The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, May 25, 1883, Image 3

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f -:
Will make the season
cf 1SS3 as fotlows: Saturday (afternoon) Smiday. Monday
and Tuesday of each vJk at 'oa,ian !' pu-e on the
Scsppoose Hty. We In sl iy and Tmi.-sJ.iv at tu-j Arthur
Ci.gley pUcb, on Lake Rjer, frr.l mh I Sa'.-jrd.iv be
ioro 9 A. ic nt Capt. tries'.
This horse was Ave years o:d the l.'t'i. -:.!iv l-s.";
18J hands high; woig'n 1315 lbs. a il l w, o: ii:i"e style;
th very best of Traveler; a larg.; a perfect luiwe
In every particular.
He was sired by C 1. R;ro:i'j eix'ii thou-.n 1 dollar
llambletonian; dam a noted and beiuiful bay o Tied by
Mr. Copeland weight about lfcW aid to" be Moi-gaii
and Wnip. ,
from $10 to $15. Care taken to prevent accidents, but
responsibility assumed for none.
or further inforiiiation, apply to or address
Eversolc, Manager,
S Helen, Oregon
Notice op
Application to
Timber Lani.
Lakd Opficb at Vascouvbr, W. T. )
April 20th. 1SS:.
Kotiee Is hereby given that in compliance with tne
provisions of the Actof Congress approved June 3, Is.'S,
entitled "An act for "the aale o! limlier Lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington
Territory," William Crawford, of Cowlitz County, .oh.
Ter. has this day tiled in this orliee his application to
purchase th West J of North Kant i and East i of North
Wet i of faction 14, Township S North, ot Range 1 East,
of the Willaipette Meridian.
Testimony in the abov case will be taken before the
Register and Receiver, at Vancouver, Wix'.i. 'i'er. on
Saturdav, the 3oth. day of June, ls;i.
Any and all person having adverse claims to the
above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby
required to file their claims in this oitice within sixty
160 1 days from date hereof.
Application to
Timber Land.
Lavd Ofkice at V.v-cocr'rR W. T.
April Ktiu l-';i. i
Notice is hereby given tHat in compliance with tne
rovisicms of the Act of Conirrcss approved June S. ls.'s1,
pntitled " An act for tho sale of limber Lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nvali,an 1 in Washington
Territory," Barbery Wesiwick, of Cowlitz County,
Ter. has this day hied in this o:ti e his application to
purchase the North j of .y-"h East of Sivtion , l own
hip 8 North, of Range 4 West, of tUe Wiilaiiirtte lier; J
ian. Testimonv la the above case will be taken before t:e
Judge of the Probate Court, at KaUina, Wasii. lVrr. on
Saturday, the Sotu. day of June, IS'ii.
Any aud all prons having r.Jverie claims to the
.bove described lands, or aJiy portion t.'icrcjt. are here
by required to tile their claims in this oitice within sixty
100) dv from date hereof.
U. S. Land Orrirs,
.vvrocvF.iu W. T. !
May 10th,-1SS3. !
Comiilaint having been entered at thii Oilice
ly August Schmitz against Carl Tesch foraban
l.vninw his Homestead Entrv ?'o, 2123, late.l
(ilhce I
March 9th, 1877, ujon the s. E. i of N. w. i and
Lot 2 Stsction 30, Township G North, llan;e 1 j
East in Cowlitz County, ash. Ter., with a view j
to the cancellation of said entry; the said parties j hereby summoned to appear at this Ottlce -n ;
the 19th dav of Juno, 1SS:?, at 10 o'clock. M., to ;
respond and furnish testimony cr-acernin- said i
alleged abandonment. I
FiiED. W. SPARLING Register. J
Q3n41mlS j
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Lauds.
I.vvd Okfice at Vavcower W. T. )
JMayllth. ISS;. f
Xotice is hereby jriven that in c-mipliance v. ith
tha provisions of the Act i Congress approved
June 3. 1S7. rntitwl"An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in
the States of Ca
-.n, Nevada, and in Washington
alters. lysrns, of Cowlitz Coi:ty Uasa.
Ter. has this day tiled in this' olhce Lis applica
tion to p jrehase the i of .s. E. ari l :,. E i of
v. E. i of Section 22. Township 8 North of Range
1 w. rf the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in .ne al-v case will Le takf-n be
fore tha Jr"ige of the Probate Court at Kalun:,
T " ' , . - ...
W. T. an Saturday. July 21st. 1
Any and all persons having adverse claims to j NOTICE 03
the above descrilied lair is, or any portion th-'ir', !
are hereby required to tile their c aims ia this of- j
fiee within ixtv (GO) davs from date hereof.
FRED. W.SPARLINii, lU- ibter.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Lands,
Land Office at V.vnt.-.wet:. W. T. J
May 14th, 1883. ")
Notice is hereby givtn that in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of C.narei-:s ap
proved June 3, 1S78, entitled "An Act TortJ;e
sale of Timber Lauds in the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Lewis C. Medlock of Cowlitz County. Wash. Ter,
has this day filed in this otrice his application to
purchase the South Fast of Sc. 12, Townsh p S
S'orth of Range 1 w. of the Willamette Meridi
an. Teslimony in the above cic will be taken be
fore the Judge of thv Probate Court at Kalama,
W. T. on Saturday, July 21st, l.v;3.
Any and all persons having advtrse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion there
of, are hereby required to tile their claims in
this office witfn"nsit i f JO ilavs from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Kotice of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land,
U. S. Land Office, Ohegox City, Okecon,
May. 18, 1S83.
