The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, May 04, 1883, Image 2

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    THE (K)i.tnSTBIAITfc
St. Helen, Columbia Co., Or,
HAT 1883.
1 year, in advance...,........'.'.....
$2 00
1 00
';; months ::.....'.'........
n square (10 IWia) ifirsi insertion $2 Oo
lUcli subsequent insertion. . .v, 1 00
E. Ci Al3AMS, Editor & Proprietor.
Trie Ibje'ct of In e fallowing sketch
Was b'drh in Yattihiu So'dnly, Oregon, in
1$4?; !lia fatter was the late Dr.
"James Mciiride, well known to all old
toteg'oniahs; an'd vfe'Os memory is still
Venerated by a!l vrio feVet knew him.
He waon of ih'e leading men in the
Yerritofyma!fiaily walk was al
Vays in the ttirction of everything that
was pure atfd 'noble, and, being a man
'of far aVoVe average ability, his exam
ple a$S4 teachings have beien lasting in
iheTr effect. His sons inherited their
father's ability, and uprightness of char
acter and all of them are a credit to our
young State. His brother,, Hon. Geo.
W. McBride, is the leading merchant of
Columbia couty iand speaker of the
House of the Legislature of 1582, where
he made a reputation thatwill favorably
'corapve witn ahy of his predecessors.
The subjefct d this sketch was educated at
College and there, received
a good English etftrcatie-n and laid the
foundation fdr a 'dasirisd bourse, which
has been steadily "T&ilt upon ever since
until his acquaintance with the. dead
languages will favorably compare with
that of any man in Oregon. He was
'admitted to" the bar in 1870 and has
practiced law in Oregon ever since, with
the exception ot two years, which were
spent in the same profession in Utah.
He was the first Republican ever elect
ed to the Legislature from Columbia
county, and that in the face of a large
Democratic majority. He 'owed his elec
tion solely to his great personal popular
ity, not only among Republicans but
also Democrats. In that Legislature
Mr. McBride made quite a reputation
as a debater, and his speeches and witty
Repartees fcre often VereVt'ed td by those
who heard tJiern. In he removed
from St. HeleTi b C-rtgorlCrty, where he
has practiced law 6 die satisfaction of
his clients and rWft'TtneratiVely t6 uim
"sslf. He las b'eea appointed by the
Governor Prosecuting Attorney of the
Tlf th Judicial ftisTrfct a position he is
well quanted o fill He is studious
and is destined 6 ake a position in the
front ranks of fie members of the pro
fession. Mr. McBride has. a pleasing
'address, a great deal of magnetism and
ituakes friends 'of all with whom he comes
In; contact. As a 'companion, he is both
entertaining and Instructive, and as a
friend, dne whose fidelity is bey 6nd ques
tion. Few- men possess 'as many good
'qualities as are to he found in the per
son of Mr. Tb&s. McBride. V. Fic
'tures. .
The person that wrote the artFcle in
the mist, called Clouded Titles, has 'his
bm brain (rf he has any) clouded by
VnisrtrpTesentations. Hefntends this for
lccSibe t6 try to Vfrlstle 'ih. febme "ads.
"What "fie puts lii qubtatidns is never In
"an affidavit of ours, if he means iii 'His
'article is a mass of ignorance, and stamps
liim as an ass, too ignorant tc know
what he is talking -about. He knows
neither the land law's 5ior;6tir business.
He can accuse :h'bceTy ih tliat S-ague
Vay. He has 'i b -prove us guilty, if the
'cowardly pup theans iis, not we to prove
"ourselves ihnocerit. This he knows he
'cannot 'do. He talks 'about lawsuits,
thirty years from 'how. He will proba
bly fill a drunkard's grave before then,
"or go" to New Jerusalem to meet Enoch,
who will use him for a lyre, the purpose
he has served in ibis world. His state
ments are like eternity, they rve Neith
er beginning nor end: they ao all in a
mist. We think the people ave mere
confidence in us than ih a man that will
get drunk under a sour apple rtree. No
reference made to the apple free that
'stands near what used to be Meeker's
Blacksmith Shop.
'Glehdy says he fought in the Army
of the Potomac, yet he pretends he is a
young man, rid as a stiguia calls us an
'old man. "Vknow -the last part of the
War the Army of 'the Potomac "was filled
'up with boju&tyflftmpers&hd substitutes.
