Liberal Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1872-1???, December 07, 1872, Image 3

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Monty Market.
Latest New York Gold 9notaUons.,.M..ll
Legal Tenders in Portland :
Boj'iig 90 Selling 91
Dallas Produce and Commission Market.
Corrected Weekly, by Bolter and Wortley
Merchants, Main Street, Dallas, Oregon.
WHEAT 60 $65 " bash.
OATS 35 40 c.
FLOUR$5 $5 50 n bbl.
" Sks$l 37
fORN MEAL 4c. TB lb.
BEANS 6c. $ lb.
BACON Sides, 16 15c ft.
Shoulders.Uo. to 12c. $ lb.
HAMS 2 J 16c p lb.
PORK Dressed 67cts
" Pickled, 8c. to iO.c. ft.
BUTTER Firkins 20 25c tt.
" Roh 30 to 25c. $ lb.
QGS 30c dox.
LARD BulklGc ; tins,20,
POTATOES From Wagon, 37c busbel.
ONIONS $1 50 $ bushel.
APPLES Green, 50c bhl.
" Dried, 6e "0 lb.
CHEESE New Oregon, 20 25c ft.
WOOL S0. lb
M. E. Cin-ROH. Services on the 4th Sabbath
Eeach II A. M. and 7 P. M.
.Sabbath school every Sunday M 9 A. M.
Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev.
.J. James. Pastor.
M. E. Chcrch South. Services en the 1st
Sabbath of each month at 11 A. M. ?Uv. J.
1. Lovell, Pastor.
Baptist Church. Services on the 3d Sab
(bath of each month at 11 A. M. Rev. F.
ilolman, Pastor. ,
j j ... ' 1 1 1 -
Attention. The attention of our readers
is called to the card Dr. J. C Bolt to be found
n another column.
Correction We stated that the thief wlo
.entered Mr. Pfrau'a house, carried away a fine
watch and $150. We should have said a fine
sratcb worth $150.
Appointed Mr. J A Scott of IuJtpcndencel
b is p?en appointed agent fot the C-iV.ineiita
L fe Insurance Company of New York, by G
W Carey general agent for the State.
Received jTt receipt of" Mag,s Walti,"
s acknowledged It is one of the fineet
Vwulties ever placed before the public. Price
SO cents. Address F. W. HELMICK, 278
iWest Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Friend Daly sports a four st.ry stove-pipe
bat which coat him $20 Ed Bolter's graceful
bead is surmounted with a similar one which
did not cost him anything Betting on Gree
ts an extensive luxury.
Kimrohs o This WaivPath. SU?j$ra. Site
Richmond, Holm, Lerin", Mycr, Daly, Vine
yard, and a host of other hunters so gay, are oil
scouring the country with dogs and hound..
Alroaly we are getting ready fqr Some savory
Ahrested Frank Sympsn, formerly car-j-i'-r
on:llie A a route, was brought here from
I'o.o-')iirf . on a warrant issue. I by Judge Myer
.charging him with the of a Lore from
Coinstock and Carr. An investigation of the
patter was had on Thursday cvtinug and
the defeudant was held to bail in the sum of
Mr. G. B. Styles informs as that he has
ucha!cd .tbe old building fnrmcy-Iy occupied
by the QdJ F.dUow, and is now having it
moved to the lot formerly occupied by bis old
stand, He will have his entire stock of goods
juio.vedj and be in caduiesa to wait upon all
customers at the latter p, by the last of
next week,
Perfect Health is the best gift of God to
man. But it is left to us to keep it good.
We commit a serious error whenever we deceive
ourselves by Dot gating in hand at Xtcjc any
disease which may It come serious,, Coughs..
Colds ;mJ vfonchitis, are of this class
OTistar'g Balsam of Wild Ckerry will cure
A in the l'ost 0Lc at Dalla, Dec. I,
Kl-jin Samuel 2
LnuipCit Henry 2
Malony R II
McCartey A li
Oglesby M
I'almebn P
lVrhaui Mary K
Hinith II
Storrs Jobn
Wolf li
Barnef Geo F
Harnett I 2
IJ.wley John M
Drown Sophia W
Cobb Iewis
(jLo Archy
Ffinmijjixy Ezra
Johuaon M
SauVo Pliill " .
