7. c 7 11 1 VOL. II. ST. HELENS, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 14, 1882. NO. 49. .... ' ! 1 1 i - J r: itFsTLESs nor .v cni Kru. Uk)v he turns ami twists. Anil how he persists In rattliiiif lr. bet-Is; How uneasy he feels. Our wide-awake hoy in chm-h ! Then, earnest an.l still. He attends with a will. While the story it UM Of some hero buhl. Our dear, thoughtful hoy in ehnn h! But onrglail surprise At his thoughtful eyes Is turned to despair. As he twithet the hair Of his little sister iu rhnr.'h. Still, eh naughty triik Jlies At a look from the eyes Of his mother so dear. Who thinks best to sit near Uer mischievous buy in church. Another trick comes! Yes. His tinker he drum. Or his kerchief is spread All over his head. And btill we take him to church ! He's troublesome! Yes, That 1'iu bound to confess; Hut tiod made the bys. With their fun and their noise, And He surely wants them in church ! Such children, you know. Long, loan years ao Did uot trouble the Lord, Though disciples were bored; So we still keep them near Him iu church. HOW JONES r!SSEl THE DUMP- Have you ever seen a real apple dump ling? I do not mean the libel on it; that solid chunk of indigestion and misery that graces most tables, and is composed of toughened dough and sour fruit; n3t that, but a dainty, puffy, fiikey little ball, dripping with cream sauce, and exhaling an aroma like in cense. When the fork is inserted, and the crust is pushed aside, what a sight to meet an epicure's eye, as a pink tinted, tart-sweet apple, with its sprink ling of nutnleg. lying within its cover ing like Venus in her shell. Now if there is any one thing Jones did like, it was such a dumpling as I have attempted to describe; but Mrs. Jones was not a success at dumplings. How many heart-rending sighs and bit ter tears she has wasted over her dump lings, no one but herself will ever know. All the leading cook books and fugitive . recipes had been read and studied, but all to no purpose. The dumplings by courtesv were inevitably the same un happy looking lumps of grayish color, that scorned all the coaxings of a fork, and generally resisted a too heavy pres sure by popping out of the saucer upon the tablecloth or floor. If by accident one did succumb to a deliberate and well calculated stab of the prongs, what met the eye? Simply a small, guilty, shriv tled-iooking object, which appeared to slink into a corner, thoroughly con scious of not having accomplished its mission. No, dumplings were not Mrs. Jones' forte. But dumplings were not the only thorns in -Mrs. Jone;s existence; the queen thorn was her quondam bosom friend, Susan Wiikins, and two sharp little prickles wen? Liddy and Sally, mournful "has beens," who called Mrs. "Wiikins "ma." If people's faces were indicative of their chief accomplish ment or calling, physiognomists would immediately class Miss Liddy Wiikins among the pickling genus; but physiog nomists, like common mortals, are not infallible. Miss Liddy could do up pickles well enough, but her "chef d'a-uvre" was a dumpling, and Mr Jonas Jones knew it. Now the .Wilkinses, mother and daughters, were fond of giving little dinners to one or two con genial spirits, and they were, in a culi nary and gastromic point of view, won derful successes. What tomato soup! What luscious tenderloins of beef! Wrhat salads! And then a glass or two of dry wine to whet the appetite for the delicious dumpling that followed. The Wilkinses occupied a suite of rooms in an apartment house, fourth floor front. One small girl did the heavy chores, and Mrs. Wiikins, with the Misses Wiikins, attended to the rest of the house or, more correctly speak ing, room keeping. How well Mr. Jonas Jones knew that fourth floor front! How his heart bounded, when in re sponse to the nervous jerk of the fourth bell, the door clicked, and mysteriously opened! Up the four flights in twice as many jumps, and Jones stood within the parlor of that fourth floor front, where Mrs. Wiikins, in the giddy girlishness of her four and sixty years, gushingly welcomed him, and the Misses Liddy and Sally stood by, not doing anything in particular, but anxiously watching Mrs. Wiikins. In fact, Mrs. Wiikins was the social rudder, and without her guidance thVIisses Wiikins were alto gether at sea when in .the parlor. And was Mrs. Jones blissfully ignor ant of the dinners, dumplings, and sireuic fascinations of that fourth floor front? Not a bit of it. Hardly a time did Mr. Jones sip his wine, roll the ten der morsel of a dumpling under his tongue, and after all pipe his little