Notice is hereby given that John 15. Sheehy of
lultnomah County, Oregon, has made aplica
tion to purchase the n. k. of Sec. 22 T. N. II.
3w. Will. Mer., under the provisions of the Act
of Congress approved June3. 1878, entitled -'An
Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States
of California. Oregon, Nevada, and in Washing
ton Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract must be filed
in the L". S. Land Oftiee at Oregon City, Ore
gon, before the expiration of sixty days from
this date.
Given under my hand this 18th. day of May
L. T. BARIN, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land OrricK at Vavcoi'vf.i "rV. T.
May 17th, l-S-tl
Notice is hereby given th:tt the foilou'iiig-nained set
tler has filed notice of his iiiteution to ir. ike final proof
in support of his ckiiin, ami that w:tid proof Will be made
before the Judge of the Probate Court. :it Kiluma, Wash.
Ter. on Saturday, June 2.M. IS?:!, vi: James Downing,
Homestead Ajiplicatiou So. :S, for the west t of south
west quarter. Lots 7 and H, and ouii M u:irter of
north west quarter of section 2, tovuship 8 north, range
4 west.
He names the following witnesfes U prove his contin
uous residence upon, and cultivation of, said hind, viz:
William Weltiorn, of Oak l'oiut, W. T.
Hcury L. KiiKJtid, of " "
Jtobrrt MeAdarus, of " "
Charles .Veal, of " "
FRED. W. SPAKLIXO, Register.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
Land Office at Vancootit, w. T., )
Ajirrl 13 I8S3. f
Notice is hereby given that in complimiie with th
provisions of the Aet of t'onress approved June 3, lS7e
entitled "An act for tlic sale of 'limber Iuids iu tht
States of California, Oregon, Nevaila, and in Washin;;
ton Teritory," Martin J. Conroy, of Multnomah County
Oregon, has this day filed in this oifi'-e his application
purchase the North West I of Section 'S3, Tou'iibhip
S'orth, of Range 1 West, of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be taken the
Register and Receiver, at Vancouver, Wali. 'I'er. on
Monday, the 20th. day of June, lvvi.
Any nd all persons having adverse claims to th
, abovi described lands, r any portion thereof, are here
hy required to flic their claims in this offica within sixtj
&) davs from date fccrcot
KE1. V FPARLINO, Register.
Gefieral Merchandise,
A now and complete stock of Goods now in
store. 1 'rices reasonable Terms Cash.
Butts House.
3. C. .FAILING, Propriotor,
Front Street, Columbia City, Ogii.
Single meals, 2" cts.
Hoard per week $0.00.
Board per day $1.00.
Notice For Publication.
Lash Okfice at Vancouver, W. T.
April. ISth, 1S83.
No'ttcs is hereby gi-en that th follo-.vinjf-nam
-d settler has filed notice of hit' intention to
make iinnl proof in support of his claim, and
that s;ti 1 proof will he made before the lieiater
an-1 Kecciver, at Vancouver W. T ,'on Wednes
day, Mtiv SOth, ItsS.'l, viz: Jasper A. Jliller,
H.".metead A 'plications Xos. 2132 and 2G04,
f..r the N. A of N. K and K. of X. W. J cf
Sec. 4, Tp.'o N. K. IK.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, vi:
J. JWclI,
J. T.. l'owell,
1,. l'owell,
Orlando O. Miller,
VllKD. V.
Woodland, W. T.
Sl'AllLTXO, Register.
Notice fo.- Publication.
Land Orricr. at Vancovvkps W. T. 1
April 23rd. 1SS3. f
Notice i hereby uien that the following
named settler lum tile:l nrtice of lii-ft intention to
make final proof in support of hia claim, and
that said proof will be ma te before the Judjje
of the 'ro!atp Omrt. at Kalama, W. T.. on
Holland, Homest6ad Applications No-j. 2117 and
2;i7, for the E A of N. E. and E. A of S. E. $
of See. 22, Tp. f N. R. 1 W. ! "
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence mon, aiid cultivation
of, aid land, vi:'
James 11. l3and of Carrollton, W. T.
F. 1. Choate of
(;. M. Haskin.s of 44
A. A. Kinnard of
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
ti3n3.-a27 j
Motica for Publication.
April 23rd. 1SS3.
Notice i" hereby given that th following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make tina) proof in support of hi- claim, au'.l
tliiit said proof will be made before the .1 udge of
the Probate Court, at Kalama, V. T-, on Sat
in Jay, May 20th. ltvS3, viz. illiani J. .Vlawn,
Pre-emption Declaratory Statement No. 8 IS. for
the S. E. T of N. E. t aiid N. E. i of S. E. of
S-c. 25. Tp. 7 X. R. 1 W. .
