m PBBBl "RE PUB J J .1 l 0 Ji4i VOL. 3, NO. 26. DALLAS. OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31. 1872. WHOLE HO. 130. : " t She Suferral IlfpubHran is Issaad Every Saturday Horning, at .... . Dallas, folk Count, Orejoa. t. C. SULLIVAN PROPRIGTOR. S9B3C&XPTI0X BATES. SINGLE C0PtE3-0ne Year. S2 00. Six Moattn. $1 l r iroi M nth. II 00 Fat Clubj of ten or m re $1 7 pr annum. Sbcr!ptio NiM'f &e pnid strictly in udvamc ADTES CIS lira BATES. On square (f 0 linen or le), first insert'!!, IS 00 fiaeh subsequent insertion.. . 1 00 A liber U deduction will be made to quar terly and yearly advertisers. Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 per annum. Transient adrcrtieetneats man be paid for la advance to insure publication. All other ad 'ertiaing bills mast be paid quarterly. Legal tenders taken at their current ralue. Blanks and Job Work of every description furnished at low rates on short notice. TUB ILLUSTRATED PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, is in every respect a First Class Magazine. Its articles are of the hihei interest to alL It teaches what we are and how to make tbe moat of. ourselves. Tbe inf rme tion it contains on th Laws of Life and Health is well worth the price of the Madeline to every Family. It is published at $3 00 a year. By a special arrangement we are enabled to offer the Pkrkxologicai. Joeasat. as a Premium tor a new mbscribers to the Orkgox Kari'm-iCA. -or will furnish the Pbkbxolooical Juukmal And Oaaoo RaprftucAS together fr $4 0 We commend the JoCbsal to all who waut a food Magazine. The Proof. Some of our Republican friends say. that they are not aware of the fact, that ieoeral Grant has a controversy with Congress, in regard to the annexation of San Domingo, and in fact all the West India Islauds ; or that he has -violated the law in any particular ; r that he has sent ships of war to men ace the Black Republic of tlati, so tha the possession of tlij Republic of San Domingo could b-j accomplished ; r that he undertook to turn over tin whole Iniitn d-'pirt njut to thi military, and they desire some prool of tlfe same. To satisfy all who honestly desire to know the truth we j;!ve souu of the evidence which if. not sttisfactory can b added to until all doubts arc dispell d. -First, as to the difference of opin ion between Congress and the Presi dent, hear whit Grant him-elf says oa that subject, in his special messaj to the Senate and House of RepresMi tatives, on tho aurtixttion of Ski Do mingo after the Semite hid rejected his infamous treaty tmde secretly with the usurper Inez ; here it is. "Tho mere rejection by the Senate of a treaty iegotiateJ by the President only indicates a difference of opinio be tween two coordinate departments of the Government. without touching tin ch tr ader or wounding the pride ufit her The facta will now b spread before oiiimtrir ami it dfil4l i tfl rpildtrd by that tribunal whose convictions so Poor, on the 12th of Febu.ry 187J in seldom err, and against whose will I th. se words: hare no policy to enforce. My opinion j Tnert frCt if nny pbo-ild be remains unchained indeed, it is con. ; m de UM he )(Mlliic.M ...e.niiia tortued by the rep rt thit the interests he U;ihr.