The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, June 22, 1883, Image 2

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St. Helen, Columbia Co., Or.
FBIDAY, 5 22, 1333."
1 year, in advance .1
month . i
Simmthi "
One square (10 line) first insertion.. .
Kadi subsequent insertion 77 . .
S2 (0
1 00
$2 oo
1 CO
K. CI. ADAMS, Kditor, & Proprietor.
Friday evening last tlie. mill pjaro
three successive whistles. "We thought it
was an alarm of fire, or .some dreadful
accident. Mrs. Adams and the children
-were so excited they would not remain
at home. We went around the blutfs,
and while Mrs. AtLlnu and the children
remained at the church we went doMrn
the hill to Blakesley's hotel. There we
found the victim of a dreadful accident.
A man liy the name of O'Brien had 'had
his brain laid bare hf a piece of basaltic
rock. About a mile from St. Helen
eight pot holes on the railroad went off
iit once. O'Brien stood close to the
trunk of a tree, but a piece of the rock
btruck a limb, and then fell on his head
He was perfectly unconscious after the
accident The mill-whistlo was blown' j like schools girls and the rest getting all
to bring Frank Jones back with his boat, j tangled up with each other in endeavor
but he did not hear, at least did not j ing to keep from trampling on the boxes
coriie back. It was midnight before a j oil cloth or matting on the iloor. 4 Come
boat was obtained to convey Inn: to the
Hospital in Portland, and ere that he
linamtl TVrt f I - rl nmd 0T1 fliol lift 1
had passed to another world wlirre the'
don't build railroads.
Mrs. Glendye says the statement
in ado in the mist respecting her (if he
ineaus her; he is sharp enough to call no
names) is false. She said to .us in Mc
Bride's store before many witnesses
that -she told Glendye every word in the
Columbian was true respecting the chok
ing affair only it was not colored up to
the leality A man that would beat his
wife would not hesitate to lie about it.
A iwife-beater is mean enough for any
Ileceivod a call on Tuesday from Mr.
Itoussel and son. He has fixed up our
other clocks in grand shape. He is a
line workman and reasonable in his
charges. Our clock we had for school
purposes, he put a new face on it, man-
cfactniecTjiew hands, put in"newglass,
and made it really beautiful. Young
Rousel colored photographs of oarself,
Mrs. Adams and the fumilygroupc in a
very 'lifelike and artistic manner.
Miss Stevens, half owner of the Ste
vens Place on the Lower Scr ppoose has
been over from James Copelaud's where
she resides to visit. We saw her in
town with Miss Lizzie Slavens who is
as pretty as a pink. Miss Stevens and
a brother were left orphans at an early
age. Tlveir father was formerly County
J udge. They hold their place as worth
j $6000. It has on it much timber und
'is handy to Water.
Mrs. A.J. Duniway has be;u lectur
ing two nights at St Helen with marked
auccess.JSbe drew crowded houses and
kept them interested She lias a very
entertaining way, and understaud"hu
ruan nature. She came out and spent
a night at our house,and seemed to en
joy the the scen.-ry very much. She
has a large poetic side to her constitu
tion. S. A. Miles came very near losing his
splendid horse, George, the other day.
' The piece lliat upheld the boards of the
floor in his stall slipped oil' of the sleeper
and oneof the boards Hew up, and
placed him in a most dangerous position;
it was only bythe use of the utmost
dexterity and good judgement he was
recovered from his perilous position.
The Band of Hope and frier.ds on the
Lower Scappoose return thanks to Mrs.
King, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs.
Oox and Mrs. George for helping last
week to organize a band of hope, and
put it in running order. Mrs. Moore
made it a valuable present.
Saturday evening last ourself and fam
ily went to Portland on the WUe West
and came down on the mail steamer
Tuesday J morning. We had tiro pleas
ure of hearing Miss Willard, the gifted
orator. It was a rare treat, aud long to
be remembered.
A copy of KeivlcUC Illustrated
Monthly Magazine at hand published
at 226 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.
Price $1.00 per year. Its wood cuts are
the finest wc ever saw, and.quito equal
to steel engravings.
When a railroad boss wants to buck
a Chinaman so as to have a holiday he
croton oils their tea, or drives them off
to camp with a roll of giant powder.
Nothing pain a Chinaman so much
as losing his tim.
Murray who is Accused f helping to
rob a peddler hu., l:en lound over to a
wait the action of the Grand Jury.
Most people think him a smart rascal
hnt r.ot smart enough to et awav.
, - -
E-Money to Jo.-wi on real fcstato
security by F. A Moore Kaq., St Helen,
A Small family,
One day there came into old Mr. Gal
lagher's hat store a man who asked to
look at a cap. Jlo was shown a number
of caps, and selected one that suited. He
stated that he 'would take four of them.
The hatter was somewhat astonished' to
hear the man ask for four caps at once,
especially as ho said lie wanted them all
the same size. " Have you four sons of
one size V asks Mr. Gallagher. I " Yes,
sir, I have and 1G others besides," an
swered the man. "When; are: they ?'
inquired the hatter who stood all torn
by curiosity at the strange statement.
41 They're down here by the market."
was the reply, Bring them here," said
the hatter, 44 and I'll make them all a
present of a cap each. The man went
out and shortly returning charged into
the store a drove of boys that looked
something like the famous staircase
band you might see in the theatre if you
ever visittd such a place. 44 Hyar they
be. Mistr, there be my boys, they be."
