The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, May 11, 1883, Image 3

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    ' . . . . .... .
i ie;
T'"..J '
I -..
7 v 'enmlIIs
Thk most BVCi'KSHFVt. over discovered ;
as it is certain in its effecfs ami does not blister, i
Adams. X. Y., Jan. 30, 18S2. j
DlU' B. J. KexdallA Co.. Cents: Having j
wsed a good dtal of vour Kendal's Spavin Cure j
with great success, 1 thought I vfofdd let yoi i
know what it has done for me. Two years ago '
I had as speed j s colt as m ever raided in J:f- !
ferson. County. When I was lavaliig lii:i. he j
kicked over the cross lrr and got fast and tore j
one of his hind legs all to pieces. I employed i
the best farriers, but they nil said lie was spoiled, j
He had a very largo thorough-pin, ar-d I used j
two bottles of your Kendall's Spavine Our e. and j
it took ihe bunch en-rely off, and he soli after
wards for 1800 (dollars). 1 have ued it for
bone spavins and wind galls', and it has always j
tared completely and left Iho leg smooth. . !
It is a splendid medicine for rheumatism. J j
have recommended it to a good many, an 1 they
all say it does the work. I was in Withering- I
ton & Kneeland's drugstore, in Adams, the oth- J
er day and saw a wry lir.e picture yon sent th" m.
I tried to buy it, but could not: they said if I j
.would write to you that yon would fend me one. j
I wish you would, and I Vill do j-ou all the good j
I can.
Very respectfully, K S. Lyman.
Vevay, Ind., Aug. 12th, 1SS1.
Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co.. Gents: Sample of
circulars received to-day. Please send me some
with my imprint, printed on one side only. The
Kendall's Spavin Cure is in cxellent demaud
-with us, and net only for animals, but for hu
man ailments aUo. Mr. .!. oris, one ot tne
leading farmers in our county, tiraimd an ank
le badly, and knjwinsr the value of the rem id y
for horses, tried it on himv.Ir, an I it di 1 far bet
ter than he had expected, ( "m od the sprain in
Verv short order.
Yours respectfullv, C. O. Thif.h.vnk.
Price SI. per Ijottle. "or 6 bottles f -r All
drugifts have it or can et it fT you, or it v. id
be sent to anv adlress on receipt of price by the
Vroprietors, B. J. Kexoai.l & Co.. Enos-
bur?h Falls. Vt. Send for Illustrated circular.
Notice of Application to .Purchase
Tiiilssr Lands.
.Laxd Office at Vancouver. V. T. 1
17th. 1SS3, )
Notice is herebv pive that iu ciruiiiance i
R-ith the provision of the Act of Congress ap- j
proved June 3, l7S. entitled. " An Act fur the I
rfile of Timber Lauds rn Hie States of Caiifoi ni.t, j
Oregon,, and in Wahinctor Territory,"
Thomas D. Ay res, of Co'vbtz o., W:i-h. Ttr. j
has this day filed in thi Ciike his r.ophoati -:i to j
purchase the s. of N. E. and f ots 1 and 2 of
Section 2. Tr. 8 X. of liar. -o L E. of the Wilant- i
tte MeriJin.
Testimony in the above esse wjl! be taken be
fore the llegwter an I l'ecciver at Vn.-ouvor,
Wash. Ter. on Tbprs.lav, the L'tch. day of June
Any and all peon lwtns adverse claims to
the above describ&i laud-, or any portion there
V.f. are herebv reouire.l to f:!e their claims in
thU oSce within sixty (tk) days from dste her-'- i
Notice of Appication to Puwiiase
Timber Lads.
Lasd Office at Vancouver, W. T.
April m. i
"oiice Is hcrebf given that tie fo'i'.owjns-nairiei set
tler bad SleJ noti'-e of hU iutsntion to irake final pruof
Jn gupuori of his caiui, ani ta,t airt pronf win t.c mie
l-eiore tho Juie of tho i ro'ca-.e Court, at Cus'la itoi-k.
Y. T., oa WeJneJj.y. I?.y :' lh. 1S-, viz: William M.
Magwigin, Pro-cmution liVc'.arasry SUitoiPTt N"'. '..
Jor the W. i of N. E. the S. E. i of N. W. 1, tlif N.
E. i of S. W. i sndtbe N. V. . i cf 5. E. i of Sea SI, Tp.
V N. K. 2 W.
He name, the folK:wrr. witnesses to prove his
Sous rwMence npen, and culiivatlon of. saU Und. viz:
. N. II. Smith, o; C ustle itock, W. T.
F. E. Cool;, or
R. S. Carmine, of
William McMaler., cf "
ri:EI W. Sl'ARI.IN'O, Register.
Notice of
Appltcatiox to
Timber Land.
I.Ayt. Oi ric at V.ix-mn ej, V, T.
April S'.th. 113. ) ;
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance w:ih the '
provisions ol the Act cf Congress approve J June 3, IS" s, ;
entitled " An act It th ?-Ie of l imber Lands iu the
States of Cli'onii, Oresron. Ntvada, and in Washington j
Territory," Vi!ilau Crawford, of t c'v'itz County, Hash, j
Ter. has" this dav fici in h!5 ofiicc his application to ;
purchase the West 1 of Nrih K-l anJ Kat i of Noiaii
West J of Section 11, T.-vrahip North, ef ItaMse 1 It, ;
,.9 Y, t Mi:rifiian. !
Testimony in the above c ic will be tr.I.-rn before the
ItCifister and Keecivcr, at Vancouver, Wash. Ter. on j
Saturday, the 3oth. day of June, lbs".
