Liberal Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1872-1???, September 21, 1872, Image 3

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$ALl.AS, SATURDAY, SEPT. 21. - 1S72
Money Market,
litest New York tVdd Qnotationa..... ...... 11
Xegal Tenders in Portland:
Buyns.........,..aQ. J Svllins....,,....?!
)allat Produce ami Co:uajUiii Market.
Corrected Wstkly, by Polttr and Wwrtlcy
.-aXerchint. Main -Street, D .ill is, Oroofi.
VHIEAT 5 Wj "fcl bush.
tbA f "Si 4U c.
jYLuUi: S3 Si SOI $ Vbl,
SU.$I 37
CORST MKAh 4. ft rb.
JJIAN'S-Cs. tV ib.
jJAC JX Side. 10 fa) 13o "j-Vlb.
baMuro.H to 12c. ft.
II VMS 2) ($ Hie lb.
PO UK Preyed, C(j)7cts
Pickled. Sc. l 10 e. -fi lb.
BUTTER-Fiikum 20 SS.- lb.
" K .lis. 3'J to 2ic. lb.
EG(i COVf dor.
l.AH D UulUlGc ; tinp.20,
POTATOES Fr.nn YVmjii, iQs $4 buslo'.
ON IOXS $1 50. bushel.
A P P L K 5 v J roc n . itlu ldil.
Dried. Co l lb.
CIIKIK Near Ore; m . 20 Q 253 $
DKlKD pi. 11 MS V'l V
M'OM,;jt.-. tb -
jend the Libeha Hei'LBLicah until after the
Presidential Campaign to eubseribcrs for one
dollar. We intend to make pur paper a red
bot radabl shet and worthy of public suppor
Let tbe irieada free government, excryybere
asstat us in defeating the present -Corrupt ad
lloa. Jack Grant was in town last wcel".
W. C. Bronft b iakfftg Hack
Upublicaa ftf brick.
Bscwn ki ao cheapest clothing anO, gro
cerit in town.
F-r cleap inbitantal VAoituri .' go ta T C
Read tbe able article of S. Staats Yt&-, ia
another coIuild.
It ia about tiu v ii.r ibv cikuiiation cf tbe
pallas Literary Society. Wb. tllt ta?
The weather La s Uvu 'uuv.ufortaMy warm
dtiirg tLe vtk.
PolUr baa Veo twing'.ng around tbe circle latk Imuj bvtow with lots of gouds-
V. 1 y cci Li.v w u.-' l for 1 ack
ai.d ag-ns ? Lvaue Lis woik is tbe Utt
abd cbtupcat in tbe Mate.
Prank Jiilc-is t t j ui l.ul u.ond Lavi
Inn in iu.tu, iili Le ..k. BvLUa LnL
will be c.i at -r.
Camp iiic.t'uig nit hix'w via will attended n
Sabbalb. Tbe pieacbiag "J god. It will
last oer lo-uio. r.w.
A Pa'.k County i:iiv.lict-3 a'vi a div r.c
fltui bt iic-jjo lld becauio bo tvhuvd tu u
tLo ui.-Lv ajbing.
Tbai.l? to Aits. At tiinb;;m l-r a beautifui
ln,uit. 'Jl e ii!y iu t'Ui eanei? u befvrv
iLiu. ws a Li it wuli
A correrpti-dii.t J:t ui ii.cltiti-oii-te wi.tcs
tl nt mi Ltc itiu ui.i.
glaiu at iLtt u. in bui liwi y.e.tiUay.
llc-bii.fon ot Ji c j i it, lus to'.d l.itC
wuuuh1v's ibis sia-n. lol t""'1
take to ualti i utumlly.
