Liberal Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1872-1???, October 19, 1872, Image 4

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ght b c r ;il Jlrpub li r a n.
"Thccfllowing extract from Prcsidcut
(G rant's qouai Message 9fi4l,,,er.
m he declares that tire "anncXtion tf
SaDto Doroingo is "the -only waj by
"which our Lrtat national debt can bo
extiupruished : also that it will enable
us to pay our holiest .dubta honestly,
wc commend to the careful perusal of
our readers. Ye lladicals ! read and
think, and then 'hurrah ior liraut.
" Th'o'ac(iuisiUou4ofjan?l)ominj:o is
desirable bocauso: of -it Keographioal
position. It comiuauds the, entrance
to the Caribbean $ea and the ; .'Isthmus
transit of commerce. It ; possesses the
richedt .-soil, the ,; best , and most capa.
ciouar harbors, most tulubnous . climate,
and the Uiefct Yaluable products of the
forests mine; and soil of any ;of the West'
iDdiavUlonds.: , JLts possesion by us
will in a few ygat. build up a coastwise
pomfcercc ofc immense majjiJiUuie, which
vill?fo far toward restoring to us our
lost toerohant marine. It will uive to
us those attickd which wc comsutue s.
jarirelyand; def not produce, thui cqunl-
izinJb-v.' oar JuiDorts and exports. In
case of foreign war it will give us com
inaod of -all the islands referred tu,
pnd thaa prevent an enemy from ever
'again' possessing himself f rendezvous
ypon our very coast. At present our
coast-txado between the States border
pga the Atlantic and those bordering
on the (Julf of Mexico is cut into by
the Ualpmas and the Antilles. Twice
we rmst, as it were, pa d through for
eign count ries to get, by sea, from Geor
gia to the west coast ol Florida. "
"Sau Douiingo with a stable govern
ment, under which her immense re
sources can be developed, will give
remunerative wages to tens ut thousands
pi laborers not now upon tho island
Xhia labor will take advantage of every
available means of transportation to
abandon the sg tceut islands aud seek j
U& blessings of freedom and its se-;
cjuence each inhabitant receiving the
reward of his own labor. I'orto Hieo
and Cuba will have to abolish slavery,
as a measure of f.e-lf-prescrvatiou, to
retain their laborers."
' ' San Domingo will become a l irge
consumer of the products of Northern
farms and manuiA-iories. The cheap
rate at which her citizens can be fur
pistied with food, tools, and machinery
will make it necessary that the contiu
ous islandsjshould have the same odvan
tares, in ordei to compete in tho pto
ducttionof fcugar, toflee, tobacco, tropi
cal fruits, &o. This will open to us a still
wider market for our products. The
production of our own supply of theso
particles will cut off more than one
hundred millions of our annual iaj
porta, besidu largely increasing our
exports. Whh fcueh a picture it is
easy to see how our large, debt abroad
is ultimately to be extinguished.
Vith a balance of trade against us
tlucludiug interest on bonds held by
foreigners and money fptut by our
citizens traveling in foreign lands)
equal to the entire yield of the precious
tnetals iu this country it is not so easy
, to see how this result is to be other
wise accomplished."
The acquisition of Satt Douiingo
ja an auherence to tho " IMouroe
-doctrine;" it is a measure c( national
" protection j it is asserting our just
-'claim to a controlling influence over.
the, great commercial traftic soon tu
j flow from west to east, by way of the
- Isthmus of Daiien ; it is to build up
our merchant marine; it is to furnish'
ew markets for the products of our
farms, shops, and manufactories; it i
to make 'slavery ii'sdpportable in Cuba
and Forto Kieont onM, fetid- ultimately
to in Brazil ; it is to Kt ttlo tho- uolippy
condition of (3uba and tnd . .cxtermi"
natiug conflict , it is to provide honest
means of paying our honest debts
wiihout overtaxing- the people ; it is to
furnish our citiaus with the necessaries
of. everyday life at cheaper rites, than
cirer before; and It is, in fine, a rapid
fcitndc toward that greatness which the
iutellitience, industry, and enterprise of
the citizens of the United States entitle
this country to assume among nations."
