, - THE COLUMBIAN. St. Helen, Columbia Co., Or. FBIDAY, IiTA-ECa: 9, .1333- SVBSCBIPTltfM BATES. 1 year, in acUnrtce 8 month " ;.. 3 month ADVEETISHfO KATES: X)ne square (10 litter) fir.st insertion. . . Kch subsequent insertion. 82 00 1 00" .50 J 92 00 . 1 00 E. .XV ADAMS, Editor Propi ielor. AX AGENT'S BREAM. OEXERAL GRAXT, EX-rRSIPENT R. B. HAYES, AND PRESIDENT ARTIICR, INTERESTED A CANVASSING AGENT'S HONANZA. On the afternoon of October 10th, last, Messra. F. My res it Co., of 658 Broadway, New York, presented to President Arthur, at lis New York residence, 123 Lexington. Avenue, a ropy of a renrarlcaMc anil nftgnificeiit migraving entitled " Our residents, 18791881," (cpipyrigut, 1882, by F. Myres tfc Co.) After warmly commend ing the picture, tlte President bespoke a copy also for tire White House and the picture elegantly framed, has accordingly been supplied " with the compHments Of the punlisshcr On November 22d, General 17 S. Grant, while present at his business office in the 13)ufi table copy from a canvassing agent and ap peared much pleased. Said the Gener al and ex President, referring to the por trait of himself: " That is a very good likeness of vie. It is Jast as I look noia, and my hair is just about as grey, and no grayer than it apjmtrs there, and' added the General, Garfield's is excellent It is very good of Arthur Yes, and there's Taylor, General Taylor served Lidet him That is a good one. of him; Irtdetcf y'oifr pittr.re is" -ti gohd vne gener ally. I ark jnit familial inifh all the faces; I was so long at the White House, vchtr. good portraits of all the Presidents it re found. It is a good idea, and I am quite pleased to have one." Saying this, General Grant, having paid che agent, left his office en route for his up-town mansion, carrying ins copy ot " Our Presidents, 1789-1881 with him under his at rs. On the next day, ex-President It. H lfaye?, received a copy at hi.s noesej in Fremorit, and lie at once ad dre&ed a letter id the publishers expres sive of his approval and gratification. The high merit of this picture the finest national portrait-groupe ever pub lished is established in the beauty of its conception, which has there caused to be assembled, in tigure, for the first time, our twentv-one Presidents "ivin" trtfdience to the great nation over which presents them in one of the grand sa loons of the White House, artistically portrayed in natural attitudes, in full length figures, each one clad in the style peculiar to himstlf in his (lay. The portraits are telling and life-like, and re call the memories of all. A singular ef- feet is produced by thirteen clean-shaven faces, the custom of their times, while but four of the twenty-one wear the now popular moustache. On the walls of the saloon hangs a well-executed picture of the surrender of Cornwal lis, which in itself accurately illustrates that great historical event. It is taken fro! the original painting in the Rotun da of the . National Capital. From the "window of the room appears a fine view of the National Capital Building stfr mounted by the goldess of liberty; The picture is 22 i 28 inches in size, and affords' an elegant and admirable subject for the homes of the people. It may well be considered a standard American picture. The day dream of canvassing agents may now le realized, for the sale of such a work will no doubt be. a steady one, and something enormous. It is sold es pecially through canvassing agents, and we understand that the publishers want agents in this locality and in other parts. That affords a timely business opportu nity for some of our enterprising citizen who may find themselves at !i!??rtv to accept an agency. In order to more rapidly introduce this fine work, full particulars with an agent's outfit, in cluding the engraving, circulars, and a brief history of the Lives of the Presi dents every one of them will, we are informed, be forwarded, charges prepaid, to those wfyo apply with a view to an iagency, and who at the same time re mit one dollar to pay costs. All com munications must be addressed to the publishers, F. Myers fc Co., Post Office Bo 526, New York City. We advise those of ottrjeaders who become interest ed in the subject to send for an outfit at pnen for their own advantage, also that others may, though such agencies, pos 8WS themselves of copies of this happy ;prodnctloTi GOTIIA5 GOSSIP. A New Apoctle. Proposing to Start a New Religion Based on the Declaration