Wu Lad iLe pltatuie ol Uitttlrg Iltr.f. Pv
Clow and J. H. Wl.iie tL ttbir iloy. lbe
inteiisis ol Polk county will bo well lookvd
alut ly line iti t ouit.
rtrrt-r s Wi.i.lii.g tbiap tuudita and 1 ari.css
Wilt Ltd it to (till uC4.l.trfci loaiou Mlks
or lL.tUt.u. 'iLtir wnk J? iLiap and uoi.t
Al CraLtm 1 as a miioii y iu tbe slape of a
-a bite (.Letter jig widi tour tjes at.u tLrc
lgs. It is iLne veeLs eld aLd ircioisesto
Ibcrc'r-cvtr was futb a glorious pro?pect for
pair around Dallas as tbere is tbe preccul
season, Nearly every front gate is loaded
down with theut on pleasant evenings.
A farmer lit ing neat; town iuforios us that i(
pays him to go to Kozeudorf of Independencw
to purchase stove, and tinware. Cheap prices
aod Ubtial adrtrtlfing is wLat'-t tbe -matter,.
Mr. At wood ef Co r.v a) lift, called oo us last
Tburday. Ha reports tbat tbe fisher and llass
-pumps take well among tbe qtqrs 11a says
lien ton Co. is good for Greeley and Brown,
lion. J. II Slater will address the citizens
ol folk County on tbe issues of'the day at the
Court House oo Thursday next at 10 o'clock
P.. iL Let tbe people rally
A GreHey. snd Brown club will be organized
at Independence in tbe 28th Inst at 2 o'clock
P M Messrs Vineyard a-d Staatts will
addree. tbe club
Bill Clingbm,prsented us tfi day with some
grass 12 feet bigb aud head .9 inches long
grown by him teed, seat to Roti of Port
land from Peru.
We asjt pardon lor uot giving Diogenes
Fl am toot's ink portraits of our legislators
Be patient and next week wo will keep our
The Logielatura is in session but as yet
nothing ol importance has been done. Wbcn
tbey get doing basinesj wj wilt gia weekly
summary of their proceedings.
Cotnpritneritary. Wj bsivo roetivod a cou.
rditnen t ary tivket ftr tbe Stato Faie from tbo
president and Secretaxjr .of the Society;.!
'f hanks. Tbo managers of our State Fair are
descrying o groat cied.
Cwl-. Xcfniiib, s rcgrayclliog the toad that
passes by h is txtti;ivc faitn on tbe Pallas and
Sa'vm road, f ho Col 1 a public benefactor
a-id P lk County should pay hl:n for' the im-prove-nients
be is lurking to our public thoi
otigbjare. I.afc Lauhery's new back Id a perfpet beau
ty. Tbo wood work was dune by John Tea',
i lie iron work by John wiih unit tbe Puji.tuig
by It iCj Shriver, Our devil intend borrowing
it one vt the-so days to go a, parking, it id to
Ilev. 11. B. lixter baa purcbascd a farm,
near Curtail.4. Ue intends Moving t' re with
hU family alter tanm uicuii.L'. In Mr. 15ai !
ter. Polk Ccin.iy lot sis a good citizen and wo ,
fA b m bis li-iuily i itv.iity iu tLeir ntvt
VVll.VT D0.E3 At. SJ.KAN ? Iat Moll
be took us by sLiritn wiiba bountiful utly of
yeeUV-'1' Ou.0 of tbje cabbage weighed 2
wuuiIj', and tbe tomatoes were the largest no
hu-vji iver eetn. We bad to give tbtm uway
as we aun't a VtucJut. lie Lus plenty for
1'vci yoite hbould know that the panacea
wbieb bajt stoo.d the tertfor nearly Ijalf a cen
tury of t.ria,! iu the cure of cough?, brouckttis,
influvnxa, and ,Vuol 'ug ciugut i Wis
T a it's Hals au or W.lo Cutnnr. It maiotaii
iu tbe tid.itt dtgri' its freli earned reputatiou
All suffeiers shuuld try it.
. ......
VTe Uatn trout Iter. hit. Scars Agent
ot is meeting with
great vct'( D tVv,iug for the institution.
