The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, July 20, 1883, Image 3

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i . , . .-
fife !'-
27 Stops, 10 Sets Reeds, 090
r irntlT-n lll.l.l Illiv l. Oi-rnn v.r':itn... jaf ii!! .M
-..uiui-n inni7usiw.ii.vr - i U'. VYiiii ! htioni-.. 1
fw. SOctav,Mrial l-Vot I'lut.'i.l ITi-ii: P- 1W tt. 1
Fpriiu?. Lamp Stands, 1 orfc, t lor I ti-;.- PhimIi.-x and
Itollrrs for lnonivr, Uniiv'j IV:. i i : i u-tmn &
1NORMOI A MCtKW. Sal. a , v, r V ,m,,t!.
demand increa.inir. C Iw:.-: v vt.i Iti-iir I V an-1
by S'lKdison's E.i-vtrio I.fjrhu rt M(. I'I to lilt ord rs
"J'rloc, Itoxc'1. Delivered rnbnnnl (TmA
( htM-C, Mwl. A .... m,lr D 5 J
7Wt m wr'i w rii v i.j,: ( aj ft.!!
iimft? Tttndtt mi.nry r-i:i in no; hint ran Li" irtr-'p
(oiiic anJ f Tfmlnp Ihc Iti.l rumrnl Uavt- X Y C;V
Barclay or Christopher t-t. i ernes, .ti a v. rrlii i-V
tfare, excursion on!v U-nvt. Vn:shitiirt"'i ut I c:-
CSj p. t:i. amvintrin N. V. r.t 3 : i or 9 p. in. atu" u.tvoi.r
routes from Cliii-iiro. Richmond. Pliilrv. P...,t..n
Realty' Fxcurrti-tn I:out Circular,'") uilmi. !l t.iYi-ir
V-icivipi"8 if you buy: 00:110 anvivii v, ruu rro ve-Icoaij
Tree Coach with r-olhr ut tciVtuiil m. tr-.lnI
Other rtrans f 1 up, liaiiorWt. to iHK-i
. IVauliful Illu.tral.-.t I atalosR lrer. A.ii'.ivj it cull fn,n
A2TL F EEATTTj T7esiiaton, Zott Jersey
Will make the season
-f as follows: S;ituril;iv ( ift.-rn.v .Ml
nd TuosJay of vm-'.i week at t oi : i:
JSoappoose Rav, Weilnesil.iv an 1 Thm-.ii
: sii.lay. Mon lay
I s )!.ice in the
v at til.- Arthur
iiigiey place, on Lake Kiver,
I'ri iiv S ii'inU;. le-
jre i a. m. at Capt. r.ile.
Thiii horse was five ycirs nil the 17th.
16 liaii'ls high; weighs ItiS.'i I'.s a .leeii Kiy
the very le--t of Travelers; a imv' to;je; a
in every particular.
.f May ls:.:l
, oi t'.:e style
ji.r:Vet h jr
Tie was sire J bv C P. Ru-...i,' i''...a-an.i ii
'.i! Kiv ov.:i
.1 to" he M
TIaiulletonian; dam a notci aa.i t r
Mr. "oie!aml weiv.'1't ao:'.: 1.
tnJ Whip.
t rim f 10 t.i Care t.ikcii to prevent
: iJrat
rcsjorisi!ility assume I tor none.
For further information, apply to or V. l.Ire-s
7m Evcrsolc, Manager,
St- Helen, Oregon
U. S. L.SD OiTKE AT ' i:K
in" C;TT, 0?.I1iiv.
J tine l" 1SS..
Iii: V.. (Jrj'i.rc of pert
ii has lea '.- apoiie-.f i.i'i
,f -.':. ui nm.ibor ! ' of
e i:::iol-er - of ti:e
mw' wion-j tf x'ie n't of
. en, it!.-! An ae( for
it.-- of ali'oriiia. re
Ti:t: ..i i 'i-.v.
):!!,;. r.ns portion
it- i .-: : i l.-.isJ iy.V.fv,
t':; e.-.;':.-ui ;" sixty
r.ih. dav of .Inr.P I
'!'. l Alii N, Jiv-Nt. r.
N t ie? hereby givea that A!
liiid. M'tlthosmh County r::-z
to purchase the s. i ijairl-.r .
t n,ii:p na!'i?.;r 0 iiort i'. oi r..:.;.
w:i.i..v.KrrK ut:t!i i .n. .
'o:nire-. aproved Juru; '. Y-l'
the site of Timber Lamls in .,iC
;.n. Nevada, and in wash. i n
Ail iwlvere rlaiins to ii ! t r.'. !
thereof, i:n-t v !iie I in Ut.
at re?n City. Oregon. 1-a jr.
tiaya from this d.-r-.
UiTeii uii'K-r n. y hand thiji
Notice row
AT! ox.
irVi v.; ii
f.-:io v.,i'
:. t . :.t.k
..! pr.. .i
.1'.. Iv
'. vi: i ;r.
vri V. T.
-J 'ii. ! s:j.
ii i:u -1 set-
ri-; ii proof
ii he in i'le
. V. ash.
'.. iUiiSke.
f.r the N. h
e. TpT
tk-r li is :i
in sit''; '
ii;-fore til
is liereV
e of his :;:;!!
l of hi. el
on. 1 s
toe Pr .:. t.-1
i.Pl lgU
ir. on i'ar-1 ty. Au.'j): i itn. i
lIout-;ite.i I Ao;.;!.-iti.!!. N.x. VJ.V!
il S. K. ijui'ur auJ E. 1 o; N. E.
ii N. K. 1 W.
H; ii-hii-' t"i f -'.I .t't!'t v.ii'.- -
i; is roi'-len -e u;o;i, .I'l l eulr'.vj;
Joliii Hussin iiiij,
S. If. Sre-A-art,
A!tr liurk.
B. liiiiJ!e?ou,
IT.":'. W.
f. irf i
i. viz:
, W. i.