44 Well, well, well, I never ! doesn't that
beat all !" ejaculated the old hatter, as
he gazed in wonder at the groupe of
young fellows who stood there! in all
sorts of awkward attitudes, some staring
ja au abfli;nfc sort of way, others gigglin
m boys, como in, and make yourselves
AX 1 .
at home," shouted Mr. Gallagher as
the string blocked up the doorway, and
he was soon busy fitting their pates with
caps. j
This 'ere's Thomas Dittimus," said the
happy father, dragging forth the eldest
of the gang. 44 He's the irst bom and
a mighty good boy he is, too, he's about
thirty-five years old." He was speedily
suited with a cap and told to stand aside.
44 This hyar one," said the old stock
raiser 44 is the next oldes, his name in
Christopher Holmes," and the father
grabbed another of the drove as though
he were a big slicep. 44 Ef you'll notice
stranger, you'll see that the first boy has
got black eye? like mine, and, this
har blue eyes like his mother.". It was
but the work of a second to slap a cap
on the blonde head, and he was pushed
over by the side of his ojderj brother,
with the injunction not to get mixed up
with the others, till every fellow had got
a new cap. 44 Step out here, Peter Dia
lander," commanded the owner of the
bunch of boys. At this a third young
man ambled out in front of the de
lighted hatter, who enjoyed the expe
rience leyond description. 44 Hyar's an
other black-eyed boy," remarked thf?
boy builder. 44 You see every other one
is a blue-eyed and the rest is black-eyed
so far, and this heljia to keep the run of
them if you understand the system, but
you come to go through the whole striiig
you'd get mixed after the first time as
I'll explain to you further along.
Now this one is Calender Jones," and
making a dash in among the mob the
daddy brought out a fourth son and al
most held him up by the back of the
neck. A cap was passed down over his
head, and he was assigned a position a
mong the senior's. Number five was
flashed out of the regiment and intro
duced as Easy Tey. He got his cap and
went to join the others that we re already
fitted out. Then came Osy Neeshy, fol
lowed next by George Wampum, then
oame Shawuo Cato
44 1 kind o' sort of try to keep 'em di
vided into lots of five you see, by giving
them names of a different nature, yet
something alike; for instance, Injun's
names all come together, but about hyar
I always get mixed when I try to pick
the lads out according to their eyes,
'cause, you see, the eyes begin to change
along about the tenth bo by that comes,
commencing with the first, who, as you
saw had black eyes, the change of color
keeps on black, then blue till it gets
down to the tenth or eleventh, when
there is a change right round ; the other
way, for instance, the tenth being blue
the eleventh ought to be black but one
is bluancl one is black, then the others
start out just opposite to the ;way they
first began this is, you will notice, how
f-trange that let mo see," mused the
father, trying to single out the proper
one. ' Yes, the twelfth who should have
had blue eyes if the change of color had
taken place, is black then the next is
blue, the next Ua-ck, and so on tolthe end.
On account of this change the first and
last are black, whereas, if the alteration
had I een kept up as it started they
would have been opposite in 'color, in
the same way the next to the first and
next to the last are both blue, and so on."
The introduction kept on,' and the
boys were fitted with a cap each, free of
cost, by the good natured hatter. The
father stated that there were no twins
in the party, and that they were the off
spring of one wife. There was about a
year's difference in their respective aegs,
the youngest being about twelve. Rel
ative to keeping the run of the family
the old man stated that his : wife, the
mother of the boys knew them better
than he did a great deal, that i.s, she
could .call oil their names and ages with
out having to stop to think., like ho did
at times. ?
41 What do you propose to do with
your boysT inquired that hatter. "Make
farmers of 'em. We're just traveling
through here now on our way to settle
some whar, but wo don't exactly know
whar." 44 Hid you ever hvvo any girls 1"
44 Nary a gal, stranger, all boys, we've
never had any death in our family."
s Naomi.
Notick of Application to Plkchase
Timber Lands.
June 22 1SS3.
Notice is Itcrehy given that Jolin P. LaiM of Portland,
Multnoniiih County Oregon has niailc application tojmr"
chawe the south west quarter of suction immlHr -JO of
cow.Hhip fiumlier 4 north of range nuuilier 2 west of the
willamkttk MKKiDi.lic, tunlcr the provision of the act of
CohgrcsH, approve! June a, 1878. entitlel " An a-t for
the sale of Timber l.uitls in the States of California, Or
egon, Nevada, and in Washington tkkkitoi;v.
All ailverse claims to said tract of hind, or any pnrtion
thereof, must be tiled in the, United States Land Ortice,
at Oregon City, Oregon, lief ore the expiration of sixty
d;s from thw date.
Civeii under my hand thi.s 22'L day of June Eighteen
hundred and Eighty-three.
U T. UAU1N, Re-istcr.
Notice of Arr-Lic.vnoN to Purchase
Timber Lands.
June 2'2 188,'$.
Notice is herc.hy fjiven that WILLIAM II. l'oi'K of Orf
j;on City, Clackamas County Oregon has made applica
tion to purchase the north east quarter of section num
ber 2 of township iiuiiiIht 2 north of ranuo m:nl;r
west of the WN.LAMKTTE .mkriiiiax. under the provisions
of the u.-t of Conres-s, approved June 3, 1878. entitled
" An net for the sale of Timber Iml in the States of
California, Oregon, Ne-vada, and in Washington territo
tv. All ailverse claims to aid tract of land, or any portion
thereof, must K- tiled in the I'nit.xl States Lund Office
nt Oregon 'ity, Oregon, !cfore the expire the expiration
uf Kixty days from tltis date.
Cftvcn luider my hand this 22.1 day of Juno Eighteen
hundred and eighty-three '
. T. B All IN, Kegistcr.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timuek Lands.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
.IuiM 13th. 1883.
