Liberal Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1872-1???, August 31, 1872, Image 2

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    h' blur an.
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' I) ALL 5v A 1 U. li 1 'iv X . Alt" dl.
LUt t i A I,. H' li I H U it "tjf '.t N
For lreddvnt.
OF N'EW Yor.rc.
SVr VIce-P.'eslJeiit,
' -oFsirtwuiu..
CrORr.K ir, HEf,n. of Linn cuntr.
it. n: gtic. ..f winci
M A S3 KS OF O U lb U X I 15 Y M K ' . X II I 1 1
ANl -SOUTH. A It If KAfiEll Ti i'hVl'
tr nriTi ii t j i nn i ii v i: in l i in. ii i ii h i
r - . . , ,
THE N lX I" KUM I . U I It A T I O X.
THero, appears lu te little il.mht
ttsat the revo'ution in vv irate J at
"Ciricinrf.iti, lat Atiy. r4iriiii tu weeji
the uarioti like a prurie fi e. When
in tFaue, Sculet Cdh.v. t!ie vi!ie.-t
ami nmst ihoinnh paeeil if til t scIkmi'.
uf politcia-iia uTwhrch Mmt tiU e'uef.
tvll; tile tuiirv-tinj; if t'iv pat tint C"m
hii:atioo movenient in n iliu i il poHiier
w as hx i km a. " VVi? V? I !cr it w.i-ev
iletiX t'HtUe. ?c:it C'icmuV server,
that rhe system ! c irr i;itl i iu livi l:i-
'. tk Seiwvfci a a.- L C lure-smeu, tra Ini
m the cgnli Jeuc. f thoiV c-n "'-i urs.
and pLicrani C?T3 iu.liiii'ifi. .f t!i ;
States uv a ju liciouj ;io of tho- X it i :j
ai Treasury, vtjw l.:n .l r-i ties' nutiiMi
All anjeataii'es in.l.e. 1 iV.siCi: in if
jil'utc to horj'j.Nt' an ! ciiitif it'i- ni t'
cr.;:uetjt dictate! ! y f'i w II uf ;!.e
pc iple. Tnc r.-ia of the p litital i ihahu.l !
- ,. , I
ecizaieiit'e or tnc ?;my t i ji nver. n
. received i'i doit! hi w hy tli j u . n'ti
lioa of Horace (Ttverey. au.t altti iii.m
U- may contiuu? to.s'..v .i-piui
of UJ'e for a short .ip ol tiui. the 5 h
of Xovetn'jcr n;?x', will sc ic vvj nt
HC hoit. The Mortons, tlvu- Civwv llei'i.
thu WilUatuH it ii evident. Inve all
ljd their day j hut it mu't hi a suhj- c:.
of gratification to sill honest and re
fpcctiib'c men that they atn 0 somi and
w siiri iiiarily to b kUtyi&f'? l stj
. I'u'Ji.wi.njjj.lhc tia'urtl o.djr, the ex
trcmi.tiei represjufc J ly Sco't and ifeu
of hifi clas in Oregon, till nhoc sotit- f
uar:nthr hnt the en cassis already de-
ftnict at Waljitiiii. ' The nev ivci u
metit which xrill. he etded u;i.m next
Mtch to nduiinisier tin: aUiits id th
natimi, wilt, h i eve.r, h iv-: ir a y t ik
bvif ire it. in l ina u ; ; .V ; in sf itde
awaits lht.ttt at Wahin'ori. Hen u
lean indwd.wiil he the t afc of c!e msin
tus corrujition hie i hn jir.rvo up
in t Tic briel terui of'.s admi d
traiion, uti official and po!itiwal eo mp
fiiwn. which has been tlaily iuerea-i i in
ittl ?Hortnnts ratio. lint tho-e widniit.
tipripl,. j-tuiihtlorviaid and inernipt
able cttcweti h j ub y. rejre.-e ifc I l
Suujuer aud Bank- in 3la!4ai;hiictt-.
penton inv York, lijakihw in
I'ennxylvanu; aud a tout of patri t i i
other StaftH, w.'U hrtn.x to. :lw t i-!c
iletermiiilioii itrot-.i)uueii by the s,.mm
uclc of uiiivernJ ... j'.!r vv,,il1'
tliJ hive been o'di-l tt! UM
Tvillttt wittisse during Jle p.'eseur a.i
Kiinistraiion. . -They . , will jn'ig'T-'o
systyn of reform, ivliiuh wilt ive re
Dewed li!e to the 1 c t ic ho ly o.' re
ponnible ver Ui ut , th.?y iv II '
looked up'jn by the people of th s c him
try as our political baviors from ha k'
ruptcy aud i idu.