Notice of Applicatio:
to Purchase
Timber Lan:c-
l". S. lisJ rr:r-: at i'm
Notice is hereby si-en C T. !Y
..'ounty, Oregon h ut vie appli.-at;'-,iu:!i
"eist n'l vrter of r."t:o:i :!!- l
wimbar rt n.jrtli oi rnge ncn ':: :.; i
ito Meridian, utider l ie ,.- o .-.ts
ress. approved .Ian: :. hi". t-;ii-Je-l
.ie of Timlttr I.a ids i:: IS': .. of
N'eva l.i, wid in W i.'i'iir" - i '''-.riilt-.r;,
All adverse caiiu to -a: 1 t .- i f 1-.
here jf, must be lile-'. i'i tl.'- i"n;o:i i
tr. Oregon (Sty. on-g :;, l c.'.;.e the e.
Jays from this I'.it'.
J". 1-
i.i ;ioir. in
.-'... e liie
: ; -".ip
n ;i:.:m-
t of
: f'r tile
, i.-cgon,
r of
-t t i ti-
of the u
n a
'.'. .ri;i.
i'.I, or inv poy
l.-iit l u:.ev,
.piratwn of ei:vty
May T.-s.
liAKiN, i'
t;ivon under my kair. ir is
ITotica of Alicrcisa t: Purchase
m mm
Lan'p Oki k j: a:
'.s.NC AVVF.n, V.
M:!V 1st. 1'
Notice is herebv given that inco;r.plia;:ce
th; provisions of tL-e A ct
ii-ies.- ajjprove't
.TnnoS 1ST8. entit'et "All Act tor the Sale t
Timber Lands in the St.ot-i of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Wa5.hli. ton T..-; -it rv. Nathaniel
If. Ph.omnel d of Clarke Co., Wii.-h. T- r. has this
lav lilel j'r this oltice W application to purchase
the w. iof s. w. of Section Id, Township Ii .f
R. 1 w.'of the Wi'Iaiii-tte Meridian.
Testimony in th'- chs ;. v. ill betaken be-.-Tore
the Judge of the Probate Court at Kalama,
W. T. on Saturday. July 2-th, ls-3.
Anv aad all p--r.-"r.s Jiai ing a.lveis'e claims to
the above deserib.-d lan .l. or aaV portion thereof.
are hereby reipr.r.-d to lile t
;v cl-uias in ttns i-
fice withiu sixtvU'tOi davs i
yuiii. w.'si
r- '11. d-.ite hertof.
ARI.IN(J, Register.
Timber L.nis.
U.S. Land Office at Our.
May 2.1
lip.t .I' Ta! nf
. Tt-r. hii.-i ii'Si.deappli-
Notice is hereby j"iv
Kalama, Cwlit Co V
cation to purch.-we t.hi
v. i-t . of section
number 28 of tov.itship no;
number 3 west of th.- Will
i'iit ' !." i th if i-:!ig'
:c..-tte M.-i i- lian, un
!i" t of ( .'-iligtess, p.
1 " Ail io t f ,r the
Spit- - of Ho rnia,
to; Ten itorv."
I t i-i! t ..f larel. ora'nv
i.!-d In the I'nit-il
i: 'if v, )i. -:u, be
d:.vs lr..:;: tliis date.
21 dav May 1SS3.
ler the provisions
proved June 3, 187X
! t;1
.ile of Timber Lands a the
Oregon, Nevada, and in Y;
All adveree cl.iim.s to y;ti i
portin thereof, mu.-t be
States Laud Oilic;;, at :;.'
fore the expiratioti of i.ty
tJivc-n under mv hai.d thi
L. T.
PAl:lX, R'git.-r.
.ITotics of Application to Farshase
Tinker Land.
Land Offick at ".vw:
May: Notice is hereby given that i:i com;
the provisions of th-.: Act of 'ongr
June 3, 187X entitled "An Act f.-r
Timber Lands in the States of (':,ii
xort, Nevada, and in Wuhin.-ton
Jame iL Kalelitfe, of Cowlit : (
has this day FILED in this ojfice his
to purchase thes uth east pot s. otin
ihin ' north. f range 4 west of the
: r.. W. T.
i;til. 1XX3
liauci with
-s a! prove-1
the" al.- if
fornia. Ore
Ten itorv,"
Wash. Ter,
u 32, to-.vii-Wiliaiuette
Testimony 5a the above case will be taken lie
fore the Judge of the Probate Court ft Kalama,
Wash. Ter., on Monday, August ;th. 1XX3.
Any and all persons having -adverse claims to
the above described land, or uoy hi ti n thereof
iire hereby required to file their claim 'n this of
fice within sixty (60) days from date hereof.
IH i:i). Y'. SPA PL! N J, J?csi-ter.
General Merchandise,
A new and complete stock of Goods now in
store. Priced reasonable Terms Cash.
aul3tf ' ;
Butts House.
3. C. TAILI1T&, Proprietor,
front St root, Columbia City, Ogii.
Notice of Application to Pur
chase Tiraber Land.
May. 18, S.S3.
N'otii-o is 1i'-rcly yivv: that John 15. Shet-hy of
Multnomah (!unty, Ori..n, lias luaile apjilica
ti. :i to puivlwisj the N. K. of S. c. T. N. K.
Will. M-r., muh-r th'.' provisions if the Act
of t'onri ss appvi. cil J um-3. 1S7S, 'ntitlel "'An
Act for th-al of Timli.T Lamls in the States
of (' iliforuia. Oregon, Ncvaila and in Washing
ton Tt-iiitory.' i
All ti' I verso claims to saiJ tract be filed
in the lr. S. Lan I O.Tjce at Orejjon Clity, On
i;. .ti, hefoie the ex pi ration of sixty days from
this date. , !
liven na-ler niv hand thj.s IStli. day of Mav
L. T. rAi:iX, Kesister.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land, j
I.nh omen at V.wi'ocvkr NV. T.