Mr. James C Mad ley, in a letter
tu the Enjhcer,'Aw Hit iotuhIr that
a canal across the isthmus, between the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans, is perfect
ly pract .ble, and that the available route
lies across the i.-thmus of P;iri;iiiia where
the railway crosses, and jives ns a r a
t-on why this route was not examined by
the present exploring expedition that
"i the Government kin w all about it. "
This latter point may be will taken.
It is not uiifi( rjuently the ease that, the
actually feasible is overlooked in cearch
jng for something better.
The cct of such a .work, even at the
exorbitant pice of the eonstriietiou of
the -Panama railway, is estimated at
$ 100.000,000 for a canal about tho
samo size a the Suez It would
necessitate cutting some miles in length,
with a bummit depth of about 1H0 feet,
froia the summit
culling, With the
each wav, viicn
I lie Itt.'iih would bo about that
of the ' i'anama laihvuv, that is, about
i "
The writer compares the several pro
posed routes, and shows tho advantages
to be all with tho one uuder discussion;
aside from the facilities afforded by
having a railway along the routo durinir
the constrcu ion;the views expressed are :
worthy of consideration That the canal
is to be made, sooner or later, is only
a question of time. Considered with
reterence to the benent to Do ueriveu
from such an ente rprise, the cost, even
at twice 6 100,000,000, is' a mere bay-
tide. Scientific American.
As currents of air and water in oc
cordenc? with certain unchanging laws,
so tides of emigration and immigration
are governed by stimuli presented
by the natural and artificial advantages
of difierent localities. To the mechanic
the artisan, tho laborer our country,
presents inducements, compared with
most of countries of the Old "World
which may bo said to almost compel
tlictc influx of these classes. It is in
vain, therefore that the German
Government issues threatening circu
lars against emigragts, ; and declared
that! they will be treated as outlaws
over whom has, Letn lusUUUed, a spec
ial aurvcilbncc land supervision. Tiere
is room for them in our factories, our
workshops, our industrial enterprises,
and our limitless Western1 pldtinsjiind
while there is room for them they will
come. Scientific American
cincinsati-iiaiiimohl: i at-
1. Wc recognize tho equality of at
men before tho law, aud hold that it is
the duty of the government in ib
dealings with the people to mete out
equal and exact justice to all,of whatever
nationality, race, color or persuasion, re
Iigous or political.
1. We pledge ourselves to maintain
the union of the States, 'emancipation
and enfranchisement, and to oppose any
reopeujng ot the questions tttlcd by
the 1U th, 1 1 tli and loth amendments.
l. Wp demand the immediate and
absolute removal of all disabilities im
posed on account of tho rebellion
wihieh was fully subdued seven years
ago, believing that universal amnesty
will result iu a complete pacification of
all sections of the country.
4. Local j.elfgovernmeut with im
partial suffrage will guard the rights
of all citizens n ore securely than any
centralized power. The public welfare
requires this supremacy of the civil
over the military power, and freedom
of person undtr tho protection of the
habeas corpus Wo demand for indi
viduals the largest liberties consistent
with public order ; for States, se.if-gnv-ernmeut,
and for the nation, a return
to the methods uf p;uee aud the cvii
fctitutionai limitation of jnivver.