He names thf following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
nai 1 laud, viz: i
John Cant well. of Kalama, W. T.
I. E. McHolland, of
JI. C. Con-ej-vs, of "
Samuel Vesta!, of "
FJtED. W. SPARLING, Resistor.
Notice of
Application to
TiMCEit Land. ;
La:-i OrriC2 at Van-cwer. V. T. j
April 1j:.'i. lS.I. t" '
Notice is b;re- rivrn that in compliance with the !
provisions cf the Aet of Congress r.n;roeJ ,t;i;ic 3, l'i"5. j
entitk-il " An aet tor the sale of Tujj!;r I-t:i'!s in the I
Stares of Callfon.U, rrofjn, Nt-va-la, un l in Washing, j
ton Territory,'' John .'. IJyrne, of Mu'tRom-th Couoty, !
tr'?-on. has iliv .'ay H'.rl in tl-is office his r.pp1:ivui"ii to !
pnreh:-se tho S-niih V..t ' oS S?".io;i '2i, 1 'ownship 0 I
North. ff Panvrj 1 V.'c-?t. -f the V.'iliamefte Meriaian. i
Tosthnony in the alnc ease wiil !c taken before the j
Keristcr eni Receiver, p.t Vancouver Wash. Ter. on ;
Moii'l y, the t'Sth. day of Jane I ;.
Any r.iiu all Laving a-lver-w claims to the !
above described Luitli or anv portion thereof, arc here- j
I'V requirsfl to !.'.: tiicir claim in this oitice within sixty j
(lit') davs iroui Uate hereof. " j
FKED. W. SPAPJJNO. Rceistcr.
Application to Land.
I. vsB Orrrcs at Vancouver, W. T. )
April 17th. 1S.S3. ("
Notice :s hereby sriven that in compliance with the
provisions ot the Act of Congress approved June :t. lsTS.
entitled "An act iur the sale of Timber Lands in States
of California, Oregon. Nevada, and in Washington Ter
ritory," Kzra K. Thompson, of Cowlitz County, Wash.
Ter. iias this day filed in this office his application to
purchaj the South Fast J of Section 2, Township S
"rth. of 1 Fust, of the Wili.-.nioTtc Meridian.
Te-timony in the above case will he before tha
Register and R'C-iver, at Vancouver, W;vs!i. Ter. on
Thursday, the 2ih. dav of June, 1.sh3. t
Any a:id all persons having atlverre claims to the
above described lands, or any portion thereof, are here
by required to file their claims in this' olli-e within six
t v (5'jj days from date hereof. i
niEU. W. SPARLING, Register.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
La.nd Office at Vancovver W. T. )
April 17th 18S3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act ol Congress approved
June 3, 167$, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Wahingtii Territory,"
John Ajres of Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter.
has this dav filed in this office his application to
purchase tne h. v. of Section 10, Township S
North, of Range 1 East, of the Willamette Me
idian. -
Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Register and Receiver, at Vancouver,
W. T., on Thursday, June 28th. 1SS3.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described lands or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to lile their claims iu this of
'ice within sixty (60) davs from 'lute hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
v3n37a20 ' i
Application' to
Timhek Land.
Land Office at Vantolver, W. T.
N ay th. 18S3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of tho Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1S7H. entitled "An act for the sale of
Timber Lands iu the States of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Joseph Wiilms, of Multnomah County, Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his application to
purchase the east A of north east of Recti-. n 14,
township 8 north, of range 1 cast, of tho Willam
ette Meridian. ; ' v
Testimony in the above case will be takeriHe
fore the Judge of the Probate Court, at Kalama,
Wash. Ter. on Saturday, the 14th. day of Jul',
1SS3. j
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the alwve described lands, or any portira thereof,
are hereby reuired to file their claims iu this
office within sixty ((50) davs from date hereof.
rilEb. V. SPARLING, Register.
v3n40mayll ;
Notice of
Applicatiox to
Timber Land.
Land Office at Oregon Citt, Oregon".
May 11. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that E. C. Masten of
Multnomah County, Oregon, has made applica
tion to purchase the south wet of section num
ber 32 of township number 0 north of range num
ber 3 west of the Willamette Meridian, under
the provision of the act of Congress, approved
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
Timber I-mds in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory.
All adverse claims to said tract of land, or
any portiou thereof, must be'tilod in the United
States Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the expiration of sixty days from this date.
Given under my hand this 11th. day of May
18S3. i
L. T BAR IN, Register.
I. 0. DAVIDS01T,
Corner First ani Yamhill, Streets
Portland, Oregon.
TUIC DASiCDmavbe found on fileatGeo.
I II 10 rTtn P.'Uowell & Co's Newspa
per Adverti-mg Bureau (10 Spruce St. ) where
advertising contracts may be made lor it iu
New York. al3tf
Hotico of Application to Purckass
Timocr Lands.
L.vsn Office at Vancouver W. T.
