CATCHING SUNBEAMS. .The grandmother sat by the cottage door, The grandchild played at her feet on the floor. From the western sky the bright sunshine sped, And rested in glory on either head. Then in long, golden arrows it seemed to fall, And quivering;, break on tbecttage wall. And the child reached up with her baby hands, . . . . 1 1 , i. i Ixtud laughing, to prison me saining osuus. And 'twai sweet on the baby face to see The look of surprise at the mystery. Bwift escape from the tiny fingers' hold Ajain on the wall the dancing gold. In the grandmother's lap the knitting lay, And her eyes were bent on the child at play. But againtt the tide of her life's long stream Had her tho'ijuts swam back in a waking (J ream, T.ll they reached the source and he was th child That caught at the sunbeams with laughter wild. And through all the paths of life's duety way, It had been with her as the child at play. She had caught at the sunbeams that barred the air, She had opened her hands, lo ! naught was there 1 , Less wise than the child, she had often wept. As faith from her soul her empty hand swept. She reached no hands now. But now the sun streamed In a golden flood, as she sat and dreamed. And backward so far as the bright shadows lie, " With glory they tilled the east and west sky. Trlsoned at last !"' So she thought and she smiled At the dancing gold and the laughing child. Kaliouul Peculiarities. An Englishman who recently visited this country has considerable to say concerning our customs and methods of doing business. He says: Business ' is pursued differently than amongst us, though international conimingliugs and competitions are hourly bringing com mercer and trade to similar methods. Yet our drapers' assistants, for example, would find themselves out of' their ele ment in the dry-goods stores of America. "Here, our shopmen spend much time in panegyrics upon the fabrics they vend, and he who is most mellifluous in praise of his master's goods gets promotion. In the United States this specious volubility would cause the shopman s speedv dismissal Customers judge for themselves, and any attempt to gild the pill excites con temptuous suspicion of the vendor. The average American, however poor, is compelled to be a gentleman. Work men in England are not always careful Of'" personal appearance, though our young men are becoming so. But in America, after business hours, it is im possible to distinguish a man by any external marks Ins occupation. Ar tisans are dressed neatly, stylishly. splendidly, according to individual ideas and income. I have lived in hotels and boarding houses with working men whose clothes, deportment and conver sation gave not the slightest clue of their employments. Good manners are not only expected from, but are insisted upon. (Except in mining regions, where a conglomeration of intertational row dies set up a local code of behavior, all Americans are urbane. Even in these lawless spots women are treated with courtesv. Jiennement ot manners is nowhere more conspicuous than in the treatment of children. Anglo-American boys and girls have indulgences, pleasures and intimacies with their elders quite unknown to their cousins in the east. I was struck with the ex traordinary good conduct of children in school. There is a code of high bebva ior , ruling teachers and pupils that comes favorably with that of England. It was curious to remark, as I had occa sion to do, how soon an immigrant's turbulent, irascible, unruly, opinionated boys were subdued to the prevailing be havior. The Wickedest Man In Sew York. When Oliver Dyer sought out a man for his sketch of the wickedest .man iu New York he selected John Allen, a dog fighter the type of the brutish sport and the protector of thieves and Thugs. Now such a sketch would have for its subject not the keeper of a low-down gin mill, but a man of ac complishments, a leader of fashion in the fasc set, a rich man who had hope lessly fallen from that preferred realm of respectability where the true self i3 hidden