June -Jstli. lss:i. f
Notioe i-i hereby iriven tl..t in f-omplianee with the
provisions of the Ai t tit Congress apr.ivcsl June S, 1S78,
i eiititl,-.! 'An a;T tor the. sale ! iniioor iinii in me
I Slates of California. r iron, Nevada, and in Wasliinstop
' Territo.y." Fr.Krie V:jfin, of YiuTitz County, Wash.
I Ter. has'tiii.s ilay tilo'l in this otliec his application to
j t!ie s i'ittl Ver .of Section Township !l N.
i oi Jfan-'e West, m the Willamette M.-ritiian.
' ... . . i :o v... . Uf..u,
lesiiiiu:iv m tae nifove ..o hj iit-n wviuii; inv
.Li.Ik'O 'f t!i'o Pro'rate V-.;rt, at Kal una. Wash. Terr, on
f'atttr.lav. tlte ".h. day of S -jiti m!ir, IS:!.
Any and pers.Mis lai;v a.lvt rse claims to the
above de-riK-d lands, or any portion thereof, are here
in required to fi!: t'n-ir el ai:in in this oitiee within bixty
pi'O davs from date hei-1-..f.
FllKP V'. sPARLINt:, Register.
i X'
Notice of
Application to
TlMP.K.P. Land
1an: Ufki.-k at V vveouvr.R, W. T.
June -th. issi?. i j
N.if:.r :-h-'eby i,'ivi-n that in ooniplianeo with the j
prov::o:is of the Aet of t omrress aporoved June 3, ISTS, .'.ii aet tor the sale of l imber Lands in the j
Srafes of ahfornia, recon. Nevada, and in Washinj-ton j
Territory."' .e.r-e If. Heather of fow'iitz County, Wash.
Ter. Las this day iilt: l iii this orlice his application to t
ptireha.e the N" rti V.'est of S-s-tion Eijilit Township 9 I
North, of Kanse ( v est oi tlie i:n'tvjtie .iiermian.
Te-timonv in the above case will bf taken before the
.In !e .f the Pr-.bate Court at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on
Saturday, the sth. .'lay of S.-j.te! iln-r, ls-v.
Any lind all pi.T-o:is having claims to the
above ue.vribed 1 mils, or any portion thereof, are hereby
rc'iulred to file their el.ims in tie-) o:ltee within sixty
('! ) ilavs from ilate hereof.
KP.KD W. SPAKLINO, Register.
ticc of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
v. T
T. r
S3, f
M.iv 17th, iss;i
Notice is her- by in von that in coiajHiance with
the provisions tf the Act of Congress apjiroveil
June 3, 187 S. entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Land. in the States of California, Ore
u'oii, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Ivlwin I)..-ii.iui:in "f f.'owiit. County, Wash. Ter.
has this dav filed in thi oiiice his ' applicu-
ti'.nt. puivl
t!:e s. v.
l!.ni','e 3
f Section '24, Town-
diip 8 North.
VYVst.'f th- W'
ette M'i'idi5!i.
Testimony in th .'ove ens
fore the .Iud'- "f tlie Prob-itt
W. T. n Saturday th 'jsth
will be taken be
(.''irt at Kalama,
.lav of .lulv, 1883.
AiiV and .-ill it.-rs-.ns Jiav ing adverse cairns t
the described l;n 1, or any j'ortioii thereof, are
hereby re-juirod to file tlo-ir cl:;i:us in tliis office
within .si-uvi'.Oi .l.v fr- i-i date h- re t.
VUr.D. W. SPARLINU, Register.
Noticc rop. Publk-ation.
Land OrFin: at Vantoi vkr. W. T.
June '-'7th, 1883.
! Notice is
i named settl
' make ;
i that said pro
hereby given th-at the following
r lias tded notice of his intention to
u-oof in support of his claim, and
of will be made In-fore the Judge
i of the Pr-dial
! oi; Sati..rtlav,
.. Court, at i alamo, uasn.' ler
August l!th. ls.;t, viz: Niels Han-
' son, Pre-emptv-n I ec!.iratot y Statem"t No.
I '.I0 for the Lot N-. '2, of Sec. 8, Tp. ! N. II. 2. w.
j He names th folbivaiu v. ii ness.-s to prove Lis
j cor.tin i.ius residence upoa, and cultivation of,
I -aid lati 1.
! K. L. Hay.-, J Castlo Pock, W. T.
W. MU.-s, ..f " "
S. L. Hill, -J " i
Nels .n C. NVlnon, of " .
Fi;i:i. VV. SPA PLINO, Register.
v3ti48juG ;
miotics cf Applicatiea to Piircliase
;r Lands.
L m Office
wo Office at"J
.:-.n vi:K, W. T. V
lay 12th. 18X3. )
Notice is "hert-b L.d v.-n that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
.1 uue 3, 178. entitled An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in tln Stat. s of California, Ore
iron, Neva-la. and in Washington Territorv,
Holland H. Harvey of Cowlitz .' County, Wash.
Tec. h.-'-s this day iilcd in this ufiic.1 his applica
tion to purchase ti e K. A of N". K. r1, and N. A of s. K.
i t Sec. '20, Tp. S Nortlj f Range I Kast of the
WMltictte Ma idian. .
Testimony i:i the case will be taken be
fore the .ludg..1 of the Probate Court at Kalama,
W. T. on Satunlay, duly 21st. 18X3.
Any and all persons claiming adversely to said
described lands. r any poition thereof, are hereby
required to hie their claims in thi:i office within
sJxtv(ti( 4jvs from date hi'l eof.'
FliKl) W. Si'A I! L1NC, Register.
Notice of .4piIicatin to Purchase
Timber Lasul.
Land Di five at Vancoi-ver, W. T.
May 11th. 18X3.
