The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, May 18, 1883, Image 2

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'St. Helen, Columbia Co., Or.
iffBIDAT, JvIAY 13, 1683.
1 year, In advance $2 00
G" month " 1 00
3 months " ,ro
'"" Imn (10 lines) first insertion $2 Of)
.ck aubserjueut insertion 1 00
E. G. ADAMS, Editor & Propriacr.
On Sunday we went up to ancouver
with our family on the Luce Maseru ;
It had looked so much like rain there i
waa not so big a crowd, .s there other
wise would have Ijeefc.. The air was very
cool, and blew directly down the river.
We got at Vancouver at 12 m., and in
the first place called at Dr. Wall's where
we took dinner. There eldest son is at
tending a Medical College in San Fran
cisco. We called at Captain Hakes' and j
admired the beautiful maples in front of j
their residence. The interior of their )
house was fitted up in fine style. We j
called at Mr. C. W. Slocmn's. Mrs. Slo- j
cum had returned from Kalama, and j
was at liorae. We went out and ad-
mired their fine carriages and horses.
Mr. Slocum's residence is one of the
f!nit in Vnncmi-(r Wn rolled nn
Thurston Daniels at his beautiful home, !
also at Mr. Jaggvs's where we met the j
first time, Rev. Mr. Banks. Pvron Dan- j
iels and his bride were there. " '
In Vancouver we met for the first i
tiino Dr. Soarlinir. the Be-ister of the i
Land Office. He resembles in manners, j
GenL Hamilton of Portland, and has j
the same courtly, gentlemanly and at the j
same time independent offhand way. j
The Lucca Mason is a very substan- j
tial well built boat. Mrs. Lancaster j
came .down on tho return of the bdat to I
visit her daughter, Mrs Tyszkiewicz.
Mrs. Lancaster was raised on the West- j
rn Keserve m Uhio. iter tatlier was
-. . v.. .......
a Baltimorean, Jones hy name, her moth
er was a native of London, England.
She is 68 years old. and surely does not
appear over 55. Mr. Benzer and daugh- j
ter Mrs.. Pollock were on board, also a
Mrs. Bozarth, one of the John sisters.
The picnic of the Band of Hope was j
uu, ii in gie vu tue Wp
of Church Hill. The table was loaded
with the most delicious viands. Basket
lenciuus wanas. jasuci t
, , , , from the. f-piendid !
,.t TT , .... ;
ou Helen and vicir.ity.
. after basket car.
housewives of hL Helen and vicir.ity
The table was beautiful to behold. Mrs.
Edmonds and Mrs. Moore furnished
some finely ornamented cake. Mrs. Ed-
monrls wis not nfesent lmt erp-.t verv
monas was not present, uut sent eiy ,
liberally, and so did many others. There
wa' music and freaking in the church
One of the best speakers was Johnny
Fero. A number joined the Band of
Hope, Mr. A. H. Blakesley and Major
Adams were present, and thc Major i
ipoiweoi gooa oenavior at cnurcn ana. j
social meetings. j
The Lucea Jccon has been chartered
by Captain Bratton for an excursion
(27) Sunday from Vancouver. SI. 00
round trip from Vancouver to Bratton's
Landing on Lewis River. The boat
will leave Vancouver at 8 a. m.. touch
ing at StHelen at 10:30 A. M., arrive
back at St Helen at 4:30 p. m. A lot
of County officials will go to examine the.
river for a bridge. It is said to be a j Frank Henrici has married Miss Ol- j ,earn this book, and she will always re
magnificent place for a bridge, there be- j lie Bonser, daughter of Hilton Bonscr. tail llfir Iord's affections, for the heart
ing a huge rock midway of the stream. ! They xvero united in the silken bond by ! strings of most men run through their
There is a hall at Bratton's Landing, j R. II By bee Esq. Much jov.j j stomachs.
'The steamer will probably go a short j r3. Shaltuck was a Camp, a native ; We have received the Anderson Coun
distancc above. : of good old Tennessee. A relative of j ty Republican. It is edited by Lorin H.
Enoch ShintarTer will give a Ball on
the Evening of May 25th A. D. 1883s
All may expect a splendid time, an
Enoch never fails to give satisfaction.
He does things up brown. He is no
half-penny man. The balls he gave are
among thc most fondly remembered
events in the social world of St. Helen.