March loth. 1SS3'
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provision of the Act of Congress approved
June 3. 1S7S entitled An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Elias Jessup, of Yamhill County, Oregon
has this day FILER in this olhce his application
to purchase the E. of s. w i & w. J of 8. E. i of
See. 12, Tp. 8 K. o! R. 1 E. of the Willametto Me
ridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court at Kftdama,
Wash. Ter., on Tuesday, May 2th. 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described land, or any portion thereof
are hereby required to tile their claims in this of
tice within sixtv (GO) days from date hreot. '
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Notice of Application to
Purchase Timber Land.
U. S. Land Okfice Okegon Citt, Oregon,
March 30, 1S83.
Notice is hereby given that Charles M. Rus
sell of Poitland, Multnomah County, Oregon,
has made application to purchase the 8. w. i
of Sec-4 T. " n. R. 3 w. Willamette Mer., un
der the provisions of the Act of Congress ap
proved June 3, 1-S78, entitled An Act for the
sale of Timber Land in the States; of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Ter
litory." All adverse claims to said tract must be
filed in the U. S. Land Oitice at Oregon City
Oregon, before the exiration of fdxty days
from date.
Given under nvy hand this 30th. dav'of March
1S83. J
L. T. BAR IN, Register.
Notice of
Application to
Timbsr Land.
Land Offick a
Vjvcm-vrn W. T.
March 2 1th. 1SS3.
Notice is hereby g'ven tliat in compliance
with the provisions of tha Act of Congress ap
proved June 3, lt7S, entitled "An act for the
i ale Of Timber Lands in the States of Califor
nia, Ovttron, Nevada, and in Washington Ter
ritory,' NVilliaru 1". I'ummel, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in this of-
I lica his application to purchase tho S. E. i of
! Section 18, Township 0 J". of Range 1 w. of
! the Wi'lamt-tte Meridian.
! Testimony in the above case will be taken
! before tho Register an I Receiver, at Vancou
j ver. Wash. Ter. on .Saturday, the 2d, day of
; June, 1SS3.
j Any and all persons having adverse claims to
j the above described lands, or an-portion thereof,
are hereby required to tile their claims in this of
fice within foxtv w) lavs trom date hereot.
FRED. W. SPARLING. Register.
Notice of Application to 'Pur-
i chase Timber Land.
L7rn Office at Vascouvfb, W. T.
March 24th, 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved j
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of t
limber Laali in the .States of California, Or
egon, Nevala, and in Washington Territoty,"
James L. Jevett, of Multnomah County, Or
egon, has this day filed in this otfica his appli
cation to purchase the X. E. of Section 2S,
Township 'J N., ot Rango 1 w. of the Willam
ette Mciidian.
Testimony in the above case v.'illbe taken be
fore the Register and Receiver, at Vancouver,
Ter., on Saturday June 21. 1883.
Any an I all persons having ailverse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to tile their claims in this
otlice within sixtv (00) days from date hereof.
FRLD. W. SPARLING, Register.
ETotico of Application to' Pnrchaso
Timosr Land.
S. Land Office. Ozzsos Citt. Oregon
March. 30. 13e3,
Mr.K "il -livi't
Notice is hereby given that Philip Harvey of
Multnomah County, Oregon, has mado appli
cation to purchase the n. w. of Sec. 4, T. 6
N. R. 3 w. Will. Mer., under the provisions
of the Act of Congress approved June 3. 1876,
entitled "An Act for tho sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract must be
filed in the Lf. S. Land Office at Oregon City,
Oregon, before the expiration of sixty days
from thi.? date.
Given under my hand this 30th. day of
March 1SS3.
L. T. BARIN, Register.
ITctics of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
U. S. Land Office Oregon Citt, Oeegon.
March 30, 18 3.
Notice is hereby given that Willis B. Fry
of Multnomah County Oregon, has made ap
plication to purchase the s. E. of Sec. 32,
T. 7 N R. 3 w. Will. Mer., under the pro
visions of the Act of Congress approved June
3, 1878, entitled " An Act for the sle of Tim
ber Lands in the States of California, Oregon,
-Nevada, anil in Washington lenitory.
All adverse claims to said tract must be
filled in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City,
Oregon, before the expiration of sixty days
from this d te.
Given tinder mv hand this 30th. day of
March 18 3.
L. T. BARIN, Register.
i3n3-lm30 .
Notice of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land.
U. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
March 30, 1883.
Nctice is hereby given that Joanna L. Max
well of Columbia County, Oregon has made
application to purchase the 8. w. i of Sec. 4
T. 5 N. R. 2 w. W ill. Mer., under the provis
ions of the Act tA Congress approved June 3,
1S78. entitled " An Vet for the sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse chums to said tract must I filed
in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City. Ore
gon before the expiration of sixty days from this j
Given under mv hand this 50th. day of
March 1883.
L. T. BARIN, Register.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
Lani Office at Vancouver, v. T.
March 24th, 1S83.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
TimbrLands in the States of California, Or
egon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Ziba M. La Rue, of Multnomah County, Ore
gon, has this day filed in th s office his appli
cation to purchase the N. w. of Section 28,
Township 1) N. of Range 1 w. of the Willam
ette Meridian.
Testimony in the above ease will be taken be
fore the Register and Receiver, at Vancouver,
Wash. Ter., on Saturday, June 2d. 1S83.
Any and all persons claiming adversely to
the aboyc described land, or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to file their claims in this
office within xtv((50) davs from date hereof.