Woodward Mr
fertificd to bo correct by J. D. Lee. P.M.
frill bo paid fof the apprehension and safe- de
livery of one FRANK MeCAN a fugitive
frofn justice, from Washington Terfbe above
reward will be paid on the rpcejpt of any sher
iff or constable in the Btate of Oregon or
Washington Territory. that be is in safo ps
to!- . . ' - ;
McCann is about 5 feeteight inches in bight
rather light coropWixfotl, dark hair, one glass
cye,profejion&l dancjog tnaster,playi th violin
and banjo
Deputised by fh,B governor of Vasbington
Territory. :.v
, Noy. 2(th 1872.
IMI t-,
Truesucccni results from tru mett HnU'
Vegetable Hi-i!iao jjnir He newer is placed
before the public, renting solely upon its own
lucriU Its success is already iudisputablc.
Chicago; November 29. A private dis
patch iroru Now York says Greeley is
New York. November 29. The 4ri
tunc issues the following Lulletin.
November 298 P. M. Mr. Greeley
died very quietly and without pain at
tea minutes before seven this eveuiog.
He was conscious and rational.
.New York, November 29. Uorace
Greeley's life was iosurcd for $100,000
for the benclitof the Tribune association-
It is announced that the Chap
paqua homestead of GTeeley is to be
abandoned by the family, and that the
property is to be auctioned off to mor
row. Salt kake, November 29. Communica
tions with all the miuiur. districts is
open aud easy. There t9 but little
snow in Cottonwood. Qpperations arc
brisk, and large quantities of ore are
coming in.
There is great indignation hero in
regard to the diamond swiudlc.
City of Mexico, November 15.
President Lerdo Tej.ida will be inau
.1 " W v
guratea on tne .1st ot JJeceiubcr.
Astonishment is manifested in polit
ical circles at the late persisteny of the
new President in xciaj.auig in hi. of
fices the appointees of the lata Presi
dent Juracz The (-.abinet oflicers are
said to h.ive resigned, but a new Cabi
net will not be appointed until altar
the inaugural ion..
A comittee of Congress proposes to
erect a mouument to the memory of
Juarez and give bis widojv and chil
dren a pension..
Lozado is reported dead, but the
news needs confirmation.
Serious troubles are reported at JTe
hauutepee, where it is alleged that the
Indians who were uuiyilUng to obey
Lozada were attacked by troop and
that General placido Yeg;t was killed.
Paris, Dec. This evening the res
ignation M. Le Franc Minister of the
Interior, tendered. Yesterday morn,
ing, after the resu't of a debate in the
Assembly jfras declared and iud been
accepted iby-.lfco President, o Cabinet
meeting was held winch lusted thrre
hours. All the Ministers have tt!ercd
their resignations, I Hit cp to the jMeseot)
time Thiers ha refused to accept them 1
'I he Prcsideut is much affected by the
last vote iti the assembly, and mvm the
)tily course left for him is to resign
Nothing has yet bem settled and the
-iiuutiou is oue of the yewy gravest,
Paris is uneay, but the Monarchist,
are firm and coniMint.
Madrid, Ioc. ). On J'riday ,thei
inssirg'-nLs approached the city .of Aluh
:t and attacked the troops Mded in
thrt subufbs, but were repulsed and
J riven several feiils S'itb Insivy Jus.
A b?nd of about a houiaod atteujpted
to suprise the State forces at Antnui
diel, but iailed aud WAe 4rir.ejo ojf.
The Carlists were defeated Ln a fjiiht
with the troops in the province of Twle
do and lo.t many killed, including two
leadey acJ twenty-three prisoners. A
body of insurgents calling the calves
Federals, jverc beating in Vulenria.
The Senate has passed thoMort
gage, JJati; Loan bills The loin
provided tor by the latter bill will prob
ably be issued on jjjc J 0th jutaii,
Nashville, Xov. 8o.-Xcws of the
death of Horace Orecl;y excites univer
sal regret. The Jfaniitr to morrow will
say : In view of the complication of
the present electoral college, by the
1.1- .Pit 1
ueain os uorace ureeiey, wc propose
that ihe Southerq States which gave
their electoral vots for the deceased,
cast their vote jn the Electoral College
for Grant. It ia graceful and under
the .circumstances appropriate to ac
quiesce in tlifi overwhelming popular
veruiet oi tne iortn. j,et the rjouth
itself have
e an opportunity to mike th
fur Grant unanimous in th
the vote f
spirit of that cause ol reconciliation
which Mr. Greeley was while living and
o the latest moments of his useful lifo,
t heroic and eloquent exponent.. .