of Indepen dence and lic Apocolypse, John II. McLean and the Xew York Would. I vfa sitting in my office' a few days ago when an ancient, grimy individual with long grey hair, and a face showing a beard of three days growth stalked in. Hi.s eyes had the far away look of a dreamer, but both his cheeks were dis tended with liberal allowance of chew inir tobacco. " Will you klhdlv see that this notice gets publicity V said he. 1 read it, and as it is quite amusing I send it to you bad' spelling and all, here it is: Notice. i the Lord of Lord and King of King Demmand a Place to Delliyer one 1000 Lechture free of Charge and free to all may Conic to lu'ar the Lechture, there fore anceV tltem i Call address to Nober 223 Levisus St. N. Y. City.; 1 entered into conversation with the author of thi:; quaint Call. He is a' sash and blind maker by trade and worked at it until a year age when a spirit came to him and told him to write. 1 fc wrote what the spirit dictated to him, or rather m spired him with, and he now has in press a kind of a Bible. He proposes to start a new religion, based on the. Decl iration of Independence and the Apocalypse. He believes that existing religions are no good, since they rre nothing hut words, but do not, practically teach what their a adherants should do.- He means to form great social community in which the gov ernment owns everything, that a man and his familv are onlv holders for life. Then too he thinks the end of the world is near, ftnd he means to try his hand at " shouting in the wilderness." So if anybody wants a' new religion and be come a shining light in it at once, let him provide this new apostle with a hall. Despite the denial of the report that Mr. John' It. McLean the Editor of thn Cincinnati IJn'jnirer proposed to buy the New York World, it is again assert ed, and in pretty good ip.iarters too, that there is a great deal of truth in it. The World corsf the Gould party $230, 000. It can now be had for 6rf0.000 In the hands of a live man with r.o fi nancial bolstering tr carry on his shoul ders, and no British peerage history to m utile his voic it could be; made a pay ing property. Mr. McLean .vas :it town again to day and people who profess" to know nay that it is all on account of the World. L County Court. Application of tho N. P. R. R. Co. for right to cross, appropriate and use the county roads and streets of St. Hel ens awl Columbia City granted upon conditio that where grades are changed the .saujASjJeinadelit' the expense of the Coirfpany. Petition pf the citizens for relocation c;f the county road from J.: M. Joy's to J. W. Bovis' presented and also a re monstrance from the citizens of Deer Island. ; Viewers appointed: Jc.-:iah Konkle, M: Pomeroy and J. A. Atkin.i Bond fixed at $200. Thos. S. Wilkes, .Survey or. Estate of Cha's. E. Ferrine settled and Executrix discharged. Ella Morrison appointed: guardian of Dennis and Morrison J Several bills allowed Giendye says he has no pedigree. What is a man without j a pedigree? He should get the Muckles to saw him one out. He has no "memobilia." He should buy a primer and learn how to spell. . He says he is not the smartest man in Columbia County. ; Nobody ac cused him of that. If he. had been he never would have started a paper where Major Adams had the ground. He ought to know something, to pretend to instruct others in a newspaper. Per haps he is like the Kittery, preacher, he intends " to preach ignorance to the huithen." He thinks a misty diet nec essary for the weak intellects of his sup porters. He says he will dry anybody off that gets vret. We think the character of a wet nurse is one he coul.1 till, and one for which God and nature created him. We have received the January num ber of Perry's Musical Magazine con taining 10 pages of the following mu sic for the Piano, or Organ: 44 Alda Waltzes," "Kinkels FavWite Waltz,' Song, 4i Doivt Sell My Dear Father Rum," -'Sad Heart Waltzes," and Yorkto-.vn Grand March." All for 15 cts., or 81.50 per year. I A. W. Per rv fe Boy, Sodalia, Mionri. LOCAL 1T22V7S. Capt. B. B. Tuttle, the popular mail agent was in town on - Wednesday to visit W. B. Morse who is so very sick. Wednesday Morse was deemed a Tittle better. Dr. Richardson has come down frcin'The Ddles to attend to him. Drs. Stewart and Richardson held a consulta tion on his case. The cause of Morse's sickness was the bad air around the St. Charles Hotel in Portland. If Mr; Guinean would spend