song to the confused accompaniment of Miss Sally, that Mrs. Jones did not know all about it. and wearily moan and bewail her lot in her dreary home. Occasion ally sbe would drown her grief in a new experiment with dumpling; once suc cessfully get the knack of an eatable dumpling, and she knew that Jonas Jones would be all her own again. On a certain bright Sunday in April many years ago, Mr. Jones was up be times, and there was great scouring and brushing, and oiling and perfuming. So slick and spruce and shiny did Mr. Jones look at the breakfast table that bright Sunday morning that Mrs. Janes felt her heart sink within her, and in a desolate voice asked, "Are vou going to town to-day, Jonas?" There was a painful pause, and then Mr. Jones replied deliberately, and with his eves on his coffeecup: "I am going to town to day." The conversation ended there. Mr. Jones was a man of many ideas, but few words. Standing by the window, and looking after the retreating form of Mr. Jones as it diminished down the street. Mrs. Jones suddenly had an inspiration. She was a woman of inspirations. Her eldest sister was just so, too, but that is neither here nor there, and has no connection with this particular inspiration of Mrs. Jones. Consulting the clock and timo table, she found that she could reach town in time to say one or two prayers at church, and then she would dine with Susan Wiikins. She would overlook all past differences, and pay a friendly call. What better da to forget and forgive. Could any other thoughts or motives in fluence Mrs. Jones in her desire to break bread with Susan Wiikins? My pen blushes at and scorns such a base im putation. In due course of time Mrs. Jones ar rived at the temporary abiding place of Mrs. Wiikins. Finding it unnecessary to ring the bell, as the mam door was open, she laboriously labored np the flights of stairs. On the third land sounds of music assailed her ears, and when the fourth floor fronts-was reached, she not only heard the tortured piano, but a voice, but whose voice? Mrs. Jones' heart cave a great thump. It was - it was Jonas! With a trembling hand she knocked at the door, but there was no response. The singing yes, singing, I will not let my pen be guilty of a harsh er word continued. Again Mrs. Jones knocked, again she was unnoticed; she tried the handle: the door waw locked! Misery! What should she do? In des paration she this time gave a tremen dous ran. The mano stopped with a snaix as if it had been stabbed, and gave up its life with a discordant groan; the voice wailed away in a trembling moan, and there was an intense silence for several seconds, succeeded by much rustling of gowns, and skirmishing about the room, with an obligato accom paniment of closing doors. Then all was peaceful and the key was turned in the lock. Miss Sallie's face appeared at the narrow opening, with her lips pursed to ask. the person's business; but her lips lost their cunning, and her jaw fairly dropped, as she recognized the visitor, who, without waiting for any ceremony, pushed into the room, and after a quick glance at the sofa and chairs and under the piano, demanded in a suppressed voice: "Where is he?" "Whom do you mean?" asked Miss Sallie, with her eyes quite out of her head, and nervously tearing two rose buds from the neck ot her gown. "You know whom I mean Jonas." Miss Sallie, with a great gulp, and looking as if she were right on the verge of a convulsion, stammered out: "I don't know what you mean. He has not been here." "Doyou mean to tell me.Sallie Wiikins, that my husband was not here, singing?" "I do," maintained Miss Sallie, a greenish hue spreading over her fea tures. At this juncture Mrs. Wiikins made heir appearance, and Miss Liddy brought up the rear, with a flushed face, aud the fragrance of dumplings clinging about her. "And you, Susan Wiikins, and you, Liddy, and you, Sally, mean to tell me that Jones was not here ten minutes ago?" "We do," responded mother and daugh ters in unison, something aftr the man merof a trio in a oertain modern popular opera. Mrs. Jones looked at the three stolid faces, and, doubting her own sense, sank into a chair, overcome with tears for the time being. As she sat with her face buried in the folds of her handkerchief, the three ladies exchanged agonized looks, through the open 'door rushed into the room the odors of all manner of good things preparing in the rear.