IJjic Iotrvroy who -loited o or the
assu.-nn itioii of, Lincoln, laniiec'erate
"Sute Senator Toombs of Georgia, -ami
Moe-hy.'the jj-u id a. are all fu'i ui the
L'brM H '-VeiU'Oit not Working in bVttr
cd' iiranl. '1 hu lo k f u .ty " I'
liiUat J ioud ol their cuijj aoy.
vTiiivniiA- ,vW...v.r..... '.iimi.'s ui fins c iiutrv, it is iM.r .Mti.v
FOKilTTlXlilTllAT TIIKY "IhVK V.KKS , , u; ,
KXEUIKS IX TUB JOYFUL CXluj-. " 8 C '-hrcrm rs . ,l,r..
v''1-' v-iTuvrt,GciiY..c,ffa, 4i.iK;u,i!e .w(u.aii
We roo t,, a cim.hi iim-ilimit I ,,r "aafcuii'MiirfHi. yii'iru ir ,tt,u
. ni in rcciulv from -Lid. aVi with !
j.whmn we hul a dnnt c invVr- iiiuii
reriiinp-.iiries ; tc itidted that Grant
a tjiJesiuu:k,. a J.tiltMV uul
;illui!id ti liis in w iitul Uuvi yn- f,n
jkiym lUii uatii.n iL JclU The liiJiau'
ucutliiiiau ivuikcil,-h it ih.yuf luJini i
I, ,.l i . .... 1 . i . v - . I
-vl ,UJ,n u ,,Mt Wi"j
i ij-. . iniii ii I lie iU'l l IMI ill
uvc.rnuicut tu j ay its dtbt..
N"v f.r the liciii.-fit ui' all Iittliaai hm
ainl alt olliH's- who have mi j).-c.l
(iaut r' p iset any jreit aiii'iutit
pi iticil Souse. 'i? uivc his own la ii -n.i-je
on thi! mi'jVc', vv 1 1 in he not
nly. ul liins. ih it it iMiuM i iiahlc tu
ji iv ii ir n it li; lnif ttiaf tla'-iv i n
titer v ay tli t it c in i linl.itcl J !
s.r, sp.akui t c.i'l. c. if, toti
c, :inl' fruits : Wtlh Mich
i ii'yturc i: s rasv to see hmv mu- i;ri--J.-tit
ahnrut "h ul iiu rely he extii -ui'luJ.
Will), U hataiice. if' ,llUe
iiins-i im (iimtuil.iit: inivrt M: u-humt
liehl h l.n. i.vuers money s cut
mi- c:t;z -u.s f i'. i ve!i u i in tr-in liiiil)
i ij'iil to the cntiie vichl I't'ihe uciiii.
....-t ! Ti .1 (
I IIMIIJI l-ll"H, Y'llllMI ,ics;ic l
I'ecetu er iix ls7-'J ii"W vuutum
i he a-scrtnm, that, ihcie is tint a m li
pitted- viit.l h..y in Aurriea or Mu
r-ipe but that i.i Wi II aware of i ho fact,
thit JSan l)o;ninj;-i unut aud v;.oild be
a Mtmee of xp use to a;y civti.z d
ui'iuo in tho .oh w lii'uu I'Miuoera
tior. aid iuit "idy ilinf, ho Wou!J !;eep
U- at war wuli niljcr !iatH'us an I pe ty
republic j fr in, iho d,y til it poicmi
l vlio Mos-a;e ai l id tu the .V:uelicii
oirjt"4s.. he cveek o' t V .i'y ooe ol it'
iiiciiilii l h is iiun l w.ih .ha lie. and il
ii is b- i u a miner ! ridieulc with
-;a - man
. . 1 .
i:- uTMiue t he untd th.' tim.r .-ball
eottii., when the arch a-- d h'.ll s:a;td
ith one l. it ir mu ( !i ; c 1 n I t!u:n'.u
upon the hmJ, :n sCar tim.
. '..Il '. c n i "r.
1'll.V i' S'CtLil.
i.eU l.n li:i spt ecu at 1 ort anO
m I he l.uJui iti.iti .i.f 1 he i-r.ul uv
fcnui. oil c'a'. d'csare-l tl.a'.
Umi r liiitiit;S l
il 1 d
C n Oi :i ji i. CO
1 U'. Ui cretd. I tie
iiu it citii- n-lii. i id a 14. and 1 .-i..bU-!.il
iiiV.isit s illr.iu " I" it not r lll.lki
iile ih. t a in ui if Mitchell's apir.uions
-hoiil I rid to e.i ain" and ni I he I in
of bi.-tory iii ike iii li ih c! i' at iojs j d.d
not the ll.'u l.cin pii'y alvv.iy- claim
lb it the ar Mas t a party War; and
did they int prne'airn 1l1.1t there w s
no Hiteutn 1.- Ut d. spare the. in-tiiuiioo
o! td.iveiy ; and d;tl not L neoln order
all slaves tii it cmii : wiiliin nor llti 'S
backtoth. il in isrcr-i during the fnt
year f ihy w ar and did not the party
deed ire. dually that l-'f S-oiih by their
own cottditc, hid hrouvh about the
.1 !..- tt .
