Liberal Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1872-1???, June 28, 1873, Image 2

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    rr. A.
1 ) A i X A S , h A T t J R DAY , J UN E LS
wnij. saio.
Tji the X;w Yvxk fie raid- of Jane
2, ve find an exhibition of independ
Qrici anil lilcralbni, FelJotn witnessed
( i;tit3 member of ('onrcs., and
we :irc Mill niiis- p;irtricd when we
find the niticlo coming from our old
friend ,f . (T AYiF on cdected from our
ii,,f l
ti . t:' t:..i. ,n tv,,. i. ,:k.
J' , ' P J
upon which it could hardly be sup,,
posed that a man of" the independence
aud honesty of Wilson could be
elected : but the manliness and courage
displayed in the "article 'furnished tlu
JeylJ, distil in any of the serious
doub'i .cnt'efb.'ined by us, as to the
course' fie Xfould pursue in Congress.
Wd .are personally acquainted with
Wilson, and up to the of the
ciUJiJuencemt nt of tint ruinous radical
pIiey of the dominant irty about
JSCS, we had looked upon him as one
of $he rising stars of the Pacific
h man of unflinching integrity ; but f
wleo the reckless tide of universal male
tnlTpio-n tinrTon tit! iml ?..'it lcinl
. 0 0 . knerjs tho existence ot integrity of
against, the political sh. re: V ilsou, L.,, r ,ctt,r anJ y,unv (tuuaCation
Mho hud said openly that he would j.outsiiU of tlie church. Of course out
otttorse it, went back on those ! dors (an be allowed to qu stion mic!i a
hvfrffi . words, and a principle correct ' l'oposi.iou Again, the Secrett ry
in ii- , , I savs : Whenever it shil! be found
per sc. atd allowed nunself to be earned i . , , , ,
, ii, , i t,,ul anv lribes or bands of luduus
back ty the tidal wave into the or, at. j prcUtci.tiy refuse to go upon a reser-
and fi thy pjjl of unwashed radical- i v ition' and de'c.Miine to continue their
isni p.n that subject, aud was elected ;
t (Congress cn Mitchell's dirty ticket;
and as a nutter of course , our former
confidence in, and preconceive t opinion
qf the man received a backset, ami
taggering, wu lcokcd hiui upon with
: .t.. ir,. .,i ...
which we allude, is his celebrated la- treats so fully and .
masterly the Oregon Indian fiucst'.on, !
an.d shows up so i'eai lvly the weaknt?.
itV.the; Administration's Peace JViey
Ta thi. Article, a small extract of which
we givo , herewith, Wilson hits thi
Admiuistration lieavy blows, strikius;
right 'and Jeff; fearle-ly. sen.sibly.
pa.wer.fujly j aDd intimates in. ttirm
unmistakable,, that the? present aumio
istrttioa is.both corrupt and iguorat.t
and uo truer statement was ever m ole by
any .statesman from the d lys of L'ato
thc'Jloman, down to the disgraceful
a eces of our modern C;ear in civil
l,fc If AVi'sou fehail have '.he courage
tocontinue to deal out unsparingly ,thfsa
timely deadly blow to. this mush and
milk Administration, fwhich blows are
blessings God given and full upon
the patriotic sovereigns of this country
like a gentle showe- on a sunny des-
,rt I hrt will r. .J.-,.I i: K'i
,J t
COmnletciv in oar 'stiii:itinn. nnd w.
1 ' ' ' !
make no doubt, but that the p.ople of;
Oregon will do what they have doii2 j
to uo other man, return him for a sec- j
ohd tern.Uo Congress, or transport him i
to that Seat in the Senate soon to be '
made vacant by the sunrmarv removal
til StiJi.t(.T 'Hippie.
- Extract from NViLou's letter,
. A pain th Sft-rr f n rv s:m- "It i"
i)ic determination ol this policy to see 1
that al' nn.plics fin d or ehdhiip' !
purenastu icr inuiansupcn reservation
1 . . .: . 1 i I . .1: . . . . I
cn reservation- !
are procured at fair and reon:ihle I
prices, without having the funds ol
- i
yttV.ttVtjnient juandered on their pur
lihahe." So say wo in one unanimous
verdict. This statement infers that,
heretofore, the custom has hern to
cheat the Indian and Hpianfler ovorn
inent . iundv U is a sail oonlesion.