The icopie are rtfpondit.g gttterally as they
Vlvw lLat evuy t.t goes to tbe institution
The iutcrest of ib college are confided to gooi
Wbf! a( falim te tLcr day we were
witngfa of a joke practiced 1) bis Honor Judge
PoLbura i u a couple of legal cortes from thi
upper countfy. Por more llap a day tbey
bored vbe Court vitb tbyir lan&d ditqoiitious
vn a certain section of lUady'a Code. Tbe
Coutt gave tloni all tie time -tbey. a,k and
beu tr,ip tbytr itiu tLty concluded, bis
liuui.r remarked in b uual dry, " Why
! gcutlvicen tbat law was repeated in l&CS,
Deplorable Cauarlty. Tbe oi l faying tbat
' tbo tourro of true lore never does tun
riiiooib' bad an t xtuiphCc atiuu iu our tn
terprising tittle nelbtn.r, ltdiei.dvnc la'ely.
A Kttivv; u,i;'bi(ol tLt C. 0. li" te.-i'lu.g in Ltigi Lot to lame in l'alia4,
ui (.1.1 u i;.r ig a! idZrou uwe-d to an ueiotu.
I i.unt: lady nlio ol'ini came I here .u a
i:i. hi a laa aud w a c fp. rcl
ut.d tl.t i l.t iLe was ln, t ut u.'a-! l r 1 11
ilii'gs worl Jly as tbe : quel vrll rve. Oorrv.
liu (k)k tit vj.1 tic ft-ut d tLc lady in n V mltr
n.'jod i i;d n 1 1 it g l.e bad '.Tf.n brr afTVctii
it a!e evtiy pi i a rit to tiiter tl.v Lli.' -Iul
flute it n a riiLi-ry . f qu'uc Pet i r. i J niir
f-j i ll it to, t I c- r 1 1. rtd to tve ibe kn t in bis
n, it i j j t utrt ncct.d itdoiuicd tbe l.v
:nrn iwain tbat ' J l'::it i .;s" 0i;r
L.'itb uia p it on b'n fi. ' 1 1 w.n.t t wrk
pri-pjirin bis nvit i invitial oygc. Tic
w.:iter. w-nd w.isl&idi.i Alr.fii wa p-i!isn
t ti;jt'y thj regstubles an 1 a wli'ilo doz.-n
d tiii i !i u.e'i t otdial wns stored i tbt-kaclf
t )it9 f i ittit l r i n.crgci'ry . Tbe
1 m m: m t I c'i $ 'nitiiblc u nititcr was employed
ti.jtt it in i t'tif ti'm aid was nlnut put
liLg Lia 1 1 ui b to iti s idrfi on last Wednedny
1 1 n a ' p m j iil t.ial o. Himkdiii bis
ar 'I iii'.ti r tr.l c f t a lii,k ! make i.ot one
Mnj.le 'aub ! V t i 1 bwt j. re latk Tn me."
'ibe ii.h Ur dn p eJ tl o 1 rab liuin Lis mrvt
less bun i aid t.irtjJ ti St'eui ti run It
U. S Si-nitir. rfiicj t'la timit'ij w t!d
lie IJenedii t lias nothing t say et.'ept " 0b
liail'y ibt inline wiiian."
Gratia Ln1e I.O 0, F.tuct alJJa!
titnoie y;i ihc 10h inst.
In.di.vaptt'i .4iCi.vl says Indiana
will go tlir tli.! Liberals.
Judaic Merritnin will contest the
North Carolina electiou.
Dam::y tho murder of Weaver wfJ
arrested in Cauadu an the 14th.
Tha Qcncva, Oonferen.ce has ended.
Adams starts for home next woek. He
(liscnts from ihe award.
The Pope and the Spanish Cor! ez arc
ia a mujddjo.
TKere -arerc iarfljt SOjOO deaths, ia
San Francisco tbe past year.
T,ho Qzax itAe9,3l4demaodirjg the aJb.
rogation oftka Pari treaty.
Gold has becq, diicoveced near Iiav
Lluh Cuh
Diaraontis h&VQ. beet, in
Chas. Sununcr hsa whet, 'm fyn
About was arrested for a conspiracy
against the French Republic.
It is thought Sumner will acocpt
the Liberal Candidacy for Governor
of Massachusetts.
Tho Steamer Dean Richmond col
Itbspe4 a fluo on the Hudson the
other day.
