Liberal Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1872-1???, May 17, 1873, Image 2

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The laat issue qfjtho Lafayette CWr
jtr was filled with the proceedings of the
trial qf the Uoep, case, The editor
bas a severe criticin; on the veidict of
tejUTJ aPd tne cariJe of the Court,
and we feel it pu,r duty in justice to
Judge Boa ha m and the members of
that jury to notice it. Tho Count r
"The j VT t hs caW returned
i very extraordinary verdict alter our
paper had gone to press last week,
And henoe no reference was made in
pur editorial colamns to the aflair in that
jsaao." .;
We ijq nc,t understand in what re
ptct the verdict of that jury was
extraordinary. It was simply a verdict
of not guilty." Every man knows
hat in a case of tqa't kind tfce jury
must cither find a verdict of guilty or
pot guilty, and it strikes us very forci
bly, that if q this case, the jury had
rendered vefiiot of guilty, it would
bave bee.a under the testimony given in
(Lat case vcrr much more extraordinary
than the one referred to by the Courier
. Thfre waano sufficient tes.tirrtmy to
convict any man of murder produced
pn that tnal. The very strongest circum
stance brpwgbjt to the surface against
Coxeo, was the fact, that he was tlvre
on that occasion and was living iu the
family of Hasbrook, with whom he
was upon the u.ost intimate terms. If
that is sufrient to, hang a man,
(hen we advise the editor of the
(Courier and all other persons, tq be very
careful not to remain with, any of their
particular friends over ni-;ht, for fear
that some &rin thief might haj peu
there on tha.t nigbt and mqrder their
friend, for vjhicb they might be hanged.
The Courier- think that the circumt
stances pointed toward Coxen as the
guilty party ,aad that there was nothing
Jacking to make the testimony complete
against the prisoner, except the fuiiure
to discover a motive for the killing by
Coxeo. - On that subject the Courier
There seemed nothing wanting to
convict him as charged in the indict
mefit save wap,t of evidence of I
malice i in otner woras, ws con
tended and the Judge's charge lent
weight to the theory that a motive
must be proved! To all observant midst
tha'motive'whether sufficiently proved
pr sot, wa apparent enough. The
wife of the victim of the hideous crime
for the commission of which Coxen was
arraigned, was obviously eoough, either
with or without her knowledge, conni
vance orconsnt.the prize coveted was in
some way the subject a,ad object of the,
atrocious $9$ fiendish, taking off of
poor Hasbrook.
In all candor, it seems plain, to us
from the above quotatiou that Coxen
eonld not have been guilty if a" sane
man. Will any person believe, for a
moment that Coxen while sanq would
brutally murder Hasbrook, witoit
"malice or motive?'' To ask a jury to
convict a taan, o murder without prooff
01 euner mauce or motive, woqk 11
icems to us be very unreasonable at
least, and if a jury of Yamhill coanty
Jiad done that thing, they would have
done what they had no right to do
and what no jury has ever done within
the memory of man. The Courier
would fcave the jury imagine or gues
that Hasbrook's wife was the moving
cause and that this murder was com
mitted on her: account, either with or
without her knowledge and cpis-nt
This cnarge we. think uncalled for. N0
lady in Yamhill county has been reared
by more honoradle parents, and no young
lady in the State maintains a better
character in all respects than Mrs.
Kmetine Hasbrook, and her bereave
went by this terrible tragedy, U
enough to bear without this cruel impu
tation The Courier not content with censur
ing the jury and this honorable lady,
thinks that the charge oi the court
was unfair.
The charge of the Court iu ihnt case
was reduced to writing and has been
published, so that the community have an
opportunity to judge whe ther or not there
was any leaning tyy. th Judge for or
against the prisoner. We have carefully
ieao that charge, and think we can say
(earless of successful contradiction,that it
is in keeping with the proud reputation
hat Judge Uonham has made upon the
eftcb, fair unprf judiced, without bias
or leaning t) or for one side or the
qt ier; cl qging clearly the law corrects
ly in every particular and leayipg the
j jury the sole judges of the facts. .
