f- cirrcmJix, tinxna et co., nocin, vu THE COLUjOIjIIT. YALE & JUBILEE ORGANS. lliuinftctureraof JtjHlJiX f VZ I WWBE-gU' CELEBRATED hellers uu i?. 3. OFFICIAL PAW. ORCELAIN LINED ADAPTED TO ALL CLIMATES; ARE NOT AFFECTED BY OR HEAT. I mm & IIU Corn S flTSCK r .. f " " " Vii ' i j- . v . ...- T. i ,4.1 i V4C 'iTV vVsrl SW VMfe" ARE THE MOST i ( i 1 Af without question thm Flrf t and Best Cooking Stovt in tha world. EVERY ONE of the 141 SIZES Mm uocz wizm jl I'Jritteh Guarantee T hawm ISO BQ UAL if point of FINISH, BEAUTY, ECONOMY, DURABILITY & CONVENIENCE, WSjr.Poifjr Base Burner and FaYorite (Ming Stoves JL WARDED FibstPrize m Silver Medal at Do no f HerHrtd. by tmitaKon. -7.fe toef yoniTE cooKiya JSTOVEH and WEST POINT JBjLSJl ii C'JiA'JZXt before buying any other , For Sale by IBOTI TURBINE And BUCKEYE s Strong & Durable. MAST, FQOS a lea, CTURKR&, gj2uti oia, Oliio. Scud for Circular and Price. i ! Strilelen iXdffe Xo. 32, A. F. A. M. Ileular ifeetins tLe fir.t -and thin! Sjtir--clayit of eicli iiiuulii. . bojoijvuiu brethrou ui jfo'J staudiag a-e cnriiiAliy iiiviteti tu xttturl- iy orutsr ox W. M JAMES DAiiT. becretju-y. Sherffs Sale. "By virtue of an Execution to me ifcrected, is out of the Circuit Court of the JState of Or c'ou for the County of Columbia, in favor of the State of Oregon, siud against John F. W'oh, for tli sum of Five Hun imi & 'ixttpn & fifteen Imn Iredthn Dollars (.1.15) with interest there ;u:tth rate of lihc percent, per annum from the 2 iih. ilay of Aprii 1881, an I for want of pernon-.ulgX-ojierty t Hutixfy-th? noil Jixecutiou I h;te "this lOi-h day of February 1SS2, ltvijl ujMn all rirht. title and intentst of the :vid defendant, -John F. Woo I (one tenth iniervxt) iu-or t tlie -following desoilw I reel Kstate situate iw Cciiun lii i Co.iutv an 1 State of Onvs to-wifc: I.ot .. 6 n1 th- S. Y. i .f S. V. i of ec. 4. and Lots 7 & , and the S. W . J of tlw v.. I of S c. 5, 1. -S. K. o W cC- f the Ulaniette Jlendi an, containing 1;:).0 ji:re. more or letw. !Now thi-ivfore by virtue of the aid Kxecuti n, on the loth, day of March A. D. 18SJ at 2 o" vclock P. S. of the sai I day in fnwtof the Court House Ioor, in the Town of St. Helens Coluuv iia CounLy an 1 State of, Oregon, I will nell the ah:ive-uauil defeudent s interest in er to the -alxjve dencrilie,! real estate, at public auction to the highest bidder for cah to satisfy the said 1.x cuti m, costs, and accruing ct. i W. H. CvXYKilS, Sheiiff of Columbia County, Oregon. j JM t& W tmJ tLiJL '. Propristor, . j The Dart House, 'Columbia Street, St. If el, Oregon, j " Is now open for the accommodation of the Traveling Public. Being newly fitted up, it will be found a pleasant place at which to stop. Terms, 2" cents fir .leals, 2. cents for Loil .. inif, Board 84.00 pr .Week, Board and Lodging, o.UO in27n'i" Special Notice, All persons owincj me on note or account are requested to call and pay the -name before Februa ry first. . All accounts due January ;1st must be paid during the present month. G. W. McBRIDE We hereby notify the Public that from the 1st. of January 1882 wharfage will be charged -on everything shippeti from, . or landed on our dck. General merchandise