TOWN 'AND COUNTY NEWS DALLAS, SATURDAY, AlIRIL. 12 ld73. Money Market. Latest New York Gold Quotations 11 Legal Tenders in Fortland: Buying 90 Soiling 91 Dallas Produce and Commission Market. Corrected Weekly, by Bolter and Wortley Merchants, Main Street, Dallus.'.Oregon. Btisq KE AT 75 o bush. 0AT.-S 40 c. BAULCV FLOU $3 50 bbl. u Sks 1 26 CORN MEAL U. lb. BEANS Ce. tb. BACON Sidos.llo tb. " Shoulders, 10c. fctb. hams i2o e. m. PO UK Dressed, GfdjTcts " Pickled, 8c. to lO.c. Tb. BUTTER Firkins 20c "f lb. Rol... 30 to 2jo. -jA lb. G (IS 20n "f dos. J .LAKD-Bulk 10c; tins,12, POTATOES From Wagon, 37c bushel. ONIONS 1 1 50 busheL APPLES Green, 50c Llil. " Dried, Gc r tb. CHEESE New Oregon, 20 (a, 25c t MllED PLUMS K3 "r lb. IVOUii 3Dc. c tb DATA, A3CUUUCI1 DIRECTORY. M. E. Chlikmi Services on the 4th Sabbath BiEeach month at II A. M. and 7 1. M. Sabbath m-uwll very Sunday at M A. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evcuiug. licv. J. Jamcd. Pastor. M. E. CjtrreB SoVTH. Services on tbo lt Sabbath of each mouth at 11 A. M. licv. J. 11. Lovell, I'ASlor. Bavtist Cinni:. Services on the 31 Sab. Lath of caoii mouth at 11 A. M. Rov. I . Holinan, l'a?tor. Rem km m: it. Let no one JorgcJ thSM'iouk on Saturday. t!;c :id day of M.iy, on Mount Pisgah. alxo the dance iu the tttuiii-g at tuc Court Louse. IUtcujjki. Mr. Wort Icy has returned from Portland. Luting cut Lis atock of gols in that lace. New Pai'KK We received u copy of the JJttHy UnijJiic, a pictorial publication, puYuih d iu New York. Pric 5 tts. a copy. Stahi: Timk. The stigi: fr-m the Nrt!t ar rives at 9 oVilek A, M., aud Ictvcs at ix o'clock A. V. f:o.u the S..u;h at two P. M.. frm Sitieut at huif pitt',ur P. M. Fa km if. Cojsvjstios. The F-innvrs en.-t-i.tin which wj.8 to lacct at iit!!.i! hist t 4ir a.i, a failure very few wcr prcjvt.t an i lioiLin was dot:.-. Cauh Vbrt Nkar Dn xvnin ;. A !':! z'ir of Mr. Miilcr's umi very ii' i.'r- i-i ij; whi.. trying t er'j thu erek o:i a 1.., f'oo fctj into tb-w.tcr, tLe fuuill ;irl that wu, with Ltr sueceded in 'fctfinghjr out. Ixki'RRD. The Peace Commissioner?. Thomas aiud Misichum, loth were injured in tins C". tintntul Life Imotrancc Co. for $.',liti( each. Jut it hiihj that Mcacbums will not have t te paid just yet. The Continental ii ijmlar- Mistake. The editor Ix-in absent at the Circuit Court in Yamhill County, the edit..ria Leaded "Pixing It Up," made to road the liigh bred Spuuieli Studs, intca. I ol high breu fpa&Lih Steeds. C,ABI. Coon Cjiasck. Those dc.-irin a rK-nn !cd aud a Mtjimre meal during tho couiii:j Court, cau get it by calling on S. C. Stiles. P. S. lieard by the wctk or day, nlo single tueabj. S. C. SiiLht. PaisojiER Escapkd. On Inst Thursday teningMr. Cbnrl Sutton who was confined' in the county jail, taking advantige of the ah 4 nee of the giLird, burst open thi door lock wUh a chisel and fled to parts uaknow. In a few tnomit.K his esciipc was discovered and pursuit was immediately commenced but as yt h fugitive hat ancieeded in eiuding L ia 1 ursuers. The Yamhill Couht. Th Yamhill Cir cuit Court ha been in session for two weeks with a lurge