- --J -
The Ciucut Court. This court
is now in session, Jbdge Bonham pre
siding. Several cises have "" been
disposed of. The case p.f tho State
against Wh'itloy upon motion ot defend
ed was transferred to Marion county for
trial, and set for Tuesday morning, he
seond day of tho term, to commence
on the second Monday of next month.
In the case of Watson against Robbing
which was for a nuisance for erecting
a hog sty over a small water course,
was tried .and damages awarded to the
amouut of $109 ; and Ibe case of S. M".
Babcoek against A. D: Ba bcoclr, being
for assault and battery was tried and the
jury rendered a verdict for the sum of
The Court will continue in session for
another vrefk at hoist.
H uoiiiiyii.vq.
The uodersign-. d having been ap
pointed by the members of the Wrin
attendance at tho May term A. J,
1873 f the Circuit Court of I'olk
Oouuty, and State of Oregon to prepare
and present suitable resolutions in ref
erence to the death oi Honorable
Andrew J. Thayer,late one of the Jus
tices of the Supreme Court of the State
of iCvegon, respectfully ask that the
following resolutions be placed upn
the records of the Circuit Court of the
said County and State.
It having pleased Almighty God to.
remove from our midst bv a peaceful
death our esteemed brother A. J.
Thaj'er, one ot the justices of the Su
preme Court of this State, therefore
That by this aftictive dlsp.on:ition of
divine providence the community in
which he li,ved has lost one of its roost
prominent and uefu' citizens, society
one its of brightest ornaments, his family
and wide circle of relations ojid friends
a most effectiouate husband, fit her um
frijii l;aa J especially is it truj that an
office of great trust and honor his be
come vacant that was being fille. fcy
deceased with markod acceptance on the
part of the public and with faithful
discharge of the arduous aud respon
sible duties, of his oftloe.
2. Although in common witlp. the
people ot the State we were sturtled by
the shock caused the sad intelligence
of his dea,th yet is oir plain duty to
bow with subtuisi'0 to the inscrutable
decree of the great and unerring Judge
of the Universo.
3. That as a mirk of rspoct
memory of deceased the Bench an 1
members of the Bar bo requested t
. t f t
wear the usual Diugi ot mumiM
during the present term of the Court.
4. That while wo as attorneys are
proud to speak of the deceased as
brother well deserving tho ap
pellation. the young members of the bar
will remember with pleasure the pater
nal indulge-ce and encouragement
extended to them by Jndirc A. J.
5 That a copy of these resolutions
duly authenticated by the clerk of
this Court be. transmitted to the widoy
and family of the deceased and t ht
the same be published in the Liberal
Bkpublican with the request that the
same be copied by our State papers
All of which is respectfully submit,
John H. Myer, Chairman,
Polk, V C. Sullivan, S. L Butler;
Multnomah, R. Williams , Yamhill,
Jamen NcCain; Benton, John Kelscy ;
Linn, George K. Helm ; Marion, 11. V.
Attest B, Hayden, chairman,
John J. Daly. Secretary.
Able Ueorge.ot Douglas Countyjia
filed a cav,eat for a patent gnbbi
machine which promises to bo a qine
qua non for all those who have land to
clear. The "machine is built upon a
cart with two lar;e wheels which are
conneoted with the lever which pulls
the stumpp, by a series of cog wheels
nulteys: A bearing wheel works
under the rear to assist in pulling.
It is claimed that two men with one
&pau of horses will clear an acre a day.
From the Eugene Q uard Consider
able activity a,bee.n manifested in the
grain trade during tho. past week.
Mr. Berry, of the Salem Mills, is
here buying wheat, paying $5 cents per
bushel. He has bought about 14,000
bushels and is shipping from four to
$ve car ojtdpvrdaynJM.esr3. ,Bris
f6w&Co are buying oats,paying 40
cents per bu9hel,nnd have alreaddy
shipped several car loads below
Washington, May 12. Tho Presi
dent to day appointed Josiah Earle
Register of the Land Office at
Independence, California, and William
McMicken Surveyor Ueneral of Wash
ington Territory. The appointment of
Minister of Russia has been tendered
Judge Pierrepont, of New York, in
place of Orr, deceased.
