The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, June 22, 1883, Image 3

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"Will. make the season
of 183 as follows: Saturday (a'ternoon) Sunday, Monday
andTtievUv of each iu-k at t 'oela.-id s place on the
Seartpoose Jiy, Wednesday an-l Thursday at the Arthur
(juigley plac, on lytic e River, Kri-i.ty nui Saturday be
iore 0 JL JL at Csjtt. Kales'.
This horse was five years ulii t!ie 17th. of My lJs3;
1C) hands high; weigh 133.'. ll. a buy, of fine style;
the very bent of TraTeltrrs; a forge ituim; a p -rfe-t horse
in every particular.
Ha was nir.ed hy C. P. B icon ci?ht thousand dollar
Hambletouian; dam a noted a;j I b-;tutii;i! bay owned by
.Mr. 'opclau J weight about lluo-said to be M'ian
And Whip.
from $10 to $15. Care taken to prevent accident, but
responsibility assumed for homo.
For further information, aiyly to or sddrcis
Wm- Eversole, Manager,
St Helen, Oregon
Notice for Publication'.
Land Office at Vtvc nvrr. r. T.
May 17th. 1S:!.
Notice is herebv given that the fy!!wiii j-nainrJ set
tler has filed notice of his intention t i in ike final proof
in support of his claim, and that sai l pr -f will be made
lefore thcJudye of the Probate Court, at lial.ima. Wa-ii.
Ter. on Saturday, .lune 2:11. iss.-?, viz: ,lim? Hownjii.
Jfomestead Application No- 2'J"'S. for the west J of south
vrest..pjarter. Lots 7 and S, and south west ,U trter of
north west quarter of section .', township U north, ranife
4 west. .
He names th following witns-,cs to prove !i:s couMn
......... .ru:.kit,. lttwui miiiI etiitivat ion of. t-aid land, v:.:
William Welborn,
of OaK Point, V. T.
Henry L. Kin-Mid,
Kolert MeA-larui,
Charles N'eal,
Of "
of " "
Notice of Application to Pcuchase
I" S. Land Ofkh b at Or-mos C;tt, Orkoos.
May 'J.i, is:l.
Notice is hereby given that C. T. Pr.b.n of Muitimmah
t'ounty, Oregon has made application to pim iia-e the
outh "east quarter of sertion number 'Ji of towiwfup
mmiher 6 north of ran-;e number 3 went of the W diam
ine Meridian, under the provision of the a't of Cou
Tess, approve-i June 3. 1S7. entitled "An aet for the
ale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon,
.Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
AU adverse claims to said trart of land, or .my portion
ihereof, must be tiled in th-j Cnite 1 States Uu.d Orticc.
at tiregon City, Oregon, before the cxpiratam of sixty
lavs from this date.
Given under jtiy hand this 2- tlay oi ! iv i
L. T. lfAiiiN, Kegistj
Hotics cf Application to Purchasa
Timber Lands.
Lamp Ofkic3 at Vaxcwuver, W. T.
May 1st. lss:5.
Notice is hereby given that incompliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approve'!
June 3, 187S, entitled "An Act for the Sale of
Timher Lands in the State of California. regn
.'evad.a- and Washington Territory. Nathaniel
ii ii KJUffl.r'.,. Wash.Tfr. has this
il. iini!iuri'i"i v ; .... . -
lav filed in this office hid application to purchase
the w. if s. w. of Sect ion 10, T-iwushin s. f
K.lw. of the W illamette Meiidinn. !
Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court. it Kalasua.
W. T. on Saturday, July th, 1SJ:,
Any an I all persons having a dveise cnuuifl to
the afxive described Lu 1, or any portion thereof,
are hereby r-'puired to tile their claims in this of
fice within nitvn"'0) days from date hereof.
FKKD. W. SPAKL1NU, Jlegitcr.
i3n llmls '
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber La::ds.
U. 3. L.jrn Okvicr at ORnaox Citt, Ore.-.oh,
May 4. l.sS3.
Noticf i hereby given that Vi liai:t Kcllnm,
of ColunibU C'.M-.nty, Uiegon, lias made applica
tion to purchase the w of s. K. of S'e. T0, Ti.wu
hip S s. Kange 3 w. f Willamette Meridian uu
Werthe provisions of the Act of Congress a; -.
j.rovwl Jane 3, 1S7 entitled "An Act fr the
ale of Timber foatids in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."'
Mladviso claims to said tract must be m.nn
in "the V . S. Lml at Oregon City. Oregon,
Jcfore the ex pi rati m of ixty days from ibis date.
(J i ven under uiy hand this 4th. dav of May lss;j.
L, T P.AKIN, Jlegwter.
Notice of Application to Purchask
Timber Land.
Lasi- Ittkb at Vaxcoi vke, V. T.,
AprilTth. lS-:!. (
Xotice istlierebv given that in cosrplianee with the pro
visions of the Act of Congress approved .lune 3. 1V7S, en
titled "An act for the t-ai of T'iol-r Lnnds in the States
if California, 'reg.)n, N'e.tda, n i in Wasliiiiirton Te. ri
torv, Samuel Vestal, of Cnwln oiuity, Wash. Ter.
has this dav liled in this orliee his applica'ioii to purehase
the South East i of Section St. Township i) North, of
Range 1 East, of the Willaniete Meridian.
Testimony in the above cae will be takn befora the
Judge of the J'robate J'ourt, it Knlaiua, Wueh. Ter. on
iiaturdav, the 7th. tlay of .Inly, lSvt.
Any and all persons having adversa claims to the
above described lands, or any portion thereof, arc here
by required to liile their elaims in this office within fix
lv(60) tiav from date hereof.
' FREI". W. SPARL1NU, Register.
Hotics of Application to Purchase
Timder Land.
May, 11th. 1S3.