Notice is hereby riven that in compliance with the
pros isious of the Act of Congress approved June a, 1878.
entitled " An act ler the Mile ol 1 imlier Lands in the
States) ef California. Oregon, Nevada, and in wasiisnotoN
TKKKITOKY,"' John 1. Hartley, ot Lewis County, wash.
TKIs. has this day tiled in this otlice his application to
purchase the N. 4 ot N. E. quarter, the 8. w. quarter of
S, K. quarter and s. K quarter of N. quarter, of Sen
tioil 18. Tp. 10 N. Of li. 2 W. Of tbeWII.LAMETTK.MKKIIIAN
Testimony in the alxve ruse will be taken lefore
the Register and Receiver, at Vancouver, wash. tkii. oil
Tuesday, the Twenty-eighth day ot August, Eighteen
hundred and eighty-three.
Any und hll (k-isoiis having ailverse claims to the a
loe "described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby
required to file their claims in this ollieo within sixty (60)
Uav from date hereof.
FKKU. W. SrAlILTXU, llryistcr.
Tt"n I0i2
Ir. N. L Grey's health is improving.
Mrs. J. V. Dodson is visiting in Port
land. It is said Angora goats will whip ofl'
Enoch Shintaflcr has some fine cham
pagne cider.
Judge Moore has received another big
supply of law books.
Everett Grey i.s said to be the best
scholar in the Public JSchool.
The country all around the new city
of Lcnorc is bonded by speculators
Mrs. Amos Slavens was in town
Thursday, and looks much younger than
We will pubUsh next week the pro
gramme of the 1th. of July celebration
at Toledo.
Mr. Simpson is painting the lower
part of lilakesley's hotel in plum and
pea-green colors.
Enoch JShintaU'er has bonded the back
half of the St. Helen claim to Eugene
White for ij?13.00 per acre.
Mws Jionser and James Dart's little
daughter have been on a visit to St.
Helen, also Minnie Watts.
Mr. Fabre has moved up to Mr. Mus
grove's to attend a milk ranch. A Mr.
McPcak has moved . into :he Durell
H. A. Miles says this county is all a
live with people and teams. They are
camped in every direction wherever wa
ter is handy.
Received calls from Francis and S. A.
Miles, also from Nellie and Calista
Moore, Lena and Walter Ulakesley, and
Everett Grey.
Mrs. Bony and Mrs. C. S. Emerson
have been down to visit Mr. Timony
near ltainier. They were dressed in
elegant taste.
Mr. J. 11. Watts has sonic finely en
larged photographs of himself and wife,
so has Mr. S. F. Shattuck of himself and
his first and .second wives.
Miss Dora Oupoland is teaching
a private school in her father's mansion
on She devotes an hour or
two of each day to the youngsters.
Mr. James Muck'o Sr., Mrs. Moore
and Mrs. Stewart in company with Mr3.
King, St Helen's guest, attended tho
Grand Lodge of I. O. G. T. at Astoria.
Minnesota Valley, back of Enterprise
Landing, is just swarming with new set
tlers. The houses of preemptors and
homesteaders are going up on every
Mr. S. A, Miles will soon visit Pen
dleton to look after a valuable piece of
property he intends to purchase. He
has bought some fine timber land on the
The Lucca Mason will have an ex
cursion to Oregon City, June 24th.
Will leave La Centre at .r:."0 A. M., and
St. Helen at 7 A. M., will touch at Sho-
bert's also. Fare for round trip 73 cts.
Just received thin week.
Pacific Mills Dress Goods, Can
ton Ginghams, Lace and Em
broideries, al-so a full assortment of
Graaito Iron "Waro, Tin "Ware,
Scythes, Hayforks, Brushhooks,
Ladies Slippers and Sandals now
styles Ladies', Misses', and Childrens
Shoe3 fr sahi at the lowest market
prices for Cash at
HcBrids's Store
Land Ofkh k ir Vam orvEn,' V. T. )
May Slst: 1SS3. j
Notice is hereby jriventhat in compliance with the
provision of the Act of Congress approved June SI.
Ki'hteen hund'ed suul seventy eiifht, entitled " An act
for the srIo of Timlicr LanJs in the SUtcs of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and in w,tsms;ro.s TKHBiTORV'Thoiuasi
M. Stark, of Multnomah County, Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his apiication to purchase th north
w. quarter of siection 'M, township 10 north, of raicc 'J
Tcstimoiiv iii the above ease will le tuVen licfore the
Ke'iMter and Jteceivcr, at Vancouver wakii. tbr. on
Thursday, the a:kl. day uf AfOLST Kihteeli hundred
eihty-tii ree.
Any and all jcrsons li:niii:i adverse cVuins to the
alive descriiiwtl lands, or sny jMirtion thereof, are here
by riripiired to lilc their claims in this ol!ice within six
ty (! )) dys from date liereof,
FKKI), V. Hl'AliLlXlJ, llc;;idUT.
V. S. La.nb OFticK at Ouuoos Citv,
Jiino 15 I8S.
Xif :cc is hereby riven that Alden R. tJraham of I'ort
land, Multnomah County Oregon has made Application
to purchase the X. E. quarter of sect ion number in of
township number 0 north of ranc immljer 3 west of the
wii.lam kttk .VKUiiuAN, under the provisions oi" tho act of
Congress, aproved June 3, l."7n, entitled " An ct for
the nale of Timlicr IjiihIh in the Stiites of ( 'aliforuia, Ore
yon, Nevada, and in Washington ikkkitoRY.
All ailverse claims to Raid tract of lnnd, or any portion
thereof, must lie tiled in tlie I'nitcd States luid Otlice,
at Oregon City, Oregon, befora the expiration of sixty
days from this duto.
Given under my hand this 1.1th. dav of June 18H3.
L. T. BAH IN, lSegistcr.
V. 9. Land Office at orkoos Citv, Orkhov.
June 15 l.s;.