5 'f he civil service uf the Govern
ment has become a mere instrument of
partisan tyranny, and personal ambi
tion, and an object of selfishness. It
is a scandal and a reproach upon free
institutions, and breathes a demoraiiza
tion dangerous to the perpetuity of a
Republican Government. We there
fore regard a thorough reform of the
civil service as one of the most pressing
necessities of the hour; that honesty
capacity and fidelity constitute the on
ly valid claim to public employment;
that the offices of the government cease
to, be a matter of arbitrary favoritism
aud patronage and that a public station
may again become u post of honor,
arid it is imperatively required that uo
President shall bo a candidate for re
G. We demand a system of federal
taxation which shall not unnecessarily
interfere with the industries of the
people, and which tdiall provide the
menus necessary to pay the expenses of
the government economically adminis
tered, pensions, the iuterest on the
public debt and a moderate reduction
annually of the principle thereof. And
recognizing that there arc in our midst
honest but irreconcilable difieienco of
opinion with regard to the respective
systems of protection aud free trade,
wc remit the discussion of tho subject
to the people in their Congressional
Districts and to the decision of Con
gress thereon, wholly free from Execu
tive control or dictation.
7. The public credit must be sacredly
maintained, and we dcuounco repudia
tion in every form.
8. A speedy relurri to spocie pay
ments is demanded alike by the highest
consideration of commercial morality
and honest government.
0. We remember with gratitude tho
heroism and sacrifices of the soldiers
and sailors uf the 1'epublic, and no act.
of ours shall ever detract from their
justly-earned fame, or the full records
of their patriotism.
10. We are opposed to further grant
oflandsjto railroad or corporations. The
public domain shall be held sacred to
actual settlers.
11. We hold that it is the duty of
the Government in its intercourse with
foreign nations to cultivate their friend
ship by treating them on fair arid equal
terms, regarding it alike dishonorable
to demand what is not right or to sub
mit to what is wrong.
12. For the promotion and success
(' these vital piiueiplva' and the sup-
! port of the candidates nominated by
1 this Corivcutior., vy invito and cordially
j wf-lcomo I he co-op ration of all patriotic
ti.i n, without regard to previous po
iticul auiliations. 1
Old Thlugs Have Pacd Awuy.
This is at least true tC the old method of
treating tho long uLutcd and much abused
human body. It i$ no, longer coniidered wiae
to put a pationt to thb torture in Order to euro
bira of a disease in which pia is, already un
derralning tho ionergjisjofhif system, Trud
Bcienco ranges itself on tho sida of nature, and
endeavors to assist her in heir ifightj against
disease. This id the pryvideueo pf Iloatetter'
Stomach Bitters, the most arprovtd tonic ever
advertised in this country. -'Itlinafy he Tecom'
mended as a fall medicine, paPiexceMenco ; lor
it -is in the full that biliousneiS, dyrpepeia aud
niilarious levers are cpocciallv nrevnlp.nt
Tho frump, exhausted by the heats of eumracr,
is relaxed and feeble . at its ctope, and requires
wo,-may say, demands, artificial assistance.
Afford it thai assgistanee in occasional doncn
of Hostetter's Stomach-Bitters, and the evils
referred to may be 'escaried.' 'Throdirhout lh
far West, and on the steaming alluvial of tho
Southern rivers, all tho varieties of periodical
irriutirw(uuiv riia io-uy, iiu.i a course
r. . . i . i i a . j . t .
of il;jtettor' Bitters been eouiiueiKtid by the
sutfurers a month ft pro. beforo th im
healthy seajon set in, evencightu of them
or .
would In all - probability be iu their utjual
nv.n. F"5seni - nme.; jso much tor
wautofforeeasto; So wnch fjJr not keeping
u jiue bonne, ami : iiin; daily, tie beot a.'o
guard against epidemic ferers.
1 . tl ...!.- . t t. "i :' .. . i
no numo vi iuijoMti8 ana imitators are
trjing to fuilow in the wake of thograt Aiucr
ieun remedy, tijerero be ruro that Iho article
you buy U geiaii ami verified by the proper
iraue-uiarK. , i5i true wrtile cjan only be; ob
tained ia Bottles. Beware wf tho spurious
bitters sold by tho gallon or in keg
fi. receive! Iarfjc lot of nice, fahit nab!
dry ffooj., t ,,'; lieu with a well selected tuel
i Home-tic, etc. Wire them a i call. Jlihest
price paid fur produce. i jt
Sia f h a i ro n.
