V V THE COLUMBIAN. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT ST. HELENS, COLUMBIA CO., OR., BY JL G. ADAMS, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription Rates: BK Qt ADAMS, Editor nd Proprietor. On year. In adTance..... . '" -f - - . . One iquar (10 1!d) Ihtt InMrtioo.-... 12 00 Esch kubsequeut 1 pnertloa 1 uu BIX mont. Three months, , - : r 9 - .:- - ... . r . ' l ' x . f ' . v" .... . igBaiftSJWISSSaiMBHSMBBi -' ' 'MwwwwwipwwMaiwwiwwp V- -vii CSQ THE COLtJMBIAN. 17 I I l i TT TT "11 yVt V t - TT "V T A I T "TV ! Vi A '' "TX V " . PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY 11 11 1 i 7 U WA VS. ' . ST. IIELEXSj COLUMBIA CO. OR., A " Vi J Vi y -; a Ai ) a -" ,jj c IA , ' 1 . by I t - - j .... I - ' : - L! ; VOL. in. I ST. HELENS, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON: MAY 11, 1883. NO. 40. . . . -1 ' A VOICE FROM THB FARM. .. EDMCVD LYONS. Yoa tay that my If fe U a round oftci!? ' Th stalwart farmer mM. "That I scarce can wrent from the oft-tilled soil My pittance of daily bread? Well, what yoa tell me la part U true. I am seldom an Idle man. Bnt I TaJue tne bladings of rest, aa you. Who hare muU of it, never can. "And, lurely. I never have worked In vain. From the uprtog to toe eoldeD fM; Tbe harvest has ever brought waving grain. Knoagh and to pare for .11. And when In the evening freed from cate, I see at my farm dome lvr My wlf-i ana little cues waiting there. On. what has the millionaire mart! "My coil Iren may nt ver have horn dad weal th ; Tti-tr Jives may at tiia? be ruuti; But if In their hmi thvy have iove and health. They will nod Uiee riches enough. The only land they will ever own Js the laud that tho trcn right arm And the patent, fuatle-- heart loue Can till to a tortile lim. I have nothing heyond ray simple want And a little lor e!udy lavs; But no grim rx-cwe my homtteid haunts. hncb ascliver aud g-4d mtght raie Around me are t-yeo thtt wi'.n rparkllng mirth Or with placid cut dIdipeI hUe .Atid no wealth cl K--d lord upou ail the earth lias a lot more bteased ttiau mine. "Oh. ves. I'm laboring all day lot. With the mind aud tbe mu-cle. too; But I thank the Lord, who has madd me strong. And given me work to do. For what, ineeed. la the idle drone BU' a vampire on ilia od. Beeping fruit that by ota-rs was nown . And not by his own tight baud!" '. Upper. A ROMANCE OF HISTOEV. It was nutting time. " A blooming Land of peasant children had gathered from far and near to Lave a merry day amid tbe nut trees and hedges. I say children but girls of 15 and lads of 18 end 20 were scattered through the chattering group. The nut harvest was a joyful time to them. The young are always attractive in a certain way. The undimmed brightness of the eye the satiny smoothness of the completion the happy smiles hovering . around the rosy lips each has a beauty to itself; but add to the youthful face the charm of perfectly chiseled featares, and of lustrous brown eyes, looking out upon tbo world with an innocent wonder " at the changing scenes of loveliness so ' constantly unfolding themselves before them frame it in a mass of shining, wavy gold of nature's own crimping and poise it upon a form so lithe and lender in its exquisite grace that Praxi teles might have chosen it for his model and you can form an idea of Rika Bremer, the acknowledged beauty of the whole surrounding country. And there was a romantic story about her going the rounds. . . , Ii was said that no leas a personage than Prince Eric, the son of the great and good Gustavu9, had been standing one morning by one of the palace win dows to witness a luetic procession, whioh had been gotten up in honor of some important victory, recently won by his famous father, aud as he stood gaz ing listlessly out, his eyes brightened suddenly, and he turned to an attendant and whispered a few words which caused him to hasten away. When he returned he was not alone Rika was with him. Prince Eric's beauty-loving eyes had been attracted by her, as she had stood amid a group of other maidens, looking at the gayiy-dressed columns of her countrymen tiling by. She, too, was in holiday attire, and the black velvet jacket, fitting closely to her slender figure, and adorned with silver gilt buttons, brought out so vividly the exquisite fairness of her skin, with its rose-leaf tints of red upon lips and cheeks, that she looked like a being of a different sphere as she stood amid her mates. Confused aed blushing, she now awaited the Prince's pleasure. She dared sot raise her eyes to his face. Had Bhe done so she would have been overpowered by the earnestness of the gaze with which he regarded her. From the moment his eyes rested upon Rika's face the world held but one peer less woman to him. It mattered not that his younger - brother, Duke John, was then in another kingdom, wooing for him a royal bride, upon whose brow rested a diadem, whose splendor far exceeded the one which he was to inherit upon the death of his father. No. In that moment Elizabeth of England was forgotten. The peasant maid who stood before him had become the queeu of his fancy. "Thy name, little one?" he asked. Rika raised her eyes to the handsome, earnest face, but dropped them timidly asfshe met his