The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, May 25, 1883, Image 2

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I 4
St. Helen, Columbia Co., Or.
'fcT-IBAT. MAY 25, 1883.
j yew, in adance..-
t months t
S months '
$2 CO
1 00
;h square (10 lines) firt insertion! .
uare (10 lines) hrt in.erti.iii ; . N On j
abne-niciit insertion 1 CO
$2 Co
J-. tch sa
TC. C. ADAMS, Editor k Proprietor.
Chokes his Wife.
It may be weir now as the mist has
gone to the dogs to explain to the peo
ple the causes that originated this infa
mous sheet. When the St. Helen mill
went into bankruptcy, a number of years
aero, the Muckles came here from Salmon
Creek where they woro logging and
bought the mill. Frogmorej our home
joins the townsitc on one side and Mil
ton on the other. It is the last place
on the Lower Willamette Hirer, ' and
has a water front a mile long from Mil
ton Creek nearly to Muckles' mill; Al
most 6 years ago the Muckles got hold
of a lot of timler land on the head
waters on Milton creekj then without
permission they employed Dean Blari
- chard, with his pile-driver to drive piles
for a boom up and down the whclc front
of Frogmore, They cut a trai on Frog-
more Neck, slashing down what trees
they chose. They run their logs all
over our lowlands tearing down our j
fences whenever in the way of their logs, j
Our fence cost us 600 in gold, and was
regular fencing material bought of the
F wl.l? wtIwh- Ti-k I 4lr 1 rP1-w. !
.,.,. .1
alfiliated with Deaii LManchard, who was I
lorn down in Aroostook" with one leg
hanging over in New Brunswick, and
calculated by his assistance tc? run the
county politically and financially and
crowd out, freeze out and persecute out
eerybody that should oppose their
gircil They -CTere Democrats, but the
eld man came from Canada, and having
some education, told them the Republi
can party was in power: they did not
read the paperSj because they c'ould'nt.
What money should have ediicatpd them
the old man had poured down his throat
in bad whiskey. Thoy knew Major
Adams wr.3 -rt sound Republican, but
iiiat didn't make any difference, they
wanted the land he occupied and madi?
their brags thev would get it. Tlu-v in-
tended to freeze him out. His place
yielded him no support because his fences
were torn down; they never offered him
a board or a nail, L'ut told all the mean
tning3 they cCuld thiiik of, to injure his
credit, and prevent him. from getting a
living and supporting his family. One
winter .ho was sick with a fever, and
could not leave his bed. and thex thev
started to Salem to get his lowland as
tide-lands. The u Tide-land'' was d lit
tle strip on the beach; and they hhew
if. they got it it would bo by perjury, cr
else they were so ignorant they ki:evy
no better. Perhaps thoy thought the
United States was like England or Can
ada where the rich oppre s the poor, and
.drive them out when they want their
Of course those County officials on
whose bonds they went, talked and act
d in their favor as much as they dared,
and some cf their hired retainers had to
plaster their actions of be discharged.
They did not succeed at Salem and so
winter before last tried again. Mean
while we had bought the Columbian,
and had a clul to defend ourselves, but
they had made thousands of dollars out
of the U3? of Frogiuore, and as we had
kept so far mum, they interpreted our
Aile'sfe into cowardice-, and thought tliy
would move nil aloiig the line. Our
children wrjre down sick with the mea
6iea and pneumonia, and they sent out
Caudle to survey the land. Jim Muck
le came out the same day and inquired
after our children's health. The appli
cation was now made in due form, sicorn
to and ready to be finished; we dropped
on their actions, went to Salem, and be
fore the board of Tide-land Commission
ers they were totally routed.
Governor 'f have?, Senator Dolph and
others said the land was -specially ex
empted from Tide land, but still some of
the county official?, on whose bonds they
are, tell ignorant people the Muckles
have a right on thevland, and plaster
over their meanness and oppression be
cause from self interest they think they
have to. This explains why last e!ec-
tion we fought the Muckles in the Re
publican party. Wt voted Rep. Htate,
Congressional, and part of the Co. ticket
for those whom we thought would not
be. influenced corruptly by the Muckles.
And vve think we did rirlit ; when any
tnan is introduced to be a tool of any
clique or set of oppressors we deem it
the right of every true American citi
zen to rebel. This i the only way to
preserve our liberty. Electron passed
away and the Muckles got into oiiice by
and they thought wo wero fi-jinilthed
.' Ul wo muut uie Wo were not that ; Work given Out. On receipt of your His name appears often in Portland pa
kind of u man, we kept on our way. ad drvid wo will mak an ofter by which ! pors as an active participant in youthful
-growing in spite of their slanders, their ; you can rani S3 to 87 evening at vonr ! sports and literary exercises.
