The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, May 11, 1883, Image 2

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Sr.Hcldn, Columbia Co., Or.
MAY . 11, , 18S3.
year, Jn advance
$ inonth "
2 months
2 00
i 5p
W square (10 lines) first insertion..
KaJi subsequent insertiou
l oo
E. G.' ADAMS. Editor & Propria:
Tor tDO, W. T., May 4lh., i83.
iEitiTOf. of the Col'um6iax:-I thought
I voulcl drcp you a few linos from this
part c'f tiie couiitfy. Toledo is a quiet
little ibwn on the Cowlitz River about
thirty-five mile from its raciith. Messrs'.
Woods and Caples, merchants of this
place, are moving their store lo Forest
Grove, Oregon, but we Have two stores
here yet, one tin shepj one shoemaker's
shop, one.saloorij one blacksmith Kdp,
and Mr. Johnson, formerly of Qregcii,
Is putting up a wagdri-siiop. Mr! lieusch
of Columbia bity has a store about
Iwenty miles above iiei-e. He had to
wait here several .days for the river to
rise before the boal could take his good
It went up last Tuesday to his store, but
I think it will be its last trip up tKe fiv
er any farther Mtn Toledo, the current
is so swift that it is dangerous'.
is some hi:e land around Tole- i
do, and some very good farms. There
are a great many emigrants coming here
this Spring, and there is still room for
more, and some good land yet vacant.
Town Ueportf.r. i
Dr. Stewart has moved into his liouse
which he purchased of the lat Mr.
Morse. Mrs. Morse has packed away
her fprniture in the upper rooms of G.
W. McBride's store. She will visit her
daughter, Mrs. Richardscn 'al Th'3 Dallea
and her brothers, John at Salt Lake
City, and James at Milwaukee, Wiscon
sin. The house is quite ft historical relic.
Here the venerahle Dr. MeBride and
wife hreathed their last hreath on Earth.
Here Mr. Moise died, here was the hap
py silver wedding of the pair lately sep
arated by death, here was tho marriage
of Mrs. Parthena Smith, here the funer
al ceremonies of Mrs". Edward Henricf,
here were many happy and sad times.
If tho walls could speak how interesting
would bo the record.
, Yesterday we saw Mrs. Perry. She
had been over to Mr. Vre-'s (who &as
bought the Kinzey Caples place) doctor
ing Luella Bozartlv, daughter of John
Bozarth. ' Thia young lady, who fiad
been a governess in Mr. Cile's family;
wassi-jk with bilious inteVmitter.t fever,
and very low. While there Mr. Miles'
folks got frightened about thfc state of
his arm, fearing the erysipelas would
reacli his head, and sent for her. She
had , great difficulty on accoiirit of the
rou:lr.e.;s of the Columbia in coming
over but did, and yesterday concluded
to go back to Mr. Gile's to attend the
oung lady whose condition was so criti
AVo speak in a parable. A certain
widow woman had a claim she wished to
hold, and got a married man who pre
tended to have for her the kindly care cf
a father to go out arid stay all night on
Baid claim. In the small hours of the
night said " father " concluded he wan
tea lier'claiit: and tried to jump it She
kept him off with chunks of wood and a j
..Gatting "gun in shape of an axe, and j
held tho fort. He looks very cheap ev
er since, and wot'ld sell out for two bits.
It is needless to savhe is a Macule man,
a nice man, don't want the Cott-jrniAN,
prefers to read poetrv like Clara Rocket !
lost her pocket. '
Sunday we took our family up to
Scappoose. Wc arrived too lato for
Church, but not for Sabbath School.
They have a very interesting c'ne under
the supervisibn of Mr. Gill, Wo called
a few moments on the way home at Mr.
Joseph Copelafid'a. II kj daughter X6ra
executed and safig a fine piece of music
on theorgan. Josio was sick with the
ague, Isaac had recovered. The house
-.has been fitted up tastefully, -papored
and painted. Mr. C6pelari3 intends to
enlarge it, and repair up fences tc. on
the pi ice.
Forlorn Hope at Columbia City don't
want us toay so much about Glendyo.
Probably he was one of those that hoped
Gleudye would get away with bur sub
Kcrilers and ad, and since Tie has failed,
signs " himself Forlorn Hope ; he can
coon writo himself Despair, and jump off
a "wharf into the Columbia River, unless
like his great leader he drowns his sor
row in the flowing bowl. Let lain flow !
Let him bowl !