behind the veil of the good opinion of men and a fair rating in the, commercial respects, who has no respect for virtue except for its mar ket value, who fears vice only because of its possibilities of pulling a trigger upon it, or weaving a network of destruction about his career; who can deal with equanimity with the kings of crime foi service from their subjects, and can plan the ruin of a young man or woman as coolly as he can make bets on a horse race; who can corrupt with as little con science as he can make his toilet, and can build up a backing of judges, lawyers and politicians, rich club men, and even preachers, who can be counted upon for service on a pinch. Such is undoubtedly the type of the wickedest man of New York to-day. The Bowery tough, with a broadcloth coat and plug hat, that in response to Thackery's re mark that he wanted to go to Grand street said: "Well, go right along, son ny, but hurry home," passed away in the wake of the old volunteer fire de partment. The Owney Geoghons and John Aliens are as natural members of metropolitan life as camp followers are of an army. They are dangerous, like tarantulas if you go where they are, bnt if yon keep out of their path they will keep out of yours. The modern wickedest man of New York has the ap pearance of a gentleman, and might take a seat in the Concord School of Philoso phy with exciting other comment than that he is a New Yorker. But he is nzore dangerous in his contaminating effects upon society than any of his predeces sors in the cities of the world in wicked ness. j New York Corr. St. Louis Re publican. "There's no place like home." "Thank God!" said the man who boarded with his mother-in-law. I RnatuesN Asrin. D. J. Malarkey & Co., who were burned out at the late fire in Portland have re sumed business again at No. 44 Front street. There is no commission house in Portland that has the confidence of the farmers of Oregon and Washington more than D. J. Malarev & Co., and all friends of the house will be glad that they have decided to continue in business in spite of their disastrous loss by the fire. The same squire dealing that has built up their largo business will enable them to hold all of their trade and en large it as opportunity offers. Pn f. N in pie- The great horse trainer, Professor Sample, lias been doing wonders in Port land in teaching how to subdue wild and vicious horses. He has been teaching large classes and every person that has taken lessons haa been perfectly satisfied. He will make a tour of Oregon and Wash ington. (ilnvrn'H Voinlte Cherry Tiioitu Iste An aromatic combination for the preservation of the teeth and gums. It is far superior to any preparation of its kind in the market. In large, handsome opal jwts, price fiJty cent;. For sale by all druggists. Hodge, Davis fc Co , whole sale agents, Portland, Oregon. When yon desire reall good photographs then take a trip to Portland and call on Frank G. Abell, the Gold Medal Photographer, and you will be sure of being satisfied, as he turns out only the best work. . Send $1.00 to W. 1). Palmer, Portland, for one year's subscription to the Pacific Overseer, the great semi-monthly A. O. IT. W. paper. Turkish Kcgs. Send to John 15. Garrison 1G7 Third street Portland, for catalogues ot de signs. Zoe Uentham in her great specialty, "The Poetry of Motion" is one of the great attractions of the Elite theater in Portland. Hosts ot talent arriving every week. Garrison repairs all kinds of sewinff machine t - Espiained at foot of this coin ma PofOanQ Bowls Directory SHOW CASE FA1TOKY. DIXO.V, II K 1C. TE 1 X Oz CO. Cor, Fro.U and M.rk, Portland, manufacturers of all kinds of show cases. Send for catalogue. MIMICAL. U RTETORN. W. K. HAYKK-Civil Engineer, Contractor and siirvevors. Oilier 29 Mark srtet. Union Block, Portland, Or., with Ferry &. White, Real F'state Agents. Surveying done in any part of Oregon or Washingtor . BARKKIES. EMPIRE IIAKEKY iZ Washington. Voss A Fn nr. Props. Manufacturers of Iilot hread, Soda. Picnic, Butter, Boston, Sugar