He can get up the best supper and rnako
everybody feel pleased and enjoy them
selves. Mrs. Giltner brought back when she
returned from Yamhill the remains of
hersister Ellen whs died many years
ago. Her dust will be placed near that
of her relatives on Germany Hill. She
diedjat the Of 16 years. Mrs. Gilt
ner while in Yamhill visited cousins by
th3 name of Davia
The Chinamen on the wharf in front
o! town have a pig-pen that smells like
a first class cholera. Some one request-
ed the mist to pitch into it. They ( the
staff) said they thought of doing it, till
they found it belonged to the Muckles.
So it appears any Mucklo stink they are
1 t A 1 1
UOUnU kO M-rlUU.
One of the leading mist-backers has
been heard to offer a small boy a bit to
expose his person on the principal street
refinement of Major Adams' enemies.
They are high in social position, tin
horn gamblers and such being their spec
ial favorites.
Harvey .Van Cleave was in town, a
Mexican War Veteran. He was in Jim
Lane's Indiana Regiment. He has ap.
died for a pension, and ought to have ;
tine. !
Tho water still keeps rising j
The mist is bound to Mtcoomb. I
Mrs. S. A. Miles' baby is not verv
Jim Muckle sat in the choir on; Sun
day, j
Mr. Miles' af in and baud are improv
ing fdovrlv. j
The Good Templars gave a supper
Wednesday eve, j
Mr. Fabro will soon move his family
i j
j into the Durell house. .
A gentleman lately dropped a watch
iu thc river ltoar St. Helen. j
; ,
J. W. Dodson will haul the cord wood j
cut on Captain Lemon t's place, j j
George Frantz has lot3 of boarders in j
the shape of railroad bosses Are.
If you want a Webster head, read tho
mist, and then feel of your bumps;
Mr. Wharton will soon take the; place
of Mr. Quic k as clerk in Muckles' store,
Mr,-W. H. Whitney has been on the
pauer for some time in Muckles' mill,
j w ran,p?.,ell lately extracted
ft vi,,om toot from the mouth of Wm.
Mr. Joseph Dobbins came to St.;IIelen j
Ion Tuesday, and a Mr. Tingley, we
'G- AV" Harns' Enoch'a "per i- j
a ver' stcad-v :uan ami nnicl of
tlemar- j
llcv- Mr- Sellwood is to preach in the j
Church two weeks from his lafct Sab-!
th's service. ,
Ffou Major Adams' house to the
Railroad is a short drive over the finest !
kind of a road.
3r. Gill on Seappoose is
hi place very much. He looks
like a thorouh-oinf man.
Mrs Mojli(? Kellog was n ori a
vUit ast wek to her fathri..8 . Lhc said
j - ti remainetj ouitc iU.
T. W. Campbell has a lot of State
Land on Sly Creek, for which ho has
been offered 30 dollars per acre, j
u hat cto 'ou tmnk ot a man proving
hims?lf ut who has never been ac-
CUSf,d Von't it look suspicious ?
Mr. Konkle took us out in his road-
H(! hafi a fmo mare b the namp
of FannIt. ho ljOUhfc of Ja!ucs )art
G. W. McBride will soon receive a, bi-j
. . , , . , s .
invoice of new goods, the clseapest and
. , , - ,
hr.est ever vet thrown on the tit. Helen
.... "uTi I
rr, . ., .. , ; ,
1 lwJ wlu easily commie a uunnrcu verses
f j
ot Scripture. !
The water has driven the Strachans
out of their quarry on this side of Milton
Creek. They will work in the quarry
on the other sid;-. ;
A man uiysterously disappeared m
Columbia city, ue had been assault-
ing Chinamen, and tho' supposition is
! that thev malted him.
A man with sears on the face and a i of a Virginia lady in Cottleville, Mis-pump-handle
arm fell into a kettle of hot j souri. She had preserves and sweet
sap when young, and never got the sap
out of Ins head yet. j
A man in town has the biggest sit-
down in Oregon
It is fast absorbing
lui whole person. He is called by the
I ho.vs Pnuncheoua Pile-of-it. j
hers, a bright intelligent young man, j Cordon, the. son of a cousin of ours, and
Mas a classmate of ours at Yah) College, j nephew of C. Ii Wheeler, murdered be
Peter Shannon gave us a sack of po- twecn Frog more and St. Helen. It is
tatoes the finest we ever tasted. They
cook in 15 minutes and arei rich and
mealy. He got tho seed frcm Esq. Pt-r-
rv. i
. j
Mr. Decker, Blakesley's bar-keejjer,
has improved wonderfully in appearance
lately. He has cast aside tho sin that
so easily besets, and is all Boston in bu
siness matters.
