affords the tivaa " tarre oC better work. A hi'igle trial of the Royal Baking Powder wili eoav'ucc tcy fair minded person of thenj facts. Wli'Ie the uiacTar.i ;hown r-onin of the alum powdara to be rf a Mjcar d"gT f strength than other owdcrx ranked below thuin. It is not to bo taka as Ina: ting that tliey have any value. All alao pwdn, uuCW kw k'jk V-.tU strri, JLXXJCi BEST IN TH WORLD. Organ Stools, rnstruction Bocks anil Sheet fusis. for our Ksw Ciiategud cl Ucv Sty'55. PilANUFACTURED fiY G. EARHUFF, - CHICAGO, lil sold in 10 yeara. A certain Cure fci, Dyspepsia all Dissges 01 the iuaa:ya. Liver, Stomach, Blood, Skin and Eowela. Can rroduco Tbousandd cf LoUt-M proving iu Curi'.U re Towers. AS OLD ASD LOKO TBJVSi r.ZKX.Di. IiAHofiiToiiT 77 Aurrr Street, ket runx cirr. FOR SALE DY ALL DnUGlGTS. -The King of Corn Killers. The most dsspsrata . Corns, UuSions, "Wabts Sx., Spekdilt cured. Price 25 CcxLts. -An Unfailing Remedy for Hot, Swollen and Tender Fett,ChirbIairiB,5c. Price 25 Cents. BCornease Kannf 'fj Co., 236, 5th Ave. Place, K. Y. City For JSala by Agent, Druggist aiul S?u Dolc. HAVE TTIE 0, F7ZfcrfrTfir n rr--v'-' . yS3 222yj22j22j2SicIIl(i '2IiiiI "iwMM"f J y va.am m 0 m. rt, t im. Wii tf.r tt if fiiaialrt Mil am r r a-iritf mu m rwwrtf g-m mwh 1 ;