I etii.iii l: itlon 01 " M ive- ; em-i
1 eertain'V thy did. aiwl Loieii!n
dec 'led. til if it beC 'Hie a m .
nt'cvs-i'v l Ilie the 'aes in en-'
ji one I tic pro'oti4 ii ion ol 'he nr,
an I 1 x re-- v pnr.d iinii'd fo the Sou'h
t't it he insti'iitio'i sh oild n- t- bi
disturbed, if they would li'it
I V 1 'Wn their arm; then if is ti-it
tni! thit tlni X pn'ilie m piny a- mm h
'emancipated bmr udllions of rkivc"
.N'or ii it true ttiit t!ui lt"piblieau
pil ty has "ibciecil ibe cjH il citj.eiisbip
of a I.' (Ju thj Cnoi; hoe Hue a
citizen? X 111 itt rh i v 1 it 1 il i 'orf. Imw
learned or Wealthy. or how much h-- ii.a
desire to 111 ike this the eouotry of ad ip
l i..ii .Il is exel nb d.biit In-i-uoraiii ll t an.1 eiui.hd iV mi vJeoinl Ai'
Ciiu C nil - here and he n;t uiiit Z.: I t
tii.- e xciusiou of the edoe ifel Chin .ut m;
it ol bo pe-.-ed ftiat iufa noils T e
ll. pubhcio pirty, 00 the 1th day of
Nor i.i iCiru: tint the R public an
.,1 , 1 , v, .-.r.
.irty eirif)li-heJ uatversil sudrae;
. I. . .. II. . f lliij It , .ii,.1 r
(. 1 1 file 11. run v .- j - ...v.
.vu e or the M m ;oli m.? Xo si. Hhmu
lo i t- inontheil f ilstioods tiKitUle every
A-oet'ic in eh f k w.ih rthniie ; is it- tr ie
t'Ht the Kepii-i':'.' lM.r,y atlvr i-h ime
lo.sly li lieuli.i the principle o t'eiiiule
Sill'axb dil meet c niVfiitioii at
-n h i phi i, and hyp . cnt.o illy declare
ft.. iiu. r t Hi Ua
t .". :
ilicir aumnioo to - .on
lice.M'd Willi . Kallfdai tlell' J ' lio
i g.vitc.r luouH or ludiijuity c.ou,4 huvy
iliiii.!, an 1 w.iiMun.e.
l,Jl, f'or'ciMire.tuji'aiid'rt utid;hur.Lvil
I mic ' in 'he t ;t!tr-rfi its autlt-rs us
tmfij lor public it hoi. I Jot un k;;iuali r
It c Vtr t o,4' in- ttiiti speech :.
Woaro hen fnauaiii cmII I e ml' id
those- VttlfMM-lljHiiliCUII.l Uplll-wJlii-f
banner victory. li.s . u"M'ei"''f,"
. - -
.A'.ilTcre this vi,i...rj tl.1-.MVc,
it' this In-.;' an t em bu-iiat ie amlii-iiv
we rcew our faith in the berthed
principles of He. iiblieitiisin -us- vihio
ei ite I tii the X nional (t"publieah I a
fonii lit the Vli ladulphia Coiiventjnii
An I novv Mte 1 to th j Qrpfimiitn.
speakiujr of the principles unnijia'ed"
in the X annual llepu lie m lJ:atfnr :
Th Ui-publfe-iu Com pillion. - till d
rtillt a Ifar' that if s o.p.oo-n's w .uld
iMiidoni iojiiie it on I lie ijt'ntl ion. weto
ii.elv oil uiie uf 'he Oun.diJ. leiliiren ol
i'epubiicio ol ey :itnl oni th it In.
i te niot liruidv Mi-iviini-iit d' in hi in 'jr..
Hill b- iiell 'S to he poop ir. and J- nn I
lo Hie ti-trut' !)eiii-icr-.iJit: , uiuu-
:iiiii"J tii-- ilisvid-ipnu'iit it t he i'.miu' i y
I he jnr'y ill et ? te a U i i... of h
iti'l Will ie.i;ro to itv bet er e mr c
Wh it eolifert ; ttov. lovely it. i.i lor
hrciheni to hvell toeilier in ui:ity.
W; eo iiincnd thai .-j eech to the eartful
i-..,!!.!. mi ill iii inhfis ol 1 l.e .
- !
1 .aiiSXUUit M. QUlTIl).V.
Mil. Kill Toil: 1 am son Mir
r - d at li.e npjaititt apathy ol tin
iiepuhlic iti- lu i-i'. and in le
.il d In litr pi inline 1 . ei mil of I' lilted
plates ciii T Horn Uiei.011. 1 liHf i
:,ie IW. pallia '.1 Ute-...i. At
ii.- 1 1-1 t-lcel iou ilree i.iriiw e"ii'itl
for 1 lie -npienoiev in I be ljeyi-1 ii til e
The lfpu'itietii" Wci'i' vienoi u-- and
-. cured a 10 joiiiy ol tint 1, u r.f i' is l .hi and projti lbil ih
llepuhi'.e in p'l-y should h-rt llo-
loan who 1- lo
I e L' ied St. iii
VT'l I
I r. 'I hi- is wti.t hni d l e hot .1
. veil s are I . in -h 1; d. tin- li- pu'..!