Notice ;s licreby triven that Albert 1 Nelson of l'ort
land, Mulfiomah lounty Oreifon h;is miu'.e application
to purchase the N. w. quarter of section number li of
township number 6 north of ratine nimilier ' west of tho
wiixaxkitk mkkiiuax, under the jirovisions of the act of
ConfrrcKS, approved June 3, 1S7S, entilel " An act for
the sale of Timber 1-ands in the Suites of talifoi iiia, Ore
fcou. Nevada, and in Washington ikrhitorv.
All adverse claims to tsaid tract ol land, or any portion
thereof, must bo tibsl in the I'nitcd States Imd Olticee,
at Oregon, lieforc the expiration of oixty days from this
Given under niv hand this l'.th. dav of June 183.
L. T. I tAlt IN, lleijister.
U. S. I-asd Officb at Or.EOON City, orkoon.
June l;"th. ISs:!.
Notice is hereby given that wilmam si. irawKs of Port
land, .Multnomah" County Oregon hiis iikkIc application
to purchase the v. e. quarter of section nuiiiber '1 of town
ship number 6 ni.rth of rans;e number 3 w. of the
t.AMKTTE mkciman, under the provisions of the act of
Conjfresa, approved June S, ISiS, entitled " An oet for
the sale of Timber Kinds in the States of California, Orc, Neviula, atnl in Washington tkkkitokv.
All :uiver.e claims to said tract. of land, or any rtion
thereof, must be tiled in the I'nitcd States band ortice,
at Oregon City, Oregon, before the expiration of sixty
days ti'im this date.
t.iven under my hand this 1.1th d.iv of June 1S.'J.
K T. UAitlN, KeUter.
V. Land Opkk-e at Orf.oon Citv, CKr.aov.
.1 t'NK l.", IsVS.
Notice i hereby triven that Henry Kptin of rortiand,
Multiiwinali County, Onou lias imidc applicsition to
purchase the s. w. quarter of section iuin!-r:M of town
ship nunilier 7 north of ran-jre number si w. ot the Wil
lamette Meridian, under the provisions of the act of
Congress, ajyjiroved June S, lTf, entitled " An wt for
the suit; rf "i'imU-r Iin.l.. in the State of Calfornia, Ore
got', Nevada and in wa.iin!Tos tkrritorv.
All ailverse claims to said tract of land or any irrtion
thereof, mint be tiled ill the Cuited s baud Olliw,
r.t reroii t "it y. Oregon, lcfore the evpiratm of sixty
day fro.u this date.
IJiven under mv hand tlii dr of June 1S.
U T. IIAK1N, Kigister.
Land Officb at Vancoi'vkr, T.
' May :lst. 18S3. f
Notice ,5k hereby civon that in cniipltunce with
the pnt ii'-tis ot the? Act of dnr-.4 upproved
.lime .'5, lS7iS, entitif.l " An Act for the sale of
TiniU-r L;it:.4 in th St..i!..R .:f Catif.r;ii i. Ore-.
pon, Xev;u!;i, ail in Wash ittpton TorriSory,"
John 1. Withmw id MiiUii.inah County Ore
gon, h:vs this i!ay fil.- t in this ortice his applica
tion to pnrch:e the v. . of Section 21, Town
hliip 10 North, of l!aiyi3 West of the Willam
ette? Meridian.
Testimony in the n"ovc c.ts? will ho taken he
forcthe Krister and Receiver, at VatiComtT,
W. T. on Wedti.-s.l iy, August Ll'd. 1S.SI.
Any and all lr iviiiL' :wlversc cht'ms to
the alnwe i!esci'iis land, "r any portion thereof,
art hereby repiirel t.i lilc their claims in thu
otlice within xixtv(l'o) davs fiom date hereof.
For Publication,
Land Office at VAxeorvrcH, W. T.
June 7th. 1SS3.
Notice is hereby ;;iiv that the folI.wing
nam il settler h;vs tiled notice ff his iutention t
make final proof in sipirtof his claim, and
that s;tid proof will be nuidc before the .Judgeuf
tlie J'robate Court at Kalauia, W. T , on Satur
day, July, 1 1 :, Addis..ii I'otter.
llotnestcivl Appliciiti-uis No. -10P.I, f.u-ihe north
cast I of See. 8 Tj. I'.ight N. i!. 1 w.
Jle name the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence, upon, and cultivation of,
said land, vin:
Oeorge II. Heather, of Oak lWt, W. T.
bibert Westwick, of
1'rank Slaughter, of
Jamea Coleman. of ' "
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
ISSotice for Publication
Lavd Office at
Orkon City, Oiiusos.
June.S, 1SS3. j
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
Pettier has rii.F.n notice f his intention to make
final PKOOH in support of his claim, and that said
jniH.f will be mjule before the County Clerk of
Columbia County at St. Helens, Mregon, on
MondayJtily ltflN:", viz: Andrew AiiletKon,
Homestead Ivatrv No.oOMK for tho K. N. E. i
of Sec. T. 7 N. K. " w.
He names the following witnesses to prove hi.s
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
John (J undersoil, Erich .Tepsn & Ole Ander
son of Kiverside, Y N. C. Dale of St. Helens, all
of Columbia County, regOn.
L. T. JiAKIN, Register.
Notice for Publication.
T.ant Okkhb at okeoox City, (KiXi June S, lJvs:5.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of hi claim, and
that said proof will be inade before the County
Clerk of Columbia County at St. Helens, Ore
gon, on Monday July lti 1S83, viz. John (iiin
derson, Homestead Kntry No. y(Xi." for the K. .J of
h. E. 4 and additional Iloinesteiul Kntry 42"J" for
w. ." of s. e. i of Sec. 32, T. 7 N. 11. 5 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said laud viz:
Anukkw ANPEitsoN and ekich jepson of liiv
crsicle, and N. C. Dai.K of St. Helens, all of Co
lumbia County, Oregon.