Getfysburg, Nov. 30 Tho Gettys-
burg Memorial Association have
detcrniined to erect a statute to Gen
Meade, apd a memorial column.
New York, pecember 4. Rev. Henry
Ward lJercher8 remarks at Greeley's
funeral were juite brief. ' Ho spoke of
the deceased as one wh'b for thirty yeaii
)gj ft!led the land with controversy;
ill man of war, yet dying with civic
honors, but as oy.c whose memory shall
live forever in tho annala of his country.
To-day all men forget the recent strife
and opinion, and hftnor him because
he was.something more than a profes
sional man ; he was a man so good
nl noble that he had few compeers,
For thirty years he built for himself no
otward monument nor state, but to
day, between the oceans, there is not a
plan, who has not felt the effect of the
labors of Jlorace Greeley.
Philadelphia, Decomher 4,- A gener
ol meeting of the Centennial Commis
sion was held to day. CommWoocrg
were ptosont from all tho States.
Little buMucss was done, j
The Adventures of a most Adventurous
IJte. The
xpedilion . ,
to Africa. Large octavo volume, just issued.
Contains Incidents of the Wouderful Career of
the Oreat Traveier, th) Country, Animals, Na
tives., Hunting, etc. Full aocouut of this
moMt interesting part of the gluba. ALSO TO
No cotai petition. Thejre jiever was a book
pwlilu-hed like jt. Full particulars by mail.
state book wanted.
A. L. II ANCKOl'T a C.,
j ii it u i o l o cs i c a r,
The Science of Min i is the control point
around which levotres the whole circle of sci
ences It ia tbe key to univeraal knowledge,
and SRLr-KKowi.iHiK is the key to the Science
of Miud.
Phrenology ia he dewonntrahle bis of
MeuUl rhiloophy It shows bow the diversi
ties . of butnsn character and capacity are
related to the laws of the universe; hartnouitcs
.the human being with the Dirine, .ud u
tUis U .ways ofvUod t
"Know Thyset Siuee Use Grecian sago
Joferthed thie iiuuiorUil wurJ oh the Teiupio
uf Uelpbj, the world bs atrulcl a never
bqfvretftMr arils a sotutiup of tb problems of
bHan eauUuc '
The Correlation oTaxC, bow eUb
lihcd tact, lias tundhvd jut citduriog bais
for atl the maleri! teucvUnt, Li-jkt,
Elect M'fjHttimM and .U-fic!v witttiu
the dvuoata uf Uw aod urdvx
The Origisi of Ba, IU nr riji.
cue i by LthtxilugUts, is bringing lijjlit out
ol the shadow ol tb f, and t-uuut fU to
intret the truth -swkcr
The Origin vj XC
prootewi. i aytv';y .eHaio tbe mtuts ol
our l.-ilus I'hyW.'uU 'he renuit will b
jtivt-n in this Jm juvaX
innul foaturwj ntn'r''iii the ujt-t of
Mind. U'tilf !tr.u tvu-.i aud Fuuctiutts, afil
UelsUou, ducatiu, ltiliiu CreJ, .Mar
riage. 3TriiiHi uf .CkUdcnuu .CxXwittaJ JurU
pruduut, Phystognomy an Teiraoisuts( Sins
of thra t;r, IVcuIiiiritivs of. OrauiiiUiou,
TrpiimUnio wf iluUl UiJ Uodjly yualiUe
etc., sSbQ
8K Ivrovsntsut -Vaio are ail tho
toacj'iDjfs ot s-ifUfQ and marvels of art, unk
applied to perfect Im) ourselve and improving
our rare It 1 for this we " live, uiovc. ana
tMtve ouj bci-u." aud te tbj result Xjhk
soLvfJU AL Jouityav will tul
Happy HonjM a re the reault of a normal
education and dvebpeuient. aud life accor
ding to the laws of iife Tbesa r the oj
boji of all tbst i god in tbo ' life to coujj,'
ad lint Jiea-veo uit Juarib
Th Phreuolgoical Journal for 1873 will
keep pa-Hi with the march ot cyruU, ajid
while " holding faat to the good," will eudeav
UT to lead tfce public miud ju many thiags
naw .nd trvu
Tprm. Montbl, si 3 a year, in advance.
Single numbers, 3 cents, Clubs of ten or
more, $2 each. Ad Ire, S, It. Wells, Publish-
at, .liradway, New York.
For 1873.