at the rate of 25 eta. per 1 ton or less than 1 ton, over 1 ton 50 t. and at the rate of 25 cts. for every addition al ton or part of a ton. Special contracts made ta large shipjwri. MUGKLE BROS. 1 EEIIE - ffl A VlllnttKHBIMK, Jsi fcr3 -gs BAT'i XJe La the Wind IR&Wfev&i! "ft The !., Most Celebrated, Purest Tone, Host 1urable, 3To'X Simple, Most Perfect Oitn.cK in the world. Send for circular. HEW II AVE IT ORGAII CV Nov Ilavon, C'c-.iiO f wfc'Ji. V2 li i Lara '3;e ldidm? SciimtiSua cf t --lay ag-ea th-'t .lost disi-anes aav causal by diseu-v-d ivi lnei or f.iver. If, therefore, the Ki.luevs an I jjiver are iv-pt in perfect order, perfev't h.'.dt.'i will b.; tfu l-.-'-wlt. Tiii-s trutii has o:i!v bes n known a tthort tiuieand for years p,-.pl -utr red nat a .uy vith i.it. Kmmj abj to mid reii f. Th discovery of VVawier'u SafejlCidcey an-1 Liver Cure marks a new eiu Cr the treatment,, of th s.; t r:il !. dad- tV-or. a si I.-1 pie tropieal leaf f rare value, t contr.int just the eV.Jttents necessary to notir 'h and inn-ors.Xe !, h of thfre ;ieat organs, m l ss.fe!v T'Titore a 5! 1 'keep them hi onb-r. It is i PoSiTIVK :emkiT ior all the .'is-a-s that .iv.s-' ) tail's in the lov.vr part of th- b-t ly --for Torpi I Liver Headachy Jann lice l)i-cz:us; tJiavel F vefj Airner-Mal.irial F. ver. ami xU di;iic'iItieM oI the Ki h:ys. Liver an I Vrin . iy Or':uw. i ! It is an v.xcelhttt and s.ife remidy for females I i!;n-.r Pren iBi-y. It wilt eoiitrol Mi-ustruatiou .lid is invaluable for Leucrrhta or Failing of ch'-V'mb. i " Ann lil.xxl Purifier it i une.ualf 1, for it cures 'Uf organs that MA K a the: bio . This Keui.'-lv', which has done eeieii v:ndors. Is put up hi til LAK;i:ST SIXKO JJO'n'LK , f any medi' iue upon the in rkrt, an I is sold by ! )ruists and all dealers at-tf 1.2 n-r b. .ttle. For idd.etis.nkquireTor WAWXKfJ'S SAFK D1A lilCTKS Ci; 11 Vs. i It is a POSITIVE Keuiedv. -"H. H. 'WAlfNEK&CU. Rochester N. Y. JAMES '3. DAVB1TP0BT, DEALER IV CONFECTIONAniES oT all kins, Knickknaoks, Bread ani other Varieties of the name Cla Soda, Sarsaparillay LwiiQsad:, "Will be Bervl with HOT 1 OOZE-EIS. TOKVCCO & TUiAZIS Of -clii I-.st CJualitv. ami Valentin S-ools, i . River Street, .St. Helen, Oregon- a week in your own town. iutnt free. o rj.sk. Jt.erv- thinneiv. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. .Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, aud 1 oys an lirls make rreat pay. Keader, if you want a busi ness at which you can make great pay all the tune you work, write for particulars to H. Hal- lett & Co., Portland, Maine. ' j Cjanly Administrators Notice. flNTfll-: CO. COURT JOFTTIIR STATE SS i OF (OREdOX FOR COLUMBIAN UNTY. In the Matter of the Estate ) of ! Sidney Wood, Deceased. ) Notice is hereby ji ven that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the said Estate by llou. Dean Blanehard, Jude of tbe 6aid Conrt. i ! All parties having claims against the frM Ins tate m ihst preeent them i to the undersigned at Westport. .