TOVifl AflD cou y n ws DALLAS. SATURDAY, AUY. 17 1373. ickic Tha Picnic that took place at the Salt Creek ichool house last Saturday is said to bare been a success, ererbody seemed to be pleased at least. - 6 33, cloudy wind N 6 42, clear wind N 7 ., 43, clear wind N 8 45, cloudy, Seabreeze wind S 9 , 46, clear wind N 10 43. cioar, Seabreeze wind N 11 , 45, rain 0 44 in Seabreeze wind S 12 37, rain 23 in wind Sonth 13 41, clear wind N 14 - 55, clear wind North 15 56, clear wind N 16 60, clear, Seabreeze wind S 17 53, cloudy, Seabreeze wind North 13 " 59, clear, Seabreeze 'wind S 19 55, cloudy wind North 20 57, rain 12 in wind S 21 43, rain .25 in wind S 22 46, rain .11 in wind S 23 48, clear, Seabreeze wind North 24 50, clear S B wiudN 25 65, clear wind N 26 M 53, clear wind N 27 44, rain 0 21 iu windS 28 49, rain 0 10 wind S 29 49, clear wind N 30 52, clear wind N 183 3. SPUING 1873. THE DRUGS!! WILLAMETTE WOOLEN MF'G. GO'S d j i in i J. U. Ktncaid will be in Dallas two weeks longer be will be prepared to lake pictures. Looc Out. The Modoo outrage will take place bare next Wednesday by one McDonald ho "will sell Salmon direct from bis Fishery at Oak Point whiob will coina in nloa hours. Now the only way to stop this outrage is to buy bis Salmon and pay the cash M Q O O Q w Q o S3 w 0 w CD O 0 PAINTS, , GLASS. W EiA T HE R FOR D &'C 0 . SALEM . nOKEGOV. SPRIE MO S STYLI WsjLL Doxe. One Neil Gage, while out bunting the other day, killed twi panthers and the neighbors took op a collection of $16 and banded it over to Neil for killing those wild and ferocious animal. Hurrah for Neil. sai3iq3 joj ptud eaud jsatqairj umoq eaa u saoSs pa a 'oq Snoaqi ocaoa ik uoans? 9XL 'd.q- a8 V " III 1n!J 180 4!! -Cul moli UOtn;t3 HOoaiq3 qJ.j jo ibji qu.u SI1 Xepjjosnj qj uooawjj fpapav ao lo seijsq 1! 9H 111 1-iovuxq oouopj At Tn Bridge Henry Hagcod wants it distinctly understood that during the coming Circuit Court lie la prepared to furnish more pas, aqd bay fot horses, and more feather beds and good substantial grub for both men and women, than any man in Dallas. No China men allowed about the premises as cook a or otherwise. During the Month of April 1873 there were 9 rainy days, with 1.03 inches water, clear days 4 aud cloudy daya 16. Mean temperature for month 45Q Highest 52", on the 21 30 Lowest 37 on the 5 th 10'fe. Mean terapperature for the month 4S 57degou he 20tu Lowes 37 dog on the 23d and 12th Raw A up. One hundred dollars reward is offered for two men who broke jail at Corvall is or fifty dollars for either of the men. They made their escape o) the morning of the 13th inst. Emery Jones, charged with robbing a bouse. He is ajed about 19, but looks to be 21. Height about 5 feet S inches J weight about 165 pounds; rather tight cotuplexiou -t blue eyes ; dark, early hir ; h ad on black coa1 pants nd bat, and a pair of small beeied poots looks like a tbeif! White charged with stealing ators. He is aged 19; lor.k to be 17; much smaller roan than Jones; ligh complexion ; rather light hair and bad on dark clothes. IN MEMOHI AM. George Howe who departed this life May 4 1873. Gene ! Aye thou companion friend' Resting beneath the portals of the tmh Thou ia the prime of life, and juanhood's halcyon day. Touched by the ;htnd of death cul l not arert tby dgoui1 But Ob cruel death could'st thou not o'er, him pans ' Nor numb the heart of home with most ap- 5iaUing shock ' Tis but a little whjle, and thou with dart so keen Pierced that hearth Qf home, and took the ily of rhe flock. And thou art gone, forerer gone, companion friend. And friends thatloy'd thee, weep and mourn tby loss.. Thy loss we mournr but not thy (ate lost friend For tbou art with thy