L. T. 15A1MN, riegiter.
Notice of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land.
U. H. Lash Office, Okki.ox City, Oheoon,
June Stli. ISS."
Notice is hereby given that Thomas K. Uieli
ct of l'ortland, lultnomah C. Ugn. lias made
application to purchase the s. K. 1 of Sec. II
T. t x. K. 3 w. WilL Mer., under tlte provis
ion of t'n; Act of Congress dune;?,
1S78, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber
LafrU iu the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada. and in Washington Territory."
All advei'so claims to said tract must be filed
in the U. S. Laud Oilice at Oregon City, Ore
gon before tho expiration of hi.vty days from thio
Civen under my hand thin Slh. day of
June 1S33.
L. T. BAK1N, Register.
A Remarkable t'ireiimstnnce.
In 1875 a very peculiar mnn in kid gnVt arrived
at C'olninliia Citv. Kvery onejirotioiinceil liiia an oddi
ty. Owing to tlie great amount of brush, he leciinie
lost in thu heart of the city. Nothing has been heard
from him until ot htto, 'hen he cut his way out, dressed
rather shahhily, his clothes hadly torn, ard his panta
loons in his boots. After following up in his trail will
be fon n 1 1
which he lias lately established where can lie found as
choice a selection of family groceries, dry-goods,
hardware, and Yankee Notions, s can Ikj found, at
prices that for cheapness astonish all. Order respect
fully solicited. I
C- H- Hodges i
Columbia City, Oregon.
Xotiee of Aii1'"MWI1 to 1'nreliase
Timber Land. j
Jl'NK hTII. iHi.
Notice is hereby given that Andrew .1. Pygertof Port
land, .Multnomah" County Oregon has runde itpplieation
to purchase the south west J of section nuuibcr IS of
township number north of range u umber :t west of the
WILI.AMKTTE Meridian, under tho provision! of the act of
Congress, approved June 3, 178. entitleil " An act for
tho sale of Timlier 1 antls in the stiites of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington tkiuutokv. i
All ailverse claims to said tract of land, or any poi-tion
thereof, must be filed in the I'nitcd States" Land office,
at Oregon City, Oregon, before the expiration of bixty
days from this date. i
Given under mv hand this Sth. dav of June 1883.
L. T. UAH1NJ Itegister.
yyu44j j
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land. i
Jl'NK Sth. lsyar
Notice is hereby gievu that Francis: 1. I'ine
gan of l'ortland, Multuotnah County Oregon has
male applcation to purchase the north west of
section number 2- of township number .(J north of
range number 3 west of the V illan.etteiMeridian,
under the provisions ot the act of i Congress,
approved June .", 1S7S, entitleil "An net for the
sale of Timber Lauds iu the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to iid tract of land, or any
portion thereof, must be filed in the United
States Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the expiration f sixty days from this date.
Civen under my hand th'is 8th. day of June
18S3. i
L. T. BAR IN, Jlegister.
u3n44jata 1
JlNg 8th, 1341.
Notic is hereby given that Napoleon Horn
stein of l'ortland, Multnomah County, Oregon
has made application to purchase tho north east
.'of section number C( of townchip number 0
north of range number 3 wett of the Willamette
Meridian, under the provisions of the act of
Timber Lands in I he States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and in Washington Territory."
All ad vers claims to said tract of land, or any
portion thereof, muft be filed in the United
States Land Office it Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the expiration of sixty days front this date.
divc-ii under my hand this Eighth day of June
Eighteen hundred and Eighty-three. i
L. T. LA KIN, Register.
u"n 1 1 .jU . !
Land Offici: at VancocvkiI, V. T.
May 131st 1nS3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of Congress apppvid J una
3, 1S7N, " An Act for the of Timber Lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
ami in Washington Territory.' Edgar Myers,
of Multnomah County, reu'"it, has this day filed
in this oFFii t: his application ti purchase the
North East .' of Sectiou '2, Township 10 North,
of Kan-go o w. of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony i;i the case will b-j taketf before tho
Hegister and lceivcr, at Vanc-mVer, Wash.
Ter. on Thursday, the L'.'id. diiy of ApJl'sT. 1S3.
Any and all peron: having adverse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion there
of, are hereby repjired to ide theii; clainn iu
this Oi KiCK viithin sixtj-(t0) da va from date h6re-
.f. !
Lanu Office at Vaxcouvru W. T.
May .list. 1S83.
Notice U hereby given 4 hat in ici'mpliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congre.Mj ap
proved .Time 3, 1S7S entitled "Aniact for the
sale of Timber Lands in the States of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and iu Washington Ter
ritory," Herman Lomeistcr, of Multnomah Co.
Oregon, has this day filed in thii oihee his
ai'plication to purchase the s. k. ( of Seel inn
2d, Township 10 North, of liangc 3 Vest, of the
Wi lair.ette Meridian. j
Testimony in the above case will be taken
before the Itegister and Kectivcr at J Vancouver,
Wash. Ter. on Thursday, the 23d. day ot August
18S3. i
Any ami all person having adverse claims t
the above described lands, or any portion there
of, are hereby re.piireil to file their claim in
'this otlice within sixty (00) days from date here
of. I
EKED. W. SPAKLINO, Register.
V. S. Land Okkicb at Orewx (!"itv. Ojif.cov.
.lime l;.th. 1S13.