Any and all persons having adverse claims to the ,
above deserted lands, or any rtKn thereof, are hereby I
required to tile -th-ir claims i tHs oitiee within sixty ;
'ra'i. Han fr.-fcm Ante hLTeu?. !
Fit ED W. SPARLING, Register.
Application to
Timber Land.
April I7th. ls." (
Notice Is hsreby g-iven that iu compliance with the
trovisions of the Act cf Congress approved June 3, 1S7S,
"pntitled " An act for t'ne ;i!e of limber Imds in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and in Washington
Territory," Barbery Wcstwirk, oiCowliU County, Wash.
Ter. has"th: dav liied in this -otiir his jpiirirf ion to
purchase tbe N-"rth i ci oiith tirt j r,t Section Town
ship 8 North, of itane 4 West, of the Willaft;ettc Mcrid-
Testimonv In the above case will be taken before the j
Judge of the Probate Court, at Kalama, Wash. Terr, on
Saturday, tho Soth. day of June, 1S3. !
Anv and ail pcr--ns having diverse claims to the !
above desi;rit)ed lands, or any jwrtion thereof, are here- j
by required to file their claims in ollice within sixty j
(JO) davs from date hereof i
FRED. SPAI'.tIN, Register. ,
- i
"Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
U. S. Lasd OrriCE, Oreoon City, Orkoo.v, April 27,ls?3.
Notice is hereby given that Dean rihmchard oi Colum
bia Countv, Oregon, has made application to purchase
the S. E. ' of N. E. I. N. i of S. K 1 & S. K. i of S. E.
of See. 20 T. 7 '. K. 2 W. Will. Mer. under the provis
inn of the Act of Comrrt-ss approved Jutie
ISiS, en-
titled "An Act for tlie Tale oi Timler I.a:iiJs in the j
states of California, Oregon, Nevadu.and m Washington
T.--rrif r.rv
All aifverse claims to said tract of laud wist he filed
in the U. S. Ofiice at Oregon City, Oregon, before
"tiie exjjiraiion of sixty days from this date.
Olvea under tny hand this ''7th. day of April 1333.
L. T. IJARIN, Register.
Notice of
Applicatk n -to
Tim nr. it La1.
LaI) (nrvzr. .r Va-cc'viw, W. T. . t
April I7th. 1S-.3. "
.Notire Is hereby kivcii that In cotupliiine with the
'rirovlsiona of the Act of Conjrresi aijrovcd .lime l7a, '.
entitled ' An art for the sale of Tnnbcr Ianii.H in the j
f-lates of California, UrKwm, Nevada., and in Washing-
'ton Territory," Oliff Olvjn. A Cowlitz County, Wash. ;
Ter. has this day filM in this oS'n-e hisappiii-ation tOur- '
'chase the South 4 cf North Vast and North of South '
fMt J of Section 10, Townshiji 8 North, of !Ovi;ie I Kast, '
"of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony In the above case will e taken hefore the '
Kegrister and Receiver at Vancouver, Wash. Ter. on
ThiOday, the 23th. day of June. 1--5S.1.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to the alove ;
described lands, or any portion thereof,' are hereby re- j
qnlred to flle their claims in inn omt'e witiun sixty 'V')
iaya from dat hereof.
KRfU W. SPARI,!.N,'Rfit(.r
General Merchandise,
A new and complete stock of Goods now in
btore. Prices reasonable Terms Cash.
'not, life is.'sweoping by, go
and dare before yo9 die,
something might v and sub
line leave livfiind to
conouer time." 06 a
week in your own town. SI out fit fret?. No
Kvei -v-thing- new. Capital not required. We
will furnish you everything. .Many arc making
fortunes Ladies make as much as men, an
1kv and gills maKr. great pay. Header, if you
want, business at which you can make great pav
all the time, write for particulars to il.YLLKTT i
Co.. Irtland. Maine I
"Wo continue to
act aaeolicitors for
"patents, caveats.
trade-marks, copyrights, eto.;for
the United States, and to obtain pat
ents in Canada, England, France,
Germany, and all othef countries.
Thirty-six years' practice. No
chargo for examination of models or draw
ings. Advico by mail free. i
Paint3 obtained through ns nre noticed in
tho largest circulation, and is the most influ
ential newspaper ol its kind published in tho
world. The advantages of euch a notice every
patentee understands. !
Thislarga and pplendidlv illustrated news
paper ia published AV EEkLY at $ 3.20 a year,
ana is admitted to be the best paper devoted
to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering
works, and other departments tf industrial
progress, published in any country. Single
copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news
dealers, i
Address, Mann & Co., publishors of Scien
tific American. 2C1 Broadway, New York.
Handbook about patents mailed free.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land. !
I Land Ofkice at V.wcorvrn, W. T. L
! - March 24th.lSS:?. f
j Notice is hereby f,dv(-n that in compliance
; vitb tb prnvisiin. of the Act of Congress ap
; proved June 3, 178, entitled "An Act for the
j sale of Timber Lands in the; States of
, California, Oregon, Nevada, and in AVashiniiton
' Ter: itry," Samuel C Caudle of Columbia Coun
t ty. h:is this day tiled iu this. ol!icehi.s applica
tion to purchase the South l-Jast of Section 22,
i Township S North of Kange 1 Kast of the AViil
; -"",tte Meridian. " !
Tfstiniony in the above case will be taken be
i f"re the docile of the Probate Court, at Kalama,
. T. on Wednesday, June 6th,
i Any nd al1 perscns hainif adverse claims to
j the above describe I lands, or any portion there
I of, are hereby required to FILE tlieir claims in oSice within sixtv(CO) davs from date here
; of. . '
I FRED. V, SPAKL1XG. Register.
I u3n34inSO
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March -'Inh. 1S.5.
