The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, May 05, 1882, Image 2

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'' ii ' '
FSXDAr; - 5, 1332.
1 v?r. i ftdtaaoe W 00
This trio .wetit down mt ilic J .n;
I nitto to electioneer in tlie lower end of the
Co. James Muckle, P. A. Moore and W.
IT. Couyers. Th y will pro' atyv take ou
Merritt Pomeroy and Nelson Cole. We
wish we Lad their photognphs to keep
inoBth " . .... 1
J month " w
One rar (10 line) lint iartl&. 2 00
Each tttMefiM&t insertion .-. 1 00
B G. ADAMS. R liW A fvorfctwr.
The Political Outlook.
The news from all purts of the County
are of the most choering nature for Ad
anii. He will swevpthe County like a
flame of fire. The bugles are playing a
they did in Evolution-try times,' 4:Ad
ata.4 and Liberty." It is given u; oven
by our enemies that we shall l triumph
ant. They are getting their grave-clothe
JfcaAf and have a wuderf'ly subdued
look; They had a Bttilr of pi ma to
break us down, a was to hold in hac
till their Convention. We stolo a marc
oa them, and came out lief re th Con
,vention. They thought then they would
nominate Moore, aud he wu so immense
ly popular, we should be eternally"'
squelched, hut their'ed in two
particular, they were fouled alout us
nnd about ; Moore's popularity. Am a
politician Moore has no popul irity,
the only time he tried here was tw.
years ago and he made a complete fail
are. He is regarded a successful law
yer but a sueasful lawyer is rareh
popular at least among those that lo.v
byhi ability.
The great trouble with Moore is, he
is like old dog Tray, he has got in
anions a sorry set of curs, an i will hav
to take the i-ouse.Ueuces. H has pu
out to sea ou a raft of crow I-ars am.
will get swamped He a practio
Worth' more than tht office of Judge,
' and is not dependent ou the ring for .
living, if he only thought so. If h
wou d strike out from the ring, he would
be richer than he is with then. All tli
fat they have they want for themselves.
We are richer with their enm.ty thu
friendship. ! They are no greedy the?
- will tight over a bone. Every ilunky o.
theirs wears poor clothes, and lives o
cheap food. jProhaMy before long no
body will be hired but Chinamen, o.
whites reduced to Chiuaiueu by smai
wages. Upper aud lower Scap;io.s ,
Milton Creek, Columbia City, Sau vie'
Island, Upper Settlement ou the Clats--!
kanie and the Beaver are solid for Ad
turn. at. Helen will throw half hi"
votes, so will Deer Island, Beaver Val
ley Rainier! and Lower Clatskauie foi
Adam-, Aud no doubt before eleetioi
the whole county except Ciarl -y Caples.
the Muckles, Pomeroy, Conyers and a
few other dauuel mouthed scrubs wil
fall into line and go for Adams.
The ring have gone whining ar 'Und
like whipped curs saying we were down
on every foreigner; we are if they are
Chinamen, but if they are white or halt
. white we are not. As long as any for
eigner is naturalized we consul r him to
have as good rights as we have, but no
Wter; we wish to do to others as we
wish them to do to us. We know
Queen Victoria would intrude on no
man's private! rights. The English are
Tery tenacious of private right, aud f
anybody should do in England as the
Muckles have, here, the whole country
would lie in arm We care not where
a man's birth-place is as long as he is a
man and not a sneak. Our sou' is too
big to be held in a peck measure. Thi.-,
.last attempt of the ring to crawl nader
Qt.e Victoria's petticoats, and cry, is
very tetching, and exceedingly thin.
F. A. Moore has lieen to Marshland
nnd stopped all night at the lioapitahle
Tnansion of Mr. Graham. He went in
part on legal business, as Dan MeCrae
has lit out, jleaving his creditors to
mourn. Mr. Moore, says a uumiwr in
Marshland will vote for us; that we shall
have a large following in the county of
old soldiers and a big vote from the
The fence around " Fnigmore cost us
$G0J. When he Muck led rode iu horse
back on the Neck thev tore down our
fence. When, after att n Hug to their
logs, they went 04 , they let the broken- .