It is uncertain when a successor to
Belong, Minister to Japan, will be
General Butler, to day, entered suit
for B. F. Cain bell agaiust Whitclaw
Beid for libel,
New York, MY 12 Judge
McCue, of Brooklyn City Court, to day
granted an order vacating ku order of
arrest obtained by Winfield against W.
C. Boweu, editor of the Brooklyn
Union ; libel.euit, 810,0(JO,
Boston, May 12. The strike of
Coopers does not promise success. The
.-urgar r( fliieriers aud others say tliey
can obtain all the bane II required
without their aid.
Cincinnati lay 12.-A movement
toward eolhetinir a fund for the benefit
of the fa mil v tf Captain Hall has been
Washington, May 12 T he Comp
troller of Currency has authorized the
I He oigaiiigiitiun ot the First National
Gold Note Baiik of Satlta iaibaia
Capital, S10U.000.
Vienna, May 12 Arrangements for
the visit of the Kmptror ot Russia to
this ci'y have bun eomp'eted. lls
Majet-ty will arrive n the 1st ot dune
aud the next day will make a t ur of
the ExpoM'iuii He will remaiu
lure six days, during which time
series of majetieal fvits are f'Uli m
plated. The King of Belgium will
reueh the city ihiee days l etore the
f'iar uud and sf;iy thriiUiihou', the
festivities. The visit of the Czar will
be succeeded by oue from Fmperor
Willi.i ui, the tune for which has not
been Settled.
Bombay, May 12. It is stated here
hat Aduii'al 1'umming has hteu or
der d to proceed to Zanzibar immedi
ately with all li e available naal forees,
there to await ordtrs foui the h,me
Walla, Walla, May H, M
Abant 7 o'clock this inornrriir.n partv t
five Indians entered Joptha f l irrUoti's
house, about eight mile Irom lown,
near TIi'mii h I'age' ami io a threaten
ing manner deiu-tudei uiatebcH and
tohaeco. Ifarri-oo ordered them out.
and tiif,"vlt,d in closing tho dour.
The Icdians utttcked the house and
broke down ihe do
ne uour tnre liuicx ?
Harrison manaod to two du i
witli a hafchct, wlu n a t f i i r 1 came t
their :i!isfrncr with n ptt(I. Harrison
clowd with him, ami a ncvere truIe
look place for llm jilol, when the
Indian be in-; about topi ihe vrort ol
it. Harrison' daubtr j.ickrtl up the
hntcht and him (& on f h. roa I
which'i turn out. immci til v titter
the alarm uiven. the nei-rhboi hoo.l j
collected m.l tho tnd. inv.-r- captured
I wo succeeded to making their escaped
- .1 . - 1 I . .1 1
ou i ne roau io town, oat iue miiance j
werre loed in jjil. Harrison :i v over t
Indian are catuiM-d in the?
neii:hborlu'( d, and he is collect) r ' arms
to take Ik tut. with him.
The Ifrti-h s!ennifr Kmp.iroo hft
arrived at New York with the shore
portion of the new telegraph cable
which is to blaid thia fummer between
KnulanJ and the fjnited tale.'', via
Nova Scotia, Theeableia to be landed
here on tho south side of Long Island
tier Hseawav beach. The ('treat
Kasteru, with the ocean part of the
cable on board, is expected to arrive
here sooa.
The French cable tecently broke and
communication was suspended It wiM
bea heriou job to fih up an4 repai; the
wire. The break is supposed to be at
a joint 40 miles out from the French
coast. All bnsinrsft ii now done over
the or Newfoundland cable
and such is the racs?ure of the work on
the line, that the rates have been ad
vaneed to Sl.fuO per word,
W ahinjton, May 8 After a con
ference this morning between General
hertaan, Secretary Kobeaoa and Attor
ncy general illtJiuis.Oeneral Sherman
tele gnphed (ienernl iMeDowel, com
manriing the Department of the South,
at JiOtiisville, iusttuctin;; him to put
six companies of the SixtJCnUi Infan
try under marching orders, to awuit
(jeneral Emery's requisition. These
comp-mics are stationed as followy; three
at Jackson. Miss; one at Aberdeen,
Mi&s. ; two at Jlumbqlt, Tnn.