- When Mrs. Jones had collected heiself and Mrs. Wiikins and Miss Sally Miss Liddy having retired to the back regions had somewhat recovered from the shock, Mrs. Wiikins said in aninjured voice, and with a magnanimous and Christian like spirit of forgivenness: "You are very suspicious and unjust, Maria, but let that pass. Take off your bonnet and dine with us; we will give you what little we have." Mrs. Jones raised her head, and glanc ing into the next room, saw a table decked out with gay china and glass ware, a bunch of real roses in the cen ter, and four places. That malicious imp, suspicion, once more took possess ion of Mrs. Jones and she said: "I see there are four covers laid, Su- san. "Yes," quickly responded Miss Sally. "I expected my cousin, Thomas; but I do not believe he'll come now." Miss Sail gave a little choke, and re ceived an approving glance from her ma. In a short time Miss Liddy showed herself at the door, and with a jerk and a snap announced dinner. Could ever a tible be sweeter or more inviting? First, there was the tomato soup, and then the beef, and then the salad, and finally the dumplings. Eight of them. Such beauties! Mrs. Jones looked at them with a feeling akin to awe. As the dinner progressed, the spirits of the partakers sank iu reverse ratio, and when the coffee was reached, there was a peculiar odor of dolefulness and de pression about even the inanimate ob jects. Just a the dumplings were placed upon the table there was a sup pressed and strangled sneeze, that ap peared to come from nowhere in particu lar and to belong to neither sea nor land; but it had the effect of making three of the diners give a violent stare and turn livid. Miss Sally giggled in spite of her tenor, she certainly giggled but that was one of her ldiosynrrasies. I shall now have to beg my readers to leave the luxuries of the dining table. I allj step with me across the threshold to j the adjoining room. It was a sort of j large, dark pantry, where were many . shelves, tilled with glass jars containing the last successes of Miss Liddy; also odds and ends of all sorts, and a large box with a lid used as a coal bin, but now holding more precious ware than that useful but smutty article, If you should lift the lid with me, yon! would see no less a personage than Mr. Jones sitting in a horrid, cramped position on top of the few bushels of coal that still remained in the bin. Mr. Jones was burning with wrath and indignation, but Mr. Jones was helpless, i Aside from hiB humiliating predicament, Mr. Jones suffered the pangs of hunger, which were only more aggravated by the clat ter of dishes and penetrating odors that leaked through the cracks of his place of retirement. The steam and j aroma from the dumpling was too much for him, and caused the uncanny sound that so startled the trio in the dining room. Two hours or so after finishing her second dumpling Mrs. Jones, took her departure, and there was a simultane ous rush by the three ladies, for the pantry. A chair was brought, and Mr. Jones was assisted to alight. Brushes called into requisition, and soap and water were freelv used, but few words said Mr. Jones. With a dignified and injured air, he solemnly took his leave. The next Sunday Mrs. Jones timidly said at the breakfast table: "I hope, Jonas, that you will be at home to-day, for I'm going to have some dumplings; Liddy Wiikins has told me just how to do it." After a pause, Mr. Jones in rather a severe way .said: t "Tbank you, but I am not eating dumplings this year." And be it here recorded that Mr. Jones never to his dying day could be prevailed upon to touch a dumpling, and even the odor of one would make him ill. The Names or the States. New Hampshire gets its name from Hampshire, England. Massachusetts is derived from an Indian name, first given to the bay, signifying "near the great hills." Rhode Island has an ob scure origin, the Island of Rhodes, the "Island of the Rhodes," and a Dutch origin, "lied Island," the first seeming to have the best historical support. Connecticut is an Indian name, signify ing "land on a long tidal river."" Vir ginia, the Carolinas and Georgia have a royal origin. Maine was named from the fact that it was supposed to contain the "mayne portion" of New England. Vermont has no especial question, ex cept that it is claimed to have been first an alias New Connecticut, alias Ver mont. Kentucky probably signifies either, "a dark and bloody ground, or a "bloody river," or "the long river." Tennessee comes from its river, the name being derived rrom the name of an Indian village on the river, "Tan assee." Ohio is named after an Indian name, signifying "something great," with an accent of admiration. Indiana comes from the name of an