Notice is hereliy given that Andrew Elliott of
Columbia County 4 Ireou has made application
to purchase the flout h i of south and aouth
of south west i of aection number 10 of town
ship number 5 worth of range- number 4 w.;.t of
jtliH Willamette Meridian, under the provisions
k the act of Congress approved June 3, ls7x, en
titled " An act for the sale of Timber IA'inds in
the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, Wash
ington Territory.
All adverse claims to said tract of land, or any
portion tliereof, must be riled in tin L'uited
.States Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, le
fore the expiration of davs from this date.
... . , i '.i - ... i t r i
tiiveu unaer my nana iuis aihi. na oi
L. T. Ft AKIN, Ke-ister.
Jsotick of Application to Purchase
Timber Lands.
U.S. Lasd OmcE at Oeksok Cnr. Okero.
May 1SS:5.
Notice is hereby given that Joseph Tatar of
Kalama, Cowlitz Co Wash. Ter. has made appli
cation to th north west I of section
number 28 of townshii number G north of range
number 3 west of the Willamette Meridian, un
der the provisions of the act of Cong reus, ap
proved June 3, 1K7.S, entitled "An act for the
ali of Timber Lauds in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
AH adverse claims to naid tract of land, or any
jrtion thereof, must be filed in the United
Stated Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, le
fore the expiration of sixty days from this date.
Given under my hand this 2" day of May 1K.S3.
L. T. BAlilN, Kegicter.
Notice or Application to Purchase
Timber LaiuL
U. S. La Okficb, Obecok Citt, Obecox.
May2-r, 1883.
Notice is hereby given that S. (J. Allen of
Multnomah Co. Oregon, has made application
to purchase the N. W. J of Sec. ';, T. li N. I?.
3 V. Will. Mer., unler tho provisions of the
Act of Congres approved June 3, lS7.t, entitled
"An Act for the ale of Timler Lands in tho
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud in
Washington Territory."
All adverse claim to said tract must be filed
in the If. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Ore
gon, before the expiration of wxty days from
this date.
(iiven under my hand this 2,jth. day of May
18S3. , ,
h. T. 1UKIN, liegiter.
General Merchandise,
A new and complete atock of Goods now in
store, l'rices reaonabl. Term Cash.
imlotf :
Butts House.
S. C. PAILHTG, Propriotsr,
Front Street, Columbia City, Oy.ii.
Kotice of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land,
U. S. Laxo Office, Oregon City, Orecon,
May, 18, 1K3.
Notice is hereliy given that John 15. Sheehy of
Multnomah Count Oregon, has made ajilica
ti on to purchase the N. K. i of Sec. 22 T. (' N. K.
;; w. Will. Mer., under the provisions of the Act
of Congress approve! Juue3. r-ntitled ''An
Act f r the .sale of Timber Lands in the States
nf California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washing
ton Territory.'
All adverse claims to said tract must be filed
in the lr. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Ore
gon, before the c vpiration of sixty days from
this d ite.
Given under my hand this 18th. day of May
I.u T. 15AKIN, llegister.
Notice of Application to Pcuchase
Ti.mi-ei: Land.
L-t (JiflCC AT ViXrofVKR, W. T.,
. April 13 iss:;. (
Notice is hereby giver, tint in compliance with th
prorinioiis of the Aet f Cougress ajtjiroved .lune 1S7S
entitled ''An ;u-t for the sale of Timber Lands in the
States of California. Oregon, Nevada, ami in Washing
t"n Tcrithrv," Martin .1. Conroy, of .Multiioniah County
Oregon, hss this ihiy filed in this otliee his application
purchase the North YV et i t-f Siction ''(, Township
North, of Itange 1 '.Vest, o! the Vi!i;ouette Meridian.
Testimony in the above en.; will be taken !eforu thf
ltegi.ter aiid Keeeivtr. at an.-ouver. Wash. Ter. on
Mumhiy, the tth. d.iy of .lune, lSv'i.
Any "and all )rsoiis having adverse claims to th
almve described linds. or any juvrtion thereof, are herd
by required to tile their claims in this oftieu within sixtj
(tjo) days from date hereof.' W. Si'AKLINU, Kegisttr.
Notice of
Application to
TiMur.u Land.
Land Office at Vaxcoi-vbr VV. T.
April 17th. lss.'t
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tho
erovlsions of the Act t-f c'ongress approved June :i. 1S7S,
pntitleii " An act for the s.tle of Timlter T-oids in the
states cf California, iregon, Nevada, and in Washington
Territory," Hurbery Weotwiek, of Cowlitz County, Wash.
Ter. ha this dav tiled in this o'.liee his application to
T-im-h;isc the Norlh.l uf South J-of Section S. Town
siiip S NortU, of Kange 4 We-st, of t)w-Willanutte Merid
ian. lVsli:nony in the abive case will be taken beiore the
Judge of the Probate Court, at Kalama, Wahh. Terr, on
Saturday, the .'lOtii. day of June, ls::.
Any ud all persons having adverse claims the
alxive described l.mds, or any portion tin-reof. are lnre
by re'i'iired to fl!o their claiins in this office within sixty
(ii davs trora datu hereof.
FKED. W. SI'AKLINU, Kegister.
Notice of
Application! to
Timker Land.
Lasd OrntB at Vancouvrr. W. T. )
Ajril 2oth. I's3. f
Notice is hereby given thrvt in compliance with the
provisions of th" Act f Congress approvcil June S.ISTS,
entitled "An act fir the sale of Timber I .am Is in the
States of California. regon, Nevada, and in Wellington
Territoi v," William Crawford, of Co'.vlitz County, Wash.
Ter. has" this iIav tile.', in this o:ti '2 his application to
pnrciiasethc West 1 of Nrtb fMt ) and Eat ' of North
West i of section 14. Township 5 North, of Range 1 East,
of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the alxjve will be taken lcfoe tho
Re-Lifter and Receiver, at Vr.rienuver, Wash. Ter. on
S.iturdav, the "I'th. d:y of June, ls-sS.