Notice is lierehy given that Alfred l!urr oC l'ortland,
Multnomah Toim'ty Orwion made application to pur
chase the . w. jofsc.-tiou iiuiiiIht l? of township mnn
ler $ x. of raiiKc iinmher :Jvest of tlie im,amktte Merid
ian, un lertiu; pro isins of theaet of 'on-Tess, approved
.Mine ;:, 1S7.-:, entitled ' An ;u:t for the ile of l iiniier
l.inds in the Stntcs of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
in wasiiixotux Territory.'' t
All adverse elains to sai-1 tra-t of land, or any jiortioii
thereof, must he filed i-.i the the t'nited JStites liind Of
fice, at Oregon City, Oregon, Itefore tlie cxpinuiuii of six
ty days from this date. I
Given under mv hand this loth, dav of jnne
L. T. 15AU1X, Itegister.
unm45 jl 5 m !
Land Offick at Vancouvkr, W. T.
May 31st. 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that in complance with
the provisions of the Act of Connrt.tts approved
June 3, 1S7S, entitled " An act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
iron, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Oeorge H. l'.rown of Multnomah County, Ore
gon, h:us tliis? day filed iu this otlicei his applica
tion to purchase the X. v. i of Section 21, '1 own
ship 10 s. of llange 3 W. of the Willamette Me
ridian. ;
Testimony in the aWvc case will be taken be
fore the Itegister and Receiver, at Vancouver,
Wash. Ter. on Wednesday, aui;vst the 22d.
1SS3. j
Any and all poisons having adverse claims to
the aliovc described lands, r any iKirtion there
of are hereby required to file their claims in this
office within sixty (liQ) dav from date hereof.
E11EO. W. SPAl'LINCc, Itegister.
u3n b"ij 1 t I
Land Office at Vancouver, W . T. I,
May 3 1st. 1SS3. (
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision-", of the Act of Congress ap
proved June 3, 1S7S, entitled " An Act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the State of
California, Oregon, Nevada, ami in Washington
Territory," Winfield S. Lafore of Multnomah Co.
Ogn. has this dav hied in this office hisapplica
tion to purchase the Sout h West of Section 2C,
Township 10 North of ltange3 West of the Will
amette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will !e taken be
fore the Itegister and Keeeiver at A'ancouver.
AV. T. .n Wclnesday, the 22d. day At';rsT l.sfi.,.
Any and all person having adverse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion there
of, are hereby required to filk their claim in
thi office within ixty(H) days from date here
f EKED. W. SPARLING. Register.
u3nl"jl5 j
new and elegant Steamboat
Lucea 'Mason
Leaven Portland, foot ef AUerSt. for La Center, Tucn
dav, Thurs-iay ami Saturday at 9 a. m., touching at St.
Helen, UiUc Hiver and all urtermeiliate landings. Ke
turning leaves ICetiter at 0 A. v.,.Mondy, Wediiewlay,
and l-'rwlay. Landing made at Woodland on Wednes
day and Thursday.
5. C00PBE.
Shop next Ioor to Daycnporfs
CoflVe House.
Rivkr St. St. IIklen, Okegos.
('hoice meats of all kinds for gale.
Persons desiring to purchase property in St. Helen
can ohtain mv interest hy itiilving to Hon. K. J. Shat
tuck of l'ortland. tltlice ia ;llsan's Mock: First Street,
betweeir, Pine aud Oak: l'ortland.
' V, F. ViCTWt.
Notice of Application to Purcliaso
Timber Lands.
Land Office at Van-cocvkr W. T.
May 2f,th. 18tt'
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 1S7S entitled "An Act for the Bale of
Timlier Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
.fames M. ltadclitfe, of Cowlitf Co., Wash. Ter,
has this day F1LKD in thw offic liin aiplication
to purchase thestmlh east of sectiou o2, town
ship .l north, of range 4 west of thu Willamette
Testimony in the above caae will be taken be
fore the Judge of tho Probate Court at Kalama,
Wash. Ter., on Monday, August 0th. 1S.S3.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described land, or any i tort ion thereof
are hereby required to file theirclairns in this of
fice within sixty ('0) davs from date hereof.
Flli'O. W. Sl'AllLlNO, Itegister.
N otic f of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
Land Of kick at VAN'cocvirn, W. T.)
May I' 1SS3. f
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June.'?, LH7N, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in tho States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
John 11. Douglas of Cowlitz Co. W. T. has this
day filed in this office his application to pur
chase the south west $ of north east , the west
A of nouth ea.-t and the south east i of nouth
east I of section S, towiuJiip !) noith, of range 4
west, of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimon3 in the above, case will taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court, at Ka
lama, Wash. Ter. on Hatunlay, the 4th. day
of August 1SS3.
Any and all persona h-arlng adverse claims to
the above descri'rd land o.r any portion thereof,
are hereby required to fila their claims iu
this ortice within sixty days from tlate here
of. FRED. W, SrAKLIXG, lUgister.
xZnKjl - -
Noticf. ok Application to Purchase
Timber Lands.
May i-'Hth. 1883.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions o'f the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1S7.S entitled "An act for the nale of
Timber Lands ia the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Leander Michael, of 'Yamhill County, Oregon,
has this day fded iu this orhce his application to
purchase Lot 2 of section S, township H north, of
range 3 went, f the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the alsive case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court, at Kalama,
Wash. Ter. on Saturday, the 4th. day of August,
Any and all persons having adverce claims to
the above described lands, or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to tile their claims in this of
fice within stixtvMiO) days from date hereof.
FilKb. W. SPAKLINO, Krister.
ITotico of Application to PtLrcnaso
Tim'ccr Lands, '
Land Office at
Vancouver, W. T
June nth.