FRED'. W. SPARLING .Ecffiatir.
Attorney - at - Law,
Office River Street in front of strand.
Promnt Attention Given to Colleetioaa, Etc
Oilicc. at St. IleJcn, Oregon.
Will attend terms-. Co rt at Astoria, -Kalama
& Portland. Practice in allCourts of
State jr Wash. Ter.
T. A. RflcBRIDE,
Attorney - at - Law,
Particular attention given
the Laud Office.
to Linsa befor
Ofrcewith F. A. Moore Esq.,
River Street, St. Helen, Oregon.
a. a. Tin i l i r $, i). d. s.
No. fJ3i First St.Portland, Or.,
Does First Class "Work at Lowes Kates.
Civil Engineer and
Helen, Oregon.
All business attended to with promptness nd
dis)atch. au!3tf
iKt, life is sweeping by, eo
and dare before you die,
something mighty sind sub
lime leave behind to
conmier time." SoG a
week in your own town. S" outfit free. No risk.
Everything new. Capital not required. v c
will furnish you everything. Many are making
fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, an
boys and girls maK, great pay. Reader, if yuu business at which vou can make great pay
all the time, write for particulars to Hallett & j
Co., Portland, Elaine
ITotico of Application to Purchaso
Timosr Land3,
Land Office'at
Vakcocvek, W. T
March 23d. 1 S83.
Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance
with the prov isions of the Act of Congress ap
provel June 3, 1878, r-.ntitled " Ati Act for tha
sale of Timber Lands in the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
John Peterson, of Cowlitz Count-, Washing
Ion Territory, has this day filed in this oUiee his
application to purchase the 8. J of N. w. and
Lots 3 and 4 of Section 2, Township 8 Nortn,
of Range 1 East, A 'the Willamette Meridi
an. Testimony in the alsove case will be taken be
for the Judge of the Probate Court at Kalama,
W. T. on Saturday, Juno 2d. 1SV3.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described land, or any portion thereof
are hereby required to file their claims in this of
fice within sixty ((W davs from date hereof.
iFRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
Lni Office at Vancot-ver, W. T. 1
March 19th. 1883. i
Notice is hcrcTr given that in compliance with
the provisions of tne Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
lnilTn 0.VV'2. 'J' h thw
uie.1 nt tois uiiiee ins application io pir-
ehase the s. of P. w. of Section 12, Town
ship 8 s. of Rango 1 w. of tli3 Wilamctte Me
ridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court, at Ka-
lama. Wash. Tr. on Saturday, the 20th. day
oi Aiay, !...
Any and kII persons having adverse claims to
the above described land or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to tile "their claims in
this office within sixty (GO) days from date here
of. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
otiee of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
S. Land Office at Ouegon Citt, Oregon. I
March 23. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that John R. r Her
eon of Columbia County, Oregon, has made
application to purchase he s. E. i cf Section
30 T. 7 N. R. 3. w. Willamette Meridian, under
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the Sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract must be
filed in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon Cit3
Oregon, before the expiration of sixty days
from this date.
Given under mv hand this 23d. day of March
L. T. BARIN, Register.
Xotice or Application to Purchase
Timber Laud.
U. S.
Land Office at Oregon City,' Oregon.
March. 23, 18S3.
Notice is hereby given that B. Mcl. Caplcs
of Columbia County, Oregon has made appli
cation to purchase the South East i of Section
4 T. 5 N. R. 2 w. Willamette Meridian under
the provision of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Tiniber Lauds in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract must be filed
in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Ore
gon, before the expiration of sixty days from this
Given under my hand this 23d, day of March
L. T. BARIN, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver W. T.
March 27th. 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given I hat in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress ap
proved Juno 3, 1878 entitled "An act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the States of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Ter
ritory," Joseph M. Ives, of Cowlitz County,
Wash. Ter. has this day filed in this office his
application to purchase the 8. w. $ of Section
24, Township 8 North, of Range 1 East, of the
Willamette Meridian.
. Testimony ia the above case will be taken
before the Register And Receiver at Vancouver,
Wash. Ter. on Thursday, the 7th. day ot June
Any and ail person having adverse claims t
the aliovo described lands, or any portion there
of, are hereby required to lile their claims in
this office witliin sixty (GO) days from datehere-
wsa casai
AND ! ''
Luiich House.
Proprietor and I ealer in
of all kinds, j
Knickknacks. Bread.
and other Varieties of ths same Class
Soda, SarsaparillaJ
Tooacco 6s Cigars
Of the liefct QjiAlity,
RnER. Street, St. II
A week made at Lome by the in
dustrious Fi:st business before
the public. .Capit'il not needed..
W'c will start vou.j Men, wom
en, bovs and i nrls wanted every
where to work for us." Now lis the time. You
can work in spare time, or priye your whole time
to the business.
No other bvJ
Mnesil.niJl pay you
nearly as well.
No one can fail to make enor
mous pav. oy engagirv at o
ice, ostiy outnt
i fast, easiiv, aiv.l
and terms free. Mooey mad
honorably. Address Tki'K& Co., Aivrusta Maine
U. S. Laxu Offick V
May 10th, 1883.