Notice Is h"robv given tliat in compliance with
the provisions of the Act J (.'ongieas approved
dune 3, 1S7X, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of. California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,''
Samuel Kidd f Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter. has
i bis day filed in this officu his application to
purchaso the N. E. rj of Section 1 1, Township II
North of k.-.nge 4 t, of the Willamette Merid
ian. Testimony in the above case will be tak.-n be
fore tl: -I nilg.1 of the Proli ite Court at Kalama,
Wah. Ter. .'ii Saturday, July 21st. 1X83.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described land, or any poi tion thereof
are hereby required to file their claims in this
JhVe within sixtv (tiO)i.'avs from date hereof.
l'RI.I. W. SPAKLiXO. lregistcr.
Notice for Publication.
Lank Oninc at Oickhon City, Oun. June f, lSS.'S.
Notice is hereby given that the following -!
naiued settler has filed notice of his intention to
j make final proof in support of his claim, and
I that .snid proof will be made ln-fore the ('ounty
I Clerk of Columbia at St. Helens, Ore
; gon, on Monday July It; 1X83, ; viz. John Gun
! derson, Homestead Kntrv No. .'305.1 f.r tho E. A of
J h. k. and ad:liti..nal Homestesd Kntrv 4225 "for
. j 01 s. f. . i t sv-c. 1 . 7 .N- 1C. o W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of,
said laud viz:
Anii:i:w ani fkmiN and euicii JF.pson of Riv
erside, and n. r. u.t.K i. .St. Helens, all of Co
lumbia Coipity, Oregon.
T. PA 11 IN, Register.
Corner First
and Yamhill, Streets
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Lands.
L.N"i Omen at Vancouver W. T.
May 14th, 1S.S3. )
Notice iii hcrehy given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, tS7o, entitled "An Act for the ale of
Timber Imds in the States of California, Ore
gon, Xevada, and in Washington Territory,
Walter S. l.yscii.s, of Oovlitr Comity Wash.
Ter. has this day tiled in thin office his applica
tion to the s. A of s. E. 4 an I N". K i of
X. K. i of Section '22, Township S North of liange
1 n. of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in me abov case will lie taken be
fore the Juiljjt? of the I'robate Cmrt at Kalama,
W. T. on Satunlay, July 2 1st. 1S.S3.
Any and all persons having mlverse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to lile their c'aims in this of
fice within sixtv '.) davs from date hereof.
FUi:i. W. Sl'AirLIXO, Ite-ister.
Xoticc of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
U. S. Laxi Offick at Okkuox City, Okecox. )
June 1 1883. J
Notice is hereby i;iven that Thomas Guine
au of Portland, Multnomah Co. O'n. has made
application to purchase the x. K. of Section
31 T. U N. II. 3. w. of Willamette Meridian, nnder
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
lime 3, 1X7S, entitled "An Act for the Sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon. Nevada, and m Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract, or any
portion thereof, must be tiled (u the U. S.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregm, before the
expiration of sixty days from this date.
(Jiven under my hand this 1st. day of June,
L. T. BAKIN, JlegUter.
Notice of
Timrf.r Land.
u. s.
Land Okficb t C'reoov Citv, Ohkoon,
June, 1st. ls.s.s.
Notice is hereby given that George 1. W hite
of Portland, Multnomah County Oregon, has
made application to purchase the north west of
section number 14 of township number Ii north
of ran-jre number 3 west of the Willamette Me
ridian, under the pnivi-i..ns of the act of Jon- j
gre-s, approved June 3, 1S7.S. entitled " An act (
for the sale of Timb.-r Lands in the States of I
California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington !
i Territory."' . j
I All ad verse claims to tract of land, or any j
j portion thereof, must b" filed in the United
! States Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, be- ;
J fore the expiration of -sixty days from this dat.' j
Given nnder mv handtlii lit. davof JunlSS.'S. '
L. T. 15 A Iii X, Register, i
Noticf of
Application to
Timber Lasii.
Juueist. iss::.
Notice is hereliy given tlsat Falk Steinhardt
of Multnomah County Oregon has mad applica
tion to purchase the sji:th east of Kcctlon num
ber -Oof township number ( north of rauge num
ber 3 west of the Willamette Meridian, under
the provisions of the act of Congress, approved
June 3, . 187S. entitled "An act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract of laud, or any
portion thereof, juust be filed hi the United
States Land Office, &.t Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the expiration of sixty days from this date.
(Jiven under mv hand this 1st. dav of Jun 1883
L. T. liAItIN, Register.
u3n I3j 1
Notice of Application t Pcrciiare
Timber Lan.
L and Or rice at Orf.oos Citv. Orko-iv.
June 1st. LS-sfJ.
Notice is hereby given that Henry i.artlingof
Multnomah County Or.gon has made applica
tion to purchase the north cast of section num
ber 32 of Township number ti uorth of range
number 3 west of tlie Willamette Meridian, un
der the pi-.tviio;is of the act of Congress, ap
proved . I mie 3. 178, entitled "An act for the
sale of Timber L:u:d in the States of California.
Oregon,' Neadrt. an I in Washington Territory."
All mlvorse claims to said tract of land, or :iny
portion thereof, must be tiled, in the United
States Land Oth'ce, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the expirati n of sixty days from this date,
(liven under mv hand this 1st dav of .lune 1X83.
L. T. PAR IN. Register.
Notice of
Akplu.'ation t0
Timber Land.
V. S. Land OKrice at Orsoox Citt. Oregon.
lune 1st. jss.1.
Notice is hereby given that Anuni S. Nichols of Mult
nomah C 'ounty i r3'on has made app.iration to purchase
the south east J of action uiunhcr ".'ii of township num
ber (i north of rangu number .T wet of the Willauietto
Meridian, under tlje provisions of the act of l.'ongress,
approved June 3, 1-S7S, entitled " An act for thu s.ile of
Tiinbc-r Lmds in the Stat as of California, Oregon, Neva
da, ami in Washington Territory."
All adverse ciainiii to said traet .f land, or any portion
thereof. niu.-t be filed in th? Cuited States lan:l IHi-c,
at "regmi Citv, Oregon, before the expiration of sixty
davs from this dite.
der mv hand this 1st. dav of June lss.1.