glance. "I am Frederika the forester's daugh . ter your majesty." "Nay, not yet crave I for that title, maiden. Young blood musthave its vent, and I am glad to know that the cares of government are not soon likely to rest upon my shoulders, bioad though they maybe." With a smile he glanced at his stal wart frame, which was acknowledged to be one of the finest Hpecimens of phyei cal comeliness in the country, as was his face called the handsomest of any prince's in Europe. Rika courtesied rospeetfully, but did not reply. If the gracious prince chose thus to address as an equal one of the humblest of his father's subjects, she knew well her position.and was to the fall as proud of her unsullied innocence and integrity as the haughtiest miid iu the realm. Her shy modesty added to her beauty in Eric's eves. "Where livi-at thou, Freilrika?"he asked, Bcltly; "for I would we'll like to send thy father a commission to fell some trees which much interfere with the comfort of the King's hunting par ties in the forest.'' This he suid, knowing intuitively that it would startle Rika to give her his true reason and say that he iutended to start out himself iu quest of fairer and more preoious game which must be ensnared in tenderer toils than those at the com mand of tbe keenest Bportsmau at his father's court. After a few words more he suffered . Rika to go. But the sweet memory of her presence went not with her. It nes tled deep within his heart. After tbii interview scarcely a week i passed that did not find Eric's step3 turned in tne direction or cue iorester s cottage. ! A glass of milk from Rika's own white hands was the draught most preferred by the royal hunter although out of cour tesy, he would sometimes accept a mug of mead from the sturdy old father. Matters were in this stage at the time our story opens. j The nuts were gatherec. ,;and the merry "groups bad dispersed jto their various homes, with the understanding that they should meet again; the next day and go together to the palace and dispose of their treasures. ' The next morbing found them on their way, dressed in their best, as became so eventful an occasion in their usually monotonous lives; for roj-alty had such a glamor to uninitiated eyes that the mere sight of tho walls which shut it in is eagerly coveted. It was a pretty sight to any; one who might have been stationed at the win dow, to see that blooming procession of neatly-dressed lads and lasses, as they wended their way aloug with many a merry laugh and jest, until at last tney halted in the great square before the palace. But to the watching eyes of tho prince who had received a hint of the coming of the nut-gatherers there was but one face worth looking at among the throng. "Come," he said to the courtiers who were standing near, "let us go j down to the square aud make the hearts of yon merry rustics even merrier to-day by ex changing some coins for the nuts they have with them." ' A prince's suggestion never lacks for listeners, nor for followers, and soon the rich toilettes of the court people were scattered about amidst the crowd in the square. ! Eric's steps were turned at once to wards Rika. He soon possessed himself of her nuts; and after paying for them lavishly in golden coin, he took from an inner pocket a locket and chain, which he gave to her, saying: "Wear it for my sake. Ther is no one who would look fairer in it. You ought to be a queeu, little Rika, and I will yet make you one. Before Rika had time to realize aught but that his words had filled her heart with a bewildering sense of happiness, be had gone, his gift alone remaining to prove that she had sot been dreaming. liut sue soon came to ner sooer senses. It was well known that KingOustavus had been holding negotiations with the maiden queen of England to induce her to bestow her jeweled hand up his elder son, and it had reached Rika's ears. Such a thing had been known as a maid of low degree being wooed and won bv aroyfd suitor. Theteje of Grisel's happiness, and of her woes as well, had been a favorite one among the folk-stories told around the humble hearths of the peasantry ; end if fate had ordained it to happen to her also, Rika would have been as glad and proud a maiden as ever the sun had shone on. But she would listen to no words of love from one whose hand was as good as given to an other. Thus she thought as sue walked slowly homeward.. So the next day a little barefooted boy the child of a neighboring farmer was sent to the palace with by Rika with Prince Eric's gift, carefully tied up in a piece of linen cloth, cut from the corner of a web, which she herself had woven from flax raised from the seed, and pre pared by her own deft hands. ; Could the unconscious trinket have told Eric that Rika's eyes had lingered lovingly and regretfully upon it end that she had pressed it to her red lips again and again, it might have lessened his chagrin in receiving it back again. As it was, it only kindled anew his de termination to win Rik for his own, be the consequences what they might. It should not be said of him f that a low peasant girl had given him, the Crown Prince of Sweden, such a rebuff. lie threw u large cloak over his rich conrt suit, and, thus disguised, he