-Oregon with the proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof. December 30. IK81. B. F.WOOD, -Administrator. T X T-S .EE 0 ? . i , Milk-Pans,Buck9t3fStave-Fipe, Granite Iron-Ware and Everything in the linejat POXTL'ANT) Prices. WILLIAM WOODMAN, i St. IIelkk. Orkgon. Notice. ( IN THE CO. COfTTRT OF THE STATP3 Si ! O F 1 OREGON FOR CO LUMBI A COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate i .if V Jane Gilbreath, Deceased. I JNotice is hereby triven that the undereiimed has been appointed Executor of the Estate of the said deceasetl by the Juflge of the said Court. All persons having claims aprainst the said' Es tate must present them with, the nroner vouch ers to the undersumed -within 'six months from the date hereof at Rainier, Oregon. Jan. 27, 1882, GEO. T. MYERS, ! Executor of the paid Estate. n26f ! ! SIMPLE, STRONG, DURABLE, and SUCCESSFUL. WILL RAISE WATER FROM ANY DEPTH. MADE OF THE DEST MATERIALS, WITH. DOTH .THER AND VUL CANIZED RUBBER PLUNC&R8. ISEND FOR ILLUSTRATES CIRCULAR Sl PRICS LIST I llf CDA7CC P. Pfl PEORIA, ILLJNO'8 F. A. Attorney at - Law, ET. HilLEri', 0RF.00?. Oin-K Hi ver Street'in front of stran . sioni?t AUouLica Givsn to a-.il.Mf Collscciolia, Utc. i m Attorney - at - Law, d::d;on city, ouwidx. Par tie dar otf en'.in n'ivui the Lau I Oilier. novl'Jtf to busiii'.'S-H bt-fore Mrs. i)r. Elizabeth Perry, ST. HKLKX, Oil. lias Practice! over Twenty-fire Years. lIsense of woinesi and cliiMren a specialty, also Catarrh. Diptheria, Asthma an I fevers. Will atteii.l calls at all hours of the 'lay and nfoht. 1242m SALOON. , ENOCH SHIIJTAFFE3, Proprietor. i AH of the bent (piality. Corner of Co-.vlitz ami Piver Streets, . St. JIkle.v. Okeoox.- will start von. J?12 a day and upHaius made at home ty the ni'lastiious. .Men, women, boy and K-rls wanted everywliere tJ work tor us Now is the time. You can work iu spare time only or irive your whole time to the business You can Jive at home and do the workT Xo ther business will pay vu nearly as well. owe can fail to make enormous pay by enadn; at)nce. Co-tly Outfit free. Ylonev made last easily, and honorably. Addri.ssTi'.lE it C Au'iitita, Maine. (ijanly TBY O -EST IE Or W., II. GAYLOHD'S Spring-Bed Bottoms. EVKltV BODY LIKKS TI1KM, It received the First Premium at the State Pair. You will find it the Best, Cheapest and Hflos Durable Spnng-3ed in use. PRICE ONLY SIX DOLLARS. For sal. in St. Helen, Oregon. Send in your orders, they will be niiea. SAiitVAUiiUA UAKA!Vir;U or no sale. Chickens, Lijs, Butter anl other pro duce taken in exchange, Highest market price allowed. Address J. L. Allen, St. Helen, On. Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Lands. Land Okkice at Vancouver, W. T. ) December 31st, 1881. ) Notice is hereTiy triven that incompliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approve! dune 3rd. 1878. entitlea " an Act for the sal of Timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, isw&xfa, ana wasHinton lerntory, (Jharles u. Lare, of. Cowlitz Cunty, Wash. Trritirv. has this clay filed in this office his application to purchase the South Last of Sec. 12, Township 9 North of Ransre 1 East, of the Willamette Me ridian. Testimony in'the abovecase will be taken 1?