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the Act of (Jongrcus ap
proved June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An Act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,'
Aurclius M. I'atterson, of Cowlitz Co, Washing
ton Territory, has this day filed in thi oilice his
application to purchase the s. w. of Section 2,
Township 8 North, of itange 1 East, of the Wil
lamette Meridian
Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the 1'rohate Court at Kalama,
W. T. on Saturday, August 11th. 1SS3.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described land, or any portion thereof
are hereby required to Hie theirclairns in this of
fice within tdxtv (t0) davs from date hereof.
FliED. W. SPAULINC, Register.
nSn 11 jat
SMctice of Application to
Purchase Timber Land.
Land Okhck at
Vancol veu, W. T.
June 1st. 13.
Notice is hereby g'ven that in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress ap
proved June 3, 1S7S, entitleil "An act for the
tale of Timber Kind in the States of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevatla, and in Washington Ttr
litorj,' "Edward L. Cldwell, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in thU of
fice his application to purchase the w. of N.
w. I and w. .' f s. v. of S.n-lionol, Tovnsl;i)
U of Eange 4 v.-. of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the alxive case will be taken
before the Kegister and Keeeiver, at Vancou
ver, Wash. Ter. on Saturday, the 11th. day of
Aucust, 1SS3. .
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the afsive describe.! lands, or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to Hie tln-ir claims in this of
fice within sixty (00) davs from data hereof.
FEED. W. SPAELINC. Itegister.
June th. 1-f.l.
Notice is hereby given tliat William H. Mark
ell of l'ortland, Multnomah County Oregon has
made application to purchase the south west
of section 'number 22 of township number 0 north
of Kange number 3 welt of the Willamette Me
ridian, under the provisions of the act of Can
gress, approve. 1 1 June 3 ls7S, entitled "An act
for tho nale '( Timlier Iandn in the States of
California. Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington
Territory. ,
All adverse claims to said tract of land, or any
portion thereof, must be filed in the United
State Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the expiration of sixty days from this date.
Civen under my hand this 8th. day of Juue,
L. T. BAKIN, Itegister.
u.lnlljale . .
Notice for Publication.
Land Okfick at VancouvkkW. T. 1
May 2Cth 1SH3. (
Notice in hereby given that the following-named net
tier has fill notice of liis intention to make final proof
ia MipiTt of his claim, and tiiat aid proof ill Ik made
In-fore the Judvre 'of the Prolmto Court, at Kalama,
XV. T., on Saturday, July "tli. lss.'t, u: John NUseti,
Homestead Application 'No. 20ol f.r the nouth east i of
section S, township 8 north, range 3 weot.
He nam) the following witiit"cs to prove his contin
uous residence niii, and cultivation of, said land, viz:
T-ander Michael,
of ak Point, XV. T.
John A. Andersen,
Abraham C. Mowrcy,
Fred. C. Schainborot.
of "
fcPAKLlNti, Register. .... V )
27 Stops, 10 Set3 Reeds, 050
Itenttr KEF.TIIOTE?r Orrni rontiifnii 10 fnll .rf
Ooliten Torifmo UhIs. 8T M Ol'f, Walnut or Klionlr.
Ctu0, SOetavcn.Metal Foot rinte,Cr.rlirht Hdlown. hl.-rl
pprlntrs, IvonriUinlH, I ncki t for Single, llionlk- and
Rollers for inovlnir, lkntly'w l'ntnt Ptop Aetlon.
KF.tV AM nVFf. ltKniMAI(I poU-nU-.t
KMIRMOI S M'C'FK. FnHovfr JrtOO a moiii h.
- cleinmi'l fnciwlnir. t V Factory worklnir fi ll un.l
ly S'DKdiHon'a KlcctHo IJpr'Us ut 1' to till onl r
rT.iI'rloe, Itoxcrf. lcllYril on boirt C5C5(T
W Cunt here. htaU Book, Ac, only WvIJ
'Jfaflr Miit art ,f m ftom mr tntitnl rrl-m Orynn and I vnll
prxmtjJhl rtfyndtht vumry wit in'rrr, IlOtllini? can 1 fplr r
'omc nml cinmlne Ibe liwlrunttnl. Iuve S. Y. C.iy,
lUirlir or Chri&tonhvr ft. i'errien, a. in. r 1 n. ni.
(fare, excursion only $2 86V. fcav WaMiinirton nt 1 or
C.30 p. m. arrivliKTln N. Y. at or 9 p. in. mimi ctaydor
route from Clilcairo, nichmond. l'litlu., IlosUm, Ac.,M"i
,"!'ntty' Kxcurclon Routo Circular,") JSollowed toiy
rxfwtnsfm if you liny ; romo any way, you ar welr-,iuc.
Frw fimch wttbnollic ttnIata ml,iill tri.ln..
Otlier Orrans 80. $t up. i'lunornrts l to tl"-).
I'l-autiTiil ll!ilrmlnl alalur rrr. Addit-M cr cull ujki
pAlTCEL F, EEATTT, YTasUagtoiii B"sw Jcrtr
Notice of Application to
Purchase Timber Land.
Land Or ricn at Vancouver, "NV, T.
Juno 11th. lH3.
Notice whereliy yiven that in compliance with
tho iirovinions of tho Act of Conj,'rex approve k
June 3, 1K78, entitled "An acc for tho nale of
Timber Land in tho State of California, Or
ciiii, Nevatla, and iu Washington Territory,"
William M. Mills, of Multnomah 'ounty, Ore
gon, has th day filel in this ollieo hi .tpli
cati"n to purchase Lts3and4. and south i ot
north wcxt J of m otion 4, tow imhip K north, of
rane 3 went, of tho Willamette Meridian.