Any and '.! person tiaviitg a.!Vcrse claims to the
above described Un Is. or any jrtion there- -f, nro hereby
re quired to file tlieir claim in this osttca within ixty
too ilavs from hereof.
Ir'KEIi W. SPARLING, Register.
Notice of A)ilieat:o!i tor Purchase
Timber Land.
Lash Office at Vantouvkp, W. T.
May 17th, lss;L )
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
tl'.e provisions of the Act "f Congress approve-1
.lune .?, 1S7S, entitled "An Act f-.r tho sale of
Timber Lands in the States of .California, Ore
gon, Neva-la, an 1 in Washington Territory,"
I'M win lienjmau of Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter.
has this day tiled in this otlice his a -plication
to purchase thes. w. .of Section 21, Town
ship S North, of Kange 3 Went of the Willam
ette Meridian.
Testimony in tho above c-tsa will lie take n be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court at Kalama,
W. T. on Saturday, the 2sth. day of duly, ISS;;.
Any and all p rsons having adverse claims to
the desei ibed laud, or any portion thereof, are
hereby required to file their claims in this oitice
within itvf'"0) davs from date hereof.
l'KL'D.'W. SPAKLING, Kegister.
Notice for. Pubucation.
Land Office at Vancoi vkh, W. T.
May lDth, ..
Notice i h?reby given that th-: following
named settler li;t.s filc.l uotica of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, nnd
that sai l proof will be m.vle before the Judge
of the Probate Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter.,
on Monday, lune 2oth, 1SCJ, viz: Henry (J. W.
Cronk, Iloni' steail Aiplieatioii No. 25Sf, for the
N. I 'f s. w. I & N. w. i of s. E. of Sec. uO, Tp.
S N K. 1 .
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said laud,
A. II. Kdlin,
Jerry Heck,
William Majors,
J, H. Mrrris, '
11 -Kb. W.
ofFrcepoit W. T,
of " "
SPAKLINtl, Itegister.
ITotics of Applicationto Purchaso
Timber Lands.
Land Oi vice at)
Vancopvei:, V. T.
May 12th. 1Ss3. )
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 17, entitled " An Act for the sale of
Timber Iinds in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,
Holland H. Harvey of Cowlitz County, Wash.
Ter. has this day filed in this office his applica
tion to purchase the K. i of n. k. j and N A of s. E.
of Sec. 20, Tp. X North of Kange 1 East of the
Willamette Meridian. ;
Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court at Kalama,
W. T. on Saturday, July 21st. 1SS3.
Any and all persons claiming adversely to said
describes I lands or any juvrtion thereof, are hereby
required to file their claims in this office within
sixty(0) avs from date hereof.
"FKKD W. SPAKLINO, Kegister.
u'mllmls. ;
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
Land Office at Vancouvkr, W. T.
i May 11th. 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
tho provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1S7--V, entitled "An Act for the salo of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Samuel Ki Id of Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter. has
this day tiled in this office his application to
purchase the N. v.. J of Section 11, Township II
Noi th of Kange 4 W est, of the Willamette Met i l
ian. Testimony in the above caso will be takn be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court at Kalama,
Wahh. Ter. on Saturday, July 21st. 18.S3.
Any an-1 all persons ha ing adverse claims to
the above described lan-1, or any portion thereof
are hereby required to tile their claims in this
office within sixty (liO)davs from date hereof.
V K 1 IK W . SPA K LING, Kegist r.
a'hvilnlft I
corn'er flust and yamhill, sti'.eem
Poutlaxd, Oregon.
Xoticc of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
Lan-! Office at Vancocveii W. T. )
April 17th. 1SS3. f
Notice is hereby given that in cimiliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress aproved
June 3, 1N7S, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
John Avres of Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter.
has this 'clay filed in this office- his application to
purchase the s. w. i of Section 10, Townships
North, of Kange 1 1'ast, of the Willamette Me
idian. Testimony in the above cave will be taken be
fore the llegister and Keeeiver, at Vancouver,
W. T., on Thursday, June'jsth. 1SS3.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described lands or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to tile their claims in this of
'ice within sitv (CO) days from date hereof.
FK'KD. W.SPAKLING, Kegister.
Application to
TiMin.u Land.
Land Office at Oke.;on City, Oukoos.
May 11, 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that 1. C. Masten of
Multnomah Comity, Oregon, lias made ajuilica
tion to jmrehase the south west f of section nunir
her 32 of township number G north of range num
ber 3 west of the Willamette Meridian, under
the provisions of the act of Congress, approved
June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the Side of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory.
All adverse claims to sail I trac t of lam L, or
any portion thereof, must be filed in the United
States Land O Mice, at Oregon City, Oregon, lie
fore tho expiration of sixty days from this date.
Given uuder my hand this 11th. clay of May
L. T KAKIN, Kegister.
v3n4.iniayll 0 . '
Xotice of Application to Purchase
Timber LuiiJls.
Land Office at Vancouver W. T. )
May Uth, 1SS3. )
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
tha provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lauds in the States of California, Ore
yon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,
Walter S. Lysons, of Cowlitz County Wash.
Ter. has this day riled in this office his applica
tion to purchase the s. A of m. k. and N. c i of
N". U. i of Section 12, TonshipS North of Kange
1 w. of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in .ne ahov case will !e taken be
fre the Juitge of the Probate (!ourt at Kalama,
W. T. on Saturday, July 2 1st. IsVJ.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described laiv Is, or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to file their r'aims its this of
fice within sixty 00) days from flate hereof.
FKKlb W. SPAPLINC:, llegister.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
U. S. Laxi Office at OsEfiON City, Oregon. 1;
June 1 iss;. j
Notice is hereby given that Thomas (juine
an of Portland, Multnomah Co. Ogii. has mttde
application tt purch;tse the N. E. of Section
.'U T. (5 n. 11. w. of Willamette Meri.lian, under
the provir ions of the -Vet of Congress approved, 1S7S, entitled "An Act for the Sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
vil adverse claims to sai'l tract, or any
lortion thereof, must !c hied m the I .
and Office at t)regon City, Oregon, before the
ex p; rat:. in of sity days from this date.