Perhaps he was one of "them, or "some
'other " tute." Perhaps he was born on
'the field of battle when a oom&shell ex
ploded, if he was he must have been in
'the infantry. If you let hfcn tell it, he
will get to be so bid he will come over in
'the Mayflovoer before he 'gets through.
' Garrison when. Glendye lays an egg will
""ell him for a genuine Plym6ith Rock.
The Asloria'n say's the Albina Herald
Vants tb sell but. Wetnbught so. We
wonder what they gbt fbrthelr abusive
'articles about us. Did Charley Milckle
let them smell of his breith after he had
"eaten dinner at old guinea-hen's' ? How
is Susan Pi Winger ? Don't pass her off
as Kittemyer. That won't wash. It is
"too thin. -
Letter From California.
Hanford, Cajl, Apr. 16, 1883.
Maor Adabs Dear Sir: Since last
t wrote you our mourning has been
turned to joy and the Granger's heart
has been lifted up. The rains have de
scended and all nature is full of praise:
Perhaps never ih lift memory of the
oldest Californian has any one event
been characterised by such a unanimity
of thought and desire and we hope and
trust that we have Wen duly thankful.
Through this country the crop prospects
are fine, although" the average is less
than some years revid&, yet the prom
ise is that the yield will bfing a large
surplus for export "and if prices rule high
the year will pfove a success.
The pYbSpSct of a dry year brought
about uite a ripple in Artesian circles
in tnis vicinity. Two enterprising men
near here -sank an experimental well
and at 508 ft. struck a fine flow of
water lhat has been increasing in vol
ume until now it is one of the best flow
ing wells in the country. This settled
the question and all the wfell boring ma
terial to bo had was brought into requi
sition and the, ball rolls on. ;
News has just reached here tlidt they
have a genuine case of small pox in Vis
alia, our county seat If this be true it
will quite a chill on business in that
town for a few weeks to come, j
The health of the country is good and
people ttppear more cheerful and happy
than usual; in fact there arej but two
things that, prevent this froni-being one
of the most prosperous and wealthy sec
tions in the State those two things are
want of unanimity in handling our
water supply, which is abundant, and
that withering, blighting policy as ad
ministered by our railroad magnates all
over the land fitra Siskiyu to Colorado,
from the Sierras to the Pacific the cause
of extortion and discrimination, is slow
ly wbrkiftg out itt legitimate fruits.
Many of our citizens have left for the
land where the webfoot do 16Ve to con
gre&Ae. They are mostly industrious,
enterprising people, extend to them a
hearty welcome for of such is the king
dom of "Webfoot
In my next I will try and tell you
something about our famous Mussel
Slough country, its Geography, resour
ces, fcc.
Glendye has a rub on G. "V. McBride
we think, because he shows courtesy to
every one. He talks of men as if they
they should be as particularjas women
about their associates. If a man should
spend all his time T&rfting up people's
character he could do nothing else, and
who "shall be the censor I Allegiance
to the Muckle crowd is to le the coun
tersign and watchword according co Lap
ham's notion. He is hired to white
wash them. We like the Strongest side
too well to be:a. Muckle man. I Their lit
tle insignificant sheet is a good index of
their popularity. It looks like a sick
calf from a sick cow, and as if the John
ny Bull that started it was not very well
himself either. ;
The mist knows more about our circu
lation than we 'ho onrSeS-es. Perhaps
he sells us our paper. "We saw old man
Muckle lifting our bundle the other day
in front ofGeorge McBride's stoi e 'to see,-
we suppose, how heavy it; was". It is
heavy enough to get away with hiscubS.
Our mail matter that goes out of the
County weighs Vl lbs. and J that of the
mist weighs only 8 lbs. Vou can find
out that from the records ct the Post
office. t !
Punshi, the learned pundit, has some
thing more 'about the grand J ury, and
seme persons going out of the County
whn thev were in session. If he means us
why don't he sit on the mares eg, and
hatch it out Go on with your funeral,
or cease your whih'ihg, you little dirty
fiest r
Mr. J. R. Frierson is bringing in set
tiers by the score into the Clatkanie, II
linoisans and old soldiers, and still they
come. If anycne. wants to find Timber
Lands or homesteads, gotHrect'tb J. R
Frierson's house.