mounted Olaf, his favcrite hunter, and hastened toward Rika's home. Hot anger was contending, with his love for the rustic beauty as he rode along. ! But when he at last reached the bor ders of the cleared patch of land in the forest which held the little cottage, had dismounted from his horse and tied him to a sapling, and found himself standing at the door awaiting her answer to his rup, all was forgotten but the thought that he was soou to gaze upou the beau tiful face that had haunted his fancyso parsistently since lata had first brought it before him. Rika opeued the door aud stood for an instant in glad surprise, gazing up into her lover's face in utter forgetfulness of the difference in their stations. "Ah ! little one, thy face for once tells me all tha I wish to know. Thou lovest me! I see it in those eyes." i Aud before Il ka had tim e to retreat he caught her to his heart and imprinted passionate kisses upon her trembling lips. Suo drew herself from his encircling arms and stood panting like a frightened fawn. ' Then she threw herself at his feet and, clasping her hands entreatingly, she said: I "Oh, most noble prince, let it not be put against thy rwcord that innocence aud virtue received no respect at thy hands ! Qo, I entreat you 1 j Should my father return and .find thee here, he would surely first kill me and then kill himself, in shama and despair ! Oh, go!" "I mean thee no hrui, Rika. I love thee; and when one loves he hurts not the object of that love. To win thee, I wiil give up my heirship to the crown to my brother John; and while he wears the diadw upon his brow, I wiil con tent myself with love and happiness w ill) t!i t I "Not so, noble Erio," said Rika, firm ly, "if thou wouldst make such a sacri flceT"!, for one, will not be a party to it. After such a marriage entailing, as it would, so much loss love would prove but a transient guest within our home. Reproaches would drive the fickle god away." "Tell me the truth. Rika," interrupted Eric, with passionate earnestness; "do you love me ?" t "So well that I would rather did than know that harm would come to one so noble throuch anv influence of mine. "And yet you refuse to make me hap- "I refuse to work your ruin, noble prince. The present is not all of life. But see the sunlight has already reached the middle point of yon dial ! In ten more minutes mv father will be here. If thou would 't shield me from harm, go! "I will obey now, but I will not prom ise to give up the hope whicu lured me l-'ther. Farewell, for a time, most ob durate maiden." Then, with along, lingering, regretful look, the prince turned and departed. Days and weeks passed on. At last came a time whioh was to plunge the nation into mourning. The good and groat Gustavus was stricken with a mortal illness. He died, and was laid beside his kingly progenitors, and Eric was the reigning sovereign in Sweden. Tonng. impulsive and his own master, with heart filled with but one image, is it to be wondered at that he saffered no obstacle to delay"his union with the maideu of his love, after the days of his mourning' were fully accomplished, and that'the pretty nut girl of Sweden be came its crowned queen ? House Decoration. If you have not a book case, make one, or two looks better if you wish to fill up the recesses each side of the chimney. Any nook, or a corner will do, though a corner is rather harder to fit up. Have a carpenter make you some very smooth helves, and fit them into place from the floor only breast high. Do not paint or stain them, but rub them roughly with oil, except the top ane, which should be covered with a bright cloth. Finish the edge of the shelves with a strip of scarlet leather-cloth pinked on each edge, and fastened on with brass headod nails. Make a pretty curtain to hang across the front. It may be of dark felt cloth, trimmed across with bright bands of cloth feather-stitched on, or of any crash worked in outline embroidery, or of any material or color which will har monize with your carpets or curtains. Hang it with brass rings (whioh you can buy of any upholsterer) on a pole whieh should be fastened in front of the top shelf (we forgot to say, in in its proper place, that the top shelf should be nearly 2 inches wider than the others). The pole may be ordered with the rings, or you can take up a section of pipe (or a broom stick) and gild it with prepared gilding, bought at a paint shop. To support the pole, have your car penter saw out a couple of small brackets with a bole m the center just large enough to admit the pole. Faften yonr ctinMn to the rings, put the rthgs on" the pole and the pole through the brackets, then screw the latter into place. Gild the brackets and screw heads into place. Put plaster busts or other ornaments on the top shelf, and you will say you have a pretty and use ful piece of furniture at a slight expense. We saw a lovely ourtaiu for this pur pose made of olive covered cloth. Across the bottom was a deep facing of maroon cloth, above this were five rows of ordi nary worsted braid in bright color, and fastened at each edge with high-colored silks in fancy stitches. Above 5 inches from the top of the curtain was another cluster of the braids. Farmer's Review. Why Jude