I'or Irfervlri and llrautlf' Injrtittie
Human Hair. Tu ti--wiit U I'allin
iut and Turn 1, 14, (iiay.
A w!l prpervcd Head of Hair, in a jrein
of ml. M'o j;e, nt onco. bc-'poak ryd ncniciit, el-e?aii-n,
hc.ildi and bcjmly. It ia.iv truly In?
ca'lct WoiiiJtt'fi lrwnijf (llory. h(.U nifti
arc ratt inimil'e t it ! ViiTjSai-K and rharin.
Kv tliiiigrw iure ii-j'Uftirm i!)in, fri
ly, nrh, onOnin-d !Iiir, with bnd nud CMjit
rorcred with lliridrift". Vitit a barlxr ar.d
V'l fo-l d t'M'k like h tx-w m;tri. Thin i
wl,,i I,VOX"i KAIIIAtKON wilt do all
t''c iio. Th? chitrut which lie ii wctl pUcc.i
Mnir, (it'!y f'nrl. I.tmiritoit Tri-c-"-; nnd
t'lcn H5ud, nticralde and irrrittble.
Sw!4 4 1 tiitf i in 1 1 it in 't
if 1840 m Ifi70
V El O Is 2: 11 A .
now to crui: it.
' At this r'linojpncinrTt'of IR IllJrthiC, whib
nlwayx rrdi an Attack Ctho ChIer.i, take
i ttisoitiil of Pairt filler In tugnr frtd
ttr, thyt. if coti vcfilnt, ami ihfti lath frcHy
tho Motn.ich and bowclji with the I'ain Killer
cler. Should tltlU rrbtd ot t ranjfj etin.tiiui
repeat the df every Itn ur fifteen in inn tea un
til Ihfi'pnttettt in relieved. I Urcu) cac
two or tuorg tenrouufuia iua be given at a
done. . ; '-.! : .
The Pain Killr r, a rcmlv. h no equal.
Inc.iHiM of Chidcra. Sniiitnor .'inplainM, f).v
';jsiii, Uj'scntcry, AxMinoi it cures in one Tijht
lj t:ikinr it intcinalTy, find l.nthlnff with it
freely. Itsuctioii is like inaflrie, when r-xtcrnl-ly
i pUcd Jvi t'ld fcrc iurnf. ild.v nnd
Sj rains, for Sick Hciif.iho ftndL Tftthchc
Iu'tliiil to try it., la lyrt, it is a Tain Ku.i,-
Iiruclinc nc omjnny c:ic!i buHlc,
Tho rain Killer isdd by all dealers iu Med
icines. Price, 25 o tints, 60 eoaUiiud $l ler , bottle
1 .' -Vj
Tho t.tand,ird rcndy for Coughs, In
llucnza, Sore Throat Vh6npInr,
C:nij;h' f'l-oitp I.iver Complaint,
ItronrhitiH, lllcciUsi: of tlie
I.uiif:, and every affection of the
Tin oat, I.iiii;m and Chest, Includ
ing Coii..u,ipt ion.
islars II ils;uu does not dry up
a Cotitfh, but loosens it, cleanses
the runs, allays irritation, thus
removint; the cause of the com
plaint. Vne iHMiine unless sln
ed I. IHJ I TS Prepared by SHTII
. I'O.VI.i: v WON. "Jloston.
!iold by ui:i)m (; 1 1), nos
TMST'iOlt .s; :., San I'canclsco,
aud by dealers generally. IG-ly
W.-.'il .MvJU -5r.l 'i.