TcKtitnonv in the above c.-we will be taken lw
fore the llewter anil Keeeiver, at Vancouer,
Wah. Ter., on Saturday, August Vth. 1KK3.
Any and all per.nii claiming adverm ly tc
the aljove decrilcd larul, or aiy pwlion thereof,
are hereby required to tile their claims in thi
ollieo within KixtytC) Iava from date hereof.
FKK1. W. Sl'Al'LlNG ,KegHtcr.
tt3n 1?15
Notice of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land.
Laxd Orric-a at Vanhouvm, W. T. '
May 1KX3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provision of ihu Act of Cngrens apptoved
Juue 3, 17, entitled " An Act for the t-ale of
TinibLandHin tho States of California, Oregon,,
Nevada, ami in Washington Territory," John
S. Alexander, of C'.ihindfa Contrfy, Orrgon. ha
this (lav filed in this oilice his application to pur
chase the east of north cat J and eaat 4 of
wouth eat ." of"rtion 10, Township H north, of
range 1 went of the Willamette Meridian.
TcMtiiiiony in the above case will bo taken be
fore the Judge of th. I'roliato Court, at Kalanis,
WjLsh. Ter. on Monday, tho Gth. day of August,
1KS3. ' .
Any and all pernoris having ad verso claims t
the above descriUd lands, or any portion t he ro
of, are hert-by required to ru.K their claims in
this ottico within nixty (IX days ft-otn tlate hereof.
l'liKD. VV. Sl'Al'LINO, llegiater.
u3iv!3jl ,
Notice of Application to rurchas3
limhcr l.nnil.
June Hh. lsl.
Notice is hereby 'given that Frank .'ichetof
PortUnd, Multnomah County, Oregon ha inal
apiilicatioii to purchaxe the north eastrf nc
nuiiilKT 14 of towiislii number C north of Laugo
number 3 west of the Willamette Mcridiuffi, un
der tlie provisions of act of Congress, approved
-Inne3, 1S7.X, tnlitled "An act for the salo of
Timber Land in tho States of California, Ore
gon, Neva-la, and in Wanhingtou Territory."
AH adverse claims to aid tract of land. .rany
portion theiof, inui't. be filed i; the United
States Land Ooice, at Oregon, biforo tho cxiI
ralion of uixtj' daj s from tbis dat.
(tiven under my hand this I 'ighth day of Juno
Eighteen hundred and eiirhtv-threc.
L. T. LAUfN, Kegistcr.
Notice of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land.
U. S. Land Orne:: Onicos Cur, Or.crio,.
June H, 18S3.
Notice is hereby given that Oilbcrt V. Smith
of l'oitland, Multnomah County, Oregon,
has mde application to purchaHO the- N. L. i
of Sec. t:0 T. ' s. 1.'. 3 xv. Willamette Mer., un
der the provisions of the Act of Congress- ap
proved J one 3, 1N7", entitled " An Act for tho
.ale of Timber LaruU in the States of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, an I in Washington Ter
litory." All adverse claims to said tract must lo
filed in the C..S. Jand. OHice at Oregon City
Oregon, before tho expiration of nixty day
front date.
(iveii under my hand this Sth. day of Juno
L. T. LAHIN, llegister.
iTotico of Application to X-urelncd
Tinker Land.
U. S. Lakd Omen, Oi;k;on Citt, Ofeuov.
June ftli. I'!.
Notice is hereby given that Henry C.'Ioty of
rortland, Multnomah Co. gn. has mad'j'Ii
cation to purchase tho h. .v. I of S-jc. 'J(, 1. '
N. U. 3 xv. Will. Mer., under the provision
of the Act of CoiigriKs approved June . INK
entitled "An Act for the sale of rmilier
Lands in the States of California, Dregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to sail tract must be
fled in the IT. S. LandOthco at Oregon City,
Oregon, before tho expiration of iiixty day
fr'.m this date.
(iiven under my Land this Hh. day of
Juue 1SS3.
h. T. J5AUIN, Ilegister..
u3nl Jjate
ITctico of Applicatica to Eurcliaso
Timber Land.
U. S. Land Oma Ouegon Citv, Or e:o .
June 8th.
Notice u hereby given that Clarenco 15. Higvl
of Portland, Multnomah Co, Ogn. has mado ap
plication to purchase the K. v. of rec. S,
T. 0 N. K. 3 w. Will. Mer., under the pro
vision of tho Act of Congress approves! Juno
3, 178, entitled " An Act for the Halo of Tim
ber Lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and in WnxhJtigton Territory.-"1
All twlverso claims to said tract must bo
fdlcd iu the U. S. Land Oilice at Oregon City,
Oregon, before tho expiration of nixty day
from this d-.te.
Civen under my hand thu 8th. clay of
June li-3.
L. T. I5ARIN, Krister.
Land Office at VAxfOurER, W. T.
June 11th. 1SK3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congrcsi approved
June 3, lN"S, entitlcsl "An act for tho galoot
Tiniber Tjands in the States of California, Or
egon, Nevada, and in Washington Teirttoiy,
Owen Hatfield of Yamhill County, Or
egon, has this day filed in this oilier hi appli
cation to purchase L'ts 1 and 2, ami nouth J of
north east of section 4, townahip eight north, of
rango three west, of tho Willamette Meridiau.
" Testimony in the alxive case willlio taken be
fore the Itegister and Iteoivcr, at Vancouver,
Wash. Ter., on Saturday August lth. 1NH3.
Any and all jersons having adverse cWms
the aljive descriricsl lands, or any portion thereof,
arc hereby reouifed t- filo their clainu in tu ,
ofFico within Mxtv (i'iO) davs from date hereof.
Vliiub. W.Sl'AKLlNG, Klnttr.