some of Ins money in clearing out cess-pools and privies in stead of line carpets and .furniture he would do much better than he does, and not forget to pay his subscription to the Columbian. Mr. Charles Lee has been down hen here as an inspector of lumber for the Government Hospital- at Vancouver. The Muckle Bros, for that contract sold 102 thousand. Mr. Lee is one of our old friends, and has summered and win tered Major Adams; we think if the .mist-crowd try to set people of Vancou ver or Clark County against us they will find an incorrigible crowd. It will be like a fellow trvincr to lift himself to heacn by the seat of his pints. - A Sabbath School was organized last Sunday. Prof. E. E Quick, Supt. Will iam Muckle, Ass. Mrs. Adams, Sec. Mr. George II. Hancock, Chorister. The hour Selected foiv meeting each Sun day 3 i m. Mr. Allen was elected Chaplain, a new otfrce under the. sun in a Sabbath School, but we don't think it any more, out of place than in a lodge. Mr. A"ilen is very gifted in prayer, and abler lu that line than most preachers. . We know Mr. James S. Davenport treats his customers with politeness, so also do' Mr. Blakesley and Mr. and Mrs. louiiL'- I here was never a more accom modating man than Mr. Blaktsley," ami Mr. and Mrs. Young are hard to beat in all the line of ccurtesy.- We have been at the place-, and received kind treatment from all, an 3 know whereof we speak. We see plainly, not through a mist. .... Joseph Copi laud helped build the first railroad car at the Cascades in 18G0. It ran on the old Ruckles road. There wore many pictures, of tho inauguration of the first railroad west of the Rocky mountains, and if they would put in an appearance they would be deemed not on'y rare but valuable, and would be preserved in the archives of history. . We met Mrs. Grey and Miss McMur try on the street the other day. Miss McMurtry has finished her school at Bradbury and seeks another. She is a first clars teacher. These two ladies are very fine looking in walking cos tumes. We think St. Helen can turn out more good looking ladies than any other burg we know of. We have received the March number of the West Shore. It is just splendid, if you don't believe it, send for it. We have the Art Amateur, also. It is grand to read, and a credit to' the United States to issue a magazine so interest ieg and replete with useful k no vr ledge of how to make home happy. J. T. McNulty and wife gave us a call on Sunday but we were away from home. John and his wife will soon' clear themselves of d:bt, and be some of our most solid citizens financially. They are energetic people, and we are dad to know they will have a sufficiency of this world's goods, The mist is going to publish the 44 Re sources of Columbia County." We ex pect something that will scintillate this lower hemisphere with tho coruscations of its genius, The brilliant luminary will shine through the mist like a small build ing through a thick fog. The Albina Herald says Mrs. J, B. Montgomery has the contract for build ing tho R R branch from Portland to Kalama. That Editor is too utterly soft for anything. He should run hi.s head into a foap barrel, or a cloud of mist. ! Hofsteater & Co. will remain till the lUtli of the month when they will go to Toledo. Our mhn'erous 44 scribers" in that region will find them first class ar tists, John Frantz was not in the War of the Rebellion, but has been where Ind ian bullets came thick and fast, and knows what it is to brave death and danger. Will C. King of California, Grand Lecturer, will lecture on Temperance. in the Court House this overling at 7:30, . - A special term of the Court was held n Taw lav. At the annual meeting of School Dis trict No. 7, Scappoose Bay, Columbia Couuty, Oregon. The following Officers were elected and qualified, John Martin Director for tjwo years to till vacancy of G. W, Oklaker, Ralph Hazen Director for term of three years and W. H. Cope land Clerk for one year. Dr. Stewart expects Mr. C. N. James and wife from Kansas to 's?oon pay them a visit. Lee will soon come home from Salem, and then hurrah for the woods and mountains. Mr. James is a prom inent man in the Temperance and othei kindred causes. It might be interesting to the old friends in Vancouver aud elsewhere of tihU able lawyer', Jay Potter Esq. to know that his two surviving sons are growing up into fine noble young men under the kindly care of their step-fath er, John; Frantz. Willie Hoyt is