sifter fair, as gold refined pfdrojs. But eVp as those with wasting breath dis't Jeaye this earth She from that blissful heme did welcome thee above Yea through the world of spirits inestary divine She with arms extended leads thee to the "Font of Life." And drink thou deep, the water of tbat font, lot earthly friend And be tlou with her near us in our walk though Wp So that we our losses bear and gain the crown Of glory tbat awaits us when we leave this world of strile. Oak Grpre, May 11, 1873. A. O; Y. RESOLUTIONS. The following Resolution was adopted by La Creole Lodge, No. 23. I. O. C. T., May IP, 1873. ix Micwonuir, Died in Dallas, May 4.1873, Brother George Howe- Wherkas: It has pleated Almighty God in bis provedence to remove from our inidt, by dtith Broth, r Gtcrge II we, therefore. Jtetolced Tbmt 'm the death of brother Howeour Lodge baa lot one of its roost exemplary members. The community one of its brightest ornaments, an, bis family .one of its dearest ties. That we bow in humble submission to the, will of onr Heareiily Farther, aud touh we mourn we mourn not, as those who have no hope but in confidence that eur loss is bis eternal gain. That we deep!y sympathize with the he reared family, in tbis their great affection and we most ardently pray the God of all grace and consolation, will comfort and sustain tbcin while tbey live, and finally reunite them in that Temple not made with bands eternal in the Heavens Tbat tbis report be made a permament re cord on our minctes, and that we will war the usual badge for tbis thirty days as a memorial pf regard, and that a copy be furnished the Pacific Chrittain Advocate, Liberal RbPibli-. pair and Chrittain ifettecnger, for publication. C. W. Teal. W. Mc. D. Lewis. A.R. Lsle. Committee Maria E Smith. Jennie Lee. STATE ITEMS. CorvaHis owes a debt of SI. 073 08. The Salem Mills are taking iu Iqrge quantities of wheat from yvayou.s. The atue law of Oregon does not prohibit' the h.otiii ot Modocs at this .seasou of the 3 ear. Horses aud supplies are being tore warded rapidly Iroin points iu Southern Oregon to the seat of war. The meeting called at sulein. to organize a Society of Natural History, has been postponed untill further notice. The Governor has appointd Mathew G. Upton, ot San Franei.-eo to be com misioutr of Deeds lor Oregon. The revenue of the town of CorvalU is for the year ending May l);h was 74; which running expene" absorbed. A nail rout is soon to be ostab'the', runniiiK from Oakland through ('ol Val!;v and Freiieh ifctthineut Jo Look ing Glasj. Mr. Mo-lier'bn'S vacated th" "ditorial chair at the Koseburg 'tuuufealtr iffiee to accept Jthe Judgeship tendered him by Governor G rover. Tiiweekly .stage.- are now running on the Viiuina rout, leaving j.Vrva!li on Mondays. Wednesdays and return ing alternate das. Travel, as yet, is lii;iit. The Sf ttr Journal, of Kugene City, one of the be.-t and ntoM prosperous papers of the interior, i to hav a new ofljice. It will be built ot brick. Work on the foundation has cotumcucd Cricket have appeared in some pirts of Wasco County. They are playing sad havoc with some of ithe vegetable gardens. It is supposed they cros?2d the river from Klickitat Valley. WICATIIER RECORD FOR APR 1873 sept by T Pearce, Epl, Ogii. ' Lat U 67' Long 123 5' 1, mn Umpt, 4ft", rain 09 in wind SJW 1 n 37, rain 1.62 in wind 8 ,37 rain .35 in wind South W s S, cloudy wind N Says the iloeburg Ptni-ntlenhr ; We learn that Mr. Poland, who was unin tentionally shot by Tracy, who enmmit ted uictde on that account, is very low and little hopes are entertained of his reccvery James Oiuthorn, who lives near Philomah. 