ComtjlaJnt havimr been entered at this . f-
fice bv Ausrust Schmitz. against I' rank Klager
for abftTKionimr Ins llomchtcad r.ntry io.
2124. drJtetl March Hth. 1S7
upon the lxt6 3
( North, Range
Ter. with a iow
,nd 4 Section 30, Townshi
1 E. in Cowlitz C unty, Wash.
to the cancellation of sail tiitry;lthe sai.l pnr
ties are hereoy summmiwi t
Cicc on the 19th. flav of June
A. si. to respond and furnish
appear at this Ul at 10 o'clock
teatauouy concern-
ILIN(J, Register.
ing said alleged abai lonmenW
Notice of Application to Purchase
limber L.auu
Land Office at V.
ANCOrTEIt, W. 1 .
larch 2TV.I. 1883. (
in cMiipliance with
Notice is hereby given that
the urovisins ol the Act of
Con;ire.-s approved
Act fr thr sale of
June 3, 1S78, entitled " An
j Timber Lands in the States
iron. Nevada, and in Was!
of California, Ore-
dngton Territory,"
! iieorzz R. Austin ot C
bwliW Co. Wash-
Ter., has thw dav tiled in this oitice his applica-
i 1i .. 1 l.r lj o 'l
Ution to jmrt-hare thef. w.
f Section 2. 'lown-
nhip 8 North, of Range 1
Ka-.t of the Wiilam-
ette Meridian.
Testimony in the aiove ca
e v. ili be taken be-
fore the Jud;re of the Probata
C'ourt at Kakn.-a,
ad verse claims to
W. T. on Saturday, June 2d
Anv and all persons ha vim
the above escribed land, oc a
ny portion thereof.
are hereby require;! to rila their j claims in this
olhce within sixty(OO) days fi
m date hereof.
FRED. V. . Si A
tLING, Register.
ITotica of Application -to TurcJiasa
Thacsr, Lands'.
Land Offick at
March ljth, 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that
m eomphanoe with
! the provisions of the Act of
Congiess approved
! June 3. 1S7S entitled " An
Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,'
Charles Glower, of Multnoikfclii County. Ore-
l "Mi has this day tiled JrT thW office his applica
tion to purchase the .sl w. iCypuon n, lown
shii 8 V. of R. 1 e. othellf;tinelte Meridian.
Testimony in the above casa will be taken be
fore the Resist -r and Recei
er, at V
W. T. on Tuesday, May 20th lsS3.
Any and all j'crsons having adverse claims to
the above described I.tnds, or
any portion
of. are hereby rccimred to
mie tneir claims m
thr ull'i'ce within f ity(00) da
from date hereof
FILING, ltegister.
Wotice for Publication.
LiVD Or!
Notice is
:cc at Ors-.os Cit
Oji. April IS, JSs.1.
hereby given
that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of her intention to
make final proof m supporn
of Jier claim, and
before the CVunty
that said proof will ie mad
Clerk of Columbia County at
ht. Helens, ure-
gon, on Tuesday May 20.
Recti, Preemption ). S. No.
J8S3 viz. Eleanor
3;7."i for S. W. 1 of
S. W of Sec. 24 T. 8 N. R..
4 W.
bhe names tne toliow mg w
continuous residence upon,
said land viz:
William Kelluni, Moses
ttnesses to prove her
and cultivation of,
l)elaney. 'W iliiam
, all of Bradbury,
Symons, an I John Napoleon
Columbia County, Uregon.
L. T,
BARIN, Register.
2Totics cf Application to Purchase
Timber iJands.
Land Office at VlNcodvER. W. T.
April 17th. 1883.
Notice is hereby fcive that! in compliance
with the provisions of tho Act of Congress air
proved June 3, 1878, entitled ' An Act for the
ale of Timiwr Lands in thi State of California,
Oregon, Nevada, ami in Washington Territory,"
Thomas D. Avres. of Covlitz Co
has this day filed in this office his application to
purchase the s. i of N. k. t and Lots 1 and 2 of
Section 2. Tp. 8 N. of Rangb 1 E.of the Wilam-
ette Merxdi-n.
Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Register and Receiver! at Vancouver,
Wash. Ter. on Thursday, dhe 28th. dav of June
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described lands, hr any portion there.
of. are hereby required to file their claims in
this oflice within sixty (00) days from date her-1
of- L i
Notice or
Application -to
Timber Land.
Land Ornca at Vajtcocvbr, W. T. )
April 17th. 1SS3. i
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1873,
entitled " An aet for the sale of Timber Lands in the
states of California. Oregon, Nevada, and in Washing
ton Territory," Oliff Olson, of Cowlitz County, Wnsn.
Ter. has this day filed in this olhlce his application to pur
chase tho South of North Easj i and ivorth of South
East 1 of Section 10, Towiuhip 8 North, of Range 1 East,
of the Willamette .Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will he tufcen bcoro the
Register and Recuivcr at Vancouver, . Wash. Ter. on
Thursday, the 23th. day of Jun 1SS3.