Ilia u;i; i'
in il 1 ; r uf
' in,
suile uioiiud iititji ri!:-i!i. Th.-
c il
1 1 o'lh e w hi h .v t ! t , 4
.hit the Ittl.
i f I's v u to, y ire to be
.viwk.d by t!u a? ; .-t. d coi p r it !.:i
inaci Hi. i y .1 lb- p-irf v I now 1
.!: J pi '' !. it: i t !
1 1 1 ?
I I 1 1 I II '. il i
1 i'.i' I t'.t' 'M. . f . f I I
I J. tt, in..', I-.' ot I.I I I'.-.l j
S;-i - Set. e . il I i' e!b .- - '!. ih.-n ii, :.-.!.. - o e- u
t. 1 i ih. ..-- Lo.ii, -t. n.. -- 01 .-h
is te i'l !'.'
1 triiiio 'o V
i as 1 ! i. h .e 1 - : 5 - . 1 .'
1 1 1 i t Iti- 0 1 ui. to
't t - oS t.m n j. .i-ic i"ii.- 'i'. t '
1 '
into a e-'Jii'iis it ai" '.v f ' m-....-;v to 1
',. .UJ 1 i, U- d'-e -1 'K 1 IS. Mi'rli j
. 'e. .f I'ojll. ll.i. W. I I'.v I'f to t I'l l- !
'el Sia'e- Sen. lor. X-W ali t ..0 h Mi.
Mlftlfil I .1 nil. Ill in ol eoiei-O- j
li.uroi and I.i r ,i!oOi. ei.l l Iv u'
1 1 can. pioeiivilo, y. t l-'t ih I .-t- i!r
.1 1 1 . .... .1 ... I . 1 1 1. ...
I.IIS III! Ill H' ' ' "-" ,
UeOi. Hot mi in U e If t..t ln I 1 e- s
lor the K.-p.lii.eoi !" a I "'
-en lees I' r
the eo ;t ,v urn ul 1l.n-11
le I- lite Iji'li'ii'l'l! f allot l! in.' !
. 1 ! . : . pr 1 1 ion ihnor'i if- p id tni--al .
is M-ttin Up the L".'t- a'lve eaii-n-.
nid in the evnt of It. p. it. lie an iinttt
bers j.oinr in'o it and abidmij it- de
risioii. lite le-otl will e l!e i-ie--iioii ut
Mr. Mitchell, W 01 if i- rea-onab to
-opp.i wi I loi-k a- f.i bioiK :ifur tin
ill ele-i of li s tduoit III W a-lii .to 1 a
lle do. s bebue ibe l eold". the t'ollit.
Mid i'l" le .-1 it il i! ol' )
IN.'W, 1 bi -l..tu nl ;tU ill. ;ui I ' very !
;..r. at all ioel. 'Till d it In he
riite l. ibr. ws In I t ' the Ue-
iitih'di'iii nieoi' eis eieet.
1 -
Iitore ol On-oii. I'i'' jr it tj i slio
to I be id is i' ill V d JT'i''- o'o .1 pir:
" ' l O
i) e:i'o n.s lor li e in in naUoti ! a . eii
ior. Ih lv n main;; out lb le w i d in;
mt id eleefnj a 1 . lifei at . I hen, ' be
R. uhoeau- 11 iht wed Ur.-itiite about
re'ti-in to ihio'i ti ; but no Mich
linger exi-l-. 'Ibe i.'eieiblicittl neij'n !
itv in- th li'i-liiurw s.i lar" thit
I here is no d iiiuer ! tin tdrct:oo of ;i
Ueiliocri', fhcrifore. us t In eh ct l ni
..I a tv'jpo'dieni hs Seuaii.r, is beyond
pei ad Vent ill , cauetis or no CHUMI-. L
hold ; 1 h it em h l!eioi'di. a'i immhei
has the ri'.t to on in nr uoniin wuli
out ju-l as hi-j udoii nl ihclate.- i.
Mid h M. J U Mitchell 'here are a
ore!. I 'unity Uepu'd r. ms who woiril
do ertdil lo ilie if ideeled a
S iiaf-or from Oifun, L ea 1 tooiuierj
me in put. 11 1 Ijoi.-i', It W Co.
I ett h. U. (i.. my. Ju;le tjo ams and
Ik F., I)o ed il a caucus, is ente red
j "", eanva-ss nf the. o 11011"- claims
I will be lofaJly" ignored. It wil v!el
. f - 1 ,
' 011 the fitt ballot J II. Mitchell. I he
iiiflu nCe ot the coi pojaiom ol which
he i- at l mey. his In en to tine tire this
le.-nlt. It a Caucus is nut held. Uitin
will lu apt. to lie c ceted cc--r i i n ir t
his iiicrits uud no' nccndin to bin
fealty U a pniicu ar coi por ition.
Whiiit thoiu:h he tuav be ele ted bv
. . - 7T . o . :
tin ai i t t'eumcrano voien. to 10 jr
he U a Itepub'dcau ubove ruproach. I
11 any worse to u v Democrat ie infl'i
1 nee m the eleiiiou of a- Sen'i'ttr than
the infliitiice of a laive moaicd corpo
ratiou fully ad ulicu aud tibtinct from
t ne Republican, parly aud only adher
ing, to it wiloii us it iliinks" p atu ary
ieu li. vi 1 1 bo eeled. jih ret miu..