Jivcn under my hand this 1st. day of June,
1SS3. L. T. "OAK IN, Kegister.
Notice of
Tim uk r Land.
i". s.
Laxd Office at Oreoox City, Oreoov,
June, let. iss:.
S"tiee is hereby given that (Jeorge I). V bite
Portland. Multnomah County Oregon, has
made application to purchase the north west of
section number 1 1 of township number '" north
of range number 3 west of the' Willamette Me
ridian, uiidt-r the provisions of the act of l-oli-gress,
a;roved June 3, lN7's, entitled " An act
for the s;de of Timber Lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and ia Washington
.Ml adverse claims to said tract of land, or any
portion thereof, must be tiled in the United
States Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the expiration of sixty days from this da.
iiven under my hand this 1st. dav of J unu 1-SS.5.
L. T. KAKiN, Kegister.
u3n43j 1
Noticf ok Application to Purchase
Timder Land.
u. s.
Land Office at Okkc.ox City, Ork-.n.
June 1st. lss.'i.
Notice is hereby given that Palk Steinhardt
of Multnomah C '.unity Oregon has made applica
tion to purchase the south east . of section num
ber 20 of township number IS north of rangenum
lter 3 west of the Willamette Meridian, undei
the provisions of the act of Congress, approved
June 3, 1X7J, entitled "An act for the sale of
Timber Lan-Is in the States of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington. Territory."
All adverse claims to h;tid tract of lan-1, or any
portion thereof, must be tiled in the United
States Land Oliice, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the expiration of sixty days from this date.
(Jiven undwr my hand this 1st. day of June 1SS3.
L. T. JJAKIX, Ke-ister.
Notice, of
Application to
Timber Land.
U. S. Land 0:-it c at Oheciok City, OnEoox-.
June 1st. iss:;.
Notice is hereby given that Henry F.artlirtg of
Multnomah County Oregon h.-.s male applica
tion to purchase the north cast of sec tion num
ber 32 of Township number I north of range
number 3 west of the Willamette Meridian, un
der the ptr.ivisions of the aet of Congress, ap
proved June 3, 1S7X, entitled "An act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract of. land, or any
jtortion thereof, must lie filed in the United
States Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the cxj'irati m of sixty days from this date.
CJiven under ray hand this 1st dav of J mie 1SM3.
L. T. BAKIN, Kegister.
Notice of
Application to
Timber Land.
i s.
Lan-l OfFice at Oreoox City, Orkoov.
June 1st. IssS.
Notice is hereby given that Atruni S. Nichols of .Mult
nomah County Oregon has made application to purchase
the south east of section number 'JtJ of township untu
ne r 0 north of range number 3 vest of the Willamette
Meridian, under the provisions of the act of Coicress,
approved June 5, IS7.S, entitled " An aet for the sale of
Timber Land in the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory.''
AH adverse- claims to said tract of lan-l, or miv jiortion
thereof, must be filed in tho I nnd-d States Land Odice
it Oregon City, Oregon, before the expiration of sixty
clays from this date.
Given under my hand this 1st. dav of June 1
1 T. DARIN, Register.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
V. S. Land Offic e at Oreoon City, Onp.uny.
June 1, iss:!.
Notice u hereby given thut Soloman A. Solomon of
Portlaml, Multnomah County, Oregon has msde a.pliea.
tioii to pureli aso the nrth east c-f secti-n number
of Township nuiniier 4 north of range number 2 west of
the Willamette Meridian, under tho provisions of the
aet of Congress, approved Juno 3, ls7y, entitled " An
act for the sale of Timber Lands in the states of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada and in Washington Territory. "
All adverse claims to said tract ot land or anv jtortion
thereof, must be hied in the 1'nitod Suites l.oid Office
Ht Oregon City, Oregon, lxfore the expiration of bLxtv
davs from this duto.
Given under my hand this 1st. dav of June lS-ri
L. t. DARIN, Kegister.
F. A. MOORE, '
Attorney - at - Law,
Office Eivcr Street in front of strand.
Prompt Attention Given to Collections, Etc.
Oilice, at St. Helen, Oregon.
Will attend terms of Con rt at Astoria, Ka
lama & Putland. Practice in all Courts of
State w Wash. Ter.
Attorney - at - Law,
Particular attention given to business befor
the Land Office.
Ofl"cewith F. A. M(Kre Ksq.,
IlivEif Stkket, St. Helen, Oregon.
a. a. philips, ix i). &
No. r:5 1 First St.,"PortIand, Or.,
Dossl "First Clas3 "Work at Lowes 4
Civil Engineer and
St. Helen, Oregon.
All business attended to with promptness and
dispatch. aulStf
El A&CD niav be fiuid on fileat.Cco.
I THO l rVLU I'. JJouell & Cos Newspa
per Adverti ing Kiirean (10 Spruce St. ) where
advertising contracts may be made for it in
Nkw Youk. uK'tf
"nr nit, life is sweeping by, go
aud-dare heton: you die,
soniethmg'miglity aml-sfi!)-lime
leave la-hind to
conquer time." 'i a
week in your own town. !j?-" outfit free, Nolisk.
llverything new. Caital not frequired. We
will furnisli you everything. Many are making
fortune. Ladies make as much as men, an
boys aud girls limKr great pay. Keader, if you
want business at which you can make great pay
all the time, write for particulars to J Iallktt &
Co., Portland, Maine i
Notice of Application to
Tim her Kvnd.
' Land Orrscu at Vascoi-ver, "V. T.