Have received the Art Amateur for
May. AH go into ccstacies when we got
it ; it has bo many rare- things, it is a
perfect world of itself, and brings back
'to good old time, when man lived for
the beautiful alone, and had not to con
sume las life in uninteresting drudgeries.
g-3rMoney to loan on real estate
.acanty by F. A. Moore iffq.,ht. Heln, j
T)rgoiu i
Mr. Don Smith is boss of 48 China-!
men who are grading the railroad be-:
tween McNulty and Milton creeks. Mr.;
Smith served in the ?d Missouri Cavalry
during the late War. He is a native of
Memphis',' Tennessee, and a very pleasant
gentleman. He boards at George Frantz'.'
Bladely is boss of 40 white men on the
R. R. working betweeii Mi'toa creek
and GifriVs p'la'ce on Ke'l ley's ranch and
Lemont's prairie. There is much blast
ing, and it sounds iike cannonading du
ring tlie tim of the late War.
Enoch' Shintaffer will give a Ball on ! tKe Morrison place,
the Evening of May 25th A. D. i 883. j Mr. Gill last Suiida- had nuicK corn
All may expSet a splendid time, as i pany from Portland;
EnocK never fails to give satisfaction. Received a call fast Saturday from
Ite decs things up brown. lie is no Minnie and Mattio Perry,
half-penny man. The bulls He jave are I The R. Rs. are selling agricultural
among , the most fondly remembered ! lands' in the Nehaleni Valley,
events iri the social world of St. Helen. I Mrs. Morse and a party of friends
He can get up th'e l.'eil supper and niake j went to Columbia City on Tuesday,
everybody feel pleased and titjoy theni- I Mr. William Beaver has rented the
MK Win. Wolf savs one of Ilia neigh
bors attempts to bW;kirUiH by Starting
malicious stories about his financial
standing. This tanf!ot effect much the
credit of ail honest man. Every one
knows Mr. Wolf for a square man, able
and willing to pay all just 'debts, and
witli pleiity besides. Lt malicious story
tellers rip !
Mr.-i Kendall has conie do-.vii froin
Corvallis ".vith her granddaughter, Mary
Blakesley. The child h vs wonderfully j
improved, and shows the tenderest care j
on tlie part cf the "randmotlur. Lena I
was deliglued to ree her little sirtor, so j
was Eugene, and all. her brothers.
Mr. Otto Godkin has fitted bp boxks j
&c for tlie Postoflice. We sliall soon j
have everything in gorgeous f'4yle as
they have ia yvr York. Mr. Godkin
has just IinislVed a combination and
book-caso for a gentleman by tlie name
of llaren across the river. It Is a splen
did work of ai t. !
Have received an illustrated paper
from Philadelphia, called The Illustrated
Irerl'l. It V-as ruts that give it the
foremost place iii the world of art and
beaut v. Its advent will be hailed with
rapture by us all. Long may it con tin-
ue its visits to our homestead.
Stephen Haines was on Prue's boat to
b'ny & pair of gloves. He had a mas
sive gold Ving on his linger wh:chhe
drew oiT to xy on tio gloves. Some
ono present got away with the ring.
It has been seen circulating around; in
a certain man's family. !
Mr. F. M. Taylor, Blakesiey's uncle
has gone to San Diego, California to vis
it his two sons. He had a daughter,
lately deceased in San Francisco, who
left her father quite a little fortune",
which he has gone down to take possess
ion of. f
That elegant boat the Lucea
will make an excursion trip on Sunday
next front La Centra 'to Vancouver.
She will touch at St, Helen leaving;La
Centre at 7 a. m. and St. Helen at? a.
m. Hound trip 50 cents. j
Received a call Wednesday eve from
Mr. and Mr'. Miles, Mrs. Butler and
Mrs. Morse and Mr. McNelly. Mr.
Miles is stfTering from erysipelas in his
hand. He appeared very much under
the weather. ;
Farmers and others desiring a
lucrative agency business, by wh
en t eel
ich $5
to S-0 a day can be Earned, send ad
dress at once-, on postal, to H. C. Wjlk-
SON, & Co., I03ad"197 Fulton Street,
New York i
v.. 1t- , , . , . . , . , Tli ,
0 calk(1 NN Tuesday at Judge
Moore's. He is "havu!': much work
done on the interior 'of his house. iThe
graining is t oak, and done in fine style
by that -prince of grainers, Simpson.
!T7r. Stewart has a niece Lottie May
Stewart, lately arrived from Butler Co.
Kansas. She has a very strong ; and
sweet voice, and is a grear, lielp to St.