(Government must have known of these
evils at the timo of commission, or very
shortly after, lof. shoddy articles wear
out toon and eonplairit follows tram the
wearer, and an insf ection of commer
cial jiriee iiit vould have exposed ex
orbitant prices. Common s ne would
declare that the confession is that, with
knowtdge of frauds, no effort has hither-
..." i ... i . . : i
w " '"i,osc tome cnccK ;
wtucn acts, anu tne assertion now :s i
that the Ouaktr t.cdiev is ulono j
1 ftt llt lu K'.'lillli 3ihfi.i-u 1 (' (riktr.rii
mit has winkixl tit. nieh things the
people have not, and will say shame on
mch failure in duty. Let the.depart-nifnUstti-.-
Washiugtou pruclaim the
fraudulent things done and the names
f the doirii and the reform will follow.
What naw reasons have been furnished
to couviiw; tkvo people that the (Quaker
fiolief alone can prevetit crime arid
!top financial .leaks? Can it plan out
Home new Credit Mubiiier ; Shad it be
placed in Cuijoos . alone or iu the
Jnuds.'uf ufjent only 'I Wx, xjori
rce in iUol ill r ; and embt z.h iuents
would say ".'o." Can ttio r.eujdo be
utbured ilut, with some new unex-J
plained: theory trov.ernmeut can im
prove upon the shoddy contracts, of lit
late war and -compel exuot justiw; in
adni'uistration of Indiau tHutteis alone,
when such exhibitions of dkhonoty'
are'-made in nearly all other places '(
Why not try tke plan 6t utterly refusing
the inferior goods of t contractor, turn
th'mi back upon his hands, and compel
him and his bondsmen lo pay the price
at which such perfect goods can be
bought in the market ? Leava tho
contractor surrounded by his shoddy,
dishonored goods, and take from him
lull compensation lor ion?.. Do not re
for loss.. !.
wjivd . the countem
nance swindling by
tiilli'hlllir thi tl:ltliW fit Its flW-Mtlfltl.
Peace policy elevates the church mem
ber above his fellow men, anddeclures
that he alone can administer right, and
is alone honest, 1 tuink it is only a
bid for hypocrisy. that, jvith the in
vestiture of power and seductive in -flu
ericas of money and patrouagu before
h in, the church member will weaken
at times, r.n 1 be no more fitted than
others tor the complicated control of
Indian reservations. The pist does not
proclaim tl.e infalibility of church mem
bers, either in high places or low and the
proc'ar; atiou by government that such
are the o.ily persons whom government
wili trust is received with u thousand
s'jrunles of doubt. The Government
e ely experimenting, when, by
lareful attention to exi-ting tliiuos, all
would have been well. Government
n "nadic habits, accompanied with dep
red itions. outrage, The doctrine j
here aiuoiueed is that, before the j
uoverumtut will uo severity, tho Indt ;
an miiHt not only have time and a'in ;
refused to ro u. On his rt si r. a io n. but
to his wai.derinirs must have j .ine J i
outrage and depredaaion ujou the 1'rou- ;
tierhettltr. I distinctly deny the truth or
jj.ifrtico ot :ifjy sueti doctrine, and I
t ..rr that it is totally d-struive of
the lir.-t prr.position of peace j(.iiey
Viiiti c;ooi.
Mrs. Vietora Wood hull is of the
opinioa- that IJeecher is .so liumiiiated
by the reeent expose ol hi bad einduet
that she will be aide to force him oti: '
.as an advocate and leader f what .-he j
terms tlt2 jrreat reform id' the tilc I
f.iptal rights, uutraiiiUiehtl iive-."