Henderson accepts tho Republican
noaiination for Governor of Missouri.
The Steamer IJieoviUc was burned
on her last trip froai No.w Yotk to As-pintail.
All ArotiKic!,
Rev. MrXJomlon has a fossilized frog.
So has ''as tl CrVullU Ojzette.
Waldron'a Theatrical Troapo arc
piayiy to crowded Uoasea ia SuUuj.
i ,cGrrcirondcnt of aa iiustqrn
paper, ndvis-os VLmiru to tilt cud to
Irti.siiies3. Ji'-'t t lo t'ditrosi of tlto New
Ntrih tmstakc the Uiut,-
Genro Johnson go: his nrnil orgrttt,
bruijul at O.ikhuid. last week , cause,
calling one lingers a liar.
Ku 'ciw lioodlauis acc on. tic war
path. Fur-t Qrovo, Salvto, CorT;iilis,
Mount uith and Dallas want the Statu
A man mimed Jones wnx rMed of
1 uc?day iii"ht.
0:t an
avert go
arc sijtttcn
JJiiy every
It ir; repotted that Jo Line wilt take
theatnuip iu Ungoti fur Uteeley.
K. W llonotds has dic.ivered a vein
f fir-al c al about twelve uiilci Iroiu
Baker City.
A n au i n ui td Geotge was killed l y
a cougar in Cju County last cck.
A dead body was latejy found iu the
Columbia above IQiitioeilo..
iso euxiraut jragotvs from the Sutes,
with a small baud of Cat lie, have pasted
through 1'ortlauJ this vietk.
Uaker, h tviita Hvely. There
are uo houses to be trcqtcd. Faiailie
aro constantly applying apt loykijpg
lor house jithuit fcueces. They
llce4 WW dwellings there, and with
jheiu te plce would havcriuituao ac
cesua tui.U.popuJa,Lo.
The La Grand Statute! ajs: Now
t'tat the harvest t very nearly over
tliroujiout tho county, we ate enabled
J t btalo from tbe bet sources of ittfor-
lUitiou, that the grain crop cutuc to
ubjut threc-Ul'tiu-t of the avefage. At
aII events, tukiug (he vd uu baud, :id
the new trip, thcrj Will be a large
At the Dallos .pciches are o pnt
thai thev t:o ub ut uith lhcit -tni oil
utd tlit tr pitn eCt, proving !cr ouie 0c
to cut tbeiii.
The Virtu Quir z Mill at l.ikr
Ctty'ii now iittiiiing to it.t liii! c'.ijiic'ity
ou iiek ttui lUu utuo ii. I i.e!
The cats on the U ot SMe railiond
reached (j -st n . f.uut iu
County uu the 1 - i Is in.-.'.
Circe h-y clu'i ure all the ta.c iu
Southern Urv'oji.
f '
II;m. (eo. II. Helm Ins ro:ic to
Easteru Oicgoi to tutiip lur UitcUy.
The Libruty f the Walluniet t'tii
vcrbity contains two thoiiNand vohiii es.
Ot Itll first Cl:-.S WotiiS Ulld .-OUlC
them very Vuluubh .
Next Vf:'1 the Oio:;on St'JtC
CUI1U14I S'ci-ty wtii b 'ov some -iy
G iu guld and stiver taudals ;ts pri un-
A Lla. kmith in Cor v -jilts hargi
out thj fifllowing sign : No iioi.c-.i
thod here "ti Suudav . except hick in ts
and death."
Voluey. V. Smith, . non of the l.rc
ll"ii. iJijisiiti iiiiili, ot iltU Jjtafe, tr
l lie KaiiiC'l ilt pubiie i-i c ( c t I
Liuuaiau,l Governor ot
An Oregon, editor in wimlinu tij a
long article f''ys; ' U'e would my
more on this .-uJ J, ct, but voids f;iil
u,s." l i a idcus bd ruu out toiua t.tjye
A poor Celestial was made the vic
tim tt art itr ny utre.-t and inc.irceta
ttoti at La Gtandu rcecutly tor step
ping into another mans wuiihou.-c
and walking away with a few gallous of
tarantula juice.