Black Uses the Weed. Not long ago J udge Black met a gen tleman who pathetically related his en deavors to break himself of tobacco chewing, as it met with the unqualified condemnation of all civilized people. "You'll find it a hard case a hard case, my friend," replied the judge, with a solemn wink. "I tried to break myself of it once didu't I ever tell you? Well, it was when I wis Attorney General, and I said to myself, 'Jeremiah Black, we've got to stop this thing.' - So I made up my mind and one morning I started down to my office without a scrap of to bacco. I began the day badly and it got worse and worse by degrees. I never felt so much like a savage in my life. I dismissed two clerks, bounced a messen ger, made a fool of myself three or four times, snapped at everybody and started home feeling myself a complete failure, and all creation a mistake. On the way I met a man whom I respected very much. He was a religious man. I told him my experience with leaving off tobacco and asked his advice. 'Judge,' ne said, 'my experience is the same as yours. I tried to leave off too. I quarrelled with sev eral members of the church I belonged to, got tired of my wife, and if I should have kept it up I should have been a moral monster and I determined to cir cumvent the old enemy by taking up my cherished vice,' and so" continued the Judge, cheerfally, "I saw tht tobacco chewing was conducive to virtue and (cutting a quid) I propose to keep it up until I laave it off." SELECTED MISCKI LAN'V. Search others for their virtues, and thyself for thy vices. Fuller. Some men have the key of knowledge, and never enter in. La Bruyere. Nothing is politically right which is morally wrong. Daniel O'Connell. Let us not be ever driving on. The machinery, physical and mental, will not stand it. F. Jacox. Be brief; for it is with words as with sunbeams the more they are condensed the deeper they burn. Southey. We no longer attribute the untimely death of iufauts to the sin of Adam, but to bad nursing and ignorance. Garfield. The true grandeur of humanity is in moral elevation, sustained, enlightened and decorated by the intellect of man. C. Sumner. We must distinguish between felicity and prosperity ; for prosperity leads often to ambition, and ambition to disappoint ment. Land or. Say nothiDg respecting yourseU.either good. bad. or indifferent; nothing good. for that is .vanity; nothing bad, for that is affectation; nothing indifferent, for that is silly. The darkest night that ever fell upon the earth never hid the light, never put out the stars. It only made the stars more keenly, kindly glancing, as if in protest aflamst the darkness. George isuoc. How to Buy, Meat. "Now, ladies, I hope you will ask as many qaestions as you like, because I want to make everything clear to you,' said Miss Maria Parloa, as she began her lecture on "Marketing," at the oollege of pharmacy, in New York. On the long table on the lecture-platform was a Bide dressed beef weighing 400 pounds. Be side it, ready to cut it jp to represent the lecture, stood; a most gentlemanly looking butcher, f "You must remember," said Miss Pai Poa, "that after the meat is dressed only about one-sixth of it is desirable. The rest of it, thu rich and poor alike, prefer not to buy, batjtlrpoor have to buy it because they cannot afford the prioe of tbe chice cuts. But you must bear in mind that the costly and tender cuts are not tbe most nutritious. The muscular parts that is most used, while it is the toughest, also gives it the most nourish ment, only it needs to be cooked differ ently from the tender parts. When yoa are buying meats, remember that the tenderest parts come from that part of the animal where there is least musular action. The tough parts ' of the meat which would be unpalatable if broiled or roasted, may be with profit stewed, braised or made into soup. In fact, the very tender parts would not be good, for food for sick persons, because they are not nutritious enough. Now, I want you ladies to say what are the names of the parts I touch." "The neck," said a timid voice. "The ribs," said a matron in a seal skin sacque, as the stick moved along. "What kind of ribs?" "Give it up," said a lady in a fur-lined cloak. "Now, we will have Mr. KisseJ cut up," said Miss Parloa, after she had pointed out the principal cuts, and told of the various ways of cutting moat in the different cities. "Fix the back bone in your mind," she continued, "for you will start from there. You see the side of beef has been cut in two. The hind quarter end contains, at about the mid dle of the animal, the porterhouse steaks, the porterhouse roasts and the tender pieces that everybody wants. As we go further back we find the rump, and the sirloin." The deft butcher, with his knife, saw and cleaver, cut piece after piece as the lecturer pointed them out, showing where the kidneys lay embedded in the suet, showing the brittle, crumbling na turo of the suet as distinguished from the fat, showing where the tenderloins lay, and how to cut them to advantage. Each piece was shown uutil all had the opportunity to-x iU name and place and its present market price. The deli cate, nutritious, roiling pieces were cut and shown oncViie method of prepara