.Mts. Wouvihull may be ri-ht in !o r ;
eoijt. ctnres concerning, but vv.
are well atilied that he has thetived
i-r rriiin tiit A(iii)ipiiPi'H!'rif Rv t.m. i
.... i . ...i . ... :
(n . " ljr !
openly iiraetietd on. to auotRrr thinj i
, ' ;
M. ni. UIU it'll i-urin.n ll.itl. II ;
will continue to dieeivu her, and. that
' i
1 ie will never realize her expectations ;
. , . .
tti the Of.-llise he Will Mii.sliP in tl.i-
. .
i 1 x. . . (
... .. . . !
c now uiseover in i tie tic- .tri:r
. .i . . n .
icc(, mat iiis. juiniway is ot tlie until
l)U tliUt our ,a(e cuutor j,iu.,icllf
leinr raccd iri a flate ,,f -rout humih- S
alion s),e tlM). y, l e ul(a t; ju,,,. i
lim (nt lQ puhiic!y fulfln SuI,mn
,)ruU)jae, in respect to female: sulTra-c.
t "O 'l
, and that bis humiliation fumhes
! Mitchell a s-plen leil oppuiiunity to
j demonstrate his pro fe.. ions to her
heretofore made, by coming out public
I ! i r
i ly, a. Lriluant aivoeate tor woman
ni u0'
cases, thu would be vcrv
ood if it could be accomplished, but '
: r...i ,i ... ...:.. .i...
u u I u raiiTiii ti mi. us I ij ni; 111.1t ..ui;
so in tli o latcr,both corresponding to the j
case of our first parents, the woman is j
deceived, and Mitchell hay been pro- ;
fissiiif' what ho is not. We do not i
. ,. . . M'. i ii r i
lift'ii'vn that .Mitchell is in nviir nt
woman suffrage, he has never declared j
it publicly, and he laughs at the idea !
in private. He has deceived the New I
Norlhircxt upon that subject, and in
doing ?o ho has followed strictly the
cxatnpla of tho late IXepublican Lpgis-
lature ; yet with all these stubborn fasts
..tririn'r hr in tho face, the editor of
thc Xen, XorthwcH remains ol the
. . ... , , . ,.
opinion Mill, that the l.cpubhean party
Wl 11 establish woman .suffrage. We
believe Mrs. Puniway is honest in her
opinion concerning this matter, but wo
feel sad to know that fehe, is deceived,
rIhc great reform of extending the
elective franchise within our own race
but coufiuing it thereto, belongs to
a new, pure, aud as yet unorganized
political party. A work so great, and
noble will never be accomplished, and a
principle so just aud pure per scf will
never bo established by either of the
picscnt demoralized.coriupt, and degen-
tutted urganizatioiis.
We, arc really sick of reading so
much' in our eastern exchanges about
the Modocs. All, our troubles what
ever they niay bo, and no one in this
Country hardly realizes there ha been
any trouble, comes from a little handful
of thieving murdering M nlocs, who
should havo been shot, or killed in the
easiest and most convenient manner
possible, and if political demagogues
uud this present imbecile, idiotic admin
stration, had kept their.fingers out of it,
this thicvinir, diminutive, filthy.
ignorant, poverty stricken, lazy baud of I
Mudocs would have been disposed- of
long-since; and' yet the whole nation,
by and. with the advice and consent of,
aided aud abo.tii by, our Katy's Ait'y.
General Williams, co.umouly known in
th 3 country as "Flax lreak," and the
Jng Pruoch lieto, "the go eay IMys-
ses "is agitated ov-er this matter which
,...h ;mr..rnno '
enough to have been known outMdc of j
the county in which the depredations j
were committed. j
Tiiis thing called Ciptain J .ck, is n .!
worthless dirty animal s;uh or 1
manhood, and yet this lO'ignifeent
government of ours, instead of destroy,
ing him as they would any oilier wild
animal when caught, are trying to
immortalize him in the eye of the
civilized world, and to make the tiling
himself believe, that it is i- man, eon.
trary to its own instincts.
oia sin i K Ata:.
Th- Statesman, in saJnfvs, has come
I to the conclu-ion that tlie i-oli-crcte
c nluet oi 'the editor of the Xew Xurt'i-
ar-io uneiag h rts;fa candidate lor
the oSii.-e uf Mayr-r U" tl.e city of
Portland, and tl.e eti vielivn of Mi.