Helen in the matter; of singing. i
Yo'u'ng Newman and Charley Mucklo
went over on the excursion of the Lucea
Mason on Sunday to La Centre. There
were 200 from Portland. Newman, says
! they wore a jolly crowd. j
Dentistry. Dr. J. M. Roberts', of
the 'fine of Freeland and Roberts, Den
'tfets, 183 Fht St. Portland, will! visit
St. Hel ens Jfoftelay Mo.y H, 1SS-3 to re
main till Saturday following, i
A certain Titerary gentleman in town
was undoubtedly with Crook, he makes
f?uch crooked tracks along tho side-walk,
a great enemy to liquor, he runs it clown
when over he has a chance. j
Mr. SimpsOn, ono of the most tasty
painters in tlie world is ih our midst.
He is fitting up Judge Moore's house in
elegant style. It yo'ii wari't x first-class
job, hire Simpson. !
i j
Mr. H. O. Howard is building him a
new house on Milton creek in the Yan-
l keo Snttlement He has bought 35 acres
of C. S. Emerson
hifi own shingles.
He manufactures
HEWS drops.
Dr. Jessup is again in our midst.
The Aldrich house has been torn down
or removed.
Mr. Daggett has left the service' of
the Muckles.
Frank Hovt's wife arid child an
irig well now;
J." W. Dodsori lias (rrtded horses with
Willie Fullerton.
Mr; N; L. Grey lias Keeri to Tualatin
Plains this week.
Tlierc is a splendid new bridge near
; place lately belonging to Mrs. Morrison.
I Our outside mail weighs 18 lbs. the
I mist's is 7 lbs. So says the Postmaster.
j George Page has gone to Castlo Rock
to work in the shingle mill of 1 lodges &'
! Mitchell.
r-uwaru xiemici. oenior, nas koiu nis
ranch on SauvieVi Island for $3;000 to
his son Frank;
J; W; Campbell and William Strachan
came up zc xne ?cappoose oaooavn
I Bcliool in a read-cart.
! Tuesday nitrht the lie v. P. jolihson
r,vaoiied at he Church. He belonged
to the united Prt thron.
,r T : v1 T , ,
; nesday wheeling her baby around in the
sunshine ir ito fine carriao-o.
Mr. Allen it making rails for Johnny
CampMl on his splendid ranch between
McNulty and Milton Creeks.
A Mr. Hopki'.ifi has bought ilie M. F.
Hazen place ou Scappoose, He appears
like a very intelligent gentleman
Paul Vandervoort, GenL Comdg. the
G. A. 11. lectured to an immense audi
ence on Wednesday eve in Portland.
Mi'. Eugene Semple has returned from
St. Louis with means to start a sawmill j
He has not picked out a location as yet. j
The Vr.iist has so many busts, it i.s now :
I considered a buster. Positive, Bust, j
Comparative, Buster, Sopt-rlative, lus- j
J tod. 1
Capt. Orin Waud of the Clatsop Chief
j was in town on Wednesday, and had in j
ms naiici r. can vi v. ajt. xjvimjm j ciuppeu
! beef.
I ; . .
! Mrs. Lile Small and infant ecu, she
j has named Hay, are visiting Judge j
Moore's. The baV.y i said to lie very j
j prettv.
G. W. McBridc will soon receive i big
invoice of new joods, tho cheapest and
finest ever yet thrown on the St. Helen
The Stracaans are ploughing and
j planting quite extensively at Milton.
I MrS.. Strachan haii missed the chills for
some Lime.
Captain Lenient lent us a basket to
bring home some groceries. The basket
has crossed the Plains twice and is quite
an heir-loom.
Mr. Gill as a fine Jersey heifer
which cost $300, presented by his broth
er, J. K. Gill of Portland for his ranch
Received a call on Wednesday from j
Mrs. Win. Slavens. Her daughter Ro
sa is quick to Icarir, and bids fair to be
come a fine scholar.
Rev. Mr. Reese had a full house to
hear him preach on Sunday eve. A col-
I WiU "ut utKV" VV lurouSn lue
i nacvcrtftncft soma one.
.. j. ii it ji..
Tho Muckles intend to build another
cottage 6ft 'the lots fh'ey bought of Mr.
Meeker. This last will face on Colum
bia Street 'the Stewart place.
Mr. Allen has fitfbJ up the rear room
of Captain Lemont's store with shelves.
It is understood tho Captain will soon
lay in a heavy stock of gOcds.
Dr. Roberts will visit St. Helen?! reg
ularly, in. the future, and those who may
need tho assistance of a competent relia
ble Dentist will do well to give lhii a
Mr. Larscn is th'e 'happy father of
twins, a l6y and girl. You seo how the
subscribers of the Columbian prosper.