Notice ii hereby given that in conusance with
the provisions eft He Act of Cjn rcss approved
June o. 1?. entitled" An act for the sale of
I Timber Lap iu the Stntt-y of California, r
j cron, Nevada, "an I in Washiton Territory,"
f WilHarr'. J'Connor, of Multnomah County, (b-e-1
gon, has this day hied in this office his applica
j tion to purchase the S. E. of Section "24, Town
! ship 10 N. of Ran'e 1 w. of ihe Willamette Me
Tctiir.onv in the above case will be taken be-
fore the Register and Receiver, at Vane i ver,
Wash. Tt-r. on t?turvlft.v the 0th. dav of June,
Anj- a.d a" rcrnons b.avintf Adverse claim? t'"
the above descrile.l is, or any portion t here
of are here-I'y require I t nle their chiiirts in this withir. sixtv (00) davti from date hereof.
TRUO". V. SPARLING, Register.,.!
i Land Office at Vancouver W. T. '
March 27th. 18!3. '
! "Stl'.co i hereby Riven that in compliance ;
with the provision-? cf the Act of .Conors.--? an- j
! proved Juf.o LsTS entitled "An at f'T the
j sale of Timber Lands in tU States ot Califor- j
j nia, (Jrci;; n, Nevada, and in'n Ter- J
j ritory,'" Jc.seph M. Ives, .f Cowlitz County, I
i Wadi. Ttr. luu this day filed in this oiliee hi
j application to purchase the s. W.. ' of Si-ction '
i '24, Tovn--liip S North, of Rane 1 Eat, ofllie 1
i Willamette MerMian.
; Testim nv in the above case will be taken '
j before the. Re.iter and Receiver at Vancouver,
w asii.
Ter. on Thurs iay, the 7th. day oi J-.iuu
1 !)..
Any an. a'l j-.erson havir. adveree claimn t"
the ab'V.-e dKcriln-d la'.nis, -r ar.y pfrtion there
of, an- hereby re'i'ifred to file thtnr clairrs in
this otnee within .sixty (tlO)days from dste here-
FRKD. V.'. SPARLIXd, llo-rdrr.
Lanp Officc at VANcorvF.r., W. T.
March 27th. 1 SS3.
Notice 'h hreby
f;ivfn that in cm!i:irjce
with the provisions of Congress 'approved June
3, 187S, " An Act for the sale of Timb'T Lands j
in the Spates (( Cnlifoniia, Oreg.m. Nevada,
and in Washington Torritory,"' Joseph Harris,
of Columbia County, Oregon, has this day tiled
in this office his application to purchase the
South East i of Section 24. Township S North,
of Range 1-East, of the W iliamette Meridian.
Testimony in the case will be taken before the
Register and Receiver, at Vancouver, Wash.
Ter. on Thursday, the 7th. day of June, l.vS3.
Any and all pur-sons having jtd verse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion there
of, are hereby reouiied to rile their -?ini i in
this fiFFiCK within sixtv day's from date here
of, . " i
FRKD. V. SPARLINO, Register.
113113111130 !
Notice for Publication
Land Offick, "j
Okkon Citv. (Ii:jon-.
March 21),1SS3. j
Notice is herebv given that the fllowin-'-
j named settler has filed not-ice I his intention to
j make final proof in support of his claim. jr.d
that said proof will be made before the Regte
I ter fc -Receiver U. S. Laud Office at Oregon
City Oregon, on Tuesday May H, 1S.S3, viz: An
gustu NVendt, Preemption J). S. No. 4000 for
the Lot No. 11, Sec. 4, T. 3 n. R. 1 w.
He t-.mes the following witnesses to prove his
r.,Titiiiiiru rpsidt-noR noon, ar.d I'lilti v.-Ltion f
' j A f-reeman, A, T. Crcecy, T. A. Cloning-
er and J. M. Joy, all of Seapiwose, Columbia
Conn tv, Oregon.
L, T. RARIN, Register..
u3n3.ia jJ
Notice For Publication.
LanoOk- ick at Vancoi vfk, W. T.
April 18th, 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that the following
namd settler has hied notice of his intention to
make finrd proof in support of his clstiin, ard
that said proof will be made l;fore the Register
aud Roeeiver, at Vancouver W. T , on Weil'nes
dav, Mav Jth, LSS3, vi: Jasper A. Miller,
Homestead Applications Nos. 2132 and '2004,
f..r the N- A of N. K and E. i of N. W. cf
So,-. 4, Tp.'o N. R. 1 K. l
Hi; nanus the bdlowing witneses to prove his
continuous residence uj'rm, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
.. RoWfll,
.1. P.. I Well,
L. Powell,
Crlando C. Millar,
of W'orriHnd, W. T.
of i " "
of :
of i
SPAR LINO, Register.
1ST a
M til M iinl
A strictly first-class instrument at a moderate
price: . Also
721 Market St, ban Francisco,
Sole Acents for Facifi t Co
SNSotlce cf Application to
Purchase Timber Land.
V. S. Land Omcs Oregon Citt, Oregon',
March oO. 1H.SJ.
Notice is hereby given that Charles M. JIu.s
8ell of Poitland, JVlultnomah County, Oregon,
has mado aplication to purchase the s. w.
of Sec. 4 T. 6 N. K. 3 w. Willanlette Mer., un
der the provisions of the Act of Congress ap
proved ,1 one 3, 1878. mtitled " Am Act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the Stales of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Ter
ritory." All adverse claims to en: 1 tract must bo
filed in the IT. S. Land ( Ulice at Oregon City
Oregon, before th.e expiration of sixty days
from date.
Given under my hand this 30th. dav'of March
L. T. BAKIN, Register.
Notice of
Application to
Timber Land.
j Land Office at )
I Vancouver, W. T.