John Watson, of Jackson county, it
is alleged, latccnied a get ot harness,
and is iautl indufajjt of three Uuudrcd
dollars bail..
A large number of Angora goats are
being taken into Douglas county.
The people of IXostbuxg expect to.
see the railroad cars reach the ft, next
Sajetn is working away oo ksoevjr
Coujt Uouse, which, when, cojQpItd,
will bje tb,e fiuest in the fcita.te.
Mp. tEjlis the otbxtr night retired at
a retired hotel in Salem in the same
chamber with a member of the Legis
lature. During the uigbt U44 ksi 80.
Jaincs Hamilton, son of Di UamiU
too of Uoseburg, ha.s been appointed t6.
the Agricultural Collu-c by the Senator
from JLouglas couuty.
'1'Ijjj s&eith Mtrcury entered upon
its fourth volume Saturday.. Wo wish
it success,
Salem, takes, pr.iilc in showing tran
crs its new penitentiary as un iuducc
tnent to settle.
Wm. II. Odell, Surveyor General
of Oregon, will deliver tho annual ad,..
, dreis at the approaching State Fair.
C'lUoU.; SlaYC. reewuiKeiuled by Pby
hician aa tbo gr eat llt iiliit eouif ouwl. Pine
25 cent. prr box. John F. Hi'iiey Sole pni ri
etor S Cotlngo Place, New York.
m L'Urbita aro's II air Dyo, tan' unr'.vnl
led in the world Mt lady r gvnllemaii ol
disetiipinjitioti ve any other. U is tbo
m .f peri'eet, reli ibl.i ail tTo tive Ilnif I.e
iu tbe wiild. Maniiiai-tutory 18 Minideii
Latffe, New Yolk.
Thuistoii's Ivory Piati TcoH . I'vvlt -r
'fbo bust nrtielo known !or eleaiuing m id
preset ving tbo teeth and autii.. ft" 1 1 ly all
l)ivi,,ts. Ptiet 2j ft'id jll t.'cnts per sVottle
p tj W ells i Co Xew oik.
If you 1'ee.I du'l,. drovisv. debilitated-, Iimvc
friciiietit head itlie, inonib tastes badly, pour
ii I pviiM-s aiol tongue ti.aiid. n uTo Md'ciin);
IV mi T.ri-l j Liver ir" liiiuiuant-.." ani
imtl.ii'g will i-itfe n , o speedily and pi inia
i.eiitly a.s UrJ l'n ite'a uvlileii Medical -Dtsiov-
'of l3pcpla lnilij.t.-lt'ii. dcpuinit ol
ipi.rit!, "tol iiy in tluir uri-.u I stk ;
ji!$i as a preventive ajai't rcvcrmul A.'iie
u.nd olcr i ii iuiitu nt kvtra.tbe- Pcrr pbo
pl.ornl t l Kili.ii f Ca'.isain ma le by by t a
will. tl.Va d A Co. ,wtf iork. an I sold y nli
drua!-i-t is. tW tonto ml at H aie for
puiKuis rn-oniiiig l,ro:u fever or other aitk
i.ts j it Las no eu'
JSV pill IU the world ever Lint unibinC li-c
ibe triulatin of ayku'm Pus. Ihriiughout
theae Slutei", Mexico ud tb eentral American
republics, down tbe tloiife vf tVe Andes, and
acrimsVamiits of Soyitb America., iu ue-jjroe
villages." "euiid (be i;rtd v.tld.s of Alrc,
ifciougWoit Ue jungles of India, aud tbe
stt-ppenv Ulo omibe xouUiAeat of
Autra'. and the Wiajid of the PajriQc, Wt
Pills are known and fcVtry where used as Jamjly
reined ie for i di-eie. AVila' dniaut nations,
tbef voidVwl cures HtiU more allutioti
than they d a.t home ; r be svtiW" vt
wonder takes Lld on tjieir m:u,!s Xbuft ibe
iu!t .91 te hjjg jcteutfic KUl wvt,ii us.