Urn. iiz ibetii Taylor
Died iu St. Helen ou Sunday last at
fifteen, minutes ln-fore 4 P. -tt. , aged 55
i years. The 11th of November she would rented toS
have lieeu 50. Her lutid'n ui u was
crows out of the i-orn." Let them talk, up. and our cows aud horses wou. d net
the paptr h is more winjjs and a longer
tongue than even Pomeroy'.', which i-i
hung iu the middl aud flops t both
enda. The ring mty spread fale re.
f orts, but the ballot-liox will tell the
story Don't Wlieve a Vry t-i- ring
tell, and you will get near the truth.
It iuteud, ve have heard, to c rry the
county by fraud, and thro v out precincts
where we have the in-ijority. Lt every
One staii'1 on guard and keep his eye
ieeled. Vote for A4 uns, anl you are
ill right, and the County will le free
rorev -r. Th- rei m of tvranny will h
over, and done, ami th Muckles like
snakes crawl into one of their old stumps
out of the light of d y.
W. H. Conyers, would-be County
?lerk, recnvod a letter from Judge
Sh ittuck of Portland, containing 42 eta.
n postage stamps due for tax-s, whereat
iuid Confers callil said .Tude a son of
t h and other endearing epithets be-
ause he knew uu better than t .at. Then
J. M. Divine, who Kto 1 iear, oif red
iy him 42 cts. iu coin for naiil statute-
is thev were just wh it he wanted which
Jonyers refusetl, aud said he would
n-mi the stamps !ack to Jude Shattuck
ind learn him to know letter than that
r wonls tothat effect. Ju lg Shattucl.
is a man rjw-ctd by everylKnly, aim
Jonyers you can all ju le how ui ich he
s reepected.
Pomeroy wan convicted in Washing
ton Territory of cutting tim'-er on Gov
ernment Lan I, a id now- he is Chairman
f the llepu-diciiu Cou-ty Committee.
Surely th rin is sh n of timber when
they have to put W. IV panlo xbl con
victs in leading positions. Pomeroy ha
run for almost every ollice m the Coun
ty, and leen def -attl. lie wa th-
ao-tt popular man in the Lava D-d
wheu Major Ad ima, Joe Cowan, and
I. W. Campbell were absent. Such
opularityj deserves recognition: he
viosld have his mouth nev-lined with
red tl ume.
A visitor went in to e F. A. Moor
the time More was deputy idv-ritf.
doore wa teach g a Might-.scheol, and
Jharley Muckle attended: he wis leani
ng his lettTs, he had a big primer -.ith
gicters." in it. There was the wrat,
there was the dattg. there whs the kt,
there was the buov, there was the
here was the horg; after the vi.-.tor
eft he went with the air of Prof. A-jns-in,
and re tuet-d Mr. Moore to not ad
nit visitors who d!tur e l him in h's
profoun I sji-ntifir researches. He was
educating bi ns If i -r a rin.. -master.
If anyliody would like to have a clear
idea of Hibiical rese iron by a very as
tute intellect, they should listen to the
learned discourse of Wah Muckle on
Noah' ark, and how he got the critters
into it, aud how he fan a saw mil , and
built the ai k, story by storv, and then
his ted the animules from one stoM t
another by applying porous pliater to
their backs, so that they shou du't get.
wuter-logged. S.-e Muckle's Coinment.i
ries on the Holy Scripture. Page tooth.
When a oTtaiu oihcial noved here he
had a big bucks in patch on the seat of
his pants (it t ok a whole hide), he also
had a rocking-chair whose seat was .nude
up of hay-ropes. There was an awful
struggle, between tint chair-eat aud
that other se it, ut that other seat won
the day after it had its new hide .stitched
on. The olH -ial had sat so much in
that chair, he cou'd have h itched out
any amount of chickens had egs l;eeu
kept under hiir..
out, and we lose days hun:'ng them.
One day we nailed a p.uiel of fence:
ou tie: Neck; a haif-.iour after they ori
!.:. u ... i . j i J
became w:th her parents to Que.-e;,
rand th'n to We.trte!l. Orleans C.u:itv,
Vermont. Her father's f imilv consisted!
of fath-r, inother, a brother and two'
sisters, all of who u survive h r except
her father, an 1 wiio still reside in Wr
nont iu t!e place uhere th -y origin illy
tied. Her mother is 7G years old, j -r H. Hozn th w!io ha,i beeik
and this w 11 le a sad b'o-v t thit m iter-la bniiii.-trator for t!i- estate.
the loved one gone lief ore. Th subject
tove it ilnwii- f.lif-re w-r. the Ik.i-ii'
nooi-tracks visible in the soft mud go
i g and i-eturnin.