March 21th. 18S3.
i Notice is hereby ir'ven that in compliance
with the pro isions of the Act of Congress ap-
; proved Juue 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the j
tale of Timber Lands in the States of Califor- '
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and iu Washington Ter- I
i ritory,' William F. Jiummel, of Multnomah j
j County, Oregon, has this day filed in this of- j
j rice his application to purchase the S. E. of i
; Section 18, Townshifi 9 n. of Range I w. of !
the l iamette .Meridian. I
Testimony in the nbove case will be taken j
before the Register and Receiver, at Vancou- i
ver. Wash. Ter. on Saturday, the 2d, dav of
June, 1S83. " j
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion thereof, J
are hereby required to tile then-claims in this of-
lice within sixty (00) davs from date hereof. j
W. SPARLIXG. Register."
Y'i!l tHjir.niTT
l lirii: to all r til!.oii:it5. nr.u to c-i5-
tri'urs of lust ver wi
ttbout orW!u it, Iti-utr.!U
oiit i.jiMircrt. n' nm-trr.ti o:i. tiee, n-c!irHlj
t.vcrirtiOiis and vahiaLS itirccti.uif. for p)jjit'i:ir
1-itW variorics of Viv-t..';e and Flower S--irl.
r I-'ianti. Kniit Trees. etc. Invaluable to ail, etrec.
' J-Ulj to Msr'tPt Car'Vners. Send lor :t !
Notice Of Application tO Pill-
i Jf
chase Timber Land,
. Land Office at Vancouver, W. T. !
; March 24th, 1SS;?.- j
! Notice i. hereby given that in compliance with ;
! the provi:ons of thaAt of Congress approve I ;
1 dune 1S78, entitled '"An act for the sa!e of :
i Timber Lands in the States of California, Or- J
e-m, Nevada, ami in Washington Territoiy," j
i dames L. Jewett, of Multnomah County, Or- j
! t'jroii, has thii flay tiled in this oiHce his appli- j
I cation to .urchas th n. e. of Section 2, j
! Townhip ! N., of Range 1 w. of the j
j ctte Meiidian.
! Testimony in the above ca.s? will be taken be- '
I fore the ReUter and Receiver, at Vancouver, j
j Wash. Ter., on Saturday June. 2d. 1SS.5. j
! Any and all person having adverse claims to j
j the above described lan-U, or any ortion thereof, '
are hort by required to hie their claims in this
1 oitic..' within sixty (60 i davs from late lu-reof.
FRlii. V. SPARLING, Register.
' u3n34m.r'.0 !
of Application to Purchase
Tiin'oor Land.
V. b. La si) Office, Oreoon Citt, Orkoon,
March, 0, 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that I'liilip Harvey of
Multnomah County, Oregon, has made appli
cation to purchase the N. w. of Sec. 4, T. G
N. II. 3 w. Will. Mer., under the provisions
of tbe Act of Congress approved June 3. 1S7S,
rntitled " An Act for tha sale of Timber
Lands in the States of Ca!if"ina. Oreos, Ne
vsf !a, and in W-shinton Teri-itcry."
All advei-se claims to said tract mu.t be
filed in the U. S. Land Otiiee at Or'on City,
Oregon, before the expiration of sixty days
from tin's date.
Given under my hanJ this 30th. dav of
March 18S3.
L. T. BARIN, Ileguter.
ITotico of Application to Puxcliaso
TiaT3:r Land.
U. S.
Land Offk k Okegon Citt, Oreoon
March 30, bS
Notice is hereby given that illis R. Pry
f)f Multnomah County Oregon, has made ap
plication to purchase the s. K. of Sec. o2,
T. - N. R. 3 w. Will. Mer., under the pro
visions of the Act of Congress approved June
3, 1S78, entitled " An Act for the of Tim
ber Lands in the .States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverso claims to said tract must be
filled in the U. S. Land OiHce at Oregon City,
Oregon, be-fore the expiration of sixtj days
from this d- te.
(liven 5under my hsr.d tins 30th. day of
March 18-3.
L. T. RARIN, Register.
Notice of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land.
1 1. S. Land Ofi ick, Oregon Citt, Onnr.os,
March 30, 1SS3.
t Notice is hereby given that Joanna L. Max
i 11 of Columbia Countv, Oregon has made
application to purchase the s. w. 1 of Sec. 4 1
T. 5 N. R. 2 w. Will. Mer., under the provis-
ijons of the Act f Congress approved June 3, i
1873, entitled " An Act for the sale of Timber j
Lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Ne- !
vada. and in Washington Territory."
Ali adverse claims to said tract must !e filed 1
in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City. Ore- ;
gon before the expiration of sixty days from this I
date. j
Given under mv hand this 30th. dav of I
March 183. ' i
li. T. RARIN, Register.
oticc of A;pficaiion to Purchase
Timber Land.
Lank Oitick at Vancouver, V . T.
' , March 24th, 1SS3.
Notice is hereby giver-, that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1S7S, entitled 4' An act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Or
egon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Ziba M. La Rue, of Multnomah County, Ore
iron, has this day filed in th-s office hi appli
cation to purchase the N. w. " of Section 2S, ',
Township '.) N of Range 1 W. of the Willam- I
ette Meridian.
Testimony in the a1ore ease wjll be taken lie- j
foro the Register arid Receiver, at Vancouver, !
Wash. Ter., on'Sf.turday, June 2d. 183. j
Any and all persons claiming adversely to !
the above described lanl, or any portion thereof, i
are herebv required to file their claims in this j
office within sixtv(GO) davs from date hereof.