Nobody that takes the mist can come Tip
to that dodge.
Capt. Lemont presented Ms. Adams
with a box of Arnicatcd Champhor Ice
with Glycerine, for 'chapped hands, face,
and lips, rdugh sldn, ahd sunburn. Price
25 c'ts.', a capital preparation.
Notice for FruYicATioN.
Land Office at Vancoi-ver, W. T.
-May -7th .,1883.
Notice is hereby riven that this following
named settlar has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in ttupjiort of his claim, aud
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at VahcfMi'ver, W. T., on Tuesday,
June 12th, 1883, viz: Elh-ha Rav, Pre-emption
Declaratory Statement No. Iw8, for the south
west i of section 14, townsli-p 8 i:orth, range 1
we"bt. .
If e names the (ollowffcg witneefefe to prove his
contiuubustresidcnoo upon, and "cultivation of.
Bald land, viz:
Henry Alien, of Carrollton, W.T.
Walter Lysons, of
JchnAyres, of :
Carv L. IJavird, of
FRF.D. W. SrARLlNC, Krister.
Grand Ball,
Masonic Hall, St. Helen, Ogn.
Evening of Slay 25, 1883.
Tickets $2)0.
Persons to purchase property in St. Helen
can obtain my intercut by apiilvius to Hon. E. D. Slutt-
tuck of ;
Fortland. Ottice in iHisan's Elock: First Street,
between, Pine and Oak: Portland.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
Land OrFtcE AT Okf.gon Citv,
M?V 11, 18S3.
Notice is hereby given tfcit C C. Mastenof
Multiiouiah Comity, Oregon, has made applica
tion to purchase the south west J of Section num
ber 32 of township number 6 north of range num
ber 3 west of the Willamette Meridian, under
the provisions of the act of Congress, approved
June 3, 1S73, entitled "An act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory.
All adverse claims tojsaict tract of land, or
any portion thereof, must be filed in the United
States' Land -O Mice, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the -fxpiration of sixty days from this date.
Given under m hand thin 11th. day of May
L: T. BAUIN, Register.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
. . May, 11th. 18.
Not See is hereby given that Andre Elliott of
Columbia County Oregon has made Application
to purchase the south of south east andnouth
h of south west i of section number 10 of town
ship number 5 north of range number 4 west of
the Willamette Merldiatt, under the provisions
of tho act of Congress approved June 3, 1878, en
titled V-An act for the eale of Timber Lands in
tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, Wash
in.(tori Territory.
All Adverse claims t6 paid tract of land, or anv
portion thereof, mtist be filed in the United
States Land Othce, at Oregon City, Oregon, be
fore the expiration" of sisty days from this date.
Given under my hand this 11th. day of Mav,
L. T. EAR IX, Register.
2soiicr. of Application to Purchase
Timber Land. Oi ficc at Vancouver, V.". T.
A i cy 8th. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in complianco wit h
the provisions of the Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of
Timber Lands hi the States of California. Ore
ton, Nevada, a?id iri Washington Teriitorj-,"
Joseph Wilhns, of Multnomah County, Oregon,
has this day tiled fn this office his application to
jurthase the east of north e;ixt of secti .ii 14,
township 8 north, of mnge 1 east, of tho Willam
ette Meridian.
Testimony m thn above case will be taken be
fore the Judiie of the Prolmte Court, tit Kalama,
Wai-li. Ter. oi'i Sitnrday, the 11th. day of July,
Any and all persons having adverse claims to
the above described lands, or any portion thereof,
are liereby renuire'l to file their claims in this
olKc within inxtv (00) davn fi-om date hereof.
riJKD. W. SiWKLINC, lte?ist.-r.
v3n40rhay1 1
Tho now ani elegant Steamboat
Lucea Mason
L?vCi Portland, foot of AWerSt. for Ia Center, Tues-
ilay. Thirsily and Saturday at 0 a. v., touetung t St.
HcVu, Take Kivcr hJ all intenne'ltute landings, lie- ,
turning ltave3 LaCeier at 8 a. m., Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday. ImkIih'z made at Woodland on WeJnes
d.y and Thursday. j
Notice of Application to Purchase j
Tim n eh Land.
t am- Imci at VAXrorvFR. W. T , I
April 27th. ISS3.
Notice io'Iiereby f;lvn that in eomj'liance with the pro
istions of the Ait ot Centres approvetljune 3, isrs, en
titled " An ivot fur the Ue of Tiinhcr Lands in the S(atj
of California, Oregon, Nevada, ahd in Washington Tcrri-ton-,
" Saioel Vestal, ef Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter.
ti ts day tilid in this olliec his application to pnrehase
the South l".at of Section 34. Township 0 Nortii, f
Jtaiige 1 Kast, of the Willamete .Mevidi.m.