We found a lot f. Captain Rockwell's
men oadiiy cutting sojiij U-auu ful ash
es we iiad res -rved for oars, on Fro-
uore Neck. We askt-d li m who sent lof this sketch was m irri-1 to Titus H.
them u, tj cut wool t.ien I'.iey stid, f Taylor Jan. 21t I85.J, ami the young
the M uckles, aud they supposed this was jcouplu emigrated iu company with
their lml, tut fr m th w y th ? Joseph Stough t in an.l w.fe t Oi-egon
talked they had au idea they o n d ev- fou the ISth of March 18 34. They ar
rythiug a:oj;id Su Helen. 1'iie Muck- Jfri veil at Scapos'i April 11th 1854.
les plaeii 'Am aim? trick on Tivlor. 5:u 185Gih-v settled on Sauvie's 3
V- rv lilral to give away other peojile'ss it the upper place where is su;h an or
i'on t2omIeiU"c
Li:vri3 Uivflit; A:
The J ihn S. II uvtU fir
Saul - Sjfi
sad anil
27, mi. t i TTV J-. . TT T7 f
a IfM IweH J
ua, Junior.
Tb ..'w-v,t fniut S.-iti rr.ueiii
dvn fence lie for - old Ail mis ti nui V oeii uv . ier m w .piace aaa nn lonely to a 1.1. th, Ur,t u,t i,.rl-
-4 . ...j t . .1 "P s! she !",r ' ltt Euglaid.filo mom mw- that well-kuowu face, J. .& ..,'.ltt . mcV ,
4 btys hats ever
B inrth's who u edto i"Jl his neigl.j Ul uKl t tvJ rfL if,.eus, at Mc'irid.a
".- " iiii i Biiiiie. www i
air orotn-
It is to !
ual aeart, which will d u tles-s.soon r -join' h will discharge his duty true to
sisters nd
! property.
a suiue. 10
nore hear tin? sweet sound of the org in
he used to play for us when wo w-re
wont to go there or the inging and
whistle of the mrv "iris anil Imjvs. No
tneyjhav g ne 0 live with
!ii,s fatlierless and .motherless
nt hers.
Mr. lv:ng and wife an 1 h;r lister,
d'ss' A b e IJozarth will start nex
lomlay for the upper coU itry, goiu. f r
health and a r.ew hpusA.
Mr. 0. C. B z irth and his amiable
idy j are liked very much. We hor
they will d. well in the mercantile I'us-
A au uo-fi- of yeiit ago the Muckles'
lauled us s huh h 4V. Just befjie their
eamster cine, we .4 oar long reins all
right 111 th. bar.i; a few minutes after h
iei't, our reins wt missing. We don't
ihink the Muckles .stole the.n, bat it is a
a:c- plan to hire enter jrlthx m m like
.ld, as te.imstei, such ones keep tae
iarue.s-es all up without anv expenS..
. ights, r have any liody infringe on
heirs. Tills is the gold u ral , and
x'hat we regard as th yen tiiif. yoLl in
imuiii chara t r. Th y h ive always
chaid of li ie par-trees, an ! the style of
the improvements show they p. issessed J
highly civilized t istes. ' II !
rii.iv !i n'i il v v-i irn- t.!i' ii.a-n rf 1 t a
H'ing people. Thy never
:shel to infringe ou aivbodv else'., j Ihv 6, 132 for the p ir ve of 11 aina.
inciting of th itpi die in Jo,
..:-. 1! .1 1 ...
1 Mir
Jet1tr.1l Com uitt-e
Uh'ii very itu'ufttr'ous, ind
T!i' p 'Otie I?.o v Ct i u hi City h id h tve e.tteii the br;d of i.l.e.ies-.
In ali
o buy the stringers for th ir huge bridge
cross the ca.iy 11. They thre.v ia all
heir lal or and 1 little lu 11 -r was verv
rudgiugly allowed them b the Count
Jourt because t!i'y ditl tint buy lu nlwr
f the. Muckles, and "Ot it iu stead at
the Columbia City MJ1.