early land party. Illinois comes from the Indian a name of a tribe. Michigan is claim ed to mean "lake country;,' it probably came from the name of the lake, "Great Lake," which bore this name before the land adjacent was named. Louisiana is from the French. Arkansas and Missouri are from the Indian, the former being doubtful; the latter is claimed to mean in its origin, "muddy water, which de scribed the river. Iowa is also Indian. with double meaning. Texas is popu larly thought to be Indian, but may be Spanish. Florida is Spanish, "a flowery land. Oregon has a conjsctural origin. It is probably Indian, but a Spanish ori gin is claimed. I California comes from a Spanish romance of 1510. Nevada takes its name from the mcuntains, who get theirs from a resemblance to the Neva- das of South America. Minnesota is In dian, "sky-tinted water." Nebraska is variously rendered, "shallow water and "flat country. Kansas is from Indian root,1 Kaw, corrupted from the French. Mississippi is "great water," or "whole water." Alabama is Indian, the name of a fortress, and a tribe, signifying, as is claimed, "here we rest." A Famous Duelling Ground. Bladensburg, the old duelling ground, named from the little town that lies near, is just six milesifrom Washington on the Baltimore turnpike, and along the Balti more and Ohio I railroad, and the aspect is perfectly peaceful. To the east of the village is the ground that was usually chosen for hostile meetings a valley, wooded very lightly now, with clumps of trees here and there. A considerable ridge rises on the south of the spot, run ning east and west, and abutting miles av.y on the Potomac. From the north a little stream ' flows through the town, i(s wiier clear and limpid, showing beds of gravel beneath. On the west bank of this stream the hasty levies of troops, mostly Maryland militia, met the British 5000 strong in 1814, and attempted in effectually to save the capital. Close by thednelling ground, to the north, stood the family mansion of George Calvert, the lineal descendant of Lord Baltimore. f Pittsburgh Telegraph. Agricultural items: Plant your pitch forks under the shade of your cherry trees, points up. Should your neigh bor's boy fall from the trea, they might prevent him from striking the ground. Cover your cucumber beds with con crete. It may kill the vines, but that is the only sure way of destroying the striped bugs, j Scotch Funerals. Everybody knows that there is no ser vice at the grave in Scotland, although the clergyman under whom the deceased "sat" is often, indeed usually present. The hats of those in attendance may be taken off the moment after they have lowered the coffin into the grave just for an instant, but even this is not always the case. This habit of dispensing with religious exercises had its origin, no doubt, in the Scotch horror of doing anything that might give a color to the charge of fol lowing tire Roman Catholic fash ion of praying for the. dead. The reading of a chapter of the Bible, and a short prayer in the house before the cor tege sets out for the church yard 13 the sole religious service, and the prelimi naries to this are sometimes of a kind to raise the idea that care is taken to dis connecc it from the peculiar circumstan ces of the occasion. Twenty years agol was at a luneral in the country of which the minister and his colleague of the church to which the deceased belonged attended. After the company had assembled, some decanters of wine and a tray witli cakes were brought in and set upon the table. The daughter of the deceased, herself a cler gyman's wife, then suggested that the senior minister should "ask a blessing." This request served as an excuse for a long prayer appropriate to the circum stances of the occasion which brought us together, and after it was over cake and wine were handed around. Then a re quest was made that the junior clergy man should "return thanks," and he readily enough indulged in a prayer, in which he erathered up the fragments suitable to the cirenmstances, which his colleague had omitted, and that was the whole religious service simply a grace before and after meat. That terrible scourge, the cholera, which visited the country in. 1832 gave a fatal blow to the bacchanalian orgies with which it had been the fashion to celebrate funerals in Port Glasgow. Men were willing enough to pay the last possible markof respect to the dead, but naturally took evey precaution to avoid exposing themselves to unnecessary risk. So. instead oi meeting in tne house, as had been the custom, they simply gathered