and Shoe Fly crackers. Orders from the trade solicited and promptly at tended to, ANMAYKK4 XV. . JE.N'Xi: A CO. lot' Front street near Washington. Ores, metals, mineral waters, coals, etc., carefully analyzed. Assays for gold and silver other metals from it. to 5. Uold dust bought and bars made. Orders by mall carefully attended to. J. B. McIXTOSIl,-Cor. Front and Stark. Chem ical analysis made of coal, mineral waters, etc. Or dinary assays of gold, silver, lead or copper, from :i to 5. Or. P. Harvev. Consulting Chemist. ATTORXRV. I. I. K EXX i:D V,Atloriicy and onin-i.n i Law Koom ." Dekuin'v building. Legal business pertaining to Letters Patent for inventions. befori the patent Ottiee or in the Courts, a siecialty. MAGIG BALM! 5 &Ml 1 U.a K med jr for RHEUMATISM, toothache, rwu a ;, Hack Ache, -lout, feciitttCH, Ltiunb o, miniaud &-ellt4ifci, Hurii niitl ScaltlM, Chilblains, Br nine, lleadoche, Rented Feet, and Earn, Sr? Thro t. l-niu In the i hrt, Ktr cli, Cortin aitl tinnlaiift. and all Bod ily HIiim. This renowneoT Australian Kemedy Is made ex clusively of Australian herbs grown by the Ger mans ot the rosewood scruD metricc. Queensland, Australia, who make herb culture a specialty. It does not coctaiu any poisonous ingredients what ever, and ia tne ; BEST PREPARATION Iu the world lor the above complaints. A Perfect Cure tiunranteed lit every Case It costs but 50 cents ier bottle, ad it Is film pi j foolishness for those who are sulfa ing pain not to use i . Full directions accompany each bottle. Sold by all Drugints aud Patent Mediciue Dealers I'KOf. fll. A. KCOTT. & Cl.f Kole Proprietors and auutactiirera. BALLAUAT, AUSTRALIA, and SANTA CLARA, California C. VV. Cornelius. Firf t meet. Portland, Sole Agent for Portland Oregon. The Kishop Scolt Grammar School. ABOAItDIKO AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS and Young Men, will begin its fifth year under its present management Sept. 5, 1882. Prepares boys for college or business. The teaching is practical and thorougu. and discipline strict. Send for twelfth an nual catalogue, giving complete list of former pupils. Address, J. W. HILL, M. J., Ifead Master, 12je:ini Portland, Orego NTISELL 10 000 Pianos 1.00C Organs. KaTsJUlf. Buy ft il an u fact 1 1 re id I-'rom $'. to 1, (n)0 Cash, Itentor IiixtrUineiita. Catalogues Free, ANTISELL. 'or. Market. f-owel! tiui Jr'rouuuico MEN AND WOMEN, Boys and Rirls, anyone who wants light, pleasant em ployment in which from f'J to $10 per dav can be mace will send their name and postofllce address to us im mediately, and receiva our descriptive circulars. Ad dress, 1. It. 0-tebelt fc Co., No. 187 Front street Portland. Oregon, i i Liver and Kidney diseases vetoed by Dime Pilla. -S3" XII K Ul'MOAL I"A'n V K. A monthly jour nal of music (both vocal and instrumental,) sent to hiiv address for 50ets per year. Address Wiley B. Alien, publisher and music dealer, 153 Third street, Portland. Oregon. Catalogue free. "3C" :r-3 l fit&:rK.y: fa ) llliliJi ft EYE & EAR INFIRMARY AND SANITARIUM, OR HOME FOR TNE SICK. Mucadum Road bet. Porter and Wood Hta., aontn roriuna, ur. Dr. Pilkinrton. late Profewinr nfV A- Vat niwguw In the Medical Department of Willamette University has erected a tine building, on a beautiful elevation in the south pari of the city and is prepared to accomo date patients suffering froru all diseases of the KYK, KA It or TH HO AT. Also will pay specialattention to persons laboring under Chronic. Nervous affections, and to diseases peculiar to women, and recieve a liiui- leunumneroi cases expeottng confinement. The intention is to provide a for such oases with all the best hygienic agencies, combined with tin best medical skill to be had in the metropolis. Consulting physician and surgeon Dr. Philip ITarvey, Prof, of diseases of women and children In the medical department Willamette University. Also Dr. J. M. P. Browne, Prof, of Thysiology med den't. Willamette Unlversitv. or any amount of references and circular, address II