7enton Cotmty, net with a severe accident on Tuesday last. He was lifting a harrow, when he let it fall upon his hand,- one of the teeth tearing a fearful gash. Says 'the Coos "Hay New. F. G Lockhart returned from the city per la.-t steamer with nil the nces-nry machinery to extract the gold out of the black sind. He claims to he aMe to work up about forty toqg of sand per day. Says the Jlnseburg Pantograph : Orders have been received hre for forty more men for the Moloc Bervicc, to protect settlers in this State They are to form n company in ctnnection with those already gone, and elect their own officers. The Albany Democrat savs : Last Wednesday the em'ractors for con duction of the Santiam Ditch went to work with a small force of hands, which will be increased to fifty next week. They are paying for hands SI ppr day and board; for team and driver, S3 per day, the teamster to furnish himself and team with provender. Speaking of the Modocsa Fort Wayno paper camly says : "Let every blade of grass in the Northwest be waterd with the blood of these treacherous fiends, and the rivers, as they flow down to the ocean, carry with them the scar let tidings of a nations vengence; and maybe mingled with the gory stream that flows in the veins of the vacill. ating shriekers for peace, to ' whom is principally due the' preparation of the late horrible butchery." i i I P M CD K CD b CO I i H f i CD 5 Z d d H CD CO s CO CO CO CO 2 CO CO CO o i j r Y ZX3 m o W d CO H M O Ul o CD p O5 i rf . o P 2X3 O GO m CO co 2 : K o I i 2 Lij O ft- co CO CO Q o o 1 5y j-H AT REIIUCED KATE?, THROUGH 'THE AGENTS, Mar. 873 1y IMI EIT f, A IV IK OU EfS ON. FN V A I) VH H TIS E M UN 7 X Sri. C SIMI'XQN I U U STOSE Attorneyxi at Will practice in all tie Courts of the 3J Ju dicial Diitrict. OFFICE In Executive buiMin; or.riishe CheiukctA Hotel, Salem May Iu7 1-y WOODFUMPS! THE MIST AN I) iTIot ImpruvtMl id in pimp liowIiiL use ltaistn Water (or I)ruetic Iurpuo, r for Ilara or Sck Well. Kvery man wh h ha 1 ex jri'nce in th ilifTerfnt v f r;iiiiif wat-r, know TUF1!' IS No WAY U' fxIN IT SO CHEAPLY :n,t Jii!tt tl.rre is n pump ' le. tumven nt. ana fr p fr .ru impartirjs? uohculthy c!" iiuni to the wntfT m iho I'lwtu WOOD 1't'M!' laatiuf. tur.-i .y fi in; vim: 7i ii riiM:o. l-ISllKll i: II a .s; March 22 ly ME WAD VEli TJStiM KNTS. I S9MEII is ACROSS f IE 111 Tttcucl tvncl lo Wise'! Importers and Dealers (in F0REiaNti4 n DOMESTIC DKU(2S. Drn??Uts R.m.lrU.. Patent Medicine, Paint, 40ils, "Glass, Dyes, Ac, Ac. - " r;--;- ' ' - Medicines .Compounded and. Prescriptions i uio i jiica 4uu iiuituri mr meuicmai pur posep. Orders attended to wifh aocuraoy and prompt- ' nesR. : . ..'t WEATUCRFORD & CO. COMMERCIAL STEET, SALEM ,0REQ0Ns :M The U.VDERSiaXHDjarcanow andlways rtady tawait u2therCtst'juers audsell at IsOWfiST CASH PRICE Their Lara and Well sclectedstouVjof B00KS& STATIONERY. PIAO'NS & OR- OGANS. At INirtlaiifl Prices A Larg? an ! Well iclc,tr.lSlick of SCHOOL and MISCKLLAXKOUS IJOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, IICTl fli;s AM PHJTMRK IRAMF.S mMkh STATIOXERY AOENTS FOR THE CFLEBftATED C'li i c k c r i ii 7 .li V i n v vs o u iaiiOM, J AVn . Mason Il.-iiiiliii Or- VAin:it jwksox, Mar. 8,1. r Tattn's UlocV Snlcm. Ogn. L liC J A 1 i A 1 ) V LIT H I S E HUNTS Mill C i (UI'INALS ISTT I MM I i X T To David Faulkenherry. Murtha K Simpson, Susan William". John F, Faulkenherry hoir? of Hugh Fnulkenherry deceased and to all whom it may ooptfern, tak "o(io that NV'm Sfhritig, (guardian of the minor heirs of Hugh Fanl kenberry decenscd lias filed his final account of his doings a aiu (luardian atid that by prder of the County Court of I'n'k Comity tho June term of f aid Court A D 187;$ is set fur the boaring