" ' "- "" 1 " 1II l'HI"y - nil mil y i.i,. - , -, . . "r-" TOWn AIID COUHTY flEWSi DALLAS, SATURDAY, JAN, 18, 1873. Money Market. Latest NewTork Gold Quotations 11 '-.Legal Tenders in Portland: iiujjnj;.....M,90 f Selling. 91 Dallas Produce and Commission Market. 'Corrected Weekly, by Bolter and Wortley Merchant, Main Street, Dallas, Oregon. 1VIIEAT 72c $ bush. OATS 35 a 40 c. BARLEY 75c LOUR $5 $5 50 bbL " Sksfl 35 CORN MEAL 4c. B lb. BEANS 6c. tt. BACON Sides,15o lb. - " Shoulders, 12o. tft lb. JUAMS 18c $i lb. PORK Dressed, 67ct Pickled, 8c. to lO.c. lb. BUTTER Firkins 20 25c tt. - Roh 30 to 25c. & lb. QQS 30c dot. LARD Bulkl6e; tins,15, POTATOES From Wagon, 37e bushel. UNIONS $1 50 $ bushel. APPLES Green, 50c bhl. u Dried, Co lb. CHEESE Now Oregon, 20 25c B lb. DRIED PLUMS 16$ a lb. .WOOL 2ec. lb DALLAS CHURCH DIRECTORY. M. II. Cbhrci Services on the 4th Sabbath JUaek month at 11 A. M. and 7 P. 31. Bahbalk i eoseR,. very -Sunday at 9 A. M. .Prayer aaMtiog ovary., Thursday evening. Iter. ji . Jatees, Pastor. M. BCbckch Socth. Services on tie 1ft Sabbath of each month at 11 A. 31. Her. J. jU. Lovell, Pastor. Baptist CflCRCH. Services on the 3d Sab bath of each month at 11 A. 31. Rev. 1. .Jlolraan, Pastor. The public installation and supper at the , Odd Fellow's hall last Saturday niht, ij aid .to have been a brilliant affair The editor of the Refublica is still at Sa lem, in attendance upon the Supreme Court, which will account for tke waut of editorial matter The Sriencc of Jealth for January, ha come to hand, filled with most valuable aud ireful inform at ion and suggestions Another ipy of tho Woodhull and Clafilin Weekly has beeu issaed tilled with buntiug .words and scathing sentences In Us half century of set'u'.neAj Wistai Balsam of Wild Cherry has saved thousand rum destruction A half hoar oxp n ir , a few anomeuts of draft will often creato a cold which will lead to an incuraHlo cunsumptiun. U.f he Balsam in time; you wilt not regret. Tho attention ot our readers is called to tlx ad" of DeFranca and James They wore burut out by the late fire in Portland, but they are a again in good running order, having pur chased a new set of furniture and fixture, Thtir address will ietsa by reference to theii ad" Q B Jiles has bought out his late jartr.er. Phil Mtrriam, and W ill be found as ever, at lie old stand .and selling goods cheaper than evtr, and ten per cent less than any house in folk county Give Lim a call immediately if you want the worth of your money AiteaUon calhdfo j&cir dissolution notieo iu another column StPKEME Cocrt Supreme Court now iff aessioa, has before it quite an amount ofbusi cess, and msny of the most important iU' tions are'to bo determined that have ever leer; raised iu the State. It has performed a fart amount of work this early in the session, and Jias made several very important decisions. Weather Record lor Dec, 1S72, KEPT BY T. I'EAKCE, EOt-A, Oil KG OS Lat 44" 57' Long 1235' 1, m'n tempt, 45, cloudy