The H. iittbliein no uibi of the next
LeJshtuie ol Ouji n. shave a jrei.l
...i'.. i li. !
,1,M i tlr v li iVc li re jiniiibili y t!i it
iheV .-lui'ild Wei-O. Wii II. C iudr and
.It-eii.triie wi(h lion 'ft. Hit v. on-
xVt,--,. uv i uviiiuull'iu .that , aii
oitiiMiiee into . i h' e.ueo. tf-nii a rt j
iii'ouiiiM'iit lr'pub'lian
1'hetvlore the ij'te.-lioM as to ilie
idvisihitiiy 'of jri.0.j loio .1 eioeu 1
ouu which itit id be um.-t i4ii -tii:
V-ihed. '1 I'toe ale l:io
rtby : k 1 il piibliia aie l ,r.u
I hit MMiie oi her and more repr Moiia
I I v j llj.uhlieao tliao If. Mtiehel
-I10U d tteirlecli d J o-'t .dli S our I .ft
-Ma o e eelloii, it Was chained' ill an
Hiiti ru 'hat the ieoiy lit
Oreumi tu bil June. us lli ..c'oi
oi I ii jiai lit ij;.r coip r-itii n; n tin
5?' lie and Wis n-O a it- publican lit.
iiuipli This c w.j r t
1. ii fd' hv il K- ton tn-an i. 111 ni t.
- - j 1
In- Sia': lint In ilie ev if, 1 1..U the
lw p'Uy'';aii. Ui il hl 1 be I.e. lrl
l nr.- ai e dr ooii,m into a eiueu-. h.eli
Aid I'.-.-ilt III t!le too o the
ii'li-ioned a'loin. ul ihti m ptr.t I ion
1 . ... . .... 1 1 1 ...... 1 . , . -.... . .
? '
o ,
iv til l nut tlirt irir''c lie iiit.'iallv.
.-Silvia nl li ted ? .Valn, the Vv pu'.dlcao j
l -ni- d On pm c uiiol alio o ! i-l i t
Mr. Miiflii-h. h h..s be, !
to, il.e two U-t- e,m ..ouo. it. . J
j ih.t suuli i-aiiy u .1-i urn ml cl !
i.y a pull. II.. il iiiuin.p.l . . I t.e j l .
li n'je ha. v.;.ik.oied I lie fatly. anl d
-u. Ii tdiato.. I1...I t. in bid lev ed bv 1 1."
,, ic ,t won J be ih-te..Ki ju bi l i
!, - ,,, ,MlS. mv, let I lie liiadiiliciV "I I
ilie pr,ty t-e u- d i mh Ii eot jair-ii ion t
tr ll.e .-teul u ol ii-- itwn .iii..ii.(-v a- '
fulled Sfil. Senator. 11 I I be cn.r:- I
i. eotii".- 1 Kiu-lhle and v. X.ili.ot It
Wll liol tl.i lo iiitovi r IH tl .1. I t - Oil, 1.1 I
ll.t; t lL.a l the on 1,1-1 hip o llo
ill puloiean ally J o ly 0o-
particular iml.v oiii il 01 e ipm .looi
liCi-Oo lived u lid led. ..HO i'.-d- inln
.inv, l!i on j.i o ,.-'M'm at oloe ,iajt
flu: li.,i.'i,f I l e p'-o, te o. Oie.i o
Hi IV b li- iml'I.C -1.-. l ilt tt 1.- Lil. I..
j 1
1 i
p.iil liial I lo V 'a In iiiii-i.ilio at
ibe iii .111 1 rba-uie -t il.e i..olii- !
(1, aiil, w!nlup and conr-.i. L-
;e8'1 f.,ic klt.i eancu.- M'.'.jltie l l V 1
i I
Ih. ,1 ; r J.- -j: - : e a : e in Hie Inrens
I to' i.illo al,ll id e I I I d lo.
V I. !'
;, ,U;ij Adi b- t'nii'il S...I.
.,,,, iHt t, u I . wiil in u!i I J'-l .
Ij,,,;,. u ,(,...-. I... 1 ubin an &ei-aio
,,, , c , , (),,. K.
1 . -
o;i is:e. our nini, 'i 1 '.
.1 . i 1 . . r . .
il ; Il IU 1:1 Oi IS i'l 'Sir' l.i'iM-dil'H
' acl U t l II li il .d-ed I - j -.iilhi
tu-le.i I u. d- r Hie iin '.ii!oii i f
o n ! e pr te'r and I nil -e'ii
I.i- ... V 1 1 in . I 1 ,s. iiiiil who ua I! l-e lb
I'-pil-M1!! Il '
( 1 l-e 1 11 1 y I tt.-trail
i 1 1 t il lo. -
e. Up.o tt l-t-l. I In
, )S tl , v , , .., ..,,
j,.,, . ,, . lt,i t.
1 1 e I. a r no 1 1
i 1 in a- I 1 1
.l U' i ' 1
: ii
In- in 1 , -
,t' . i,
U . 1.