tion was explained. These pieces some times are called the skirt. The ladies are cautioned that brine draws out the juices of the meat, and that fat corned beef is tho best, because tho fat keeps the juices of the meat from being drawn out by the brine. "Do you consider the kidnevs nutri tious?" inquired a sprightly lady who had got a front seat to bo sure and see the carving. les, kidneys and the flank pieces, and other cheap pieces, whan properly cooked, are good food." The lecturer showed how much more economical and sensible it would be to have the meat cut in grades, and not buy as often as is done now poor meat and good meat in one piece. She ad vised the buying, even at higher prices, pieces with the flank end cut off. She advised her hearers to hunt up butchers who would cut up to order, and not com pel them to buy what they did not want, and could not use. Speaking of soup, she said that to keep it clear it should not be boiled, as boning set tbe limes of the bonse free. "But I should think that might be the very thing needed for children when they are making bones," said a bright eyed lady. "Well, that may be so. I suppose it is; but you must not boil the soup much if you want it clear." The lecturer was pointing out a piece of sirloin the tough part of which she said ought to be cut off as not fit for roasting, and turning to Mr. Kissel, the gentlemanly butcher, she said: "You don't usually sell them that?" "Oh, yes they do," interposed a young lady. "You will have to go and'eduoate our butchers, Miss Parloa." "They charge you twenty-eight cents for this piece with the flank on. You might better pay thirty cents for the rest and let them sell the flank for ten cents." v "All its worth!" ejaculated the lively matron. "I always ask for short steaks and short roasts, and don't buy a lot of worthless moat." Miss Parloa kept up a running fire of chat with her audience, and encouraged them to ask questions. Several very young ladies, with books and pencils, availed themselves of the opportunity. The lecture is to bo repeated in Brook lyn. Time's Mirror. The approach of age first shows itself about the eyes. Lines come, faintly at first, then deeper and deeper, until the incipient crow's feet are indicated, devel oped, revealed. The woman, who, look ing in her glass, perceives the lines di verging from the outer corner of her eyes knows that she has reached aji era in her life. She recognizes it ivith a sigh, if she is a vain, a lovely or a world- woman; with a smile, perhaps, if s: e has children in whom she can live her own youth over again. But it can never be a gay smile. None of us, men or wo men, like to feel youth that precious possession slipping away from us. But we should never be on the lookout for crow's feet or gray hairs. Looking for them is sure to bring them, for thinking about them brings them. Tears form a part of the language of tbe eye, which is eloquent enough when sparingly' used for other reasons than that of adding to their mute eloquence. Tears are a dis figuring expression' of emotion, and those who get into the habit of weeping over small vexation do much toward acquiring a careworn, miserable expres sion and are sure to look old before their time. Excessive weeping has been known to not only injure, bat actually destroy the .sight. Few woman look pretty or even interesting in .tears, though, it has long been a pleasant fio uon in poetry and romance to suppose that they do. Many women1, some men and moit children make most disfiguring and distorting grimances wbile (crying; and the lady who thinks she - can worK upon a man's feelings by a liberal dis play of tears should study! a becoming more of producing them before her look ing glass. Grimaces soften no' hearts, and tears, accompanied by the usual dis tortion, have a hardening effect, if not a visible one. In a prettily Written book. not probablj out of print, purporting to be the story of the life of one of Milton's wives, the author makes that poet say of his wife's eyes after oryinglthat they re sembled "the sun's clear shining after rain," a very pretty natural object, in deed, but during the rain inself the ob server is not inclined to be so compli mentary, j Grimaces of a somewhat similar order are frequently madd during the action of laughter. Care should alwiys be taken with children to prevent their falling into this habit. It frequently reaches such a pitch as to render the laughter positively unsightly. The face is distorted and out of drawing, the eyes disappear, and the lips are drawn up, revealing half an inch of pale pink gum. This pecuniarily some times runs in families, partly from un conscious imitation. I know one family whose grimaces during laugl iter are most ludicrously alike. When they are all assembled at the dinnerj-table and a joke goes around, there is not a single eye left in the family. Much, if not all of this could be prevented in childhood. The laugh y due care can be culti- vated quite as much as the voice. Ac tresses take lessons in laughing with occasionally very charming) results. I do not, however, advise that such teach ing should begin in early childhood, lest it should destroy spontaneity and pro duce an effect of artificiality; but