wind N 46, rain 0.25 iu. wuid S oy aia's 4S, cloudy wind South 41, cloudy wind S fogy a'ms 40, tloudy wit;J KorlU 33, cltar, wiiid N 32, clear wind N 42, rain 0,31 in wind S bail at 10 a.m. 32, wind N foggy all d;iy 30, cloudy wind X foggy iu vulley 36, cloudy' wind NJ '36, rain 6.29 in. wind South 41, rain 6.23 in wind S 36, cloudy wind Xorth 80, cloudy wind 2Jorth 20,- cloudy wind North 29, cloudy, wind North 31, cloudy, Wind North 34, rain 0.U6 in wind South 38, cloudy, wind North 37, rain.0.02 in jrind $ , 41, rain 0.15 wind S 38, rain 2 25 In wind S 49, rain 0 01 in wind H V 3H, rain 015 in wind rf 47, rain 0 38 in wind SJ 46, rain 0 59 in wind 8 37, cloudy wind North 47, char, wind N iO, cloudy, wind K 35, rain 0 12 wind S foggy at in tervali all day During D Month of December there were 19M rainy days, with 7 82 Ineh'csJ writer, clear days if cloudy 0, and three -nowy dayrf. Mean temperature for month 25 Highest 4t), ou tho Clh Lowest 13, on the 27. " " ' . 2 3 7 " 8 9 10 11 12 13 If C.. u 1 17 ?3 19 20 n 22 23 2t 25 2 ' 27 28 P 31 ., : -r-: . t ; "" -- mi ii nmiiwnmii in i in i ... Ji..Mii,M,nMMar-MW'n m tm wi in i 1 1 mi WEATHER RKCOKD FOR 1S?2 KEI"? BY,T. fEAUCB, EOI.A. OltEQO.H. v . Lat 57' Long 123 5' Ma T-Mi T-M T-N RD-N CD-N CD-N FD Jan 45 21 33 11 5.J1 14 C Feb 55 19 47 23 .13.24 0 7 Mar 54 41 47 13 3.87 4 7 Aprl 52 j 37 45 9 4.08 y 16 May 64 36 55 4 1.12 11 10 June.1 73 51 61 4 1,16 27 5 July 77 51 65 1 0.12 22 8 Aug 73 H fit 4 0.16 22. 5 Sept 71 49 58 7 0.7 9 18 5 Oct 62 41 51 ' 1) l.fiil 19 3 Nov' 53 27. 12 3.5J y j 6 Deo 49 26 33 13 5.97 3 14 1 Lunar halo on 19 and 17 Snow on tho 3d, 4th and 11th Snow on 9 and 12 Lunar halu on 17. Ltehtemns in evening from S E to N E on 26. . Atinosphoru hazy during tho later part of the month. Thunder shower in evening on 13th. Light frost on 21 and 25. Heat Light & Snow on Sth & 2kh sleoi 13th St 11. ' Aurora on 6th Frost and 2 1st and 21, Shock of earth quake on 21, not observed in this precinct. jllainy days one buudredand eleven, rainfall inc hea 37.1Kb No of elear days 167 No cloudy days 92 No of foggy days one, and partail foggy days 16. TH E OVERLAP It STO RE, SALEM, HAS received i ltiriro lot ofn'tee, fashic liable dry good's,' together 'with a- well selected stoet ot Doaiestics, etc. iive taeni a call.,-. Highest price paid lor produce, 7t SPJUCfA L NO T1CES. DISSOLUTION NOTICE NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ti e co-partners-hip' heretofore exhdinjr be tweeu (i 15 utiles atnl Philip .Mcrriaui Uj tudved by mutual cuus-eut Ail persona indebt ed to the firm, a-Q requested to pay tho ram, to (1 II EtiU-p, who will eoiuiuuu ou the buints at the. idd stand .... L G B Stjlks PiiiLTf !jKi:i;rAM Dallas Jan 15th 187:. J'73'l-S l,v JIakk MoNi y f.ot mid honorably, cr ilay 175 rr f k. by nt on?v ij $2 50 Ttrg U r a terriiorini rihr, (whiih aroj-iiii! tree t- agents,) to ticll th U-tt, .fi' I:,-!.--!, !u..st tt.