June P.lth. "
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the Act of Congress approved .'une 3, 1S7S,
entitled "An act for the F.ilc of Timber Lands in the
States of California, uregoti, Neva la, and in V;ishing
toti Territory,' jamks n. wh mitoN, of .Columbia County
Oregon, has this tlay filed in this oiliee his uppliint'on to
purchase the S-.ttitn West ) of Section',)
North, of Itntige 1 West, of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the altovc case vi'.l be taken before the
Jud-e of the Pr.iii.tte at Kalama Ter. on
Saturday the J.'ilh. ilay of August, lss:.
Any and all persons having alvere ciaims to the
altove descriiied laiiils or any jtortion therefif, are here
by required to i'.'.e their claims in this office within aixty
(i) !avs from date hereof.
Notice of
Application to
Timber, Land.
L.wn on iCK at VANcocvrn. W. T. 1
April 17th. Hs. "
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provi-iom of the Act of Congress approved June."', ls7s,
entitled "An act for the sale of Timber Itnds in States
of California, Orc-m, Nevada, and in Washington Ter
ritory," Ezra F. i hompsiin, of Coulitz Count , Wash.
Ter. has this day tiled in this otlice his application to
purchase the Sooth Eat of Section 2, Township S
North, of Ihingc I, of the Willamette Meridivi.
Tcnt'iiuiit;. in the: aluwe ease will betaken liefore the
Register itn-l Receiver, at Vancouver, Wash. Ter. on
Thurs-lay, the sih. Hiy of June, 1.SS.X.
Any and all persons having adverse claims t-i the
al-ove deseribeil l.-.nds, or any ortion thereof, are here
by required to file their claims in this office within six
tv (ic) davs from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Application to
Timber Land.
Land Okfick at Vancouvkr, W. T.
.i ay Sth. 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that in comjiliance with
the jirovisions of the Act of Congress approved
.lune 3, 187s, untitled "An aet for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California. Ore
gon, Neva !.-., and in Washington Territory,"
lose ih Willms, of Multnomah County, Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his application to
purchase the east A of north east of section 11,
township s north, of range 1 ciist, of tho Willam
ette Meridian. j
Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court, at Kalama,
Wash. Ter. on Saturday, the 11th. day of July,
1-SS3. j
Any and all jiersons having adverse claims to
the aliove described lands, r any jMirtion thereof,
are hereby required to file their claims in this
oitico within sixty (00) day from date hereof.
F K K 1 ). W. SPA KLlNli, Kegister.
v3nl0mayll i
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Lands,
Land Okfick at Vancouver. V. T.J i
i May 14th, 1S-S3. 1
Notice is hereby given that in comjiliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress ap
proved June 3, lsTo", entitled "An Act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington' Territory,"
Lewis C. Med lock of Cowlitz County. Wash. Ter.
has this tlay tiled in this office his ajiplication to
purchase the South Kast pf Sec. 12, Township S
North of Kange 1 w. of tho Willamette Meridi
an. Testimony in the above (case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court at Kahuna-,
W. T. on Saturday, Julylst, 1SS3.
Any and all jiersons h-tving adverse claims to
the above described lands,! or any jtortion there
of, are hereby required jto file their claims in
this oliice vithinsixfc(oO) ilays from date hereof.
AKLING, Kegister.
u3n41ml8 ,
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T. 1
May 2-Sth, 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that in comjiliance with
the jirovisions of the Act of Congress ajijtroved
June3 1S7, entitled "An act f-r the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, ami in Washington Territory,"
Charles E. lleinberg, of Cowlitz County, Wash.
Ter. has this lay filed in this office his apjilica
tion to purchase- the north h of north west of
sKition X t, township 1 notth, of range 4 west, of
tho Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore tho Judge of the Probate Court, at Kalama,
Wash. Ter. on Saturday, the 4th. day of August,
Any and all penconj having adrei-se claims to
the above described lands, or any portion there
of, are hereby required to tile their claims in this
oliice within sixty (liO) davs from date hereof.
FKKD. "W. SPAKLING, Kegister.
Lunch House.
Pkopkietou and Dealer ln
of all kinds, j
Knickknacks, Bread,
and other Varieties of the tame Class
Soda, Sarsaparilla, Lcncnado,
' Tobacco 8s Cigars
Of tho Jicst Quality,
River Street, St. Helen, Oreoon.
A week made at home by the in
dnstriout J 5est business before
the public. Capital not needed.
We will start you. Men, wom
en, buys and girls wanted every
where to work for us, Now is; the time. You
can work in spare time, or give! your whole time
to the business. No other business will pay you
nearly as we'll. No one can fail to make enor
mous pay, by engaging at once. Costly outfit
and terms frees Money made fast, easily, and
honorably. Address TlifEifc Co.t Augusta Maine.
ITotico of Application: to Purchaso
Tizihe? Lands.
Land Orriri: at Vancocveii, V. T.
April 17th. 1SS3,
Notice i hereby give that in coini'tliancc
with tin provisions of the Act! of Congress ap
proved June 3, 1X7H, eutftled I "An Act for the
alt! of Timber Lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Thomas 1). Ayres, of ' Cowlitz Co., iVr.
has this day tiled in this office ;bis aplication to
purchase the h of N. K. .fand Ijots 1 and 2 of
Section 2, Tp. S N. of 1 tango 1 I:, of the Wilam
ette McridL.u. j
Testimony in the above cnsejwill be taken lie
fore the Kegister and llcctiver at Vancouver,
Wash. Ti;r. on Thursday, the 2iSth. day of June
l&s.'S. i
Any and all persons having adverse- claims to
the above described lands, or any portion there
of, are hereby required to file tlieir claims in
this olhco within sixty (oO) (layjs from date here
of. I
FKKI) W. SPAKLTNti, Kegister.
Notice of Application j to Purchase
Timber Land.
Laxd Okkict. at Vax-oi;vkc, "1". T. )
(April 17th. ixs:t. i"
Nfttice is hereby given that in compliance v.ith the
provisions of the Ant of Congress approved .lune :, IsT-S,
entitled " An act for. the sale of Timber Lauds in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washing
ton Territory," CllifT Olson, of Cow lit . County, Wash.