of sail mutter. Win. Sobrinjr. (lu.irdian. j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters of Administration have been grant cd to the undersigned upon tho Estate of F. Waymire, late of Polk Couniy deoeaoed all pnrsonn indebted to said Estate w.ll make imniedinto payment and all persons having claims against said etate ..will present, the same to tho underpinned ai Dallas properly authenticata I within six months frouji the date hereot Dallas May fi 1873 Francis C Waytniro Administratrix, J II Lewis Administrator Special Notice. It is well a known fact that Dyspepsia, and Indigestion are the causes of nearly all tho diseases that tho human bo 2y is heir to; then why pay enormous doctor's bills? By using Dr. Henley's celebrated I X L Bitters thoy can bo thoroughly cradioatod from tho system and new lito itnp:irtoi to tho sufferer. Head jjiy ileian's certifioates iu advertisement in another colu uin. GENERAL MERCHANDISE DUV GOODS & CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES GOOD NEWS! i NEW GOODS t; FOR TIIR PUU$KMTSCASOBL j J er'Pectfullyejjr.'tbeTattenUonrot!"? JPublic to our"wellelectdJ.Stock oil LadIcS Dress tJoona, -.It Ladles' and Misses Hats, ' Gents Furnishing Cood " Glores, Gaiter. JEtfl i Hard rare, ' . Groceries ? -. ' ; School nooks- ; 1 .' , -1 ' v , . I m u Fact Ererythlu j Fjqul'lu;: Fin. Class Retail Store. ; f We can assure our 1'atroos thatJfrewwUl"l Jup with the times. , i "3 Come aul Examine ourStbckbeforrJpnf' chasing elsewhere. HATS &GAPS CUntry Proiara: oOaJewaamt ;EKM j;iU!:s & Crockery VN'D OTHER ARTICLES TOO XV tnrou to Mention. We neither ai vrtie Jnor (Jive Bait, but intend to'do the Square thingjwith Dallas April 22, 1S71. zi1' For the vcrr best!!nhoto7ranh n r.. ey A. Ruloff.on's Gallery without STIRS i I Z-fir ASCEND IX THE EEKVAT01t.-f29 oiomgottcrv, si rcei, an xrincusco. 4 Trod nee taken for Gootls.S COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF " HEEIMA li&I EC I, : Salem, Oregon. M 73, 22 ly. OF WORK AT THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. CAN RE HAD RY CALLING ON. IIIIflKS & JtACUULO STEAM JOB PRINTERS, 03 Front Street, Portland, Ore g ALAROE ASSORTMENT of BLANKS Circuit, County, and Justices'JCourts, con stantly on hand. Also, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages and Blauks for use in Bankruptcy cases. " 'Advertise 1. By r""ng Letterheads, tdllheac's, 'circulata rrintod envelops, etc (Jirouia Callandscnc n your orders i SUIiF.P FOH SAI.IC; . r Iliavo about three hundred and fifty head fo pood stock 'heep for ; sale. Enquire rf(the undersigned ltoiog one quarter of a mile North of Monmouth. 1 . ' Munmou,th, March 29, 187. A B tf ' " S. W, Smith. K ' FARMERS .DEAB' WAVfEl), AIXTIIE G01.D.SII- T f ver and (Jrecbacks in Polk "County,' for wbch I wiJl pay the highest market ntU im f,"od., atmy store at lower rates; than rso bf obtained at any plice Souti of thLcitr of Portland, in tho St,. 1 ...... - AT THE -c OI,A STORE,! nAVING PURCHASED A LARlEAtfD complete Stock of NEW aOODS.A4 reccirinj freh suppties every ,'weekjreanl tuf4 t 1 crcijruuuy WHO Dry Goods, Groceries v Glass, flueensurarfi Tobacco," Cigars And all articles found in a O E N E R A U-VAlll ETY bTORE, I would, rrcspectfullx; call tljf attention of the Public to my Establishment, Hi ghest Cash price paid fyr , ' c. 1 UltSiAMPTRV. U- r.t.-:.-.s R-!a.:ra.Y4 1. 2.1 , l?pla. rolk.OaOsa 16-tf n E ? P I I IV T I4?;i 4 s 1 Ay wTiiRouoit Wiiintni uiost i ny work this fall, I proposal paint II rtt4fWJIGOf,tn4rjllJG C IiS, at J 0,i0 apioce. ,Xow is jba tima bring on yt'ar old Hacks artd;Vaont :al"'jflL, trill nerer gel them painted cheaper. S Sh oa th? oraor , wqrj. B-'ty ,,4 i