-tfui Ntid rapid K-llimj .Sowing M irlimc, and l'aluut lliittun Hole Vriier, ever u.vdr roosmtHnd vl hy famiiie?'. ur luiy (or your own us': it i.i vnly isoi't fn-o v'trrwh.-r by txpr!?. A.ilr!-5 for partii uUr.K.l i. v, k 15. Ilri.o.H & Co. Corner tJrcetiWt nd Cvutilandt Sts. New Voik. L xl'j isj. lisraAV Norici: 7TAKEN TP RY THE IN !HS !;'J- 'v rtj.-- I'.uctin DuugiH rfiuvt, I'olk .'i.u;- ty, o one dark bay n aro a- ut i ! 1-ar.d" hii:U U t.ipehotu-n i: ltt hip, U stif-p-..-'ol 1 1 n abi.,tJ 1 2 V'aM old, h:H a (lit Sai huuiro i breathy and Laj l.on t ;ii,i.'r -? here 16 luwnths, the uwiiff h t-'u'i' mi1 to provt proj'rtv, fi-y eharg'-s and take flu-m away Dated this lS;b day of Norrtnl.iT l7'2. JiLMlV JA.MK.S. J 1 - 4 2 4 , In hi lwok on Chrr.i.ic l . Ir, Pierce says of his (J jldcii Mo lioal , Ji.'j; t ry : "tlod. I bcM'-ve. li-i.' infilhol ih-ro.ii and plait.s troin whi'hhi'f woti.lri.'ul n.i.'-i ti c is extract o-i,' the healing pr .itur., by ti.u n.-t-of which Coui-'i'iupti in, the 4i nrn i,f i It t; human faji-iJy, may in it early v.iv Im prom ft 1 arrt-ed ;i;d pim tvx-ut'-y car::-' I I :!o not nisi. i, ! !;.!. il iU r, i'-t-l . o :, iL.'j, pt.ii.t thti t (' ov v. J- f r T i ii ii .i? -In cm in.- .iccolll p.: i.-livd W ti tilt ftlf-gji .'lie h-:'t iii-UW-fd, a tnai y who ilo, hrfh' d v-.i i of a!l tu-ciciu-, aim to humbug I!..: ;it'u,''(,d tint tht-y may aull thtir often, wurrc than w r;hli:.-S ciui ponds "itit u my t.'i.i.-n .vr.iu.ti cmi. dV'td in tbe i;..-t t i !;... 1 1 ry K- oi.-t a-v I know fiota cmifin in.. rv.tti.n .nil a' Mi.il li.-t in ! .ii:r! "i ta-i., ti.:.f it will IiO.-:iii -l V and Jtrei;; !i rc--t L..i u; I ui. I rut-. e !'. aitii si. Oi'ifr ot r.nl rilij Pc.refu- loi;.-.-, ei ti'a, ,i.it il-. i ui-H, M.iHiiitc '.o':foa II It-, n i.i. j,j.,J iti-rat-;: the '.v'liic. fhi iii'.-i it-n'. .; a'! i !. '1 .n thMlo.-t t i ; M iil f !.'" '-iflji ru .-.1 i.b-trti.-i 1- told S Maiden l.at-.. I r pet or b 'X A eutntiferf'cit , N. i i H f -N e.li ior ucvi tiyio liio oil s'lrrr j ivuivciv, the bet C(,ri;eni;i l.u.s:n -h U-r la al iifi and Can-vn.-'-'cr'. may bo mud by au-ircrrin. Ol it I'lKKSlJsK Full.M, ChieMfM.. Octl'J ly. OLii i.tii-ii.v l'hypiral ii,fni.iiics isre the lot of all Mil lions arc a1w;is tik No man, wfman or chili is unifcrudy in perfect health . Much, however, of tho rfdekner a. id ."i-U'etii' vv Iii' h re nd. r life a w hi '.: i. due A. mighty imti di--vi-ic ,u.A been 'A it i.- i.ir.ciur.t" burden to so u.; t y i t ernr lo carclcjJi.iv's and m glett. dote to the badii; caiiits of piovidtd It i-j as hari;ue.-s 8t poisonous diug oi.ifcri int. its cii:',!..-i;ti"n It is an umlefi.Vil ttiisiiio'i::', toi.ic and aj,t.rient of whith tvtiy it:n .dici.t in vc,;-;i.ihy 'I his ur;cxcep!ioi;a' c3 jaevcntailvo and rcttorulivu medicine is not " a new thing nrdtr the tun '' iloatctti r' tst' .much Bitters will soon hate been belf.ro tho w 1 1 a ju h u r of a reidury and it is not tou inut h to aver that th(.u;-;i,i.df , aye, tci:s of thot. ar.d?,aie i.ow u.