criminal docket. Quite a large Dumber of criminal as well as ci vil cases have beeu disposed of, and on Monday next a teu o'clock, tho trial of Joseph Coxen wilj commence for the rnurdjr of Bnja uin Has Lrook. The case as yet, is shrouded in mxsto. ry. Thero are already sixty witnesses sub pocnied, himI others being daily discovered und ent for. The Cout refused an application by tho Defendant for a continuance until the next term of the court, but gave him one week to prepare for his trial. Uhisisone of the most uy-terious murders ever committed in that county. It is conceded that the Defendant is a young man of excellent character and no motive can be imagined or assigned for the act, the Defendant and Ilasbrook being the Lest of friends and living peaceably together The trial will occupy several dnys if not the whole week. England reduced her debt by Jover $34,000000 during the fiscal year ending March 31, 1873 ; and the esti mated, reduction for next year is OU,- 000,000. Three women entered the cars at Corneilus on tho down tr:in last night with thirteen children, the oldest lews then five years of oge. It is not at the number we marvel, but at their extreme youth. STATU ITEM. Says the Eugene Guard: There boin no probability- of Judge Thayer being sufficiently recovered to hold our term of Circuit Court, arrangements have been made with Judge Prim, now holding Court in Denton County, to stop here and ho'.d Court from Mon day morning until -.Wednesday uoou, at which time he has to leave in order to reach Jacksonville in time to commence the April term of Court there. Riddle's wife says that I) ston Charley tried to scalp M each am but she cried out: don't do that, the soldiers tiro coining." IJjston ran. after cuting an ugly gash in the scalp. From the lJukcr Democrat : Every, thing Ls lively in aud rbout IJakcr Ciy The-quartz mill is running night and day ; team are constantly arriving, heavily leaded with quarz from the 'ledge. Teams and pack trains arc ar riving with freight from Umatilla for our merchants. Our Carpenters are all as busy ns they can be ; rock aud stone :re being hailed into our city for building purposes iu large quantities. Oar citizMis are putting iu their gaidei: truck ; our farmers iu the val ley are putting in their irain. We have no idle men about. All that will work are busy. IJenton County forests furnish saw logs fur Mulun. Cole's Valley, Daug'ns Cointy, is expected to )ieid 0,0 J'J bujhcL-i oi wheat this year. A former's Club wis formed- at Au'nsvil e o i March -'Jih, ui.hS Co dit, President, an i J. Peebles, .St ere tary. The AJi'-c tte s ays : A camp meet ing will he h,'!d ou Kthii-r's camp ground, tint e miles north of Grant' Pass, in .1 ie!;-Ki County, ronimtmi.ic it,' on the h h day of May, v.hkdi will c iititnu; iivi r the !! 1 1 Sjohatlt. Ail uio eijratily iuviU J to utt ad. A writer in th W '.; i-fte Fanner j I i'l-tlv c.iisplais tiiat vwi h o!'th; ara de lat 1 o!'()-egon is oA'ned by a cli of men whu either do n L iiupi uve and cultivate it tit all, or ?U: barely enough of it to t:i ike a livisig, refusing fo -e any id it to any n-.