""iaiius. e naa opened
th eyes of community and they were !
vatched with jealousy. At last they
determined to buy a printing press, and
publicly and privately said they would
freeze us out ; even children reiterated
their remarks. They christened it the
mist They found a willing tool in Wnu
Glendye, the wife-beater, lie was a
nan who had alwava been a Democrat:
he had run on the Democratic' ticket in
Columbia' Comity ; but was too mean ft
J '
pill for that party to swallow and was
defeated when they were in the ascendancy.-
The Muckles have made a gigantic
effort to gt away the ollicial patronage,
and last week Mr. Gleudve came out
with a pronunciamentfr respecting Cow
litz County as r-ll as Columbia County.
The Muckles were moving on us all a
long tho line again. j
Last Saturday eve the mist sunk into
a depth of infamy which forbids resur
rection. Tt shows just what the Muck- i
les are. 1 hey have had rope enough,
and hung themselves We had depicted
the character of their pet.
Those were
slanders they wiid, but last Saturday
it was proved what we. had said of Glen
dyf tas true. The press of the mist
had 1 oen moved into the new house the
MtfVkles had builr, for it. It was set up
in the front room. Just at sunset a most
agonizing shriek was heard from the rear
of Glendye's house. Mr. MeNelly who
j stops at Mr. J. X. liltners, went tor
P.. F. Giltner's, went for
j his hat, jumped over the back tence jst
in time to see Mrs. Glendye rushing
through the back door of the house to
escape the hands of her bf n'te huba?fd
William Glendye, the Muckle pet. She
was shrieking and sobbing in the most
1 -vi ,..l!riv i(iiMnt liAi- 1 -- woe
, f, . , , , ,
black and blue where she had been;
choked and strangled. Mr,
could not say a word. Byron Caples
i arrived on the scene of fiction a moment
before, having torn a big slit in the knee
of his pantaloons ho went in such a hur
ry. He heard hCT shriek out, 44 He tried
to choke me to death." Mr. McN-lly
entered the house, and found the furni
ture upset, p.r. if a fierce battle had been
fought, and a deperat struggle had
been undergone. In the front room
they found Glendye cooly cutting with a
L huge kiiife tobacco to nil his pip',
Judge Moore rushed in at the front door,
i and asked Glendye- what was the matter
with his wit, hp quietly remarked she
had a nervous chill. Her sifter, Mrs.
T. A. McBritle, climbed the buck fence,
! and Mrs. Glendye bid her h-ad in her
lap whibr those . sisterly eyes examined j jh fi-om the hand of I'abcr" of San t ran
her neck which was livid and blut frith j cico
the clutches of the inhuman monster,
Glendje, the Mr.ckltt pet. Her skiers
..1 -nn,i .a rt At Tt '
took the iniured woman td .Mr. !.' F.
Giltner's, where all w;s done to alleviate
her distress and calm her terrified spirit,
She said Glendve often kicked and cuffed
her unmercifully. She spent the night
with her sister
Amanda at Judge
Moore s residence. A he next iiay
father, Htrn. George Merrill came and
tock his injured daughter to the pater
nal home where she had been raised one ;
of the most beautiful and amiable young
ladies of Oregon. Her sister, Mrs. T; A.
McBride said the marks of Glendye's
j cruel hands were still visible on her sis
i ter's throat the next morning, j He
shook and choked her. Wonder whoth- ir, ft u. uauuie nuorms us ,ir. o. i .
er that was one of his 44 official" acts, j Timony owns a splendid wood ranch a
and is 44 endorsed " (as he says) by oilic- bovo Rainier, lias hundreds of cords of
ials. We would say that Judge Moore j wood tc sell, and is iu most flourishing
has never, that we know of, taken part j circumstances, the rewrrd of persever
aainst us, nor do we believe Judge I ance, good judgment and honest indus-
Deall of Cowlitz Co. has, for hn was one
j of our host friends in days loiigo:ie
when he. defended Us " vi et ariiiis " a-
gainst those who trittd trj assassinate us
in those fierce political campaigns of
Washington Territory. There is a feel
ing abroad in the community that calls,
for a coat of tar and feathers for Glendye
the Muckle pet. How proud the god
fathers and godmothers of the mist must
feel !