-itig it v.ho would have be tu iu thtir graves jcais ago ; had ! thy tot bet n st:tiigtlitnfcd and sustained by j this wh'dc!,mo stimulant 3 ho i acidify i'uh which miuor ailia-.-uts olteu Ifjcruc,. when! neglected, obstinate diseases, is well known This ti'iiie is isiiioiis for tho iatmediato check which it gives to these breeder of deadly dis- j orders Thu sensation of lang r, tho ick head- i ache, tho .nervousness, tho indbjuwi tion tu ex- ! eitioi., the MiUau, tLo t? . nfusion of brain, tho thcjhjikal iltbiiity, bith are intended to! t.rtuionirh us of the approach of serious dan-I ger, are invanably removed by a few do of! , ... , . i i me iJiiicrs jno laiuu or preparation us a gen uiue fpt-t-inc lr dy-prnsia, bilious et-mjdiuut!', ma'driuii.-i fevers', ihuiuatim oinl chioiiie debil ity, is uj wide u the world ; aud in the:-e days Of infamous tdjiirlainnbm, wbui fitrto cathur- ; tics, that rob the iu valid ot lim lust ruunawU of biuetrength, are advertised na invigorates ( ! ) ' jt in indeed a bltktii.g to muLkind that lloiel- , ter's iStomach Hitters arc everywhera i rocuru- j j blctud everywhere pf piijr , j J LL1GAL -AOVI2RTISG3INT- A PllOCLAMATION, ViiEnEA8, under tho Act of tho Legislative Assembly ot tho State of Oretron, entitled An Act to protect litigants" approved October 24d, I OTll U T . . I . . io w,iuu liiiiKUAi, uki'i iiMtN a newspaper pub lished at Dallas; Polk County, Oregon, has been designated to publish the legal and judicial advertisements for the county of Polk in the State of Oregon, and .' - . . Whkukas, the proprietor of said Liukhal Repcbmcan has filed with the county clerk of said Polk County, written stipulations accepting tho condition of said Act, together with bonds approved as tho law directs, with proper returns anduotices, thereof to this office according to law, and therefore said Lihkkal. Hepvucah is hereby proclaimed to be" appointed and eon firm" ed 3 tho mediam through which all legal and judicial advertisement for tho County of Polk shall bo published for tho period authorised by law. Done at the Executive Office, in the city of Saleui. This the lt'th day of December A. D, 1872. . L. F, Okoteu, '" Goveruor of Oregon, fro) Attest 1 ' J S.F. CUADWICK Secretary of State. SULUtUWH SALE OV MOUTGAGC "". 'riSOPKKTY,'; BY VIRTUE OF ADi;CREE OP FORE closuro of mortgage ma lo and entered at tho Nov. term A. I. 1872, of the Circuit Court ofPoik County State of Oregon iu favor of Ira F, M. iiutlcr,aa.im'r, of tho otato of Nancy A. Howard iecuufed, pill., and ag&tnit Htdney JjUiiUi, .Margaret J. hunth, Uorgo Wilcox and Mafyt. nilcox, defendants, for tho stun of $1362 50 principle and iut rift, aud tho further turn of ;d t cjostrf, on which, execution to me delivered w.u duly i.iued nut of the Circuit Cctutt of isaid . couiuy, 1 have this 'day ".' levied upon, and on MONDAY THE 20th DAY OF JANUARY, 1S73, between, the hours ot 9 o'clock A. M-, and 4 o'clock P. JI. Iu front cf the door of the Court ll'm-io at Dallas, in aid county, will oll at Public Auction all the rtirht, title aud interest of tin said defendants in and to tho following described premises to wit: licginiug fourteen ( 11 ) . i-h.iins aud (40) links' wr, hii'l sevftitev-n ( 17) chains and twenty- f..i;r (21) linlt!) piiuth cf tu South W;.