Any and all persons having ad erne claims to the above
deseribed lands, or any poruoij thereof, arc hereby re
quired to tile their otaun in tikis oniee within sixty (tlj)
davs from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land OrricK at
ancouver, w . i . J
April 23.1. 1S83. f
Notice is hereby given that
he tollowing-natned set-
tier has filed notice of his int
ution to make final proof
in support of his claim, and th jit said proof will be made
before the Judge of t lie rrohate foort, at l atio Kock,
W. T., on Wednesday, May 30th. 1AS3, viz: William M.
for the S. W. i of N. K. 1, the t K. j of N. W. , the N.
K. J of S. W. i and the N. W. 5 of S. IK i ot sec 524, Tp.
0 N. R. 2 W. i
He names the following witnesses lo prove his contin
uous residence upon, and cultivation
i of, saJi land, tiz:
. 11. Smith,
F. R. C-ook,
R. .S. Caniinc.
WilUam JJjililVn.
of fastis Rock, W. T.
Sl'ARUNG, Register.
Notice op Application pro Purchase
U. S. Land OmcE, Oreuox Cit r, Ontaox, April 27, 1853.
Notice is hereby given that lcan lt!anrbard of Colum
bia County, Oregon, has inadt application to purchase
the S. E. of N. E. J, N. J of !!. V. ii S. K. i of S. K.
of Sec. 2-j T. 7 N. R. 2 W. Will. Mer. under the provis
ions of the Aet of Congress approved June 3, lSi'S, en
titled "An A"t for the sale jf Timber Lands in the
States of California, Oregon, evada,and in Wasbingtou
Territry. )
All adverse claims to said tract of land must be filed
in the IT. S. Land Otrice at Oregon Vity, Oregon, before
the expiration of sixty days fr m this date.
Ulven under mv hnd this "2rth. dav of A prill
L. T.i UARIX. K. L'Mer.
Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons,
irESTof .stLKOTKD TlMBKl'i, and by THOKOUOU KNOWLEDOS of th bttilne, W bT
Justly earned the reputation of making
Mannfactnrers have abolished the warranty, bnt Agents may, on their own responsiouuy, guv
the following warranty with each wagon, if to agreed:
1V Ilerebv Warrant the FISH BROS. WAGON No to be well mad In erery rrt!e-
ular and of srood material, and
nsage. Should any breakage occur
yi IfUIKUIttUDIitui tLSMl.v . wv wwiuw . .
price or nam repairs, as per agent's price list, win oe paia in casu dj wf - n
earn pie of the broken or defective parts an evidence.
Knowing we can suit you, we solicit patronage from every section of the United States, wa
for Prices and Terms,
irmi, anaiorseopxoi ru
. I -l4 s
nrcs all diseases of the Stoniaoh, Liver,
Bowels. Kidneys, Skin and Blood, testifv to its efficaoy in heal-
tho above
fir nounco it xo do tno
tkade mabk Guaranteed to cure Dyspcjisia.
Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New Yprk City. Druggists sell it
Da Chhk .T.)iiNs-;-T have used your
Dyspepsia, with the ;m beneficial results.
m-BT-BTt7TTT 1 RT A fl
Will Run More Easily,
Cut'Lonser Crass.
Cut More Smoothly.
Less Liable to Obstruction,
Require Less Repairs,
More Easily Adjustod,
And the Most Durable.
Every Mower warranted. A
Eexd roa Ilxcsteatid Catalogue,
B people are alway on tl e
lookout tor cnances to in
crease their earnings, ami in
time become wealthy; those
who do not improve their
opportunities remain in poverty. We offer a
great chance to make money. We want many
men, women, loys and girls to work for us right
in their own localities. Any one can do the
work properly from the first start. The busincsj
will iav more than ten times ordinary wages.
i Kxiier.s'iva outfit furnished Iree. No one who en-
gages fails to make money rapidly. You can dc -
vote vour wuoie iuuv- -o
Kpare. moments. Full information and rll that
is need ed sent free. Address SUNSON &. Co.,
Portland, Maine.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
Land Office at, W. T. v.
March 2kh,lSS3. (
Notice' is hereby given that in omphalic;
with the provisions of the Act of Congress aj
proved June 3, 1S78, entitled "An Act for the
sala of Tiniber Lan.l.O in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington
Territory," Samuel G. Caudleof Columbia Coun
ty, has this day filed this office I' is applica
tion to purchase the South East $ of S.'ction 2 J,
Township 8 North of Range 1 East of the Will
amette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court, at Kalama,
W. T. on Wednesday, June Cth, 1883.
A ny and a)', persons baxing adverse claims fu
tile above describe I lands, or any jortion there
of, are hereby require I to FII.K their claims in
this office within sixtv(UO) davs from date here
FRLD. W. SPARLING. Register.
u3n34 m30
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 29th. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in complance with
tho provisions of the Act of Conrcis approved
June 3, 1878, entitled " Aa act for the tale ol
Timber Lands in th State of California. Ore.