Mr. Simpson, one cf the most tasty
painters in the world is in our midst
He is fitting p Judge Moore's house in
elegant stylo. II you want a firet-clat;
job, hire Simpson.
Jim Muckle walks the streets of St.
i Helen as if ho wero Irving! to imitatj
the gait and manners of W. & Ladd, the
j banker. Perhaps he is some relation,
j He used to bo connected by note of hand,
j Had a visit thU weefc frQm Mr God
j kill fani:i Edward Prd,r
, -w , ..... ..w
sistant in the shop bids fair to be a splen
did workman. Intellectually he takes af-
tcr father aml mother both! Roted for
their intelligence.
j Xhe lailroad is graded from the Mor-
rison farm down to Willie jFullerton's
place. Mr. Slone Fullerton expected
them to commence work on his place on
Tuesday. There has been quite heavy
blasting near Aaron Broyles
When 3'6u drop money in a contribution-box
imitate a certain person we saw
in church. Lift the four bits slowly so
the li$ht can fall on it, and scintillate
its radiancs over the congregation, then
lower gradually, and drop a tear on it, j
as it vanities rrom Mgnt. i
Beaver Valley, May 7, 18S3.
Eidtor Mist: The party of hood
lums who lately serenaded the newly
married couple at Woodland, W. T., hav-
ing failed to get any free whiskey, made
! a personal charge against the bridgroom
! through the columns of an insignificant,
one-horse paper, stating that money was
collected and given to " tho happy man
to treat himself," when the fact is the
money was collected to pay for repair
ing some windows which they had bro
ken, but the paper referred to will pub
tQ ft non co,Bpos U!CnU,s it is a
v nf timp to rpnl
.. - - t
Respectfully, O. P. Jolly.
In reply to the above letter from the
mjsf, we have a letter from Woodland
civiii" the names of those who partici
pated in the charivari. It is from one
of the most respectable men of Cowlitz
County. Those present were Oscar
Hart, Frank Ktogar, Amos Theal,
Charles, Henry and Frank Spcecht,
Harry and Arcluo Lewis, Andrew Mil
lard, Edward and Albert Gcerig, James
Stratton, E. C. Davis, W. 11., A. S. and
Albert Bozarth, Charles Davis, Wm.
Plank, Wm. Strong, John Seeley, Hen-
Frank,' Mr. Crooks and M. F. Hazcn,
Assessor of Columbia county. These
! are tho men the mist calli 14 hoodlums'-
The gentlemen before mentioned says
betMrecn three and four dollars was col-
ct d Sivc to Vini,l3- Then? a
no damage done except the breaking of
one small window pane. This O. B. Jol-
j ly must bo a scholar in pig Latin, as ne
tells about non compos mentus, mentis
it should have been, but there were so
self. It describes him to a dot.
same hoodlums would like to have him
visit Woodland, no they might have a
chance to put a Webster head on him.
Panes of glass must be very expensive in
1 , .(
the lerritory, it a of glass costs ao
much what must be the expense of a pain
in the stomach 1
We have received from John P. Mor-
ton lt Company, Housekeeping in old
. . . . , . , 1
Virginia, our better halt is clPiiL-,IiteU
with it, and we showc d it to Mr. W. B.
Dillard, an old Virginian, and he was j
with it, and we showe d it to Mr. W. B.
m ecstasies over it. it maKes our uiuui.i
water just to read the receives; if we
, . i ? i wi
should eat som? ot the good things there
-r. i ..'.K
descriled we should go into the eating
business harder than ever, we should r.ot
j .
. . matter ot r.eccssitr but iu;t for
: .
; the fun of the tiling, the bov did in
j gchool who ju,fc hs nnd
j thcn .fc wh;s"lod itselfc It, coutributors
; aro thp ady housckeop,ra of the
, , . , . tli...-
i Uiu joiiiinu'n. e nae euien ui in.i
cooking in Virginia, Maryland, Missouri
anj otjer piaces, and have the good
j taRte in oar rariUth yet. We remember
in particular dining at the princely table
! picklo of green English walnuts that
i beat the world. Everyone should send !
to John P. Morton it Co. for a copy of
this book. One thing it lacks, it don't
tell its price. We will send and find out.
Every young girl before marriage should
mentally, and strongly Republican in
Have received the Art Amateur for '
May. All go into ecetacips when we. get
it ; it has so many rare things. It is a
perfect world of itself, and brings back
to good old times, when man lived for
the beautiful alone, and had not to con
sume his life in uninteresting drudgeries.