How j did P-imeroy m:et hi.,
naster lean in peace af er he had gone
11 wit'i U. W. 2klclir e and Moore t
ell hi n out, wiien everything was don.
to throw hi.n overlsiard, and the Muck
. , hiing Uied h'm t- their heart's
content,: cast bin. "hwmv, 1'kean o!d shoe
Fay lor .vis su;eri'r;
St. Helen,
1 m 1 . .
t un ja emanate tor representative to
h- Le ls'ature t lil. thevicancyon
the ticket caused by the declension ot
fr. Joseph Dobbin it was re-lved to
renew the no.nin .tion of .Mr. Geo. W.
IcDride, wijich was unatii'iioiisly ten
lered hi n by the vote of the la-,1 Co.
Uonvent on.. .
Keferriu U the ultove we d sire to
-vo.nauly arts Mr.'
er artistic hands made everything beau
t'u: about her cl th:ug and that of lie She was skilled in e.ubmid -rv Bt tnat lr L 1 m his uoti.t A th-
nt 1 al, kindred acco 11 .lis 1 neuta. c ,;U m,t,, that he has recently no -ivec!
Th y were suii.stantial p.op!e, no shod-l " appoint .en under the United States
Iv, no preteas ', ge.uiu, u .uiuYieck. 1;IS l';puty .Surveyor, ami that it ih 1.11
When they 'alked. they m-ant it. If
they liked yon, you knew it. If they
d.da't you knew it. Tiiey h- ve worn
ike old gold, brighter from th t tir-it d.y
their feet pr ssed t!i soil of I
n 1808 .Mr. Taylor built the fur
.lotel in St. Helen, and ran it tare
war. Iu 1S3S he bought the Cunn'ug-
1 M -
(Tarl's bas nerf'or n d skiTful m place ou the foot of S iuvie's Island; .
operation on a she-goat of his. He J i also owns a part of th-origi id Mc-,
;u set tier leg. , canvassed tjo.u.n h u Ity claim n -ir the McN.dty bri lg-. and found it sol.d tor A - le aUo has u valuilue estate 111
r ' A
iinn with he exer tion of Dr. Caple Portland
j 1 ! 1 t. 1.1.. f Il .1 ...1
ana rus jreav.s no iti proi.oiv itn
Ioofe. j
-j- ;
It seems to us the Republican Co;
ventioii was a sick old affair when it e-.;
.ected such men as C.
C;-tle.s and'
Merritt iPomeroy (gtve hnn a luthery ... . .
i ' x Jfonlv !mv. died wli n net
ruudel) for tb Cm rVunmitr- e. if n -
Convers has iron1, we und rstand to
Clatskanie, which im going solid agunst
him exeept.otie man, who is afraid he
n i'l movu Kick on the Clatskauie, a. d
v ;efe forlhim in se,r-di-f se.
icre is her M jesty's Ship of
We replied, "Not much, you'
His lauds are sitaated in
1 . .1 If 1 l. A . I. .
nac'-.s wuere tn--y are iiKeiy to
tit worth.
Tlie!ilren of the faniilv are Flor-
eaee, Norah, Cl r -lie and Li- i -. F. r i
nee is n airried to W. H. Whitney, No
rah to W. A. Bailey, and C a re nee, the
wen 2 and 3
f ri.i lit
years ot age. 1 nis was a sau mow m-
Mr. and Mrs. Tylor, an 1 one f ro n
whii-h they n ver fully r overed.
Mrs Teyb-r hail but little ti say on
religious subjects, but she o lived that
when Dn.ith caniu it had no terrors, and
possible f r hi.n to complete h;s contract
i 1 j
o as to res'gn his pres nt ajipointmeut
n time, to emble hi it to Like a seat in
the Legislative Assembly.
leclining the no uiu itani ix as
lttADJUUYt Columbia Co.
May 1, 18r2.
To the Il-piMici:i t'lunty Ceiitr.
'oai nittr'e iKJCi'LU fisv: ilaviiw re-
ently accepted all app-iiut il-iit -IS I )eje
-i d rs m
eislati ve
lis letter
ity. Lr. S. Surveyor, which r
to a seat in the
Misse.uoly. I, must respectfully decline th-
a niiin ition for It, present.itiye to the
legislature. Vours truly,
Josei'h Dobbins."