Just received this week,
Pacific Mills Dress Goods, Can
ton Ginghams, Lace and Em
! broideries, also a full assortment of
Graaitg Iron "War, Tin "Ware,
Ssyb-i33, Hayforks, Smshhooks,
also I
Ladies Slippers and Sandals new
styles Ladies', Misses', and Childrens'
Shoes for Bale at the lowest market
prices for Cash at
HcBridc's Store.
The way tho. mist gets subscribers, it
goes to tht County records, gets a list
Of the.votert, and then bulldoses every.
household with a copy of that imbecile
sheet. This is the Muckle process to
stuff anything down a person's throat
and then brii.g in a bill. Though often
refused they still Fend it. They took
the same process in Cowlitz Co. They
consider Columbia and Cowlitz CoW are
regular Egypts and calculate to dragoon
them into tho support of a wife-beater.
Mustn't those county Officials be proud
of endorsing such a brute ? They should
have his portrait ciiffraved on the Coan-
l'l- .
hom. Men, Women, Boys or girls can J
do it H. C. Wilkinson, fc Co., 195' and j
197 Fufton Street, New 'York. !
Levi Leland, General Superintendent
of J uvenile Work for the Good Tem
plars has delivered two addresses the
last week at St Helen, He has also la
bored at the Lower and Upper Seap
poose, and organized a Band of Il6pe on
the Scappoose. Wo attended his lec
ture on Sunday eve; His eloquence is
unique in character, and he is a success
in his particular field. Ills education,
though somewhat deficient in accuracy,
is forgotten as you listen to the fervor
of his eloquence which is hightened by
his Yankee Plumer face. He is ery
much like Oliver Goldsmith, the celebra
ted poet in appearance ai-d if ho had
had the culture would doubtless have
been equally renowned; He attracts the
attention of the young and children,
and is a power in the land.
We met on Sunday Mr. P. II. Har
nev, one of the bosses on the Railroad.
! ne js a nephew of Genl. Harney, the
gallant old Indian fighter. Ho has a
splendid physique, and verities the old
adage that blood will tell. Mr, Harney
has been in the Railroad business since
childhood. He packed water when a
loy at the building of the Hoosac tun
nel in North Adams, Mass. He was
b'orft in Vermont, raised in Lowell, Mass.
j anj an over ti,c tw England. He is
weu acquainted with all parts of the
Eastern States, His conversation was
very entertaining, and we should be
glad ot a further acquaintance.
The Liccea Mason has been chartered
by Captain Bratton for an excursion
Sunday from ancouver. 1.00
' . T ,
ina on Ijowis lCiver. llie ooat
will leave Vancouver at 8 a. m.. touch
ing at St. Helen at 10:30 a. m., arrive
back at St Helen at 4:30 P. M. A lot
of County officials will go to examine the
river for a bridge. It is said to he a
magnificent place for a bridge, there be
ing a huge rock midway of the stream.
There is a hall at Bratton's Landing.
The steamer will probably go a short
distance alovo.
We have received a photograph from
Hon. J. N. Dolph, our efficient U"nited
States Senator He looks well in a pic
lure as well as out, and as a motor for
Oregon's interests w5ll doubtless surpass
j the Keeley motor. The photograph
j seems to be made by a new process and
Mr. Joseph Copeland has bought a j
, f:ne spau cf horses of W'm. Beaver, a
i - '. n.ii i i 1 r '
nice buggy in Portland, and a harness of
Congle. The Copelands, young and old,
will doubtless take lots of happiness in
riding out on the splendid road that con
nects Portland, the metropolis of the Co
lumbia River region:
I An aunt of the Howards on Milton
j creek is on a visit here from Aroostook
Co., Maine. Her name is Bony. She
appears like a high-bred lady. She -is a
widow, and some gentleman who wants
a first class wife oiiht to detain her by
silken bonds, provided it is agreeable all
Johtlnv Cloninger was in town lately.
He is a fine youth, and likes his old
Teacher, Major Adams, you bet. It is
sister, Rebecca Jane, whoso first husband
was a Dobbins, a nephew of Hon. Ulys
ses Jackson, has a younjj babe.
We met a Mr. Mills, one of the family
who have bought the Klopke place op
posite Dr. Stewart's, Thoy are friends
of the Shattucks and quite an acquisi
tion to Columbia Co. .Mr. Mills is a
tine con
Hon. T. A. McBride, Prosecuting At
torney for this District is at Prineville,
attending Court Mrs. McBride and
children are stopping at B. F. Giltner's.