in the street, and followed tne hearse to the place of burial. The old Port Glasgow gentleman, who is my in- formant, would not enter into particulars anent the proceedings prior to that date, but he made the significant remark that while the new fashion involved the loss of an hour, under the old system atten dance at a funeral meant the loss of a whole day. When an invitation is baing given verbally to a f aneral in Scotland the per son invited usually asks, "When do you lift?" meaning "at what hour is the funeral to take place?" The manner of conveying the coffin from the house to Eaglesham. a village in the south of Renfrewshire, abundantly explains this phrase. As can be well enough under stood, hearses and coaches are institu tions belonging to towns and cities, not to villages. Jn the latter the coffin is borne to the grave on three poles, which are passed under it, long enough to leave a sufficient portion for two men to grasp on either side. Of course it is impossible to place these "spokes" in position in the house, so a couple of stools are brought out to the street, the coffin is placed upon them, and when the cortege is ready to go the spokes are passed under, the coffin is "lifted" and the procession moves off. Though Eaglesham is not ten miles distant from Glasgow, the old fashion of warning everybody to the funeral is still followed, and as the houses generally are small, the company often meets in the church. Even in the saored edifice, after the performance of short religious exercises, a tray with glasses on it is occasionally brought in and a supply of liquor served out to all who care to partake of it. In this village it is also the custom for' the entire company to wait in the churchyard till the burial has been quite completed, Eaglesham in this respect presenting a favorable contrast to other places, where only one of two of the nearer relatives are left to see the sexton complete his work. The last shovelful of dirt having been put in, the chief mourner gets up on a stone, and taking off his hat, says in a loud voice: "Gentlemen, I tbank you for your company," which is the signal to disperse. I feel persuaded that it i3 one of the "things not generally known" that "waking" the dead has been practiced in one of the northern counties of Scot land from time immemorial, and is still in vogue there. When a death occurs in Glen Urquhart, the survivors in the household are never suffered to be alone with their dead till the day of the funeral. The body is hot coffined till the day of interment, for the simple reason that the coffin has to be made by the village joiner after death takes place. A house with a corpse in it becomes for two or three days and nights that intervene between death and burial the rendezvous of all the neighbors, who sit and tell stories ghost stories have a decideds preference ostensibly to keep the bereaved family from feeling eeris,but really for the pur pose of entertainment. Such gatherings differ from Irish "wakes" in this partic ular, that tobacco and pipes are not pro vided by the relatives of the deceased, each attender bringing his own supply of these luxuries; but whiskey is sup plied by the family in whose house the wake is held, and pretty freely dis pensed. Such gatherings j are th favorite resorts of blushing lasses and- etrapping lads who are courting, and are often the scene of more lapghter than tears. The funerals in this locality present an imposing spectacle, often as many as a hundred men, decently clad in black broadcloth, winding in slow profession through the valley, in the rear of the bearers who carry the coffin. But here again we have an illustration of local variations of customs ;f or though it is the habit to invite all the male inhabitants of the district, the next door neighbor of the deceased would not go to the funeral without receiving a direct in vita tion, while over the hills, in an adjoin ing glen, no invitations are issued, but everybodv is expected to attend. Of course, where drink is supplied at the wake it is not withheld at the funerati and besides the round served out at the house, there is another often at the churchyard. Enough drink and bread anu cneese to suppiy a nunurea men is i i i - i , i . no light weight, and where the cortege has to go a few miles to the place of in terment, it is usual to send a small pony cart bearing tne refreshments after the party. A jar of whisky invariably forms part of the contents of the cart, whatever may be the more solid portion of the re iresumeni proviuea. xne people are Free Church to a man, but they are not i i i.i, . teetotal, and it is nothing out of the com mon, aitei tne grave nas ueen niied up. to see an old ree Uuurcu elder stand ing, possibly on a flat tomb-stone, en gaged in asking a freshment about to bottle of whisky in blessing on the re oe partaKen, witn a the one hand and a glass in the other.