It. f. H. PILKI.NOXOJV, Cor. lot and Vimhntrtn Nta.. lortlind. Or. San Francisco Gallery. W. ll. TUWVE, Ptop. PORTLANP, OR.. COR. FIRST and MORRISON. PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL KINDS IN THE Highest Style of Art. Cbltdreu's Pictures a Specially. This gallery leads others on the North w-st Coat. having better lacl Hies, more accessories and a larger corps oc trKinea artuts than any gal lery north, of 8a n Francisco. Hill AG YOt'K BARI!i, SEWING MACHINE STORE 167 TinED ST. BSPAIKINS DOKX ON SHORT NOTICE. All Leading MACHINES OILS. EEDLES, ON THREAD, ATTACII3IENTS,et. GE9TEBAL AOOT FOB THE HOUSEHOLD & WHITE j Ladies' Underwear, IX PANTS AND CHILDRKN'B COMPLETE WAHDK0BES, r. o. Box am. 165 Third Street, Portland, Or. For Cuts, Hums, Sores,Uoils,piIes Caked Breasts, Corns, etc.,it has 4"a IP no equal. Sold Iy Drug gists and conn try stores at 10 cents per box. Dr. If. 31. RUSS, Dentist. For the interest of the public. I have resolved to do ftrst-clasa work at these prices : Con tl noon Gnm WorkIorcelaln..S?. to 9100 On old flute-. CO to 7 Mt of Teeth on Jlunber SlllB SO and upward .et of Teeth on Celluloid. lO OO and upward Bold Fllllnar nl upward Stiver and lionr Fllllns 1 OO and upward Kxtraetlon of Teeth, with Gam 1 OO OFFICE 103 First street, over Prentice's muMc Hlre' Dr. II. M. KISS, DentUt. Office honn, all hour. Teeth extracted wlihontqrna. tin t. SEYMOFlt, 8AB1N & CO., Manufacturers of MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHER Portable Engines & Horse Powers, And Sole Agents for the following celebrated Farm and Road Machinery: Thv Randolph Header, The Standurd -ll'-Kile Reapeiv Tho Standard Iltcht Mower, The Iron King Jil.Foot. ut Mower, The Victor Melf-Durap Sulky Isnke. The Mundurd llund-Uump Sallty ICake. The Ituckeye Brain Ilrlll. and Seeder.. The Celebrated Morrison Plow,, The Whitewater fc Kctchnm Wagon. We cordially Invite all wanting anything in our line to come and see ns, and if you cannot come, send for our Price Ulst and catalogue. E. W. AliLEX, Manager, m27wtf gQ and 3C1 F1rt St.. Portland. Or. $1000 EEWAED WILT, BE PAID TO ANY PEKSON PHODl'C ing a more effectual remedy than Dr. Keek's Sure Cure lor Catarrh, Which has stood the test for fourteen years. Physi clans. Druggists, and all who have used and thor oughly tested it. pronounce it .peel He for the cure of that loathsome disease. Try It. Your druggist has it, price 1. Dr. Keek thoroughly understands, and is eminently successful in the treatment of all chronic um. diffi cult dlaenae. of both texei and all age., having made a specialty of their treatment for fourteen years He treats Cancer without using the knife. His favor ite prescription is furnished to lady patients Free. No lady should be without it. Young, middle-aged or old, male or female, insanity or a life of suffering is your inevitable doom unless you apply in time to the physician who understands, and is competent to treat yeurease. Waste no more time nor money witk in competent physicians. All communications attended to with dispatch, and are strictly confidential. Circu lars, testimonials, and a list of printed questions fur nlshed on application. (J(NlILTATIOi FKKR. Inclose a three-cent statip for list and addres DK JAMES KECK, No. 135 First street, Portland. Or. RESTAUKAXT THE BEST MS THE OIT All Modern Improvements. Open all day. J. if. HHEyER. Propriftnr SW Sure Cure for CaW I IQUID OR DRY, PRU0E 1 00; "ATWOSPHER1C JJ Insufflators," price 60c. Dry Cure and Insuffia tors mailed on receipt of price, with full direction for use.etc. W. O. 8KIDMOUE A Co., Druggists 151 First street. Portland, Or. Sole Agents for the N. 1'aclf c Coast. THE "WHITE." WE HAVE THIS DAY SOLD our entire Interest In, and transferred the agency of the White Sewing Machine to Mr. John li. Oarrl son, of 17 Third str et. Portland, Or. Mr. oarrison will hereafter supply the growing demand for thLi superior and popular sewing machine. apl5 . a HILL A BARR A l J s SSI A a 4 i ill i MrtfrifTiiW'tWiVi Tf itmii iilVitm fiflhi-ii '. ii BETrER TIIA5 GOLD. CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALT. A Pleasant and Eflicarloiis Remedy. ypsssLivnts mwism, IF YOU HAVE ABUSED YOURSELF By over indulgence in eating or drinking; have s!ck or nervous headache; dryness, of the skin, with it feverish tendency; night weats and sleeplessness; by all means use S:aver.'s California Fruit Salt. And feel young once more. It is the woman's friend. Trv it: 1 rer bottle; 6 bottles for .. For sale by all druggists. R. K. Ql KK. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT'S BOOTS AND SHOES Are the BEST and COST NO MORE thar Other Brands, and if the Merchant with whom you Trade does not keep our Good. it is because It PAYS better to sell a pair of Boots or Shoes eyerj TVY0 Months thai? erery FOUR or FIVE. WE WARRANT EVERY PAIR c make. All Merchants in Good Credit can procure these Goods at our TVare houses in PORTLAND or San Francisco. TRY OUR "HERCULES" BOOTS HECIIT BROS. & CO. ?850. 32 Years Practical Experience. 1882. John A. Child DRUGGIST, Tealer in Fine Chemicals, Perfumery Toilet Articles, Sponges, Soaps & Rubber toods. Cor Morripon fcdst Portland, Or. Fpecial attentioi pa d to orders bj mail when accom rni'"d i'h ib cssh. REOPENED. D. J. Malarkey & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS Has reopened at 41 Front Street Portland, Oregon, next to Wadbam's A Ellk tt's. Orders and Consignments Will receive our prompt attention. HUDSON'S GUN STORE, 88 FIrat treet, Portland, Oregoa. flofclaft Xmkl of ICrvrT Deerltla. SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. WM. BECK & SON Importers and dealers in Guns, Rifles, and Revolvers Rods, SrV1 Sinkers, Reels, f Floats, Lines, tH Sturgeon S1 Lincs Flies, WiWW Hooks ol Leaders, y r allkiuds. Braided and Tapered Oil Silk Lines. Six Spliced Split Bamboo Rods, J65aml 167 Secon.l lort)Riil. Or STENCILS 8EALS VRAM JKA' 3 M.A. V EH, . 9 FIK8T 8T. WILLIAM COLLI Ell, 'MAGKIITIST. Dealer In New und SECOND HANI) MACHINERY, OS Mndlion Ht,t Portland, Or. Partlea dealrlnff Hwtlera. Rniilnea or SAW mm4 nauiit.Ki cun eeur by addi-easlng Mr. Collier. New and Second Hand Machinery onbt and sold or traded to advantage. a-, -w: ESTZZSrO SCHENECTADY, AEVV YORK, BRANCH HOUSE, " PORTLAND, OGfl. are now receiving a fuM line of onr (.Vlrbratfd " -'l'e- our hntiarator in Llht iiunning:. (Strong and Durable and uiiequnlod Mt Orula 1 . , - -"t. cii.j .i. me w-M oikid move meni ana itumie lot seinratinK Himuaun'O" Vheitt. Our lloiw-powersar (lompact. KaHy Kuniiing and don't breakdown. Oar Engine Im an Improve, ment long needed; Weight ISOOto 2000 Iba leas than the average- engine of name power, and one on, third le water und fuel to do the same work, is durable aud eaay to manage. Hundreds of these enne and thr-8hers have been in miooesHful operation for years. ' B8B Please aeiid for our Ueacrlptlve Cataluirue and Price L.Ut and Investigate thorourhly before living your order. Saw Mill Machinery and Stationery Enflines Furnished on Reasonable Terras. O-. JP. 1AJR.rI.9 Manager. OFFICE -Commercial Dock, Foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. THE ONLY INSTITUTION OF IT& KIND ON THE COAST Wherea young lady or gentleman can obtain a Thorough Business Education At a Cost in proportion to time Enguged. A copy of the COLUMBIA COMMERCIAL COIXLOE JOUKNAL, containing faU Information, will bd nt free to any address on application. Address m--w-a i Pi V. liox 683. n. rorConsniwptJon, Asthmn, Krone! iiti, Catarrli, lyMjpHiH, ISoalae!ie, debil ity. A'eurtihsin, 6tliet!iiia!tni, aud all Chronic anl A'er-ous IJiMorders. l?ai'U ngVH iuy be conveniently went ly eac irosi, ready fcr 1 m inertia tense at lioinc. ieml for tte treatise on the Oxygen trnitment. Address the proprietors, 1109, 1111 Jiitriffireetv Jrhila., I'a or Iff. ffS. MATHEWS, Pacific lcsository, 606 Montgotner;ft, Nan rrancisco. CaL DR. SPINKEY, So. 11 Kearny street, W. F. Treats sU Chronic und Special Dli young mm VT"HO MAT BE SUFFERING FROM THE ET T T : fects of youthful follies or