T.tiinr.nv ii tlm nYxive i-ase will be takpn before the
Judge of the Probate Court, at Kulnina, Wash. Ter. on
Saturday, the 7th. day of July. IHc.i.
Any and all persons "having adverse claim. i the
aliove described lands, or any portion thereof, pre here
by required to fiilo their claims in thi olhce within six
tv((50) davs from date hereof.
FKE1. W. SPAKUNG, Itesistcr.
Notice of Application to Pcuciiask
Land Ornce Xt Vas-c.vkr, W. T. )
April 'J3th. 1S.-!. i
Notice U hereby Riven that in compliance vrith the
provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1.-7S,
entitled " An act of for the sale of I'imbrr Lauds in thu
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ftud in Washington
Territory, " James l. Organ, of Cowlitz "ounty. Wash..
Ter. has" this day filed in this office his application to pur
chase the South" West Quarter of South F-ast Quarter of
Section 20, Township 8 North, of Kanjc 1 West, of the
Willamette Meridian.
Testimony Ui the above case will be taken before the
Tteirister !'d Iteeciver, at . Vancotiver, Wash. Ter. on
Tuesday, tho loth, day of Jr-ly, KSS3.
Any "and all persons having adverse claims to tho
above described lands, or any portion thereof, are here
by required t.flle their claims in this office within bixty
(tWl da vs from date hereof.
FKED. W. SPAKL1NO, Tveglbter.
Notice of Application to I'urchasc
Timber Lands.
U. b'. Land Office at 6rego- City, Orkodn.
. May 4, , liS3.
"Sniico is hererj' iven that Wi li;un Ke-lJui,
of Columljia County, Oeffon, has made applica
tion to purchase the w i of w. E. .f of .Sec. !0, Town
ship 8 N. Uange 3 w. of Willamette Meridian un
der tho provisions of the Act of Congress ap
proved June 3, 187S, entitltl "An Act for the
sale of Tiir.ber Lands in the States of California,
OreKor, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
,11 adverse claims to said tract must he filed
in the V. S. Land Oifico at Oregon City, Oregon,
before the ex piration of sixty days from this date.
Given under my hand this 4th. dav of Mav 183.
L. T I5AKIN, Krister.
Jj'xsh Office At Vancouver, W. T.
ilarch 2"8th. 1S83.
Notice is hereby 'given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, enti
tled "An act fcr the sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon,. Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Alatf'ricc, J. Gleason, of Alultho
mah County, Oregon, has this day filed
in this office his application to purchase
the N. E. 4 of Section 34, Township 9 N.
.of Hango i w. of the Willamette Merid
ian, n
Testimony in the above case, will bo
taken before "'the Judge of tho Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on
Wednesday, the 6th. day of June, 1883.
Any "and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lauds, or
any portion thereof, are liereby required
to file tlieir claims in this office within
sfxty (60) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Corner Fikst and Yamhill, Streets
Pcrtland, Oregon
Biitts House.
B. C: FAILING-, Proprietor,
Front Street, Columbia City, jOgrn.
Single meals, 2 cts. Hoard per day
Board per week So.OO;
may be found on tile at Geo.
Eowell & Co 'a N
;wt paw-here
it hi
tot Mvrt.i'incr Bureau 10 Sruce St. )
advert.iainu contracts "nlav be made foi-
New York.
kl3tf j
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Vancouver, W.
April 2:!rd
Xotico if herebv given that tlie fol
named rettler has filed notice of his i
to make final nroof in support of hiechti
that said proof will be made before the J
udge of
the l roijate Court, at Aalania, V. 1.,
urday, May2Gth, 1S83, viz. William J. A
Pre-wmptioh Declaratory Statement No.
the S. K. i of N. E. i -nid N. K. i of S.
Sec. 26. To. 7 N. II. 1W.
bp Sat-
hi. iof
le names the followina: witness? to
continuous residence upon, and cultiva
ioh of,
said land, viz:
John Can tvell,' of
I. K. Mcltolland, of
1L C. Con epys, of
Kalama, V. T,
Samuel Vestal,
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T. 7
i April 23rd. 1J-S3.