Their children are still sick with the
j The blasting has been very violent for
! the last few days. There was ah awful
; explosion near sunset Monday eve that
I shook Our fianctum. it sounded as if
Ihe Devil was whipping his wife.
Peter Shannon has been employed in
wigging a grave for the reception of the
remains of Ellen McBride lately brought
from Yamhill. Hon. G. W. McBride
siiperintended the business.
Mrs. TV A. McBridrt is giving lessor.3
in embroidery, especially the Kensing
ton stitch which is now so popular.
Hev terms are $.00 for 4 lessons.
Mr. J. S. Davenport has 80 potted
plants, and will make Lis place of busi
ness a regular conservatory. Ho got
many varitles from Mrs. Giltnor.
Eddie Giltnor is ho ue from Portland.
TMoney to loan on real ostato
security by K A Moore Esq., St. Helen,
1 Oregon .
In order to prepare for an important
in business in July next, I shall
Close up
all accounts dee me on or before J ulT 1st
where not otherwise agreed, all accounts
Must be paid
or settled by note with approved security
before July 1st, 1883.
G-. W. agcS&XDE.
S. A. Miles is improving.
F. H. Hughes is living at Astoria.
A. II. Blakesley has been to a tire,
Mrs. Dr. Yergain is at Tho Dalles.
Tmnie Grey looks liko herself again.
You mustn't forget Enoch's ball this
Mr. J. W. Butler is visiting St. Hel
en again,
Mr. Simpson- the 5rst class artist, is
still in town.
Mr. E, R Quick .ho longer clerks for
the Muckles.
Mrs. Shattuck has been quite ill but
is improving.
Fat her Sell wood will officiate here
next Sunday.
Young Mr. Ridley is up from Astoria
to visit his kinfolk.
Mrs. N. Morse has been visiting
friends at Columbia City.
Enoch Meeker lives in the upper
story of Ben. Watts' old store.
Mr. W. B. Dillard to enliven his so
lemnity ha3 bought Peck's Bad Boy.
Mrs. T. C. Watts furnished some el
egantly decorated cake at the Band of
Hope celebration.
Mr.- Wat kins has put many improve
ments on his house on Honesty Hill.
He has a new piazza.
Mr. A. H. Blakesley still keeps the
carpenters on his fhie hotel, which every
day nears completion,
The St. Helen Post OiSce has been
made a money order Office. This wiil
be a great convenience:
Lee Stewart promises to send us the
College paper at the Willamette Uni
versity when he returns.
Mr. George, brother of Jacob George
has moved his familv into the cottage
lately vacated by the Glendye family.
Mrs. T Ai McBride and children
have been visiting for some time at the
residence of her father, Hon. George
We met Miss Louise Conyers on tlTe
btrcet Sho is much improved in ap
pcaranccj and wears her old-time health
y physique.
J. P. Walker and Young Shattuck
were in town lately. Mr. Walker is
fishing for salmon, but reports them
scarce at Willow Bar.
D. W. rtentice fc Co.'s JI us ical Jour
nal for May has a sketch of Stephen C.
Foster, the great song-writer, also of
Frederick N. Crouch, the composer of
that sweet ballad, 44 Kathleen Mavour
necn. Songs, 44 Primrose Farm," 44 The
Palms," 44 The Longest Way Round,"
"Kiss Waltz," and 44 Bella Bocea Polka".
On Thursday May 31st. at 10 o'clock ot said Uay I will
offtrr for sale at uiy place.
One lijrht Market-wagon.
l'lows, Harrow, and other Fanning anl Carpenter
Tools. Tenr.s Conn.
Seth Foi-b.
Notice of Application to Purchasf.
Timber Lands.
U. S. Land Office, ")
Oregon City, Oregon, n
May 23, 188S. )
Notice is hereby given that George W. Mc
Bride of Columbia County. Oregon h made ap
plication to purchase the north west of section
number 20 of township number 4 north of range
number 2 west of the Willamette MerMian, un
der the provisions of the act of Congress, ap
proved June 3, 1878, entitled " An act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the .States of California,
Orecon, Nevada and in Washington Territory."
All a 1 verse claims to said tract of land, or any
portion thereof, must be filed in the United
States Land OHice, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the expiration of sixty days from this date.
Given under my hand this 2 davof Mavl&tf.
L, T. UAH IX, llcgistei.
Noiics. c-f Application to Purchase
Timber Lands.