FRElh W. Si'ARLlNG ..Register. !
fT"? 1 T-' 75 f --i " ;-V -. f7
y&gw3 im,
ffj. sUJ jm
Attorney. - at - Law,
OrtiCK River Street in front of strand.
Prompt Attention Given to Collectioas, Etc.
Office, at St, Helen, Oregon.
Will attend terms of Con rt at Astoria, Ka
laraa & 'Portland. Practice in all .Courts of
tate or Wash. Ter.
T. A. fVJcBRIDE, 1
Attorney - at - Law, !
Particular attention give'3 ti b ineas befor
the Land Office.
OfFcelwith 1 A. Moore Esp,
Jlivta Street, St. Helex, Oregon.
A. G. r'ji I LI P .s; IK I), s.
So. 334 First St.t"Iortlaii(U Or.,
. Does
First Class Work at Lowes Eates.
Civil Engineer and
St. Helen, Oregon.
All business attended to with promptness and
ditii.-itrh aulStf
Notice of Application to Purchaso
Tinker Lands,
La nii Ok--ics"at
Vancouvkh, W. T
March 23d. 1S3.
Notice is hereby riven that in compliance
with the pro isions of the Act of Congress ap
proved June 3, 187'1. entitled "An Act for the
sale of Timber Lauds in the States of California.
Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
John Peterson, of Cowlitz County, Waxhing-
f on Territory, has this dav filed in this office his
application to purchase the s. i of n. w. and ! D II ) A I fiP Vi
Ixts 3 and 4 of fie-tion 'J, Township Noitn, J U II II I- I i. If
of Ran-e 1 Last, of tr.c lllametto Meridi
an. Testimony in the above case will be taken be- j
for the Judge of the Probate Court at Kalama, !
W. T, on Saturday, Juua d. j
Any and all iei sm haviup; adverso claims to j
the above described lanil, or any portion thereof j
are lu-reby reipiirnl to file their claims in this of- I
lice within ixtv (tiO) davs from date hereof. !
FRhL. W. SPARLING, Roister.
Notice of Application to I'urchnst
Timber Lund.
) i
Lasii'Offic: at Vancouver. W. T
March lttb. 1S83. f
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions f the Act of Congress approved
.Tune 3, 1S7S, entitled "An Act for th sale of
Tiir.ber Lauds iu the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
John Lysons of Gviitz County, W. T. has this
dtL filed in this oflice his application to pur
chase the s. h of s. w. of .Section ll", Town
ship 8 '. of lan;;e 1 w. of tho Wilainette Me
ridian. Testimony in tbe alove ease will be taken be
fore the Jud of the Probate Court, at Ka
lama, Wh. Ter. on Saturday, the UGthv day
of May, livS3.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described land or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to file their claims in
this ollica v.ithin sixty C0) davs froni date here
of. FIILD. W, SPARLINC, t'e-istcr.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber I-amU
S. Land Okfu e, Ohk"0 Citv, Oiiu-ion.
March 9. bs.S3.
Notice is herebv given that James Coakh y of
ColumlNa County, Oregon, has wa le Application
to j.urchase the N. L. t ' " J - ' N. II.
4 W. Will. Mer., under the pro i.-ionn of the
Act of Congress approved JnVie 3, 1S7?, entitled
"An Act for the of Timber Lands in te
Statea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in
Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract m;rt hi filed
in the IF. S. Ijan.l Oflico at Oregon City, Ore
gon, before the expiration of sixty days from
tins date.
(liven under niv hand this Oth. day of March
L. T. P. A R I N, Register.
Nitice"of Application to Pur-!
chase Timber Land, ;
IT. S. Lank Offrk, Oueuo.v Citv, OitEr.ov,
March, 0, 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that Charles White of
Multnomah County, Oregon, has made applica"
tion to purchase the a. v. ' of Sec. 2 T. '2 S. R.
2w. Will. Mer., under the provisions of the Act
of Congress approved JuneS. 1S78, entitled ''An
Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada, fc.nd5n Washing
ton Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract must be filed
in the U. S. Land Olfcee at Oregon City, Ore
gon, before the expiration of sixty days from
this date.
4 irven under tnv hand this 9th, day of March
L. T. 15 A Rl X, Register.
Xotiec of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
U. S. Land OrficE at Oke:on City. Onrysox. I
Mw-ch 23, 1SS3. (
Notice Is "l.ercby given that John R. l'"iner
son of Colinrdria County, Oregon, has made
application to' purchase the s. K. i of Section
30 T. 7 N. R. 3. w. Willametto Meridian, under
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 187, entitled "An Act fo the Sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All adverse claims to said tract mut be
filed in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City,
Oregon, before the expiration of sixty days
from this date.
Given under mv hand this 23d. dav of March
L. T. RARIN, Register.
Xotiec of Application to Purchase
THutbrr Land.
V. S. Land Offk'1" atOregox Citv, Oreoov.
March. 23, 1883.
Notice is hereby Riven that IJ. McR. Cap'e
of Columbia County, Oregon has made "appli
cation to purchase the South East " of Section
4 T. 5 X. R. 2 w. Willamette Meridian under
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
.rune 3, 187S, entitled " An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory."
All ad verse claims to said tract must be filed
in the IT. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Ore
gon, before the expiration of sixty days from this
Given under in v hand this 23.1. dav of March
L. T. RARIN, Register.
Graf, itiorsbach & &.,
$U & SI 6 Main St., CINC INArA TI, 0.
Manufacturers oF j
Etc. r i
or Every Description.
63 Styles of Harneis
186 Styles df Saddles.
Luach House.
Proprietor and Dealer in
of all kinds,
and other Varieties of the
same CUts'i
Soda, Sarsaparilla,
Tobacco 3 Ci
Of chc Rest Qujality,
IIiveu Street, St. IIhlex,: Oregon.