indiscretion, will dt ell to avail themselves of this, the greatest boor ever la!d at the altar of suffering humanity. Dli SPIES' KV will guarantee to forfeit 5G0 for everj neof Seminal Weakness or private diseases of an tlnd or ch4-f cter which he undertakes and fails ii .'ure. i j MIDDLE-AGED MEM. . There aie many at the ag of thirty to sixty wht re troubled with too frequent evacuations of th bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting -u ruing sensation and a weakening of the system I' 4 manner the patient cannot account for. On exam Irdng the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will oftei ie found, and sometimes small particles of albunie vill appear, or the color will be of a thin milkisb bu gain changing to a dark aud torp'd appearand i'here are many men who die of this difHrulty. ino -ant of the cause, which is the second stage of Kem :al Weakness. Dr. 8. will guarantee a perfect euro r " ill sueh cases, aud a healthy restoration of the ger.lti iriiiary organs. OiTl.;e Honrs 13 tot and 6 tnS. 8nndavs from 10 U 11 A. M. Consultation free. Thorough 'eramim-.t in and advice. $". Call or address DK. SPIWEY Az CO., j No. 11 K:-i-!iv rr.t - ram 1 1' w The Flneat iUTWKS Iu the WOHI.U THEY EFFECTUALLY CURE MAI4AHIAX1 DISEASES, Vltnllze the System and urreat the rtvge o 1 the Ireof ul Alcohol ltublt, t D1PSOMAMA. Ask ryour Druggist or AVlne Merchant for them. WILM EKDI.VG fe CO.. A cent. Sun Fran jy. tf. VAX fiCHFYVKn fe CO., Port bind ! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. i 1 And by Rnylng Your 1SOOTS ANIJ SITOJKS j KHOM TH K New York .Boot and Shoo House, j Xo. 1 First Ntrert. 1 Retween Yamhill and Taylor, Portland roi! ahh to Yoru own wealth and ry X I that means make the w-hnle country richer. We have just received the most elegant stock of goods ever brought to Portia id. which we arc selling at rates that no other house can. When you come to the city bring hi vour whole f.i:nlly and we will sell them goods nt "astonishing" low" prices. Orders from the country will be promptly attended .'t , and we wiil pay reign? 0:1 all goods sent to you. IP JS. T 23 PMll VaLLRD VOll Curing Nkdi OIfHert'rt for PrfsefVluc a e a 1 (t y is h 1 . -1 tturiieo.rQ of imitation- of b ih the above utiv j ct lebrated articles. Thegeouine aiaae only by tbo STANDARD ROAP OMPANY, who alio msnufACttire the largtst assortment of LAUNDRY and TOILKT SOAP in h world, omce -iacramouto street. San Francisco, Ca lit kff&ikwii! PERUVIAN BITTERS. mrmmm BS - HIOTJSE 5c CO., 8parator(. Lever and Tread Powers, rtatU . r-i. .jvij:- x iiui-ipui. A CAJ113. Dr. Moody, of New York City, A Oradiittle of the Xew Ynrlt School of Medi cine, ulno of the Dublin Piiictlc-. A word to the public Consultation free. I Invite the sirk. m mutter what t h-lr dlwases may be, to call and investigate for theinwlvcn Iw fore aban doning all hopes, for it will cost you nothing. I give no encouragement rnless there In a fair propevt of making a cure. I will endeavor to be candid In my opinion and reasonable in my charges. I claim not to cure everybody, but to cure all that can be cured. I have had twemv yearn' mieeesxful practice hi the treatment of both acute and chronic discuses. I have located in Portland, and all I nk is that you give me a fair, unbiased ti'iul, by which 1 hope to merit your con fidence, and give entire Hutisuiudoii to all suffering humanity. Mv reputation has been acquired by being candid with my patients, through rears of successful practice. iw.tli in Europe Riid In ibis country, and studiouslv keenintr lil with the age. 1 know the cause and remedy needed, not by guesswork, but by years of experience. In my treatment of many diseases I make use of a new method of m're. The treatment Is simple and the mfiKt feasible of nil. There Is no unpleasant sensation w hatever atteinling the treat mem. 1 in Ite all rwrsoiis afflicted to visit and freely convince themselves, leav ing me to verify the a sertlon that there lias never existed a remedy so startiini; and immediate In its effects. 