The atmn,u,nt, cousucueo) require s re ve-nty fiv
thousand .tlwes a day to supply if, Au b
spertiou of tbe manufactory showed us Low
itiifl enormous drmend is made and Uiiicd.
Ad('ed to the consulate, skill of their jnaiiv
(aeiAee, wbiehat Atti secares tbe BA'it tc.-curt-s
the most perfect mtrial add their toosi
reuiaU eombUtatioa. 1 b couM-qoeno is a and certainly in controlling disrae
which other tKiuaiju JUtvr uttaiued Ula',
DIssoluton of Oo-Fartnership.
tb lino of Croint A Wdl in thin da
ii"ed j wtu'wtl oient, 11. Crone rc
loin tr on. ttie buj.i"e'-. Iuiiii2 rdd bife in
t. n M li A Wolf, 'l t'fj.nAt tii'lji''
of l'i'-knn,i Usivt7i f ynid t'.v A. II If ;
aud all ii;u 'UUl.1 oue nili t .-.."U c.dl. y l-im.
f Cr-ne A Wo'f tritntr by Note of
li.k A't..ui.t, will p! ai chII aul cettle Im
;Wttii tbss ai.d tbe I jtb ot feptenb -r 1 x t
II I llll I IV
at 1
w. r.Hi;'ii:F v i,,. ,ri-i ft v:" ht-n k n.'l pafi tf a d nr.- -( m- v-.
wfiicb il.ey -,vid f.iII lu'h 0 - !; i i" cbc:i-1
ibii'i tbey are I i in p u or Ail v. IV
iuik: our oh it 'fin w-jirsj mvl wirr.-ott I'n- fiuii--,
lU-p'iirii g done in guoil ur h rainl i-br.ip.
We ulro have onr of ib- lrjji-j-t ImI ai tcf
tok -f Clot iifj. I Jr v ti'i..f.,t i ic. I ;.,. ,
echoes and M ir.luik'c wiij.-li t will fi.
at living r.iu .. All tc . is to ia' on u and
rx.iiiiine ti -od a'td 1 ticc. an 1 vc ari- rpr- !
i!cj y u. Wc tell per cent K& tl a:
Dallas itce
M . I? i.Torif A Co
Juslree of the Peace
DA 1. 1. AH PIJi: lXCT Fvlk i oua'
i;i:or. MoiiiiiAui;.: piwurt? or at
tr t-.V. an I o(l,cr ie -a! pape-M driwti in A
k:.iii.ii:., on simri
C-i'llt lloii-c.
tio-.U-e. Uiliv-o it. tbe
I. - I
V E V M A fit I T I Ii S
The SStiinan ESacc,
iPi-T.nKXci-:s of oriNrox. i:tc.
a tc, will bo commenced in a week or two
iu this paper, showing bow
can be elaborately represented, how
can be mad happy,
made earyt
made pzafi table, and
:!. age:
mAde eomfectable, how to lUe and be healthy
SupjvU yowx table w,ith the leaat cost, where to
dispose of the things you don't want at tbo
bessprrce, making your own industry the most
pro&uble. This story t written by a first
elasa autaot, sutd one xho .rnderrtands tbe
ease in band to perfection. Manwhile, if. you
ean't wait for tbe abore to appear in priofc call
on M. M. KLLrS, at La Clede,. and all tbe
abore-mentioned points raUl. he fully explained
and happily illustxated.
ja 13EJIHAIU), puopiueioh.
Has Jst received a larje Li voice o.
His brands embrace the choicest varieties.
Po snre and
and he will make you feel at home.
28 tf.
To prevent lb l air . ivm. Iu.lling out,
llall't' Veietul.t Slviliun llair Jiviiewer.
av; v a ij van tiskmkxts-
& H f 13 r i PI tt 2
urn Ha lis mi Yiis&i
O 1
fpnP -f:nnnW..-m .nVf- Tl OT.TIOW.VY'S
T I'll.!.-. 1 JtN IMi'.N i' l:i; ttt'i.i i
ii!i?uii! ii'i-1 1 :r i-.s tocouidt if'.'i'. i'.v." vla
jUjI ! M' u-i;n
la u - li-r i.i j.y'iti-f 1 ro? i- n ' .nr.-:
w b ve t i .-w " 'l'i i' 'o Mat !:." coirii'-i:i;t-f
an l..vj'iitn t-.n!y vi n :t vt, mitt
t'tit t.'-r II i i'l - ct-iitr-.v Pv i'V Lon-r't.t-n-unor
1 to ;. iv' ."'!.i-k and ;MVrtSf u .1
it 1 1. 1 1 -lie fcjai o;i it ; Jiu-,0 ;c ;--iiii..a
, r.houtit.