U.S. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon.
May 25 1833.
Notice is hereby given that Joseph Taxernf
Kalama, Cowlitz Co Wash. Tcr. has made appli
cation to purchase th- north wt't of section
number 28 of township number 6 north of range
number 3 west of the Willamette Meridian, un
der the provisions of the act of CohgTcss, ap
proved .Tune 3, 14578, entitled " An act for the
ai of Timber Lands in the States of California,
Oreron. Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract of land, orany
portion thereof, must be filed in the United
Staten Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the eX4ration of sixty days from this date.
Given under my hand this 25 day ot May 1S83.
L. T. BAIilN, Register.
v3n42may25 .
Xolice Of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
U. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon.
Mf.y 25, 1MS3.
Notice is hereby given that S. G. Alle n of
Multnomah Co. Oregon, has made application
to purchase theN. W. i of See. 26, T. 0 N. M.
3 W. Will. Mer., under the provi.Hons of the
Act of Congress approved June 3, 1S7&, entitled
"An Act for the hale of Timber Lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in
Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract must be filed
in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Ore
gon, before the expiration of sixty days from
this date.
Given under my hand thia 2oth. day of May
L. T. BAP. IN, Hegister.
Application to
Timber Land.
" . -I i
iiayy a.
Elliott of
to purchase the bouth J of south east $ a
r . i a. i c : ' ia
hd Houth-
SOI snuiu west I ui s-.-vi.tuii uuuijv--i jv
of tovn-
ship immDer o nonit 01 ran'e numoer'
the Willamette Merklian, under tliep
of the act of Congress, approval June 3,
.... -a. t it . . 1 . . t rr:...i l
west !of
titled Anacuoriue biii i tuuuer j
the States of California, Oregon, Neval
Land.s 'in
, Wa.jh-
All adverse claims to paid trwrt of lanj
1, or ahy
portion thereof, nuiKt lie r.ied m tin
States Iaiwl Otuce, at Oregon City, Or
for the expiration of sixty days from tl
Given under my hand thw 11th. day
v3ii40iuayll .
L nited
-on, l-e-i3
of "MAy,
Notice op' Application to Pq
- Timber Land.
Tavi- Office at Vancoi-vkr, T.,
Aiiril'iTthl W.I. I f
Vnt;.oih.rfJn- oiven that in compliance wibh the pro
visions of the Act of Coiiffrejs approved June lsr.Sen
titled An art for the sale of '1 iniler Ivoi-ls ir the Stite-s
of California, Oregon, Nevada, niJ in Washin rton Terri
tory, " Samuel Vestal, of Cowlitz- County, iVash. Ter.
has thin dav file.l inthisotHrchis an'lication t - purchase
tlm South EiVit J of Section S4. Township I North, of
Katijre 1 East, of the Willanicte Meridian.
Testimony iu the above case will be taken before tthc
Judife of the TrMwto Court, at K alamo, Wa h. Ten cm
Saturday, the Ttlv day .f uly, lHs;i.
Any ami all persons having aJverne cla ms to Itho
above described land, or atV portion thcreo are here
by reuuired to fnle their claims in this omce Nvithin bix-
tv(CO) da -s fron date hereof. . I
FitKl. W. SIMUUNGJ Register.
Xoticc of Application to Purchase
Timber Iiimls.
U. 3. Land Oi-itce at Oregon Citt,
4, 1833.
Notico is herehv Given that v i lu
of Columbia' Countv-, Oteon, has mac
le applica
;?0. Totvn-
won to purchase the w h of E. $ of Sec.
fhin 8 N. Jlan-'e A vr. ot illamotte M
dian uh-
der the provisions of tire Act of Co
tigress !ap-
proved June S, 1878, entitled "An
sale of Timber Lands in the States of
ct for the
Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington T
All adverse claims to said trcmt wiwt
be FitKD
. Oregoii.
in the U. S. Land Oihce at Oregon Cit
before the erj)iration of sixty days froni
this date.
Given under rav han-lthis4tli. tlav ot
Way 1883.
Xoticc of Application to purchase
Timber Laird.