studying law at Asto ria with Jocfge Win ton. Willie is one of our old pupils, and a fine young man, and if sharpness will win, we think Will ie will make a good lawyer, lie ts qui et, but can set! as far as anybody through a millstone. Frank Hoyt got a big load of seed potatoes to plant on his splendid ranch ilis brother-in-law, Mr. Pickering sent them front Portland. Frank is gettin out of elebt, aud means to have lots to sell to railroad hands. As 1 ay is all gon, altd grass has not come on the young fellows in cown have taken to browse. We judge so from the way the pictures come in from every di rection, rfom lull, from dale, from high land, from lowland. Mrs. C. S. Emerson has moved back with her children to the ranch. Mrs. Emerson is .-o kind hearted and cheery. she makes hosts of friends. We don't believe anybody cou-d have the blues long where she was. The mist says it lias 73 new44 scribers.7' About equal to Dick Edgerly who said 4 Cou'n'c board you Sal, 'in'nt got no 'vis ions, I shou'nt, I wou'nt, and I di'nt." The editor should take lessons in Char ley Muckle's primer. Farmers and others desiring a genteel lucrative agency business, by which to $20 a day can be earned, send ad dress at once, on postal, to H. C. Wilk inson & Co., 193 and 197 Fulton Street New York. ? At tho sewing society last week Mrs. Moore was elected Treasurer, Mrs. Con- yers Secretary, the other officers re elect ed. Met on Wednesday at Judge Moore's. 13 ladies were present. The set hi town, too cowardly to at tack us in their own organ, bent a com munication to the Albina Herald. Come again ye cowardly whelps, and take a second dose of strychnine. T. II. Cooper, our new butcher, has opened out in the Tom Ellington build ing. Beef has gone up as well as logs. Mr, Cooper lately sold his ranch on Sau- vie's Island to the Muckles. Captain Ridley aud son have come up from Astoria tn purchase & team. They sold theirs for 8290, clearing S200. They have also sold their yoke of steers which were well broke. Robert Fullerton and Joseph Harris presented us with their pictures. Th'ey were first class, and if there is any girl that don't believe it, she can find out by getting some. Mr. W. H. Whitney, J. P. has re moved into tho houso lately vacated by Mr. Ellis. Mr. Whitney is a carpenter, and gets in town all the business ho can attend to. Prof. Quick is the happy father of a bouncing boy, weighing 10 lbs. He sasses his dad now, and soon will be big enough to lick him, if he don't watch out. Ji R Frierson . has got a position in the office of the N. P. R. R. at Portland. Mr. Frierson is a well educateel man and a brave soldier, deserves a helping hand. Mr. George Foster was in town lately. He has a carbuncle on his hand, but that don't affect Ids heart. He prom ised to send us some soldier papers, Capt Lemont has cleaned otl all oltl judgments against him, and has a valu able property left.1 Ho has had lots of backlione, and deserves his success. Col Basil, insurance agent, has been doing St. Helen, and getting lots of business iu his line. He was with Grant j and hlpd mk Grant victorious. . NEWS DE0PS. Mrs. Searle is better. Mrs. Martin, of Martin's Bluff was lately in town, "Prof. Quick will soon move out on his ranch near Aslii'and Farm. Judge Blanchard came up oh the John West not the Jam West. J udge Moore and Capt. LemWt had their pictures taken together. Dr. Blanchardf was in town lately ; he is one 6f our noble old pioneers. The photographers took no sweeter picture than that of Georgia Giltner. The Band of Hope talk of having am entertainment on the 17th of March. Mrs. C. N. HiMeary and Mrs. C. W. Garrison have each a fine bouncing boy The Muckles don't run Ameriky yet, if they do saw logs, Jk read in a primer. Tom Welles and the workmen are put ting in the' d"oors irk- Blakcsley's new ho tel. I i Air. Stepnans 'was up torat'end County Court in the matter of tire ferrine Es tate. ! 