There is no such Word as Fail.
extract of Cubebs
For all Dio.tae8 of tho Rladdku, Kioxkys and
UioMAny OutiANs, either in tho Miile or Female
frequently performing a perfect Cure in the
short space of three or four days : aud always
in less tune , than 'uny, other jjreporaUon Iu
the use of "
There is no need of confinement or; change of
diet In its approved form of paste, it id en
tirely tantelos, nnd cauees unpleasant J sen
sation to the patient, and no exposure It is
now acknowledged by tho most learned in the
l'rofl'cs.xi.m that in all secret di.seaea Cubebs
and Copaihy are the- only two Remedies that
can bo relied upon with any certainty of Suc
27S and 20 Oreenwich and 1 (Mi Warren
S ts.; New Ytrk Sold by Druggists all over
th e world
26 Cm.
"llf ANTED, AGENTS' $100 to $250 per
T month, male and fi male, to introduce
the genuine improved MARSHALL SEWING
MACHINE. Th ia machine, will Hitch, hem,
foil, tuck, braid, bind, cord, quilt, aud em
broider in a tm.t stijteriwr manner. Price, only
$16, fully licuiitfod and warranted for, live years.
We will pay 8l,ftu for any i'uachiue, high price
or low, that will ew a stronger. iuor beautiful
or more elatio semu than ours. It makes the
stitch Cin be cut, aud till the cluih cannot be
pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents
ilUO to $2.o per month, and expenses, or a
commicsion from which twice that amount can
be made. For circulars and terms, apply to or
address, S, MARSHALL A CO..
102 Ni.d!uti street, New York.
CAUTION. Do not be imposed upou by
other parties traveling through the country
palming of! worthless cat-iru tuachiucs un
der the auie name or otherwise. Ours is the
only genuine aud really cheap machine man
ufactured. lU-ui.'
S . T .-I S G O-X .
rillliS WON I EH FT L Vt'ilKTA 1:1. V. VI.
L ftra.ivc m the sheet auch r of the fecbl.
and dbilit.ttnd. A a tonic aud crdiil Ju
the aged and l.tnguid it has io equal among
cPuacl.ic. A a remedy for the nrvui
weak Hex t wlii li watifti ure especially ub'
c, it ii ,-ui '-r. t r ii.g -wry thcr fiiuiuUnt
In 11 i !iita':,j, tr.-j n itl, U-iuperate or frigid, it
jt.rc a a p iftf in every ?jx ic of diirdcii
th bodily tlrtujgth aud
Pr d.:tl lr ft w trtiV!c l ave ever had so ex
tcriUf1 a fiilc. while none hnvo Ix-cn ni'rf nni
vri!!v 1 t !. (il th.ui he crb-brated MKXI
CAN Ml STAND LI N I M KMT. Cl.ildrvh.
Ad'iiM, Jl.irW! and Domicile Anim:l. nro
iilvv tfi li.ililo lo acritjent. and it is ." tt say, n f.ui)ilytt'ti j-h fingJo season nitiiKiit
s "ni.? kitd i liioilit nt bcinjj necessary. It be-i'"in'-
n niatier of importance then to secure
the bct.
Over ihrcc hundred livery .'tables in th oity
of Nct York alone arc ning the nkxiciji
irn; i,iv!Mff, in all of which it gives uni
versal satUraetiuti.
CAUTION.-The genuine is wrapped in
fitir stel plato ?tigTiivn wl'h G. W
Westhrook. ClM-mit. ard trade mark
? raved across the face of each wrapper,
he whole bears the proprietor's private
United States Revenue rtamp. and not the
common tarcp as. used by drngfits.