-t Comer of jitction thn (3) 1'own- Townsliip .Nine ( t ) of Hannfour ( I ), West E tiie H i.JauK-tt Meridian, tiunco Last forty ( 40 ) chains, theiico North twenty-tivo (25) chain, thence West forty ( fit ) chains, thence Suaili tweniy five ( L'5 chains to tho place of U jiiuir?'. s.ii d r nii-t s sicitatt, iu Polk County or.tie of Vrean, toother, with thu teueuionts and appurtenanet thereto bclutigiiig. Ttrms cash, U. S. coiu. S. T. iJl Rrit, Sheriff ol Polk County. - Dated Dee. 21, 1S72. Dcc21wl Stti:iUXi'- A lAl. Wln rcs., on the i)!h Way of Dec 1372 By con?i deration of tu Circuit Court of the State ..f (h ;-' u fvr the county of Marion, h 8 Scott f'irtiif iif, recovered jmli,ii-ni again.t Rn .5iu..-.u Vvl'u for the sti;u of f.uir r. nndr ;d and i(rty-to dollars an I eighty cents 0.) .Vit.i t.y virtue i.f an execntiuii isme l thercoiri y the Clerk of Sai 1 county, and t me direcli-l, 1 have this day levied upon and will pr-wicd t yell at public auction to tho hi-b..st i.i bb r, in f'roiit ot tbu Curt hou."-, in Uall.t. l'ollf County, Oregon, bttween the h turs of .J io U A. M. and i o'clock I", M,.on Suturdsv ih Mh day of February, A. I. 1S7.1. Ait Itio r':;ht, title and inl. rit tbo said Siuip ii in n4 tt tLe full,winjj ii;ef ibed real pf p. rty, to wit: Known i n tlio pi if and .-urvcys of the I. S, as Not i 0 d I claim mnu ber, 71 and 12, being part of section, 2 and 13 1 S K i , and part- of sretton 7 and IS I' f S II tl WciU ot Wi;haine(te meridian situated iu 1'olk County State of Ore;run w.n taiuiu. .:;;; nd l. tuit Inn; lr ti, acre more or Je iih the ap;urt(Mtaii-ei and fcnemci,:.4 tiit'i-- uoio bvioiigiurf, tu atify the aid .u in of 1112 S J) four 'hundred and forty o doiuiia iit i eighty rtnts, with intense, and the further sunt of ($17 SO) feveuteen dol lars and eighty cents costs, with tho coat jl afiJ upoa ibia writ, 'ferm.-i eah S T Ur nth tin-riff '-f Ioik Count" ttr?. . Dated thi 9th day of Jan A. l. 17:1. Janlf7:rtw .siii-:uiri" mam. ly virtu of a doer e of ford. vnre of mortiC in favor of Vi'm, Fiei lru r an 1 agiinV t ion. W. Jhivi.-i and 1- Pickens nude an ifutfttd up..i: th' ju-ljrment docket of tho Cir cuit t'ourt of th Statu of Oregon for the f. unity ' p. ilk at th November term thereof A I J.-72, for tho th -a n of i-'2,'J: 23 which judgment aud decree wa-t regularly enfclled and lockrt( d in t hu j hi I -n, u t r'dl of sail CuiTt An I on t xecutiun issued thereon by tho Clerk e.f aid t'oiirt, and to mo directed to wci.u and cell tho inorrKajred premises And by Virtue of paid pxenitwn I have this day levied upon and H ill proceed to rvll at public auction in front .f tho Court lbui.