Sht -V intend tBitan. DALLAS. SATRDA i DECEMBER 0, TOWflvAfiD COUriYHEWS. CHUu.CU DIKCCTOHV M. E. Church. Services on tb2th Sabbath n each month at 11 o'clock A. M, and 7 P M. iSabbath school every Sunday at J A. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev J J ames. Pastor. M. K. Church South. Services en the 1st Sabbath of each month at 11 A. , SI. Rev. J. M. Lor Pastor. -. j Baptist Church. Services on the 3d Sab. tbath of each month at 11. A. VI. Rev. 1. ZIolman, Pastor. For the very Dost photograph go to Brad ,y A. Roloffson's Oallery without STAIRS g3F ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 2t ,Momery,8treett,San Frwcisco. jLook at the ad of the New barber. Special .-attention paid to Jadies hair dressing. "The entertainment given by Prof. White met with fair success, not Uyra ,any tafeat of his own but from the pieces he Beleted. Scalded. A child of B. W. Smith wa3 severely scalded this week by overturnig a pot of hot coffee on it. It is doing as well as could Je expected. 'i - . Jffp learn by private litter of the safe arrivaj of M. L Bobbins and family at their destina tion, Woodland, California, af er a pleasant journey. Tbey are well pleased with their new home. The young ladies are attending school. Circuit Court There was but little doue in Court this week except criminal actions In the .ppn against Allinghata for selling .whiskey without license", he was fined $i0 and costs. In the case of J. L. Shelton for assault with a deadly weapon, he was fined $100 anJ osts,n ihe second in lictiuont painst him for he same offense the jury could not agree Court adjoarned Thursday. Seovill was senteueed to-day to the peniten tiary for six months. This ends for a while the career of a man h hi been quite conspicuous iu cur courts (: f-.n t three yea;.. At that inje he was th owitcr of p roperty worth per bips flO.OQJ jf rhc"li hd has pe:U in liti githn, eaployiu at different times tea or or twelve lawyers. At last ' becoming des perate he attacked oue of hii attoruiaj John J, Paly tor which he has to spend his tiuu in the peniteatiary. The Wathr. Rather una peetedly lat pigbt the elerk of the weather concluded to five us some snow about two inches. Again on Wednesday night about fly, inches fel', making it look decidedly wintry, and now the weather prophets are hippy having piople sied a cold winter for the last three or four years, they think they hav hit it, o4 ca ut w tell everf man they meet "I told yen sc.' Demorest's Young America lor December is fall of Christmas no velities, with oth er enter taining features for the juveniles. Some rare attractions are jijrouiised y fur lie New Yc tr, among which is a beautiful Curvuio and 'a series of graphic cartoons illusrating the evil? of intemperance, with sketches by Dr. Deems, YOUNG AMERICA is to be offered at $1.00 hereafter, with a beauti.ul Oil CLroiuo to each subscriber as & premium. Audres. W. JEN. KINGS DEM6rEST.S:-3 Broad woy N. Y. The Science of Health for Dtfceinber closes the third volume of this practical and indo -pendent magazine. Its leading object is to leach the Science of Life, including all that re bates to Recovering and Preserving Health, and promoting a highor physical and mental condition, every family should read this mag nificent magazine. Question from corres pondents are answered, and much general in formation given. It is published at $2 per year. A new volume begins with the next number. Now is the time to subscribe. Ad dress 8. R. WELLS, Publisher, 383 Broad way, New York, The Decemher No. of Detnoresfs Monthly Jfagazinei sparkling nth Holiday Material, Holiday Fashions, Holiday Stories, Houseboldf Hatter for th Holidays, Holiday Poems, etc. etc. Bat the mit attractive of its Holiday features if tb.e marvelous-offer of the large and truly beautiful Oil Cbromo, "THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET" to each subscriber as a Holiday Present, "THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET'is 17 x26 inches in