I T" BAKIN, Register.
Notice op
Application to
Timber Land.
I. S. Land tSKKicB at Oueoox City, Oreoov.
June 1, ISs.1.
Nfitiee is hereby given that Xr.ltjnian A. Solomon of
Portland. Multnomah 'ounty, Oreifon lias maile nppli'-a-tion
to pun hase the north cast. of section number 20
of Township number i north of range numlier "2 west of
the Willamette Meridian, under the provisions of the
act of t'ongress, approved .lime 1S?, ciititlcd " An
aet for thu Mile of Timber Lands in the Xtates of Califor
nia, Oreiron, Nevada and in Wa:-hin;rton Territory."
All adverse elainn ft said trai t of land or any portion
thereof, must be tiled in the I'nited States Ijmd Oltiea.
at Oregon City. Oregon, before the expiration of sixty
days from this date.
Uiven under mv hand this dav of June 18S.1.
L. t. BAKIN, RegUter.
Laxu Office at Yancouvkr, T.
May 31st. 1XX3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions oi the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1X78, entitled " An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
John P. Witlirow ot Multnomah County Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this office his applica
tion to purchase the s. w. - of Section 24. Town
ship 10 North, of Range 3 West of the Willam
ette Meridian.
Testimony in the case will be taken be
fore the Register a.'id Receiver, at Vancouver,
W T. on Wednesday, August 22d. 1SS3.
Any and all persons haviiur adverse claim."? to
the above described land, or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to file their claims in this
orlice within sixt v'OO) days fi 0111 date hereof.
FRliH. W. SPARLING, Register.
ir a.
Lasd Office at Vancocveii W. T. )
May 31st. 1XX.3. f
Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions ot the Act of Congress approved Juno 3.
Kighteon hundred and seventy eiht, entitled " An a-t
for the sale f Timber Lauds tn the .States of California,
Oregon, Nvadn, and in wahiiinoton lKRRiTOBv,"Thom!vs
M. Stark, J Multiiouiah County, Oregon, has this .lay
filed in this otliec his application to purchase the nortii
w. quarter of section -fi, township 10 north, of range 3
Testimony in the 11 hove cate will be taken before the
Kcgister and Receiver, it Vaiicouver wash. tkr. on
Thursday, the 23d. day AiotsT Eighteen hundrutl
Any an all person having odvcte claims to the
above described lands, or any portion iferrcof. are here
by required to file their claims in this ltiee within six
ty (On) dave from date hereof.'
; fllKl). W. SPARLING, Register.
1111 4.".jl
Attorney - at - Law,
Office Kiver Street in front of strand.
Prompt Attention Givan to Collections, Etc.
7. 3- DIILASDf
OlTice, at St. Helen, Oregon.
Will attend terms of Cou rt at Astoria. Ka
huna & Portland. Practice in all Courts of
State or Wash. Ter.
Attorney - at - Law,
Particular attention given to business befor
the Land Office.
'Offce with IV A. Moore Esq.,
River Street, Sr. Helen, Oregon.
Xo. 234 First St., Portland, Or.,
Doss First Class Work at Lowest Bates.
Civil Engineer and
St. Helen, Oregon.
All business attended to with promptness and
dispatch. au13tf
not, life is sweeping by, go I
and dare before you die, t
something mighty and sub- j
lime leave behind t- ;
coivnier time." UU a
wei'k in your own town. T outfit free. No risk.
Kverytliing new. Capital not required. We
will furnish you everything. Many are making
fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, an
boys and girls mase great jiay. Header, if you
want business at which you can make great pay
all the time, write for particulars II.U.i.ktt &
Co., Portland, Maine
Notice of
Application to
Timber Land.
Land office at Vaxoolvkr.-M". T.
June 'Jlth. 1S.1. l"
Notiec is hereby given that in compliuni-G with the
proi isions of the Aet of Congress approved .lune 3, liTS,
entitled "An et for the sale of Tiinher limits m the
States of Culifnrnia. Oregon, Nevada, ami in Washing
ton Territory,' jasiks h. wiiarton, of Coluuihia t'ounty
Oregon, luis'this .lay filetl in this onVe his iipj.liisLtioii to
purehase the Soutji West 1 of Section 34, Tvnship 'J
North, of liange I East, of the Willamette Meridian.
Tcf iniony in tho ahiive ease will be taken before the
.Tude of the Probate at Kalama Wash. Ter. on
.Saturday the 1st. day of September 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to the
nltove described lan-ls or any portion thereof, are here
by re'piire.l to tile their elaiuis ill this otliuv within sixty
(i) davs from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register,
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Lands,
Land Office at VAXCorvF.n. "W. T. I
May 14th, 1X83. )
Ntice is hereby given that in compliance
wtiti the provisions of the Act of Congress ap
proved J urn; 3. 1X78, entitled "An Act forthe
sale of Timber fluids in the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Lewis V.. MedlocK- of Cowlitz County. V"ash. Ter.
lias this day filed in this ottice his ajiplniation to
jmrchast: t he South Kast j- oi Sec. 12, Township X
North of Range 1 v. f the Willamette Meridi
an. Testimony jn the above case will be tnken be
fore the Jud-ro of the Probate Court at Kalama,
W. T. on Saturday, July 2lBt, 1XX3.
Any and aU persons having adverse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion them
of, are hereby required to file their claims in
this omce with;nsixty(t0) davs from date hereof.
PRI Ji. W. SPAPLINC, Register.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.'
Land Office at Vancoi-ver, W. T. )
May 28th, 18X3. f
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June .'3 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Charles P. Hvinberg, of Cowlitz County, Wash.
Ter. has this lay filed in thin office Ids applica
tion to purchase the north J of uoith west of
secton 21, township 11 noith, of range 4 west, of
the Wilhimttte Meridian.
Testimony in the aliove case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court, at Kalama,
Wash. Ter. on Saturday, the 4th. day of August,
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described land, or any portion there
of, are hereby required to file their claims in this
office within sixty (t0) days from date hereof.