Farmers and others desiring a genteel
lucrative agency busnfess, j by which $5
to $20 a dafy can be earned, tend ad
dress "nt'ohce, on postal, to H.'C. "Wilk
sbV, & CO., 193 nd 197 Fulton Street,
New York.
The mist and its friends remind us of
those little pine pqalr'feTs'that come out
on a limb in the 'forest, elevate their
tails and w-h-i-r-r, w-h-i-r-r, and then if
you throw a rock t them, iitfrft 'theh
holgs. ! 1
Judge Irooro has maps 'of the' different
townships of Columbia County made at
the Oregon Iarlid'dfficaVthe expense of
$100.' Hon. S. 1m. "Lovell has also many
maps of the same rnade by himself.
GlehHye'says he'is a lion, and we a
skunk. Yes, wo are the ; descendant of
some of those skunks that skunked the
British lion, and whippet! out hirelings
and tories, and can do it again, phew !
Received frorii Dr. Davis a stuffed
bird, a sort of fish duck which is very
rai-e. It is artistic and a very choice
gift Dr. Davis honors La Centre as
his place of residence. He is practical
as wfcH as scientific, and works with
heart head-, ind hand alike. He is one
Of those sturdy,, true-hearted men from
thfc grand old State of Maine which has
dirigtf on its shield.
Mr: James Cox brouglit us up a can
Wf smelt. Mr. Cox is as genial as ever
and doing a rushing business at Rainier.
His boy is growing finely, and justly a
great favorite of all. Mr. Cox is one of
those whole-souled fellows that will al1
ways have hosts of friends wherever he
Mr. I. G. Davidson took pictur of
each of us cabinet, size, also some
larger size, the family group. They,
were finished off in fine style, attd do
great credit to his proficiency as a first
class artist
Lucy Nichols) daughter of "W. Wv
Nichols, lately wrote to Blanche. The
penmanship was superb. She is a fine
young lady, and h&s Idtely become a
communicant in the Episcopal Church
at Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds Visited the
grave of their blue-eyed baby on the day
of the late futoeral, and Mrs. Edmonds
had a mother's cry OVer the resting-place
of the ldVed aivd lost
Mr. Frantz says yam root tea is best
for colic of anything. There are so
many babies, we give this information
for distutfeed fathers and. mothers who
like Vo sleep nights.
Mr. Dah, the school-teacher lately
came from Wisconsin. He comes of he
roic stock and is a grandson of Mrs.
Searle. He ftsass Very pleasant and
wide a wake. '
Maggie, "Willie and Dell Caples have
improved wonderfully of late. They
will make the finest kind of women.
They have had an excellent mother to
train them.
Hon. Nelson Hoyt has been offered
500 for 5 acres. Patient waiters are no
osers. It does us good to think some
of these old pioneers will be rewarded
for sticking
Mr. baift used to know Mr. Crandol,
father of Mrs. Perry, inMuricatine, Iowa.
He was Justice of the Peace there, and
his ' daughters were bright, intelligent
Why is Glendye like a beautiful harp
dropped in khe mud t; Because he is a
dirty lyre on which the great musician,
Jim Muckle plays an accompaniment
In one of the Land Office Ads. the
mist had, the Range fcot designated.
A fatal error. The Rang6 probacy got
drunk, and bruised its official head off.
We have received amagnificent picture
from New York of all the Presidents.
It is extremely beautiful in conception
arid execution, and very large.
The road in St Helen could be great
ly improved by 'filling in small rocks and
sawdust, the two principal pro ducts 61
the country.
In a certain account in the -riiist the
C's were all different type, if tlie edi
tor got over seas, the type did inot get
over C's.
Mr. Benharu has m6Ved his family
on theSufh Place. This is a great ac
cession to the society of the place.
Peter Shannon has done much labor
on his place. His land is of the finest
quality, and beautifully situated.
Mrs. C. W. felocum of Vancouver has
visited us the past week. She went
yesterday morning to Kalama.
Mr. James Woods and'lTohn Caples
have moved their store from Toledo,' W.
T. to Forest Grove.
The :i)(trt House is doing a flourishing
business under the supervision of Mr. tz
Mrs. Young.
j. S. Davenport has a fine quality of
'cigars. ' Every one that smokes should
try "them.