Ter. hat this day filed in this office Lis application to pur
chase the South A of North East i cml North of South
East i "f Section P, Township 8 North, of Range 1 East,
of the Willamette Meridian, j
Testimony i:i the above case will; be taken l-forc the
Register and Receiver Rt Vancouver, Wash. .Ter, on
Thursday, the 2sth. day of June, lsfc;.
Any and all persons having adverstj claims to the altove
l'scribel lands, or any portion thereof," are hereby re
quired to file their claims in this otlice within sixty (Go)
tlavs from dale herecf. I
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
of Application
to Purchase
Timder Lamp.
L.VN0 OiFICB AT Vascovvkr, W. T. )
(April 'jfjth. iss:;. ("
Notice is herein- given that in Compliance with the
provisions of the A-'t of 'ougr-'ss approve-1 June 1S7S,
eiititie-l " As aet of f--r the sale of .'limber IiniN in the
States of California. Oregon, Nevada, nnd in Washington
Territory. " .lames D. Organ, of Cowlitz County, Wash.
Ter. has this -lay tiled in thisoU'-ee fcis application to pur
chase the South W t t'narter of si-utii East tt'uarter of
Section in. Township S North, of Kange 1 West, of the
Willamette Meridian. j
Testimony in the above ca-;e will be trt'Kcn before the
Register and Receiver, at Vancouver, Wnsii. Ter. ofi
Tnes-la;., the l-'th. day of July, Is-::. .
Any and all 'persons having a 'J verse claims to the
alwtve tk-sci ibed, or any portion thereof, are here
by required to t'de their claims in this oflieo within sixty
(li' jj dav s front date hereof.
FRED. Y". SPARLING, llegister.
Notice for Publication.
Land Oi fic"-: at 'acxjvt:r, V.'. T.
I J una Kith. LS83.
Notice i hereby i-ivet! tlatt thj following
named settler has lilo-l notice of his intention t-
make final proof in support;of his claim, and
that said proof will lie made I before the Judge of
the Probate Court at Kalama, W. T., Saturday,
July2t.Sh, l.-.s;?, viz: Wiliiaiu Holland, Hom'e-
Apjtlication No. 2!l"d, for the s h of "N. F. j.thc
N. w. . of s.
of section ,
K. I aud the A
k. i of . w.
north, range
2'j township 7
He names the following witnesses to provu his
eontiii'i-"Us resi-.lence upon, and cultivation of.
said land, viz:
William Kan-lsll,
John Cantwell
Frank Fii'.lei-t,
of darroJ'tun, W. T.
of I
of j " "
of I "
W. SPAKLINC, Kegister.
Isidore Pallert,
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timbe r Lands.
U.S. Land 0: ficf,i
Oregon City, Ohkcos,
May 21, IKS?. )
Notice is hereby given that Jeorge W. Mc
P.rid'Mtf Columbia County Oregon has ma-le aj
jilicatioii to jmrehase the north west of section
number 20 of township niiiiiU'r 4 north of range
number 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, un
der the j-rovisions i of the act of Congress, aj
proved June 3, 1S7S, entitled ' An act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the States of California.
Oregon, Nevada and in Washington Territory."'
All ad verse claims to said tract of land, or any
jiortion thereof, must be-fjl-sl in the United
States Lan-l Office, at Oregon City, Orc.gon, be
fore the exjiiration of sixty days from this date.
(.Jiven under my hand this 2") Jay of MavlSS3.
L, T. FtAKlN, Kegistui.
v3n 12may2." !
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
V. S. Land O: kick at Obhuox City, Obfiov.
i June 1 1SS3. f
Notice is J-crcby given that ('. If. Jleusstlorffer of
Portlm-1, Multnomah County Oregon has mule applica
tion to purchase the south east I of section number Hi
of township number 6 north of range number 3 west of
the Willamette Meridian, under tho provisions of the
act of Congress, approved June ', 1S7S, entitled " An act
for the sale of Timber Lands In the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada and in Washington Territory."
All i.dverso claims to said tract of lan-l, or any portio
thereof, lmwf be tiled in the Uniql States ltu-1 Oiliee,
at Oregon city, Oregon, befoie the expii-atiou Of sixty
days from this date. j
Given under niv liand this 1st. dav of June 1SS.1.
L T. BAKIN, Register.
v'liU'ljl ! m
U7. S. Land Office ork-jon City, oukuon.
June lfith, 1H--13.
ComjJaiut having been entered at this (. f
fiee by KaCel Weiuk' ag;tillst OLOF HOMUKIUi
for abandoning his H-unextca I JCntry No.
33."il, dated July 2Uth. 1S77, ujon the Lot I
& s. f.. s. v. Section 30, Townshiji G North, Kange
5 w. in Columbia County, OiU:;oN with a a iew
to the cancellation of said entry; the said jtar
ties are hereby summoned o ajvjtear before the
the County Clerk of Ooluiiibi.-v County, at St.
Helens, Oregon, on July 28th, 1SS3, at 19 oVl.tck
A. M. to resjtond and funiish testimony concern
ing said alleged abandonment
L. T. UAKlN, Kegister.
U. S. Lan-l Office, Vancouver, W. T.
' June Kith, 1SS3.
Cmtjilaint having been entered at this Orhce
by Dennis Shechan against otto krusk for aban
doning his lloisieste;vl Entry I;o, 40'lt dated
ocr. 21th, lsN2, ujion i tho s. e. of
Section 2S, Township 10 North, Kange. 1
Wset in Cowlitic County, Wash. Ter,, with a view
to the cancellation of said entry; the said jiarties
are hereby .summoned to appear at t his Oifics on
the xth day of August ISS.'?,; at 2 o'clock p. f,, to
respond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged aljandoimicnt. f
FKP.D. W. SPAK'LIXC; Kegister.
u3nl(j22 j
tfTrYVs" 7VJ?T&vZ'?&
him -itil.i II HI If II EUS lI J3 r U 1 i 1 I f f a.
Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons
And by confining ouryelveg strictly to on clap of work; by employing nonj nnl ; the - X3onf.
of VHK.MKV, using nothing hut FIRST-tM.ASS IMPROVED MACHINERY and tha Mil.
BEST of SELECTED TIM B Kit, aud by a TIIOBOU-Uil KNOWLEDGE of the business, ue Lav 1
Justly earned the rcjmtarion of ranking '
Mariiifactnrers have abolished the warranty, lint Agent may, on thhrovrn responsibility, glT
the following warranty with eacl wagon, if eo agreed:
We Hereby Warrant the FISII BROS. WAGON No to b well made In 'wry pjrtlj'
ularand of good material, and that the strength of the same is miffleleut for all werlc wttn fair
usa-'c. Should any breakage occur within one year frm this date by reason ot defective niiterlsl
or workmanship, repairs for the sa.newfil be fiirnujhed at place of sale4 free of charr", or tu
price of eaid repairs, as per agent'a prico list, will bo paid lu cash by tho purchaser protlucUjf a
earn nle of the broken or defective parts an evidence.
Knowing w can etilt you, we solicit patronage
Ia. It.. . J -l-.Fm. r,,f tnr n mnv of n-ll V.
Cures all diseases of tho Stomadh. Liver.
Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood.
HfUIinnfi testifv to its efEoacy in heal-
linjr the above
nounce n to du luu
Guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia.
laboratory 7 7 W. 3d St, Now York City. Druggists sell it
Chestnut Cirovc, )., Nov. 21SH0.
D ii nf yntc .Titivsov T have us.?d v-r-ir
Dysjiejia, with the sotu liem-Hcial results.
Will Run More E&6ity,
Cut Lo riser Crass,
Cut Mora Smoothly,
Less Liable to Obstruction,
Require Loss Repairs,
More Easily Adjustod,
And the Most Durable.
tvery inowsr wananiBu
nun Pimm rrouiaiTntl
Our Bprinp: and KuJnraer
Price-LiBt No. 33, has made
i its appearance improved
I and enlarged. Over 200
pages. Over y,UUU illus
trations. Contains mioU-
tions, descriptions and illustrations of
nearly all articles in general use, from
Adam and Kve to Sitting Bull and Mrs.
Langtry. It costs ua 25 cents for very
ropy we mail nearly $50,000 per annum.
It makes our hair red to think of it. "We
6hould have the cost of production. The
Look is, full of brains. Send for it, and
enclose 25 cents anything or nothing
Let us hear from you. Kespectfully,
Kit; JL tity Vbi AvtQEe, Chktc, LU.
n.eo-le are always on the
(M-kotit for chances to in-
crease their earnings, an-l in
time Income wealthy; t!iit-e
who l. not improve tlmir
ojijiortmiitii's remain in jioverty. Vv'e otter a
rreat chance to make niom-y. We want'many
meit, women, boys nii-l j,rirli t't work f-trnsivlit
in their own localities. Any one cjvsi do tlie
work proiwrly from the fir.-t start. The buim-ss
will pay mole than tt-n times c-J;nary wage's.
E.lien:i ve outfit fv.rnixheil tree. No one who en
Ka,'es fai!s to make money rapi'flj-. Voiican ile
vote vonr whole time to the work, or only your
stare'jm. Clients. Full information an-l all that
isneede.1 snt free. Address StinsuX Co.,
l'oi-tlan-l, Maine.
SToticD cf Application to Purchase
Tin"b3r Lands.
Land Oi rica at Van ovvfr W. T.
May J'".th, ISS.'!.
Notice is hereby ;i veil that mcomjtliance v.ith
the provNions of "tlie Act of Confess avj .rove. I
June 3, 1S7.S entitled " An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, (o e
tfon, Nevada, an-l in Washinytc n Territory,
Frank Smith, of Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter.
has this day tib-d in this orHee his api-ia a-
fiim tn i!iiri:li.Lse the north east i oi S'-cai-
township II north, of rane
4 west, of the Wiil-
amette Meri-uan.
Testiiin-nv in the al-ne cas? witl he taken o
f.tre the .Tu-le of the Probate Court, at Kalama,
W. T. on Monday, August C-th. ISS.b
Any an-l all persons bavin;' al. ersn claims to
the above described lands, .n aiiy poiti.m there
of, are huivbv required to lile their claims in
this oliice within sixtv(ljO) day from date hereof.
Notice of Aiilioatiourto Purcliasc
Timber Land.
u. s.
LaNd Omci; ATOuc-iON- Citt, Op.kcon.
June 1st. lSS.'h
Notice is hereby pven that John Clark
of Multnomah County. Oregon has made appli
cation to linrehase tli north I of section
'MT.ii. K.3w. of Wiilamctti M"ii ii.m under
the jirovisions of the Act of Congres i appro vec I
June 3, 1S.S entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands, in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Tenitory.'
All ad verse claims to sai-1 tract, or any port ion
thereof, must be tiled in the I'. S. liand Orfic,
at Oregon City, Oregon, before the ex iiiratioii if
sixtv ilaysifromthis tlate.
t' ivtn under my hand this lt. day 'of June,
L. T. liAKIN, Kegister.
Notice of Aitlicatiox to
Timber Land.