FPK'J). W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Oreoos Citt, Orecon.
Ji nb l.r., ls.?3.
Notice is hereby given that Henry Fpting of Portland,
Multnomah County. Oregon has tunle applicationto
purchase the s. w. quarter of section number 34 of town
ship number 7 north of range numlier 3 w. of the Wil
lamette Meridian, under the provisions of the act of
Congress, approved June 3, 1878, entitled ' An act for
the sale of Tiiulier I-uids in the States of Calfornia, Ore
gon, Nevada and ia Washington territory
All adverse claims to said tract of land or any portion
thereof, must be tiled in the United States Land Otliec,
at ( iregon 'ity. Oregon, before the expiration of sixty
davs from this date.
;iven under mv hand this 1.1th. day of June 1833.
j L. T. BAKIN, Register,
j u"n4",J1-"
I U. S. Land Office at Oreoox Citt. Oreoo.'
I June 15 1S3H.
! Notice is hereby given that Albert P. Nelson of Port
land, Multnomah" County Oregon has mode application
to the x. w. quarter of section number rt of
! township number north of range numlier 3 west of the
wii.LAMKTTE MEKiDiA.v, under the provisions of the act of
Congress, approved June 3, 1878, entiled An act for
j the 6ale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
i gon, Nevada, and in washi.notos territory.
) All adverse claims to said tract of land, oranv portion
j thereof, must lie filed in the United States Imd ttficee,
i at Oregon, before the expiration of sixty days from this
1 date.
Given under my hand this 1.1th. dav of June 18S3.
' L. T. BAKIN, Register,
j u3n4.'ijl.'i
j ;
j Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Lands.
U. 8.
June 22 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that John P. Ladd of Portland,
Multnomah County Oregon has mode application to pur
chase the south west quarter of section number ) of
township numlier 4 north of range number west of the
Willamette MHKiWAN, under the provisions of the act of
Congress, approved June 3, 1878. entitled " An act for
the sale of Timber Land- in the State, of California, Or
egon, Nevada, and in wahhinotos tkrritory.
All adverse claims to said tract Miami, or any pnrtion
thereof, must lie filed in tho United States Ind ortlee,
at Oregon City, Oregon, lief are the expiration of sixty
days from this date.
iiiven under my hand this 22d. day of June Eighteen
bund red and Eighty-three,
I.. T. DARIN, H"gi-tor.
urtiii0j2 1
Lunch , House.
Pkopkietor and Dealer in
of all kinds,
Knickknacks, Bread,
and other Varieties of the Mime Class
Soda, Sarsaparilla, Lemonade,
Tobacco & Cigars
Of the Pe-st Quality,
River Street, St. Helen, Oregon.
A week made at home by the in
dustrious l'est busineKs before
the public. Capital notneedcl.
We will start vu. I Men, wom
en, Iiovh and girl.s wanted every
where to work for uh. Now i the, time. You
can work in ppare time, or give yintr whole time
to the business. No other buslness will pay you
nearly as well. No one civil fail to make enor
mous ay, by engaging at once, Costly outfit
.uid terms free. Money made fast, easily, and
honorably. Address TiU'K& Co., Augusta Maine.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
.Tun 10th. 1883.
Notice is hereby tdven that the following
named settler has hied notice of hi intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, an I
that said proof will be tirade before the Judge of
the Probate Court at Kalama, W. T., Satunlay,
July 28th, 188;!, viz: William Holland, Home
Application No. 2y."il, for the w. K of N. E. J, the
N. v,-. i of ti. k. i and the s. K. 4 of N. w. i
of section township 7 north, range 1
west. " i
He names the following witnesfes to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz: 1
William Randall, of Carrollton, W. T.
John Cantwell of
Frank Fallert, of
Isi. lore Kal lert, of
FKKD. W. SPAKLING, Kcgister.
v3nir,j22 j
Notice of
Application to.
Timber Lands. !
U.S. Land Offick,
W3. )
Ouegon Citv, Okkuox,
May 2- 18X3.
Notice is hereby given that (Jeorge W. Mc-
Pride of Columbia County Oregon has made ap
plication to purchase the north west of section
nuinlier '20 of township number 4 north of range
number 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, un
der the provisions' of the act of Congress, ap
proved June 3, 1878, entitled " An act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the States of California.
Oregon, Nevada and in Washington Territory.'
All ad verse claims to said tract of laud, or any
Pl'RCHASE ! poition thereof, must be filed in the United
j States Land Oth'ce, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
I fore the expiration of sixty days from this date,
j ' iveii underjny hand this '' day of May 1883.
it, 1. IjAIiIA, Iieglstel.
v3nl2mav2." i
Notice of Application to
Timber Lanu. !
v. s.
LaxdOffice at Oreoox Citv. Onroov. 1
June 1 lss.1.
Notice is hereby given that C. II. Meusdorflfer of
Portland, Multnomah County Oregon has made applica
tion to pur:-! the south cast I of section numlter "4
of town -hip number 6 north of range number 3 west of
the Willamette Meridian, under the provisions of the
act of .'oiigress. approved June 3, ls7S, entitle. I " An act
for the sale of Tiiulier Iiuds in the Stales of California,
OrcTon, Nevada and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract of land, or any jxirf ion
thereof, must tic tiled in the United States Land Olfiee,
at 1 iretron city, Oregon, before the expiration of sixty
days from this date.
tiiveii under mv hand this 1st. dav of .HinelSs.l.
L. T. BAKIN, RegUter.
:tnt."jl :
u. s.
Land Office oiiegon Citv, ork:on.
June ll'.th, 18X3.
Complaint having been entered at this Cf
fic by Rachel Weick against , oi.of HOMHFr.i;
for abandoning his Homestead Entry No.