Nofica is hereby nive'n that the followiripr
namcd settler has hied notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Judge
of the Probato Court, at Kalama, W. T., on
Saturday, May 20th. 1S.H3, viz: Isaac E. Mc
Holland, Homestead Applications Noa. 1117 and
2567, for the t J of N. K. i and E. A of S. K. i
of Sec. 22. Tn. 7 X. K. 1 VV
He names the following witnesses
tp prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
of, said land, viz:
James H. Poland
1''. P. Choate
C M. ifaskina
A. A. Kinnaixl
of Carrollton, W. T.
SPARLTXG, Roister.
rropsnis for Flonr.
Subsistence Office, Dept. of the Columbia, ' )
Vancouver Barracks, W. T. April 14,
153. ; (
OF.ALFD rri!Hs:iIs, in iluplicate, subject to khc u$ual
O conditions, will be received at this office a nd at the
offices of the Actir.n: Commissaries of Subsistence at the
following name! posts, (for the quantities leeded at
these posts only,) until 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday,
May It, 1!, at which tune and places thdy will be
opened in the preonee of bidders for the uuli cry on or
bt'oie June lii, 15., ol trie roiloivuur amounts
Poise Uarrai lis, I. T., Z'.bW poundM ; Fort Cauby, W.
T., 10,5'N) io';rds. Fort cur d'Alenc, I. 27,000
pounds: Fort Klamath, Oregon, 22,.r)O0 pounds fort Lap
wai, I. T.. t) povnds; l'ort .Spokane, W. "., 30,000
pounds; Fort Stevens, Oipi., 2,070 pounds; Fort Ton'iis
end, W. T., 7350 pounds; Vancouver U.irrnrl .s, Wi T.,
30,200 pounds ; Fort Walla alia, W. T., 12,VM pounds.
Samples of the flour (not lofs than two pounds) pro
posed to be furnished, mut fe submitted wit i tho pro
posals. The Hour to be tested by baking before accept
ance. Proposals for quantitif i less than the whole re
quired will be received. The Government reserves the
riht to reject any or all proposals. j
Hlank proposals and printed cironl.irs sjatinj! the
kind of flour reT'.ircd, and civncr full instruitioiiH S3 to
the manner cf bidding, coiuiuir ns to be observed by bid
ders and terms of contract and payment, will be 'fur
nished on application to this cfiiee, or to the Acting Com
unsjaries of subsistence at the various posts iiamud.
KnveloPes containinir proposals should be inarked :
" rronsal3 for Flour at ' and addressed to the un-
dcrsijjuod, oftC li respect ivo Actiu;
Captain and C. S. , U. J.
Noticf. of Application' to Pit
Timber Lam.
W. T. )
iss.". r
e with the
Lnd 0ficb AT Vavcocvkr;
. ' Ap-il UlJ;
Notice is erebv triven that In compllane
provisions of the Act of ("onrosn approved June 3, H7S
entuieu "An net lor ine saic oi iimyer iii
States of Califoruia, Crccon, Ne'-ada.'s'iJ iii
nds in the
ton Territorj-," John J. H me, of Multnomih County,
Oregon, lias this ijay filed in this office his apJlicatiin to
purchase the bouth West 1 ol Section 2u, "lowiisiup
Nortii, of L'apffe 1 V.'cit, of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony In the ii'iove case will lie taken befnre tho
Heister and Receiver, nt A ancouver Wasti. Ter. on
Monday, the 25th. day of June
Ai.y and al! perfns havinpr adverse claims to the
above described lands or any portion tliereo', are here
by required to tile their claims in this office v ithin sixty
(00) dvs frotu date hereof.
FliFI). W. SPARLING, Register.
Notice of .Application to P
Tim her La jtd.
Land Opkice at VAScorveri.
W. T. )
April 17th.
lasa. r
Notice is hereby plven that in compliance with the
provisions of the Act nf Congress approved June 3, I87d,
entitled " An act for the sjle of Timber Lands in States
of California, .rcpn, Nevada, and in Wasl ington Ter
ritory." Kzra F. Thof-pson, of t'owitz County, Wash.
Ter. hss this day tiled in this office his application to
purchase the South Ka.t of section 2, Jiowmmp S
North, of Range 1 Fast, of the UlaTctte Jiermian.
Testimonv in the alove case will be takeii lu;fire the
Register an l Receiver, at Vancouver, Wish. Ter. o".i
Thi'rsii;ii- tlii "th. rl:iv of June. 1SSJ. !
Any and all iersons having adverse claims to the
above described laiulo, or anv portion thereof, aro here
by required to file their claims in this officte within six
ty ()) (lavs from date Hereof.
. FRKI. W. SPARLING, Register.