V. S. t.isp Ofi rcs, cliiKoo: C'itv, On Olios', Apr;l 57. l-i."!.
Entice is hereby nivcnthat Dran iiijiiirliar.l of Colum
bia County, Oregon, iiwllo a)ipliMtu.!i to pur. h.oH)
the S. F. j- of N. K. J. N. J of S. K. I &. S. K of H. K. 1
of See. '2-) T. 7 X. It- i W. Will. Mer. tiiulur tlic provis
ioim of the Aet of Cii'.;rcws r.ii;irnvi: l June .'(, lS.'.S, n
tilhl"Aii Aet for the oalu if Tiinltcr I.nn.N In tbe
States of California, tix'i;oti, NevaUa.aii-l in Wa-thinKtoii
Tcrritorv. , , ,
All adverse elaims to sai.l tract -f unci must he filo.I
in the 1. S. Iin-I otHre fit Oregon "iy. Oregon, before
the expiration of sity las from thisdafe.
Uiven under niv liand this 2th. day of April 1-iX
L. T. BAKIN, Kegister.
v.-ntlT .
Notice of Application to Pcuchase
Timber Laxd.
C S.Jr.ASD Onirr. at Oreoox Citt, Cirf.-iox.
June 1. lsvl.
Noi teo U hereby irivcn that Krederiek W. frehn of
MnUiio-nah County Or.-.-ou has made application to pur
chase the south we;t of section number 3t of town
shin luimber (3 north of ranifc iminber 3 west of the
Willamette Meridian, under the proviioiin of the aet of
Coiiifreas. approved .lune IsTs, entitled "An a--t f-ir
tlie .sale of. Timber Lainl-i In the States of California, Or
eyroii, Xcvada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tr;ict of laud, or any portion
thfieof, nmi-t tic tiled in the Catted folates Itii J OtMe.-,
at Dragon City, Oregon, before tho- txjtiratiou of vixty
tlavs tnmi tUinlate.
tiiven uuJur tnv hand iWil 1st. iKv of .lune lS-sS.
1 T. iUlUN, Register.
from every ?ctwin of the umtea Btatca.
ItACIVIi AciuiciTirtntisT. to
F1M1 11HOS. ii CO., Itmclne. U lfc
named diseases, and pro-
iNDfAN'TJr.oon Svitui for Liver omiJainc a;H,
lr. i all it is claimed to be.
W W.
Lawn rVlowers
Arcthe DEST.
V "
t.' -
Wo conthmo
ratonts. cavcidj.
trade-mark, copyrightn. et.'. lor
tho United States, and to ob' pit
cnt ia Canada, Knglai-d, I',
German v, and all other conutiien.
Tltirtv-slx rears' uracUvo. No
chargo for examination of niodtla cr draw
inR. Advico ly mail fre-o.
raint obtained throupli n aro noticed in
tho lirprcst circulation, nnd is the- mobt inilu
cntial novgpaper of itd kind published ia tbo
world. Tho adTantngcsof euchanotico eTcry
patontoo understand.
This large and pplcndidly illtiRtrate-1 neto- ,
paporiapublishecj U'EEKLV at J3.2U a year,
and is aumittod to bo tho bout paper devoted
to 6cionce,racchanir,inreutioiu,oni;inecrii:r
works, and other tk-pcrtnusnta t-f imiiistril
proross, published in any country, tiinyla
copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news
dealers. .
Addrces, I.Innn A Co., publishers of Hcicu
tiflo American. 2G1 Inroad way, Ner York.
Handbook about patents mailed froo.
desire vfTTitorT cnAKc.r, tho new (Ir-nght rUt
in; potato The Si.imii the Ciant Whkat,
r.i.AC K-iiK.i;iKH Ckntkxfiau for Sprint,' n(
Fall sowing the KrnAi. (ahun Tkkav.i km
seed ofthi'rcttt white grape NlAciARA,
scril f-ir th'j
the ffivr.t Amet ican j-;irnal for the farm, j-rd.
anl home it Is original from leginnin; to im
oOi) oi ipinal ilbihtratioiiH yearly the best-wri
ters in the I. Sen I for free specimen coy
31 PARK ROW, N. Y.
All suiTercrs from this lUea that are flntionf
t. be cured should try" DKT KISSNKK'S CKT.
These l'owders are tae only preparation knoan
that will cunt Consumption ami alf diseases of
thaTllllOAT and LUXCS indeed, so strong
is our faith in thein, an I also to convince yo
that they are n humbug, we will forward to v.
cry sutfeivr, by mail, post paid, a Fkkk Tl'IAt
We don't want your money until you are pr
fectly satisfied of their curative jsivvtrs. If your
life is worth saving, don't delay in giving thn
l'OWDKKS a trial, as thev Will purely cure you.
Price, for larxe 1hx. ?3.00, or 4 IJoxes for Z 10:
CO. Sent to any part of the United States or
Cauaila. bym-Jl, on receipt of pri;c.
ASH & H0B2I2T5, -
3S0 F-altoa St., Eroold'
v3nlC.ii-' I
Fits, Upilegsyj
one Month's usaire of DR. C0ULAF.IS Celebratad
l-.t ii;w'.3rs '
To c iivi.i v sulFeicrs that thesa Powjcin will 1
all we claim f u' them w-i wyisen-i thrm by luail,
Post paid, a Free Trial Box.
As Dr. O-iupird is tho iml.v 1'hyt.iciJn that 4. as
ever ma-le tliis disease a Mpnfial nludy, and as to
our know led-o thousands have l.-ei-ri I'KKMA.Nr.HT.
kv cured by the use of theo 1'cjwpKns, we will
c;t Aiw.s'Ti- i' a riiKMAS ent cl ue in t very c io
or refund you nil money expanded.
All HufFci-em should i ve tfiee Powders an s,r.
!v trial, and lie convinced of their curative powers.
Pric, turlare Kox, &.Q1, or 4 Koxes for Jit).
Oi. Sent to any part of the United States or
Cat nda, on reeciit of price, or by exPrfcasC.0. 1).
A UU c- s
CO .Fulton St., Brooklyn, 2T. I.
No Patents, Hp Pay.
ObUhm I for "Mechani
Device, C-w-
pound, Designs and Labeli. AU pVeliniinary
examinations as ti urttentahilitv of f n vnt ;,...
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