-uj dour in I'ailas, Polk County, Oregon, nil tho riht titioaiid itdcrest of sat-! Chas. W, Davis and I) 1) li tk n between (he bour of y o'cfck A M and 1 o'clock P M, on Saturd iy, the Sth of February A U IS7.'?, the foliowinj described tnortgeed pr-;mivs, to wit : Degining at a point 21.2 ch." cast and 20 chs south of N W c ruer of fec .) T 8 S 11 5 west running thence ! .-o . ii 1 5 8i clu thence t.il ili ch thenoo north hi) chs the ice west f 0- eh to th place of bo riiiii;; containing :i2t( acres more or less with ail i .' f; jiurteiiaiiCer1 and leuetueutM thereunto belonging, .to siiti.-fy (he said num of l.'.JiyfJ 25 iLiiii.!'.' and eo.-t.-, atid tie? co.t-i of aiul upon in is A nt : gold Ti t ilk s of UiO Ciinil, 111 hand coia. S T IJrKCii, SherilTof Tolk County. Ogn Dated thi.t '.lib tlay of Jau 1S73 Janll'73'4w CUT AUDI AN SALE. Notieo is hereby j fjiven that tho under sijji.-cd uardiKii ol the otiato of Kvan A Marian heit,on, iu purHUaucO of iieen.ie- granted by tbo County Court for Polk County Oregon iviil !ell at the hour of ouo o'clock P. M. of February 2t'th 17.1, at, tho Court House dwor -in isaid County at public auction to tho highest, bidder for casdi on twelve mouths time, all the rilits, title and interest of xuid .vards being tin e half in tho following described land iu aid coviity to wit; lleginiu at a point on tho lino dividing tho hutd-and's XV half from tho 'wife's Hast hal f of tho Solomon iShelfon Donation claim, Tomdiip 7 S 11 5 XV A L'fi.sl ch W tV 9.jt) chs N of tbo S K corner of the saiwe runutng ' thence W 11.59 chs, thr nce;N MM lis, IIhuico W 0.10 eh, thence N .' en,t iinncu .i.o,cii uienim ti o. ,cn uieiji K -0 ltl.chi'tf.enco-'n to t!i place f legininif being area of 35 a'res mure or less, . J utiiTU Sui.ltox, guardian. ' J7.'5lw c7 r. r i h : (i5C)n l'Cr dW 1 AgOUtS .W iDXf .wanted! AH chutes ot working peopit'i "' t-.niji r sex, youug. or old. make m- ro money nt work for v.a in their !;paro luoiueiits, or. all the timu,tUau at. anything lso Ihit ticulars free Addressed. 4ri tiusunap d Co. Poit!.uid,tMaii.e ; .23-1 WW i .... , - ..'.: . A.G E WiT S THE DISCO VEItE It DISCOVERED ! Dr, LIVINGSTON 13 IX AFItICA, The Adventures of a most Adventurous Idle. Tlie J ': Slaulcy-Isiviiitoiie xicflifioii to Africa. Larsre octavo Ivolume, just issued. Contains Incidents of the Wonderful Career of the Great Traveler, thi Country, Animals, Na tives, Hunting, etc. Full account of thin most iutercBtinjf part of the globe. ALSO TO SfarLiLi UUlt JX&W W11K, FlsAIilT IIO.TIE TALk AND MEDICAL COMMOX SENSE. No competition. There never was "a book published like it. Full pi'ticulars by mail. State book wanted A.IiHANCHOl'Ti CO., - SAN fUAMCISCO, CAL. of wonic at Tnr: lowkst LIVING rUICKS.OAN in: HAD 13V CALLING OX; 6TEAM JOU PRINTERS, 03. Front .Street, Portland, Oregon 4 LAI'. (lti ASSORTMKNT of IJLANKS j Circuit, County, and da.