Xoiiec 'of Application to Inrc!iasc
Timber Lanft. Ofkice at VANCorvEil
W. T.
1SS3. f
April 17th
tice is hereby civen thatiuconii
iancC with
the piovisions of the Act of Coiires appi-ovcii
.7 une 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of.
Timber Lands in the .States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,"
John Avres of Cowlitz County, Vash.' Ter.
has this day tiled in this office his'apAlication to
urcliase the s. w. of Hection 10. Township 8
North, of ISanife 1 East, of the Willamette' Me-
ldian. '
Testimonv in the above case will l4 taken be
fore the Ueister and Receiver, -''t Vancouver,
W. T.. on Thursday, .lune L'Stli. 1S.S3L
Anv and all iersons havincr advers" claims to
the above described lands or any portion thereof,
are hereby required to file their claims iu thiswf-
icc within sixty (OO) days from date 1
Land Office at VaxoouVeu, W. T.
March 12 I. 1883.
Notice is heivby given that in compli
ance with the provisions ol; t io Act of
Congress approved June 3, 178, enti
tled "An act for tho sale of Timber
Larids in the States of California; Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Martin J. Donnelly, of Multno
mah County, Oregon, has this day tiled
in this office his application to purchase
the s. w. of Section 28, Township 9 N.
of Range 1 w. of the Willamette Merid
ian. !
Testimony 'in 'the above caso will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Cjurt. at Kalama. Wash. uerJ, on
Tuesday, the oth day of June, 18S3.
Anv and all persons having ad verso
claims thereof, are hereby required to
tile their claims in this oflico within six
ty (60) days from the date thefeofj
FRED. W. SPARLING, Krcister.
Notice for Publication
Las-d Office at )
Oregon Citv, Okfoox.
April 14, 18S3. J
Notice is herebv civen that the followintr-named
settler has riLHD notice of h'm intention to make
final fkoof in support of hia claim, and that said
proof will bo made before the County Clerk of
Columbia Countv at St. Helens, Oreyon, on
Monday May 28, 18S.1, i: Georire W. Heath,
Homestead Entry Xo. 4G73 for the s. E. 1 of Sec.
4, T. ( s. 11. 2 w.
He names the following witnecaes to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
A. Xeer, Geo. Fisher, Ceo. Foster, and R.
Foster, l'osx Office adclre8 of all, Kalama,
Washington Territory.
" It. T. T.ARIX, Register.
Notice of Application to Pu iter? ask
TiMUEit Land.
Land Office at Vancouver, V. T.
March 22d. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provision of tho Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, enti
tled " An act for the sale of Timber
Lands. in th 3 Statc3 of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory,:' Henry H. Dryer, of Multnomah
CoUnty, Oregon, has this day tiled in
this office hi'i application to purchase the
s. e: of Section 22, Township 10 N. of
Range 1 w. of thi Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Ter. on Tues
day, tht; 5th. day of June, 1883.
Any arid all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file the claims in this office within
aixtv (GO) days from date hereof.
FliED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land at Vancouver, W. T
March 27th, 1833.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the Act
of Congress approved June 3, 1878. en
tilled "An act for the sale of Timber
Lands in the States of Californio, Ore
gon, Nevada; and in Washington TerrL
tory," Joseph Hughes, of Multnomah
County, Oregon has thU day filed in
this oll'ce his application to purchase the
w. i of N. E. an'd w. of s. jz. of
Section 30 Township 9 N. of Range 1 w,
of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be.
taken beor tlie Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wabh. Ten, on Wed
nesday the Cth day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to tile above described lands, or
auy portion thereof, aro heveby required
to tile tlieir claims iii this ofl'ce withiu
.sixty (60) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARL1NC, Roister.
Land Office at Vancouver, T.
March, 22d, 1883. j
Notice is hereby giwn that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act o?
Congress approved June 3, 1S78. entit
led "An act for the sale of Timber Lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington Territory."
William D. 0:Reg.y, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day tiled in
this otVice hia application to pui chase tho
s. w.l of Section 22, Township 10 , of
Range 1 w. of tho Willamette" Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judgo of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter., on Mon
day, the 1th day of June. 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to iilo their claims in this office within
sixtv (60) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
notice (of Application to
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 28th. 1$S3.