Uo Patents,
0 Pay.
ObtiJined for Mecbani-
J)e vices, Coin
All ! preliminary
pounds. Designs and Labels.
examinations as to patent-vbiwty ol invention
1 free. Our "Guide for Obtai
ung j i'atents 1
i sent fiee evei vwhtre. Ai
ttJACOKR & Co.
tors of Patents,
? Wahhinotox, 1. C.
Established ba0l.
A week made at home by t ho in-
st ljusiues before
the public.
Capital not needed.
c will wtart
you. ' Men, worn-
en, boys and. uirl wantetl every-
where to work for , Now-
ik the: time. You
can work iu spare time, or giv
! to the business. No other bu.-
your whole time.
lncv-vvill pay you
nearly as well. No one can fail
to make tnor-
! mous pay. by engaging at 01
ce, tjostiy ouint
I and terms free. Money marld
fabfc, easilv. and
! honorably. Address Tut Kit CiL
, Aiii.'iista Maine.
desire without chakge, the n
kvr drousht reist
imr potato Tbk Blush thJ
Giant Wheat,
for Spring and
Black-beakded Centexeial.
Pall sowing the Rural 1ai
seed of tho roat white j;raj
fe rSlAOAKA, Sllb-
scribe for tht)
! the trreat Americau ionrwal f
rthe farm, garden j
! nnd home. It Is original from
beinninjj. to end
500 original illustratfiim ycslrly the best wri-
j ters m tloj world. Sen-l tor
; ii-s.
rt-e specimen cop-
I si pauk a
OW,' N. Y.
Xcttrc of Aimlication to Purchase
Titubtr Laud.
Lam OrricK at V
AlfcorvEit, W. T. 1
March 23d. 1883. I
Notice is hereby given that
in comidiance with
the provision ot the Act of
piAigress approved
Jun-3, IS?!, entitled "An
Timber Lands in the States
Act for the sale of
f California, Ore-
gon, Nevada, and in Wa.-
Georjre 15. Austin ot (
'wlitf Co. Wash-
Ter., lias this (lay lilei in th
h otlice his applica-
t:on to purchase the s. w.
f .Section 2, I own-.
I hip y Nrth, of
i.ange X
lta-t of the Wi'dam-
ette .MeiMia'.l.
Twtiinony in the above case will 1ms taken be
fore the Judi of the Probata
Coujt, at
. 1. on Saturday,; J une 2d
Any and all persons havin
adverse claims to
the nbove ilescribed land, or
are herebv reo, u: red to file
nv portion thereof.
their claims in this
office within si.vtv(('0) davs fj
om date hereof.
l-T'El. W SPA U
'LINU, Register.
Notice of Application tn Enrchasc
Timber I
LMarcli 1st, lJS,s;. i
Notice is hereby ''lven ttiat in compliance
: with th" provisions of the
I proved Jut9 3, entit
ct of Cningress ap-
d "An Act forthe
saiie vi l mifier iantrs n tne
States of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and in War
hington lerritorj-,
UughMulhollawd of Cowlit-t
Con-ity. Wash. Ter.
! has this day filed in this olhjce his application to
purchase tlu-North West J
f Sec. l!4, Townsh'p 8
North of KaiiL'f 1 K. of the
Willamette Merili-
TesiitiKUiy in the above else will be taheu be
fore the Reidster and Rect
iver at V ancouver.
XV. T. on Tuesday, Mav lot 1
ailvtrse claims to
Any and all persons havih
the above described lands, jr any portion there
of. aro hereby reiniretl b tile their claims in
this otlice within sixtv(('0) days from date hereof.
Fit I'D. W. SPAKLINO, Register.
Notice of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land.
Land Omen at
ANi OrVKIt, W. T.
March loth. 183.
at incompliance with
Notice is hereby "given tl
the provisions of the Act m Conress approved
June 3. 1S78. entitled " Aw Act for the sale ol
Timber Lauds in the StatesLf California, Oregon,
Nevada, and in W a.dum:t
n Territory, James-
XV. Shintaffer of Cowlitz C
unty, Wash. Ter. has
lis application to pur-
this dav filed in this office the E of s. E. -of Slection 12, Township X
Noithot 1 East of the Wlllamette.Merid
ian. Tesfjmony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Register and Receiver, at Vancouver,
W. T.. on Tuesday. Mav 29th 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse clin to
the above described lands,
or any portion tliere-
of, are herebv required to
fii.e their claims in
this office within ixty (CO) nays from date hereof.
W. SI'
Alt LING, Register, t
Notice of Application'to Purchase
Tim'bsr tl-ands.
Laxp'Offick at Vawouvhc V T.
March loth. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that incompliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congi ess approved 1
Juno 3, 1S78 entitled ' An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the Stales of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory, '
Charles Glover, of Multnomah County. Ore-
eon has this dav filed iu
this fitlice his apiilica-
tion to purchiiso the s. w
shin 8 x. of R. 1 K. of th
of Section 14, lowu
vVllamette Meridian.
c.v.e will lie taken be-
Testimony in the aliove
fore the Register and Receiver, at ancouver,
W. T. on Tuesday, May i'.if h 1883.
Anv and all persons h
aviug a-Kerse claims lo
the above described lands
of, are hereby required
this .ffiro within sixtv(0
or any portion there
to hie their claims in
davs from date hereof.
aRLING, Register.
Notice for Publication. Ornrs at owwon
("ITT, O.IN. April IS. 1SS3.
Notice s Breny given
that tho following-
named settler has tiled tw
tice of her intention to
make final proof in rtij
port 'f her claim, and
that sard liroof will lie
made before the Comitv
Clerk Columbia Conn
v at St. Helen. Ore
h. 1K83, viz. Eleanor
iron, rm -Tuesday Mav
Reed, Preemption I). S.