3?" Money to loan on real estate security by F. A Moore Esq., St. Helen, Oregon Ora, Lindley, Meeker's daughter, has the mumps, and is stopping at Mrs. Wm. Meeker's. j The laborers on the R. R. are at work at Rocky Point; not far from the edge of this Countv. i Mrs. Ella Morrison is one of the finest ladies in this "community, that's what everybody sayti Giendye says he is only 1 man in the community. We should dispute that, a 0 would express hia weight Air. Bogy, one of the N. P. R. R. big men has lately been in Columbia City. Dr. Jessup is with us once more. Miss Cora Miles was out to visit Blanche the other day. Cora is grow ing up into a spleiitlid-looking" woman. With the advent 'of the. R. R., G. W. ifcBrido will conVe out with a big' pile from successful speculation, so we hope. Met F. Hazen, our worthy Assessor, has commenced his labors. He has moved his family into the Taylor Hotel. The Albina' j Herald commenced to pick on us, anel w6' propose to keep-up our cud on any; of that kind of fowl folk. ! Mr. S. G. Stingley was in town last week with a plug hat on. His little girl was with him, and as pretty as a pink. j S. A Miles fias lately sold five fillies for $G75. Wednesday he sold seven - c - r ?i cows. Airs, juorrison uougut one span of fillies. 1 Mr. H. EllTr rrnd family removed last Friday to Harrisburg, Oregon. They wrll be much missed, as they were very much liked. We have received a note from Rev. T. M. Reese. H o savs he has a very bad hand which prevented his filling his appointment here. Willie Miles, since Francis has left, takes hold like a man; he has done a great deal on the garden, and makes himself generally useful. i Everett Grey came out to our place in a road cart last week. He brought Carrie and Charlie Grey along with him. These road carts are very nice. We missed a splendid dinner at Judge Moore's. Mrs: Moore can beat them all as a caterer to' tire appetite, whether or- not she has a good Chinaman. Mr. Stafford, one of the firm of Hof steater fc Co.,vs from Tazewell Co:, illi liois, and fought in Belmont and other battles during the late war. Teacher Wanted To teach a three mon'hs' term ot nchool in School District No 7 Coiunihia Co. Osm., school to coiimifrfce on the fiist Monday of April, 1883. All applicant will please send ori their bids by March 24th. 18S3, L Clerk. St. Helens, Oqs. u3n31m0 ST. HELKX HAND OF HOPE-Under the Superintendency ; of Mrs Emma Moore. As sistant Superintendent, Mrs. Mary George; Chaplain, Mrs. Julia Stewart; Secretary, Mrs. Mary K. Adams; Treasurer, Mrs. Ellen Terry; Chorister, Mw Dell Sutler; Onranist, Mis Nellie Moore. All of EverTeen Ixxle. The Ban I of Hope meets every Saturday at 3 P. M. in the Church. Visitors are always welcome. HOFSTEATER & CO- Photograph Artists, Prices Reasonable, Tent opposite T. C. Watts' Residence. St. Jims - .Osrsox. PICTURES. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice ia hereby given that in punmanca of an order and Jicciue of sal of the County Court of Wasco County Stale of ()rej,' n, made on th' 7th. day of November in the matter of the guardianship ami eataten of .Tumm V. Martin, Genevieve Martin, IVter D. Mai tin, Walter S. Martin and Andrew D. Martin, minors; the n densigned the guardian of the persoii.-Tarid estates of the ;iid minora wjll hh1 at public miction to the highest bidder foF !aVK (nnd subject to con firmation by the aaH County Court) ni the 10th day of April 1S.S3 at 12o'clck noo.-irtft the Court' house door in St. Helen in the County of C6 lumbia, State of Oregon, all the riht, title, in teret and estate of the taid minors aud of each of them in and to the lands described as follow: Lots 1 and 2, in sec! ion 4, town hip 5, north cf range 1 west, containing 7.0'J aciei or therea bouts; lots J, 4 and 5, in 8tctinf towiibhipC, jiorth of range 1 west, containing 73.74 acres or thereabouts; west of Mei rill's Donation Land Claim, in section.- 4, 5 and (j, township 5, north yf range 1 went, containing 217.acn C jrr therea Doutffj eat part of J. E. Gil breath V Home stead, sec ion (5, township 5, north of iai)ge T went, containing 41 acrt or tbrealouti; the northwest J of the nortKwent of Htcti n Ii2, township 5, north of range 1 west, ct ntaining 40 acres or thereabouts; lot 3, section 4 ?, tow n shio 5, north of range 1 west, containing 38.20 acres or thereabouts; Jot 3, section IU, township 6, north of range 1 west, containing 50.08 acres or theruaboutE'; the. northwest of southwest of section 20, township C; north of range 1 west, containing 40 acres; the fractional south A of southwest 1 of section 2'J, township (5, nrth of f range 1 west, containing 40acns or tlure.ibouta; lot .No.