TbdUIDE isnowpublisbedQUARTEHLY
25 cen pays tor the year, lour numbers,
which is not half the cost Thoae who after
wards send money to the amount of
far or more for Seeds may alao order Twenty
five Cents worth extra tho price paid for the
Uu'ide'' , .
The January Xumber Is beautifnl, firing
plans for makina; Bur at Bwrnv, I..;,.- r
Dining Table Decssratloas, Window Oar
dens, Ac, and containing a mass of informa
tion Invaluable to tho lover of flowers. One
Hundred and Fifty pages, on fine tinted paper,
'soine Five Hundred Engravings and a superb
Colored Plate , and fchromo Cover. The
Fir-t Edition of TWO HUNDRED THOUS
AND just printed to English and Uerinan, and
ready send out,
JAMES yiCK, BocheiUr, ft. Y.
J. 0. BELT,
pUynioian and
H u r ff o n,
to the citisens of Dallas and vicinity. ' llav
bad ten years experience in hospital and pri-'
vato practice, feels competent to treat kll cases
that may come under bis care. ' Office adjoin
ing Dr, Rnbell's denistry office. "
If you feel diilt, drowsy, debilitated havo'
freqaent headache, nouth totes bad, poor ap.
pe.ite and tongue coated, ' yQu are suffering
jroin T.)fiid Liver or " Dillioasnoas,'. and
nothing will cure you so speedily aud perma
nently as Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery Suld by all druggists.
v1 be
; 'nK H prcvio-offers. Kuc-h subscriber
at Three Dollars a Year, will be presented with
a jiromium of Two Elegant Chrotnog, champ
ion pictures of the two moat dettirable aod
popular subject in America the .Falls of Ni
agara and Yosemite Falls Size of pictures,
10J by 12i inches
These elegant Chromos. copied from beauti
ful pictures painted from nature by one tha first
artists in America, give the moot popular
views of those interesting and sublime objects,
and are faithful productions of the original
tfhe Grand old Niagara, with its immense body
of tWItter falling 10 feet, sending up denso
dense clouds of spray to reflect in brilliaucy
and beauty the vivid colors of the rainbow, is
so clearlydepicted that, in imagination, you
bear the mighty roar. The Yosetbite, with
its lofty mountains towering to the clouds, ai'd
its stupendous fU of 1,000 teet, itapresiring
with its awful grandeur, and filling the mind
with delight and wonder.
These two Chromos are .tie 'beet pictures
ever published for $10, and will be sentmoun
ted. aod varnished, by mail, as a premium to
each yearly Three Dollar subscriber to our
alontlily Magazines.
JUanUr,jut think, TWO lUamtiul CUllO
Xos $t AH Ait A J Y-GSEMITK.
These picture! are veritable gem.-, and worthy
Of being enshrined in ar honored place in our
hojpet They will be prosoa ted to. yearly sub
scribers on recepit of Three Dollars, ami 8 cts.
for postage, with you name and address.
Every hoine in America should posters these
invaluable illustrations of art and beauty, and
no person of taale and enterprise can afford to
iil Slvris. J'uoias nd Popular Muic, by the
beat authors, the only Keliablo fa-thions (inclu
ding full nU paUrn), Home Matters in all
their details. Gardening, Arubiiectnrc, 'and all
tbc Utilities, beauties and novelties of Litera
ture" calculated to make our borne uaetul, at
tractive and happy profagely illustrated, and
a rplended volume for biudiug for ibj center
table at the cud of tho year Single copied
25 ceuts Splendid iuducetueuts for agenUi and
premiums lor cluls. Address
838 Broadway, New Yrk.
4) El A V V X i T i A ii.
most of any work thU fall, I proMe to
paint i II ACKH, tVAtiOS, aud ItUf;
CII24 at $10,50 apleee. Now ia the time to
bring on your old Hacks and Wagons as you
will bevcret them jajuU.-d cheaper.
htp o tie rorer. ow i. U. Styles store
j II, P. Wllltll I2H.
Notice ii bertly givrtt tAt b partrurbip
hcrfvf"to existing jioder tL mime tf Nicb
f4 Ciuad biM ljen dijd. 'Hue lminesa
will bereatter be continued under the firm ot
Nichols k Hyd. All persons kaowing them
selves iadebted t the old firm, will plea call
and fcfttle either by tu vr c tin.
j : li r Nicbola.
Satnl Cnad.