size, retailed at $15,and the best and most popular Chromo ever published, and yet is presented free 'to each $3 yearly subfcriber for 1874. This throws all other premiums in the shade What next. Address, W. Jekkisgs Dxmvorest, 838 Broad way, New Yffy AvpTHER Benedict. our Genial Friend Capt. JJumpbrey, has gone and done it. For a umber of years the writer has known him to tH trarrior and wholly impervious to the Mttoi war, but, alas, he has at length fallen t.tim to the darts of cupid. The C. O 3. of hich he was the Grand Sachem for Ufin Count are in mourning. They lament ae loss of their brightest star and in the4lan gmage ef the poet exclaim, JReqiueieat in pact, He was married on last Suuday evening last to MUs,Raehel M. Smith, by Hon John H. jer assisted by Cap L' friend, Jno. J. Daly who gave away the bride with an unction WitK the poet we exclaim $'?". Summer's gone, and winter's near, Grub is high, and blankets dear, ' Happy those who can conform . ' ' To keep each othor snug and am. vnouiur goon one was played on a young gentleman, whom wo. bbali. call ilr. G, laA' week. It seems that G. who is a new comer ws rather smitten with one of the fair ones of the town, was around impjrtuning sjtua of the youug meu to take him round to the old gen tlemen' and make him acquainted with the young laUy. He found one at lat who would accommodate him with pleasure, aud they would take the young ladiqrout to the concert. Highly gratified, ther started, G, counting over his money, to be sure that ho would not be turned back at the door. Having arrived at the door, it was thought that G had better walk in first while his friend earns in behind, which would give him ample opportunity to ar range matters. G. knocked, and having boon admitted, stood bashfully waiting to be made known, when taming round he discovered that bL friend had vamtsed, which so non plused him that ho did not know whether to announce himself as a Life Insuranjyjag'int or Coal Speculator, to said nothing 'w long he would have remained in this stawet mas terly inactivity,pon loring over "mans inhuman ity to man," had nit another young gen tleman caiuo in nnd walked off with the young lady, wo are nn able to state, upon which he broke 'he painful silence with. " i . guess I must go," aud he went, lli'a now tuinty for blood. a ... 1. . . , .. At the lata ter n " Ouoivt Court fo this county, Mr. W. II, Cattcrlia was indicted forau a3sault with a dea lly woapoa upon the portion of NVilliaaj Cottel. The casa is a novel one. It seetas that Mr. Catterlin went to Mr, Cottel's, one day this week, aflar one of his Catterlin's daughters, who had been stopping at Cettel's fur some months past. The girl did not want to go Lo:ue with her father, and she positively'refused to do so unless he compelled her- Catterliu infurned the girl that unless she would go pea. o ibly he weuld tie her aud take her ia his buggy. The girl says Cotte interfered aud informed Catterlin that 1 e should not tie her in his house. Thereupon Catterlin drew his knife out of his pocket opened i", and told Cottel that if he did not keep hands off, he, Catterlin, would cut his heart out. CuttcrlU h ld bis knife in his hand and took the girl with the other and marched off, while Cottel followed with a drawn chair. After considerable sparing and talking, Cat trfin left the Held wiih the girl, leaving Cot tel alone ;n fcis glory. Com :a now Cottel and procured ao ia lictniJfit Catterlin, who ajpear?, pleads not guilty, aal the caaj gos over until next term. Si' J.UNC; OKFiAT t'OHl, VS WE INTEND "TO CH.WGF OlJK buii i-oss in the -Spring, we wi l .xe!l our largo and wH JtoIcfM; i !tck o( iu .Js, mufi-t-in of LAOIES' Ult G...l P.U.n-hel .ind Hrown DOMEriC. Mjns and H s' (V,th in, i.adi'-i aod Mtn's It its, litits and She;i. If A lib V A K E. il li E K X S W. 11 U. ail a v cry large ftock f 5 ltOOKl; IKS,- at ct, coin tueitcing troto this date. fr ready pay, cash or prdnee. Those wishing anythiog our lino, will find it to their interest to call and ex- ttminw our U.1, m wwnliull ol(4 "tit u n n.mii a posfib-te. Don't forget tUe place, at Duller fc Wrtley's. A" persons knowing thnj'lves indc'.t.;.! to us wilt confer a favor by calling nd settling the Fame before January 1st, 1871. lJ.tu.