Have, received an illustrated paper
from Philadelphia, called Thc Illustrated
World. It iias cuts that give it the
foremost place in tho world of art and
beauty. Its advent will bo hailed with
rapture by us all. Long may it contin
ue its visits to our homestead.
Work given Out. On receipt cf rour
address we will make an offer by which
you can earn $3 to $7 evenings, at your
home. Men, Women, Boys or girls can
do it H. C. Wilkinson, it Co., 195 and
197 Fulton Street, New York.
The Wasco Sun has illuminated our
sanctum. Is is a staunch Mitchell pa
per. Long may it wave. Its sentiments
suit us to a dot. It is a credit to The
Dalles and its Editor.
We have received the Commercial
Herald. It is very beautiful, and tells
that Balti? and Ireland have- something
to do with its splendid looks.
And a sower went forth to sow on
Bunker Hill, but had no crap' for things
didnt come up.
I"f Money lo loan on veal estate
security by F. A. Moore Eq., St. Helen,
? i many typograpnicai errors in piece the above described land, or any portiontiiereoi.
! I , . r j. i l i . u are hereby required to file their claims in this of-
r,vir rr j the 'P0 raUst "aVC g0t fice within fiixtv(iJO) davs from date hereof,
lmprovm :. , .. :1 l, VI! f-!l. WSPA RT.l "f;. Reirister.
i Ai.r .
il.r. UiCllUil Ulua ail cuiiuiiai un fii- i , D .
and acts I , . , . , ,. i t3nilml8 !
I I jtLtv-t t illl.ii cpj.lT.o tij Aiiv-tj ...... ;
Notice for Publication.
La.M) Office at Vancouver W. T.
May 17th,
Notice id hcrehy given that the following-named set
tler has filed notice of his intent ion to make final proof
in suivort of his claim, and that said proof will he made
before the Judge of the Probate Court, at Kalaina, Wash.
Ter. on Saturday, Juno 2Ikl. viz: James Downing,
Homestead Application No. 2Srs, for the west i of south
west quarter, LuU 7 and 8, and Eouth west quarter of
north west quarter Of section 2, township 8 north, range
4 west.
He names the following w'.tne.-sus to prove lib contin
uous rtjidin . upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz:
William Wiluorn. of Oak Point, W. I.
Henry L. Khieaid, of
Robert McAdauis, of " ."
Charles Neal, of
FRED. W. SFARL1NG, Register.
ITotico ol Application to Pur chase
Timfcsr Lands.
L vsn Oitice at
Vancouver, V. T.
May 12th. 1SS3. )
Xoticc is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of tho Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1S78, entitled " An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in thc States of California, Urc
pon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,
Holland H. Harvey'of Cowlitz County, Wash.
Ter. has this day filed in this office his applica
tion to purchase the E. A of K. E. and N i of 8. E.
of Sec. 20. Tjk 8 North of Range 1 Kiust of the
Willamette Meridian.
UvBtimony iu the above case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the l'robat Court at Kalama,
W. T. on S;iturd;v, July 21st. 18S3.
Any and all pei oiw claiming adversely to sat. I
described lands or a'fcyportjontliereof, are hereby
rerjuired to lilo their claims in this office within
sixtv(OO) 4av from date hereof.
"FliEDW. SPARLING, Register.
u"n41m!3 .
27otic3 of Application to
' Tiznbsr Lands.
Land Office at Vaxoot ver, V. T.
May 1st. 1383.
Not'co is herebv given that incompliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June S, 1673, entitled "An Act for the Sale of
Timber Land in the State of Calif ornia, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory. Nathaniel
H. liloomfield of Clarke Co., Wash." Ter. has this
day filed in this olhceln application to purchase
the w. lot s. w. of Section 10, Township G N. of
K. 1 w. of the illamette Meridian.
Testimony In the above case will be taken be
fore the Jiulge of the Probate Court at Kalama,
W. T. on Saturday, July 23th. 1833.
ny and all persons having ad veise claims to
Koticc of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
Land OrricE at Vancouver, W. T.
May 1th., 18i-3.
Nwtice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
junest 1s7b, entitlexl "An Act for the sale .f
Tiruber Lands in the States of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,'.'
Samuel Kidd of Cowlitz Count v, Wash. Ter. ha3
I this day hied in this olfiea his application to
purchase the X. E. i of Section 14, Township!)
! North of Range 4 W est, of the Willamette Merid-
I 'an' .
Testimony in the above case will be taken be-
f oro the J udgu of the Probate Court at Kalama,
Wash. Ter. on Saturday, July 21st. 1SS3.