II. V. Ccei:ict. Co., Sob Pwprio'oi i,
5 Jla'ulea itr.r, l.'c Y-sk.
m a m is E is b
Why-allow your wives aud daughters
to ueatr-tUcir tes out wliea
ill purchase oae of the (brated
u o n e sntTTtE
m w i n g
Every body uses them ria l t4ey gUauuit er
al sat.fa-tioo. Tbe? can b found at
Agents for Polk Conity.
rini: rit op and i.Tyroits
g ul ! 'I t!i d;ji!.i;d at tbu la?
c!i. ie tl'tv iti.i t'ir.
u- ;i !! . y-iri'i.t.e sati--fat ti n
ili t'ANN A ?.:: P's
r.i tf
Al! p-r t t t'. IU SriLK ar-
;j-ir-ivd t. r.'S ;r. I ..?:! S fn i I'ftT
ildt-.a be h. l'i"? I !ioi boi f. J!i bus ndit
iitlialf of b:s lot -in!:- t Mr, Phil Meiria'j.
1 be new f. t;n of Sii'c .V .M rr-a-ti witl iny
i tin' bl'ivi s .it the old S'-M'd. It tiki-,
iie.ricy f. c;iitv i ii !-ul:ia ; and I nU
T.o lite tJ ''IS:1K'"
- i v - -. ' - . - .
J. W. GILliERT, Agant.
X7-0jj SaIcw, Ogo,
, fc1-. 1 i v , - , ' '..: - . -
' ' ---- v. v
'-....v-,.. "A V '
air .'Visor,
For restoring Gray Hair 1d
its natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing -whids
is nt owe - grecamr
healthy, aud e fleet uiu
for pyewrving tb
hair Faded or gray
hair is toon-'Ytntorttl
Vx its " original color
with the gb ar.i
freshness of yctitk.
Thits hair k thttk-
cned, falling Iirip clicked, ttud bald
ucss often, though not .uhvay, cured
by its use. Ned hi ef.a rettoiw th
4inir Avhere ihe full-iclos ate destroyed,
or the glands atrophied and derived.
Jitit such a3 remaia can be saved for
usefulness by this application. Iusteiitt
of fouling tho Lair with -a pasty sdi
mcat, it will keep it cleau awl Tigortni.
It3 occasional use will pr-event -tbe hair
from turning gray or fallrog oH", act!
conseqtienlly prevent baldnesa. Fre
from those deleterious -substances :hich
make soma prepapatiooa dangerous -and
injurious to the hair the Vigor eau,
only benefit .but not harm it. 1 vvaoUd
merely for a
nothing elso eaa be found eo desirab!ev
Containing neitlier oil nor dye it doea
pot soil white cambric, and yet Lasta
Jon on the hair, giving it a rich glo
lustre and a grateful perfume.
PfepsFed by Dr. J. C Ayer k Co.,
Practical and Akaltocal Cuksusts,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
con jrtixiFYic xiie djloot.
Tbe reputation this tx
cUeut niedieii.e enjoys
is deiivcl from its cure,
many of which are truly
ni.-uAcllouj. Inveterate
ciiei of Scrofulous dia
casc, where the system
fcceuitil talur.itea with
corruption, have been
purified and cured by it.
ScrofrilouMifrecttons and
disorders,, liich were a-
frnvated by fdie scrofu
contamiuaticMB until
thev were painfully afflictnijr. bare been radically
cured in sutli nerd numbers ii; alnwMt every sec
tion of tbe tbe public fccarcely need t
be informed of its virtues cr ties.