New York, April 8. One of the
counsel for Stokes to day received nn
unonymouii letter, hinting that his life
was in danger if he continues his efforts
for the release of Stokes.
Nort Kapton (Mass), May 8. The
staicruent of tbo of Hon. Oakes
Ames telegraphed last night was pre
mature. Mr. Ames died at 9:33 this
morning. His death was opoplexty
complicated with pneumonia.
Washitfton, May 8. Tho Indian
Appropriation bill of the lost session of
Qongress provides for the uppointments
of five Indian Agency Inspector and
the appointtnents will be rcde about
tbe latter pa it of Juno,
Yrcka, may 12 Courier arrived
here at 9 o'clock this foreuoon, having
left the camp at 9 o'clock yesterday
morning. The lollowing particulars
of the attack upon Capt. Hasbrouck'a
command are from the Yri ka Journal' i
extra of this morning:
Lava Beds, May 119 A. M. Dis
patches from LLut Boyle's camp state
that at sunrise yesterday the mod oca
came into camp and fired oh the
picket guard.
The command under Capt. lias
brouck wire scoutiug all day and had
returned to Suras Lake for water, and
were making efforts to secure it by
digging, but none could be found.
McKsy was 'sunt back to Lieut.
Boy lea camp as an escort, and Battery
B i'ourth Artillery, were left, distance
17 miles. It occupied all night and at
daw u of day Capt Jack and baud rode
up to within 1U0 yards of camp, all
dismounted aud charged, firing into
the herd aud guurd. The first volley
stampeded the herd and they left for
camp, and while men were getting
under anus the Modocs gave volley
after volley, killing four soldiers and
one Warm springs ludian and wound
ing six soldiers and one Warm Springs
ludi:ii. A rally was made and the
charge tounded. At this time McKay
came in siyht, and his men .united and
drove the modocs iulo the timber,
capturing iweotY-oue ponies apd lhret
pack mules. One Modoc was left up
ou the tiield. a"d seven mules packed,
with bodies before they retreated.
The trail is coveted with gore. The
Indians beat a busty retreat toward
MtChmd iane of mountains, couth of
Solas Lake. Capt. Ilasbtuek ban
died his dtxterou.sly, and is now
furnished with five days' hupplies.
Water U very scarce, which deters a
long stay of ibx troops in the field.
1 Gen. Duvh is determined to keen
them moving until the last Modoc is
killed. lie thyiks the soldiers gain j
greater courage as tliey have them ou !
Open ground. The wounded are bein j
brought into Lt. Bole' camp in wa j
40U-, and frouj tistre they will be ta
ktu to headiiinrtcr. Two soldiers are I
reported uvoita.iy winl.'d. I, apt
liasbrouck thinks the modocs have no
umuninitiou except what is in their
pouches as they lyt their entire sen
uf au.utiilion iu this titst. Th" caval
ry herd cauie into cat tip all sufe. It is
ttatd Capt. .lack had but seven animals
He had the uniform of (ten. Can by on,
uu 1 !oek t Uc poitio of eoruinatider as
loidly as if he vvers a rigader Gtm ral.
All hv artillery will be moved at once
to the east 'vide Y the bike and etjouh
men vletaitud in the old stronho-d io 1
it k!.t.. ii.iL tt... r.,i
base uud ttv to cxti-rmii.aie tl.e laM
one. l lnrc wtif MJov et!:ij;c'.
Xo Mjtiaw were sti n during the
filit or y the cout during t he loll'jw
inj night. There in stroin; suriifiuii
tlut C;ipt Jack i- rtceiving aid l'rutn
otii; ui.kmjwu arty, as it. ai'pcarcd
native how he got ,.ix boxes oi center
. t n .s..... I... -t.-i ....
r:i,,liri. s.nv f,,lu"mir fltr,-4v., nn,i it i
rt.rfiu i,a"t hv could not have picked
; lnis aU.ouu; ajur liJC bttlv yi' 4ati J
!... f
U;,fy 17tu.
1,00 Ul courier .leu, ine troop
! I 1. 1. ...I 1 t..
i VHIl: UllWtl II 1.1 . Ill U ! WXl IliV" 111- j
dians. the latter being entirely out if j
the lava bed stronghold. j
Lieu'. Harris condition was niti'h
the same as at last reports?, but greater
hope of recovery.