,. .. .,i ,. !. i
i , i
I i: on ie ir ai; i .
,S 11 I 111 , 111- f ii i. I '
iii-11' ! 1 In i in 1 1
a .
I 1
allowin then h-nd- lo 1. 1 ! a
au tl-. A n I In"- we I U ! .i..
1 lir- niteiesf ol Hie p i'y i,!l. o. i -
t the if .1 lite. ;h 11 c -sif. 1 I
1 In 1 1 l em u 11 n w 1 Iv. In 1 r 1 1. 1 ol - 11 10 1 o
....I 1 lull t.. ... Ill.ll.l.lllll.' t.ll t.llkilllft '
.-fill Iliotv .-in iMtent I. I Un l plld-
,, ( u ,., t. Mt: jt-t I hi
ell ii t- 1. 1
lie all of I he inten's i til s ."
ol. Senator I'ubit. who a.- Sen l"i j
'.ti- tin piopc! On -on and of 1, , j
II W 1 1.111-. who U i- S 11 itor lor ti..
aa.e inrteiliir c rtoi ;t- loo that in.w
1 ;
Waiil- to ! iti.Oe t'e Si n;.tir. ami
liny can mc ho ptftitibe it- i. it.
have a: C ial.o, a li pre.-, native i ( tfe j
people in-lead id ihe 1. n .-i lit .1 1 1 V ol
a cot poi a' Ion. Let llnni als. leuiem
ci; during: the iry laM ses b.n ol
L' the I rue co j mat no..
ol the Untied Si;ile-. Mitind tin-pa-sae
of a ta.v thiooph (J ilicir-.- by
which 'hey can ivceue fin,. )Vct iit.
in a rl I iti-ni to the r pi eseot rei-o'iiihle
ftn fO.-a.lioti, lor eal 1 ino the lit lted
Staio mil s witl'.oiit 1 he compel ii ion .
bldd.n, and t r will m that what is
1110 t need d in tile Snu e as ttepn pen
tahvc from Oregon, is not ua mi rncy
of one ul 1 in-c 01 porations. I tit a m 11
who wilt look i the intere.-t of tlw
j ioplc a- auaiiot ibe exactions nf such
:oi point ions. Looking tii. n at the
ijiie.-tion in iilTits hciirins. I am f.rced
to the eoii'dnsiiMi, that the lb puhlican
men tiers- of tne nr.! slnnibl
follow the o d old llepuldicau polie
of proecedin;i to halloi li r S- nator
without the dictation of n tyiannieal
Caiicu-, ly which eoiMse a Keple.-en-lative
Kepubiinau can on y lie e ceted.
Tho Ihtletln Hiys- Ma. Ar. T.
Smith, uf.Wnj-co cotuity. rai.-ed. tiio
proeut fie iso 11 41 husheU ot clean trriiii
win at tiH fild of only nioo acred. The
Variety, We uro iuloraied. in the lilt!
aIiiK nrhiu
oro!amiV re.-inci uie i- e i ; -.. a , sfc 7a a 12 m..!) II . 11 . 1424144 1- r.nt lr. u'ir
I it!. . . .1 l ..... . . . ir 1 ' lit kKlial m, I -.-
llr",' Uiiehfdl 'a' Mrkl Uirie U M m -l M- 1. T ll. .o..l f.. Ul,ruUil I I Va.i.Kn ml AirriiltM.l' !-
SiMtor. orTl. i.iheV iipfi V. ThV r , , , v; , tt f n' tJuTif t r tt miSraia
,.,ua. o o , su.i, c.o o. ,.. ; ;;;;:ivv,;;'tl;;t 1 h,w ';ii--;v
. PubllaEed by L: 'Sarattt-1.
General AtAfMj,7 Alt Front s&
Ackerm an'sr Dollar Store
I liiiiiurt'-
tw f Fhik-v Oum4. T..yi. ''rucfttrv; cic. i ti.
4 ' ll"?.,tt'nfi n. Oct -rtk t l'in?. l.v-
viomr i..,r i: w i-r i-ri t .r.
lltll. l- . , ; : .
. ...
U- 1 ill !!. t t .
. I. A KtS 1ST .-TO . M. I.N I'nilTI AM
v "0 '. in 1 x , .v. ir. si.( .. rrt-
BI.CK. n 1 1.1.1 4 -n., K'U i-. ... tt, vi.
Illll II. tii .,t I I I'l
.VS. t'.ll'.i. - A Nil Ui.VOI.VMJt.
ii 1 1 r l m-i i, ti h.
Finliinif Trtt-k it Khim ,v il-ii. Ii'.!f. !ir I fis
IS if k I . ' r- ij Mil 1 1 .1 11, mi l li 1 1, v i'.ihli .1 1
A .'' . lo l-rlliv ';i It ii in 1' .vv I. t tV rki"." .i f - I
f-.r. 1J11 o'litcti r. . H i,... 1 j ui Ion " f
p.. . w. .l-.i . i.'j Pi 1
i ..nti 41 VV .1 . i
111 1 . 1 A a 1 r
r. ! n- rr. ISn- I r
if .! ... t, 'i;i 1 ii
4 It t lit.. II. It. ii,'! !'.:,
nit Si,i,.l.