"on, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"'
William O Connor, of .Multnomah County, Ore
gon, has this dny tied in this office his applica
tion to purchase tho N. E. i of Section 24, Town
ship 10 N. of Range 1 w. of the Willamette Me
ridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Register and Receiver, at Vancouver,
Wash. Ter. on Saturday the 2th. day of June,
Anv ftnd all petsot? having adverse claims to
the aGove described lands, or any portion there
of are herel y required to file their claims in this
office within sixty (GO) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 27th. 18S3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
ith the provisions of Congress approved June
3, 187-S " An Act ftr the sale of Timlxr ltnds
in the States if Califomia, Oregon, Nevada,
and in Washington Territory," Joseph Harris,
of Columbia County, Oregon, has this day filed
in this okfich his application to purchase the
South East i of Section 24, Township 8 North,
of Range 1 East, of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the casa will be taken before the
Register and Receiver, At Vancouver, Wash.
Ter. on Thursday, the 7th. day of June, 1SS3.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above descrilcd lands, or any portion there
of, are hereby required to file their claimi in
this offick within sixty ((W) days from date here
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Hotica of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land.
Land Omen at Vancouver, W. T.
March loth. 1883.
Notice is hereby "given that incompliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
Juue 3, 1878, entitled " An Act for the bale ol
Tiiuljer Lands iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and in Washington Territory," James
W. Shintaffer of dwlitz County, Wa"h. Ter. has
this day tiled In this office his application to pur
chase the Eof s. K. of Section 12, Township 8
Npith of Raege I Est of the WJJjAmette.Merid
jan. Testimouj- in tile above Case will be taken be
fore the Register aod Receiver, at Vancouver,
W. T., on Tuesday, May 29th 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse claims tu
the above described lauds, or any portion there,
of, are hereby required t filk thejr claims in
this office within sixtv (60) lavs fnm date Imreof.
FKKI). Y. SP.Vl:MNG lfcgister.
the warranty, bnt Agents may, on their own rponsiDUity, it
k wagon, if to agreed:
ISH BROS. WAGON No to be well mad In erery pirtle-
that the strength of the same is sufficient for all work with fair
:cur within one year from this date by reason of defective material
te tame will be f uruUhed at place of aale, free of charge, or thr
.w.ww - f ' . , 1
UAVtnis Autucubiunni, w .f
FISU 12 II OS. 4c CO. Haudnc, Tl'U.
IBloofi Sjri?iap
named diseases, and pro
fhtnut IZrove. O.. Nov. 2o. 1880.''
Indian Blood Stbvp for Liver Complaint and
It is all it is claimed to be CORD WELL.
Mil) yuiiaiia uin
Lawn Mowers
I'tr.-ns doirinar f rurrtiate property In
St. IMtn
can obtain mv bitercs b
,y rp!jilJif to Hon. K. I. hht
tuck of I'thind. ottie
beteer., I'iiie m-l (.mk:
: tu Lilians uiock: rini street,
Land Offut. at Vancouver, VP. T.
March 22J. 1S83.-
Ntl is Jp--rdy pi veil tlmt in compli-.
aiiw witli tin jirovinioiiH of th Act of
Coogn'sx njjrovtl Jmio 3, 1878, enti
tied " An Rjt for the fcalo of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Alexander Lothian, of Multno
mah Comity, Oregon, has this day filef
in this oitice his application tu purchase
the South West ' of Section 3l Town
ship 9 North, of Rang. 1 West, of tht
Wi'Lvyuette Meridian.
Testimony in tho above ease will '
taken tefore the Judge of the Probata
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Tws
day, the 5th. day of June, 1-883;
Any and all peasons having adverse
claims to the above deaTil)ed lan :1s, Qt
a:v portiou-thereof, are hcTf-by required
to'fiik" their c?iuis in this ollics withiu
tixtv (A.) days from iMg hereof.
FRED. W. SPAR LINO, Regku-r.
u3ii.1l i.i.'W
Lvnij Office at Vancouver, W. T. )
Match 2 2d, lca3. f
Notice is Iiereby iven that in roropli
anee with the provisions of tlic Act ti
Congros approved June 3, 1 878, entitled
M An act for tho Kale ci Timber Jmd. in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory,'
Mark Woods, of Multnomah County,
Oregon, has this filed in thii olhce his
application to purchase the East i of
South Wet ? and tho North West j of
South Wekt J of Section 1$, Township
9 North, of Range 1 West, of the Will
amettc Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will bo
taken before tho J udge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, WaJu Ter. on Tues
day, the 5th. clay of June, 18S3.
Any and all persons having ad verso
claims to the alove described lands, or
any portion thereof, are Iiereby required
to tile their claims in this oflico within
sixty (GO) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T,
Mrcb, 22d. 1.SS3.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved J une 3, 18"$, entitled
An act for tho sale of Timber Lauds
in the States of California, Oregon, Ne- v
vada, and ui Washington Territory,
Michael H. MeManus, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day tiled in
this oiiice his application lo purehauo tlta
South East of Section 32, IWiuhip 0
North, of Range 1 West, of the Willam
ette Meridian.
Testimony in the above will lx
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Mon
day tho 4th. day of June, 1883.
Any ana all persons having advert
clainis to the above described 'lands, or.
any portiou thereof, are hereby renuireil
to Jile their clainas iu this office within
sisty (GO) day-s from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLINO, lgir,tr
u3n34(u30 '