Lava I?eds, Mav 10 via Yrekn,
Mav 12 On the S)th iust ,an expedi
tion for the recovery cf the bodies of
Lieut. Ortuston and men of his con
maod, mihino- gince 2tith ult., and men
who could not be brought off the feldon
that occasion, left camp under com
mand of Lieut, yield. The object of
the expedition was frustrated by
reason of the advanced triage of decom
position in which the bodies were
found. Tim Troops,- however buried
the bodies on the field where they fell,
and bead boards were placed at the
graves ot Lieut. Crantop and men, so
that the bodies can eventually be
removed. The bodies of the eihl
men who were freft on the field, had
sage brush piled over them, which had
been fired by the Indians, and -were
almost unrecognizable,
(ion. Davis is awaiting information
from Capt. Hasbrouck's coipmand,. now
iu pursuit of the Modocs
Tle Acting Assistant Surgeon had
his leg broken yesterday, midway
between the ankle and knee. He has
been reccommended by all the officers
in the command tor a commission, w,ith.
the view of placing him on the retired
Lieut. Harris' mother and brother nro
expected he ire to night or to morrow
night, from IMiiladelphia.
Capt. Decker,-of the Enigecr, corps,
gees this morning to examine the
island on Tule Lake, with a view of
ascertaining its suitability to the
purpose of a military ckpol.
Savs the Eugene Guard-1 Messrs
Alexander and Barker nave the contract
for putting tip tka State University
building at $7 a thousand and every
thing furnished. The excavation is
ip about completed and the foundation
will be commenced coxt w;ook,
JL Firm class order, and with attentive and
oblgtojg acrvaQti
I am prepared to furnish good accotnino
dationn Io the traveling "puMic, and will ufe
very endeavor to merit the patronage of the
public FREE COACH to the Houstt Regular
Board iug. at very low rates:
Feb 1573 1j.
Dealers in HOOTS and SIIOKS, now
f,ffer to tb public NEW GOODS NEW
full liue of
BOY'S and
All s-lecffrd with fcrcat care from toe best San
Fran-i(ci nitd EaK'tu ahufHctur bd miih
due rtflereuce U lh Oregoj Traile.
Hupplv f I,r a til Kit cini'risuig the be.-t
Frem h lirr ttd which we offer to tbe tru 1c Ut
naMHiul.Ii; tigures.
We mauufarture IUOTS ntd IIOI-
to ordrr, of all st j tr Material and
VorkmaubIp uusurpaKtted. '
pcnlfjrtbe C'''ra,f' ?lr.r.n Fr.wixr.
M achimk, of wbich 21,MJ0 nj re wcro 'M
in 1 572- tban any other in tiine mainif.t' t
iircd. Sol.i utSitn Franci.o'o priot-s wisboiit
freight, and on uionibly in.t:illmcnts t tmtke
payment eay. Every machine wairanted fr
five tear
a. .. ;ii.U!:itT v c:o,
Cotutucrclal Street, Salem, Oregon
Mar.N ly
i o it it i: i, i a it i, i:
FORD because
I'"lrt. It huf complied lully wiib tbe Ort gos,
Second. Tt omtrnrt in Orrpon .re racked,
under a reinsurance rontrnct, by it? own and
tb united net f the Hume-Ins. Co. of New
Yrk and the Nrth I.ritish and Mercantile in.
Company f I.ondi.n. agtrregatinj: $22,!t, l.fsr $7
otit ring the bet j-eeurity of any Fire Insurance
Ctnopany or Atvciaiion in tho world.
Third, It enn enrry large rikf, as its poli
cis arw re-injured by the above- mentioned
Compai io that the PlitKXIX alone can
Oiirry tK vaate line that all kbsee cuuipanics
wuit Id take peperately.
fourth. It teuiti but w set of proofa
in chh of loss ; thus "iving the i"eurity of
three Coripaiiie without the trouble c dealing
with eeperate Corporationa.
tluttxese solid tfterita, vix ;
CapaciVy to carrj tbe largest riuk, ,
The a4tiplest ptniale tieeurity,
The iimplet ailjuftoaent in ca.e of los-f, and
Tile prompt and equitable pay meat of all jul
The Phoenix lucuraiire Company tUclts
your ntMruiiage.