1 i
' We; have recvivej from M.r. McBride
the following b-tter:
St. Helen, Oregon, May G, 1882.
To the Re;vi't!i a?i Cojntvt Central
I accept tin
representative . to tin
In justice to mvse'f I d
Tioann ition
s're to say t!iat while for p'-ri u al re.i
sons, i preter not to ne a canuai.ite tor
- i
m .. t . .1. .. t
T. ... . .11 - .1 W w... . -. . . - . " - . . . - ' - - ..... . . . .
in u do ti'illiiirr r orv Sh" K:iir1 the - r
Old man Muckle saw the hubrk lv-, . T .... . A would 'lie wanting in pio.vr resjwet for
l ira vf iri t.n ie.ave faille, her voilii"- ! " ' 4 1 1
int o.l' St. Helen once on a tiui" anb4 ..... . "...
says, 44 1
War ! '
are not in Canada
If vou vote ftir the St. Helen ring,
you will have the 44 schmile" of the Muck
les. That lovely Charlie (ye gods, what
eauty ! ) and that beaut: ul Jim will
- "" I . .1 :i 1:1... . ...
. j ,, 1 , . 1 senmne iikb young nveuas on vou.
jemoeratic party, and we will add what 1 ,
xuu won k r, iiij' money, out you Wlil
gt-t those sch niles" or tiie 8t r-otyjied
Sdid not that nearly all the Republi
:ans will vote ifor ns ex :ept a little set
of ninnie who think they ru i the Re
publican party, when they don't run
There is great dissatisfaction over the
nominations oh Deer Island, and thre
will lie any amount of scratching. There
is noliody that has anything against
Adams, and the Muckles are universally
detested. Everyliody glories in Adams'
spunk, and today he is the most popular
man in Columbia County, and all regret
they have ut one vote to cast for him.
Mvor Adams will canvass the whole
County before June 5th.
o.ies always for sale at lawyer' cilices,
rivy are worth the world; everything
looks cold an I dark iu ti . world with
out one of til m 4so' uile-j" which have
uo cash lalue, but like the rainbow are
44a lieauty an 1 j y forever."
When Merritt Phu -roy was a liabe
his mother used to put her thimble on
h s head to prevent his taking c ld in
the place where his brains ought?, to have
len, and having ' guitar, " and when
she mislaid h r thimble, sh mislaid her
Pomeroy.. ?
norning in Parad s with her sweet lit-
f tie hv, Clarene- the tlr-.t to greet her
We have coai i to the co iclunon that S oji the evergreen shore.'
in hat .ase where that fellow got nit by y ?c ,nay intrude on the grief of .
the cannon-ball iu the hee the cannon- Jher h-art-strb-ken fa nily. Their sorro v.
cannot le expressed m wnl. tier;
, e ,r Sthe wishes of the Republican Co. Con-
est ch H, but slie passrMl peacefully i . ... J
, , . , fvention .and d -relict in my d itv as a
awav. and a Woke on a ie.-:utiful May 1 . J "
. - i: . i .i i 3
hall was going verv slow or lie was going
very fast.
I.. ... , i, . t.iUroae bush that ciimbs a garden wall, and j
The me ing ot t uai -niy at -er li" liafl " . f
i i i t i n-f i'1 s iiiooiun on the otnr s:a -, luihih
-iriini trau in.- - ..tT v u- ,
. . !,. , . , v., . i i llfraraiice floats ba k to tins ord all
das when: his bowels iiurst out. ud hjl i
t I - . mm I .
. .I e t he same. Itev. Mr. oiverton attena-
Iiuii''(h1 hituse.f on a sour an-i ...
O Jf , . , e ; i it... it
(1 tlie iun rai services ut vie wmu
i louse, a nuiurnbig cavalcub of sinc-r"
mourners co ivovcd Ii-t remiinto An-
gtd's Reston (ierin-nv Mill.
Went and
pie tre.
The Muckit soi mmi of Neha'em o
cut a trail up and down rromore rwk.
The,, tl (I this without consulting u , u
ting do. -ti trees, and doing jut as they
Enoch Conyi ri is a soul-sleeper, ami
so cannot
memory is frgrant, her. life is like tiDIA
repn lu-an, sli- i 1 I, under existing cir
Constances, il.clin the nomiixat ion re
newed: by you as their representative,
i Geo. W. MgBrioe.