An v and all persons haing adverse claims to
t;. above described lan i, or any portion thereof
j hcrvhv reiuired to file their claims in thi
Oiiic witnin sixty (bOldavs from oate hereof.
Pit tD. V. SPAKLING, Register.
1 u.'numis
; .m. i
' . .
' Notice of Application to Pur-
cliase Timber Land,
S. Laxd Okkice, Oregon City. Oregon,
Alay, IS, l.ScX
Notice is hereby jriven that John 11. Sheeby f
A'uitnojnuh County, Oregon, has made a;ijliCa
tiin to purch.ise the x. r.. of Sec. -"J T. G n. II.
3w. Will. Mer., under the provisions of tho Act
of Congress approved Jimeo". 1S78, entitled -'An
Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the Stales
oi Cr.iif-.'rnia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washing
ton Territorv-."
All adverse claims to said tract must be Hied
in the U. S. Lund Office at Oregon City, Orc
pon, before the expiration of sixty day a from
thi date.
Given under mv hand this IStli. dajr of May
L. T. BARIN, Roister.
?oticc cf Application to Purchase
Timber Lands,
Land Office at V.Ncorvtr.. W. T. J
May 14th, 1SS3.
Notice is hereby piven that in ' compliance
with tho provisions of the Act of Congress Ap
proved June 2, 1S7S, entitled "An Act for the
talu of Timber Lands in the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Lewis C. Medloek of Cowlitz County. ah. Ter.
has tlds day riled in this oihee his application to
purchase the South Ea.-;t J of See. 12, Townsh'p 8
North of l.'angel w. of tho Willamette Meridi
an. Testimony in tlic alvove case will be taken be
fore the Judge of the Probate Court r.t Kalama,
W. T. o' Saturday, July 21st, 18S3.
Any and all persons hi'.viiig adverse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion there
of, are hereby required to file their claims in
this oftico within sixtv (00) itavs from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Sotlcc cf Application to Purchase
Timber Lands.
LAvn OrncE at Vancouver W. T. )
May 14th, 1SS3. f
Notico is hereby given that in compliance with
gon, Nevada, and m Washington lerritory,
Walter S. Lyaons, of Cowlitz County Wash.
Ter. has this "day tiled in this office his applica
tion to purchase" the s. J of s. E. 1 and Jf. R i of
. E. i of Section 22, Township North of Rango
1 v. ot tho WilL'.mcttc Meridian.
Testimony in .ne abov will be liken bc
foiv the Jnige of the Probate Court at Kalama,
W. T. on Saturday, July 21st. 18o3.
Any and all. persons having adverse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion thereof,
arc hereby required to file their c aims in thi. of
fice within sixty (60) days from da to hereof. ,
FR ED. W. SPA R LI N O, .Register.
t'. S. Land Office, Vancouver, W. T.
May 10th, 1883.
Complaint having been entered at this Olhce
by August Schmitz against Carl Tesch for aban
doning his Homestead Entry To, 2123, dated
March 9th, 1S77, ujon the s. e. iof .v. w. i and
Lot 2 Section 30, Township 6 North, Range 1
East in Cowlitz County, v ash. Ter., with a view
to the cancellation of said entry ; the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this Office on
the 19th day of June, 1SS3, at 10 o'clock A. si., to
respond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment.
L. T. BARIN, Register.
U. S. Land Office Vancouver, W. T.
May 10th, 18S3.
Complaint having been entered at this Of
fice bv August Schmitz against Frank Klaeer
for abandoning his Homestead Entry No.
2124, dated March 9th, 1877, upon the Lots 3
and 4 Section 30, Township G North, Range
1 E. in Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter. with a view
to the cancellation of said entry; the said par
ties aro hereby summoned to appear at this Of-
ce on tho 19th. day of June, lew, at 10 o clock
! a. m. to renpond und furnish testimony concern
ing caid alleged aandontnent.
L. T. BARIN, Register.
the provisions of the Act ot Congress approved
Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
m PAH Y.
The new and elegant Steamboat 1
Lucea Mason
Leaves Portland, foot of AUerSt. for
Center, Tues-
da-. Thur.sJay and Saturday at 9 A. M. ,
Helen, Lke Uiver and all intermediate
tcrnim' leaves LaCenter at 0 a. v. , Monds
ouchine at St.
Inndingi. He-
and Friday. Landing made at Woodlankl
, Wednesday,
on Weanea-
day and Thursday.
rersons dpsirinp: to ptirchase propert
ran obt;in mv interest ry aip)yins to II
in St. Helen
n. H. 1). Shat
:: First Street,
r. vicron.
luck of Portland. Oflire in 01i-r.r.'s Bloc
betr-cen. 1'ine and Oak: Portland.