S3-11. dated July 2fith. 1877, upon the Lot 1
& s. E. of s. v. r Sec. 10, Township t N. Range
.1 v, in Columbia County, outfox with a view
to the cancellation of said entry; the nail par
ties are hereby ummoied to appear before the
the Comity Clerk of Columbia County, at St.
Helens, Oregon, on Aug. 4th, 18X3, at 10 o'clock
a. M. to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged aliaitdo-nmcnt
L, T. PAWN, Register.
U. S. Lan-I Orrnt, VANcrn-virn. W. T.
June Kith, I.8X;.
Complaint having been entered at this Office
by 1 lennis Shechan against otto kkcse forab.ii
doning hi Homestc;vl Kntry f'o, 401 Mi cfatd!
oct. 21th. 1XX2, upon the h. m. of
Section 28. Township 10 Noith, Range 1
West in Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter., with a view
to the cancellation of snid entry : the said parlies
are hereby summoned to appear at this OiF.ce on
the sth day of August 1XX3, at 2 o'clock p. St., to
respond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment
Sot ire of Application to IMircIiase
Timber Land.
U. S. Land Office, Okf.con Citv, Okegux.
May2."i, 1XX3.
Notice is hereby given that S. (5. Allen of
Multnomah Co. Oregon, has made application
to purchase the N. W. T of Sec. 2(5, T. ( N. 1.'.
3 W. Will. Mer., under the provisions of the
Act of Congress approved June 3, 1X7X, entitled
"An Act forthe sale of Timber Lands in th'?
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in
Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract must be filed
in th ' lr. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Ore
gon, before the expiration of Mxty days from
this date.
Given under my hand this 2.1th. day of Mav
L. T. PARIN, Register.
Notice of Application to Pur- j
chase Timber Land.
V. S. Land Office, Okkcon Citv, Or.E.-.ov, 1
June fth. lssa.
Nc tice is hereby given that Thomas K. Ri:h-
ct of Portland, Multnomah Co. Ogn. lias made
application to purchase the S. E. i of Sec. 14
T. li n. R. 3 Will. Mer., tinder the provis
ions of the Act of Congress approved June 3,
1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber
Laud in the States of California, Oregon, N- j
vad.u ami in Washington Territory." ,1
All adverse claims to said tract must lie filed j
in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Ore- !
gon before the expiration of sixty dav s from this j
date. . "
(Jiven under my hand this Sth. day of 1
June 1SX3. :
L. T. PARIN, Register. I
n3n44jate ' . j
ITotico of Application to Furchasd I
Tiiabsr Lands, i
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
'June 29th,
Nottoo is horcbv elven that in oomjilianoo with tho
provisiona ut the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1S7S,
entitled " An art for the ttale of Timber l-.Tids In State j
of California, Oregon. NtP'oda, and in Washington Tor. .
ritorv," John 1). Knrlfflit, of Multnomah County, Ore- j
gon has this day filed in this ollice his application to j
purchase tho South West 4 of Seirtion 2, Township l
North, of Range 4 West, of U10 Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the alio've eae will be taken before the j
Judge of the Probate Court, .nt Kalnnia, Wash. Ter. oil ;
Saturday, the 8th. day of September, I8S3. ',
Any and nil persons having adverse clninia to the j
above described lands, or anK- iirtion thereof, are hen
hv required to flic their claims in this office within six
ty (") nays from date ix r i.
W. SPA III. I N'O, Reginter.
S3 WMllSLi -
Farm:Freiffht and Spring Wagon
And by confining ourselves strictly to oneclaosof work; by employing none but the JLS n mm
of WOICK.tllCN, iielng nothing but l-'IKST-CLASH IilPKOVKD MACHINERY aud Ibo VJvR
BEST oi siiLKCTKD TIMBER, and by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the boelneei, wo
Justly earned the reputation of making
Manufacturers bare abolished the warranty, but A?bU may, on their own responsibility, gira
the following warranty with each wagon. If so agreed:
We Hereby Warrant the FISH BROS. WAGON No to be well made In every partic
ular and ot good material, and that the strength of the same Is sufficient for all work with lair
usage. Should any breakage occur within one year f rem tuU date by reason of defective material
or workmanship, repairs for the same will be furnisbed at place of sale, free of charge, or the
price of said repairs, as per agent's price list, will be paid in cash by the purchaser producing av
ample of the broken or defective parts an evidence.
Knowing we ean suit $ou, we solicit patronage from every section of the United States. Send
for Prices and Terms, and for a copy of TUB ItACiNIl AGRICULTURIST, to
VIU DUOS. 4c . II tie In e. WUU -
Cures all diseases of the Stomaoh, Liver,
Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood.
Millions testify to its efficaoy in heal-
ing the above
nounce it to be tne
Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists soil it
Chestnut Crove, O., Nov. 2", 1880.
1h. C'.vkk John's in: T have uses I your
Dyspepsia, with the ?soui beuelicial results.
Will Run More Easily,
Cut Longer Crass.
Cut More Smoothly,
Less Liable to Obstruction,
Require Less Repairs,
More Easily Adjusted,
And the Most Durable.
every Mower warranted
duii mn duia p&.
m w m mm mm mm mm m mm wmwm m are always on the
IiHtkout for chances to in
crease tlu-ir earnings, and in
time become wealthy; those
who do not impnive their
opportunities remain in poverty. We offer a
great chance to make money. We want many
men. women, buys and siirls to work for us right
! in their -..n localities. Any one can do the
i work propuly from the first e-tart. The businc!-.1:
I v. ill pay moiv than ten times ordinary wage.
Kxpi'iisive outfit funii-slusl free. Noonevvhoen
' gages fails to make money rapidly. You can de
: vote your whole time to the work, or only your
! sjire Imome-.ts. pull iufoi niati'-n and ::ll that
, is needed v.t free. Address S;i.s.oN & Co.,
Portland, Mr.iiie.