You can get most elegant re'freshlijeht
at Alisky and Kruemer's, 145 First St,
Portland. -
The Lucea Maxoh is . leautifully-fin
ished boat, K'r.d has all the trade it can
attend 'to.
Mrs. C. S. Emerson showed us not
lo'fcg ih'ce some photographs of her sons,
lier jewels.
Hj?"Mohey to loan on real estate
security by F. A. Moore Esq., St Helen,
Received a call on Saturday frb'm .Mrs.
M. F. Hazen and Mrs. Fabro and child
ren. J. M. Dinsniore has sold, out his ranch
neirToledo, atdjoiie overonlhe Sottnd.
Blanchegot a letter lately'frOm her
cclisrfis, Johnny and Ella-Senter.
We often see the pleasant face of Mr.
Caruhef5, of Astoria, fn town.
Mrs. J. L. Maxwell has in her garden
a 'fine holly tree from Victoria.
Miss Nellie Moore has been home oh
a visit from St Helen's HalL
Hon. Eugene, Scruple has returned
hale and hearty from St Louis.
Prof. Hodges has built a fine store on
his lot in Columbia City.
May Adams sent us her jpnotOgraph
from Durham) N. H.
Isaac Copelahd is out of health He
is very biliottT.
Lindley Shirttaffer has lately painted
Cox's house.
Mr. J. Vr, Hudson is living in Bea
ver Valley.
Mr. Andrew Elliott is going over on
the SoUndi
Mr. T. It Taylor is expected home
in JuntH . '
The Bxxtte, house ' will soon Hang out
its sign
tf L jl "World ad
Citizen the Old Soldier's
Pape.r iVft rxopie's Paper is now in its
eighth yearj enlarged to 48 columns,
8 pages, in entire new dress, every week,
at only One Dollar a year. Specimen
copy free to any addrossj on receipt of
postal "card request, by the World and
Soldier Publishing Co., World building,
1106 F. St Washington, D. C.
M. E. Church. Rev. T. M Reese, pastor.
Preaching the first Sunday in the month at
11 a. ,M. at the Bay school house and 7 P. M. at
the Church in St. "Helen.
Protestant Episcopal Mission. Preaching
the third Sunday in the month by Kev. J. R.
W. Sell wood at 11 A. if. and 7 P. M. in the
Sunday Schools Every Sunday at the Bay
rfihool house at 10 A. M. Mr. Gill, Superin
tendent. At the Church in St. Helen at 3 p. M.
E. E. Quick, Superintendent. All are cordially
St. Helen Band of Hope. Meetings in
the Church on Saturday at 3 p. u. Mrs. Emma
Moore, Superintendent. Visitors are always
The new and elegant Steamboat
Lucea Mason
Leaves Portland, foot of Alder St. for La Center, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 9 a. m., touching at St.
Helen, Lake Itiver and all intermediate Iandinpi. Re
turning leaven LaCenter at 6 a. m., Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday. Landing made at Woodland on Wednes
day and Thursday.
Tcrsorts desirinR to purchase property in St. Helen
can obtain my interext by applying, to Hon. H D. Shat
tuck of Portland. OlJic'o in Ulisau'ti Block: First Street,
between. Ithe and OuV: Portland.
T U I O DASJCD found on file at G eo.
I nlO rrE.n p. Eowell & Co'j Newspa
per Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce St. ) where
advertising contract may be made for it in
New York. al3tf
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Laxd.
April J7th. 1SS3. )
Kotice ishereby given that in compliance with the pro
visions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1378, en
titW "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the Mt&tes
-f OMifomia, Oregon, Nevada, ahd in Washington Terri
tory, " Sanrnel Vestal, of -Cowlitz County, Wash. Tcr.
has this day filed in this office his application to purchase
the South Eart i of Section 34, Township 9 North, of
Range 1 East, of the W'illaniete Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be taken before the
Judge of the Probate Court, at Kalama, Waslu Tcr. on
Saturday, the 7th. day of July, 1SS3.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to the
above described iand, or any portion thereof, are here
by required to fiile. their claims in this office within six
ty(00) days from date hereof.
FKED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Notice of Application to Purchase
TrviBER Lakd.