Notice for Publicatio:
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
7th. 1SS3.
Notice U hereby riven that tie following
named settler hai tiled notice of hi- intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, aid
that said proof will be made befori the Register
and Receiver at Vancouver, W. T., on -Tuesday,
June 12th, 1833, viz: Elinha Rav, Pre-emption
Declaratory Statement No. 10S3, for the south
west 1 of section 14, townhig a riorth, range 1
WCS-t. ' 1
lie names the following witncssJa to prove his
continuous rti'ucnce upon, and cultivation ol,
said' land, vi:
ienry Allen.
of Carrouicon, W. 1.
VHlter Lyscns,
John Avres,
Gary L. Havrd,
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register,
Application to
Timber Lasix
M.Jv. 11th. 1383.
Notice is bercby given that Andrew Elliott of
Columba County Uregon has ma
to purchase the south A of south e.-Jsfc i and south
of south v. ext i of section number 10 of town
ehip number 3 ltorth of range nunuber 4 weat of
the W in?.uietre Aleridian, under
of the net of Congress approved Ji
titled ' An act for the sale of Timber Lands in
the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, Wash
mgton lcrntory.
All adverse claims to paid tract
portion thereof, muwt be filed
pf land, or any
n the united
States Land Oflice, at Oregon Ci
y, Uregon, ue-
fore the expiration of sixtv davs f
oin thw date,
i. day of May,
Civc-n under my hand this lit
L. T. BAIa
IN, Register.
v3n40may 1 1
Notice of Application t6 Purchase
Timber Land
Notice u'lierel.y given that in eon-.pli
v;sior.3 of the A oi CcnLTCS3 annrovpr
fcvER,:v. T., )
Hi sail. iss.. t
nee with the pro
June 3, 137S, en-
tltlo 1 An ac f -r the sale of Tiuiber I.
Knils in the States
ot" California, Orfon, Nevada. nhJ in
Washingt on Tcrri-
torv. " H.t:i-.Lel, of Cowlitz Co
uity, Wash. Ter.
it ion to purchase
lias t'.ils dav i-'icA in thisotliot his anil!
the South Hast cf Section r.i, Towj
Knne 1 East, of the Wulumetc McriJi
TestiMr.y in iha above eae will be
.ship 9 North, of
tuka before trie
Ju'lze cf thc I'rohate Court, at Kalar
?a, wash. ler. on
Satu'rdav, the 7th. duv of July, 13-:.".
a,o:-c Uiscri5jeJ l'.nJs. or a-i- fvirtion
thereof, are hcrc-
se claims to ti:e
by ry(uircJ to fule tiic-ir cluiras in thii
olnea wi
within six-
tv(tiJ) tuvs from a:ita herrot.
Xolioc of Application th a-wri'liasc
Timber Lands. I
U. ?. Land Orrrcs at Okeoo
May 4. liW3.
Notice is herebv criven that Vt
i Ham Ke'.him,
of Columl.'ia County, Oiegon, hjis nianle applica
tion to nurdiase the w h of s. E. I df S.-c; 20. Town-
thi S '. R.'.iige 3 w. of Willanitlte Merl ti
in un-
der the provisions of the Act
f Congress np-
rrovcJ June H, 17S, entitle. I 4
An Act for the
sale of limner Lands mtno Sta
?3cf California,
Oregon. Nevada, and in Washin
bton Territory,"
L be 1II.KD
Ail ndverse claims to said tiac
in the IT. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
before the expiration if sixty day
s from this dat.
Given sinJi.rinvhanithis4th. day of May 1833.
L. T RAIUN,! Register.
2otice of Application to Purchase
Timber Lakd
Lxd Ok: :c: at
v.-orTFa, VT. T. )
i .... r
?C,-vt'rr U Herebv riven tint In c
ra j-jin. t.t. t
liioliaaice with the
previsions of the Aei of Congress ap
Jr-..'v.Vi .(nno 3. 13. 8.
'ijmCj; L-'iidi in the
i.jar.J in V.'ashlngtori
Territory. " James I. 'ryar., of Cow
Ter. his this day iiio.i in this o:liej hi
cii.-.s? tin Soa'.U V.:fi Cj--.3rir.-r of So
. . . r. v 1. . f , .
1:2 County, a-sli.
snn'.i.ntion t- nur-
ith Kist (.mi.rter of
?t?r:on " lowiisr.ipa .siiii( u i
.iiigo t VVct, ol tha
Willamette Munisan.