-d at Daiia--. tii list day her, 1373. STATU I-TlttlS. A man by tlie name ot Thom n Smith re."(iitig on JJutte Creek, Jack soa County had his leg brokeo by be ing throwu from a wagon. Fred Nolte a youn lad of 13 years of age wliile out bunting on the Col umbia a short distance below Kalama met with his death by the accidental disharge of his gun Dr. Glass of Portland has been convicted of the murder of Mary E. Hardman, and sentenced to the peuitentiary tor five years and pay a fine of $1 which carries the costs of the suit, whiph it is said are very large. Alex Martin, of JacksoaviUe while on a huntti g excursion on last Sunday was mit . ken for a rabbit by his com panion and got gloriously peppered with fine shot. The injury though painful was not very serious. At the late city election in Salem on Monday las'; the entire ltepublican ticket'was elected. Th following are the names of the successful candidates: Mayor, J,ohn 8. Wright; Record-, James Coffy; Marshal, J. H. Iiaas CounoilmCD,il8t ward, 0. Dickison and ti. A. Gesner, 2nd ward J. II. Moore s and J. K. Hardy; 3d ward T M Gatch and W. Q. Adams Public Kecordd During the month just past$ the following arrests have been made in the Police Court: Lurceuy 12: assault and battery, 14: drunks, 78 refusing, to repair streets, 1,; adultery 2 assault with intent lb com oiit rape, 1 obscene language, 3: running a wagon without license, 3: indecent exposure, 2: disorderly conduct, 5: vagrancy, 9: obstructing a street, 1: defacing a build iag, 2: selling liquor without license, 2: illegal votiog, 1: threatening to-kll, 1 : perjury I: Bi T ASSORT Roseburg, Die. 3 We had one of the heaviest suewstorms to-day expe rienced in Southern Oregon for the past ten years. It cjinai3ncud snow ing at 8 o'clock this morning, a id continued until 0 o'clock this evening. Snow is about ten inches deep. The tempature is very ; cold almost at freezing point Ashland, Dec. 3. There has been the most severe wind and- snow storm to-day ever known in Southern Oregou at this season of the year. The wind blew terrifically from the southeast and drove the snow furiously before it,uiak ing drift four or five feet d -pp in places, and rendcriuj; traveling diilicult and laborious. Yreka, Deo 3. We hive experienc ed today t'ue severest snow storm that jias been kuowii here for many years. It commence J snowing at 7 A. M,. and coutiuued withont ceation uutil 7:30 this evening, and is still fuowiug fast. The snow is sixteen inches deep the ground bein froz) to the depth of two to four inchas. ThtJ snow nukes sleighing very fiue, all kinds of improm tu sleighs being contrived and brought into use . Should it cjiitmui cjld the prospect for a season of spleodod sleigh ing is very favorable. Th telegraph is interrupt 1 below ChL'o. This morning it was snowing at Sacramento and Marysville, with ti e thermometer ac 3j. At the latltr place the snow wn four iucU-"s deep at 10 A. M. Lin down south of Yreka " iijRijririficiuns; mm m iphmei Dallas, g7 qri- J if et viul of ftichois k Ilyili' ilrti .store. MV STOCK OF tJOODS IS KXTIItELY new an 1 of the I.tto:.l Styled. C;iM and ."ee. JSK'W BAIl Jji:!i SHOP. II.VS llttAi l9rop. lahi street, Ii.vLl.AS, OjtllfiON. SIIAVIN'G sii .niooi.c; HAIR CUTTJXG DYING ETC., In the JlJhest -fc'y lc ot the profestdoi n RTicri..n ATTKXTIOV PAIIi TO JL l.ii-li'' hair rutting r':-inr. LMVi; M'iti.NC m;i. Ir'- Apc F YOU WANT A 0. 