I very strongly recommend mothers to check a disposition to make grimaces during their children s indulgence liu mirth. The Injury that Dotted Yelld do to Ladles' Lyes. A crusade has been made against the cigarette-smoking young men, tbe girl who stops up the pores of the skin with bandoline and cosmetics, the women or men who wear tight shoes ori colored stockings, yet the use of dotted veils by ladies is entirely overlooke ft. l or some specialists time past opticians and eye have been discussing the evils which eil,and they are wrought by the dotted y are, with but few exeapti their opinion that their use pns, right in is very detri- mental to the vision. The dangerous "beaut,1 ifier." This kind of veiling is made in styles, but in a majority number of of esses the veils are made and worn to beautify the the person features and complexion who peers through them, and the uanie of "beautifier' has come I to be the ac cepted term by which this fabric is designated. It is manufactured in all grades and at all prices and so uni versally is it worn that a reporter counted seventy ladies out of every hundred who wore veils with this fabric on. : When spoken to upon the subject a prominent optician said that the damage that is done to the eves by the use of this style of veil can hardly be imagined. "You would be surprised,'! said he, "if I should tell you that a lare part of my practice is owing to the use of these veils. A laiy with perfectly healthy eyes and strong optical nerves can stand the strain of them for a k ng period in m . m ni ...11 . t iact, zor years, one couia enuure tuem for a lifetime probably if the style did not change. To day, however; we have the closely-dotted veil. To-morrow a veil will be displayed in the store win dows with the dots sparsely studded over the fabric; and that is the way the fashion varies. Seven ladies out of every ten are troubled in some way with their eyes. Some have vieik nerves of the eyelid; others have weak optical nerves, and all the diseases to which the eye is heir are shown to a greater or less degree in those seven ladies.' The cause of this trouble is the beams and shadows that are continually flashel into the eye and the countenance, and spasmodie twitching of the eyeball w ien the person desires to see some object which is hid den by the dot in the veil." "Some veils have dots of different colors from the thread of the fabric; does this irritate the nerve to any de gree?" inquired the reporjter. j "Yes, indeed; it makes a material difference," was the replyL "The colors are very trying upon the delicate nerves of the eye, and such a viil is far more prejudicial to the vision than the ordi nary dotted veil of one solid color." "What is your opinion of the zigzig cords in the mourning vil?" "That is very injurious; indeed, it is far more injurious than the dotted veil; yet there is one advantage that it has, and that is not attributable to the merits of the veil. When a ladV is in mourn ing she usually wears one veil, and thereby becomes acoustomed ! to its use; but a lady that wears a otted veil for a beautifier usually has a great variety, and she is continually hanging them. The dotted veiling cau b ) purchased as low as twenty five cents a yard, and an eighth of a yard will be sufficient for a veil, according to the present style, as they are only worn over the upper por tion of the face." j "I don't suppose you object to their use?" queried the reporte r. "Weil, no," laughingly replied the optician, "not in a pecuniary point of view, but in a general sense I do. I see bo many cases of optical iffections which are handed down to the children of these people that in my opinioh. if the present ruinous fashion prevail i for any length of time.it will have a marked effect upon the risinor generation." Another eminent eye specialist was oAnonltp.l and hft ft (Treed ! with the former optician in many particulars, yet be differed with him in respect to the manner in which the eye! was affected by the veihncr. "The. principal trouble is the nervousness which is caused by the obstructed vision. A person becomes nervous by looking at thje dots, and the nerves of the eye are so irritated that the vision is seriously affected, j Tbe physician reiterated some of the faots that are given above, and in speak ing of the general abuses which the different members of the body are sub jected to in the eager pursuit of attrao tiveness which nature has neglected, he said: "It has always been a curious question to me why a woman will per sist in allowing tho fnll weight of her clothing to fall upon the waist and hips. A woman's skirts will weigh as much as tbe whole outfit of a man, and yet the clothing of tbe man is entirely supported upon the shoulders the place where the strain can best be borne. A woman, who is naturally tbe weaker, and who should utilize all her strength, allows her cloth ing to rest "upou her waist. This is an evil whioh certain people have attempted to alleviate, but it seems that the woman 19 obstinate and baud to her befit inter ests." . " Three Ways of Life. A certain rich man being reminded by tbe increasing weight of years that he would never be any younger, and most one day go tbe way of all