Anthutiv fr voting ifi New York, h i-
forever put an er.d t'. the pr re
aeeomlihment of Aciale
Thi view we think, very n irrtw, and
we are well Mti-lbdthtl th" ivv.r..'
f the prop.oi'j n i-. true. The t-rin
o! woman ."UtfiTi
H j'I't
eon-et, l.i ut it i v t imj . i ti .. r , anv!
it never vill I .-. .to j aj ul ir, x t j t
by thi.. tiiidr v!ii 4 i lf.r?s ,' j'i'-t 'toll
wuinen a-; Si-tn I!. Aitti. .y. I,
t ! s and if, :fi f-'ill a rUt-i j.- : 'j c
mis Anth 'uy
a t i all other e:tei j r.--
j m, patri '? e,
Wf'l'l. i) , wit
j dcmaml sint'e jtHtiee an I e pi il r
'It thni t'rv itt vi !.'!? il law wo tit 'it? if
-J - -j
l.Ltek-toue say, that munirtp t! law, '
, . I
a rule nl eivil e'j eiuet which cmm-iml
.1 . 1 1" 1 1 1 1
the n::nt an J rl)uls trie wn-'if, and
. , , ,
we sar that. a:iv onnntiuout I h if ?i n,Ri -
t , . , e
t a lies to pmiih a eifizen tor an ael
rt-h? vr .!. n. I-iw anl otfu'ltt t l;s-
iii. .... .
re -UTUU 1 e ci: i uef fit i Ant hotiv
i.- n;ht and will greatly a
! bringing ab-ut that real and jut re-
form. to the euuduel uf the editor
of the Nor A 'i7i n we m c nothing '
partieubirly wiao., and nnd, rt atel t'he i
, '
motive to be entirely dilleient hum the j
view taken by the Ktatt umi, bnl
however that may be, im if i'j'Ieed it be
wron- and. somewhat leveltin- M t:e
honest and iiu-orruptab'e mind ut the!
astute edi'or of the Stoics tuan, yet t i
be constant with bimseib be .-hoiiM
iiiiiMi niii it v f iii ri 1 .i'ir f.4iL r riiri ;iri
I! . I 1
' J '
act of vouthiul indii-crttion, and cunsid.
! tr u a'll''J io any man or
woman who would hesitate for u mo
ment to receive her op.fagy it
Pon't (Jkt to FakAwav iuom
Hc.iMJ-:. The Statesman exclaims,
Wliat a farce is law nnd iurdieu in
i J
! New York ! We answer, not a bit
more than in Oregon.
W 11 AT KW IT.
Many ol the administratis pipers
havc UiUCh ,0 saV' concerning tiie
j opinion of Attorney (Jenera! William
i uPon the best course to be pursued
by the Government, in aduiinisteiing
punishment to the Modocs. The same
papers deified Lish Appelgate for his
inauguration of the poiv-wou policy,
and his opinions also, havc been one of
the guiding stars of this party of un
paralleled progress; but the truth is,
the opinion of a Modoc himself, is en
titled to equal weight with either.
Wklcome But J)isappointf.d
Tho New Northwest has resumed
publication aud wc welcome it back to
our exchange table, but we nro much
disappointed ot its attempts to excuse
tho worse than bad conduct of our latq
Senator Hippel, alias Mitchell.
Tho Bulletin lias a spicy article
headed "the Stokes acquittal, ": in
which the editor comes to tle sad con
clusion, that all the courts in, the union
are corrupt and can bo controlled by
money, save and except the Circuit and.
Supreme .Judges in Oregon. This is
h'ghly complimentary to the judiciary
of the pcvcral States, and to all the
courts in Oregon suve the members of
th J Supreme Court. The moit strik
ing feature of the article however is
t.iat portion, which undertakes to
8 iu,e over our courts in Oregon by the
um; ui inn luugUige, justice in tins
State is administered, we are proud to
say, more impartially than I ti any oter
of the Union, fo far as ive know.''
i)v ea tjlol ! will our readers please
notice his qualification "so far as we
In the Fame article much is said
...... . 1 u : . 1 . . . . 1
ut 'he infliieticj of money, awl thi
cr' to us h" become stale and unsavory
r-''1y a 1 fit of any importance
U l5e!l evtl" luu- ht tbat
S4i,fte lnlc arc cr'm "'r"y ln3 in
,1,u'nc1,1 lh' V(,m l yvlc to decide
! this er that way until the thi:;g ba
; become n lu-f-ati.ig. Tl.e -truth is that
; of ilu- drei-iijiis of our e.,'jrt.s Lie
j made fairly and according to ju-tice,
j and there is iiot ot;e ca.-e in five hun-
lr:d where an uiidue iniluenco is
i brought to hear uju.ii our judges, and
j then th.'y arc geiiera'ly rt-pclled in-
at 'nti f. It, t inr courts l'o en loii i
; justice as UMial, and p'tv no attention j
I t this twaddle al.A-ut iu an 1 bri- j
; b rv, ami good eitiz-'ti in and out !