1 Hl'KINO I5KD,, asc scud your trior t j the TJiiiversal MANUFACTORY. I will pack and eod jou a Red, all complete, for the mu!1 buiu of Ten Iollars. Each Be l warranted fr three years. Aftr uiWj; ii thirty daja, if ywu are not tatjfied. erd U back, and I will refund your uutnty. Each Bed cn be packed in a box tixti-en inches square 43 springs ia each bed each spring aolf-adjusting. IB. It. itlnniitactiircr, 12 Flt Street, bet. Taylor 4 Salmon, Portland, Oregon, SOMETHING: .NEWli I AM NOW PERI A BED TOJ FURNISH to the public at Iteasouabla Prices all kinds of " G RO CRIES AND PROVISIONS, I CIGARS AND TOBACCO NAILS, CROCKER AND GLASSWARE, AND ALL KINDS OE , PANCY Toilet. JZZZ - IB. Mi SMIXH MAIN St., Dallas, ...... J........ OON DALLAS LIVERY; FEED SALE STABLE Cor Main aud (,'ourt Streets, Thos G. Richmond, Froprietor, HAVING PURCHASED TflE ABOVE Stand of Mr. A. II. Whitley, vre have re fitted and ra-stocked it in such a manner as will satisfactorily meet every want of the com munity. ' ' ' '' ' ; Uules, single or double. Hacks, Con "cojfd VVagoiisi. etc-t etc.t Furnished at all hours, day or night, on short notice.; , Superior Saddle Homes, let by tHft J Day or Wecl.f TERMS, REASONA ItLE. 4 . T. O. RICHMOND ) iI)AMiAH,lM)Mk COUJTV, OGN.& The first tertu for the Academic yea 1373-4 will "eminence September 15. .' - . . - A COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Will be opened Novemler 3, 1853. Students mty here enjoy every facility fe aC'iuirioK a thorough Academic and limiuees education, Diplomas will be awarded to those who com- plcte the prescribed coarse of etuJy. Strdenta will he admitted at any time and chirked from the time of enterinj untiiiiio close of the term. Butnodedjc tions will be made for absence eeej t it case of irotraettd sickness. ' For further nformaron nidrd the Priuc'. a!. W. D-NICJIOL.-JI Auj; 16 tf ; CHlU-riAN VSU)S Ai. LAU'jt.Sl CillC I i i a i 1 u - . ' Ji IN THE WORLD! A I nuiiJy .lourna which u bj traittil, an 1 i aliyi full o iotoro-j. n (i :'f-iiy ul tlio times. Stx;h an .ti It tii Gil RiSTIAN UNION. an isiram; mmmi LITEHARY FilltWIIiFlfll !IXltr WARD B KGIM nt is i r roil. Mr. Iloechcr's brilliant and cbaraeriie n i hi i:4itrils and Mar Paper, and tbe vcrbitiia rep rt of his Lecture Hoow Talks in th Plymouth Church Prayer jMeet ing. are ;reiU attra'-tion?. TW is also a Urge Bnd able editorial t-?f. SEniAL STORIES Louisa M A 'cot tt Harriet Ifcecher Stuff, I hitioarj iffjlcston, Robert sun Gray, Grace Greenwood, c& J he above Serials in hok form would cost more than double our tub- srriplion price, SffllQ M fit1 CilBIlM . Write for tbe CbrisAIj IThios, includin many famous authors of England and Amer tGriveii Away ! A NEW? AND EXQUISITE FRsEftt ll Or,12RAPII LiTTll& RUNAWAY aud her PETS. This Picture is printed in Paris, and is the largest and hfcndsoiaest FRENCH Oil CIIKOHO eve? offered by WJ 1 . It was published, an,d is. for Bade in the picture stores atflJOO, U makes a most CHARMING CENTER PIECE to Wide AWake' and "Past Asleep,' Those two pretty French. Oil Chromos, now famous the continent ores. We shall continue to PRESENT THIS PAIR ever an nual Subscriber who prefers them, to the Ole graph. Hrbiects LtFE-SIZE, and nno faile to please all who love art art children. . Or, we will give BOTH the Olograph and the PAIR on the terms glveu below. Terms et Subscription ARE AS FOLLOWS : One m only S3 1, Everjr Subscriber, for Turks Dollars'1 shall receive tha CHRISTIAN UNION for one year, and the choice between, the two picture premiums Tit: the.PAIR.gand; . the. OIE TAPUJ ; F AEMERS READ. 11 vt:ei, ai.itiie goii,sii f Vj'O- X.vJreebacks in Polk County, foo wheb w'i . pay the bijtjhcft market price if good' ni nny store at lower ratxjd than can be obtained at any place South of tte city o r jrtland. in the Sta AT THE HAVING PUHCHAS'EU A LARdE.AND complete St.K-k of NEW, (jOQDS, aud receiving fresh siippliuieyoryweek,! can sup ply everybody with Ory IJooilx, i Orocerie'! , iilas!liit'eiisiv:iri Xooacco, 4i:5 V And all artWea found ii'tOENKKAL VAIU ETY ST ORB, I would refiH3UuIly call the ttentio of.tb Pullicto niy2E?ta0U:il"mRllt highest Cash price paid for - I'Ui Wi) PETtKY.' ! Jl. A. RAV, - Eola, Polk Co. Ogp. EXTRA OFF ill mi;coai D 1 ST It I fl L'T I OA , THE CIHtOMO CUTEM ELE GAN'TLV FltAMEI) AND A SHAKE IN THE