- forethe Register and Receiver, at Vancouver V. T. on Thursday, March loth, 1882. Any ami all persons claiming adversely to the above described land, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty(fiO) days from date hereof. ! FRED W. SPARLING, Register. ja6n22 Notice for Publication. i United States Land Office, I ; Oregon City, Ohegon, Feb. 28, 1882. f Notice herebv iriven that. th fli nwinir. named settler hns tiled notice of his intention to make, fi nal .roof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Eugene Sem ple, County Clerk of Columbia. fV at. St. Holon Oregon on Tuestiay April 4th. 18S2 viz: .Tames arriqo nomestead Application No 3970 for Uie N. E. i Sec. 8. T. 7 jf. R a vv He names the followins witnesses to nrove his continuous residence uion, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: W. 11. Convers. of St Helens Columbia Co. Or. liob. Hutchinson, of W. VV. Alacoon. of Westirt. 'Iiitgnn Hr Or. J. L. IMonran. of " 4 X.. T. RA RT V. Rovistfr. n30m3 ' V mm mti st, It mm mm "SV b u s i u ess now before the R ;ublic. You c-m make J i''?y faster at work for IjL pf j ns than at anything else. Capital n t needed. We For MILL, FARM, OR PLAHTATION. For FARM, MILL, JOBBING, OR WAREHOUSE. HORSE POWERS, JACKS, Eic. WRITE FOn ILLUSTRATED CATA LOCUE AND PRICES. Sandwich SANDWICH. ILLINOIS. lK.l.Kit IX Goiioral MarchandisB, ST. liKLKN, 01iJ-;iON. A In.-. now and complite stcic of I 'rices leaaiouai. e. Terms d ji:.Ii (j-m 1 . now in Ca" i. I "J 2 ST. A 4 J h i:u:n, Oil. .5;iTin'fcictiircri f i id: livr. Lilt lis a;ii Will fiir:ii-h Lumber in any o,n ml iti'-s, .- heap as 'ds'Lkeel :iy Hnii !i tiie a -'irlieral store Co'uuiiiia River. wilh a fn!! assfU'tiuvnt ..fall kinds .-f Gr.K lowi-r-t Citsh Prices. ries a?id Dry iio.l-, at the an lot: Eioliiand Mills, SUAPPOOSi:. OUKiJON. A!! liimls of Ljpjihcr Cheap for felOtf Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. Information given conoernin-; Lan Is. Titles, Deeds, etc. All business at ten led to with the greatest care. KXOOK L ADAMS. 'PAT1 TP Nf .We continue to act as Solicitors forTatents. Caveats, Trale Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the ITnited States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, (Jerur.aii', etc. We have hail thirty-five y9ars expsriancs. Patents obtained through us are noticed in the Scientific American. This larire and splendid illustratrated weekly paper, $3.20 a year, kLuvr tne t'rograss ot bcience, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address M CTNN' 4t CO., Patent Solicitors. Publishers of Scien tific American. 37 Park Row, New York. Hand lxiok about Patents sent free. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE 0 JIIE. G LTAll ANTEED. J)ll. E. c west's xekve and brain TREATMRXT, a specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Convulsions, Nervous He:ulache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Spennatorhoea, Imixtencj', Involuntary emissions, premature old age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment; one dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of prico. We guarantee six boxes toure any case. With each order re ceived by us for six-boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our writ ten guarantee to return the money if