Laxd Office at Vascocver, W. T.
April 20th. lSi3. i
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1S78,
entitled ' An act of for the wde of Timber Land in the
States of 'California, Oregon, Nevada, and In Washington
Territory, " James D. Organ, of Cowlitz County, Wash.
Ter. has this day filed in this office his application to pur
chase the South West Quarter of South East Ouarter of
Section 20, Township 8 North, of Range 1 West, of the
Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be taken before the
Register and Receiver, at Vancouver, Wash. Ter. on
Tuesday, the loth, day of July. 18S3.
Any and all persons 'havfctg adverse claims to the
above described lands, or any portion thereof, are here
by required to file their claims in this office within sixty
(ft)) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLINO, Register.
Notice of Application to Purchase
Timber Lands.
U. 3. Laxd Office at Obegox Citt, Onr.aos.
May 4, 1SS3.
Notice Is hereby given that William Kellum,
of Columbia County, Oregon, has made applica
tion to purchase the "w of 8. E. J of Serf 30, Town
ship 8 N. liane -3 w. of Willamette Meridian un
der the .provisions of the Act of Congress ap
proved June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the
sale of Timber Lands in tho States of California,
Oregon, Nevada,' and in Washington Territory, "
All adverse claims to said tract must be filed
in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
before the e'xpi ration of sixty days from this date.
Given under my hand this 4th. day of May 1S83.
L. T BAIIIN, Kegister.
VSnSChha i
Land Office xt Vancouver, W. T.
March 28th. 18S3.
Notice is hereby iven that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved Juno 3, 1878, enti
tled "An act for the sale of Timber
Lands ih "the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tCry," Maurice J. fGleason, of Multno
mah County, Oregon, has this day filed
in this office his application to purchase
the n. e. of "Section 34, Township 9 n.
of Range 1 w. of'the Willamette Merid
ian. Testimony in &ie above case will be
taken bsfore the Judge of the Probate
Court, at -Kalama, Wash. Ter. on
Wednesday, the 6th. day of June, 1883.
Any and all -persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to tile their claims in this office within
sixty (60) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Cohnkb First and YamhilL Streets
Portland, . Oregox.
Butts House.
2. 0. FAILING-, Proprietor,
Front Street, oIiinibia
City, Ogn.
Single meals, 25 cts. Board
Board per MTiek $5.00.
er day 81.00.
i'3r34m CO
Notice for Publication.
LaS Office at VancocI-er, W. T.
- , , . April 23rd. 1883, f
Psotice & hei-eby given that jthe following,
named, .settler has filed notice of his intention
to make Final proof in support of line cfaim, and
that said pnof will be made before the Judsre of
ine -rooace ourc, at jvaiama, V. T., on Sat-
of !V K. tA V V. 1 ff W "K. 1
Swv Oft Tn IK 1? 1 W
11a names Ihp fnllntvnitr n'tfnMiM f -v hrnvBU
continuous resiaence upon, ana cultivation of,
- O l-l'fll, 41 lO
A? "1 , I ... " . .
saia iana, viz: i
.Tiihn Catitwell.
of Kalama. W. T.
I. E. Mc Holland,
H. C, Comegvs.
' -
Samuel estal,
festal, of " "
FKED. W. SPARLIKG, Kegister.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Vakcocver, W.
Notice is hereW Riven that the followinar-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Judge
oi me j rrite i;ourt, at rialaxna,
vy. X ., on
Katurriay, May Jth. 1883, viz:
Isaac E. Mc
Holland, Homestead Api
plication Xos. 2117 and
2567, for the E i of N. E. i and
E. of S. E. i
of Sec. 22, Tp. 7 X. K. 1 VV.
He names the following witriesseH
to prove
his corttinuous residence upon,
of, said land, viz.:
and cultivation
James H. Poland of Carifollton. W.
F. P.Cho9t
(J. M. HHk?ns
A. A. Kinnani
W. SPAKLIXG, Register.
Proposals for Flour.