- -fMacmillan's Maga zme. Old Anecdotes trial A ever Dip. Samuel Rogers tells one of the best stories of absent-mindedness that we have ever heard. His friend Maltby was its hero, and it was to this effect: One day, while the two were at the Louvre looking at the pictures, a lady en'ered who spoke to the poet. When ho re joined Maltby, who was completely ab sorbed, he said: "That wa Mrs. Blank; we have not met for so long that she had almost forgotten me, and asked me if my name was Rogers. Maltby simply said, "Well, and was it?' itobert iettle ot Ulasgow, was of a joyous nature. Every object seemed to beam upon him. and the very things which would have i mated others only excited his mirth. Having left some temperance tracts at the house of a friend, he found them, on calling a . few days after, serving the purpose of paper curls to one of the young ladies. "Well," said he, "I see you have made use of the tracts;" but immediately converted con fusion into merriment by adding, "Only ye hae put them on the wrang side o' yer head, lass e. The accident of the two cats, which has been told of many learned men, origi nated with the painter Barrett. His only pets wore a cat and a kitten, its progeny. A friend, seeing two holes in the bottom of his door, asked for what purpose ho YVtZ :1 "7: 1 Z.Z Barrett said they were for his cats to go in and out at. "Why," replied the friend.V'wouldnotone do for both?" 4 'You silly man," answered the doctor, "how could the big cat get into the little hole?" "But," said his friend, "could not the little one go through the the big hole?" "Egad," said Barrett, "and so she could; but I never thought of that." An Easy Creditor. The parson ex tended the box to Bill, and he slowly shook his head. "Come, William, give something," said the parson. "Can't do it," said Bill. "Why not! Is not the cause a good one?" he asked. "Yes, good enough; but I an? not able to give anything," answered Bill. "Pooh! pooh! I know better; you must give me a bet ter reason than that." "Well, I owe too much money; I must be just before I am generous, you know." "But, Will iam, you owe Heaven a larger debt than you owe any one else." "That's true, parson; but Heaven ain't pushing me like the rest of my creditors." Old Anecdote. A story is told in an old journal which we do not remember to have seen else where. The Dean of Gloucester, during the rebellion in America, published a pamphlet, in which he argued that the possession of immense colonies was not an advantage to England, but a weight and impediment to her highest progress; while on the other hand, the condition of dependence was slow death to the colonies themselves. As the dean was a good man, his politics did not cause his removal from court, where they were only ridiculed. King George, meeting him, said: "Ah, ha! so you want to rid us of America, Doctor? If you had a bishop ric, would you part. with it as quickly as you want me to ttrip myself of my king dom? Hey? Hey?" "It is impossible for me to judge, your majesty. I am not in that case. No one but you can put me in that case." The king smiled, nodded and said: "Wait a while, Dean." "But," adds the recounter, "that was two years ago, and the dean is waiting yet." Kmer8- n's Ptu'oyophr. The devil is an ass. No great men are original. Beauty is its own excuse for being. To be great is to be misunderstood. What belongs to you gravitates to you. Great believers are always reckoned infidels. Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Talent makes counterfeit ties; genius finds the real ones. Character is a reserved force which acts directly by presence and without means. Every man is a quotation from his ancestors. no USE AN I FARM. A cow eats from 100 to 120 pounds of green grass per day. Main and Vermont are the best farm ing States in New England. Small pastures and few cows in them are better than large ranges with: a large number of cows. Silk farms are being cultivated at Ab erdeen and Corinth, Miss., and there is talking of starting one at Meridian. Never, if you can otherwise' avoid it. go between the bees and their flvhole. and you will escape many a sting. . The Colorado potato beetle haa int in an early appearance in Indiana, and com menced