4 0 53 Park PUce New York,
The originator of this wonderful medicine
claims to have discovered and im!intd with
h a rino my more vt frit are mtui inivtreiijp MiAi
v,tt jinijnrti's than was ever before combined in
one medicine. The evidence of this fact is
found iu the variety f most obstinate diseases
which it has been found to conquer. In the
cure of J nun hit in, Si rr if imjhn, and the early
Mages of (?nnKtnij),in, it has astonished the
medical faculty, and hundred of the beM phy
sicians pronounce it th yrmUxi
itii) .." tin' ,j,; While it cuie the severest
Coughs, it Mrcngthcns tho system and purities
the blood. By its omit and th.ivujh i.l.iuit
f"i' 0.'': '" rtic it ;ws nil iftimoi t r from the
worst umiun to a oonimoii lihiti h I'impte or
h!i ii,tult. Mercurial Diseases, Mineral poisons,
" vii 1 1 m I nun iiit'ir Cl-
fects are eradicated ami vigorous hrattli and a
xoinitt i tnmthiitiou CstaldWhi'd. I'l ifnifn f-ts, Soft
llhxitm, Sciild ll,,t J.',itr Xh'i-m;,' iV'"'.y ir
Unugh Skin, in short all tho numerous diseases
caused by InJ l',l Wocoiiqiieiel by this
powerful, purifying and invigorating medicine,
nr" Lirt r Cn,iplulnt," lHi,H , (i( l and
Jntn'tuul Cinntif,titiu, it has produced hun
dreds of perfeer nd iiermaricnt cured where
ptiicr medicine had failed.
. The proprietor oilers $100 reward for a medi
cine that will equal it in the cure of the 'diseases
for which it is recommended. Beware ofcutmH',
h itH and iriirthfiim iinitntinii. ftee that inv (lov-
viihilitw mill .,i.ww.l li; 1 .!. .:- .r
erumeut Stamp, which is a p'iit,re gtutnvtt'Cfi tf
ii ,,,( is upon the ontsido wrapper. This
medieino is Std lu Ih-n.ifitt, i;(r i.,,-
little. Prepared by U. V. PI KHCL M. I)., sole
i roptictor, at ins chemical Laboratory, 1MI
Seneca elriivL.Uullaly tt.V. Juue "W .h ;iw.
IV A T I O IV A li
The Importance of a Practical Education
Was never more Apparent than Mo !
L that as we grow in prosperity we groy more
practical, and that it H required of men that
. . . ... .i .
they educate tnemseives practicauy juucw
themselves in the best manner possible to meet
the demands of the times. , ,
When Agsilaas, King of Sparta, was afkd
what things he thought most proper for boys to
learn, he replied; Those things which tlcf
fchould pt-ut tiee when they become men."
" Deliver all things in number and weight,
and put all in writing that thou givest opt or re
ceived in," is a precept of uuiversal application ;
and there U a special heceesity for its strict ob
servance in all business transactions. : Youn
men the future welfare of this Coaft look 0
YOU ! Are YOU prepared .o its deiaauis ?
to meet the j
BE4tMxb.S ol TIII3 age;
The most thorough, and comprehensive
'ever introduced by any
'tD O n HI 13 i C I A Ij
. t-r , or.' - .-: ; -
i U S 1J E S S O O L L E G E,
by means of
The Course is to arranged and Taught 8,8 to
euable the .Students to waster it iu tun
bhurtest Time posLbU'v
"Each Student, after pacing through tLe
becomes an actual
where, in the space of a f. w WEKK. he ob
tains the experience of an ORDINARY LIFE
fitted up with th-; U t uf instruments, and i. in
inj!t rumiir.c rdcr.
5'iyl Purtlan.l. Oregon.
t;. s. s 2 v a: tt,
No. 13a, First Straet,
pohti.ami, - - - - oiti:(;ov
LVtfib al Reta'.l Dealer in
iiry mm, fLoniio
l!ighot Cach Price p isd f r all kinds of
Oou.nti irocliioc.
Itcautiliil Woman!
HAtiAN'.S M VtiNOUA II A L. II gives
to the Complexion the I'reshncss jf
TlAor'' Magsoma Palm ovcreoincs'Mhe
flushed appearance caused by heat, fatigue and
excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear
but twenty, and so natural and perfect that no
person can detect its application. By its use
the roughest skin is made to rival the pure ra
dfertt texture of youthful bounty. : It removes
reduess, blotches and pimples. It contains
notbtag that will injure tho ekin the least.