Land Office at VA.vt ouv
in, W.
th. 1883.
lHance With
the irovisions of the Act of Congress
June 3. 1878. entitled "An Act for tli
e saiJ oi
Timber Lands in the States of Calif
mia, Orc
erritorv," . Ter. ! has
gon, evaiia, ami in asmngton
Snmuel Kidd of Cowlitz County, Vas'
tnis clay inert iu mis ornco his app
ii. .. .. i . r ij . , 1 1
icatioil to
urco.irti uik . i,. j ui i
North of Rang,' 4 est, of tho Wilku
oui-Kip J
tte Mtirid-
Testirnojiv in the a'wvc cao v.ill b
fore the Judgu of tlio IVobatV Court :
W'oul, '!'.... .. S,..,ri1,.,.n- .IhK-'MjI- 1
Any and a'i persons having ad vers.
elainis to
n thoreof
the aiMVe ilescriljeU, or i,iiy port
are heivbv roiuired to file their ca
ms 1:1 !'i)!s
Oiiice-within sit (i0idiivs from dat-H
I'lirJD. vv. Si'AKLINO.
Uon-lim IS
Tim'bsr Lands.
Land Office .i V.;:covv
Notice is herebv given tLr.t incomp
the provisions of the Act of Congre.-;
B, W,T-
lst. 185.'!.
i.iticc with
! June 3, 178, entitled "An Act' for
j Tiniler Ijands in the State of Califom
I Ncv.uLt, and Washington Territory,
! H. LloomMeld of Clarke Co., v jish. '
the Sale of
i. )rtf;on,
er. hart this
t day tiled in this o!icehi-i application
) Viii't'hase
hij i N. of
t.'ie w. joi s. vv. f or mcciioii i n,vn
R. 1 vv. ot the v ijlainette .Meiidiau.
.Testimonv in tbe above cae ill 1
i taken be-
fore th-? Judge of the Probate Court;
t Kalama,
e chiiin.i to
W. T. ou Saturday, July Sth, 1S83.
Anv aiul all )ers ns having r.dvei.
the above de.rcrbed land, or r.nv portiontm
are herlv lfouired to hie thflr elaimi ii th
is ol-
fiao within f 'UvfiiO) davs from date iWeof
ITotico of Aisulicatioa to Barcliaso
TimTasr Lands.
Lako (i.
:k, W.T. S
;h. 1SS3. j
May 12
Notion is hereby giren that in coninlianceNvith
th.i prov isi'ms of the Act of Congre
June 3, 1878. entifh-d " An Act M the sale of
Timber Lands in tho States of California, !Ore-
gon, Nevada, and in Washing ton Territory,
Holland. II. Harvey of Cowlitz Coi
Ter. has this day tiled in this office
tion to purchase the K. h of N. E. and
N. i ol s. E.
i ot .Sec. 20, Tp. H North of Kauge 1
Willamette Meridian.
Testimony i:i Use aljove case will 1
fore the Judge of the Probate Court
W. T. on Saturday. July 21st. 1SS3.
Kast oif the
e taken be-
tit Kalama,
Any and all persons claiming adversely t
describe I Ian. l. o r any portion thereot.
are hereby
required to l:le their claims in this o
lice within
.;vt,-i(".01 d:iv fmm d.-it-.e hereof.
FllED W. SrAKLINd, Reg
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber, Lands.
V. S. Land Office at O.iegos Chr, Orrqok.
av 25, IbSJ.
Notiee is hereby given that C T. Prchn
County, Oresron ha made application tc
south east quarter of section number 2
f Multnomah
purchahe the
of township
the Willam-
number o nortn oi ranije jiumuer o ra
tt Moritl-an. nnrlpr tho TirovisiMiM of
io act of Con-
press, approved Juno 3, 187?. entitled "A
not f'Jr the
Bale oi Timuer l.anus in inc z-iaiQn oi vai
Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract of lind
California, Orciron,
r any j)rtion
Land OHice,
thereof, must he fl!ed in the United StateU
ot Oregon City, 1 iregon, before the expi
A. .- fi.i tfij flat..
tion ofi sixty
(liven under my hand this 25 day of May
T TT T . . .
Ij. X; XA
3n4-2may25 .
is, Retnster.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Vakcocvf-r, Vf . T
May VJth, 1SS3.
V.t.!ri ; lirrp'.iv pivpn that the folliywintr.
nnn-xu-l Qoiflp nnt.ion of hl.1 ltlt(ntlin tn
mnl o tiiinl nnmf tn sumtort tf his clailllJ unii
tlmt fail proof v?ll be- ruaJe befor
the Judce
of the 1'robate Uourt, at ivaiama,
on ilondav. Futte 2"th. 1SS3. vizi II
V ash. Ter.,
Unry . V.
for the
PpmiL- 1 lMinPKtn.r1 A iiriHeation No.