flesh, called about him his three sons, whom he thus addressed: "My children, when I die all I have will be yours, but in addition to the property which I shall divide among you equally, I have a ring in whioh is set a diamond of great value. This I intend for him who after twelve months shall have made the greatest advance toward success in life. Here, take each of you one of those pursns containing a hun dred pieces of silver, go out into the world, and at the expiration of ihe time prescribed return, that I may judge which among you deserves the prize." Thereupon the sons received their father's blessing, and, taking the purses of silver went awav. But when a year and a day were passed they returned and presented themselves before their father. and it appeared they had chosen widely dinerent means of gaming a common end. "My father," said the eldest, "with a part of the hundred pieces of silver thou gavest me I bought a certificate setting forth my great skill in healing the sick. I cultivated my beard and put on my glasses that I might appear to be a man of learning. I gave out that I was able to cure all known diseases. 'I adminis tered bread pills and sweetened water to all who placed themselves under my oare.and as a result I have gained wealth to the extent of one thousand pieces of gold." "Mv son, remarked the parent, well pleased, "truly, thy cheek in colossal." "My father, then said the second youth, "with thy hundred pieces of sil ver I purchased votes by which I secured to mvself a government contrao. I en gaged to transport the mail for one thou sand pieces of gold per annum,, and by exceeding prudence of management I have garnered profits upward of fifteen hundred pieces of gold." "Verily, th prudenca is monument al." exclaimed the delighted father, "but thy brother hath not yet spoken." "With one of thy pieces of silver, O, my father," begau the youngest son, "I bought some tools and became a plumber--" "My son, thou pride of my heart!" cried the enraptured old man, falling on his neck, while the happy tears coursed down his aged cheeks, "thou neodst say no more. Thou hast clearly shown that thou hast discovered the true road to success. It is to thee, without a ques tion, ' the ring belongs." Toronto Globe. How Wilkio Collins Works. "How do you work, Mr. Collins, rap- idlj?" "Ao, not verv; let me see. I write about nine or ten pages of a book a day when I work regularly. It usually takes me about six months to turn ont a book after I get fairly started upon it. I work chiefly at night, and use very large sized sheets of paper on which 1 write very slowly, und cut a great deal. Here now, is the manuscript oCsmy best story, 'lhe Blaok Roba. You see it is scratched and worked over until it becomes scarce ly decipherable. The printer can read it, however, even if you can't, at a glance." I couldn t read it at a glance, and 1 am not sure that X could read it at all. And yet I have read letters written by John V. I orney, and made ont what Horace Greeley was trying to write. It was cut, interlined, the interlineations interlined again, sentences written on the side and hauled into place by a line around them, and erasures which looked as though the writer, in trying to scratch out .some thing, tried also to push it out through tho paper on the other side. There were blots everywhere. "It is a pretty good day's work for me to get through three of these pages iu a day." Three of his pages would make about 1200 words; or, say, two-thirds of the space of this column. When I come to the last I get the fever on, and I make tho pages fly. Then I am in a way, and I write and write till nature either stops me or I finish. When I came near the end of 'Man and Wife' I wrote away for dear life some twelve or fourteen hours, without farther rest than the exereUe I took when I got on the floor t'o act my situations and represent my characters, and no furthur refresh ment than a little dry champagne and a lew irissoles. "Do you always act your characters?" "Yes, invariably. I have to oonsider what they would do. and how. before I try to tell for a certainty how under given circumstances they would behave. Finishing a book liko that always ex hausts me very much. By the way .have the Americans acquired the habit of having a dog run by their heels? Be cause, when I was in America they didn't d that, and I noticed, too, they did not carry sticks like we do. Boston Her aid. Prohibition item: "Wake me up darling, to-night and give me a toddy," said an Austin inebriate to his wife, as they were about to retire for the night. "But how will I know when you want one?" "You can't make a mistake. I am always thirsty when I am woke up." Texas Siftings. We frequently hear the expression, "Bee in a bonnet." Who ever saw a bonnet without a B in it? Boston Star. FACTS AKDfcEWS. No matter how homely a woman is, a looking-glass possesses no terrors for her, "You are setting us a bad example," as the algebra class said when tbe teacher wrote a hard equation on the board. A witness in a New York court testi fied that he could drink a keg of lager and attend to business. He was a police mad, we believe. Phil. News. Rev. Mr. Cook thinks there is nothing like a journey round the world to take -he conceit out of a man. But we sup pobo Mr. Cook can't afford to make thir ty or forty circuits. The second uay after a young aspirant for Thespian honors begins his first en gagement in a two line part he makes it a point to fleak contemptuously of "am ateurs." - A New Yorker has been fined $300 for giving tobacco to a giraffe in Central Park. That's right; give to boys as much as you like, but don't try to poison our giraffes. Oil City Derrick. Tbe French authorities have captured Louise Michel. After seeing her picture in a New York illustrated paper, remarks the Baltimore American, we trust that we may be allowed to hope that they will keep her. Muskrats are, somehow, very plenty in the streets of Lvnn, and so many folks are gunning for them that a man who turns a corner suddenly is quite liable to get his legs filled up with shot iutended for a rat. Standing on ceremouy: "That was a funny story Mr. Dixon told, Aunt Jessie the one that made you laugh so much, ou know !" "Yea; why didn't you augh, Ida?" "Oh, I don't know Mr. Dixon well enough." A father may turn his back on his , child, brothers and sisters may beoome inveterate enemies, husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands, -but a mother's love endures through all. ' Washington Irving. One lady at the Vanderbilt ball repre sented a pck of cards. Several gentle-, men appeared as knaves, and the"l)euce was present in various forms. There were more than four railroad kings in the pack. Low. Cour. Why, certainly, Ezra, certainly. Anv- body can answer a little question like that. They are called the "end men because they are the last persons the wandering joko reaches in its earthly pil grimage. Bur. Hawkeye. The examination of cash in the treas ury has thus far revealed a deficit of fire cents in a bag of silver. It is barly . possible that in a fit of abstraction one of the clerks borrowed half dime to buy beer and forgot to return it on a salary day. N. Y. Com. A man has invented a chair that ctn be adjasted to 800 different positions, and yet a man who suspected that his wife was going to ask him about where he was the night before, couldn't get in to a position in that chair which seemed comfortable. Bos. Post. If biennial means once in two years and triennial once in three years, Mr. Boyceof St. Albans, Vt., wants to know why bi-weekly doesn't mean once in two weeks, and tri weekly onoe in three weeks. And by the same token, why doesn't centennial mean a hundred times in a year? Low. Cour. "Why didn't you return me that poem sent for your examination?" angrily asked a man presumably possessed with ' the divine afflatus, lhe critic sweetly smiled as he replied, "I intended to wait until the two-cent postage law went into effect and then " But the irate versi fier had disappeared like a house a-fire. - Yeonor predicted sometime ago that "April will -enter on Sunday with a March storm." That April did enter on Sunday proved true, aocordingto the al manac and the enforcement of the penal code; but the March storm was left out in the cold. Vennor is hereby notified that if nothing happens. Fourth of Jaly this year will enter on Wednesday .- N. 1. Com. A writer who makes woman the sub ject of his thoughts by day and of bis dreams at night, makes public - his con clusion that a good looking woman seldom or never displays her foot In pub lic. The next time, he says, you see a lady exhibiting her foot rather gener ously look into her face, and you will recognize that nature has not been kind to her. A Sadden Cam; of Conversion. The Boston Sunday Budget contained the following: Mr. Charles R. Train, some time at torney general of this ancient Common wealth, tells an incident that happened in his father's ohureh, in FramingLam, a many years ago. It seems that his father, a Baptist minister, had long wanted instrumental musio in his church.but had been opposed by savaral prominent members of his congregation, notably by Mr. Ben Haven, a near ' neighbor and friend, who loved tbe old ways and was set against innovations. Bat at last ihe pastor, who was one of the "quiet kind," and apt to oarry his point, got a man in the churoh who brought along his bass viol, prepared to accompany the singing of the congrega tion. Old Mr. Haven walked into the ehuroh, and - took his seat in the front row of pews, putting his hat, as was customary with those who sat in the higher seats of the synagogue, upon the conmunion table. Tbe opening prayer ' was over, and tho first hymn (riven oat.' when the strains of the viol sounded through tbe ehurch. Amazed, Mr. Ha ven rose in his place, gave one look up into the gallery where the musioiaa was beadi gto hid work, seized a hat and marched down the aisle in high dudgeon. Getting outside he tried to put oa the hat, but he found that by mistake he had -taken one several sizes too small for bim, in fact, a boy's hat. This made him pause. He stopped, reflected, made up his mind that he was wrong, and that this was a direct sign from heaven to prove it to him. So he walked meekly back up the isle, restored the hat to the commnnion table, took his seat and' never again opposed instrumental musio in the house of God. About the moit sudden case of conversion on reocrd. t