21 i'ux
A ll Ii I IB D
liv, allow jour nive and daughter
tt wear their rjc uutn lith
Will purcUaf") o of He ceJebaUiKl
II 6 fl E II II TTliE
Every body hum th-ias il they giva aaiver
sal aatisfacljon.' Thejr ran be fuud at
IWIrm A: U OItTlsV,
! Agents for Polk CoontyJ
! 27-tf.
atUfflll 99 Positively, the best
J U X M l m l'JnK "J moat
copgni.i uuriiieea lr local Agents ana tan
vii!!vr, may bo accured by atJLlrvMng, Ot n
fiuKSii't FniKsn, Chicago. OcilU-ly.
AlAKtB i Mosisy faat and honorably. $12 50
er dy, $75 per week, by at once applying fur
a territorial right, (which are given free to
agents,) to sell tho best, strongest, most useful
and rapid wiling Sewing Machine, and Patent
lluttou Hole Worker, ever aned or recommend
ed by families, or buy one loryour own use; It is
only $3,1 Sent free everywhere by express.
Addresa for particulars.a Jkohr 1J. Hrnsox ft
Co. Coraer Ureeawi nd Courtlandt Sts,
New York. Out!" 6ia.
During the fever epidemic of lust month
the stock; of Ayer's Augue Cure in the Old
North State became exhausted, and before a
supply could be received from Lowell, the suf
ferlnf from chills and foyer became fearful. A
few parties were so fortunate a to have on
band, and in IredeU Giuoty,.the druggists eked!
out their j slender stocks by selling doses a
spoonful cach-for a dollar Many fiaid fQ
a bottle, when the tegular price is but one, anl
thought themselves favored at that, so valua
ble was -4bo t curative ( properties ol
this. preparation, whih not 6'uly expels the
poiaoq from the system but leaves the patient
With urjitnpared health and vigor Raleigh
N C) . ,
jjtoiiowiijs viumj'jiii.-7-iuo astmuntng. ra
pidity with whieh this preparation extinguish
es' pain' produces cxterual Inflauation, boats
sores,' rcinovos eruptions . i and euro,
rheuinatiiio gives It boundless popularity.
PoKl U Maiden Lano, TNow) VotkJ?IPrloe,l 25
certs 'por 'potk. As for njw , stylo i the old
style is cQuuterfoitod.
'' 1 1 1 " ? . . a. awt k .
& (Do.
d A i;k'r syi X
JUAINE'S HEADERS, with extratearyldrapers
And many other impsevemeota ecLuaively
ova owiv.
Woods, Hubbard. Cli Dter.Itucke va.Sftra vtiu
Eseelaior, New York, Eiterly. DurU, Eagle, and
hi:aii:h8 an mowers.
fw"perfctin frpotiion and fok'i, all
builediu oil, aad fully warranted'
L and Mafbincrv tu the State, at the lowest
p oaaible pria, and tim givin whew .deaired.
Kruieinbor, we fnrl no man's note in the llankn
either in Sab"m. Portland r J'an Francicco.
V All II. UHOW.V A; CO..
Salcei, June 1. 1M1. 11 ui3
S; 1 11 mC 9 want.l ! AllcJa.-ca
I working pln. ot either fcx. young or old
make tHrt mney at wrk for u in their apnre
momenta, r all the time. than at jinything el.e.
Particulara fre Addresi J. Stinon ard Co.
Portland, Maine 2My
"Ycrx r-:A .
W.I N"G-
. . 1 :
CP'' W
J. W. GIU1EUT, Agent.
17-Oai fcSalcui, Oga.
Every year incrtascs the popularity
of this valuable Hoir Preparation;
which is due t& merit alone. We can
-assure our old patrons that it u kcjit
fully up to its high standard; and it
is the only reliabifl ard joifccted prep
aration for restoring Gay op. Faded
IIaie to its youthful color, making it
soft, lustrous, and eiiken. Tire scalp,
by its use, becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff
and, by its tonic properties, prevent
ihe hair from falling out, as it Ktimu
lates and nourishes the hair-glands.
By its use, the hair grovs thicker and
.stronger. In baldness, it restores the
capillary glands to tltcirjioumal vigor,
and will create a new growth, .except
in extreme old age. It is the moat
economical Hair 'Dressing ever used
as it requires(fewcr applications, and
gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance. A. A. Ilayes, M.D., State
Assayex of Massachusetts, says, "The
constituent are p-ure, and carefully
selected for excellent juality ; .and I
consider it the.ttcgr. Pr.Ei'AJiATiOjr
or its intended purposes."