On motion it was ordered tn it notice
of theno ni nation le sent to the CoLU.4
remand to the Orr lonuin.
By order of t!ie Co nmittee.
M. Po-tEttOY",
On r i ir . I ir, il V . er on wm
of Win A. and Nora'i Baib v, di 1 aged H
10 month-
Thus this little bibe has
1 Testament Ueises Opinion
T!ie j em ti nt author. Prof. A. C
KeudrL-k, D. IX, LL D., who is irofe
s .r of reek in t!is5 Un v ?rsity of it idl
est er, and was one of the revisers f the
s It'
lie unseen world. It is to el
Siturday. Mr. Baib-y, the
leeii t'legraphed for; he is?
go '"or W. II. Con vers or an
Iwidv else, I no matter ho v near related.
except he has a permit from Rev. Nich-j
Perhaps the tiug is loo ignorant to
tuow that su'iornation of M-rjury is all w , . , , . . )f
r i e 1 : 1.1 11
crime. n u.7 uro w"'"0olumbia County our grateful thank)
piickly fo'lowed his grandparent. Mrs.
faylor to the unseen world
buried on
father, his
at Myrtle Crek in South ru Oregon
t - ,.,
eLvtr Cure verv .marked liem-fit and
New Testament, in grnerd conversation
with a number of - g nt.emen. a short
'me sin-re, said: 44 I have received from
the use d Warn -r's S-tfer Kit
1 m
can mo a coraiacy reco u ueii
others." . ...
iufoim them .'
The Mu' :
i.avr. ought to lie
rv . e. 4 jr
a'irMiiiited,! intte-ul of elected. Tint is
t they Lire trying to d , hut are not
1 k ly to 8'ce-"d.
for past li'ieral pitrou ige and while so
liciting its continuance for the future,
hope through you tog tin many nev pa
trons; we h ive added to our large stock J.
of Drugi aid Medicines, a completel
i i r4 i tf i '
The court ot -Iie ring meets VtocK 01 rasnts, Oils, varnishes, urusiies.
at Moore's offi . tan sutireuie court at 1PV mu-iw tiuss Ac Aj., and sell as lo o
Makles Chief Injustice Jim in the lowest; our place being central,
Dem ir&tt's M i'iiJim his 'wen reduced
in price to S2.0J per year -If clublietl
i - -
with the CoLU-nr.vv, it will coat $1.5J
W. Jennings Dmorest is the Pnlilisher,
17 Ea-st Uth t, N-.v Y'irV. It is
the QueMi of fashio i Monthlies. Any
!one4wishing to club with the Columbian
can have Iwth for $J.5J. Aldress
MiiorE. 'i. Alms, St. Helen, Oregon
ney and
I it t
Mn. Cole says he ha a cancer.
thiuEtt is o.dy rmj-w orin.
the chair.
affords a oouvemeiit place for storing'
your parcels when in tow.i making pur-
If you vote for Moore, it is the same
as if von ivntnrl for Jim Mnekle. thev
. .J ... . . Ittion to all to make our place ' hoad mar
both nse the sara qtiiil t'.i wnto witlu jl r 1
Van Btaracom s calf ditin't wawnt toil
e gnawiuinated in the ears oy the man;
that tuck be but was nver-tho-lo8S.
chases, and we extend a cordial iuvita
ters. C ue and see us.
Very Respectfully,
EP Money to loan on real estate
Th .Muckles tn u to v Taylor, but f.curity by F. A Mwrv Es j. au Helen,
i t ney wa; e A
up the wrong piSM u ; r.
More Room.
The store-room at the TcnoA House
has Iweii leased by G. W. McBride for a
ware-house and is being fitted up with
groceries, provisions and crockery. The
demand from local merchant f6r more
room is a sign of the increasing prosper
ity of St. Helens.
The AfimzancUo will make her iripe to
lthe Clatskanie, down on Wedbesdav,
back ou Thumd ly.
Juilge Popa w s here tid-iy. lie is An
enthusiastic supporter o:' us, and we con
sider it mo small compliment tiiat a man
who was elected "County Judgt? for '20
years is one of our warim-fcl nupporters.