No. 3H7o for S. XV. 4 of
H WJefSiK. 24 T. N
R.4 XV.
fdienumes the followidg witnesses to prove her
contiiuious resideu e U
m, and cultivation of,
eaid ll-vn
Wjlliair. 'Kelhim, M
ises jJeianev, " 11 nam
Svn-.ors, aid John Nap-
leon,; all of Bradbury,
Vohur.bia County, rgW
T. UARTN. R.gister.
fill 11ST
Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons,
Acd by confiniii!? ourselves strictly to one class of work; by employing none- bnt the BoMt
of WOllK.tll?, iifinif notbing but KIUST-CLAKS 1MPKOVKD MACHINERY nnd tno VJUtY
BEST of ELKCTKU TrtiBKR, and by a THOROUGH KXOWLKDUIfl Of the bulne8, we ha
iustlv earuci the relitigation of mukin?
! 'the bestwacomom wHIUrS-"
Man ii facta re rs have abolinhd the warranty.
the following warranty with each wagon, if o airreetl:
Wo Hereby Warrant the FISH BROS. WAGON No to b! well made in every parllc.
ular and of good material, and that tho utrength of the nme i nifncicnt for all work with fair
usage. Should any breakage occur within one year from this date by reaon of defective material
or workmanship, repairs for the came will be furnished at place of sale, t reo of cr.air. or tno
price of said repair?, as per agent's price iint, will be paid in cash by tho purchaser producing ft
eainple of the broken or defective parts as evidence.
Knowing w can anit you, we aollcit patronajre from ererv ertton of the United States. Send
lOX PrlcS and Terms, and for a copy of THE RACINE AGRU'ULTITRIST, to
1 . ""r
Cures all diseases of tho Stomach. Jdiver,
Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood.
Millions testify to its efficacy in heal-
iinff the above
nounce it, to uc mo
Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists soil it
- Chfcstnut Crove, )., Not. 2. 1880.
Da. Ci.abk Johnso.V: I have used vour Indian ITuiou Syui p for Liver Coinlaint cud
Dyspepsia, with the aont beneficial results.
f 0!?-
Will Run More Easily,
Cut Loncrer Crass.
Cut More Smoothly,
Less Liable to Obstruction,
Require Less Repairs,
More Easily Adjusted,
And the Most Durable.
Every Mower warranted.
Bend fob Iixcstiuted Catalog tr".
neople are always on th
lookout for chances to in
crease their earnings, and in
time become wealth'; those
who do not improve their
opportunities remain in poverty. We offer a
great chance to make money. We want many
men, women, boys and jdrls to work for us right
in their own localities. Any one can do the
work properly from the first start. The buduess
"will pay more than ten times ordinary wages.
Expensive outfit furnished tree. No one who en
gages fails to make money rapidly. You can de
vote vour whole time to the woric, or only your
i ull .mformatio ami all that
is needed sent free. Address Stin'sox ti Co.,
Portland, Maine.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Lands.
Lakh Office at Vancocveh W. T.
March 5th, 1883. )'
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
.Tune 3, 187, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Neva-'.a, and in Washington Territory,
Harrv E. Happerm?tt of Multnomah County Ore-
j gon. has this nay nieu in inis omte ins appuca-
tion to purchase the w.'J of n. v. J and v. ' of
h. w. i of Section 34, Township 9 North of Rang"
I 4 w. of tbe Willamette Meridian.
' Testimony in .ne abov case will betaken be-
1 fore the Register and Receiver at Vancouver,
) W. T. on Thursday, May 17th. 1KS3.
I Any and all persons having adverse claims to
i the above descrilicd lands, or any portion thereof,
i are hereby required to file their c airns in tliisof-
I fice within sixty ((i0) davs from dnte hereof.
ITiED. W. SRARLINO, Register.
T$tico of Application to!Purchas"
Ti2nb:r Lands.
Laxo Office at")
Vancoi ver, W. T. '
Vebruary 2St!i. 1883. )
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approval
June 3, 1S78. entitled " An Act for th sale t f
Timber Iands in the States of California. ( re
gon, Nevada, inul in Washington Terntr-,
Thomas W. Whit of Marion County, Ore
gon has this day tiled in this orlicu his apiliea
tion to purchase the N. ' of N. K.ot Sec. :0Tj. '.
North of Range 2 w. of the Willamette Meridian.
Trtiinony in the above case will be taken be
fore the Register and Receiver at ancouver,
1 W. T. on Tuesday, May loth. 183.
Anv and all persons chum in- adversely to said
descrnietUan.lsor any jwtioii thereof, are hereliy
rcjuired to file their claims in this office within
ixtv(00) 'iavs fromdate hereof.
FRliDW. SPARLING, Register.
1 Xotice of Applicailosi to Purchase
Timber Laud.
Laxi OFnwK at Vavcouvei:, XV. T,
March StU. 1S83. )
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for th sal of
Timber Lands in tho States of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and iii Washington Territory,
Robert H. Ruddy of Multnomah County, Ore
gon, has this day faded in this office 1ms applica
tion to purchase the 8. w. 'of N W. 1, the X. w.
1 .j ... 1 n... i... t- 1 .if 1 w....:....
Township 9 North of Range 4 West of tho Vil-
Lunette Meridian,
Testimony in tho above caso will be taken be
fore Ihe Judge of the Probate Court ftt Kalama,
XV. T. on Tries lay, the 22d. day of May, ISS3.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the desoibed land, or any portion thereof, are
hereby required to file tlieir claims in this ofhoe
within sity(t'iO) days from date hereof.