Sabsirtcttce Office, Dept. or the Columbia,
VancoiJver liarracks, W. Tt AprU 14, 1SS3. f
SKAI.ED prcjionals, in duplicate, subject to the usual
conditions, will be received at this office and at the
offices of th Acting- Commissaries Of Subsistence at tho
following named posts, (for the quantities needed at
these psH chly,) iintH 12 o'clock! noon, on Monday,
May 14, l!83, at Which thne and places hey will be
opened in the presence of biHf'.en for the oclivery on or
before Jnpc 10, 1333, of the ftSllowinpr amounts:
Poise barracks. I. T., 32,800 pounds ; Fort Canbv, W.
T., lO.fiOO pdi!, Fort Cceur d'Alene, I. T., 27,000
pounds ; Fort TUamath, Oregon, 22,feoo pounds Fort Lap
wai, I. T., 9S0 pounds; Fort Spokane, W. T., S0,0j0
pounds ; Fort Stevens, Ogn.. 2,070 Kunds ; Fort Towns
end. W. T., TS.V) pounds; Vancouver Barracks, W. T.,
30,-JoO pounds ; Fort Walla Walla, Vf-. T., 12,800 pounds.
Sampler of the ttour (not less than two pounds) pro
posed to he funiialHid, must be submitted with the pro
posals. The flour te be tested by baking before accept
ance. Proposals for quantities les than the whole re
quired wi!l be received. The Government reserves the
rifiht to reject any or all proposals. I i
Blank proposals and printed circulars stating the
kind of flour reqnircd, and civing full instructions as to
the manner of biddings, condition to be observed by bid
ders and teis of contract and payment, will be fur
nished on application to t his office, pr to the Acting Com
uiiKsaries bf Subsistence at the various posts named.
Knvelopes containing proposals fchould be marked :
" TroposaU for llcurat ,' and addressed to the un
dersigned, or to the respective Acting Commissaries of
Subsistence. i 1
SAMon. T4 crsirixo,
taptain and C. S., U. S. A.
SnWaW I i
Notic'r Of Application Purchase
Timber Lakd. i
Lasd Office at Vaxcocvfh, W. T.
j April 16th. IS!.
Xotice is hereby given that sit compliance with the
provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1S7S,
entitled "An act for tho sale Of iiinber . Lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washing
ton Territory." John .1. Byrne, of Multnomah County,
Oregon, has "tins day filed in this office his application to
purchase the Sowth West of Section 20, Township 9
North, of Range 1 West, of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in .he abeve cane will be taken before the
Register and Receiver, at Vancbuver; Wash. Ter. on
Monday, the 25th. day of Jane lSfsl. I
Any'and all persons having adverse claims to the
aljove described ltfnds or any portion thereof, are here
by required to file thtir claims in i this office within sixty
(Co) days from date nereof. i
iuiu. w. si'AHbiu, Kegister.
Notice or Application to Purchase
Timber Laxd.
Laxd Office at Vascouvkr, W. T.
April 17th. 1S.3.
Xotice is herebv given that in compliance with the
provisioirs of the Act of c-onsrressi
entitled " An act for the salr of Timber Lands in States
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Ter
ritory," Ezra F. Thompson, of owiitx County, Wash.
Tcr. 'has this day Tiled in this qftice his application to
purchase the South East J of section 2, Township 8
North, of Range 1 East, of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony hi the above case will be taken before the
Register and Receiver, at Vancouver, Wash. Ter. on
Thursday, the 2? th. day of June 13S3.
Any and all persons having adverse claims to the
above described lands, or any jo -tion thereof, are here
by required to f'le their claims in this o'flice within six
ty (00) davs frtJih date hereof. 1
FRED. W. SPARLIXO, Register.
v3n37a20 , . i
Xotice or Application to Purchase
Timber Land.
.lVO Office at VlAScorvR V. T. )
pril 1-Pth. 18S3.J
Xotice herehy given that in compliance with
the provisions of jthe Act of Congress approved
June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Latids in the Stated of California, Ore
gon, Xevada, and in Washington Territorv,"
John Ayres of Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter.
has this dsy Sled in this ottjee his application to
purchase the a. v 1 of Section 10, Township 8
North, of Kange 1 East, of the Willamette Jle
idian. Testimony in the alxive case will le taken be
fore the Register and Kecpiver, at Vancouver,
W. T.. on Thursday, JunellSth. 1883.
Any and all ersons having adverse ca-ims to
the above described lands or any iwrtion thereof,
are hereby reqrtired to file their claims in this of-
nce within Pixty (oO) days fnim date hereof.
f KED. W. SPAKLIXG, Kegister.