(er MIj .luring the naid no of our country and of San Domingo poliali.II15,f unjir lhe Hf.yti.nor any alike invite the annexation of that Re-, ofher flr it Wou,, be rar(je,i as ttU public. - ... j act of h.tility to the United Slates lu view of the difference of opinion fl altj WulM proVoke h.tility in upon this subje. t. I suggest thit no ; (Senate, Kt. Doc. N.. 31. p action be taken i at the present session ; ,4 rurtyFirst Congress, third sess beyond the printing and general dis. s j n -i semination of the report. 1$. f n-e the next sessioo of Congress the people will! Now we give a few of the orders have cousidered thesul ject, and formed given to our army olficers sent to San an intelligent opinion concerning it." j )unJig0. To commander Owen : The above fiotn Grant' own lips M yuiJ wU, rcluilll at s.m.na or on proves first, that there is an open nip- ! Ine cuast 0 St. Douing. while Gen. tare between the Congress and himself Rabcock is there, and give him the greater in m ignit ode than ever existed mural Muppott of gout yn,t " between Johnson and Congress; second,! (W p. 6.) that his opinion as against the Congress remains unchanged, and third, that he wants to see if ha can by any means nfltpnd in a re -election so that tie can doccecu iu ib cmv.iv enforce his polioy of annexation and In the second place, he violatad tho law of nations, when in the face of the . .... i Constitution of tho Republie of San Domingo, he made tre ity with the ' . . .... -:: '-.-I. ek.t RAmil.lSe. uiurpor, w pui vij-.o , both Trritory and people ; od fur Broof wa nira tha laoaura of the DominciQ Constitution, adopted 'J t&ev olt f thai Republic io 1856. Neither tin? wh.iie o; my put of Hie Territory of the Republic ciii ever bo alieiuted " And the Pre-Ulent tAe the follo.v ing oath : I sv;ar by God and the Holy Evangelists to keep, and caue ti be kecpr, he Cons itutinu and the I.iW To the Dominic in pa iple. to rop3Jt their rights and tu luiiatain the mtional in Impendence " Well knowing ul! the.e restriction and obligation. Grunt a President of the Uutied Sta'ev through on of hi mili tary satrap, entered into tint iuft'u m treaty with thit infinoH tt-urper, why, without having before his eyes the fe-irof God or a decent respect for his fellow mtn, w is willing tu sell hi owd soul for a mm of p ittae, and his country and people to President Grant for the sum of $1,530,000. Agtiti he violated the Constitution of the United States when he eut embass adors toati Datuiugo to treat fr that llepub ic and the Hay of Saunna without the concurrence of Congiess. The Constitution says : ' And he ih ill nominate, and by an I with the Advice sno Consent of thy Sen ate, tdiali appoiut eiub.issaJors.' He violated the Very spirit of imr laws when he turiifd over the Indian department from the civil to lutlitiry rule; who dNs ij.it know, that Grant sent to Orejron and a 1 i-ther sections ol the country officer of the army, sword in hand, to take charge of a'l our Indian Aencie-, nnd superintend .nee; nor wo. i Id he delist even a the earnest protestation of hs bosom friend j in the Senate, including lint usta'e ex nfor. Our;! li WtlSiinn. who dually becoiniii n t on y tired, ut .ili.!uiely as!i imcd uf lliu tt urpitioi of tl.eir military clii t't;t:ri. wa com pel'ed to pas a l i v for'o l-Jiu in a'-wj-iut-2 terms the holding of a civil utlici l-y an sirmy 1B -er wlm w.i n t on he tftired li.