! Hotics of Application to Puroliase
Timber Lands.
Laxi Office at VAxe'fvtu. f.?7.
March 1st. 1383.
Notice is hereby given that it) compliance with
the provisions of tbe Act of Congress approved
.inne. enmiivi -.n Act lor the Sale of
; T' T.iul. in iim r o.,i:.,n,:. o
'Nevada, and Washington Territory, jbur;r K.
Collinrn of Multnomah Co., Oregon, has this
day tiled ''u this office his application to purchase
the t. 'of n. w. an.l e. ' of k. v. i of Section 31,
Township 9 X. of R. 4 w. of the W illamette Me
ridian, Testimony in the above caso v ill be taken be
fore tho Register and Receiver at Vancouver,
XV. T. on Thursday, May 17th, 1883.
Any and all persona having adveise claims to
the above descri!ed land, or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to file their claims in this of
fice within sixtvdiO) davs fr.-ni date hereof.
'hntAirenU mav. on their own rceponsiblllty, giv
IBloodL yrru.p
named diseases, and pro-
to cure Dyspcjisia.
It is all it is claimed to be.
Lawn Mowers
Are the DEST.
Our r"inf? ml Bummer
Price-List Ho. 3d, haa made
i its appearance improveit
(and enlarged. Over 20l .
pages. Over 3,000 illus
trations. Contains quota
tions, descriptions and illustrations of
nearly all articles in general uee, from
Adam and Eve to fitting Bull and Mrs.
Langtry. It costs us 2o cent for every
copy we mail nearly 50,000 per annum.
It makes our hair red to thinlc of it. We
should have the cost of production. The
book is full of brains. Send for it, and
enclose 25 cents anything or nothing
Let us hear from you. Kcspectfully,
BT 829 'Ytbuk Aaa Ckle0 IU.
All sufferers from Ibis disease thnt ore armoi
j to be cured should try 1)R. KIS.SNEK'S CKJ-
TJse Powders are the only preparation known
that will cure CouHomptien and all di.-, easts of
tha THROAT and Ll' NGS -indeed, utrong
is our faith in tliem, and also t convince you
that tliey are 110 humbug, we "vill forward to ev
ery sulferer, by mail, pott paid, a FutK TRIAL
We don't want your money twtil ymi are jier
fectly satisficsl of their curative mvvih. If your
life is worth saving, don't lelav in giving tliesrt
l'OWDEIJS a trial, as they will urelvcurerou.
l'rice, for large Box, S3.O0, or 4 Boxes for'SlO.
00. Sent to any part of the l.'sited .States or
Canada, by mail, n receipt of price. Address,
360 Fulton St., Brooklyn, 2T- T.
Pits, Hpilepsy-
Falling Sickness
one Honth's usage of iiE- Ct ULAED'B Celebrate' 4
Fit towders
To con viae sr.fferenj tliet thewe P-nvdern sill d
r 11 wecWin for thwn we will -nd them by mail.
Poet pid.. a Free Trial Box.
As T. Goulard is th iny I")i'y!ciHn that hat
t ver made this dueaao a special ntudj', and aa to
ur Imowle'lge thousanW: hare l)een I'Ehmaxkxt
i:y cured by the wee of tboxe J'owuEKs, wo will
ui'ahaktfe a 'JEii.v vcxt ct'UE in every cao
or refund you all money expended.
All sufferers should give thcs Powdeni an ear
ly trial, and be ouvinced of tlieir curative powers.
Price, for large Bo, W.00, or 4 Boxes for'NO.
Oi . S.nt to any -ant ed the I'nited States or
Cm a-la, on receipt of pi ice, or by ex press C O. D.
A Idress
360 Fnlten St., Brooklyn, IT. ?.
ITotico of Application to Pto-cna33
Tint or Lands.
Land OrrirK at Vaxcouvra XV. T.
March 1.1th. 1883
Notice is hereby given that in coxspliaiico will;
the provisions of tbe Art of (oii'jrvw approved
June 3, 187t; entitled "An Act fr the sale of
Timber Lauds in the Statu -f "California, Ore
gon, Nevala, and in Washington Territory,"
Elias Jesswp, of Yamhill County, Oregon
haa this day Hi.F.n in this office his application
to purchase the K. J of k. v&v. A i f m. b. I i.f
Sec. 12, Tp. 8 N. of R. 1 E. of the ilbv.nctte Me
ridian. Testimony in the alsve case will le taken be
fore the Judge of the Probato Court at Kalama,
Wash. Ter., on Tuesday, May 2th. 1833.
Any and all enoiis having advci claims (
the a(Mive tiescribei land, or any porti-in thereof
nre hereby required t. file they claims in thia of
fiee within sijrtv ((JO) davs from lat herot.
FRRl). W. SPARLING, RegUter.
u3n33m23 ;
Xolicc oT Application to Piirrliase
Tinilier Land.
Laxi Office at VAxrorvrH. W. T.
February 22.1., 1W3.
Notico is hereby given thatuu compliance vit"h
the provisions of the Act of Conxreas apfirovc
June 3, 1878, entitled "Au Act for the nala of
Timber Lands in the Statea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
Elisha Ray of Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter. ha
this day filed in this oflico hia application to
purchase the h. K. of Soction Y4, Township A
North of Ranvfe 1 Kast.of the Willamette Merid
ian. .
Testimony in the above case will taRcn be,
fore the-Jndga of the Probate Court at Kalama,
Wash. Ter. on Saturday, May 5th. 1883.
Any and all persons having advene claim to
the alxn e described land, or any portion thereof
are hereby required t file their c!ima in thia
onice 'Mth n sxty (0)dava from date hr.,,r
! !
! S
! !
t 1
1 1
! I