Sold by all DrwjQiilt, aiul DoJert in 2fodiclM.
Price One DoU&Z.
Buckingham's Dye
As our Renewer in many cases re
quires .too long a time, and too muck
care, to restore gray or faded Whisk
era, we have prepared this dye, in one
preparation; which will quickly and
effectually accomplish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which wilt neither rub nor wash ofE
Sold by ail Druggists. IMco Fifty
iixnufirtured -by "R. P. "HALL & CO.,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
jroxx pnutTQO the xbixox.
The reputation this sjk.
rellcnt medicine anjojs,
is derived from Its cure a,
many of which are truly
marveUoua. Inveterate
caacs of Scrofulous dis
ease, where the system
seemed saturated wiU
corruption, bare beea
Euriflcd and cured by it.
crofulous afiectiaosnnA
disonlrwJiiahTivere eg
sraratcd by the scrofu
lous contamination until
tbey were painfully afflicting, bave been radically
cured in such great nunibera in almost every sec
tion of the country, that the public scarcely need ts
fee Informed of its virtues or uses.
Scrofulous polaon is one of the most destructive
enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfeK
tenant of the orjranUm undermines the constitution,
svnd invites the auack of cnfecMinf or fatal diseases,
without exciting a suspicion of it presence. Again,
it seems to breed infection Uiroiydiaut Uv body, ana
hen,oa sorite farorsflile -occasion, raphtly develop
into one or other of its bidcons forma, either on the
urface or among the vitals. In. the latter, tuber,
ries may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or
fteert,-or timiere formed in the Jiver, or it show
its presence by erupUnnn -on the akin, or foul nleee
ations on some part of the body. Hence the ocra
sional use of a botUe of this Harattpnrilla is ad
visable, cvea vrtcnno aciive syTiiptnmsof disease
Appear. Persons afflicted with the following conV!
1laints generallv find immediate relief, and, at
ength, cure, by the use of this 8A118AVAH1I
I. A: St. Anthotv'M Firr, Hone or JZrytipla,
TiUtT, Salt tthtum, Scald Head, Jfiwgtcorws
tinr MZyrB, &r JCara, and other eruptiens or
foible forms of Srrofuloum disease. Also in lb
more concealed formfc, as IyjKjsa, Thmtfy,
Mlenri IHmenar, JhitM, JSpllrftsy, yrurnltrim,
and the various llrrrtma aiTcclions of tbc mueca
iarndterTons syatoms.
Stfphilia or renerent and pTerrurtat THtta
are cured by it, though a long time is required fbf
subduing theseobrtinatc maladies by any mrdicin
Jtut long continued use of liis mcdirine will eisl
the complaint. JLetcorrri or WhU, trWn
Uterationtf and Vi JHiemtes, are com
monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its
purifying and invigorating effect .Minute Direo
i inn iTfer each case are found in ur Ahnanae, sup
plied gratia. Jlhrnrn at4n nd of, rht
caused by acenmulations of extraneous maltm
tn the tdood, vield qurckly to It, as afoo JMrcr
Complaint, torpidity Conarntton or Inflam
mation of the lArrr, undJaund Ice, when arising,
they -often do, from the rankling poisons in the
blood. This SAKSAPAJ111.T.A fa a great re
storer for the strength and rigor of the system.
Those who are Jsanmtid end Mrtlrf, Thttpnn
dent, filrrplrai, ana troubled with mi Ap
prhnion or JTcara, or any of the affection
sirmptomatic of ircwltwca. will And immediate
relief and convincing evidence ol its restoxsuurs)
power upon trial.
r. if. C AYKIt CO., Lowell, Maasu,
Praerteal and. Analytical Chemist,
V T i- -1 t r -ii i -
7m evsrytbf.5?3 J
IT DOI"1 n.-.-i,
. jioit. : us:2:; or ytstn,
Vbavt iny ctker curjchino.
If tbore I a l'l.n t-nce. rcwirj: Tn
chino W'Ujin otio tlnifif.-MHl luilci of
Hun FiaK.-i.-Aco t-t vo.kii'p
Riving entire 8nti(ewti-f it 1 m, iu
Jornml cf it, it will W vtU-uAtA lu
without exMio of t.ny 1; it-il t ll0
owner. ;
BAMUEIi HILL, f.cnt..
GranJ Holol Dw'tdln, Fai f ra'ict'.t
At far C'cMir mnd aMif
thm w k. A Jit Ifinte ir i' f
"X IX xu
- fta 1?1 It".-