1 hese noted curative uds, as handled In my practice, are endowed anil approved by the faculties of bolh lOurope and America. The bencliclul eirect are perceptible a'most from the stsrt. tVsr-s r Kiirded Incurable, and of years standing, yield to Its n:ill but wonderful intiiience. And In no casn can the treat ment be ultcnded w th Hie least danger, then by tes tif . lug it to be the most harmless ug-nt In therapeu tics. Those who wish to apply for advice oi treatment may confidently do so without hesitation or diffidence, as the most tiruid may rely on that inviolable secrecy which has ulreaily proved the basls of an extensive professional reputation shroud. Casts ei" he trented by cn spendence when a .er sonal intervlf w !s impo-.siile, providing the patients will minutely letil all of their bodily l-ifli'inHl.ies and mental disturbances written in a simple and natural style, and iu accordance with the nect ssnry de nils of their own feelings. Oi.e p.-rsnal interview, however, even with patients residing at a dl-inix-e Is highly de sirable when practicable, and will more than repay tlie patient the expense and trouble ,f a trip to Port land. The advantage of even a visit lire apparent and manifold. A single visit in most cases will enable the doctor to form an accurate opinion and note particulars which mitrht be lost sisjht of in mere correspondence, particularly when a microscopic and chemical analy sis is ubsolutily necessary. I'atieits not resid ing iu the city who wLsh to transact I heir business 1iiyiii..i li inik'lu up liv iviini m.ii n lb ni4.H. s'ary reme!ii s lit lo any address or left at any rsll way station or coach oflice in Oregon or Washington Territory until culled lor, carefully packed and se cure! v sealed. Oflice and Residence, ITS!! First street. Rooms 2 arU 27, 1 add's New ISuilding, Corner First onH t vimhi(i. I'nrllHiwl. Oreeon. Ben. Selling, H. E. Doac. See that oar Trad Mark, "TUB to on every pair. EYERT TAIR (JUATtANTEED. AKIIS'. NKX.I.11VO CO. v rilkla arrcMt Ntrenctkf il A. enlnf llemedrand Vervo '1'nnle Is the le gitimate result of over 'JO years of practical expert- ence, and CUKKM WI'lIC HNFAILINO CERTAIN TV, Ju'ervous and 1'hysl cal Debility, Heminai Weakness. Spermsfr rhoea, Frostatorrhea.Km ... i 1 ....... . . 1 1 1 (l ni"""'! Vitality, Prems If Alllllir'lr- Decline and I,14 NHIUIlUOF UANHUOD, from a3333ia(aaLawhatever cause pniduced. It enriches and purines tne blooil, Strengthens the Kcrves, liratn. Muscles, Digestion. Reproductive Or gans, ami Physical and Mental Faculties. It stops any unnatural dcbilltsttpg dram upon the system, preventing Involuntary losses, de bilitating dreams, fcniiaul lossex with the mine, etc., so destructive to mind and Ixsrly. It Is a sure eliminator of all KIDNEY AND Ii LADDER COMPLAINTS. IT CONTAINS NO INJURIOl'H INGREDIENT. To tboae nfVi In from the ef fects of youthful IndUeretlons or fiifiwi, n r-r1y, t hnrnngh nnd iM-rintrnirnt Cl'ICK I Ol AKAXTKKP. Price. M perbottle.or live bottles in case with full directions and advice, HtO, Sent w.'cure from observation to any address upon re ceipt of price, or O. O. 1. To be had only of Ilr. C I. Nulfleld, Krnmy street. San Francisco, Oil. Consultations strictly confiden tial, by letter or at oflice, FRKK. For the convenience of patients, and In order to secure perfect secrecy, I have adopted a private address, under whk h all pack-" ages are forward. -d. Tit I A HOTTI.E Fit EE. Kiifncient to sh wits merit, will be sent U anv on applying by letter, stating his symptoms and ae. Communications strictly confidential. IjXlK ANYONE WHO WILL LKARN Ll Kt-lln-jrr V JIllMiira Myalem of IlrM .nl to:tU 't9tllny, kikI, with a corret mew, oc uini ci i. cuiiiiiic, priMiuf-u a oau ntting garment, teeveral lmprv) eiuents have Ju been made. Agents to sell und teach wanted j n every town. uooi agents car. i..ake irom 10to25prduy. KKLlXXiO A JILLSON, Cheney, Kpokaue Co., W. T P. B. Ak'j IL X ButiiMmo ( DO VLsVi-. . --: I .aa.i iim"- f i! . - ' : g; m CO ft; mm