-w e ter (or any rvarortable pi ,- , a:i S e-jiiip il.i!r t ht.-e of u-s v!' de-:r t i ijupiuve, ou! j !ai. i-i and f u l l go. id eo i-i'v ral-. to i inerea tr we ih'ii bv doi-g so with ' th-:r pa1, :e g ir ' 1 1 ,i e t- i t'u: ,1 ii t-- U- ..iit i Ml i: r-a Is. j Tb" ! .. t -y at Or.-g.v, Cty ..tb-j - litis tu h-: uii the luaket will bear. A Wa-'ditgt M letter snv tbit Mr.-.:' ! S -tit iiTVf t!i, :tuf lior -f,u -e:id of reive!- is one .f t'e per.oj-i w have en'ri I'tifed ( it;;tke' the f.-rnii of looi.; of the New York L--ljr She h ' written twenty y -t s fur ti:: L(lj?r j arid get- 'i.U )U per ami iin. Th:r are sti i tu be '1 i,0 enses of tnea-ls.-i in .San 1'r itjc.eo- c?z:pa house block, sam:m ohixux. MaS. h. J. RIELY pnop rpms uov se will in: kkpt in S l irsi clas order, and w tth attentive and oblging servants NO CIIINKSK COOKS EMPLOYKI j I nm1 frcj';ir'd to furnivh good "acenmino dstions to tho traveling "public-, and will j ue very endinvor tt merit the patronage tC tli public FHKK COACH to tho IIou.-o HcgnUr Hoarding at very low rates: Feb 15,7:$ lyj B00KS& STATIONERY. PIAONS & GR OANS, ; At INri!;iiH! Price A Largj and Well selected Stock of 8CIIOOI, and MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, PICTl' It lis A N I) lI CTUR H h'K A M KH LM) GESBRAL STATIONERY AtJKNTS VOn THIi CB LUIS It A TED AMI IiiKcri k I I.-imliii Or VA sr i: St .! i V ii SO ,, Mar. 8,ly PatU ns libjck' Salom, Ogn. O O u i o T3 O w j C3 rrj O 53 y ni , 1 w 1: C3 CO i f C3 3 1 i 4 U ZJ U-l L O - - M 11 0 4- S CO -J O L i i CO 1-4 m CO a it: o H CO 03 CO I- m 2 ! o CD CO CO m oo cc V O P flQ m m o C2 O is? a. SPRING THE WILLAMETTE WOOLEN MFGL CO'S Mill, ititi Trri i 7 I ATJHCIlUCIil) KATES, THROUGH THE AGENTS. iir-n Mar. 873 ly FNW AD VKR TISKMENTS. JUST OH E MOMENT J. . CRAWFORD V CO. Elrut;it A: Aio!hckc.niCN. " STATE.STKEET, PAT TON 'j BLOCKS" SALEM OEECiON. .3 Par? Prus, Thcrnirals and Patt-nt Me IV rincs'. French, Enlih and American l'crfu mcricsj ES EN riA L OILS, DYE STUFFS, PATEIf T DYES, EAU DE COLONG E, rOMADKS, COSMETIQUEvS, HAIIIOIL, TOOTH and TOILET row DE IIS, IIAIU, TOOTH, NAIL and CLOTH BIUISHE3 And eTcrythinj; requisite In the Parry nd Toilet floods line Pure Wines and Liquofs for Medicinal purpows, Prescriptions and tamily rcreipts conponud cd at all hours J. W- CRAWFORD & CO Feb 1573 IT WOODPUMPS! the bm:st AND ITIost I m pro veil Till FIMP now in use Fort liaising Water for Domestic Purposes, Or tor Ham or Stock Wells. -ii n Every mall who has bad experience lnrthe ditTnront wvs of raising water, knows THFPE JS NO WAY OF DOING IT SO CHEAPLY and that there is llo pump so durable, conven ient, and fr o from imparting, unhealthy ele ments to the water as tho Plain WOOD PUMP manufactured by Till salj:i?iioifo. F IS II Ell & HAAS. March 22 ly 1873. nTTirtrnn smis MM ;tii 1I.B ireiiclTAiicl be Wise!! ffTbe UNDERSIGNED are fnow and always naly twait on their Customers aud sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICK Their Large ftud Well selected itovrlr of GENERAL MERCHANDISE DUY GOODS & ( LOTHINQ, E00TS & SHOES HATS & CAPS (i!lOn:RIKS& Crbckerv A ND OTHER ARTICLES TOO NIT J n.crous to Mention. We neither ad .rti n.,r rtir nit. W inl .t.U (m Square thing with .A.11 tfc everybody Produce taken Tor Goods. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, HE1EMA HIIEC I. Salem, Oregon. M 73, 22 ly. BEST OF WORK AT THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. CAN UK HAD BY CALLING ON. E1IITIES & I5ACIIEI.O STEAM JOE PRINTERS, 03 Front Street, Portland, Oreg A LARGE ASSORTMENT or BLAKK8 Circuit, County, and Justices' Courts, con stantly on hand. Also, Konds, Deeds, Mortgages and Btanks for uso in Bankruptcy cases. Advertise By using Letterheads, billhcacs, Jcirculars printed envelops, etc Give us a call and Bend n your orders SSUEIP FOR SALE, I have about three hundred and fl fty head fo good stock xheep for sale. Enquire of the undursincd being one quarter oi a mile North of Moumnutb. Monmouth, March 20, 1S7?, A 0 tf S. W, Suiith. ME W AD VER TISEMENTS. SOMETHING urn mm MUM m m DlltOS!! I UK?!!! PAINTS, Oil.- E.CLASg. VEATHERFORD & CO. tDRUtiGIST.S.fJ SALEM OREGON. Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRUGS, Druggists Sundries, Patent Medicines, Paint, JO ils, Glass, Dyes, &e.f &o. , , Medicines "Compounded and Prescriptions E filled. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal pur. poses. Orders attended to w4fh accuracy ana prompt ness. WEATHER FORD & CO. COMMERCIAL STEET, , . 6ALEM. ,ORI2G02f NEW GOODS! IINEW GOODS!! "k'ot'TIIE PRESENTSEASON. Q We4rcfpectfullycall theatlenlian ot the Public to our Well Selected Siosk of J Ladle"' I)res Good. Ladies and Misses flats, Stents ruriiishin- Goods,' 'V5 il Cloves, Caiter.'. Etc ; Hard rare," Groceries," School Jtjoks, u Pact Ererythia Pu;it 1 i Ja Firs Class Retail Store.; We can assureoar.Patrons thatwa will ba up with the times. Come and Examine oar Stock bcfor"pur ' 'chafing elsewhere-. Country Proiare takea ia exe'xanje Goods! N. i J. D.'LEEv Dallas April 22, 1871. ' l.u ' ' For the very bast photojnph go to Drsl ey A. RuIotTson's (lallerr witbout STAIRS I ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOit, f$9 iSTOry,ii bib mmc nr . o w FAR ME 11 S READ ' ; a,- llfANTED, ALL THE GOLO.Slt- J rcrand Grecbacks in Polk County, for nhch I will pay the highest market price to good?, at my store at lower rates than can . be -obtained at any place South of the city "of Portland, in tho State. ' AT THE EOEA STOE. ; 1 n' "AVING PURCHASED A LARGlJD eomplcte Stock of NEW GOODS, aud receirin fresh supplies every week I caoup ply everybody with Di'y OoDd, Groceries a Glass, inccnsiv,nrc, Tobacco, Cigars And all articles foand in a GENERAL VARI ETY STORE, I would respectful y call tha attention of tho Pablio to my Establishment. Highest Cash prica paid for ;! l-URS AND PLTHY. R. A. RAY4 '- ' Kola, Polko., Oxn. ' " . 1 u-tr Cn E ? P A I N T I IV O. ' ' it 4 S I A NOW THROUGH WITH TI1K ytnost I my work thU fall.j I propose to paint II C'KS. W'AtKiNM, ul IllJG CilESnt 0,6 apieee. Now Is the itlhia to bring on yv or old Hack and Wagon as 'you will never get them pointed cheaper. Shop on tho'corncr, Ver 0. JJ. Ftylea stora II .P, 11 It I VER.