; of the pr-f. -;iou v 1! stand by tluui, !
j ctsting oil thoe etn I impti'atior.o
'; I
a ; ' n i ; our ju i u c as uiiwrwij o u r
X i'hvillc, .Jsifi. J i i'vtutv-f!ri. !
! de
is n t e
urr d In in vl
ht s i te w h:t s.
in oi ii ut . e
,iVi ni:i
s.i ir. u i ! j .
-i t
j t;U!
X. w
V.... Joti.. The V.eii;e ,
M t.l S"( .iiii-i.i.i ' .in-a i-y 'iauioift,
j to- i frit e !u -.iay. N j-o!tj:j
! a
" (in; II i ;,( V Will I la ft ;
; ...
in T!;t:rstl next. I
T? f lb...r.i ..r He di!i have a-h-pfe-l j
no ..tin to put the in a thoroughly f
: t.ii amtary eunaUn u.
NVahiicr'' n , .1 in e 1!
i troihr ..f Cuireio.t? Ii-.h derhrett tin !
' 1 i I I I
? eeunu uu nieiiI in f.ivir ut the creUi-
i,,ir. ,r ,t., i.',. v.,; ,... .1
1 l't l tlie 1 Of .:itltt;al I itf k id
1 .V w.da, at Au-tiu, makin- m
I , . , 3
! Ci lit. UlVl-l. lid.
i ,Mr '..,iil .Iitn.i . 1 f nriifi'ti. ;
- ' I i
train fr-jm tin t ran inton fr iht
(rain a mi'e We.-t of the fit v. derm lh-
j jnj: M..vrral height ears and tl
t? eh-
i t: t n . i-t the i ;ii n: r tr.ain. One man
killed at.d several injutid.
T of . ,
H-? n , June l 1. i:ict;e wool
ri(i!iliU ; p,w, mnn-l. manufic-
tr, rs ta!iin'r all IoU f.lbuin. 'J he
maikef i- in pond condition owin to
5ilnh I'rit' il commands,
H-,vnna. .Tune '. In the late fiuht
near Put I to-Ti ineipe .win re Major
lb'-ir.arie was k 1 1 K 1 , there were W
i r 'iMIIMI li"i 'I'C-IL.'!. V ' J i
. , i i . i i i
i o : i 1 i 4,.',-
: n Intiipi tin
ust being killed by the
i i 1trn
The Insurgents in Puerto-
rrineirc lusnict are rcnor
ted very
; audacious. mo o.ner u:-y ine
j captured within tight of the sentinels,
I a train hnde,d with bread and sup lies
rr 1 . I 1 .. . I
1 tr, lA)n
The yellow fever c:t utilities with
unabated violence, nd a very largt
peretMititge of the casrs prove fatal.
The report conies from puerlo- I'rin
eij)i.that a duel was fought between
San (luili ami (larcia on account of the
.inner assuming command of the revo
lutionary forces.
Pan aim, June 1C. Advices from
(Juatdnala state that tie country has
heen placed in a state of siege, to be
con tin tied until the rebellion in
the Eastern Department is put down.
In an endaements with tlie 1 nsurgents
lately the Government troops tiumphed,
killing 20 rebels.
1'apid progress is tanking in rebuild
ing San Salvador. Many families who
had left the. city have returned aud are
erecting improved dwellings.
London, .June 24. -A special pub
lished here reports that General Nou
vcilas, Commander-in-Chief of the
Spanish army in the North, and eleven
companies of his command, have been
captured by Carlists near 1,'ampeluua.
London, Juno L'G, Tho , p-cat
Eastern reports, noon, yesterday, in
longitude 4o H', 1,871.5 miles of cable
played out. All well.