-tices' Courts, con stantly on ban!. "Also, Bonds, Deed, Mortgages aud Blanks for use iu iJaukruptcy tares. By mein I."etterhen Is, bdlhofiltur i ciri-u -lar printed envelope, etc Uivo us a all and and scud in your o rders LOOK! LOOK!! ; LOOK!! xi o t r K it w oiirb is v 4; to. ELLErJDALE STOIlE,, Dave jest received an llocts and es, llala and Cap( . Clathlii-?, Croc ery arid tJlasswaro. Hard ware, Groceries, Provlslou5,Ac. 1)HIS f;OOIH. SAAMPI.i:, FANCY, & DRV GOOIW of all kiuds, 4 Which they will sell cheap, Come aud fry their prices. The highest price paid far all kinds cuntrr proelueo. ; 1 i , n n t . MILLIONS of EUG3 and TONS of BDXrE5 Wanted i Boiler V. S. S I Is V ft El, No. 130, First Street, PORTLAND, - - - - ORX2 GOX i Vbo'osald aaJ Ilotall Dealer in DRY iiOODi tLOTHfXG, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, IIOOTH AND 'HO KS, HATS CAPS onochuESti provisions, ': ' ' . Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds of Ootin Ivy;. . 2?ioil u.ec 1 l ' HOLLOWAY'S ; ETcry Han lis o wti : Piysician, - rvTlF. Ir-imensa3fn'3A'ir TTOLLOWAT'S 1 riLliliaiid pirftMElNT hn tempted 1 unprinfefine to'cttrtilttfeit tht valu ldo iiiedieiiioi. ' In order tn pwtect, tbfiuxilifi n'1 miriplT, wo have ifti-d a new " 'Praifo Almk," eonit inrfoftm J-'.jplian circle of a terrnt, w4.H iliftlftier If iin tliu centre. Kvery box of srn- mne 1Ioi.i. av' I'ttw -autl wtwTMiiir will luive this tniio'ranTk'oa it; nouo are genuiua without it. i f" N. Y. Cxtty eolrrorrJUr, IS Uaid& L-tus, New 3wk. W-AN:T Hwl is & Co. U EA Ij i; R S , I IV HARDWARE, ( i FARM MACHINERY, WAGONS, ; ETC. 4 ! INCLUDING PITT CnALLENQER, RUSSELL, HARDEN, i WHEELER , THRESHER i MOUNTED aud DOWN. ENDLESS CHAINS, HOUSE-POWERS IIAINE'3 HEADERS, with extra heavy lrapers i And many other improvements eiclusivtly OVll OWiY, i ......... MA R S II -lARVESTER?. DOEwV Wood., Hubbard, ClipptT.Buckeyfi.prague Excelsior, New il'ork, Esttrly. UurU, Eagle, aud other ! " HEAP ! I IIS tud ( V 1 I f EBAKER, j PACIFIC, AND .BAIN FARM and HEADER WAGONS, Nnwp?rfeetMn proportion and finish, all boiled in oil, aud fully warranted' rnilE OREATEST VARIETY OP GOODS and Machinery iu the State, at the lowest possible prices, and time Riren wben desired. Keiueinhcr. we nut u aiau's not in the Banks either in Halem. Portland tr San Francisco. w ADll. 1IUO IV N & t( Sakm, June 1, 1871. H-in3 X. a. Eoaixs i.x W. C, WHITAL m w r 1 1 .ti & x c w AT HE INDKPISNDKNCi: DRUG STORE. 10BINS0N k WHITAL INFOU THE citicns of Po'k County that they avo on baud tho largest an I bi.t stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, FANCY GOODS Ever brought inf Polk County. They invite a liberal bare of public pat', ronage. Thir motto, " ehaprr lUm th rhoiprit.'" Pure Vines and Liquors for Sac ramental A Medicinal purposes only. ElOBSNSOitf Dee2r72 tf MEN, ATTENTION t Why allow your wives and daughters to wear their eyes out wheh Will purchase one ofthe celebrated IMPllOYED; II O ITX S II II T T ffi -2 111 v r JL XN - w .MACHINES.."; Every body nses them and they givejunivtr sal satisfaction. They can