-i; lie vi ! red a's lutely the law of Congress when he aj-puinled Stewart.of New York, a he ivy importer, to act M Secretary of I he Treasury, and he violitcd deceney, e.lu-n he nsk-d Congress to repeat the la n that sub ject so tint lt"n pet fro to wlmm he ha I rceeived a l ire tu n 3y present, could act in that eap icity ? Will any unn who i- honest in h:s desire to perpefuu'e the vernment. support a man who will thin tiohte both the letter and the spirit if our laws; audit any man deny these pU j-able violaiioiip. let him be politically accursed ; for the record stands out in b:ld relief and suppoit of the charge The Presidetit threaterrd the llepub lie of Mali through his Hear A'ltninl To the commander at key west : Direct a vessel to pniceed without ; moment a delay to Sin Diiiiing- Cny ... . n- Bibcock while o htl cmnl It not al saU Domingo City to find him." Again. Should you find any foreign inter- venti m mteuded, yti will use all your Me$ to carry out to the letter the g iar- autees itiveu tu the treaties. -utees given And again : "The Do ninican Republic fearing trouble Iroui the II tytiau border, you ' -ill olae) iufriu tha pjopie, in o.iH jyoo &re tutitfticd tbvre i no ioteiiad ui ertr-Nitio.i. hiicu lotervnoTnni dneet or in lir 'Ct. will he regird-d as an un- frendly act toward the United S'ates and like 'c7t slept as yvt th in k eeen tny. (Wp..) These are but few of tho numerou atte nps to nivnc ) II iti a-i I aid the usurper Ihez, to f rco thep-' vleof that weak Republic to sihtuit. All this wis d me without the advice and consent of Congress, wh eli alone 'under the C mstitu ion is emp iwer.-d to ""declare war; and completely eclipses in tuanituJe the usurpations of Aagus tUi Cn3ar, or Napoleon III. If JoTinson hid been guilty of one half the violations of law, aud wilful usurpations of this our m lit ry chief tain, he would have been iniDcached a', thj bar of tho American Senate, by an overwhelming uiaj rity. and the sovereign of this couutry would have responded, A unn ! We now give the official report of the ships of wir sent to Uiti aud Sa i Domingo at an enormous expense of the. people' money to carry out that black scheme of annexation, all with out authority of la, and at every step violating every principle of na tional a'i 1 constitution il law, lunuin'iy and decency ; here is the tecord. - The following are the names of the vessel which hve lceu iu the waters of tne Island of 3o Domioo iince tliecomiueeiiient f lhe negotiations with Dominic i, with their arma neuta : 'Severn i 4 0 inch and 1 0d pounder rifl.'. ConreM 11 9 inch and 2 C3 pounder r fl!. NiitaVet G .T2p"Utiders, 4,50 pounds: 1 GJ-poonder lifl-. Swatar i ( l jrtjuuders, 4,500 'ponnds : 1 1 1 inch. Van?ie I II iiieh and 2 0 inch. Dictator 2 l;"-i.ch. Saiuus J 15-inch. Terror I lo-meli. Aliuy- 11 U inch and 1 GJ pounder rtfl.?. Nio-ie 1 ll-in'h nd 2 0.0-ineh. Sem noe 1 II iiieh and 4 ol pounders f 4.20(1 pound. Tnincsee O.i spar dec. 2 1 1-inch 9 inch, 2 100-pounder-. and 1 GJ ponnder ; m gtin-deek. IG 9 inch. " " The ship now iu those waters are, as far as is known to the Department. The C oiress. the N aiitaskcf. the Yan. tic. and tbe Tennesee. (Sen ite. Kx Doc, Ni 4o, pie 3. Forty-First Con., third session.) If our friends dcirc any more evi. dence of Guitit's violasion of law, pa tent usurpation, wilful or ignorant, anl man lest inconipetatiey to act as the chief executive of this Republic, we m e eati give it in abumlance : nvery charge made against ; Grant is true, and the ha f is not yet told Was it not a violation of theconsti tution t Mend emb.issidois to treat for thit Republic and to lease the Itiyof Simana