Al tU t'rieml of Judg. Pojie may leel
n;itUu -d that1, nothing they could do
would ul vt' . him . t h.m to cast a
vote for usiii the'comaiiug eirction.
T. II. Taylor will eo ue out fndepen
dent for Cu ity fr iisir r. Mr. ly.
lor is one of our iiet citixeus. lie caiuu
here iu 1 85 4 U a Vermontcr by birth
and came fr an a laud where tltere are
no tluukie or -slave lie is able to go
his own-lou la. ' Me lives liere in ton,
and w? hop; : every right minded man,
wi'l- giv him ynt
tiii: :u;sT i r:ir; H2iphst.
A large and weil-a.-i.-sorted xtoik of
men's boots, lu'-n'e women's, aud child
ren's ithoets of all kinds Carefully selected
y Mr. Giltuer in Sau Prancioco now ar
riving and to 'urn ve at Mci!'s store,
KspeciiJ care has U-etl taken to get
the very Is-st g iods iu th - ui'rk- t.
Ourdittght?r Biauche has laeu very
sick with pneumonia. Owing to the
.skillful treatment of Dr. Stewart sb is
on the m nd, but !ie has hud a severe
time. It has bin lered us a'tvut our p
per. Her life, hec.n.-d on a pivo', sin I
care for her occupied every moment f
Mrs. Adams' time.
We have reeeiwd c:lls ths wrrk
ro n Mrs. Stickles atid Mrs. Leru',t,
wh Mrojght Blanche o.uj ery fine
.lack'M-ri a Mrs. 1 1 mock, ami M iry
have called, aLo S. A. Mile. J. JL Al
ien ami IL Van Blar:.cotn.
R-'V. T. .M. Reese will preach :;t tho
S-;appoo.e KCho-dho-.ite :.t 11 A. M. an t
at St. Helen at 7 r. . th i.rst Sunday
in May and Uev. Mr. St-llwed at ;be
usual hours iu JSt. ILlca the t-;ond
-iu inlay in May.
F. A. Moore u.. received oj
r u. nes or the Ualitorai r-aprme Court
tv jKrts. worth -?-.'i7. liii.Uw i !rury
now is worth hard on to -51500. Wo
ir.i happy to ehrMiiel bi i. cas.
J. S. DaVenp rt is having his plaee
of resort fixed up ir. f lendnl t.yle. Ad
that trimmings, paper and paint can do
to beautify a room will be done. Two
holies played thete a game of billard.
iXtniel Slaveas i ud and at his edd
stand He gives great credit v to Dr.
Lo-vell. . He says he is caring hitiiir"'
Mr. K. M. Hazen also giv- the Dr.
great credit in getting fi's U,y up.
Mrs. Perry shows great enterprise in
attending writing schoo!. . She walks in
through mud unTl'rain. If young jeo
pie wen? lil e h r, we would have nobody
l.ut educatt-d ne-n and woajen
We met a beautiful youn lady, Miss
pA'ice Lyons. She is a correspondent of
the Coi.u.MHt.iN, look nut for something
spicy when .she writes. She e.rrepoud
f r the Vane u ver In leen tent
Joseph Copeland U building a resi
dence on his ranch on the Scapooso
road for a home, during high water.
VVtlliatu Cop land intends to uiove soon
ast of the mountains.
The new postal route between 8t.
Helen aud Li Centre will lie soon estab
lished. It will e a great convenience.
rhe Latoivi will carry the m ill. It will
.ie thiett times a w ek.
: , ; ; i
We n.'ver uaw any one look more
pleas d than Iid Dr. StewMt when he
renounced our little daughter out of
langer. j He throws his whole soul into
his profession.
Mr. Spncer, Ktep-wiu of William
Vatts'of Milton, is keeping school in
Uistnct No. 7. A Mr. Maxwell i
teaching on the Upjier .'anpoose.
Dr. Stewart loses few patients and
meets with grand success as a Doctor.
Nobody that has once had him, likes to
jive him up for anyliody else.
Received a call from George Barr f
La Centre. Ho had just been to Chttf
kanie.' He missed us at home, but ojt
as in town.
El win Ridley has started a store in
the Durell house, and has a line a6Bort
coent of fruits, nuts and candies a, reas
onable, prloea ".'