DISTllIBUTION CF 8730 PUEMIUMS AMOUNT ING TO 841,000. Given awaTr To To ev nb scriter to the iVr-ular V hekfy, 01!ll I'lRI'lSHlE I lllEiVD. CSrri ar dlirere(i at once. The difiri butioii i!l POSITIVELY-lake place on the TWENTIETH rAY OF Al (SUrfT, Vrflll TKEX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THREE. OI1H CHIiOMO "Cl'TE" is 16x20 jnche in ?, acknowledged t-i be the fmst and hij'Ui.4int picture erer given with any pa per. OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND i an eight pnsre tllujitratei family and Uory weekly in it. third vo'.uu, bas n'w over SEVEXTY-FIVE TAOT.SAND PITUSCRIBKRS. and rapidly inrr'.ting, which inures the nceesi of ta I r-i-tnt ditrilmtln- The Publi-hor of Our Flrevide Friend have ent to its suicrlx-r tbi year OVER SEVENTY THOUSAND copies of the chromo "Cute" and rc shippinjt hundred!. crerr day. SUUSURI PTION PKICE THREE DOLLARS PER YEAR, which givt the fubcriler FIFTY-TWO nnmWrj of the U-n Family Weekly, the chnmo "CUTE" fiWly framed, and a nuinbcred CERTIFICATE entit ingth lo'der to ne share in the distribu tion t premiutiii tr I' 'A. SUI5SCRIRE now with tbe ?ent or send direct to the Publisher. SPECIMEN COPIES, particulars etc., tent free UB'TS In ererv town, at borne or tr.iv ling. Large ea?h pay ami Wasted liberal premiums'- for .getting up Jubs. Tbe best outfit. Send a once lor Terms and particular WATERS& CO., Pubs., Chicago. Worthj niitl IJeaUty. -3 r, : sVOOU'SI . IItLrMKIIOlIMAGAZIXE AND.TIIEHROMO y o s e mile Tlafrn control of the raagrdficient OIL CHROMO. YO SEMITIi, we are able to offer a combfoatWn of literary an i artistic wo of genuine wosth, and at prices unprecedented. This fine copy of piece ot Waturus grand est work, is not presented in the usual limited stjU, its dimensions, 1420. making a picture of very desirable rise, in itself AN ORNAMENT TO TIIEROOll. graced by its presence. But tew copies ot this beautiful Chxom.0 be allowed to go to. the retail stores, those will be sold at their Actual Retail Price $0 00, while if offered in connection with oar Maga- tinejboth will be furnished for As a Premium the picture ma? oe obtained by sending us two subscriptions for the Magazine at VI.UU ear.Q, or by tubcnbing for the ifagaziue two year ia advance at $1.00 per annum. Address, W0OD.'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, Newburgh, N. . S. E. SHUTES, blister. Special Notice. It is well a known fact th$ I ya and Indigestion are the causes nearly all the diseases that tbe human o2yi heir then why pay enormous doctor's bills? B using MiiUfi u 1 I X L Bitteis they an be thoroughly eradicated from tbe system and new lito Imparted to the sufferer. Head physician's certificate in advertisement, in bother oolaaia. Ayer's air orL For restoring Gray Liiir lo Us natural Vitality and Color.1 A drcssi ng (wh idr is at oiictj agreeable,- healthy, and effectual for preserving ' the I hair. . Faded or grjtjfiYj (Sr" fn wte ii'Ma j, to its ionyinal color , ' feiMsfe, ffesfoi ess of "tfcutK.' Thin hair- it - tliickt'.. ened, falling hair checked, aud bald-v-Hess often, though j not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore ilVb hair where the follicle3 are destroyed, ' or the glands atrophied and decayed, i But such as remain can be saved - for V usefulness by this application5. Instead,?; of fouling tho hair with a pasty edi-v went, it will keep it . cleau.and vigorous Its occasional use will prevent iW half from turning gray or falling oflf aud consequently prevent - baldness. : Free!, from those doleterions eubstances whicl ; make gome preparations, dapgerous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor ' can; only benefit but not birm it. If wanted merely for a " :j ' - -4 HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desiraoI?e Containing neither oil nor dye, it doeI not soil whito cambric, and yet.