N. A of s. w. i & N. W. t ol 8. K. oi aec. oUi i p.
s v l : 1 w
ll ti,im,3 tVio fiiimv!?i, tv?! neKfe to nrnvc hi
continuous rewdctfeo upott, and cultivation of.
fin Hi land.
A. If. Kdlin. cf FrceT ort. W. T.
Jorrv Beck, cf
Villian Majors, of
J. II. Morris, of '
FKED. W. SPAIiLIXU. IicL'ister.
Notice of Application to E
Tiitier Land.
Lani Office at Vancouver, YV
May 17 th, 1
Notice i hereby -dven that in com
liance with
the provisions of the Act of Congrrf
ss approved
June ;J, 1S7-S, entitled An Act ti
Timber Lands in the States of Cal
the sale of
fornia, Ore-
"nn. Nevada, and in- WawhincoiJ
Wash. Tor.
Edwin Benjinan of Cowiita Countj,
has thw day filed in this ortic
ii appiica-
tion to purchase the w. of Sectio
24. Tou-n-
snip o iNonn. oi xxanju o
Testimony in the above cac will I
taken be
fore the Jude of the 1'robato Oourt
W. T. on Saturday, the 28th. day of
at Ivaiama,
: July, 1 18H3.
Any and all persons Having anve
t.h d..-rribel land, or any portion
claims to
ereof, aro
liv riuired to file their claims ir
this ! office
within ixt.v(G0) days from dste hereof
l-rt l. V 5l
Notice of
The new and elegant Steamboat
Lucea Mason
Leaves Portland, foot of Alder St. for La Center, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 9 a. m., touching at at.
Helen, Lake Kivcr and all intermediate landings. Ke
turning leaves Laf'enter at 8 a. m., Monday, Wedneslay,
and Friday. Landing made at Woodland on Wednes
day and Thursday.
Notice for Pcelication.
Land Office at Vaxcower, W. T.
May 7th. 1883.
Notice is hereby riven that the following
named settler has tiled notice of hi intention to
make final proof in feuppoit of his claim, aud
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Vancouver, V. T., rnTuelay,
June 12th, 1883, viz: Klisha Havf l'fe-emptioii
Declaratory Statement No. 1088, for the outh
west of section 14, township 8 north, range 1
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Henry Allen, of Carrollton, V. T.
Walter Lysons, of
JohnAyres, of " "
Cary L. Havird, of d" "
FRK1). W. SPARLING, KegiettT.
Notice op Application to Pcrciiase
Timber Lajid.
Laxd Omce at V.wCocvkr, tV. T. )
April 20th. 1S3. f
"otiee fs hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the Act til CnngrfM approved Jane 3, 1H7H,
c-iititlml "An act ckfor the sale of 'limber Limls in tho
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington
Territory " James D. Organ, of C-owlltz County, Wash.
Ter. has' this day filed in this ptiire his application to pur
chase the South West Qinvrter of South East (Quarter of
Section 20, Towmhip S North, of ltange 1 Weds, of the
Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be taken before the
Kcgister and Keoeiver, at Vatwx)ivcr, Wash. Ter. on
Tuesday, the loth, day of .uly, W.i.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to the
above described lands, or any portion thereof, are here
by required to lite their claims in this office within sixty
davs from date hereof.
Fit ED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Notice of Application to PuncnASE
Timdeu Land.
Land Office at Vancouver, V. T.
Man:h 22d. 183.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of tho Act of
Congress approved Juno 3. 1S78, onti
tletl "An act for the sale of Tir.ilr
Lands in thi Stairs of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Henry II. Dryer, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in
this otlico his application to purchase the
g. E. I of Section 22, Township 10 x. of
Ilangy 1 vv of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Com I, at lvulama, Wash. Ter. on Tues
day, the 5th. day of Julie, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described, lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to life the claims in this oiVica within
sixtv (60) days from date hereof.
FItMD. W. SPA11LING, Register.
Land Office at -Vancouver, W. T.
March, 22d, 1S83.
Notice is hereby givvn that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878. entit
led "An act. for the sale of Timber Lands
in the .States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington Territory."
William D. O'ltegan, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, lia3 this day tiled in
this office his application to purchase the
s w. of Section 22, Township 10 N., of
Range 1 w. of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above else will be
taken before the Judge bf the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter., on Mon
day, tho 4th day of June. 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to tho above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to iile their claims in this office within
tixtv (GO) days from date hereof.