Laxd Office at V lxcouver, W. T.
3 larch 22d. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with tho provision's of the Act of
Congress approved Jutis 13, 1878, enti
tled "An Act for the 'sale of Timber
Lands inHJie -States di California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in "Washington Terri
tory," Martin J. Donnelly, of Mtiltno
mah County, Oregon, has this day filed
in this office his application to purchase
the s. Vf. of Section 2, Township 9 X.
of liange -1 w, of the Willamette Mend-
Testimotry in the
above case ' "will be
taken before -the J uc ge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter., on
Tuesday, tho 5th day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims thereof, are nereby -required to
tile their claims in this office within six
ty (60) days from th date' thereof.
;L1N6', Register.
uroay, jiayzitD, 1S3, viz. Willii m J. Magoon,
Pre-emption Declaratory Statemc nt No 818, for
the S. E. i of N. E. end N. E. I of S. K 1
. . 4 v.
Notice for Publication
Land Ortrcr. at
Oeeoox Citr, Okeoon.
Anril 14 lkM.1
fotie ts hereby given that the followin(r-faamel
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the County Clerk of
Columbia County at St. Heltn, Oregon, on
Monday May 28, 1883 Viz: Georgw W. Heath,
Homestead Entry No. 4673 for the 8. B. 1 of Sec.
4, T.
He names the following: witnesses to prove hia
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, viz:
A. Neer, Geo. Fisher, Geo. Foster, imd R.
Foster, Post Office addres of all, Kalama,
Washington Territory.
I. T. BAKIN, Register.
Notice or Application to Pubciiase
Timber Laxd.
Laxd Office at VAxcotvfift, W. T.
March 22d. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3. 1878, enti
tled "An act for the sale of Timber
Lands in tha States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Henry H. Dryer, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in
this office his application to purchase the
s. E. of Section 22, Township 10 n. of
Range 1 W. of the "Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Tues
day, the 5th. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file the claims in this office within
sixty (60) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land OfeiCI! at Vancouver, W. T. )
March 27th, 1883. J
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the Act
of Congress approved June 3, 1878. en
titled " An act for the sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and'in Washington TerrL
tory," Joseph Hughes, of Multnomah
County, Oregon has this day filed in
this office his application to purchase the
w. i of jr. E. J and w. of s. e. of
Section 30 Township 0 X. of Range 1 w,
of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before tho. Judge of the Probate
Court, at Klalama, Wlk Ten, on Wed
nesday the 6th day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
auy portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their claims in this office within
sixty (GO) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Laxd Office at Vancouver, W. T. )
March, 22d, 1883.
Notice is hefeby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of tle Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878. entit
led "An act for the sale of Timber Lands
in the States c4 California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and iii Washington Territory."
William D. O'Regan, of Multnomah
County Oregon has this day filed in
this office his application to purchase the
s. w.J of "Section 22, Township 10 X., of
Range 1 w. of the Wiitamette Meridian.
Testimony in the alove case will be
taken before the Judge of Ihe Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter., on Mon
day, the 4th day of June 183.
Any and aAl persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
aiy portion thereof are hereby required
to file their claims in this office within
"sixty (60) days from daie hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 28th. 1883.
Notice is hereby giytn that in com
piance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress aproved June 3, 1878, entitled
" An act fofr the sale of Timber Lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory," Jo
seph J. Meagher, of Muknomah County,
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his application to purchase the North
West of Section 34, Township 9 North,
of Range -1 Wost, ef tho Willamette Me
ridian.. Testimony in 'the above casc -will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Wednes
day, -the 6th. day of June, 1885.
-Any -and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described londs, or
any .portion thereof, arc hereby required
to file "their claims in this office within
sixty(60) days from dato hereof.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 24th. 1883.
Not ice -is hereby given that incompli
ance with tho provisions of tlie Act of
Congress -approved June 3, 1878, enti
tled " An a?t for the "Eale of Timber
Laticls in the -States of Galiforni, "e
gon, Nevada, fefnd in Washington Terri
tory," Hamilton Knott, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, lias this day fi-lcd in
this office his application to purchase the
w. of N. E. and eT of x. w. of Sec
tion 18 Township 9 n. of Range 1 w. of
the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in tho above caso will be
taken before "'the Register and Receiver
at Vancouver, Wash. Ter. on Saturday,
the 2cL day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their claims in this office within
sixty (60) days from date hereof.