I I 1 1 ;(... ill A" I i I ait. l it. 1-1. 1 i It. I A 1 r
I I 'iii'iii. ..I - I'.-li;. f. Iti.i l.i.l. till. fi.
bu- ..... .Oi. O . , . V . . 1 1 1 .V .ty . l
lil ii.H iUI lOlti.- it t 111 I ' ll .t 4.
I V I L I I j. ' I Vl ...1.U....0
V-A ! 1 . V I . ..u m.
' Kr,v;" 4 ' t! A.'j:M T'
i I 11 . r - I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 . , i
i .M. 1, 1. .1.1.- 4 0 'o.- u. 1.1 Alio ii.(nv
g 1 .tV, j i; , )t. .5 ,i , ,,, -., i n, .. ,.
S'."ti-pt ii " -'
4 ' . .w . la., it... t
1 rf,,,;r "lUu,U' '"'yy
l.a.!ouii:t it i hi. lij S-'r .uf fi. L. jj.l.i..
MX r
alu Avlilr. Hi .111 li'di'V.I. li' II. r-ii-U-il..
I t ' l- utu '
C li W.u.,i.. ... C.
it. w ., .177. i .to ..
MW IUI 1 ..l flic. U
I k l 1
E 5 1 1, 1 1 . . .
f ,,.i J ,
'' lis t-"i .11 y 1 .1, 1,1 u:v St iii- . r i'uint.
1 1. . . 1. 1 11 . hi, .ii. in i. . r . x.'i. .
i. 1. I. v..i ii. A.
1 .
1 ."..i r i'i 1 1 .1 1
r in l ; 1 1 . 1 l , .1 .1
t - t H
A 4 ' 1 . j
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fl J. I " At. I.- I - .1.. I .K: l. Ill I ..11 -Iii i',,i
C.i lit 11 l.iv.-r . ,..!. . .-..r Kli - t i, "'nl'o -
g I . I 1.1 1 . . t i'r ' . I i ii 1 1. ; .n 11 li .11 .
I rt t A II In I ! . .-..1 I U-l X ,,.l, . 1, ....
I". ,1 .1 M 1,1. 1 t , 1,0 I nil.'.- i .1 i
I r.- ..i.i. 1 ( , i.t 1,.! iri 1,U 1 i.-.u '
4 t iii .t -t
3e- ...
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x a
1. M..!,.
L .-.: a a ..t -
s.w.n.M'-' .ia. w ,.- 4 ,;
'1 !. ho -- -t 'la-!,- !i ,. , .ai .t o f.-. :-.m.
; i . . l'Li ' 3 . 11 J 7.'i i 0 "i .
I. L. Ih-.I'UASS. tluuiei.
.ni.i; At.livt t on I 'll;
r.r" .; f.'s H
a 'l -ite.-
0 1 a. .1'. 1
... 1 o ,
1. 1
! ;
akw.itf I. .
! ! ' P,
I I III . I. .. . .1 . I
If f .
I 17 , i .1 1
"ii 1 1 1. .
M It ! 1 .
II ...I.I
11 I'. .. o.
I l . . .. .
-. v l .mi .
t. .1 &'. I r. ...t .1 . H ..,,..,
t ' r lo .t- r... U .1 4. U arVrf i v jl
MiiiMi l r I. '(..urn 1 ( ii ? r .., i.r
i'.OIOOV,.. , , 1,1.1 .,u;,, Q V . .f P,
.roi. K 01 I C. .1 j , i-j , t t,i
" s x lui.tSoi iv.
, . . i. m . im,i- r li I I v.. i.t m . i,.. .c
1 w ..1.11 r f .i- 1
o an-r
' . t .1 .-1 m n .. ni, in ; k r
a ' -" r. II.t f,, ?!,,. ,,,,1, . ., j;
iff r tn n' -f MT Oi-h i CI inU-.i 1 I Jowalrv.
" il .. 1 a ..... I ... 0 !.. r t rt. iK :, .im
v ii O X u . ... . I -
"V - . 10. in, . 1 1 a 1...1 w,.i,. n 1.. .
ll.'"J ')!"'"'" 1 ""'" . I' lOo O
2 1 etlihl. Ml II III C 'liU'l-.M Ki -14 MaM'l.i.l
.int-t- . mi it a a ' 'u -k I' iet.0.4.
J.iirio.. U ni kit..- 41:. .inO. ,-,i Kfia'u Aiftii
ei V ..t - I,... ui r . 'V 1, 10., .f ...
I, . . ... .,,
w ..a . .. . 1111 i-.. t ,-ir i t
I t. J I.I 1' I I.I.4M I VVI. W I1...1 .1.. .1
,1-r 01 'I'iimiir.. H 1, 1 .n.viw.