TuMimony in the above crxic will
is ta!;en before the
ir, Wash. Ter. on
Tae.'jJay, ti-.o lOtii. ci.-.y of .luiy, 1S3H.
Any "and a1! persons hming al
proa rlilnu to the
thereof, nro here-
bv re-.uireJ to file r'.vir claims in thi"j oSice within sixty
.1 . r -1..... U.-..nnf I
rr.HD. V. Sr.VRLIKG, r.egister,
m:ber land.
Land Office at Vanco
uver, W. T.
28th. 18S3.
iat in cotnpli-
Notico ia hereby given ij
ancc with the provisions
Congress approved June
of the Act of
3, 1878, enti-
tied "An act for the sAle of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Ore
ecu, Nevada, and in Was
lincrton Terri-
tory," Maurice J. Gleason
mail County, Oregon, ha j
in this oHice his applicatioi
of Multno
this day filed
to purchase
tho x. E. i of Section 34,
Township 9 N.
of Ransjo 1 w. of the Wilamette Mend
lan. j
Testimony in tho above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, j Ter. on
Wednesday, the Gth. clay of June, 18S3.
Any -and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, aro hereby required
... .. - i ii ...:.u:
to lile their claims m hms wucb uniu
sixty (60) days from date
SPARLING,! Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 22d. 18S3.
Notico is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provision of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, enti
tled " An act for the :;ale of Timber
Lands in tho States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Martin J. Donnel y, of Multno
mah County, Oregon, has this day liled
in this oflice his application to purchase
the s. at. I of Section 28, Township 9 N.
of Range 1 vr. of the Willamett Merid
ian. " ;
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Cjurt, at Kalama, WishJ Ter., on
Tuesday, tho 5th day of June, 1S83.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims thereof, are hereby required to
flip their claims in this offico within six
tv T.0. davs from the date thereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Resistor.
Notice for Publication.
Land Omen at
Orego Citt, Oregon.
Anril 14. 1883.
Notice is hereby Riven thatthe followmpr-named
pettier has HLKD notice of his intention to make
riWAL proof in support of his claim, and that sai1
proof will bo made before the County Clerk of
Columbia County at St. Helens, Oregon, on
Monday May 2, 18S3, viz: George V . Heath,
Homestea.1 Entry No. 4G73 for the s. E. of See.
4, T. G N. R. 2 w.
He names the following w itnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
A. Neer, Geo. Fisher,
Geo. Foster, and Ti.
Ff3ter, Post Okkice address of all, Kalama,
Washington Territory.
L. T. BARIN, Resstcr.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timbeu Lanf.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 22d. 1S83.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 187S, enti
tled "An act for the sale of Timber
Lands in tin States .of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in "Washington Terri
tory," Henry H. Dryer, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day tiled in
this oUice his application to purchase the
s: e. J of Section 22, Township ! 0 v. of
llango 1 w. of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Coui t, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Tues
day, the 5th. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any.fortion thereof, are hereby required
to tile the claims in this office within
sixtv (60) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPAULTNG, Register.
Land Ofeice at Vancouver, W. T. )
March 27th, 1S83.
Notice is herebv invert that in com-
plianco with the provisions of ihc Act
of Congress approved June 3, 1S78. en
titled "An act for the -sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri.
tory," Joseph Hughes, of Multnomah
CountVj Oregon has this day liled in
this ollice hia application to purchase the
w. i of N." E. and w. of s. E. of
Section 30 Township 9 of Range 1 w,
of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter., on Wed
nesday the Gth day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
auy portion thereof, are hereby required
to tile their claims in this oflice within
.sixty (60) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Re-ister.
Land Office at VANcoryER, W. T.
March, L'-Jd, 1883. )'
Notice in hereby giwn that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act, of
Congress approved Juno 3, 1878. entit
led "An act for the sale of Timber Lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Wa:,hingtoii Territory."
William D. O'Regan, of .Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day tiled in
this ollice his application to purchase tiie
s w. of Section 22, Township 10 N., of
Rango I w. of the Willamette Meridian.