U. S. Land Office at Oregon Citv, Ore;o.v,
June 21 18SX
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Jacob Krimbcl againt Cliaries Thogode for
abandoning hi Homestead Pntrv No. 4'M4, dat
ed April 7, 1881, upon the S. A, of S. K. i & S. A
of S. W. . Section ;, Towiwhip 3 N. Rarrv 2 W,
in Columliia County, Oregon with a view to the
cancellation of caid entry; the sail partieare
hereby summoned ti apiear beftire the County
Clerk of Columbia County at St. Helens, Oregon,
on the 31 day of July 1XX3, at 10 o'clock A. m., to
resjx.ntl and furnish testimony concerning naid
allegetl abandonment.
' I T. PAR IN, Register.
ITotics of Application to Purchase
Timbor Lands.
Land (f-e at Vani-ocver W. T.
May 2'th, 188:3.
Notfcw i hereby given that in compliance with
the provision of "the Act of Congi ess approved
June 3, 1878 entitled " An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washinaton Tenitory-,'
Frank Smith, of Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter.
has this day filed in this othce his applica
tion to purchase the north east of section 32,
township 0 north, of range 4 west, of the Will
amette Meridian.
Testimony in the alxive case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Proljate Court. a,t Kalama,
W. T. on Monday, August '.th. 18X3.
Any and all persons having adv else claims to
the above described lands, or any portion there
of, ar hereby required to - ttl their claims in
this olfiee within Mxtv(l0) day- from date hervof.
PRK1. W. SPAlrLlNG, Register.
Notice of Application to I'nrcliasc
Timber Land.
Land Office atOkkcon Citv, Okkuon.
June 1st. 1X83.
Notice is hereby given that John Clark
of Multnomah Countv. Oreirun has made impli
cation to purchase tin north west of section
31 T. (N. P. 3w. of Willamette M.ei id Lm nmler
the tirovisions of the Act of C ingress npproved
June 3. 1878. entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States OI CalifomLs Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory.'
All adverse claims to said tract, or any iort ion
thereof, must be tiled in the V. S. Land Olfiee,
at Oregon City, Oregon, before the expiration of
sixty daysfromthis date.
Given' under my hand this 1st. dav of June,
L. T. PARIN, Register.
Notice of
Application to Purchase
Timber Lanu.
U. S, Land Omen, Citv, Or.wiov, July 0. is5.
Notice is hereby given that Ernest House of .Multno
mah ( 'utility. Oregon, has made application tu purchase
the S. K. J of Section Numlier Eighteen Tow nship Num
ber 0 North of Halite W. Will. Mer. under the provis
ions of tho Aet of Congress approved June. S, H."S, en
titled "An Act for the side of Timber Lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada.imd in Washington
Territorv. , , ,
All adverse claims to said tract of land must be filed
in the U. S. Un.l office at Oregnn City, Oregon, before
the expiration of sixtv .lays from this date.
Given under mv hand this 0th. day of July lss:;.
L T. BAR1N, Reu-Wtcr.
Notice of
Application to
Timber Land.
h n r n fx n33
I'. S. T.axu Okhck, atOiieuoX Citv, iwkoov.
June 1, Is.VS.
Not leu i hereby given that Frakrlck W. iTehn of
Multiioiiiali County Oregun lu nunlo applicat ion to pur
chase the south wot f id sortion liumber 4 of town
ship number north of range number 3 west of the
vyillamcttc Meridian, under the provisions of the act of
Cmigress, approved June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for
the sale of 'l imber Imds in the States of California, Or
egon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract of laud. tr any portion
thereof, must be filed in tho Unite. I States Ijtud Othce,
nt Oregon City, Oregon, before the expiration of ity
days from this date.
Oiveu under mv hand this 1st. dav of .lune 1n..1.
L T. PA IMS', Bi-gi-tT
IBlooL Srup
named diseases, and pro-.
to cure Iyspepsia.
IxihanTJi.oop Sykcp for Liver Complaint an t
It is all it is claimed to be.
W W.
Lawn Mowers
AND W.""-,
aYiiWM adnseclicitorsfor
trade-marks, copyrihta. ctc...for
the United Stateg, and to obtoln pat
ents ia Canada, England, Franco,
Germany, find all other couutrloeu
TIlrty-lx years' nractico. No
chargo for examination of nxodols r draw
ings. Advieo by mail free.
Patent obtained, throuqh r nro nof feed Ir
the fiClENTlFIC AMEltlCAN, wbich.ha
tho largest circulation, find Is thoroost InfJu
ential newspaper of its kind published in tho
world. Tho ad vantages of each a-cotica overji
patentee understands.
Thislarga andTOleaidlvillUBtrated Beirs
paporispublishedk WEEKLY tii 1.20 a year,,
and is admitted ta be tho beet paper devotoa
to science, mechanics, invention), t nginecrin
workfl, and other departments of industrial
progress, published in any connlry. Bingla
copies by mail, JOtcnta. Sold by all news
deal crn.
Address, Mann & Co., publishers of Scion
tifio American. 2C1 Broadway, New York.
Handbook about pa touts mailed free.
desire wiTilot T cnAROE, the new drought resist--ing
M,tato The Pijsh the ( iant Wheat,
Pii.ACK-itk.MtDKD Ckntenkiau for Spring and
Fall sowing the RrRAi. Garden Treahurii
seed of the great white grape NlAOAKA, sul
scribe for tho
the great American journal forthe faim, carde
and home. It Is original from beginning to en
- .100 original illustrations yearly the best wr
ter in the vvorid. Send for free specimen Coj
34 PARX E0W, V. Y.
All sufferers from this disease are anxious
to be cured should try DP. KISSN HP'S CKI.
These Powders are the only preparation know 11
that will cure Consumption and all disca-;es of
tha THROAT nnd LCNGS--iiuleed, so strong,
is our faith in them, and alsi t. c -nvince yon
that they are no humbug, we -will for want tocv
cry sufferer, by mail, ptist jaid, a 1'Ri.E Trial
We don't want 3-our money until you ar per
fectly satisfied of their curative powci. If your
life is worth saving, don't delay in giving these
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