-lasta,, long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre aud a grateful perfume. i Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & C?if r 3?uactical and Analytical Chemists, j LOWELI, 3IASS. i PBICB $1.00. :i Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throat and Iitmgs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping : Couah, Uronchitis, Asthma, and Consamption; ProbabHi never Iwforo in the whole history ot, mediae, ut anyUiiujr w on fo widely and so deeply ujxyn te t Onlblom of mankind, ad Uii cxceUeiU r remedy for iulinonar-cuitiplait6. Through a Ions -series of vari, anl amouK most of the raoeeof en it has riM'ii fijhr ami higher in Uicir eMima. lion 2 it has beiuime bcttr known. I u uniform ( cluira'iei" and jkiwit to cure the various affections of Ue lunjrs aud throat, hive made it known as a ni -tUbla vroujetor R:iin.t tlu-m. WhUe adptcd li milder forms of .li.-ofl and to youn children, it i at the fcame time the mot cffcclual reincly that can f bofdven for incipient consumption, and uJ aant gerous affections of Ue Uiroat ami lungs. As a prCV vision ag;iint sudden attacks of L'rtntp. it should bo kept on hqnd in every family, and indeed as all are sometimes wibjeet to cold and coughs, aU? fchould I irovidet with thU antidote for Ujem. Although settled Cotmumptiott is tliourht In curable, great numbers of cases where the dis ease seemed settled, have leen completely cured. And Vie paUcnt rcbtored to sound health by tho Cherry 1'ectorat. No complete is its mastery-. Over Ue dionlers of the Lungs and Throat, thai the most obstinate of them yield to it. When notb. ing else could react them, under the Cherry jPco t oral they eubfldejmd Oisrppear. .... Sinrcrt and J'ublic Speaker find great pro tection from it. i.'?,, Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. - - ;' - a Bronchitis is generally cured by taking thfl Chm-tf I'rrtstral In small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtnes known that we cecsT not publish the cert ideates of them here, or do most than assure the public that iu qualities are fulfy maintained. s, :i; . Ayer's Ague Curel For Fevw and Acme. Intermittent Fever-, Chill Fever. Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, and indeed all the affections which arise) from malarious, marsh, or miawmftUo poisons. . f. As it name Implies, It does Ctirr, and do nrt fail. Containing neither Arcnk Quinine, Bismntft., Zinc, nor : nv other mineral or poisonous substanco whatever, it" In nowise inbires any patient. ThB rmmber and importance of ir cures in the ague dis- -triot, are Utemllv bevoml account, and we behcra without a parallel in the history of Asnie medicine. Dur pride l gratiflvi by tho a'cknowledgmcnta ws receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate eaes, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimated persons, either resident in, OT trvc41inir through miasmatic : localities, wiil be pro teeted bv takins the AfiVE CX'TiK daily. For J.irttr C&nt plaint, nrifing from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. , For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it W an excellent rcmedv, producing manv truly t. markable cures, where other medicines nad failed. Prepared bv Pit. J. C. Ater A Co., rrnctierJ and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and eQ all round "the world. ritICEf $1.00 VEX BOTTLJEi t ' lii.'i ' $ j . .t- IU s& IV O'tfJ L j fV if iaMi, -l.-r:.y. -v : . ..J 'Or WiU tew everytMsg naccUia a fvxzfSj fcoa " heaviest to tae 2rt Mrlr': -t -0 Yhan any ether daccine"". ' ' If therqis a l kitnc3 n wir. " t chine within one tl ouvand m! ,t Jan Frau.Hsco rtotffilunpr a'U Vi giving entire fcatiKftWis, if. I i. formed of it, it will te aJtouteiVfo without expecso of any Riixl to tho f owner. .- , . ; SAMUEL HILL; A?;raV . 19 New-'Mor.tjofncry -.iiBfa Grand Hotel Building, San Francisco. ' Smt for CtrcuTti'y and m ', , the tr rk. lirllr -; jk.s ! . tt : -." er .r,-: w i . t . JAMES Geaerj ; Ago 0rOs?a. BOUGHT. THE TBI) FRUIT AN MENT Q- Gil OCERTES IN TOWN .WE PAY NE THRID B BEEF HIDES l WANTED FOR WHICH THE HI CiUEST PRICE WTLIBE: VMM