bo found at 3503sT1': & WO SIT Is Y, Agents for Polk County 27-tf. IVATIOIAL Ii U SINE S S C 0 L L E G POST OFFICE BLOCK, CORNER First a-nd Alceb SrsaiT PORTLAND, OREGON. A MODEL COMMERCIAL COLLEQEJ! THE EDUCATION VOW TUG TIMX29 The Importance of a Practical Edacatios Was never mere Apparent than How 1 IT IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED that as we grow in p peri ty we grow nor practical, and tl at it is required of men that they edueate themselre J practically educata themsoUes in the best manner possible tomt the demands of the times. When Agesilaus, King of Sparta, was ak4 what things be thought most proper for boys to learn, hererlied? ''Those things. which tbef should prarJicc when they beco'ne men." " Deliver all things in numlr and weight, and put all in writing thattneu girest out or re cti vet in," is a precept efaniwsal application; aud there is a special necessity forfeit strict ob servance in all business transactions. Yoao men the future welfare of this Co aook o Y 0 1 ! Are YOU prepared to meet its demaads f A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION ' to meetbe DEfMIVDS of THE A CE I i,The most thorough, and comprehensive COURSE OF BUSINESS TRAININd ever introduced by any C O iTI M E It CIA I- OR BUSJNESS COLLEGE combining TIILCIllL AND PIIACTICE, by uene of PAXKS AMD BUSINESS OFFICES. The Course is so arra jged and Taught as t m enahle the btudCnts to master it in the Shortest Time possible1. wEach Student, after failing through the -' . TIIEOIir COURSE, becomes an actual . ' BOOK KEEPER AND MERCIUN2 where, in tho space of a few WEEKS, he ob tains the experience of an ORDINARY LIFE TIME. The TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT Is new fitted up with the best of instruments, and Is in complete running order. For FULL INFORMATION, tend for COL- LEUE PAPER. Addreaii DrPUANPK A JAMK1 92ii Portland, Uregen. Xer Goods! IVew Goods!! FOR TIIE PRESENT SEASOJT.l We respectfully call tho attention of 'the Public to our Well.SelecUd Stock ofi'- .adirt' Dress Goode, Ladies' and Misses Hats, Cents' Furnishing Code, - Glorea, Gaiter, Etc. Hard.rare' Groceries, School .Books, Stationery, 4ktmm in fact Everything: Pound la a First Class Retail Store. We ean assure our Patrons that! we will be up with the times. Come 'and Examine our Stoek before pur chasing elsewhere. Conn try Produce taken in exchange t Goods! n.'a j.d. lbs. Dallas April 22, 1871. 1-U J. JJ. B UtE'IX Justrce o f the Peace r OAJLI,Ast PRECINCT - - Polk Ceuaty DEEDS, MORTGAGES POWERS OF AT- tortey, and other legal papers drawn and acknowledged, on short notice. Ode ia the Court lloase. 11-1 -$4,00 PIEK, B O Z M M! PIIOTOGltAPIIS, AMBIIOTYPES, - AND All Styles of Pictures ot the best finish, TAKEN BY J. II. K I C A I JD , n A VINO ALL LATE IMPROVEMENTS for ttkiiir pictures, I invite the patron age of the public. Please call at the phote graphic Gallery. Main strret, opposite Dr. Rtt- bull's office, Dallas, Itf