the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland, Or egon. Orders by mail at regular prices. n27fl7 J. KELLOGG & CO'S Steamers 1 Joseph Kellogg and Toledo, ron COWLITZ RIVER. Steamer DAYTON leaves Portl and. foot of Yamhill Street, for l'reen.rt on Tnesdav. Thursday and Fridav .t 7 oVWU- 1. M via Willamette Slough, touching at St. Helen, Co- umuia Uity. lvalama. Carroll's Point. K'a nier. Cetlar Landin r. Monticello ami n.11 intermediate oints. Return! V ednesday and 1 ridav at oVJ L- a m Steamer TOLEDO leaves Portland for Cow. itz Prairie on Mopday ami Thu aay at 6 .v. is. via Willamette Slomrh and Awe landings. touching at Freenort. Arlcans Way Landings. Retuniim? Vl,iJv And Saturday. 3etf Lewis and Lake Riverif portation Conrpany's X' ..4. I .. i.ui.i Yorue steamer W. G. .ikk, Master Will leave la Centre foi P.;hi!q,i Ff elen, Quigleyk Landms? atid PIm.k;- it:,' every Mony, Wedaesday and Friday afc 6 o' clock A. , touchiag at all way landings. Retining will leave Everdingand ForriU's Whary ftsit of Alder Kfct.r auf. I, it- 1 i n. 1 j.uey, xnursaay ana Saturday at 10 t.'clock, a., 91 Diutru, or fraiglat and passage apply oard. Staetf M'foCo. THE MITCHELL STANDARD Also Three-Spnne and Four-Sorine Wazoai. mi i v-u t-i.ii wauu; itionarcn ot tne mi v-n t-i.ii ttauu;i itionarcn ot tne uu.wa maat oy mc dcsc waon mecnanics Mrtment it entirely separate from the Farm VVaooa wwx ws un mouucs uaiurpaucO. )ea d for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List. niTCHELL, LEWIS 6c CO., XXacIne, XTLs, OASTLE DRILL Has a continuous FORCE FEED of rubber, cannot bunch tho grain, sows grain evenly, has rubber springs, and will clear all ordinary obstacles. It Is built with Detachable Crass Seeder, front or rear, FERTILIZER . ATTACHMENT, Which sows all kinds of. phos phates, or fertilizers in general use, in same furrow with tho wheat A Pa.tent Cut-off pre vents waste of Fortilizers equal to 20 per cent, of cost of Drill oach ye r. Circulars sent free upon appl cation. J, B. GBOWELL & CO. CREENCASTLti. PENN'A. Ii. P. FISHED, A1vrrtiii:t2 Acsr 'Zi llorrliunts E-lrii-, S. F .-tlilliorizcd to rcaoivc advnrii !H(iiis lor i Ii is pajKT. 9 W. CArl?B2LL. Civil Snginoor and ! Surveyor. St. Helen, Oregon. All business attended dispatch. la with jirniiptncss and aul3tf 4 -Tuner of Pianos, 131 Sixth Street, PoiiTLAKn Oregon. Creai chance to m:!-c money, j n"8 n. a: ways lake .ri vantage ui a the ?o I ehintcs for m . m '.!::r m n; v tnat are offered, frenmlly b-c ni .vealthv whil- t! ,e who do nt improve such clnw's ren:aiu in pov erty. We want man? men. women bovs and girls to Work for ns ri-'ht in their nVn localities Any one can do the work properly from tho first ..4, 3. rnt. l ; -n . . int. xne uusiuess- win jwy more tnan ten times ordinary wages. Exiensive outfit fur nished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly, lou can devote your whole time to the work, or ou'y j'our spare momen. i un lnionnation ami all that is needed sent 'lee address bTlNsoN & Co., Portland, Main Cjanly Frost's Turkish Bug: Pattsras. ! STAMPED OX IU KL1I IX COLO US. . neauuiui uesigns to ue made of rac or yarn. -30 simpie uiai a emm can make them. ! For. Sale at F- A- Lemont's. Sr. Helen