- 2, section k, township u n.rtli of range 1 west, containing 30.00 acre or thereabouts: thor fractional" nrtheat of section 30, towmdnp 6 north of rarfge 1 went, containing 148.08 acres or thereabouts; part of Hunter's Donation Land Claim, section 30, township G, n rth of range 1 west, containing "7.27 acres or thereabouts; thd' north i of D. Wilson'. Donation Lind Claim, 8ectin 4, township fi, north of range 1 wes, tnl sections 20, JX), 31, 32, 33 an i 34, iu township C, nortii of range 1 west, containing 317 acres or, thereabouts; the noithwest 1 of north we.' t i of section ft, township 5, north of range 1 west, con taining 40 acres; lot 3 of section 2l, township 6, north of range 1 west, containing 23.02 acriS'oK thereabouts, end all situate .in tlus County of Co lumbia, rotate of Oregon. The interest of the sid minora' hi tf; s'above" described lauds is tive eighths of one half, sub ject to the right of dower therein- and thereto held by Klearnr Martin-; the widow of Htwarcl' Martin Deceased. ELEANOR MATITIN, . Guardian of Said Minora.- St. IIele.ys, March, Jth. 18S3. Notice or Application to Purchase TJmbe? Lund, U. S. Land Orrfcr, Okegon Citt, Oeecon. March 9. 18.".' Notice is hereby given that James CoaMey of Columbia Countv, Oiegon, has marie application to purchase the N. E. of Sec. 2, T. 7 It. 4 W. Will. Mer., under the provi-ions of the Act of Congress approved , Turte 3, 187, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Land. in the States of Cf.Tifrnia, Oregon, Nevada, and in' Washington Territory." All a-lverse claims to sai l tract muit bo filed in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Ore Ron, b-fore the expiration, of sixty days from thw date. Glven under my hand this Oth. day of March 1SS3. L. T. BARIN, Renter.- u3n31m0 ETC fcjaai -SS.y M oj'f Will be liiaSed fiike to all vicuU?un& uow- about 176 pafres. oo niuntrationB. irl. iocural deacripttpuB and valuable directions lor plajitin "rtetia, of . Vegetable aud HoW ti lolly to Market Gardeners.- ftfldforit! D. M. FERRY &. CO. Detroit Mioh- ftotfoe df Application to Pur- chase Timber Land, U. S. Land Office, Oregon Citt, Onzaoy, Marcii. y, lbJ3. Notice is hereby ,pivtn that Charles hite f Multnomah County, Oregon; has made applica. tion to purchase the ts. w. 1 of &tc. 2 T. 'J s. II. 2w. Will. Mer., under the provisions of the Act- cf Congress approved Juneo, 15578, entitled 'An. Act for the safe of Timber Lands iu the States of California. Oregon', .Nevisda, ami in Washing ton Territory." All adverse claims to said tract miut be filed in the U. S. Lund Office at Oregon City, Ore gon, before the expiration of 6Uty days from this date. Given under my hand this 9th. day ( March 1S83. L. T, BARIN, Rtgister. u3n31m9 Notice of Application to Purchase Timber lands. Land Okfick at VAN-coonm W. T. I March 5th, 1883. f the provisions of the Act of Congress approvecf June 3, 187H, tntitled"An Act for the sale of Timber Iands iu the States i if Ca ifornia. Ore- grm, evaia, ani in vv asiungton Territory, tfiirrv 1-!. H.innprsff t f Mulf n.i, mli i i.. ias this day tilel in this oilice his aiiplica- ... i .i... ... 1..... i r . mn n imrviiH.'si; ua- w. j ui . w. an' I T. ot S. W. -1 f S.itir.Il :4. TiiunJn'n'l VK.vf l- 4 w. of thf? W illamettc Meridian. letiiuony m ,nV alv cane will betaken be fore the Renter and Receiver at Vancouver. W. T. on Thamlay, May 17th. 1S.S3. Any and all persons having adverse claima t9 the above described l;it,ls " 1 " H"ll bilCIQI'lt' are hereby repuied to file their c aims in this of. uco uiun mxiy w navs irom ii.-.te hereof. YHEl). W.sirAISLINU, Register. u3n31m9 Notice for Publication. Land Orricic at V.xrorvEn, W. T. 1 March 0th. 1&33. f Notice is hereby given that die following named settler has tilel notice of his intention to make final proof in uport of his claim, and that said proof will be r.iadw before the Judge, of the Probate Court, at Kalama, W. T.. oa Saturday, Apiil7th. viz: Gerge Jenkins Homeste.wl Application No. L78G, for the w 4 of N. w. i ..f Sec. 2S, Tp. 7 x. R. 1 w. He nanus the following witnewes to proTe hbl c residence uikjii, and cultivation of. said land viz: . i. ci..se, 0f Kalama, W. T. Charles h. Forsyth, - of A. V. Cashwell, of " Franklin P. Choate, ofCarrollton FRED VV. SPARLING, Refar. u3n31ui9 A week inale at hoine by the In dustriou Rest biiHioef before the public. Capitol not newled. We will Ktart you. Men, worn- eil. hoVrt ainl o-ii-lj uaiifu.1 where to work for us. Now in the time. You can work in spare time, or give your w hole time to the business. No other bunlneiss will pay you nearly as well. No can fail to inako enor mous pay, by engaging at once, Cottlv out6t ami terms free. Money made fast, oaeily, and honorably. Addr- Thtf k (?o., A-ujrjt Main-s