early-" work in gardens -wher?3- early varieties were planted. One praiseworthy act of the Iowa Leg islature was the adoption of a law direc ting that at least twelve shade trees shall be set out in every school-house yard. Several West Tennessee exchanges are complaining of the ravages of the army anu cut worms, xnev are doing a great deal of damage to the growing wheat crops. It is said the average crop of beans an acre in Massachusetts in an ordinary year, is dO bushels. The crop is none too large to keep the Boston bean pots in running order. The Masachusetts Ploughman savs a cow that has been overfed with meal rarely ever recovers, and unless is par ticularly valuable, might better be turned in beef. Mr. R. McCrone writes to the Iowa Homestead that the secret of raising win ter squashes is to plant late, and when the borer gets in. cover the vin sir inches deen with earth. The general condition of the farmers in Michigan and Wisconsin is not sur passed by that of the farmers in any portion-of the country. If a few of them are not very wealthy thev "avfiracn nn n,, " 1 o- x To meet the demand of many, the manufacturers are bringing out a lim ited quantities of printed lawns. These lawns are of soft finish, without starch. and look like mulls. The figures .are large and small polka dots, and flower and figure designs resembling those on the foulards, stateens and percales. What Glr s Should Learn. By all means let the girls learn how to cook. What right has a girl to marry and - go into a nouse oi ner own unless she knows how to superintend every branch of housekeeping, and she cannot prop erly superintend unless she has some practical knowledge herself. Most men marry without thinking whether the wo man of his choice is capable of cooking him a meal, and it is a pity he is so short- lighted, as his health, his cheerfulness, and indeed his success in life depend in a very great ! degree upon the food he eats; in fact, the whole household is in fluenced by: their diet. Feed them on fried cakes, fried meats, hot bread and other indigestible viands, day after day. and they will need medicine to make them well. A man will take alcohol to counteract the evil effects of such food, and the wife and children must be phy sicked. Let all the girls have a share in the housekeeping at home before they marry; let each superintend some de partment by turns. It need not occupy half the time to see that the house is properly swept, dusted and put in or der, or to prepare puddings and make dishes, that many young ladies spend in reading novels that enervate both mind and body and unfit them for every day life. Women do not, as a general rule, get pale faces by doing housework. Their sedentary habits, in over-heated rooms, combined with ill-chosen food, are to blame for bad health. Our moth ers used to pride themselves on their housekeeping and fine needlework. Why should not we? f Baltimore Sun; Certain Rules about Tea. No matter what variety may be used. there are certain rules for all. To be gin with, never use a tin tea pot if any earthen one is obtainable. An even tea spoonful of dry tea is the usual allow ance for a person. Scald the tea pot with a little boiling water and pour it off. Put in the tea, pour on about a teacupfnl of boiling water, letting it stand a minute'or two for the leaves to swell. Then fill with the required amount of water, still boiling, this being a small cupful to a person. Cover closely and jet it stand for five minutes. Ten minutes will be required for Eng lish breakfast tea, but never boil either, above all, in a tin tea pot. Boiling liber ates the tannic acid of the tea, which acts upon the tin, making a compound bitter and metallic in taste, and unfit for human stomachs. Our Continent. The most artistic novelties in nuns veilings have one-half the width of the goods in si k broche effects in oriental and mediaeval designs, flowers' leaves arabesques on dark or pale tinted ground in the new and aesthetic colors, the other half of the stuff being plain. Made up by an artist dressmaker, these veiling costumes will be the choice full dress toilets of the most fastidious women. The goods are. forty -eight inches wide and cost 3 50 a yard. Two ladies exchanging notes on the method in which they spend the day: "You see, T always get up at ten and ring for my maid, and get dressed." "How long does that take?" "Oh, eier so long. You see, the girl take? a full hour to do! my hair." "A fall hour! Mercy ! What do you do while she is flxincr it?" "I go' out into the garden ( and take my morning walk!"