It lilt I, I .11. In.. lli..ri, v iini.i, ,.!
tin w... .ii 11 niivii. arl-r ..rim aifiitn.
i-h r. L O. lU al B.-taie met Mtmvy Braktr
ill' KfiO ir.ft. I' n I.
li r. S ,t Cm.. T.-Sai'i i,
MMrt r mi l..reikMi hi.iI Iimiiiht .!,,.,r,
1Jiim II uki. Fr.-ut n (,. Hot cbiM I'rhT.
1. iil!i, K iaii IV . ri.i .r.
SlieHm k. S CI A G Vir.i ,r,llt!r
ui Ihiriii- .ti .Sa.l.lli ry, S,t liliury wnre.
Otii.ui., .. r 1 1. in m 'iViiier in Dii"i.i,S.ia
kj IH I i I M ' I - A j I.I uv Mil.) 't (l lllIK.
iiiHiiciim ii il. 10 riiM m. in,, u 1.. 1 I'm......
kj Orot", Slict t .Music. Miirii nl limiruuniita.
STNI'l II. ..f.i,. lot liiiut firetit.
' iitnl Mm uiiH turiii Ji'wckr. if
..finle.l At-iit lr .. ultllain. Klin, K. JI-'W
unl 4C. Clim, B Jnvi and Clll..n.ia Watulia
l"torHll tba pro luoiinu uul import of tho
t'alilorul Jwlr Company, Hnu Fraocbco.
wtnu for oirtsaiiir. WalohM repalreit ia tb vorjr
1 vwi uuiuiiiii,. Tt 4.tvxM v (v mww
I o iii.i;. .,i , ,!,. ( i i i ! i-f l';.M i,!!, I
I f ' I ... r 'V . i .... . r. . " j
Skvhnore.S. Q.. 13 t-U Ururjuist ApotQ
.rjlN rfuuierjiJ TH-t rticlf.
" -1 ", n 1 1 - -
Snow A Hu-ix, 73 rtri't... 1'iciurcn. imuies
t inli Put., IirokteriV" fMDtnt. jMii-r in.
J!5 'I'lthr-. jJrtv. Ilumt ami l"ll lur
STrrfTti & T I ; I't lioeali, Diu
l'aiats il, W I iVw (Jluittc.
' ril rrrn.oUX-. l?8jFirat treet. mmufaefra
j mm rTi.iirf.Tfrririiiriir.s i?ci.inig ae.
FBI ..yl'i..lnni -yt ir t u . J ' ',! 'r,. M '-
' , a-r.ii
4t ' !'" orf an r,fvr!"
f 1 no i.liio kr':. .-y uilii- j K. Tm e
V,1I 4-.nim. nc:-tliu MctJ mur year M-i'hijr;
- .t. 21 li."-', Willi a. lull Ciri f :.te.4shri a
l..!hirn ' . ' ! i i
K- II ii fi'I'iTJ 5. raUciP it. ' Mtt v. L- A..
i;itUilUA V1iK(:trniiP,,Miitt M. B. SMITU'
l'Kril.:it wir-Mt'iie.. .
15 't. of tuilioli mi r.iii'-ws. .
Ac.Mo:iie I'ki'T ;..;.. tS Oft
htoctsH liuAXCMKi $ iat-
l'..ij.iii t'M-'r . $ OU-
liXTRA STI Mi l'
Bio vett t 11. 'Ckwh...
I 11 H i i; .
.'..',' .. ? 1
.j L iC .-
... l UJ
'-." ' -1 1
D !: A 5. 5: 11 E X
ii rr en M.i:xii:ir,
,r.u-i 1. '.!.. :.. aU.Bx. a .v iihEi.tnv
Til 1: i:n MK v
:m i i:;t ami nor. nxntu.-s cn.ix-
i:KK l'tivj.;i:--f
I ! M-I'.s lli:. IlilU.-l. wiilrt xiTa lii'nvy ilr. t r?
Atel iii.uiy ik:j r. nnn 10s txulo'u 1 1 v.-
j 1 r A K S IP '.S IIMiV KSTKISS. Ti'Di;KM
-' ' 1 '. iln'.Ii I.. 1 i iiiH r JiiM-kt ovSj. i
j , X Y ii., Lfi.r.. L'iM-. B.)i., mi.
!:ti:u amf im uus.
i ui:r. ui-M,
in in
Nw pcrWi in t r-p- rthm 11 ittl Gnialt, alU
' hi.iifl in tni, an. I J'uliv
L no I M.elit.i.TV in tli .Stain, at ih.- luwriit,
l fihle jirav-a. I'eMiin) jiiven wIioh iIt.iI
l . uri.T. wi' pat ti umii'k mt.i ia Hm liank
ctibv-r t 1 S.i-m. I'orMaii.l .r "su Frm i-cu.
U)K ItHOl N Si.tO..
Salem. Juiu 1, I3it. 11 m3
Brio k &l or e
DllY GDOI) s
OLOnilXH. : ,
UATS. .r
U AUDWAnii &o. &o.
f?nth of rortlnnJ for lale cheap for ffh.
Tb hlghcm tnarkt.rric paU tur all rt
ofcnunirjf produce. My taotlo . Cheaper thao.
ibo cbcapeit. W C Utowa..
- : ti-it
1 r'1