Ma550M UaI.m is used by all fashionable
ladies in New York, London and Paris. It costs
only 7a cents per Bottle, and is sold by all
Druggists and Perfumers
.c tfuotls! Xcw Clou's!!
Wo respectfully call tho attention of the
Publie to our Well Selected Stock of
Ladies' Dress floods, . :
Ladies and Misses' Hats,
GeiitH' Furnishing floods,
Glove, (Iaitei. lite.
School It iok,
Stationery, &c,
oi fact Kvcrj thing Found In a l"lrst
Clavs Retail Store.
Wo can asauro our Patrons that we will b
up with the times.
Coino aud Examine our Stock before pur
v chasing elsewhere.
Country ;Produre taken in exchange ft r
Goods !
N. A. J. D. LEE
Pallas, April 22, 1871.
For tho verv best photographs go T1
lev ,V. Kulolfson'a tJallerv without M A
Moiity;oiJUeryt street, SauEnn .
to 'Tub runiiic.
Washing and Ironing, Ac., done by Mrs
lturnfttt rin iihr.vt .j ... . l.l.
- - "'ii. uuiac tx Ll i j li rcnouijauiv
terms. All orders left at the house, south-weat
part of Dallas, will be immediately attended to.
The Great Medical Discovery!
Hundreds cf Thousands 2f ,
tul Curative liiTecia.
gs" WHAT ARE THEV?fi?3
z i - .ixev Ai:E sc . n.r. " l
V.vl3 of Poor Itum, Whiskey, Prf
Ht;ritanud Iteft:tf I.inuurwfloctcrcd.Rpiccd
a.jj 6T.'cetc-ncd .o 1ease iUs t.-xj-to, cullod " Ton
ics,"" Appetizer..," Itestorerfi,' &c., tUat leal
IIic tippler ca tJ firunVcunva.'j and ruin, but arte
a trua Medicine, made froia tlie Xatire liooU and
Ilertitof Caiioi nia. Tree I roui nil Alcobulio
Htimttiaiiia. Tiicyare tUUItEATllLOtlQ
Ii;iUFIlt aail M?Z (ilTINC I'llfSf
CI t'I.E a i.crfcct Ilcnovatuf a:ld IuvUorator of
the f yfcttm, carrying oft ail poisonous matttf ar.4
rctrlnrf f .c Vlooil to u bcalUiy condition. 9
person cau talco tU3 pi'.tcra according to diroo
llaa an 1 remain lou aw II.
Fir Iulit::itutnry nnd Chronic niicaT
itmliMUi n ud (Join, I)8ic;ia or IudU
ireiktiou, ItilioiiM, Itcmllietit atut luler
inillcut Fet.frsj I)i ornsc of the ltlood,
Iivi-.-, Kidnejf.. u4 fllwdiler, these Bit
tcr l.av s bc'i laost Kiicctisful. Hue-It Dia
fiitei ar.s CiiU!cd by Vitiated IJIooJ, wlixU
U ceaerally jr .I.itcd by dcraatfemeut of tu
I1" .rt'Mlvi' (ll l ut. it:z lNnusESTiox.
li. .I'J ici-.o. I'aio l.i the ftliouiuers, Cout;l., Ti ;litr
i.ess of t'-ic CJiect, pizal.u-i's, F-Mi;r LructaHoi.a of
the Ftjmach, r.:d t-to l.i Mouth U.Uoa.1 At
Uis, ralpit-ittun of t'ic JlJart, uxu.s;utioit of
tiic l.u:i.''i ii l'.ici-.jui. ft '$! Kiaiu-jfc.anl
ftlio.jctr-ti.ot!ivr pil i:u! fj supt uu?, urj tlie oflr
r;.rlnsof Dy:;pia.