Notice is liereby given that in coin
pliance with the provisions of tho Act of
Congress aproved June 3, 1878, entitled
" An act for the sale of Timber Lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory," Jo
seph J. Meagher, of Multnomah County,
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his application to purchase the North
West of Section 31, Township 9 North,
of Range lWest, of the Willamette Me
ridian.. Testimony in the above case will bo
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court at Kalania, Wash. Ter. on Wednes
day, the 6th. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described londs, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to lile their claims in this office within
sixty(60 days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 24th. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, enti
tled " An act for tlie sale of Timber
Lands iu the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Hamilton Knott, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in
this office'his application 'to purchase the
w. of '. E. and E. 1 of n. w. of Sec
tion 18 Township 9 N.'of Range 1 w. of
tho Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in tho above case will be
taken before tho Register and Receiver
at Vancouver, Wash. Ter. on Saturday,
the 2d. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to Iilo their claims in this office within
bixty (60) days from date hereof.
Noticb of Application to TvlcbH
Timber Land.
Lako Orric-B at tiircoTi.- -r-r I
April 1 188. f
Notice is hereby (riven that in compliant with i th i
provisions of the Act of Congress approved June , 18s
entitled "An act for tho sale of 'limber Lands in tW
States of California. Oregron, Nevada, and in Washing
ton Teritory," Martin J. Conroy, of Multnomah County
Oregon, lins this dny filed in this office his application .
purchase the North West i of Section .26, iownabip
North, "l lUnse 1 West, of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above cas will bo taken before nc
Register and Receiver, at Vanrourer, Wash. fer. on
Mondav, the 20th. day of June, 143.
Anv 'and all persons bavins adverse claim to n J
above described lands, or any ortion thereof, are Mrt'
by required to file their claims in this office within aixt
(00) days from dU hereof.
v 3 FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
v3n.1720 '
Land Office at Vancouver, W.T.
March 22d, 1893-
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, fn tit
led " An act for the sale of Timber Lands
in th-) States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington Territory,"
William A. Freeman, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in thia
office his application toAircha'se'the' n.
F.J of Section 28, Township 9 x., of
Range 1 w., of tho Willaojette Meridian.
Testimony in tho above ease will be
taken before the Judgo of the Probate
Court, a: Kalama, W. T., on Monday,
the 4lh day of Juuo, 1883.
Any and all personshaving edvsro
claims to tho above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their' claims in thi office within
sixty'days (60) davs frouicfate'fcthcreof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
v3n34m30 "
Land Offi cn at Vancouver, W. T.
March 27th. 183.
Notice is hereby given that in corapK
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, entitled
" An act for the sale of Timber Lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory ,' Hob "
ert J. Dooling, of Multnomah County
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his application to purchase theEast i of
North West and East A of South W est
of Section 30, Township 9 North, of
Range 1 West of theWillametteMeiid
Testimony in the Hbovo ciij'e will bo
taken before the" Judge of tli Probafe
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on
Wednesday, the 6th. day of Jun?, 1883.
Any and all persons having ud versa
claims to the above described Jands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their claims in this office within
sixty (60) daysjfroiu'date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
..... March 22J. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878, enti
tied " An act for tho sale of Timber
Lands in the States ot California, Ore
gon, N.evaJa, and in Washington Terri
tory," Alexander Lothian, of Multno
mah County, Oregon, has this day filed
in this office his application to purchase
the South West of Section 32, Town
ship 9 North, of Range 1 West, of the
Wi'limctte Meridian.
Testimony in th above case will b
taken before the J udge of the Probate.
Court, a Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Tuea
day, the 5th. day of June, 1883.
Any and all pea sons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, Or.
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to ii!e their claims in this office within
sixty (60) davs from dato hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouvj. r, W. T. )
March 22.1, 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in ttmipli
ttF.ce with tho provisior.s of tho Act of
Congres approved June 3, 1878, entitled
" An act for the sale of Timber Lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory,'
Mark Woods, of Multnomah County,
Oregon, has this filed iu this office his
application to purchase tlie East i of
South West ami tho North West J of
South West I of Section 18, Township
9 North, of Range 1 West, of tho Will,
amette MerHian.
Testimony in tho above case will be
taken before tlie Judgo of the Probato
Court, at Kalama, Waslu Ter. on Tues
day, the 5th. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to fife theirclaims j'n this office within
sixty (60) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
. March, 22d. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that iu compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Ctngrerfs approved June 3, 1878, entitled
" An act for the sale of Timber Lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington Territory,"
Michael H. McManus, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in
this office his application to purchase the
South East of Section 32, Township 9
North, of Range I West, of tho Willam
ette Meridian.
Testimony in the above caso will bo
taken befor the J udge of the Probaf i
Court, at Kalama, Wosli. Ter. on Mon
day the 4ih. day of June, 188S.
-Any and, a"!l -persons having adverse
claims to tho kbo've described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their claims in this office within
Mxty (60) davs from dato hereof.