without the consent of lhe Senate? Wa it n t violating international law, when In threatened II iti with de struction if she should interfere 'to maintain her own just cVuus to San Domingo? Was it not a violation of our Con stitution and laws, when he sent all those ships of war to usurper llaez ? Was it no. a violation of the law of common sense, common justice and honesty to surround San Domingo with American war ships, and carry our flag on land, to frighten and com pell a unjortiy of the people to vote for annexation against their will ? Was it not a palpab'e. wilful, tnd corrupt violation of law, when after the Senate had rejected the treaty so co-ruptly made, he expended largd sums of the people's money to dis patch nhip of war nd our so'diery to interfere in the quarrel going on iu the I'epublio of Satt Domingo, between two political factions ? AH these things be is guilty oft more di inn able in their nature, than the acts charged upoti JeflF. Davis, and his allifs, io foroing iua of tho Siuthern State out of the Union, tgainsV the wiil of a iuaj-irify of the people; and tea fold worse than all tbe nnatiat ZSaeSSSatS act. oils and uoins ol Audiew John son, who was so loudly condemned ly the Republican party ? i Lovejrs of liberty, gird on your armer;- the war must ba carried into Africa; Grantmu-t be dethroned ; or the proul sins of the revolutionary sire, together with their posterity, tiittst nltiiitately, be drken into abject slavory.or be comprint wade through seas of blood, erpHUite their 1ibr iies at the point of the btyo-iet. tiig hi:i:ic o mm ci: Ciaeeley a True Republican. ' To those life-long Rep iblicans who are tired of Grant and his army d cormorants who are destroying the foundation of liberty aud free uvern ment. we commend the fo lowing art cle from the Pi'mrtr, the Worn ma Rights' rgsu of Sin Francisco. Let everybody read it. Horace Greeley hss been a Republi can all his lii'e; has devoted his hie to Republican i rtueiples; has udvoeited everything that you as a Repub'icau ever adoca' d. Why then are we tt be denounced becau-e we support him? The Democrats are goiiii; to supput him You are aliaid ol the D-tuocris? Suppiwe your beautitut daughter were courted by a democrat, you would Hot object to his marrying her ; but you aie teinbly atraid to vote for any turn that a Deumcrxt votes f r. Ate y.oi senoUs iu this 7 11 .w lung iuce you hjve been struggling t get the Diim.cratic Vote See if yu will not In; delighted on the 5 h of Nov. neXt to get a lew UZMi I'elu.terats to vote for lit ueral (Jr.iit. Sw-aiitor ,Ior t .u jid if llo-y didn't bring out mi) -)Miy one-third f their number would mtejfor Im-ii rl Grant, S if you will ex .mine you ve-ve you w.ll till tint you a.e i:ot sine, re iu thi- V"U are lemi'iy atriid lint the I'ein ei it an gu-'g to i!iv.- up tlo ir f r.ne jl - ;.mi lur Horace Greeny, nod llor.ter Greeley gone ov r in the Dem Kri.its neither of Which is ItiH. Iloiuic G ret ley I. . not oue tiver i the Dem ocrats. ,Vr Inve lite D-;:i icrat ah. mdooed their principles ; bur ll r.ice Greeley .