Oregon ENOCH a. ADALIS, Jigent for the Sale of HuVbird Sros. Colotratcd Fam ily BilDlo3, Comparative Nqvt Ta3tam3at ' & Pliotoapliic Family Rocorda Xhe annly Uible contains 70 superb features ia. Com ah neiigions, taograimies of Eminent Uible aaractere, a instoryot the Coins of the Bible a vxaiieryoi scripture Incidents And fllustra tiU3, The Jewish Tabernacle ami Priesthood wnn vyH ku m ATxc I'Latks, the Travels of the Is raelites, Christ aad Pul with col ored majw, the Parables ok our LoKD, with superli steel en- Kiuviiigs, xwentyiour ot the full-paget eninav ; ings are irom the eelebratel V nstave Dure aad the plates were purchased by uuiiaucre nne enormous ostol ifiouo each. It. these the bible Bes: able features, ud eleganfcmbellishmeuts. We have arranged with the Iewa Farmer Co., of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ( wJw are the publishers of one of the best fann pajters in the west) to furnish their fine journal one year at the lw rate of $1.00, or it and our own paper one year at $3.00; and each one who subscribes tender this offer will receive, free, an elegant portrait of James A. Garfield. mum "3 some oi which are the Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms of David in Metre, a profusely "Illus trated Pronouncing Dictionary'' of the Uible, a History f the Uooks of the liible. . H;-t,rv. t ' I SI PLATFORM SPRING WAGON. Koa.d; only the i Koa.d: only the v cry best ttocic used la Its com in tne world. The Npnnr waeoa an ttuzry I. s Snrinc Waroa an4 Busrrr De shops. And for the manufacture f thia CUM cJ THE MOST POPULAR kj OTA tL V PJ TtcmiMn iin ri Yimnrt vf 13 ALWAY3 SiM OnnrR L7ST I T LIFETI ME 23 UNION 5Q.NLVY TURK Chicago ill.-? hi 9 0RANGE'MAQQ. 03 1 3fiaik:t Shoot, X2ns ch Q. A&zxil, JUSTICE OF THE PEA, Oo-FiOiiCt.nrt 7!ou. at Hi. Heir. Milton Greok Chair and FURNITURE FACTORY, An old established BusLaesd in full operation again. Chairs, Rawhide & 'Y77otf Qottoms. ' MANtKACTl-HIIIl Of Sl-fKMIOA MaTVBIAIi 111 - SOLD at our STJUK iu ST. UKLKS. at ror:Tj.A::r mrns. Furniture of the bsst make, anl !atst issts saal: to crir ani kept la Ut. ' PICTUKES framed to order. A lot of Uautifnl Gornn Ciiromos & Liti.02?ap!i for Sal . COFFINS HADE and attended to. We would ask evervloJv who mirooss burin furniture, to please call and intect our cood and compare prices. rICANTZ & UOOKIri. TMIQ DADCnin7 l tmmd on tlU al Gem, i mo rMrcn p.itoWen & c't nwp. er Advertising Bureau (10 Sprue Sr. L whtrt a-lvertihing contracts may be mad for it ia . NEW YORK. 13tl ESTABLISHED IN 105-7 fliDVERTISinCr Rooms 20 s 21 Hercli&nts' chango, California St., S. F. N. B. ADVERTISING SOLICITED for all newspaiters published rvn t Pacifio Coant: v . Sandwich Islands, Polynesia, Mexican Port. ! I'anama Valparaiso, Japan, China, New Zea. lndr the Australian Cohnjet, Uixstl71f; SUtes and Europe. FJlearnearT every new. ' paper published on the Pacific Ctast ar Wr.k constantly- ian ' wthd, and all advertisers are allowedd fre aiess to them during Kia!.M. hours. The Columbia is keot AnfiU ti.i tSce of L. t . Fishar. m114 t (r 1 s 1 i ill.. . - rjr in P A I I A I vjr-ar YJ w ll rnnnieprp VftTursn r J ft j, . y .'t 1 r 1 V - , v.,