C. A. UEKDlgcnf,
poktlako iiusim;ss dihi:c.
Published by L. " Samuel, '
General Advertising Ay't. 93 Front st
Mmd cisOoIar Store,
er of Faney Oood. Toyg. Croekery. etc., etc
A tor ilouse, First t. Iit Oak Pin. Ev
Very thing neat Longfellow Proprietor.
CROFT, No. 75 4 7 first St Portland;
Barman, the only direct importer of Clothing
4x, cor. Front Washington.straet.
BECK, WILLIAM SON, 129 Front Btreot,
Importers and Dealers In
, y of every description. '
Fishing TuckU.Faney Goods, Beads, Bird cages
B4kets, Croquet Games, and baby carriages
ent "C alift mi l' -atiti WcikiJ als
th" 1 a V ihou S 1 wirfc a hi 1 .'
Claas. C. Barrett,
Bookseller 6c Stationer,
No. 79 Frot-t and No. 5 Wanhington itrett.
eek, John A. 129 Front tt, practical Watch
maker A Jeweler. Work douc for theTra4
A 1 1 A C II K I, I K , Front 8trt
If ucbanan. W. A.,s. w. cvr. Firtt A Taylor ta
J Chcmest Furnitufa House in Portland.
89 Front t.
(1 larke llenderaon Jk Cook, 81: & 83 Fint S
J Dealerx in Dry Goods. Fancy Millinery,
tlohn & Koatntield, li6 Front at CouiuiU4ion
) Merchant. A de'lr. in O'gn A Cah Prodiie
g l ongieT J B. in 'n ft. A dealer in Saddles, Har
VJnenf. A .Saddlery Hard ware, Vb a ton iw.
g lurrier, W. A Co., loa D ront ut. JttercoaB
J Tailors ClothierB, Hats, Furnishtng good..
eLattu'inutTa "Oatnian, 92 Fr nt r. Real
tate AffentH. Biuney loaned, 1 0 -w rented
J FlOlFront Ktreet.
ittft; GISTS, cT
101 Front Street.
U. Woodard ,
OnJerH from any portion of the State or Territo
ties cwrefnlty ftHcd by mail or epreg.
("jl'aiil, Loweiibieiu A Co. Furuiture and Oar-
P' t de'lra ntorc. from 134 to 138 First Sfc,
I" .'Tuiijloyiuent Antuy. iWitberall, 80 iront t..
J Firnis?h,( alt kind, of help.
171 vtrdinj; a UeeOe, 10 Front street. Coinuii.
j cion Mero'U and do'lr. in Domestic Prod'ce.,
I.abion Livery Stable, cor. First S'in'n .t...
; E. Corbett l'r. Good turu-outi al' on band,
I.'tishel A Robert7,cor7FirHt A Wash'gtn .ta.
. Dealers 4 Clothing Furn'g Good..
The larzect Music House cn. tb,e Coait V
0 L. DtPltANS, Manager.
kiIIowe" Seivins: ITIachine
.-? A seats wanted. fiA
at'libey A Sfeuiioe. (Jrucers and dealers ia,
all kind, of reeds, cor Fir?t and Main at.
Hamburger, U. 1 -"S3 First St., Importer aad,
,k,-iJer in Staple Fancy (jod, Milli&erjt
n ndee, I). II , IMiotorapbic Artist, a. w; co-q.