-Unds on the primcpies of the Con-iitutiou, and mi principles ih.t would preserve to the ptoplc of the States their locil self-goverumeiit, that would prescre to the citizen hi in dividual right uniutci fered with by Federal power. Hence both Democrat- and Republicans can support hitii. The irn?.it question that have divided us are gone We can all go .ogcther. What a bie'itiful sight it will he when you see this peop'c electing a niHO to the Presidency, not a a Demo crat, not as a Republican, but us a cm ditlatu pledged to administer the Gov criiuicn' ior ine pe pie, ano not ior a party, in thi country. When he is elected he wid not le hound a-G neral tir-tnt is, to select the o thee is from n partieultr set ef men and parlicnlar patty. He will Inve no motive l-ui to make his Adtiruistraiioi h success He knows ad the pubhc tjuesiioii lint hae ticcii disiies-eo" in the eon n try f ir the last thirty year, lie wid I roi arotrid him the nbttst men of the coiner; for the beinthxif the country, not to bud I up a pmy hi re elect htm self President. What a uaiu that will be! What a gain to the people of this great laud, when this iuterb r Mice td parry shall be broken down, and when the minds ot nu n shall be eunii- cipated from a political tiranny as de spicable aud intolerable as the tyranny of the master over tbe slave. Juduinj: tfotn the j;reut interest taken in the Louisville Convention by only tliH Uatiieal pres, and the greut fuss ihey are inukin about Democrats fbr 8akinr their tune-honored principles , and doctrine, while at the sanie tune I tliAV Att thi erith iIia intpnlion of ca ' jolinj Deinocr.it into mipportinj; its notniuee, imagining that they can turn over enough in this neuitier to elect Grunt, it it aaf'o t tuty that, that tn.-ti tntton h r:n by Uriek I'omeiov, Bin ton Duncac. Geo. u. Isus ami a lew other Democrats of that Ntainp, with the solo purpte nf electing G ait?, con tinueiu;' hie inf tmou- oppression of the dowu-trodden South, whicb these IV At era know will final y ed in its com pute ruin and for thu 1at. bu' not least, object in a view of g lining a little chep notoriety : Time. Hr.nl '.ll nr,ihul, tr Lit e..A l.Paten . -u. ..... r..y.w ,1 than any CaUUidate since. Geuvrall PIIOFKXSIQXAL I CM It US. .1 V It A I 1 4 EX 11 A SALOON. Tilt? Ft'i!T aiAI.lTV Ol' Wint'ii. laqm-r. A'e l'.r'sr. riitnr enk. tt -, I'iiimI at tro Tniile if IlmOliui.. Ail ibe "tate eri kvpt mi file in the railing loom Call tool e M -i. Wid ClirigliNti Pre. W H R U 6 E L L D li N T I S T, Ha iWat! in ta1la. anI U ree1y to ttea.t tu nil tboiMs reiirin; lii i tnn-e Artificial Teeth uf tbe Very liuet aud beet ktie I. sJatinfuction guaranteed, or rto charges toJo. Now is the Uiu to emit rrt the IuCt.r. OfiSc,uuite KiucmU'4 Phwtugmpbie Qal- 37-tf JOIl. J. DAlaV, Alty A: Coniicllcr al -fau. iiAi.i.As, thi:ctH. Will prat-tide in the Curtt of Recnr 1 and In eiior C'uurta. CulUctiuD alUnded to prwiutlj. OFFICt: In tbe Court Uouse. 41-tt J. C. GRUBBS, m. D.v PlIV-lCIAV ASli SUItHCON, Offeri hit Services to tbe Citueni Dallas and Vtcini'y. OFFICE-ml NICHOLS' Drug Stor. 34-tf J.lt.SirES,M.D I'hytirian and Surgeon Dallas Oregoa OFFICE at Kejidenre 24 if A, A riI,Eli ATli, All-yA: Counsellor at Law, OFFICE IS COURT IIO'SE, D.VLL 11, ?3LX 037.trY, 2y-if D t Siuk'j rTimn hrwKTr. $,00 rurirl f"T h n t o - f , I -1 ee. l.y lit iiL'ifi-1. r v iii .il. 7t cms. iVon;.' I t re AUie It. V. IW.v.M. , l:u:Ul...... Y. I c;. S1JI.MVA., Attorney & C junselbr-At-Liw, Ilallas. Oregon. Will .rartie in all th Cturf of the .ctst?. 1 a. R risKK. C. II. It JILL. OFFICE No 1 MOvlRES BLOCK, alcm .... iu tf ...... .Oregoti iii:i:i,v patro.izi: HoaE iWDasTay. rniUSlS THE ONLY WAY TO TN'SITRE L the Hrtn tiirnt rwth ..I' miy c.