Xeatl aixcl bo Wise I
TLo UXDEUSrj.N'KD mo nrr, and always
rtaly t wait uu their Customers lunl sell ut
LOUI5ST vxsn srici:
Their i-argeaad vnselcf tedtoi k ot
4 M::
"is l i .Mention. iH-rtir a l
wrso"; n-T (5iv. I; iit. .itiuteu J t -lo tL
j'iftre tbir.wiilt
5'ri !i:t'tv lalii'ia lo. Woods
ME A S l s EE i-H'K V e V R ? t' I
mm i iiiEsn.
M 7:1, ly.
a. n. i I nr.KT.
17 fiiva ;k
Ii.aur? in HOOTS and SIIOl'S,
ffiiT 1- th. puldic A";U' (JVOIIS at NtW
full Hue of
MISSES'' a ml
BUY'S and
Airelflrtrd with prtat rare from thoj W?t Sun
FrsuiiM.-r.) nnd Kaslt-m M:uiuft'Iure3 nml with
tlue rtflVreiico to the Oregon Trmit
I T supply of TjIcathkr comprising the host
Fmirh t'lrniin which we oiTer to the trade at
rc.ieonuhle figures.
U p manufacture HOOTS and SHOi:s
to order, of all My 1 es Material and
Workmanship unsurpassed.
Vpcnt for the Olchrntod Pingkr Fkwixo
MAeiiiKR, of which 20,000 nmrc were sohl
in 1872, llin any other machine ruanufait
urcil. fSohi atSiin Francisco prices without
freight, and on monthly instnllnicnts to make
pa a inert ca?y. Kverj nuuliinc wawantod for
live years
a. rv. c;ir,ifii;itT a hk
Comuieixial Street, Salem, Orejm'
Mar.S, ly
VS T A NOW TltRoiroiI WI 11 TlIK
most aiy work Uiis fa II, I pose to
paint II I KS, kii1' IMAl
ii I ICS at j '," 0,50 Hpiece. Now is the time lo
bring on y ur ol 1 liaek'j tind Wagons u 8 you
will never get theiii j ninted cheaper.
Shop on tho c oroor1 over G I'. Style t
w Rivi
) 1
:. t
i.irT 1 ,
Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN anc.4
1) OM K.STrC Dll UO Drojfgisti : SodriSi
PuUnt Mcdicloos, 1'oaut, Oila, Glass, Djeg,..
Melk-lac3 CV.mpountel and rroscriptionat
mi.--. .
Pure Wine? aul L'mnurs for"Medicinal pur.
Ovdvii at tended U wUli accuracy anJ prompt
$ai,i-:m )Ki:ca)N.
irti cla."s order, aud wtii uiltutic and
oliin,r servants
I au prepared t famuli pood ,aoc.iuift-
; dations t the traveling ,;uldjr, and wal u.-o
j i-vt-ty t-ndeavr to lut-ri; the patronage of the
puldic FREE COACil to the Houte Regu'.ar.
Burdiug at vt-ry low rat.s:
Ftb 15,73 ly
10U TIifi,.lItL:i;MCA!sO. !
rreu"uny cull the attention rdte.
I ruLiu- V our U ell St lceted StuSk at
I.Adtc' Dress Cinon,
l.adicc ami Miss-e Ilats,
Citiits rurnlslilng Cuods,
t.luvcs.CJaitcia. ItC(.
l!tli()t (tooka,
Slat!ccry, &r.Sx
Hard yan-.
Iu Fact lcrytliin-Found i,a Firs.
t'laks Hetail Store.
AVc 'can smre our l'atrons that we will be
uj with'thcjtiiucs.
Come anl Ewiujine our Stock befoi'd fur
chasing elsewhere.
Country Prodnrft taken in exchange 1 r
Goods !
X. '& J I. LKE.
Pallas April 22. 1371.
! 1-tl
111.111?$ & BACKKLO
!).! 'rout Street, Portland, Orog
iV Circuit, County, and Justices Courts, eon-,
utantlv on hand. Also. Deeds, Mortgage
and Blanks for use in Bankruptcy cases. fc .
By using I IiCttorliead.lililUieac'l'rcirtularii,
V rhitod iiivelops,tcto - i iva ua call aod s scad
n yoer orders
hed and hoard without cause or provocation
1 herchy give notice to all person that 1 wia
not ho respoi siblo for dehts of any character
whatever that ehe mar contract from and after
June Gth 2S7'.