Scrofulous poison is ore of the moft derftaetlv
enemies of our race. Often, this untcen and tinfcU
tenant of tbe oi trauimt iindrruiiiit-fi tbccfrmtitulion,
and imites the at. ack of cnfwLlincor fatsldifeasei ,
witbout excitinp a suepickn of its presence. Atjairu
it fcems t bieed infection tLrotihout the bndy.ana
then, on o!ne favorable oct&Mor., iT..idlv develop
into one or other f its bidcons fiTttiS, eilficr on the
surface or anions tl.c viinif. In U.e latter, tuber
cle hkiv be suddenly dc-po.-ited in Uie hires
JieaTl, or tumors form'cd in tbe liver, or it tbo we
iln presence by eruptions on tle skin, or foul ulcere
ationj on pome part of Ibe bodj . Ilrnre tbe ocea
fionfil u-e of a bottle of this S'mrtnpariUa is ad
vis:ible, even wbcn W ft at clive sj irptoirsrf disrate
Appear. Persons nfflkMed r iili the foPowinir conv
ji.niiits rcnrrallv lind relief, nnd, at
lcnptb. cuio, by the ue of Uds SAliSAVAJttl.
J A: St. Aiitlmuf' 7'ir. Jtr r J'rytiprla
Tetter. Unit Uhrunt, ficald JiiaC, Jlittgtrortr,
Sore Flirt, Snrr I'art, pm otber ciiit liwns or
Vi'jWe form of Srrofuloum dtveasc. Alo in the.
more concealed forms,, as 2yyepia , lJccj$y,
nnd tbo ynris-'tis I7rcrw aaccticus of the uiuicu
Lir nml ncrvou systcnn".
Sfph Hi or Venereal nnd 3frrrtrHn1 Tti ten tern
nrc cured t'j it, though n long tin e is required for
stibdninp these obstiiiide n'ab dii-s h any inc-dk(r.
P.ut lonp oortinued tire of tbiB rredk ir e Tt ill cisl
tl:r complaint. J.eueorrtia a or If hitr$, I trrit.x
I Irrrntioiiftf nrd t'emnle 1)isesea. are COlB
monlv soon relieved end ullinudelv cured by its
piirifviup: and invipror.ninjr elicct. itlnute Lirev
ions'frtr c.if-h c.-ve arc ff un! in our Almanac. s
plied pTfiti. Iiheim1itm and eif, b lv nccumulrtions of exiraneons mjtur
In the Mood, yield qmrklv to it, H8 also JJrei
Corn via tf., i'orjtidittf, ConpettieH or Jttflm
ntat!on of tho T irrr. and Jaundice, w hen arising,
Hn tber otteuiio, from the ranktinfr poiaous in tbe
blood." This SAnSAVAJtlJ.LA i a great re
st over for tho strenpth and vfpor of the system.
Tltosewho arc J.anruid nnd 1 itttetts. Despon
dent, Slecplctts. nnd troubled with .Vrrrt Ap
prehension or 7nn, or nr cf the afTectiona
symptomatic of IVeaknctt. will fnd Immediate
relief ami convincing evidence of its rcstoraUve
powcx upon trial.
Dr. 3. C. AYEn A CO., jLowell, KTaaa
Practical and Analytical Chemist.
r it rj
sTaecw1 errTli!i5 ztzl ia a f-rxHy, frcoa.
ti.Leti.'et to tli i!tfcwt fr.i?lo.
IT DCE Sinn 3 Ta
IX there ia a lio't-nctj iiewirj; Mn
chino , -J.hi ta.o itinnvj,! mile cf
$;m rinii:H in t v.f;;ti' c.tirun.i
glrii-.t tn:;r- :ili t, (;,; a, :f I n;n in.
fi!itu-,l of it, it wi.l ie- Mtiu!n
wiilumt tj tu: tf'.-iijv kind to tl.o.
ID Ncv r.'cn';' S.
Grand licM Bu:!;;, Zzu frarcc
S-'itit f ,t t'r ',. rtn mitnf- t f-,
kH feist "