FRED. V. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 2Sth. 1863.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, "1878, enti
tled "An act for tho Bale of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Ore
gonj Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Maurice J. Gleason, of Multno
mah County, Oreccou, has this day tiled
in this office his application to purchase
the X. e. J of Section 34, Township 9
of Range 1 av. of the Willamette Merid
ian. Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Trobate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ten on
Wednesday, the Ctlu day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to tile their claims in this office within
sixty (60) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
v3n3hn30 k "
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 22d. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, enti
tled"' An act if the sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Martin J. Donnelly, of Multno
mah County, Oregon, has this day filed
in this office his application to purchase
the s. w. of Section 28, Township 9 X.
of Ran,Te 1 w. of the Willamette Merid-
Testimony in the abovo case will be
taken before the Judgo'of the Probate
Cjurt, at Kalama, Wash. Ter., on
Tuesday, the 5th day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims thereof, are hereby required to
file their claims in this office within six
ty (60) days from the date thereot
FRED. W, SPARLING, Register.
Notice for Publication
Land Oric at
Oregon Citt, Obegon.
Anril 14. 1S83.
Notice in hereby given that the fwllowing-munetl
settler ha mlko notice of hia intention to mak
kinal tkoof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the County Clerk of
Columbia County at St. Helen, Oregon, or
Monday May 28, 1883, 'w George W. Heath,
Homestead Entry No. 4C73 for the 8. E. of Sac.
4, T. 0 n. It. 2 w.
He names tho following witnesses to provhfa
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, vU:
A. iXecr, (iev. Fisher, Geo. Foster, and R.
Foster-, I'oftT umcs address of all, Kalama,
Washington Territory.
L. T. BARIX, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 22d, 1893.
Notice is hereby driven that in coni
pliance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, entit
led " An act for the sale of Timber Lands .
in tli-? States of California, Orpgon, Ne
vada, and in Washington' Territory,"
William A. Freeman, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, lias this day filed in this
office his application to purchase tho s.
E. of Section 28, Township 9 X., of
Range 1 w., of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in tho above case will be
taken before the Judge cf Qie Probate
Court, nz Kalama, W. T., on Monday,.
th 4th !ay Juue, 1883.
Any and all persons having ad vsrsr
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their claims in this ollico within
sixty days (60) days from date thereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 27th. 1833.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, entitled
" An act for tire sale of Timber Lands in
tho States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory," Rob
ert J. Doolinr, of Multnomah County
Oregon, has this day filed in this oflico
his application to purchase tho East of
North West and East of South Vest
of Section 30, Township 9 North, of
Range 1 West of the Willamette Merid
Testimony in tho above case will bo
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on
Wcdxiefday, the Oth. Jay of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having udvemt
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, aro hereby required
to file their claims in this office within
sixty (CO) days from date hereof.
Notice of application to
Land Office at Vancouveu, W, T.
March 24th. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the piovisiona of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, enti
tled " An act for the sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Hamilton Knott, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in
this office his application to purchase tho
w. i of 5. E. aud E. of s. w, of Sec
tion 18 Township 9 n. of Range 1 w.-of
the. Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will bo
taken before tho Register and Receiver
at Vancouver, Wash. Ter. on Saturday,
tho 2d. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverao
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, arc hereby required,
to file their claims in this oiiice withiu
sixty (GO) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 28th. 1833.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tho provisions of the Act of
Congress aproved June 3, 1878, entitled
" An act for the sale of Timber Lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory," Jo
seph J. Meagher, of Murfnomah County,
Oregon, has this day filed in this offico
his application to purchase the North
West of Section 3 1, Township 9 North,
of Range 1 West, of the Willamette Me
ridian.. Testimony in the above case will bo .
taken before tho J udgo of the Probato
Court at Kalama, Wash. Tor. on Wednes
day, tho 6th. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the abovo described londs, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to tile their claims in this ollico within
sixty(GO) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
La wd Ofeice at Vancouver, W. T. )
March 27th, 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the Act
of Congress approved Juno 3, 1878. en
titled ' An act for the sale of Timler
Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri.
tory," Joseph Hughes, of Multnomah
County, Oregon has this day filed in
this office his application to purchase tho
w. of N. f and w. of 8. E. of
Section 30 Township 9 n. of Range 1 w,
of tho Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will bo
taken before the Judge of the Probato
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter., on Wed
nesday the 6th day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to tho above described lands, or
auy portion thereof, aro hereby required
to file their claims in this office withia
sixty (60) days from date hereof.