Ti.'y lavlg-.rat t.iti Ftoniacli trA g;i:nniais tlwjf
trp.tlr.-rai.U h v.v .... wiicU rcn.I. of on
e'jnallcd vfa-acy I t c:.:.vifia I ld'jol of
lin;.';r:ti. i. and ini:.-rtl.;g w lt:'o a.idriyorto
t'ic whole p te'.tl.
i-tJ5t SIvIN !ISK.SIir.i:rn; tions.rctfc.
f ait ::;Kuin, s,. .t., i !... , ruiuii.-.
n.;!',rar,.u:ic!..ii, ::i.-.-v.',.i i.u. :-- x-iicad. ,-t
;:-., F-.yiii. Itv'i. -cai-V.. IHm; .'...rations .f
the f i.i ., aud ii.jsta.c c; i:ic 5k in, of
w!itcrer nvtfor tiatnr., :.t: literally ting up
w;erro.,tutof tin tyUi:x In a t ic r t:r.i y
tl.e u-o cf this; r.:uc.t-. 0:.r'.j la ncU '
fjn, will lUu mutt i:icre2uUus of tiicif
C II':,l;Vv' 'Tl-l.
:i. a .j tTio Vit'.atct Ilo-l ti -?fiivr j ou flnt
Hi i;::j;irilie 1.i t.;ir thra: :!u'i:i la lira
j-lcs, Ei rr it vlu n )ott
2tnl it;;c; ! and ii tin? vci:.aj
t J,a:; it v!.a i. i -f ..n-l 1-1 m will
i;-'l you Kc.'p 'C bioi j uie and tU(j
hrr'.t ft-- w'.tl f '11 -.
VIS. T iKa;i otasr WOS! HS. tarVi-uin
t!.cs't.m( f r r.i jnr tUour.., i i... arc cJ" ti'ily
(le.-tr;y: J en r tu jv.;1. I'ir fall direction:., r-iul
Cirifu'.Iy lite t irc:!ar around caclttx ttU.
J.tVAUIKii. iToprl.-tor. H. II. McTKr;!.D $
CO., IV'U'.'i-t1 as-t (i-'a. Av'Ofit-. jt"rr.".rico,
Cal , und c: -a I ii C.n:se c s Strjct . New Yoi iu
.ml i:: ".u;:-r a:: pealeus.
For a few cents you can buy
cf your Grocer or Druggist a
rackospof SEA MOSS FAIUNE,
iaado from pure Irish Hoss. or
Carrageen, vh Ich will niAko
Fixtren quarts of 11 lane Mange,
and a like quantity of Pud
dings, Custards, Creams, Char
lot e Ihisse, Ac It is tho
cheapest, healthiest, aud most
delicious food hi the world' It'
makes a splendid Dpssert, and
has no equal as a light and
delicate food for Invalids and
A Glorious '.haugo ! !
Plantation Bitters.
Tills woiKloi'fltil vrtyriublo
MMoralUtf -i fl- f !'' 3
vlxor of tho foM 41 1orrf.l
A' n f oztic rni'l rordinl
'lor tSic Hired :a I.assiiid, it
h is no q-J i3s?jf RJoin
iirlalc.. A n ri:sody Tr ttic
nervous vit-iksae' lo whicli
voa:t'5i arc" "sscri!tUy M2l
jjt'lt it vMjkor.-'dii'.jj ct-cry
o'llirr stimiil.stit. Ea nU CII
tii:jfs, trsdc:il,' tcm.cmt
or IVIj?ld, it art :a n sjM riiltx
in v.vvry .:ir5:V or disorder
wliir.i ,3!H.i'ntJiuvs t!ti bodily
stt tuil.i aiu.l I:i t :i!is down tin?
animal !irli. Fcr b;slc by
nil tXxv-
P 3 - 1 Z. C 1
fl? U
&TI i m
til r: -:, J it
t -
. . ' : v rx . . . .