- v3n31m30
Notice ot Application to PuRcing
Timber Land. j
.Lakd Omca at TAWootrrta. W. T.
.i . .... APril UIMJ,
jmoiio m tweny iven inat in compliant with
provisions cn too act oi uonfrresa approved June 3 lS7i
entitled "An act for the sale of 1'imbar Lands inltte
States of Callfottoia, Oregon, Nevada, and in Waahinr
ton Terltory," Martin J. Oonrny, of Multnomah County
Oregon, has thia day filed in thin office hi application
Surchane the North Wert of Section 28, Townnhln
orth, of Range 1 Wert, of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be taken before the
Register and Receiver, at Vancouver, Wash. Ter. oi
Monday, the 25th. day of June, 1883,
Any and all persons having advene claims to th :
above described land, or any portion thereof, are hsra .
by required to file their claims in this otllce within slxt
(60) days front date hereof.
FKED. W. 8PAMJNa,ne&wtr.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 22d, 1893.
Notieo in hereby giveu that in com
pliance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 3, 1878,'rntit
led " An act for the sale of Timber Lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington Territory,"
William A. Freeman, of Multnomah
County, Oregon, has this day filed in this
office his application to purchase the s.
E.J of Section 28, Township 9 n., of
Range 1 vf., of the Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will bo
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, W. T., on Monday,
the 4th day of Juue, 1883.
Any and oil persons having advsrso
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their claims in this office within
sixty days (CO) days from date thereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
frk 07tt,
Vll f V1, A'AU,
Isotice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved J unn 3, 1878, entitled
" An act for the sale of Timber Lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory," Robj
ert J. Dooling, of Multnomah County,
Oregon, has this day filed in this cflico
his application to purchase the'East of
North West and East of South West
of Section 30, Township 9 North, of
1 ) t W t it- ITMI ii r . i
Testimony in the "above case will be
taken before the J udge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Waslu Ter. on
Wednesday, the 6th. day of June, 1 883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their claims in this office within
sixty (60) days from date hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
. . . March 22J. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congretis approved J une 3, 1 878, enti
tied " An act for iho salo of Timber
Lands in the States of' California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and in Washington Terri
tory," Alexander Lothian, of Multno
mah County, Oregon, has this day filed
in this office his application to purchase
the South West of Section 32, Town
ship 9 Nortln of Range 1 West, of the
Willamette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will b
taken before the Judge of tho Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Tues
day, the 5th. day of June, 1883.
- Anv and all noason.H lmvincr n.r1vnrsu
. o
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their claims in this office within
rixty (60) days from date hereof.
Jb-ltED. W. Sl'AKLLNU, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, W. T.
March 22d, 1883.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with tho provisions of the Act of
Congres approved June 3, 1878, entitled
44 An act for the sale of TimWr Lands in
tke States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and in Washington Territory,
Mark Woods, of Multnomah County,
Oregon, has this filed in this office his
application to purchase the East A of
South West and the North West of
South West of Section 18, Township
9 North, of Range 1 West, of tho Will
amette Meridian.
Testimony in the above case will be
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Ter. on Tues
day, the 5th. day of June, 1883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above dcscriltcd lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to tile tlhcftr claims in this office within
sixty (60) days from date hereofl
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.
Lan Ottice at Vancouver, W. T.
Mareb, 22-1,
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance "with tho provisions of the Act of
Congress approved Jane Z, i 878, entitled
" An act for tho sale of Timber Lands
in tho States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and in Washington Territory,"
Michael IL McMan:, t Multnomah
County, Oregon, Imis this day fileif in
this office his application to purchase the
South East I of "Section 32, Township 9
North, of Range 1 WTest, of the Willam
ette Meridian.
Testimony nn th above case will lo
taken before the Judge of the Probate
Court, at Kalama, Wash. Tcr. on Mon
day the 4th. dayjof June, 1 883.
Any and all persons having adverse
claims to the above described lands, or
any portion thereof, are hereby required
to file their claims in this office within
sixty (60) days from dato hereof.
FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.