-utuiuuity. Iu utpliti;r Mir Ihmuoh with im t mi r; in. n w ll othr thinps. it hmM be purtWd. T hrtte ( IimihI full n.!-.rfiiirii f rTerlhinj5 in ll. i line. ib.p near We wire's mi'l. lUlles. Orn..n. W.C.WILLS. It tf "(lEM" SALOON JIAIA' iiTRISKT I.D- pi::vi:.ce. fbe be?t f.f wine. liqiir. t. porters end , JL TKM I'KK ANCK t UnDIALS elwuys ..n IimihI, (iii4 lUvMiia unrn. Free readiin; roums attaehed to the saloon. U. M. Bean Pr. 2T tf GEO. H. JOMES 3. M. r.TTKIl50M JOXK't A PATTKR$ONv Real Estate, Insurance AND General Agents, SALEM, OREGON Prompt attention Agency ttusinver. given to the tlrrral U2I ri. w Hoi ART. iMllrt I J. W. noBART Ruprn Ys'a. I NOTICE. OUFX.ON v CiMI'OHMA RAIL rod Couiany. Ln-nd DeMrtuienr. Port land. Oregoi.. Ajirit 5, 1872. otice iol.tiil s;iven,thit m vlmu praecuim will Im oti turrit against any an. I every prrevL- w!i tre? pMfta upon ny Rwtlroat Lnl, hy rut inxand rMi.iviru thither tb rw mm tml.irii tie same is UUUUHT tbe ConMaiiy AM HALD FoK. AU Taoa - Lawd iu I nutuber4 aai;tins w h-tWr rv e jt mt uniurve4, eutbui a dia I !UW MI mnt ,r" "MW lH blou;ato the Watueatty I. ft, MOO RES.. 'liOFk'SSUXAL C AUUS, t-C. For evervtbing io tbe GKOCERY LIN'S U. C. BROVilPS, MAIN' ? IHCd, 1 A 1.1. AS. Tfe li on band a full appljt wbicb h nfieri ebeap ttma nay other Store in Daliaf. 2-tf $403X0) PME, B D & IB Nl R fC.TI B R A i DTS, ' PflOTOGltAPIIS, AMBROTYPE8, AND AllStylea of Pic lure ot the beat finish, TAKEN DY J, 0. K I iVCAI D) HAVIKQ ALL LATE IMPROVEMENTS for tkins; picture, I iu vile the patrn i.f the public Please eall at lhe pboto trraphic UaUry, Main atrret, opposite Dr Ua bell's ..tBc. iiitlles. Uf 1)13 ALER IK Groceries PROVISIONS, Ciait and Tobacco, WOOD AUD WILLOW WARE &c. DALLAS, OHF.CON. DALLAS LIVERY. FEED & SALE Cor. Blahi and Court Streets, Thos. O. Richmond, Proprietor. rTAvrxo PtTRCHASED THE ABOVE II tjn'l nf Mr A. II. Wbitlev, we bare re fined and re (tucked it in meh a manner at will mtiofMccnlj meet everjr want uf the com- IDMIlil. Ilulea. single or double. Hacks, Con cor.l aoiii. etc . etc.. Furnished at all hura, dty or night, oa rhrt notice. Superior Katfdle Horse, let by the Hay or Week TERMS, REASONAnLC. 4 T. O. RICHMOND uaiii STOKE. nAVIXfl PURCHASED A LARGE AND ctni.tcte Stock of GENF.KAL MER CHANDIZE, confuting io part uf Dry laooils, Ciroccrics Class, QuccnsiTarCe Tobacco, Cigars, And all nrMct found in a GENERAL VARI ETY bTOUE. I would rejpeetfully call tbe attention of the Public to mj Establishment. Iligbcit Cash price paid fur 1 UHS AND PELTRY. R. A. RAT, Eula, Po'.k Co., Ogn. 16 If MUSIC ! MUSIC ! PROF. RUT AN, mm ill rommenre bi ela.te In oeal and In f f rtruineiitMl muic at tbe M K Church oa the first M ndar in October next 24 tf DlOMITIOIV NOTICE. Notice is hereby gltreo that tbe partnership berett-fore exuding under the name of Nich uls dr Coad bas bcu disWred. The bnsinesa will hervefier be continued under tbe firm ef Nichols A. Hyde. Allpewons knowing them nl res intU-btcd to tbe old firm, will please call and evttle either by nute or coin. ' B F Nichols. Kami. Coad. 27 3-m OF WOHK AT TITK LOWEST I.TVTMO PRICES. CAN BE IIAD BY CALLING ON. nmES & RACTOf2fjEEEl STEAM JOB PRINTERS!, 03 Front Street, Portland, Orejran AT.AwnK AssnitTM knt f blaitkS 'p,n,K Cnnnfr. a"3llt?fs, Cme, ees tttni nli Al. ftnndr, Derifn, Mrtgag; and Blanks ftr in Bankruptcy eates. Advertise By mlnsf, Lotterbeada, billbe 'e r! vlrea lara, ptlutei eurelopeif etc Gire at 'atall of fiaiU (wr ordar el s9a STABLES