First Morrison sU. ,Cbild' Pict. jpec'l
euriehoeii, L. C. A Co., lUi Fir.t t. Manu
fact's and de'lera in Jewelry, Watehe. A
itibard ti. I,., V S front et., whde.iae deale
io (trix-eric:). U rs, Waon Material., Ae
odjro, Calet", A Co.. 'J7 Front St., wholesale.,
dealers in Iru;:s. I'ainti. Oil., O'ap., A
Sewing Maeh ilraia
neeitle," loeW t i. Com-
fftifi'in c'i-.iIIi-hl""I t. W Trurer. Hi Front .1
ItMi"rtrr Fiirnifon. Uridine ae.
ut iij.-ri. W, Wau lituaker, eot, fcrt aud
Main Ste, All work done at San Fr.nei.-
nterti iti ail 11 tet. er. Fr-oit Jt Morri.son .t
M Hu lelph. Ft. Free Tit!aUend Mramtri
.obn, J . A Co., SI Front L, wbelei-ale a
retail dei'r Fine I lothirr, Farn'jr fo
Matron Iiorce Kctauran t, private rotn. (o
FainiHes. .i lt A Tine ti Q. Voa t
ff artin, K and Co. dealer, in Wine, and L
i 9 't"' r.'. O. S. N. Co'. Block. ni Sao Fra
I !k "9 ot X oineer. HI Front eu, whulT,
! ""d roitiiye'onfcctioneri'.
ii u-r. l"tni li., '..i rirM n. w atenraakef.
and Jew'ler, offers to the public a fin
as?ortmnt of Wateliea. Clocks and Jewelry.
eiiti. X Co., rreot nesr C L deaUn I
nM"ve nnd foreign Wines and Liquors
"Xorthrup ft Tlioiiipxoo, Hardware.IroBt
fubi, S poke. Hardwood Lumber, e.
coidti4 Hotel, corner nf Vint a Morrifo
ctrcet! Snitlv ft Cook Proprietors.
Iairifh, Watkinsft Cornell, Keal EtataAi
Pittoek buildin? dir. Frant a Sfita t
1 ar-t A en., f;ont Mrcet.
iI LSiI.T04 Jm b.? n. t
Oculist and Aurist, oCica No. 7$. First 8t
lh. lino's Building, 3d door from Ladd's Bank
ixeaU all diseases of the EYE, EAR, THROAT
and LUNGS.
ieb.ter Paul 15 First street, impt'rof Bar
1 in wnodvn c-arving parHr omaaients, e
o.enbaum, I. S. A Co., TobaceonisU, im
porters of Foreign and Domestic Liquars.
1) uss House, Front st. On First Class Prin-
ciples. Thomas Ryan Proprietor.
Sherlock. S. 61 Front ft , 62 First sts. dJr
in Harness A Saddlery, ft Saddlery ware.
' ... . ' ' I l I ! It
1 imon, J., 66 Front St., dealer in Door,Sae4
and Illinds. Window and Plate Glftts.
1 insheimer, II. 157 First at.impfter of Piane
O Organs, Sheet Muste, Musieat Instrument
Skidmore.S. G., T2S 1st St. Droggtet A Apeth
cary. rSerfuuiery and Toilce articles.
rtiiuw ft Ttoos 75 First et, pictuies, , .frsmet
tO Muoldiugs, art Material icdrawing insta
STONK.H. I... No. 107 lront 8tret
Watchmakar a'nd ManufacturingJeweler is
appointed Agenk for Walthata, Klgin, E. Hew
ard ACo. Chas. E.lJacot and California Watches
also for all the production and imports f the
California Jwelry Companjt $a,n, Francisee.
Send for circular Watches repaired, 1 tbe rerj
best manner, WARRANTED to give satlsfaa'a
1 i Hnr . Hroker. vv rvn
Legal Tenders Gor' Doeds and Gold Dan
Smitl, i Davis 71 Front U wnoiesaie, vimg
Paints, Oil. Window Glass, etc.
rilorry bros. N-. He First street, maoatait rs
and dealers in Farnifrire. Bedd4ag Ae.
f I'f.ue Clothing Store, 113 Fiont st, CT etl
JL Fn'ng gaodooe, Shoe. Hsms it F
Tnttht, H. II. M2a144 iVont tfet.v Dealer la
Wagons, an Agricultural Implements
fliyler J. A 147 Front st. wholesale dealer in
ft Butter. Kggs. Cheese, Lard, Bafop eta.
11 illiams A Myers. 5 Central Blvek tron
. st.. Commission Merchants, dee,! la pr'de
---T m i a v
halley A Fecheimer, Attorney and se
itors in Bankruptcy. Office 0- P. Torn ta