' Testimony in thc above case will be
taken before the Judge cf thc Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter., on Mon
day, the 4th day of June. 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, arc hercUy required
to file their claims in this office within
sixtv (GO) days from dato hereof.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 28th. 1S.S3.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress a proved Juno 3, 1878, entitled
" An act for the sale of Timber Lands in
th States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory," Jo
seph J. Meagher, of Multnomah County,
Oregon, has this day liled iu this office
his application to purchase tho North
West I of Section 34, Township 9 North,
of Ransre lAVest, of tho Willamette Me
ridian.. Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Wednes
day, the Gth. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the abovo described londs, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to tile their claims in this oflice within
sixty(GO) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 21th. 188.1.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with tho provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, enti
tled0" An act for the sale of Timber
Lands in tho States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
torv," Hamilton Knott, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in
this oflice his application to purchase tho
w. i of N. E. I and E. i of N. w. of Sec
tion 18 Township 9 N."of Range 1 w. of
the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Register and Receiver
at Vancouver, Wash. Ter. on Saturdav,
the 2d. day of Jane, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, aro hereby required
to lilo their claims in this office within
sixty (60) days from datn hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Notice op Appmcatiok to PuRcnAi
Timber Land.
La.vd Orrici It Vjuwocviw, W. T.,
April 18 liS. C
Notie ia hereby given that in compliiini-e with tin
provlMions Of the Act of CongrcM approved June 8, 1TH
entitled "An act for the ale of limber ljinl in tfct
State of California, Onyis Sgxada, nrd in Wmliinu
ton Teritory," Martin J. Conroy, of Multnomah County .
Oregon, has this dpy tiled hi tbis olHuc hia application
purchase the North West 1 of Section 'Id, Townahlp
North, of Kangc 1 West, of tho Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above cane will be taken bt-fnr t'.io
Register niid Receiver, at Vancouver, Wiuih. Ter. oa
Mondav, the 25th. day of June, lS(.'t.
Any nu.i al! xiisii' having adverse claim to i'
above described land, or any portion thereof, are h-
by required to Tile their claims in thia olrica witiiin elxt
(60) dayf from date hereof.
I RED. tV. SPARLING, Reg1tr.
Land Office at Vancouver, V. T.
March 22d, 1893.
Notice i8 hereby giveu that ia coin
pliance vith the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June, 3, 1878, entit
led " An act for the sale of Timber Lands
in tho Slates of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington " Territory,"
William A. Freeman, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in this .
office his application to purchasethe s.
E.J of Section 28 Township i) N. , of
Range 1 w., of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in tho above case will bo
taken before the Judge cf the Probate
Court, a; Kalarna, W. T., on Monday,
the 4th day of Juue, 1883.'
Any and all persons having advsrsp
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, arc hereby required
to file their claims m thin oliico within
sixty days (GO) days from date thereof. '
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T..
; March 27th. 18.33.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved Juhh 3, 1878, entitled
" An act for the sale of Timber Land.i in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory," Rob
ert J. Doolin, of .Multnomah County
Oregon, has this day liled in this ofiicn
his application to purchase the Eant J of
North West . and East J of South West
of Section 30, Township 9 North, of
Range 1 Wot of the Willajnette Merid
Testimony in tho above ca.o will bo
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash.'"- Ter. on
Wednesday, the Gth. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, aro hereby required
to lile their claims in this office within
sixtv (GO) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Offick at Vancouver, W, T.
March 22d, 1RS3, .
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, enti
tied " An aot for the ale of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, And in Washington Terri
tory," Alexander Lothian, of Multno
mah County, Oregon, has this day riled
in this odicc his application to purchase;
the South West oi Section 32, Town
ship 9 North, of Range 1 West, of tho
Wi'Urae.tte Meridian
Testimony in the above case will h
taken before the. Judgo of the Probata
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Tuea
day, the'Sth. day of June, 1883.
Any and all peasons having adverse
claims to the above described lantl?, or
any portion thereof, aro hereby required
to' tile their claims in this oflico within
f-ixtv (GO) davs from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T. )
, March 22d, 1883. (
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with thc provisions of thc Act of
Congres approved June 3, 1 878, entitled
" An act for the sale of Timber Lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory,'
Murk Woods, of Multnomah County,
Oregon, lias this Hied in tin's oflice hh
application to purchase the East of
South West 4 and the North West of
South West j of Section 18, Township
9 North, of Rango 1 West, of the Will
amette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will bo
taken before the Judge of the Probata
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Tues
day, the 5th. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to lilo their claims in this oflice within
sixtv (GO) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March; 22d, 1883,
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Ccngress approved Juno 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the Kale of Timber Lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington Territorv,"
Michael H. McManus, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in
this ollice his application to purchase tho
South East of Section 32, Township 9
North, of Range 1 West, of the Willam
ette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Probata
Court, at Kalama, Wash. .Ter. on Mon
day the 4th. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their claims iu this oflice within
sixty (GO) days from date hereof. '
" FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.